#Online Bread Delivery
shopseranobakery · 10 hours
Fresh Bakery Delivery: Bringing the Bakery to Your Doorstep
In a world where convenience is king, fresh bakery delivery services have become a game-changer for food enthusiasts and busy individuals alike. No longer do you need to wake up early to get your hands on the freshest bread or spend hours in the kitchen baking your favorite pastries. Fresh bakery delivery brings the aroma and delight of a local bakery directly to your doorstep. In this blog, we explore the benefits, variety, and joy that fresh bakery delivery services offer.
The Convenience Factor: One of the most significant advantages of fresh bakery delivery is the convenience it provides. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, or someone who simply loves fresh baked goods, having them delivered to your home saves time and effort. No more standing in long lines or dealing with the hassle of traffic; with just a few clicks, you can have your favorite baked treats delivered right to your door.
Quality and Freshness: When it comes to baked goods, freshness is paramount. Fresh bakery delivery services prioritize quality, ensuring that each item is baked to perfection and delivered promptly. Many of these services partner with local bakeries that use high-quality ingredients and traditional baking methods. This commitment to quality means you receive products that are not only fresh but also delicious and wholesome.
Variety to Satisfy Every Craving: The variety offered by fresh bakery delivery services is another compelling reason to give them a try. From crusty artisan breads and fluffy croissants to decadent cakes and cookies, there is something for every palate. Many services also cater to dietary preferences and restrictions, offering gluten-free, vegan, and low-sugar options. Whether you're craving a classic baguette or an exotic pastry, fresh bakery delivery has you covered.
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Perfect for Special Occasions: Fresh bakery delivery isn't just for everyday indulgence; it's also perfect for special occasions. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, having freshly baked goods delivered can make any event extra special. Many bakery delivery services offer customizable options, allowing you to order personalized cakes, pastries, and other treats that fit the theme and style of your celebration.
Supporting Local Businesses: By opting for fresh bakery delivery, you're not just treating yourself to delicious food; you're also supporting local businesses. Many delivery services partner with small, local bakeries that take pride in their craft. This support helps sustain local economies and preserves the artisanal traditions that make these bakeries unique.
The Joy of Fresh Baked Goods at Home: There's something truly magical about enjoying fresh baked goods in the comfort of your home. The aroma of freshly baked bread, the satisfying crunch of a perfectly baked croissant, and the sweet decadence of a slice of cake can transform an ordinary day into a memorable one. Fresh bakery delivery brings this magic to your doorstep, allowing you to savor these moments without the need for a trip to the bakery.
Conclusion: In a world where time is precious and convenience is key, fresh bakery delivery offer a delightful solution for those who love baked goods. With their commitment to quality, variety, and supporting local businesses, these services provide an experience that goes beyond mere convenience. Whether you're indulging in your favorite treats or preparing for a special occasion, fresh bakery delivery brings the joy and comfort of the bakery to your home. So why wait? Treat yourself to the deliciousness of fresh baked goods delivered right to your door today. For more details visit our website: seranobakery.com
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breadandblankets · 7 months
Jason and Cass both preplan their grocery runs, down to planning out an in-store route, but for different reasons.
Jason cannot be in a crowd, he's overwhelmed assessing everyone's threat level and minding his exit strategy, plus everyone is So Loud and there are Kids, he's keeping an iron control of himself not to listen to the intrusive thoughts about how he can turn the store into a blood bath, he needs to be Out and Fast
Cass is overwhelmed by choice, there are So Many things Everywhere, and while she can tune out people (and is very comfortable in a crowd) the Items are what's overwhelming, there are So many things and she needs to find what's the Best thing (although in practice she doesn't really care she will eat it nonetheless), there have been times where she's panicked a little and grabbed like ten cans of green beans and walked out, so making a list down to the brand is a Must
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teenytraveler · 2 years
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Reposting my oldie from 2020 cause i made some tiny tweaks and 2 years later this Kiki fanart is still a fave of mine :”) 
 Inprnt | Twitter
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bluebienycheesecake · 2 years
Throwback pics back when we used to have a home baking business. We might get back to baking someday but for now we just bake for fun. 😊
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mammaleone · 3 months
Buy Delicious Sourdough Bread from Bakery Online Near Me in Miami
In the heart of Miami, where the sun-kissed beaches meet vibrant city life, there’s a hidden gem waiting to tantalize your taste buds - Mamma Leone Bakery. With a passion for crafting the finest sourdough bread near me in Miami, Mamma Leone Bakery brings the art of baking to life. Whether you're craving the comforting warmth of freshly baked bread at home or seeking out a local sourdough haven, Mamma Leone Bakery has you covered. Let’s explore how you can indulge in the goodness of sourdough, from the comfort of your home to a bakery nearby.
Call us at- (305)960-7161
Read More- https://medium.com/@mammaleoneb/buy-delicious-sourdough-bread-from-bakery-online-near-me-in-miami-14a34991d21e
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trollslimes · 1 year
work need to fucking hire someone new, I cannot do another monday like this, we've been one short for months and starting next week we're going to be two short D:
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
fake pizza boy yan developed a concerning taste for seeing darling eating his cum after that first encounter and starts bringing a variety of menu items with “ranch dips” and “vanilla shakes”. plenty of visual material to keep the supply up for his next “delivery” and he is definitely not spiraling into crisis just because the only thing that gets him hard for his other shoots is the mental image of darling stuffed full of his—
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(Slapping these two together since they have a similar premise)
Yan Adult Film Star Pizza Boy + Reader [18+]
[Masterbation, Food Play]
"Come on..... Come on....."
Twenty minutes till deadline. Since the beginning of his career he stuck to a strict schedule. A simple routine to get the ball rolling as he dipped his toes in the new venture. Now that he had so many eyes on him and his content, Brie was able to take more breaks in between filming, but at this point it had been almost two weeks since he posted anything at all.
He tried everything. His hands. Toys. Videos. Brie even thought about buying pills at one point, but gaining an erection wasn't the hard part of his situation. His viewers were into a lot of things - but if there was one thing that really got their wallets open for him it was when he painted the nearest surface to him with a heavy load of his release. His donations would be flooded with comments from his hands how they wished to be his desk or pillows - or for the opportunity to lick said object clean.
Kind of like how you licked your fingers clean on the day he first met you.
The brief flicker of your face in his mind made his aching length jump in his spit stained palm. The encounter he had with you was all that he could think about anymore. He was obssessed - The innocent confusion as you opened the front door, the genuine gratitude in your expression as you handed him some cash for all his troubles and the free meal. Brie would pay anything to see you sample his sauce again. The way your eyes lit up as the flavor registered on your tongue-
What he wouldn’t give to have those lips wrapped around him. If you liked what he gave you so much what better than to get it straight from the source, right? The slick sound of friction grows louder as his hand moves quicker - eyes scanning every corner of his room for more fuel for his fantasies. He wish he had kept the photos he found of you online on screen, but he feared loosing that knot of pleasure twisting at his insides if he took his focus off the task at hand for any reason.
His eyes fall on the drink cup from the takeout he picked up earlier in the day. A boring Styrofoam cup with no clear ties to any restaurant would be the perfect container to bring you another item off the menu. The peach tea he had earlier would be a dead giveaway for any tampering. He needed something thicker, ideally with a creamy texture.
A milkshake.
Who wouldn't enjoy a nice, refreshing shake after pizza? You surely had to be thirsty after eating all that bread. Brie fisted his cock to the image of you on your knees beneath his table - hands gripping the meat of his thighs as your mouth hung open awaiting your treat. You'd look so cute under him like that - his fans would absolutely love you-
A surge of jealousy strengths his grip. Nobody should get to see you like that but him. Those perverts could fotk over their life savings and it wouldn't be enough for Brie to share you with them. Maybe the occasional stream with the two of you couldn't hurt - your face held against his pelvis as he stuffed that pretty throat so nobody could see anything but his cock slipping past your perfect lips.
"Ah.... Y/n...." It's the first time he's said your name. The first time he's let his imagination run this wild. He makes a mental note to cut it out during editingthe. Brie swipes the camera off his desk, angling it better towards his lap and the empty floor below him. He then makes a grab for the empty cup - popping off its lid as he positions the container between his legs. They tremble - barely holding into the styrofoam without crushing it as Brie spits - whimpering as he coats his girth in another layer of his saliva. For a fleeting moment he can perfectly picturing the warmth dripping down his cock as your own - and that's all it takes for him to come undone.
Brie cries out your name with a shakey breath, clutching the edge of his desk for stability as his upper body lurches forward, pouring ropes upon ropes of his spend in the general direction of the cup. It's too much- With it being so long since the last time he came, this hard - tears stab at the corners of his eyes as he shutters, nails peeling chipping at the polished finish of his desk. He misses his intended target at first go, thighs glistening with cum as he hurriedly fixes the cup to catch the remainder.
Brie takes a long pause to catch his breath before wipping off his camera lense, posing with a shakey thumb up as he holds the cup for all to see.
"Shake's ready- Guess it's about time I make another delivery~"
"And here you are, one milkshake on the house. We're always trying out new things in the kitchen and like to reward our loyal customers by letting them sample new items first."
Swirling your straw through the thick slurry, you take another sip with a satisfied hum. "Hm. You said this was salted caramel, yeah?"
The delivery boy snaps back to attention - seemingly lost in thought as you gulp down the shake. "Y-yes. That's right- Your thoughts?"
"It's pretty damn good, actually. Been getting kinda hot these past couple of nights so this is just what I needed right about now."
Brie bites down hard on his bottom lip as you place the cool styrofoam against your bare neck, condensation running down to your chest.
"I forgot to ask the last time I can, but my boss finds it really helpful if I get some pictures of satisfied customers to put up. Would you mind if I took a couple of you right now?"
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buddy-basket · 1 year
Sarson da saag te makki di roti is a traditional Punjabi dish filled with healthy & fresh vegetables. Very little white butter or jaggery is recommended.In the winter, everyone drools over this particular combo. Sarso is mustard, and saag is green and healthy in classic Punjabi cuisine.This recipe for piping-hot makki roti with a dab of butter or ghee is a mouthwatering treat in the winter. This healthful winter delicacy is made of a mixture of palak, bathua, and sarson that has been pressure cooked and seasoned with a variety of spices. This meal can be served with gud or jaggery as an addition. To improve flavor, increase the ghee. In Canada you can get organic vegetables online with Buddy Basket as winter freezing makes us lazy.
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coalswriting · 11 months
reader with a broken arm headcanons - lottie matthews
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a/n - i was really unsure of what to write for this even though the person that requested gave me a descriptive prompt :')) i initially had written 500+ words of an actual fic but i scrapped it because i was really struggling to write it!! did some headcanons though so i'm sorry for any disappointment </3
(approx 1k words)
how it happened
you broke your arm during practice.
you were trying to catch up to laura lee to steal the ball off her.
you were having an off day, having slept through your alarm and coming to school late as a result, getting written up, and detention.
you just wanted to release your frustration on the ball.
you skidded on a mud puddle and were sent flying.
you shot your arms out to try and protect your face and heard a audible crack as you hit the ground.
you were lightheaded as lottie raced to your side.
she held your hand and told you to look into her eyes and match her breathing.
you groaned at the intense pain and looked down at the source to see your arm bent in a weird way halfway down your wrist.
you blacked out from the shock.
you woke up later, at the hospital.
your parents were on holidays for a few weeks so lottie had to sign you out and drive you home.
you had a small moment of panic in the car, realising you won’t be able to handle being alone and having to take care of yourself.
lottie offered to help you out, which you were very thankful for.
of course, she’d help you! you’re her girlfriend!
lottie trying to cook for you and failing
she’s not a good cook; she’s been pampered almost all her life, so when she offers to cook for you, you grimace and insist on getting delivery.
lottie is a bit huffy at first, but finally warms up to the idea because yeah. she’s not a great cook, and she understands. you do offer to teach her a few easy recipes once you’re feeling a bit better though!
honestly, the two of you eat SO much pizza that you start longing for home cooked meals.
one day when you’re particularly tired, lottie forces you to stay at home.
you decide to go online and collate a list of easy recipes for her to cook!
think tomato sauce, burgers, curries, you even find an easy recipe for homemade bread because you think it’d be fun to watch her bake something.
once lottie comes home, you show her the list and she’s so happy that she offers to cook for you straight away!
she makes you spaghetti bolognese – the pasta is way too mushy, the sauce is very watery and too salty, and the meat is burnt but you eat all of it because she put in the effort for you and her little puppy eyes are a great motivator.
lottie’s so delighted that she offers to make dessert and you convince her that you’re too full after her delicious dinner so that she won’t borderline poison you again lol.
the dinner she makes you the next day is way better; she only steady improves as she cooks for you every day.  
helping you dress up
the first few days, you just wear pyjamas but once it’s time to go back to school, you’re a little stressed.
you don’t really have any baggy clothes so you can’t just slip the cast through the arm hole.
thank the heavens that your girlfriend is taller than you are though!! her clothes are way bigger and your wardrobe ends up consisting of her shirts and jumpers.
you show up to school one day with one of her bright pink fuzzy sweaters, much to the shock of the yellowjackets. normally you wear less … loud colours, so everyone is hit with whiplash when you sit in the cafeteria with them.
van starts calling you barbie with how much pink you wear; taissa bonks her over the head every time, but it doesn’t really bother you.
lottie always jokes about the fact that you’re wearing her clothes.
“nice jumper, babe. where’d you get it?”
“lottie. it’s literally yours. you made this joke every single day for the past week. please stop. it’s not funny.”
cue van slapping her knee and almost falling over from how hard she’s laughing.
bath time + sleeping!
the first day you’re back from the hospital, you’re all muddy and tired.
you just ask lottie to grab a wet rag and wipe your face down.
the next day, you offer the same thing, but she refuses.
“you’re gonna get all stinky, (y/n). i’ll just help you bathe.”
she then proceeds to struggle immensely trying to wrap your arm in saran wrap.
anyways, twenty minutes later, you’re in the bath with lottie.
she’s sitting behind you and she pulls you back a little, your head resting on her chest as she shampoos your hair.
you’re so relaxed that you almost start purring. almost.
this becomes a regular occurrence and you both end up spending way too much time in the bath every time, just cuddling and enjoying the warmth.
lottie starts bringing bath bombs and running bubble baths so that you two can play around.
once you’re both out of the bath and in your fluffy pyjamas, you always watch a movie or tv show.
one night, you stayed up until four am watching all the home alone movies in order. why? because you wanted to rank them from worst to best.
lottie ends up passed out with her arms draped around you and her head on your chest. you fall asleep shortly after; halfway through the third movie.
you can’t really fall asleep alone because you can’t fully cuddle your shark plushie but thankfully your girlfriend sleeps with you every night, keeping you warm and hugging you.
you kind of get used to lottie babying you, and though you feel embarrassed about it at first, she reassures you that it’s okay because she loves you.
she’ll also get protective of you, telling people in the hallway to back off or force them to apologise to you if they bang off you accidentally.
seriously, people learn not to hurt lottie’s girlfriend.
you definitely end up becoming the princess of the yellowjackets. again, van jokes about it the most and you start playing into the title because you find it to be quite funny.
once the cast is off and you’ve fully recovered, you’re a little sad that lottie won’t be at your house every night anymore.
but!! it’s okay because she invites you to stay at hers.
she’s too used to your presence now :3c
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piosplayhouse · 3 months
Niche fandom happenings to take your mind after whatever stuffs happening in your fandom:
So as you can probably deduce, the model horse collecting hobby is made up mostly of older people. The hobby has been well established since the dawn of the Internet and I've talked a few times about how it's difficult to find some older resources about it/its history because of how every other link you click on which used to lead to a hobbyist artist's angelfire blog now is just a dead link or worse, bought out by some ad company sitting on the URL. Up until recently, a huge portion of hobby talk still relied on now-defunct Yahoo groups; now most have moved to either forums like Model Horse Blab or private Facebook groups. Individually most of these are pretty decentralized, but since model collecting by nature is a hobby that requires a significant amount of financial interaction (buying, trading, selling, commissioning, etc.), there has to be some kind of centralized marketplace for people to pitch their goods to as many corners of the hobby as possible.
Enter Model Horse Sales Pages (MH$P), a, well, site where people can post sales pages for model horses and accessories. It's an old fashioned sales pages site from the 2000s with a somewhat shitty layout but unparalleled detailed search functions-- to order things from a seller, you'd have to personally email them to negotiate for their listing. Though this seems somewhat inconvenient to our modern senses used to one click payments and speedy delivery, MH$P is undoubtedly a pillar of the model horse community.
... So that's why people are scrambling as it's allegedly been hacked and taken down for the foreseeable future. Worrying about personal information aside, now fans are left to wonder: what's the alternative? Well, the first one is of course eBay, which many hobbyists already use. However, eBay is obviously less catered to model horse hobbyists and is therefore a bit harder to search if you're deep in the hobby and can't be assed to look through 4000 "plastic horse" titled listings to find the 2008 SR glossy xX Devilish Girlfriend++ Thoroughbred you want. MH$P occupied a specific niche for long time fans looking for grails.
So what are our alternatives for people in the hobby looking to buy from others in the hobby? Well, there's a few decentralized official dealers like Chelsea's Model Horses or Triple Mountain who you can consign older models to, but going through a middleman takes time and you have much less freedom in your personal listings. Alternatively, you could go grassroots and post listings in Facebook groups and on forums, but those have reaches limited to the members of those specific, often small, groups, and it can be hard to move stock that way. So now people are looking for a backup marketplace platform, both for the current situation and longtime health of the hobby. But imagine my surprise when I went on Model Horse Blab and saw people suggesting an alternative site kickstarted by
STAR STABLE ONLINE YOUTUBER DENIS/DENISE WISESTORM. Denis has been a controversial figure in the SSO fandom (though there's pretty much no uncontroversial ssotubers especially on ssoblr because clickbaiting and weird reactionary takes are like the bread and butter of that side of the fandom) who's been called out for having some alt-right homophobic views in the past, as well as for his abject and unproductive negativity towards improvements made on the game. He's a lps customizer and pretty prolific breyer collector, though, so his drive to create a model trading and selling platform makes sense at least. But still! Why him!!!!!!
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shopseranobakery · 10 hours
Decadent Delight: Indulge in Our Nutella Chocolate Cake
Dive into a world of rich, chocolatey bliss with our Nutella Chocolate Cake. Layers of moist chocolate cake are generously filled and frosted with luscious Nutella buttercream, creating a symphony of flavors that will delight your taste buds. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a sweet treat, our Nutella Chocolate Cake is sure to satisfy your chocolate cravings. Order yours today and experience the irresistible allure of this decadent delight. For more details visit our website: seranobakery.com
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yatrirestro · 13 days
Exploring Regional Delicacies: A Foodie's Guide to Train Food Delivery
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Travelling by train has long been a cherished experience for many, offering a unique perspective of the ever-changing landscapes and a chance to savour the journey. While the rhythmic clatter of wheels on the tracks creates a soothing backdrop, the prospect of enjoying delicious regional delicacies can elevate the experience to a whole new level. We will explore how foodies can indulge in the finest local cuisines while travelling by train, thanks to innovative services like Yatri Restro that directly bring India's flavours to your seat.
The Evolution of Train Food Delivery
Gone are the days when train travellers had limited food options, often confined to pantry cars or station stalls. The advent of online food delivery services has revolutionised the way passengers eat on trains. Companies like Yatri Restro have tapped into this market, providing an array of choices that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From traditional thalis to contemporary fast food, passengers can now relish various dishes without leaving their seats.
The Role of Yatri Restro in Train Food Delivery
Yatri Restro has emerged as a prominent player in the train food delivery market. Their mission is to enhance the travel experience by offering high-quality, hygienic, and delicious food showcasing different regions' rich culinary heritage. Partnering with local restaurants and food vendors, Yatri Restro ensures that each meal is freshly prepared and reflects the region's authentic flavours.
How Yatri Restro Works
Easy Ordering Process: Passengers can place orders through the Yatri Restro website or mobile app. The user-friendly interface allows travellers to browse menus, select their desired meals, and specify the station where they would like their food to be delivered.
Wide Range of Options: Yatri Restro offers an extensive menu with regional specialities, vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, and special dietary options. Whether you're craving a spicy biryani or a healthy salad, there's something for everyone.
Timely Delivery: Yatri Restro prioritises hot and fresh food delivery. Their efficient logistics network ensures that meals are prepared just before your train arrives at the designated station, guaranteeing freshness and flavour.
Exploring Regional Delicacies with Yatri Restro
One of the joys of travelling across India is the opportunity to taste the diverse cuisines that each region offers. Here are some regional delicacies you can savour while travelling by train, with Yatri Restro ensuring you get all the culinary delight.
North India
Punjab: Known for its rich and hearty food, Punjab offers dishes like butter chicken, sarson ka saag, and makki di roti. A typical Punjabi thali, with its curries, bread, and lassi, can be a fulfilling meal on your journey.
Delhi: The capital city is famous for its street food. From chole bhature to paranthas and kebabs to jalebi, Delhi's culinary scene is a melting pot of flavours. Yatri Restro brings these street food delights straight to your train seat.
Uttar Pradesh: Experience the royal flavours of Awadhi cuisine with dishes like kebabs, biryani, and korma. The intricate use of spices and slow-cooking techniques make these dishes a treat for your taste buds.
South India
Tamil Nadu: Enjoy the crispiness of dosas, the tanginess of rasam, and the rich flavours of Chettinad cuisine. A traditional Tamil Nadu meal on a banana leaf can be an exotic experience.
Kerala: Known as God's Own Country, Kerala offers a variety of seafood dishes, coconut-based curries, and appams. The delicate flavours of fish molee or the spicy punch of a prawn curry can make your journey memorable.
Karnataka: Relish the taste of Mysore masala dosa, bisi bele bath, and Mangalorean fish curry. The blend of spices and unique preparation methods make Karnataka's cuisine stand out.
East India
West Bengal: Savour Bengali cuisine's sweet and savoury delights. From the spicy fish curry (macher jhol) to the sweet goodness of rasgulla and sandesh, the flavours of Bengal are hard to resist.
Odisha: Try the famous Dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew, or the classic chhena poda, a baked cottage cheese dessert. The simplicity and wholesomeness of Odia food are its highlights.
Assam: The northeastern state offers exotic dishes like bamboo shoot pickles, fish tenga, and duck curry. Using fresh herbs and minimal spices gives Assamese cuisine a unique flavour profile.
West India
Maharashtra: Indulge in the spicy and tangy flavours of Marathi food. Vada pav, pav bhaji, and puran poli are just a few examples of the diverse culinary offerings from this region.
Gujarat: Experience Gujarati cuisine's sweet and savoury balance with dishes like dhokla, khandvi, and the famous Gujarati thali. The use of diverse ingredients and flavours makes this cuisine truly special.
Goa: Enjoy the vibrant and spicy Goan cuisine, known for its seafood and Portuguese influence. Goan food is a burst of flavours, from fish curry rice to bebinca.
Central India
Madhya Pradesh: The heart of India offers delicacies like poha jalebi, bhutte ka kees, and the sumptuous Bhopali kebabs. The rich culinary heritage of this region is reflected in its diverse dishes.
Chhattisgarh: Known for its tribal cuisine, Chhattisgarh offers unique dishes like fara, bafauri, and dehati harela. These rustic dishes are a testament to the state's rich cultural heritage.
Tips for a Perfect Foodie Journey
To make the most of your train journey and the food delivered by Yatri Restro, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: While spontaneity has its charm, planning your meals in advance can ensure you try the best regional delicacies. Check the route of your train and the specialities of the regions you'll be passing through.
Stay Hydrated: Traveling can dehydrate, especially in the summer. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol.
Opt for Fresh and Light: While indulging in rich and heavy foods is tempting, opting for lighter meals can help you stay comfortable during the journey.
Share and Sample: If you're travelling with family or friends, order different dishes and share them. This way, you get to sample a wider variety of flavours.
Check Reviews: Yatri Restro's app and website often feature restaurant reviews and ratings. Check these to ensure you're ordering from highly recommended places.
Travelling by train in India offers a unique opportunity to explore the country's culinary diversity. With services like Yatri Restro, you can enjoy the best regional delicacies delivered right to your seat, making your journey not just a mode of travel but a gastronomic adventure. Every meal can celebrate India's rich culinary heritage, from the spicy curries of the South to the sweet treats of the East. So, the next time you board a train, let Yatri Restro take care of your dining needs and embark on a flavorful journey across India.
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oreramar · 21 days
Florist Talk: Funerals
Time to talk about the morbid side of floristry, the true bread-and-butter of the business, the dark elephant in the room: funerals and all they entail from this particular angle.
As always, keep in mind that this is from the personal experience of someone working in a small shop in the US and as such isn't gonna be full of universal truths. Use what I share as inspiration for your own writing and change what you must to make cultural sense of things.
First of all, here's a hard truth: your Florbo might well make more flower shop money from funeral pieces than from all the birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations and love-you's that might otherwise fill their days. Funeral arrangements tend toward the big and showy, with the center pieces like casket or urn sprays being the Most of all.
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Heckin look at these things ^ Nobody but the rich is buying this kind of nonsense for an anniversary that comes around once a year, every year.
In short, Funerals are kinda important to the business side of things, so a Florbo might occasionally talk about them or reflect on that, depending on how philosophical you/your story/your character would tend to be.
So here's a few other details just to know or consider:
A Florbo will keep track of Obituaries for work. This could mean a subscription to the local newspaper and cutting the obits out every day it comes, or keeping local funeral homes' websites as pinned addresses on their browser. Yes this does look on the surface like the kind of thing a death-obsessed goth teen would do as a special interest. Do as you will with that knowledge.
They will also, as I said in my overview post, know the local Funeral People by name. They are essentially Business Associates. A good relationship with the people at a local Funeral Chapel means extra business as they will recommend Florbo's shop to those who ask, and they will default to ordering from Florbo whenever a family leaves those details to them. A poor relationship means Florbo's competition will get that business instead.
Sometimes funeral families - relatives of the deceased put in charge of ordering the official funeral flowers - come in person to look at pictures and flowers and decide what they want. This could be done in minutes. It could take them an hour. They could be in good humor as they reminisce about the deceased, or they could be functioning at neutral or just barely holding it together. The last can be the hardest if Florbo is very empathetic in the "if you start crying I'll start crying" sort of way.
Knowing the date and time of a visitation is actually more important than the date and time of a funeral - they're rarely the same thing. Often, but not always, a visitation will be the night before a morning funeral, and flowers/plants/gifts need to be delivered a couple of hours before visit. so that the funeral chapel people have time to place them on stands or easels.
Sometimes people will order something and tell Florbo the date for the funeral. Sometimes they will order something online and set the date for the funeral. Sometimes they will order something an hour or less before visitation starts reasoning that the funeral is tomorrow, so they aren't late. Florbo must be on top of all these things in order to get flowers to the visitation on time.
If your Florbo delivers flowers, and if you're writing a culturally US setting, then it might just follow that the Florbo will have seen more dead bodies than any other character aside from, say, a Mortician or similar role. This is because sometimes Florbo must carry the funeral flowers into the funeral chapel and place them on or around the funeral casket, in which already lies the funeral subject. An experienced Flower Delivery Florbo has been within arm's reach of bodies, multiple times.
Sometimes fate conspires so that the funeral chapel is closed and it is late when such a delivery is made (Florbo has a key or knows where an emergency key is hidden for such a situation) and it's winter so it's already dark outside as well as in, aside from a few low lights left on, and it's all in all very spooky feeling, being the only living person in the building and knowing there's also a corpse in the room.
Aside from the big fanned-out floral pieces shown above, there are some key Types of florals exclusive to funerals, or at least very rarely encountered outside of them.
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In order above: Casket Spray, Urn Spray, Hanging Spray and Wreath
All of these have particular frames and forms that help give them those uniform shapes. If you've ever wondered what's holding together the "big bouquet on top of the casket" at funerals (and why perhaps you should not throw it into the crowd to "see who dies next" wedding bouquet style), today's your lucky day.
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First off, there's this plastic thing called a Casket Saddle, into which you place a block of green florist foam - aka wet foam, as it's designed to soak up water like anything. The foam is fixed in place either with those plastic cages or blocky U-shaped things in the first example, which snap into place snuggly over the foam, or with florist's tape if you use the cheap open saddles like the last example. Those are the ones I'm used to. The legs snap on, which means the frame is pretty useful for making hanging sprays without said legs attached.
The foam is thoroughly soaked - some casket saddles come with reservoir spaces inside them for more water to sit and feed into the foam as it dries over time - and greens and flowers are cut and inserted into the foam, which keeps them hydrated for a bit.
A big casket spray is unwieldy and, due to the soaked wet foam, kinda heavy. You can carry it fine, once you've managed to reach under and past all the hanging flowers and greens to find the saddle, but there's way more oomph there than a simple tied bouquet. It will not fling easily or lightly. In case you needed to know.
Also, sometimes people will order Script Ribbons on the spray - ribbons that say things like "Mom," "Grandma," "Great Grandma". These are going out of style a bit but are still common enough where I work to be worth mentioning. It's hard to get more than four ribbons into a single spray due to the size of them. Also the script names come as sticker sheets - you peel the cursive script stickers off and put them on the ribbons yourself.
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Like this ^
When someone wants a script that doesn't exist on the sheets (for example, Grandma and Grandmother are standards here; Nana or Mimi are not) then you gotta use sheets of individual letters to spell the word(s) out bit by bit. Sometimes you don't have a single instance of a particular letter in the entire folder. Then you have to get creative and/or butcher some of the less-used scripts for scraps.
Typically we tell people that they should use the words/names they used to refer to that person, so "Mom" might be more appropriate to them than the more formal "Mother." That might vary culturally, though.
By the way, back to the wreaths and stuff - you might see those in shapes like Hearts or Crosses if you ever look it up. If you wonder how that's made, I've got the answer:
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Floral foam again! Soak it and poke it (full of flowers and greens), easy as that.
For urn pieces, the place I work at just uses a circle wreath form, laid on the table, sometimes cut in half for a half-circle around the back but not front of the urn.
As a quick note while I remember - blocks of floral foam are also used to help those big fanned-out arrangements I showed at the start of this post in place. Wedge them into the containers at the base and they keep the flowers from just flopping all over the place, which is how you achieve that particular "long flower stems hovering perpendicular to the table" look at the bottoms.
So yeah! Florists and Funerals and all the details I can currently call to mind about them ^
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mammaleone · 3 months
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haxyr3 · 8 months
I know a few fellow Ontarians read my blog, so this is for you: I discovered a wonderful family-run shop in Kitchener, ON, that has a great variety of Eastern European food, from smoked fish and adjika to candies and rye breads. One day I'll drive there (it's about a 3 hours drive from my town) and buy frozen and chilled stuff, but for now, I ordered candies - exactly the candies that I had in my Soviet childhood :) They ship Canada-wide!
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How to Increase Bakery Sales?
Running a successful bakery requires more than just delicious treats. To maximize profits and attract a steady stream of customers, bakeries must implement effective sales strategies. We’ll explore seven proven tactics that can help increase bakery sales and ensure long-term success. Let’s dive in!
Elevate the Visual Appeal:
First impressions matter, and for bakeries, that means presenting mouthwatering delights in an enticing manner. Invest in attractive displays, use eye-catching packaging, and decorate your storefront with tempting visuals. A visually appealing bakery will draw customers in and encourage impulse purchases.
Offer Diverse Product Range:
To satisfy a broad customer base offer a diverse range of products. From classic cakes and fresh bread to gluten-free options, vegan treats, and seasonal specialties, having a variety of items can attract different types of customers and boost sales. Regularly introduce new and innovative creations to keep your offerings fresh and exciting.
Focus on High-Quality Ingredients:
Superior ingredients are the backbone of any successful bakery. Using fresh, high-quality ingredients not only enhances the taste of your baked goods but also showcases your commitment to providing the best to your customers. Highlight the use of premium ingredients in your marketing efforts to build trust and loyalty.
Implement an Online Ordering System with QPOS:
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Set up an efficient online ordering system, powered by QPOS, that allows customers to pre-order their favourite treats for pickup or delivery.
With QPOS’s integrated online ordering feature, you can offer this convenience to your customers seamlessly. This addition not only increases sales and attracts customers but also streamlines your bakery operations by automating order processing and ensuring accuracy in transactions.
Leverage Social Media Marketing:
Social media platforms are powerful tools for promoting your bakery and engaging with your audience. Create visually appealing posts featuring your appealing creations, share customer reviews, and run special promotions to invite new and existing customers. Encourage user-generated content by photo posting on social media and tagging the shop along, expanding your reach even further.
Host Events and Workshops:
Engage with your community by hosting events and workshops at your bakery. Consider organizing baking classes or festival themed events. These experiences not only provide additional revenue streams but also help build a loyal customer base that will spread positive word-of-mouth.
Implement Loyalty Programs:
Reward loyal customers with a well-designed loyalty program. Offer discounts, freebies, or exclusive access to new products or events. A strong loyalty program can incentivize repeat purchases and turn one-time visitors into dedicated patrons.
Increasing bakery sales involves a combination of smart marketing, high-quality products, and exceptional customer experiences. By implementing these seven strategies – elevating the visual appeal, offering diverse products, using high-quality ingredients, implementing online ordering, leveraging social media, hosting events, and creating loyalty programs – you can drive growth and ensure your bakery’s success. Stay consistent, stay creative, and keep delighting your customers with scrumptious treats!
To increase bakery sales and stay competitive in today’s market, adopting QPOS, a smart restaurant management software is crucial. Integrating Restaurant Business Intelligence and analytics and Cloud Kitchen Management can provide the tools you need to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost your bakery’s profitability.
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