placeholderforwinter · 10 months
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zeydaan-isabella · 10 months
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Afflicted Zuko
Artfight attack for Wanderingman of Zuko the Espinas looming in front of their new master, Malzeno.
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Do you think Shara Isvalda and Gaismagorn often have fights?
These two are, if I'm not mistaken, the only two big monsters that live most of the time underground and although I don't think they feed on the same. Shara feeds on bioenergy and Gaismagorn uses the Qurio to absorb nutrients (not sure about this)
I forgot Kulve Taroth, she also lives underground, so I guess they had fights too.
Although maybe not because they don't live on the same continent. Apart from Kulve and Shara.
I would like to theorize that Gaismagorm is technically a Deep Sea Elder Dragon, not an Underground Elder Dragon given its dens location. It's probably best to explain how bioenergy and dragon energy work to explain the feeding methods of both Shara Ishvalda, Gaismagorm and the beginnings of Xeno Jiiva.
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Bioenergy (or dragon energy) is everywhere, in the water, in the earth and in the air we breathe. It flows throughout the world. Xeno'Jiiva are born when this energy coalesces in one spot like a whirlpool. Shara Ishvalda meanwhile are drawn to the natural flow of this energy so they move with the flow of the bio energy underground and take root where it is most prevalent at the time. These two instances often occur after a large elder dragon has died.
Gaismagorm is a different beast.
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Gaismagorm was, and possibly still is, an ambush predator for deep sea elder dragons. Instead of supping on bioenergy - it sends out scouts of a sort in waves that we have grown to know as:
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The Qurio. A relatively simple life-form in the shape of a fish that could flutter around with bright colouration to lure prey. One could say that they are actually the closest in biology to a Xeno'Jiiva, as both are comprised of bioenergy.
The Qurio were Gaismagorm's lure for elder dragons like Ceadeus; a means of attracting these dragons to the cave of Gaismagorm so that the dreaded devil could grab them with its great arms and pull them into its lair to feast.
But over time, creatures tend to get wise to one's tricks, so it's a question of adapt or die. So the Qurio became parasitic leeches that would drain bioenergy from other elder dragons to give to Gaismagorm. They grew more complex, powered by Gaismagorm to find and hunt down prey instead of just luring it. But seas can run empty, and when they do - new sources must be acquired. So the Qurio began to fly. Thus began the plague on air and land.
...and how they found the species of Elder Dragon called Malzeno.
Unlike most other monsters, Malzeno were not drained but instead gained a symbiotic relationship with the Qurio, essentially leeching Gaismagorms' bio energy for themselves through the Qurio.
However, I am getting off topic.
You want to know if Gaismagorm and Shara Ishvalda fight and how often. I would say no.
Shara Ishvalda prefer arid areas and mountains, whereas Gaismagorm is going to be underground under entire oceans and seas. The two simply would not meet unless there was a large source of bioenergy between their individual biomes that was too irresistible for either to ignore.
-Leo Briarworth
To piggyback off of Leo's theory, it could be surmised that the Qurio started out as single-celled organisms during the time that Gaismagorm as a species dwelled in oceanic trenches, where light can't easily penetrate except in very specific forms and down to a certain depth. You see, taking a close look at the Qurio themselves, they give off a peculiar red glow. It's something that we can pick up on easily at a glance, something that monsters can see and follow above the ocean's depths... but past around 4.6 meters below the surface, red light begins to be absorbed as light waves are scattered.
In the deep ocean, there are creatures that use light to hunt, luring prey with a nice, shiny promise of food that sometimes glows to scare off smaller, less capable predators. In this same vein, light can be shown on prey that most creatures wouldn't be able to detect otherwise. It isn't too much of a stretch to assume that this same principle was followed before Gaismagorm eventually made the transition from sea to land, when the Qurio were still parasites that fed on Gaismagorm and the nutrients it processed as it, too, fed.
Eventually, in time immemorial, though... something changed. Gaismagorm as a species grew and their prey didn't, so they continued to adapt, and so did their parasites to this ever-changing biome whilst they worked their way up the food chain. Eventually, fish and other creatures that lived in the ocean just weren't enough, so the species both had to broaden their horizons or die. Fins became legs, legs became wings, gills that filtered oxygen from the water became lungs and vents to expel waste and excess, unusable energy.
It could be assumed that they were out-competed in the air, so then they adapted to food they could reach without expending so much energy. Once aquatic, then aerial, then subterranean... it's a massive leap and seemingly a step backward evolutionarily, but the structure of Gaismagorm's larger pair of arms suggests that they were once wings and simply evolved into powerful limbs, too heavy for flight but perfect for tunneling through solid earth and stone. Down in giant tunnels, they didn't need powerful hind legs for taking to the skies, so those became vestigial, Gaismagorm's eyes shrank as an adaptation to low-light conditions, and the Qurio, their parasites... developed wings from fins used to swim through water and their host's innards.
We might never know what led Gaismagorm to start creating exit points in the ground for the Qurio to find their way out and feed, but somewhere down the line, the behavior was sparked and a new pattern of hunting was born. Gaismagorm, too large to easily leave their tunnels, had to find food somehow, so they began to rely on the Qurio, which in turn began to treat their host as a hive. They began to leave its body, taking to the skies, hunting down and draining precious lifeblood from monsters up topside, then returning to Gaismagorm to feed it what they'd stolen.
From there, the Gaismagorm could (and can) process the blood into something that the Qurio can eat--a form of energy expelled by the elder dragon, a waste product, pure and filtered down into everything that it can't use but they can.
In the simplest of terms, think of the Qurio as Bnahabra or Vespoids, feeding their larvae meat so that they can create a protein-rich slurry that they can actually digest. It's the same principle; both species rely entirely on each other to survive.
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krmoaten-blog · 11 months
Couple Days late but I got some work and pieces done for UHC's latest video on the Qurio
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I'll be working on some stuff for UHC's next monster hunter video, but I'm off his schedule for the next month, not all pieces shown here made it into the vid as it was more focused on Gaismagorm theory crafting and the underground world of monster hunter and what Gaismagorm implies for such a world along with Shara and Kulve.
I'll be using some some new techniques I learned for scaling
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unknownsymbol367 · 1 year
MH X Zelda AU
So, just saw Primordial Malzeno (haven't actually fought it due to controller drift souring the playing mood) and I thought: Hmmm... this might make ganondorf more reasonable to be in MH as a monster from that series (kind of like the unique monsters in Xenoblade).
To start off:
Demise - The first Gaismagorm to ever appear
Demise's curse - the Qurio
Ganondorf - Malzeno
Ganon - every Gaismagorm that came after Demise
I don't know whether or not to make the spirit of the hero and the blood of the goddess, who are destined to fight Ganon hunters or monsters? Maybe make them differ for every incarnation?
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phobiaexists · 8 months
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Doodles for a primordial malzeno OC (kinda-technically two) I’m making because I drew PriMal with eyespot patterns on their wings awhile back and you fucking bet I’m making a PriMal OC with those patterns
Young rookie who thinks he’s cool and likes to occasionally sneak out to spar and hang out with the knights and humans from Elgado. It’s actually kind of become a thing for him to help “train” certain knights in fighting larger, faster monsters/elder dragons (even if for at least malzeno standards he’s far from the most experienced)
He likes learning about and indulging in human foods and customs (or at least tries to), much to his mentor’s disapproval
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scalproie · 1 year
"Nobody cares about the plot" stfu the Silver Knight is fighting off the corruption of the devil's gift with the help of the children of the people he once served and betrayed against his will ages ago
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symskellet · 1 year
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Me and my parasite friend when its chilling on top a a filtered in game screenshot
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
So what are the Nocturnal Hunters Guild AU version of the NDA gang like besides Yakou (unless you want to talk about post-exile Yakou as well)?
I'll give some tidbits on the guild members, which includes the train group since they live in this AU! Well, all except for Zilch technically. There's only one Zilch in this AU and that's Yomi's right hand man. All the hunters were brought in overseas from other continents to aid Yakou with the growing Qurio-infested monster problem spreading across Amaterasu Kingdom and its surrounding territories, threatening to destroy the entire continent's ecosystem.
Yuma is a brand new hunter accepted onto the guild after losing his memories due to the Rampage a few years prior. Despite his inexperience, he's proven himself to be a reliable ally that works best in teams to provide support, even if it just leads him to becoming bait.
Aphex grew up in a family of highly renowned researchers, but after the Rampage tore their home apart, he barely escaped as the sole survivor, his parents savagely mauled by monsters. After those horrid events, he trained in the great sword and hunts to avenge his parents' untimely deaths. Enjoying the thrill of the hunt and unafraid to train his fellow hunters the hard way, he finds a new place to call home in the guild.
Zange is a retired commander of Amaterasu Kingdom's calvary, kicked out after he expressed distaste for the new ruthless rulers. He specializes in the lance. Despite his age, he still can be a heavy-hitter, since his wisdom from running the guard never faded.
Pucci is a quiet handler who surveys the biome for danger before hunters are sent out on missions. Her work is underappreciated by the majority, but she doesn't care much for any attention put on her.
Melami is a smithy focused on her talent for creating armor sure to catch the eye of any hunter. However, rumor has it her creations are haunted by the spirits of dead monsters, bringing out fierce tempers from anyone who wears them.
Halara has a knack for remembering a monster’s past attacks in order to predict them during a hunt. They require a high price for their assistance with quests, but they're still greatly sought after. However, they’re prone to losing their calm composure and get embarrassed when they're being out-performed by other hunters.
Desuhiko can be a little in over his head with his ceaseless yearning for fame and glory as a legendary hunter, so he's got a long way to go. Some argue he's a better hunting horn player than a hunter. Nobody can complain about his hearty buffs to the team, though.
Fubuki belongs to an upstanding family of blacksmiths who are well known for their ornate designs in armor and weaponry. Fubuki longs for a life of adventure, so she goes out on hunts frequently to test out her skills with her light bowgun made just for her. She tends to mistake monsters for many different things which can get her in troubling situations, but she's swift to slip out of a monster's grasp.
No one believes Vivia to be a good hunter due to him being constantly tired. On the contrary, he's got an eagle eye for weak points in monsters since he performs autopsies on monsters and memorizes the most common causes of death from weapon wounds. However, he's one of the few hunters who despises hunting unless there's no other option. He sympathizes with these beautifully dangerous beasts, which many hunters don't quite understand.
Before exile, Yakou worked as a quest receptionist who secretly ventured on hunts to carry out unwanted quests. Some of his experience as a receptionist still shows when handing out assignments to the hunters in his guild. He can be pretty picky about who goes out on what quests, which usually leads to none of his advice being followed by the more rambunctious adults. He prefers not to pick fights with the kingdom and remain in hiding, but there's an ache to restore the kingdom to its true former glory that never fades.
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raitrolling · 10 days
📋 for Ariete? :0
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Age: 11.5 solar sweeps / ~24 years
Height: 5'1
Carrying: All sorts of tiny antique trinkets in her pockets, and also keeps a bag of gold stolen from her lusus' hoard in her modus
Last thought of: How annoying it was that someone outbid her on an old jewellery box at the auction house! Ugh!!
Current Job: Owner of the 'Qurioe's Quriosities' museum
Main Goal: To be loved attract more attention to her museum and acquire new objects to display within it
Favorite Item: a gold eighteenth-century ring that resembles a dragon
Love Anyone?: none
Pale For?: none
Ashen With?: none
Hate Anyone?: none
If you could do one thing right now, it would be: Close up her museum early tonight so she can prepare for a weekend trip exploring an old (troll equivalent of) Welsh ruined castle
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saintadeline · 1 year
Thinking about vampire Fiorayne has me feeling some kind of way
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vixlenxe · 2 months
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luvsavos · 1 year
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vul decides quite quickly after meeting lokzii that she likes him. unfortunately she's not particularly good at expressing herself in normal ways
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amygdala-suzanna · 1 year
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Gazma's Folly
An abandoned swamp village built in the trees, undergoing a magical radioactive meltdown type situation, where rampant magical energy flows through this swamp now that it has become overwhelmingly powerful and disconnected from proper usage, mutating any living things that linger for too long. This magical energy that once provided plentiful power for the people of the swamp village actually originates from the long-dead body of a colossal arcane creature, known to have weaved spells that transformed life around it in ancient times. The trees of this swamp, as their roots have dug deep underground to the creature’s body, have used this magic responsibly to defend themselves for ages. The magic flowing through this town now persists as a curse upon the people for desecrating the creature’s grave in search of power, transforming wild animals and residents that remain into monsters that render the environment inhospitable to people, and even the trees are now spurned to protect this gash in the earth from leaking out more magical energy.
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bloodswaxe · 11 months
Primordial Malzeno was one of the most interesting monsters for me. Mostly because it hit like a fucking truck but it just had a vibe y'know?
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kulvefaggoth · 1 year
things i want out of monster hunter 6 (or whatever they call the gen 6 main game) an incomplete list
At least one new weapon type
High mobility but no clutch claw/wirebug nonsense
Spiribirds and Magnamalo burning in hell
Shagaru, Malzeno and Kulve come back
More insect-based monsters. Give me a moth dragon you cowards
I'm begging on hands and knees that you guys don't go back to ugly ass art direction y'all had with base world gear PLEASE don't make me wait until the expansion for good looking gear.
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