#Octopath Baltazar
blazlngblade · 2 years
Rosa Rambles about Leon/Elletrix Story Ideas!
This has been in my drafts for the last week and a half or so. I've come back to it constantly to make small edits. But, I think it's time to post it.
I am going to become the CEO of shipping Leon and Elletrix, and nobody can stop me!!
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And they will be called "Elleon" as it easy to say, and it puts both "Elle" and "Leon" into it very naturally.
They just look so cool! The awesome seafarer pair! Two beautiful people! I love them both so much! The ex-pirate turned merchant, and the current Grandport Kingdom's lord with the reputation to rehabilitate pirates, it makes for an interesting romance.
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I like the idea of their earlier meeting that I wrote up a long while ago, which you can read here.
Just disregard the ending where I said that I don't ship it, I've changed my mind! The chemistry between them and shipping potential is amazing.
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So going with that, and expanding on the story ideas in more detail, The idea of Leon still wanting to "make it big" by attacking a Grandport vessel in order to get his motivation back as a pirate is still what would happen. Though, Leon is defeated by Elletrix, so him and his crew are taken into custody by Grandport's army.
No matter how sad he was about Baltazar's passing (or if you're like me and actually prefer the idea he just faked his death, changed his identity, and left to the East to fulfill his dream of becoming a merchant), I can't see Leon wanting to look defeated or show those emotions in front of Elletrix (this would be before she's the lord of Grandport, she's simply just a princess right now). I'm sure there's no a pirate that hasn't heard about the princess of Grandport who can change a pirate's outlook on life just by defeating them. He's pretty prideful and he wouldn't let up so easily, even if he was beginning to doubt things after he lost his friend. We know that he is very prideful thanks to the flashbacks in chapter 3 for Tressa's story.
So after being taken in, I imagine a lot of his crew were pretty quick to just bail out from being pirates, and join the Grandport navy. We're told this is common with pirates she has defeated (mostly because they all love strong women!). Left alone as the singular person who refuses to join her army, Elletrix has no choice but to have him imprisoned. Of course, it doesn't end there, since Elletrix makes it her goal to get this man to change his mind and to walk a better path. I'm sure she likes a challenge every once in a while, as she's the stubborn and strong willed princess, but is in no less a kind person just like her sister.
With that as her goal, perhaps she often visits him, maybe tries to chat, and get to the root of what she can work with. It probably takes a while to make even the smallest breakthrough. This could take months (I'll say about 2-3?), it wouldn't be that easy. After some time, she manages to get the info about Baltazar, whether knowing the two were rivals already and asking herself or he told her himself eventually, perhaps she managed to have him talk about some of Baltazar's last words told to Leon; “Do ye have somethin' precious to ye?”
Now if you read the other post, you would know that I believe that the Eldrite was originally the royal family of Grandport, and the reason behind Elletrix's name. Assuming this is true, that would mean that Elletrix has already met Baltazar in the past, as he was the one who stole it from Grandport, and that he was one of the only pirates to have resisted her forces and successfully steal the Eldrite. With this feat, he gained the title "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Whatever her opinion is on Baltazar now, it needs to not overtake her approach on trying to get to the bottom of everything.
Putting it aside, she relates Baltazar's words to her family's quote of "do you have something to protect". She asks Leon this, and which reminds Leon about when Baltazar asked the question, he had no answer for it then or now. Maybe something about this question causes his demeanor or attitude to change and Elletrix notices it. She knows she struck a nerve and it's something to work with. Not being able to give her an answer, they're left in silence. For the moment, she leaves it alone, simply just saying to think about it. The next time she visits, she asks the question again, to which he says, "I don't know". What I like most about Leon taking a bit of time to open up is because we get told in Tressa's chapter 1 and in the Gate of Finis journal for Graham that he doesn't place his trust in others easily. This time she would say that she can help him figure it out, but he has to let her try. Not being able to do much else, and knowing that if both Baltazar and Elletrix have asked him the same question, he finally agrees, knowing enough that it must be important.
At last being let out of the cell, Elletrix decides to take him around Grandport, perhaps down the docks or into the market. She would talk about the benefit of not being a pirate, being able to instead help people than to take from them, probably reminding Leon of his quote, to which she does know. We know in the later parts of life, he dislikes this saying a lot, and I don't blame him. It's a terrible reminder of the things he might have done to other people, likely even innocents.
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Perhaps after a long walk around the town, seeing all the merchants selling all kinds of wares and being happy while doing so, Elletrix can point out that people worked hard to gain those things in order to sell them again to customers. They earned their wares through honest means, not through stealing. It could remind Leon of the dream that Baltazar spoke of; the dream of being a merchant. This would help remind Leon that his old friend wanted to do something good despite all the sins as a pirate he might have committed. It gives Leon some food for thought.
Obviously, we can't forget about the fact that Leon is supposed to rebuild Baltazar's ship. We'll get to that soon!
I like to think that after a bit of time and the frequent visits while he is in custody, Leon has decided to actually open up about things with Elletrix. Maybe if she learned about the race between Leon and Baltazar, and how it's assumed that Baltazar had died as his body was nowhere to be found. Perhaps when Elletrix learned this, she told the tale of losing her sister to Edoras, not because she wants to share the story with people, but sometimes it helps to relate to someone's problem or grief by talking about your own. Or at least that's how I've always seen it, I struggle to understand something if I can't relate it to something I know. it would show a growing trust between the two. Elletrix and Leon both cared about their deceased loved ones a lot. Remembering that Leon said he found his friend's ship wrecked on the coast, he thinks about that.
Since the questions of what Leon's precious treasure is, or what he protects have been brought up before, this could be where he decides that Baltazar and his ship are his some of his precious treasures. He decides to rebuild the ship as a major step of his rehab. Elletrix chooses to support this idea, and perhaps after a time, she even helps him rebuild it too. At first, I could see Leon being a bit stubborn to wanting her help, as this is his way to atone and to really understand why this ship is his precious treasure, but after a while I think he would accept her help. She's the daughter of the lord of Grandport and is the captain of her own vessel, so I am sure she knows a thing or two about building a ship. Elletrix is a "hands-on, get-it-done" kind of woman. What better way to bond than to work on a difficult project together? You can work on the ship together and just kind of chat to get to know each other. This project would be the thing that would help deepen their friendship.
Building a ship with very few people would take a long time, so this is something he might have worked on for 7+ years, as well as learning the ins and outs of business to be a merchant. Thanks to being in Grandport and having a connection with the respected daughter of the lord, these things are possible. He was likely very busy in the town, and I know that she was involved with his rehabilitation heavily, and perhaps even tagging a long during the times he was learning about being a merchant, you know, if she didn't teach him herself. Again, daughter of the lord of Grandport, I 100% believe she knows this kind of thing.
And during breaks of rebuilding the ship, I could see Elletrix insisting that he tags along with her on her patrols to protect Grandport from nearby pirates that threaten her seas. If he were to do this, he would gain the trust of Grandport's army, the townspeople/merchants, and Elletrix's father, Lord Benedict. At around this time, Benedict would have also grown sick and would have begun to give his role of lord to his daughter. While she may be busy with that kind of thing, and the trust of the ex-pirate is more apparent to her, perhaps he could offer to step in as her replacement to patrol the surrounding waters?
If Leon has been doing this while she cannot, it could tie in perfectly with Elletrix's Traveler Memory later too. Please feel free to watch it! It's a pretty good story! We loved translating this one!
She might have been busy with lord work while he was out at sea to which he rescued a castaway from pirates. The fact she comes in and already has heard about it means it was somewhat connected to her own patrols out on the ocean. He tells her about the Miedo Pirates (Avery, Gacco, and Wappa) and then suggests she deals with them. Plus, when the idea of a battle comes up, she says, "Battle? Sounds exhilarating!" as if it's been a while of being able to do it herself. The use of the exclamation point and quick response was like, "At last!" She's been busy with lord training, that these moments of excitement are likely rare now.
The irony that Avery doesn't like Leon, but I wonder if he's aware that it was Leon that allowed Avery to meet Elletrix at all? It'd be funny if he didn't know that though, or if people told him, he'd just brush it off as false..
In the Traveler Memory, I'll always love these exchanges. There's something about the way he says "my lord" is great. Some people have pet names, but he just calls her as the "lord" or "my lord".
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This one has that right amount of casual humour, something very few would ever be brave enough to do, helping imply that these two are close. Sure, her subordinates have said some things and she normally pays no mind, but that's exactly it, she pays no mind to it., But, in the next dialogue I will share, she does respond.
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This one is after she sends her soldiers to go get ready for battle. He comments about her commanding skills as "scary", but it's got that right amount of humour to it. The fact she responds with a "Hm..." and a somewhat half-laugh audio too. <3 She doesn't often laugh or respond to these kinds of comments, but was able to with his comment? It's intriguing. Something about the fact her eyes are closed as well, I'd believe this comment made her smile as well, another thing she hardly does. To be fair though, people think Leon's pretty scary too. If he can make tease her about that, she can right back. Heck, maybe this is how they would flirt...? <3 I've actually been in the process of drawing this scene. <3
Though honestly, given Elletrix's situation in life, I would not be surprised if she didn't really believe in love all that much. Losing her sister, and Ulrica having to marry someone like Pardis III, is obviously not a form of "love" (Elletrix wouldn't know about Rembrandt/Ulrica though, that was obviously more true love), we don't know who or where Elletrix's mother is. Maybe she left her family and husband after Ulrica was given to Edoras...? Making love seem less real from a younger person's perspective. Not to mention the fact that Elletrix's army, almost half of them or more claim they are in love with her, it probably also sullies the idea it's real. As mentioned earlier, she doesn't react to them when they say things like that to her. So then if you have someone like Leon who manages to prove that it is real, seems kinda interesting. Basically, Paramore's "Only Exception" is now an Elleon song.
My brother tells me he likes the idea of them just keeping it more to themselves for a while, perhaps not really sure how it would be taken as a famous pirate being with the new lord of the kingdom. I do agree though, I find it might be difficult for people to process at first. It's very opposite to what a person would expect from her at first assumption. But, that's what makes it so interesting. On the brightside, it's clear that lots of people actually don't know who Leon is. His story tells us that he has done a very excellent job keeping his identity hidden. I'm sure that was also the help of Elletrix as well. I imagine she has the ability to make sure any of her rehabilitees are protected from people's judgement. If anyone's doing the judgement, it will be her if they step out of line.
Having mentioned his Traveler Story now, the possible timing of the story works out. Since it takes place in Grandport, it might be the most recent visit of his. The great thing about when he gets to Grandport is he says that it "smells of treasure... and danger". Let's be real, he was talking about Elletrix. He was likely going to visit his girlfriend, as well as go do some merchant business, but learned she wasn't there (if we're going with the Bestower of All plotline, she's busy helping to save the continent right now!). So instead some other things happen, and he helps out the painter Bastian instead, as well as help deal with the Chimera Pirates while she is absent.
We will have Leon's Traveler Story uploaded in time, so please be patient with us!
As for the current year of the first game. I'll say that the reason Leon was not a part of the Merchant's Fair competition in Grandport was because he was spending time with Elletrix and watching the competition from a more "VIP" area. I'd say that by this point, they're a little more public about their relationship. I'm not entirely sure what Benedict's status is either, but the two of them might be the true standing rulers of Grandport by now.
As for the Eldrite, since I did mention that, but never mentioned it again, and we just brought up the Merchant's Fair. I would imagine that Leon has confessed to her that he as allowed Tressa to keep it. Honestly, I think she'd be okay with that, even if the Eldrite was once Grandport's treasure, and likely the thing she was named after. Over time, just like Leon, she learns that her own treasure was not the gem, but probably the love of her kingdom. She cares about her home a lot, so the city would be her most precious treasure.
I am really thinking about writing this story out.
For a timeline of the events I'd probably write, it'd be like this:
Ages in the first game would be Leon at 33 and Elletrix at 41. There is an 8 year difference between them.
Elletrix (~17) | Ulrica (~20) | Leon (9) | Baltazar (~13) --- 24 years to Present Time - Elletrix loses her sister, Ulrica, in an exchange for "peace" by the kingdom of Edoras. Ulrica marries King Pardis III. - Leon and Baltazar are struggling to live in the old quarter of Victors Hollow. They result to thievery to survive.
Elletrix (~20) | Ulrica (~23) | Leon (12) | Baltazar (~16) --- 21 years to Present Time - Elletrix decides to keep herself preoccupied from losing her sister by head to the ocean to protect her kingdom. She also recruits ex-pirates as soldiers for Grandport's navy. - Leon and Baltazar have chosen to become pirates in order to better support themselves. Stealing from the rich and weak alike.
Elletrix (~24) | Ulrica (~27) | Leon (16) | Baltazar (~20) --- 17 years to Present Time - Elletrix knows of her nieces, Elrica and Araune, and she travels to Cragspear to rescue them and her sister. Ulrica refuses, and Elletrix leaves before the Edoras soldiers find out. She swears she will never forgive Edoras for stealing her sister from her. - Leon and Baltazar have come to be known as the Sea Serpent and Wild Eagle.
Elletrix (~26) | Ulrica (~29) | Leon (18) | Baltazar (~22) --- 15 years to Present Time - - Leon and Baltazar have a sort of on/off "relationship". It's less of a real relationship, mostly just sexual tension. "Rivals", you know. - Ulrica chooses to protect her daughters by ending her own life. King Pardis III chooses to let his kids live. Elletrix hears the news about Queen Ulrica's death, causing her to hate Edoras even more. - Leon hears about a famous ore called Eldrite that resides with the royal family of Grandport. He aims to try and take it, but Baltazar is quicker to action. - Baltazar goes to Grandport and attacks Elletrix's ship. While she's still grieving from the loss of her sister, her ability to defend her treasure is lesser. He comes out as the victor and steals the Eldrite from her. This earns him the title of "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Elletrix might have asked him if stealing from the "hurt", making a reference to Pardis III taking her sister, was worth it. Since then he has questioned his role as a pirate, remembering his childhood dream of being a merchant.
Elletrix (~28) | Leon (20) | Baltazar (~24) --- 13 years to Present Time - Since stealing from Elletrix, Baltazar has begun to act different. He acts distant, and Leon has no idea why. Baltazar asks Leon what his most precious treasure is, Leon cannot answer. - The race between them happens, and Baltazar is the winner as his boat made it to the island first, but he is also assumed dead and no body is found. Leon grieves for his lost friend. - Baltazar used the storm as a way to fake his death, and he escapes, hiding away from Leon to one day making his way towards the East to become a merchant.
Elletrix (~29) | Leon (21) --- 12 years to Present Time - Leon's drive as a pirate has lessened since losing Baltazar. He makes his way towards the Coastlands, where he chooses to challenge a Grandport vessel, to which it ends up being Elletrix's. - Unlike when Elletrix lost to Baltazar, she succeeds against Leon. Taking him and his crew into custody, many of his crew choose to abandon pirate life and pledge to join her army. Leon refuses, and is imprisoned. - Elletrix makes it her goal to get Leon to change his mind, seeing value in him, despite his crimes. Stubborn to agree, it takes about 2-3 months to finally accept her offer of help. - Another month passes, and Leon chooses to rebuild his friend's ship to keep himself busy while being reformed. Elletrix supports the idea and chooses to personally watch over his progress herself. Occasionally, Elletrix helps him with the construction, much to his dismay at first, he gets used to it and eventually accepts her help. - During the months of rebuilding the ship, Elletrix and Leon have begun to develop a bit of a mutual trust. Leon tells her about Baltazar's dream of becoming a merchant. He decides he will do it for him. Elletrix offers to have him trained.
Elletrix (~30) | Leon (22) --- 11 years to Present Time - Leon's training as a merchant has gone smoothly, having already the talent to appraise an item's worth during the time he was a pirate. Alongside ship construction and merchant training, he sometimes accompanies Elletrix on her patrols to protect the Grandport seas.
Elletrix (~31) | Leon (23) --- 10 years to Present Time - At the 3rd anniversary of losing Baltazar, Leon requests to borrow a ship from Elletrix to travel to Victors Hollow, so he can pay respects to his friend from now on. Having more trust in the ex-pirate, she lends him a ship and a small crew of her army, giving them permission to cut Leon down if he makes even one wrong move. "Scary as ever, my lord." :') - She uses this as an opportunity to test his morals. Along with his goal of visiting his old town, Elletrix suggests taking this chance to put his business methods to the test. - The journey goes smoothly and he has a toast to his celebrate Baltazar's life, thanking him for the opportunity to become a new man. Before he could travel back to Grandport, he is approached by Graham Crossford who asks to board his ship to reach Bolderfall quicker. Graham's journal is left behind. - Having been gone for ~2 months, he finally returns back to Grandport, Leon reports to Elletrix that everything went well. Since coming back, their construction project of the ship continues, as does accompanying Elletrix's patrols.
Elletrix (~33) | Leon (25) --- 8 years to Present Time - Lord Benedict, Elletrix's father, has begun to grow ill, but he doesn't shirk his duty as lord. However, he begins to make sure that Elletrix is prepared to take the role one day. She becomes less available for helping ship construction or patrolling the sea. Leon offers to take her place.
Elletrix (~34) | Leon (26) --- 7 years to Present Time -Elletrix has been busy with transitioning as the lord, that she sometimes feels "trapped", not being able to go to the sea as often. However, she takes her duties seriously and is becoming a great lord. - The Miedo Pirates have been targeting the Grandport area, taking down merchant ships. Leon hears of it, and reports to Elletrix. Elletrix's Traveler Memory takes place and she recruits Wappa as a helmsman and Avery and Gacco as soldiers.
Elletrix (~36) | Leon (28) --- 5 years to Present Time - At this point, Leon and Elletrix are very close friends. Though Avery is very loyal to his new lord, he is bothered by the closeness that Elletrix has with Leon, especially with all the time she spends helping him rebuild his ship. - Seven years total have past since the ship construction project begun. The ship is completed. Elletrix gives Leon full freedom to travel away from Grandport without her watch. He accepts, and goes on a journey to prove his mettle as a merchant.
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent begins. Major spoilers ahead for "Master of All", "Bestower of Power", and "Bestower of All". This won't be written in full detail, as it will one day be written in the CotC story about Shelby (our story's Chosen One). I still feel the need to summarize events anyway. Feel free to quit reading here!
Elletrix (~38) | Leon (30) --- 3 years to Present Time - The news about Princess Elrica's trial arrives. Not wanting to see Pardis III, Elletrix sends a Grandport official in her place to vote to keep Elrica alive. The Meeting of Kings ends with Pardis III winning, giving him permission to execute his daughter. This refuels her hatred for Edoras. - Being gone for two years, Leon finds himself missing Grandport and Elletrix's company. He makes his way towards Grandport again. Upon arrival, he learns that Elletrix has officially taken the role as the standing lord now that Benedict is too bedridden to continue on. He sticks around to support her as the new lord and helping her get through her father's illness, as well as the execution of her niece.
Elletrix (~39) | Leon (31) --- 2 years to Present Time - The war with Orsterra and G'roha begins. Elletrix is approached by Queen Araune of Edoras to ask for help to defend Orsterra. After a direct attack on her city happens, she accepts to aid Araune. Leon, who has remained in Grandport since coming back, also helps out. - After the war, he decides to confess his feelings to Elletrix, but has a bit of doubt they would be reciprocated knowing her stance on "love". Since almost all of her whole army is in love with her, he doesn't want to come across as "just another one". To his surprise, she tells him she feels the same, and they choose to be a couple, but decide to keep it to themselves while the city is still healing from the scars of war. After the final battle with G'roha, he leaves Grandport again, but promises to come back soon.
Elletrix (~40) | Leon (32) --- 1 year to Present Time - Elletrix is called by Finis to meet with other heroes on the Isle of Orsa to witness the sealing of the Divine Rings with the Chosen One. It ends in betrayal by Sazantos as he wounds Finis, steals the rings aside from the Flamebringer's, and he escapes. Elletrix helps support the Guardians of the Light against Sazantos. - At some point, Leon's Traveler Story begins as he makes his return to Grandport to see Elletrix again. Finding out she's absent, he sticks around Grandport, meeting Bastian, and deals with the Chimera Pirates (as they claim they murdered himself and Baltazar at some point) in place of Elletrix. - With permission from Benedict, if he's not dead anyway, haven't had word from him in forever, Leon tells him that he loves his daughter and would like to ask her hand in marriage one day. Benedict approves, and Leon acts as the substitute lord in her place. - Whatever else happens in Bestower of All, I have yet to learn.
Elletrix (~41) | Leon (33) --- Present Time - CotC plot is over, first game events happen as already written.
If you made it this far, you deserve a pat on the back, because this got long, and I know it's full of rambles!
I've been very "Noelle" in these last few days, I had so much fun thinking about all this story potential.
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6 notes · View notes
Leon: where's me package...
Baltazar: ahar. Twas cast overboard
Leon: aye... killing meself
12 notes · View notes
legendaryandroid · 2 years
I would like to share my favorite octopath jokeship: Cyrus/Erhardt/Leon.
Why yes I *am* simply putting all the handsome long-haired thirty-somethings together into a polycule.
For bonding time they get into a braiding circle and do each other’s hair. Leon is the best at it because he has experience from doing Baltazar’s hair. Erhardt is second best even though his right hand lacks dexterity due to an old injury. Cyrus is the worst because he just never knows what to do with so. much. hair.
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ah, the tragic tale of the dread pirates Baltazar and Leon...
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... which is...
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transcript under the cut:
Baltazar’s letter: “Did you ever find what’s most precious to you?”
Captain Leon: Baltazar...
[Present day, at the pier with Tressa]
Captain Leon: I want you to keep the stone, lass. This letter is all I need.
Captain Leon: Everyone has something precious to them, but here’s only space in one’s heart for a single, truly precious treasure... And I’ve found mine.
which is...
Captain Leon: Baltazar’s ship.
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breath-of-the-gay · 6 years
octopath chapter 3s be like
Ophilia: Everything was going great until the Lianna nation attacked
Cyrus: My old headmaster turned into the Hulk and I killed him
Tressa: gee I sure hope this rock I fought a venomous sabertooth for plays an important role going forward also Leon and Baltazar were probably fuckin 
Olberic: shit i forgot how beautiful Erhardt is I can't kill him what now 
Primrose: fuck you i'm keeping this knife 
Alfyn: Major Crisis Of Faith 
Therion: "Darius...Brother...help me!" "LONG LIVE THE THIEF"
H'aanit: I sleweth a fucking dragon
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gascon-en-exil · 6 years
Octopath Traveler Liveblogging
Chapter 3 for Olberic, Alfyn, and Tressa.
Well, this one threw me for a few loops.
Not only is Erhardt not the final boss of Olberic’s story, he’s not even the boss proper of this chapter, with that designation instead going toward a giant lizard. As with Ophilia’s Chapter 2 the conflict here is tangential to the actual story, but Olberic fighting the lizardmen leads into his confrontation with Erhardt so it’s a less glaring diversion. I was surprised to see the Challenge UI pop up in the middle of the cutscene after the boss, and even though a duel with Erhardt is narratively fitting I think it would have been more interesting if the game had given you the option to decline. By the way, since you don’t get a Game Over if Olberic loses a duel in normal circumstances, does that mean you can lose to Erhardt and continue playing? Not that he was very hard with a sword weakness and the warrior divine skill, but either a refusal or a loss would have allowed this story to have a bit more of a variable outcome.
On the other hand I have no complaints about how Erhardt is handled as a character. There’s no easy resolution either in forgiveness or death, and it’s left to Olberic (and the player) how to feel about him in the end. While the reveal of another antagonist behind Erhardt could be called a slight cop-out in order to allow for this ambiguity while still giving Olberic someone to kill to finish his story, I expect Werner to tie into the combined final story in some way and so he won’t feel like he comes completely out of nowhere. I’m still undecided on the question of whether or not Olberic and Erhardt were screwing at any point, because you could certainly read their relationship that way though there’s almost nothing in the way of steamy subtext.
Gameplay comment: not as hard as I expected despite a mostly underleveled party. This was the first boss where I took full advantage of the Leghold Trap skill from hunter, which does indeed trivialize single target encounters and is easily the best thing to come out of what has so far been one of the less impressive jobs.
Oh, and Erhardt has a skill called Blazing Blade. Coincidental FE references abound.
Party banter highlights: H’annit and Ophilia try to get us to feel sorry for the monsters of the week chapter, Therion and Olberic agree to disagree, Tressa is an overeager kid again, Primrose flirts with Olberic must to his annoyance, and Alfyn again shows off his knack for accidental innuendos. He’s probably telling Olberic to figuratively pull his thumb out of his mouth, but my mind immediately went to somewhere else a horny and enterprising guy might be sticking his fingers.
Fitting that I’m doing him and Tressa back-to-back, because that way I can get the two most aimless stories out of the way and get back to the heavy plot stuff. Seriously, Alfyn still has no specific goal in mind even at the end of this chapter, and his next destination is set, for no apparent reason, by the ending narration of all things. At least this time it’s not on the other side of the continent.
Meanwhile the theme of his story, such as it is, appears to be building to an examination of the ethics of the medical profession - another parallel with Tressa’s tale of ethical sales practices. His Chapter 3 accomplishes this via another pair of conveniently well-timed appearances, only this time one of them was bad because the guy he saves is a child-kidnapping murderer. Whee. I’m not sure whether Vanessa from the last chapter or Miguel here works better as an antagonist; neither is obviously evil from the start, and both indirectly teach Alfyn about the world and force him to get his hands dirty (particularly here, as it’s implied that he kills Miguel or at least lets him die in the forest?). Miguel may not uncannily resemble any FE characters, but he’s an amusing example of English localizers using British slang to skirt a higher rating for language. Sodding buggery and Alfyn (and Greg Chun) saying “bollocks” - hilarious. He was also the hardest boss I’ve faced yet, being able to change his weaknesses, take multiple turns, and hit the entire party hard.
I assume Ogen will be making a reappearance in Alfyn’s last chapter, particularly after his cryptic final comment. Are we ever going to hear more about the apothecary Alfyn idolizes or what?
Party banter highlights: Tressa makes the connection between her low-stakes story and Alfyn’s explicit, Therion teaches Alfyn about the practical benefits of a bar crawl, Cyrus continues to admire Alfyn, and Alfyn fails at flirting with Primrose while getting overly complimented himself by H’annit (with no mention of an itching ass this time). The one that stuck with me most is Olberic’s, as it’s the first of their banters where the two talk to each other on equal footing. This is all the more notable as it comes right after Miguel has run off with his kidnapping victim, the emotional low point of the chapter for Alfyn.
So many questionable writing choices, but so very gay. Tressa’s story continues to be not really about her at all, this time zeroing in on her pirate-turned-merchant friend Leon from back in Chapter 1. His doomed love affair with fellow pirate Baltazar pings all the same notes as every pair of “like brothers” *nudgenudgewinkwink* in the playable cast - Therion/Darius, Alfyn/Zeph, Olberic/Erhardt - and even explicitly nods to two of them in party banter. Tressa is just the plucky little fruit fly along for the ride, made especially evident by this chapter’s completely random boss, a venomous tiger (ok...) hanging out in the same cave where Baltazar’s treasure lies. Good on her for being so considerate of Leon’s wishes, but I have no idea how they’re going to bring this story back around to being primarily about her aside from the thrill of seeing the world. At the very end one of those black-garbed individuals who’s been trailing Cyrus shows up, so I assume that’ll be the plot hook for her final antagonist and way into the combined story. Eh, it’s better than what Alfyn’s got.
Party banter highlights: As mentioned there’s a lot of homoromantic parallels on display here - from Olberic but especially from Alfyn and his greatest treasure, Zeph’s sack. Ahem. Meanwhile Cyrus is stuck on exposition duty again, and Ophilia and Primrose get the lesbian subtext flowing even for Tressa.
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koukrisity · 4 years
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wildknightblaze · 6 years
Octopath Travelogue, Tressa Chapter 3
Jeez after how depressing sweet boi Alfyn’s story got, I think I need something lighter. Tress will be nice and light-hearted, right? ...Right? ...Please?
...oh, Tressa. Ya really shoulda saved your insights for after you purchased the map for dirt-cheap.
Aww, Tressa and Ophilia bonding over playing pirates as kids. Or watching kids play at pirates at least. ...and then Tressa made the boys cry and run home. Attagirl.
...what is Leon doing so far away from the sea? ...what are Mikk and Makk doing so far away from the sea? WHY ARE YOU PIRATES SO FAR INLAND. (two minutes later: looked at the world map, Victors Hollow actually is on the coast. Derp.)
...I feel like there’s a connection between the names Leon and Baltazar (or Balthasar, or some other similar spelling). I should look that up later.
A legendary shield...that you won’t get to use and only cost 8,000 bucks from a random merchant. Cheaper than some of the actual store-bought shields my party’s using. Heh.
...dang, that shield sounded heavy. ...dang, that shield is huge! ...You just got the boys to carry it over their heads from uptown, didn’t you, Tress.
“Don’t tell me you went through the trouble of finding the shield for that.” I mean, it really wasn’t any trouble. I just walked up to a dude and pressed Y and gave him 8,000 bucks. It was really pretty easy.
...Quite admirable of Tressa to jump to “I should get the gem so I can give it to Leon as a memento of his friend” instead of “I should get the gem so I can sell it for my dreams because CAPITALISM, HO!” I mean, obviously she’ll end up with the gem either way, but the thought is nice.
...I only just realized two things about my chosen party for this chapter: it’s all the girls, and all their sub-jobs are from the boys (Tressa - Scholar, Ophilia - Apothecary, H’aanit - Warrior, Primrose - Thief). I accidentally have every single normal skillset in this party, and girl power to boot. Heh.
I’m like 60% through the game and I still don’t know how Tressa’s Eye for Money works. Does she just pick up the money left behind by an unfortunate soul automatically? Do I have to find the unfortunate soul? I’ve tried paying attention to if and how my money changes, but I never actually get an exact number before the ability triggers.
The enemy himself is stupid hard, but Davy Bones may actually be the best enemy name ever.
oh look another purple frickin’ chest 😒
The enemies in this cave are actually so hard, I put on Evasive Maneuvers for the first time going through a plot dungeon. Yeesh.
awww, boss is a big kitty! :3 (two minutes later: AN INCREDIBLY FUCKIN’ STRONG POISONOUS KITTY JESUS FUCKIN’ CHRIST)
For the first time all game, the multi-hit skills are proving useful! I guess when there’s only one big enemy to worry about, hitting less than half the time is still good when it whittles down a boss’s break gauge a good deal.
i’m sorry he did what kind of poison to my sp and bp??? (two minutes later: jfc this poison is so strong, 1200 HP, 250 SP, and a BP every turn??? I really should have brought Alfyn to this fight!)
whew. Triple-boosted Fire Storm for the kill.
So. Leon and Baltazar...best bros or suffering silently in love with each other? Honestly I think either interpretation works. 🙂
Tressa, I guarantee, your one special treasure is either the friends you made along the way or your family. This has been a great JRPG in terms of subverting the “saving the world with the power of friendship and love” trope, but I’m sure love, whether friendly or familial or even romantic, is still gonna be important to all y’all gay nerds. 😉
oh fuck this may be where I thought I saw Captain Bale, except it’s obviously not Captain Bale it’s someone SUPER SKETCHY
“The gem suits you better, Tressa. Utterly transparent. You can see right through it.” ...Way to backhanded-compliment there, Primrose. 🤨
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blazlngblade · 1 year
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Since May is over, I have to post my chibis I drew for Mermay! I decided to do the "Barrad's Crew" group that I love so much. This was a lot of fun to draw, I enjoyed it!
Here's all of them separated now!
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blazlngblade · 2 years
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Huevember Traveler
Part II - Days 16-30
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Day 16 has an extra with Shelby and Vanessa together. I would have loved to have done more extras, but I ended up getting sick, so I figured it was easier to just do the character I needed to do. If I had done more extras, I'd probably have done MoW Bargello, El, and Phina. Maybe younger Lyummis too.
Part I - Days 1-15
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blazlngblade · 2 years
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Remade my chibi of Leon yesterday, and I decided to redraw Baltazar's as well (too much Elleon lately, not enough Baltazar/Leon), and put the chibi of Elletrix I did in August with them too!
And yes, they all have matching blues.
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