#Muse: Kokichi
starlitwishes · 2 years
Alright Kokichi, spill it: who out of the minions on this blog would you recruit to DICE? You can only choose one
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"Nee-heehee, that's a no brainer! Either Venti or Evan. I'd get them both, because they're so gay they're practically glued at the hip."
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"Thooough, if I really had to only pick just one... Hmm, it'll still definitely be between those two. Evan I know a bit better personally and he's quite the strategist--he's even beaten me at chess a few times! But Venti... I can't shake the feeling that he's the kind of guy I can't ignore. Something about him is super weird... That other guy, he's pretty suspect too, and in a similar way, but he also doesn't give me the same vibe that he's important to keep an eye on, you know? So yeah. Between those two."
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 3 months
No one talks about the Chapter 1 FTE's with protag Kaede and thats a real shame, some highlights from each person
Shuichi talks about climbing mountains and swimming upstream to find a missing pet alligator
Kirumi gets warned if she doesnt stop spoiling people will call her mom, truly a prophecy ignored to Kirumi's detriment
Kaito offers to get her forged paperwork like he did if she wants to be an astronaut and also wants to learn piano to communicate with aliens
Angie has a horrible nightmare after Kaede's music puts her to sleep where she cries out in terror for something to stop and about how theres not enough blood and then completely plays it off when she wakes back up
Himiko accuses Kaede of being a lesbian
Ryoma got to talk about cats for a whole free time event good for him
Maki just straight up makes a pedo joke at Kaede when she mentions how a caregiver has to love children
Rantaro calls Miu a top
Tenko cannot take a compliment in the slightest
Gonta reveals how he sleeps nude
Tsumugi wont stop saying things like fiction
Kokichi reveals he can speak multiple languages
Korekiyo gets mad when Kaede asks if he has a sister complex
Miu wont shut up about tits
Kiibo has a fucking shut down button and Kaede just has no goddamn impulse control and shut him off for like a solid minute?? Kiibo gets her back though by calling her mom
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Your Supreme Leader Returns!
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As the camera flickers to life, a young man sits before you in a hospital bed with some bandages wrapped around his hands, wrists, and neck, and some gauze padded over his cheek.
He takes a deep breath before speaking to you, eyes beginning to well with tears.
"H-Hi, everyone! I'm... Kokichi Ouma... um... I was on Danganronpa! I think that's how most people know me... Ah... S-Sorry. I just woke up, so I'm still adjusting... Um, forgive me if I mess up! I'm having some difficulty seeing properly and I don't always hear everything right... So as much as I don't deserve it, please... be patient with me. Gosh, this is harder than I imagined..."
He looks somewhere off-screen, closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then looks back at you with determination.
"Since I'm finally back, think you could gimme a promo? If... my group is real... I want it to reach them that I'm okay..."
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kokichi or Kotoko on any blog in any capacity, please DNI! TW: his mental state... isn't great. ))
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @kurokuma-gang @ultimate-aikido-master @ultimate-rider @im-not-your-mom-okay @sweetie-smith @japanese-ultimateautism @locallockerstalker @swimmer-babe-aoi @tsumugishirogone @maki-the-assassin @wafflebot-masters-redemption @ryoko-reblogs and anyone else!
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gluttonemporium · 22 hours
Instant Loss: Miu gets hungry and horny for her entire class, but right before she can begin her feast, Kokichi sneaks up behinds her and swallows her!
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"Hohoho, fuck-! I can hardly contain myself~!" Miu wriggled and writhed grossly from behind the classroom door, peering in at the bunch of people inside. "O-okay, I'm gonna eat you... you... definitely gonna fuckin' eat you-! Definitely gonna fuck you~! Ooh, too bad the pint-sized dipshit isn't there-"
Tug tug.
A few sharp tugs on her sleeve made the inventor look behind her.
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"Mornin' everyone!" Came the sing-song voice of the Ultimate Supreme Leader, waltzing into class like he owned the place. "Hey, anyone seen Miu around yet? I gotta talk to her about something..."
Everyone else was too flabbergasted to respond, because... Kokichi was clearly swinging Miu around in that fat gut of his. It was so huge and obvious, not a single one of them bought it! Even when he played it innocent all the way to his desk, and sat his butt down, he didn't acknowledge the horngry slut in his belly-
Yikes. Better luck next time, Miu.
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
alright drv3 i wanna go back to you time to hit up maki's ftes and other things
...oh also the golden hammer which i absolutely looked up what i'm supposed to do with it and have since...forgotten...mostly.
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yeonban · 3 months
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Kokichi was the funniest character in all of JJK
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rubberduckyrye · 3 months
You know I wonder if Kokichi was in a Genshin AU, if he would adopt Scaramouche/Wanderer.
Like obviously not while Scaramouche is incapable of accepting help (because he is powerful and violent) but like. Maybe in a weakened state, where he can be talked to and reasoned with.
I think with how violent and enraged Scaramouche is, it would be hard to get through to him. But, there's something in Kokichi what would compel him to try, so long as it didn't get him killed.
To him, Scaramouche is just another soul left behind by the world--one that desperately needs a guiding hand to help him out of the hell he got dragged into.
The question is--would he take that hand, or condemn it?
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hxpefulmuses · 5 months
[Bullet] (shuichi catching a bullet for kokichi)
"You're kidding right, Saihara-chan?" Kokichi thought all of it was a prank of some sort at first. Especially with how the Ultimate Detective had just been talking with him like normal.
"...Please, be joking." The Ultimate Supreme Leader could be a liar when he wanted to be, but right now he was giving an honest display of affection as Shuichi was knocked back on the floor and seemed to be bleeding out quickly.
He was wearing a smile as if just wearing one would magically get the dark-haired male to stand up again.
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He switched quickly to rage as he moved to support his hand underneath the detective as he lifted him slightly up off of the Gymnasium flooring.
"Why would you jump in front of a bullet meant for me of all damn people?! Are you stupid?!" In his upset he didn't have a filter at the moment.
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jcurneysend · 7 months
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"- If you're worried about not having a Halloween costume in time.."
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"Just go as a slutty vampire from Sesame street.."
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"..Because its the thot that counts."
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the-ultimate-muses · 8 months
@not-bcring liked for a trans kaz starter <3 (X)
Kazuichi thought that out of all the places in Hope's Peak, he might have been safe to undress in his own damn room, which might have been true if he hadn't recently flirted with befriended the school's resident gremlin. While he had been serious about his...desires, he had chickened out before he could follow through, since the only one who currently knew of his secret was Gundham, and how funny it was that whatever kind of relationship weird ass friends with benefits shit they had started almost exactly like this.
That he couldn't blame the breeder for, Gundham having seen the other man's dorm door slightly ajar one night after Kaz had stumbled back to his room in a half-asleep daze, only to open it in curiosity and be met with the shirtless mechanic struggling to get out of his binder. He was so sure Gundham had been weirded out, but he had been almost completely unphased beyond a widening of his eyes in surprise at the revelation. After that he had simply and innocently asked if Kazuichi needed help since he was struggling so, and it...had evolved from there, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
He couldn't see himself getting so lucky twice. If Kokichi didn't....if he was....Gundham had already shared a night with the little leader, would this ruin whatever they had started if Kokichi didn't...didn't approve of him?
No, that would mean Kazuichi meant something to Gundham enough so that he'd be upset should Kokichi be disgusted by such a thing. Kazuichi was an idiot, but he wasn't a fool....
"What the actual fuck Kokichi! You can't just- I'm getting changed!" Frozen like a deer in the headlights after hearing his door open, Kazuichi once again found himself struggling to get his binder off after wearing it for far too long. His chest hurt so badly from just that short bit of yelling, there was no doubt Kokichi could hear him wheezing from across the room. "Will you- Fuck, will you just say something already?!" Get it over with quickly, he wanted to beg. "And close the damn door!"
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wordswithoutcontext · 2 years
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starlitwishes · 2 years
A gift from the Monomono machine! You get... 102. Rock-Paper-Scissors Cards. Enjoy!
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A deck of cards from another world, huh? He looks at them, and he stares in awe. A rock paper scissors card deck, huh? Well, it certainly could be fun and interesting...
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Every day kokichi wakes up and is forced to rap against yet another tumblr sexyman
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not-bcring · 8 months
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"Kokichi; holder of my heart, tamer of darkness, melter of the dreaded ice; did you perhaps borrow one of my sweaters recently? This one, to be percise?" Ducked behind his scarf, Gundham pulled at the front of a black hoodie worn under his usual coat with his bandaged hand before letting the fabric go in a slow deflate as it reconfirmed to its typical baggy state. "And did you perhaps partake in a bit of mischief while wearing it? Such as the theft of someone's keys? Motorcycle keys, to be more exact?" Where was he going with this- //once again kokichi gets to face the consequences of his own actions uwu -  ✩   「 @the-ultimate-muses 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Kokichi is a notorious thief— allegedly notorious, since he’s never actually admitted to his crimes when cornered about them. Unless comedy required it, but even then he’s prone to flaunting his ill-gained trinket while still neglecting to outright say he ❛ stole ❜ it. Having spewed COUNTLESS confessions about fantastical heists that may-or-may-not have happened, people are more inclined to believe in what goes unsaid when it comes to the little troublemaker. So it’s not strange when he’s questioned about some missing keys… What is surprising is GUNDHAM being the one to mention it. Normally his boyfriends don’t so much as bat an eye to low-stakes shenanigans that don’t concern them.
Interest piqued with a near-missable tension in his shoulders, Kokichi buries the split-second of confusion by donning one of his best neutral masks. Perfect when either having some fun or putting up an instinctive barrier, Kokichi figures its vague purposes will help him stay ahead of whichever direction this conversation goes. Buttered up by sweet nicknames, a round-about method of inquiry, no discernible aggravation in his tone or body language…
Gundham doesn’t seem upset with him.
Then why does Kokichi’s stomach feel sour?
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❝ No. ❞ He bluntly chimes, covering all of Gundham’s questions with a blanket denial. However, despite his dry response, gaze is still focused upon his boyfriend. Widened, curious eyes silently urging Gundham to continue even if he’s being vocally dismissive. That taut ❛ no ❜ may as well be a yes as far as Kokichi is concerned and he feels confident that Gundham knows as much. They’re usually good at reading one another. No matter how difficult the two seem determined to make it be at times. 「 ☆ 」
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gluttonemporium · 1 day
Imagine, Shuichi trying to pull Kaede`s leg out, as the rest of her body is consumed by Kokichi`s navel effortlessly, constantly teasing both of them for how much they have to struggle while he can just sit back and watch that hole do the work~
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"Maaaan.... this is almost too easy..." Kokichi huffed, folding his arms behind his head and sighing dramatically - while two of his classmates battled against his hungry navel.
"You guys are super lucky I don't know how to try at this," He smarmed, although only Shuichi could hear his taunting. "If I had a way to speed this along, you'd both be history by now~."
Another wet sucking sound brought Kaede in up to her ankle, her muffled yelling tickling his deep pit of fat! With barely anything left for Shuichi to hold on to, time was running out...
"Hmm... maybe if I lubed it up beforehand? Warmed it up by stretching? That might help..."
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@not-bcring cont. from (X)
Perhaps Kazuichi shouldn’t be so surprised to hear the little leader’s voice ring through the kitchen so shortly after the cream filled explosion, his tone absolutly dripping with amusement. Body tensing at first out of fear he was going to get yelled at, it all seemed to melt away the moment he realized it was just Kokichi, which meant that-
“You did this on purpose!!” He didn’t know how, but he knew he was right, he could feel it. “You fucking asshole, I look like I was part of a goddamn bukkake!!” Like he wouldn’t enjoy it if he was. “I’m not cleaning shit! This is your fucking problem!” He was a bit irate, mostly to do with how sticky he now felt, but that was to be expected as he attempted to storm past Kokichi and to their Gundham’s room. “This is gonna be such a bitch to get out of my hair!” But less so than other things he’d come across...
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