kazemi-archive · 2 years
The overwhelming urge to turn a one-shot into a series
I start with background to like set the scene then I wanna make it a whole series
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kitashousewife · 1 year
Heids I just screamed in the tags but your neighbor!kita piece has me feeling all kinds of things… it made me all warm and fuzzy it was so dang cute 🥺
LUNA omg i love you!!!! i am so glad you loved this piece and i seriously omg i just love your kind words (and everyone’s) but gosh i’m so glad it brought you those warm and fuzzy feelings hehehee
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atsumwah · 1 year
[ 16:22 ] — SUNA RINTARO
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suna hates how this situation would never have happened if it weren't for, well, him.
when he asked you to move in with him, the only thoughts crossing his mind were things he can't wait to experience with you. like being able to wake up next to the love of his life or cook breakfast for you when he's up early in the morning or holding you before you sleep at night, knowing you'd still be there when he wakes up tomorrow morning.
he didn't think that this would happen.
this refers to you and his oh so perfect neighbor— kita shinsuke.
now he didn't have a problem with the man, no, kita was the embodiment of perfect. he's nice, caring and friendly. too friendly, he might say.
suna eyes you suspiciously, watching you talk with the grey haired man as he helps you carry your belongings to your new shared living room. it was like he, the love of your life (he thinks he is at least), wasn't there at all
"babe?" he hears you call for him.
"hmm?" maybe you finally realized he was sitting by the sidelines, maybe you're finally noticing him now, maybe—
"can you open the door? our hands are kind of full." you asked brightly, shattering his smile.
"sure." he replied with a pout that went unnoticed by you since you were so enamored with kita.
so can you blame him for being petty? he was a petty, petty man before you guys got together. it only made sense if he carried it throughout your relationship.
even now, hours after you both had settled in, some TV show playing in the background, you're still talking about his oh so perfect neighbor.
"and he said he can help me with decorating the balcony too! he gave me pointers on how to start a lil garden and— rin? rin, you listening?"
"mhm, sounds nice babe." he mutters, eyes trained on the screen he wasn't even focusing on.
"what's wrong?" you inched your way closer to him. "did you not want that? we can change that."
"i don't care about the stupid garden." he said instead, still not looking at you.
"oh. okay, i'm sorry then." he feels you shift away and guilt fills him. shit. okay, he didn't mean to sound so harsh.
he grabs your hand before you get any far and sighs, "i'm sorry. we can have a garden if you want. anything you want, pretty. you know that."
"you're not upset about the garden are you?" you said, scooting closer to him. "did i do something?"
his darting eyes answered your question.
"rin, i won't know if you don't tell me. what'd i do?"
"you were paying attention to kita-san a lot." he admitted with a pout. "it's like i wasn't there at all."
"oh." he hears you say, then turned to look at you.
only to see you holding back a smile.
"what're smiling about? i'm upset." he pouts even more, which only makes you smile more. "baby!"
you cracked. now you're full on giggling. "i'm sorry! i just didn't expect you to be the jealous type!"
"i'm not jealous." he states. "i just didn't like it." he wasn't jealous, or at least he would never admit that in front of you.
"i'm sorry, baby." you kissed his pout away. "but there's nothing to be jealous about. i'm literally moving in with you. and kita-san was just being a nice neighbor, nothing more."
“i might forgive you if…” he says, almost too nonchalantly.
“if i get more kisses.” he eyes you from the side, his pout seemingly even poutier.
you grinned, now sitting side by side with no gaps in between. “you drive a hard bargain.”
“Its what i deserve,” he mutters, his smile betraying him as always.
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
A Simpler Life [Part 1]
word count: 1585 || avg. reading time: 7 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kita x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, slice of life, mutual pining, slow burn
warnings: spoilers
synopsis: In pursuit of a calmer, simpler life you flee the city to move to the countryside - only to fall in love with your neighbor.
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When you decided on a clean break and moved to the little country home, you finally got your long harbored wish of a manageable veggie patch as well as a few fruit planters, breathing clear fresh air that the city life had you only dream about for so many years. At first, of course, the people were suspicious of the newcomer - the foreigner-city girl who came to their part of Hyogo with no clear intention but when you greeted each of them warmly around town and offered an open door if anyone ever needed help, they soon treated you as one of their own. The grandmothers of the neighborhood soon kept an eye out for any eligible bachelors because “it‘d be such a shame if a pretty girl like ya would be all lonesome in that house of yers“ but while grateful for their concern, you were happy on your own.
Although, that didn‘t stop you from falling for your neighbor as soon as you met him.
Your first impression of Kita was that he was polite, caring and warm but maybe a bit shy. He bowed his head with a smile when he passed by your front yard in the evening heading to his house, looking exhausted but satisfied. You wondered if he lived alone, too, because no one else seemed to be going in or out of the modest traditional nouka.
You were privately looking forward to the evenings when you could catch a glimpse of him and bask even for just a second in the sunshine of his smile.
This went on for a week or so of you two simply exchanging nods, waves and smiles until, “Good evenin‘.“, he greeted.
The buzzing of cicadas filled the air. You were tending to your garden, having opted to weed in the milder evening rather than the afternoon sun. A straw hat on your head, muscles already straining from the unfamiliar work, you straightened, trying to suppress a groan. “And to you.“, you replied, using the back of your hand to wipe the sweat off your forehead, smearing some soil on your skin in the process.
“It‘s really comin‘ together.“, he noted and nodded towards the healthy green surrounding your ankles.
Don‘t blush, you told yourself. “Thank you.“, you beamed, “I am worried about my tomatoes, though. They look a bit peaked.“
You pointed to some sad little plants on the end of your veggie patch.
With professional eyes he wandered along the fence to inspect them.
“Oh, yea, they might have had a bit too much sun and not enough water. Don‘t worry, happens to all of us.“, he smiled, “I have some extra starters in my greenhouse. Ya can have a couple if ya like. I always grow more in case bugs get to ‘em.“
“Oh, really?“
“Sure, come by tomorrow to pick ‘em up.“
“Thank you so much!“
“What else have ya got here?“, he now leaned on the fence post, examining the rest of the plants. You listed the few you had.
“Ya might wanna add sugar snap peas. They‘re easy to grow and the yield is really good.“
“Noted! But I might have to wait until next season, I don‘t think I have enough space for any more.“
“Ya can grow ‘em nicely in planters. I can build ya one. It‘s not difficult.“
Your heart did a little jump. “Are you sure it‘s not too much trouble?“
“Neighbors gotta stick together, right?“, he grinned and stood back up, “I‘mma let ya get back to it.“ and he made to leave.
He turned back to you.
“One of the grannies in town gave me a bunch of fresh greens and tofu today. My fridge doesn‘t work yet so I‘m worried it’ll go bad. Would you like to join me for dinner?“
He blinked. For a moment you weren‘t sure if you hadn‘t been too forward but then Kita nodded and walked around the fence to your gate. Oh my, somehow the fence had underplayed his handsomeness. As he stood right in front of you, arms tan and taut with lean muscles from a day‘s work and a towel tied around his neck you forgot to talk for a second.
“This way.“, you gestured to the front door.
“Don‘t ya wanna finish up weedin’ first?“
“I‘ll help ya.“
And he got to work. Of course, his practiced hands got the job done so much faster than you and where you had only managed a fourth of the patch he finished up the rest in no time.
Kita knelt on a seating pillow you had laid out around your coffee table, patiently waiting for you to plate up the hearty stew alongside some grilled tofu and rice. You figured he must be starving after all that hard manual labor. But to your surprise he ate slowly, chewed carefully and seemed to savor the taste.
“It‘s delicious.“, he said and let out a small content sigh, “I usually don‘t have much energy to cook in the evenin’s. This is great, thank ya.“
So he did live alone. How the masses of overzealous grandmothers in town hadn‘t flocked together to feed this man yet was a mystery to you.
In all honesty, Kita didn‘t agree with the people in town who said you were “pretty“. “Pretty“ didn‘t do you justice. He thought you were breathtaking. Because that‘s how he felt when he talked to you for the first time. Like his breath was stuck somewhere in his throat. Your genuine smile when he complimented your cooking now had a permanent place in his mind - framed it hung at the very top where he could always admire it throughout his day. Where his thoughts were usually busy with plans for the following morning or simply quiet, while his hands moved automatically through the water in the fields, they were now interlaced with you. Your twinkling eyes when he told you he would build you a planter, your cute protests when he offered to help you weed that tiny little veggie patch as if it was the most daunting task ever encountered and your voice, bright and lively as you told him about yourself upon his request. His grandmother had told him many stories growing up, about right and wrong, patience, kindness and fate. She told him when two people were meant for each other, their souls would recognize it and be drawn to the other by some unseen force. Back then, young Kita wasn‘t exactly sure what to make of it. It sounded very fantastical and without any data to back it up he thought it was another one of his grandmother‘s folktales. Now he wasn‘t so sure anymore because you were his first and last thought of the day.
He doubted that someone as beautiful and worldly as you would consider him as a match but he was merely glad to know he could be of help and make your life a little easier. After dinner the previous night he had told you he had some business in the city the next day and you could please wait for him at his place in the afternoon to collect your promised tomato starters. He had spent the morning making sure the little plants were in top shape, selecting the very best of the bunch. He was eager to get back home but as per usual, city traffic had other ideas.
Every couple of seconds he glanced at the clock on the truck‘s dashboard, hoping he didn‘t make you wait too long.
When he finally pulled into his driveway he spotted you sitting on his porch, his black and white dog lounging in your lap, getting his ears massaged.
A bundle lay next to you.
The dog‘s tail thwacked on the wooden porch as he approached.
“Ya look comfortable.“ He had meant it to his (guard) dog but somehow it seemed like your full cheeks got a bit of color.
“I hope I haven't kept ya waitin‘.“
“It‘s fine.“, you said simply, “I had great company.“ You petted the dog's head again who let out a happy huff.
Kita grinned and looked towards one of his greenhouses. “I‘ll go grab the tomatoes.“
You were brushing some dog hairs off your pants when he returned. Without meaning to, he searched your hands for an indication of a wedding band but shook his head when he caught himself.
He held out the tray with the starters.
“Thank you so much! They look great. And here.“, you bent down to exchange the tray for the bundle, “Since you said you wouldn‘t accept any money for them I made you dinner instead.“
His eyes widened. “Ya didn‘t have to.“
You shrugged. “I know, but it wouldn‘t feel right otherwise. And it‘s not like it‘s even close to an equal trade once these start producing.“
He was a little disappointed. After all, he had practiced inviting you to have dinner with him his entire drive back, but having more of your cooking was the next best thing, he supposed.
The following morning you found the bundle neatly wrapped on your doorstep, the large square bento box inside had been thoroughly cleaned and a note replaced the food “It was really delicious. Thank you very much. - Kita“.
Your heart stumbled when you stared at the neatly written words and grinning so hard your cheeks started to hurt, you pinned it to a little cork board next to the door.
a/n: thank you so much to @makkir0ll for helping me hatch this ostrich-sized brain egg 🌟🫶🏻
art: coloring done by @keiko-chan
[part 2]
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tsukkiibaby · 6 months
feat: miya osamu
genre/warnings: sfw, fluff, royal!au (i'm trying here so don't judge), guard!osamu x princess!reader, one character looking down reader's dress
wc: 2900+
. 。˚others may not be able to tell the difference between the miya twins, especially with their helmets on, but you can˚。 .
osamu knows this is a bad idea. 
he’s at atsumu’s post, standing still at the top of steps that lead to the gardens looking straight ahead at them, atsumu himself on the other end of the lavish fields, the two watching intently for intruders, or anyone who could pose as a potential threat. if any of the palace’s staff were to walk by, they would barely spare osamu another glance - with his helmet on, no one can see his tufts of gray hair underneath, their only other determining physical feature being their eyes, and he’s sure that none of the staff would even be able to recognize the that difference between himself and his brother. 
except you.
currently out in the gardens with one of the princes from a neighboring kingdom, nohebi, he thinks, a grim expression painting your face from the moment your father whisked you towards the front entrance of the palace to greet him. osamu didn’t particularly like the smug smile plastered across the black-haired prince’s face as he exited his carriage, nor did he miss the way the man’s snake-like eyes stared down the top of your dress as you greeted him with a curtsy. from his position at the top of the steps to the palace, osamu could only watch in disgust as he sauntered by him and his twin to follow you and your parents into the palace.
while osamu still would have been able to see you from his original post that atsumu is occupying, his current spot on the outskirts of the palace gives him a higher, better view of you and the sly prince. he can see you clearly as you move throughout the gardens a few paces ahead of nohebi’s crown prince, gaining traction as you lead the man further towards osamu’s normal post. should things go wrong and someone spots them, he supposes he could just blame it on atsumu. they are twins, after all. and it was his idea, his brother jabbing at his bicep with his elbow as they watched you and the prince retreat towards the doors that led to the garden. “ya wanna take my spot on the steps?” he had whispered, leaning into his brother’s body. “might be a little easier for ya ta keep an eye on her.” 
but he knows you wouldn’t fall for the “atsumu started it!” excuse. they’ve been your guards since the age of 13, hand selected by your parents, the king and queen, to watch over you as you begin to age into your teens, wanting extra protection for their youngest daughter. their only princess.
you didn’t have any objections to it, not when both of your brothers had been assigned personal guards when they first reached double digits. you couldn’t imagine seeing your brothers without aran and kita a few paces behind them, their protective eyes always ensuring you were also safe within their line of sight. just as they protected your brothers, they protected you as you grew, right up until you reached the same age and were to be granted your own protection. enter the twins.
hailing from a small village in the vast kingdom of inarizaki, the same village that aran and kita grew up in, it seemed as though the twins were raised for the job from the second they arrived at the palace. you remember seeing them hang around with the two older boys from a young age, tirelessly training with the other guards and knights from sunrise to sunset; neither twin faltering under the intense pressure they were faced with. surely they never knew who or what they would be tasked with protecting until their assignment when they became of age, but the two were dedicated to their craft, hell bent on proving their worth to the royal family. luckily (and unbeknownst) for them, they proved their worth from the first time you saw them. 
“i hope i’m not assigned to guard the princess.” one boy groans.
someone else chuckles. “yeah, me and you both.”
from your hiding spot behind one of the many large columns lining the outskirts of the palace near the training grounds, you feel your heart drop, and you sink back to fully hide behind the massive beam. you try not to let the words of some silly guards - some silly boys, that is, bother you. it always seemed to be like this - no matter how many guards your family brings in to train as personal protection, they never seemed to have any interest in protecting you, instead choosing to help protect your brothers, parents, or simply going off to serve in the kingdom’s military. 
“why not?” another voice pipes up, his tone almost accusing? when you peer back around the column, you see one of the group of boys standing with his arms crossed, a stark contrast to the rest of them, scattered and sitting on the steps. though not facing you directly, you were able to catch a glimpse of his blonde hair before he stepped in front of one of his fellow guards in training. “ya don’t wanna be around the princess?”
another boy, sitting on the bottom step, huffs. “it’s not like she even needs the extra protection,” he laughs wryly. “at least the princes get to practice sparring and fighting! all she does is sit in the palace, attend her lessons, and play in the garden. it’s boring.” he puts emphasis on the word boring, almost spits it. 
gripping on to the ridges of the column, you push your head a bit further out to see more of the boys and their conversation, a scowl on your face. another stands quietly, moving to stand next to the blonde and mimics his actions, crossing his arms over his chest. he turns to face the the other boys who were sitting, cocking his head to the side. “it’d be an honor to protect the princess,” he says pointedly. “ya don’t know how lucky ya’d be.”
with a sharp turn, the boy begins to walk off, in your direction no less, ignoring the frantic shouts of what you assume must be his name. “samu!” the blonde boy calls, but it does him no good. the gray-haired boy ignores him, stalking past you without so much of a glance, his matching gray eyes staring straight ahead. the blonde, who looks eerily similar to the one he was calling after, comes running after him.
if only you knew that in just a few short hours, the two boys who came to your defense would soon be tasked with protecting you daily.
from his spot at the top of the steps, osamu can just quite make out the top of your head as you stroll through the gardens, a few paces ahead of the black-haired prince. no matter how quickly the man walks, he can’t seem to catch up to you, not when you spin around and speed up through the lush fields to evade his ever present hands reaching out to grasp your arm. though quite far away, osamu can see how frustrated prince daishou is getting, pausing briefly to take a deep breath before following after you. osamu chuckles to himself.
as you and the prince disappear further into the tall hedges, osamu hopes that at least atsumu or one of the other guards patrolling the lawn has an eye on you. these meetings tend to go the same way every time - your parents arrange for a prince, or duke, or nobleman from a neighboring territory to come to the palace and get to know you, to escort you through the gardens, and pitch themselves as to why they would make a suitable husband and possible future king. to secure some sort of political alliance. however it always ends with you giving your parents an indifferent smile and a shrug, much to their chagrin. too tall, talks too much, bad breath, it doesn’t matter. your excuses are endless.
osamu can’t wait to hear what you have to say about this one.
though tasked with ensuring your safety, the twins eventually found a way to weasel themselves into a more casual relationship with you. with atsumu’s overbearing and childish nature and osamu’s calm and collected one, you had almost no choice but to allow the informalities, finding yourself more and more lax in their presence. always quick to defend your status or position to outsiders, ready to help at the lift of a finger, and even popping their heads in and out of obligations that you dread, ready to whisk you away with a claim of someone important needing you, the princess, right away. and who are your guests to deny your excusal? you are the princess, after all. ever perceptive, the two seem to know exactly what you’re thinking at all times. 
almost always. 
osamu didn’t realize how much he must’ve been daydreaming. not until he feels a rush of air and the sounds of heels clicking down the marble floor of the palace invade his senses, snapping his attention back to the scene unfolding before him. his eyes fly into the palace to follow the sound of the heels, the back of your long, lavender dress swaying behind as you angrily stomp down the halls. 
“lady l/n!” 
prince suguru is quick, but osamu is quicker, stepping in front of the swift man to stop him from following after you. it’s not like you to rush out of something with no say, not without himself or his brother pulling something out of their asses. the prince sneers down at him, snake-like eyes narrowing at him. he moves to step around osamu, but he’s right there, blocking his path again. “will you get out of the way?” the prince spits.
osamu opens his mouth to speak, but atsumu is quick to beat him to it. “as the princess’s personal guards, i’m afraid we can’t do that,” he says from behind the prince, who scoffs at him. atsumu flashes them a sly grin, jutting his chin down the halls you had just passed through, eyes drifting to his twin. “you go find lady l/n and make sure she’s okay.”
the words are barely out of atsumu’s mouth before osamu is all but running down the hallway in the direction of your clicking heels, eyes darting around the palace quickly. it’s not long before he catches up with you, slowing to match your pace a few steps behind you and stands up straight, gently clearing his throat. “my lady-”
“i do not feel very well, my lord.” the words are rushed coming out of your mouth at the same time that osamu speaks, a stark contrast to your normal speech patterns, always so eloquent and concise. you stick your right hand out a bit behind you, not quite far enough to reach osamu, and your voice is shaky as you speak again. “i must ask that you allow me to retire to my room at once to rest.”
osamu’s steps quicken until he’s walking backwards in front of you, arms reaching out gently in your direction. “it is only me, princess,” he says, louder than before, letting out a soft breath when your steps slow until they stop completely. you glance up, allowing your eyes to meet for a brief moment before they dart back down to your shoes. 
“osamu,” you whisper, your eyes avoidant. you pause, your chest rising and falling at a faster rate than normal. “i need to rest.” 
you begin to walk again, passing him, and he lets you get a few steps down the hall before he’s turning and following you slowly. “i understand, my lady. but one of us must accompany you at all times.”
huffing, you glance over your shoulder with a slight pout as the two of you approach the door to your room. “at all times,” you mutter softly, before turning to the guard at your door with a blank smile. “i’m not feeling too well, so i must ask that you allow me some privacy while i rest.”
osamu smiles wryly at the guard as he passes, allowing you a few moments in your room before he steps inside. “is everything alright, my lady?” his gray eyes follow you as you pace around the room, fiddling with the decorative clip that pins up your hair. your back to him, you don’t turn, other hand reaching up to play with the strap of your day dress. he steps in further, shutting the wooden door behind him, and you whip to face him immediately, taking a tentative back. “princess, are you alright?” he repeats. “did something happen with prince suguru?”
your eyes meet his when he says the prince’s name, and osamu slowly reaches up to remove his helmet, not breaking eye contact. now given full view of his face, you glance down at your shaky hands. “one of us must accompany me at all times, huh?” you ask, repeating what you had said under your breath just outside your room. “why weren’t you at your normal post?”
he pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “what do you mean?”
you exhale through your nose, meeting his gaze once again. “my parents and the others may not be able to, but i can tell your voices apart,” you mumble, crossing your arms and looking back down at your feet. “that creep of a prince was looking down the top of my dress the whole day and the second he figured he was out of your sights he thought he’d try to stick a hand down it.” your voice increases as you speak, throwing your arms out at the end. “and when i loudly asked him to step back, it wasn’t your voice that called out to me asking if i needed assistance, it was atsumu’s.” 
osamu is frozen in front of you. sure, his normal post is stationed at the first fork in the gardens, much closer to you in proximity than atsumu’s, but he was sure that the higher ground of his twin’s post gave him a better way to keep an eye on you as you moved further into the gardens. now, he feels like a fool for going through with such a silly thought.
“i was only trying to have a clearer view on you, princess,” osamu takes a hesitant step closer to you, and another when you do not flinch or back away. with a deep breath, he continues. “i’d like to think i have better eyesight than my brother.” falling back to sit on the chaise situated at the foot of your bed, you exhale sharply through your nose, and osamu can’t tell if it’s to express amusement or distaste. though, with the way you’re still avoiding his watchful eye is having him lean towards the latter. he takes another step forward, then another, until he’s but a large stride away from your seated figure. “can i ask why you were so disheartened to hear atsumu’s voice instead of mine, princess?” he asks, not missing the way your fingers, currently lightly rubbing at your temples, freeze in their actions. “surely, he is just as capable of protecting you.”
your hands find refuge in your lap, fingers fiddling with each other as you straighten your posture. “o-of course he is.” you rebuke, turning your head slightly so that you’re staring out the window. “i was simply asking a question. you’re lucky no one noticed that you two were at different posts. you both could have gotten into trouble.”
osamu chuckles softly, taking another step towards you, finally drawing your attention back to him. your lips part slightly as you slowly glance up at him, and the corners of osamu’s perk up at the sight of your soft gaze. “well, it’s just like you said princess,” he coos, and your eyebrows furrow, cocking your head to the side. “you’re the only one who can tell us apart by just our voices.” osamu’s voice drops as the words leave his lips, stepping back towards the door as your eyes shoot back towards him.
your mouth drops fully open as if to speak, but no words come out. osamu can’t help but feel warm at the sight of your reddening cheeks, struggling to find the words “w-well, of course i c-can!” you sputter. “i’ve known you both for years! i, um, didn’t want you to get into trouble with anyone.”
the warmth in his chest spreads, and osamu hums softly to himself. “i appreciate the concern, my lady. allow me to go find atsumu and ensure that prince suguru is dealt with accordingly.” you nod quickly, eyes trained on your hands in your lap. “you should rest, princess.” you nod, but make no effort to move. “i will return once he is dealt with.”
and after personally escorting prince daishou suguru of nohebi to his carriage with atsumu, osamu does return, only to find you asleep in the same lavender dress, hair sprawled across the array of decorative pillows that you hadn’t even bothered to move before making yourself comfortable on top of your fully made bed. osamu chuckles to himself, gently pulling at the blanket that sits at the end of your bed, far enough away from your feet that it lays untouched. he drapes it over your sleeping figure, ensuring that your arms, legs, and feet are covered before a soft smile spreads across his face. hesitantly, his fingers reach out towards your face, slowly brushing away a piece of hair splayed across your cheek, breath catching in his throat when you let out a soft whine. however, you don’t move, nor do you say anything, your chest continuing to rise and fall with your even breaths, and osamu lets out a sigh of relief, a smile poking at his lips. 
“sleep well, princess.”
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vashtijoy · 5 months
Hi! Pre-emptive sorry for the long ask- I don't know if you've answered this before but I was scrolling through your blog and in one of your posts you note that the brief bit we see of Akira's hometown has high rise buildings, which implies it's a city. I could've sworn there was in game dialogue calling him a country boy though or referencing him being from a rural area? Is there something in the Japanese text to suggest these are meant to be taken as jokes (I.E. protag is from a city, but it's not as big as Tokyo so he's playfully considered 'rural') or is this a case of the game devs simply not considering what buildings they had in the background of that scene?
Hello! First of all, I think it's insanely unlikely that the game devs just forgot Joker was meant to be from a shack on top of a mountain and accidentally put him in a city. Maybe they didn't have time to design a farm and shoved him in a random cityscape instead? Well, maybe. I would at least have pasted in a couple more trees.
So what do we know about this?
Sojiro calls Joker 田舎もん inakamon, short for 田舎者 inakamono—someone from the countryside; someone provincial. This is what's translated as "country boy", or "country bumpkin". Chihaya uses it about herself, and Chihaya I think is certainly meant to be very rural. The Adorable Woman and Rural Young Man in Shibuya Station use inaka a lot:
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His name did not originally use inakamono or similar, by the way—he's the 上京してきた青年 joukyou shite kita seinen, "the young man who's moved to Tokyo". Note the moving-up kanji there, 上, lol—this is not a sideways move, it's a definite move up.
so what is the inaka?
In short, the inaka can be the remote countryside—but it can also just be your hometown, of any description. It can be legit anywhere that isn't Tokyo. Here's Tofugu:
My mouth was hanging open and I know I was being rude, but it was really hard to pull myself together. The woman I was speaking with was from one of the top Japanese Universities. She has had international relationships, traveled the world, and done work that most foreign anime fans would kill to see. Someone with her experiences, to me, should be open-minded about other cultures and lifestyles. Just the same, I can't help but to be bothered by what she said: "I feel like anything outside Tokyo's 23 wards is inaka." [...] Often, people usually just use what they read in the dictionary, but I learned fast that "countryside" in American English is much different than in Japanese English. For me, countryside means farms. Countryside is driving to see your closest neighbor, riding tractors for work and pleasure, and being able to immediately tell who's from your town just by looking at them. When I say this to Japanese people and ask them to explain inaka, the joke is always the same: "Inaka is anything outside of Tokyo." Osaka and Kyoto, for many, aren't inaka, but Sapporo, which is one of the few parts of the country where this legendary thing called "insulated housing" exists, is inaka. [...] So you might be wondering how "bad" it really is out here. Truthfully, I'm living in a city, at least by American standards. Great bus and train systems, tons of malls and movie theaters, some of the major stores people visit Tokyo to see, game centers, golfing… and a few rice paddies. Not many, but there are some. Imagine a fashionable mall, famous manga store, well-respected school with a strong baseball team, and major supermarket, all within walking distance, with maybe one field of rice. Honestly, the place is so city that I don't think I would willingly eat any rice that grew in that field. I swear, it's in front of a bus stop.
So, tl;dr: if you aren't in Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, you're probably in the inaka—at least to someone's mind. You can be somewhere that looks to us in every way like a city, and be in the inaka. And if you pick up sticks and move to Tokyo? Then you have a good chance of being jibed about being a "country boy".
so what is joker's inaka like?
[Joker] 田舎に帰りたい inaka ni kaeritai I miss the country... [lit. I want to go back to the inaka.] Ryuji ハハ、都会の洗礼ってか? haha, tokai no senrei tte ka? Hah. Not used to the big city yet, huh? [lit. Haha, so this is your first time in the city?]
We don't get a huge amount of detail in-game about Joker's home. Besides Sojiro's "country boy", Ryuji has a couple of comments. Here's another:
Ryuji あれ? お前ン家ってわりと田舎? are? omae n uchi tte wari to inaka? Wait a sec, your hometown isn't near the countryside, is it? [lit. isn't your place relatively countrified?] Ryuji いや、大自然でランニング練習とか気持ち良さそうだなーって。 iya, daishizen de ranningu renshuu to ka kimochi yasasou da naa tte I was just thinkin' it'd be great to run an' train somewhere out where it's all big, naturey open space. [lit. no, I thought it seemed like it'd feel great to train in the great outdoors and stuff.]
(I think something may be off here with that translation of daishizen, which seems to connote "the great outdoors", "a vast wilderness", etc, as well as just meaning "nature" (the sort you get out into) more generally". The word has been split up as if Ryuji was just saying "big nature" for some reason, like if you thought "the great outdoors" meant "the outdoors is great :D".)
But we can see from Ryuji's statement that Joker's home is wari to inaka, "relatively countrified", "kind of countrified"—it's more the country than Tokyo is, but it's probably not the ass end of nowhere, either. It's somewhere Ryuji pictures getting out into nature—but even if that's accurate and not just in Ryuji's city-boy head, that again doesn't connote "ass end of nowhere"; a lot of very built-up places are startlingly close to farmland or to nature, as with the putative rice field at the bus stop that we read about earlier.
the artbook picture
There is, of course, a picture of Joker's home in the artbook:
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That doesn't scream "rural" to me—though it's also not the built-up area we see him in with Shido. It backs onto a cliff, it's very green. It's clearly a row of houses on a street, maybe in a fancy suburb on the edge of the city?
It's a nice house, at any rate. Joker moving into Sojiro's attic, with his clothes in a box, will have been a harsh step down.
Another detail from this image before we move on:
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Look at this board. We can make out what it says. We can even, just possibly, make out a town name there...
日立自治会 掲示板 hitachi jichikai keijiban Hitachi Neighbourhood Association noticeboard
自治会 jichikai—neighbourhood associations. As you'd expect, they tend to be organised at the very local level—so Hitachi is likely to be a small district within a larger city, rather than (say) the city of Hitachi in Ibaraki Prefecture.
his city has a name guys i can't believe it lmao
the coup de grace
But there's one question I think really puts the nail in the coffin here: WTF was Shido doing in the middle of nowhere?
It's totally plausible that Joker came from a remote farm in the country, or a tiny village in far northern Honshu. But what is there in that to attract Shido? Like... Shido seems kind of an indoor guy, y'know?
He goes where his business is. He goes where the money is. It's difficult for me to picture him going to random rural areas with nobody to schmooze, with what I'm sure he'd consider to be poor facilities and shitty hotels.
Even if he did stoop to visit somewhere like that, by the time he was on his off hours getting pissed (in both senses) and attacking women, wouldn't he have gone back to civilisation?—back to the city?
This place Joker is wandering after dark doesn't look like The Country. It looks quite built up. I'd say it's the centre of a regional city or large town—with those nice houses we just looked at set off in suburbs along its edge. Look at this place:
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It really does look like a less cramped version of Yongen-jaya, down to the trees. I don't think they spent too long on this area, but I also don't think it's inaccurate.
By the way, that "Hometown Neighbourhood" was originally 実家近くの住宅地 jikka chikaku no juutakuchi—"residential area near home". So this is not where Joker lived with his parents; it's an area close by. Like he says, he's on his way home late.
Where was he? We never find out. He has what looks like a school bag, well before his nasty crime days. Maybe he was visiting a friend we never hear about again. Maybe he was at cram school. But he's gone to this built-up part of town to do something there.
My guess would be that he lived in some prefectural capital or other. That's why Shido is there. I'd also guess that it's one of the Kanto prefectures, since the further you go from Tokyo, the less likely it becomes that Joker would have been sent to Tokyo for his probation, whether Sojiro was a friend of a friend or not.
As ever, all of this is for information only, and if you want to do something else superior in every way, you definitely should. At the end of the day Joker's a silent protagonist player insert, who can be from absolutely anywhere and as gay as you like. Let a thousand Jokers bloom.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2024/01/17)—first posted.
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hqfeatbetty · 1 year
the new neighbor that moved in a few weeks ago is extremely kind, and you happen to witness his gentleness couple of times.
from when he helped the elderly next door when she was carrying a lot of groceries; or when he rescued the little kitten that was stuck above the tree when no one cared to; and that time when the rain was pouring and he gave his umbrella to the girl that was hiding under the tree.
he was so nice and generous, always smiling at people and present whenever someone needed help.
therefore you were hopelessly in love with him, you realized your feelings because when he greets you politely every morning your heart skips a beat, when he smiles at you when you meet by chance at the store you can't help but turn into a blushing and stuttering mess, and when he remembers your favorite food and brings you some like the good neighbor he is because he thought you weren't in the best mood lately, you were convinced that he's the one.
but little do you know that this is exactly what he convinced of; you're the one for him.
JJK: Megumi Fushiguro, Nanami Kento, Noritoshi Kamo;
HQ: kita Shinsuke, Akaashi Keiji, Miya Osamu;
Naruto: Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Uchiha Itachi;
AOT: Reiner Braun, Armin arlert, Erwin Smith;
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sweetdreamlandstuff · 2 years
Catching them masturbating - Haikyu Part 2
NSFW / Minors don't interact / 18+
Pairing: Female reader x timeskip Sakusa / Atsumu
Sequel to this series :)
Warnings: male masturbation, fantasies about sex, cumming in pants, infidelity/reader cheating in Atsumu's part (I'm sorry Kita), fingering, penetrative sex
Notes: I was kind of in a writing slump and didn't have a lot of time to write but I’m back with this! Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated :)
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Generally, Sakusa hates it when people show up unannounced. He has his routine, his special way of doing things, uninterrupted and at his own pace.
But now he’s disrupted. And this is in such a vulnerable state, at an extremely inconvenient time of the day.
He just came home, he had a nice dinner and was relaxing on the couch. And like so often his mind wandered to you - his beautiful neighbor. 
A lot of times, merely innocent thoughts about you ended up with his hand wrapped around his flushed dick. Just like now. His hand hurriedly pumps into his flushed tip, his breathing erratic as he imagines it’s your pussy that is wrapped so tightly around him instead. A groan rips past his heaving chest, as he watches a bead of pre-cum spilling down his length.
And then the bell rang.
Sakusa doesn’t get up. He simply stops his movement and hopes that the intruder will just disappear - but he hopes in vain. 
The sound of the bell rings through his apartment again. He holds his breath; his dick twitching in his hand; hoping for a release. 
He thinks himself safe when it’s quiet for a minute and he’s about to resume his movement. And then the shrill sound rings through his apartment again. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. Reluctantly he lets go of himself before he pulls his pants up. 
He’s still hazy from his pleasure, so he doesn’t even think about his appearance, only hoping to get this over quickly. 
He flings the door open and nearly chokes on air when he lays his eyes on you. You’re right in front of him, looking even more beautiful than in his fantasies.
Maybe Sakusa should’ve glanced into the mirror before opening the door. Then he wouldn’t have to wonder why your eyes widen, before feverishly raking over his body. 
He becomes painfully aware of his appearance now.
You swallow hard, noticing his disheveled hair, his naked and flushed chest heaving with his heavy breathing. Quickly, you avert your gaze to the floor, trying not to think of what he could’ve been doing just now. Just working out, you try to convince yourself. 
You raise your eyes to his again. They are so dark, peering at you with such an intensity that you’d rather just look away again. You try your best not to get lost in them.
“Hey, uhm sorry for disrupting. You’re Sakusa, right? I’m your neighbor and…,” you mumble sheepishly, trying your best not to let your gaze flicker back down to his chest. 
His eyes grow wider. “Hold on. I’ll just quickly put on something. Come in if you want,” he mutters, before quickly turning around.
Well, you wouldn’t mind if he kept his shirt off, you muse as you study his impressive back as you follow behind him into his apartment. He dips into one of the rooms and comes back a few seconds later with a shirt on. 
You look around his place, noticing how clean and tidy it is. That doesn’t match your neighbor's disheveled appearance you’ve just witnessed. You put the package down on his table, pointing towards it.
“This was wrongfully given to me,” you explain, smiling at him sweetly. 
Sakusa’s eyes flicker to the package before they fix on you again. “Thanks,” he mutters.
“Sorry, if I was … uhm were I interrupting something?” you question, the curiosity getting the best of you. 
His dark eyes grow a little wider at your question. You have seen him around countless times, but this facial expression is new to you. You must be onto him.
He massages the back of his neck, averting your gaze. He doesn’t even try to hide the strong blush that sprawls across his cheeks. 
You let your gaze travel lower and then you see it. Earlier you were too caught up with ogling his bare chest but now you see it - the bulge in his pants. It’s … huge. Hmmm, that’s a far more interesting package…
You let your gaze drag up his body again. In embarrassment, you notice that he has caught you staring. You gnaw on your bottom lip as you observe the blush on his cheeks deepen. He just looks right back at you, his face visibly flustered but his eyes are hard.
Sakusa doesn’t know what to do. He just looks at you, not sure if you know what he has been doing. But even if - what difference would this make?
“Were you jerking off?” You ask, the corner of your lips slightly curling upwards. You look a little bit surprised yourself that the question escaped your lips so easily. 
He huffs, rolling his eyes at you. So, you know he did. He just looks at you in silence. You crumble under his stare. 
“Sorry, I’m leaving,” you hurriedly mumble, heading towards the door. 
Sakusa catches up with you in a few seconds. It’s like his body reacted on its own. His hand encircles your wrist, holding you back.
“Don’t go.” His words are barely above a whisper.
He observes you as you swallow hard before you lock eyes with him. You glance at each other before he continues. 
“Why were you asking me this?” The question drops from his lips hurriedly. He needs to know.
“I- I don’t know. I thought that maybe…” you trail off, not daring to articulate what exactly you wanted.
“You wanna help me?” This time it’s Sakusa that is surprised by his own words.
He observes you as you open your mouth a few times before a quiet, dumbfounded “What?” Fills up his silent apartment.
He quickly lets go of your wrist and steps away. “Sorry, I must’ve…”
“No, I mean…,” you fall into his sentence. You gulp, finding the courage to look into his black eyes again. The longing you find in them nearly makes your heart melt.
A low yes drops from your lips without a second thought. Sakusa observes you, swallowing against the dryness of his mouth. His heart still beats violently in his chest, the possibility of his fantasies realizing so soon nearly making him dizzy. 
You step closer and he takes ahold of your wrist again, dragging you towards his couch. He feels helpless after that. He places himself down on the soft cushion avoiding looking anywhere near you. You take over the initiative. 
A strangled sound escapes his chest as you move onto his lap, straddling him. His eyes grow wide, doubtfully fixing on your face. Fuck, you’re even more beautiful from up this close.
“You okay?” You mumble, biting back a smile.
“You’re making me nervous,” he admits sheepishly.
If his pathetic words have this effect, Sakusa considers being pathetic more often. You smile, so brightly, that he has no other choice than to return it. He takes you in, letting his eyes drag over your features. You’re still so unfamiliar, so new. 
The longing to have you like this; to get to know how you taste, how your hands will press against his skin, how you’ll sound makes his whole body burn. And now he has you right here on his lap, curios eyes filled with apprehension.
“Let me help you,” you breathe, dipping your head low. Your lips are so soft, molding right against his. His hands instinctively hold onto you, fingertips gently pressing into your waist. 
He feels encompassed by your warmth, your scent, by your taste. Your tongue messily drags against his bottom lip, coaxing his mouth open. His skin burns under your hands that wander searchingly along his neck before burying in his curls. 
You slightly tug at his hair, eliciting him a small gasp. You explore each other's mouths, tongues moving messily against each other, breathing getting heavier and heavier. You don’t know how long you two kiss each other like this.
Sakusa’s hand moves over your body, gripping and catching every bend hurriedly and shamelessly now. He swallows your soft pants, every one of your noises making blood rush down his body.
You shortly pull away, catching your breath. A string of spit between your lips breaks, just before Sakusa leans forward again, crashing his mouth against yours once more. He’s more hungry now, the kiss more desperate. 
And then you move. The movement is impalpable at first, the gentle grinding of your hips. Yet, Sakusa feels it with an intensity that makes his mind dizzy. His cock is already so sensitive from the stimulation earlier. And every roll of your hips against him has the knot in his belly tighten.
He pulls away, slowly prying his eyes open. He gazes up at you through his half-lidded eyes, enthralled by the sight of you. 
You stare right back at him; at his puffy, half-bruised face. You increase the movement of your hips. Feathery, open-mouthed kisses land on his neck. Sakusa gasps, his grip tightening around you, helping in guiding you on his length. The heat of his hardened dick seeps through the layers of skin separating you two. 
You slightly suck on the sensitive skin of his throat, eliciting him a low groan. Sakusa feels so hot, his skin burning where you touched him, his dick throbbing so painfully against your clothed core. You pull away, watching him as he loses himself. 
“Do you like that?” You mumble, watching as he peels open his eyes languidly.
“Don’t stop” he rasps, craving the friction.
You resume your movement, rocking yourself over him again. His gaze is almost delirious, his dark eyes hazed over with lust as he studies your face. His breathing is erratic as his hips involuntarily buck up into you. 
“I wanna fuck you so bad,” you breathe wistfully.
Sakusa breathes out a shaky moan, at the lewdness of your words and the yearning apparent in your eyes. A choked groan rips past his chest, his hips pressing up into you as he tips over the edge.
He’s just as surprised as you as he cums in his pants. You feel it through your clothes; the painful throbbing of his dick as his eyes widen.
“Fuck,” he groans, his face flushed red, a slight furrow of his brows, as his fingertips dig into your flesh. This is a first for Sakusa. 
“I’m- fuck - sorry,” he stammers, his voice hoarse. His face burns in embarrassment.
There is it again - that smile of yours. 
“Don’t worry,” you reassure him, gently swatting a strand of his curls away from his glistening forehead. 
A soft chuckle falls from your lips, as you teasingly grind yourself against him. Sakusa groans, his dick twitching weakly. 
“I think I’m gonna tell the postman to drop your packages over at mine more often.”
Atsumu Miya
Atsumu seizes his chance. Finally, he’s alone. You and Kita have gone out onto the rice fields, allowing him the chance to finally release the tension that has been building up inside him for the last few days. At last, he can get a release - as loudly as he wants. 
He’s in the bathroom, one hand holding onto the sink, the other wrapped tightly around his flushed dick. He watches his hand dragging along his length, only thinking about you - his friend’s girlfriend. 
His heavy pants fill up the tiny room as he thinks about you, about your beautiful body, your face, your voice, picturing you in varying, sinful positions. He knows he shouldn’t. But he does so anyway.  
He’s so wrapped up in his fantasies that he initially doesn’t hear the door opening. Atsumu didn’t lock the bathroom door, why would he? You two were going to be on the rice fields for a while. And quite frankly; the possibility of you finding him like this only fueled his dirty mind. 
But now that you stand in the doorframe, eyes wide and mouth agape he has to admit that maybe this wasn’t the smartest move.
“What are- Why didn’t you close the door?” He hears your stunned voice.
Atsumu flinches, your name dropping from his lips in surprise. He stares at you blankly for a few seconds, registering your visibly flustered face. His mouth closes and opens a few times before he even thinks about letting go of himself. 
“I- I’m sorry,” he mutters. He swallows hard, quickly tugging his hard dick back into the confinement of his boxers. His face flushes hot as he observes your gaze trailing along his bare abdomen. His wide chest is heaving with his labored breath, flushed red with desire. 
“You can’t behave for a few days?” You scold him, though your voice is weak.
Atsumu gulps, avoiding your intense stare. “Not when you’re around,” he admits meekly.
A long sigh drops from your lips, causing his eyes to flicker back to you. He takes in your flustered face, the light furrow of your brows, and the way you bite down on your bottom lip. His hand rakes through his disheveled hair.
“Atsumu,” you hesitate. “I’m Kita’s girlfriend,” you assert, your eyes jumping over his face searchingly. 
“I know,” he murmurs, with a sad smile. Of course, he knows. 
“You shouldn’t think about me this way,” you continue, the furrow of your brows deepening.
He shrugs, scoffing. “Don’t you think I know that?”
“I suppose,” you reply, surprised but also afraid that he doesn’t deny his feelings for you. 
A long sigh drops from his lips before he moves closer to you. His gaze softens, his eyes ruefully trailing along your features. “I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?” His voice is hoarse, his warm breath fanning across your cheek. 
You look up at him, his vulnerable expression makes your heart twist. He’s so close, you can see a handful of freckles on his cheeks. You nod, your eyes darting to his lips.
“I didn’t intend for this to happen,” he mutters gently.
“I know,” you whisper, hypnotized by his words, by his deep voice.
“I can’t get you out of my mind, no matter how hard I try,” he continues, his voice almost breaking.
You swallow hard, your eyes flickering back to his eyes. 
The look in his half-lidded eyes makes your heart race in your chest. You unconsciously draw closer to him, basking in the heat his body radiates. 
Atsumu carefully stretches out his hand, softly cradling your cheek in his hand. You don’t resist his touch, causing his heart to flutter hopefully in his chest.
He dips low, tenderly pressing his lips onto yours. His other hand finds purchase on your hip, fingertips gently digging into your flesh as if he’s afraid you will evaporate. 
You pull away first. Your innocent eyes lock with his. 
“We can’t do this,” you mutter, your hot breath fanning over his lips. 
“I know. Just once more, one more kiss,” he almost pleads, his voice hoarse. 
“We can’t,” you repeat, although you lean further toward him.
Your lips connect once more. His eager tongue drags along your bottom lip and you comply, granting him entrance. He tastes you, dragging every breath from your lungs until you pull away again. Atsumu observes you as you open your eyes languidly.
“We shouldn’t,” you try again, though your voice is weak and your eyes involuntarily dart back to his kiss-bruised mouth. 
“Right. I know. I know,” he agrees, although he pulls you closer.
You’re pressed flush against his chest and he kisses you again. His hands greedily smooth over your body, not leaving a part of you untouched. He kisses you again and again. No matter how many times you pull away, your heart pulls you towards him in spite of its wrongfulness. 
You melt in his grasp, lust cursing through your body, smothering any warning thought in your brain. He pulls away, a string of spit breaking between your lips. He presses feathery kisses onto your neck, moving lower and lower. 
“Atsumu,” you rasp, tenderly, it seemed almost painfully.
“Just this once,” he begs.
You whimper quietly, your skin burning where he touched you. The more you allow him, the greedier he gets. You let him kiss you and you let him peel your clothes off of you. Layer after layer falls onto the bathroom floor until you’re completely bare. 
His hands smooth over your breasts, down to your ass. He’s shameless, his hands hurriedly grabbing onto you. Appreciating touches leave your skin burning. His smoldering eyes trail over your body as he tries to comprehend that this is really happening.
His hand finds its way between your legs, feeling the wetness transpire onto his fingertips. You gasp, as he circles your clit softly before he briefly dips his finger inside of you. He shallowly starts to thrust his fingers, while his thumb rubs over your puffy clit. 
Desperately he ignores the throbbing of his cock, watching your every expression as he pleases you. The squelching sound of your dripping pussy fills up the bathroom. Each of your breathless pants, moans, and whimpers makes his blood run hot, rushing down his body.
His slippery fingers thrust into you until he has your pussy fluttering. He watches you cum on his hands, feeling the way you spasm around his fingers and watching your eyes roll to the back of your head. He loves to watch you fall apart, solely because of him.
Atsumu lets go of you then, watching you come down from your high. He swallows before a shaky sigh leaves his lips. His eyes jump all over your face, taking you in. 
He looks at you wanting more, noticing the apprehension in your eyes. You move, softly grabbing his cock that strains against his boxers.
Your name falls from his lips, drawn out into a sigh. You tug down his boxers, languidly encircling his girth before you move your hand up and down his length.
“This is wrong,” you whisper weakly.
“Just this once,” Atsumu sighs, watching the movement of your hand. His cock looks so big with your delicate hand wrapped around it.
You swallow hard before you nod. “Just a little bit, just the tip,” you breathe.
He lifts you with ease, partly sitting you on the sink. His lips are on yours again, the kiss is hungry and sloppy. He quickly aligns himself to your anticipating hole, slowly sinking his flushed tip into you. 
You gasp desperately, your chest burning with the desire to have more of him. 
“Deeper,” you beg, a low whine ripping past your parted lips.
Atsumu complies eagerly, pushing further inside of you. He swallows your moan as he bottoms out.
And then he moves, dragging his cock nearly out of you just to go deeper. He fucks you slow and thoroughly, as you pant into each other’s mouths. Your legs are wrapped around his waist tightly, as you both lose yourself in the pleasure. His eyes are fixed on you, watching you as you lose yourself around his cock. 
With every thrust, his pace increases until he’s pounding into you relentlessly. You moan and whimper, as your nails rake down his back. The slapping of skin reverberates through the tiny bathroom, mixing in with the squelching sound of your messy pussy. 
His large frame encompasses you fully, his face buried in the crook of your neck. His hot breath fans over your delicate skin, praising you, praising how good you are to him. His hands hold onto you dearly, as his rhythm grows more frantic. 
Atsumu would love to sink into you like this again and again, but he already feels his orgasm nearing. His tip is so sensitive from the previous stimulation and you’re just so soft, encompassing him heavenly. 
He yearns to have you cumming around him, so his hand sneaks down your body. His finger draws tight circles around your puffy clit, while his large cock splits you open.
He watches your tits bouncing with each of his sharp thrusts before he gazes into your face. You look so beautiful; your eyes daring to close, your swollen lips parted, releasing sweet sounds. 
You whimper, the way Atsumu’s finger rubs over your aching clit has you seeing stars, the pleasure nearly too much. 
“I know, baby, I know,” he mumbles, feeling your pussy spasming around his weeping dick. 
“Let it go for me, make a mess for me,” he pleads, his voice delirious with need. And you do. Oh, you do. 
Your pussy clamps down on him. His name, drawn out in a whine, falls right on his ears, as you cum on his dick.
He curses under his breath, his hips stuttering forward once more before he tips over the edge as well. He lets your pussy milk him dry, sending ropes of his hot cum up inside you. You feel his cock throbbing, as he shallowly thrust in and out of you, making a mess of your slick and his cum running down your thighs. 
His figure slumps against yours, his chest heaving with labored breath. He basks in the feeling of having you wrapped so tightly around him before he reluctantly slips out of you.
His hooded eyes are fixed on yours, taking in your lust-drunk expression. Atsumu commits the image to his memory, not knowing if he’ll ever see you like this again. 
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loveephia · 1 year
romantic tropes with some of the HQ boys. (kita, kuroo, ushijima, akaashi, and oikawa.) 200 followers special!
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, use of poor humor in kuroo's (i'm sorry 😭), timeskip in ushijima's, reader has plushies in akaashi's.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: ignoring the fact that this is SUPER late, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS now 400 i'm so sorry 😭 i hope you guys like this along with a few other posts i uploaded at the same time for compensation HEHE ENJOY READING!!!
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childhood friends
he screams this trope sm goodbYE
since he was raised by his grandma, he was already a gentleman at age 1.
you probably developed this tiny crush on him when he tied your shoelace
or the time he fed you his grandma's delicious cooking
or the time he walked with you through the rice fields
it doesn't really matter when you did fall in love with him, though
because your longtime feelings seemed to be reciprocated when he confessed after his game at nationals
academic rivals
you're so irritated by the fact that he's beating you in SCIENCE.
yeah, sure, he's athletic, smart, and a tiny bit handsome, bUT YOU ARE JUST AS GOOD!!!
kuroo doesn't even know why, but you've been glaring at the back of his head a little more lately
he just thought it was because his hair kept covering the blackboard :p
arranged marriage
since he's like the #2 ace in volleyball and you're the daughter of a sports company CEO, the marriage is beneficial to the both of you
which is funny because you ended up falling in love with the stoic man
it's like hitting two birds with one stone!!!
with the way he quietly took care of you and watched you with attentive eyes during meetings
it made your heart flutter
especially whenever he'd call you his fiancé
you're aware that this is all an arranged marriage, but maybe there's a possibility that he loves you back
you soon find out your answer when he refuses to sign the termination contract for your marriage
the next door neighbor
this trope is like a breath of fresh air to me
you saw a moving truck and a couple of people through your window, moving boxes
and your eyes land on akaashi
or, as you like to call him,
and maybe be his future wife
"does he have a girlfriend..? i don't know what i'd do if he does, i mean— he's literally so.. wow." you rant to your plushies as if they'd listen
fake dating
he wanted the fangirls to back off a bit due to a recent incident where one of the girls wouldn't stop following him out of his school life
and yeah, that's where you come into frame
the reason he asked YOU specifically?? we'll never know,,
"y/n, you're so cute today!"
"only today?"
he cheekily asks if he can wrap an arm around your waist, hug you close, kiss your cheek, and you always say yes
it's only just a matter of time when one of you will confess, really.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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beangfrisky · 1 year
haikyuu boys + tropes
customer!atsumu: this man absolutely adores acts of service. so whether you are the barista he sees every morning or the server at his fav restauraunt, you are it for him. idolizes you for months before making a move. truly believes you go to work just to see him (lol). bring him back down to earth pls
single parent!osamu: after focusing solely on his career for most of his young adult life, he is ready to find love. you having a kid scares him a little at first but he quickly sees you both as irreplaceable in his life. loves nothing more than seeing you and your kid having fun together. creates the comfiest environment for you and your little one always. the best dad ever
college sweethearts!suna: you become partners for a project in class and never look back. he teased you like a kindergarten kid the entire time bc he had the biggest crush. made sure to introduce you to all his friends throughout the semester. failed tests on purpose to study with you. once he finally asked you to cheer for him at his game and go out for dinner after, it was happily ever after.
neighbors!aran: you saw each other every day for months without ever talking. the crush he had on you was totally mutual. eventually you make up an excuse for him to come and help you lift a heavy box inside. you both end up spending hours talking about everything under the sun. movie nights and sharing dinner together becomes a regular thing before he finally asks you out.
highschool sweethearts!kita: falls in love once in his life and that is it for him. you both grow into adults together and get to see each other at all stages of life. he makes sure to remind you always how important you are to him. you are definitely the mom and dad friends.
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syuga-s · 20 days
you're my home, so take me there
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w.c. 7k pairing. time skip!hanamaki takahiro x fem!reader genre. filthy friends to lovers 👅 a/n. NSFW MDNI !!! if you can't tell who's my favorite boy in haikyuu then i don't know what to tell you, smut!, porn with a little plot, THEY LOVE EACH OTHER YOUR HONOR, mentions of wine, implied vacations with the seijoh four, fluff at times, not exactly cheating but you're going out with Kita in this onE AANNDDD, idk it's hot
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The sultry evening air enveloped you in a warm, sticky embrace, heavy with the heady fragrance of tropical blooms. The moonlit terrace of the rented villa was the perfect setting for a relaxing night with your longtime friend, Makki. As you sat side by side, you could feel the stress and worries of your daily lives melting away under the gentle caress of the warm breeze.
The soft rustle of palm fronds provided a soothing soundtrack to your quiet conversation, punctuated only by the occasional chirping of crickets and distant laughter from neighboring villas. This was a moment to savor, a peaceful escape from the chaos of the outside world.
As the other guys drifted off to sleep, leaving only the two of you under the tranquil gaze of the moon, Makki's deep voice cut through the stillness. His eyes, bright with the reflected light, held a warmth that mirrored the balmy summer night. 
The gentle rustle of leaves and chirping of crickets provided a soothing soundtrack to his words. “I'm glad we came,” he said, his genuine smile spreading across his lips like a sunrise. "It's been too long since I've had the chance to spend time with you." A cool breeze carried the scent of the sea, adding to the serene atmosphere of the moment.
You smiled and nodded, trying to hide the disappointment of not being able to spend more time with your close friend Makki. 
"So, how are things going between you and Kita?" he asked, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.
As soon as he brought up Kita, your heart sank. You knew he couldn't resist prying into your love life, and you didn't know how much longer you could dodge the question without revealing the truth.
Your mind raced as you tried to come up with a response that wouldn't give away the complicated and confusing feelings you had for Kita. "Oh, um…" you began with a sigh, knowing that there was not an answer you could give without betraying your true emotions.
Makki, ever the persistent one, playfully nudged you with a gentle touch. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he urged you to open up. "Come on, spill the details," he teased, his voice laced with genuine interest.
You hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the complex emotions swirling within you. Finally, you managed to utter, "We're... good." But there was a hint of vagueness in your admission.
Makki's smile faltered slightly. "Just good?" he prodded, sensing that there was more to the story.
You took a deep breath and tried to put your feelings into words. "Well, yeah," you began, the words tumbling out in a rush. "It's just that we've not had any real conversations about where things are headed."
Makki raised an eyebrow, his expression thoughtful. "So you haven't told him how you feel yet?" he surmised, his voice tinged with understanding.
A sense of vulnerability washed over you as you nodded.
"More like he hasn't told me what we are yet," you confessed, feeling exposed in front of Makki. "And I don't want to be the one to bring it up."
Makki's eyes flickered with a mix of sympathy and amusement as he regarded you, understanding the complexities of your situation. His gentle tone encouraged you to search deeper into your thoughts.
As Makki's suggestion of you being the one to bring up that conversation, hung in the air, you scoffed at the idea that Kita might be waiting for you to take the lead in defining your relationship. The notion seemed absurd and almost comical in the mid all of your uncertainty. However, beneath your dismissive facade, a seed of doubt took root, whispering about missed opportunities and the lot of possibilities.
"Maybe because I don't know if he truly likes me or if he just finds me physically attractive," you mumbled, the thought suddenly occurring to you. "He never shows any genuine interest in me beyond my body."
A scowl tugged at your lips as you pushed away memories of your most intimate moments together. "He could easily be with anyone else for all he cares," you added, the sting of your own rejection sharpening your words.
The silence between you and Makki was so heavy that it felt like he had fallen asleep. But then, in a sudden burst of candor, he spoke up.
"That sounds familiar," he admitted. Your brow furrowed in confusion. "Remember when I was dating that girl from Hawaii? What was her name again?" A chuckle escaped your lips as a vivid memory flooded your mind.
"Marie," you replied with a grin. "The one who adored everything French and pretended she could speak it." He joined in on your laughter.
"Yeah, Marie. She used to say things like, 'Oh Hiro I love your accent,' or, 'Can I have some of that chocolat cake please?'" He mimicked her exaggerated intonation, causing you to laugh even harder at the ridiculousness of it all.
As the moon peeked out from behind a cloud, its soft light illuminated his face and playful demeanor on the terrace. He shrugged off his shirt and the warm night air caressed his bare skin as he settled back into his shorts. You couldn't help but protest, your eyes flickering away from the alluring sight before you. 
With a smirk, he flexed his biceps and teased you while enjoying the playful banter. "Put a shirt on, Makki," you pleaded, trying to resist his teasing.
"What's wrong? Can't handle the view?" he quipped, the moonlight sparkled in his mischievous eyes. "Don't worry, I'll keep it PG-13," he reassured with a wave of his hand.
"Make yourself comfortable," he said, gesturing for you to relax next to him.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in mock exasperation as his words washed over you, laced with subtle suggestions. His smooth voice and charming smile were like a siren's call, drawing you in despite your best efforts to resist.
"I'm just saying," he persisted, undeterred by your dismissive response. "If you're not interested, I'm sure there are plenty of others who would be."
Your cheeks flushed at the implication and you turned away, trying to regain your composure. But the memory of his touch lingered on your skin, making it hard to resist his advances.
As he urged you to stay with him, his words mingled with the gentle breeze that wrapped around both of you. The weight of his persuasion hung in the air, tempting you to give in to the desire that simmered just beneath the surface.
But as you stood on the brink of surrender, doubt wormed its way into your mind, casting shadows over your resolve. You hesitated, torn between the excitement of his closeness and the indecision of your own desires.
"Are you sure about this?" you asked, your voice trembling with doubt.
His reassuring tone mingled with the cool night air as he responded, "Of course. It's completely normal. Besides, you really don't need that shirt right now" 
In a single moment, he lured you into his web of persuasion and you felt yourself surrendering to his will. With a heavy sigh, you stripped away your clothes and sank onto a lounge chair beside him, gazing up at the endless expanse of stars above. 
The cool night air brushed against your bare skin, a reminder of the freedom that awaited beyond the constraints of societal expectations. "Was that so difficult?" he taunted playfully, his laughter mingling with the rustle of palm fronds in the breeze.
"Shut up," you grumbled half-heartedly, a shy smile tugging at your lips. 
His warm gaze enveloped you, a silent acknowledgment of your newfound liberation. Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, basking in the sensation of self-acceptance, shedding the weight of societal norms with each passing moment. 
"But really, why are you so afraid to show your body around me?" he prodded gently, genuine concern coloring his curious tone. 
"I'm not," you denied weakly, though your flushed cheeks gave away your true feelings. In this moment of raw intimacy, a whirl of conflicting emotions swirled within you. Yet amidst the chaos, a sense of calm washed over you like a soothing balm.
As you stood there illuminated by the moon's gentle glow, it dawned on you that the lines between friendship and something more had blurred beyond recognition. And in that brief moment of vulnerability, you found solace in his comforting presence—a reminder that home wasn't just a physical place but also a state of mind; a sense of belonging that surpassed all your limits.
"Are you finally going to gather the courage to tell him?" his voice pierced through the eerie stillness, echoing the burning question that tormented your soul.
"I-I guess I have no choice," you conceded, his words weighing on your heart like a leaden anchor.
"About time. I'm tired of watching you two dance around each other," he remarked, exasperation seeping into his tone.
"Thanks for the support," you deadpanned, shooting him an annoyed glance as a wry smile tugged at your lips.
"Anytime," he chuckled, his laughter bouncing in your ears as he flashed you a cheeky grin.
"But seriously, I'm genuinely happy for you," he added, his expression softening with sincere affection.
As the night went on, the headiness of the wine enveloped you in a warm haze, blurring the edges of your inhibitions. Each sip brought a sense of weightlessness and calm, washing away the burdens of the day like a gentle tide.
"How are you feeling now? More relaxed?" he asked, cutting through the fog of your thoughts with his sharp voice.
"Definitely more than just relaxed," you admitted with a soft smile playing on your lips.
"You know that this isn't going anywhere, right?" he declared with a mischievous glint in his eye as he swiftly removed your shirt, leaving it abandoned among the scattered remnants of your inhibitions.
"We can put that away later in your room," he suggested, tossing the garment aside without a care. "Perfect," he remarked with satisfaction, his hand resting on your thigh in a silent display of intimacy.
His words hung in the air like a guillotine, slicing through the thin veneer of your composure. The intensity of his gaze bore into you like hot coals, searing your soul with its relentless probing. A gnawing unease gripped at your resolve, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed walls around your heart.
"I won't talk to Shinsuke, I don't think I—" you circled back to the prior subject.
"Why not?" he persisted, his voice gentle yet insistent as he pushed for answers that you were not ready to give. You felt exposed, vulnerable under his unwavering scrutiny.
"I can't," you whispered, a tremor of fear laced with regret trembling in your voice.
His arm found its way to your shoulder, offering silent comfort and support during your turmoil. But even that was not enough to quell the rising tide of uncertainty within you.
Hours passed in a blur of laughter and confessions, but the weight of his unspoken question still lingered between you. As the night wore on and the wine bottle emptied, you found yourself shedding inhibitions and basking in the warmth of his presence.
But when it was time to part ways, the promise of tomorrow weighed heavy on your mind.
Alone in the silence of your room, the moonlight casting eerie shadows on the walls, you shed all pretenses and allowed yourself to be consumed by thoughts of Makki.
A soft knock at the door shattered the stillness, sending a jolt of anticipation through your veins. "Who is it?" you called out, barely able to contain the excitement in your voice.
The voice that responded was deep and resonant, but it carried a hint of familiarity that sent a thrill through your body. It was Makki, using the nickname only he knew you by. You stood with bated breath, waiting for him to enter and shatter or fulfill all your hopes and fears. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as if time itself had slowed down in this moment of possibility. 
Every sound seemed amplified - the creak of the door opening, the rustle of fabric as he stepped inside, the thud of his weight on the floor. Your heart beat faster, unsure of what was about to happen, but unable to resist the pull towards him.
You clutched the soft, silky bedsheet to your chest, a rush of anticipation mingling with a hint of apprehension as you awaited his arrival. The room seemed to shrink in size, the walls closing in around you as the seconds stretched into eternity. Every creak and rustle of fabric seemed amplified, making your heart race even faster.
“Excuse me? Are you sleeping here too?” Your voice broke through the silence, pulling yourself from the depths of your own thoughts. You turned to see him standing beside the bed, tall and confident, his presence filling the room.
“Me? Of course, didn’t you know?” he replied casually, his words laced with an air of nonchalance that belied the tension crackling beside you.
"Know what?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of confusion.
"That I'm staying here," he clarified, his tone matter-of-fact.
"Here, as in my room?" you repeated a note of disbelief creeping into your voice.
"Yes, why not?" he shrugged, as if the idea of sharing your space was the most natural thing in the world. Your mind reeled at the thought of him sleeping in your bed.
"Well, I thought maybe you would want your own bed," you mumbled, feeling suddenly awkward.
"What's wrong with sharing a bed?" he countered, his brow furrowing slightly in confusion. You bit your lip nervously, unsure how to respond.
"Nothing! Nothing is wrong with sharing a bed!" you hastily assured him, wishing you could erase the words the second they left your mouth. "But..."
“I was not aware of this. Should I go to the sofa?” you offered tentatively, trying to hide your inner turmoil. The prospect of his presence so close to yours sent a jolt of nervous energy coursing through your veins.
“The sofa? No! Don’t worry, stay with me. It’s just me, Makki,” he reassured his words a soothing balm easing your worries.
“I sleep on this side, you sleep there on that side and we’ll have no problems,” he continued, his voice tinged with an underlying confidence that left no room for argument. You nodded, your mind still racing with conflicting thoughts.
“Sure…” you trailed off, trying to push away the nagging doubts in your mind.
It’s just that… what if things get awkward? What if I can’t sleep? What if… 
“Are you gonna sleep naked too?” you blurted out, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you realized how forward and vulnerable your question sounded. But Makki simply chuckled, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
"Huh?" he responded to your question, his eyebrow quirking up in curiosity.
"Naked. Are you going to sleep naked?" you repeated, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks at the boldness of your inquiry.
"Well yeah, how else am I supposed to sleep?" he replied nonchalantly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You couldn't believe how casual he was being about this conversation. "Right, why did I even ask..." you muttered, scolding yourself for your lack of composure.
"Well, how else does one sleep? I'm not like you, I mean those," he gestured towards your bralette with a smirk, "must be uncomfortable and bad for your chest."
"Actually, they provide more support and can help prevent sagging," you countered, trying to justify your choice of undergarments.
"You have nice tits," he stated matter-of-factly as if it were a simple fact of life.
You felt a rush of heat flood your face at his comment. "Thanks?" you replied awkwardly.
"So... shall I take them off for you?" he asked mischievously, his eyes sparkling with playful intent.
"Yes. I mean... No! No. I'll do it myself," you stammered, flustered by his forwardness.
"Okay then," he said with a chuckle, leaning back against the pillows and watching as you quickly removed your bra and tossed it onto the nightstand.
"There, happy now?" you asked with a hint of defensiveness in your tone, trying to hide your embarrassment.
"Very. And now you're officially a 'bad girl'," he whispered back huskily, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"I don't think so..." you mumbled under your breath, unsure of how to respond.
"Oh, but you are," he insisted with a smirk, his hand beginning to trail down your collarbones towards your chest.
"What do you mean?" you demanded, feeling a mix of indignation and excitement at his touch.
"You didn't tell me to stop, did you? In fact, you told me to continue and even took off your own clothes," he reminded you with a raised eyebrow and a playful grin.
"But... " you started to say, the heat of shame flooding your face once more.
"Don't tell me you want to put that back on?" he teased, leaning in closer until his warm breath tickled your ear.
"Not exactly. I mean..." you trailed off, unable to form a coherent response.
He chuckled at your flustered state but continued to trace gentle patterns on your skin with his fingertips, sending shivers of pleasure through you.
"What the hell are you doing?" you laughed nervously, turning slightly so that you could see him better.
"Nothing," he replied innocently, his eyes twinkling mischievousy. "But I was wondering..."
"Wondering what?" you challenged, trying to catch your breath as his hand moved lower towards your waist.
"Well, nothing really," he answered nonchalantly, his grin growing wider. "Just curious about something."
"About what?" you asked impatiently, feeling his fingers dance dangerously close to your most intimate area.
"Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about," he said teasingly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Oh God, are you really going to do this now? Of all times?" you exclaimed with wide eyes and a nervous laugh.
"Hey, a man has to find some fun somehow," he shot back with a shrug before playfully tickling your sides and making you squirm beneath him.
"Stop!" you gasped between giggles, trying to push his hands away.
"You're very touchy, aren't you?" you remarked. He was clearly enjoying your reactions.
"We're just having fun, aren't we?" he added, his fingers now tracing featherlight patterns on your bare skin.
"Naked and touchy," you retorted with a playful pout, feeling the heat between your bodies growing more intense.
With one swift movement of his legs, he pulled the bedsheet down past your waist, leaving you fully exposed once again.
"I thought you said you weren't going to look," you pouted, feeling both embarrassed and aroused.
"Did I say that? No, I don't believe I did," he replied with a teasing glint in his eye.
"Well then," you challenged, feeling empowered by his gaze. "If you're going to look, I get to do whatever I want."
"Have fun with me then," he invited playfully, his hand moving higher towards your chest as he continued to explore every inch of your body with his eyes.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" you asked suddenly, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of being intimate with someone who was already in a relationship.
He shrugged nonchalantly.
"No, not really," he admitted with a sheepish grin. But as he spoke, his eyes darkened with an intense desire that sent shivers down your spine.
"But, I'm not opposed to the idea," he added, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as his hand trailed up your bare arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
"Interesting," you mused, trying to keep your composure and hide the effect his touch was having on you. But his gaze lingered on your exposed skin, making it hard for you to focus.
"So, are you going to show me the goods or not?" His voice was low and seductive, causing a fire to ignite within you.
"Show you 'the goods'? Are you twelve?" You couldn't resist teasing back, your own lips curling into a mischievous smile.
“Don’t you have someone waiting for you back home?” you asked boldly now, turning to face him and resting on your arm. You could see the hunger burning in his eyes and it only fueled your desire.
"Why would you think that?" His large smile mirrored yours, but there was an intensity behind it that betrayed his playful facade.
“Your face tells me you have a few chicks here and there.” Your words were like a challenge, daring him to be honest with you.
“My face? My face tells you all that?” he questioned, tilting his head in confusion. "Come on now, we've always been good friends. You can tell me the truth," you urged, his hands still wandering over your body without reservation.
"Oh well, you could say that." His own admission only seemed to excite you more.
“With all your open-mindedness and talk of threesomes all the way through college, I would've sworn you always had someone waiting for you back home.” The words slipped out before you could stop yourself. But instead of getting defensive, he only chuckled and drew closer to you.
“Threesomes? I do like them… but never in my life. And it’s been a while since I had a girlfriend actually.” His words were like a confession, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
He pinched your waist once again, his touch sending sparks through your body. “Are you always thinking about me when you contemplate the idea of threesomes?,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear.
"What do you mean? It's normal for us to talk about that stuff, right?" You tried to play it cool, but inside your heart was racing with excitement and anticipation.
"Don't change the subject Makki, you're telling me there's no one at home... I call bullshit." You called out his bluff, your voice low and seductive as he continued to explore your body with his hands and lips.
“You know that’s not me. But I'd do whatever to make you laugh.” He confessed.
You tried to maintain your playful facade, but the intensity between the two of you was becoming too much to ignore.
“So, you’re not a player?” You asked, turning away from him now in an attempt to regain control of your emotions.
“Nope, not a player. Never have been.” His words were followed by the feeling of him pressing up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
You turned again to face him, unable to resist the pull towards him any longer. And all he could do was get closer to you, his lips crashing onto yours in an intense kiss that left you breathless. “Yeah, right,” you managed to say between kisses. "Thank god you didn’t lie to my face."
"Don't you dare call me a liar," he growled, his hands exploring every inch of your body in a way that made it hard for you to think straight. "Not today, especially after such a nice little moment together." 
His words were filled with both desire and warning, but you couldn't bring yourself to care as his touch sent waves of pleasure through your body.
"Don't tempt me," you whispered, your own hands running through his hair as you gave in completely to the intensity between the two of you.
His words were a low growl against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you felt his hot breath near your neck. You could practically feel the intensity of his gaze as he spoke, warning you not to provoke him any further. But even as his grip tightened and he whispered soothingly in your ear, his fingertips still trailed dangerously along the curves of your body.
"Please," you pleaded, unable to hide the tremor in your voice.
His grasp tightened even more, causing a sharp pain to shoot through your waist. "Why would you call me a liar?" he demanded, his dark eyes piercing into yours.
Your back arched instinctively as he pressed closer, his whole body hovering over you like a predator ready to pounce. "It's so obvious, Makki," you retorted, fighting back the urge to give in to his teasing game.
"Oh really? Then tell me how," he challenged, a sly smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.
"It's written all over your face," you shot back with an eye roll.
"If I was lying, I wouldn't hesitate to take what I want from you," he breathed against your skin, making your heart race.
"W-What are you talking about?" you stammered, feeling a heat creeping up your cheeks.
"You know exactly what I mean," he whispered huskily, drawing a shuddering gasp from your lips as his mouth grazed along the sensitive skin of your neck.
"Are you complaining?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"N-No," you admitted, struggling to keep yourself composed under his intense gaze.
"Good," he murmured before continuing. "Now, where were we?"
"I think you were telling me about all the girls you've had," you prompted, a teasing edge to your voice.
"Ah, yes," he chuckled, his fingers tracing lazy patterns along the dip of your waist.
"Well, there was this one girl, I met her like 14 years ago, she was gorgeous since then," he began, his tone wistful.
"She had these amazing curves," he continued, his hands skimming along the swell of your hips.
"And her ass," he groaned, his grip tightening. "Fuck, her ass," he repeated, this time with a hint of awe in his voice.
You asked. "What happened with her?"
"She told me she was falling in love with me and me being the ass I am, didn't know what to do and I never said anything back."
"She still acts as if nothing happened after she told me that but I've never stopped thinking about her and how we could be together right now if hadn't been so stupid back then."
"I don't want to sound arrogant, but I've never met another woman who compared to her. I know she has a boyfriend and everything, but for some reason, I keep on dreaming about her."
When he revealed that she had confessed her love to him and he had foolishly let her slip away, you couldn't help but wonder if he was talking about you.
"You never stopped thinking about her?" you asked softly, unable to hide the hope in your voice.
"Never," he replied, his fingers trailing along your body with such tenderness that it made your heart ache.
"I can't help but dream about what my life could be with her," he admitted, his voice laced with regret.
You couldn't stop yourself from leaning into him, wanting to soothe the pain in his words. "I don't think you're being arrogant at all," you whispered, feeling a sense of warmth and familiarity between the two of you.
He pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation. But all he saw was sincerity and understanding shining back at him.
"Thank you," he said with a genuine smile before leaning in to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
As his arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer, you knew that this intense moment was just the beginning of something even more powerful between the two of you.
He pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around your body and his lips hovering near your ear. 
Inhaling deeply, you felt your breath become ragged as his pant sent shivers down your spine. "Maybe you should have told her all that way sooner," you murmured.
Confused, he turned to look at you. "What do you mean?" 
"I mean, maybe she still thinks about you too, and wants you to tell her," you explained to him, trying to ease the worry in his eyes. 
"But, she has a boyfriend," he said as if you needed a reminder.
"He's not a ‘boyfriend’, Makki," you told him earnestly. 
"But haven't you two been together for a while?" 
"Kinda," you admitted, unsure of where this conversation was heading. "What does that have to do with anything?" 
"It has everything to do with it," he replied cryptically. 
"Remember when we were sitting on the terrace together?”—"the night you told me you were falling in love with me?" he recalled slowly. 
"Of course I do," you confirmed, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"You took my hand without saying anything," you continued, remembering the sweet yet nerve-wracking moment. "And held it," he added quietly. "Then I took a deep breath and pulled away." 
"Did you still think I was just playing around back then?" 
"No, not really," you answered softly. "I always saw something different in you compared to other guys."
He chuckled teasingly. "Like how I was always carrying your things or getting in trouble just to make you laugh?” 
"Yeah, stuff like that," you replied with a fond smile.
"See? So if I grabbed you like this and was really the player you claim I am now, I would actually do it," he joked playfully. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, rolling your eyes at his exaggerated approach.
You suddenly felt a gentle touch on your leg and looked down to see his hand gently caressing the skin of your thigh. Meeting his gaze, you saw the mischievous glint in his eyes as he watched the movement of his own hand. You were surprised by his boldness, but then again, it was just like him to playfully tease and flirt with you. 
Your hands explored each other's bodies beneath the sheets, tracing over familiar contours and discovering new territories. The playful teasing of earlier gave way to a desperate hunger, the years of unspoken desire finally reaching their boiling point.
Nothing had to be discarded as you were already stripped down to your bare skin. The cool air kissed your heated flesh, intensifying every touch. The air in the room felt charged, heavy with a tension that crackled between you and him. Your eyes locked on his, willing him to take this seriously.
He was not a player. He was a tease. And he was a man who clearly wanted you. His eyes roamed over your body, his desire evident in the way he licked his lips and ran a hand through his tousled hair.
"May I continue?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.
Your breath caught in your throat as you nodded, unable to resist the pull of his charisma.
"Good," he murmured, leaning closer until his lips were brushing against your ear. 
"Just relax," he whispered, his touch trailing along your hip before moving up to caress your cheek. "I've always enjoyed our late-night conversations," he said softly. "There's something about the stillness of the night that makes it easier to open up."
A soft blush rose on your cheeks as you met his gaze. "Yeah," you said quietly. "It's like we can be completely ourselves with no one else around."
He smiled warmly, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along your jawline. "And who are you when no one else is watching?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and longing.
In that moment, you felt yourself opening up to him. His touch awakened something inside of you, making you feel more alive than ever before. As if he had opened a door to a new world where there were no boundaries and nothing was forbidden.
You took a deep breath, feeling a surge of boldness coursing through your veins. "I'm the kind of person who would rather show you than tell you," you confessed, a shy smile tugging at the corner of your mouth.
"Then show me," he urged desire burning in his dark eyes.
You bit your lip, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. This wasn't like you, being so forward and bold, but there was something about him that made you want to take risks.
Leaning in, you captured his lips in a passionate kiss that set your senses on fire.
"God, you're so hot," he moaned, his hands eagerly exploring every inch of your skin.
"Shut up," you laughed, the sound breathless and filled with joy.
The kiss was everything you had imagined and more – sweet yet searing hot, gentle yet full of raw passion. His lips moved against yours in a slow dance, each touch igniting a fire within you.
His hands were everywhere, teasing and caressing your body with feather-like touches that left you craving for more.
Your heart raced as your bodies pressed together, your desire for him growing with every passing moment. You needed to feel his hands on your skin, hear his voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear, and lose yourself in the blissful pleasure of being with him.
At this moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of you. And you couldn't get enough.
With every touch, your skin ignited in flames, a desperate hunger for each other consuming you both. The years of unspoken desire finally reached their breaking point as you devoured each other beneath the sheets, exploring every inch of each other's bodies with a ferocity that left nothing untouched.
Your clothes were discarded, leaving you both bare and vulnerable to the cool air that kissed your heated flesh. His hands roamed over your body, igniting a trail of electric sensations that pulsed through your veins.
"I was talking about you earlier," he confessed between kisses, his gaze intense and filled with longing.
"Me?" You feigned innocence, playing along.
"Yes, you," he confirmed with a soft smile.
"I've always thought you were stunning," he declared, his eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts.
"Even when we were younger," he added with a distant look in his eyes.
"And what are we waiting for?" You teased, a coy smile playing on your lips.
"For you to leave that guy who can't seem to make up his mind about you."
"And are you sure about this? About us?" You relented, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Yes," he affirmed with determination.
"What's on your mind right now?" You asked him with a playful smile.
"How badly I want to fuck you," he growled, his voice low and husky.
"Is that a promise?"
"Absolutely," he vowed, his gaze burning with fiery intensity.
"Then prove it," you challenged with a wicked grin.
He rolled you onto your back, pressing his body against yours as he deepened the kiss. Your senses were overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent of his skin and the delicious taste of his lips.
His hand traveled lower, teasing and tantalizing every inch of your body until it found its way between your thighs. A gasp escaped your lips as his fingers traced over your slick folds, igniting a fire within you with every stroke.
As his fingers plunged inside you, he groaned against your mouth—a symphony of pleasure and longing that sent vibrations straight to your core. You arched your hips in response, silently begging for more.
And he didn't disappoint, moving his fingers faster and deeper until you were panting and desperate for release. But he didn't stop there. No, he pulled away, leaving you yearning for more.
"Did this just come to your mind because you're drunk and horny?" You taunted.
"No, I was never drunk," he replied with a smirk.
He grinned, his eyes filled with mischief and desire. You matched his gaze, your lips curling into a challenging smirk as you playfully questioned if he was still horny. With a low purr, he confirmed that he definitely was.
Unable to resist any longer, you reached between you and wrapped your hand around his hardened length. He shuddered at the touch, his breath hitching as you stroked him slowly from base to tip.
Moaning, he tore himself away from your kiss to trail hot open-mouthed kisses down your neck and collarbone. His lips worshipped every inch of bare skin with fervent devotion until they reached your breasts, his tongue flicking over your hardened nipples.
"More," you begged, desperate for more pleasure.
"Anything," he promised, trailing kisses lower. "Everything for you," he swore as he reached your navel, his tongue swirling teasingly around it.
"Makki..." you moaned out his name as the sensations became too much to bear. But instead of stopping, he continued on, determined to bring you to the brink of ecstasy.
"Shh," he soothed as he moved lower, his breath warm against your skin. "Let me take care of you."
"Please," you whimpered, trembling with anticipation.
"As you wish," he acquiesced before prodding into you with his talented tongue.
You cried out in pleasure, your hands gripping tightly onto his hair as he expertly brought you closer and closer to release. Each touch sent electricity through your body until finally, you were reaching the peak.
"Quiet baby," he warned before ramping up the speed and intensity of his movements. "Come for me."
You moaned in agreement, arching off the bed as waves of pleasure washed over you. "I can't take anymore," you pleaded, but instead of stopping, Makki only went faster, driving you to the edge of ecstasy.
He pulled his lips away from yours, his breath hot against your skin as he spoke. "Not yet," he growled, his deep voice echoing through the room. He shifted his body above you and returned to your lips with a different plan of attack.
As his tongue darted into your mouth, you could taste the faint hint of mint toothpaste and yourself on his mouth. It sent shivers down your spine and made your heart race.
"You taste so good," he moaned between kisses, his hands roaming over your body. His fingers found their way to your breast, tracing patterns on your skin that sent electricity coursing through you.
"Please," you cried out, struggling to catch your breath as he kissed a trail down your neck. "Hiro..."
But instead of stopping, he went faster, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. "No, I'm not done yet," he whispered against your skin, his teeth nipping at your earlobe.
You clenched your teeth, trying to hold yourself together as he brought you to the edge once again. This time, he didn't stop. He held you there, suspended in a haze of pleasure and desire until you thought you might burst.
And just when you thought you couldn't take it any longer, he stopped. Your eyes fluttered open to see him looking down at you with a primal intensity in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" you asked, still lost in the fog of ecstasy.
"We're not finished," he replied firmly, his hand sliding down to cup your cheek. "You're mine, and I'm not done with you."
With a sense of urgency, he positioned himself between your legs and pushed forward, filling you completely in one smooth motion. The sensation was almost overwhelming – a mix of pleasure and pain that made every nerve ending in your body come alive.
He waited for a moment, allowing you to adjust to the exquisite sensation of being joined so intimately. And then, with a primal groan, he set a slow, languid pace.
Each thrust sent waves of pleasure through you, and you could see the desire burning in his eyes as he took you higher and higher. And then, as if he couldn't wait any longer, he picked up the pace – each movement more intense than the last.
"You feel so good," he grunted, his hips rocking against yours with a force that threatened to drive you over the edge. "So fucking perfect."
"Deeper," you begged, your voice filled with desperation. "I want all of you."
He chuckled darkly, his body trembling with exertion as he slammed into you over and over again. "Is that so?" he growled, his voice dripping with primal lust. "You want all of me?"
"Please," you gasped, struggling to keep up with his increasingly frantic pace. "Fuck me like I’m yours."
His touch was possessive and gentle all at once, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You were completely lost in the moment – consumed by the heat and intensity of him.
He reached behind him and grabbed hold of the headboard, using it as leverage as he pounded into you with a relentless rhythm. It was all too much – too much sensation, too much light, too much desire.
It felt like he was reading your mind – fulfilling every fantasy and dream you had ever had. If he kept this up, you would never want anything else. He owned you completely, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
He was going to take everything from you, and in return, he would give you everything you ever wanted. The anticipation bubbled inside you as his hands roamed over your body, igniting every nerve with fiery need.
"Yes!" you screamed, your voice bouncing off the walls of his bedroom.
"Please don't stop Hiro."
"Whatever you want, princess," he panted, his movements becoming more frenzied as desire consumed him.
"Fuck, I'm close," he warned, his rhythm faltering under the intensity of his passion.
In response, you arched your back and urged him on, your nails digging into his shoulders as waves of pleasure pulsed through your body.
"Come inside me," you pleaded, aching for the sensation of him filling you completely. "I want to feel your cum inside me."
With a guttural groan, he gave in to your request, releasing himself deep inside you as you cried out in ecstasy.
As he collapsed beside you, you wrapped your arms around him and breathed heavily against his chest, basking in the afterglow of your shared passion.
But then a sudden thought hit you and you whispered softly, "Hiro?"
His eyes met yours with tenderness and without hesitation, he declared, "God I'm in love with you."
A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you playfully teased, "You're not my usual type."
With a laugh and a kiss on your forehead, he responded, "I'll make sure to change that."
"Round two?" you asked with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Definitely," he agreed eagerly, already feeling the familiar stirrings of desire within him once again.
"I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me," you declared playfully.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard," he promised, his cock already growing hard once more.
"Promises, promises," you taunted with a playful smirk.
You couldn't help but laugh as you got off the bed and made your way to the bathroom. As you cleaned up, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness that radiated from within you. 
You knew that Makki would make the perfect partner for you. He was attentive, loving, and passionate – everything you could ever want in a man. 
As you walked back into the bedroom, you couldn't help but notice the way he was watching you. There was a look in his eyes that made your heart flutter – a mix of love, desire, and a hint of possession.
His voice dripped with confidence as his lips curved upwards, revealing a small dimple on his cheek. "Are you ready to get your world rocked again?" he teased, playfully raising an eyebrow.
You couldn't help but laugh and feel a shiver run down your spine at the thought of what your life with Makki would be from now on. You knew that he wasn't one to hold back, and you trusted him completely.
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kitashousewife · 1 year
“i picked this up from the market for ya,” neighbor!kita hands you a small pouch of loose leaf tea tied with a small bow. “they had samples today.”
“can’t believe i missed sample day,” you sigh sadly, holding the gift in your hand. today was the first time you weren’t able to go to the weekly farmers market with kita, due to a meeting with a possible client. you help him sell his rice, and in return you bring a few flower arrangements to sell. it’s the highlight of your week, and you were so bummed to miss out.
“the ladies missed yer flowers today,” he smiles, flipping through the few pieces of mail he grabbed from the mail box. you open yours, frowning when it’s empty. “don’t worry, i told ‘em you’d be back next week.”
the two of you stand in the evening sun for a moment. even though it had been a long day, you decided to be a good neighbor.
“want to come over for some lemonade?”
the two of you stand in your kitchen now, gossiping about the happenings at the market today while grab the lemonade from the fridge.
“no way! their honey isn’t even that good,” you roll your eyes. the stand across from kita’s is known to have outrageous prices.
“oh c’mon, it’s not that bad. but i agree, a little expensive.”
you grab two glasses from the cabinet and nod.
“anything else happen?”
“no, not really,” kita says through a yawn. “i sold out though.”
“that’s great!” you give him a wide smile and he blushes. no matter what, he’s always been humble.
“it’s nothin’,” he smiles a little, looking at the ground instead.
you hand him a glass before making your way back outside. the two of you sip in the driveway, watching the sun set slowly. the two of you chat a bit more before kita let’s another yawn slip.
“yeah, got up earlier to do chores in time for the market today,” he finished the rest of his glass. “thanks again. ya know, yer lemonade is the best i’ve ever had.”
your cheeks heat up a little.
“you’re nice.”
“i mean it,” he stretches, and you look away when the t shirt he’s wearing rises a little. “i should get goin’ though. what do ya got goin’ on tomorrow?”
you take his glass from him and raise your shoulders.
“i don’t know! i have a few bulbs that i planted a few months ago that are starting to come up, so i need to check on those. i need to weed the area by the roses as well, i’ve let it get a little hectic,” it’s your turn to yawn now, and kita raises an eyebrow. you wave him off. “besides that though, i don’t really have any plans. and you?”
he kicks at a loose piece of gravel with his boot. “the usual. although i do need to stop by granny’s at some point to help her with her sink. she said it’s leakin’.”
“well let me know when you’re going. i have some dahlias that bloomed and i know how much she loves them.”
“ya spoil her,” he teases, slowly walking towards his own driveway. “but i’ll let ya know when i go.”
“you know where to find me!” you smile over your shoulder as you walk back to your house, and kita waves.
“goodnight, neighbor.”
maybe he’ll ask for your help with a few chores. or, maybe he’ll offer to take you out to lunch after you stop by granny’s.
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zorosprincess · 17 days
Pretty Neighbor pt.2
PAIRING - Kita Shinsuke x Reader WC - 6.4k GENRE - Smut CW - copious amount of lead up, noncon voyeurism, slight exhibitionism, dubcon, masterbation, use of sex toys, cunnilingus, soft sex, body worship, Kita isn’t as innocent as everyone believes him to be, Suna is an instigative little shit SYNOPSIS - Kita Shinsuke is the responsible one in the friend group. Quiet, reserved, respectable. Always on his best behavior. That is, until his neighbor Suna gets a cute new roommate. A cute new roommate who’s a little too oblivious for her own good.
A/N: if you wonder how I envisioned this apartment setup
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Kita Shinsuke was the responsible one in his friend group. He always had been.
He’s usually quiet and reserved, respectable, diligently doing his work and helping others where he can. Always on his best behavior.
Kita Shinsuke was constant. That was what he was doing when he saw his cute new neighbor for the first time. Being constant.
His attention had been grabbed by your small curse and he’d glanced to see you walking towards the neighboring staircase. A light smile tugged on his lips when he saw you trip and a shoe tumble out of your overly full arms. He watched with light amusement as you crouched down and tried to balance it back in your arms.
He was next to you in just a couple long strides, his mouth moving before he could think about it. “Evenin’.” A short greeting but one that was graced with a response from you nonetheless.
“Evenin’.” Your voice was soft to his ears, sweet as the small smile you gave him that had the corners of his lips tugging up even more. But before he could try to respond you were scampering away and up the stairs.
He smiled to himself as he continued on to his own set of stairs, catching a glimpse of you disappearing into Suna’s apartment. He made mental note to ask him about it later.
He didn’t mean to accidentally look into your window, honestly. He’d been caught by the downstairs neighbor for a brief minute, delaying his ascent up the stairs. His attention had been drawn on his way up by movement from the window next to his stairs, the window that usually had the blinds completely drawn.
He’d glanced up to see you leaning up, stringing up some small lights around the window, soft sounds of music and melodic singing wafting out the window. Maybe, he thought to himself, he didn’t so much mind his little run-down apartment anymore.
He'd had to face Aran’s questions when he entered the apartment still smiling. He found himself thinking about the cute neighbor as he tried to go through his usual evening routine. Wondering when he would be able to see you again.
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He didn’t have to wait long, quite literally almost running into you while leaving for work the next morning. You’d looked up at him, eyes widening quickly as you recognized him.
He let a smile pull on his lips at how cute he thought you looked, “Mornin’.” He greeted, trying to be kind as possible. He thought you looked like a skittish cat, ready to flee at any sudden movement.
“Mornin’.” You squeaked out in response and he watched as you dashed off just as quick as the night before.
He'd sighed at the lack of interaction, how fast you were willing to leave, but moved towards his car, careful to not be late. The interactions with you, however, weighed on his mind. He spent most of his day, with the thought of you sitting pretty in the back of his mind, not quite impeding on his routines but constantly present nonetheless.
He would like to say he wasn’t disappointed when he pulled back into the parking lot at the end of his workday and saw that the car you’d gotten into this morning wasn’t there. But he was a little disappointed. A little sad to see the blinds pulled shut on the window, no little fairy lights hanging and turned on. A little disappointed he didn’t run into you while making his way to his apartment like he had the night before.
He refused to let it disrupt his routine, however, and just like clockwork, he slipped outside late at night, just in time for the elderly woman a few doors away to appear, her car pulling up with groceries in the back. He smiled fondly as she tried to load the bags into her arms, his feet already carrying himself down the stairs towards her.
“Lemme help ya, ma’am.”
He tried his hardest to listen to her gushing the same story she told every week and her attempts to set him up with her granddaughter. He smiled and appeased her, but his attention was taken by the familiar car pulling into the spot next to where Suna’s was supposed to be.
Distracted by you, the girl who nearly tumbled out of the car, hand holding onto the frame of the door as you steadied yourself. Distracted by you as you came fully into his view, the lights from your car seemed to reveal some bruises across your skin, too dark to be just plays of shadows. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw what seemed to be some cuts across your legs.
He tilted his head to try and see better as you piled things into your arms before shutting the door. He wanted to catch your eye, to wave a ‘hello’ but it was stopped by the elderly woman who he’d been helping.
“You’re always so sweet for doing this Kita dear.” He smiled down at her.
“Ya needa stop comin’ ‘ome wit groceries s’late, ma’am.” She hushed him and waved her hand. “I’s safer fer ya durin’ the day.”
He stayed sweet towards the elderly woman, taking her groceries inside for her to help her put them away. By the time he got to throw another glance over his shoulder, his cute neighbor was already almost at the stairs. He shook the disappointment out of his head and resumed his routine of helping the elderly woman.
He unloaded her groceries diligently. He placed items where she requested and politely declined her requests to invite her granddaughter to come meet him. His usual routine.
By the time he was finally making his way back to his apartment he smiled at the window next to his staircase. Blinds pulled up halfway, lit up by some fairy lights. He couldn’t help but be curious as to what you were doing, if you were playing music like before, singing as you put something up like you had the night prior.
He didn’t mean to glance over at the window as he passed it on the stairs. His face blushed a deep red as he took in the scene in front of him.
He could see you sitting on the end of your bed, cleaning a large scratch on your leg with some cotton. Your hair was still wet as it fell down your bare back. Bare. Because you were clad in only a towel. A towel that barely covered your lower half.
He snapped his gaze away from the mirror and rushed to get himself inside. His face was still hot when he made his way to his room., telling himself that he wouldn’t ever do it again.
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That was short lived. He didn’t mean to; swore he didn’t mean to. But when he left for work in the morning, he couldn’t help himself. It was just a glance, to see if you were still there. You were and he had to do a double take.
His hand gripped the railing tightly as his eyes raked quickly over your body. His lips parted softly as his eyes were caught on your bare back. Your legs were tangled up in your comforter but most of it was pressed under your bare torso. In fact, the only piece of clothing on your body was a tiny pair of shorts that had rode up slightly.
Kita swallowed hard as his eyes traced the curve of your ass and up your bare back. Your hair was gathered around your shoulders, the smooth lines of your back exposed to his eyes. His breathing stuttered at how beautiful he thought you were.
You stirred slightly and he snapped himself out of his trance. His eyes aiming back ahead of him and continuing down the stairs. He berated himself as he went, for acting like a creep, for letting himself invade your privacy like that. His face was red as he made his way to his car, a little later than he was supposed to, breaking his routine for the first time.
That night he tried to force himself to avoid looking in the window. He truly did try his hardest. But seeing your shadow move around caught his attention as he started up the stairs.
It was just a glimpse, the movement of you pulling your shirt off by the window. He saw the curve of your breasts in your bra and he stopped himself from continuing to look. He shook his head hard and trained his eyes down. Watching his feet as they carried him to his front door, using the entirety of his willpower to not look back up.
He slipped back into routine of the morning, refusing to look behind him as he left, didn’t run into you on his way to his car either. There was a weird tug in his chest at the miss of seeing you, a weird need to glance back at your window as he got into his car.
An easy feeling settled over him when he saw the blinds moving a little bit and your shape moving around up in your room. He willed himself to leave, telling himself that maybe he’d run into you when he came home.
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He did see you, as he parked his car into his spot that evening. You were standing in front of the stairs leading up to Suna’s apartment, laundry basket tucked into your arms. He couldn’t tell why you weren’t moving until he’d opened his car door. He strained his ears as he reached for his bag and could just barely hear the sweet lull of your voice.
“Sorry, I just have to get up the stairs.” He watched as you shifted on your feet, moving your laundry basket ever-so-slightly. He could see past you now.
“Go ahead.” The man in front of you replied. Kita’s body tightened as he recognized the man sitting on the stairs in front of you. Suna’s freak of a next door neighbor. Someone he’d thought had been kicked out already, especially after the altercation that happened the month before when the cops had to be called.
“I don’t want to accidentally hit you,” your voice was still sweet and he could hear it shaking slightly, “if you wouldn’t mind just for a moment—” Kita’s feet were already carrying his body towards you before he could think about it.
“Are you saying I can’t take a hit?” The man’s voice raised and Kita watched as the cute girl, you, flinched back slightly. Kita’s steps quickened, closing the distance. “I can take a hit; I’ve been hit before.”
Kita nearly growled as he stood protectively behind your smaller frame. “S’common cour’sy.” The words rolled out of his mouth without thinking, his hand laying gently, protectively on your upper arm, attempting to keep you away from the man that was now in front of both of you.
He was looking straight over you, glaring at the man who was making his cute neighbor so uncomfortable. He tried to shake the feeling filling him out of his head, attempting to ignore how your skin felt against his own as he guided you to step back, placing himself in between you and the other neighbor.
“Yer only a couple complaints ‘way from getting’ kicked outta ‘ere. Watch yerself.” He tried to stay calm, to ignore the urge to grab the man in front of him by the collar and toss him out of the way. He didn’t know where the rush of anger came from, but he wanted so desperately to protect you, the girl now standing behind him. “Jus’ let the pre’y lady pass.”
The man didn’t seem to want to back down. Trying to square up to Kita, he stood up and took a step forward. “I don’t like the tone you’re asking in.”
Kita, always quiet, reserved, and respectable was quickly losing his temper. He stepped forward, squaring his shoulders, putting himself between the weird neighbor and the stairs. He moved his hand back to you behind him.
“Wasn’ askin’.” He dropped his tone, a dark look crossing his eyes as he took another step towards the man. Kita guided you behind him, blocking you from the man in front of you.
“Thank you.” Your breath brushed against him as you walked hurriedly up the stairs. The words were soft from your lips and he wished so desperately to follow after you, but he couldn’t leave with the creep in front of him acting the way he was.
“Who do you think you are!” The man in front of Kita raised his voice again, offensive as opposed to the way that he was stepping away from Kita now. “You can’t keep me from sittin’ on my own stairs!” He exclaimed.
“’m not.” Kita said plainly. “’m keepin’ ya from harassin’ the pre’y lady, fer no reason.” He stepped forward again before he felt a presence step up beside him.
“So you bothering my new roomie?” Suna asked with a bored tone. The man grumbled as he realized the two men weren’t going to move from the staircase. Quickly making himself scarce, Kita didn’t relax until he was out of sight.
“Thanks for protecting y/n, I’m sure that she appreciates ya for that.” Suna sighed as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder. “Should go check on her though.”
Kita nodded lightly, watching as Suna disappeared up the stairs, unlocking his door easily and slipping inside. Kita paused as he turned back towards his own door.
Y/n. Your name was y/n. It was pretty, just like you. He smiled lightly as he noticed your light turn on in your room. That was one step closer to knowing you.
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The next few days were mostly uneventful. He would sometimes catch you in the mornings when you left at the same time, quiet 'mornin''s passed between you both. Kita always talked himself out of furthering the conversation for the sake of them possibly being late.
He tended to not run into you in the evenings when he came home. He was often left longing to just have a conversation with you, thinking about how maybe he could catch you in a conversation through the window as he walked up the stairs.
That was before he realized how creepy it might come off if he acknowledged he could see you through the window. Especially when he caught himself looking in your window more and more, accidentally catching glimpses of you as you changed. Accidentally peering in to see your naked form barely covered by your blankets as you slept.
He’d never felt more annoyed with himself as he did on those mornings that he did that. Lecturing himself over the indiscretion and how he should stop doing it. Only to find himself accidentally doing it again. To find himself watching you as you walked away from him in the morning. Remembering how soft your skin felt under his touch.
All of it came to a head the day he decided he really needed the casserole dish back that he’d lent to Suna nearly a month prior. He had accomplished the feat of going down the stairs without glancing over at your window, reaching the bottom of the stairs just in time to see Suna rushing over towards his car.
“Suna!” Suna’s head snapped towards Kita, pausing his rush for a moment. “Wonderin’ if I could get my dish back, the one I lent ya.” Suna tilted his head for a moment trying to think. “Wanted to use it t’make some food tonigh’.”
Suna nodded lightly. “I’m in a rush to meet Mizu, she’ll kick my ass if I’m late again.” He fiddled with the keys on his ring before tossing something shiny over to Kita. Kita caught it before realizing the object was a key. “I gotta go, but feel free to have a look around, I’ve got no idea where it is.”
“Yer not gonn’ need it?” Kita asked, staring at the key in his hand.
“Not comin’ home tonight!” Suna shouted back, leaning himself into his car, “see ya!”
Kita sighed at the rush his usually calm neighbor was in before training his eyes back up to the door. What was the worst that could happen?
He felt wrong entering the house on his own. Knocked first, but didn’t seem to be heard. He turned the key carefully, feeling wrong entering the space without one of the current residents. He sighed as he slipped off his shoes, locking the door behind himself. There was no response when he called out into the apartment and figured that the pretty resident living here was occupied.
He sighed and made his way towards the kitchen, the entire apartment a replica of his own’s floorplan. He spent ten minutes rummaging through the kitchen, cursing Suna’s disorganization. Ten minutes before deciding that a resident of the apartment might have better luck. He glanced towards the hallway, his feet carrying him before he could think.
There was the sound of the tv coming from behind the door and he winced as he resolved to knock. “Y/n?” Your name felt foreign on his tongue but he persisted. Knocking and calling again. He winced at the lack of answer, but he was determined to make that food tonight. It wouldn’t hurt to just grab your attention.
“Y/n?” He called again, his hand slowly turning the knob on the door, easing it open slowly. He was trying to call your name again when his voice died in his throat, unprepared for the sight in front of him.
Kita’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight. The pretty neighbor that he’d been catching glimpses of from the window was splayed out on the bed.
Your body was completely bare, covered in a thin sheen of sweat. You had headphones over your ears, the reason why you hadn’t heard him trying to get your attention. Your mouth was parted lightly, soft moans falling out with your eyebrows scrunched together in focus.
He watched as your hands, much smaller than his own, pressed between your thighs. Your knees were bent up, one hand loosely holding a vibrator to your clit, the other trying to work the tip of a pretty purple dildo into yourself.
He swallowed hard as he watched your wetness pool out of you, covering the head of the dildo. He was ashamed in himself at the way he could feel himself harden in his pants, at the way he imagined what you would look like trying to stretch yourself around his length.
He clenched his jaw as he saw your body arch slightly, your head falling further back into the pillow. Small whimpers falling from your mouth.
He watched your muscles tense and he couldn’t draw his eyes away. Couldn’t bring himself to make a single sound as he watched you bring yourself closer to the edge. Right up until the point where he watched your back fall back down as you groaned in frustration.
Your eyes stayed closed as you took a deep breath and he found himself closing the door as you started again.
Kita Shinsuke was the responsible one out of all of his friends. He’s quiet and reserved and respectable. He’s always on his best behavior. Except this moment, when he threw caution to the wind.
When he decided to risk it and take the consequences. When he walked over and knelt at the bottom of the bed, deciding that he, just once, could do something selfish.
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Your body froze as you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. Your eyes flew open and you glanced down to see a head of gray and black hair.
The cute man from next door, whose eyes were trained on the space between your thighs.
You squeaked, trying to sit up quickly, embarrassment filling your body, face heating up as you tried to snap your legs closed. He glanced up quickly, eyes darker than you’d known them to be before they softened upon meeting yours.
He didn’t let go of your wrist that was gripped around the dildo. Instead, his fingers rubbed circles into your wrist. His second hand brushed up your bare thigh, goosebumps raising after his fingers as he leaned up onto the bed. His fingers lightly pulled the headphones off of your ears and you were greeted by the sound of your tv playing once again.
“Ya can tell me to stop.” His voice was deep, sending a shiver down your spine as his eyes raked over your body. You felt so insecure under him, like his gaze was analyzing your body’s every twitch. “But ya look so pre’y like this.” Your chest tightened, sending heat rushing down towards your core. “Ya gonn’ lemme help?”
You almost said no, thought about it, but the way he was eyeing your body, the glances you’d stolen at him over the past week seeped into your mind. What was the worst that could happen? You whimpered and nodded lightly at him.
A smile pressed onto his lips and he brushed his hand against your thighs, easing them back open. “Yer so pre’y.” He mumbled.
You whimpered as he guided your hand to grip the base of the dildo harder, his other hand pressing the on switch to the vibrator again, helping you press it firmly to your clit. You let out a shaky moan as you collapsed back onto the bed, your eyes squeezing shut.
It sent a shock up into your body, the embarrassment of being splayed out like this and the pleasure it was causing to course through your core sending mixed signals to your brain.
His hand, wrapped around yours, began to push the tip of the dildo back in. You whimpered out a moan as you felt yourself stretch lightly. He groaned at the resistance, eyes trained on the wetness seeping out of you.
“Ya gotta relax, y/n.” You whined at the sound of your name falling out of his mouth, you didn’t even have the energy to question how he’d known it.
The vibrations traveling through your body from your clit was sending your mind into a haze. Your sharp gasp escaped your lips as he helped you ease the dildo into your cunt another inch.
“Yer so tigh’.” He groaned and you moaned at the praise. “Bet ya’d feel ‘mazin’ ‘round me.” You whined at the thought of it. Would he stretch you better than the dildo, dip into you further?
“Fuck, please, wanna cum.” You whined mindlessly, barely aware of his grip tightening around your wrists.
You could feel the tightness pulling at your stomach, you could feel yourself tightening around the dildo. Breathless moans falling from your mouth as your head fell back, back arching as he guided your hands. You whined as you couldn’t keep up with the edge you were chasing.
You heard the pretty man tsk from between your legs. “No wonder.” He released your hands and you whined as your orgasm fell away from you before you could reach it. “Ya go a li’le slack there darlin’.” You let out a strangled protest as he pulled the toys out of you and pushed them off to the side. “I’ll take care o’ ya.” He traced his fingers across your wrists, dragging them up with him as he placed himself on the bed between your legs.
“What—” you started, watching as he hovered over you, pulling your wrists to lay up by your head.
“Jus’ need ya to relax.” He whispered, his voice sending shivers up your spine as he pressed a soft kiss against your jaw. “Wan’a hear ya moan my name. Can ya do that fer me?” You whined as you felt him nibble onto your neck lightly, nodding softly as he traced kisses along your skin.
“Strangers shouldn’ be doin’ this.” He let his fingers trace up your arms and you let out a shaky breath. “Kita Shinsuke.”
His hands brushed against your sides lightly. “Shi—Shinsuke.” You repeated back with a whimper as he cupped one of your breasts.
“Will ya say it ‘gain fer me.” He kissed down your chest lightly, kissing the tops of your breasts. “Ya look so perfec’. Pre’y like this.”
You moaned his name again softly as his lips wrapped around one of your nipples, tongue lapping at it lightly.
“These fi’ in my hands jus’ right.” You whined as he palmed your breasts, kissing down the middle. He kissed all the way down, pulling small gasps out of your lips as made his way back between your legs.
“Can’tell ya how many times I though’ ‘bout havin’ ya like this.” You whined as you felt his hot breath against your core.
“Shinsuke.” You whimpered, your fingers winding into his hair.
“Jus’ keep sayin’ it, love. Lemme take care o’ ya.”
You nodded lightly as he pushed your knees over his shoulder. He nudged his nose against your clit and your breath hitched. Your eyes fluttered shut easily as he pressed his tongue into you easily. He moaned into you and your breathing stuttered.
“Ya taste so pre’y, darlin’.”
You cried out as he licked into you desperately, pace quickening as your moans increased in volume. Breathy sounds of his name fell from your lips as he sucked your clit into his mouth. You whined as his fingers pressed to your entrance, easing two in slowly. Whispered ‘please’s and whimpers of his name fell out as you felt your core tightening up again. “Wan’ cum please.”
He hummed against you and curled his fingers up, licking diligently at your clit as you felt sparks running down your spine. Your back arched as you cried out whines of his name, feeling yourself barreling towards the edge.
Your legs clamped closed around his head but he seemed unphased as he pushed you into your orgasm. You whined at the immediate feeling of overstimulation, your fingers pushing at his head, trying to detach him from you as he sent more sparks running through your veins.
He pulled off slightly, pressing soft kisses into the inside of your thighs as he massaged circles into them. “Ya taste so sweet, can’ get ‘nough.” You watched dazedly as he licked across his lips trying to lick up your cum left over on them. “Coul’ stay ‘ere all day.”
You panted, watching as he leaned up onto his knees, your eyes trailing his fingers as he undid the buttons on his shirt, easily pulling it off. You tried to lean up to reach for him but he tsked you and pushed you back down easily.
“No.” He said softly, kissing the corner of your mouth as he hovered over you. “This s’all ‘bout ya darlin’.”
He pressed his lips to yours finally, his hand cupping your cheek and lifting your jaw up to his. You could taste yourself on his lips and he swallowed the moan you let out. You let your hands fall against his chest, tracing the outlines of his muscles as his hands moved down to unbutton his pants.
“Wanna,” you whined as you kissed him again, “wanna feel you please.”
Shinsuke let out a soft chuckle as he kissed your lips again. “All ‘bout ya darlin’.” He whispered into your lips, pushing his pants down his legs.
You let your eyes rake over him as you did, the first time you really had the chance to fully appreciate his beauty. His gray and black hair was messy from the previous ministrations of where your fingers had tugged at the strands. His shiny brown eyes trained down between your bodies as his fingers brushed against your skin.
His long pretty fingers, soft and rough at the same time, sure of themselves in their movements but handling you with care. Your own fingers longed to brush against the dips along his hips, to trace the trail down lower. Longed to rake nails against the course hair that led to what you now wanted most.
A soft moan fell out of his kiss-swollen lips as he nudged the head of his cock against your clit.
“Shin,” you whined out the nickname, “please wanna.”
He groaned at the sound of your voice, leaning up to catch your lips with his again as he slowly eased the head of his cock into you. You breathed in a shaky breath as his mouth fell open against yours.
“God darlin’. Ya feel s’good.” He moaned into your mouth, kissing you again. He eased his hips forward a little more, drawing a moan out of you. “Feel s’tigh’ ‘round me.” Your head fell back into the pillow, soft moans falling out of your lips as he pushed the rest of the way in. “Ya look s’pre’y b’neath me.”
“Shinsuke.” You moaned, drawing out his name as he brushed his hands against your thighs softly, pulling your knees up to his hips. You felt yourself clench around him and the moan he let out made you unintentionally do it again.
“Fuck, can’ help it.” He groaned, eyes glazing over as he leaned up to look down between you both, eyes tracing over your body. “Yer s’perfec’.” His voice was rough against your ears as his hand pulled your knees together in between your bodies. “m’sorry. Can’t help it.” He groaned as he pushed your knees closer to your chest. You let out a squeak as he pressed in deeper.
You felt your eyes roll as you he dragged his cock out slowly before thrusting back in quickly. You let out a curse and he repeated the motion.
“M-more please.” You moaned out, barely catching the soft smile he gave you.
“Anythin’ fer ya, pre’y.” He moaned and leaned down to kiss you, subsequently pushing himself more into you. You let out a strangled moan against his lips as he picked up the pace, his speed quickly becoming brutal.
You let out a pathetic whine as his hips adjusted and the tip of his cock hit a spot in you that had you seeing stars. “Right—” you moaned loudly as he picked up what you were trying to say and his hips began to move incredibly faster.
You cried out calls of his name as he bullied the head of his cock into that sensitive spot repeatedly. Words tumbled out of your mouth with no meaning, mixed in with pleas and curses and versions of his name.
“Ya gon’ cum fer me darlin’?” He whispered against your neck, his lips pulling some of the sensitive skin and sucking a mark into it.
You moaned again, slurring out a flurry of ‘yes’s, your eyes rolling and your back arching as you felt the pressure of your orgasm building quickly. Crying out another call of his name you felt his grip tighten on your body.
A flurry of curses left his lips against your skin. “Wan’ my cum?”
Your head was nodding fervently before you could register it, your hands trying to find purchase on your sheets as you felt yourself tumble over the edge. The sound of his moans in your ear sent your senses into overload and his rhythm got sloppy, his speed and strength still not wavering.
“So pre’y takin’ me.” He whined into your neck, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin he’d just marked. “Cum fer me ‘gain m'love.”
You whined at the overstimulation, your nerves on fire from your orgasm not calming as he continued to pound into your g-spot. “Wanna—”
You whined as one of his hands came down between the two of you, his fingers picking up quick but light circles around your clit. “Wanna feel your cum, Shinsuke.”
You choked out another moan and cried as you felt yourself rushing towards the edge again, your body tensing up. Your hands pressing against his chest pointlessly trying to relieve the overwhelming pleasure.
His groan against your skin was broken, your name falling from his lips easily as his hips stuttered. Keeping his hips pressed firmly against yours, he let out a strangled moan. He pressed his lips back to yours and swallowed your cries as your orgasm crashed over. Your nails dug into his arms, leaving crescent shaped marks.
You whined as he slowly pulled out, his fingers rubbing easily into your muscles as he unfolded your legs. Your breathing was still staggering as he easily stretched your body back from it's cramped position.
“Ya need to keep yer window shut when ya change, darlin.” You tilted your head at him, confused as he rubbed his fingers into the sore spots of your hips. “I can see ya from my steps.” He smiled lightly as he felt your legs tense up. “Relax darlin’ I jus’ worked hard to relax ya.”
He brushed his fingers against your core and gathered up some of his cum that was leaking out. You whined as he pressed it back in. “This sight, righ’ ‘ere.” He raked his eyes over your body and you felt the urge to shrink. “I wan’ it to be all fer me.”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your mind still in a post-orgasmic haze, trying to figure out if you heard him correctly. “What do you mean?” You asked breathily, as he smiled down at you. He leaned down to press a kiss to your cheekbone.
“I mean,” he whispered, “anytime ya wanna be taken care o’, ya come t’me. It’ll be my job now.” He hummed in question, but you didn’t protest that arrangement. You didn’t mind it. You watched him pull away from you, him slipping his clothes on easily.
Your breathing paused, waiting for him to walk out the door. Instead, he placed his hands on your waist, guiding you to stand slowly. Your eyes watched his movements easily as he looked down at you, brushing your hair back from your face.
“Shinsuke?” You whispered in question but he just smiled, eyes taking in your every movement.
“Yer beau’ful darlin’.” You swallowed hard, your face heating up as you looked down. “Ya should grab a show’r. M’gonna make ya somethin’ to eat.” You tilted your head at him in confusion but he left you no choice as he guided you down the hall and to the bathroom. “C’mon darlin’.”
You were confused, but showered quickly, washing your body slowly, the soreness in your core reminding you of the man who would probably be gone when you left the bathroom. You sighed as you wrapped your towel around your body and braced yourself to be alone when you reopened the door.
Shinsuke’s hand wrapped around your waist easily as you stepped out, however. “Drink this,” he pressed a glass of water to your lips and you looked at him with wide eyes. “I’ve gotta go, but there’s food on ya counter.” You watched in awe as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “Close ya window, darlin’.”
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You spent the rest of the night reeling from the interaction, trying to ignore the millions of questions racing through your mind. Spent the next morning sitting on the couch and eating your breakfast slowly as Suna talked your ear off about boys he could try to hook you up with.
You hadn’t found it in yourself to tell him about Shinsuke from the night before yet, your brain still trying to wrap itself around the events.
Suna dragged you out to lunch that day. And with your luck, you both ran into Shinsuke.
“Hey Kita.” Suna greeted as you both passed him. Your eyes lingered on his arms, the muscles that tensed under his t-shirt. The muscles that bore the light markings of your nails from the night before.
“Suna,” Kita nodded at him before regarding you with a soft smile, “y/n.” You swallowed as you remembered how your name sounded on his lips last night. Rolling off his tongue as he came inside of you, as he kissed your skin, as he-
“Hi Shinsuke.” You muttered back, eyes training on the way his fingers wrapped around the strap of his bag. Of how his hair was combed perfectly now compared to the mess your fingers had made of it the night before.
You barely noticed the way Suna’s eyes flitted between you two, narrowing at the way your own eyes traced each other’s forms. You missed the way he let a smirk cross his lips in realization as he guided you away. “Sorry, lunch plans, catch you later?”
Lunch was a blur and so was most of the rest of the day. You kept glancing at your window, with the blinds pulled closed, just as Shinsuke had asked of you. However, with the blinds closed, you couldn’t see Shinsuke coming and going. It took you all of until the next afternoon to give in and pull your blinds open. You wanted him so badly to come over again.
So when he was supposed to be coming home, you figured, it wouldn’t hurt to keep the window open. It was harmless, really, taking your shirt off and waving to Shinsuke as he was a few steps up to his house. Harmless, really, as you walked away from the window, letting him decide what to do.
It wasn’t your fault that you missed the two boys at the bottom of the stairs looking up to where Shinsuke had been looking.
That you missed the boy whistling lowly and nudging Suna in the ribs saying: “tha’s yer new roommate?”
That you missed Shinsuke’s low growl of irritation and him shoving his house keys into Suna’s hands has he stalked away, burning a trail to you in your room.
Wasn’t your fault that you missed Shinsuke snapping at the boy with a: “keep yer eyes off my girl, Miya.”
That you missed Suna’s shit-eating grin as he led Osamu over towards Shinsuke’s apartment. “Shit, sorry, forgot to mention she was taken.”
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@tsukiran @awkwardaardvarkforever @all-in-the-fandoms @mightyknight501 @pearl-blue-musings @qichun
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
A Simpler Life [Part 3]
word count: 2296 || avg. reading time: 10 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kita x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, slice of life, mutual pining, neighbors to lovers
warnings: spoilers
synopsis: In pursuit of a calmer, simpler life you flee the city to move to the countryside - only to fall in love with your neighbor.
[part 1] [part 2]
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The next day you waited in the front yard for him on his way home and invited him for dinner again. And the day after that. And after that. Before long, you offered a standing dinner invitation and he happily accepted.
Now Kita’s steps quickened when he called it a day. It became rarer that he stayed until sundown to maybe do something that could be easily taken care of tomorrow. Having dinner with you every night was almost as if … almost like… coming home to you. The first thing he did when he stepped through your gate was go check on your plants. The tomatoes were doing really well and your radishes, while a bit on the puny side, also weren't too shabby. He wound a few of the newly formed pea vines around the trellis, then went to knock on your door.
A wonderful smell wafted in his nose but his heart only jumped when he saw you. You were setting the table, an apron around your plump hips, your hair tied up to a bun. It took every ounce of self control he had not to greet you with “I‘m home“. But maybe you‘d find it funny if he did? He tucked the thought away for later. Right now he dusted off his clothes, took off his shoes and stepped inside.
With the rainy season came a new routine for Kita. He loved this time of year because his fields thrived in this weather and it was fun for him to go check on their growth every other day when there was a break from the downpour. While the rain splattered loudly on the roofs and puddle-strewn streets, he stayed inside, doing the paperwork that came with farming, going over numbers and making phone calls to ensure the supply chain was in order once it was time to harvest mid fall. Before, he would have used the remaining time in his days to read or do some maintenance around his home, fixing little things he noticed or building a new piece of sturdy furniture to then deliver to his grandmother in the little hamlet he grew up in 40 minutes away. And while he did do all those things, he made very sure to keep aside more time for you as well. You met up in town for a cup of tea or to go to the grocery store together or drove to a neighboring town for a famous fish market he had told you about, eating your fill of gorgeously fresh sashimi and having a drink under the beautiful traditional awnings of the shops while looking out onto the stormy waves of the ocean. You never called it a date. You always made sure to refer to it as an “outing” and while he was glad to spend time with you, no matter what it was called, he couldn’t help but deflate a little whenever you clarified it to the people in your town who had gotten curious and suspicious about how often you two were spotted together. “Our Kita never spends this much time with anyone, let alone a pretty thing like ya. Ya should pay Yumie a visit soon, I reckon.”, one of the grandmothers had noted the other day and Kita had vehemently shaken his head behind your back to make her stop. The last thing he needed was word getting back to his grandma. She would want to meddle or as she would put it “help”. She would probably invite you over for dinner and ask all kinds of embarrassing questions, strongly hinting at the fact that she wasn’t getting any younger and Kita should hurry up and give her a pretty wedding and plenty of great-grandchildren. It wouldn’t matter that her grandson hadn’t made any romantic advances to you yet or that you perhaps didn’t even see children in your future. In all honesty, Kita would be happy with whatever you wanted. You would want children? Alright, he could get started on that straight away as far as he was concerned. You would want to spend your days with him alone and get those little goats you were gushing over the other day? He would gladly comply and build their enclosure as soon as you’d say the word. But as much as he was yours, you weren’t his. He was accompanying you on outings and although you were incredibly sweet and initiated contact often, he had learned that this was just the way you were. And he was foolish to read anything else into it.
He almost didn‘t hear the knock over the rain. It was early in the morning and he sat on his couch with a cup of tea and a book but looked up when he heard your voice calling his name.
Opening the door he came face to face with a pitiful pout.
“My home flooded.“, you announced.
“Apparently the roof isn‘t roofing as it should and now there is a huge puddle in my living room.“
A few minutes later he stood in your doorway, marveling at the myriad of blankets and towels laid out on the floor while in the middle of the room a big flower printed bucket was steadily filling up with water trickling in from the ceiling.
He would have a word with the town‘s realtor later for selling you a house that was anything less than perfect.
“Once the rain calms down a little I’ll have a look at it. Weather report said it should be dry in the afternoon.”
You threw him a hopeful smile.
“Really? Thank you so much! Can I make you lunch in return?”
He shook his head and upon seeing your face falter he immediately followed it with, “Ya’ve been cooking for me for weeks. Lemme do it for once.”
Personally, you thought you deserved an award for not drooling all over Kita‘s kitchen table. Seeing him shake out his wet hair when he returned from a quick run to the greenhouse for some fresh veggies was already testing you but now he was preparing said fresh veggies to turn into omurice and you were just about ready to lose your mind. There was something so wonderfully cozy and domestic about seeing this man prepare his produce with a little unconscious smile on his lips. His shoulders, broadened by the field work, moved smoothly as he fried the rice and you didn‘t hear him at first when he asked you a question, because your thoughts were somewhere else entirely. The meal immediately turned into your new favorite dish and his cheeks blushed when you couldn’t stop gushing about how good his rice tasted. You learned a while ago that it was a big source of pride for him when people complimented his produce, so you made sure to do it whenever possible, suppressing all the squeaks rising in your throat when you saw him turn shy. As you two enjoyed lunch, he requested more stories about your traveling and how you came to Japan, listening intently and asking for more details here and there. Laying a hand on your well-filled tummy you leaned back and let your eyes wander through his pristine home and out the open window, watching the continuous streams of collected rain drizzling from the shingles of the porch awning. Your eyes fell onto the little open shed next to his gate and the curled up form of his dog lazing around underneath.
“Shouldn’t we let him in?”, you asked and Kita followed your gaze.
“Hm? Why? Roku is a guard dog. He lives outside.”
“But… it’s wet outside.”, you mumbled.
“It’s nice in the hay, I promise.”
“Don’t worry, he is doing well. If he’d be in here he couldn’t do his job properly to guard ya.”
Using his chopsticks, Kita placed a red bean mochi for dessert on a small plate with more fresh strawberries and handed it to you. You accepted and chewed the sweet treat thoughtfully, still looking outside, unaware of his adoring smile.
The rain did let up in the afternoon just as predicted and together you carried a ladder and some supplies over to your house. You insisted on helping and although you couldn‘t do much to assist, you noted that you could still cheer him on and make sure the ladder didn‘t fall.
Moving slowly on the wet roof he went to work. The leak was fortunately nothing major and it didn‘t take long to fix. On his way back to the ladder however -
He drew in a sharp breath when he felt a muscle pull in his shoulder.
“Oh my gosh, are you alright?“, he heard you call from the ground.
“Yeah. Just slipped.“
Kita almost missed a step on his way down when he suddenly felt your hand supporting his back. He was really trying not to enjoy you fussing over him but when you led him inside and ordered him to sit on your couch while you prepared an ice pack, he couldn‘t help but play it up eeever so slightly. And then regretted it instantly when you offered to apply a muscle relaxant balm. Ears and cheeks burning, stomach stirring, skin tingling and thoughts racing, Kita focused on a wood knot on your floor, telling himself to calm down as you rubbed the balm onto his shoulder.
With the start of the new week he was once again busy with errands in town and the city and only got to see you for your daily dinner - by now his favorite part of the day. When he got home on Friday night, he was surprised that Roku didn‘t come to greet him as he stepped out of his car. Kita looked around and found the black and white dog snuggled in the open shed in his usual space but now lounging luxuriously on a very plush dark blue pillow. He sighed as he knelt down to pet the soft floppy ears, Roku blinking sleepily up at him but not moving from his new bed.
It looked like you made it yourself, it even had the dog’s name embroidered on the side.
“She really spoils us both, hm?“, Kita muttered and Roku grumbled in agreement.
And so, with another sigh, he decided to confess to you. Soon. Even if just for his own peace of mind.
Once you had left after dinner and he was alone with his thoughts, Kita tried to focus on his book but his mind kept wandering. He had never confessed to anyone before. Quite honestly, as much as his grandmother would have been disappointed, he had been fully prepared to be alone for the rest of his days. He never would have guessed that a gorgeous foreigner from the city would take up residence in his heart. You reminded him of the little wild tulips that dotted the fields with white each new spring. They had always been his favorite because although maybe unassuming and almost delicate at first glance, when you looked closer they were resilient and just… beautiful. He should probably write you a letter to let him choose his words carefully. Yes. And he’d deliver the letter to your doorstep to then patiently wait for your response.
“Did ya already get this one?“, you asked. Deciding to use the break in between downpours Kita had suggested to do some pruning in your veggie patch. The soil was soaked and muddy but the stone plates he had laid down a few weeks ago kept both of you from sinking in.
He smiled and nodded, working on the tomato plants while you went over to trim the superfluous sprouts from the bell peppers. He noticed some days ago that you had started to use his dialect in a few words here and there and every time it happened, his stomach did a little somersault.
“Thank you, by the way. For everything else, too.“, you said suddenly. He looked at you for a moment before continuing his task.
“Don‘t worry about it. It‘s not a big deal.“
“I don‘t just mean the pruning. I mean everything. It‘s a huge deal!“, you exclaimed, “You helped me with my garden, I don‘t know what you did to that realtor but I got compensation for the leaky roof and a whole handwritten apology letter. You give me advice, share your phenomenal produce for free, built me a planter, fixed my roof“, you gave a nervous chuckle while he blushed at the list of your appreciation, “and you mean to tell me none of that is a big deal?“
“Because they‘re only natural when ya love someone.“, he shrugged and froze a moment later mid-snip when he realized what he had just said.
“You… you love me?“
He took a deep silent breath. “Well… yeah.“, he then said in a tone as if confirming the sky was blue, “I thought it was rather obvious.“
When you didn‘t respond, he went back to pruning, trying to exude his usual air of calm but his heart pounded in his chest. There it was. And you didn‘t say anything. So you didn‘t feel the same after all. But at least it was out now. He examined the leaf of a momotaro tomato when he felt your hand on his cheek, turning his head to you. His eyes widened when your lips touched his. Short at first. You looked at him, probably waiting for a reaction, then leaned in again.
Kita squeezed his eyes shut to drown out the rushing sound in his ears. With trembling hands he needed two attempts to get the gloves off his hands so he could cup your cheeks and pull you closer.
a/n: This is truly everything I love 😌 I loved writing it! The next part will be spicy so if you’d rather keep this story sfw this is where is “important” plot ends 🌟
art: coloring done by @keiko-chan
[part 4]
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chikaras-garden · 1 year
….. can we possibly get more kita 🌹?? i’m whipped for that man 🤤
And he’s whipped for you so ❤️ fem!reader
This man slips his breeding kink into casual conversation.
He could be talking to anyone—his mom, the neighbor, YOUR MOM—and say things like “oh, when she’s pregnant, I’ll dial back on the farm work to help her at home,” or “after we have children, I’d like to get some more small animals for them to play with.”
And he rests his hand on your thigh, your hip, or your stomach when he does this. While whoever he’s talking to is cooing over what a great husband he is, he’s giving you some extremely possessive bedroom eyes. He’s INSUFFERABLE.
Send me a 🌹 and a character (HQ, RE, or Batfam) and I’ll tell you one of my NSFW headcanons about them
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vital-information · 4 months
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“Early Summer is about the difference between the married and the unmarried, how the married try to persuade or (worse) coerce the unmarried into getting married, and how maybe that isn’t always such a good idea. This theme is explicitly called out more than once in the film.
Early Summer further implies that there may be a good reason why some unmarried people, including Noriko (but not just Noriko), don't want to marry: they may be “that type of person,” as the young lesbian Fumi described herself in Takako Shimura's manga Aoi hana. This subtext rises briefly to the level of text at least once before being ambiguously dismissed.
Both Ozu and Hara remained unmarried until their deaths, and to my knowledge neither were ever credibly reported as having a romantic relationship with anyone. Per Donald Richie’s commentary on the Criterion release (referenced in the next post), Ozu was reported to become angry at any talk of his marrying. Meanwhile Hara, though termed “the eternal virgin” by a film producer for her film image, in real life had close friendships with many women, including a hair and makeup artist whose friendship with Hara began early on and continued after Hara retired into obscurity at the height of her career.
In modern terms we could therefore hypothesize Early Summer as a queer film subtly but firmly protesting compulsory heterosexuality, made by a (possibly) queer director and starring a (possibly) queer actor.
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Early Summer opens with three establishing shots: first a shot of a dog walking freely on the beach with the ocean in the background, then a shot of a single bird in a cage outside, and then a final shot of birds in cages inside a house. This is the house in the oceanside town of Kamakura in which Noriko (Setsuko Hara’s character) lives, along with her brother Kōichi (Chishū Ryū), his wife Fumiko (Kuniko Miyake), Noriko and Koichi’s father (Ichiro Sugai) and mother (Chieko Higashiyama), and Kōichi and Fumiko’s two young boys.
If we wish, we can interpret the first and third shots as showing a strong contrast between freedom in nature on the one hand, and the restrictions imposed by society and the Japanese family system on the other. In this interpretation the second shot represents Noriko, who has a degree of independence that her mother and Fumiko do not have, but is still constrained by the bonds of family and society.
In the following scenes Kōichi takes an early train to his job as a physician, while Noriko goes to the Kita-Kamakura station to catch a later one. There she meets Kenkichi, another physician who works with Kōichi and who (along with his mother) is the family’s next-door neighbor. Kenkichi tells her that he’s been reading a book, implied to have been recommended by Noriko. The Criterion release describes it only as “this book,” but the BFI release names it as Les Thibaults.
Les Thibaults (published in Japanese as Chibō-ka no hitobito, and apparently relatively popular in Japan at the time) is a multi-volume French novel that begins as one of its protagonists is discovered writing passionate messages to a fellow schoolboy — something Ozu himself was apparently falsely accused of — and is then separated from his friend. Later volumes describe their diverging paths in life. Why might have Noriko recommended this particular novel to Kenkichi? Hold that thought.
We then see Noriko at work, as a secretary and executive assistant to the head of a small firm (Shūji Sano). As she talks with her boss regarding café recommendations, her best friend Aya (Chikage Awashima) arrives, there to collect payment for the boss’s spending at the restaurant her mother owns. Noriko’s boss wonders when they’ll both get married, and refers to them as “old maids.”
(Before becoming a movie actress, Chikage Awashima was a musumeyaku top star in the Takarazuka Revue and occasionally played “pants roles,” i.e., as a female character dressing as a man for plot reasons. Osamu Tezuka was a fan of hers, and she supposedly inspired the main character Sapphire, “born ... with a blue heart of a boy and a pink heart of a girl,” in his manga Princess Knight. Why might this be relevant to Early Summer? Again, hold that thought.)
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After work, Noriko meets Kōichi and Fumiko for dinner. While they eat, Kōichi complains about post-war women (“[They’ve] become so forward.”) and Noriko corrects him: “We've just taken our natural place.” Kōichi then claims that’s why Noriko can’t get married, and she rebukes him: “It’s not that I can’t. I could in a minute if I wanted to.” (Note: a bit of foreshadowing here.)
Next occur the two key events that set the main plot in motion. First, Noriko’s great-uncle (Seiji Miyaguchi) arrives for a visit. He wonders why she isn't married yet. “Some women don't want to get married,” he tells her. “Are you one of them?” Noriko laughs and leaves the room, but the seed has been planted in the minds of her family.
Noriko’s boss also thinks it's time for her to get married, and he has just the man for her: “He’s never been married. Not sure if he's still a virgin.” Her boss has photographs to show her, and won’t leave her leave without taking them.
Meanwhile Noriko and Aya mercilessly tease one of their married friends, and after attending another friend’s wedding have dinner with that friend and another married friend, with a side dish of sexual innuendo. One of the married friends brags about how she spent a rained-out honeymoon playing with a “spinning top”: “My husband is very good at it.” Her friend cautions her: “You shouldn't flaunt it in front of the single girls.”
However, Aya is not impressed with the implied amazingness of heterosexual intercourse: “Silly! We don’t play with tops, do we?” Noriko enthusiastically agrees with her: “That’s for children, isn’t it?” The debate between the married and the unmarried continues, after which Noriko goes home, where Kōichi and Fumiko are scheming regarding the marital candidate proposed by Noriko’s boss.
Kenkichi’s mother then visits Noriko’s mother, and tells her that a man from a detective agency has been asking about Noriko: “I realized it was about her marriage.” We also learn that Kenkichi’s wife died two years ago (leaving him with a young daughter), and that he's not interested in remarrying: “All he does since his wife died is read books” (like Les Thibaults). Finally, we learn that Kenkichi’s best friend, Noriko’s brother Shoji, went missing in the war.
We now come to the climax of the first half of the movie. As Noriko’s nephews and their friends play with their model train set downstairs (one nephew asking if their father will buy them more train track), Aya visits Noriko and they talk in her room upstairs. Their married friends have made various excuses for why they couldn’t also visit; Noriko recalls how close they were at school and laments their drifting apart.
Throughout the first half of Early Summer Noriko and Aya are shown as mirroring each other’s gestures and speech. That mirroring continues in this scene (for example, they sit down next to each other at the exact same time and in the exact same manner), and then a very interesting thing happens. Ozu’s typical modus operandi is to continue a shot until someone stops speaking or moving, or even until they leave the room. But here he cuts immediately from Noriko and Aya simultaneously raising their glasses to drink, to Noriko’s father and mother simultaneously bringing food to their lips, as they relax sitting on a street curb in town.
If I were to speculate about what this juxtaposition might mean, if anything, I’d speculate as follows: that Ozu intended to show that, whatever Aya and Noriko might be to each other, they are as close, secure, and happy in their relationship as Noriko’s mother and father are in theirs — as much a couple as any other in the film, but not formally recognized as such.
Noriko’s father tells his wife, “This may be the happiest time for our family,” although he’s sad at the thought of Noriko leaving. They continue their conversation, and then are interrupted by the site of a balloon rising into the sky. “Some child must be crying,” Noriko’s father remarks. “Remember how Kōichi cried when he lost his balloon?”
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The good times continue as Noriko brings home a cake to eat with her sister-in-law Fumiko, and their neighbor Kenkichi drops in unexpectedly and is invited to share it with them. The scene re-introduces Kenkichi and brings up the subject of his remarrying — something he doesn’t want, but his mother (played by Haruko Sugimura) does.
In the meantime Noriko’s brother Kōichi has been pursuing the idea of a marriage between Noriko and an unseen bachelor first suggested by Noriko’s boss, including asking his friends and associates for more information on the proposed groom. The results are “very promising”: “He’s in the social register, and seems to be a fine businessman.” “How nice,” replies his mother, but, “how old is he?”
Then Noriko’s boss asks a few questions that we’ve been asking ourselves. While Noriko is away from work, Aya stops by, and the boss questions Aya on whether Noriko will go through with the match or not: “I don't understand her ... Is she interested in men?” Aya at first demurs: “What do you think?” Noriko’s boss has seen indications both ways, and presses the question: “Has she always been like that?” Aya responds in the affirmative. The questioning goes on. Aya tells him that Noriko’s apparently never been in love, “but she has an album of ... Hepburn photos this thick,” holding her thumb and forefinger about 4 centimeters apart.
Here we have the first of two translation issues. Aya actually refers to “Hepburn” without mentioning a given name. The Criterion subtitles — by Donald Richie, who should have known better — make this a reference to Audrey Hepburn, who’d had only small roles by then. It’s almost certain that this is instead a reference to Katherine Hepburn, who was a major star by the time Noriko would have entered middle school. Was the teenaged Noriko besotted by the androgynous beauty of Katharine Hepburn (who would have made a stunning otokoyaku)? It sure looks like it.
The subtext now threatens to become text, as Noriko’s boss learns that “Hepburn” refers to an American actress, and asks the obvious follow-up question about Noriko. In the Criterion subtitles it’s translated as “So she goes for women?” The BFI translation puts it more bluntly: “Is she queer?” What is Noriko’s boss really asking? Japanese speakers can correct me here, but I believe his actual question uses the term “hentai.”
Western fans are used to thinking of “hentai” as referring to pornography. However, my understanding is that at the time of the film “hentai” in colloquial Japanese would have referred specifically to sexual behavior that was considered abnormal. So if Noriko’s boss did use the term, another possible translation might have been “Is she a pervert?” Both the Criterion and BFI translations soften the question; in particular BFI’s “is she queer?”, while defensible, risks projecting our current ideas about “queer” (including its positive connotations) onto a film created in a different time.
In any case, Aya is determined to shut down any discussion of Noriko’s proclivities. “No!” she firmly replies. Noriko’s boss is apparently unconvinced: “You can never know. She’s very strange, in any case.” His prurient instincts aroused, Noriko’s boss then envisions another solution to the problem of Noriko, and queries Aya about it: “Why don’t you teach her?” “About what?” “Everything.” “What do you mean, everything?” He pats her shoulder and admonishes her: “Don’t try to be coy,” as we viewers pause to consider the implications of what he’s asking her to do.
Aya rejects this line of inquiry as well: “Don’t talk to me like that! That was rude!” Noriko's boss laughs, offers a half-hearted apology, and then (after telling Aya that Noriko won’t be back that day) invites her to lunch and quizzes her on her preferences in sushi: “Tuna” she says. He continues, “How about an open clam?” (which Donald Richie's commentary helpfully informs us is a euphemism for the vagina). “Sure,” she replies. “And a nice long rice roll?” “No, thank you!” His final words are, “You’re strange too,” and again I think I hear the word “hentai” enter the conversation.
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Recall that Kenkichi decided to accept an offer as a department head in a hospital in Akita, several hundred kilometers north of Tokyo and on the opposite coast. Noriko meets him in a café before her brother Kōichi is to host him at a farewell dinner party, and they talk about Shoji, Noriko’s other brother who went missing in action during the war. Kenkichi recalls how he and Shoji were best friends in school, often eating at this very café, indeed at this very table. Kenkichi tells Noriko that he still keeps a letter that Shoji sent him, with a stalk of wheat enclosed (probably indicating that Shoji was deployed in northern China). Noriko asks if she can have the letter, and Kenkichi agrees.
Afterward Noriko visits Kenkichi’s mother, while Kenkichi himself is still at his farewell party. Kenkichi's mother tells Noriko her secret dream (“please don’t tell Kenkichi”): “I just wish Kenkichi had gotten remarried to someone like you.” She apologizes and asks Noriko not to be angry (“It’s just a wish in my heart”), but Noriko stares at her with an intense expression (her usual smile absent), and asks her, “Do you mean it? ... Do you really feel that way about me?” Kenkichi’s mother apologizes again, but Noriko presses on: “You wouldn’t mind an old maid like me?” Then before Kenkichi’s mother can respond, Noriko speaks: “Then I accept.”
Kenkichi’s mother is incredulous. She asks Noriko several times to confirm what she’s saying, thanks Noriko effusively and weeps tears of joy at her good fortune, but continues to question Noriko about her decision even as Noriko leaves to go home. (Incidentally, this scene features a bravura performance by Haruko Sugimura.)
After she leaves the house, Noriko encounters Kenkichi, just returned from his farewell party. Noriko exchanges some small talk with him, but says absolutely nothing about what she just told his mother.
Noriko's decision then plays out across multiple scenes:
At first Kenkichi doesn’t understand what his mother is trying to tell him (“She accepted.” “Accepted what?”). When he finally gets the message (“She agreed to marry you. To become your wife!” “My wife?” “Yes. Isn’t it wonderful?”), he looks absolutely gobsmacked. His mother breaks down in tears again telling him how happy she is, and how happy he should be. He tries to play along (glumly echoing, “Yes, I’m happy”), but he looks for all the world like a man who would sooner eat nails than enter into another marriage.
Kenkichi’s mother doesn't understand why he’s not happy. She concludes, “What an odd boy you are.” The Japanese word here appears to be “hen,” which I understand to be a softer adjective than “hentai,” and not sexual in nature. But note that Kenkichi is now the third person after Noriko and Aya to be referred to as not normal in some way.
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Meanwhile Noriko is interrogated about her decision by her family, especially by Kōichi, in a beautifully framed and shot scene — Noriko in white, her head bowed, her brother in black, barking questions like a prosecutor cross-examining a criminal. Noriko is unrepentant: “When his mother talked to me, I didn’t feel a moment’s hesitation. I suddenly felt I’d be happy with him.” Her parents retire upstairs to chew on their disappointment — Noriko walking silently past them on her way to her room — while Kōichi tells Fumiko, “What could we do now? She’s made up her mind. You know how she is.”
Meanwhile Noriko and Aya have their last scene together. It starts by echoing and completing the action at the end of their previous scene: then they raised their glasses together to drink, now they lower their glasses in a simultaneous gesture. Aya tells Noriko that she can’t believe Noriko would ever end up like this: she thought Noriko would be a modern woman living “Western-style, with a flower garden, listening to Chopin,” “wearing a white sweater, with a terrier in tow,” and greeting Aya in English — “Hello, how are you?”
Instead Aya now imagines Noriko wearing farmers clothes in rural Japan, speaking the local dialect. She playfully imitates country speech, and Noriko responds in kind: “Ya don’t look it, but ya talk like the locals.” “I figure to live in Akita when me and my man get hitched.” The subtext here I read as follows: Noriko knows how to pretend to be something she is not — a conventional heterosexual woman in a conventional heterosexual marriage — and she will accept doing so in her self-imposed exile from Tokyo, the price she must pay for avoiding what she considered to be a worse fate.
The tone then turns serious. Aya recalls meeting Kenkichi when they were in school, on a hiking trip with Noriko and her brother Shoji, and presses Noriko about her choice: “Did you already love him then?” “No, I had no particular feeling for him. ... I never imagined myself marrying him.” Noriko evades Aya’s questions about how she came to love Kenkichi, refusing time after time to acknowledge her feelings for him as those of love. Instead she insists, “No, I just feel I could trust him with all my heart and be happy.”
But trust Kenkichi for what? we want to ask Noriko. To respect her for who and what she is? To not want a conventional relationship with her? To not press her for sex or for children (after all, he already has one)? To keep her secrets, as she might keep any secret of his?
The family then gathers for one last commemorative photo. Without Noriko's salary they can no longer afford the house in Kamakura, so they break up: the parents to live with the great-uncle; Noriko to Akita with Kenkichi, his mother, and his daughter; and Kōichi, Fumiko, and their sons to some other less-expensive dwelling (perhaps an apartment in the Tokyo suburbs).
The parents recall when they moved into the house: “It was spring and Noriko had just turned 12.” Kōichi remembers that time as well: "She used to wear a ribbon in her hair, and she was always singing." But “children grow up so quickly,” her parents remark, and living together forever, "that's impossible."
Her usual smile nowhere in evidence, Noriko takes it all upon herself: “I’m sorry, I’ve broken up the family.” Despite reassurances from her father (“It’s not your fault. It was inevitable.”) she flees from the room, goes upstairs to her own room, and cries her heart out, distraught about the turn that her and their lives have taken.
The final scene shows Noriko’s parents at the great-uncle’s house, far from the sea. They glance at a wedding procession walking through the fields (“Look there. A bride is passing by. I wonder what sort of family she’s marrying into?”), think of Noriko, and resign themselves to the family's fate: “We shouldn’t ask for too much.” “We've been really happy.”
— Frank Hecker, “Ozu’s Early Summer Seems Pretty Darn Queer to Me”
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