#OUGH I MISSED HER i missed my babygirl
tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months
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Sacrificial Lamb
another little symbolism moment with my oc inquisitor maera modeled on 'innocence' by William Adolphe-Bougueraeu
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dykehayleywilliams · 2 years
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thinking about her
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wasyago · 8 months
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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bioshook-wynand · 10 months
Since my friend and I are playing Bioshock 1, i wanted to share some of the things that have happened so far:
- We sat and watched the plane fully sink
- "OUGH?!" < her reaction to the giant Ryan statue
- Right off the bat she didn't trust Atlas and said his wife and child aren't real
- Every security bot is named Jeff
- The wrench is also Jeff(rey Bezos)
- We spent 30 minutes trying to get to Steinman because I forgot I has to throw the bombs at the debris blocking the entrance
- We went through 4 nitro splicers before I realized something wasn't right. I do this everytime. I literally replayed Bioshock like 2 weeks ago and forgot how to do that
- I've died more times in this playthrough than I ever have in Bioshock 1
- Keeps asking me if Atlas is evil, I keep telling her no and that he's my babygirl
- I've been spoon feeding her Atlas propaganda so hopefully she'll trust him by the end
- LOVES the little sisters, terrified of big daddys. She screamed the first time we had to fight one
- I tried to get the first bouncer stuck behind the register in the Medical Bay, but absolutely shredded him before I could
- The women were too stunned to speak
- We sat under the floor of the McCracken Crab trying to kill a Rosie. I died.
- I also hid under the floor of the Fisheries and smacked Splicers that walked overhead
- I got killed by a (different) Rosie like 5 times before I finally killed her
- Also ran from the third Rosie repeatedly before I finally killed him
- She chose target dummy for our first real plasmid
- I've only ever used it when losing control of the plasmids. So I've only used it once-
- Me: God I hate Andrew Ryan
Her: Bash his brains in
Me: *Hephaestus flashbacks* Oh I'm gonna
- Spider splicer: *angry screeching*
Me: New wife for you
Her: Great, thanks
- Hates it everytime I say "Snappies"
- I spent way too long looking for the final spider splicer before realizing I could take a picture of a dead one
- She did trust Peach Wilkins though (Somehow??)
- "I've got a really bad feeling about this" intensifies
- Yelled "THIS IS YOUR MAN⁉️" When Atlas walked out and almost missed Ryan's speech and the splicers bc of it
- Predicted the sub would blow up, but was shocked when it actually did
- I think she begrudgingly trusts Atlas now, his acting is peak
- I also went on a 2 minute rant about him and she made fun or me the entire time
- *finds a crawlspace full of Atlas posters*
Me: Oh my god, this is where I live!!
Her: NO
Me: With my Atlas posters and my.. Pistol bullets??
Her: N O !!
- #1 Langford stan (she's in love with her)
- Got jumpscared by the Houdini splicer that appears behind you (We both screamed)
- I was laughing bc his shadow was looming over us, then slowly turned around and we had a staring contest before I finally shot him in the face
- I've literally never seen him just sit there before?? He always disappeared as soon as I turned around. Wild
- She compared Langford writing the code on the window to 11307 from Danganronpa (iykyk)
- Cue disappointed sighing (Not really, I laughed really hard)
- This entire playthrough has just been me aggressively hitting on Atlas and her reevaluating our friendship
- Not even the posters are safe
- "Who is Atlas?"
Me: My husband
Her: UGH
- Saying "This is for me!!" every time I see an Atlas poster
- She is genuinely considering killing me
- Made me harvest a little sister to see what would happen 😔 We reloaded tho it's okay
- I've found so many secrets in this playthrough, including a vent that goes to a meat locker in the Farmers Market
- It felt like I was getting chased by everyone in Rapture while trying to make the Lazarus Vector
- I also (somehow) shot the big daddy in Langford's office while fighting splicers
- That was terrifying
- *Enters Fort Frolic* Me: It's about to get real silly
- I've been hyping up Cohen this entire time because I knew she would like him
- Unfortunately, she does
- She gagged at the "expectant mama" line
- Got jumpscared AGAIN by the splicer in the basement of Sinclair Spirits
- I can never find the record store when I play Bioshock, this time was no different
- I gave up and went after Hector instead
- When we met Silas Cobb she yelled "KITTENS??"
- She agrees Silas is a discord mod
- We spent like 2 minutes straight trying to catch Hector and Silas
- I also got jumped by a bunch of splicers every time I tried to kill a bouncer
- She lost it at Cohen walking down the stairs
- I smacked Cohen after his speech and immediately ran
That's all so far, but we'll hopefully play some more this week!
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volfoss · 2 years
Hi! I assign you...
Athena Asamiya!
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she is like. THE magical girl in kof. let me tell u all abt her. so she has psychic powers!! and shes an idol! but shes like very chill and literally THE nicest character in the series. she loves her peter rabbit tea set which like. best character trait etc! shes rly good at like making web sites and enjoys all kinds of computer stuff! she loves sweet foods (Momiji manju, things with kinako dissolved in milk; strawberry daifuku, Sakura daifuku, churros)!! when i tell u genuinely. she is nice to LITERALLY everyone. let me like give examples: iori and ash. iori is like. evil supreme but not really. hes goofy silly hes my babygirl but everyone hates him. but athena shows like. genuine concern for him esp after all hes been thru (iori is like um. sure involved in plots). ash is literally the worst 16 year old ever (affectionate. hes like a brother to me) and EVERYONE but maybe 4 people hate him. now let me like show u some of her win dialogue to ash in particular:
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^ GOING INSANE. so ash went missing and like. shes never been on his team. she has NO reason to rly wanna help him or his team. but by god she is gonna. i just ough.
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^ ALSO THIS. like ash genuinely is very much a guy who like carries stuff on his own and doesnt like to confide in other people when he has problems and even tho theyre fighting shes like trying to help him.
OK. back to info i just like. needed u to see how shes just genuinely SUCH a kind person. OK ALSO. u will like this but shes like. def aromantic coded a bit
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^ kensou is her teammate and she is like. always rly friendly to him despite him just being like hey kinda interested in u romantically she just like. blows him off on it completely. and is just like so glad we r friends :)
SHES ALSO LIKE. very strong to fight as! shes not my main or anything but shes rly rly tough!! BUT ANYWAYS. blorbo image time.
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^ this pic is like. actually so swagtacular. so let me give like an explanation. athenas hair length changes in EVERY game and her hair was a short bob in 99 (when this art is from!) but the fact that like idk. it feels like a very trans picture to me personally (i hc her as nonbinary if that matters lmao) but how like blue mary (far left in the red top) is just like cheering her on, and how king (middle in the pink suit) is like just rly cheerfully giving her a haircut and how even leona (far right in the green suit) is having a good time. images that mean the world to me etc. also like. shes friends w the womens team canonically (which has Mai, King, and Yuri a lot of the time) and i just ough. idk i love their interactions.
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^ this picture is simply like rly pretty n cool and i just. ough. she is so strong she is my best friend etc. i love her so much and this art is so good.
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^ rough sketch but like. i need u to see shes besties w my friend Kula. i love it so so much i just oughhhh sobs. i love how theyre friends. i just oughhh <- is experiencing many emotions rn
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^ her w her team!! the old guy (Chin Gentsai) is her and Kensou's mentor! and kensou is the guy to the far right! i just ough. they r all friends etc. i love it
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^ my fave athena look! its from kof 2001 and i just ough. i love her outfit here and her short hair! imo it rly suits her and i just!!! i love athena so much literally one of THE characters ever
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^ NEED u to see her cute little red shorts outfit here! the other characters from L to R are: Yuri Sakazaki (my best friend!! shes another character i think u would like), Kasumi Todoh (VERY swag she makes funny puns), Athena, and Mai Shiranui (literally THE woman EVER AND EVER.)
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