oupydogcity · 1 year
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late night hajime hinata doodles why is his hair impossible
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Next part posted! We visit [REDACTED] in the hospital! It...could have gone a lot better.
Also Komaeda FTE unlocked?! (Not really, hahaha, uNLESS???)
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suitov · 4 years
Cooperate with your boyfriend, Hajime (Double Twins AU)
"Hajime, get this asshole off me."
Hajime took in the scene. His boyfriend, the adorable one, was sitting on top of his boyfriend, the irascible one. Specifically, Yasuke was trying to get off the messy cot he kept in his lab, while Meshi was being An Obstacle in that evilly innocent way he had.
"Has he not slept again?"
"Got it in one," said Meshi, ignoring the two threatening hands around his neck, which, sure enough, faltered and fell away.
"Get him off!"
"Ooh, right on top of you? Yasuke-kun is kinky."
"Gaah! Hajime, do something!"
Hajime considered, then carefully shifted the beaming Meshi aside and sat on Yasuke too.
"What the fuck?!"
"You gotta sleep, Yasuke."
"We'll hold you down until you do-o-o." Meshi's arms clamped around Hajime. His head smushed into his chest.
Yasuke scrabbled at them both like a feral trash panda. When he started hissing, Meshi began cooing as if it were the cutest thing in the world. Hajime wondered what his life had come to.
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kmdngt · 5 years
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some vaguely polyam stuffs......matsuda on the mind
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Stick It To Dis Bear!
Summary: An alternate/bonus scene about THE STICKER in Chapter 25 of Super Danganronpa 2: Matsuda Yasuke’s Battle of Despair and Wits.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Notes: I just didn’t feel right leaving out the stupid sticker. I still haven’t gone to a theater in over a year. For obvious reasons. I think I’m done with theaters. Like, forever. The last film I saw was Birds of Prey. That was good. I don’t need to see another movie.
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
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They managed to get all the testing done in one day, although if Hinata played along in hopes of being told everything, he ended up sorely disappointed. Another to add to the list of people who found Matsuda in general to be a disappointment as a person. At least, Matsuda had an inkling that such was how the chestnut felt.
He was dealing with his own disappointment—with Komaeda still dragging his feet even after Hinata got too exhausted to keep fucking around with them.
“I feel like nothing of value actually happened,” Hinata groused.
That’s because it did. So little happened that it’s barely worth a passing narration, Matsuda thought.
“You’ve done well, Hinata-kun!” Komaeda chirped. “Great work! As expected of an Ultimate!”
“Shove it,” Hinata snapped. “It would’ve been nice if any of that felt like it mattered.”
“Aw, Hinata-kun...” Komaeda does pout, and it visibly gets Hinata more flustered and frustrated. “I really am sorry that you feel like your time was wasted.” Komaeda turns the full force of that pout to Matsuda. “Hinata-kun feels that his time was wasted. Isn’t that sad? Don’t you feel sad?”
“Yeah,” Hinata agreed through gritted teeth. “Doesn’t that make you sad?”
What romcom bullshit did I wake up in now?
“...I guess... It’s sad?”
“It’s so sad!” Komaeda exclaimed emotionally. “Matsuda-kun, you must make up to him! If only it’d abate his pain a little!”
“I mean, I guess it was a pretty big pain,” Hinata agreed with that, too, even if he seemed more confused about it. “It’d be...nice if I got some compensation...”
“What the hell?” Matsuda balked at the idea. “You volunteered?”
“I don’t REMEMBER that!” Hinata shot back. “For all I know, you lied to my face AGAIN! You do seem to like lying if it benefits you!”
Matsuda opened his mouth but hummed thoughtfully. When he went to speak again, he thought against it and hummed some more.
“C-Can you at least pretend you’re ashamed?” Hinata asked, exasperated. “Like, if you agree, surely you see that it’s wrong...”
I don’t really care.
He especially doesn’t care to pretend he cares. That said...
Komaeda was pouting at him. Lower lip stuck out, puppy eyes, the works. For a kid who looked half on death’s doorstep, it shouldn’t have been that effective. What the fuck.
Matsuda sighed loudly.
I don’t really care, but...
“Alright. Compensation. I guess I can do that,” he said before muttering, “What kind of compensation, though...? Do you want a coupon or what?”
“What would I use a coupon for?” Hinata asked, raising an eyebrow. “I mean—I would’ve been fine with just an apology.”
“Oh, Hinata-kun, such a martyr...” Komaeda gave him a pitying look. “You need to raise your standards.”
Hinata flinched for reasons beyond the current conversation.
“...I guess...”
“Yeah, you’re not getting an apology when I’m not sorry,” Matsuda said. “Pick something else.”
“Seriously?” Hinata gave him a look. “I... What the hell am I supposed to ask for?”
“A raise!” Komaeda exclaimed. “Extra vacation days! Or maybe a cruise!”
“I’m not paying for a fucking cruise,” Matsuda snapped. “Just how much money do you think I have?”
“Eh? But, Matsuda-kun, you’re a renowned neurologist,” Komaeda pointed out. “Even if you’re still a minor, you should be making a considerable amount of money...”
“Paid intern,” Matsuda corrected. “I could afford rent and instant food without having to pick up a parttime job on the side. Better than most...other people of my status...” He paused, having to stop himself for a moment before continuing, “I’m still not living the fancy life, though.”
Living as an orphan is never easy, especially in this country.
“That seems unfair,” Komaeda pointed out.
“What rock do you live under? That’s just how it is,” Matsuda scoffed. “Maybe if I had rich parents or even grandparents, it’d be different but I don’t.”
My worthless dad fucking ran the second shit got only a little difficult. Come to think of it, how did I manage after...?
“Rich parents,” Komaeda echoed as Matsuda rubbed his temple irritably. “I see.”
What now?
“Oh nothing!” Komaeda chirped, waving his hand as he was stared at by both Matsuda and Hinata. Right. Hinata.
This was supposed to be about Hinata.
“I, uh, don’t know much about making money,” Hinata confessed rather pitifully. “I’ve done some job-hunting...and I guess I’ve helped out at a convenience store? But only because my parents knew the owner...”
“How down to earth,” Matsuda remarked. “I knew a convenience store owner who gave me a sandwich because she felt sorry for me.”
“The one I knew hated me,” Komaeda chirped. “She said I was cursed! Which I guess was true!”
Both Matsuda and Hinata stared at him again, this time harder than before. Despite that, Komaeda remained bouncy and cheerful.
“Since financial compensation isn’t an option, I guess the best we can do is find something on the island to give Hinata-kun!”
“There’s a supermarket,” Matsuda pointed out dryly.
“I can just go there myself and grab whatever I want,” Hinata said. “I don’t need you picking up anything for me.”
“Do you want to be compensated or not?” Matsuda snapped.
“You’re not the kind of person who gets easily taken advantage of, right?” Komaeda asked, looking at him pityingly again.
“I’m not answering that,” Hinata griped. “But yes, I want compensation, I just... I don’t think I’m going to get the kind of compensation I actually want...”
Komaeda looked at Matsuda next.
“Sucks,” is all he had to offer.
Hinata grumbled, but wasn’t one to give up easily, almost as if he was motivated by a higher force.
“There’s stuff to do, right? Like, go to the beach...”
“I guess I can take you a beach and toss a frisbee for you to fetch,” Matsuda conceded.
“O-Or maybe relax at the park!!”
“Oh, should I bring a leash instead?” Matsuda asked, head tilted.
“T-There’s the movie theater!” Hinata exclaimed in a fit of desperation. “Let’s try that! Let’s go to the movies!”
Matsuda stared. Komaeda stared. Hinata took their silence as agreement.
“The movies,” he decided. “L-Let’s go to the movies.”
Matsuda and Komaeda traded looks.
It was decided, but not without reservations.
“Surely there’s more than one film showing,” Hinata said, looking up at the sign. “I mean... I know I wanted to come here but... This film is supposed to be really bad, right?”
“It is,” Matsuda confirmed.
“It really, really is,” Komaeda agreed. “No offense, Hinata-kun, but you’re going to have to watch this alone if you have your heart set on it.”
“I-I thought I was supposed to be getting treated?!” Hinata protested. “And—I won’t want to see it anyway! I just...” He trails off. “I just...thought it might be nice to watch a move... I wasn’t thinking about...”
Wasn’t thinking is right. I’m also surprised you have the energy.
“Guess it can’t hurt to check,” Matsuda said as he made his way inside. “Of course the main issue is asking...”
Komaeda whistled before Matsuda even had a second to truly dread what came before.
“WHAT AM I, A DOG?!” Monokuma shrieked. “Call me by my NAME or at least a TITLE if you can MANAGE IT?!”
“Why would I when you already answered?” Komaeda retorted. “I just wanted to ask some questions about any films playing?”
“Why? So you can break my fragile little bear heart all over again?” Monokuma sniffled. “Critics are vultures! Vultures, I tell ya!”
“Get the fuck over yourself,” Matsuda snapped. “We’re only here because this dumbass wants to see a movie.”
“I-I’m not a dumbass!” Hinata protested, but Monokuma looked at him as if he were, in fact, a dumbass. “What?! Do you have a problem with that?!”
“Eheh... Upupupu, and here I thought you didn’t want to watch it!” Monokuma cackled. “You were just being tsundere all along! Should’ve known!”
“I don’t want to watch that film, just a film,” Hinata hurriedly corrected but Monokuma just squealed.
“Such a tsundere that you even threw away millions for a sticker!”
“Millions...?” Matsuda echoed.
“For...a sticker?” Komaeda wondered, wide-eyed.
“Don’t worry about it!” Hinata yelped, waving his hand frantically. “I-It’s nothing to worry about!”
“I think tsundere syndrome IS pretty worrying!” Monokuma exclaimed, smacking Hinata on the ass and retrieving the one and only sticker. “I mean, honestly! Imagine paying 150 million yen for this lovely sticker just so you don’t have to watch a movie! Check it, check it!”
“Stop, don’t!” Hinata shrieked, but Monokuma couldn’t be deterred, flinging that sticker into Matsuda’s face.
Matsuda got a good look at it, as did Komaeda. The Monokuma sticker grinned back at them, with the cheekily written following words underneath: I’m sorry, I was born stupid.
Matsuda stared. Komaeda stared. The sticker smugly kept on staring back, radiating contempt and malice.
“H-Hinata-kun,” Komaeda began shakily, sounding close to tears. “You bought this for 150 million yen?”
“I-I had to take out a loan,” was Hinata’s pitiful explanation. “I didn’t...pay for it upfront...”
“What were you going to do if it accrued interest?” Matsuda asked blankly.
“And what are you going to do now that you’re gonna watch the movie anyway?!” Monokuma exclaimed. “All that money—wasted!”
“I can’t believe you’re going to go bankrupt over this shitty sticker,” Matsuda lamented, feeling genuinely apologetic for his cruel fate. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
And Hinata.
In the end, Hinata ran out of the theater. In the end, Matsuda and Komaeda wordlessly left as well. In the end, Monokuma surely laughed his furry ass off.
Another day largely wasted.
“Do you think Hinata-kun’s going to want his sticker back?” Komaeda asked, grimacing at the thing as if it had committed great offense. Which it had. Simply by existing. “Monokuma didn’t write up a contract. His word isn’t legally binding. Hinata-kun might not have to pay.”
“Hm.” Matsuda stuffed the sticker into his mouth, chewing it and swallowing it much to Komaeda’s awe. “It’s his word against ours. I can at least afford a lawyer.”
“I’ll pay for legal fees! Just for Hinata-kun!” Komaeda exclaimed, fired up now. “And—!”
“Once we get out of here, we’ll take him to see an actual movie,” Matsuda said.
Komaeda shut his mouth.
“Once we get out of here,” Matsuda repeated.
Komaeda said nothing else for the rest of the day, but there was a particular glimmer to his gaze. One that Matsuda took note of, and couldn’t help but hope for a greater significance.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Head empty, only matsukomahina cuddles (And maybe Hinata being mauled by Matsuda)
“Can you not? You’re crowding him, asshat.”
“L-Look who’s talking!”
“Guys, please,” Komaeda giggles uneasily from between them. Matsuda kicked Hinata in the shin, and they squish him more to glare at one another. “It’s no good for such hopeful, incredible individuals as yourselves to fight, especially not over a stepping stone such as myself.”
Hinata frowned. Matsuda scowled.
“It’s because Hinata’s an inconsiderate dumbass,” Matsuda griped, arms looping around Komaeda’s waist. Komaeda’s cheeks darkened as Matsuda rubbed his cheek to his. “And you deserve better. Idiot.”
He not-so-subtly shoved Hinata away, making him gripe.
“H-Hey! You’re not exactly the gentlest guy either!”
“Do you mean gentleman?” Matsuda snorted. “Fucking idiot can’t even word right. Why do we put up with him again?”
“S-Shut up! I’m trying my best!” Hinata whined and clung to Komaeda in return. As Komaeda squirmed, both of the tsun-haired fools were stroking his back to reassure him. Hinata mutters, “You, meanwhile, are such an asshole. Even to Komaeda.”
“Oh, no,” Komaeda breathed. “I, um, it’s nothing. Matsuda-kun is very kind to me.”
“At least I don’t hang out with a fucker who constantly insults him,” Matsuda snapped. “You have such shitty taste in friends.”
“You don’t have any friends,” Hinata bit back. “Because you’re an asshole.”
“With friends like that, who needs them?”
“Um!” Komaeda elbowed both of them. “Please, stop fighting! While I am a lowly being, it does hurt being crushed between you two!”
They both shut their mouths. Flustering, Matsuda muttered an apology into Komaeda’s shoulder. Hinata did the same, much more meekly. Komaeda, exasperated as he was, still gave his usual brilliant smile.
“I suppose having that much spirit is still a good thing...even if I don’t understand the cause.”
“It’s because you’re better than you think,” Matsuda grumbled. Hinata shakily nodded along.
“It’s... Yeah. It’s that.”
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Hinata: Matsuda gave me a "Get better soon" card.
Komaeda: Aw, that was sweet of him!
Hinata: I wasn't sick. He just thought I could do better.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Matsuda: So there was a big fire, a little chemical explosion that happened-
Matsuda: Hinata was like, 'How do we put the fire out?'
Matsuda: Fucking Komaeda goes 'Use my body, I don't need it.'
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Hinata: Aww, Komaeda did the dishes.
Matsuda: How do you know I didn’t do them?
Hinata: Because once when all the knives were dirty, you cut a bagel with your keys.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Matsuda: Komaeda just died.
Hinata: WTF????????? That’s how you tell me????
Matsuda: Oops, typo. Komaeda just cried.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Hinata: So what? Now we're just supposed to do everything Matsuda does? What if he jumps off a cliff?
Komaeda: If Matsuda Yasuke-kun were to jump off a cliff, he would have done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry.
Komaeda: So, yes, if you see Matsuda-kun jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Hinata: You jump off a cliff!
Komaeda: Gladly. Provided Matsuda-kun did first.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Matsuda: Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on here?!
Hinata: It’s kinda complicated, but Komaeda-
Matsuda: Got it. Forget I asked.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Matsuda: We had to leave at this ungodly hour.
Hinata: It's four in the afternoon.
Komaeda: He's got a thing about the sun.
Matsuda: It's too bright.
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Komaeda: Matsuda-kun’s so kind!!!! Literally everyone else: ???? Is there a different Matsuda on the island we’ve never met??????
Komaeda: That Matsuda-kun is even willing to meet my eyes… He really is such a kind-hearted person…
Hinata: Komaeda, he’s scowling.
Komaeda: Yes…
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magioftheseas · 5 years
kozakuraz replied to your post: “With an appearance like that, he’s got to be...
poor komaeda.. him and matsuda share the “just pulled out of your local landfill” type look.. especially next to the average looking “workplace casual” hinata
I just like how they’re a spectrum.
Cares too much about fashion - Komaeda
Cares the average amount - Hinata
I showed up in pants so I don’t know what else you fucking want from me - Matsuda
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magioftheseas · 6 years
i love this little love triangle you created... seeing hinata jealous without even realizing it was so!!! nice. hes just a little immature kid when u get down to it.
THEY’RE ALL SO CHILDISH AND DUMB AND I LOVE THEM ALL SO VERY MUCH. Only Komaeda can balance out two super tsuns. But Hinata and Matsuda constantly getting snippy with each other is good, too. Really fun.
I do like that Hinata’s more out of his shell (haha shell) because Matsuda gets under his skin so much that the snarkier shit he usually keeps to himself he just can’t help but blurt out. It’s definitely one of those things that brings Hinata more to life. And it works for Matsuda, too, even if he’s more verbally salty on the regular.
It’s weird because I’m typically pretty ambivalent towards Matsuda/Hinata as a romantic ship but, I really enjoy writing them. And throwing Komaeda in makes it so much better. They’re all on the immature side but they help one another grow in some interesting ways and that’s super important.
I love them so much. Please let these kids be happy.
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