#Philippe Pastor
lounesdarbois · 1 month
Des idées pour le Lab ?
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kristangers · 1 year
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I’m having thoughts, none of which are normal.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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28 June 2017 | President of the Senate Pio Garcias Escudero, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Spanish King Felipe VI, Spain's Queen Letizia and President of the Congress Ana Pastor pose outside the Congress, "Las Cortes", during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first democratic elections of June 15, 1977, in Madrid. (c) Pierre-Philippe Marcou/AFP via Getty Images
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confettidogs · 1 year
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I’m playing this piece and this Paul guy wrote it for this Philippe guy and now I ship them
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Simone Simon and Daniel Gélin in Le Plaisir (Max Ophüls, 1952)
Cast: Claude Dauphin, Gaby Morlay, Madeleine Renaud, Ginette Leclerc, Mila Parély, Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Brasseur, Jean Gabin, Jean Servais, Daniel Gélin, Simone Simon, Paul Azaïs. Screenplay: Jacques Natanson, Max Ophüls, based on stories by Guy de Maupassant. Cinematography: Philippe Agostini, Christian Matras. Production design: Jean d’Aubonne. Film editing: Léonide Azar. Music: Joe Hajos. 
Pleasure, as the poets never tire of telling us, is inextricable from pain.  Le Plaisir is an anthology film dramatizing three stories by Guy de Maupassant that center on what has been called the pleasure-pain perplex. An elderly man nearly dances himself to death in an attempt to recapture his youth. The patrons of a brothel quarrel and even come to blows when they discover that it is closed. An artist marries his mistress to atone for his cruelty to her. Max Ophüls brings all of his elegant technique to the stories, including his characteristic restless camera, which prowls around the wonderful sets by Jean d'Eaubonne, who received a well-deserved Oscar nomination for art direction. It's also, like Ophuls's La Ronde (1950), an all-star production -- if your stars are French. Claude Dauphin plays the doctor who treats the youth-seeking dancer; Madeleine Renaud is the madame of the brothel, Danielle Darrieux is one of her "girls," and Jean Gabin plays the madame's brother, who invites her to bring the girls to the country for his daughter's first communion, hence the temporary closure of the brothel; Daniel Gélin is the artist, Simone Simon his model/mistress, and Jean Servais his friend who also narrates the final section. Of the three segments of the film, the middle one is the longest and I think the most successful, moving from the raucous opening scene in which the men of the small Normandy town discover the brothel closed into a comic train ride to the country, which is as fetchingly pastoral a setting as you could wish. The sequence climaxes with the filles de joie dissolving in tears at the first communion -- the little church in which it takes place is one of d'Eaubonne's most inspired sets -- then returning to town and a joyous welcome. Ophuls never lets us inside the brothel: We see it only as voyeurs, through the windows. Nothing of this segment is "realistic" in the least, making the melancholy first and last segments more important in establishing the film's theme and tone. The first segment does its part to set up the course of the film as a whole, beginning with a riotous opening as tout Paris flocks to the opening of a dance hall, a pleasure palace, followed by scenes of lively dancing, then the collapse of the elderly patron, who is wearing a frozen and rather creepy mask of youth, and concluding with the bleakness of his normal existence, tended by his aging wife, who is fittingly played by Gaby Morlay, once a silent film gamine. The final segment is the bleakest of all, as the film concludes with the artist pushing his wheelchair-bound wife along the seashore, penance for having provoked her suicide attempt.
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babylon-crashing · 2 years
for another day full of poetry/ i’ll suggest
may the tide
that is entering even now
the lip of our understanding
carry you out
beyond the face of fear
may you kiss
the wind then turn from it
certain that it will
love your back may you
open your eyes to water
water waving forever
and may you in your innocence
sail through this to that
~ lucillie clifton, “blessing of the boats”
“If you can't be free, be a mystery.” ~ Rita Dove.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” ~ Audre Lorde.
“Sister! your foot's smaller / but it's still on my neck.” ~ Pat Parker.
“Justice don't mean nothin' to a/ hateful heart!” ~ June Jordan.
“B.D. women, sure you can't understand/ But they got a head like a sweet angel/ And they walk just like a natural man.” ~ Lucille Bogan
“We/ Jazz June/ We/ die soon.” ~ Gwendolyn Brooks.
“I will say:/ Most men are afraid of me, you know?/ Or, I will say:/ In my culture we do not take our men's names as our own/ You have nothing for me/ I have my own name/ I know/ now how this body works/ How it will never let a name go until it has taken it into the mouth and fed it to the breath/ I still know by heart." ~ Safia Elhillo.
“We're flawless, ladies. Tell 'em/ say, ‘I look so good tonight’/ God damn, God damn, God damn.” ~ Beyonce.
“Sappho was a right-on woman.” ~ bumper sticker.
“The woman who takes a woman lover lives dangerously in patriarchy.” ~ Cheryl Clarke.
“The pastor makes twenty-four/ references to hell / in the sermon at church and forgets/ to talk / about love." ~ Yrsa Daley-Ward.
“How to dance in blood and remain sane?” ~ Sonia Sanchez.
"you can't make homes out of human beings/ someone should have already told you that / and if he wants to leave/ then let him leave / you are terrifying/ and strange and beautiful/ something not everyone knows how to love." ~ Warsan Shire.
“Thick thighs save lives.” ~ Lizzo.
“Mandy Lee Jones does her vampin’ at night,/ And she never gets home till it's comin' daylight./ Old Uncle Bill came 'bout half-past ten,/ Put the key in the hole, but he couldn't get in.” ~ Clara Smith.
“You judge a woman/ by what she can do for you alone/ but there’s no need/ for slaves to have slaves.” ~ Essex Hemphill.
"I want to say 'Be!' to her but am an ordinary soul./ I watch for the fold under her eye to twitch. / I have many dreams, I say to her./ In my dreams I am better than myself." ~ Ladan Osman.
SIBLINGS Hurricanes, 2005
Arlene learned to dance backwards in heels that were too high. Bret prayed for a shaggy mustache made of mud and hair. Cindy just couldn't keep her windy legs together. Dennis never learned to swim. Emily whispered her gusts into a thousand skins. Franklin, farsighted and anxious, bumbled villages. Gert spat her matronly name against a city's flat face. Harvey hurled a wailing child high. Irene, the baby girl, threw pounding tantrums. José liked the whip sound of slapping. Lee just craved the whip. Maria's thunder skirts flew high when she danced. Nate was mannered and practical. He stormed precisely. Ophelia nibbled weirdly on the tips of depressions. Philippe slept too late, flailing on a wronged ocean. Rita was a vicious flirt. She woke Philippe with rumors. Stan was born business, a gobbler of steel. Tammy crooned country, getting the words all wrong. Vince died before anyone could remember his name. Wilma opened her maw wide, flashing rot.
None of them talked about Katrina. She was their odd sister, the blood dazzler.
~ Patricia Smith
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CONCOURS LITTERAIRE “Être(s) immortel(s)” : annonce des résultats !
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Félicitations à tous les participants !
La 11e édition du concours de nouvelles du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse a suscité un véritable engouement ! Un plébiscite qui a dépassé les prévisions les plus optimistes que ce soit dans la catégorie des adultes avec 244 nouvelles ou celle des moins de 18 ans avec 82 nouvelles au compteur. Le Muséum a, en effet, enregistré à la clôture des participations, le mardi 3 janvier, plus de 326 contributions en provenance de la France métropolitaine, mais pas seulement. Une sélection de belle facture qui, de la Guyane à la Réunion, en passant par le Congo, Singapour, l'Allemagne, l’Italie, la Belgique ou encore la Suisse, continue de s’ouvrir à l’international !
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Un grand bravo aux lauréats !
Le jury s’est réuni le jeudi 27 avril 2023 afin de tenir sa délibération désignant les 6 lauréats. La sélection a été rude et les débats très animés ! Mais c’est sans compter sur le professionnalisme de ce jury aux multiples sensibilités qui est heureux d’annoncer les résultats suivants, dans les 2 catégories adulte et jeunesse :
1. Palmarès dans la catégorie auteurs adultes.
1er prix : « Mare nectaris » de Julien PHILIPPE (21120) 2e prix : « Glaz et le dictionnaire des homards » de Colin MAILLARD (75006) 3e prix : « Ad vitam aeternam (pour la vie éternelle) » de Jessica ARDUIN (31300)
Les 17 autres nouvelles pré-sélectionnées dans la catégorie adultes étaient : « Un homme ordinaire » de Danielle ALLOZA (81000), « Le rond des marronniers » de Stéphanie AUBERT (49230), « Le patriarche éternel » de Daniel BAS (69430), « Une épreuve d’amour » de Bruno BAUDART (34140), « L’Oiseau d’Héliopolis » d’Anthony BOULANGER (28260), « Éternels complices » d’Emmanuel BROC (32600), « Assoiffée » de Sylvaine COLLART (31100), « Les ragots de la méduse » de Laura CORREDOR (33600), « Lettre de revendication » de Laurent FORTIER (14123), « Roches éternelles » de Margaux GRELLETY (78018), « Mémorial » de Marie-Claire HAGUET (09120), « La tombe de Gengis Khan » d’Olivier LALYR (42000), « Rhum arrangé » de Marie MAILLOT (94300), « Le passage » de Gérard MEGRET (45110), « La colère de la terre » de Noémie OBERDISSE (13790), « Amour benthique » d’Anna Valérie REICH (31520), « Le prix de l’immortalité » de Catherine TAREL-BERLEMONT (59890)
2. Palmarès dans la catégorie auteurs de moins de 18 ans.
1er prix : « All The Madmen » de Louise CONFAIS (31560) 2e prix : « La Chute » de Daphné LAMANDÉ-MORANT  (53200) 3e prix : « Un voyage éternel » de Timothy LOMBARD-KIRCH (25000)
Les 8 autres nouvelles pré-sélectionnées dans la catégorie auteurs de moins de 18 ans étaient : « La Bonne action » de Camille BUXTORFF-MULLER (12000), « Immortalité... Quelle horreur, quelle beauté » d'Esther FARES (31520), « Vie tranquille d'un immortel » de Tymothé FOISSAC-FERRÉ (31410), « Feu » de Lola GINESTE (31410), « Dark Moon » de Juliette GORIAUD (31460), « Vampire Slayer Academy » de Madenn GOURIO-DUBREUIL (81800), « Celle qui vécut » de Luna PASTOR (81710), « Silence » de Chloé RAFFANEL (12510)
Le Muséum va e-publier les nouvelles lauréates.
Les deux premiers prix des 2 catégories seront lus à voix haute le samedi 10 juin 2023, dans l’auditorium du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse, lors de la rencontre littéraire et de la remise des prix aux différents lauréats.
Un immense merci aux membres du jury !
Laëtitia Bartholome (Service Expositions, Muséum), Lydie Bottier (Pôle jeunesse, Médiathèque José Cabanis), Laetitia Bouchama (Directrice de la médiathèque Mémo, Montauban), Audrey Bonniot (Service Bibliothèque & Documentation, Muséum), Caroline Chevalier-Galant (Service Bibliothèque & Documentation, Muséum), Évelyne Cocault (Comédienne de Théâtre amateur), Astrid Conan (Relation Visiteurs-Billetterie support qualité, Muséum), Christel Dubois (Professeure d'anglais), Lucie Ferlet (Pôle jeunesse, Médiathèque José Cabanis), Fanny Fourrier (Pôle Intermezzo, Médiathèque José Cabanis), Caroline Goursat (Étudiante, libraire), Florence Lamotte (Directrice commerciale chez Piktos), Sylvie Marquez (Association Toulouse Polars du Sud), Bernard Meyer (Docteur en Philosophie, enseignant, comédien), Serge Nicolo (Écrivain, Régisseur des Collections, Musée Paul Dupuy), Cristina Noacco (Auteure, maître de conférence en littérature médiévale) et Cédric Pignat (Écrivain, enseignant, lecteur).
Au plaisir de vous retrouver et d’échanger avec vous, samedi 10 juin, au Muséum de Toulouse !
Crédit : Laurent Koëss - Muséum de Toulouse
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apesoformythoughts · 1 year
«El Salmo 23 empieza con estas palabras: "El señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará". Sin duda una de las oraciones más bellas que podamos hacer cuando hemos comulgado es repetir esta frase en una actitud de gran fe. Afirmar que gracias a esta comunión no me hace falta nada más. Estoy seguro de que Dios me dio absolutamente todo lo que me es necesario para vivir hoy. "La Eucaristía es el don de Dios en su plenitud, nos comunica todo lo que necesitamos para cumplir la voluntad de Dios", dice el padre Jean-Claude Sagne».
— P. Jacques Philippe: Si conocieras el don de Dios
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
March 10 (UPI) -- German police said in a press conference Friday that eight people were killed in a mass shooting at Jehovah's Witness church in Hamburg on Thursday.
Police said among the dead were four men, two women and the unborn baby of a pregnant woman. The mother who had carried the child for about seven months survived the shooting. Authorities confirmed that all were German citizens but were not related to the shooter.
Police said the suspect, who they identified as Philipp F, took his own life once officers entered the building, running up a flight of steps to another floor from where the shooting took place.
The 35-year-old suspect was a former member of the congregation who left 18 months ago over "ill feelings" but had no prior criminal record, police said.
RELATED17-year-old arrested for home invasion that left three dead
Authorities said they received an anonymous letter stating that the suspect was suffering from a mental illness and should not be allowed to have a weapon. However, they followed up on the letter by making direct contact with the suspect in February and determined that he had not broken any laws.
The suspect fired about 100 rounds during the rampage, including 10 shots he fired into a car with a woman inside. The woman escaped and contacted law enforcement, police said.
Authorities said during a second search of the suspect's apartment, they discovered 15 magazines, 200 rounds of ammunition, laptops and smartphones.
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Jehovah's Witness confirmed to UPI that the church where the shooting took place was one of its Kingdom Halls.
"We are deeply saddened by the deadly attack on our fellow worshippers," David Semonian, spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses, said. "The congregation elders in the local area are providing pastoral care for those affected by this event."
Police said there was "no confirmed information on the motive for the crime" and discouraged the sharing of unconfirmed theories.
RELATEDPolice search for 3 men after shooting leaves 1 dead, 10 injured in Memphis
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a former mayor of Hamburg, expressed his condolences on social media.
"Several members of a Jehovah's community fell victim to a brutal act of violence last night. My thoughts are with them and their loved ones," Scholz said.
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unfug-bilder · 1 year
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Wie dieser ganze Quatsch mit der "Freiheit" anfing, dokumentierte (C) Harm Bengen 2012:
Vorgeschlagen wurde der reaktionäre Pastor übrigens von Philipp Rösler (FDP). Die regierte damals zusammen mit CDU/CSU.
Da Merkel vorher die Katastrophenbesetzung Christian Wulff veranlaßt hatte, hat sie es trotz Bedenken mitgetragen.
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deathdyinggrief2023 · 2 years
Thanatology Bibliography
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Leone Fowler, Shannon. (2017). Traveling with Ghosts. New York: Simon & Schuster. 
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Lopez, Sandra. (2011). Culture as an influencing factor in adolescent grief and bereavement. Prevention Researcher, 18(3), 10-13.
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lia-witchcraft · 2 years
Pleased is an understatement to discover the use of Daniel Schaller’s writings in both Philipp Blom’s “Nature’s Mutiny” as evidence of the Little Ice Age, as well as Stuart Clark’s “Witchcraft and Magic in Early Modern Culture” regarding the proper response to witchcraft.
Pastor Daniel Schaller argued that "the end of the world and the Last Judgment / are no longer far and distant / but are close by, in front of the door."
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newstfionline · 8 days
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Trump’s Possible Return Rattles Capital (NYT) It has become the topic of the season at Washington dinner parties and receptions. Where would you go if it really happens? Portugal, says a former member of Congress. Australia, says a former agency director. Canada, says a Biden administration official. France, says a liberal columnist. Poland, says a former investigator. They’re joking. Sort of. At least in most cases. It’s a gallows humor with a dark edge. Much of official Washington is bracing for the possibility that former President Donald J. Trump really could return—this time with “retribution” as his avowed mission, the discussion is where people might go into a sort of self-imposed exile. Whether they mean it or not, the buzz is a telling indicator of the grim mood among many in the nation’s capital these days.
A man tried to shoot a pastor during a church service but his gun wouldn’t fire, state police say (AP) A man who tried to shoot a pastor during a service at a Pennsylvania church because “God told him to do it” was thwarted when his gun didn’t fire and he was tackled by a congregant, authorities said. The chaos at the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock took place Sunday while the service was being livestreamed, state police said in a news release. “I am feeling grateful that I woke up this morning and that I am here. It could have gone an opposite direction,” Rev. Glenn Germany told The Associated Press on Monday. “But God has intervened and I am grateful for him.”
Sea drone warfare has arrived. The U.S. is floundering. (Reuters) The U.S. Navy's efforts to build a fleet of unmanned vessels are faltering because the Pentagon remains wedded to big shipbuilding projects, according to some officials and company executives, exposing a weakness as sea drones reshape naval warfare. The lethal effectiveness of sea drones has been demonstrated in the Black Sea where Ukraine has deployed remote-controlled speed boats packed with explosives to sink Russian frigates and minesweepers since late 2022. This public show of commitment masks years of hesitation by the U.S. Navy to build a fleet of unmanned vessels despite repeated warnings this was the future of maritime warfare, according to interviews with a dozen people with direct knowledge of the U.S. sea drone plans, including Navy officers, Pentagon officials, and sea drone company executives. Two Navy sources and three executives at sea drone manufacturers said the biggest impediment to progress has been a Department of Defense (DoD) budget process that prioritizes big ships and submarines built by legacy defense contractors. "At some point, you hit the D.C. problem," said Philipp Stratmann, CEO at Ocean Power Technologies, a New Jersey-based firm that supplies the U.S. Navy with the WAM-V, an autonomous surface drone. "You hit the fact that there is a military industrial complex that has the best lobbyists and knows exactly how the money flows and contracting works in the DOD."
Floods in southern Brazil kill at least 75 people over 7 days, with 103 people missing (AP) Massive floods in Brazil’s southern Rio Grande do Sul state have killed at least 75 people over the last seven days, and another 103 were reported missing, local authorities said Sunday. At least 155 people were injured, while damage from the rains forced more than 88,000 people from their homes. Approximately 16,000 took refuge in schools, gymnasiums and other temporary shelters. The floods left a wake of devastation, including landslides, washed-out roads and collapsed bridges across the state. Operators reported electricity and communications cuts. More than 800,000 people are without a water supply, according to the civil defense agency.
Bleak times for Britain’s Conservatives (Washington Post) As the results of local elections across England and Wales were tallied Friday, they painted a bleak picture for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s ruling Conservative Party and its prospects of holding on to power this year. The Conservatives lost seat after seat on town councils, while the opposition Labour Party finished strong, taking away votes in areas once considered Tory strongholds. It was the last test before Sunak and his government must confront voters in a nationwide general election, likely to be held this fall, though it could come sooner, especially if the embattled prime minister faces a rebellion among his own anxious lawmakers.
Italy's white-collar mafia is making a business killing (Reuters) Italy's mafia rarely dirties its hands with blood these days. Extortion rackets have gone out of fashion and murders are largely frowned upon by the godfathers. Just 17 people were killed by the mob in Italy in 2022, according to the latest official data, versus more than 700 in 1991. Instead, mobsters have moved aggressively into the low-risk, low-key world of white-collar crime, senior Italian prosecutors told Reuters. The shift to tax evasion and financial fraud is being fuelled by billions of euros sloshing around Italy in post-COVID recovery funds that were designed to boost the economy but are proving a boon for fraudsters. While there is no official estimate of the scale of organized crime's involvement in financial crimes in Italy, two of the prosecutors who spoke to Reuters estimated it was billions of euros each year. For criminal gangs, given the large sums of money involved, the penalties are relatively light. If you are caught trying to sell as little as 50 grams of cocaine, you risk up to 20 years in jail. But if you issue bogus invoices to gain 500 million euros of fraudulent tax credits, you only face between 18-months and six years in prison.
Xi Visits Europe, Seeking Strategic Opportunity (NYT) On his first visit to Europe in five years, the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, appears intent on seizing opportunities to loosen the continent’s bonds with the United States and forge a world freed of American dominance. The Chinese leader has chosen three countries to visit—France, Serbia and Hungary—that all, to a greater or lesser degree, look askance at America’s postwar ordering of the world, see China as a necessary counterweight and are eager to bolster economic ties. At a time of tensions with much of Europe—over China’s “no limits” embrace of Russia despite the war in Ukraine, its surveillance state and its apparent espionage activities that led to the recent arrest in Germany of four people—Mr. Xi, who arrived in France on Sunday, wants to demonstrate China’s growing influence on the continent and pursue a pragmatic rapprochement. For Europe, the visit will test its delicate balancing act between China and the United States and will no doubt be seen in Washington as a none-too-subtle effort by Mr. Xi to divide Western allies.
Russia announces nuclear weapon drills after angry exchange with senior Western officials (AP) Russia plans to hold drills simulating the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the Defense Ministry announced Monday, days after the Kremlin reacted angrily to comments by senior Western officials about the war in Ukraine. The drills are in response to “provocative statements and threats of certain Western officials regarding the Russian Federation,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement. It was the first time that Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, though its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises. Tactical nuclear weapons have a lower yield compared to massive warheads that arm intercontinental ballistic missiles intended to obliterate entire cities. The announcement appeared to be a warning to Ukraine’s Western allies about becoming more deeply involved in the more than two-year war.
Why are Arab armed forces so ineffective? (Economist) When Arab air-defence crews helped fend off Iran’s attack on Israel in April, they drew much praise. And yet Arab states are not usually lauded for their martial prowess; many have lousy military reputations. They have been repeatedly humiliated in wars with Israel. They proved ineffective during the 1991 Gulf war; Egypt deployed two armoured divisions but America quickly sidelined them when they struggled to overcome even limited Iraqi resistance. Other Gulf countries, such as Saudi Arabia, provided only a handful of troops. More recently, despite considerable American military support, the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen descended into a quagmire. The problem is not lack of money or hardware. Arab armed forces often splurge on vanity equipment like fighter jets that are ill-suited to the asymmetric threats they face. Arab armies are also treated as praetorian guards. Saudi Arabia’s 130,000-strong National Guard is the ruling family’s personal protection force. In Egypt, the army runs a sprawling commercial empire that dabbles in everything from holiday resorts to construction firms. And more often than not, they even struggle to work with each other. There are pockets of martial excellence. The UAE and Jordan possess capable and professional armies, especially their special forces and pilots.
Israel shuts down Al Jazeera’s operations, raids Jerusalem office (NYT) Israel’s government moved Sunday to shut down the Al Jazeera Media Network’s operations in Israel, clamping down on one of the few international broadcasters providing largely uninterrupted coverage of the Gaza war. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the decision followed a unanimous vote by Israel’s war cabinet, posting on X that “the incitement channel Al Jazeera will be closed in Israel.” In a separate statement, he accused Al Jazeera correspondents of having “harmed the security of Israel” and said “the time has come to eject Hamas’s mouthpiece from our country.” Israel’s actions placed it in the company of several autocratic countries in the region that have tried to stifle the network—which has attracted praise and controversy since its was founded nearly 30 years ago and helped reshape the media landscape in the Arab world. “This is a dark day for the media,” the board of Israel’s Foreign Press Association said in a statement. “This is a dark day for democracy.”
Israel begins military operation in Rafah, hours after Hamas agrees to a cease-fire (AP) Israeli leaders have approved a military operation into the Gaza Strip city of Rafah, and Israeli forces are now striking targets in the area, officials announced Monday. The move came hours after Hamas announced it had accepted an Egyptian-Qatari cease-fire proposal, which could end seven months of war in Gaza. The IDF said it “will act with extreme force against terrorist organizations” in Rafah, dropping leaflets on the city that said, “Anyone in the area puts themselves and their family members in danger. For your safety, evacuate immediately.” Around 100,000 people in eastern Rafah fall under the evacuation order.
Gaza’s rubble and ruin (Washington Post) Israel’s punishing campaign against militant group Hamas has seen much of the territory reduced to ruin. Since Hamas launched its Oct. 7 terrorist strike on southern Israel, more than 34,500 Palestinians in the territory—many of them women and children—have been killed. Some 5 percent of Gaza’s overall population has been killed or injured, according to a U.N. report that cites local data. That figure doesn’t include the more than at least 10,000 people that the U.N. estimates are still missing beneath the rubble, citing the Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD). Sifting through Gaza’s wreckage will be no simple task. Israel has dumped a huge amount of ordnance on the territory. Mungo Birch, head of the U.N. Mine Action Program in Palestinian territory, said last week that the amount of unexploded missiles and bombs lying in the rubble is “unprecedented” since World War II. He said tiny Gaza is a site of some 37 million tons of rubble—more than what’s been generated across all of Ukraine during Russia’s war. More than 70 percent of all housing in the territory has been destroyed.
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rimaakter45 · 9 days
Exploring the World of Timepieces: A Journey through the Watch Museum
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In the heart of a bustling city, where the modern pace of life often blurs the significance of time, lies a haven of horological history—the Watch Museum. Nestled discreetly among the towering skyscrapers, this museum serves as a testament to the intricate artistry and engineering that have evolved over centuries to capture time within the confines of a wristwatch. Let us embark on a virtual tour through the corridors of this horological sanctuary.
A Glimpse into the Past
As you step into the Watch Museum, you are greeted by an aura of nostalgia and reverence for timekeeping traditions. The museum's architecture itself echoes the elegance of antique timepieces, with winding staircases and brass accents reminiscent of clock faces. The journey begins with a chronological timeline, tracing the origins of timekeeping from sundials and water clocks to the first mechanical watches crafted by skilled artisans.
One of the standout exhibits showcases a replica of the earliest known portable timepiece—the Nuremberg Egg, crafted in the 16th century. This delicate, ornate egg-shaped watch captures the imagination, illustrating the fusion of art and functionality that defined early watchmaking.
Evolution of Craftsmanship
Moving forward in time, the museum offers a captivating display of how watchmaking evolved into a celebrated craft. Intricate pocket watches from the 18th and 19th centuries steal the spotlight with their jeweled movements and exquisitely engraved cases. Each watch tells a story of innovation, as master watchmakers honed their skills and developed mechanisms that improved accuracy and reliability.
A notable highlight is a collection of early wristwatches from the turn of the 20th century, which marked a shift in timepiece design. These delicate yet robust watches were often customized with elegant enamel or guilloché dials, reflecting the style preferences of their era.
Icons of Time
No visit to the Watch Museum would be complete without encountering iconic timepieces that have left an indelible mark on the industry. The museum proudly displays legendary watches such as the Rolex Submariner, Omega Speedmaster, and Patek Philippe Calatrava, showcasing milestones in both design and technology.
One particularly fascinating exhibit is a section dedicated to innovative complications—mechanisms beyond timekeeping. Here, visitors marvel at tourbillons, perpetual calendars, and minute repeaters, appreciating the fusion of engineering prowess and artistic expression.
The Art of Time
Beyond the mechanics, the Watch Museum celebrates the artistic endeavors intertwined with timekeeping. A gallery of miniature enamel paintings adorning watch dials exemplifies the union of fine art and horology. Each painted scene—a pastoral landscape, a portrait, or a floral motif—transforms these timepieces into wearable canvases, blurring the line between timekeeping instrument and objet d'art.
A Gaze into the Future
Before concluding your visit, the museum invites contemplation of the future of watchmaking. Interactive exhibits showcase cutting-edge technologies—such as smartwatches and innovative materials—that are redefining the boundaries of traditional horology.
As you exit the museum, the ticking of countless timepieces resonates in your mind. The Watch Museum not only preserves history but also inspires a newfound appreciation for the intricate world of watchmaking. It's a place where time stands still, yet simultaneously propels us forward into the endless possibilities of tomorrow.
In the end, the Watch Museum is more than a collection of artifacts; it's a narrative of human ingenuity and creativity, encapsulated within each ticking second. If you ever find yourself yearning for a deeper connection with the art and science of timekeeping, step into this timeless sanctuary—it promises to be an unforgettable journey through the epochs of horological history.
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Ode aux montagnes
avec Valerio Adami · Babi Badalov · Juan Carlos Batista · Amélie Bertrand · Angela Bulloch · Christian de Cambiaire · Etienne Chambaud · Acaymo S. Cuesta · Pauline Curnier Jardin · Daniel Dezeuze Ferran Garcia Sevilla · Ludger Gerdes · Jaroslaw Godfrey · Elias Hanselmann Eric Hurtado · Paul Iratzoquy · John Isaacs · Philippe Lamy · Ninon Lemonnier Anthea Lubat · Fleur Noguera · Julien Pastor · Lorène Roustin
Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse et le Centre d’Initiatives Artistiques du Mirail (CIAM) sont heureux de présenter l’exposition Ode aux Montagnes à la Fabrique. À la fois apaisante et dangereuse, terrestre et céleste, la montagne n’a cessé de fasciner l’être humain, et en particulier les artistes. Ode aux Montagnes propose un regard sur ces territoires par le prisme de la création artistique contemporaine.
Pensée comme un sentier de randonnée, l’exposition offre un parcours ascensionnel, des origines de la montagne, jusqu’à son sommet. Constituée d’œuvres de la collection des Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse, ainsi que de cinq artistes des régions Occitanie et Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Ode aux Montagnes est élaborée par les treize étudiantes du Master Métiers de l’art, Régie, Documentation et Médiation qui proposent une déambulation plastique et poétique des grottes jusqu’aux portes du ciel.
exposition en partenariat avec les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse exposition du 7 au 30 mars 2024 ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 17h entrée libre La Fabrique - 5 Allée Antonio Machado 31058 Toulouse
🔗 culture.univ-tlse2.fr
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ntgospel · 3 months
Pedido de Impeachment de Lula já conta com 107 assinaturas de deputados
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/pedido-de-impeachment-de-lula-ja-conta-com-107-assinaturas-de-deputados
Pedido de Impeachment de Lula já conta com 107 assinaturas de deputados
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O pedido de impeachment apresentado pela deputada federal Carla Zambelli (PL-SP) contra o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) alega que ele cometeu crime de responsabilidade.
Comparação com Nazistas: O pedido de impeachment foi motivado pelas recentes declarações de Lula, nas quais ele comparou Israel a nazistas. Os parlamentares argumentam que essa comparação configura um ato hostil contra uma nação estrangeira, expondo a República ao perigo da guerra ou comprometendo sua neutralidade.
O Pedido de Impeachment
O movimento para o impeachment de Lula foi articulado pela deputada federal Carla Zambelli (PL-SP). Ela propôs a abertura de um processo de impeachment após declarações recentes do presidente, nas quais ele comparou Israel a nazistas. Essa comparação gerou forte reação e levou a oposição a agir.
Até o momento, 107 deputados assinaram o pedido de impeachment, que alega que as declarações de Lula configuram um crime de responsabilidade. Entre os parlamentares que concordaram em propor a retirada de Lula do cargo, estão Eduardo Bolsonaro, Nikolas Ferreira e o ex-ministro do Meio Ambiente Ricardo Salles.
O Processo de Impeachment
Quantidade de Assinaturas
Não existe uma quantidade mínima de assinaturas necessárias para instaurar um pedido de impeachment. A decisão de aceitar ou não o pedido depende exclusivamente do presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Arthur Lira (PP-AL). Somente após sua decisão é que a adesão dos deputados passa a valer. A inércia acaba sendo a decisão na maioria dos pedidos de impeachment.
Abaixo, segue a lista de deputados que assinaram o pedido de impeachment até o fechamento desta matéria, segundo a publicação no Instagram da deputada Carla Zambelli:
1. Carla Zambelli 2. Julia Zanatta 3. Delegado Caveira 4. Mario Frias 5. Meira 6. Maurício Marcon 7. Paulo Bilynskyj 8. Sgt Fahur 9. Delegado Fabio Costa 10. Carlos Jordy 11. Gustavo Gayer 12. Sgt Gonçalves 13. Kim Kataguiri 14. Bia Kicis 15. General Girão 16. Luiz Philippe 17. Nikolas Ferreira 18. Alfredo Gaspar 19. Rosangela Moro 20. Gilvan da Federal 21. Carol de Toni 22. Amália Barros 23. Domingos Sávio 24. Ramagem 25. Nicoletti 26. Messias Donato 27. André Fernandes 28. Marcelo Álvaro Antônio 29. Eros Biondini 30. Junio Amaral 31. Coronel Telhada 32. Marcel Van Hattem 33. José Medeiros 34. Zucco 35. Daniel Freitas 36. Zé Trovão 37. Daniela Reinehr 38. Capitão Alden 39. Filipe Martins 40. Bibo Nunes 41. Adriana Ventura 42. Gilberto Silva 43. Cel Chrisóstomo 44. Sanderson 45. Giovani Cherini 46. Filipe Barros 47. Cristiane Lopes 48. Capitão Augusto 49. Gilson Marques 50. Coronel Fernanda 51. Eduardo Bolsonaro 52. Any Ortiz 53. Marco Feliciano 54. Adilson Barroso 55. Chris Tonietto 56. Silvio Antonio 57. Ricardo Salles 58. Silvia Waiãpi 59. Abilio 60. Marcio Alvino 61. Jefferson Campos 62. Rodrigo Valadares 63. Marcelo Moraes 64. Delegado Éder Mauro 65. Rodolfo Nogueira 66. Dr. Frederico 67. Clarissa Tercio 68. Evair Vieira de Melo 69. Eli Borges 70. Coronel Assis 71. Luiz Lima 72. Coronel Ulysses 73. Dr. Jaziel⁠ 74. Capitão Alberto Neto 75. Mariana Carvalho 76. Roberto Duarte 77. Marcos Pollon 78. Magda Mofatto 79. Dayany Bittencourt 80. Maurício Souza 81. Fernando Rodolfo 82. Roberta Roma 83. Alberto Fraga 84. Reinhold Stephanes Jr 85. Lincoln Portela 86. Miguel Lombardi 87. ⁠Dr. Zacharias Calil 88. Professor Alcides 89. Rosana Valle 90. Hélio Lopes 91. Pedro Lupion 92. Pastor Eurico 93. Delegado Palumbo 94. Zé Vitor 95. Lucas Redecker 96. ⁠Dr. Fernando Maximo 97. Thiago Flores 98. Dr Luiz Ovando 99. Roberto Monteiro 100. General Pazuello 101. Luciano Galego 102. Afonso Hamm 103. Osmar Terra 104. Covatti Filho 105. Pedro Westphalen 106. Geovania de Sá 107. Nelsinho Padovani
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Uma publicação compartilhada por Carla Zambelli 22 (@carla.zambelli)
Pedidos de Impeachment de Lula
Desde o início de 2023, o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva já enfrentou vários pedidos de impeachment. Só nos seis primeiros meses deste terceiro mandato, a Câmara dos Deputados recebeu 11 requerimentos para afastar Lula do cargo. Isso já supera o total de 9 solicitações recebidas durante todo o seu segundo mandato.
Vale ressaltar que a quantidade de pedidos não determina automaticamente o início de um processo de afastamento. O presidente da Câmara, Arthur Lira, deve analisar as solicitações e decidir sobre o encaminhamento. O sistema legal brasileiro também preza pelo princípio da presunção de inocência, e Lula só pode ser considerado culpado após o devido processo legal e julgamento.
Com informações de O Globo, UOL
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