#Nina the killer x Clockwork
jeffthekillerzblog · 5 months
some older doodles....sorry I haven't been too active ive been workin on some other stuff for my instagram
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 5 months
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yazthebansheek · 2 months
Nina after getting a gf:
Clockwork: Hold on Nina, I’ll brb. Nina: Ok. I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU. Clockwork: ??? …… Clockwork: Aw, ok!<3
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sanriosratz · 2 years
i made a NiNatalie pinterest board
comfort ship go brr <33
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skinwalker-bratz · 2 months
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authormeat · 10 months
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Quite The Party
They are there for business they promise
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mouschiwrites · 6 months
Creepypasta/MH - Going To Sleep With Them
Characters: Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Brian/Hoody, Tim/Masky
Eyeless Jack
He goes to sleep pretty early; he’s in bed no later than 8 PM
But he gets up in the middle of the night for… feeding purposes
He tries to be discreet, keeping a close eye on your sleeping form as he slips out of the sheets and out the window
He won’t kiss you goodbye, he really doesn’t want to disturb you
But he’ll gaze longingly at you right before he drops from the windowsill to the ground
When he comes back, he makes sure to wash up thoroughly before getting back in bed
If you don’t wake up at the sound of the shower running, you will when he crawls in next to you
He smells nice and clean, completely void of the irony tinge of blood
If he’s upset he won’t touch you, he’ll just curl up on the far edge of the bed, trying to make himself small and unnoticeable
He’ll squirm away from your touch if you try to comfort him
He just needs to feel alone for a while
But if he’s not upset, he’ll curl around you
He clings to you like a koala, pressing his cheek against you
He’s not very warm, but his skin is soft from showering
Plus, as mentioned earlier, he smells nice :)
Once settled, he won’t move until morning
Jeff the Killer
He has no sleep schedule
When he’s tired he’ll conk out on the bed, barely bothering to change clothes
He’ll take off his hoodie and maybe his jeans, but that’s about it
If you happen to be in bed at the same time, he’ll cuddle up to you
You better hope that he’s showered recently, because he doesn’t see sleeping as an “occasion” to shower for
He likes to have your head on his chest with his arm around you
The pressure comforts him
Plus it allows him to sprawl out a little, which he likes a lot
He isn’t the type to curl up when he sleeps, he goes full starfish if space allows
He also moves in his sleep
You might wake up to him smacking or kicking you, or even shoving you to the edge of the bed
It’s unintentional, but if you mention it to him he thinks it’s hilarious
He will get upset if you actually try to sleep somewhere else, though
Even if you’re not touching, knowing that you’re near helps Jeff feel peaceful while he sleeps
Fortunately he’s not a blanket hog, so at least you have the blanket to yourself
He can sleep blanketless even in the dead of winter
He might crawl under the covers at first, but he manages to wiggle out of them by the time he wakes up
Nina the Killer
She goes to bed whenever you do
But if she’s really tired, she goes to bed by herself, telling you that she’ll be waiting whenever you’re ready to join her
She loves to cuddle
She doesn’t care what position, she loves them all
Her favorites are the ones where she gets to wrap her arms around you though
Kind of like Jeff, she does move a lot in her sleep
But instead of pushing you away, she tries to get closer
She still might end up hitting you, but it’s in an attempt to hold you
If you mention it to her she’ll laugh, but she actually feels pretty bad
She’ll sadly say she understands if you want to sleep somewhere else :(
She has so many pairs of cute PJs and old T-shirts to sleep in
She usually tries to get ready before bed, but if she’s not in the mood she’ll just conk out in her clothes
At least she’s not stinky like Jeff though, she actually wears deodorant and sometimes perfume
You might wake up with makeup smeared on you/the pillows
She generally tries to go to bed around a set time, but if she’s busy she’ll stay up
You can’t coax her to bed if she’s busy, but she’ll gladly come if she’s not
She’s pretty chill when it comes to cuddling
She will if you want to, but she’s fine if you don’t
Unless she's had a nightmare, then she does prefer to cuddle
Or if she's not in the mood, then she'll flat-out refuse
She likes to be the big spoon when you do cuddle
She's pretty warm, which is always nice in the colder months
She's eerily still when she sleeps
It's almost like she dies for a few hours
Unfortunately that means that if you need to get up and you're cuddling, you are trapped
You'll have to wake her up if you want out
She'll just grunt and turn to the other side of the bed, then proceed with her stone-still slumber
Which means you won't be cuddling anymore when you get back :(
She always changes her clothes before she goes to sleep
Even if it's just a T-shirt, she makes an effort to sleep in different clothes than the ones she wore during the day
Jane the Killer
You can tell she's getting ready to go to bed when you hear her showering
She's a night shower person, and she always showers before she goes to bed
She'll change into nice PJs and climb into bed, smelling clean and feeling soft
Unless she has... plans... for the evening, she sticks to a specific bedtime
She likes to have you in bed with her, but she won't force you to adhere to her schedule
She isn't a huge fan of cuddling, she prefers to just know you're there
She might reach out and rest her hand on you during the night, just to reassure herself
She won't object if you decide to hold her hand
If she's out for the evening, she looks forward to coming home to you
She doesn't like to sleep during the day, so she'll just take however much time is left in the night to sleep in bed with you :)
Her favorite thing ever is to climb under the covers and see/hear you sleepily acknowledge her before drifting back off
It makes her feel seen and loved
Also, she always kisses your hand before she goes to sleep
No matter how tired or upset she is, she never forgets
He doesn't go to bed until very late at night
You're usually in bed before he is
But that's the way he likes it; he loves knowing that you're waiting for him whenever he's ready to sleep
He'll slip under the covers silently, wrapping himself around you and allowing your bodies to melt against each other
If you wake up while he does this, he'll apologize and kiss your cheek before telling you to go back to sleep
He usually changes into different clothes to sleep, but sometimes he forgets
You can always tell when he forgets; his clothes reek vaguely of earth and sweat
He doesn't move a whole lot in his sleep, but when he does move he'll try to keep physical contact with you
Sometimes he'll literally heave you over him so that you're on his other side and he can keep cuddling you
He's a pretty lonely guy, and he sees sleep as his solace
Having you to hold makes him feel like he's not really alone
If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you're gone, he'll get up and find you
Once he finds you he just waits, rubbing his eyes and yawning until you go back to bed
He does not sleep often
Or well
Sleeping next to him is both nice and a nuisance
For one, he tosses and turns constantly, and when he finally drifts off, he usually wakes with a start not even two hours later
He gets nightmares almost every night, which makes him anxious to fall asleep
You'll probably end up getting only a little more sleep than him
On the other hand, he does like to hold you
It calms his nerves when you're in his arms, so he'll hold you against him while he tries to get some rest
Sometimes he doesn't even try to sleep, he just stares into the darkness with you in his arms
He presses a kiss on the top of your head when his anxieties start to get to be too much
It's honestly more refreshing than sleep for him
But if he falls asleep while holding you, be prepared to be jumpscared when he suddenly sits up with a gasp
He'll apologize, but it won't sound all that sincere
He's more occupied trying to calm himself down
He doesn't bother to shower at night because he wakes up in a cold sweat too frequently, so he prefers to shower in the morning
He tries to change clothes before bed so that he doesn't smell too bad though
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :) take care my sweethearts <33
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
do the others know about you?
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synopsis: you're just a human dating someone that's... well. you can certainly never introduce them to your friends or family. but do their friends/companions know about you?
a/n: is it a good idea to include every single creepypasta i can think of from the top of my head... no. will i do it anyway? yes, i will. anyways this right here is my pride and joy. i enjoyed writing it, and i'm proud of it, so i hope you guys enjoy it as well.
warnings: possessive behavior in a few, yandere behavior in a few, spoiler alert alex almost kills you but dw there's no character death here.
includes: jeff the killer, eyeless jack, jane the killer [richardson + arkensaw], laughing jack, slenderman, nina the killer, the bloody painter, the puppeteer, clockwork, jason the toymaker, hobo heart, nurse ann, zalgo, x-virus, homicidal liu, ticci toby, tim wright, brian thomas, jay merrick, alex kralie, and jessica locke.
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jeff the killer would more than likely tell the others about you, though mostly just so everyone knows that you're off limits for killing. he also just has this thing where he needs people to know what belongs to him so they know not to touch it, and in his mind, you belong to him so. none are allowed to touch you.
eyeless jack isn't that open about his personal life to others. mostly because he can't remember any of it, but also because he's just a guarded person in general. at most, the only people who know about you will probably be jeff, ben, and maybe sully.
jane richardson doesn't really hide your existence, mostly because she doesn't have contact with the others, so it doesn't matter. everyone of importance knows that you're together, and the government knows as well, so.
jane arkensaw would prefer certain people didn't find out about you, though she may tell some of her close friends about you if she's certain that they will keep your existence a secret as well. then again, it's not like you'll ever come into contact with any of the others so long as she has any say about it.
laughing jack more than likely lets everyone know about you because he literally can't shut up about you. he loves you! people need to know that he is so sickeningly devoted to you! even the kids he terrorizes know about you!
slenderman doesn't have any say on whether or not people learn about you because they're gonna find out anyways. besides, it's better if they did know about you because then they would know that you are off limits for killing. anyone who dares to even try to harm you will understand the pure wrath slender can bring down upon them.
nina the killer wants everyone to know about you. she needs everyone to know that you two are together and that she loves you so very much. she tells everyone all about the dates you two have and the gifts you get each other. it's cute, though it can be annoying at times.
the bloody painter doesn't interact much with the others, so not many of them know. helen doesn't really care if anyone finds out that he's dating you, it doesn't really matter to him. though... he will have some words if any of them try making a move on you or hurting you. you're his muse, after all.
the puppeteer doesn't want anyone to know about you, not even his proxies. you're his. no one else deserves to even know that you exist, so why the hell would he tell anyone about you? at most, the only person who knows about you would be emra because he knows that she won't tell anyone if he orders it.
clockwork doesn't let people close to her, so only a small handful of people would even know about you. she likes that none of the others really knows about you, though a part of her thinks about telling them so they know not to make you a victim. not that you'll ever become a victim, of course. she'll protect you from anything, don't worry.
jason the toymaker wouldn't want anyone to know about you. honestly, his whole thing is making sure that you belong to no one but him. you don't need anyone other than him, so why would he tell anyone about you? the others will know that he has someone in his life already, someone he'd burn the world down for, but they'll never know it's you unless they visit his toy shop.
hobo heart would be delighted if the others knew you were his. you have his heart, so it's only natural for everyone to know that you love each other, right? that's how relationships work. he doesn't really speak much with the others, but when he is around then he'll let everyone know who has his heart.
nurse ann is hardly ever around the others for them to even know about you. the only three to know of your existence is liu, sully, and helen because those are the only people she's close with. they don't need to know about you, it's not like they'll ever hurt you. trust me, she won't let them even if they were to try.
zalgo is just as surprised as everyone else that he's like... together. with you. shocks him every day, to be honest. but yes, he wants everyone to know you're his. he doesn't see you as a weakness, though he knows how fragile humans are so he makes sure you're safe from any that may cause you harm. it also sends a... delightful chill to the core of his existence knowing that everyone knows you belong to him.
x-virus basically needs everyone to know that you're together. not because he's possessive in any way, but because he needs to use this as a way to keep you with him. a tactic to keep you from leaving, if you will. with you dating cody, you're safe from harm. if you ever leave him, then you're no longer under his protection. so... stay with him.
homicidal liu is... hesitant, to put it simply. he doesn't particularly mind if the others find out, but he most certainly won't go out of his way to tell anyone. he doesn't want you involved in the darker parts of his life because he's worried about your safety. there are a few that he simply doesn't trust to know about you. sully, on the other hand, would love for everyone to know about you. he doesn't tell anyone because he respects liu's wishes to keep your existence a secret. though, he can't lie, it does make his heart race knowing that he and liu are the only ones who know about you.
ticci toby neither hid your relationship from people nor did he let anyone know about it. he's a naturally reserved person, so it wasn't like he was super open about himself with the others. in the beginning, the only one to know about you would probably be slender, but that's just because it's like... toby's boss, essentially. of course, those who were paying attention could see the signs.
tim wright would definitely keep your existence secret for as long as possible. the only person who knew about you in the beginning was brian, if we're being honest, and after all hell breaks loose, he'd do everything he could to keep you from getting involved. god forbid if jay or alex found out about you. jay would've used you to find him, and alex would've tried killing you.
brian thomas was open about his relationship with you, so everyone knew who you were. you even offered moral support to everyone filming marble hornets. of course, brian disappeared one day... and then you lost contact with alex... and tim was trying to move on with his life, so you didn't really keep in touch with him either. then jay came around, and... well. that led to a certain hooded figure watching you from afar.
jay merrick was neither open nor reserved about his relationship with you. he probably mentioned you early on in a few tapes, and he maybe even introduced you to alex when they were still friends. you'd probably be mentioned in casual conversation with tim, but ultimately it was a situation where if someone knew, they knew. and if they don't, then they just don't.
alex kralie was more reserved about his relationship with you. his closest friends knew, such as jay and brian, but that was about it. of course, once the operator entered the scene and alex started cleaning up loose ends, your life was endangered. alex... he wanted to kill you. he had to kill you. you suppose it's a good thing jay managed to find you before alex could.
jessica locke is obviously very open about her relationship with you. no need to keep it a secret, y'know? you two are like... the couple, y'know? everyone knows you're dating; you guys don't hide it. why would you two keep it a secret? there's no reason to.
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creepy-friday · 7 months
Sure thing!I noticed a lot of people are rereading the old ones so I promise I will come back with more ideas!
Female!Proxy toughts Headcanons for every creep of the mansion
Warnings: foul language, suggestive themes, violence
Masky thinks he should've been in your place.He wants your attention but at the same time hates your guts.Always wants to pick a fight with you,maybe he's in such a contradiction with himself because your personality softened his sharp edges making him confused.
Hoodie acts all buddy-buddy with you when the two of you aren't on duty.He doesn't hide the way the tension rises from other people's perspective when he talks to you.He's simply curious about who you truly are,an individual like you in such a fucked up place and in such a high position is..intriguing to say at least.
Toby follows your orders and values your presence the most out of the other proxies he's biased. Because he's been taken advantage of many times,your humanity sparked his hope,he thinks that in you he can actually find something heart warming in this hell hole.
Cody is a little annoying at times.Since you didn't shove him off he deeply thinks you're into him,that's why he keeps on inviting you to see the dangerous shit he's creating.
Kate uses every chance she has to imply that you have sexual relationships with the proxies.She's isn't jealous nor wants to take your place,she simply sees herself as slightly superior since she's been here before you.
Jeff has personal issues with every resident near him,including you.He doesn't think of himself as highly as Masky tough.All the mocking and tantrums are because he doesn't belive your good intentions.
Ben is a fucking menace and fucks with your head since he knows you can't physically hurt him.He thinks you're by far the most interesting creep to watch.
EJ respects you.He thinks that you are disgusted by him almost as he is of himself given your role as a demon hunter.His insecurity made him give up any reason to try to talk to you.Watching from afar he knows you're one of the few residents that are still human by heart.
Liu has a very high opinion about yourself.You already proved to be a good person to him when you took EJ's side in an argument with Masky.He would make conversation with you whenever you two are around.
Sully might act like Liu around you so that he can see more of you.Just like other creeps,he fantasies about having a hand to hand spare with you.He talks to you like you're a pice of meat sometimes but he acknowledges your strength.
Slenderman's presence is being known by his general sickness to the other creeps but the fever is high and tormenting when it comes to you.It's clear that he favors you and the fact that he chose you as his watchdog is enough to bring your confidence skyrocket.
Jane watches you from afar.She thinks you're a good fit to be a leader.Surprisingly,she agreed with your every decision and never had anything to add or to take.
Zero is jealous of you and your high status.She despises your guts and would team up with anyone to put you down or to shame you.She's a bitch but I bet she would fuck you tough.She's the "do I want to be her or be with her?"
Clockwork likes how a woman is top shit and she treats you as an equal.Might ask you for your opinion and expects you to listen to hers as well.She thinks you're a good leader.
Nina adores you.You genuinely had a good impact on her mental health and looks up to you.She would be shocked if you would hurt her in any way,after everything she went trough all she needs is a friend.The choice is yours.
Sally thinks that you are really cool and wishes you would take that mask off more often.Since you don't brush her off like the others she's looking forward to talk to you when you're not busy.Confidently slips tea parties invites down your door.
Bloody Painter is mostly indifferent to the power dynamics in the mansion.Sure,he will be respectful to you since that's in his personality but he's apathetic to anything that isn't "aesthetically pleasing".He judges a book by its cover and the ghoul-like design on your mask makes him believe you're no different from the creatures you encounter in the forest.Misunderstanding at its best
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raythekiller · 1 year
Can We have a Creepypasta Reader who gets hurt and how Creepypasta males & Female’s react please? Make sure to eat and drink some water (●’◡’●)ノ
🗒 ❛ Reader Gets Hurt ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Nina The Killer, Kate The Chaser, Jane The Killer
#Notes: this is the most people I've ever written for holy shit
pronouns used: they/them
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
One of the only moments he shows genuine concern about you, even if in his own twisted or weird way. Focuses more on finding out how you got hurt than trying to help, absolutely ready to murder someone in case they were the one to injure you. There's just an anger in his voice and expression that is difficult to shake off. Will bring you to EJ and tell him "You fucking better take good care of them," in a low and menacing voice. Calls you an idiot and tells you to be more careful after, and although he sounds mad, the way he ruffles your hair affectionately says different.
꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Honestly, thinks you're kidding at first and laughs at it. When he notices you're actually, genuinely hurt, he panics. He died a long time ago, so now he doesn't have a good understanding of what's fatal for a human and what isn't, so he might honest to god consider the fact you might die even if it's a minor scratch. Will try to patch up the wound, failing miserably and just bringing you to EJ instead. Probably hugs you after, more so to bring comfort to himself rather than to you. He just got scared for a second, okay?
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He can't feel pain, so he doesn't have a good understanding of how much something might hurt. He just assumes the slightest of wounds must hurt like hell for normal people, so he's immediately freaking out, asking you if you're okay. He actually knows basic first aid, since it's one of the musts for being a proxy, but doesn't trust himself to not hurt you further by accident, so he's another one who'll rush you to EJ. Will be super clingy with you after, mumbling about how glad he is that you're okay.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
As a previous med student, his first concern is making sure you're physically okay. Focusing on that helps him calm down his nerves, since he's honestly panicking a little. Will patch you up in complete silence, to the point where it's a bit awkward, only to whisper a low "What happened to you?" once he's done, almost like he's scared of the answer you might have. Hugs you gently after you explain, careful as to not touch the wound, letting out a relieved sigh.
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Similar to Jeff, his mind will immediately jump to the thought that someone deliberately hurt you, which makes his blood boil. Will be very loud and aggressive when asking what happened, making your breath hitch at the sudden protectiveness he doesn't normally show. Let's out a sigh once you explain it was an accident, calling you stupid before going to grab something so he can fix you up, his hands surprisingly gentle. It's a shockingly tender moment.
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Gets worried, but not as much as the others. He's not one to think the worst about a situation, so he just concludes you probably tripped and fell or something, so he doesn't really question you any further. It's up to you if you tell him what happened or not. He's always gentle when handling you, but now you find his touch almost ghost-like as he fixes you up, then asking if you feel any better or would like to see EJ for a better inspection. A forehead kiss after he's done in definitely in order.
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Doesn't even try to hide it, she's freaking out. Will grab your wound to take a closer look as she frantically asks "What happened? What did you do? Did someone do this? Does it hurt?", her mind is just racing and she doesn't know what to make of the situation. Terrible at patching you up, but does it anyway, she's not letting anyone else go near you when you're hurt and vulnerable. Kisses your cheek once she's done and tells you to be more careful.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Nina The Killer
Her face is literally split open, I don't think she'd be too worried about some minor injury. Just kind of coos at you something along the lines of "Aww, baby got hurt?" and offers to kiss it better. You'll have to tell her if it genuinely hurts, or else she's not going to take it too seriously. Like most of the others, will take you to EJ if you're actually in pain, sitting besides you and stroking your back and hair gently the entire time.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Kate The Chaser
Doesn't express much of a reaction, either. That doesn't mean she isn't concerned, she just can't express her emotions properly. Will calmly inspect the injury and, if it's out of her first aid abilities, will bring you to EJ. It's the most vocal anyone's ever seen her, asking him if it's too serious and if you're going to be okay. Holds your hand gently as he patches you up, caressing the back of your hand with her thumb.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jane The Killer
Behaves like a mom. Will coo at you lightly while going "Oh, your poor thing. Come here", taking a hold of your wound and gently cleaning and addressing it, to the point you can barely feel her touch on your skin. Once she's done, she kisses your forehead softly, her black lipstick leaving a mark on your skin.
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tryingtofindava · 24 days
creeps with a goth gf
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰 𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡! 𝐆𝐅*ೃ༄
lolz didn’t know what specific creeps u wanted so imma just choose who!! ^_^ ALSO THE READER IS A TRAD GOTH!!
(INCLUDES: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Kate the Chaser, Clockwork.)
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Has at least nearly roundhouse kicked you bcs he thought u were Jane on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS… (he’ll say he’s sorry in the most dull non apologetic way ever and probs doesn’t mean it.)
“My bad, I guess.”
He doesn’t care abt aesthetic that much I believe, as long as he finds you hot lolz.
Though when he’s out killing people and he sees something that catches his eye that he’d class ‘gothy as fuck’ he’d snatch it for you… so that’s sweet ig.
He deadass brought you a dead bat once…
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲
Midwest emo x trad goth, what a combo :3
His first words to you ever was that you looked like you crawled out a Tim Burton movie (he was tryna impress u with his film knowledge).
Type of guy to ask to make a shared Spotify playlist and try and learn all of the songs you like and force himself to learn the lyrics for you.
“T-this would luh-look so cool o-on you!!”
╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She’s a trad goth too lmao.
You two definitely share clothes, no matter what it may be. Corsets, dresses, boots, gloves. Anything in the closet really you two own together :)
ALSO she WILL help you doing your makeup, not because you need the help just because she likes to practice so she doesn’t get rusty. (She mostly wears her mask so she doesn’t rlly do a whole lotta makeup besides lashes and lipstick)
Like Toby will take you thrifting (without the breaking in part).
╰┈➤ 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She thinks your so so so super duper awesome sauce.
She’s a scene girly, so she LOVES the fact that your twos aesthetics are so different and unique from eachother.
Also likes helping to do your makeup, because she just wants to be able to do trad makeup to impress you.
WILL ASLO TAKE YOU TO THE THRIFT SHOP. (these guys like thrift shops okay)
Would love if you guys swapped wardrobes for a day.
And you’ve deffo caught her in your clothes MULTIPLE times :3
╰┈➤ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
She doesn’t care all that much what you’re aesthetic is lolz.
She just wants someone in her life to love and to love her back.
But she does compliment your look nervously when the convo gets a lil too quiet.
Though you to catch her staring at you lovingly while doing your makeup.
She may bring you back little things that caught her eye that reminds her of you, that being anything rlly. BUT ESPECIALLY CLOTHING.
╰┈➤ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
She will compliment you every chance she gets. Mostly calling you hot and sexy.
SHE’S GOT THE HUMOUR OF A 12 YEAR OLD BOY WHO HASN’T HIT PUBERTY!! (And you love it and hate it at the exact same time.)
Like I mean she makes goth mommy jokes ALL THE TIME… there’s no stopping her. She cackles so hard afterwards after u scold her for it too.
“I love my big tiddy goth girlfriend<3”
“Nat, I swear to fuck-“
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 6 months
Heh.. I was wondering if.. and you don't know me.. *I say, tucking my long black hair behind my ear* but... If you could.. could you make nina and clockwork headcanons that'd be greatly appreciated..heh..
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Nina + Clockwork Headcanons *ೃ༄
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Her bangs and hair in general are very uneven and choppy. She randomly will cut her hair when she gets in episodes ( projecting tbh 💀)
Shes kinda tall, at least 5,8
Shes a little muscular in the arms
Shes unsure what what her sexuality is but she knows she likes girls
Shes fr kicking her feet and giggling when she sees nina
And its a complete drastic turn from her usual cold persona
I have a feeling her personality is like Lisa Rowe from girl interrupted
Her and Toby did date at some point, around when he first became a proxy. They broke up because they realized they only saw eachother as friends, and it just wasn't working out. Idk they're friendly exes but not friends. If you place them in a room with each other, its gonna get awkward quick.
She has some acne on her shoulders, chest, and her chin
Shes has alot of band aids on her from just cuts and bruises from random missions
She wears flannels, tank tops, dirty worn converse, combat boots, worn and ripped jeans, and occasionally a band tee or something.
Has a couple pericings, one on the right side of her nose, and a septum. She got Nina to do it for her with some shitty amazon piercing kits. It's most likely infected.💀
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Shes average height, 5,4
Shes very upbeat and honestly exhausting to be around.
She has a loud natural voice and most of the creeps think shes annoying for it.
She's bisexual
She says she doesn't have a crush, but the way she looks at Clockwork says otherwise...🤭
Shes friends with Jane, Clockwork, Toby, and Dina, but she acts friendly with everyone
She has struggled with intense depression for most of her life. Her obsession with Jeff gave her a purpose in her eyes.
Shes not really obsessed with Jeff anymore. Around 17-21 she grew out of it. When she met Jeff for the first time, she acted like a crazy fangirl. Jeff eventually became her friend, and he pretty much used her because she'd do anything for him. He would practically treat her like a servant or something, for example: making her go to the local gas station to get him something. After her weird Jeff obsession, she stopped talking to his ass and finally is getting a little better.
Everytime one of the creeps has a party at their "house" (literally a abandoned warehouse or a abandoned house) shes always the one picking the music, and trying to convince people to come.
She will NEVER forget your birthday, she has everyones birthday wrote down somewhere. She will try to subtlety(not at all😓..) get you to tell her about things you like so she knows what to get you early on.
Shes a stereotypical hello kitty girl like she has blankets, to a fucking toaster with that mf on it😭
She also has a piercing. She has snakebites, dimples, and a nose bridge one. once again, its probably infected💀
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wolfintestinez · 3 months
honestly ?? this has become one of the like ‘cc x cc’ ships i love considering i’m an oc x cc person, it’s just weirdly hard for me to get attached. I FUCKING LOVE THEM!!!!
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cringequeenwrites · 7 months
Girl Creepypastas x Fem! S/O•*o•*o
A Drabble/headcanons of how each of the girls would treat you as your S/O. Mainly fluff with light smut implied.
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Jane the killer
-Jane is very prone to showing her affection through actions rather than words. She’s very over protective of you, mainly because she works with homicidal maniacs on the regular, but more so she wants you to feel safe. Jane won’t admit her possessive tendencies up front but you can tell from the way she’s must have a hand on your waist or her arm draped over your shoulder whenever she sees you talk to someone.
-she needs verbal reassurance from you, does she want it? Questionable.
-Her always being on the defense around everyone is tiring, but she thinks once she puts her guard down she’d then be perceived as weak. You are the only person she lowers her walls too, it’s almost euphoric for Jane to just feel your presence. Knowing your her safety.
-on a more toxic note she’ll not want you talk to certain people that she works with. You can guess who those people or person is a mile away but you reassure that you won’t engage.
-easily jealous. Not the kind of jealousy that you can see at first, but she’ll easily let you now you too get back to your bedroom.
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Clock work
-like Jane she’s not verbal about her affection. Shows her love through actions in public, but in private she shows her more vulnerable side to you.
-she’s very much the ‘the asshole to everyone except you’ trope.
-she goes into very self destructive episodes before she met you, but now that she has someone to hold onto and ground her, she’s had less of them. But that doesn’t mean they immediately stop, sometimes you have to talk her through a breakdown or hold her through her episodes.
- Natalie spaces out when you two cuddle, her hands tend to wonder, ending up playing with your hair and she thinks quietly to herself.
- She’s not very affectionate in public though, the most she’ll let you get away with is holding her pinky. She sees pda as displaying you as a target for others and is also embarrassed by it.
- She’s not much for sparing others feelings. Hell if anything she’s apathetic to most, but you see a glimps of her where she’s more empathetic and sweet. Don’t tell her though she’s gonna keep up the mean persona for a week.
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Nina the killer
-Nina is very verbal about her affectionate towards you and is not afraid to show it.
-her personality is almost a breather from the dark and serious people. Key word almost.
-her affections are not even borderline, but just obsessive. The very definition of idolization.
-she’s very big on pda and will show her love in anyway she can. She once stabbed some guy to death when he cat called you, then through what was left of him in a trash bag and fed it to pigs.
-her emotions are very extreme. She can go one to a hundred on a flip of a dime. Her way of protecting you is like a person sized clinically insane chihuahua.
-Nina gets easily jealous if you talk or show anything that breathes affection. You were once walking through the woods with her on a date when a bird landed on a branch right by you and started chirping and whistling at you.
She killed that bird.
-you have to play her moral ground and her voice of reason on the regular so she dosent end up slaughtering everyone you talk to. Sometimes you find it hot when she butchers gross men for you, but the bird thing was too much.
-you both will equally share the moral biases of two middle school children.
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All three (poly)
-Now you can safely walk around at night with your three serial killer gfs.
-the fight for your attention is constant, its come to the point we’re they’ve scheduled who gets to have you on certain days. Then None of them followed that schedule.
-but you love all three equally and they all love you
-the only time they seem to work together is in bed, Which says a lot about all of you.
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skinwalker-bratz · 2 months
💔 The creeps getting rejected
🕑 | Clockwork
Oh... Really?
Not that she cared.
She didn't even want to be with you 😒
Just don't go after her... She wants to be alone now.
💕 | Nina the killer
After everything she did for you?
She's your biggest fan, she even carved your name on her arm, and changed her entire aesthetic to match you... 🥺
She will probably isolate herself in her own room and cry all night. (She'll try again tomorrow)
🪓 | Tobias
Serious? Okay then...
At first he doesn't know how to react, but after processing everything he just accepts it.
Well, if you want, you can just be friends, right? He won't try anything else if you don't want him to.
Maybe he'll be down if he sees you interested in someone else but he'll suck it up.
🔪 | Jeff
What do you mean you don't want him? He's EVERYBODY'S type.
Maybe you want Jeff but you don't know it.
He just wants you to do a test with him, walk hand in hand, maybe give him some hugs and kisses.
When you least expect it, you'll be married with three children and a golden retriever, but just to see if you have feelings for him.
🐈‍⬛ | Jane the killer
Wow, she was sure you felt something...
It's okay, she will respect your choice.
Maybe she swallows her feelings and tries to forget you.
Don't talk to her now, she will need time.
🧣 | Liu
Ah, you don't feel it, ok then.
You two can be friends right?
He will act like he never felt anything for you.
Next week he will be in love with someone else.
🫀 | EJ
Damn bro...
It's because of him right?
Don't feel bad, he's used to it, it's okay...
He just thought you were interesting and that maybe things could be different and that he would have a chance this time...
🧸 | Jason the toymaker
How... Dare... You...
Bro, if you're just needy and trying to annoy him, you did it.
How the fuck do you not like him? This is impossible.
Well, if he turns you into a toy, you wouldn't be able to reject him, right?
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
would it be SO CRINGE of me to post creepypasta romantic hcs.... would i be judged.... would i be shamed.. cast out.... exiled.......
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