#Pheonix Flynn
looney-mooney-studio · 2 months
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“Hey Isabella, as much as I love spending time with you, I gotta ask… How do we get outta here?”
I felt like drawing more Pheonix Flynn stuff! Just because they’re adults now, doesn’t mean Pheonix and Isabella don’t still get into all sorts of adventures and shenanigans together. Image ID in alt text!
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Flynn Curtis (@ratwhowrites, art by @burnt-pheonix) vs. Venus (@acid-harbringer)
Flynn Curtis info:
Description: Flynn is one of the main characters of the story, her twin brother being the protagonist. This takes place in a fantasy world I have named Opal. They grew up together, with Flynn often being overshadowed by her brother and his accomplishments. While she was jealous, she tried not to let it affect her relationship with him. That is, until her accident. Her brother was messing around with his sword and it landed on her face. When she regained consciousness, she was met with the main antagonist, Romero Astrophel, and old friend of hers and her brother who was presumed to be dead. He offers her an opportunity to be the more well liked twin. He offered her more power, a partnership. She remains an antagonist for the rest of her part in the story. She is a mom friend who tries to keep others from making bad decisions while she makes worse ones. She favors explosives and various forms of firearms. The girl just likes fiery explosions. She is talented in making weapons, often used in her fights. She is mostly serious, especially when she is working, but enjoys pranks all the same. She also has a major sweet tooth. Lost her arm to a giant rodent attack. So she made herself a replacement.
Crimes: Attacking civilians, treason, arson, destruction of private property, destruction of public property, kidnapping, vandalism, theft.
Other notes from the submitter: She's a silly who should win.
Venus info:
Description: Venus is a robot made for resource allocation after humanity moved to a new planet. instead she decided to keep most of those for herself and created a faction based on the 'everyone for themselves' mentallity and flaunting wealth, the only things that matter are money and looks. While Venus can appear rather charming and good with words she is incredibly Vain and simply uses everyone to get what she wants, don't make a deal with Venus because she'll do anything to weasel her way out of giving you your payment. Unwilling to her get hands dirty she pays others to do the dirty work herself (dirty work meaning assasinations most of the time), she has financially assisted with the assasination of the leader of the Saturn faction because she had great disdain for their superior technology and fixing robots for free, wich made them a financial danger for her (she makes a lot of money from robot parts and revives). Venus herself has many backups of her body for if she gets killed, or just bored of her current looks she frequently swaps out her parts, mainly her head wich kind of became a trend in venus society. Venus sets most of the fashion trends in her faction. she is a lesbian and built herself a wife who mainly acts as a body guard and accessory.
Crimes: hoarding of resources, slander, scamming, exploitation of workers, supported assasination on the leader of a faction that she wasn't enemies with, hired hitmen, making people pay to live,
Other notes from the submitter: how far can we take the acceptance of lesbian wrongs?
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ratwhowrites · 1 month
Guess who realized he forgot Dallas and Flynn’s birthday?
Totally not me
@burnt-pheonix and I will be hosting a party for the four characters whose birthdays we forgot.
Writing for them will come soon! Stay tuned!
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voidtwins · 1 year
Style Event
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Welcome to the style event, a event where a character has different new looks yet different abilities!
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The rules are simple here:
1. First come. First serve!
2. You are only allowed to pick 2 character, so please choose wisely.
3. This event has no theme so expect a different out of each character.
4. This event has no time limit.
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We had a list of 20 and all is reserved!
1. Magical Night - Beth (@ask-idv-baker )
2. Dreaming Angel - Phil
3. Lofi Jazz - Taegan (@idv-sinful-deities )
4. Falling Sakura - Rosalyn (@idv-artists-trio )
5. Icebreaker - Angel - (@idv-artists-trio )
6. Nature's breeze - Pheonix (@ask-phoenix-idv )
7. Summer - Evelyn Rose
8. Sun's blessing - Kitty (@idv-artists-trio )
9. Oracle - Amanda
10. Photographic Memory - Akihiko (@idv-news-boi )
11. Momento Mori - Pearce (@ask-idv-shepherd )
12. Motorcycle Rider - Embrace (@ask-embraceidv)
13. No Name - Vanadis
14. Spring Maiden - Valentina (@ask-lyristidv)
15. Moon's Blessing - Flynn (@idv-ask-the-showman )
16. Galaxy Wanderer - Phineas (@idv-ask-the-showman )
17. Floating Books - Bianca (@experimental-blueprints)
18. Checkmate - Archer (@ask-archer-idv )
19. Picture of you - Amy
20. Underwater - (@ask-idv-astronaut )
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If you want to join in please message me in Tumblr or on Discord at the Mun's Server!
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looney-mooney · 5 years
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New home screen!
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prettypenaddict · 2 years
Boho Masculine Names
Note: I added middle names, but I feel like most of these could be considered boho masculine names :)
Note again: I have a lot more feminine names on hand (probably because I am feminine lol) than masculine, but I’m open to name additions to these lists!
Atlas James
Adrian Sage
River Thomas
Jonah Ocean
Julian Alaric
Ira Wilder
Felix Everett
Otto Pheonix
Milo Josiah
Oscar Jude
Kai Gray
Elijah Wolf
Cassian Fox
Rowan August
Reed Emrys
Ari Finch
Bohdi Cypress
Beau Blue
Oliver Blake (I love the nickname Olly!!)
Soren Clarke
Loren Dane
Sterling Andon
Fletcher Flynn
Bex Leon
Colby Jude
Palmer Finley
My favorites here absolutely have to be Julian, Beau, Soren, Fletcher, and Colby!
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edgeofsunset · 4 years
you guys ever think about how fucking brave julie molina is to try and sing and make music and perform again after losing her mother (the person who inspired and mentored her and taught her about music, the person who encouraged her and supported her through discovering music) and being so strong and resilient in getting up on stage again or wait no all the way back to simply sitting at that piano and playing the last song rose wrote, singing her heartbreak and healing to the world, rising from her grief like a pheonix from the ashes, she literally rose like the sun in wake up. she told herself that she doesn’t need to connect music to only loss anymore, that music could be healing and connection and love again; that pain wasn’t the only option anymore. it takes so much damn strength to go ‘okay i’m hurting like hell but i know that this is the first step to getting better and i want to be better and i want to become someone she could be proud of, i want to show the world the type of girl she raised me to be’ and SHE DID THAT!!!!!!! JULIE MOLINA, ULTIMATE BADASS WITH THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL DID THAT!!!!! she healed and grew and along the way she brought music and life back to others; you can see the way carlos and ray were so happy and proud to hear her singing again, flynn was also similarly enthusiastic and so happy, the sunset curve boys literally would be nowhere without her, and she even touched carrie who at the end of everything was proud of her and moved by her journey. she is the driving force of the story and her bravery and courage to keep going even when it means loss, even when it means heartbreak is inevitable and the guys would cross over and she’d be alone she did it. because julie molina is confident of herself, she is talented beyond measure, she has bravery and loyalty in spades, her heart is so big and she is not afraid to step into her greatness and stand tall and that is why i, like every other character on the damn show in which she is the main character, will love and protect her forever. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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watchingcr · 3 years
Sam pheonix wright lol
I was hoping for flynn scifo honestly, also I discovered his sister is the voice of estelle
Liam could dress as cumore then
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But we can’t have it all lol
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Got a new sketchbook yesterday and had to break it in, so. Have some perryshmirtz
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ratwhowrites · 8 months
What the different Romeros would being doing to celebrate their birthday
Our main boy would probably hold a lavish party to celebrate himself and purposely not invite Dallas. He’d be fully dressed up and have lots of strawberries. All kinds of desserts and food, loud music, the works. He and his boyfriend Bastian would dance and watch the stars afterwards. Maybe at the end of the night, he’d get the old gang together. Flynn, Artemis, Spencer, Harper, Cecelia, Dallas and himself. They’d laugh and joke like they used to and for a time, it’ll feel like nothing had changed. Maybe the portraits in the hallway will wish him a happy birthday as he makes his way to bed.
Warped Romero probably got the day off so he could spend time with Bastian. Artemis would make sure nothing went wrong so he has the perfect birthday. He gets to sleep in, have some breakfast, maybe even see his family. The day will mainly be spent with Bastian and Artemis who likes to always check up on him. He gets to rest and relax before going right back to work the next day.
Romero in Acrobat’s world is probably spending his birthday alone. Maybe he called Artemis to hang out with him since his father was more than likely too busy to notice what day it was. The Astrophel family isn’t too well likes because of their business so it isn’t out of the ordinary for him to spend it alone. But at least he has one person who came to celebrate. He ordered a strawberry ice cream cake and shared it with Artemis and Carnage (Carnage ate most of it.)
Bird Eater (Spider-Man Romero) definitely spent the day outside, hanging out with Cecelia and Spencer who were determined to give him a good birthday. Unbeknownst to him, they stole gifts and cake from shops and prepared a miniature party for him. He got time to tend to his garden and make jam from his strawberry plant named Jen. She was a gift from a friend. ( @burnt-pheonix ) Spencer made sure that none of the other villains dared to try anything that might ruin his birthday while Cecelia planned a nice date for Romero and Bastian. Bastian managed to swipe an expensive pair of earrings for him, against Romero’s wishes. All in all, one of his more peaceful days.
Roadtrip Romero got to go to his favorite museum and spend the day wandering around and buying things from the gift shop. Maybe afterwards, he got to go to the beach, buy all the taffy he wants while Dallas joked about the birds on the beach being his relatives.
Neither Beetlejuice Romero, nor Haunted House Romero would do much to celebrate since they’re dead. Possibly mess around but nothing special.
Sitcom Romero had a classic birthday episode. No one seemed to remember it was his birthday and Artemis was left to spend the day with him doing boring things. Meanwhile back at the house, Dallas organized a huge party for his best friend, having Bastian be a surprise guest. By the end of the night, Romero is frustrated and tired, but when he walks in, he’s surprised by all his friends and family.
Knight au Romero spent the entire day with his most loyal knight, Dallas. They hung out just like they always did, getting treats and having fun.
And last but not least, Salvaged au Romero got to celebrate with everyone in the void house, trying to enjoy the day even though it reminded him of painful memories
There’s more but those are currently the only ones I remember.
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autumnliminal · 4 years
The Purest Fanfiction
I’m a big sucker for bad fanfiction; hit me with that “My Immortal” shit. We used to read that out loud at the lunch table in college. We also used to search for our hedgehogsonas on Google. You’d just type “[your name] the hedgehog” into the search and bam, there you were, pictures and all.  I have since changed my name, but I have never since found a more incredible piece of absurd, pure fanfiction than “Katie the Hedgehog” from the Sonic fan wiki. The pacing, the spelling, the name choices for every character are *chef’s kiss* incredible. The original wiki page has since been edited to say “the ride never ends, Jimmy,” and filled with troll faces, but I somehow had the foresight back in 2017 to save it in a word document, preserving it until this month of great darkness when we needed it most. Without further ado I present to you: Katie the Hedgehog.
Katie the Hedgehog== Katie is a Dark Purple Hedgehog with pink boots and a yellow bandage. In 2012 she wears the same bandage but she has shoes instead and a purple - pink dress. She is 12 years old, born on 17 June 1999. She has cock attacks, which are powerful and helps her deafeat her enemies. She has new powers such as a magentic stove, and voice activated, such as power boost, heal and constume change.
 Katie was born inside a Capsule, with a Hedgehog called Thrust the Dark. He made her do lots of things for him, like washing up, and hanging out clothes. After she did it all, he said she can go out anywhere for 2 whole hours. Katie was relaxing on the beach untill a Orange and Silver Hedgehog walked along. His name was Mark, and the two knew each other quickly, and became a couple. Then both of them met Metal Tender, a yellow robot with dark blue shoes. Katie used her hammer tohit him, and then Mark and her went to Mexico city. On a hill, there was a Black and white Hedgehog,and the couple went so fast, they couldn't see him. They rolled onto the ground and they met the Hedgehog. His name was Twist and they produced a Team name called Team Cecilia's. Three days later Katie made posters for people who would like to join the team. No one joined and it was winter time. Katie turned a villian and set off. Twist quietly made a new team name with Mark, and they called it Team Ultimate. They told Metal Tender, Shadow, and Doctor Eggman to join. They agreed.
 Two months later, Katie the Hedgehog became a lifeguard in surfing, and she helped SonicFang from drowning in the water. After that a brown Hedgehog walked in. His name was Ja'Corey Jackson and they became friends. Then suddenly Ja'Corey had a battle in surfing with Rannat, and they Ja'Corey fell into the water. Katie went and saved him, then took him to SonicFang, the surfing pro. Katie had to go and get some claims and went to check on them. Katie took Ja'Corey somewhere fun - Lava slides. Days later Katie went to the beach and found him and SonicFang training. She took her surfboard and went with them. Ja'Corey won the SonicFang Memorial surf off and then Katie and him became a couple.
 When Ja'Corey got married to Katie, they became King and Queen, fustrating the main King, Zapper. The army of Ja'Corey told him he was no longer King, so he ran away crying. 1 year later, Ja'Corey and Katie had children, one was called Humalog, and the other Solar. They were then Prince and Princess, and their parents showed them their family. Katie's fans are loving the fact that she's Queen, and they still are.
 After a few struggles, Katie and Ja'Corey divorced, and her children were sent to care due to her exit from Gameset Land.
 Katie was saving the animals, once more, and later on she saw a Cat version of herself. Her name is called Kitty and she can't talk. She sign - languaged it, and they became best friends.
 Katie never returned for 5 months, and then she returned with 2 other friends, Sky Drifter and Bubby. She wanted to see the gold laterns for her birthday. Then she saw Twist, and she apologised and now she is back as a hero. So Twist took her to see the laterns and then they ended up being in a strong good friend relationship.
 About 6 months later, Katie was renamed to "Holley Shiftwell" and she has power ability. After, she met a person named DonPaule, a German Hedgehog who likes eating rice and is commander of east part of Germany. After they started to know each other, they became best friends, and they still are now. Holley found out that DonPaule was a DJ with SonicFang and Steve.
 2 weeks later, Holley met Darker, a Hedgehog from Serbia. He looked like a vampire but Holley didn't mind and they ended up being in a relationship. Later she heard that Darker was Racing_Splashstripes from World Of Cars, and you can friend him on Facebook. Holley, Darker and DonPaule became a team, and the team is called Overdrive, the idea is from Sonic Heroes.
 The main owner of Katie (Holley Shiftwell) decided to give her a new look. Now she is a full power type, with yellow skin and extra features added. Now her shadow is a yellow pheonix.
 Mark (Used to a boyfriend)
 Twist (now they like each other)
 Ja'Corey (Broke up)
 Rannat (Before)
 Magnet (New friend)
 Herself (Classic self) (Katie Generations)
 Kitty (Cat version of herself) (Katie Generations, Scrapped')
 Metal Tender
 Rannat (After he knocked out Ja'Corey)
 Doctor Eggman
 Thrust's Shadow (Dark Pheonix)
 Surge (Mother)
 Thrust (Father)
 Scarlet (Katie's lost sister)
 Skydon (Katie's lost cousin)
 Mark (Past only)
 Ja'Corey (Broken up)
 Twist (Prefect)
 DonPaule (Best friend)
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The Library has many animals that live there, such as the chupacabra and the Pheonix. But all of those are alive. After defeating an evil magician, the ghost animals he had followed the librarians home. Each of them ended up bonding to one of the team.
It was entirely unsurprising when the trio of cats started to follow Jenkins around. It was of course in the very cat-like manner of pretending like they were not. It was much more surprising when the red fox followed suit and chose him.
All of the purely aquatic animals flocked to Ezekiel. There was only five fo them so it wasn’t too many. The octopus is the one that tends to cling to him the most. Also, it isn’t uncommon to see the betta or clownfish swimming through his hair. The lobster tends to just sit in his office but can occasionally be found scuttling along behind Ezekiel. The final of the ghost is a pygmy shark. It likes to hide around The Library but, when it wants to be around a person it goes straight for Ezekiel.
Cassandra's main ghost companion is an otter. It was one of the first to attach itself to a member of the library and has one of the strongest bonds. The ferret also chose Cassandra to bond to and can be found weaving its way around her lab most of the time. Cassandra also has the only four ghosts that leave the Library regularly. These are a pair of butterflies and a pair of bees. When they go out they are usually is her hair or on her shirt. Most people see them as accessories but the rare few who recognize them as ghosts are impressed by Cassandra's ability to have such delicate ghosts choose her.
Three ghosts bonded to Flynn and all of the are birds. One is a raven that can be found perched in the same room as him almost all the time. The parakeet is almost the same but does like to hide out with excalibur quite often. The third is a peregrine falcon that can mostly be found somewhere in the main Library watching whoever decides to enter that is not Flynn.
For Eve some of the ghosts were completely expected but others were not. The wolf choosing her was the most expected and the komodo dragon wasn't too far behind. But the ones that were really unexpected were the hedgehog and flying squirrel. After a while though everyone came to understand exactly why they had chosen her. The squirrel could be seen sitting or gliding behind and had lots of energy that would have driven everyone else a little mad but Eve could handle perfectly. And for the hedgehog it was a became a normal sight to see Eve calmly playing with it or just to see it sitting on her lap as she did her work.
The biggest ghost animal that came go the Library was a horse. It chose Jake to bond to and the two got along just fine. No riding could be done but sometimes the horse was corporal enough for Jake to brush it and they both enjoyed that immensely. The border collie also bonded to Jake and was seen within the same room frequently. Or sleeping in its bed in Jake's offices. The other two animals that chose Jake were a pair of rabbits. They enjoyed hopping along behind him and were somehow the only non-flying (or swiming) animals that could move through the air. Nobody felt like questioning that one.
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looney-mooney · 5 years
Was just talking with my girlfriend about the transgirl!phineas au and we've decided her new name would be Phoenix Flynn
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wlldflowcr · 6 years
adding 3 more muses because i have 2 much time on my hands and dont wanna clean my house ! tw violence.
disclaimer all of my muses are bi
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ANSEL ELGORT, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met reed andrew wailen yet ? the 24 year old is known for being both intelligent and meticulous, but also very self-destructive and indecisive. born in pheonix, arizona, reed now lives in camden, tutoring/studying.
used to be the jock type but @ trauma when he got beat up badly when someone tried 2 steal his car kinda changed him? he doesn’t talk abt it but violence is a weird topic for him and that seemed to b something the frat life rlly encompassed also based this entirely off the main character from the movie goat forgot his name lol
but he’s REALLY smart, once he got over this stuff at like 19, he focused on college, and thot moving would be a good idea so he oculd get away from that life. 
he’s indecisive so he did like 3 yrs of engineering ( so he has a bachelors) and is doing med now??
he’s super duper smart, tutors physics, maths, chemistry, & a lil bio to highschool kids. usually the older ones bc he’s smort
has no time at all. 
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HAILEE STEINFEILD, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met alissa ‘lissa’ carrie ryken yet ? the 20 year old is known for being both humorous and outspoken, but also very brash and impolite. born in nyc, lissa now lives in tower hamlets, student/running.
have u watched the edge of seventeen. basically her character in that lol. 
dad died from heart attack in car while she was with him because of course all my characters have to have had something horribly sad happen to them
she’s funny and makes rude jokes and ??? 
i need to put more thot in to her but she’s amazing 
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BRANDON FLYNN, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met ethan tomasz cerny yet? the 25 year old is known for being both thrifty and observant, but also very lazy and reliant. born in poland, ethan now lives in hackney, unemployed/writing.
born in poland moved to france at 2, moved to england at 13
used to be a rich kid
parents kicked him out bc he was too rock n roll as a kid. did every drug imaginable. all adat
he was essentially homeless for a while
has high profile childhood friends in london tho (@ possible plot with ur character) and sleeps on their couches and guest bedrooms
was a drug kingpin for a while, bought himself a flat. and decorated it with records and mismatched furniture and it smells of the dankest most potent weed when u walk in 
hes a stoner
he cares abt nobody
thinks everyone is dumb
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space-is-the-place2 · 7 years
ask meme thingy
Tagged by: @catoftheblank
Name: Flynn Nicknames: Alien  Zodiac sign: CaPrIcOrN (i hate myself why am i the same as that clown fucker) Height: 4'11 Orientation: hwooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY HOWDY YALL ALREADY KNO W  Ethnicity: white lmao Favourite fruit: bannana Favourite season: fall Favourite book: the girl who was supposed to die Favourite flowers: idk?? roses r cool Favourite scent: chlorine or fresh cotton stufs Favourite colour: rainbow and glitter these are real colours u can fite me Favourite animal: pheonixs/lions/pumas/ANY BIG CAT OR DOG Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea  Average sleep hours: 6-10000000000 hours Favourite fictional character: i have a lot.... uhhhh eduardo o neil, steve small, larry needlemeyer, all of motorcity, idk who else but thos lesbians from gotham (I still havent watched it yet w h y) Number of blankets you sleep with: uhh i lie under 2 and theres some random small ones (2) that r beside me Blog created: BITCH who knows lmao ive bee on this hellsite 4ever
tagging: @hellolikecanunot, @wangkaili, @rhysofhyperion, @littlebeetleboy, @robinlikehasbeen, @medicania, @arachnidanthology, @spinoxy, and finally @deathofamemer holy shti tahts a lot of people lmao
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angelrinisadork · 7 years
so who are your fictional crushes?
Nice try anon! But you won’t get the answer that easily!
lies you will…they are as followed: Link, (Legend of Zelda), Uryu Ishida (Bleach), Son Goku (DBZ), Future Trunks (DBZ), Bardock (DBZ), Son Gohan (DBZ), Tien Shinhan (DBZ), Problematic trash Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars), Poe Dameron (Star Wars) Han Solo (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Lando Calrissian (Star Wars), Aladdin (Disney), Tarzan (Disney), Shang (Disney) Flynn/Eugene (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Hercules (Disney), Shiro (Voltron Legendary Defender), Frederick (Fire Emblem Awakening) M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening), Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening), My Ninja Husband–Kaze (Fire Emblem Fates), Xander (Fire Emblem Fates), Ryoma (Fire Emblem Fates), My other ninja husband–Genji (Overwatch), McCree (Overwatch), Dante (Devil May Cry), Terra (Kingdom Hearts), Clark Kent aka Superman aka Kal-El, Casey Jones (TMNT 03), Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond), Aqualad (Young Justice), Hal Jordan (GLTAS), Pheonix Wright (Ace Attorney), Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney), Lance (Pokemon), Steven Stone (Pokemon), I may hate the series now but I still love him–Kakashi (Naruto), Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy), X (Megaman X), Ryu (Street Fighter), Professor Stein (Soul Eater) and some more I’m forgetting at the moment but I know the moment I see them HELLO BABY :P
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