space-morningstar · 2 years
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His little jumps make my heart jump with tenderness (x)
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sxsteremerxtus · 2 years
Alright I think I have somethin.
Maybe anything involving Copia and Terzo being new parents? :')
- 🌿
•I have a theory based off of my own version of the ghost lore.
•Terzo runs the first satanic church branched from the main ministry in their Abbey. It also includes a small orphanage. There’s usually 5-20 ish kids there of all ages from days old to 15ish.
•Terzo cares for these kids as if they were his own, and he convinces Cardinal to father one of the smaller babies.
•They go through the process and trade sleepless nights to raise this little baby right.
•Terzo is a patient father, verses Copia tends to have a short fuse in fear of doing something wrong. He doesn’t want to treat his child like Nihil treated him while he was growing up. Even though Nihil wasn’t his biological father he was the only “father figure” he had in his life.
•Copia will always include his children while caring for his rats, showing them how to be gentle and how to care for something that can’t help itself.
•Terzo will always be the “motherly” figure to their child. Always open armed and welcoming for their child to talk.
•Copia is the children’s favorite, but his short attention span and being childlike himself makes it hard for him to connect sometimes. But when it counts he truly enjoys spending time with his children
•family movie night alwyas includes our Daddies falling asleep while cuddling their smalls, everyone waking up on the couch the next morning
I hope this is okay
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mewtation · 1 year
local store had a claw machine sgt frog plush rotting in the back since 2010 before putting it out on clearance for $5 covered in dirt and now I own a sgt frog dororo plush
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atomic-sludge · 2 years
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I've had to have certain... modifications made.
Ponyfication complete.
I think I've gotten a little better at darker scenes, don't you? :3c
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vague-humanoid · 11 months
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Of course elon musk would make getting dunked on in public for being a peive of shit financially rewarding.
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
One of my biggest pet peives about HotD is that at any minor changes that people don't like or that doesn't fit into how they perceived it should have gone theu throw a tantrum and attack others who actually liked it.
And there biggest defenses are "Well that didn't happen in the book" or "that wasn't even hinted at in the book"
It's written like a history book. History is written by the victors. History is written by unreliable narrators who write what they hear, or are told, or just to make then and their cause look better than the other guys. For Christ's sake the septon who "wrote" the book literally said that it's compiled of other people's accounts from years after the Dance happened. From people who had reasons to lie and from people who heard it from their grandparents and shit.
Fire & Blood is not 100% facts, yes there is a basic amount of facts that everyone knows, buy no one ever really knows what went on behind closed doors. And I swear to God if I see someone bring up mushroom. The guy sexualized everything and reported on events that he wasn't even there for! Could he be right about some things? Yes. Is he right about most things? Probably not.
The writers can go anyway they want with events that people weren't there to witness so stop bashing them just bc they wrote something you didn't like, that doesn't mean that they broke canon.
Did I like everything? No. Does that mean imma say that they broke away from the books? Nope. Bc it's a history book written by unreliable narrators years after the events that took place.
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jewishdainix · 4 months
My biggest pet peive is when people refer to historical areas or characters by modern countries/nationalities
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error404sansfr · 9 months
GreatTale Informations
Les Âmes dans Greattale.
Déjà, je vais vous présenter les âmes humaines.
[L'âme de bravoure]
Le porteur de cette âme, comme ça le dit il et courageux, et bravera les dangers peu importe ce qu'il se passe.
La bravoure se bat avec des gants ce qui lui fait avoir du combat au corps-à-corps.
C'est personne sont emplit de courage et de bravoure pour braver le danger.
[L'âme de Patience]
La patience âme cyan, représente, la patience d'attendre le bon moment en ne bougeant pas pour agir, au parfait moment
Se type de personne sont assez patient, ils attendent, et sont généralement des personnes qui attend
[L'âme d'Intégrité]
L'âme de l'intégralité, il attaque en subissant un effet de gravité, et en attaquant.
Les personnes qui possèdent se typent d'âme, s'acceptent comme ils sont. Et il accepte ce qu'il aime, même si ce n'est pas dans les normaux comme un homme qui fait de la danse avec un tutu.
[L'âme de gentillesse]
C'est âme au fond uniquement de se défendre avec un bouclier, et il soigne, et essayer d'apaiser l'adversaire en utilisant la clémence et la gentillesse, et ce sont des personnes assez généreux et naïf.
[L'âme de Persévérance]
C'est âme persévère, et combat sur 3 lignes, persévérant pour trouver le bon moment pour attaquer, par réélection et économie denergie il se déplace sur 3 lignes pu plus quand il a besoin.
Il attaque de façon réfléchie et il continue peux importer les obstacles pour a complir sont objectifs de persévérer vers son but.
[L'âme de Justice]
Une âme aux valeurs noble, défend la justice, et avec leur vision de la Justice, cette âme se défend normalement, mais tire sur c'est adversaire. Ce sont des personnes assez attacher a la philosophie de protéger les gens, et de respecter les lois.
[L'âme neutre]
Cette âme grise, symbolise l'absence de tout trai mais sont l'autre signification et que c'est neutre, peux importe la situation, la personne restera neutre, et son âme grise symbolise, une personne neutre aura plus de facilité à rendre un verdict objectif, qui sera juste pour tous, les personnes avec ces âme sont assez rares.
[L'âme de détermination]
Les personne attaque et esquive normalement, cet âme et la plus puissante de tous, et elle et extrêmement rare, cet âme peux prendre tout les trai des autres âme, et donc s'adapte et utilise les merllieur trai contre son adversaire, cet âme et si puissante, qu'elle peux surpasser pu même égaliser un monstre avec 8 âme en lui, se genre de personne peuve refuser de mourir et revivre
 {Barrière de l'underground}
La barrière dans Greattale a été créée par 8 sages, des magiciens humain qui avais absorber une âme de boss monsterxchacun, ce qui leur a donné la capacité de faire de la magie et de créer la barrière.
Le sage de bravoure 
Le sage Justice 
Le sage d'intégrité 
La sage patience
Le sage de gentillesse 
Le sage de Persévérance 
Le sage neutre 
La sage détermination 
{Les Âmes de monstre}
[L'âme de Monstre]
Les âmes de monstre sont faites d'espoir, de compassion et d'amour.
Les monstres sont magiques, mais leur âme ne permet pas de supporter la détermination, une détermination a la forte dose serait mortel pour n'importe quel monstre.
Mais une dose moins importe les fera juste fondre et fusionner s'il a plusieurs  qui donnera les Almagalme.
Les montre preuve pas persisté après leur mort, et leur corps tombe en poussière.
Pour arracher l'âme d'un monstre vivant il faudrait une puissance incroyable.
[Âme boss monstre]
Ces âme sont identiques a se des monstres, mais ce sont des âmes qui persiste un peux plus que les âmes de monstre normal, qui parte directement en poussière, ce qui veut dire que les âmes de boss monster sont ce qui peive être absorbé pas un humain.
Pour arracher l'âme d'un boss monster vivant il faudrait une puissance incroyable.
{Informations lv et exp}
Exécution Point ou EXP est identique à l'original.
Plus on fait souffrir, plus on gagne de l'exp, et notre L.O.V.E.
Level of violence ou LOVE et identique a undertale
Plus on en gagne plus on a de facilité à faire souffrir.
{Informations dans Greattale}
Le Core ne pas était construit par Arial ça sœur dans cette AUs, et Gaster a un frère jumeau nommer Aster dans Greattale.
Flowey n'a pas Asriel dans cet univers.
La guerre n'a même pas 60 ans dans Greattale, la guerre et récente donc on en parle encore.
Papyrus comme Undyne peux revenir en génocide, même si Papyrus, et détermination comparé a Undyne qui fait ça pour tout le monde, Papyrus fait ça pour sa famille et ce sont amis, pour les défendre à tout prix.
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
Aokg well there's such a pretty one and it's a CHOIR PEIVE TOO
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mrocznaksiezniczka · 2 years
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Chcę ktoś się wspierać proszę peiv
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pastelchosen · 2 years
Michael shoves a peive of cake at Shan "try this. Do you think Gabriel will like it?"
He easily goes to taste it. “Mm- it’s really sweet, really moist.. Did you make it? It’s good.” He hums.
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space-morningstar · 2 years
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If he's evil, then why is he so cute and elegant? (X)
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solardick · 13 days
What i like about wearing a vidible crusifix, in this evil dominant country. Is the look on peoples faces when they intantly recognize that they’re beign sinful.
Or you got thenpther people whom take pride in being cuntz. Is the loathing on their faces. Well y’all like your vedio games and your phones. You can thank god for that. And the “patriarchy” which inverntes technology.
I can go on a big long rant about femmes and thr moon. But i wont. Cause you know im tight.
Or sum bs. Hooky tomorow. Aint risking it.
Hope this ass thing they engennered on me. Goes away. Wonder whats next.
Tried rubbing one out with this feeling. Came instantly. No relax, no chill, no pleasure. Go see a third. Wonder if im going to be able to underdatnd what they’re saying this time. But, theres no need for comunication. So they’ll definatally will speak my tongue. Fuckem jamie the worst ine of the family. Spychotic tard. Womder if he’s tried to kill
Anyone recently.
Fuck theyre a bunch if fucktards. Fucken children. Wish i like fucking with people too. Maybe i can fallow them home and stalk them from outside the widow till i catch them doing somethingembarassig. And then rub it in the next day. Like they do. Why sid they wait so long before getting lazy in fucking with me? Not even original. Its the same bs my family sis to me all therouhh childhood. The same shit thwy did to me in school. I just report facts. Its like im 8 again. Or just learning to walk. With inparwnting death traps left laying around. Where the same treatment for all the positive stuff? Oh yeah. Its diesnt happen that way. Peiple only care about the negatives.
Well time to go check the mailbox and donate atleast 200$ to charity today. Will i get rewarded for that? No. Everything ive ever cared about has been being murdered since childhood. By stuid gfucktards playninh stupid. So they font have to try very hard. At least pudgy batman showed me an once of resistance when i first got there. So he has some measure of a soul. Grateful for that. But save for talking about hay shit the other day whole making a noose and raising it above his head to be as visible as possible. But after 30 years if this shit. Its imposible to keep down. But nate. Is peobably the noggist peive of shit there. So much so that god interveen and warned me about him. But, because im such a good person. I gave him a try anyway. Several chances but, all he fid was fuck around. So now. Im just going to tell him to shut the fuck up or to fuck off. Everytime i see him.
Guess i kust have to keep going u til they tire out and semd someone new.
Cant afford to give up
My only source of authentic communication. Even if its only this. The only thing thats kept me going these last 8-10 years. Windernif the have another desease to give me. At least im still obstinate. While being aexually harrased by fuck e retards. Come swith losing tour virginity in childhood and doing something stupid with it. While being chemically imbalanced with the onset of puberty. And environemntal violence, bad idols and unmonitored “subpervission” which is the whole point have havign a fucken baby. Oh well and sharing a bedroom with a spychotic older brother with murderous rage. And an alchoholic drug addled other brother. Who kept trying to convince you tondo stupid things. While given cigareets and drugs to a teenager. In fact if you combine nate and pudgy batman you have an exact replica of my fatger and his parenting. Nothign but curses and swearing and that narcisist holier than thou bs that bate gives. Well add in a little bit of my brother jamie in there. My korher wanted a girl so bad that she named her next two sons woth girl names. I literally dont know anythign better.
At least by doing this i have some sense of control o er other people fucking with me. But it be nice to have a pet or something a cat or as art bird. Save that someone will
Probably kill it like every pet ive had. But its bad enough tgat im not alloed having a coherent conversation with a doctor. But ohh well.
Ca t wait till i grt a couple boyfriends and spend the rest of my life in pure bliss. A gay gouole lookign for a queer.
Personally. Authletes arent worth that much money. Insyead of multiple millions a year. How about they make. Maybe a hundred grand a year. And all the other profit goes straight to infastucture or health care. But., nope. Some asshole gets paid too kuch money.
Unfortunatly. I could t find the last 50$ bill on my floor somewhere. Proabbaly undwr all that trash. So the children. Will have to make die with a 150$ today.
Anyway i lwanred that a mytual reception between jupiter and uranus in awua and sag means criminal imderworld.
Crows just told me they are toaking smack about me at work right now. I even asked them. And they got
More vocal
There we go. Got a receit and everything.
Yesterday nate was like hey man. And i was like fuck off. And he was like hahhahahah. Comes back later. Are you bored? Fucknoff nate. Hahahahahah laughs again. Stands theres. What the fuck did i just say?! And he was like, Fuck off. And leaves. It was great. While they were teying to piss me off with keagan being absent half the day and then tony comes up to rub it in.hwy wheres tour partner? They all suck. I dont know how people live like that. I was raiswd by those eople and i syill dont get it.
I y’all stalk ny profile and knownits me and use it agaisnt me. Then why show any respect or sparebyour names? Im getting fucked either way.
Yeah… it gets too much fir me too. Want to close it all down again. Notjing to do. And the i have zero social energy going into anything.
Well its time to go see what cruel and unusual punishment they have for me today. Do what they always do elevate the pressure of my responsibities at the same time they elevate the pressure in social relations. Stress me out as much as possible while playing another side game. Abuse me into another state of belligerence and then try Nd make me feel likes its my fault even though i don’t know whats going on. Righy now its what they are doing slowly adding in has much bs as they can while blaming it on an outside factor in which i should be routing for. Or some shit. Or maybe another girl to harrase me and ehen i ask her to stop in the my friendly esy possible i get framed for harrasment. Or some shit.
Teying to find an actuall himan being on this life line i was given. Seems an imposibility. 39 years later the world is still a threat to me. Womder what lifenis like. Noy being victimized.in a world that preaches peace, love and security. I have still left without experiencing any of it. Only its opposite. Nothing but threats.
Iys just like childhood and school. Singled out serrounded by assholes. Criminals, bigots, druggies, alcoholics, and pervs.
I guess ill never know who i am without all these fucken cockskrs ruinign ymmlife.
Bathan alm ost went to the hospital. Today. Inatigation.. ive never seen red before.
God was right. Always is. At keast ingave bc donethin in to be gratefu l for. Q
I almost pulled a jamie. Went full psychotic with a a hand held weapon. But, i cant be any more jamie than that fucktard. Playign stupid everyday. Isnt that draining? Jesus.
Promised myself i would never hurt another hum a being. But y’all
Make that very difficult. And indotn eant to be there anymore anyway. And have to be subjected to all that stupid bs. Wveryday.
Moral of that story. Dont eat ten bags of low fat popcorn over a period of three days.
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bexisanidiot · 2 months
Guess who's thinking abt their rest in peives au like a delulu dumbass
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transgaypiratesanta · 2 months
What if people are like sand castles, and you can never truly find the same one twice because after they are gone they fracture into a million different peives of the same soul, and reconverge as a mass, with the help of millions of others, to make the next person.
So you can never meet the same person twice, and everyone is a mix of millions of others that existed in the past
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socomputercomputer · 7 months
@chrishayeszed-blog you bar graph skewing peive of private puppy mill shit
I been trying myself appart hit by a car 🚗 after I saved 8 people in 9 months being hit buy a car in the same 3 blocks for John 414 help yourself sorry ass
The fact that Shane doesn't understand why I don't give a fuck about Nikki's you fuck are esp if we didn't have I like night quil shirt to night quil with rbg was
No my cheese baorder of BBC America don't South rawanda give a freak
I want my avary respect Birdy magent money
Your line skews got morning pollitfact compared to pies of 71 sr frogs rebates
The last handle
The last handle
Past the last word
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Idk you see fiafi playing out my phish locross seasons called
Not your avg azn
Boy teams we training me me sometimes on travel and they told me they gonna do that ayso play if they got blue pink goalie jerseys you fuck dick about purfume u don't glue
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