#Null tag
peliginspeaks · 3 months
That sound was not a part of the normal night-time hum.
Hallowrove does not stop. To the outside observer she might not have heard, but her senses now prickle with awareness, and her breath picks up with her steps in spite of herself. She is armed, of course - the usual bone knife at her belt and revolver in her coat in case of incident - but the noise still sends certain old fears trailing her steps like a man stood uncomfortably close at a soiree.
It might have been nothing.
It was probably nothing.
Counting the number of storefronts before the next well-lit street corner (five) is still a reflex, not a choice.
Three of those storefronts pass with nothing more than the muffled clump of boots on wet cobble. A lone hansom-cab passes, darkly lit water pouring over its wheels like dirty tears. In the wake of it, unmistakably, a footstep. It is the only one, but there need only be one. He is definitely being followed.
In which my two characters share a surprise meeting in the middle of the night, because nothing is more fun to me than letting my guys interact as weirdly and tangentially as possible. :)
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nullv01d · 1 year
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furbowl pics 🌟
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theramblingvoid · 7 months
"📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?" and "🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?" for a beast(s) of your choosing !!
Hallowrove: Now see, the expected answer here would be monsters, and they definitely could give a 10 minute lecture on Beastes, but their love of monsters is much more practical and experience-based than theoretical or biological so that's not what this lecture is about. Nope, this one is about workers' rights. Sit down listen up and hear this guy who started out job hopping between different metalworking/mechanical trades on the Surface and then came down here and met Mr Fires talk about unionization and workplace power dynamics. The doors are locked. The 10 minutes starts now.
Null: They wanted to plagiarize Hallowrove's speech but they have surveyed public interest and determined that it wouldn't get a very high approval rating. Instead they will be talking about literary analysis but only of the Ministry of Public Decency's most popular approved books and only using points they overheard in Veilgarden.
Hallowrove: *Deep, long-suffering sigh* In order of canonical events: 1. Something to pique their curiosity, 2. A friend in a situation too dangerous for them to handle, and 3. A hunt that they've started, that takes up more and more of their mind and energy, that by the time they realize what's happening they are too entranced by to break away. Although maybe that last one is also the trap in its own right. I wouldn't call Hallowrove easy to lure, exactly...but...yeah actually yes I would. Who am I kidding. This guy left a stable job to move to a cave full of space bats. They're getting trapped the second something makes a weird noise and they go to see what made it. (Keeping them trapped, however, that's the real issue. Good Luck.)
Null: Literally anything. This guy would walk under a box propped up on a stick for a rusty silver fork. And then try to take the box and stick too.
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clwnpunk · 1 year
doll but not in the dress me up play with me make me pretty way, in the “not meant to have emotions or opinions, meant to be quiet and play along and be tossed aside when they’re done” way
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stationk17 · 1 year
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Doodles/sketches ive done today between dnd sessions, small break from hyperfix to go back to my oc roots
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starlitecircus · 3 hours
btw posts tagged "null tag" mean that I'm not adding tags but I don't want tumblr to harass me
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lucksea · 3 months
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Kiss me, son of God!
...is Brie's theme specifically, but it seemed appropriate here
version with unaltered colors:
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
I have just been made aware you draw Solar Flare-
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DFVBDK Yeah Maybe 3/5 would Snuggle you back tho! (Canon, not pictured, might just cause Honestly he deserves it)
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artbypockets · 6 months
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stupid star wars doodles 🌈
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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pigeonrobespierre · 8 months
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Woke up thinking about them and so I had to get them out of my system. Haven’t interacted at all with anything mphfpc in so long, is it still somewhat relevant I wonder?
loosely based on the pictures from the books and I think the graphic novel
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vulpixisananimal · 2 days
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(There was something satisfying about the feeling of your boots hitting soft earth. Maybe it was the crunch of dry leaves and twigs. Maybe it was the occasional stone you'd kick down the road. Or maybe it was simply the satisfaction the family who walked behind you wouldn't be tripping over a particularly unsafe branch.)
(You were all on the road again.)
(It was a couple days since you all left Jouvente, things had moved fast once you recovered. Isabeau was getting sick of the place, and Mirabelle was itching to go on another adventure.)
("But where do we go next?" "How do we get there?" "What about Siffrins health?" "What ABOUT my health?" And these were just the questions asked out loud. Is Siffrin really ok? Are his headmates ok? Who caused this whole mess with mind craft? Can we trust Ramos?)
(Ramos. . .)
(The day before you all left Ramos accepted your offer to join. Said that they're going to pause the Defender training and go home. Since you all were headed there, Ramos was joining you. You still didn't know how to feel about that. Your family's opinion was split too.)
(Mirabelle was sceptical, but wanted to give them a chance. Isabeau insisted they're a good person. Odile was as wary as you were, and Nille thought they were alright. Bonnie said they were a "crabbing idiot" and left it at that. That made you smile.)
(So, that's where you were now. Leading the pack just like before. You, Mira, Isa, Ramos, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille in that order. Your group was getting sizable.)
"What do you think, Sif?" (You hear Mira call from behind.)
"Huh?" (You turn.) "Sorry, was zoning out."
"That's ok!" (she smiles.) "I was just asking if here's a good place to stop!"
(You shrug.) "I can go a few minutes more."
"Can you?" (She asked suspiciously.)
"I can! Look! I'm still fine from-" (You turned back to the road ahead and stopped. Holding up an arm.)
(There was a figure in the middle of the road, on the ground.)
(Mirabelle stopped, having long ago learned when you spotted something dangerous or peculiar. Isabeau on the other hand was as oblivious as ever and was walking right past you. You grab his arm.)
"Whuh-? What's-"
"You really suck at follow the leader." (you say, sticking your tongue out.)
"What is it, Sif?" (Mira asks, now looking ahead.) "Is that. . ."
"I'll check. All sneaky like, just in case~" (You start creeping towards the figure, careful and quietly, the loud clump clump of your boots before becoming nothing but a faded dream. You were good at this.)
(Step, step, step. . . It got clearer what the figure was as you got closer, lump of clothes? Someone in a lump of clothes, someone passed out! Oh! When you get to its side, you wave your family over. No danger.)
(Mira was there first and knelt down besides the stranger.) "O-oh! Oh no is, is it alright?"
(Next was Isa, going to check for a pulse and breathing.) "Well it's not dead? Just passed out."
"Does it not have a pack? Perhaps it was robbed." (Odile comments.) "After all, it's a long walk from the next rest."
(You shook your head.) "I didn't see one."
"No wounds or anything either." (Isa tapped his chin.)
"Maybe it. . . Didn't have one?" (Ramos comments from the sidelines.)
"Who'd be traveling without food and water?" (Nille kneels down, taking off her pack.) "Here, I'll give it some of mine."
"So kind Petronille." (Mira smiled.) "I'll try waking it up first."
(Mirabelle put a hand to the strangers heart, then up to its forhead. After a moment, the strangers yawned, eyes still closed, and smiled.)
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"Good morning!!" (It says.)
"O-oh!" (Mira said surprised.) "U-uh, Good morning? Really it's good evening now, b-but!!"
"Are you alive?" (Bonnie asked, bluntly.)
(The stranger sat up.) "Oh! Yes! Yes I'm alive! Haha, I was just taking a nap! I think."
"You think?" (Said Odile, suspicious.)
"Yep!" (The stranger rubbed its head.) "Oh, oooooh stars what was I doing agaaaaain."
(Your ears perk up, stars? Ramos glanced over at you, and then asked.) "Are you, from that Island?"
"Huh?" (It looks up.) "Am I. . Oh! Oh! Oh that Island! I dunno, maybe." (It shrugs, and smiles.)
"Here, drink water." (Nille passes her water to it, it chugs it down.) "Try not to choke on it."
(The stranger coughes, and giggles.) "T-thank you! Haha! Oh right! I'm Jinn! (it/its)!"
(You all introduce yourselves. Huh, how'd we know it's pronouns already?)
(Don't question it.)
"I guess now is a good time to set up camp then!" (Mira says.) "T-that is if you're ok with it Jinn!"
"Oh! Oh no that'd be great!!" (It smiled. Did it ever open its eyes?) "I love meeting new people!! And I'm in no hurry!!"
"It's ready!!!"
(Bonnie yelled from the makeshift fire pit you helped prepare. Bonbon, Nille, and that stranger Jinn were all making a tasty dish while the rest of you were setting up. Everyone had a tent except you. You liked sleeping under the stars. Jinn was the same way, aparently.)
(You were very hungry.)
(Aaaaaaand who's fault was that~)
(You roll your eye. How could you forget, your favorite annoying star had shown up while making Isas tent. Listen, you THOUGHT you were fine.)
(You can think a lot of things Stardust~)
(You shake your head as you stepped over to the fire- WAIT-)
(Bonnie held up a plate to you triumphantly.) "MALANGA!!! FRITTERS!!!"
(You take the plate from Bonnie and ruffle their hair.) "Thank you SO MUCH!!"
"Hehe!" (They were smiling so big and wide.)
(Stardust if you don't start eating RIGHT NOW-)
(Oh you didn't even wait a SECOND. You were scarfing down your food so fast. Yummy!!! Oh so so SO SO GOOD!!!)
"S-slow down Sif!" (Isa says, worried.) "I don't want you to choke!!"
"No I wanna see how far they'll go." (Nille counters.)
(You take bite after bite, finishing your food waaaay before anyone else. You put down your plate.)
". . . You 'aight, Siffy?" (Nille asks.)
(You burp.)
"Manners, Siffrin!"
(You smile, and sink down in your cloak a little.) "S-sorry, it was really really good."
"Really? I couldn't tell." (Odile says sarcasticly. You all have a laugh at that.)
(Conversation ensues, mostly around Jinn. Who it was, where it was going, why it was passed out. The answer for all of them was the same:)
"I dunno." (It shrugged.) "I'm just going, forgot where I came from, forgot where I'm going."
"Doesn't that, worry you?" (Asks Ramos.)
"Haha, nope!" (It smiles.) "I end up where I end up, The Universe guides."
"And all we can do is follow." (You mumble, stupid Universe.) "So you remember that, at least."
"Of course!" (It tilts its head.) "I don't think I could ever forget that!"
(You shook your head.) "Well the Universe owes me after everything it put me through."
(You glance at Jinn, it looks, sad. It speaks up.) "W-well, you never really know what, what's going on with The Universe, right?"
"So?" (You question.)
"T-there, could have been some reason, o-or. . ." (It trails off and looks back down at its food. Looking at your friends, the awkwardness had spread. They knew what you had been through, and that The Universe was connected to it.)
(Stardust please, we nearly ended the world~)
(You sigh.) "It's fine. Done now, isn't it?"
"G-guess so. . ."
(. . . There's a long, uncomfortable pause before Mirabelle finds a way to break it.) "O-oh! Uh, I wanted to ask about The Universe, actually."
(Jinn perks up, looking happy as can be again.) "Oh!! What is it??"
(Mira rubs her hands together, nervous.) "W-well, I know it hurts to talk about, litteraly, but what does that phrase mean?"
"The Universe Guides? We Follow?" (Jinn replies.) "Just as it sounds! Everything happens for a reason! We learn to live with any hand we're dealt, adapt to difficulties, to rules or, or. . ."
"Or memories forgotten." (You say. Jinn nods.)
(. . . Why were your thoughts coming so easily when it came to home?)
"O-oh. . ." (Mira ponders for a second.) "It, sounds like a very strict God, if you can only follow what it guides."
"Yes and no?" (Jinn thinks for a moment.) "The Universe guides, yes, but how you take the path is up to you! To get from here to the ocean, you could follow the road, or go through the woods, or fly above them! It's about adaption! I guess it is more rigid than Change, though."
"O-oh r-right!" (Mirabelle nods excitedly.) "And!! Change tells us to seek change in ourselves, but lets us find our own way!! B-but also Change is. . W-well. ."
"A lazy God?" (Jinn giggles.) "That's ok! Change is nice!"
(You don't say? You note the earrings, one wish, one change.)
(What a strange person.)
(You wake up.)
(Why were you awake? Why were you around? It was midnight. No, probably far past midnight.)
(You can hear music.)
(You sit up. You were in your sleeping bag. That's right, you all were traveling again. It was a miracle you didn't need to front while you were on the road, you hated it. The sun. The dirt. The noises. The Heat. Ugh.)
(You look around. Everyone else's tents were set up. You could hear snores from some of them. There was another sleeping bag layed out nearby. It was empty. Who's was that again?)
(That was the stranger.)
(Ah. The stranger. It was less a memory of what happened, more just the knowledge that it did, in fact, happen. Jinn. Stranger. Islander. Where did it go? Wander off?)
(No, no you could see it. It was lying in the middle of the road. You got up, and walked over. The music got louder.)
(It didn't acknowledge your presence. It was staring up at the sky. You raise a hand-)
Nice night, isn't it?
(Your hand freezes. It spoke to you. You open your mouth, you ask how it did that.)
Lie down with me, it's a nice night.
(You hesitate, considering the now much more intimidating stranger. You decide to join it.)
(You ask-)
Relax. We have all night.
(You hush up, annoyed, and stare up at the skies. The night sky.)
(The Stars where alive, tonight. Alive and beating like hearts. You want to hold them. Grip them until they-)
That's not very nice.
(You wince. Do you mind?)
Sorry, but it's hard not to overhear your conversation.
(. . .)
Come now, there's two of you, aren't there?
(There is. You were in denial still, weren't you. That would mean you're not in control. . .)
(We're actors. Aren't we?)
(You huff. To you, maybe.)
What's your names?
(You wince again. Not used to it. Your name is Mal Du Pays.)
Vaugardian dialect meaning "Homesickness." Well not exactly Vaugardian but we don't have time explain all that. What a tragic name, do you like it?
(. . .)
. . . What about your friend?
Yes! You must have a name, right?
(. . . I don't really have one. Not yet, at least.)
(You need a name. Choose one.)
Now now Mal, give them some time. A names a big thing!
(I, don't know. I didn't think-)
(You look to your side. The stranger was holding something in it's hand. You take it, it was. . . A small stone? The stranger had one, and put it in it's ear.)
Go on, like I do.
(. . . You put the stone into your ear.)
(You hear music.)
Nice, isn't it?
(It was nice, the music sounded familiar, but you couldn't place it. You breathe in. . . And out. . .)
(. . . Lost one was what you called yourself, if you needed to acknowledge a self.)
Lost one?
(You don't want that name. . . . You'll go with Null.)
(A nothing.)
But you're not nothing! You're speaking to me now, aren't you?
(Perhaps. . . But you want that name. There's a phantom memory, of a play, one of the characters was called that, Null, a nothing.)
I know that play! Well, not exactly a play, but it's still a story! Swordsman with the gift of clairvoyance looking for a past he doesn't remember. Like you!
(You nod, it sounded familiar, it was familiar.)
I just hope your story ends better than his.
(You turn back to the stranger, it's smiling at you. There's stars in it's eyes.)
. . . Do you like the music?
(Yes. Yes you do. You both do. You look back to the sky. It helped you focus. Find yourself. You could count the stars, you could even remember the constellations.)
(You weren't being bothered by the hard ground beneath you.)
(You finally felt like the play had stopped for intermission.)
(You feel. . . Content.)
Do you want a pair?
(You do, you really do.)
Then you know what to do.
(. . . You did.)
(You look to the night, and wait. It might have been minutes, hours. You watched, until you saw a small streak of light slice the sky in two. You close your eyes.)
(Music to help you focus. Music to help you focus. Music to help you focus. . .)
(. . .)
(You open your eyes. Why did we do that? Why did we do that?)
(Why did you lie down next to a stranger, you didn't Even know who it was! You sit up. This wasn't right, there was something wrong. You turn to the stranger. You open your mouth.)
(Who. Are. You?)
Oh! Sorry, I should have introduced myself! I'm-
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(You. You stare at the stranger. You knew that word. Your. Your hand is shaking. Your breath, quickening. You, you.)
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You should go to sleep.
(You are being shaken awake.) "Mmmmrrrmmg five minuuuuutes...."
(Whoever's shaking you stops for a moment. Then you feel a very small body jump on you.)
(You clear the sleep from your eyes. Bonbon was waking you up. You were sleeping in the middle of the road, your sleeping bag was nowhere near you.)
"Uh, hhhheyy."
"Sleepwalking?" (They ask smugly.) "Ground taste good or something?"
"Haha! No I, I dunno actually!"
(You get up and dust yourself off. What WERE you doing last night? You don't remember. Maybe someone else does. Bonnie goes back to camp, your family is packing up.)
(. . . Jinn is nowhere to be seen. It must have left early in the morning.)
(You feel something in your hand. You open it.)
(A pair of small stones, there's the engraving of a crescent moon on them.)
(. . . Weird.)
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theramblingvoid · 7 months
oc ask game: i cant do emojis but shiny rock for both
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Hallowrove: It's an odd gift, but they've recieved weirder from Rubbery friends and zailors with superstitious good-luck charms. If it seems meaningful to you in the giving, they'll keep it and cherish it, probably on a shelf in their upstairs office next to a few other gifts and assorted oddities and souvenirs from hunts. They don't tend to be sentimental about objects or decorations in general, but a good simple gift goes a long way.
Null: They will hoard it. And then realize that you are now a known source of shiny rocks, and immediately start figuring out how they might get more from you, all that you have, all that you might possibly be able to get. Your shiny rocks will line their mantel. You will know no peace. Every night they will pick them up one by one just to hold them, and feel their weight, and know that that weight is in the accumulation of what in the world is theirs. They might also swallow one eventually. You know how it is.
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painted-lemon · 8 months
can we talk about how jake and emmas main modivation in library of souls is "we need to find our freinds before the bad guys turn them into DRUGS" i dont know any other book where most of the main cast is in danger of being turned into DRUGS
i love these books
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stationk17 · 2 years
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Eyes are the window to the soul and a very fun practice in character. Even though this is the rebel batch, I didn’t include Veil or Anthre as I have plans for them >:)
Royal Eyes
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starlitecircus · 3 hours
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Loves me, loves me not
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