#Monster Hunter Ecology
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a caring Father!
just a art of a Male Fulgur Anjanath feeding his babies nothing special i just love making ecology arts, the juveniles while its not noticeable cause im shitty at drawing but they are obviously inpsired by Juvenile T rexes having a thinner body longers arms and longer legs much more build for speed compare to the bulky adults!
im happy with how it looks and i always enjoy drawing my all time favorite monster! if you have any thoughts on it you can reply your thoughts down here!
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Do you think Shara Isvalda and Gaismagorn often have fights?
These two are, if I'm not mistaken, the only two big monsters that live most of the time underground and although I don't think they feed on the same. Shara feeds on bioenergy and Gaismagorn uses the Qurio to absorb nutrients (not sure about this)
I forgot Kulve Taroth, she also lives underground, so I guess they had fights too.
Although maybe not because they don't live on the same continent. Apart from Kulve and Shara.
I would like to theorize that Gaismagorm is technically a Deep Sea Elder Dragon, not an Underground Elder Dragon given its dens location. It's probably best to explain how bioenergy and dragon energy work to explain the feeding methods of both Shara Ishvalda, Gaismagorm and the beginnings of Xeno Jiiva.
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Bioenergy (or dragon energy) is everywhere, in the water, in the earth and in the air we breathe. It flows throughout the world. Xeno'Jiiva are born when this energy coalesces in one spot like a whirlpool. Shara Ishvalda meanwhile are drawn to the natural flow of this energy so they move with the flow of the bio energy underground and take root where it is most prevalent at the time. These two instances often occur after a large elder dragon has died.
Gaismagorm is a different beast.
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Gaismagorm was, and possibly still is, an ambush predator for deep sea elder dragons. Instead of supping on bioenergy - it sends out scouts of a sort in waves that we have grown to know as:
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The Qurio. A relatively simple life-form in the shape of a fish that could flutter around with bright colouration to lure prey. One could say that they are actually the closest in biology to a Xeno'Jiiva, as both are comprised of bioenergy.
The Qurio were Gaismagorm's lure for elder dragons like Ceadeus; a means of attracting these dragons to the cave of Gaismagorm so that the dreaded devil could grab them with its great arms and pull them into its lair to feast.
But over time, creatures tend to get wise to one's tricks, so it's a question of adapt or die. So the Qurio became parasitic leeches that would drain bioenergy from other elder dragons to give to Gaismagorm. They grew more complex, powered by Gaismagorm to find and hunt down prey instead of just luring it. But seas can run empty, and when they do - new sources must be acquired. So the Qurio began to fly. Thus began the plague on air and land.
...and how they found the species of Elder Dragon called Malzeno.
Unlike most other monsters, Malzeno were not drained but instead gained a symbiotic relationship with the Qurio, essentially leeching Gaismagorms' bio energy for themselves through the Qurio.
However, I am getting off topic.
You want to know if Gaismagorm and Shara Ishvalda fight and how often. I would say no.
Shara Ishvalda prefer arid areas and mountains, whereas Gaismagorm is going to be underground under entire oceans and seas. The two simply would not meet unless there was a large source of bioenergy between their individual biomes that was too irresistible for either to ignore.
-Leo Briarworth
To piggyback off of Leo's theory, it could be surmised that the Qurio started out as single-celled organisms during the time that Gaismagorm as a species dwelled in oceanic trenches, where light can't easily penetrate except in very specific forms and down to a certain depth. You see, taking a close look at the Qurio themselves, they give off a peculiar red glow. It's something that we can pick up on easily at a glance, something that monsters can see and follow above the ocean's depths... but past around 4.6 meters below the surface, red light begins to be absorbed as light waves are scattered.
In the deep ocean, there are creatures that use light to hunt, luring prey with a nice, shiny promise of food that sometimes glows to scare off smaller, less capable predators. In this same vein, light can be shown on prey that most creatures wouldn't be able to detect otherwise. It isn't too much of a stretch to assume that this same principle was followed before Gaismagorm eventually made the transition from sea to land, when the Qurio were still parasites that fed on Gaismagorm and the nutrients it processed as it, too, fed.
Eventually, in time immemorial, though... something changed. Gaismagorm as a species grew and their prey didn't, so they continued to adapt, and so did their parasites to this ever-changing biome whilst they worked their way up the food chain. Eventually, fish and other creatures that lived in the ocean just weren't enough, so the species both had to broaden their horizons or die. Fins became legs, legs became wings, gills that filtered oxygen from the water became lungs and vents to expel waste and excess, unusable energy.
It could be assumed that they were out-competed in the air, so then they adapted to food they could reach without expending so much energy. Once aquatic, then aerial, then subterranean... it's a massive leap and seemingly a step backward evolutionarily, but the structure of Gaismagorm's larger pair of arms suggests that they were once wings and simply evolved into powerful limbs, too heavy for flight but perfect for tunneling through solid earth and stone. Down in giant tunnels, they didn't need powerful hind legs for taking to the skies, so those became vestigial, Gaismagorm's eyes shrank as an adaptation to low-light conditions, and the Qurio, their parasites... developed wings from fins used to swim through water and their host's innards.
We might never know what led Gaismagorm to start creating exit points in the ground for the Qurio to find their way out and feed, but somewhere down the line, the behavior was sparked and a new pattern of hunting was born. Gaismagorm, too large to easily leave their tunnels, had to find food somehow, so they began to rely on the Qurio, which in turn began to treat their host as a hive. They began to leave its body, taking to the skies, hunting down and draining precious lifeblood from monsters up topside, then returning to Gaismagorm to feed it what they'd stolen.
From there, the Gaismagorm could (and can) process the blood into something that the Qurio can eat--a form of energy expelled by the elder dragon, a waste product, pure and filtered down into everything that it can't use but they can.
In the simplest of terms, think of the Qurio as Bnahabra or Vespoids, feeding their larvae meat so that they can create a protein-rich slurry that they can actually digest. It's the same principle; both species rely entirely on each other to survive.
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robocatfan · 2 years
Honestly for me the the charm of Monster hunter monsters is that they are mostly grounded and are part of the environment like real animals, yet at the same time most of them have traits that are so over the top (like, you know, having explosive slime on their bodies, inflating themselves, having SWORD TAILS, basically going super saiyan, amongst other things) that can border until being considered “unrealistic”.
AND YET they still have some in- universe reason for those things, that while not always totally logical at least makes enough sense so that while yes, having a samurai tiger who can create flames out of the gas created from eating and an almost literal rocket dragon may be too far fetched or too over the top, it means that as long as there is an explanation for WHY that happens, one can get away with that and much more.
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mhecologistemerald · 1 year
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Subject: Tetsucabra
Order: Caudata
Suborder: Demon Frog
Family: Cabra
Tetsucabra are amphibians that can be found in a wide range of habitats, such as the Jurassic Frontier, Sunken/Volcanic Hollow, the Everwood, the Desert, the Frozen Seaway, and the Deserted Island. As with most frogs, Tetsucabra are carnivorous, preying on anything smaller than it. Due to their large size and resilient armor, Tetsucabra only need to worry about competition with other large monsters. Even though Tetsucabra are frogs (Anura), they are still categorized in the order Caudata, which is the order for salamanders. This is likely to make it easier to organize the general monster hunter phylogeny, which puts Zamtrios (Monster Shark) and Tetranadon (Kappa Frog) as the closest relatives to the Tetsucabra. An interesting thing to note about Tetsucabra is their life cycle and parental care. Essentially, the male will dig a hole to impress the female, the female will then lay her eggs in the hole, which the male will quickly fertilize. Once the eggs are fertilized, the male will carry them in his mouth, and will not eat anything until the offspring are fully developed. While it is not uncommon for frogs to protect and care for their offspring, the interesting part is the fact that Tetsucabra seem to exhibit a phenomenon akin to gastric-brooding frogs, an extinct species of frogs that were over-harvested for medicinal studies. Gastric-brooding frogs were cool because the females would swallow their eggs, which allowed her offspring to develop in her stomach until they were mature enough to leave. As for Tetsucabra, the males seem to exhibit this mechanism. Some other adaptations in Tetsucabra include camouflage in the form of scales, oil to conserve heat, tusks for moving boulders, spitball projectiles to drain stamina of prey, and an inflatable tail to aid with balance. Tetsucabra appear to have one variant and one deviant, which are Berserk Tetsucabra and Drilltusk Tetsucabra respectively. 
This concludes a brief overview of the monster Tetsucabra. Thanks for reading!
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Let's continue on with a crash course on
Flying wyverns
Flying wyverns are the most diverse and widespread of the wyverns and were among many of the first monsters classified by the guild and more are constantly being found.
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The most basic form of flying wyvern is best shown by the rathalos.
These types of flying wyverns gave the group their name. Known for being exceptional flyers, rathalos himself being known as the king of the skies, they most often hunt from the air.
Though they're not always large predators, scale bats of the new world hunt insects at night and diablos are herbivores.
Overall, this body plan is shown to be very successful and is seen in many bird wyverns alongside flying wyverns.
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This success made creatures like tigrex an anomaly when he was discovered, but research revealed some interesting details about flying wyvern evolution.
Flying wyverns actually evolved from quadrupeds that were exceptional runners, like tigrex. Evolving from a theorized common ancestor in wyvern rex, which tigrex shares many similarities with.
These flying wyverns are still represented today and have been shown to be very adaptable, from barioth in icy tundras to nargacuga in dense jungles.
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Finally we have the distantly related giants like akantor.
These monsters are thought to be very ancient, living during the height of the elder dragons and competing with them at their peak.
While technically flying wyverns they are only very distantly related to most other flying wyverns and you'd have to go pretty far back in their evolutionary tree to find the common link.
And there was the crash course on flying wyverns, thank you.
Tiberius Sharp
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justmeclaw · 6 months
Breath Of Iré, Wind Serpent Ibushi ESPAÑOL LATINO
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unknownsymbol367 · 11 months
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I swear, sometimes the most amazing things come at the most unexpected times and places.
Disclaimer: Not my comment, credit goes to the commenter located in "THE WORST SUPER RISEN - Special Investigation - Pro & Noob vs Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!" on youtube.
Here's the Video in question:
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biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
Monster hunter be like:
Huh what? Yeah no i dont care about whatever plot you’re tryin to whip up here idk whats goin on just show me godzilla and let me poke him with a stick
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Trying to make sense of WOF tribes: Rainwings
(click image for better quality)
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iamthekaijuking · 2 months
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As a late celebration of the 20th Anniversary of monhun, I decided to update my skulls of the Raths
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Great Boggi!
A Larger more robust Boggi with more feather covering larger ears and larger upper fangs, thats pretty much it!
I made this purely for fun and speculation on how a Great Boggi would look like plus i just love this funni goofy ahh goblin Noasaur (yes i think its some kind of Noasaur)
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Leo has me on fieldwork again, despite everything. I'm glad to be out of the house.
We've been tracking some interesting leads and following a few species that aren't present in other regions. The great news is that we're making steady progress in helping to understand how everything fits into the ecosystems within Kamura and Elgado; there's a lot of convergent evolution between species here within the Old World and the New World, as well as some species that we thought were only endemic to the New World being native to Kamura (such as Jagras, though… it should be noted that the variants here seem to lack a definitive leader or "alpha", as it were). We've also not had too many cases to rehabilitate and release, but there are a few that we could write about because their circumstances are/were so unique.
The good news? We're also making strides in understanding how a number of elder dragons, despite the Guild's concerns, might actually be fitting in here, even if they're increasingly uncommon. There are a few… outliers… but we have a number of reports that we'll be posting in due time once we finalize them.
The bad news is that we've had some worrying reports of folks anthropomorphizing monsters in such a way that it's putting monsters themselves in danger. We've talked about it at length before, but… here in Kamura, where mythology and fairy tails seem to be running rampant, it's much more of a prevalent issue than it was in the other villages we've worked in. The worst news is that I haven't gotten better. The opposite's true, in fact. I haven't been drinking as much and Leo's had a sharp eye on me since last we updated, so I haven't been able to test further theories on drinking elder dragon blood to mitigate the effects of this… affliction? I guess you'd call it? I don't know. Whatever the case, I feel like garbage most of the time, constant aches and chills, like a cold that just won't leave. Fighting helps, keeps blood flowing, and I can ignore my problems for a while when I'm let loose on a hunt. I've even picked up dual blades again, which… I haven't used these in years. Just your standard motorized steel, nothing fancy, gets the job done.
Under Leo's tutelage, I've learned a few new tricks. Maybe soon we'll be back on bigger jobs again. I'm eager to put these new moves to the test.
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kobbers · 9 months
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Rathalaugust 2023 (catchup) day 21: Fulgur Anjanath
I combined my love of Anjanath chilling with its sail up with the apparent lore that the babies are fully feathered (before they lose much of it as adults).
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robocatfan · 2 years
Gogmazios vs Gaismagorm
(Aka me gushing about the probable relationship between this two because why not-)
Ah yes. Gogmazios and Gaismagorm. Two very powerful (and terrifying) elder dragons. And we know exactly what many want these two to do: FIGHT!
Of course, it’s very likely we will never get to see that. But we can still speculate based on what we know of them so far, what could happen if this two did meet.
Knowing that both monsters live underground (in Gog’s case it’s just temporarily until it’s hungry) it’s very likely they would cross paths occasionally. However that doesn’t necessarily mean that they would conflict with eachother often if they don’t have any reason to. After all, they are animals that, while likely smarter than other monsters, still follow their instincts.
Of course, we have to ask: what reason would make them fight in the first place?
An option that can be easily eliminated is food. Gogmazios eats sulfur, while Gaismagorm uses the Quiro to suck the energy of other monsters for itself. Their diets wouldn’t be affected by the presence of the other. Of course, one can make the argument that a Gaismagorm would try to use the Quiro to suck Gogmazios’ energy, but there is one big problem: The tar.
That thing covers every inch of that elder’s body, and it’s a very sticky substance. If the Quiro tried to attack it, they would get stuck in the substance and end up suffocating or being unable to fly. That means that if Gais tries that strategy it would only end up loosing too much of its Quiro, so it very likely doesn’t even try to prey on Gog knowing that the risk of doing so isn’t worth it.
But, there is one thing they somewhat share: territories. Gaismagorm spends most of its time moving underground. Gogmazios does so as well, although it doesn’t move as much as it hibernates in it. So, if these two found itself in the same area, they wouldn’t be happy of eachother’s presence.
In Gogmazios’ case, it very likely wouldn’t want to have another giant monster in the same place as it is sleeping, since it can attack it while it’s vulnerable and it very likely would slow it down when it’s starving and searching for food
In Gaismagorm’s case, Gogmazios would almost certainly scare its food source and it’s tar could kill its Quiro very easily. And, if it is as territorial as many other monsters in the games, it would likely not appreciate having its hunting grounds used as a bed by another elder.
So, now that they have a very good reason to not want one in the same place as the other, what would happen? who would win?
Well, there are a few thinks that give each one an advantage and disadvantage over the other:
Gaismagorm has very powerful forelimbs it can use to grab foes and claw at them, but it’s hindlegs, although strong enough to support its body, are pretty much pathetic at moving at high speeds. And while it has is Quiro to create attacks, as said before they could not pass that tar. It could grapple Gog easily, but it can’t use its Quiro to attack it.
Gogmazios also has powerful forelimbs (and wings!) and unlike Gaismagorm its legs are developed enough so it can actually run and move faster than one might think. That combined with its tar makes it a dragon that is difficult to approach without getting hindered by the sustance.
Overall Gaismagorm seems more physically powerful than Gog and could pin it down to attack it , but Gogmazios would very likely manage to avoid many of its physical attacks and attack more rapidly since it can move better in the surface than the other.
But if there is one factor I consider crucial in deciding who would win over the other, it’s the fire and tar Gaismagorm can set its body ablaze and one of Gogmazios’s beams it’s one of fire as well, but it has another one that uses the substance covering its body
So, for me, the winner would be who could use their element to damage the other faster.
Tar is a very inflamable material, so if Gaismagorm managed it to set it ablaze it could easily hurt Gog and if that manages to leave part of its body exposed it can have an opportunity to use its Quiro to feed on it while it’s vulnerable.
But on the other hand, if Gogmazios managed to cover Gaismagorm on that same tar, it’s Quiro wouldn’t be able to give any energy to their host and leave it weakened enough for Gogmazios to attack more precisely.
Overall I find it very interesting to think how a monster’s respective powers could help them beat another enemy, or instead give them a big disadvantage over them.
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poorly-drawn-monhun · 7 months
any encounters with the nargacuga?
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there Was the time back when Frosting was with the commission and researching monsters
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mossymandibles · 1 year
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Serkan emerging from a steamy hot springs dip.
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