#Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia
beardedmrbean · 7 months
The Biden Justice Department is taking some heat after praising the conviction of a 75-year-old pro-life activist for an alleged crime that took place three years ago but so far ignoring hundreds of violent anti-Israel rioters that pepper-sprayed police last week.
Last week U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves announced the conviction of Paula "Paulette" Harlow, 75, of Kingston, Massachusetts, for a "federal conspiracy against rights" and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act violations for participating in a protest at an abortion clinic in 2020.
Graves said Harlow and a group of eight others "conspired to prevent fellow citizens from exercising their rights to receive and to provide reproductive health care," and he praised the conviction for a crime that could carry up to 11 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.
But some critics are crying foul, noting that Graves has yet to condemn or preview possible prosecution efforts for roughly 200 pro-Palestinian activists, some armed with pepper spray, who violently rioted at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters and injured six Capitol Police officers on Nov. 15.
"President Biden and his administration have been merciless in their efforts to punish pro-life Americans," CatholicVote President Brian Burch told Fox News Digital. "He is doing lasting damage to the trust and integrity of a critical part of government."
"It is one thing to hold an alternative view on abortion. It is entirely different when the president of the United States turns our independent law enforcement agencies into a pro-abortion police force," he added.
John Shu, a constitutional law expert who served in both the George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations, questioned why the Justice Department would not be "equally aggressive" in prosecuting the protesters who turned violent and trapped top congressional Democrats inside for a time.
"Because pro-abortion groups and policies are very important to the Democrat party, one would expect Democrat administrations, including the current one, to aggressively enforce the FACE Act, especially post-Dobbs," Shu told Fox News Digital in a statement.
The FACE Act makes it a federal crime, with potentially steep fines and jail time, to use or threaten to use force to "injure, intimidate, or interfere" with a person seeking reproductive health services or with a person lawfully trying to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship. The FACE Act also prohibits intentional property damage to a facility that provides reproductive health services or a place of religious worship.
The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division has prosecuted dozens of FACE Act cases since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, a notable uptick in applications that disproportionately involve pro-life defendants.
"At the same time, one would think that the DOJ also would be equally aggressive in prosecuting anyone who intentionally injured a federal Capitol Hill police officer, a Metropolitan Police Officer, or any other sworn law enforcement personnel, as the violent [protesters] did at last week’s violent protest at the DNC," Shu continued.
"The U.S. Capitol Police specifically stated that it was not peaceful, that [protesters] pepper sprayed and punched law enforcement officers, and that they blocked exits with dumpsters, trapping people, including Democrat Members of Congress, inside. All of these are serious crimes both under the D.C. Crimes Code and the U.S. Code," Shu added.
Shu said Graves should "thoroughly investigate and prosecute these crimes, regardless of whether most, if not all, of the protesters were on the political left."
"Otherwise, there is a real risk of appearing to have different or unfair standards of justice based on politics and thus opening up the office to criticism and perhaps oversight hearings," he added.
Among those laws is the D.C. code that makes it a crime to "riot or incite a riot," and if someone is injured, it could carry a penalty of $25,000 and 10 years in prison.
The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) released a statement after the "unlawful demonstration," saying, "We have handled hundreds of peaceful protests, but last night’s group was not peaceful."
"The crowd failed to obey our lawful orders to move back from the DNC, where Members of Congress were in the building," the statement reads.
"When the group moved dumpsters in front of the exits, pepper sprayed our officers and attempted to pick up the bike rack, our teams quickly introduced consequences – pulling people off the building, pushing them back, and clearing them from the area, so we could safely evacuate the Members and staff," the statement continues.
Six officers were treated for injuries, from minor cuts to being pepper-sprayed to being punched, and one arrest was made, according to the USCP.
Annabelle Rutledge of Concerned Women for America, a Christian conservative activist group, said the DOJ’s "new normal" is an inability to discern a "real threat."
"Congrats to the DOJ for protecting our nation from prayerful grandmas who oppose the murder of unborn life," she said.
Fox News Digital reached out to Graves' office for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
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stevegronka · 2 months
J6 National Guard Truth
National Guard Captain Blows Up J6 Narrative, Accuses U.S. Govt of Lying to the American People
"I'm here today to aid the subcommittee in resolving factual errors in the official record of what happened on January 6th, 2021, specifically regarding the alleged District of Columbia National Guard delayed response caused by a critical presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed Pentagon senior officials," Captain Timothy Nick testified under oath on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. [...]
"First, I want to explain my role on January 6th. I was assigned as aid to camp the personal assistant to Major General William Walker, the commanding General of DC National Guard. It was my only second day on the job (!). Please focus on alleged facts found in the November 16th, 2021 Department of Defense Inspector General's multidisciplinary review into the DC National Guard response and Department of Defense's role that day."
"I can say unequivocally that the Inspector General's Review is riddled with inaccuracies, misstatements, and perhaps false flags and narratives regarding how critical Pentagon senior officials responded when our republic was under great stress (!!)."
"For instance, during a conference call at 2:31 PM with members of United States Army, US Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia Government, and US Secret Service Uniform Division, the US Army's Lieutenant General Walter Piatt, Director of Army staff and the Army's Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, Director of Chief of Staff of Operations were on the call." Also was Colonel John Lubas, executive officer to the Secretary of the Army."
"The Army FALSELEY DENIED that General Flynn was ever on the call. This is false and material on its face. Lieutenant Flynn was on the call and even participated in discussions. The defense inspector's review also rounds language papering over the fact that Lieutenant General Piatt, Lieutenant General Flynn, while on the call discussed how they did not like the OPTICS."
"That is a direct quote, and they stated it would be in their best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, to deny the request from Command General William Walker to deploy the DC National Guard and aid US Capitol Police in restoring restoration of Order Liberty on Capitol Hill."
"In addition, former [Army] Secretary Ryan McCarthy claims he was on a two three 1:00 PM call and spoke on that call. This is FALSE, unless he was in the room shadowing the call and he did not speak nor identify himself."
"He was not on the call. He was en route to Washington, DC Regional office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to support that agent's concept of operations plan for January 6th."
"He went on the claim that he called and spoke to Major General Walker at least twice, ordering the deployment of the DC National Guard. This is also FALSE. At no time did General Walker take any calls, nor did we ever hear from the secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day."
"This I know because I was with the Command General the entire time recording events throughout the day. Major General Walker told by staff officers to stand by with respect to deploying to the Capitol Hill. Only at 5:09 PM in the early evening, which I wrote down in my wheel book, was the DC Guard given an order to deploy and move to the Capitol to assist Capitol Police."
"We arrived too late. One American laid dead with other sisters and brothers injured, including federal and local law enforcement officers. We were ready and standing by. I know if we were able to deploy immediately, when General Walker made the request, the National Guard could have helped and civil disturbance and restored public order quickly."
"The Army National Guard motto was always ready, always there. The DC National Guard was ready to help and assist Capitol Police, but we were NOT ALLOWED to do our job due to paralyzed decision-making by acting Secretary of Defense,Chris Miller and Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy..."
"This led to a crisis in federal leadership at the Pentagon and delayed the DC response by 3 hours and 19 minutes."
This is critical testimony exposing the U.S. government as perpetrating a false narrative of events for January 6 to frame Donald Trump as participating in a treasonous "insurrection" when the opposite was true.
The President of the United States had pre-authorized the deployment of 10,000 National Guard troops and delegated this responsibility to the Secretary of the Army.
But instead of deploying National Guard troops to secure the capitol during the election challenges in the Electoral College, the Pentagon delayed dispatching troops over an alleged concern for "optics," even as the same government would later call January 6 'an existential threat to democracy.'
The U.S. government allowed the January 6 riots to happen in order to frame Donald Trump and his supporters as 'insurrectionists.' It is simple as that.
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Hamas’ ‘Day of Rage’ draws heightened security in major American cities, attention from the FBI
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American Cities on Alert as "Day of Rage" Prompts Increased Security Local and federal law enforcement agencies in Washington, D.C. are beefing up security as Hamas calls for a "Day of Rage." This call, which Israel says targets its people and Jews, has put American cities on high alert. Capitol Complex Secured U.S. Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department have announced an increase in security measures. While there are no specific threats to the District of Columbia or Congress, they are taking these precautions as a safety measure. Details about the security resources are being kept under wraps for safety reasons, but dedicated teams are working around the clock to coordinate with law enforcement and intelligence partners across the country to ensure everyone's safety. Fencing has been erected around the U.S. Capitol Building. Monitoring Worldwide Events Metro Police is working closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement partners to monitor events happening worldwide. They will have an increased presence around the city and places of worship to protect the community. Metro Police has been in contact with various community partners and remains in contact with them. FBI's Vigilance The FBI is aware of "calls for global action on Friday, October 13th that may lead to demonstrations in communities throughout the United States." They are actively working with law enforcement partners to share information and identify and prevent any potential threats. Increased Police Presence in New York City and Los Angeles The New York City Police Department has increased uniform deployments at large gatherings and cultural sites to ensure public safety. The Los Angeles Police Department is also assessing the situation. Israeli Advice to Citizens Abroad The Israel National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommend that Israelis abroad remain alert, stay away from demonstrations and protests, and consult with local security forces if necessary. They warn that there could be protest events worldwide that may turn violent. These agencies are committed to safeguarding the security of Israeli citizens globally. Protests in the Middle East Large protests are already taking place in Iraq and Yemen, with Iraqis showing support for the Palestinians. Jordanian riot police dispersed pro-Palestinian protesters in the West Bank, and anti-Israel demonstrations are ongoing in Jordan. Stay Informed In the face of uncertainty, it's important to stay informed and aware of the evolving situation. Law enforcement agencies are working diligently to protect their communities in the wake of the "Day of Rage" call by Hamas. Read the full article
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msclaritea · 10 months
33 Senate Democrats join Republicans to block DC crime bill | The Hill
Senators on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to block the District of Columbia’s updated criminal code from becoming law, marking the first time in more than three decades that a D.C.-passed bill has been nixed by Congress and the White House. 
The Senate advanced the resolution, 81-14, with 33 Democrats voting alongside every Republican and Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.). 
Senate Democrats of all stripes joined with the GOP, including some of the party’s leadership. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) and Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) both backed the resolution.
Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Democrat in the upper chamber, however, split with Schumer to vote “no.”
Unsurprisingly, the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2024, headlined by Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio), all supported the resolution.
Fourteen senators who caucus with the Democrats voted against the measure: Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.) and Durbin. 
Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) voted present. Sens. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Tom Carper (D-Del.) and James Risch (R-Idaho) were absent.
The Senate Democrats had political cover to vote “yes” after President Biden told them last week he would not veto the resolution if it reached his desk — reversing a statement of administration policy backing Washington, D.C., home rule prior to the House vote last month.
The House passed the resolution to block the crime bill on a 250 to 173 vote, with 31 Democrats voting with all Republicans.
The D.C. City Council passed its crime bill unanimously in January and overrode a veto by Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) in February, 12-1. 
It has been the subject of intense criticism from Republicans and some Democrats for some provisions, such as the lower penalties for a number of violent crimes, including robberies and carjackings. 
“Carjackings and car thefts have become a daily routine. Homicides are racking up at a rate of four per week,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said during a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday. “This is our capital city. But local politicians have let its streets become a danger and an embarrassment.”
In his tweet last week announcing his decision, Biden specifically mentioned sentences for carjackings as a reason. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, there have been 101 carjackings across the District this year alone, roughly the same as the 106 reported by this point last year. Half have involved juveniles. Twenty-two of this calendar year’s cases have been closed, and 14 people have been arrested on related charges. 
“I just think it needs more work,” Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told reporters of the D.C. bill, citing the mayor’s veto of the bill earlier this year. 
But the 180-degree turn by the administration has infuriated some House Democrats who have complained that the White House put them in a bad spot. 
It also handed House Republicans a gift on the messaging side, as the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) launched an ad campaign against 15 Democrats who voted against doing away with the crime bill. 
“Forget safe streets and neighborhoods — House Democrats remain more concerned with promoting policies that appease violent criminals,” Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), the NRCC’s chairman, said in a statement. “This is just a preview of how these extremist House Democrats will be held accountable for coddling criminals all cycle long.”
The crime bill has also been criticized for other reasons, including that it would increase the number of jury trials for misdemeanor offenses. Sen. Angus King (I-Maine.) who voted for the resolution blocking the bill, told The Hill earlier in the week that there’s not “enough jurors in the world to do that.”
D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson on Monday attempted to withdraw the bill and keep it from being brought up for a vote. However, the Home Rule Act, which governs the District, does not allow for the withdrawal of legislation. 
A number of Senate Democrats, however, stood by the District and opposed the resolution. Cardin told reporters earlier in the week that the matter is “a D.C. issue.”
“The Senate shouldn’t be voting on that,” Cardin said. “To me, it’s a fundamental issue of home rule.”
So-called Progressives at it again. This is the same action that's keeping San Francisco filled with crime; Socialists deliberately letting crime go wild to hurt Democrats. It's not just random juveniles committing these carjackings. It's just one of the easiest crimes to pull. Everyone should remember the ones who voted against protecting citizens and all of them, Booker and Dick Durbin should be challenged for their seats. Booker plays the Righteous Brother well but he's not with Dems and Durbin tried to pull a sleazy move months ago, by throwing Senator Fienstein under the bus, causing the drama on the judicial committee. I'm guessing the D.C. Council are a bunch who got in on a sympathetic wave post George Floyd. To vote against the Mayor is huge red flag.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Luke Michael Lints Sentenced to 36 Months Prison - Capitol Breach
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Luke Michael Lints was Sentenced to 36 Months in Federal Prison Related to the Breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. WASHINGTON, DC (STL.News) A Michigan man was sentenced today for interfering with law enforcement officers during a civil disorder related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.  His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the 2020 presidential election. Luke Michael Lints, 29, of Traverse City, Michigan, was ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Trevor N. McFadden to four months in prison, followed by 36 months of supervised release, the first four of which will be on home detention and a fine/restitution of $2,000. According to court documents, on January 6, 2021, Lints watched speeches at the rally near the ellipse and then walked to the Capitol.  Lints then became part of a large group of rioters who attempted to violently push their way past law enforcement officers guarding the Lower West Terrace tunnel of the Capitol.  At approximately 3:10 p.m., Lints entered the tunnel on the Lower West Terrance and made his way toward the front of the police line.  Lints were observed at the front of the line of rioters who were engaged in an assault against the police.  Lints obtained a police riot shield and used it to push back against a law enforcement officer who was also holding a shield.  Lints used his shield to prevent an officer from closing a door to create a barrier between the rioters and law enforcement.  At one point, the group of rioters, including Lints, began chanting “heave!  ho!” in unison as they moved back and forth together against the team of police.  Lints admits and agrees that he obstructed, impeded, or interfered with law enforcement officers lawfully engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties incident to and during the commission of a civil disorder that adversely affected commerce and the performance of a federally protected function. Lints was arrested on June 30, 2022, in Traverse City, Michigan. This case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section.  Valuable assistance was provided by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan. The case was investigated by the FBI’s Detroit Field Office and Washington Field Office, which identified Lints as #261 in its seeking information photos.  Valuable assistance was provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the Traverse City, MI Police Department. In the 28 months since January 6, 2021, more than 1,000 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 320 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.  The investigation remains ongoing. Read the full article
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Former D.C. police intelligence supervisor charged over Proud Boys links - UPI.com
An ex-supervisor in the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia’s intelligence unit was indicted this week for alerting suspects of arrest warrants prior to the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol insurrection. Former MPD lieutenant Shane Lamond faces one count of obstruction of justice and three counts of making false statements, court documents show.   Source: Former D.C. police…
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wafact · 1 year
US Capitol rioter pleads guilty to stealing badge from beaten officer | US Capitol attack
A New York man has pleaded guilty to stealing a badge and radio from a police officer who was brutally beaten as rioters pulled him into the mob that attacked the US Capitol in Washington over two years ago, court record show. Thomas Sibick pleaded guilty on Friday to assault and theft charges for his role in the attack on the District of Columbia’s Metropolitan police department officer Michael…
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Police in Washington, D.C. are looking for a suspect who lit another man on fire in broad daylight just a mile north of the United States Capitol, police say.
The incident occurred on Monday afternoon at approximately 3:05 p.m. in the afternoon when detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division say that the suspect “poured liquid on the victim at the intersection of North Capitol Street and P Street Northwest.”
“The suspect then ignited the liquid,” authorities said. “The suspect then ran off.”
Police have not released a potential motive in the attack or said if the two individuals knew each other but the victim was subsequently transported to a local hospital for treatment of serious injuries, according to police.
The identities of the two individuals involved has also not yet been made public by authorities in Washington, D.C.
“The Metropolitan Police Department currently offers a reward of up to $10,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for a violent crime committed in the District of Columbia,” police said in a statement following the incident.
Anyone who can identify this suspect or has any information about this incident should take no action but call police at (202) 727-9099 or text your tip to the Department's TEXT TIP LINE at 50411.
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eagletek · 1 year
US Capitol rioter pleads guilty to stealing badge from beaten officer | US Capitol attack
A New York man has pleaded guilty to stealing a badge and radio from a police officer who was brutally beaten as rioters pulled him into the mob that attacked the US Capitol in Washington over two years ago, court record show. Thomas Sibick pleaded guilty on Friday to assault and theft charges for his role in the attack on the District of Columbia’s Metropolitan police department officer Michael…
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atheists-helping · 2 years
DC Cops Nab Suspect Wanted for Shooting Homeless Men
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DC Cops Nab Suspect Wanted for Shooting Homeless Men...From newser.com... A man is in custody in connection with a series of shootings of homeless men in New York City and Washington, DC. The district's Metropolitan Police Department tweeted that the man was arrested early Tuesday in Washington and was being interrogated by homicide investigators. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser says that a ballistics match helped sync up all five shootings, two of them fatal, reports Bloomberg, via CNN. Before the suspect's arrest, Bowser asked those without shelter in the two cities to try to find a safe place to stay. The NYPD and the District of Columbia's Metropolitan Police have teamed up to track down a person they believe is behind a series of shootings targeting the homeless population. Two people have died and three have been injured so far in the incidents that stretch over a nearly two-week span in New York City and Washington, DC, and investigators are now also looking into another homeless man's death that took place Sunday, reports the New York Times. A timeline listed in an MPD statement notes the shootings started on March 3, when a homeless man was shot in the early morning hours in DC, suffering non-life-threatening injuries. That Washington shooting was followed by another on March 8, with that man also expected to live. On March 9, however, police were called to the scene of a tent fire, and after they put it out, they found the remains of a homeless man inside who'd been stabbed and shot. Meanwhile, in New York, two shootings on March 12 left another homeless man dead and one suffering from a gunshot wound to the arm. Due to "the similarity in the modus operandi of the perpetrator, common circumstances involved in each shooting, circumstances of the victims, and recovered evidence," the two police departments believe the shootings are related and will be working in tandem with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to try to nab the suspect....Joe Read the full article
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aboutwebblawmaine · 2 years
The Sex Offender Registry
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The District of Columbia has a sex transgressor computer system registry, established under the 1999 Sex Transgressor Registration Act. The Metropolitan Cops Division authorizes the launch of sex offender info, and also publishes a data source of Class A, Course B, as well as Course C offenders. The data source is not detailed; addresses are given only at the block degree; it is very important to bear in mind that several offenders may live at the exact same address.
There are several disagreements against the computer system registry, nevertheless. Kid security supporters, civil liberties groups, and regulation reform protestors say that the existing regulations target the wrong people. These groups say that the pc registry's existing interpretation is as well broad as well as does not assist victims of youngster misuse and sex crimes. Better, the computer registry has the prospective to cause collateral effects for the sufferers of sex criminal activities. This concern will certainly be discussed in even more depth later on in this write-up. Hire the Webb Law Maine experts to get these services now.
The database is updated regularly as well as is preserved by the Department of Justice. The data source consists of info relating to sexual criminal offenses committed in every state. The data source is a public source, and also you can search it anytime. The information is precise, yet the system is commonly sluggish. If you're worried that a sex transgressor may be hiding behind an incorrect identification, you can call the court directly.
They will check out the info, and publish it on the computer registry. Some states have a public sex wrongdoer pc registry, while others only make it obtainable to police. The registrant's criminal history is assessed to determine the likelihood of reoffending. The info is categorized according to the tier/risk category of the offender. While the period of enrollment varies from one decade to life, it's usually associated with the law of conviction. Sometimes, an offender can petition to be gotten rid of from the listing.
Typically, a person that commits a sex criminal offense should sign up with the sex wrongdoer computer system registry if they want to reside in an additional state. This consists of anyone who has been founded guilty in a court of law, either via a verdict of guilty or a nolo contendere appeal. The court may additionally have released a put on hold adjudication, that makes it essential for an individual to register. A sex transgressor should register with the cops division or region constable where they live.
A sex offender should re-register every three years, or even more if he/she has more than one sex criminal activity sentence. After signing up, the culprit must notify the cops department of any kind of change in address, including a new address. Additionally, an individual must re-register within 5 days after relocating or establishing an extra home. The sex wrongdoer computer system registry does not consist of the information of all sex wrongdoers. Nonetheless, it does listing those that have been convicted of sex offenses yet not those that have been accidentally signed up. You can go to website for more info on this topic now.
The CBI keeps a list of those that have violated the legislation more than as soon as. It does not consist of adolescent wrongdoers at local schools. Along with sex offender computer registry, there are various other ways to avoid sex culprit risks.
You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_law.
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Man dies blocks away from White House after suffering gunshot wounds
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Man Found Dead Near White House in Shooting Incident In a tragic incident that unfolded just blocks from the White House, a man was discovered dead as a result of a reported shooting, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. The event occurred around 9:30 p.m. on a Sunday evening near McPherson Square. When officers arrived at the scene, they found a man with gunshot wounds across from the 900 block of 15th Street, Northwest. Unfortunately, he did not survive his injuries and passed away at the scene. As of now, the identity of the deceased individual remains undisclosed. Investigation Underway The Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch is currently conducting an investigation into the shooting. They are urging the public to come forward with any information that may assist in identifying and apprehending the person or persons responsible for this tragic incident. To incentivize cooperation, the department is offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved in any homicides committed within the District of Columbia. Unrelated Incident Near White House In an unrelated incident that occurred nearby just last week, the U.S. Secret Service arrested two individuals after discovering ammunition "in plain view" inside a vehicle close to the White House. This event unfolded on a Monday night along G Street, between 14th and 15th Streets. Shortly after 9 PM, officers from the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division spotted the parked vehicle with ammunition visible inside. Upon the return of the vehicle's occupants, the two individuals were questioned, searched, and taken into custody without any incidents on weapons charges. As the investigation into the shooting near the White House continues, the authorities remain vigilant in ensuring the safety of the area. Note: This article has been written without adding humor, as the context does not warrant it. Read the full article
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thecapitolxrpg · 2 years
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— about them ;
full name → jacqueline vanderbilt occupation → detective current age → 30 years old birthplace → manhattan, ny neighborhood → KALORAMO handle → @lifeofjackie
— their personality ;
+ ; analytical, loyal, determined - ; Guarded, sarcastic, detached
— things they like ;
— Dogs — Iced coffee — Cigarettes
— biggest achievements ;
Jackie’s biggest achievement is being promoted to detective without the influence of her family or anyone. She earned her detective title by working hard and pushing herself everyday.
— their life story ;
Jacqueline Vanderbilt comes from a wealthy family. She grew up most of her life being raised by nannies. It was always lonely for her. Most of her life she resented her parents for not caring about her enough to spend time with her. Her dad is the most sought out attorney in the state of New York. If paid the right amount money a person got the best defense. Jackie’s dad often defended many criminals. One family was devastated that the person her dad defended won the trial, walking free of murder. Particularly the brother of the victim was angry at Jackie’s dad for even defending the killer. Out of angry he kidnapped Jackie. He tortured her for various weeks before they were able to find her. After those weeks she developed ptsd. Life was hard after that but she has managed to push through and represent herself as nothing affects her when deep down that’s not the case. For awhile she didn’t know what to do with her life. She went to university to please her father but upon graduating it didn’t feel right. She decided to help people the only way she thought she could by joining the police academy. Everyone was disappointed in her decision but she didn’t care. She worked her way up to detective. Eventually she transferred over to Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia for their narcotics unit.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev Charged with Ransomware Attacks
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Russian National Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev Charged with Ransomware Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure Ransomware Attacks Against Law Enforcement Agencies in Washington, D.C. and New Jersey, As Well As Other Victims Worldwide; U.S. Department of State Offers Reward Up to $10M (STL.News) The Justice Department yesterday unsealed two indictments charging a Russian national and resident with using three different ransomware variants to attack numerous victims throughout the United States, including law enforcement agencies in Washington, D.C. and New Jersey, as well as victims in healthcare and other sectors nationwide. According to the indictment obtained in the District of New Jersey, from at least as early as 2020, Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev, aka Wazawaka, aka m1x, aka Boriselcin, aka Uhodiransomwar, allegedly participated in conspiracies to deploy three ransomware variants.  These variants are known as LockBit, Babuk, and Hive, and Matveev transmitted ransom demands in connection with each.  The perpetrators behind each of these variants, including Matveev, have allegedly used these types of ransomware to attack thousands of victims in the United States and around the world.  These victims include law enforcement and other government agencies, hospitals, and schools.  Total ransom demands allegedly made by the members of these three global ransomware campaigns to their victim's amount to as much as $400 million, while total victim ransom payments amount to as much as $200 million. "From his home base in Russia, Matveev allegedly used multiple ransomware variants to attack critical infrastructure around the world, including hospitals, government agencies, and victims in other sectors," said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department's Criminal Division. "These international crimes demand a coordinated response.  We will not relent in imposing consequences on the most egregious actors in the cybercrime ecosystem." On or about June 25, 2020, Matveev and his LockBit coconspirators allegedly deployed LockBit ransomware against a law enforcement agency in Passaic County, New Jersey.  Additionally, on or about May 27, 2022, Matveev and his Hive coconspirators allegedly deployed Hive against a nonprofit behavioral healthcare organization headquartered in Mercer County, New Jersey.  On April 26, 2021, Matveev and his Babuk coconspirators allegedly deployed Babuk against the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. "From Russia and hiding behind multiple aliases, Matveev is alleged to have used these ransomware strains to encrypt and hold hostage for ransom the data of numerous victims, including hospitals, schools, nonprofits, and law enforcement agencies, like the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C.," said U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger for the District of New Jersey.  "Thanks to the extraordinary investigative work of prosecutors from my office and our FBI partners, Matveev no longer hides in the shadows – we have publicly identified his criminal acts and charged him with multiple federal crimes.  Let today's charges be a reminder to cybercriminals everywhere – my office is devoted to combatting cybercrime and will spare no resources in bringing to justice those who use ransomware attacks to target victims." According to the indictment obtained in the District of Columbia, between April 21, 2021, and May 9, 2021, Matveev allegedly participated in conspiracies to deploy Babuk and to transmit a ransom demand.  Specifically, on April 26, 2021, Matveev and his Babuk co-conspirators allegedly deployed Babuk ransomware against the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., and then threatened to disclose sensitive information to the public unless a payment was made. "Data theft and extortion attempts by ransomware groups are corrosive, cynical attacks on key institutions and the good people behind them as they go about their business and serve the public," said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia.  "Whether these criminals target law enforcement, other government agencies, or private companies like health care providers, we will use every tool at our disposal to prosecute and punish such offenses.  Thanks to exceptional work by our partners here, we identified and charged this culprit." "The FBI is steadfast in our commitment to disrupting cybercriminals like Matveev," said Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran of the FBI's Cyber Division.  "The FBI will continue to impose costs on cyber adversaries through our joint collaboration with our private sector and international partners, and we will not tolerate these criminal acts against American citizens." The LockBit ransomware variant first appeared around January 2020.  LockBit actors have executed over 1,400 attacks against victims in the United States and around the world, issuing over $100 million in ransom demands and receiving over $75 million in ransom payments. The Babuk ransomware variant first appeared around December 2020.  Babuk actors executed over 65 attacks against victims in the United States and around the world, issuing over $49 million in ransom demands and receiving as much as $13 million in ransom payments. Since June 2021, the Hive ransomware group has targeted more than 1,400 victims around the world and received as much as $120 million in ransom payments. The LockBit, Babuk, and Hive ransomware variants operated in the same general manner: first, the ransomware actors would identify and unlawfully access vulnerable computer systems, sometimes through their own hacking, or by purchasing stolen access credentials from others.  Second, the actors would deploy the ransomware variant within the victim's computer system, allowing the actors to encrypt and steal data thereon.  Next, the actors would send a ransom note to the victim demanding a payment in exchange for decrypting the victim's data or refraining from sharing it publicly.  Finally, the ransomware actors would negotiate a ransom amount with each victim willing to pay.  If a victim did not pay, ransomware actors would often post that victim's data on a public website, often called a data leak site. Matveev is charged with conspiring to transmit ransom demands, conspiring to damage protected computers, and intentionally damaging protected computers.  If convicted, he faces over 20 years in prison. The FBI Newark Field Office's Cyber Crimes Task Force is investigating the case with valuable assistance from the Jersey City Police Department, New Jersey State Police, Newark IRS Criminal Investigation, and international partners from European Cyber Crime Centre of Europol, National Police Agency of Japan, Gendarmerie Nationale Cyberspace Command of France, National Crime Agency and South West Regional Organized Crime Unit of the United Kingdom, Kantonspolizei Zürich of Switzerland, High-Tech Crime Unit of the Dutch Police Services Agency of the Netherlands, Bundeskriminalamt and Landeskriminalamt of Germany, Mossos d'Esquadra Police Department of Spain, Norwegian Police Service of Norway, and Swedish Police Authority of Sweden. Trial Attorneys Jessica C. Peck, Benjamin Proctor, and Jorge Gonzalez of the Criminal Division's Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS); Assistant U.S. Attorneys Andrew M. Trombly and David E. Malagold for the District of New Jersey's Cybercrime Unit in Newark; and Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi for the District of Columbia's Fraud, Public Corruption, and Civil Rights Section are prosecuting the case. The FBI Tampa Field Office and Orlando Resident Agency, along with Assistant U.S. Attorney Chauncey Bratt for the Middle District of Florida and CCIPS Trial Attorneys Christen Gallagher and Alison Zitron, made critical contributions to the case.  The FBI Washington Field Office and Metropolitan Police Department also provided valuable assistance. The Justice Department's Office of International Affairs and National Security Division also provided significant assistance. Victims of LockBit, Babuk, or Hive ransomware should contact their local FBI field office for further information.  For additional information on ransomware, including the LockBit, Babuk, and Hive variants, please visit StopRansomware.gov. Additionally, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today announced that it is designating the defendant for his role in launching ransomware attacks against U.S. law enforcement, businesses, and critical infrastructure. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice Read the full article
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