#Oscar Leander
nightly-sun · 7 months
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A rare original post from me. I have been reading the works of Jung and his pupils for the past couple of months, and much of it has resonated with me. Since my early years, I have looked at my surroundings through an allegorical and oftentimes mystical lens, and now it's all starting to come together. But that isn't why I'm sharing this. As I was reading it, I recognized the passages I highlighted as the inspiration for the lyrics to Tribulation's song, "Cries from the Underworld".
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gbhbl · 1 year
EP Review: Hamartia by Tribulation (Century Media Records)
Swedish metal masters Tribulation return with a new EP titled Hamartia due for release on the 7th April via Century Media. Forged amid the grubby depths of the Swedish death metal scene, Tribulation have always been the shadowy outlaws of the underground. From their vicious early works, to the all-conquering, blackened rock ‘n’ roll of 2015’s widely praised The Children Of The Night, the Swedes…
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eternalremorse · 7 months
Happy birthday to the amazing and talented @blueraineshadows!! I'm so grateful I get to call you a friend! I hope you have an amazing day!!
Oh, and the boys say happy birthday too! 😉
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Master List: Hogwarts Legacy (WIP)
Misc. Drabbles and One Shots
Library Mischief 🌶 Seb x MC
Seb x GN!MC One shot
Imelda Reyes Plays Boss 🌶🔥 FxF
Seb x F!MC Atonement Themed Request 🌶
Licked it, So It's Mine - drabble inspired by art
Let's Take Turns - Seb x F!MC x Garreth 🌶🔥
The Value of Kindness - Leander Prewett x F!MC fluff
Amit Thakker x F!MC - fluffy family fic NSFW 🔞
Oscar Weasley OC x F!MC - NSFW 🔞 smut
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masqueradereveler21 · 2 months
Hogwarts Legacy Character Sheet - Gwendolen Hedera (Edited)
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General Information
Full Name: Gwendolen Hedera
Nicknames: Gwen, Wendy, The Hero of Hogwarts, The New Fifth Year
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 26th, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality Type (MBTI): INTJ - The Architect
Species: Human
Blood Status: Unregistered
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Nationality: Welsh
House: Slytherin
Wand: Fir wood with a phoenix feather core, 11 3/4”, rigid flexibility
Patronus: Stoat
Boggart: The mutilated corpse of Professor Fig
Amortentia: Bread pudding, wax candles, old books, fresh linen
Physical Appearance
Hair Colour & Style: Black; occasionally wears down but is most often seen sporting it braided or in a ponytail.
Eye Colour: Grey
Skin Tone: Olive with neutral undertones
Height: 167cm (5’6”)
Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Clothing Style: Neat and presentable; favors skirts, ruffled blouses, vests, and heeled boots. Almost never wears her robes.
Accessories: Black painted finger nails. A necklace gifted to her from Natty.
Positive Traits: Adaptable, determined, loyal, resilient, compassionate, curious, diligent
Neutral Traits: Independent, reserved, ambitious, rational, observant, competitive
Negative Traits: Arrogant, cunning, stubborn, sarcastic, defiant
Strengths: Capable of thinking outside the box and extremely quick-witted
Weaknesses: Thinks she knows what’s best and struggles to let people in
Likes: Cats, Summoner’s Court, Quidditch, organization, leadership, exploring the highlands, reading
Dislikes: Spiders, Gobstone’s, dugbogs, failure, meat, laziness, clutter
Background and Family
Gwendolen Hedera was born on April 26th, 1875, in South Wales to parents of unknown wizarding heritage. At the age of five, Gwendolen was in a carriage accident which tragically took her parents lives and left her with amnesia. She was ultimately raised at Mission of Love, a Muggle monastery that housed young orphans and disabled elderly. During her time there, she was subjected to verbal, mental, and occasionally physical abuse, though she did find some solace in the older people there who treated her kindly. Once she grew old enough, she was shuffled from household to household trying to find a place to call home, though her “poor behavior” and lack of discipline always lead her back to the monastery. It wasn’t until she was fourteen that Gwendolen found herself whisked away by Professor Eleazar Fig, never to be seen again.
After Professor Fig’s death, she found herself under the guardianship of Matilda Weasley, Deputy Headmistress and Transfiguration professor. It took some convincing from Ominis for Gwen to accept the offer, and she kept herself at arms length in the beginning, fearing that Professor Weasley would abandon her when things became too difficult. During the summer between her fifth and sixth year, she met the rest of the Weasley clan and grew closer to Garreth Weasley, who she begrudgingly helped with his experiments. With time, she came to view Professor Weasley in a maternal light (the feeling was mutual on Matilda’s part).
Biological Father: Unknown (Deceased)
Biological Mother: Unknown (Deceased)
Guardian/Adoptive Parent: Matilda Weasley
Adoptive Uncles: Graham Weasley, Phillip Weasley
Adoptive Aunts: Dorothy Weasley (née Button), Lydia Weasley (née Hawthorne)
Adoptive Cousins: Theodore Weasley, Oscar Weasley, Garreth Weasley, Florence Weasley, Millicent Weasley, Francis Weasley, Edmund Weasley
Love Interest: Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow…ehh its complicated…
Best Friends: Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, Imelda Reyes, Amit Thakkar
Acquaintances: Nerida Roberts, Grace Pinch-Smedley, Lucan Brattleby, Isaac Cooper, Adelaide Oakes
Rivals: Leander Prewett, Charlotte Morrison, Samantha Dale
Enemies: Ranrok, Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Ashwinders, Cassius Caine (OC), Elspeth Iris (OC)
Pets: Vivarium beasts, eleven cats, a barn owl named Minerva
• Artwork done by the incredible @millyillus •
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freelancearsonist · 4 months
i know i do this like every six months but i somehow survived everything that happened in july and i kind of feel ok again?? and i want to be back and i want to write again i miss y'all 🥺
so yeah this is a formal invitation to everyone in the fandoms (even if you’re not following me or have no clue who the heck i am) to fill my inbox with LITERALLY ANYTHING pls i need help getting the creative juices flowing
also here's an updated character list since my hyperfixations change with my hair color (a lot. so much.)
all oscar isaac characters
pedro pascal characters (joel miller, javier peña, din djarin, marcus moreno, frankie morales, dave york)
marvel characters (pretty much all of them tbh but like especially matt murdock)
michael kinsella (kin)
eddie munson, steve harrington (stranger things)
coriolanus snow (the hunger games {that dirty rat bastard i love him})
sebastian sallow, leander prewett (hogwart's legacy {don't judge me i'm fragile})
but in general if you have anything/anyone you want to talk about at all just shove it in my inbox i will gladly accept it
anyway idk if anyone even remembers me at this point LMAO but i really would love to make some new mutuals so pls even if you've never heard of my tumblr-senior-citizen ass pls come talk to me this is me begging :)
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lifeonthemurdersim · 2 months
Murder OC Week Day 2- The Public
Does the public know about your murder oc, do they know they kill people, how do they act around others, and do they have friends?
Day 2 prompt by @murder-oc-week!
The only murder OC of mine who's known to the general public is Epiphany because she's heiress to both Castillo Hotels and Q-Level Software. They definitely don't know she kills people, prior to the start of the story she was involved in 2 recent kills carried out by her bodyguards who were able to claim reasonable defense of others, and only one kill was carried out by her personally, which was heavily covered up with the help of Oscar, another of her bodyguards. She's known for being flirtatious but not particularly warm or caring, and easily angered. She knows a lot of other socialites and celebrities but honestly she doesn't have any true friends.
Wasei has a devoted following on OnlyFans to the point people occasionally recognise him in the street, but not overly famous. He doesn't really choose to kill, and in terms of the Human Nature universe I don't think he has ever actually killed anyone. If someone were to open him up in any way and get to his heart they could be in for a nasty surprise though. Was is very annoying, mostly from a desperate need for attention, and not everyone can tolerate being around him for very long, but he can be endearing at times, so he does have a few friends, mostly online. In the end of the story he becomes good friends with Hope, with Phi and Azazel semi-tolerating him.
Jevaun is semi-known amongst the supernatural hunting community, if someone's looking for a vampire hunter especially he's going to be in the top 10 or so names they come across. In that sense, he's the only one whose kills are widely known about, obviously not to the cops but to many, many people who have hired him. He's actually a very warm and caring person in his private life; he has quite a lot of friends (one of these is Rahim), he had a husband, Leander, who unfortunately passed away from lung cancer a couple of years prior to the story, and he also has a now adult child.
Azazel's trial in heaven was a fairly famous case, if only because it mirrored his namesake so strongly. As for on earth, he got pretty famous amongst the Expiation Baptist Church, (a cult made in his name ran by some of @snail-eggs's OCs) to the point they mob and worship him like obsessive fans whenever they catch him. He's not killed prior to the start of the story but many have been killed in his name. If he was to kill the angels would know straight away. Azazel is terrified of everything and unfortunately even when he gets to know someone, he's never going to be the most talkative, and they're not necessarily well-versed in human ways, though they're essentially a kind person at heart. Again, he becomes part of a friend group with Hope, Wasei and Phi.
Theo was "campus famous" in college because he was the bassist in a band that often played at student events, other than that, he's not well known. He has killed a few people prior to the story; the ex of someone he was obsessed with in college (framed as suicide), his fiancee and her lover(thought to be guilty but dismissed as no evidence) and someone who tried to stop him getting to MC(thinking along the lines of a doorman to their building, so far he's covered his tracks carefully enough to not get caught). Theo is initially shy but can be a little too intense once you get to know him. He doesn't really have any friends, which is fine with him as he tends to just attach to one person and obsess over them(looking at you, MC!).
Rahim is rich but he's only really known in certain circles. He already came from a privileged background, becoming a college professor at an impressively young age. But his father also gave him some of his shares in a family friend(Dalian Quintana, Epiphany's father)'s software business, which got him interested in shares and stocks, where he did very well and now he rarely teaches. So he's met a lot of famous people but most people wouldn't know who he is. He's known amongst his friends as a philanthropist who helps people he comes across on the streets and "turning their lives around", so it's not treated as very suspicious when some do die in his care. He's generally known as a nice guy who can sometimes act a little standoffish or downright weird partially because his CIPA leads him to various unusual behaviours. Most of his friends are from a group for those who've lost a spouse, one of them being Jevaun.
Xylophia might technically be vaguely known of by some but overall they're not famous, and she hasn't really killed before the start of the story; they would only really kill if they had to. He's very adventurous and sociable and has a lot of friends, though her preference is always to talk 1-on-1 so they can have a deeper, more honest conversation.
Hope is definitely not famous on any account. She's definitely killed at least one person prior to the start of HN, but it was their only way out of the murder time loop they were stuck in. They've also had kills that were rewritten by the timeline so essentially never happened. Hope is initially shy and awkward much like Azazel, who they're close with and have a huge crush on, but beneath the surface they're significantly less innocent than him. Once they know someone well enough they have an intelligent, sarcastic sense of humour and are very loyal. They don't have many friends but again, they eventually find a group of three others she's very attached to... or maybe four...?
Because of course, all of these characters have the ability to get attached to MC too!
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chaosslibrarian · 2 months
I love names. Here’s names I’d give a child of mine, and I adore them all:
The boys’ names are pretty boring, and I do like gender neutral names in theory, I just don’t think they work very well here.
While I’ve always thought I’d wait until I see my child to decide their name for sure… I do know what middle names I’m choosing from. There’s some difference bc some just do not suit different names, but there ish the same.
I am very partial to Althea and Jesper currently though, but it’s gone in periods. Previously it was Lara and Lewis, or Milena and Oscar. Gideon is a name I like but is pretty far out there, and Leora is a new addition to the shortlist but may be short lived. Winona and Nicklas are names I love for different reasons, but they’re also wildcards. Winona is more probable that I’d use than Nicklas.
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50 Short Classics you should try by Ruby Granger (Youtube channel) - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - The Greengage Summer - Animal Farm by George Orwell -Breakfast at Tiffany's -De Profundis by Oscar Wilde - The Stranger/  The Outsider by Albert Camus -  Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville - A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Songs of Innocence and Experience - Macbeth - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -Fahrenheit 451 - The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass -  Ariel by Sylvia Plath -. Picnic at Hanging Rock - The Nutcracker - The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe - On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts - On the Pleasure of Hating - The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - The Professor's House - Death in Venice - Meditations by Descartes - Meno by Plato - Hero and Leander - Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift - Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson -The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas (and other short stories) by Ursula K. Le Guin - Blithe Spirit -The Woman in Black by Susan Hill - The Problem of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell - Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck - Oranges are Not the Only Fruit -Don't Look Now (and other short stories) by Daphne Du Maurier - Song of Myself by Walt Whitman - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett -The Sandman by  E. T. A. Hoffmann -The Waste Land by T.S. Elliot - A Night to Remember - The Painter of Modern Life by Charles Baudelaire - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie - I am David by Anne Holm.
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simmerena · 2 years
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Male Hair Custom Content Showcase (100 Maxis Match and Maxis Mix Hairs)
okruee: 1. cypress / 2. adonis / 3. hugh / 4. igor / 5. lysander / 6. hermes / 7. sylvester / 8. sebastian / 9. heartstrings
wistful castle: 10. hily (hello I love you) / 11. hair 3 / 12. hair 2 / 13. hair 6 / 14. seraphim / 15. morgyn / 16. hair 4 / 17. calisto / 18. hair 5 / 19. chakan
qr sims: 20. fluorite / 21. malcolm / 22. quartz / 23. agate / 24. ruby / 25. iolite
simandy: 26. jae / 27. paradox / 28. sugar / 29. plume / 30. islands / 31. maru / 32. untamed
quirky introvert: 33. bener / 34. angelo / 35. mengi / 36. darke / 37. oscar
johnnysims: 38. kyrie / 39. allen / 40. mason / 41. francis / 42. kent / 43. oliver / 44. louis / 45. ethan / 46. will / 47. charlie / 48. lucas / 49. sean / 50. noah
daylifesims: 51. boomer / 52. brick / 53. julian / 54. lu guang / 55. cheng xiao / 56. matty / 57. alex / 58. lilac / 59. des / 60. fei yu / 61. fred / 62. butch / 63. shaggy
jny sims: 64. edga / 65. yanus / 66. kid / 67. robin / 68. gusae / 69. aki / 70. henry
sunivaa: 71. chester
s4simomo (now simomo): 72. sulani undercut / 73. josh / 74. raphael bun v1 / 75. shady faux hawk / 76. wild mohawk
go amazons: 77. trinity / 78. movie star / 79. carmina / 80. misha / 81. jackie / 82. witcheress / 83. da-eun
oranos: 84. dreadlock / 85. hunter
kiara zurk: 86. edward
birksche: 87. zo
kijiko: 88. geoffroys cat
simstrouble: 89. montrose / 90. carmine / 91. jacob / 92. daryl
arethabee: 93. kelani
clumsyalienn: 94. leander / 95. everett / 96. adriana / 97. julian / 98. wilfred
luutzi: 99. portofino / 100. barbaroza
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west side story. okay, so this was an EXPERIENCE. i could write many essays about different elements of this movie, it gave me so many thoughts and feelings and stayed with me for a long time after. i’ll try to keep the review short though because for once i am aware in advance of my wish to ramble endlessly.
i have seen the original movie, but didn’t grow up with any sondheim musicals, so my introduction to the classic was via @actuallylukedanes​ many years ago. that meant i had to rely on their memory when i wanted to compare this version to that one--we watched it together. i’m sure there were parts of the original i liked, but i don’t remember which now, because it didn’t become a regular part of my own viewing habits. 
all i knew about this one going in was that they had created a new role specifically for rita moreno, that it starred oscar-winner and true fave ariana debose (who was my only real reason for watching it) and that i wasn’t familiar with the actor playing tony but that i had not encountered positive reactions to his performance. the only unsurprising part of actually watching it was that ariana debose WAS truly amazing, exactly as heartwrenching and full of life and color as i expected. 
rita moreno’s role was way bigger than i had anticipated. plus i had no idea she was also an executive producer or that they would take ‘somewhere’ away from its original performers in the first movie and give it to her here. the layers she brings to it and the way the meaning changes...in her hands, it was painful but also glorious. i did not know that i wanted 88-year-old rita moreno executive producing and becoming the complex moral center of this movie while singing somewhere but i very much did. 
and as for ansel elgort, he starts out being cute with rita moreno, but the moment he began singing...my jaw actually dropped. leander and i rewound and rewatched a few parts of this, and only a couple of them were ariana at my request--multiple moments were his performance, and we were in agreement that whoever gave me the impression that he sucked was just wrong. he didn’t have great chemistry with maria, but he sparked off riff like crazy (whether he was supposed to or not), so i don’t think he’s bad at that in general. 
more importantly, he sounds like an old movie musical star when he sings--especially in the moments when they’re not blatantly autotuning him for some criminal reason. whenever you can hear him get breathing room to sound raw and have those little flaws that come with uncorrected singing, it was beautiful. in exactly the kind of way that makes me love musicals. (the last time i felt that way was when i first heard live action gaston, luke evans, hilarious compared to this, but true.)
the rest of the cast was great. riff was a special favorite of mine, the actor taking his relatively short resume and fighting to steal every scene he was in. brian d’arcy james as officer krupke continued his career of showing up in musicals in NON-SINGING ROLES which is just insane but i love him anyway. the actor who played bernardo really did have chemistry with ariana, which i enjoyed--it made their ending more affecting and her downward spiral easier to follow.
i loved the music, though some songs more than others. (the police station performance left me undecided, they were definitely doing a lot there but i’m not sure i liked it.) predictably, america was my favorite, but for every element of it and not just ariana--i loved the colors and the way it spilled out into the street like the people couldn’t be contained and anita’s charged give-and-take with bernardo. a great ensemble act on every level.
the ways they chose to modernize the musical without changing the setting were fascinating to me, because it really does feel like an older musical that just happened to use modern technology. i’m not sure what else i expected stylistically, but it was comforting to realize it would feel like a classic. 
however, for me their story choices didn’t always result in coherence? it’s like, they wanted to be more sensitive and inclusive while also paying tribute to the original, but if you think the original needs updating you can’t both keep it and make it into something else. there’s a real tension there, and it left me with questions about what the movie was trying to say about race and violence and identity. 
some of the changes seemed very cool while we watched, but by the time the tragic end arrived, treating it as inevitable felt like a let down. they put so much creativity into finding places where they could be kinder or more interesting, then barreled right for the same ending as though being a remake was enough to explain the characters’ ultimate downfalls whether it made sense for these versions of them or not. 
anyway like i said i could go on about this movie forever. but my overall conclusion about it is that it was genuinely heartbreaking, which is the only reason i wouldn’t be likely to watch it a lot--i love musicals enough to wear them out, but i’ve never been a big fan of tragedies. it was also beautiful, though, (besides the opening shot which was bizarrely gritty and i’m still upset about it) and the performances were incredible. 
i wasn’t expecting it to be a really good remake, and i definitely approached it more as its own film rather than as a fan of the original, but i loved it. i’ll watch it again someday, when i feel like big emotions and a sincere cry.
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eternalremorse · 11 months
The Crimson Trio 🦁
Oscar Weasley with his little brother Garreth and Leander Prewett.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Master List: Hogwarts Legacy (WIP)
Master List of my FanFics - mixture of fluff and smut, F!MC, and GN!MC
There are NSFW 🔞 posts -no minors please.
I am also on Ao3 as blueraineshadows 💜
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Imelda Reyes (x F!MC)
Leander Prewett
Misc. & One Shots
Dark Betrayals Master List (Seb, Omi, F!MC)
Brothers Master List (Garreth Weasley)
Secrets of the Night Master List - Sebinis
Blood Bound Master List - Dark fic, angst, NSFW (Seb, Leander, F!MC)
Leander Prewett Basic Sketch
Dark Sebastian - He made his choice.
Garreth Weasley Sketch
Her Auror - Leander x F!MC from Blood Bound
Victor Rookwood sketch
Oscar and Trixie - OC art
Take Me Back to Eden - Vessel with the relic
Would you like to join our Discord? Hogwarts Legacy/Wizarding World theme. Over 18s only.
Send an Owl to myself, @slytherin-paramour or @eternalremorse for an invite 💌
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hits1000 · 2 years
Top Songs of 1952 - Hits of 1952 [70 years ago]
Top Songs of 1952 - Hits of 1952 [70 years ago] Top Songs of 1952 including: Al Martino - Here In My Heart, Amália Rodrigues - Foi Deus, André Claveau - Moulin-Rouge, Antonio Machín – Madrecita, Big Mama Thornton - Hound Dog, Bill Haley & The Saddlemen - Rock This Joint, Bing Crosby - The Isle Of Innisfree, Brownie McGhee - So Much Trouble and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! https://www.facebook.com/hits1000top https://twitter.com/Hits10001 1. Al Martino - Here In My Heart 2. Amália Rodrigues - Foi Deus 3. André Claveau - Moulin-Rouge 4. Antonio Amaya - Doce cascabeles 5. Antonio Machín - Madrecita 6. Big Mama Thornton - Hound Dog 7. Bill Haley & The Saddlemen - Rock This Joint 8. Bing Crosby - The Isle Of Innisfree 9. Brownie McGhee - So Much Trouble 10. Claude Robin - Deux petits chaussons 11. Claudio Villa - Fra Napule e Milano 12. Dalva de Oliveira - Kalú 13. Doris Day - A Guy is a Guy 14. Eddie Fisher - Wish You Were Here 15. Esquire Boys - Rock a Beatin' Boogie 16. Gene Kelly – Singin’ In The Rain 17. Georges Brassens - La Mauvaise Réputation 18. Georgia Gibbs - Kiss Of Fire 19. Guy Mitchell - Feet Up (Pat Him On The Po-Po 20. Hermanas Fleta - Pénjamo 21. Jo Stafford ~ You Belong To Me 22. Kay Starr - The Wheel of Fortune 23. Lale Andersen - Blaue Nacht am Hafen 24. Line Renaud - Ma petite folie 25. Lola Flores - Ay, Pena, Penita, Pena 26. Louis Prima – The Bigger The Figure 27. Luis Mariano - L' amour est un bouquet de violettes 28. Marlene - Lata D'água 29. Merrill Moore - Corrine, Corrina 30. Nat King Cole - Somewhere Along the Way 31. Nati Mistral - Dos Cruces 32. Nilla Pizzi - Vola Colomba 33. Nora Ney - Ninguém me Ama 34. Oscar Carboni - Madonna delle rose 35. Patti Page - I Went To Your Wedding 36. René Carol - Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein 37. Rosemary Clooney - Half as much 38. Sergio Bruni - La funtanelle 39. Vera Lynn - Auf Wiederseh’n Sweetheart 40. Zarah Leander - Wunderbar Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1952, Best Jukebox 1952 Playlist, Late 1952 Non Stop , Top 1952 Non Stop, Mix 1952 Compilation, Best 1952 List, Late 1952 UK, Best 1952 Playlist, Best 1952 Non Stop, Best 1952 Video, Greatest 1952 Non Stop, Mix 1952 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1952 List, List of 1952 Mix, Top 1952 USA, Best Songs of 1952, Top Music 1952, Hits of 1952 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1952 #hits1952 #songs1952 #listof1952mix #hits1952 #bestsongs1952 #classic1952playlist #greatest1952nonstop #best1952list #best1952video #top1952mix #greatest1952video #mix1952playlist #top1952nonstop #mix1952compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZJ2tXzK1lo
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r-a-b-talks · 2 years
Dæmons' names :
Lucie's name come from latin. Lux, lucis means, among other things, "light". I used the French spelling because A) I like it better and B) I have a childhood friend with this name
Skye is probably self explanatory but I'll add that I loved The Penderwicks' series as a kid.
Auberon represents Jason. It's the name of the King of fairies in medieval legends and Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The "Au" spelling is from old French. I like the idea of a literary name for Jason's inner-self and I also liked the theater connection with Alfred (see Algernon)
For Cass and Barnabas, her Southern tiger car, the first thing I liked was how their names sounded together. There's a dog character with this name in The Sandman that I really like and since it's a talking dog, I thought it would make a good dæmon's name.
Brunhild, Tim's Labrador, is named after a Germanic/Scandinavian legendary warrior queen. Nice, um ?
Silas means "of the forest", which matched Babs' dæmon ape form. It's also the name of a vampire in The Graveyard Book and making bats' references is nice.
I picked Amaranth ("Mara") because of the red variety of the plant. African greys have red tails.
I picked Algernon for Alfred for two reasons. One of them is memories of crying my heart out over a fictional lab mouse in high school. The second is The Importance of Being Earnest, a comedy written by Oscar Wilde where one of the characters is named Algernon. Alfred has a theatrical background and it sounded nice.
I could tell you that Guinevere the Guinea pig didn't get her name because it sounded very satisfying but I would be lying. I picked Gwin as a nickname because of Dustfinger's marten in the Inkheart trilogy.
I could have just snatched Hero's name away from Shakespeare's hands but I'm borrowing it from the Greek myth of Hero and Leander, star-crossed lovers.
I didn't pick Titus. This good boy was gifted to Damian by Bruce in the comics.
I got the name for Saltan, Martha's honeybee, from a fairy tale written in verse by Alexander Pushkin. I misremembered seeing a honeybee there (it was a bumblebee, actually).
Apollonia, the name of Thomas' sable comes from Apollo, Greek God of beauty, music and others. I like to think of Martha has an accomplished musician (harpist ?) of great beauty.
Frankie, Barry's insect dæmon's name, comes from a bunch of associations my brain made. I wanted a masculine name for her and my thought process looked like this : green < Frankenstein's creature as sometimes portrayed < Frankie.
Samson the Golden Retriever got his name because of his hair. Samson, in the Old Testament, was a guy who got his strength from his hair. I imagine Samson the dog as a big hairy thing.
Jessica Jordan has a golden eagle named Prometheus. Hal jokes about it because, in Greek Mythology, Prometheus is condemned to have his liver eaten by an eagle every day as it reforms for having (allegedly) defied Gods (and Zeus in peculiar).
Martin Jordan's Scarlett is named as such because of Gone with the Wind, Jessica's falcon is named after the titular character of The Picture of Dorian Gray and Isadora "Isa", Oliver's canary, is named that way because I like the name (that I borrowed from dancer Isadora Duncan) but there's no more meaning behind those names.
I think you can guess why a jewel thief's magpie would be named Tiffany.
Oh and sweet Billie, Clark's non existent dæmon, probably got her name because I was thinking about rewatching New Who's first season.
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slimylayne · 4 years
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commission for a lovely person on instagram of johannes from tribulation looking pretty damn cool after a gig
id love to do more fanart like this! feel free to message me!
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