#Matilda webber
cunninghamh2014 · 5 months
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Anyone know what episode this is from? Tried to google search it and didn't come back as anything
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beseeingyou · 7 months
i'd like to apologize to anybody i made uncomfortable with an ask or dm! i only sent the link to the macgyver discord server directly to the people who interacted with this post but i am reposting it here.
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simplysummers · 2 months
Aww thank you Rosie! That’s very sweet of you. For two roses, I’ll put up two extracts!
“Give us a minute, Agent Hadley.” Matty waved the brunette away, her piercing stare never actually leaving Patti’s face. Fiona scoffed, grabbed her simple lemonade from the edge of the bar and stalked away. Patti had to resist the urge to flip the older agent off, but she was maturer than that. She’d do it discreetly instead. “Start talking, bambi.”
For a moment Patti considered telling Matty where she felt like shoving the cheap target heels she’d borrowed from Moira instead, but the biggest downside to having her father’s name was the energy it took to not tarnish it, so she started talking. The quicker she fixed this, the sooner Fiona and Matty would leave her alone.
“Jack and I knew one another from a mission last year.” She stated with a passive tone, finding the sugar decorating the rim of her cocktail glass much more interesting than whatever Matty was saying. “New Zealand, hostage situation. I felt comfortable enough to share what I knew with him and I’m not apologising for that, now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Sit down.’
And what were Jack and Patti doing in NZ on their mission? Idk! (I do), but here’s a snippet of their plane journey.
“Coming, sweetheart.” He mocked, tossing the bag in her direction, before leaning over and slyly inserting the passport in front of her face. “I didn’t know your middle name was Mei.”
She looked up at him, soft brown eyes hardening as she snatched the passport out of his hand.
“And yours is Wyatt, let’s not start that war.”
“Wyatt is a brilliant middle name, okay.” He sat down opposite her, and attempted to put his feet up on the arm of her chair. Immediately she shoved them aside, and filled the space with her bag content. “So…does that mean I get to call you Patti-Mei now?”
She frowned, and twitched her foot as if she were about to kick him in the shin.
“No? Well what about Patti-M? PMT? P-“
He winced as her shoe collided with his knee.
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spite-cadet · 2 years
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Jigsaw Puzzles + Frosted Glass
A look at a few scenes from season four of MacGyver (2016), but this time with Jack Dalton by Mac’s side.
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danieesketches · 1 year
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assassin!Mac AU comic.
I haven’t got a major plot in mind for it so let’s just say he’s probably assisting Phoenix with a mission in return for something. Idk, I’ll leave it up to you.
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What the fuck. I’m in shock over the ending of MacGyver. Sure it made sense. But why was Matilda always on a screen, and not there in person? And the nanotechnology was down right scary. I just dislike the government in this series so much.
The fact that Mac and Desi moved in together made zero sense. If Jack had been there, it would have been completely different.
I loved that we got to see Bozer’s mom and dad. It’s was a good episode.
I will always have the 3 and a half season, before Jack left. It was pure gold. So funny.
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authorangelita · 2 years
Happy Friday! For the character asks, how about Matty? :)
This is a great one! Thanks, Rosie!
First impression – Fierce.  Matty immediately seemed like she was going to be a force to be reckoned with, and she always was.
Impression now – Momma bear.  Matty is like the strict parent who is being strict because she cares and wants you to learn to do better and be better.  She's also super protective of her team. 
Favorite moment – Matty standing with Mac on his back deck at the end of War Room + Ship.  It's my iPad wallpaper.  I love that she was there for him and also respected his need for silence. 
Idea for a story – In the Regrets verse, I want to write a story where Mac, Jack, Riley, and Bozer left the Phoenix and became a SAR helicopter team, and one of their missions is to rescue Matty from a plane crash in the Phoenix jet.
Unpopular opinion – Are there any unpopular opinions about Matty?  Ummm, I don't mind that she was harsh on Mac in the beginning because she needed to understand why he does the things that he does. 
Favorite relationship – Matty and Jack.  I would love to know more about their past together. 
Favorite headcanon – Matty was a foster child that grew up with a lot of other kids around, and she often took charge of the kids, which is how and why she's so good at what she does at the Phoenix. 
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autumn-leaves · 2 years
A mission gone wrong leaves Mac concussed with his ears ringing so loud he can't hear much of anything else. Good thing Riley and Jack are there to make sure he gets back to Phoenix in one piece.
Mac and Riley besties with a ridiculous helping of hurt/comfort 
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liightsout · 4 months
the blue - part one
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✯ summary: introducting mattie and adam!! both have some news to share, one being better than the other. no danny ric content in this one, but it's coming, i promise! ✯
✯ pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!oc
✯ content warnings: none rlly, light swearing ✯
✯ now playing: you're on your own kid - taylor swift ✯
✯ series masterlist ✯
May 2020 
“Mattie, are you even listening to me?” 
Looking up from her phone at her friend she frowned. She hadn’t been listening. Not even a little. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in what her friend had been saying, it was just that she had a lot on her mind.
She sighed softly “I wasn’t Adam, I’m sorry, what were you saying? Something about a new driver on the team?” 
Matilda and Adam had been friends since childhood, the pair had met on the first day of junior school. She had just moved to the small town over the summer and was starting school a complete stranger amongst all her peers.
Her mum had reassured her she’d make friends quickly, but she wasn’t so sure. Looking around the playground she could see that almost everyone already knew one another. She spent the first few hours of school that day on her own, carefully shying away from drawing too much attention to herself. 
Then came lunch break. She remembers it like it was yesterday, Adam came bounding over to her, scruffy uniform and beaming smile with a few teeth missing. He asked her if she wanted to play race cars with him. She explained nervously that she didn’t know anything about racing and he should probably ask someone else. Adam had scoffed at the idea and said that he didn’t want to play with the other kids.
Adam spent the rest of the hour lunch break explaining everything he knew about racing and telling her about his favourite driver ‘Michael Shooomacker’ and the red car he drove. 
Their friendship had lasted throughout their schooling days, all their awkward teenage phases and early adult years. It was a no brainer for the both of them to decide to move in with each other when they both found themselves in need of a home.
Rent in and around London was expensive, and there was no one on Earth either of them would rather live with. Which had proven to be a blessing when 2020 had rolled around and Covid had hit. The pair of them agreed that they would have lost their minds had they spent so many days locked inside with anyone else but each other. 
Adam had gone to University when they turned 18 and earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering, hoping to further his dream of being an engineer for one of the top Formula 1 teams when he was older. It wasn’t long before he had achieved said dream and found himself a spot on the engineering team at Mclaren.
“At least you’re honest! I said I got a call this morning from my boss,he confirmed the driver that’s going to be replacing Carlos next year. It’s Daniel Ricciardo” explained Adam, with a beaming smile.
Mattie paused trying to put a name to a face. “Which one is he?” Adam laughed “as if you don’t remember! He’s the Aussie you think is fit, the one who used to drive for Red Bull.” 
“I thought that was Mark Webber?” the girl questioned, pulling out her phone getting ready to Google the new driver her friend would be working with for the next season. Adam’s laugh got even louder “close, but not quite” he said. 
Mattie rolled her eyes and continued her Google image search. Yep, she remembered who Daniel Ricciardo was now. Adam was right; she did think he was fit. More than that, she thought he was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen.
She looked up from her phone to the knowing eyes of her best friend “yeah I remember who he is, but anyway, irrelevant, is this a good thing for you? Are you happy?”.
Adam nodded enthusiastically “oh definitely, he’s one of my favourite drivers, getting to work with him is huge. I reckon him and Lando will be a great pairing as well, roll on 2021 as far as I’m concerned”. 
Adam had always been obsessed with Formula 1. Even from the age of 10 he had been so sure that it was the career path for him. He had spent countless hours as a teenager working in his dad’s garage and learning everything he could about cars, engines and the mechanics behind them.
This was something Mattie had always been jealous of. Not that she had also wanted to be a mechanic, definitely not that. She had been jealous of his ability to decide exactly what it was that he had wanted to do with his life, seemingly from the minute he had learnt what Formula 1 was. 
Mattie did not have the same luxury. Growing up she had toyed with many ideas about what life would have in store for her, but none that ever had really seemed to fit.
When she was 13 she had wanted to be a famous pop singer; the dream was soon crushed when a music teacher told her she could barely hold a note.
Then came fashion. She had spent a whole summer reading through every copy of Vogue she could get her hands on. Drawing up rough designs of different clothes and garments she would try and craft herself. This dream ended with a high school textiles teacher telling her that she was terrible at stitching and would never pass the class.
The list was endless, dream after dream quietly crushed by being told she would never be quite good enough. 
For a while she thought that maybe she had set her expectations too high. She wanted too much, dreamt too big. She wanted extraordinary, but needed to settle for ordinary. 
Until she had realised at the age of 17 that it had been staring her in the face her whole life. From the moment Mattie had learnt to read she had her nose in a book. She had become infatuated with literature and everything about it.
She loved that no matter what was going on around her, she could always find solace in a good book for a few hours. She loved reading about different characters who could live every life she had ever dreamt for herself. It was at the age of 17 that she decided she would study English Literature at University. 
She quickly found a job after leaving University, working for a small independent publisher. She loved her job and although she was disappointed she would never be a famous pop star, at the age of 24 she knew that it was probably for the best. 
“Well, I’m happy that you’re happy and hopefully this will be a good thing for Mclaren as well. It’d be nice to see you guys moving up in the constructors championships!” Mattie smiled at her friend who was practically buzzing with excitement at the prospect. 
“Enough about me, we’ve been talking about me all afternoon. Did you find out from your boss anymore about your job?” Mattie sighed, admittedly she had been avoiding the subject, but such was Adam that he would bring it up eventually.
She had received a call from her boss around a week ago explaining to her that due to the financial pressures Covid had placed upon the small company she worked for, that it was likely they would be liquidating the business before the month was up.
Mattie had been blissfully ignoring the issue, escaping to the dreamland in her head where everything was fine and her employment wasn’t in jeopardy. That dreamland had come crashing down around an hour prior when she had gotten an email from the CEO explaining that they were all being let go effective immediately. 
“Yeah, so, Glenn sent an email about an hour ago confirming it… bit shitty of him to do it over email, but yeah, I’m unemployed” breathing deeply Mattie held back the tears she knew were threatening to escape from her eyes.
“Oh fuck, Mattie, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe you’ve just let me sit here and tell you about all this when you’ve got this bottled inside you, why didn’t you say anything sooner? Are you ok? Do you want a hug? Or is this one of those times where if I hug you it’ll make it worse and you’ll start ugly crying? Do you want me to beat up Glenn? I’ll do it-” 
“Adam stop. I’m fine. Honestly, it sucks, and yeah I’m upset but we knew it was coming. It’s fine, I’ve got some money saved up so I’ll be alright for a little bit and I’ll start sending out CV’s to some companies and I’ve got connections now. I’ll find something, it’s just, yeah, it’s just shit” Mattie said, cutting off Adam from his rambling.
Adam was great, she knew that no matter what she could rely on him to have her back, but he did have a tendency to panic when he thought that his friend was sad.
That’s just how he was, over protective and ready to punch her boss in the face if she asked him to. 
Adam nodded, checking for signs of tears on the girls cheeks. Once he was satisfied she wasn’t going to start crying he stood up and headed for the fridge, opening the door and pulling out a bottle of rose wine he knew Mattie kept there for emergencies.
“Well, in that case, I’ll order us a pizza and what do you say we get drunk and watch a movie? I’ll even let you watch Tangled seeing as I’m such a good best friend”. Mattie grinned looking at him from the sofa. She was so glad he decided to play racing cars with her when they were kids.
✯ authors note: hey guys! it's been a bit of a crazy couple days... as a a ferrari gal i'm still a little bit in shock and processing the news tbh. anyways, i've got like 6 days off work so i'm hoping i'll be able to post a couple updates if anyone's interested and reading. still finding my feet a bit with writing/editing again so if anyone has any (helpful) suggestions or feedback pls let me know. asks are always open and would love to chat with some of you :) ✯
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cunninghamh2014 · 4 months
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macandriley · 5 months
This blog is defunct and it will stay that way, but I recently did a rewatch and I would be remiss if my last post ever wasn’t this:
Mac and Jack, MacRiley, and Matilda Webber were the greatest things the reboot ever did. Nothing will ever touch them in my eyes.
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simplysummers · 3 months
I asked Jamie the same thing a few days, but I want a wider range of thoughts. My opinion personally is that I think Matty looks and (most of the time) behaves older, she’s definitely got a maturer face too, but in reality Sandrine Holt is older than Meredith Eaton by two years. Plus Patti has such tired wine mom/aunt™️ energy, I could see it being her too.
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 12 Group 60
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Wangxian + Junior Quartet: Wei Ying/Wuxian, Lan Zhan/Wangji, Lan Yuan/Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling, Ouyang Zizhen
Phoenix: Angus MacGyver, Jack Dalton, Riley Davis, Wilt Bozer, Matilda Webber (&Desi Nguyen)
Mods note: Just pretend LWJ is also there. It's impossible to fiind a picture of all of them together. I'm sorry.
Submissions are still open!
Wangxian + Junior Quartet:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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Secret government(?) organisation, pretending to be a think-tank to found family pipeline.
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ao3feed-macgyver2016 · 2 months
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To clarify: This is not a case of both universes existing simultaneously. This is an inexplicably-dropped-into-an-entirely-different-universe crossover.
This is not necessarily about which is your favorite character out of these (although it could be. Who am I to tell you what to do here). This is about what would be the most chaotic, the most cursed, the most barely-justifiable plot-wise. The worst, if you will.
And, since there are far more than ten characters I can imagine dumping into the world of Batman and the Justice League with no valid reasoning, there will be more.
A masterlist? On my blog?
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