trevlad-sounds · 3 months
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Intro 00:00
Depomelan-Catalyst 01:33
Lookout-for you 03:37
Polypores-Crystal Shop 06:25
Andrew Weatherall-Between Stations 09:34
Otik-Clairvoyant 15:21
Bruno Pernadas-Problem Number 6 22:47
Simon Mavin-Good Hair Day - Harvey Sutherland Remix 27:08
Amongst The Pigeons-Proximity Alert 31:24
Mythologen-Blackheath 36:14
Breakbot-Happy Rabbit 41:01
Oblong-Fast Radio Burst 43:53
Monochrome Echo-The Moving Ways 48:01
James Bernard-Atwater (AMX Remix) 52:36
Multicast-Ansico 55:46
µ-Ziq, Meemo Comma-1977 1:01:58
Drew Cohen-Bone 1:07:12
Outro 1:14:09
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6v-theblog · 2 years
TROUBLE IN PARADISE by Rasmus Svensson Via Flickr: New mixtape here: troublestroubles.blogspot.com/ Tracklisting: The Chant of the Barbarian Wolves – Satanic Warmaster Blue – Latour In Dark Trees – Brian Eno Powers of the Deep – Drexciya Ride – Ciara (Ludacris-unfeatured edit) Number One – R. Kelly (Die neue Mythologen mix) Conlang Relay 13 (Ring A) Wassila - Hamza Believe It – Lil' Chuckee برج خليفة – 2 Kiss me – Vedberg / Soulja Boy Satie 1 – Endorphin Bakerman – Laid back Moonshine – Dennis Wilson ALSO: Here is an older mix: www.mediafire.com/?fxtj3mdmlzh
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nofatclips-home · 2 years
Mythologen remix of the track Turn by I Break Horses
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mellamame · 5 years
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archivalshift · 5 years
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Mythologen July 2018
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More Than Human 213
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On tonight's really very full show future classics from Nathan Fake, Mythologen, High Plains, a new Khotin pseudonym, a glitch re-issue and some healthy satanic panic. Even Jeremy Piven asked for a request... Diabolic.
Now We Get Lost - The Golden Filter · Still // Alone Providence - Nathan Fake · Providence Dowlais Wheelie Crew - Wesley Matsell · Total Order of Being Ily - Mythologen · Mythologen The Left Hand Path (Disco) - Pentagram Home Video · The Satanic Path Fr3sh - Kareem Lotfy · Mono No Aware Blood That Ran the Rapids - High Plains · Cinderland Sun Runner - Waterpark · Waterpark Ascension - Travancore · Hidden Waves Vol 1 Do Dekor - Jan Jelinek · Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records Gone - Mythologen · Mythologen
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Höga Nord 100 - The Effect Will Last Forever - box set of 10 12″ EPs (or 40 digital tracks) from the Swedish home of chugging dance music
Höga Nord Rekords release no.100! Handmade box with embossing print made by Norrmalms Kartongfabrik. Including 10 x 12" releases: HNRUK001: Dark Strands - The Last Ride EP HNRUK002: Vox Low - Loving Hell EP HNRUK003: High Boys - World Dumbination EP HNRUK004: Timothy J. Fairpaly - Mindfighter EP HNRUK005: Fontän - The Convenanza Remixes HNRUK006: Bird Of Paradise - Smoking Holiday EP HNRUK007: Mythologen - Church Music HNRUK008: Jamie Paton Disk Memories HNRUK009: Frak - Ternary Fission EP HNRUK010: Birds - Solitary Dancers EP (Exclusive box set release!) All releases comes in limited UK sleeves. HNRUK010: Birds - Solitary Dancers EP is a EXCLUSIVE release for this box set. Woven patch and poster included Limited to 75 copies!                    
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futurenewsblog · 3 years
Kasermandl from out of space? Eine neue Publikation kombiniert Volkskunde und Ufologie und wirft Licht auf rätselhafte Phänomene im Alpenraum.
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Die alpine Sagenwelt wird von einer Vielzahl seltsamer Kreaturen bevölkert: mysteriöse Schnabelmenschen im Defreggental, Alber der feuerspeiende Flugdrache vom Reschenpass, Venediger-Mandln, die mittels sogenannter Bergspiegel ins Gestein blicken und nicht zuletzt das vielbesungene Kasermandl auf der Umbrüggler Alm, eine weitere kleinwüchsige Gestalt unbekannter Herkunft, in deren Umfeld anscheinend Raumzeit-Verkrümmungen stattfinden. Was steckt hinter diesen mysteriös-dubiosen Gestalten und Geschehnissen, wie sie der Volksmund überliefert? Handelt es sich um phantasievolle Märchen, um erzählerische Verarbeitungen einer gefahrvollen, unberechenbaren Umwelt oder verweisen sie auf vorchristliche Mythen oder ein kollektives Unterbewusstsein? Dr. Erwin Beutelschneider sieht das anders. Der Krypto-Mythologe am Institut für Exo-Ethnologie an der Bob Lazar Privatuniversität in Matrei am Brenner fordert, dass diese Überlieferungen endlich als historische Berichte ernst genommen werden. In seinem neuen Buch ALPINE ALIENS, das eben im Verlag Bauernfänger erschienenen ist, verknüpft Beutelschneider Volkskunde und Ufologie. Alles macht Sinn, wenn wir nur akzeptieren, das SIE schon seit geraumer Zeit unter uns sind. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet er dabei den Erzählungen rund um das Kasermandl auf der Umbrüggler Alm bei Innsbruck. Die Geschichte ist landläufig bekannt:
2 Kinder werden beim herbstlichen Feuerholzsuchen oberhalb von Hötting von einem frühen Schneefall überrascht und finden in der Umbrüggler Alm Unterschlupf. Dort bewirtet sie das Kasermandl mit einem ausnehmend wohlschmeckenden "Muas" (traditionelles, breiartiges Almgericht aus Schmalz, Mehl und Milch) worauf sie satt und zufrieden einschlafen. Am nächsten Morgen machen sie sich bei strahlendem Sonnenschein auf den Heimweg ins Tal. Fassungslos empfängt ihre von Sorgen und Selbstvorwürfen gezeichnete Mutter die Kinder. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie den ganzen Herbst und Winter abgängig waren. Inzwischen ist es Frühling und man hatte die Hoffnung auf ihre sichere Rückkehr bereits aufgegeben. Für die Kinder hingegen war nur eine Nacht vergangen ...
Für Erwin Beutelschneider handelt es sich eindeutig um eine klassische Nahbegegnung der vierten Art (engl. close encounter of the fourth kind, kurz CE-4) also eine Entführung durch Ausserirdische oder alien abduction experience (AAE) wie der ufologische Fachterminus lautet. Der erste moderne Fall dieser Art betraf das US-amerikanische Ehepaar Betty und Barney Hill, die nach eigenen Angaben in der Nacht vom 19. zum 20. September 1961 in den White Mountains in New Hampshire entführt wurden. Die Geschichte kam aber erst Ende 1963 ans Licht, als das Ehepaar aufgrund von Alpträumen und Angstzuständen den Psychiater Benjamin Simon aufsuchte. Unter Hypnose kam dann die Geschichte der Entführung durch kleinwüchsige, grossäugige Aliens (genannt "Greys") zum Vorschein. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten kam es weltweit zu tausenden weiteren ähnlichen Fällen. Gleichbleibendes Motiv: Gedächtnis- und Zeitverlust. Der Argumentation Beutelschneiders folgend wurden die Kinder also vom Kasermandl, das nichts anderes als einer der Greys ist, entführt und ihre Erinnerung daran hinterher ausgelöscht. Wie aber konnten Monate vergehen während denen die Kinder offensichtlich nicht gealtert sind? Des Rätsels Lösung sieht Beutelschneider in der sogenannten Zeitdilatation, wie sie von Albert Einstein im Rahmen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie 1905 formuliert wurde. In jedem physikalischen System, das sich relativ zu einem Beobachter schneller bewegt, vergeht die Zeit langsamer. Relevant wirksam wird dieses Phänomen erst bei sehr hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Für den Krypto-Mythologen steht also ausser Frage, dass die Kinder sich in besagter Nacht mit annähernder Lichtgeschwindigkeit bewegt haben, also in einem Raumschiff mitgeflogen sind. Hier kommt Alber der feuerspeiende Flugdrache vom Reschenpass ins Spiel, bei dem es sich um nichts anderes als um ein UFO handelt. Was aber haben die Greys mit Tiroler Almen am Hut? Da sind einerseits die Erzählungen von den Venediger Mandln, wobei es sich ebenfalls um Aliens handelt, die mit ihrer hoch entwickelten Technologie (Bergspiegel) nach seltenen Metallen und Kristallen suchen. Andererseits verweist Beutelschneider auf die sogenannten cattle-mutilations,wie sie vor allem von der Skinwalker-Ranch in Utah (USA) bekannt sind. Immer wieder wurde dort von unerklärlichen Verstümmelungen von Kühen berichtet, denen mit hoch präzisem Werkzeug Gewebsproben entnommen wurden. Hier schliesst sich der Kreis zur alpinen Almwirtschaft. Wozu hingegen die Aliens Kuh-DNA brauchen ist bislang unklar. Vielleicht zur Herstellung des bewusstseinsverändernden Alien-Muas, das den Kindern vom Kasermandl vorgesetzt wurde, spekuliert Beutelschneider. Und die Schnabelmenschen? Aliens von einem Planeten mit anderer Atmosphäre, die Atemgeräte tragen ...
Wer all diese Geschichten ohne einschlägige Deutung nachlesen will, dem sei www.sagen.at ans Herz gelegt. Wer die "Wahrheit" will, der besorge sich ALPINE ALIENS von Erwin Beutelschneider erschienen im Bauernfänger Verlag.
Monsieur Charles Atan
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zeroground · 5 years
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diamonddeposits · 7 years
Powerful percussive soundscapes from Gothenberg based artist and producer Mythologen (avatar of  Alexander Palmestål). Gone is a frenetically charged and fast paced elemental sun-infused music for the song. Check it out above!
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minamideutsch · 5 years
Our new EP will be released from @hoganordrekords on 26th July!! Minami Deutsch - Can't Get There EP 1. Can't Get There
2. Israeli Blues (cover of the index)
3. Nishi No Jiku 4. Can't Get There (Mythologen Remix) 5. Can't Get There (Jamie Paton Remix) PRE-ORDER NOW! Link in bio☝️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxx4B7TluWv/?igshid=1oedwedpeppmd
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halfgifts · 6 years
Mythologen, aka Alexander Palmestål follows last year’s debut album “Mythologen” with the 12” EP “Church Music”. This EP is a love declaration to London’s club scenes and some of the titles are named after parts of districts in south east London. The tracks on this record are free and loose in its melodies and you hear that Palmestål has worked on pure intuition in the song making process, inspired by the surrounding smells, sounds and people. As explosively impressing as the album was, is also “Church Music” and the airy, uplifting sound that has become part of Mythologen’s trademark, is developed with a sacral touch. Alexander Palmestål have since the days of Pistol Disco in the early 2000’s been one step ahead of most acts in Left field and Club music and have created an own musical space to exist in – something most artist never achieve! “Church Music” consolidates Mythologen’s position as both a guardian and an innovator of modern club music.
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the-radiodept · 7 years
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Hi everyone! The Radio Dept. has just released their (somewhat) new EP- Teach Me to Forget- around 12 AM today, July 14th.
It includes the 12″ version of the title track (originally on last year's Running Out Of Love) and a remix, previously released remixes of We Got Game and Swedish Guns, and two new songs: You're Not In Love and Just So (which happens to be the name of their soon-to-be self owned record label).
It is available on Spotify and Itunes. You can find more links to order/stream the EP here.
1. Teach Me to Forget – 12″ version
2. Just So
3. You’re Not in Love
4. We Got Game – Henning Fürst remix
5. Swedish Guns – Mythologen remix
6. Teach Me to Forget – Kim Ki O rework
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morgoth-the-darkone · 7 years
I've been seeing a lot of comparisons between Angels and the Valar or Satan and Melkor during explanations of events in the Silmarillion, and it kind of rubs me the wrong way as a mythologen. The Angelic Host, as powerful and terrifying as it is, has a lot less power than the Valar do. God creates the Universe, the Earth, and everything therein, by himself, in seven days. Within those seven days (or before them, depending on your sect. of Christianity) God creates the angels. The Latin Angelous, means "messenger", which is initially what angels were: messengers between Heaven and Earth. Angels do not have the power to create life. Archangel Michael is an advocate for humanity. He's God's most powerful angel. He's a warrior and the defeater of Satan. He's not Manwe. Yes. God created the angels and gave them power, but not the kind of power the Valar have.
Eru Illuvatar alone does not create the universe or Arda. It's a collaboration between Eru and the Valar. Eru introduces the sheet music, and the Valar *help* him sing the universe and Arda into existence, with them doing most of the work. Varda creates the stars (this woman literally creates STARS), Yavanna has mastery over life (and may or may not have created Hobbits), Aule created dwarves, and Melkor (depending on which version you're reading: Silmarillion, HoME, Tolkien's letters, etc.) created dragons, balrogs, trolls, and all manners of dark maiar. Created them. Eru, for the most part, did not do anything other than introduce the music and tell the Valar of the Great Plan and their part in it.
As a Christian and a mythologen, comparing an angel to a Vala is like comparing a Lion to a T-Rex.
That being said, Melkor is not "literally Satan". Melkor rebelled against Eru, initially, because he desired the Light and was denied it, but also because he was dissatisifed with the way that Eru treated everything outside of Arda, his new creation, and as far as he was concerned, only important creation. After the music began, Melkor attempted to alter it to fit his own design, but only furthered Eru's design in doing so. Melkor's angry, because he desires to be Eru and have Eru's power, thus being able to create things outside of his father's design and purpose. This. Is in no way the reason that Satan defected and took half of Heaven's legion with him. Satan rebelled because he was jealous of God's love for humanity and refused to bow down to them, to treat them like God, because they were created from dirt. Melkor and Satan have a completely different reason for rebelling against their "Father". It's not the same.
Archangel Michael defeated Satan and kicked him and a third of Heaven's Angels out of Heaven, where, depending on your Christian Sect., they spend eternity wandering the Earth tempting humans and trying to drive them to sin, because Hell hasn't been created yet and the Earth takes the place of Hell for Satan and his followers, because it's farthest away from God, or they were propelled straight into the Lake of Fire created especially for them. No one has defeated Melkor yet. He was captured several times by the Valar and imprisoned beyond the Doors of Night in the Everlasting Darkness, but that's not the same thing as being defeated. That's like... being put in a time out. Melkor was put in a time out. Many of the elves attempted to defeat him in the first age and were trashed, Fingolfin was the only one who managed to get close enough and he was still killed. Only Turin Turambar in the end of times will truly defeat Melkor, and that hasn't even been written down. This is not the same thing.
The Valar are not angels. They don't have the power restrictions that angels do. I understand that perhaps comparing them or likening them to each other makes it easier for people who haven't read the Silmarillion or the HoME and therefore, don't understand it, to have some kind of idea what we're talking about when we talk about the Valar, but I feel that doing it this way is just further confusing those people. If they are to be compared to something, some kind of entity, then compare them to the Greek Gods or the Norse Gods.
The closest thing to an angel in Tolkien's universe is Olorin (Gandalf), the Istari, as they are messengers to Middle Earth, but even that's not exactly... that close. Angels... are a different beast entirely. I suppose a close analogy would perhaps be comparing them to Maiar, as Maiar have more of a limited power base and are not capable of life creation in the same way that the Valar are. But the Valar are not angels, and Melkor is not Satan. There are better comparisons than that out there.
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cocozodiac · 7 years
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light green rock crystal
pic from https://www.instagram.com/mythologen/
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