#specifically toby
grvyrd-drms · 9 months
would it be SO CRINGE of me to post creepypasta romantic hcs.... would i be judged.... would i be shamed.. cast out.... exiled.......
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
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I’m a big proporter of “k_k isn’t stupid he just likes to act like it bc he thinks it funny to make people mad or confused”. and other such doodles of him
if you ship scc go away👍
references for the last one under the cut
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homoshoebill · 2 years
reigen arataka, greatest psychic of the 21st century, esteemed internet sex symbol. crowned twink supreme by winning 69% of the votes on anitwt, crowned ultimate dilf days later, and current lead for the anitwt milf off by a landslide. most recently, though, has just lost the poll for the title of ultimate tumblr sexyman to sans undertale by 0.1% of 244,809 votes total - culminating responses from the official japanese and english mp100 twitters, various industry professionals, and a fanfic from toby fox himself.
all of this within the span of six fucking days
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guaxinimraccoon · 1 month
Agora, a pergunta q nn quer calar: por que o Toby roubou o livro?
MEU DEUS eu achei que já tinha dito isso em algum lugar, mas dei uma procurada aqui e nada de achar o link disso pq eu NUNCA EXPLIQUEI DJKSKJDSKJDS MALZ bora lá
My bud here asked a very important question: why Tobias stole a very sacred and important book?
The short answer is: because Tobias has a curse and he wanted to find a cure.
OMG HOW- calm down, first things first.
As I said before, when Alex and Elisa started to take their relationship more seriously, Alex would hang out in the Colony using a shrinking potion and preteding to be an imp. He was well accepted as one by Elisa's fellow imps and fairies and they never had many problems with his disguise.
But there was this one, powerful, envy fairy who took notice that something about Alex was... off.
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She started to do her own investigations and ended up finding the truth out: Alex was no imp, but a human in disguise. Although, to her, this was actually very good news.
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Why? Because this fairy - Irwalia - comes from a family that has been preaching an ancient propecy over a century now. Said prophecy omens that, one day, a being with the strongest of souls - a fairy soul - and the strongest of bodies - a human body - would be born to free the Colony from it's decades of war.
There are a lot of fairy families that preach this prophecy till this day, but all of them are taken as delusionals by most of the Colony's inhabitants. It's impossible to have a being that has a different soul from it's body, it just can't happen. But they hold onto their beliefs firmly regardless.
When Irwalia learned the truth about Alex, she couldn't help but be ecstatic: she had finally found a human inside the Colony's walls. And, if SHE was the one who discovered him first, then she must be the one meant to give birth to this prophetic child… right?
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In a vengeful and spiteful spirit, Irwalia decided to not report Alex to the Colony's authorities, but instead take her anger out on what the human and his imp wife treasured the most: their only child.
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Alex and Elisa didn't took long to find Toby, afterall she wanted to take her revenge in front of them...
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Irwalia cursed Toby with something that not only breaked Alex's heart, but made the child defenseless if he ever encountered a human: if in close proximity to a human, Toby is completely unable to do any kind of magic.
This may not sound like a big deal, but imps, especially imp borrowers, take great advantage from their magic abilities to protect themselves from the sight of humans and their malicious intents. And, of course, Toby would never be able to obtain his full magic potential (which he has a lot of) around his own father.
Aside from all that, his hair is now bright blue, a side effect of the curse that makes it difficult for him to hide from humans and dangerous animals.
Toby grew up not being allowed to leave the Colony EVER because of his curse. So when he became an adult, after getting involved in a lot of trouble inside the Colony, being the little thief and vagabond that he is, he thought-
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Unfortunately, he never had the chance to actually seek a cure for his curse in the book because he was discovered for his theft before that, yeah, it was all kind of pointless, he truly sucks at hiding.
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Huh, I also wonder why it worked...
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tobythewise · 5 months
I just think there’s something incredibly special about being a mage Hawke romancing Anders. All of the other companions find the mage plight annoying at the best of times and WRONG in the worst of times. Hearing their banter HURTS me sometime because hey… you’re saying all mages deserve to have Meredith imprison them because they’re all weak?? IM one of those mages you’re talking about! You think tranquility is fine? That’s ME you’re talking about??
The only one consistently fighting, consistently seeing mages as good and PEOPLE is Anders.
He’ll fight by putting his very life on the line for our freedom. Hawke is willing to throw away his home and be on the run again for their freedom.
I just think that’s really beautiful and really special.
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alyimoss · 14 days
ok wait bc
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i kept looking at this img from the new papayas interview and just laughing uncontrollably and i didnt understand why
i think i finally do
it gives the same vibes as this
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literally just add the text lmfao
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obscuretobyfox · 6 months
We've just recieved some brand new Deltarune news!! It seems-
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Oh..... Well...
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sir-meows-a-lot · 1 month
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listened to möterhead and ate Reese’s while drawing this. Happy 30th b-day king
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bonetrousledbones · 7 months
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[ID: A sprite of Papyrus wearing a long orange cape with a tattered pattern at the bottom and a high collar. He is winking, and holding up the end of the cape. end ID]
Papyrus as a vampire,
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i am going to fully slam my head through a car windshield
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cool-thymus · 9 months
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An illustration for The New Recruit by @butter--peanut <3
“A personal demonstration of its staying power,” he said, and Kakashi swallowed at the implication.  (Best Team, chapter 2)
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zeravmeta · 1 year
jjba is one of those series thats like deeply and profoundly beautiful in near indescribable ways but also you cant take it too seriously because the series itself circles the wagon and takes itself SO serious it becomes ridiculous. and thus its incredibly genuine despite everything
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
toby rogers being a loser (himself)
A/N: my boy !!!
CW: nothing much tbh??? murder??? a little angst.
-gets nervous around women. like yeah on the outside he's all numb and secretive and scary or whatever but lock him in a small room with like nina or kate or something and he's just,,,
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-toby wants to be in a relationship sooooo bad but refuses to let himself admit it. tries to focus on his work or go out on a walk when he starts getting all sad and mopey.
-i feel like he's really tall and lanky and has huge feet. constantly walking into stuff and stepping on things. doesn't help when his motor tics swing his arms around either.
-stepped on one of sally's crayons and broke it once. bad things ensued.
-he just looks so DORKY doing ANYTHING. like yeah he's a fucked up deranged serial killer. but also look at him brush his teeth or tie his shoes. dork.
-speaking of tying shoes, toby constantly has to redo his laces. he can't tie shoes correctly. he resorts to just tucking them inside of the shoe most of the time at this point.
-listens to midwest emo..,,,,,, 😧😧😧
-midwest emo or any 'loser music' in general tbh. car seat headrest, modern baseball, the front bottoms, lincoln, american football, pet symmetry, microwave, michael cera palin, merchant ships, tigers jaw, list goes on.
-trips going up staircases too fast
-can't make popcorn cause the kernels popping gives him anxiety. not in a sad traumatic way more like a time traveling cave man way.
-is friendlier to animals than he is to humans.
-will immediately go from heavy breathing, covered in blood hacking someone up to going "psst psst" to the nearest raccoon.
-thinks about lyra a lot. sees her in the sun, the wildflowers. hears her in running streams and girls laughing. toby misses his sister.
-has a lopsided smile!!!!
-has a chipped front tooth from getting the shit beat out of him a while ago. it's not really noticeable but he's self conscious about it.
-when toby yells his voice cracks. i think about this every time i see @crushedsweets drawing of toby and tim arguing and toby yells "get the fuck off me". that. one. piece. specifically.
-gets crushes way too easily. 100% has thought that he's had a shot with every girl his age in the manor. also gets easily obsessed with girls he sees/meets on his missions.
-nothing ever works out though (unless you count the shit show that was his relationship w/ natalie) (im a natalie lover i just feel like it went bad lol)
-and the funniest thing is toby thinks that its top secret that he has no game. everyone knows he's a loser. they all just feel too bad to say it (except jeff).
hrbtngmrjhwahdnrn i am So Normal About Him (lie)
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jennjamindraws · 3 months
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was thinking if John Dory sang country while he was traveling he would prob sing like Toby Keith and Margaritaville type country so I gave him a fun lil western outfit :]
really rough doodles under the cut, including me wondering how JD would wear a cowboy hat
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pigeon-princess · 4 months
i need to know eeeeverything about the got ttrpg oh my god
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We are completely obsessed with our Game of Thrones/ ASOIAF tabletop game at the moment, we’ve all gone crazy! It’s an almost obsolete TTRPG but we’re dragging it out of the dirt to play our funny little characters.
I'm currently in the middle of writing up a whole breakdown of our first 3 sessions and I have a bunch of artworks I've been hoarding hahaha. We've had some insane story things happen to us and I'll be able to share everything soon! It's been so much fun having our game set in 207 AC during the Blackfyre Rebellions (91 years before Game of Thrones and the same timeline as the Dunk and Egg stories) because its a very bad time to be a Targaryen bastard! A family can be two bratty Targaryens, a disgraced war criminal and the young maester that they blackmailed into travelling with them.
Heres some silly Gwyn art I've drawn in the meantime!!
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necroromantics · 1 month
The movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven" has a special place in Clockworks heart, she used to watch it on her box TV when she was young, and something about it nowadays just reminds her a lot of Toby, especially the song "You cant keep a good dog down"
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i dunno it kinda bothers me sometimes to see characters who are referred to with they/them pronouns in games described as "ambiguously gendered" or "gender left unclear" or "gender unstated" by fans and stuff like. yeah absolutely they are sometimes that. sometimes the creator had a gender in mind for them while creating them and just didn't think to talk about it in the game. but also, like. sometimes characters can just be nonbinary? and it makes me kinda sad that everyone's first reaction to they/them pronouns in games is "oh, they have a binary gender, it's just up to the player/not stated in-game".
#this is just something i was thinking about#after reading the ut localization book and seeing monster kid and onionsan described this way specifically#like. onionsan isn't really a big deal to me. they're just never talked about in the game.#i'm not treating them as Important Canon Nonbinary Rep because even though i use they/them for them#they're not canonically Anything.#monster kid is sort of the same deal? undyne uses they/them for them#and while it could be argued that she doesn't know them you could also argue they sneak out to follow her a lot#she could've met them before.#eh. it's a non-issue in this case really. at least they didn't describe napstablook that way#but honestly why are they so scared of saying 'nonbinary'. it's clear that that's what napstablook is#with the 'theirself' and all that#which. singular themself/theirself is not a word you see often in media at all!#it certainly wasn't when undertale came out! that was a pretty uncommon word in games!#so props to toby for featuring the first singular themself i ever saw in media and making me go 'woah'#but anyway. if you're curious. the lol book simply says#'the game refers to napstablook as 'them' not 'him' or 'her''#which. yeah! they're a them! but why do you act like this is some sort of narration quirk#and not just. a character being nonbinary.#i think that became pretty clear when the first few rounds of the undertale art book#came out and used he/him for them#but then someone asked toby about the pronoun difference#and he called them all back and changed their pronouns to they/them in the book once again.#honestly i. only vaguely remember hearing that so if someone has sources i'd love to see them#but like. why can't characters be nonbinary. why can't people just say nonbinary. it's not a scary word.
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