#Moegi or delta?
lazyenemygladiator · 7 months
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kyriolex · 7 months
Boruto Chapter 4 Cliff Notes
Honestly? I feel like this has been one of the best chapters of the entire manga. The line work is clean, the fighting is easy to follow, and best of all, everyone takes actions that make sense for their character.
So Boruto uses Flying Thunder God technique to track Code to his secret lair. Honestly, Boruto learning Flying Thunder God is infinitely more exciting than his eternal vertigo attack.
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So Boruto teleports there, but the Ten-Tailed Beast is already gone. We then see someone who looks like a rabid Gollum with a starfish on his face. Apparently one of the trees from last chapter absorbed Bug, then created a Tree Clone of him.
Tree Bug is incredibly strong, so Boruto undoes Code's vertigo so they can team up. It's an incredibly stupid idea, but in-character for Boruto. However, Code just peaces out, saying his whole plan is to feed Boruto to a Divine Tree, so he has no reason to stop this.
We then see the line-up of other Tree Clones:
Toupee Man (it's unclear whether he has Jigen's consciousness or Isshiki's)
Pigtail Jester (Some people say she's Moegi, while others say she's the original Delta)
Mr. Ab Window (You won't see his face, but you will absolutely see his six-pack)
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Back in Konoha, Kawaki is reporting the situation to Shikamaru. He didn't see the frog in Boruto's collar, so he thinks Boruto was talking telepathically to someone in Konoha. Shikamaru then assures Kawaki that all telepathic conversations are monitored. I didn't realize Ino could psychically wiretap telepathy chats, but this is a ninja village, so it makes sense.
Sarada comes in and says the obvious: regardless of Boruto's motivations, everyone saw Code attack Konoha and Boruto chase Code off. Teaming up with Boruto to kill Code would be the tactically sound thing to do.
Kawaki refuses, saying Boruto must die because he's an Otsutsuki. Sarada points out that Kawaki is also an Otsutsuki, and Kawaki says he doesn't count because he's trying to kill all the other aliens.
Speaking of aliens, the Tree People can talk, and they are sassy. Before Code disappears, they take turns roasting him for giving the divine trees sentience. It's his own fault for making them human.
Outnumbered, Boruto follows his frog friend's advice and retreats. We then see Kashin Koji scold him for doing a reckless solo mission. Boruto apologizes. Then we see him apologizing to Sasuke, who is unconscious inside a tree.
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Yes, he was the mysterious Ab Window man. Absolutely nobody could have predicted that.
Honestly, the jokes write themselves.
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chidoroki · 3 years
Boruto EP212
aka: new doctor in town
Amado can just shutdown Delta like that with a simple phrase? Amazing.
Long time no see Moegi.
Amado encounters team 10 just as their sensei leaves, great.
Wait, is this when he places that bomb collar on Shikadai?
OH damn it, I hate how that’s the one thing I remembered!
Quick thinking of Inojin to relay the situation to Ino though.
See what happens when you leave for just a minute Moegi? Although I doubt she could’ve stopped Amado’s quick actions.
Sai pulling up with some back up too, but again, there’s not much they can do aside from listen to Amado’s demands. 
Ino putting in fine work allowing everyone to chat like this though.
Yeeaah, Shikamaru is pissed off.
Bro I didn’t even notice the other person in the room was Sasuke!!
“My motive? It’s quite simple. Right from the very beginning, I was created to kill you.” Oh boy, Koji about to go head to head with Jigen?
Preview thoughts:
Yup, here comes their fight. Kinda cheap that Koji chooses now to fight Jigen while he’s still recovering but hey, take any advantage you can against this guy.
And Amado’s interrogation continues. But y’all better speed it up, Shikadai only has 48 hours til that collar goes boom.
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