theamityelf · 1 month
I gotta get messy about some of my favorite Makoto ships now. Give me a minute, lol.
Imagine Makoto is dating Byakuya.
They came together during school; Makoto's perfectly normal but powerfully principled personality appeals to Byakuya despite himself. He stops trying to swat him away, and welcomes his company with less and less frost. It becomes natural to see them together. They start dating, almost matter-of-factly. They're happy.
But Byakuya knows how this ends. There was a time when he had every intention of keeping Makoto at his side for as long as he wanted him there, in his employ or however else, while he did his duty as a Togami and had a lot of heirs, etc. But now, he's been dating Makoto for a while, and he can't ignore the feeling that Makoto is destined for a wholesome, domestic life. A spouse, maybe children of his own. Someone who can give him their attention and heart. Something monogamous.
He breaks up with Makoto. He doesn't tell him that's the reason, but basically he starts to feel like keeping Makoto tied to him is too selfish even for him. (But he spins it in his head to where this was inevitable.) He's cutting Makoto free, and really a Togami shouldn't be dating someone so kind normal anyway.
Then Makoto starts dating Hajime. And Nagito. And Chiaki. At the same time.
And Byakuya realizes that he never asked Makoto how he feels about polyamory.
Now he has to watch as Makoto receives visits to his dorm and is walked to class by people who Byakuya "knows" are more fitting for him. Upperclassmen with genuine smiles, insignificant talents, and open arms. (And the reserve course student, of all things.)
In actuality, whole character arcs took place to get that polycule to where it is now, but to Byakuya, it just looks like Makoto effortlessly found the people who would actually make him happy. And Byakuya could just mope quietly about it, but he's not that selfless; he's rude to Hajime and Nagito, and he legit might perform a hostile takeover of a game company just to "indefinitely postpone" the release of a game Chiaki has been looking forward to. (I'm sure he tells himself he has a different reason for doing this, but his ears absolutely perked up when she mentioned the game in his earshot, and it was a short walk from thinking, "What game is that, anyway?" to "You know, the Togami Corporation might benefit from...")
Chiaki does confront him about this, by the way. He did not expect a confrontation from her, but he gets one, and Hajime is right there with her.
And I'm thinking Chiaki specifically chooses to confront him when Makoto isn't there, because she doesn't want Makoto to feel bad, but as luck would have it, Makoto and Nagito are taking a pleasant walk and they happen upon the confrontation.
Makoto is dismayed that his friends– specifically, his s/o's and his ex boyfriend –are arguing, while Nagito just stands back and watches, trying not to laugh at the petty drama.
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austajunk · 1 month
ya already know i'm gonna ask about komaeda in steampunk tell me about the fucked up bagel boy (and also komahinanami)
Haha I figured I would get asked about Nagito's role in this steampunk AU. Basically, Nagito is a dollmaker in the darker parts of the city. Although, he acts more like a junk guy/janitor who gets rid of the trash Junko sends him.
After Makoto tries to get Hajime and the other factory workers (Kazuichi and Miu) to help him dissect Chiaki and get her chest open for clues to find Chihiro (which works so well as you can see here in this Lil doodle):
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Things don't go well, so Makoto luckily bumps into Nagito, who offers to help out with his special skills and workshop out of curiosity...
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Hi! 💞
Could you draw some Naenami? (Makoto + Nanami)
If you want, of course! thanks for your attention and also thanks for your amazing drawings 🥰
Aw shucks when ya ask so nicely for me to draw one of my secret comfort ships OF COURSE imma do it!
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dj4jungshook · 9 months
We found out what is Chiaki's type... hopeful lucksters. Whether it is Makoto or Nagito her type is the same.
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💚why choose a lucky one. if you can have both🍀💚
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actoons · 1 year
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Hm! That is an interesting ship I have never considered before! I think I like the idea of Naegi having a relationship with Chiaki, given that I enjoy Naehiro and find his involvement with FF a potentially really compelling relationship link. I’m intrigued by the thought of them! I’d be interested in being pitched more ideas because as it stands I feel pretty neutral-positive about it, I like Chiaki a lot and Naegi is a very beloved character to me, I tend to enjoy shipping him around so I can see myself reading a fic or doujin about them, just having a little peek…
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
Summary Of The Question: How does each of these three girls react to Makoto pulling out a rose and asking them if he can have this dance with them?
(Naegiri) (Naenami) (Naematsu)
Kyoko: 😳
Chiaki: 🥰
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immajustreblogthis · 4 months
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a-student-out-of-time · 2 months
Hey mod whats you opinion on ships like Hajime x Kyoko or Nanami x Makoto also I don't know what the ship name for these would be. HinaKigiri? and Naenami?
//They're alright, I don't really have any strong opinions either way
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Can you do Chiaki x Makoto edits pls
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Who let the cinnabuns out? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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theamityelf · 4 months
Which Soulmate AU is the Best One For These Makoto Ships?
(in my all-too-flexible opinion)
In no particular order, and this isn't a complete list.
Kamuegi: Soulmate marks, in which people are born with a mark that symbolically indicates who their soulmate is. I want this for them because I want Hajime's mark to have been surgically removed during the Kamukura Project. If Izuru got a new soul mark (which has larger implications about their identities as discrete humans; I'm amenable to both arguments, so I'm cool with Izuru not manifesting his own mark, but if he's inherently a separate person then he does get a new mark as soon as he's "born"), then that was probably also removed surgically, and he never got to see it. He's made to figure out that Makoto is his soulmate without help from a mark, and maybe retroactively he finds out what his and Hajime's soulmate marks were by looking through his own records and he sees that they both pointed to Makoto. But that's not until after they're already together. And in my mind, Makoto has a soulmate mark but has no clue what it means, but the moment Izuru sees it, he fully understands that it means him. (Of course, he doesn't see Makoto's mark until they've already had either a platonic or romantic relationship for a while. Either seeing Makoto's mark is what makes Izuru understand the romantic nature of feelings he's been having, or they're already dating and it's just a comforting confirmation. Maybe he's even been consciously jealous of the idea that Makoto has a soulmate out there who Izuru doesn't believe will appreciate him as much as he does. Maybe he's thinking, "If his soulmate comes to claim him, I simply won't let them." Or maybe he's dreading the day the person who will make Makoto the happiest comes and steals him away.
Naegami: Color sight, where you only start to see in color after you meet your soulmate. Almost opposite of what I want for Izuru; this AU shows Byakuya an objective means of learning that Makoto is his soulmate, so that any denial or tsun behavior he exhibits toward him is predicated on the objective fact that they are soulmates. Maybe, for fun, make it a gradual thing, where when you first see them you get one color and then more colors get added in over time as you spend more time with them. This means that he could feasibly be in denial at first; he gets the first color at orientation, and it could be any of his classmates; the fact that he keeps getting new colors after talking with Makoto could be a coincidence or a misread of the cause and effect. (Okay, Byakuya, then who in your class would you rather it be? Um...) It also means that Byakuya could be purely self-serving about spending time with Makoto at first. "I'm only talking to you to get more colors. I have no interest in being your soulmate." But they're talking and forming a connection the whole time. This only applies to their school days; in the killing game, they just wake up already having color sight and have to contend with why that is.
Naegiri: Dream sharing or dreaming each other's dreams. I think Kyoko would really enjoy having that kind of insight into her soulmate's life, fears, and character, and Makoto would, too. They would know they're each other's soulmates either as soon as or shortly after meeting each other. They've been having each other's dreams their entire life. Obligatory drama potential- in the killing game, Kyoko's returning memories are in Makoto's dreams instead of hers, and vice versa. So he's able to give her information about herself that she doesn't have, which really aggravates her disinclination to trust others. Meanwhile, when she learns something about him through his dreams, she might keep it to herself for the sake of putting together the puzzle.
Komaegi: I think the countdown clock until you meet your soulmate variety. I think it would be really poignant if, while in mortal peril, Nagito can see the countdown telling him that he'll meet his soulmate in five years, or ten years. He's thinking, "I probably won't even survive to meet them," or he's thinking, "Does this mean I survive to meet them?" etc. He gets the letter from Hope's Peak, and the math says that he meets his soulmate while attending Hope's Peak- but not in his first year. Part of him hopes it'll be an Ultimate, but he meets Makoto at the end of the timer and he's like "Oh, that makes sense. That's the most I deserve," and goes a near Mr. Darcy route of backhanded love confession. He's not trying to be mean, but there will be some stuff he says that he has to walk back later in order for their friendship to progress. And then when the killing game happens, his soulmate is named the Ultimate Hope! The reaction this could unlock in him!
Naenami: I'm saying soulmate mark again, because it would be cute if Makoto was born with, like, Yoshi on his arm or something. Chiaki would be excited in just the "guy wearing a t-shirt of the thing you like" sense, not even taking it as a soulmate mark for her specifically. Maybe she's like, "You're so lucky! My soulmate mark is a banana peel." And Makoto laughs, like, "What could that mean?"
Naezono: Also soulmate mark, because I want Sayaka's to be a crane. Means that when she saw Makoto do the crane thing in middle school, she knew then that he was her soulmate, but she still didn't approach him. I'm going to say Makoto's mark is more vague, so he doesn't know she's his soulmate until well into their friendship at Hope's Peak.
Naekusaba: Okay, I'm not specific on the mechanics of this one, but some variation of feeling one's soulmate's pain or anything that scars them scars you instead. Something to kind of play with her not having been marked at all by her time with Fenrir. Maybe it's just that she feels his pain, so he trips a bunch and she's just like "What on earth is going on with my soulmate?" while she tears up a battlefield without a scratch, or maybe any injury that should mark him marks her and vice versa, so that people think "Oh man, the soulmate to the best Fenrir fighter ever must be super scarred," and he's completely fine, whereas she's got various scrapes and marks from Makoto's years of bad luck. Idk, there's something there. This would mean the logistics of the Fenrir tattoo need further thought. The ink is still given to her, so she's still the one with the tattoo, but any temporary scarring or inflammation goes to him? Idk, this one isn't well thought out, lol.
Naejunko: Oh, either dream sharing or seeing through each other's eyes. Some psychic link thing where they get the POV of being each other. Are you kidding?! The drama! Makoto zones out in class and sees his soulmate straight up torturing someone, and he's horrified and scared. Junko dozes off on a plane or starts daydreaming during a photo shoot and sees her soulmate having a nice time with his cute family and just gets so excited about the idea of ruining everything in his life. Maybe they can feel each other watching! Maybe they're children and Makoto realizes, in the middle of doing his homework, that his soulmate is watching, and he writes Please don't be mean to your sister anymore in the margins and then erases it (This part is dark, but maybe in response Junko writes his name on Mukuro's skin with a knife or something.), or maybe Junko realizes, in the middle of doing something horrible, that Makoto is watching, and she kicks it up several notches to perform for him.
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austajunk · 10 months
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The wonderful @bardic-feline and I wrote a nice and naughty Eldritch AU Danganronpa Fic and the first chapter is up! So please take a look. <3
Smile at the Mouth of Despair
Summary: When part-time streamer Chiaki Nanami enters the Kirigiri Detective Agency one afternoon and insists that she is being lured to her death on a mysterious island, assistant investigator Makoto Naegi is determined to keep her safe from what fate awaits her. However, as they pursue this mystery together, they both find themselves seduced and entangled by a strange and eerie butler who longs to return an ancient power to its former glory…
Main Ships: Komaegi, Komanami, KamuNami, and KamuKoma <3
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 11 months
How about a little horny NaeNami? Just a little……… Sorry 👉🏿👈🏿
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if it weren't for the laws of this land this would have been more explicit
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dj4jungshook · 2 years
What Makoto sees in summer camp pt2 (class 77)
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Makoto: Would you like to try a special joystick?
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Makoto: Do you like bird watching? mhh
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Makoto: oh my dear nurse, rest assured I'll be your doctor!
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Makoto: What beautiful melons, so sexy as to be illegal
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Makoto: YOU princess I YOUR KING
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Makoto: I'm sorry my dear Peko but as Berserk teaches, whoever has the biggest sword wins
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Makoto: Yukizome Sensei... I have been very bad please punish me
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Makoto: Is this a Tectonic beach? I really am a lucky bastard
( the little egg thinks too dirty )
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cs-wodahs097 · 3 years
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You wanna dance?
Makoto had been invited by Chiaki to this place.
He never thought it would be for something like that.
She looked beautiful in that dress, and her classmates had left them completely alone...
Makoto would have liked to be presentable for the occasion, at least.
yes, this is another OTP!
I am not the owner of the models or the scenarios. I only made the image!
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lxckeeeditz · 3 years
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Webcore-Lovecore Nanaegi iPhone 7 wallpaper for anon!
I will quote myself on discord as for this extra caption part! ;;;
I will fucking speedrun this request. watch -🍀
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pastel-rights · 4 years
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Dancin’ with the devil
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