#Me too Xev I love looking at him
tampire · 4 months
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Landy Cannon as Root in LEXX Season 3 Boomtown Episode
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 9 months
Not much a Headcanon but a post about: What the Alternate Ending route, MMZ Connected Eternity, will consist of
Since I just got a comment on my recent post/chapter regarding if X and Zero's love child would survive to the MMZero era, it got me thinking I should briefly talk about it. Plus for the fact, I haven't really talked too much about Connected Eternity ever since I started making art for it. So You'll finally get to see what I have in mind for this portion of the AU~.
I do wanna touch up on it as its own mini fic at some point, so I'll try not to spoil too much.
But basically, the route is just called "MMZ" not an abbreviation of "Megaman Zero". Just literally "Megaman Z". I kinda wanted that since, yes, this part of the AU does still focus more on Zero, but it still involves the darker story and Xev is way more involved like he should be, in my honest opinion.
I'll disclaim that I do appreciate Megaman Zero for what it is, I just prefer the X series more. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to demote it and point out the problems I had with it. Especially since some of my friends have heard it multiple times already and I don't need to personally beat a dead horse with how much I talked about it. So I'll just get to what I wanna add and if I'll add in a comment on something I don't like, it'll be more for trying to make sense of the purposes for movement, meaning of depth, or what just makes the most sense in general to me.
So basically, the story just consists of Elpizo Germain and rising into power. He's the one promises of a peaceful utopia, but in a way more twisted and sick point of view. I'll touch up on his backstory when I get to it, but to put it simply, his mind develops a very warped perception/reality of what peace really means. Especially when it comes to humans.
Basically, he looks down on them very lowly, and wants to kill the "useless" ones, along with any reploids that aren't just maverick, but also "useless". Pretty much, again, his own messed up view of a "perfect" world. Much like how Lumine saw it before things calmed down, but still on a much larger and very messed up and legit insane scale.
Of course, with the power he gains (dunno how that will be handled yet), he instills fear into the inhabitants of their continent of the Ageless Dominion.
This is all happening when Zero goes to sleep, and makes that decision to do so on his own instead of X doing so with him. I'll have to touch upon that briefly, so there's a time choice that affects X and Zero's future. If they sleep in a pod together to help get rid of Zero's virus, they won't be sleeping for 100 years. They'll be sleeping for less than ten. Once they wake up, all their friends are waiting for them and they have a peaceful time together. They obtain Cain's old house, get married, Zero maintains repairs to the ruins of Abel City and make it as prestigious as it once was before Sigma's initial start of his rebellion (pretty much after Day of Sigma Arc), while X officially retires so he can become an artist, but will help if Zero needs any assistance, and of course, they have a child. Although previous events may suggest something more to the latter of everything previously mentioned. But I won't spoil that~.
Anyway, if Zero insists on sleeping alone in his pod, leaving X to fight with everyone else, he sleeps for the 100 year period, and doesn't wake up again until that time has expired. He finds X is dead, but roams as a Cyber Elf, and only a select few of his friends are still alive after Elpizo's eventual deadly purge plagues the world all because of his impatience to get rid of the ones who he thinks are the most "useless". Maybe I can find a term for that that he can use for it, but I'll have to think about it.
Anyway, upon waking up, Zero realizes what's going on and pretty much everyone is upset he left them all behind, but mainly because he left X behind and it's left him distraught yet determined, and the latter got him killed. But after seeing how X isn't really all that mad with him, just happy Zero's back, they get to spend time together a little bit while Zero reconciles with his poor decision and wants to make it right.
And from then on, it's a struggle with war against the now all powerful Emperor Elpizo Germain and regaining the continent back from his clutches.
Now, I'll get into what won't be in the AU, what will stay, what will be added, and what I'm still stuck on and if those aforementioned things will work story wise.
Copy X and Dr Weil will NOT exist in the AU. I feel Copy X will be a bit redundant for what I want accomplished, and Dr Weil just doesn't fit, and I don't vibe with him as much as I do Dr Wily.
Cyber Elves will still exist, as well as the Reploid's God of Creation named Xiddall. They are the god I wanted implemented. They aren't created by man, but of data of the good wishes of Reploids within Cyberspace.
I'm still unsure about the four guardians being in it. At worst, they may not exist at all or at least make a small cameo and never be seen again. I do love the guardians, but idk what purpose they'll serve for this portion of the AU. Unless after X dies, and his soul not only gets heavy with all his love and memories of Zero, but also his soul gets broken and split into four, and thus, results in the four guardians!! Okay, so I just answered my own question on how I'll handle the guardians now lmao.
As for Elpizo, well… he's the main villain of the story. Period. No other ones take his place. I just feel he would make it all difficult for our protagonists and other characters that made it throughout the Crimpphire main story. Maybe Dr Weil will at least make a cameo and try to take Elpizo's throne, but that's about it. He won't get very far with how much he wants to achieve his goal of "perfection".
Anyway, that's pretty much the summary of what Connected Eternity would consist of, and it serves as the darker alternate route opposed to the canon good ending of Code: Crimpphire.
Hope y'all enjoyed my rambling lmao.
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year
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You'd think in a universe full of fringe extremists, eccentrics and weirdos, its inhabitants would be long past things like fatphobia and revulsion to disfigurement. But then again, Lexx came out in the late 90s/00s, and media was ESPECIALLY rife with that shit back then. (It has always been this way, especially after all the decades of brainwashing advertising we’ve endured). This next episode was rough, but I wanted to examine it because it left me with a lot of thoughts that I want to keep fresh in my mind next time I feel like world-building and subverting these ideas.
The Dark Lady (left) is some kind of powerful witch who thinks no one can ever love her because of her disfigurement, and she invites willing participants to use her bimbofication machine (I cannot stress enough that it is literally a bimbofication machine) to make themselves desirable and/or to imbue themselves with Love Slave personalities. The Wozzard (right) thinks this process robs women of their inherent natural beauty, and that The Dark Lady is bimbofying these women simply to sell them off as sex slaves, and cites that they have an “expiration date”. Being that Xev herself was also transformed into a Love Slave, she too has an expiration date, and may die soon if she is not re-bimbofied. She becomes a key instrument in fueling this ongoing war between the two of them.
Anyway, the scene I wanted to talk about. While searching for the machine to extend Xev’s life, the crew gets sucked into the war and the Wozzard uses his own machine to forcibly transform Xev back into her original, fat, disfigured, pre-Love Slave body, then forces her to watch “propaganda” about how wonderful her natural original body is. She hates this idea and begs him to change her back, even with the knowledge of the Love Slave body having an expiration date. The whole scene is framed around how Xev looks, and makes little effort to hide its fatphobia - as many other episodes previously have already demonstrated. The whole conflict boils down to “which body is truly more beautiful”, and ends with both leaders destroying each other as Xev is re-restored to her Love Slave body by her own choice (and technically needed it to extend her expiration date, but I digress).
Now, if you were to remove the fatphobic framing and simply focus on the act of choosing which body to remain in, even with bimbofication, this story becomes an easy trans allegory. At the very least, the core idea changes to "you are most beautiful in the body you CHOOSE for yourself, whether natural OR transformed". And in a universe where magically changing your body overnight is possible, you would think such phobias about fat, trans, and disfigured bodies would stop existing pretty quickly, because anyone could simply change themselves at any time. It’s an interesting concept to explore, and one I think more sci-fi would be keen to dig deeper into. I’m not giving brownie points to this show for “doing it right”, but I am glad it at least approached the topic in a way that made me think about it.
ANYWAY, enough word vomiting. Let’s wrap up this season in the next post!
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
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LAST TIME ON POWER RANGERS UNIVERSE: The Morphin Master teens got even MORE new suits, kept proving Super Megaforce was valid, and reminded me that these comics are about Rangers being friends.  Unfortunately the good vibes are so strong they’re literally killing them, so we better do something about that.  Power Rangers Universe #4!   
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- exactly this is Power Rangers we gotta get that teamwork message across!!!!!!!
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- finally the Phantom Ranger’s true identity: a malewife
- also i’m sorry but it’s still incredibly hilarious that they’re still hiding what he really looks like to the point where photos of him and his beloved wife/partner/bestie/relative still have him in the suit
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- they’re in love they told me themselves
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- this book is starting to make it clear these guys are the very first rangers so I’m glad it’s establishing that Pink Rangers have always been the fucking BEST
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- sooooooooooo yeah okay let’s talk about this
we seem to be starting to imply that this general guy is Morphinaut’s wife/bestie/relative/lab partner, with hints like them knowing Morphinaut’s past and knowing the frequency of their lab
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- and a panel i didn’t post states that they’re just trying to get “him” back.  and like....yes, that’s the logical turn of events to go with here.  It’s been well established that the evil lava turns people into monsters, Morphinaut’s relationship has gotten a little prominence in this issue, and it wouldn’t be very impactful if general guy was literally just Some Random Evil Guy.  But as of right now i’m not really feeling too much for them beyond “oh yeah!  that makes sense” because a) this general guy hasn’t had any real character up until now and b) Morphinaut’s wife/bestie/relative/lab partner and their relationship hasn’t gotten much prominence up until now.  You can tell by how I literally don’t know their names dkfjkd i’m sure it’ll be something more fleshed out in the next couple of issues, but it’s just another casualty of this book being limited to a miniseries  
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- anyway for a relationship i AM actually invested in, “CAN YOU LEND ME YOUR HEART” SHUT THE FUCK UP THEY’RE IN LOVE
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- Xev doesn’t get a spot on the morpher because Dairanger didn’t have a black ranger, so fuck him i guess.  Unless the purple means he has to share with Aleia, in which case, get your OWN stripe you freeloader
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- Ori in the middle exactly exactly
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- okay maybe i’m finally sold on the Dairanger suits
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booksandwords · 3 years
Intensity by Sherrilyn McQueen
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Series: Chronicles of Nick, #8 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 5/5
The quote: Let no one take you down. You stand and you fight until the end! Not for fanfare, or for applause or laurels, but because you know what’s right and what’s wrong. Never fight because you have an audience or to gain esteem or notoriety. You fight for what matters—for the right things in life. Truth. Honesty. Dignity. Let no one steal, lie or cheat. You keep what you earn and never allow anyone to run over you because of the lies they tell others. And the lies others are so willing to believe about you. — Cherise Gautier
I am not tagging this with a spoiler warning but read on at your own risk. Intensity (and this review) contain spoilers for the Dark-Hunter verse.
We ended Invision with Simi in danger and being framed for murder. The murders of Tyree and Alan were actually committed by Cyprian Malachai, Nick's son with Laguerre. Cyprian is exactly as dangerous as he sounds given he is the son of a Malachai and War. Cyprian and Laguerre are the ones that Grim was sensing in Instinct and possibly the ones that bought out the Zeitjägers. The very first chapter of Intensity before the prologue, kinda like an introduction but not is called The Meaning of Time. It is about the Zeitjägers, about how they were born and why they were needed. It indicates they will be important to the story in some way.
Interestingly the end of Invision is not addressed until about halfway through the book. Simi isn't addressed at all. There is an awful lot of emotional punches in Intensity. Jared is completely unaware of Xevikan's existence. He knows Myone is his mother but thinks that Jaden is his father not his grandfather. Something I've suspected for a while is that Jared and Jaden are in a self-sacrificial protection loop. Hearing more of the story confirms it for me. Add Xev to the mix, who sacrificed his happiness allowing his father to raise his son and the whole thing is just tragic. We get to meet the beautiful Myone, that was just one of the time I cried in this book. Crying for what might have been and her happiness at meeting her great-grandson. There was a shock for me in that section, it is so easy to see why Xev fell fo Myone why he risked so much for his love of her.
Intensity is a good name for it. Not only is Nick's world ramping up but there is a lot packed in plot-wise. It is an intense read. But I did read it in a single sitting. The ending is effective, if unexpected. It explains a lot. Why Caleb isn't known, why Adrian is gone. Yes, I cried. But it wraps up the series well. If Sherri had decided to leave it there I would have been okay with that. There was true happiness in seeing Xev and Caleb just watching content and talking. Xev openly thinking that Nick is now his and Myone's legacy. But yet again Sheer throw information that we are almost expected to know but didn't. Like Braith and Apollymi being one and the same? Since when? Aside from that, there are a few implications that never lead anywhere like were the swords were saved by Jaden? What happened with Simi? They don't detract per see. Especially because it gives the next series somewhere to go immediately. With questions to answer.
Have a dump of thoughts from my reading.
Of course, Nathen is Cyprian. His pure power is why Kody and Caleb can't sense him. But I'm surprised it isn't having an impact on Caleb having two masters in one place. Though Nathen’s identity is not confirmed explcitly.
Takeshi and Nashira are brilliant together. I did not expect Takeshi at all. He's wonderful. But a trickster demon and a time guard (aka a yōkai and a Zeitjäger) feel like an odd combination, I'd love to know that story.
I like Shadow. I swear I've read a book with him in him before. But I would have noted him in my reviews and I didn't (though I have read the Deadmen series multiple times).
Takara is a surprise. I did not expect to see her. SHe's not in her humanoid form but she is there. Good lord she belonged to Kissare, the father of the first Malachai. She was only ever wielded by two. Kissare and Jared.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the mighty chihuahua as a nickname for Cherise?
Something it's taken me an embarrassingly long time to pick up about Vawn. He's coded trans. Yes here it is by magical means but he is still trans he is a man living in a woman's body.
I really like the Celtic triplets, Arswyd Gan Drindod, the Terror by a Trinity. Rhyvawn Ddu (usually called Vawn), Kaziel and Aeron.  They are terrifying yes but man oh man they are fantastic.
Is it Neria or Nyria? I'm wondering if it is a term of endearment. Her name is Nekoda Kennedy or Belam.
"And not all that far in the future. It would all start when Julian and Grace reunited with Kyrian" (Kody, p.222) — And that would be Night Pleasures. (Julian's story, Julian of Macedon is a prequel)
Damn, I was off on Simi's husband. It's Savitar. It makes sense. Between them, they can broaden the scope of the Omergrion Council. And there aren't too many beings that Acheron would trust Simi with.
So here we are the last book in the Chronicles of Nick series. While I had spoilers for some aspects of the series mostly who characters are and parentage I had no idea for the series ended. I somehow managed to avoid those spoilers. I looked up what happens after this. There is a four-part series called Shadows of Fire, focused on Cyprian Malachai then a trilogy for adults to finish everything off.  Sherri confirms in the bio for Shadows of Fire that CoN & SoF are Nick from Dark-Hunters real and true past. That said due to the dramas with he-who-shall-not-be named we are looking are 6+ years before Heart of Venom (book one in the SoF series). I'm not going to look at the series overall as I sometimes do in the last book od a series because as Nick says “Take my word for it. The end is just beginning.” (Nick p. 280). But what I will say is the series does stand alone if Sherri never gets to Shadows of Fire.
I put in my review for Invision that I felt I needed a family tree to keep up with the familial connections in the Chronicles of Nick. I chose not to add it to that review after reading this before finishing that review (yes I read this in a single sitting the next day). So I'm adding a family tree to this review. It's a family tree such as I read it from the books. There is likely to be errors in here but this is my interpretation of the information we were given. Including the piece where Braith is Apollymi. I know the Dark-Hunter verse a bit, if she is Braith no one knows it. Braith is missing, she's off wandering as far as I understood. But then again most people have no clue who Jaden and Menyara are. CoN gives a dangerous amount of information if you know how to interpret it. Razer is in play though not in CoN, he goes by the Egyptian name Set (I think). If I'm right Razer is tied into Kody's line. So my family tree has some indications of where there is heavy speculation. I did use Sherri's website for some of my workings.
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crqstalite · 5 years
without you. [kotfe letters]
So I felt sad last night and decided I didn’t want to finish my original thought for Tri and Malavai, so I wrote this monster of a piece, all letters, from my toons to their love interests. Now of course, I’m more sad than I was before and accomplished next to nothing. Is Ronnie canon for the Heritage universe? Bruh who knows at this point?
Written: 10.12.19. Words: 3,799.
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TO: Kira Delux
FROM: Kiveqil Delux
SUBJECT: About Satele
I guess we finally found our answers. That child you assumed Satele had? Finally met him. That's right, Satele Shan, a hero of the Republic and devout Jedi had a son with none other than a commander. Crazy, right? His name is Theron, I'm sure you would've liked him if you were here. Just a tad annoying sometimes, but friendly enough.
Please, Please let me find you,
He sends it, but isn't sure it'll reach it's intended recipient. Guzzling down another glass of wine, he slams his hand down on the bar to get the droid's attention for another. Usually a Jedi doesn't drink, if at all. This one, is in pain and his aura radiates as such. A singular tear slips down his pale cheek as he rubs a hand against his eyes.
TO: Archiban Kimble
FROM: Una'vi Havelzy-Kimble
SUBJECT: Ronnie.
It's been so long, but I would never forget a face. Especially not yours. Not someone who loved me like no one else would. Someone, who even though I fell from the light, never stopped caring about me. Thought I was still the best thing to ever happen to you, right down to every little freckle on my face.
You haven't met Ronnie yet. That's our son's name, but it can't be too hard to change once I find you again, if you want. He was as much a surprise to me as he was to Kiv. Obviously at first he was pissed, but he treats Ronnie like a son himself. I think it's rather endearing, but make no mistake. My heart belongs to you first and foremost, and as soon as I find you, you're getting the longest kiss in the history of kisses, got it?
Updated: I visited Ralltiir with Ronnie today. I...I searched for you high and low, but no one could give me an answer to where you were. I can't find you, Archie. It's been five years, this galaxy is only so big. Where are you?
She shuts off the terminal, rubbing at her eyes as she shifts her grasp on the young, dark haired child in her arms. She chuckles, should her son get any bigger, they'd have to work out the fact that mommy can't pick him up as much anymore. She frowns as she lays him down next to him, the boy curling up on his side against her. Everyday, he looks more and more like her husband, and something about that unsettles her.
TO: Felix Iresso
FROM: Naji Iresso
SUBJECT: Anniversary.
Today's our anniversary, Felix. I'm sure you remember, you always did. How sweet you'd be to me, how you'd beg for me to return to bed with you. Sleep is scarce these days in the Alliance, and most of my time is spent with the Commanders, trying to get things done. But once all the blaster fire has passed overhead, I come back to my quarters every day and pray I see you one last time before I take my final breath.
There is no death, there is the Force. I just wish that the Force would bring you back to me.
With Love,
Delicate singing fills the air as lays on the grass, hair pooling out beneath her as the stars twinkle down at her. Tears well up in her eyes as she prays Felix hasn't become one of them. Simpler times would've allowed her to spend the night with him, more than enough time in the galaxy together. Now all there is, is blaster fire, lightsabers igniting, fighting. So much discord in the galaxy, and not one signature cries out like his does.
TO: Corso Riggs
FROM: Ghenkl Riggs
SUBJECT: My Last Run.
Think I'm gearing up for my last run around the galaxy searching for you, Corso. As dismal as it sounds, I think this is finally the end. I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm not twenty anymore. I'm already forty, and as much as I love you I can't keep perking up at every mention of some smuggler terrorizing the galaxy. I wish it were you, but it never is.
Bet you'd laugh if you saw me now, all run ragged with grey hairs. Drinking more than I should because I know my final days are coming. Rum, beer, the like. Stars, just come home, please.
Fun while it lasted,
It's not hard to see the woman is exhausted, dark circles underneath her eyes as she clenches a blaster in her hand. It's well worn, but clearly well loved as she looks down at it fondly. Rubbing at her eyes, she stands away from the terminal and holsters it. What's running through her mind isn't clear as she walks away quickly, her head held high as she grimaces.
TO: Aric Jorgan
FROM: Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan
Home is where the heart is. That's what my mom says every single day, every day I come back to her. It's been a while since I've been on Coruscant.
It reminds me too much of you. What we've done, what we've accomplished. Who we've saved, who we've avenged in the name of the Republic. After officially being discharged from the military when I did get back, Garza kept a spot open for me the whole time. I never wanted back in, I couldn't handle being in a squad without you as my right hand man.
Blast it, writing things always made me jumpy. I could never get my words out right, and it just sounds back even typing this. But gods, Aric you're my husband. If you've been sending me things, I'm sorry I never found them. I don't know what you're doing out there, but I'm sure you're doing some damn fine work. I don't know whether you're alive or not, what happened to the rest of Havoc.
I haven't been home in years. My heart still lies with you, and until I find you, I'm homeless.
The dark skinned woman isn't quick to rise from her seat after meetings anymore. The way she lingers, as if she's waiting for someone is unsettling. As if ghosts haunt the hall ways of the Odessen base, as she crumples on the ground without her real leg, phantom pains making her cry out for her lover. With no one to save her but her previous comrade, it's a heart shattering walk back to her cabin as she cries over and over again for him to come get her.
TO: Elara Dorne
FROM: Xev'heng Lumere
SUBJECT: Last Life Day.
You've always been good at treating me right. I feel like I haven't exactly provided for you since then.
It's been years, I know. I know someone like you would've found someone else, someone to support you through all of this. I know I loved you, I know you loved me. But I abandoned you, for five years. Five years of pain, five years of longing. I know it's been hard for me, but I can't imagine how hard it's been for you.
I'm searching for you as I write this. The Alliance has been searching for recruits, but as much as they need a new medic, I need you. I need you back, Elara. I've been a mess without you, and I can't last like this.
It isn't hard to see how the man grieves. A portion of his lekku is missing as the other hangs limply down his back. One of his previously lavender eyes has gone grey, though he's always so quick to find his old commanding officer to help her through the pain. However, his suffering hides far beneath his smiles and sarcasm.
TO: Malavai Quinn
FROM: Tri'ama Amarillis-Quinn
SUBJECT: Stations.
It's always been a matter of station with you, hasn't it, Malavai? Statistics, reports, briefings. Rising in the Empire after hitting a ceiling. A rising star before being kept on Balmorra. Then, you met me. Things changed after that, didn't they? You met Vette, who you despised at first before you came to care for her. You met Jaesa, though you weren't ever terribly clear what you thought about her. You met Pierce, who you thoroughly hated, though you worked with him well. And Broonmark, though neither of us grew terribly close to our furry protector.
You tried to kill me. End my life there on the Transponder Station above Corellia. How it pained you so, how I had to hear some of your bones crack sickeningly against the blastdoor. How you made me jump for months afterwards. How I still didn't trust you completely when I agreed to marry you, agreed to let you back into my quarters, back into my heart.
What am I trying to say, Malavai? I'm trying to say that though I was horrible about showing what I thought about you, that I loved you. That I loved the way I could catch you off-guard by planting a sneaky kiss on your cheek. That I loved the way you could catch me off-guard by pulling me in, one arm around waist as you kissed me hard. The way we would wake up together in the morning, and go to bed together at night.
You've surely risen in your station, Malavai. I hope the last few years have treated you well, that you've finally become more than just a Captain. That you can lead an army of your own men now, instead of being in that army. I wish the best for you.
I don't know where the Alliance is taking me, but galaxy be damned if they try to keep me from my husband.
Once you told me you wished to continue being my loyal captain and dutiful husband -I kept your letters after all these years, yes- to that I respond with this: I wish to continue being your imposing Darth, and loving wife. Do you understand that, hubby?
Do you know how much I miss you? How much I still love you?
The Darth is harder to read, her emotions aren't as prominent as others who have lost their lovers. She accepts, she moves on. She continues to cut down those who stand in her way, she continues to be a beacon of hope for the Empire. But something about the way she doesn't let anyone take care of her injuries, is worrying enough.
TO: Andronikos Revel
FROM: Mierrio Revel
Remember how I didn't ever like that you drank as much as you did? How I'd be annoyed when you came back wasted?
I see the appeal now. It gives me time to forget about the pain of losing you. About the pain of being alone. I feel fuzzy, like the last five years have all been a dream instead of my twisted reality. It burns me so bad, but I'm willing to endure a bit of pain just to forget how much I miss you.
Hate wondering whether you've finally kicked the bucket, with all the kriffing shit you get into. Your reckless flying, the way you'd nearly sacrifice your dumbass for me. I can't feel your presence anywhere, and that scares me somedays, Nikky. You never knew whether we were going to be together forever, and neither did I. Back then I wouldn't have cared less for you saying something like that, because whatever came up we'd kill it together.
Now you're gone, and I'm still here. I know you said that we'd be together forever, while we were in each other's orbits, and until the stars finally went cold. I'm scared, Nikky. I really think this is the end. It's been too long for you to still be out there.
Come home, you kriffing dumbass. You know where to find me.
From first glance, you never would've guessed the woman was a Sith, capable of murdering hordes of enemies beneath her lightsaber and lightning. She looked like nothing more than a spaced out spacer, staring out into the void of her ship, throwing back yet another bottle of rum. Something snaps, as she throws the glass bottle against the wall, and it shatters into thousands of glass pieces as she roars in anger.
TO: Mako Li'ui
FROM: Theksevoy Li'ui
SUBJECT: Honeymoon.
I never got you your fairytale ending, and I'm so sorry. It was always 'tommorrow' or 'when we have the credits'. I'm so sorry Mako, you deserved better than me.
If I ever see you again, when I see you again, we're ditching this whole business and blasting off to the far, luxorious corners of the galaxy and living like royalty until the galaxy catches up to us or we die. Whatever happens, we do it together.
Someone in the Alliance (I'm betting it was one of the Ciphers, Nine and Twenty-Six always manage to mess me up) found our records and sent them to me.
I love you, Mako Li'ui.
Everyone was afraid of the brute, Mandalore's Champion. Everyone knows his name, but not his story. No one wants to get close, to make him snap, to make him angry. The only people that have come back without a horror story to tell is the small, thin Intelligence agent. No one knows what she did for him, but he protects her with his life now.
TO: Torian Cadera
FROM: Ba'shira Cadera
SUBJECT: Get Away.
That hunting trip would've been nice, cyare. Should've taken you up on it earlier, before all this Alliance business happened. Had I not been there, I would still be with you. Hunting down the big game, bringing home the prizes with you. Spending every waking moment with my Torian.
Skinned myself a nice beast. Beasts, in fact. Without Bounty Hunting and since I haven't been able to find your Clan (our Clan, right? Never felt all that welcome), been collecting hides and such. Think you'll like 'em when you get back, cyare.
Everyday is my aay'han without you there with me,
The woman is a clean shot, always. The target is never empty, and the holes never waver from the bright red target. It's terrifying, in fact. The way that if you bother her, she turns from the firing range but still shoots perfectly. It's enough to keep anyone in the Alliance from bothering the Mandalorian, even though somedays she wishes someone would continue bothering her. To keep her from thinking these horrible thoughts.
TO: Vector Hyllus
FROM: Rubiksi Delux-Hyllus
I've visited nests. I find them fascinating, and for the most part, they accept my presence. Some kinder nests enjoy my visits, though I had to leave most rather hurriedly, they wish for me to become part of their nests. I'm not sure they understand that I am human and don't wish to Join them, but they let me be.
Those of the Oroboro nest are harder to convince. They know me, and they love me. In a way different from the way you loved me, like siblings, like parents. I spent a majority of my time on Alderaan with them before the Alliance came to be...I had dark thoughts, Vector. I really believed it was time to end it all. The cliff where you saved me became my home for months on end, though every time I couldn't bear to slip off without knowing if you knew I was still alive.
So I didn't. I considered other ways of getting rid of my consciousness. Drinking has always made me nauseous, so I kept away from doing so. Bounty Hunting affected my conscience in a way I didn't think it would after everything Intelligence put me through.
I wanted to Join, Vector. I thought that if I let them absorb me into the colony, that I'd see you again. That everything would just fade away. I remember you once told me you didn't want me to either, because my individuality would be gone. I brushed you off, I'd already known that my individuality had been stripped away by the SIS and Intelligence. But, as the search continues I've accepted that this is who I am, and taking this away wouldn't make you happy.
The Alliance found me, told me Cipher Nine could help them with the fight against the Eternal Empire. I believed they were crazy for a moment there, what would a lowly Cipher do against a galaxy-spanning tyrannical ruler? They were quick to convince me that I could do a lot, and with my ties to Intelligence, it wouldn't be difficult to have a leg up in the war.
I thought if I helped them, they'd help me. They tried to, tried to find you. But they needed me every waking moment, leaving them as an ally of the Alliance made me a target. It isn't until now we've begun really searching for those lost during the war.
I was told Killiks lost a majority of their nests as well. I can't imagine how that feels, but those I built a connection to are in pain. Mutual pain is never something I wished to endure, and for now I've accepted I don't belong with the Empire anymore. My allegiance ended as soon as they used them for canon fodder.
I pray you were one of the lucky ones, Vector.
The most listless out of all the recruits to the Alliance, the lithe human female stares out the window, blonde, brittle hair over her shoulder as she leans against a pillar. It seems everything is too big for the woman these days, as she tries to hide herself among the crowds. A ghost of herself, the amber-eyed agent isn't sociable, and many are afraid to approach her. But, no one wants to admit they're afraid one day they'll wake up and she won't be there.
Some bonus letters from characters who didn't romance Bioware's LIs.
TO: Theron Shan
FROM: [Redacted]
SUBJECT: [Redacted]
Hmm..You've always been a tough one, Shan. Slippery, odd. Never really ever landed on how old you were, whether Theron or Shan was really your name. You're good at your job, I'll give you that.
I'm not going to say I'm sorry for being gone. After Yavin, [Redacted] and I had our differences. She didn't trust me, I didn't trust her. Lana was having her own issues keeping [Redacted] from doing something catastrophic, and didn't trust me not to switch sides again. I'm not apologetic for what I did, and I never will be. I look out for myself first, you three second.
But this? This is rather odd. [Redacted] is an interesting place to hide, especially among [Redacted]. Given, this has been my home for a while, and [Redacted] was easy to convince to let me stay here too. I have my ways, always. But I suggest you go back to pretty boy, think you've really struck a nerve now. But [Redacted] is going to throw a fit if you show that shaven head around her again.
The water front has been a nice home for the last few years as she giggles, baring her teeth as a woman wraps her hands around her waist, tickling her until she can't breathe. Though, the giggles are cut short as the Cathar woman's eyes widen, hearing them before the door breaks down. A shriek as silk flies, one look behind her and she's out the window, tumbling to the ground in little more than a sheer top and a skirt, she begins running, cursing the man's name under her breath.
TO: Aristocra Saganu
FROM: Scy'arla Tuvii
SUBJECT: Red Flame
I didn't understand what that meant until I looked into it among the other Chiss at headquarters. Once I did, you can't imagine the kind of warmth that sent. I'd only known you for a few weeks at best, but I wish I could've gotten to known you better. I know I'm little more than just a Twi'lek in most Chiss eyes, but I really did feel like I was more to you. I hope it wasn't misplaced.
We both have responsibilities past the other's knowledge. I know you're rather important to the Chiss, but I don't pry beyond that. I assume you know more about me, but I don't know how far that goes. I hope if you did learn anymore, it doesn't go much further past my objectives on Hoth with regards to Intelligence. I don't think you could see me in the same light if you knew more, I'm sorry.
Whether this reaches you or not, I'm not sure. You're busy, I'm busy. You're not like other men, I have a past I'm not ready to admit to. I'd like to extend an invitation to a suite on Dromound Kaas if you could ever get away for that long. It's beneath you, I'm sure, but think about it?
The Alliance doesn't seem to have taken the same toll on Scy'arla. The Cipher is rarely around, if at all, as a supplier. Still loyal, and frankly terrifyingly, to the Empire, she can't be relied on. The first assumption is that she is their traitor, that she has finally sold them out. But, when the time comes, her hands are clean, and everyone is left in surprise when the real traitor is outed among them. A chuckle here, an 'I told you so' there, is the all the agent leaves behind.
TO: [Redacted]
FROM: Darth Ezridivia Uvon
SUBJECT: You know what.
I know you have something to do with this. You always did have a hand in the cookie jar [Redacted]. As frustrating as it was to deal with you, I really do wonder whether you assisted Theron with this. You two were always a bit too close, though you argued all the time and butt heads even more than he and Lana did. You'd known each other for so much longer, worked together to get things done. You might've been gone for the last five years, but I just know you're behind this somehow. Theron wouldn't just do this to the Alliance.
I know someone like you, would.
The pureblood Sith woman paces back and forth, as her blonde comrade types away at a terminal. A grimace here, an angry monolouge there. The woman had no shortage of anger for the agent and his partner, even though she wasn't ready to admit that neither would do this without provocation. She fed off the raw emotions of shock and anger from those in the Alliance, but her nearly melancholy wife really kept her from snapping.
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fangirl-overload13 · 6 years
Snack time
(I don’t think I’ve actually posted this on here yet so here you guys go!)
Cherise really enjoyed having a cat around the house for extra company so to show how much she appreciated having Mr. Fuzzy boots as Nick so affectionately referred to the new addition to their small family, she splurged and got a bag of cat treats for him and he seemed to take to them right away.
Xev wasn’t sure what was in these little pieces of food that Cherise kept giving him but he really enjoyed them, though after spending an eternity in a hell realm anything tasted good, but he really liked these so he had convinced Nick to bring him more.
Much to Nicks dismay Xev would eat them even in his human form and he really didn’t need to draw any more attention to himself so Nick always made sure to disguise the bag as something else before people started asking questions like why the giant anime reject was eating cat food.
Best not to tick off a cursed god with social issues and extreme PTSD, even with only a fraction of his powers things would not go well for the local Neanderthals that passed as his classmates or random jerks on the street, so what they saw was a bag of trail mix or granola because why not?
Nick is walking with Xev to sanctuary to pick up his mom from work for the night, Xev had insisted on accompanying them because well let’s face it they were both magnets for trouble.
Nick didn’t mind having him along and his mom being the saintly soul that she is loved having him around and thought it was very sweet of him to offer to walk them home at night.
Nick just wished Xev would leave the cat treats at home for once. Please gods and other entities couldn’t he leave the freaking bag at home just once? But maybe that was too much to ask.
They arrived at the famed bar and grill and the bear of a man watching the door was Nick’s good friend Dev.
“Hey Dev, my mom ready?”
Dev smiled at them when he noticed them.
“She’ll be out soon I’m sure, you know your mama is always happy when you come to walk her home, she’s always bragging about you to the rest of the staff, though if you keep this up you’ll make the rest of us look bad.”
Nick laughed knowing his mom had a bad habit of doing that.
”Well you know my mama would ground me till the end of time if I so much as have wicked thoughts so I need to be on my best behaviour as much as I can be.”
Dev nodded his understanding.
“Some nights I wonder if I should switch jobs with her, for such a little thing your mom can be truly terrifying.”
Nick grinned.
“Yeah she’s small but she’s fierce.”
Xev hangs back while he listens to their conversation. It still amazed him that Nick could stand so close to shape shifters like those who ran this bar and other non-human entities and none of them had a clue what he really was, though it made his job a whole lot easier.
Dev looked up and greeted Xev as well.
“Hey, you on guard duty again?”
The staff at sanctuary had grown accustomed to seeing Xev by now hanging out with Nick and picking up Cherise when Nick was running late. Since Nick was friends with people like Acheron, Simi, Eric, and Tabitha, one more Goth type wasn’t very surprising and he seemed like a decent person so everyone treated him well.
Everyone knew that Nick had bad luck when it came to trouble so they had taken to referring to Xev as the body guard (they didn’t know just how right they were).
“Yeah, you can never be too careful.”
Dev nodded.
“Too true. If you weren’t here I’m sure one of us would have had to take up the job of Nick-sitting.”
“Hey! I’m right here you know!” Nick huffed crossing his arms over his chest.
“We know.” Dev grins at him.
The door opened and Cherise came out with a big smile on her face at the sight of them.
“Hello boys, you’re here on time I see.” she turned to Dev, “I hope they weren’t bothering you while you were working Dev.”
Dev smiled and shook his head though.
“No bother at all cher, it’s kind of slow right now so a little conversation really helps kill the boredom, you have a good night now.”
She smiled and patted his arm.
“Thanks, you too.” And with that the three of them were on their way back to the condo.
As they walked Xev had pulled the bag of kitty treats out of his pocket again and started eating them as they walked.
Cherise saw it and was curious.
“What do you have there?”
Nick had to glance at the bag to remember what he transformed it into this time to come up with something fast.
“It’s granola ma, he’s become addicted to it recently, he’s on a special diet right now so he takes some with him where ever he goes.” that last part was more directed at Xev to let him know that he really had a problem going, but Xev just rolled his eyes and continued eating.
“Is that so? Well maybe I should try some.”
Nick began to panic, there was no way he was going to let his mom eat cat treats thinking it was granola, luckily Xev stepped in with one of those creative truths that kept Nick from being grounded until he met Saint Peter at the gates.
“It’s a very specific diet, so it’s probably not a good idea to share, but if you like I can bring you some granola the next time I stop by Cherise.”
Wow why couldn’t Nick be able to bend the truth like that so convincingly? Points to Xev on working the special diet thing so well.
His mom seemed to except this well enough.
“Alright, I’ll look forward to it then. Would you like to join us for a late dinner Xev? it wouldn’t be any trouble.”
Xev glanced at Nick.
“Thanks for the offer but I should be going. Have a good night.” he turned and walked away after they had reached the front door of the building. But Nick knew that once he was out of sight Xev would flash himself into the condo in cat form so that his mom doesn’t find out that their cat was ever missing.
“He’s such a nice boy, I’m happy that you have such well-mannered friends boo, you’re a good judge of character, I know most people would look at some of your friends and judge them harshly but they are all down right decent.”
Bless his saintly mom who could see past what was on the outside of people or in the case of much of their friends, almost people. But even she might find it hard to look past the friend with the cat treat addiction; though she seemed to handle Simi’s weird tastes such as BBQ sauce and ice-cream pretty well.
Now the only thing left was to Keep replacing the bags of cat treats so his mom never finds out just how many Mr. Fuzzy boots really eats. He was beginning to be the local pet shops favorite costumer.
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booksandwords · 3 years
Instinct by Sherrilyn McQueen
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Series: Chronicles of Nick, #6 Read time: 2 Days Rating: 5/5
The quote: You were kind to me and I don’t believe in repaying kindness with cruelty. — Xevikan Daraxerxes
God Xev breaks my heart. A whole lot of the support cast in CoN are heartbreaking but there is something else about Xevikan that is just something else. He is pain, PTSD and power. “To give you an inkling, Gautier, I was the only ancient god born who could kill a Chthonian.”, look he is terrifying powerful and I adore him. I love Caleb I do but his inability to listen to Xev's side of the Liliana disaster makes me want to cry, slap him and then say 'what would Liliana say to you now'. Xev is tortured by that moment and we see it, I want to see more of it because there is trauma there that needs to understood. His reaction to Aeron says a lot. Oh and I'm so pleased with how we've met Aeron, I knew of him but not his story. Though there is something truly musing about seeing Xev as an Egyptian Mau nicknamed Mr. Fuzzy Boots., of course, Xev hates the name. Nick and Xev have one of the best relationships in the series. Nick is the only person who sees Xev. I know that was an unusual start, I needed to get it out of my system.
While Illusion helps the readers understand Kody and her parentage and family, Instinct deals as best as it can with Calebs. But Caleb's family is, at best, complicated. And this entire book is essentially done with Caleb absent due to the monster of the week. That monster of the week was someone I had not even thought of. I'm not sure entirely where this fits in. At times it feels like it follows on almost immediately from Illusion, at times it feels like some time has passed. But there is one line I found interesting "He’d only known it existed for less than two years." between Infinity and the end of Instinct is less than two years, and there is a year-long gap in there somewhere. There is a lot to digest coming out of this. All the characters in play, the changes in the world in dynamic and the new pieces of lore to deal with. The plot boils down to Nick working with his allies to save Cherise and Caleb and deciding whom he can trust. CoN books seem to have simplistic plots but the plot is not the point of them, they are character and lore driven. And the plot does well to display the characters in different lights. It gives some idea of where this might be going and Ambrose's shocking appearance was not a good sign. I really enjoyed this it moves at a good pace and doesn't try to do anything too smart. But I really wish there were family trees for some of these characters somewhere. That conversation between Xev and Mennie gets complicated fast even knowing the players. That said the ignorance is in line with Nick's knowledge base so it does fit.
All right have a dump of notes because otherwise, this review becomes obscenely long.
The six generals of the ušumgallu. Grim, Bane and Laguerre who live permanently earthside. The others who had to be called, Xevikan, Livia and Yrre.
The six primal gods. Those of the light; Razer, Cam and Verlyn. Those of the dark; Noir, Azure and Braith. Braith is complicated, while she aligns to the dark she is more grey. Two of the primary gods are missing; Razer and Braith. Verlyn was captured.
It wasn’t easy being Death. Made it hard to make friends. Harder still to keep them. No one was ever really happy to see you. Being around anyone tended to make them nervous and jumpy. Really sucked most days." — Being is Grim's head is something different. That is where we spend the prologue.
Braith got screwed by her siblings. I don't blame her from hiding from them for such a long time.
Zeitjägers. That's Germanic and German is a constructive language. Zeit is time. Jäger is hunter. Zeitjägers are entirely Sherri's creation as far as I can tell. But German is an interesting choice linguistically.
“Believe it or not, he can be quite charming when he’s not psychotic. And Hekate has always had a thing for bad boys.” — This about Noir. This is right after we meet Dagon, their son.
“That was you what done that with Zeus and them Arcadians and gots into all that trouble? Ooo, I remember that. That was so bad for you, but so nice for you to do! You the Simi’s hero.” — mine too Simi queen, mine too. Long story short Dagon helped Lycaon create the Were-hunters. I didn't know we knew him. And with his parentage, I'm not surprised he's willing to rebel.
Oh Noir, how did you get that body?  And can please gtfo so we can have it back?
I knew Aeron was going to be important but I didn't understand why.
“But be warned with that lineup, Malachai, you have chosen one of the most powerful groups ever assembled. Together, they could wield enough power to one day kill you.” — Damn Nick that is a smart play. It's an insurance policy. Also good choices, they are all super intelligent in their own fields too.
As an aside. I can't remember another character like Liliana. A character with a shattering impact who is never met. She feels like more than Caleb's wife at times, she feels like an anchor for him. As Nick points out other characters in Sherri's verses have this but we spend substantial time with them in flashbacks. That is not the case with Liliana.
Am I the only one reading this series that feels like there is a book missing? When did Nick find out about Mennie/Ma'at, Nashira, his brother, Monakribos (well his name), in some ways even the names of the 6 source? These aren't just important to Nick, they are important to US. While I do read the Dark-Hunter novels as well and am aware of some of the surrounding lore the primary intended audience of the CoN series would not be. The DH novels are aimed at adults and contain content as such, the CoN novels are aimed at those in their teens.
I want to add this too... this is what an Egyptian Mau looks like.
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And when you know Xev has an attitude (for a reason) this is perfect.
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crqstalite · 5 years
part 13, alone together. (elara & xev’heng)
finished off the trooper storyline for the second time and it only gets better! i know i’ve said this about other romances, but elara dorne’s romance is the best and you can fuckin’ fist fight me about it. she’s so precious and this game was meant for cowards that when (and if) i run synntai she can’t romance her.
written: 9.1.19. words: 2,864.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
character song: love you like a love song, selena gomez
character file: xev'heng lumere, major of havoc squad.
three years ago.
when she asked to be given some time alone, xev'heng wasn't sure exactly what she was implying. and, it seems as if elara didn't either.
seventy-three minutes. tops.
xev'heng will be the first to admit he rarely knew what to do with downtime. reasoning being? he never has any. havoc takes up so much of his time that besides his scheduled sleep (starting at 22:00 and ending at 5:00, usually.), he's always working. hakio keeps him busy, not to say she isn't always busy herself, but like her, he likes to stay that way. his days have been captured with training ryean and synntai (both more chaotic than they seemed, hence why the result outweighed the calculated risk of taking another demolition specialist and commando on to havoc) and keeping himself in tip top shape. general rakton isn't going to wait for him to finish his holovid. the faster they can take him down, the safer the republic is going to be.
that's...also to say maybe he's let his budding relationship with elara take the backseat.
hence why he's pacing back and forth in his own quarters waiting for her to return (most likely changing out of her armor), pondering on what to spend their time doing. his mind flickers for a moment before returning to more, pg themes. what does elara like to do? she's always happy to see him, sparing any moment to be with him, even for just a minute. any other time, he catches her working on something. it's not to say he assumes she doesn't relax at all, but then again...
what do aric and hakio do? he almost shakes the thought from his head, before really considering it. he and the others in havoc are all aware of their relationship, but have never been privy to any pda they may have engaged in. they're always rushing around to do some sort of mission, working alongside each other and trusting the other with their lives. his commanding officer seems so put together, he's sure their relationship is rock-hard stable.
but how? and why? both of their tempers run so high, he's curious if they've been leading the crew on that they're really together. but, he's never caught them arguing with one another. it's always compliments on the other's shot, fixing things together, going on early morning runs together when they stay on coruscant. the cathar and cyborg woman always seem so happy with each other, like nothing could go wrong and there's no possibility they could die tomorrow.
he's shaken out of his intruding thoughts when he hears a light knock on his door. "sir?"
he tries not to seem too excited when he gets up, slowing his steps when he reaches the door. it slides open after he presses a button, and he steps aside to prompt her to enter. she does so, and gives him a nervous grin in response. "the captain isn't exactly enjoying these forms. he grumbled all the way back to the weapon's locker."
"and the colonel?" he asks jokingly. how would hakio react? the hot headed woman never exactly enjoyed forms or doing things legally when she could get away with it. updating all of her forms would definitely make her a lot more irritable later.
"she gave me a knowing look and mentioned something about her distracting the captain long enough to fill it out fully." she chuckles, "i believe that means my original guess may have been incorrect."
"guess we have more time than we thought." they both stand awkwardly for a moment, unsure of their next moves. "seventy three minutes or more...we could watch a holo for a bit? it'd be over long before jorgan's finished with the forms."
"that sounds nice...xev." she fumbles with his name for a moment, rather foreign on her lips. spoken with such a beautiful articulation of an imperial accent, he smiles. elara doesn't often refer to him by anything but his title, and it sounds..pretty, even. "did you have one in mind?"
"not exactly. would you rather pick?" he asks, sitting on his bed as elara turns to the small terminal he has. "i haven't watched anything in years."
"i'd like that." she says, softly sitting next to him before he prompts her to sit back next to him against the pillows. it's a long while before the decide on one, a muted action flick neither admits to seeing before. it's been so long since xev'heng sat down to really watch one that he misses when he and vscyla used to watch them together as children. how she would shush him from time to time when he asked too many questions, when she made them snacks. when she smiled with a gap through her two front teeth, and said she'd earned the gap from a fight with a monster.
he tries not to frown at the thought as he tries to relax.
it isn't until halfway through the movie that he lets his eyes wander from the terminal to the blonde woman next to him. she's let her hair down from it's usually severely tied bun, and the curls fall around her shoulders. as typical as it is, her lounges are clean and stitched from where they may have ripped. she holds herself carefully, sitting up straight as her eyes remain glued to the blue projection. sometimes without her armor, xev'heng sees a fragile woman. he sees her scars that the durasteel hides along her arms and face. he sees the sky blue eyes that have seen the world a million times over, and the delicate but worn hands that have patched up people and simutaneously said goodbye to those who left the galaxy much too soon.
she's beautiful.
it's not like this is the first time he's been alone with her her. they've been off and on...'together', but with both of them being the medic to a less than cautious team (he can't even count on both of his hands how many times their CO has come back with some catastrophic injury and shrugs at it until she collapses, or worse.) and just being part of havoc pulls them away from each other. somedays, he forgets. somedays, he doesn't walk by the medbay just so he doesn't have to tell her he doesn't have any time left for her.
somedays, he doesn't want to tell her he's hurting, that another injury has put him on the sidelines. that someone's died he was unable to save. he wants to see her smile, he wants to see her relax.
just, something about her makes everything better.
he doesn't mean to stare, but her colbalt blue eyes catch his and her pale cheeks turn a rosy shade of red. "did you need something, xev?"
"n-no." he says (y'know, like the liar he is), as she turns back to the terminal. he tries to focus again on the holo, but every little shift, every little hair brush reminds him that she is beautiful, and smart. a warrior on the battlefield, well-versed in medical history and knowledge.
and she took time out of her day to watch some old holovid with him.
his hand moves from where it was beside him to hook into hers, lacing their fingers together. she tenses for a moment, first looking at their hands and then up at him. a shaky grin crosses his face as she leans against his shoulder. holo forgotten, she relaxes against him and tightens her grasp. xev raises her knuckle to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand before allowing it to drop back to her side in between them.
it's the small gestures that get him. he likes to feel her warm hand in between his as quiet explosions rage across the projection. her hair tickles his lekku welcomingly, and his typically cool body is warmed by her presence.
"i love you, elara." he whispers. at first, he's not sure she's heard him, but she turns to face him in answer.
"i love you too, xev." she responds. she presses a light kiss to his cheek before returning her head to his shoulder. he smiles, and leans back a bit into the pillows. "i promise you that i always will."
"and ever, and ever, and ever?" he asks, grinning as she chuckles.
"and ever, and ever, and ever." she nods, as he turns to kiss her, pressing herself into him further. there's no real intention behind it, but somehow she ends up in his lap, arms around his neck as she presses her forehead to his. he calms immediatly before she looks at him directly. "i did my research."
and somehow, he knows immediatly what she's talking about.
and he loves her for it.
present time.
"cipher, are you sure this was the brightest idea?" he can hear a hushed imperial accent as he begins to regain consciousness, head pulsing as he tries to keep any food down. he's nauseous and exhausted. "he is little more than a figurehead, we suppose we'll garner attention we do not wish to have."
"i don't believe that is the case, vector. research says he is a war hero. we should be cautious." another, more feminine voice answers.
"bugboy's right, cy. as much as i want to say this was a good idea to get this off your chest and all, your personal problems shouldn't come in contact with us, or me specifically." another, non imperial female answers. "rubi's gonna kick your ass if she ever leaves her room and finds out about this."
"then let's make sure she doesn't, yes, djannis? cipher nine needs to know nothing about this in her current state." another imperial accent, but this one diluted by another accent. as if they are new to imperial space.
"not to mention, i'm sure rakton will be pleased we've captured the man who took him into custody in the first place." the same voice answers as he opens his eyes, the dark light of his surroundings blurring most of his vision. trying to stay as still as possible, he finds his hands are bound behind him and feet tied together. the footsteps move in the opposite direction, and they haven't taken his armor off of him. his canon is gone, obviously, as he shifts a bit. "you're sure we weren't followed, ensign?"
"i'm quite sure, cipher." the other imperial voice answers, almost begrudingly. "no republic ships have entered the system since we've taken him aboard."
"is he bugged?" djannis asks skeptically, "don't republic soldiers have armor cams and kriff?"
"doubt it. he took a beating when he came in from the butt of my rifle. if he does, it must be glitched out by now." the main voice, the cipher's answers. "now all of you leave the room. i'm sure he's been listening. when he decides to reveal he's come around, i want to be the first person he sees."
the shuffling of boots across the ground and the closing of a blast door accompanies a finger under his chin as he tries to shrink away from the foreign touch. his eyesight is slowly returning, and a tanned yellow twi'lek stares back at him. "eoh nerra, it's been so long. it would be that we meet on opposite sides of the war, yes?" her voices is deceptively soft, deceptively soothing.
eoh nerra.
"vscyla?" her name flies out of his mouth in a panicked whisper. "what-"
"shhh, eoh nerra. i wouldn't want the others to find out the real reason you're here." his eyes clear fully now, as her yellow skin and lavender yellow eyes twinkle in the darkness of the room. she's dressed prim and proper in an imperial uniform, the black fabric stretched taut across her form as red and blue pins rest on her chest. her lekku hang around her neck, as she used to always have them when she'd been wearing a helmet for an extended period of time.
used to.
when she used to wear the republic's colors.
"why am i here?" he says darkly, struggling against his restraints as they dig into his armored wrists. "i'm a major of the republic military!"
"my, my. you've gotten so far in the galaxy since i saw you last, xevvie." she says, musing as she pulls a vibroknife from a sheath on one of her thighs. it glints in the low light as it dances between her fingers, sharp and deadly. "a major in the republic? nearly my own rank within intelligence i suppose."
"you're a defector!" he says loudly, hoping her companions will hear him, and know of her true nature. to his surprise, she only laughs.
"i am, yes." she smirks, running the blunt edge of the knife under his chin. "they know, everyone knows. and no one cares. i'm one of the most successful cipher agents of this generation, and i didn't need to be brainwashed to do it." she responds, the last sentence a whisper as she switches the way the blade is facing. the silver just barely touches his neck, but with malicious intent behind it, he fears for his life.
he doesn't know what scares him more, the fact she admits it whole heartedly and that there is no cipher among her words to be found, or that her imperial accent sounds so...so natural.
like every part of his milry numa was gone. replaced with that of an imperial soldier.
"what is it, xev? afraid of me? of what i can do to you?" she questions. "what i am?"
"what choices you've made aren't for me to judge." he says, keeping one eye on the knife and another on her. her forehead raises, if she had eyebrows they would raise as well. "these were your choices that you made, to turn on the faction you fought for!"
"you mean the faction that left me to die!" she says, a fire blazing behind her eyes, as the knife digs just a bit too far and punctures his skin. "you mean the faction that thought i didn't matter enough to send an evac for. you mean the faction that saw me as replaceable. the faction that saw me as little more than just a sergeant in the military with no life without them. the faction that was going to let me die on some backwater planet!"
xev'heng doesn't answer, grunting as the blade presses against his neck, leaving a line of a cut across his throat. "i won't forget balmorra. the imperials gave me a way out of an operation that would've gotten me killed. they saw me as much more than just expendable. they saw me as an operative. they saw me as worthy. they took me, trained me. gave me the tools to succeed."
"you're committing treason." he answer as she pulls the knife away, trying to ignore the stinging pain the cut leaves, blood dripping onto his armor as vscyla wipes the vibroknife on the shirt of her midnight black uniform. "they were coming back for you, you just ran out of patience."
"tell me, major. have you ever been stuck in a trench, wondering whether your faction was coming back for you? without rations, watching as your fellow soldiers fell like flies around you? wondering whether the last thing you said to your loved ones would be your last words to them?" she says, her voice and eyes hardening.
"every. damn. day."
"now imagine being twenty. fresh out of the academy, terrified for her life. tell me, eoh nerra. when given the chance to live, even with the chance of defecting, to fight for a faction that cared about you and what you did for them, would you switch sides?"
"no." he grits his teeth as he answers. "i fight for the republic, and always will!"
"blind obedience then. you're little more than a kath hound at heart." she answers, resheating her knife. "as always. it seems you've never changed."
"and if i haven't?"
"i suppose you could be convinced, little one. that, or i could have the likes of vector and the doctor have their way with you." she said, and a shiver ran down his spine at the thought. who was vector? he'd been in the room earlier, vscyla had mentioned his name. but a doctor? was there one? and what would they do to him? "stay there, and don't move a muscle. i'd be disappointed if my present escaped the phantom before i could gift it."
scy'arla's only thought was that in the time she'd gotten to know cipher nine's companions since her arrival on the phantom was that vector was too much of a sweetheart to do any real damage to her younger brother, and the doctor wouldn't know where to start with the likes of him. however, she could nearly feel the childish fear radiating off of the major, and she smirked. she still had power over him, as she always had.
and this? ran much deeper than fighting for her faction.
blood was always thicker than water.
translations (in ryl):
eoh merra - little brother
milry numa - older sister
and the forehead touching thing that elara researched? a bit of a headcanon i found while writing this chapter, which is here << i thought it was rather fascinating, and included it. it seems elara would research such a thing for her lover.
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