#Platonic Ace & Reader
tiyoin · 4 months
what if alastor’s darling went to heaven 😧
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cw: heavy manipulation, heavy gaslight, alastor being alastor (whom is a shit stirrer,) poor charlie is getting caught up in alastor's schemes again
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he’s yandere (platonic or romantic, up to you idc, but I hc him as ace) ofc he’s gonna want you by his side for all of eternity!
maybe that’s why he wants to involve himself with the hotel. so he can get close enough to heaven, just so he can tear your wings off and drag you down to hell with him.
of course he tells charlie about you once she gets the go ahead for the meeting. he asks her to give you this letter if she has the chance.
vaggie strongly opposes this once she see’s husk’s reactions to the mentioning of you. husk, the brute stand-offish bar tender stilled. the bar counter he was busy wiping down left forgotten as his head snapped to alastor’s.
yet his eyes met vaggie’s
“don’t let her get that letter. don’t let alastor near her”
she got the message loud and clear.
about to take the letter from alastor, he flicked his fingers away as his head snapped to hers. her eyes widened.
charlie was too busy gushing about ‘alastor long lost ‘lover’’ that she didn’t notice the hotel’s atmosphere change. the sudden dip in temperature, and the distant sounds of horses.
his eyes stopped boring into hers and snapped to husk, who started cleaning with stupor.
“miss vaggie..” charlie had stopped her bit and joined back to the conversation. off handedly noting how cold it was as alastor handed her the letter.
“i do appreciate your eagerness” his eyes squinted “in delivering this letter, but charlie here” he pats charlie’s head “is the only one i trust to do the job.” he smirked. fully aware of the silent conversation the two employees had.
vaggie gulped, backing away with her hands in faux surrender as charlie once again told him that she wouldn’t let him down!
vaggie didn’t have a good feeling about this. you two were separated for a reason.
he was in hell for a reason
plus it was illegal for believers and sinners to have any kind of contact, as that would violate heaven..
vaggie knew she shouldn’t talk. let alone question alastor. but he was planning on committing a carinal sin.
clipping an angels wings and watching them fall was the worst sin of all.
vaggie couldn’t wrap her head around it. did he really love you? or was he bored and wanted to take being an ‘overlord’ to the next level. to do one thing a sinner, let alone a citizen of hell could ever do.
cause a fallen angel.
“shouldn’t you let her be? you could get her- us into serious trouble by giving her that letter. who knows what might happen. we could get punished and she could”
“fall?“ he finished for her, eyebrow quirked with that same cocky grin on his face.
“what better way to help our group of sinners than to have an angel to lead us to salvation!” his grin widened, yet she never once met his piercing eyes. he squeezed his fist to show emphasis; determination, if you would.
“my y/n is nothing but a saint who devoted themselves to helping people in their life. she was even kind to give dear ol’ me special attention-“
“gross” vaggie cut in, alastor eyes snapped to her for the briefest moment, his facade cracking the tiniest bit before he continued; “this establishment is certainly in need of their expertise if we want the hotel to successfully reform sinners!”
charlie’s smile faltered, “but… she’d be kicked out of heaven…”
that word rang through everyone’s minds. like how lucifer gave the apple to eve, alastor snaked around charlie.
“it’s a necessary evil, is it not?” he questioned, one by one his claws fanned onto her shoulders, his head next to hers as he whispered: “think about all the people we could help, they could help. they should know better than anyone how people in heaven are, what they act like, how they get there-“ he leered at vaggie
“from their own personal experience of course! and it’s so cold and lonely at night without my precious” he sniffles, grabbing a handkerchief from one of sir penticols egg boi’s.
“but we want people to get into heaven… not kicked out” she trails off, suddenly thinking about her father.
alastor rubbed her shoulders before sighing. he detached himself from charlie as stopped in front of her, next to vaggie.
“very well then” he extends his hand mournfully to charlie, eyes locked into hers.
“then there’s no point in having you deliver my love letter anyway” charlie looks at his hand, then his face, before looking at the slightly crumpled letter.
“please, charlie, don’t make this harder for me” alastor continues, empathizing his hand.
charlie looks at vaggie, then to the letter, then to the door and finally at alastor.
“…i’ll think about it” she mutters quietly, tucking the letter into her jacket as alastor’s sad demeanor changes like a mask falling off.
“wonderful!” he grabs charlie and vaggie by the shoulders and starts hearding them towards the portal. yapping their ears off about how they’ll do amazing, and that heaven ‘won’t know what to do once they see you both.’
but vaggie continued to look back, husk’s slightly turned up face didn’t betray the emotion on it. one she never thought she’d see on him.
charlie left first, tugging vaggie in as she met alastor’s twinkling eyes, and shit eating grin as he waved.
alastor had won, and vaggie knows he’s going to get ready to celebrate his spoils.
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i edited it and added some more… things 🤭
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islandofsages · 5 months
Hey ! I wanted to request a Ignihyde!Male!Reader that look like a little like Grim ? Like, they have the same ears and tail, the same fire (even if the reader controls his fire better than Grim) and people think they are from the same family/are connect ?
Just Grim and Reader looking at each other and asking to themselves if they have just meet their secret brother, and Ace, Deuce, Ortho, Idia and parental figure!Trein being confused to their friend (Grim for Adeuce, Reader for Ortho and Idia) having (a possible) brother.
(Ignore it if you don't want to write it)
Have a good day.
characters: ace, deuce, the shroud brothers and trein x male ignihyde reader
tags: platonic, fluff, imagines + scenario format; implication of yuu, mention of azul
warnings: nothing
author's notes: sorry this took a while! and that i strayed a bit again help. hope you like this <3
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You’re one of the only beastmen in Ignihyde - and you’re okay with that. It gets a little lonely at times but that’s nothing new for an Ignihyde student. People mind their own business, you mind yours. And the only friends you have, in this case the Shroud brothers, basically forget that you’re different from the others. Days are hardly interesting, despite the college’s many atrocities - or maybe because, and now you’re desensitized.
Until one day, you spot a creature, all feline-like and sitting on someone’s shoulder. Okay, not the weirdest thing you’ve seen at NRC so far, so you’re about to shrug it off. Then you see it; a tail and a pair of ears that are eerily similar to your own. What’s next, it can manipulate fire as freely as you do?
“Hey guys, I’ve got a new trick up my sleeve. Watch this!”
One thing you didn’t expect for it to have something in common with you is that it can talk. Though maybe you should be less surprised, considering even the paintings on the walls can talk in this place. But still. You forget that you should be expecting something from the words it just spouted and are caught off guard when it starts spewing fire next. This creature is way too talented at throwing out stuff from its mouth, you think as you jump out of the way just in time to avoid being burnt to a crisp.
“Grim, you can’t just spit fire whenever you want to! We’ve been over this!”
A redheaded student in front of you starts to scold the creature whose name is Grim apparently. He looks familiar but you can’t quite put your finger on it-
“You’re just jealous, Ace.”
Oh, you feel like Idia’s talked about this Ace person before. He described him as “crafty” and seemed to think of him as some sneaky extrovert but you’ve learnt to not put much faith in Idia’s descriptions of other people. No offense to your friend but at least he’s somewhat self-aware of how anxious he gets around others.
“I definitely am not??? This is the same thing that almost got us expelled, you know!”
You feel like you may also have heard of a group of first years almost getting expelled until they somehow got their hands on a magestone the headmage told them to get, as if you can just swing by a store and buy one. You know how hopeless Headmage Crowley and dumping a lot of work on a bunch of freshmen is in character but you can't help but feel disappointed anyway.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree. You really have to learn how to keep your pride in check…”
Another student, blue-haired and you assume is Ace’s friend, chimes in on the scolding. The student whose shoulder Grim has made himself at home only shook their head, most likely accustomed to his behavior. You watch them bicker as you ruminate on the resemblance of that strange creature to you.
After a few minutes of thinking (and walking so that you don't lose them), you decide that the fact that you were almost a victim of Grim’s flames is strong enough of an excuse to allow you to approach the friend group.
“Hey. You four.”
They turn around to notice you finally (though you can hardly blame them – save for Idia and his glow-in-the-dark-esque hair, Ignihyde students are not noticed as much). It takes them a second to realize that you're no ordinary student. When they do, their jaws fall open, letting out a wild “Huh?!”.
Grim himself jumps off the quiet student's shoulder and stands on his two feet. The day is getting crazier and crazier the longer you entertain this coincidence. He then points at you and begins his bullshit-spewing again.
“W-Who are you?! And why do you look like me?!”
You should be asking the same questions right now but the lack of answers for them makes any word on the tip of your tongue die before they can escape. Plus, the way he's saying his words sound more accusatory than you’d like to admit.
“Don’t look at me! I'm just like this!”
Grim doesn't seem satisfied by your answer and honestly, you can't blame him. You both are quite confused by what's happening at the moment. You two resort to unconsciously recreating the two-Spidermen-pointing-at-each-other meme. The other three students also seem to be at a loss from what they're witnessing.
Ace Trappola
He would laugh at Grim and point out how he's not special anymore but he's too stunned to even say anything (at least for now)
He looks you up and down again then pinches himself to make sure he’s not hallucinating
He feels like he should be less surprised and that the uncanny resemblance could just be passed off as a coincidence but he has to admit, seeing you two as not brothers may prove to be a little difficult for him
He gets used to you two over time and stops questioning it altogether. Sometimes he even forgets
At times, he’d poke fun at Grim and say how you two are way too different personality-wise to even be correlated in some way
But deep down, he’s happy for Grim he found someone similar to him 
He won’t say that aloud obviously.
Deuce Spade
His eyes dart from you to Grim then you again. This goes on for a minute
He almost asks you if you can also breathe fire so recklessly
He ends up interrogating you, like a parent doing a background check on the friend you just brought home
Sooner or later, he concludes that you two are “bros”, despite not having the same feline characteristics
He’s glad Grim found his long-lost brother (he gets a smack from Grim for this)
He would notice how Grim’s smiles oftentimes are wider when you’re around, probably feeling some kind of kinship with you
And he gets that - since you all are “bros” now, he’s more than willing to have your backs now
After sorting things out with the freshmen, you return to your cave like the nerd that you are, feeling more exhausted than usual. To your surprise, you also return to two nerds being in said cave. A Shroud brothers ambush is not something that happens too often.
“Hey (Y/N). We decided that your place needs trashing. Also Ortho wants to try out this new game he found but it needs at least three players.”
Sounds about right. The geeks are geeking out as usual, just at your place this time. But you need them to hear about how crazy today was. You open your mouth to say something-
“I tried to convince him to get Azul but you know how stubborn my brother is.”
Ortho cuts you off and you force a nervous chuckle as a response. You agree but you should really get this off your chest-
“Hm? Did you guys hear something~?”
Idia teases and it brings a genuine laugh out of you and Ortho. Then you take a deep breath and release it. Third time’s the charm, right? You try again.
“Listen, you two. You wouldn’t believe what happened today.”
They perk right up at the promise of gossip (specifically, gossip related to you). You jump a bit from the excitement, finally glad you got their attention. Your hands start to gesture while you tell today’s story.
“I found this… cat. His name is Grim? He has the exact same ears and tail that I do! And he can breathe fire too! Except he does it with no regards to his surroundings whatsoever. That’s kinda concerning.”
Idia Shroud
“You saw wittle Gwimmy??? Man, I’m so jealous… I’ve been in need of some cat therapy for a while now…”
By the sound of it, he already knows who he is. You gasp dramatically at this, feeling betrayed at the fact he never told you about him
He tells you to chill and simply excuse that he didn’t think it was that important or anything
Of course, at first he was shocked but then he pondered about the coincidence - concluded that weirder things have happened and can happen
You’re unamused by this but it is very Idia. You suppose if you have a curse where it burns blot in your body nothing can really be seen as weird
Still, he entertains the possibility of you having a non-human distant cousin
If he isn’t already so nerdy, it feels like he’s growing a second brain trying to theorize what your relation to Grim is…
Ortho Shroud
Also already knows who he is. This truly is a Shroud brothers ambush… of betrayal at that
Theatrics aside, you try to pry him for further information and maybe explain how you and Grim may be related
“Sorry (Y/N), I’d love to help but Grim has been avoiding both of us for a while now. Whether that’s intentional or not, I’m not sure, but I sure wish I was with you when you ran into him. I’m sure I could’ve gotten some valuable information from him!”
You have your doubts about that.
While you keep things to yourself, Ortho provides you with Grim’s surface level information - which is basically nothing
So you two vow to get closer to Grim; even with the ulterior motive, it doesn’t hurt to have more friends Idia would beg to differ
Grim-like traits aside, it’ll be eye-opening to him to see if you two are similar in any regard at all - whether it be from your healing presence to your dazzling smile.
The next morning, you walk to your first class of the day: History of Magic. A fairly interesting class regardless of your stance on the subject. Professor Trein goes on and on about something, you write things down in your notebook. Your eyes are on Lucius for half of the class too. Your mind is still stuck on the events of yesterday. You feel like you’d be reminded of Grim any time you lay your eyes on anything feline - including yourself.
At last, class is dismissed. As much as you enjoy the class and genuinely like Professor Trein, you can’t help but feel that classes are dragged out way too much in this college. You pack up your things and you leave around the same time the professor does. So when Grim comes running and tackles you to the hallway floor, he’s there to witness it all.
“Hey twin! Wanna have lunch with us later? You’ll be seating with us cool kids!”
As you try to regain your composure over being literally knocked over and the fact that Grim has already warmed up to you, Professor Trein attempts to comprehend the scene unfolding before him.
Mozus Trein
Yes, of course he needs to scold Grim over misbehaving for the umpteenth time that week, but he’s also in awe of how… similar you and Grim look.
If he’s seen either of you before, whether in vicinity of each other or not, he’s never noticed blame it on the old grandpa eyes
People (and creatures now too, accounting for Grim’s being here) of your traits and abilities are far and few between
As much as he’d like to inquire you two on your ancestries (and their possible connection), he does respect your privacy
He always liked having you in his class but now, he finds himself looking out for you more often, a way to put his energy from his curiosity about you into something else
He’d ask you about your day and jokingly ask how your relationship with your long-lost brother is doing as if he’s not acting like a dad himself
Needless to say, he’s definitely your favorite teacher now.
You accept Grim’s offer for whatever reason and have lunch with the “cool kids”. You feel a little out of place at first, hanging out with people who aren’t the Shrouds, but then you start having lunch with them every other day. Then you start visiting Ramshackle Dorm where Grim is staying and spend time with the others there. At some point, you brought the Shrouds along and they would bring their games.
Suddenly, you know a lot of people. You think to yourself how crazy friendships start. You go from not knowing their name to knowing what they named their pet rock when they were a child. And in Grim’s case, you went from pointing at each other confusingly to pointing at each other for stealing each other’s food.
For the record, he definitely stole your pudding first.
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Hi! I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could request a Yandere!Platonic 1st Years (+Grim) with an Eri!Reader?
How would they feel learning of her abused, trauma, and her unfamiliarity with general society and social norms? (Who’s looking murderous when they see just the scars littered around her arms and legs when her bandages are removed?)
Though it’s a whole different story when she says she sees her power as nothing but a ‘curse’, and her existence a ‘burden’ that only makes others suffer? All because of the man named ‘Overhaul’, the one who did this so her? (Who’s about to go feral when she admits she doesn’t remember how to smile?)
But she starts to become more positive thanks to Grim and slowly the others (She likes Grim and is very sparkly eyed because he talks, breaths fire and thinks he’s amazing)
Imagine when she says she made a friend all on her very own who’s ‘like her’, though they lightly chastise her that she shouldn’t talk with strangers (It’s Malleus, they’re both lonely, have horns she has 1, while Malleus has 2, have an incredible power that’s very dangerous, and they’re unfamiliar/slow with society)
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Eri Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’ve been through so much….so you’ve been told. The pain, the heartbreak, the constant voice in your head that has guilt weighing on your little heart. Your transportation to Twisted Wonderland couldn’t come at a better time. They’re going to welcome you cage you to this new world more than willing to spoil you to your hearts content:
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“Oi oi servant they all think we’re monsters!”
“Yeah! So we gotta show them we’re gonna be the greatest mages in here!”
He’s the perfect chaotic companion
He teaches you to allow yourself to do what you want
Granted his guidance isn’t all knowing
No matter how tasty Heartslabyul’s tarts are you shouldn’t eat them everytime you visit — especially without permission
Either way you’re learning to forgive yourself and allow you to have fun
And leave it to Grim to say whatever snarky thing you’d like to say when your big-brothers get in the way
“Nyeh! You won’t be able to do anything against my flames, nyah!”
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Ace Trappola
“Hey if I catch you moping about that plague doctor guy, I’ll sock ya in the head!”
“I-i-i won’t!”
In a weird way you’re so used to being bullied (by kai) that you tend to take his bully-affection to heart
You know he cares, he just won’t tell you often
He reminds you of a certain blonde…
It also makes you more privy to his very willing desire to steamroll over anyone he deems a problem for you
“I think he meant that as a joke, Ace…”
“Joke schmoke, I warned you, you stain! I’m putting you in the medical wing.”
“Ace, please!” 
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Deuce Spade
“(Y/n), did you eat today? Are you feeling well? Do you need me to carry you!”
Mother hen of the group
He’s hovering close behind even when you don’t see him
Always making sure you’re safe and happy as can be
He’s teeming with anxiety if he’s not watching you himself
Even worse if you get hurt accidentally or on purpose
Now he’s Mama bear totally bearing the claws to protect you
He’s not going to leave you to defend yourself
Especially when your abilities hinge on your mental state
He’s trying his best
“Are you doing the breathing techniques Crewel recommended? Where’s your paper bag?”
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Jack Howl
“Hello little one.”
“Would you…like to sit on my shoulders?”
Your #1 guard dog
Doesn’t have to worry considering Deuce is freaking out for him
He’ll be the sane voice of reason because Ace isn’t anywhere close to reliable in his eyes
Naturally he entrances you with his tail and overall dog-like personality
But don’t forget he’s got the bite force of a wolf that he’s not afraid to use if he deems fit
“Pup, don’t stop yourself from having fun or being…young. I–we will keep you safe.”
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Epel Felmier
“You’re so pretty.”
You’re the only one who can get away with calling him that
And he loves nothing more than escaping Vil to find out what other sweet makes you smile sweetly 
He’s also one of the first to join Ace as part of the self-proclaimed protection committee
He’s also one of the first to suggest taking it further than a mere beatdown
Anything for his new little sibling
“If there’s no body…there’ll be no problems.”
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Sebek Zigvolt
“Uhm…Ace took it from me…said it was unfair.”
Is definitely apart of a brainwash committee of his own and is insistent you become Diasomnia’s new mascot…under Malleus of course
His loudness sometimes scares you off but he means well
And will no doubt join the others if a few heads need to roll
“Rest easy, child. On my watch, no one will harm you.”
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kobb4ni2 · 5 months
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Just imagine. Sea Serpent! Reader who is EXTREMELY HUGE/TALL. Like this is one piece man everyone is tall a$$ fvck bro, but like in Google it says that a sea serpent is 60.96 metres or 200 feet in my research so uh.. IMAGINE Sea Serpent! Reader who just woke up from a hibernation and already started going attention from the World Government, they try their best to recruit you so they sent the admirals but ohhh boy.
Since Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan were the first person you've met after a very long time, you picked them up on their coats like how a mother cat picks up their kittens and how they tried their best to get out of your grasp but when you put them on your hands near your BIG BWEEBIES (I LOVE BEWBIES :3 I'm a fucking lesbo) . They really tried their best not to look on your chest (Kizaru is trying his best.) Akainu being the more professional one he tried his best to follow his orders while Kizaru and Kuzan were just basically using the devil fruits around you.
Kizaru could just be in your palms and in a second next to your shoulders, while Aokiji was secretly using the highest temperature he could do so he can see your reaction (kinda kinky ngl). Akainu is out here trying his best not to melt those two. You really tried your best to listen to Akainu's proposal yet you can't when you're out here squishing each of the Admirals cheeks:3
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Let's say you agreed to be in the marines cuz why not? It's been a long time since you felt the thrill of an adventure! And somehow you were already high ranked because of your brutal strength, plus your fishmen karate you could practically control tides. The world government tried their best to not let your presence be known in public cuz bro. YOU ARE BASICALLY A WALKING HISTORY BOOK FOR HOW OLD YOU ARE.
You were immediately given a high ranks as a Vice Admiral, the world government then gave you a house...or beach?...Body of water? I DUNNO but a big place with water that's your home :3. You only spend most of your days, there only being visited by higher ups and the forced isolation were already yandere tendencies to the Admirals + Platonic Yanderes such as Sengoku and Garp.
Corazon and Coby (Sea Serpant! Reader was found way before) were only exeptions to see you, and they were immediately HEAD OVER HEELS. Corazon could not think straight or THINK whenever you're mention in a conversation, he would just immediately day dream. Size difference? I mean yea the only smallest form you can turn is like 20 feet or something BUT IT CAN WORK IT WILL WORK (take that as you can 😈) Sengoku is Corazon number 1 hype man🔥 While Garp is Koby's hype man lol :3
Now if you were lucky enough to even have some kind of freedom but if some kind of MIRACLE you were placed as a Vice Admiral picking up the Warlords when it comes to a serious meeting it would be an interesting sight, let's just say that they went to the meeting not because they were interested in the shit show of a meeting but they do want to see the 200 feet tall Sea Serpent again...
AND QIQBAIA8 And since you were found long before, let's imagine that you were a Rocks Pirate. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA YET SO SORRY IF MY INFORMATIOM OF THE ROCKS PIRATES SUCKS). You were the eye candy of the Rocks Pirate. Big Mom, Kaido, and Newgate would always be 24/7 ON YOUR SIDE, they will one make you join their family one day !!
After many years they are still doing so, Kaido making you marry one of his calamities. The Tobi Ropo even tried some flirty moves on you, but Yamato. Dear lord. Even with or without his father's consent YAMATO. WILL. MARRY. YOU. END. OF. STORY.
You and King got really close after you tell some brief mentions of the Lunarian race back on your days, and that's what bonded you guys, yet everytime he was near you and you started talking about his race, he can only day dream of you with a traditional Lunarian ring (or any courting object), on your hands with....children around you with brown skin, black wings with fire, some has some long tails that suspectedly looks similar to yours...Wait. IS HE THINKING THAT YOU AND HIM CAN RE POPULATE THE WHOLE LUNARIAN RACE WITH A MIX OF YOURS! END HIM NOW!!
While Yamato is out here telling you that you are his Toki to his Oden, (corny, but its Yamato I forgive him :3) and since he's Oden, he must create a family with you! He would thunder bagua anyone's ass if they tried to even break his dream! No more of that!!
And you know the drill YEAA BIG MOM, RAGGH. Big Mom out here making you marry any of her children especially her Sweet Generals, the best for you ♡
You and Katakuri connect when it comes to your sharp teeths, plus Katakuri never felt so small in someone eyes until he met you, the very first time he layed his head on your cheek or your long tail as you sweetly careless him telling him to let go of his stress, he never felt this way..he felt so well treated, he now just Katakuri, the Katakuri that didn't need to hide his sharp teeth, instead loved from you. He never felt this way of submission...
Cracker and Smoothie too felt the same, their mother is a bad one indeed so when they are on your presence they could just relax and be caresses by you while they lay on your chest ♡ (Cracker isn't looking, he swear he isn't 👀)
Whitebeard is the same as those two but more cunning perhaps (in his own way). Both Kaido and Linlin are evil yes. But Whitebeard might be a pirate but he is far from evil, he is an honorable pirate the clashed with the greatest Pirate of all time, he has that (DAWG IN HIM) sense of respect, his opinion and decisions are always noble ones too, so what ever he says must be true and reasonable...right?
Do you like Marco, his first division a healer who would take absolute care about you, or Ace his second division, you would never get bored with him while he is around! Izo? The Samurai who was a follower of the Great Kozuki Oden! He dances so elegant from his homeland! Choose my dear, he just wants you to be apart of his family so badly!!
I can yap about this all day but I got school yall plus I don't really think any of you will like this idea. Also whoever tries to even have sex with Sea Serpent! Reader, their ass would NOT be walking the next day💀👆🔥
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Hide yall ladies/manz Sea Serpent! Reader is in town😞‼️
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alexa-fika · 2 months
hi! Do you mind writing something with a 3y/o child reader and the white beard pirates? Like specifically everyone is celebrating something, and then child reader slips and gets hurt and starts sobbing really loud and all the pirates are panicking?
Parties and Falls (Whitebeard pirates x male!reader)
A/N here we go! And along with this being a request I also wanted to dedicate it to @henrioo since I saw you were feeling down because of the lack of male readers out there and I wanted to cheer you up, this is not one of my best works but im hoping I can make more pieces so that you and all the male readers out there can enjoy and feel included!
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which means reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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With a Yonko as a captain and one such as infamous as Whitebeard, one who was able to fight on equal ground with the Pirate King Himself, people usually thought of the Whitebeard pirates as a fearsome foe, and although it was true that you would not want them as foe, behind all that lied a close knitted family who all enyoyed one thing, partirs
With a whole bunch of pirates who could drink whole barrels of alcohol, they are the kind of crew that would throw whole week-long parties with everyone involved, and that was the case right now
Dokucha was not the exception. He always had a grand time when all his brothers were brought together on such a happy occasion
He wiggled his way around his brothers to reach the bar where Ace was currently sitting, struggling slightly to climb the top of the stool.
“Ace-nii, can I drink some of that too?” The boy asked, pointing to one of the pints the flame user was currently downing
“Sorry, lighting bug, you can’t have this.”
He pouts, leaning his head on the counter
“But everyone is having it!”
He chuckles
“Sorry, Dokucha, tell you what, how about you ask Thatch to prepare you something? I'm sure he can whip up something delicious for you.”
The boy lights up at that
“Really?!” He beams, the grin on his face quickly returning
“Yes, really, and make sure to thank him. He should be on the kitchen.”
“Okay!” He exclaimed, excited at the promise of a beverage; however, it was in his excitement that he forgot he was on top of a stool; losing his balance, he fell to the ground, the sound of the chair hitting the wood below being drowned by the cries of the child, the crew quickly sobering up at the sound
The entire crew looked down at the small child who was now crying on the ground; some were already rushing to get to him
Izou was the first to reach the small boy, picking him up and giving him a hug, trying to calm him down
He wraps his hands around his brother, their cries still ringing around the Moby Dick
“H-Hey Dokucha, hey, hey, don’t cry, lighting bug, it’s okay. We’re going to take care of you,” Ace reassures him, gently patting the head of the boy
“It hurts!” He cries
“Where does it hurt?” Ace asks as Marco makes his way over to the two
Thatch follows behind, rushing over
He simply points to his hands, small scratches littering them from their fall to the floor
Marco sighs, igniting his flames and holding Dokucha’s hands, healing all the small scratches. However, this did not lessen the cries of the small boy as tears rolled down his cheeks, hiccups escaping him.
“Buttercup, you’re okay. Look, see, your hands are all better now,” Vista says, joining his brothers in trying to calm down their youngest frowning when he shook his head and dug his head deeper into Izou’s shoulder as he continued crying and screaming
Whitebeard, who so far had been watching the whole ordeal play out, stepped in, gesturing at Izou to hand him over, who obliged
Whitebeard smiled gently at the crying boy in his hand
“There, There was that scary?”
He nods
“Y-yeah, and it hurt.”
“Well, you are alright now; look at you; there isn’t a scratch on you now.”
He cries, looking at his hands, and just as he had told him, there were no marks on his hands
“Breath in and out for me, yes, just like that, see you are okay.”
He sniffles, rubbing his eyes dry
“It was really scary.”
“It was scary, huh?” he says with a soft smile
“You feel better now?”
He nods smiling
“Thank you, PaPaw”
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Again it’s not my best works but I really hope you enyoyed and @henrioo I really hope this was able to cheer you up a little, and I will try to write more male!reader from now on!
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It took the better part of a year, but I've finally figured out where to go with Joyride. A lot of people have been asking for this, so I hope it lives up to your expectations.
Joyride (Part 2)
Part 1
Yandere Ace x GN Isekai Reader
4.8k words
Warning! This contains pretty much every Ace related spoiler btw!
When going into a world you already know everything about, you don’t exactly expect to be surprised by anything. Sure, there will be slight changes and alternate interactions now that you’ve been unceremoniously dropped in, but you had been anticipating for the story to follow all the same beats.
Which is why you were really thrown off when Ace didn’t go his separate way when he was supposed to.
Luffy had succeeded in defeating Crocodile and stopping his plan for dictatorship of Alabasta, but Ace was still here. Granted, having Ace around was hardly the worst thing that could happen, but you didn’t understand what was going on with him.
After your downright bizarre interaction during the little joyride he took you on, you’d honestly had every intention of avoiding him going forward. Then he threw a curveball at you by sincerely apologizing later that night. With everything going on right now he just got a little carried away, that’s all, he won’t harass you about it again. Or so he claimed.
You were skeptical initially, but true to his word, he hasn’t brought up you joining the Whitebeard Pirates since. Between that, and him having an unknown advantage over you by being a favorite character of yours, it was easy to find it within yourself to forgive him. You two have been borderline inseparable since, much to the chagrin of your crewmates. 
While Ace hadn’t openly made further attempts to convince you to join his pops’ crew, he’d found a thinly veiled loophole in the form of telling you all kinds of stories about them. You knew this was in and of itself, a method to win you over, but deemed it not worth calling out. Besides, who were you to refuse the opportunity to get some Whitebeard Pirates lore?
There were many late nights filled with quiet conversations about various shenanigans the crew got up to in their free time, of which there were many. An unsurprising fact because of course having that many sibling jam packed onto a ship would turn it into a vessel of chaos. 
If you had a weaker resolve, these stories might have won you over. But no, you need to go home.
Even though you weren’t convinced on switching crews, or even just staying here, there was a different problem arising from all your quality time together.
The longer you spoke and goofed around with him, the deeper and more intricate the conversations became, the more human he became to you. Or course, he’d technically always been a human being, but your mind had always registered him (as well as everyone else here) as a “character” first and foremost. A figure in a fictional story which you just so happened to be in temporarily. 
Now? After spending so much time with him, aftering seeing him make decisions based off his own experiences and preferences rather than being dictated by some omnipotent author, things have changed. He wasn’t Portgas D. Ace, the fan favorite character from One Piece. He was just Ace, your friend.
With this came something you never saw coming. Guilt. An all consuming, agonizing guilt that picked away at you every single second of the day.
You knew what was to come. You knew what was going to happen to him. What were you doing about it? Absolutely nothing. And for what? For the sake of preserving a story that’s already been altered from your mere presence?
What a disgusting excuse of a friend you were.
The internal conflict you were going through hadn’t gone unnoticed, not when it was taking such a high toll on you. Nami was the first to start grilling you on it. Naturally, she immediately started pointing fingers at Ace as being the cause, which while not wrong, she wasn’t correct in the way she believed herself to be either. It was hardly his fault that you had a heavy conscience. 
Sanji had also picked up on your struggles and was very concerned about the bags under your eyes, even offering to make some tea to assist with sleeping. An offer you turned down perhaps more harshly than truly necessary, but being trapped in a deeper sleep sounded awful with the nightmares you’ve been having.
It had been upsetting enough to watch Ace die through a screen, but in your dreams you were right there. It felt so real.
A suffocating heat burned at your skin and seared your lungs with every panicked breath, which only became more frantic as hot blood splattered over your face. Life was rapidly draining from Ace’s eyes as he collapsed into the waiting arms of his now deeply traumatized brother.
Your feet were rooted to the ground, all you could do was stare in horror as he looked up at you with tearful, pleading eyes. “Why?” The word was more so coughed out than spoken, spraying out more blood that he couldn’t afford to lose. An arm extended towards you, the hand locking onto your own. His nails dug into your skin, drawing out blood of your own to mix with his into a revolting cocktail. “You could have stopped this. How could you do this to me?”
The last word was wheezed out and his body went limp as his dead, lifeless eyes stared through you. A soul wrenching scream tore its way out of Luffy’s throat, only to morph into your own as you were mercifully ripped from your slumber.
The screaming damn near gave Ace a heart attack, you’re sure of it. This nightmare had occurred after you and him had become separated from the rest of the group while traversing the desert, and you had found a compact cave for the two of you to pass the night in.
What made it worse was how he reacted. He was so concerned, even fretting over you as you desperately tried to get your breathing under control. The compassion in his eyes had done nothing to comfort you, it only served to further sicken you. Here he was wanting to save you from something as trivial as a nightmare, yet you couldn’t be bothered to speak up on and prevent his upcoming demise.
The guilt was killing you, and the solution was not only clear, but easy. So why couldn’t you bring yourself to just tell him? To plead and beg for him to give up the chase and not throw his life away. Yet your lips remained sealed. 
All of these elements came to a boil and demanded your attention, so you did what seemed to be the easiest thing to do in your situation. Drink it away.
Now that Luffy had awoken from his brief coma after fighting Crocodile, Alubarna Palace was hosting a lavish party in celebration and thanks for what everyone had done. And what high end party would be complete without absurd amounts of alcohol?
It started with one, purely to help ease your nerves. However, when it didn’t, you poured yourself another. And then a few more. Zoro had initially been thrilled to have you as a drinking buddy, but apparently even he had his limits and had cut you off.
“The hell’s gotten into you? You’re drinking like you’re trying to run from demons,” the bottle of expensive liquor had been moved out of reach when you tried to go for it again.
“You have no idea,” you slurred out, head spinning from your evening of poor decision making.
Zoro shot you a questioning look, but didn’t press it, likely knowing full well that getting a coherent conversation out of you right now would be impossible. He heaved out a sigh and stood up, “I’m going to get you some water, stay right there.”
Thoroughly defeated, you slumped back into your chair. After all that, you still couldn’t get your dilemma out of your head. Your “demons” continued gnawing at your soul, and all that your drinking had done about it was ensure that you would have a miserable hangover in the morning.
Your head lulled to the side, and you caught sight of a familiar orange hat. Speak of the devil. While you were in the throws of self inflicted misery, Ace was happily taking advantage of all the food being offered. Good for him. He deserved a nice night. 
As if acting on its own, your body managed to get up onto its feet. You shambled towards him, doing your best not to fall flat on your face with each uncoordinated step. Whatever invisible force that had been helping you to make the walk to Ace failed you at the last second, and you crashed into him from behind.
“Shit! Wha- Oh, it’s just you,” Ace whirled around, visibly agitated, but his features relaxed when he realized who it was. He appeared to be ready to say more but you cut him off.
“I need to talk to you.” 
Ace quirked a brow, “Yeah? What’s up?” 
From the expectant look he was giving you, it’s clear that he’s waiting for you to spill your guts here and now. You shook your head, “No, it’s… It’s a secret. We have to go somewhere else.” Realization flashed across his face and he nodded. Fortunately for you, he led the way. You honestly did not think you’d be able to scout out a place for this discussion. You were finally going to come clean and tell him everything before you could sober up and come to your senses.  
It was going well. At least it was, until he passed out and took you down with him. You both collided onto the floor with a resounding thud, him on top of you. The hall you’d slipped into was empty, meaning there was no one here to help you. 
You groaned as you attempted to move, the fall had hit you harder than it should have thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol in your system. You were also mentally kicking yourself for not seeing this coming. He was eating when you stumbled into him, of course it was only a matter of time before this happened.
Whatever, there isn’t time to be bemoaning a minor inconvenience. You manage to shimmy out from under him and use the wall to get to your feet. Ace is snoring on the floor, not a care in the world. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon. 
Taking a look around, you see a door just a couple steps away. You inch your way over to it and try the knob. It clicks open, and you peer in. Looks like some sort of guest room, and it’s empty. Perfect.
Pushing the door open fully, you turn back to Ace. He’s still asleep, but you don’t want to wait around for him to wake up on his own and run the risk of being seen. You lean down to grab the closest part of him, his right foot, and pull. You’re not sure if he’s actually heavy, or if you’re just too drunk for this, but you tip over while trying to do this and fall flat on your ass.
“Huh?” Ace’s head snapped up and he looked around owlishly. The second his eyes connected with yours, he remembered what he was doing before his narcoleptic tendencies took the wheel. He laughed, a light blush on his face, as he got to his feet, “Sorry about that, you alright?”
“I’m fine, get in here,” you urged him to hurry, which he did. In the time it took you to stand again, Ace had already slipped into the room, closed the door, and flicked on a lamp so you two wouldn’t be talking in complete darkness. You eye the door for a moment, then grab a chair and drag it over to wedge it under the doorknob. Someone walking in on the conversation you were about to have would be something of a worst case scenario.
Ace watched this curiously, “Is everything okay?”
This probably looked weird, but oh well, it’s about to get a lot weirder. You decide to sit on the bed and motion for Ace to join you, which he does. You take one of his hands in both of yours and stare at him intensely, “I need to tell you something. It’s going to sound insane, but you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.”
He repeated his previous question, asking again if everything was okay, but you cut him off, “Promise me, please!”
Your desperation got through to him, “Okay, I promise! What’s going on?”
Here goes nothing. You take a deep breath and take the leap, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard.”
Ace recoiled immediately, and if you hadn’t been holding onto his hand for dear life, he probably would have backed away from you. “What? I can’t do that, why would y-”
“Let me finish!” You snapped at him, only to immediately regret it. You sighed, “Please. There’s more, please let me finish talking first, and then you can talk.”
While he did not look happy about it, he did relax his shoulders and settled back into the bed. You took this as your cue to continue, “You need to stop going after Blackbeard because you will die if you do.” Ace exhaled sharply and rolled his eyes at this, assuming that this was coming from a place of fear and doubt.
“I know this because,” you took in a shuddering breath, steeling yourself for what was to come. “I know this because in the world that I came from… This world is a story.”
Ace stares at you wide eyed and slack jawed. He laughed, but was very clearly uncomfortable, “I, uh, I think you’ve had a little too much to drink tonight. How about I take you back to your room to sleep it off, okay?” 
He tried to stand, but you yanked him back down, “No! I’m not drunk! Well, I mean, I am, but I know what I’m talking about! I can prove it.”
His expression was nothing short of incredulous, but he indulged you, “Yeah, okay, sure. Go ahead, prove it.”
“You’re hunting down Blackbeard because he murdered Thatch so he could steal his devil fruit,” you started light. Ace had told you about Thatch being the one he was avenging, but he’d never mentioned the devil fruit before, likely not deeming it an important enough detail. His brows knit together and his eyes drifted upwards as he racked his brain to remember if maybe he actually had said something about it.
“Before you were with Whitebeard, you were captain of the Spade Pirates. Your first member was Masked Deuce, who you met while being stranded on an island together. It’s where you found your devil fruit and built Striker,” he hadn’t told you anything in regards to his old crew, and his face reflected that. You definitely had his attention now.
“You and Luffy were raised by mountain bandits because Garp couldn’t raise you two himself. It wasn’t just you guys, though, you had another brother named Sabo, but he was killed when he tried to set sail and got shot down,” at this point, you were saying whatever came to mind with no regard to whether or not it was a good idea to say this right now. You couldn’t bring yourself to keep looking him in the eye, so you settled for staring at his hand in yours. It was completely slack.
“Your parents are Portgas D. Rouge and Gol D. R-”
Before you could finish the sentence, Ace’s free hand clamped over your mouth with such ferocity that you almost fell off the bed. Forcing yourself to make eye contact again, you see that his are blown wide and wild. The color has been drained from his face and he looked physically ill from hearing everything you just threw at him.
An extremely tense moment passed with nothing to be heard beyond his labored breathing. Then, he hesitantly let go of your face and with a shaky voice said, “Okay. I’m sorry. I believe you. What… What’s going to happen if I keep pursuing Blackbeard?”
You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat, but it refused to go away, “When you catch up with him, you’ll fight, but lose. Your powers are no match for his, you don’t stand a chance against him. After your loss, he turns you in to the marines. 
“Because of who your father is, they decide to make an example out of you and sentence you to death.”
“That bastard turns me in and I get executed?” He sounds like the wind has just been knocked out of him. Disbelief and bitterness are the two most prevalent emotions in his tone, but many others brew beneath the surface.
“Not exactly,” it’s true that he gets turned in and killed, but it’s nowhere near that simple and straightforward. “Luffy comes to your rescue at Marineford, and so does Whitebeard and a lot of his crew.”
Before you could go more into detail, Ace speaks up, “They… W-Why would they do that?”
“Why would they- You have to ask?!” Your voice raises and you have to remind yourself of just how much character development he has to go through in that arc to finally realize and accept the fact that he’s genuinely loved. “Because you’re family, their family! They care about you and don’t want to see you die!”
Your outburst shocked him, but not as much as seeing you start to cry did. His hand is abandoned and you lurch forward to bring him into a suffocatingly tight hug, “Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” You limply hang off of him as more tears bubble to the surface, greedily taking the chance to escape with every sob as you finally let out everything you’ve been keeping in. Ace makes no move to return your embrace, he just sits there stiff as a board. 
“A-And, at that battle, you’re killed by Admiral Akainu while protecting Luffy. He’s devastated by it, being forced to watch you die hurts him so bad,” you cling onto him tighter upon feeling him flinch from your words. “Whitebeard dies there too.”
“What?! How could anyone kill him? That can’t be right!” You’re wrenched off Ace violently and his stare is almost as unhinged as it was when you said his parents’ names.
“Blackbeard does it,” Ace freezes at this. “That should give you an idea of how strong he is. If he can kill Whitebeard, fighting you is nothing to him. Besides, you of all people would know how hard it is to kill him,” you chuckle but it’s humorless, empty even.
A heavy stretch of silence follows after that. Ace’s eyes don’t leave your face for even a second, desperately searching for anything that would tell him that this is all one big, sick joke. But there’s nothing of the sort. 
Slowly, he releases your shoulders and he shifts away from you to rest his head in his hands. Without his support, you allow yourself to fall back onto the bed. Between all the alcohol and your emotional outburst, you’re exhausted and want nothing more than to sleep. You try to force yourself to stay awake, but it feels like an insurmountable task. 
“Hey, Ace?” There’s no answer, but you continue anyway, “I’m sorry. I know that was a lot. If, um… If you don’t believe me about knowing what’s going to happen, stick around until after we set sail again. Bon Clay- Mr. 2- is going to bring the Going Merry over here so that we don’t have to backtrack. Marines will be all over the place, but he sacrifices himself so that Luffy and his crew can get away. Once they’ve lost the marines, Nico Robin will reveal herself to have been hiding on the ship and joins the crew.”
Ace continues to not react to what’s being said, you’re not even sure he’s listening to you at this point. As much as you want to comfort him, your limbs feel like lead and your head is swimming. The last thing you see is the jolly roger of the Whitebeard’s staring you down as you fade into darkness.
Consciousness comes back to you slowly. Painfully so. Before you can even make out your surroundings, you’re assaulted by the worst headache of your life. The stabbing pain behind your eyes is crippling, all you want is to retreat back to the comfort of sleep, but you know that’s not going to happen.
It doesn’t help that your mouth is so dry that you feel like you’re back in the desert. One hand comes up to gingerly massage your eyes. The action brought more discomfort than relief, but it did clear up your sight a little. 
As your senses ebb back into you, you hone in on the pressure all over your body. It takes considerable effort, but you manage to lift your head enough to take a look. Your nose is less than an inch from bumping into someone else’s. Chopper’s to be exact. He was curled up into your side and using your chest as a pillow. Looking past him, Luffy was sprawled across your lap, belly up. Both of them were still asleep.
You prop yourself up on one arm. Chopper shifts, but doesn’t wake. Off to your side is a bedside table with a glass of water on it. Oh, thank God. Using the arm you aren’t propped up with, you grab it and bring the cup to your lips. The water is divine, an absolute blessing for your dry throat.  
As you enjoy your drink, your eyes glance around to observe the rest of the room. It’s the one you all have been staying in since saving Alabasta. Most of your friends are in their respective beds, except for Chopper and Luffy, obviously. Zoro was also not in his bed, instead being slumped over in a chair next to your own.
Your eyes flicker over to the massive windows of the room, and you spot Ace sitting in the windowsill. From the way he’s positioned, he appears to be awake already. Your gaze narrows as you focus on him. Something tickled at the back of your mind, demanding to be remembered. But what?
“Y-You are so loved, you know that? They l-love you so much! A lot of people do! I do! We all want to see you live and be happy!” 
The water going down your throat is suddenly going out of it when you choke. Memories come back and hit you like a train as you realize what exactly it is you did last night.
Naturally, this wakes up Chopper and Luffy, who are both jolted from their once peaceful sleep by you choking on your drink. Chopper immediately starts to panic, “AH! Don’t die, (Y/N)!”
It was crucial that you speak to Ace again, but it seemed like the world itself was committed to making sure that didn’t happen. Ace slipped out of the room while everyone was fussing over you, and it honestly felt like he was avoiding you now. Everytime you thought you might be able to catch him alone, either he vanishes, or someone else comes out of nowhere to drag you away.
Today was the day you all set sail from Alabasta, and while that did put you in close proximity with Ace, it also put everyone else within earshot of you two. And considering the delicate nature of what you needed to talk about, that was extremely inconvenient. 
The only good thing was that the events following leaving Alabasta played out exactly how they were supposed to. Hopefully that meant that Ace would believe you and give up hunting down Blackbeard, but you won’t be able to confirm that unless you speak with him. 
You were so stressed that you’d barely been able to focus on Robin being here. She “introduced” herself to you as if she hadn’t had an extremely uncomfortable run in with you in an alleyway back in Rainbase, but all you could manage was a half-assed handshake before excusing yourself.
For probably the fifteenth time today, you checked to make sure that Striker was still tied to the Merry. It was, much to your relief. But where was Ace hiding? You haven’t seen him since Robin showed herself.
The stress of trying and failing to corner him was doing nothing to help with your hangover, your head felt like it was about to explode. Did you still have Advil in the bag you got isekai’d here with? Maybe. Pushing off the railing, you march to where your room is while praying that you’re right about the painkillers.
You open the door without much thought, only to stop dead in your tracks when you catch sight of Ace rummaging through your belongings and stuffing them into his backpack. The door opening did briefly make him stop and peer over his shoulder to see who it was, but the second he saw it was you, he went right back to pillaging. 
“Can I help you? Why are you robbing me?” You stomp over to where he’s crouched down and shove his shoulder. 
“I’m not robbing you, I’m packing for you,” Ace mumbled, sounding lost in thought.
“Why would you be packing for me? Actually, you know what? That’s the least of my concerns right now, we need to talk about last night.”
“We’ll talk about it later, not here.” He still hasn’t properly faced you, and you were getting sick of only making eye contact with his tattoo and not him. 
“Where else would we talk about it?!” You hissed.
Seeming content with his work, he stood up and kicked the dresser drawer shut, “On the Striker. Or maybe the Moby Dick, I guess. I’m going back and you’re coming with me.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing, “Excuse me?”
“I’m going back to the Moby Dick, and you’re coming with me.” Ace had finally turned to face you. His eyes were sunken and vaguely bloodshot. 
The sight catches you off guard, “Did you sleep at all last night?”
He shook his head, “No, we’re going to have to stop somewhere else to sleep before going the rest of the way back home.”
“Ace, I’m not going with you. Look, I’m happy that you’re calling off your hunt, relieved honestly, but I’m staying here.” You will ideally be figuring out how to go home sometime soon, there’s no sense in hopping around from crew to crew now.
One of his eyes twitched, and he looked exasperated, “You can’t stay here. You aren’t safe here.”
“What are you-”
“Let me finish,” the words were spoken calmly, but very firm. “I don’t think you understand how serious this is. You apparently know everything about this world and what’s going to happen in it, do you have any idea what will happen to you if word gets out about this?”
“You’re the only person I’ve told, so as long as you keep your mouth shut, I’ll be fine.”
“Until you get drunk again and tell someone else, then what?” His words were just as scathing as his gaze.
Your face flushed in shame, “That won’t happen again.”
“You don’t know that!” Ace snapped at you, then sighed and dragged a hand down his face, “This is for your own good. Nothing good will come from anyone else learning about this. If it ever got back to someone like Big Mom, she would send every single one of her children after you so she could have you on her side. And that’s the nicer option. I’m sure the marines would be more than happy to kill you off so that no one else could have you if they can’t.”
Throughout this entire conversation, his face had remained uncomfortably neutral, but now it cracked. Fondness peaked through the exhaustion as his expression softened ever so slightly. He steps forwards and brings you against him in a crushing embrace. His skin is hot to the touch, effectively chasing away any chill that you may have had.
“You said you wanted to see me live, and I want to see you live, too.” The words are hushed, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him if he hadn’t been speaking right next to your ear.
Reluctantly, he pulls himself away. His face is serious again, “We’re leaving tonight, be ready to go.”
“If you don’t come willingly, I will make you. The only thing that you resisting will accomplish is making this messier than it needs to be. Even if you don’t like this now, you will thank me for it later.”
Ace spins on his heel and heads for the door. All you can do is stand there gawking at him as he leaves. Just before the door closes behind him, he spares a glance over his shoulder to say, “I’ll see you tonight.”
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Determination (Platonic)
As you can tell this is kinda based off of Undertale in the whole. Not a lot but some elements from it that I changed
This isn’t really linear and I’m just jumping from character to characters
Cause screw the timeline
Warning of a lot of child death and spoilers
part 2 part 3 shanks beast pirates
Determination : a Paramecia type devil fruit shaped into a four pointed star. This mysterious devil fruit allows its user to essentially become immortal. When the user dies they “respawn” at a different location randomly. Oddly, when dying via water the effects of the fruit still occur though it takes longer for the user to “respawn” and the user doesn’t age after eating the fruit.
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Determination was something that was sewn into the fabric of the human soul
From the dawn of time humanity fought to survive against nature and itself
This blazing emotion called determination propelled them forwards against all odds
A blazing spark that had pushed them again and again
Through every conflict and tragedy
If is perhaps one of the most important things of the human spirit along with the capacity for compassion
It’s no surprise that determination was a strong thing but even stronger would be the devil fruit you one day ate that you decided to name after that one blazing emotion
It took a long while for you to figure out the ability of the fruit since nothing happened at first all those years ago
You didn’t transform into an animal of any sorts
Nor did you change your body or make something like flames appear
It left you confused…well until you died by accident
In your defence you were a young kid (you still are to be honest) without any spacial awareness
So you didn’t notice the tiger that snuck up on you
There was a small moment of pain and then black
A pure black much like the ocean at night
There’s was confusion and then something appeared in front of you
A glimmering star that glowed softly and appeared out from your chest
Pulsating gently as you stared at it
You touched it and then woke up
Sand beneath between your fingers as you got up confused
It’s there that you saw the ocean stretching out beyond your view and into the horizon
Cerulean blue sparkling with the sunlight
Bits of golden light shimmering around you now fading as you sat up confused
It took a while after that as well to figure out the specifics but you figured out that you died
And that seemingly despite that you were brought back somewhere new, an island across the ocean from what you once knew was home
It’s a lot to take in but with time it settles in on you as you navigate what to do next
You’d always had wanted to explore and sail the seas
What always held you back was the danger of it all
Your parents once warned you of it before their deaths
How you shouldn’t do something so risky that could end up taking your life
But now there was no worry of that
Of leaving them
It was just you on your own in this big world
Now leaving you with that once far off Dream being your only reality
So after that you geared up and set sail
Your ship…er if you could even call it one was Basically a couple of barrels combined together into a small vessel
At least 8 barrels served as the base whilst two were combined together into a hut with a small cut out to make your bed area
There was no wheel or proper sail
You used a umbrella attached to a big stick and turned it manually to control the direction
But you rarely did that
You kinda just let the boat take you to wherever
It was fun that way
Partially because all the friends you’d met were made through this method of letting the waves take you wherever it deemed you go next
How your ship has survived for decades you don’t really know nor care about
All that mattered was that it floated and was a serviceable vessel (many would disagree with that)
Through the years you stayed the same as the world changed
You never aged from when eating the devil fruit and though you become more mature you were still a kid at heart
One filled with determination
Gol.D Roger
Ironically for someone seen as the “pirate king” you’d think that he’d be more mean
But surprise surprise when you pull up on your boat near his own the pirate king himself invites you aboard
Smiling brightly as he offers you a hand and his men tie your boat to his own so it doesn’t float away
Your friendship with Roger was something that you’d consider priceless
He is considerably kind and gentle with you
Almost treating you as if you were his own child
His crew is equally welcoming to you as they all share the thought of how in the world had you survived this long (key point technically you hadn’t lol)
That day in which you had first met him they throw a small party where your their guest
Drinks are shared all round, you even get to sneak in a sip as Roger laughs whole heartedly at a joke
For the first time in a long while you eat and sleep in a real bed on his ship
And the next day he’s sitting you down to have a serious talk with you
Roger may be childish and oblivious but he can tell there’s more to this than meets the eye
He isn’t pushy or threatening like you had expected
Just asking what your situation was
So you tell him
Perhaps it was because you were still naive or because you knew your secret would be safe with him
But something in you told you to trust him and your gut was never wrong
You expect the reaction to be something like asking you how you got it
maybe even jealousy
But what you get in return is sympathy
He thinks of how lonely you must be
Something more akin to a curse despite its benefits
You’d never really saw it that way but his gentle gaze full of forlorn sadness makes you open your eyes a bit
In many ways, yes, never dying was a curse of loneliness
You’d outlive everyone
But in your eyes that time spent and having the opportunity in meeting them i the first place made up for that
Forever sharing their stories and carrying their memory kept you from being alone
He smiles
While you never officially joined his crew you ended up traveling with them for months on end
Becoming apart of their family as the crew took turns letting you sit on their shoulders
Your favourite thing to do though was stealing Rogers coat and hat
Parading around like him as everyone else held in chuckles as you fake ordered them around
It became something of a tradition as Roger would randomly announce to the crew their real captain was here as you walked out
He became a lot like an older brother with fatherly qualities
Fun and caring
Despite knowing you couldn’t really die he always remains careful around you
Especially when their fighting marines
He doesn’t want you targeted for affiliation so he does his damn best in hiding you away during fights
Hell, he even once punched someone across a bar for trying to pick on you
Like when you trusted him with knowledge of your immortality he trusts you with knowledge of Rouge and his unborn son shortly before his death
Perhaps in some ways he knew his death was soon but he entrusts you with something only his most trustworthy allies are allowed to know
You aren’t there when he died but you know for sure he did so with a smile
Clutching one of his coats to your chest you cry with a soft smile as his son is born
Rouge let’s you hold the young baby she named Ace
A fitting name for someone who you knew was bound to be an Ace in the deck of cards that was the world
Monkey D. Garp
You meet Garp cause of Roger
Shocking right (note the sarcasm)
Particularly because Roger entrusted you to show Garp where Rouge was hiding out
It is…tense at first to say the least especially since you knew Roger was likely being walked to his execution
The one person you grew to trust more than yourself
But as usual, with time you both began to talk
He asks if your apart of Rogers crew and you answer truthfully
Your not but they had accepted you as their own
Taken in a small child afloat on the ocean without any hesitation
They all respected that your a free spirit that couldn’t be tethered to one place forever and accepted that
Garp had already respected Roger but it grew as you talked of the pirate king
This the talk time goes away though when Rouge begins to give birth
Your left panicked and doing your best to comfort her as best you could
Your still a kid, there isn’t much you can do but your trying for her sake
For the sake of her unborn child
For Roger
Despite how tears stung your eyes from how hard she held your small hand
You held them back and focused on her
And it’s through that Garp sees how you are indeed not a pirate
Your just a child, one who was alone in this world clinging to a piece of driftwood
Floating from place to place and helping others despite the fact you needed it as well
When Ace is born and Rouge passes away your left to cry as you comfort the young baby boy
The marine carefully takes Ace from your arms and lets you mourn
Not only for a woman who showed you nothing but kindness but also for Roger
And for Ace having to grow up without either parents, for being doomed to a fate of death if anyone else found out of his linage
You end up going with him since you can’t yet peel yourself away from Ace
It feels too soon and you need more time for a proper goodbye
He’s fine with this though
Dare you even say he encouraged you to come with him
Despite your…lacklustre experience with marine’s you find Garp to be nice company
It’s Odd but he acts almost fatherly?
There’s a hidden longing in his eyes of wanting familiar connection
Something that you can relate to after the loss of your mom and dad
A craving for a connection you once thought lost
Eventually though you know it’s your time to leave
With a last goodbye to Ace in the form of a kiss to the forehead and a small handmade charm you set off
Garp is already waiting there though with your boat and a box of supplies
And Garp tells you that you’d make a good marine
You laugh
Never in a million years
And despite knowing your answer he isn’t angry, he smiles and waves as you begin to sail away on your dinky “boat”
He probably should’ve at least bought you a real boat
Maybe next time he muses
Next time
The cycle begins again
Doflamingo and Rosinante Donquixote
After a long while of traveling you ended up at Dressrosa for a pit stop
But decided to stay a bit longer than you anticipated when you met two boys your age
Both were battered and bruised Beyond recognition
Blond hair muddied with clumps of blood and mud
The two brothers were apprehensive at first but eased up when you offered them the pie you bought yourself
Apparently the entire island HATED them with a passion
Something because of them being celestial dragons which you didn’t care about nor understand why that would lead to how others treated them
It’s messed up to you that their practically beaten for something they can’t control
So you stand up for them
Taking the hits for the two brothers as people focus their anger on you apparently betraying them or something
You don’t care
Not like you can die anyways but the two blonds don’t exactly like seeing their only friend beat up because of them
But that doesn’t stop you since you were their friend
And friends help friends
Nor would you stand for such an injustice in your eyes
Rosinante enjoys playing games with you
Out of the two he is more immature in the sense he’s more like a regular kid
He is compassionate and kind despite the circumstances
One who would tend to your wounds as his brother stewed in frightening anger
It scared him…how his brother had some sort of darkness in him that grew
Your the only person he confides this to
And you can’t help but also be worried for his bother but also himself
How this could affect him when considering that he brother was one of the only people dear to him
But that was a worry for later
In the moment you focus on keeping him happy and distracted from the cruelties directed towards him
You’d buy sweet treats, toys and a scavenge bits of pretty shells as gifts
Letting the two keep the small signs of your friendship as a way to at least brighten their days
At some point you had even picked up on his like for heart themed stuff and incorporated that into the stuff you wave gave him
Safe to say he might’ve cried some tears of happiness
Sometimes you worry for him out of the two
Doffy knows that fighting is sometimes the answer but Rosinante doesn’t
Along with the fact he trips over thin air
You don’t know how many times you’d bandaged him up
But everyone has their quirks you suppose
And you wouldn’t change them for the world
Doflamingo on the other hand is very much the opposite of his brother
He doesn’t exactly play, he more so soaks up the knowledge you spill of your travels
Stuff of how the world worked
The politics of some of the islands you’d visited
He’s innately interested to a degree you hadn’t exactly expected
But in some sense you appreciated it
Everyone just lumping it under the ramblings of a child
But Doffy doesn’t
Speaking of which your the only one permitted to call him that lest they get a swift kick to the ass
It’s an honour you hold in high regard
Especially since he even gives you a nickname of your own
It’s cause apparently your like their own personal knight, something fitting cause he one day swore to rise up back to their proper birth right
Before their parents abandoned it
He’s strong and knows it but still insists that your their protector of sorts
You don’t really argue with him about it anymore
In fact you kinda lean into the name
Making a makeshift sword out of a stick and waving it around in mock sword fights
It brings back fond memories of your old friends that have probably long forgotten you
Except for the fact you had to save Rosinante from almost poking his eye out
Nothing however as usual can last forever
You don’t know what had led up to this point but eventually everyone had enough of them
And also you protecting them
Some men dragged you into a town square of sorts one night
Their yelling obscenities at you that you don’t flinch at
Even as they tie you in ropes that bite at your skin and walk you towards a chopping block
The crowd holds you down on the block as flames illuminate your face
You can only watch in pity as the Donquixote’s are forced down to watch as the blade rises above your head
Your only shred tears for your two friends having to watch your death
A smile finds its way on your face
Tears lining your eyes as they cascade down your cheeks, shining due to the warm light of torches
There was cheering from the crowd
Screaming from Doffy
Crying from Rosantine
And the air splitting as the blade came down
And then darkness before a familiar gold shining light appears before you once more
The cycle begins again
What you don’t know is that both boys notice your kicked away body dissipate into golden stardust that travels up into the sky before their both blindfolded and strung up
Whitebeard pirates
During your time with Roger he had several encounters with Whitebeard but your first real encounter happens when you end up at an island in their territory
You once again died and ended up there and almost immediately ran into the well known member of the group Marco
Now in his perspective you were a random child who stumbled out an alleyway with scrapes and bruises
How was he not supposed to be worried?
His mind goes immediately to possible conclusions even as you argue with him that your fine
To please not take you to a medic
In reality you really wanted to avoid Whitebeard in case of unearthing memories of Roger
But you don’t have much of a choice when this blue bird boy is dragging your ass back to the ship to be properly healed
You don’t go down without a fight though…doesn’t do much but it sure does look like a rabid animal attacked him so it’s something
But your brought to the ship, the good old Moby dick which looks even bigger up close and personal
And there sitting down with tubes attached to him is Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Otherwise known as Roger’s kinda rival/friend?…it was complicated, too complicated for you to understand at least
Everyone aboard welcomes you with a smile even as you keep punching the (in your words) “oversized chicken with a pineapple for a head”‘S back in vain
Safe to assume the crew grows to like you as your kinda just adopted on board
Their docked at the island for awhile so they haven’t just taken off with you being dragged along
Though from what you heard of their track record you wouldn’t have been surprised
Marco is the one who interacts with you the most at first mostly cause his devil fruit helped with injures
Despite your petty aggression you do have to admit he is nice company
He’s rather levelheaded and exceedingly caring
It’s why he (literally) dragged you here in the first place
Cause he couldn’t just leaven an injured kid on their own
You get the sense that due to his fruit he’s older than he seems, it makes sense with the whole Phoenix thing
So you often pose questions of immortality to him to see if he had differing views to you
Surprisingly he didn’t
He also carried the mindset of it being worth it due to all the experiences you couldn’t have in a lifetime
It’s nice in a weird way
Just knowing you weren’t alone in having to watch the world change as you stay the same
You don’t say this aloud of course but he seems happy in discussing the “possibility’s” with you
He takes to looking after you even after your better and interacting with others on the ship
A sense of responsibility for the fact he brought you aboard in the first place
Along with a possible hint of Kinship and a mother hen instinct (Thatch got smacked on the head for that)
Occasionally he likes to change fully or half shift into his Phoenix form to fly around
It’s a pretty sight
Even more so when he offers to taking you flying as well
Feeling the wind swish past as you soar through the air isn’t something you’d ever experienced before
It is ingrained in your mind that sense of adrenaline and rush of a mixture of fear and excitement
Its single-handedly an experience you’d likely never forget
And everyone seems to know it as he places you gently back down on the deck, shaky legs paired with a bright smile and wide eyes
Sometimes you wonder if he has bird instincts but he doesn’t answer the question (the crew says yes he does)
Thatch is extremely friendly and because of that (and the food) you end up hanging with him in the kitchen quite a bit
Food had always kinda been an afterthought to you and you’d forgotten what having good food was actually like
But with Thatch he changes that quickly
The food he makes brings back nostalgia of old
The home cooked meals in your mouth after a long day, sitting yourself down at the table as she placed a hot plate in front of you
The scent and steam still rising off of it
He has her smile, bright and gentle
The first time you ate one of his meals and he gave you that look you cried
Which caused an angry Marco to try and yell at him for doing something before you stopped him
While you stay on the ship you unofficially become his little helper
Bringing others their meals and prepping up the buffet when they had a party (which was seemingly every other day of the week)
you tease him about his hair and it then becomes a running joke between you two
The others catch on and they all laugh when you call his pompadour something to piss him off
And then he proceeds to whine about it
He won’t admit it but he sneaks food to Stefan
He of course denies this but you catch him late one night and now use that as blackmail to let you lick the spoon used for the batter for pancakes
Sometimes he styles your hair
The crew laughed their asses off when he made it look like a pompadour
While on your stay at the ship he makes sure to memorize your favourite foods
Especially when he catches glimpses of you being especially sad
Speaking of sad
You almost cry when seeing the familiar freckled face of Ace again
Body freezing over and going stiff as the cowboy hat wearing son of tiger gives you a jolly smile
In a lot of ways he’s not like Roger
But in other ways their more alike than you’d ever expected
It’s hard being around him
Especially since all you want to do is cry and hug him
To explain that Rouge and Roger loved him more than you could put into words
That you missed him but your glad to see he found a place where he’s accepted
But you can’t
You know you can’t when your permanently stuck as a child
Never aging even as the world kept changing
Plus you don’t know how he’d react to it. You’d probably sound crazy
So you keep all of it to yourself
But to everyone else it’s obvious that something is going on with you
Sure, they hadn’t known you very long but their all good at reading people
Around Ace everyone notices that there’s a obvious shift in your behaviour
You become reclusive, a look of distant sadness lingering as you avoid him
It doesn’t help that he wants to get to the bottom as to why your seemingly afraid of him
You occasionally hide in random closets when you hear him nearby
Thatch and Marco can’t get a word out of you as to why you act this way around him
But eventually you begin to let up a bit
Being able to have a proper conversation with the freckled male as he has to hold himself back out of excitement
It’s still hard but you push through it
Especially when seeing him smile as wide as he did when you looked after him
He still has the charm you gave him
It’s a little worse for wear but it’s there
As is your matching one that you hide from the crew in your pocket
He likes to show off his powers to you
Watching as your eyes stare at the swirling flames that dance on his arms
What he likes more though is when you question him about his tattoo and brothers
Apparently he has two sworn brothers
One who had sadly passed named Sabo and the other who was still alive named Luffy
His voice is tinged with a certain fondness as he talks about them that you can relate to
In a moment of weakness you ask him about the charm that hangs off his white and red stripped bracket and he smiles
He talks about how someone looked after him when he was younger according to his gramps
They had to leave, but was still out there
They had a matching one to his own
And one day he hoped to find them
You have to turn away and hide your eyes for a moment
With a smile you wish him luck and he replies back that he doesn’t need it
He’d find them
He was right and didn’t even know it
From then on he approaches you regularly while your on the Moby dick
Taking you on mini adventures and letting you sit on his shoulders with your hat covering your head
The crew laughs with glee
He jokingly tells you that your already apart of their crew but you know there’s truth to the words
He’s always a bit crestfallen at your answer, but even with that he retains hope you’d join
First time he passed out you nearly died again and began crying until Marco comforted you
Not your proudest moment but he seemed particularly touched that you were so emotional about his well-being
Kinda like with Ace your initially on edge around Whitebeard
Sure, he’s welcoming you with a smile and is generally warm but seeing him brings up Roger again
You remember the times you’d sometimes peak out to watch them battle with Shanks and Buggy
Honestly your very relived he didn’t recognize you
Nor the coat that you drape over your shoulders
Even moreso cause you can tell he knows something is up with you
Like Ace it takes a lot of time for you to begin to get close to him
But like Ace once again this man is stubborn shit who is patient enough to be able to crash down your barriers but by bit with time
It starts off as him inquiring of your home, your family and if their waiting for you
You respond that your birth family is long gone but you prefer to travel anyways. Finding new friends along the way
The answer worries him but he makes no mention of it
The questions then progress to you asking about some of his experiences
What it was like being rival to the greatest pirate in the world
He laughs at that, mumbling about how Roger was a stubborn pain in the ass
But one whom he considered a friend
Someone he missed
You ask him how he deals with grief, with losing someone close to you but being reminded of them
He says that it’s hard but with that comes a sort of melancholy happiness
That there are still traces of them in the world, even if it’s through simple actions
Like a gentle reminder of their importance and affect on his life
You’d never thought of it that way..but you think it’s nice
It helps you ease into spending time with Ace and him some more
Both of them are happy about it
At some point he begins asking if you’d like a place here
A home on their ship and crew
You smile and tell him that the sea itself is your home, but you know that this place and it’s people are family
But you also have family elsewhere as well
He accepts that but he does seem saddened and worried
In general a lot of what you do makes him worried
Specifically the disregard of your life and safety
To be fair to him though he doesn’t know your basically immortal
Well until…the attack
Everything was fine, a party was happening and Thatch had brought back a devil fruit
Drinks were shared all around as was the food
Thatch was pretty drunk and you decided to bring the fruit he found back to the pantry to be locked up for now
You didn’t see the person follow you
It’s a bit of a blur but all you removed was burning pain as you heard a chilling laugh
And then there was the screams of voices familiar
Through blurred vision you stare up at a crying Ace as he yells for Marco
He goes to run and get him but you grab him with bloodied hands
Shakily you reach into your pocket pulling out the charm as his eyes widen
You smile through the pain as tears swell in your eyes
“You found me”
Whitebeard holds you gently as you hear Ace sob
You fade away cradled in the large warm hands of Whitebeard
The charm matching Ace’s in your hand
They all watch as you crumble away into golden star dust that scatters off into the wind
It is then that the captain of the ship is reminded of what Roger once said
“There’s one star out there that never dies, their just in a different place in the sky. You just have to find it again”
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again”
The cycle begins once again
You come by him as a complete accident
Just finding yourself adrift at sea once more when a boat quickly pulls up
And before you know it your met face to face with your old friend
Almost immediately your dragged aboard by him as his crew watches on confused as to why he’s acting all nice?
He looks he’s about to cry
Hint: he is
Immediately your whisked to his private quarters and you quickly get a large hug from the blue haired man
And he is absolutely SOBBING
The poor bud can barely make cohesive sentences as you pat his back
After a few minutes he places you down
And then he realized you hadn’t aged a day from when he was a kid
So it’s safe to say you have to explain yourself to him
He’s amazed while simultaneously horrified
Especially since you brush off your own deaths as an afterthought
But then that goes away when he asks if Shanks knows
And you reply that he doesn’t
He begins to laugh his ass off, talking about bragging rights which leaves you confused
Sure, you knew him and the red haired boy had kinda a rivalry but you weren’t sure why he wanted bragging rights
So he then explained what happened after Roger died and you disappeared
Apparently after Roger’s death the two began to drift apart
Petty Arguments growing bigger and bigger before they whet their separate ways
You can’t say your surprised but it’s sure sad in your eyes
That his death caused them to go their separate ways
The dynamic duo you’d come to befriend and see as bigger brothers now separated
But even with that your happy to see that Buggy is still his normal self
Sure, he’s brash and at times arrogant. But you wouldn’t change him
He was Buggy, unabashedly himself
You stay on his ship for awhile and in that time get to know his crew
Their all still kinda confused how their captain knows you but brush it off
Just accepting it as it is
You end up napping with Richie a lot despite that fact many of your deaths was via animal mauling
The lion enjoys your company, especially as you brush his lavender mane and braid it
After seeing that the captain may or may not have asked you to braid his hair as well
You oblige
During your stay Buggy lingers by you a lot
Perhaps a bit scared to let you go
The crew won’t mention it aloud but somehow your presence makes him more agreeable
Also less…aggressive
They reallly hope they’ll be seeing you around more often
Some might have partially cried when you left due to that
The other half is cause they got attached
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inuiiwonderland · 2 months
Hewwo :3 sooo I was wondering if you wouldn't mind writing hcs for the characters' reaction to reader(MC) being a 10-12 year old girl?? Like a slightly bratty, but endearing and energetic type. Think preppy Sephora girl💀 that would be super great, don't push urself tho💚
Twst characters with a 12 y/o Mc!
A/n: Hellooo! So sorry for the wait but here it is! You didn’t tell me which characters so I hope you don’t mind about the ones that I picked!🤍
Characters: Vil, Ace, And riddle!
Platonic! Twst x fem!reader
Vil Schoenheit
“Aren’t you too young to be wearing that?” “And aren’t you too old to be wearing that ton of makeup?”
Yeah vil didn’t like the slight attitude you had when you two first met.
But after getting to know you better during the VDC and after his overblot, you two became good buddies.
He treats you like a little sibling so just know that he will check up on you every now and then. (Especially if you’re out with the first year gang, he doesn’t want you to get in trouble or worse, hurt)
Will scold you from time to time when you act slightly bratty to him or anyone else. He can’t have you acting like that to anyone and will make sure you are respectful.(If it’s neige though…he might encourage you from the sidelines…)
Definitely will take you out to buy some clothes. Seriously headmage, how can you have a young child running around with used up/torn clothes? The media will for sure have a field day with this if they were to find out.
Shows you how to do make up. BUT, he still thinks you’re too young to be wearing it so he will only do it when he wants to experiment or when you want to take pictures together. (Which will only be light makeup)
Has rook look after you when he’s too busy to do it himself. You are a magic less girl from an unknown world so of course he’s going to be scared for your safety.
Makes sure you are stocked up with sanitary products. Big brother vil will make sure you are doing alright and have everything you need.
Girls night after a long day or exam week!
Tries not to post you too much on his magicam. He either posts you on close friends OR has a secret magicam account that only his close friends + you know about. He can’t have you being bothered by paparazzi or crazy obsessive fans.
Ace trappola
“Whose annoying little sister is this?” “Whose dumb son is this?”
Yeah…you and ace did not get along at first.
The two of you cannot go a second without arguing with one another about random stuff.
But after some time. The two of you get close and tada! You now have an annoying protective older brother ready to fight anyone who dares to insult/hurt you!
You two are a NIGHTMARE when you guys are together.
You guys will tease and make fun of people when the two of you are together.
Poor deuce is a victim because of all the pranks you and ace pulled on him.
You guys both got collared by riddle this one time because the two of you decided it was going to be a good idea to switch riddles shampoo with pink hair dye.
He’s the type to literally burp or fart on you when you’re trying to do homework or just scrolling through twisttok.
Like it’s not even funny but HE thinks it’s the most hilarious thing in all of twisted wonderland.
And you think it’s the most annoying and disgusting thing ever.
Shares his snacks with you but starts complaining the moment the others asks for some.
He always makes sure you are safe when you guys are facing another overblot.
Invites you to his games and always brags about how awesome and cool he is. (Typical older brother behavior)
Will steal your snacks when you are not looking. Hey! He shares his food with you so it’s only fair you do the same.
Movies Nights with the first year gang is a must! Will literally laugh and record you as you scream and jump at every jump scare the movie has. (You always smack or throw a pillow at him. Demanding for him to delete it)
You force him to wear face masks and have a girls night with you. Will complain and whine but stills does it anyway to make you happy.
Riddle Roseheart
“Excuse me but that was very rude of you” “Eh? Why is a child trying to scold me”
Instant collar
Riddle will not tolerate such behavior and disrespect. Especially from a child!
Will take some time for him to warm up to you.
The constant rule breaking and the talk back was enough to turn him red and collar you every chance he gets.
But once he starts warming up to you, he stops and starts to treat you like a little sister.
You also stop with the rule breaking and the talk back. (Welll you stopped talking back and you TRY not to break as many rules)
Will help you study for any upcoming test or exams.
He can’t have you failing and having poor grades. So you better thank him for the good grades you currently have.
Invites you to unbirthday parties.
You for some reason love painting the roses red. So when you’re over at heartsalbyul, you help with painting the roses.
You wanted to make riddle happy so you spent a whole month learning the 810 rules of the Queen of hearts to make him happy.
And boy was he happy
Literally almost shed tears of happiness
Ace should learn a thing or two from you
Buys you cute tea cup sets! And also tried baking a tart for you with the help of Trey. (It turned out alright!)
Also protective of you
Gets mad when Crowley has you running around doing errands for him which he can clearly do HIMSELF.
You give him a heart attack every time you are out with the first year gang. He has both ace and deuce promise him nothing bad will happen to you when you are out with them. Or else it will be an instant collar.
Let’s you play and help him take care of the hedgehogs
A/n: This was so fun to write! Sorry if some are ooc🥲
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duchess-kyuupid · 1 year
So I had an idea, what if reader was the magicless student and didn't feel like going home because they knew they were dead in their old world?
So one day a friend asks, "What do you think you'd do if you got back home?"
And reader just replies nonchalantly with a straight face with, "Probably lie in a coffin six feet under."
The friend thinks they are joking but little do they know...
Could it be with Ace and whoever else you'd think best fit the scenario? Thanks! <3
Hello anon! Sorry this literally took forever (-ω-、) At first I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together and who to do lmao I think I ended up doing pretty good, if I do say so myself (maybe a little bit overboard as it went on, though? Like the request looks like it's supposed to at least be a little bit funny but my brain says 'haha sad reader go brrr') Either way, I hope that you enjoy, darling <333
~ "I'm probably never going back." With Ace, Kalim, and Grim ~
[Angst to fluff, Platonic Grim, Gn! reader]
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"So," Ace started, munching on his sandwich, "What d'ya go to the Headmaster for this time? You get stuck with another random job again?" he asks with a sinister innocent smile on his face as he eyes your own lunch.
"Actually, we were discussing the prospects of me going home," you stated nonchalantly, casually sliding your plate of food closer to yourself, knowing full well that Ace really only started this conversation to get you distracted so that he could get at your cherry pie (which the chefs had made specifically for you, as a thanks for helping keep the fireplaces warm over winter break).
Now, while you had certainly noticed that Ace was after your food (you were used to it already, after dealing with Grim after all of this time), you had failed to notice the way that Ace's smile fell off of his face for the faintest moment after he heard the words 'home' leaving your mouth, but he was quick to regain his notorious smile before you could see his disappointment. And in an act to tease you a bit (and to rid himself of the unknown feelings bubbling in the pit of his stomach), he brazenly chuckles and states without thinking,
"Ha, I bet that old man probably told you to give it up. Like, what would you even do if you got back home?" Without a second beat you tell him with a straight face,
"I'd probably just be six-feet under."
"Right?" Ace agrees with a hearty chuckle. And he sees that you still for a second, lowering your head and taking a deep breath for a moment. In that quick moment of you losing concentration, Ace swipes the last remaining bite of your cherry pie with a cheeky smirk.
"So that's why I'm probably never going back," you clear your throat and look at Ace with a sad smile, tears brimming your eyes. And suddenly, Ace feels really, really guilty. He was just trying to lighten the mood by joking with you...about going home...
Ugh, how could he have messed this up, worse? It's impossible, I tell you! Ace knows that you've just been suddenly thrust into a world that you know nothing about, forced to attend a school where you barely even meet the minimum for the curriculum, and, to make matters even better for you, you're basically forced into doing whatever that Headmaster of the school tells you to, simply because he was just kind enough to let you stay at the school since you hadn't even a penny to your name nor your nonexistent family in this world.
Not only that, but you're also the prefect of this new dorm without any magic at all, and you're supposed to keep an eye on this random cat that nearly ruined the Orientation ceremony. And! You've also got to handle both him and Deuce, also known as the chaos duo to everyone who knows them. And he just stole the last piece of your cherry pie, which was honestly something that you more than deserve after all the shit that you've gone through. We all know that you weren't crying because of him stealing your pie, but this fact really was just the cherry on top of his sundae of regret.
So yeah, just label him as Dumbass #1 in your book, if he isn't already.
And he's not sure why he was surprised to see those tears in your eyes, but he was, and he's ashamed at the fact that he's never noticed how you've felt before. So in a frantic motion to fix things, Ace stands up quickly, saying a quick excuse to you about accidentally leaving something in his last class or something, and excusing himself from the lunch table before you could even react.
You honestly didn't know where he went after he left you at lunch, because he wasn't in any of his classes for the remainder of the day. It was only after classes, as you were walking back to Ramshackle with Grim, that you saw him next. He was standing in front of your front door with a nervous look on his face, but he was dressed quite nicely. Not quite formal attire, but it looked like he was expecting to go somewhere, at the very least. Once he saw you approaching, his face brightened for a moment, with a slight blush cropping up on his cheeks as you ask him what he's been doing all day.
"Well," he starts with a chuckle and his infamous smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I got permission from the Headmaster for us to leave campus for a while, so why don't we go check out some stores at the village nearby? I thought that maybe I'd show you around, since you'd probably beg me to keep you from getting lost anyway... Oh, and don't worry about paying for anything, I have it allll covered." He says that last part with extra emphasis and a more confident smile than before, hoping that that would be the ticket to getting you to agree. Little did he know, you were going to agree even if he wasn't going to buy you anything. And little did you know that one of the biggest reasons why he's decided to do all of this can be explained through one simple sentence: 'I want you to start liking this world more than your own.'
In truth, he'd struck a deal with Azul again in exchange for enough cash to buy whatever you wanted from any store (he's got a lot of work cut out for him in the upcoming future), but shh, you didn't need to know that. It would be all worth it if it means that you can get a chance at starting a normal life here...
And perhaps, maybe one day you might want to start living your new life with him by your side.
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Oh, Kalim. This epitome of sunshine was sharing everything about his family, his childhood, and his homeland to you with so much enthusiasm that you felt yourself feeling the twang of homesickness starting to erupt in your heart. But of course, this always happens with Kalim, doesn't it? First, he hurt the one who he's always adored as a brother- Jamil, and now, he's hurting you too, all without realizing it. You could never blame him for it, though. His genuine happiness and warmth was something that you looked forward to every day, and most of the time just being around him felt like you were basking in the sun on a cold day.
But, sometimes the warmth that he radiates so fervently starts to feel like too much, as if you were being scorched alive under the unbearable heat of the sun.
"So," Kalim says, taking a moment to catch his breath, "I think that's all of my brothers and sisters, plus all of my extended family too! We're a big family, so I know it's a lot, haha! Say, what's your family like?" he innocently asks with bright, expectant eyes.
And you know that he doesn't mean to do this to you, but you can't deny that right now you felt like his beautiful red eyes were burning themselves into your soul like a branding iron. You don't want to make it sound like you blame him for your predicament or his enthusiasm about his family, so you give him the best smile you can muster and divert the subject to the best of your ability.
"Well, they're really not as important as yours is. Can you tell me more about how the Asim family started out? Your family must have a lot of really interesting history."
"Oh, sure!" Kalim nods happily to your request, forgetting his own question shortly after as he continues in his own rant about his gigantic family and some of the more interesting parts of its history.
At this point, Jamil really couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He's been quietly watching and listening in on your conversation with Kalim from his seat in the corner of the room, where he was supposed to be 'studying'. Jamil sees that Kalim's doing the same thing to you as what happened to him, and decides to step into your conversation. 'Might as well go ahead and rip the band-aid off before it gets to the point of no return,' Jamil thinks.
"Hey," he begins, cutting Kalim off mid-sentence, "Do you have any sort of plans for when you get to go home? If you can go home?"
And Kalim looks at you with a surprised look on his face at Jamil's question for you because of course you'd want to stay here in Twisted Wonderland with him and everyone else! He'd never thought of the idea that you'd ever want to go back home to your original world, Kalim felt like it was just a given that you'd want to stay even if you had the choice to leave. But now that he thinks about it a little more, he doesn't understand where he even got that idea from to begin with. After all, as someone who cares for his family and his homeland a great deal, he can kindof understand how you might feel after being torn away from all of that without any way of returning.
"Haha, well," you chuckle heartlessly, "I'm probably never going back anyway. I think if I went back home now I'd just be six-feet under or something." Your attempt to lighten the mood with your 'joke' fails when you hear the sound of your own voice saying it. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim that, no, your voice wasn't shaky, and that yes, you were completely fine with never seeing your family ever again. Jamil makes a comment that he was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen, leaving you in a moment of silence with Kalim following your rather dark 'joke.'
"Well, what's the harm in trying anyway?" Kalim asks softly, "You never know unless you try! Plus, even if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you've given it your all, right?"
"That's the FUCKING problem," you snap, "I've BEEN trying to go back home, and nothing's ever working! And there's no way in hell I'm just going to give up and go ~'Well at least I tried'~ when it's my goddamn LIFE on the line here!"
Oh no, you didn't mean to start yelling at Kalim like that... But after hearing his flippant "at least you've given you're all" comment, all of the pent-up emotions just felt like they were going to explode if they were kept inside any longer. You feel bad for suddenly yelling at him, but at the same time, it felt like the water gates have finally opened, and before you knew it, more kept spilling from your mouth.
"I had a normal life back in my world, you know! I had people who cared for me, I had plans for the future that I painstakingly paved the road for for my entire fucking life. Everything that I've done in my life up to this point, it's all become utterly useless now that I've come here," you wailed, tears escaping your eyes as you spoke without constraint, "Can you imagine how it feels to have everything stolen away from you, Kalim? All of the people that I've created my childhood memories with, they're all gone! My scholarships, my college applications, my work experience- nonexistent! Hell, if you want to get into the legalities of it, I technically have never gone to school in my life before attending NRC because I never existed in this world before then." You take a breath to help calm yourself down, but after still feeling the flames of rage bubbling in your lungs, you continue to vent out your feelings.
"Do you know how it feels, Kalim, to have no idea whether the people you love know if you're dead or alive? To have to think about how they would react to my 'death' when I'm still kicking and screaming inside another world?! To have to think about everything that you've been forced to leave behind all of a sudden?" You're basically screaming out your frustrations to the sky now, as you couldn't bear to stare at Kalim as you cried out your miseries, "To have to think about the life you could be leading right now if you weren't dragged to some random world with no knowledge about it's countries, it's history, or even it's most fundamental principles like magic?"
Kalim's staring at you intensely, taking every single word you speak into account. Even as you got to the point where you couldn't speak clearly anymore, when you pushed yourself to where all you could do was sob, snivel, and blubber out your words of woe, Kalim sat there listening to you the whole way through.
At some point during your crying, Kalim pulled you gently into his arms in a tight embrace as he let you continue to let your feelings out. He was going to wait until it was all out before he even tried to say anything (reason one being, because it would be rather rude to interrupt you, and two is because he's been rather notorious for crying when he sees other people cry and he didn't want to make the crying spotlight on him)
When you were finally done, Kalim patted your head soothingly and spoke quietly. His own voice was shaky too, and he was also on the verge of tears just from watching and listening to you.
"I never knew you felt like that, I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier," he says, and just the sound of him trying to keep in his tears breaks your heart to pieces.
Your pain is his pain, your tears are his tears, and your smile is his smile because, even if he doesn't realize it yet, he truly loves you dearly. Kalim knows he can be really, really dense most of the time, which is why he never noticed these pent-up frustrations of yours when they were so obvious to Jamil, but he hopes that you'll forgive him for making you feel even worse.
"It's not your fault, Kalim. I'm not angry at you or anything- I'm sorry for yelling like that," you inhale, "It's just-... It just hurts, you know? Thinking about all of the what-ifs and the could-be's... But the truth is, I've had more fun in the short time that I've been here than in my entire life back home. And most of that's because of you, actually."
"Really?" he asks, a spark of his normal cheer returning to his voice.
"Yes, really. I might not be able to use magic, but it's been something that I've loved learning about since coming here. You know, the very first time you took me on a ride with the magic carpet, and I got to see this whole new world from way high up in the sky, I knew that nothing from my home could beat that experience. I'm going to miss my home, but it's not so bad when I know that you're here."
Oh, look at you- you were the one who just had an emotional breakdown right in front of Kalim, and yet you're the one consoling him! Your sweet words struck through his heart like cupid's arrow, and he internally vows that he will always be someone who brings a smile to your face- that he will do everything that he can to make sure that you're happy.
"Then," he perks up, wiping his face from any stray tears that might have escaped from earlier, "Let's go on another carpet ride together, outside of campus!" He exclaims excitedly, all hints of previous sadness gone from his eyes and voice.
"There's so many places I want to show you, but I think we should look for spots that look like your home! This world is a pretty big place, so I'm sure there must be somewhere that looks similar to yours. Tell me everything about your homeland- If we can't find something like it, then we'll just have to make it ourselves!"
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It was in the midst of winter break that you started to feel more lonely. All of your other friends were gone and spending the holidays with their families, while you were still here at the school with your only company being Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, who would come and go as they pleased. Everything was just so,, quiet, without the chaos duo Deuce and Ace around. Of course, Grim was almost always up to his own little shenanigans too, but most of the time they were harmless and it was just him entertaining himself with catching mice and such.
The silence of the winter break and the bleakness of the white snow was staring to take a toll on you, and it wasn't helping the fact that you're still experiencing nightmares beyond what you see in the mirror at night (this is not a jab at you, I swear).
For reference, you just had a dream that woke you up in the middle of the night, sweating and gasping for air as you tried to recollect yourself. Of course, you couldn't fall back asleep after what you've just seen, and Grim was still sound asleep in his corner of the bed. Quietly, you move to get up to go get some fresh air outside- not forgetting to bring your jacket with you to the freezing cold weather out there.
And you spent a bit of time in the silence of the night, sitting on the stairs of the front porch of the Ramshackle dorm with a heavy jacket tied to your shoulders, just staring up into the sky. This isn't the first time that this has happened, so you know that looking at the stars would usually help you out in times like these.
'I can see the stars so clearly from here. Back home, the stars would be so dim that most nights you could hardly see them because of all of the lights around.'
'Huh, I wonder what kind of constellations this world has thought up of. That kinda looks almost like a horse, if you look at it sideways.'
'I wonder what kind of galaxy this world is in. The Milky Way was nice and all, but something different could be nice, too.'
Those would be the kind of thoughts that would help calm you down after your nightmares and you'd start feeling sleepy again. You'd go back inside, maybe drink a little bit of water, and then delve underneath the covers of your bed and go to back to sleep.
But this time, though, you could hardly focus on anything else except for the contents of your dream. No matter how intently you stared into the night sky, there was nothing else that you could think of other than, 'It was just so realistic.'
"Hey, hench-human! There you are! 'Was wonderin' where ya went so late at night. Come back in already, you let the fireplace in the room die out and now the whole room's gone cold again," you hear Grim calling out to you from the now open door of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Sorry Grim, I'll be back inside in just a bit, just gimmie a minute, alright?"
"What? You're just gonna sit outside in this cold?" Grim exclaims, "What are ya even doing out here anyway?" And you hear Grim's paws tapping on the old wooden flooring as he scampers his way to you.
"Couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Had another dream about the Great Seven? Or was it that Mickey dude in the mirror again?" He pushes your arms away from your legs and jumps into your lap without another thought. If he was going to wait for you to get up and relight the fireplace, he was at least going to wait somewhere that's nice and warm- your lap.
"Actually," you clear your throat, "not this time, no."
"Then what's up?" And he just said it so casually, like either he knew that something was bothering you and he wanted to make the conversation comfortable enough to talk about it- that or he's just completely unable to read a room (which was honestly the more likely option). Either way, it made you pause for a moment, to think about whether you wanted to answer his question honestly or make up some sort of lie about it.
"I'm thinking about whether I should just go ahead and tell Crowley to give up on looking for my way back home," you admit, deciding on telling him half-truths for now. But your comment caught him off guard, and he looks back at you with surprise. "Huh, why would ya do that?" he asks.
"Well, I mean I'd probably just be lying six feet under if I do manage to go back, so what's the point in having Crowley waste his time on this? Besides, he's been using it as an excuse to make me us do all of his dirty work for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him anymore than I already am."
"Well, I guess that does make sense, but still, haven't you been wantin' to go home this whole time? What's with you givin' up now?" he grumbles.
"Awe, I had no idea that you hated me this much," you joke, "To think, that even my closest friend even wants me gone from this world! Oh, woe is me!"
"Hey, you know it ain't like that, henchman!" Grim pushes you playfully, "I'll have you know that, unlike SOME people, I care about my minions. If ya wanna go home, then you should keep tryin' to find a way back, especially if there's someone else doin' all the work for you."
"That's sweet of you to say, but I'm probably never going back."
"What makes you so sure?" And you don't say anything to his question, not for a while. Grim notices your silence and concludes his statement, "Well, if that's what you want, then alright. It just means that you'll be here to see me become the greatest mage in the world!"
"Mhm," you nod sluggishly, and the conversation goes quiet from there. Now, the heavy silence of the winter night fell upon the both of you, the only sounds being the creaking of the old wooden planks of the Ramshackle dorm, the frostbitten wind blowing through the air, and the soft shuffling of you petting through Grim's fur as he sits idly in your lap. The silence didn't bother either of you much, as Grim was nearly falling back to sleep with the soft movements of your hands brushing him and the warmth from your lap keeping the cold at bay. But as time continued to pass, your anxious thoughts started clouding the deep recesses of your mind once again and you felt compelled to speak upon them.
"Grim, I know that you're a monster and everything, but do you know anything about reading a human's pulse?" you speak suddenly, and he flinches awake at your question, rubbing his eyes tiredly as you continue without letting him answer, "You can find your heart rate just by pressing on your wrist, or placing these fingers against your neck, like this." And you demonstrated both actions to him.
"Grim,, I," your voice chokes up, "I can't feel my pulse... Earlier I had another nightmare, and I saw myself dying. In my world... It was so realistic, I..." Tears start erupting from your eyes as you recall the vivid memory, and Grim stares at you with wide eyes as you continue, "When I woke up, I felt like I could still feel the pain. It was so excruciating, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I came out here."
Your body was shivering uncontrollably with how you were trying to keep your tears in as you spoke, and you pull Grim closer to you in a hug close to your chest, "Grim, please tell me. Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Even if you lie to me, please just tell me that you can hear my heartbeat."
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"I can hear it," Grim states seriously (I mean, after seeing the state you're in, it would be more than a little rude if he wasn't serious), "And I'm not lyin' to ya. It's super cold out here, which is probably why ya can't feel it, but you do have a heartbeat. I promise you, you're alive, right here, with me." He wasn't expecting this, but he tries his best to comfort you, though really he has no idea about what to do or what to say. But as awkward as his words come out as, it still works to help you calm down after a while. He waits until your breathing starts to slow down and your tears have stopped spilling.
"Henchman, I'm startin' to feel hungry for a midnight snack," he states, "I know you're hungry too, so let's go sneak into the cafeteria and see what they've got!" And he leaps off of your lap and looks at you with his bright blue eyes, "We can warm up by its fireplace while we're there too."
As he starts dragging you towards the school, he turns to look at you and he says, "The way I see it, the way you still get hungry or thirsty is how we know that you're still alive. You wouldn't need to eat or sleep if you were dead, like the ghosts, now would'ya? You really need to stop overthinking things like this, givin' me a heart attack when you start cryin' outta nowhere like that..."
I accidentally wrote a whole mini-story for them, no wonder this request took so long </33 I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, anon! While I did have trouble at the beginning, things started falling into place as I kept writing 👏👏
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rggie · 2 years
twst first-years as your roommate!
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characters: sebek, jack, ace, jack, epel ortho. [ ortho’s is strictly platonic! ]
cw: gn!reader, crack & fluff, pining, sfw, unedited.
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sebek zigvolt
“malleus, oh malleus! you are truly illustrious, and above all benevolent! i pledge my life to you! I KNEEL BEFORE YOU MY KING!!”
new drinking game. take a shot every time sebek says malleus
you wake up every morning to sebek chanting to his malleus portrait like he’s truly standing with you in your room. you don’t need an alarm clock when you have him bellowing at 5AM. you press your pillow against your ears but to no avail. you can still hear him, he’s that loud!!
he literally kneels down to the painting as if he’s getting a knighthood (he’s practicing for the future, okay?)
tells you that you should also join him and prostrate yourself before his lord… if you tell him to shut up he will look at you with an incredulous expression as though you’re the crazy one. are you silencing him, and in association, lord malleus? your insolence besmirches you!
if it gets too much for you he starts whispering aggressively instead, offended: “FINE.. ( •̀ - •́ )”
sebek spends a long time getting ready. so if you’re running late in the morning, you’ll want to beat him to the bathroom.
it’s because of his hair... he’s styling that thing with an abundance of gel. your bathroom cupboards have so many products for his hair there’s literally nowhere for you to put your things.
it’s crazy because he would look so much better with his hair down. when you tell him that he refuses to believe it, stating that all the elderly in briar valley love his current hairstyle.
he wastes 10 minutes alone hyping himself up in front of the mirror. flexing his muscles, practicing his smile, dimpling his cheek with his fangs. he rehearses saying “salutations, lord malleus!” or “hello, dear human!” but if you catch him in the act he’ll deny deny deny as pink bursts across his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
he’s a bookworm, and that’s probably when he’s the quietest. yes, he’s quieter with his nose in a book than he is sleeping because he’s a sleep talker.
⇈ if you’re interested, sebek will recommend you some good pieces of literature!! he’s also really helpful if you need help with similar things in class. he annotates his books neatly with sticky-notes and highlighters, so if you ask nicely he might be gracious enough to let you skim over his hard work.
in return, if you’re good at subjects like maths, please assist him. numbers and him are like oil and water—they just don’t mix. he’ll be so grateful, he might humbly tell you a story of malleus’ childhood
you have to save sebek from lilia’s antics. he once told sebek balancing books on his head whilst sleeping standing up would help him become more resilient, so at night he would just be standing in the corner of your room… menacingly... it was honestly frightening.
you thought he’d fall over and crash onto his desk, having to physically drag him to his bed and tuck him gently each time he tried. he never once made it through the night. yes, he tried several times.
pretends the whole situation never happened. it was his lowest point.
sebek always makes sure you’re eating well, since he’s a big eater himself. when he’s feeling particularly chivalrous, he’ll get himself extra food just to lend you some, a coy smirk playing against his lips when you thank him.
ace trappola
ace has a basketball hoop on his side of the room. he likes to practice his trickshots often, so he’s probably hit you several times with it when he misses. which is often.
imagine you’re just walking into your room after a long day and—thwack!—you’re getting knocked out. he will laugh at you before pulling you up and making sure you’re actually okay. i’d be worried he has a vendetta against you or something.
⇈ says “it’s your fault for standing there”, pressing a hand against the point of impact tenderly.
standing where??? in your own room??? where it’s supposed to be SAFE???
makes a mess all the time in the bathroom. probably leaves toothpaste in the sink and water on the floor. he’s going to make you have wet socks and then he’ll roll his eyes when you complain.
you have to push him to clean it as he feigns innocence. “maybe it was you and you’re just blaming me!” “just clean the toothpaste, ace!”
he flicks tap water in your face.
when it comes to doing laundry he makes you play card games with him. whoever wins has to deal with it. he is a cheater and proud! he’s doing whatever he can to win and grinning like the chesire cat the whole time as if you’re not already aware of what he’s up to.
you have to force him to do his homework. he just so happens to always forget. but wait! you’re here! you’re instantly now his study buddy regardless of whether you wanted to or not. it doesn’t matter how smart you are, he’s always trying to copy your answers.
when it’s late at night and he can’t sleep, he’s texting: ‘u up?’ to check if you’re the same. if you don’t reply he literally pads up to your bed and looms over you. he puts his face inches close to your yours and whispers your name because he never believes that you’re truly sleeping.
brace yourself for a lot of late-night kitchen runs. he’s grabbing your hand and racing with you down the halls, telling you to hush and pressing a finger to his lips when he’s the one stomping and giggling outside riddle’s room.
don’t worry, he doesn’t eat anything he knows is his housewarden’s. he doesn’t try to get collared, you know. then he practically steals someone else’s lunch (the ‘someone else’ in question being deuce) and then shares it with you.
you get caught every time, ace’s stomping waking riddle up. he doesn’t even attempt to protect you, claiming it’s not stealing because it’s going to a good cause—your ‘date’.
he’s only ever joking about the date thing. he just likes seeing your reaction.
…but if he wasn’t joking, hypothetically… would you agree it’s a date?
deuce spade
he’s trying so hard to be a good roommate to you. he really is!
at first, he tries to impress you with his full bookshelf. in an attempt to turn over a new leaf, he borrowed a ton of magic related books from the library but he’s only read one
every time you walked into the room he frantically grabbed a book from his shelf and opened it, placing a finger on his chin to suggest that he was deep in thought.
“what’s gotten you so interested, deuce?” “oh it’s nothing. just a book about…psychology and stuff. really emotional. yeah.”
intrigued, you approached his side only to find out he’s reading a children’s picture book. upside down.
each time he thinks back to that moment he is filled with so much shame. whenever you bring it up he slaps a hand to your mouth with a shout, overly flustered. he’s always been honest about himself after that.
he’s another messy guy. overall? he’s clean—but when he eats he leaves a lot of crumbs behind on his bed and himself. you have the urge to wipe them from his cheeks all the time. this could be reiterated for all the first-years except ortho, though.
deuce excitedly shows you pictures of the latest blastcylces (he has posters all over his side of the room) and tells you all about his bleached hair days. he even lets you try on his blastcycle helmet and jersey. has a picture of you in it and treasures it as ‘a reminder to not go rouge again’
you study together but the pair of you always get distracted by having silly little side conversations. one second you’re talking about pythagoras; the next, it’s a passionate discussion about what animal you’d be if you were reincarnated in another life.
he moves around in his sleep a lot. he goes to sleep spread out like a starfish and ends up on the floor, bedsheets half-on him and the worst bed-head ever.
you have to fix his hair in the mornings for him. he’ll barely be awake, sleep still in his eyes as you’re patting his head to keep the stray hairs at bay. he’ll lean into your touch but he won’t remember doing it till halfway through the day.
⇈ he’ll just be in the middle of flight class, randomly think about the proximity of your faces, then almost falls off his broom. ace laughs till he cries.
when he comes to your room wounded he appreciates how you ask him if he’s okay before asking what happened. when it’s the other way around, he always rechecks your state even though the school doctor patched you up fine and deemed you well enough.
he calls his mother often to make sure she’s okay, and you’ve gotten more than acquainted with her.
she loves you and thinks you’re a great influence for deuce. she’s even happier that he’s made some friends!! she’s always gushing about how she’s proud of him, or asking you to come over with in the holidays.
“deuce, when you come home bring your lovely friend okay? i like them.”
he agrees without hesitation, because he can’t deny her wishes—and he likes you, too.
jack howl
your room either smells like sweat and the mens body spray he uses or caramel scented candles that he swears his younger brother and sister bought for him.
it’s mostly the second option, because jack is good when it comes to personal hygiene and also doesn’t want to make things uncomfortable for you. (his side of the room is very clean, and he takes pride in that, so if yours isn’t he’ll tell you to fix up very bluntly.)
he’s very perceptive and values personal space, so he’s thoroughly checking to make sure you’re comfortable. will give you space and alone time if you need it.
he’s got ‘motivational workout quotes’ framed and hung up on his side of the room
gives you a similar one for your birthday, in order to give you motivation for the rest of the school year. he’s given one to all the first years, even ortho, so you’re not special or anything.
yours is just slightly bigger.
from far away it looks aesthetically pleasing, contrasting nicely with all the greenery from the plants he’s raising (he’s a plant mom)
then you get closer and read: “Train The Quit Out Of You.” “Single Taken At The Gym.” “In This House, Only Hard Work Matters.”
he goes on morning runs, so he’s out before you can even open your eyes. sometimes, he leaves you notes behind wishing you a good day, since he’s not much of a texter even though you’ve exchanged numbers. sometimes you’ll find notes around the house just saying some words of encouragement.
if you’re awake, he might ask you to join him. but it ends up being him running out of earshot so fast you lose sight of him. he’ll be running back as you’re still on the first stretch, out of breath. he’ll try his best to wait for you to catch up, though…
⇈ you might not enjoy it as much as he is but he’ll be really thankful that you came along anyway. you don’t even have to run if you don’t want to, just sitting and watching him somehow gives him a newfound burst of energy.
as a reward for sticking with him, he’ll make sure you’re well fed. not that he doesn’t do that already; jack sits next to you, the two of you sharing a plate of breakfast together as the other first-years just share a look like (·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )?
you often find him talking to his cacti. his tone is so soft it’s endearing, conversing as though they’d speak back before watering them. in fact, you find out more from him speaking to the succulents than you do when he’s actually talking to you.
it’s not that he doesn’t talk to you. he does!! but the conversations are always short because he’s too busy trying to hide the wag of his tail and twitch of of his ears.
you speak to his cacti, because if jack truly believes it will benefit them you also want to help. he’s so fond of them. when he finds out you’ve been doing so, he tells you that he’s sure they’re standing stronger and looking healthier because of you <3
he lets you name them
Congratulations. you are both now Plant Parents.
it might take a lot of convincing but if you can get him to cuddle with you in his wolf form you will get the best sleep ever. he’s super fluffy, which makes him really cosy to lean on and snuggle up to.
⇈ but you both tend to oversleep and end up late for classes whenever you do it. jack scolds you for it because he doesn’t want to be a troublesome student, but he won’t deny you when you ask again.
everyone’s convinced you’re dating.
epel felmier
why are there apples everywhere
the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ doesn’t apply to you! an apple a day is bringing you closer to the doctor. (epel has boxes of apples for his carvings. they’re overflowing, causing apples to spill out onto your floor creating a trip hazard.)
he seriously doesn’t mean to make mess but the apples just keep on coming! at this point you both have enough apples to keep you going for at least a good few months—but you’re not allowed to eat them.
okay, fine, you can have one… or two..
pomefiore’s bedtime is 10pm, so both of you share the struggle of hiding that you’re awake. you’re both chuckling under your own bedcovers, messaging each other on your phones with your brightness at the lowest setting: ‘is he gone yet? u check’
vil will be standing in the doorway, hands on his hips waiting for you to peek your heads up. he knows what you’re doing.
you keep doing it anyway until vil threatens to split you up.
the two of you will try to stay up till early hours of the morning doing anything and everything. on one occasion you tried to juggle with apples, ending up hitting yourselves in the faces. it left marks.
plenty of times you’ll send epel a funny video of something or the other and he’ll double over in laughter, wheezing so loudly you’re sure everyone can hear you. your phones get confiscated for a week.
he’s on his best behaviour now, he swears! and you are too—you know vil only sets specific guidelines for you to follow because it will benefit you both in the long run.
if you’re injured, epel will tend to your wounds skilfully. he’s been in more than a few accidents being a wild child, and also knows a lot about medicinal herbs and magic pharmacy. arguably does a better job than school staff.
when he’s injured, he’s rushing back to show them off to you like battle scars. look at the the one on his knee, quick! he stood his ground and won, isn’t he cool? (it’s absolutely tiny and will definitely fade away. he wants to be leona so bad)
he always lets you see the process of his apple carving and even gives you lessons. he’s delighted that he gets to teach someone something he learned back in his hometown—it’s not much of a big deal, but whenever someone shows interest in it, his chest puffs with pride.
and when it’s you specifically complimenting him and harveston, he’s super smitten.
ortho shroud
ortho is only just finding out about himself, exploring his tastes and developing his own opinion. (he’s really glad he can share these self-discoveries with you!)
idia is Not Happy that his brother is being stolen off him, but wishes ortho well nonetheless.
you will never be late to class from now on because he will wake you up on time. and don’t think about skipping or faking illness, because ortho can see right through you.
asks how your day has been after school because he genuinely cares. he wants to know everything! school is just so fun to him. he’s so happy about going to class that you start to feel guilty for dreading them. he’ll tell you about his day too, very elaborately. you might be sitting and listening for a while because ortho does not miss a single detail.
⇈ you somehow end up finding out what scarabia resident B did last summer with his family, though you’re sure it had no relevance to ortho’s magic history class at all?
asks you to take pictures of him around your room, literally even if it’s a mundane activity. half of your camera roll is just images of ortho studying. he also wants to take lots of pictures with you, so he can keep the memories he spent his first real roommate fresh in his mind forever, so say cheese!
you make a bucket list together so he can check things off along the course of his life. you take him out to places he wants to go, and he helps you in return. need questions answered? he’s got the best results at the fastest speeds. hungry? he’s flying off to sam’s store. your preferences are already stored in his memory system, so expect something yummy when he returns!
he gets very attached to you very quickly, and perhaps even a little protective. if you’re ever going to do anything reckless ortho is sitting you down and telling you the pros and cons, success to failure ratio and extra precautions you should take.
as he’s only ever lived with his brother and never really had friends for himself, ortho is still used to idia’s social recluse/anxious ways. you could be ordering over the phone and if the person on the other end of the line mishears you ortho is suddenly speaking up for you very angrily.
ortho: excuse me they asked for NO. PICKLES. 😡😡
introverts love him. fast food branch owners fear him. the ice cream machines won’t be ‘broken’ on ortho’s watch.
if someone’s bothering you, just tell him. he won’t hesitate to dox a bully or two online. he learned from the best. NOT afraid to resort to physical attacks. has a high-intensity laser beam ready to fire whenever you need it.
ortho is not rainbows and sunshine all the time. he’s a nrc student, after all.
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twstgarden · 3 months
❁ ❝ 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝟰𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝗿𝘆 ❞
━ twisted wonderland cast (night raven college only) and gn! student! reader (f/n means first name, n/n means nickname, reader is not yuu) ━ you are celebrating the anniversary of the prestigious academy with your fellow schoolmates.
slight (?) spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia's arc!
do not steal or translate without my permission.
buy me a coffee here and ko-fi here if you want to support me, commissions are open
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march 18th.
the anniversary date of night raven college. as a student of this prestigious academy, you naturally had to celebrate with your fellow students. receiving an invitation from ramshackle, you decided to join them in the festivities.
the staff arrived there first, and even asked grim to cook up some meals for the party. of course, yuu thought they were exempted from this task until grim dragged them to the kitchen. you walked around the previously abandoned dormitory, eyeing the purple, black, white, and muted gold balloons, and the other decorations.
some time has passed and grim came out of the dormitory, wearing a chef outfit with a grin on his face, “done!” yuu, on the other hand, sighed before smiling a little, seemingly a little exhausted from all the cooking. to be fair, only the two of them were cooking up the feast and it isn’t exactly easy with a companion who has paws for hands.
a soft chuckle left your lips as you crossed your arms, “well, well, you seem proud, grim.”
“of course! no task is too hard for the great grim-sama!” exclaimed grim before rushing to the tables with yuu in tow as they placed the cooked meals in a presentable manner. with a smile, the headmaster clapped his hands together as he spoke, “wonderful! this is a great way to develop your culinary skills! aren’t i so kind?”
trein sighed at crowley’s remark while crewel stepped forward as he eyed the dishes, “it’s best not to overwork these two pups from ramshackle, headmaster crowley.”
“this calls for a picture!” spoke sam as he glanced at you with a smile, “little imp, will you kindly take a picture of us?” yuu handed the ghost camera to you as soon as you nodded, bringing the camera up to your face as you aimed it towards the staff members.
“okay! ready…”
they immediately lined up and posed together with grim settled on crowley’s shoulder with a big smile on his face, holding his paws out to put up the number 4, and the rest of the staff did the same.
“happy 4th anniversary!”
after the satisfaction of taking a photo, you handed the camera back to yuu and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the day. it did not take long until the rest of the students came by and you found yourself enjoying a drink by the snacks table. a pair of footsteps suddenly caught your attention as you sipped on your drink before taking a glance at your side, seeing ace and deuce approaching you.
“heya, n/n! why are you standing there all alone? come!” spoke ace as he linked his arm around yours and dragged you to where the rest of the first years stood, “have you tried the food? the fudge brownies taste soooo good!”
the moment you stood before the banquet table, epel nudged your arm and pointed at the dessert section, “i saw some tasty treats over there and yuu told me the one i tasted was called kolaches. you should try it!”
the first years proceed to try and feed you every single food on the banquet table as they munched on their chosen treats. even sebek was asking you to try the green apple cucumber smoothie, while jack asked you to try the creamy macaroni salad.
after miraculously getting away from the first years attempting to overfeed you, you bumped into riddle and immediately apologised, “oh! i’m so sorry, riddle.” he shrugged you off and smiled, “no matter. you seem a little dazed, however.” his revelation made you awkwardly laugh a little, “i kinda snacked a little too much….”
“oh dear, it seems our little angelfish is full from all that snacks.”
riddle sighed as soon as he heard that voice, and you turned around to see azul standing there with a smile, the twins on either side of him as they both also held grins on their faces. it was a slightly chilling sight, but you have grown accustomed to it by this time.
“hello, octavinelle,” you greeted as you smiled at them. “we should go for a walk,” spoke riddle as he held your wrist in an attempt to drag you away from the trio. however, they decided to trail behind the both of you. riddle glanced from behind, realising they were following along.
you, on the other hand, did not really mind.
a familiar call of your name caused you to pause in your tracks as you saw ruggie approaching you, “where are you going? shishishi, i thought we were going to start packing food for leftovers.”
“ah, right. we can do that later. the rest of the students are still eating,” you replied, causing ruggie to sulk a little. “what if they end up clearing the banquet?! i’m really looking forward to having the spicy meatballs as tomorrow’s lunch, y’know?” spoke ruggie as he clasped his hands together.
before you could reply back, another voice chirped into your conversation.
“do you want more food? we can always share!”
really, what’s with everyone and interrupting conversations today?
you turned to see kalim and jamil as the former waved at you enthusiastically. riddle’s grip on your wrist loosened a little as he remained standing beside you, while the octavinelle trio remained smiling.
“wait, for real?” questioned ruggie, causing jamil to shake his head only to be interrupted by kalim.
“yeah! the more food the better, right?”
you looked at ruggie with a snicker as you patted his back, “well, you won’t have to worry about tomorrow’s lunch. if there’s any leftovers, we can start packing.” with a smile, ruggie nodded and proceeded to walk around the ramshackle dormitory with you and the rest of the second years in tow.
after your walk with the second years, you got back to sipping on your beverage by the entrance, standing beside the balloons as you eyed the rest of the students enjoying their time. with another sip, you saw grim trying to sneak his paw into deuce’s plate and no one seemed to notice his little food thievery. another sip and you saw jamil staring at the dates with a perplexed expression before it morphed back into a blank one. one more sip and you saw malleus standing beside you.
wait, what?
your heart almost jumped out of your chest at the presence of the diasomnia dormitory leader. it was a good thing your glass did not drop to the grass. malleus seemed to notice your surprise as he smiled and apologised, “oh. my apologies. i did not mean to frighten you.”
once you calmed down a little, you smiled at him, “no worries, i was a little too focused on observing everyone else that i did not notice your approach.” malleus merely hummed in response as he, too, looked at the same group of people you were currently eyeing – the third years.
lilia was having a drink with idia as vil approached the two and proceeded to have a conversation. leona was nearby, holding a plate of honey-glazed meatballs and party franks with rook eyeing him at a distance – well, that was odd. on the other hand, trey was holding a glass of cocktail with cater holding up a selfie stick and taking a picture with him.
“lilia seems to be enjoying his beverage a lot,” remarked malleus as he noticed lilia pouring another glass for himself in the middle of his conversation with idia and vil – or vil, with idia panicking to himself due to the social interaction.
“and rook seems to be sneaking on leona,” you added, causing malleus to take a quick glance at the aforementioned individuals with a snicker. you glanced at him and chuckled, “hey now, it’s not funny.”
“yes, but do you see the way kingscholar avoids hunt’s advances? i find it amusing,” replied malleus. you decided to focus on the two of them and realised leona was purposely trying to lose rook in the crowd, only for the latter to find him again.
you blinked and mumbled, “do you think rook just wants to have a conversation with him?”
malleus stayed silent for a moment, “…a conversation would be the possible choice, but the topic of said conversation may appear to be quite threatening.” you hummed in reply, aware of rook’s antics with non-human students, so it isn’t a surprise if malleus had his own experiences as well.
“my my, it seems the two of you are quite busy with student observations.”
you and malleus were fixated on leona and rook that you did not notice lilia standing beside you with a smile on his face. malleus seemed as if he had expected that, however. you smiled and waved at lilia, “oh, hello.”
“are you enjoying the party, little bat?” asked lilia as he sipped on his tomato juice, which made sense why he refilled his glass over and over again. you nodded, sipping on your own beverage, “quite so. i have tasted every dish that is being served, thanks to the first years.”
a soft laugh left lilia’s lips as he replied, “right! i did see sebek trying to coerce you into drinking the smoothie.”
“i have not seen silver around, though,” you added as you looked around, causing malleus and lilia to glance around the entrance as well. “could he have fallen asleep somewhere?” asked malleus.
“i suppose i know where he is. come,” spoke lilia as he started walking towards ramshackle’s backyard with you and malleus in tow. as soon as you arrived to the backyard, you noticed a figure leaning by the tree, wearing diasomnia’s uniform as a few birds surrounded the said figure.
“there he is!” exclaimed lilia like a parent overjoyed at the sight of his child. you approached the dozing figure as malleus spoke, “i suppose the tree is quite comfortable to rest on.” hearing malleus’ voice made silver flutter his eyes open before he stood up straight, “ah! s-sorry, i did not realise i had fallen asleep…”
“why are you standing here? join the party! there’s lots of snacks you can eat,” spoke lilia as he grabbed silver’s hand. the latter hummed a little before glancing at you, “ah… n/n…” malleus glanced back at the banquet table before looking back at silver, “come, silver. let’s indulge ourselves.”
“yes, malleus-sama,” replied silver as he quickly walked beside malleus, both heading to the table and plating their chosen meals. you and lilia were left by the tree in the backyard, smiling at the sight of everyone enjoying the party with no worries in the world, stuffing themselves and laughing with their friends.
lilia eyed malleus and silver with a relieved smile, “…well, i’m very happy.”
“hm?” you turned your head to look at lilia with a puzzled expression, “oh… well, the atmosphere of this anniversary party is quite light-hearted, it makes me happy too.” lilia merely smiled, his eyes still on malleus and silver picking some food with sebek joining them and pointing at the meals they need to try.
“yes, and… i’m happy they’ve reassured me they can take care of themselves now…” mumbled lilia, causing you to blink as you did not know what he meant or what he was hinting at. nonetheless, you smiled and patted his back as he laughed a little, “happy 4th anniversary to our prestigious academy~!”
“mhm, happy 4th anniversary.”
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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lav-bee · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Explaining what Ace is & Random Ace headcanons
Character/s: Alastor
💛- read as platonic
A/N: Alastor and Reader are Ace in this!!
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- I’m not sure why but the thought of modern! Teen! Reader explaining what ace is to Alastor makes me happy
- He’s completely clueless about his identity and has probably wondered for years why he hasn’t found the right person yet
- When in reality he most likely never will
- In his day there was never a label for it. It was probably narrowed down to a body dysfunction or mental illness
- And Alastor is very prideful (you’ve seen how he interacts with The King of Hell) so obviously he would never confide in anyone about his ‘problem’
- It wasn’t until you came around with your weird labels and definitions
- Obviously he still didn’t say anything because he always thought it was a him problem
- But one day you both were casually sitting having a snack
- He wasn’t fully listening to you ramble on but you suddenly snuck in a word he wasn’t familiar with
- “Blah blah blah…. I mean you understand right? You’re ace too!”
- Ace? What is ace?
- “Pardon my dear, but what does ‘ace’ mean?”
- Oh crap
- Did you just accidentally out him to himself?
- Cue you trying your best to explain what aromantic and asexual mean
- At first Alastor will dismiss it and act as if these ‘labels’ didn’t actually change anything
- When really deep down he feels… relieved? It’s nice to finally put a word on what he was feeling (or not feeling) There’s people out there like him :>
- It takes him awhile to get used to this knowledge, still not sure if he’s glad that he can’t feel sexual and/ or romantic feelings
- When he has a question he’ll go to you
- Not only because he knows you’re ace yourself but also he trusts you just a little bit more with this information. You won’t make fun of him for asking questions and are willing to give genuine straightforward answers
- Will also talk to Rosie about it since she’s the love expert ^_^ (Rosie my love)
- Once he’s more informed and comfortable in talking about this with you, your friendship definitely upgrades
- As in talking shit and gossiping
- No one knows why you and Alastor are suddenly best buds and when either of you are asked it’s just a shrug, “Shared interests.”
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islandofsages · 5 months
The first years (not Ortho) discovering that they are Yuu's emergency contact. Like Yuu put them as an emergency contact, but he didn't think it would be necessary, but he ends up having an accident out the town and is taken to the hospital, causing one of the first years to be called, so when they ask Yuu why they chose him to be As his emergency contact, Yuu responds that he is the one he trusts the most in the group.
characters: first years (excluding ortho) x gn!yuu!reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, hurt/comfort, imagines + scenario format; mention of vil in epel's, mention of malleus in sebek's
warnings: accidents, hospitals, near-death mention, the use of the word "idiot" as an endearing term in ace's, hugs and hand-holding in deuce's
author's notes: ngl the pronouns in the ask kinda confused me so i just made this gn reader lol hope you dont mind anon <3
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Ace Trappola
Despite all his antics (or maybe because of them), he really feels that he’s made a genuine connection with you
He won’t say it but he’s really glad that you put up with him and you don’t see him as some one-dimensional jerk you do see him as a multidimensional jerk though /joke
So when he gets a call from your number yet an unfamiliar voice greets him, he immediately grows worried, and for good reason - turns out you’ve ended up in the hospital due to some unknown accident
He drops everything he’s doing and rushes to the hospital without thinking twice. Like, literally rush there. He spares no time to call for transport
…Or ask for details from anyone for that matter. If it weren’t for the staff, he would’ve tried barging into any random ward to find you
When he gets to you, panting and panicked, he goes to steady himself, his hands gripping the sides of the hospital bed so tightly
You’re glad to see his face and he’s glad to see that you still manage to muster up a smile at his presence
That’s when he notices that nobody else is there, and so he asks you where everybody else is. You tell him they only called up your emergency contact which is none other than Ace himself
He asks you why is he your emergency contact out of everyone-
“It’s because I trust you the most, you idiot. I bet you ran all the way here the moment you got that phone call.”
You let out a knowing laugh and Ace pouts as a response, totally not trying to hide the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes
You’re not sure who’s supposed to do the comforting at that moment, considering you were involved in an accident and Ace is on the verge of tears - so you both don’t bother trying. The following conversation carries on as normal
Despite all his antics, you really feel like your faith in him is not misplaced.
Deuce Spade
You’ve always admired Deuce’s strength to change - and he’s always admired your loyalty
Sometimes he’d feel guilty for having you endure having him as a friend and you always have to shut him up by assuring him that there’s really nothing to endure
Even when you have to endure an almost life-ending accident, you can’t help but think of him first and foremost
His grip on the phone alternates between on the verge of breaking and so loose it’s a miracle he hasn’t dropped it yet when he gets the news
Someone goes to fetch him from the hospital and he cries on the way, not giving any room for the person to speak with him
He tries to put on a brave face when he walks through the halls in search of you but when he reaches you, he can’t resist the yell he lets out
You end up having to calm him down a bit lest you two become the victims of a few dozen glares in that hospital
When he’s down to only sniffing, you tell him why he’s the first person you called
He almost broke down into tears again because of it
He’d hug you or hold your hand if your condition allows it and give you a teary smile that you of course reciprocate
You fill him in on what happened and he’ll listen intently, then offer to be by your side as long as you need him to
He’s always admired your strength - and you’ve always admired his loyalty.
Jack Howl
You always found his stubbornness amusing and honestly, he’s a bit confused as to why you stick by him all this time
Not really in a self-deprecating way - he’s always been more of a lone wolf. Only when he came to Night Raven College does he feel like he’s part of a pack now
And since you’re a part of that pack, he has a strong need to protect you, no matter the cost; so you can imagine his reaction when he got a call about you ending up in the hospital after an accident
The first thing he feels is anger; not at anything in particular yet at everything simultaneously. It’s called an accident for a reason yet why did the universe allow such a thing to happen to you?
He tries to calm himself down on the way to the hospital but it’s nothing short of difficult, even with the help of someone else
When he finally finds you, he finally lets out a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding
You muster a smile up at him and it takes his all not to let tears break through the surface
“...I was really worried.”
You chuckle - in situations like this, his absent stubbornness really makes a difference, but you appreciate his honesty
He didn’t think twice of the fact that he was the first one you called but you tell him why anyway. A cute little smile adorns his features then
He says he’s honored that his feelings are mutual then swears to you he’ll try harder to protect you, even if it means switching places with you
You brush him off, saying you’d do the same. The conversation goes back and forth for a while after that
He’s always found your insistence endearing and frankly, he wouldn’t have you any other way.
Epel Felmier
A bit similar to Jack, only when coming to Night Raven College does he get to mingle with kids of his age due to his hometown
And one of those kids is none other than you! You two have grown so close and made some unforgettable memories together
Unfortunately though, one of those unforgettable memories includes the news of your accident. Not just for him - some may remember the scream he let out at the news
He begged Vil to let him borrow the blastcycle the Film Research Club has and Vil only nodded solemnly; nobody needs to see him cry on the way to you
He speeds through everything and anything possible; he doesn’t care whatever consequences he has to face after all this is over
When he reaches the hospital, he allows the staff to guide him to where you are as he catches his breath
He chokes out a gasp at the sight of you and calls out to you
“Y-Yuu… I’m so glad you’re alright…”
He sits on the stool provided by the hospital and his head droops low. He’s silent
You give him a moment to process everything. It’s a lot to take in. Even you didn’t think it could come to this
Five minutes pass. You sigh and tell him why he’s the first you reached out to. He mirrors your sigh and a small smile creeps onto his face
He’s grateful that he means so much to you; grateful that he can mean so much to someone. Despite himself, his heart swells with pride
Even when you are inches away from death, he feels like every memory can be a happy one as long as you’re in it.
Sebek Zigvolt
He sees you as an equal - and that’s saying something
He won’t admit it out loud but he feels less lonely for once, seeing that someone understands or at least respects him as much as you do
For once, he feels he can disconnect from his Malleus worship for a while and not feel like he’s betraying his trust
But when he hears news of you ending up in the hospital, he definitely feels a sharp pang of guilt pierce his chest; he’s betrayed your trust
He excuses himself from Malleus and apologizes profusely for willingly leaving his side for someone else, but he simply can’t abandon you
Malleus lets him go of course, even offers to tag along, but Sebek assures that Malleus is needed more where he is
His head rested in his hands while he laments in his transport, breathing heavily
It takes his all not to shout your name in search of your ward when he reaches the hospital; but he can no longer hold it back when his eyes land on you
“YUU…! YOU’RE… You have no idea…”
You wave to him as he runs to your side, tears at the corner of his eyes
You rub his back as he quietly sobs for a minute, even feeling like sobbing yourself at some point; this man holds so much love for you
You tell him why you summoned only him for now - the tears continue to stream but now he smiles and puts a hand to his head
How silly of him. Of course. How could he make such assumptions about your relationship? He could never betray you. Every moment only strengthens your trust in each other.
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Cinderella | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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You awoke to the kneading of a suited cat against your chest. Slow to wake you let your head fall back into the plush of your bed only to be called by a peeved meow. 
“I know. I know Luci. I’m coming.”
Not even bothering to change out of your pajamas you slipped into your cat-themed slippers and followed behind the cat bee-lining it to his feeding tray. You took out the pre-plated meal as quickly as possible and heated it. Lifting yourself off the ground onto the adjacent counter you saved yourself from the anxious pawing that Lucius was doing on the floor parallel to the activated microwave. Hearing a familiar tune play you opened the mini door to promptly bring the feisty cat his meal. You sighed, satisfied as you heard the wet and determined sounds of a feeding house cat. 
Looking out from the kitchen and foyer you spied the moving shadow under the door of the study. You skipped across the threshold being sure to quiet yourself to tiptoe as you creaked the door open. Within the crack, you watched your stepfather move across the bookshelves, eventually turning so that his back was to the door. Fighting giggles you let yourself be careful of where you stepped to avoid the creaking floorboards, doing your best to creep up on the old man. 
“Good morning to you as well (Y/n).” 
You sucked your teeth, sitting on one of the many plush armchairs. 
“Awww man I thought I caught you good!” 
The old man let a ghost of a smile on his face as he made his final selections. 
“What did I say about talking like that? At this rate, you will say whatever comes to mind.”
“You already know I do, old dude!”
He turned with a shake of his head carrying the stack he’d made out of the room; you followed suit. Up the stairs and down the hall past the doors of the ones who still had yet to wake. Past the bathroom, the powder room, and into the music room. It was a big room with only two instruments in the corner, two stools, and a flimsy podium to match. He said it was for better acoustics but you guessed he just wanted a room without the clutter that seemed to follow those two. 
Setting his books down on a faraway coffee table, he only bought one over to the podium. Adjusting it until he deemed it perfect he stopped to see his dear cat enter the room. Scooping him up, he walked over to your leaning form against the door. 
“Thank you for feeding Lucius. I’ve been diving…into some old texts. You know how I get so distracted with that.”
“It’s fine. I know you struggle with the microwave, anyway.” The snide comment has Mozus bristling with embarrassment.
“I don’t struggle with it…I’m just…learning as I go along.”
“Sure. Sure. But we know the truth, right Lucius?”
You laugh, hearing a hushed ‘traitor’ as you make your escape headed back to your room. You wonder if it is too soon to make a wish, that you’ll be back in bed before they wake.
“Oi oi Frog what are you doing up without waking me!?”
Too late. You traipse tiredly toward the redheaded misfit seeing that he’s dressed for the day and already sporting a mean face.
“Well sorry,” you dragged the word with a roll of your eyes. “Next time you want to wake up this early leave your cat door unlocked!” 
“Eeegh!? And let the furball go through my stuff!? No way!”
“Then don’t come out whining then.”
“Hey don’t you tell me how to-”
“Good Morning you guys!” 
With a yawn, in came Deuce with a kinder disposition than Ace. You gave him a ‘morning’ to which Ace only scoffed before letting his eyes land on you. Seeing as they were both up and dressed you guessed you’d deliver the news.
“Guess who’s having lessons today?”
“You?” Deuce tried. 
“Ha no, flute and piano! Plus whatever’s in the ‘old texts’” 
They groaned once again letting their eyes fall on you and staying there before you shooed them off. Letting them pass you, you watched as Deuce walked robotically down the hall followed by Ace who was slow to leave. With a smirk on his face, he turned to you.
“Feeling cold in just your jammies, huh?”
You squinted your face in confusion before a look down had you crossing your arms around your chest. You shot him a disgusted look as he skipped into the music room; another roll of your eyes and you retreated to the comfort of your room. 
Dressed for the day you wandered back to the music room; peaking in on the instruction they needed. They were huddled around Mozus as he instructed movements with his pointer stick, you compared it to that of a wizard in a book of fiction. The looks on their faces were serious–a rare thing for the idiots that never grasped anything. You leaned in only to catch snippets of what they were saying.
“...protect them…whatever it…takes…”
“... even…?”
“Yup, I mean who wouldn’t?”
Before you could listen any further they quieted upon someone’s alert of your presence. The cat meowed loudly at you through the crack of the door; you shushed the cat as you let yourself in giving him the pets he probably wanted. It wouldn’t be odd if it weren’t for their immediate actions to look as if they were doing something else. Mozus and Ace played it easy either looking at a book or blowing a raspberry before writing something. Deuce was the dead giveaway; eyes widening and darting across the room as he flailed to read a book upside down. 
“Sooo what’ya doin’?
“We’re about to begin a music lesson if you’d like to join us?” 
Ace was at the piano cracking his knuckles and hands as if he were about to do manual labor. Deuce was turning red as he practiced harsh blowing techniques into the air before bringing the flute to his lips.
“No no! I’m good.” You frantically spoke. You’d been cursed to hear their harmonies before and you would not let yourself be tortured in such a way again. You began to back out of the room only for Mozus to call for you. 
“(Y/n) if you’d be willing would you mind running some errands?”
“Sure!” You liked to go on errands, it was the only thing you were really allowed to do.
“Make sure to take Lucius with you!”
The cat was already meowing at you down the hallway going into your room. He had the right idea the moment they touched those instruments.
“Thanks again, Trey! You know how much Trein loves your bread.”
“Oh? Is he the only one?” Trey teased as he placed the wrapped loaves into your basket.
“Well…maybe…I’ll help myself to a few slices if there’s any left. Ace and Deuce are ravenous.”
Behind his frames, you could see his eyes glaze over in a disgruntled haze but as quickly as it came it left; letting a smile spread across his face. 
“Then maybe I’ll give you an extra loaf. Just for you to enjoy.” 
Lucius gave a pensive meow.
“Ah, I don’t know…I have other errands to run and I don’t have anything extra.”
“No worries, I’ll give you an extra for free… it's a…creme special…”
You tilted your head in thought genuinely trying to think of what wouldn’t leave you in a bad light. 
“But I wouldn’t want you wasting product on something yer givin’ for free.”
“No worries it was going stale anyway, just wait here just a second.”
The baker disappeared behind into the kitchen; in the meantime, you rocked on your heels. Shushing the cat that seemed to get antsier by the second, making you internally plead that Trey hurries it up. As if to answer your call the baker emerged looking flushed but proud he handed you the clear-wrapped piping hot bread with a white glaze on it. Adding it to the other loaves of bread you dismissed yourself with an honest curtsy figuring it’d leave you less in debt to him.
“Thanks again, Trey! Though I doubt this was going stale!”
“Please it was on its way out! Have a good day, (Y/n)!” 
“You too, man!” 
You waved, walking out the door of the bakery straight to your car gingerly placing the bread basket and Lucius in the backseat. You made sure to give the needy kitty a rub before driving to your next destination: the tailor. Ace and Deuce had a nasty habit of somehow destroying everything they owned within a twenty-hour period; suits were no exception. So for your last errand of the day you were collecting an order of suits for them. With Trein’s name, you let the stuttery attendant disappear into the backroom before letting your eyes wander in wait. 
“Ooh, that suit…”
Speaking to no one you eyed the mannequin sporting a character of a suit. Exaggerated points and a tail that gave it a regal feel; you imagined yourself fitting snugly in its place. You imagined a jealous scoff of Ace and the awe on Deuce’s face as you posed next to their plain, irresponsible suits. You smirked to yourself, nodding to the ceiling as you imagined the scene so vividly.
“You should get it.”
Your eyes snapped open to someone new, a boy with lilac hair and soft features. His short stature leaned against the counter as he stared in your direction. You straightened yourself out crossing your arms as you got a read on this dude’s emotion,
“Excuse me?”
“You like the suit, don’t you? And we both know you’d look good in it so just do it.”
Your eyes drifted longingly to the suit before darting back to the man or rather in his general direction.
“Hey?! What do you–mean by that?”
Before you could search for the mysterious complimenter, the attendant returned with two wrapped suits letting you carry out the transaction. You let your eyes roam the shop once more before asking the fidgeting attendant. 
“Hey, who was with you today?”
“T-the the little man, he was trying his best to sell that suit over there. Is he a new employee or–?”
“Uhm I’m the only one on staff today..did someone come into the shop?” She murmured as she looked to the distance in thought,” Maybe the bell rang and I didn’t notice?”
You shook your free hand in an attempt to calm her down, “It's fine it’s fine, I’m probably just hungry. Welp thank you and have a good day!”
You dismissed yourself going back to your air-conditioning car with Lucius sitting in the front seat as if waiting for you to return. Thanking the cat for not honking your horn, you draped the suits on the passenger seat; scooping up the cat you took the car out of park. Sending one last look towards the tailor before driving off. 
For a good half of the ride, you kept going back to the strange fellow in the store. He did have a different kind of energy around him…it felt almost…sparkly? That aside you decided to forget about the whole encounter and instead focus on the road. Speaking of, your feline passenger was being especially quiet; a far cry from the usually vocal meowing as he tries to sit in your lap. Waiting until a stop light you let yourself look in the rearview mirror to spot Lucius pawing at the opening of the bread basket.
“Lucius, please don’t touch that.”
You cursed yourself for not bringing a toy for him; focusing on getting home fast enough before any damage could be done. When you pulled into the driveway you could already see the vehicle of another one that represents the royal convoy. You hurriedly grabbed everything you’ve gathered leaving the door open to let Lucius run in himself. The cat did just that with a certain loaf in tow.
“Lucius!? Hey! That’s my bread, Lucy come on!” 
You struggled to follow the cat inside as you juggled the suits and the bread basket hanging on your arm. Nonetheless, you made your way in completely unaware of the company your family was entertaining. 
“-as I was saying we will not be needing any more invitations.”
“And as I see it you will be needing more invitations.” The determined voice came from who you assumed must’ve been the owner of the royal vehicle. “Ruggie if you please.” 
Peeking out from behind your little pile you spied the royal colors of orange and black worn by a beefy guy with dark skin and white hair. You quickly averted your eyes when his amber eyes stared intensely into yours, disappearing into the kitchen you fanned yourself to fruitlessly calm the heat that enveloped your face; missing the dispute your father and the knight seemed to have with your father. 
“I will repeat..that is but a servant: someone who best stays with the house for our livelihood.”
“So you insist…” The amber-eyed knight sneered in disbelief looking at his confidant who reentered the room with a framed photo in his hands. 
“Well, it doesn’t seem like this…servant of yours…is all that depended on to sort your house.” Snickering to himself Ruggie flung a decorative globe from his pocket leaving Deuce to lunge as he caught the item. “Which is the house of an upper-middle-class family that can certainly afford a night on the town. Though I get why you’d want to keep them a secret they are quite the…catch.” 
On the last word, the royal attendant threw the frame in Mozus’ direction which he caught gingerly holding the frame to his chest as the knight further glared at him. The royal envelope was also shoved in his direction dropping it at his feet when he made no moves to receive it. 
“His Highness expects all to be there. Good day.”
“Hishishishi, bye-bye.” 
Both knight and attendant left with a glare and smirk respectively before leaving as swiftly as they came; leaving their hosts in a dreary position. Ace and Deuce entered the foyer both cradling various pictures and artistic decor. Exchanging dark looks with one another as you finally entered the foyer, awkwardly swinging your arms back and forth as you picked up on the  tense atmosphere.
“Sooo you guys want to tell me about what happened there? Did Ace finally get caught for some stupid crime?” You tried to lighten the mood as you poked fun at Ace. But he didn’t react to you simply looking away as Deuce caved.
“Well no it's more like we have something to tell you–what?”
Elbowed in the ribs the boys begin something of a glaring contest which has Mozus intervening. Sending them away with a look you and your step-father are the only ones left in the room as the two grumbles to their rooms. 
“So what’s this all about?”
“The prince is holding a banquet..in hopes of finding a spouse.” Mozus sighed as he moved towards the study; sitting in his chair. “His employees were adamant that we all make an appearance.”
“All of us?” Sitting across from him you looked into his tired eyes.
“Yes. I’m under the impression that they believe us to be…abusive to you…so they were insistent that you attend.” 
You sucked your teeth in annoyance. “Can’t we like makeup an excuse…like that my formal wear got destroyed or something? I mean if they had any doubts I could just back it up.”
Mozus let out a weary sigh as he stared into the distance. 
“But I doubt that would work, they are royalty after all.”
“Royalty Shmoyalty we pay our taxes and as such, we should be allowed to marry who we please. And not be forced to play bachelorette with this prince-guy.”
He laughed at your statement, settling into the chair as you do the same. Smiling at his ounce of joy that settled into a look of trust. 
“So…will you be alright not to attend…under such circumstances?”
“Yeah of course!  Lucius and I can have a ball of our own…all under a happy accident.”
“Told you they’d be slippery.” Prince Leona laughed as he listened to the feedback of the conversation. Amused by the way his knight and attendant’s eyes widen as they listened in. As he predicted his prey and their herd were a slippery bunch; collectively united to make his hunt that much harder. While he did prefer to nap rather than hunt he didn’t mind the means all that much when the end would be so fulfilling.
“Uh, you sure you really want this one? I don’t know if it’s worth marrying into a family brave enough to defy the crown.”
“I- ’ll have to agree with Ruggie-senpai on this one. Would you really want to mate with someone with so many…admirers.”
The knight spoke frankly, having tailed the auspicious character that everyone couldn’t help but swoon over. Too often had he watched the citizens sink into the darkest depths of depravity all in pursuit of this…(Y/n)-character. For all, he could deduct it wouldn’t be bizarre that those with more sway in nobility or even other kingdoms may come to desire them the same way. They could use their power after being exposed to them either through violence or diplomatic servitude. 
(Y/N) Trein was a dangerous specimen, to Jack, for someone so unaware of their effect on people they easily captivate anyone that so much as glances at them. He didn’t know what scared him more the prospect of many endangering the life of his prince or the pull of his own desire for you. It was shameful but he found no solace in running from his emotions. All he knew is that it’d be trouble if his master decided to wed you…
“Heh. Don’t you think that’s a good enough reason anyway?” Leona snickered at his subordinates’ blinking in confusion. 
“Who else will have the resources to keep such a snare, locked up tight?”
“Then what about the bigwigs? Won’t they want to see them?” Ruggie tested, hoping to catch the Prince off-guard. Leona only laughed flashing his canines in a toothy grin. 
“I doubt you’d two would let that happen,” He laughed at the shocked look Jack would make as he turned to see Ruggie’s expression of panic. “Don’t think I couldn’t tell, they are practically irresistible.”
“A-aren’t you…worried that we’d steal them from you?”
Leona leaned back with his hands behind his head, letting his legs cross on the center console smirking to himself.
“Tch steal them and face the entire fleet of my brother’s kingdom? Fat chance. Jack’s too uptight and Ruggie’d run out of money,” the two shrugged and turned away in affirmation.
“Besides we’re all quite good at sharing with one another. Right, Jack?”
 Jack’s cheeks dusted with heat as Ruggie snickered, bashfully putting his arms behind his head. Letting the hyena calm his laughter, the knight cleared his throat already paging the royal tailors.
“I’ll go ahead and place the orders. One for a simple delivery and the second one for their untimely incident. 
“Ooops the outfit I just got from the royal family ended up in the furnace. Oh—ACE! Are you paying attention!” 
He looked up at you with the residue of whatever he was eating on his face as he gave you a stupid dumbfounded look. You sneered and rolled your eyes resisting the urge to pull at his ear or smack him upside the head but since his eyes were on you you continued. 
“Ace. Look at what’s happened to my outfit from the royal family, I’ve accidentally thrown it into the furnace. See?”
“Uhhh okay? You wanna medal of somethin’?”
You just needed a witness. You just needed a witness. Carrying what you could ‘save’ from the furnace you put it in a metal bucket as you carried it to your father who sat dutifully writing a letter to the prince’s staff. You sweatdropped at his old-fashioned style as you set down your evidence for your computer already typing the beginning of his letter. 
“Hey, it might arrive in time if we email them a picture..”
“...I guess that would serve our cause just as nicely.”
While you weren’t worried about informing them of your absence so early you didn’t want your Father who was guaranteed to possibly run into those intimidating lackeys to be accused of not even attempting. With hours until the banquet it would put the royal family in the impossible position of producing a tailor–made masterpiece in time. You left him to type awkwardly at the computer, hoping to save him from the embarrassment of your pity.
“Well, then I ought to get ready for the night.”
You had grand plans to enact a night full of debauchery as you relished in the emptiness of the house. Which consisted of finally going through the steamy selections Trein believed to be a pile of ash. Along with preparing to prepare for the turf war of pranks that Ace and Deuce seemed to endlessly rule. It would be glorious! That being said, you wasted no time bugging the duo to prepare for their departure as well as protecting their suits from whatever disaster seems to follow them. 
Trein was also kept busy not only preparing his email but steeling himself as he slid his wand into the undercoat of his suit. Despite your attempt to help he was certain the prince wouldn’t take kindly to this…incident. He was prepared to lose the battle himself but his sons were the only ones he needed to keep safe. Anyone would carry out his will, should the worse come to be, it’d be them. 
“Y-you don’t think we’ll have to use these…do you?”
Deuce’s breathless whisper weighed heavy on Trein’s heart but he steeled himself. They need to be strong and as their only role model left he needed to embody that. So with eyes cold and distant, he encouraged them to be prepared. 
“I won’t cry for you old man because you’re not dying. And (Y/n)’s not going to end up with that pompous prince anyway! Not if I have anything to say about it!” 
Could a father be more proud? His hugs were tight and firm, a silent reminder of his love before facing you. You have always been a joy to nurture. Prideful and loving it hurt not to warn you of his possible end but he couldn’t bring himself to worry you now. So with an ache in his heart, he smiled a woeful ‘farewell’ as you giggled something unread. But he couldn’t have asked for a better send-off. 
“Yes! Now that they’re gone I can be an absolute menace!” 
And your night of menacing would begin as you begin your plans for the night. Completely unminding of the sun setting as you continued to enjoy your time in an empty house. All was well traps were set, and treats were had but then an ominous knock at the door had you shooting off the couch. 
“Delivery of the royal family.”
The sound of steps quickly receding and the sound of tires skirting off. You rushed to the door, opening it to find a dreaded copy of the outfit you destroyed hours before. Were you wrong? Was the royal family truly so prominent that they were fast enough to prepare this!? You took it inside and began to pace…surely they shouldn’t expect you to show up with your family’s car already gone? But if they were so adamant about something as small as this perhaps they would send a car. Or some form of transportation so that your father would not be at fault, right? Right?!
You stuck your head out into the dark and chilling night, looking down the street across the estate. Alas, no car or limo was in sight nor the sound of any vehicles on the street. With a heart full of anxiety you turned back into your home, closing the door. You kept your eyes trained on the wooden floorboards as you wracked your brain for some solution. 
“Well, that’s convenient.”
The sultry voice has you snapping in horror to the living room where a man or rather three were hovering around. In the armchair facing the door was a man with blonde hair and purple tips that curled at the sparkling surface of his purple suit that’s back curtained into a tuft half-skirt. He wore a full face of makeup, sporting a knowing smolder and a raised chin giving a look of refinement. The other man with blonde hair in a bowl cut stood just behind the same chair dressed in a matching tail suit that reached dramatically at his calves. He tipped his hat with a widening smile as you met his emerald gaze.
“Bonjour mon cheri, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.”
You were slow to join them in the living room despite their unchallenging demeanor. Only moving forward when the third male with soft features was lackadaisically rifling through the frames of your family on a nearby coffee table. You ran over taking it from him to put it back in its place, the lavender-haired male shrugged returning to the side of the man with folded hands in the chair. You scratched at your head as you took in the odd throuple.
“So what are you? How did you get in here? Why are you–”
“We don’t have much time (Y/n) so I’ll make this short. Rook!” 
The blonde with the hat stepped forward, “Yes My Queen!” 
Clearing his throat he opened his hands as he presented each of them. 
“We are your fairy…helpers. This Roi du Poison: Vil and this is Monsieur Crabapple: Epel and as you’ve heard I am Rook! We are at your service for the night!” 
You opened your mouth to respond, stopped by Vil’s raised hand. He sighs and shakes his head.
“I’m certain you have questions (Y/n), but we don’t have time for that. At this moment Mozus Trein is ingesting the poison that will kill him at the stroke of midnight.”
“What–! Why didn’t you say something sooner!” 
“I’m telling you now so hush. We’ll give you the antidote but-”
Rook excitedly chimed “You must be back by midnight! Otherwise–” 
This time it was Epel who spoke in a hasty tone, “Or we’ll be forced to collect a form of payment from the life that was saved.”
“Do you accept?”
His made-up smile was unreadable but his eyes smiled with curiosity. As though you’d have any other answer to their proposal.
“I accept.”
Rook cheered while you unraveled the gaudy garments that matched the kingdom’s colors. Vil grimaced and gagged. 
“Oh no, I am not letting you arrive in that! Especially not late!” 
As if he was gliding he stood up from his seat to stand nearly chest to chest with you. You pulled away when he moved his hand to your face, flashing you a look of solemn sarcasm before materializing a wand in a flash of sparkles. 
Smiling at your dropped jaw he waved the wand over your head. Just like its appearance the wand sprinkled sparkles all over your lounge clothes transforming them into a magnificent outfit, with frills and folds that added a new type of elegance. You even felt a tiara appear on your head before Vil slapped your hand away. The final touch was a stylish pair of sneakers, you flashed him a curious look while he sighed. 
“Judging by the time,” He flashed a look at the clock. “You’ll need to move fast, ballroom wear isn’t exactly what you need.”
Rook appeared from behind him with a mirror in hand showing the unfamiliar reflection of you in stellar makeup. 
“You look like rêve dans la vraie vie!”
“Uh, thanks?”
Smoothing out the outstanding frills and floof you hurried to the door before returning to Vil who shook his head again before handing you the vial with a color-changing liquid. You held it close, finding a secure pocket to store the vial before once again heading to the door to make a hard stop with sunken shoulders.
“Guys! I don’t have a car!”
Vil deadpanned, “Not my department.”
“It’s mine!” Epel shouted, smiling widely as he took your hand with his leading you out the door. Holding you behind him, he enthusiastically pulled out his wand and waved it wildly around, much less precise as Vil had done. 
Similar sparkles popped wildly about to reveal a coolish blue and purple vehicle. Screaming slim and sleek it looks like the latest edition of motorcyle. Noting how it matched your look, you jumped as the engine revved animatedly as though it was calling out to you. Turning to Epel who was proudly smiling at your shocked face. 
“B-but I don’t know how to ride–”
“Don’t worry! It’s magic! Now go! go!” 
He pushed you along to start running towards the bike. You leaned forward, gripping the handles feeling a warm urge rush over you as you reeled your right hand back to try the engine. Booming loud and spiking your adrenaline you almost missed the warning he gave as you kicked up the stand. 
“Once you get closer to the time limit it’s not going to work the same.”
“Okay got it! Bye, and thanks!” 
You hurriedly waved to the three who were standing on the front door steps, each waving to you with their varied levels of energy. Jetting off you let what must’ve been the magic course through your veins as you mindlessly turned through the empty streets towards the castle banquet hall. 
“I’m coming, Dad! Just give me time!”
Deuce could barely stand to sway with the woman who had asked him to dance. He was too busy keeping his eyes on his father. Engaged in conversation with the prince’s guard looking especially terse as he smoothly sipped at his champagne glass. 
“Hey, boy!? Are you paying attention or am I just that nice to hold?”
He hurriedly released his hold on the woman, quickly wiping his hands against his suit before scampering into the crowd of beautiful people. Baby blue eyes searched frantically for his brother, feeling the burning weight in the pocket close to his chest. His searching proved fruitless as he lost his tact in maneuvering between the giant dresses and tailcoats.
Breaking out of the crowd he found himself in the darker section of the garden. Away from the floating lights and mingling guests. Collapsing on a bench to clutch at his heart that was beating a mile a minute. How could he be so useless? His father was possibly having the biggest confrontation of his life and all he could do was search for his brother in hopes of intervening. He couldn’t recall when he became such a coward. Maybe it was the day he lost his new mother? Or when (Y/n) was almost abducted? Or that time Ace left him in that closet? But what did it matter? To blame any one moment distracted from the outstanding major point–that Deuce was a coward that might be losing someone soon. Two if he didn’t get up soon. 
He tried to stand but was cruelly returned to his spot when he felt his body trembling. Could he take on anyone with such fragility? Without Ace’s loud presence to hide behind? 
Deuce shakily inhaled and exhaled.
“What are you doin’ out here?”
The voice was gravelly and deep as if its owner had just awakened. Easing his fear with curiosity the ravenette looked to the bush across from him. The owner of the voice was yawning and stretching from out the previously neat shrubbery. Dark-skinned with cat-like eyes and unruly hair, Deuce thought he looked familiar but couldn’t place his face. Leona on the other hand, let a fanged smirk spread across his face, and recognized him right away.
“Uh, what are you doing…sleeping in a bush…at a party?”
“Probably the same reason, you’re out here crying.”
“I-i’m not crying!” 
Leona chuckled, leaping out of the bush to tower over the still-sitting Deuce. With sly intention, the prince sat next to him feigning sympathy as he probed further.
“Oh? Then what are you doing? Did you just get dumped, maybe?”
He sighed, “No…I’m just getting over an…insecurity, I guess.”
“I just…get kind of anxious and recently I’ve just been scared.”
“Yeah. I think I’m just worried because my Da–father’s life is kind of in danger and I’m just not–”
Leona was mentally rolling his eyes. This guy just kept going on and on. But perhaps if he could show a little sympathy it’d help smooth things over in the future. After all, it'd be helpful to have his brother-in-law willing to speak well in his spouse’s ear. 
“Well, I think you should focus on getting some security.”
“Yeah, whatever option certifies your status and family’s well-being no matter how small.”
“Wait what was tha–?”
Deuce’s question was interrupted by the crux of gasps from the party guests. Who all seemed to be gawking at something deep within the party hall. Deuce stood up, wasting no time to fight through the crowd; praying it wasn’t shock from someone’s untimely death. On the other hand, Leona sauntered, slinking around the crowd to watch what caught everyone’s attention.
In the sea of guests dressed in the earthly colors of the kingdom, you were sure you stood out. Your outfit was a macrame of blues and purples, sparkling beyond any normal amount. This is why you couldn’t fault the entire gaggle of guests guffawing at your wear and if looked under a speculative scope could be considered a direct protest of the crown. It might have been an unintentional perk but you’d take it nonetheless. 
Almost immediately you spotted Mozus looking shocked with his drink in hand. Still panting from running up the steps, you strode with confidence purposely taking—whoever this man was to the prince—by surprise as you guided your father away. 
“Excuse me, I must speak to my father for a moment.”
“Uh, y-yeah–I mean, yes.”
You didn’t wait for his response while you led your father away, sneakily slipping the drink out of his hand. Finally coming to terms with you being there, Mozus spoke trying to keep his composure as you started to waltz, joining the still-staring crowd as you spoke.
“(Y/n) you look–”
“Stunning? Dazzling? Remarkable? I know.”
He smiled and shook his head at you.
“But what are you doing here? I thought we agreed you’d stay home.”
He twirled you and you responded, “We did. But they sent another.”
You two followed the steps, both of you taking a look at the non-dancing folks. The prince is among them. Sucking your teeth, you took your father’s hand dragging him off the dance floor to the table holding drinks. Pulling the vial out of your pocket you didn’t bother to hide it as you frantically dumped the vial into a glass before holding it out to him.
“I don’t have much time. You need to drink this.”
He looked at you like you were Ace–stupid. You leaned in keeping your voice low as you laid it out for him.
“I got a tip that you have been poisoned,” you put your finger up as he looked ready to argue.
“ You did drink? Didn’t you?”
His embarrassed silence told you everything you needed to know.
“Which is why you need to drink this cure and I have to leave before we’re in debt for it.”
Mozus opened his mouth and closed it, finally taking the glass from your hand. Holding it to his chest as he looked at you.
“Are you certain?”
“Of what?”
“Of this…being a cure.”
“Please! I don’t want to take the chance…”
He couldn’t resist the way you looked at him with those pleading (e/c) eyes, so much like the toddler he’d fallen in love with from day one. Mozus Trein would always have a strength weakness and you were one of three.
He downed the champagne like a madman, going back to his stoic expression. He raised an eyebrow as you continued to stare at him as if expecting some immediate change to happen.
“Don’t you have to leave before we’re in debt?”
“Ohhh! You’re right!” 
You hugged him before sprinting through the crowd, unfortunately on your way out you could already see the stuttering man and another running to catch you before you reached the door. In your dash, you took a detour using the crowd to stifle their chase, looking around for those familiar pair of troublemakers. 
“Oi! I said we’re dancing, didn’t I!? LET’S GO PRINCEY!” 
It was Ace dragging the scowling prince to the dance floor away from the position that would have been your doom. You silently thanked him as you spotted the night sky, about to jump down the steps you stopped because of the burly man guarding your exit. 
“I apologize! But per my prince’s orders, I can not let you through!” 
Before you could retaliate you were stilled by the increasing cry of Deuce flying by!
Crashing into the man his momentum sent the both of them tumbling down the stairs. You ran behind them passing by to get to your magic motorcycle. Shouting behind you, you stuck your thumbs up.
“Thanks, Deucey!”
Instead of words, you were met with the continuous grunts and fleshy sounds of being punched. You stopped yourself from looking and instead focused on mounting your ride once more. But something wasn’t sitting right, wasn’t there another–?
“Hi, there!”
Standing right in front of you was a leaner male, smaller than the prince, and the guard smiling mischievously as he blocked your ride. 
“Where are ya goin’ so fast?”
“None of your business!”
“What? Don’t you want to–” 
His smile became a smirk as he raised his hand toward you. You felt like you were having an out-of-body experience where you couldn’t control any of your movements.
“Laugh With Me?!”
At that moment a flash of sparkles seems to sprout from your outfit shooting into the man’s face. He reeled back, falling to the ground and curling into himself as he clutched his nose. Recognizing the sparkle you sent a kiss to the sky before zooming off on your motorcycle. 
Riding off into the night you let yourself breathe. One hurdle at a time. The next one is getting home in time which should be fine. As long as the prince and his goons are occupied at the very least you’ll get home in time.
“Are you sure that was okay?” Epel asked as he worriedly watched you ride on the motorcycle he had spent months crafting. 
Vil didn’t respond, watching with mixed feelings as he zoomed in on your determined face. Setting the mirror down he leaned into the armchair as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Technically yes. Usually, the fairy godparent should have done everything within their power to assure their success…”
Epel grimaced, “But we don’t want that, do we?” 
At Vil’s silence, Epel went on grazing his fingers along your face on one of the framed photos. 
“We…don’t keep them if they make it back, right? So we should want them to fail…so we shouldn’t help right?”
Vil exasperatedly sighed as he looked at the decor of the home. He scoffed lightly, threading his gloved hands through his hair as he let a defeated smile grace his face. 
“But we love them so dearly, we can’t help but want the best for (Y/n). That little Minx.”
Playfully cursing at you as he watched you through the glass of his all-seeing mirror. Epel returned to his side looking over his shoulder with a look Vil couldn’t pinpoint.
“But what if–the situation with the prince, right? It’s not going to get better, right? Then maybe we can have them then?”
“In exchange for saving them from a forced marriage and protecting their family?.... That’s incredibly dubious Epel. It breaks every rule in the fairy book.”
The petite boy smiled playfully wagging his wand. 
“But we’re not fairies are we?”
Vil couldn’t help but cackle laugh alongside his junior’s snickers. Before turning back to the mirror with a settled mind and a happy smile.
“Then it's settled, we'll let them return home in time. Successfully complete the payment and we collect our darling during the next tragedy. Are we all in agreement?”
With vigor, he’d never had towards Vil before he shouted, “Yeah!” 
“Hold on…Where’s Rook?”
You should have been in the clear, a straight shot home would be the end of this night. But whatever small objects whizzing by you on your ride might be telling a different story. You took the backroads surrounded by the woods to keep your pursuers off your trail. Looking in your rearview mirror, you found no lights that said otherwise, and yet why did it feel as though you were still being chased? 
You didn’t want to turn off the road but when you felt the break of wind again, you heard the hissing of one of your tires. As quickly as you could you turned back to the main road, finally coming to a stop when you made it to the shopping square. 
Getting up from the toppled motorbike to inspect the flat tire expecting to find some small puncture. Instead, you dug through the larger hole to pull out an arrowhead. Immediately you stood up, frantically looking around until you witnessed a flaming arrow landing on your fallen bike. 
Backing away from the growing inferno you could finally see the faint outline of a shadowy pursuer. In the darkness of the night, they reeled their arm back and released after another arrow seemed to fly by you. Without another thought, you took off ducking under closed stalls and parked cars as you made your way to the only place you could think of where you could hijack a motorbike. 
“Sorry, Trey!”
You quite easily rigged his motorcycle to run after locking the door of the bakery’s private parking lot. As the banging against the door intensified, it had you working fast and you couldn’t help but thank Deuce for his bad egg era. Mounting the motorcycle you waited until your assailant broke down the door, before firing away through the door and over the guy. 
You didn’t bother looking for the identity of the masked individual or if they were getting up again. Continuing on your route you flashed a look at the radio clock on the motorcycle, speeding as much as you can. It was a small window but you could make it! 
With minutes to spare you, crashed the motorcycle into the cobblestone of the estate’s entryway climbing your porch and quickly unlocking the door to your home. Stumbling in, you hardly noticed your disintegrating garments returning you to your comfy attire. Bent over and heaving on your knees you took a minute to compose yourself.
“...Congratulations (Y/n). Saving your step-father and returning all in one night is no easy feat.”
“Good job, (Y/n) we knew you could do it!”
Light-headed and heart still beating erratically you gave a lopsided smile to them both, puffing your chest and putting your hands on the backside of your hips.
“All…in…a day’s work. Whoo.”
Suddenly feeling a wave of tiredness come over you, letting your eyes droop and your shoulders sag. Looking down in a startling realization you could feel the light quake of your legs whether from fear or exhaustion from holding you up; you decided on one thing. 
“I’m really tired.”
Vil gave a knowing smile as he stepped toward you, putting a warm hand on the middle of your back he let you lean into his touch. Holding you against himself, he let his arm curl around holding you close as he guided you up the stairs and to your room. It didn’t matter to you then that there was no hesitation before opening your door. 
Laying you delicately into the mattress, his face brushing against yours raised no alarm only vaguely tickling your nerves as you welcomed the plush of your pillow. Vil was speaking to you, something important indeed but your body didn’t care. Already filling your vision with splotches of black and your eyelids filling the space; you melted into the warmth of your bed. 
“--When that time comes all of you is mine.”
 Waking to the muffled angry cries and pawing of a frustrated cat, was a jarring start to your morning. It didn’t help that your body ached and throbbed with the unprepared tension of the night before. With great struggle you raised your lead-heavy limbs from the bed, dragging your feet as you dressed quickly. Just a brush of your teeth, a wash to the face, and putting on your robe—far too tired to change out of your comfy clothes. When you opened your door the cat sped past your slippers; hissing at the state before rubbing himself all over the surface. 
“Why are you so miffed it's not like I…had anyone over.”
When you woke you were too caught up with the pain to recall the madness of the night before. Fairy helpers. Magic clothes and a motorcycle. Antidotes to poison. Escaping royalty. A hunter with arrows. It was a timeline of an action movie all of which you didn’t have time to register before now. 
“Oh gosh, Trey’s bike!” 
Forgoing feeding the cat you ran down the stairs and out the door, dreading that’d you’d find the wreckage you vaguely remember. To your horror the motorbike was twisted in an odd angle, scrapes all over its details, and a concerning amount of arrows lodged into the tires. 
“Trey I am so sorry.”
Already preparing for the shifts at the bakery you’d be willing to pick up or any outlandish favor he could come up with in exchange. Letting out a defeated sigh you waved a dismissive hand before heading back inside. Looking for anything out of place you took your time scanning the living room trying to spot a stray footprint or glitter coming up short.
“Hey!” You looked to the stairwell seeing an angry Ace, trailed by Deuce stomping his way down the steps.
“What d’ya think you were doing?! Trashing my room like you did and then showing up to the ball you not to go to!?”
“I didn’t trash your room. And it was an absolute emergency.”
“Well, couldn’t you have an emergency quietly?! You literally wore the craziest outfit—”
“I thought y-you looked really nice.”
“Thanks, Deuce.”
“And got the prince’s attention! The exact person we were trying to avoid!”
“I told you: it was an emergency!” “Oh yeah?! And was getting Deuce beat up worth it?”
“Sorry but yeah. And what about you Casanova you got to dance with the prince?”
“Shut. It.”
Ace continued to complain but you stopped listening looking around for the one this was all for. Pushing past those two to open the doors of Trein’s study. For a moment there was fear, that the poison was not cured or that the antidote was the opposite of what you’d hoped. That you’re dearest stepfather would not be standing there. That he’d be in the coroner’s office having his case dismissed on the Royal family’s behalf.
But he was there. Standing healthy and firm as he looked at something small nearly invisible. Having heard you come in he squashes it between his fingers turning to you with fondness.
“Judging by the bike outside you had quite the night.”
You chuckled, “I did? I don’t know about that, I wasn’t the one whose life was on the line.” 
Mozus gave a look of disbelief before accepting a hug from you. You were happy the night had gone the way it did if it meant saving your dearest dad.  Neither of you pulled away as Ace barged in pointing his finger as he was still attempting to berate you. Stopping when he saw neither of you pulls away.
“What is this? A fluffy party? Don’t think just cause you're hugging him doesn’t mean I’m going to get all fuzzy with you!?”
“Don’t get all pissy just because I’m getting hugs!” 
“I’m not–” “Did you say hugs? I want in.”
Trein opened the hug, extending a hand to Deuce. Who eagerly pushes past his brother to accept the invitation.
“You may join us, just watch your strength. It would be problematic if you injured (Y/n).”
“He doesn’t want to say it but he’s scared you’ll break his broken back even more.”
“I promise to be gentle pops!”
“I’m not made of glass.”
“...Whatever. I’m only coming over because you sad saps won’t stop looking at me like that.”
In a suffocating heap, you hugged your family; relishing in the asynchronous beating of their hearts. It was comforting–their obvious signs of warmth even as they all departed on the pretext of it being too hot, brought a smile to your face.
You did it. They were safe.
The startling knocking on the door broke the moment causing all of you to snap your heads toward the source. With a pensive sigh and shake of your head, you went for the door giving a guilty face to their curious looks.
“No doubt probably Trey who's about to hound me for his bike.”
So sure you swung the door open fully expecting to see an angry green-haired baker. Only to be overcome with dread as you recognized the royal colors decorating the uniforms of the prince and his entourage.
“You’ll have to excuse us (Y/n) (L/n). We have some business with you.”
In no time at all the prince had lazily sprawled himself on an armchair and his guards on the couch, leaving Mozus to take the only other chair in the room. After closing the door on the growing crowd of onlookers you stood dutifully next to Ace and Deuce who stood on both sides of the armchair. Mozus spoke with a pensive bow.
“Your Highness it's an honor. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
The prince was still leaning comfortably in the chair, resting his boots on the coffee table in between. The scrawnier attendant spoke, who you vaguely recalled somehow attempting to stop you.
“His Highness is more than captivated by the daisy, who left the celebration all too soon.”
Their hungry eyes were all on you to which you fumbled your rebuttal. 
“A-are you by chance talking about Ace?”
Deuce caught your wandering gaze, shaping his lips into an ‘o’ before joining you. 
“Oh yes, I-i saw that His Highness shared a lovely dance with our precious Ace. Did you perhaps fall head over heels in love with him?”
You held in a snicker and so did the slim attendant, doing a terrible job silencing his amusement behind his hands. The prince seemed to growl as he sent a glare in Deuce’s direction who immediately shrunk back in some sort of reprimand. As if intending to break the tension the burly attendant spoke, who you now recalled was the one Deuce tackled for your sake.
“Who we are referring to is (Y/n) (L/n) and as you’ve deduced His Highness is formally asking for your hand.”
A strong silence fell over your family. A collective horror gripping your hearts.
“What if…I planned to refuse?”
Deuce and Ace released a gasp and Mozus turned to look at you, heart aching at the sweat that beaded your brow. The attendants sent a look toward one another before looking to the Prince who sat unbothered, before laughing out loud. It was a scornful laugh. A laugh that made your cheeks burn with stupidity. As if what you had proposed was so outlandish that you might as well paint your face, wear bells on your head, and become a jester. 
His laughing stopped as he brought his feet off the table; placing his elbows on his knees and carding his fingers to rest along his chin. Emerald eyes narrowed and challenging he spoke with a rumbling authority.
“Do you think it's a good idea to refuse me? I know you’re not stupid (Y/n). Would you rather be married without any family, prospects, or a clean record? Or would you rather come happily into the royal family without our behest?”
“But you're still threatening me–”
“And? I’m being nice with all the running you’ve been doing from me. I love a good chase but I’m about tired of pushing past these obstacles. And I’m about to knock them down. Permanently.”
The message was clear. 
Your family’s protective streak for you was being tested. And so was your own will. More than anything you would have loved to hide behind your father and brothers. But that would be folly against someone who truly had no problem getting rid of your family. It wouldn’t do much to refuse…even if it killed you to lose your freedom to this. 
Mozus stood up, angrily gripping the armrests of his chair as he dangerously turned red. Ace and Deuce mirrored his actions more than ready to be thrown into action. So were the attendants who seemed to be waiting for the chance to spring into action.
You have to diffuse this.
You need time to think.
“Dad… it's okay…please.”
With a hand on his shoulder, you guided him back into his seat before turning to the smirking prince. 
“I…will…need a minute.”
You didn’t wait for him to answer dashing past Deuce and Ace as you ran into the nearby room: the study. Having half a mind not to cry you began to pace. What could you do? What could be done? The cards have been set and you had the losing hand. All you could do was to give in. And after all, you’d gone through? For the hero you were before, it would all mean nothing. 
Even with the force of magic that you’re family had, you couldn’t expect novices and one senior to protect against an army. No. If it was magic you’d need something stronger. Something that has proven to give results. To be a definite victory for you and your family. Kind of like…your fairy helpers.
“I had a feeling you’d need me.”
You turned to see Vil in all his radiant, glittery glory smiling as pridefully as he did before. You ran up to him with a conviction and helpless plea, fully prepared to beg on your knees if you had to. 
“Vil…the prince he– he said if I didn’t marry him willingly he’d hurt them–but I really don’t want to sign my life away to that horrible brainless—Do you have anything that can help me?! Or just some way where I can guarantee that my family will be safe?”
A warm hand rubbed against your back and the smell of cedar filled your nose. It reminded you of that one fellow…
“Ohhh~ pauvre biche, Vil we must offer our help!” 
There was something about the way he said it. The sing-songy tone that was typical for him had a hint of mocking nature. But surely that was out of understanding perhaps it was something of a minor problem for fairies such as them or that it was all an act in the first place.
“Yeah, Vil, (Y/n)’s our friend we’ve got to help them.”
Epel was on your other side letting his shoulder touch yours in a form of support as he looked to Vil. Seemingly convinced Vil pulls a vile from his pocket. The solution glows a sparkling purple that flashes gradients of green. It was alluring to simply glance at.
“Alright then (Y/n) I have a proposal for you: you drink this and your family will be safe from any others who may wish to harm them,” You opened your mouth to agree, stopping when a gloved finger pushes against your lips. 
Vil continues, “But you must agree to accept the journey that comes with it. “
Your eyebrow rose with a question on your tongue only to be stopped by more fingers on your lips. 
“I can’t elaborate on that further. All I can say is that we’d be with you the whole way and no one. No one will ever threaten you again.”
It was your choice.
“To concede or thrive? Mon filou, what will you choose?”
“You’ll make the right choice (Y/n)~! I’m sure of it.”
You held your gaze on the swirling solution in the vile. 
It was up to you.
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Hiya! Hope you having a wonderful day! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do more of NRC's resident gremlin, Bitey Child Yuu? Maybe how whoever you want figured out WHY the gremlin bites people? Might be fun. Feel free to ignore this if you're not interested. ANYWAYS, I hope you're having a fantabulous day!
The first people who find out the reason for the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes
Warning(s): Long as hell, not edited, cussing
Word count (since I guess this kinda counts as a fic too?): 2.7k
A/N: This too far longer to do than it should have i am so sorry but I hope you enjoy! did i do this all in two nights after putting it off for months? ....you cant prove shit
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
You and Grim have always had a lot more in common than either of you really knew,
neither of you has any family
both of you grew up taking care of yourself
and both grew up on the streets with little food.
When Grim first learned of your habit, he just thought it was funny,
he didn't judge you nor did he care why you did it at the time
I mean, he often used his fire against people so he really has no room to talk.
It wasn't until around the end of book 2 that he started to learn more about his little roomie.
Grim was exhausted, after Leona's overblot earlier that day he wanted nothing more than to wrap up in the old dusty blanket the two of you shared. But he couldn't do that without you- not that he'd ever willingly admit it, but he had gotten used to sleeping with your small arms wrapped around him and he quite enjoyed it- but that's not the point.
He has no clue where you are, he walked with you into Ramshackle a little while ago but hasn't seen you since. With a defeated sigh he stomped back into your shared room having given up looking for you and decided to just suck it up and try and sleep...
Carefully opening his eyes, Grim looked around the room to try and find the source of the sniffling. He nearly started crying out himself when he realized the quiet weeping was coming from under the bed. The last thing he was expecting to see under the bed when he eventually gathered the courage to look, was his young companion curled in on themself, their small form shaking either from the crying or maybe due to the constant chill that always lingered in the poorly insulated house, perhaps it was both.
"Hey, kid-" even though he kept his voice to a whisper he still managed to startle the small human. "...um...you alright..?" There was a twinge of guilt in Grim that he couldn't ignore when he saw their messy face.
You didn't answer, only staring at the firey creature, with big eyes that shined bright with the reflection of Grim's flams and a messy wet face. He never really expected a response, you were never much of a talker, but he was a little hopeful.
"I can't believe I'm doing this.." Grim grumbled in defeat when that guilty feeling in his chest won and he grabbed the blanket and pillow off the bed and climbed under the bed next to you. Before you could react, he pushed the pillow toward you and shimmied the blanket on you, and laid under it right next to you.
That night was when he learned about your short life before Twisted Wonderland,
that you had no family, and you lived on the streets
he was able to connect the dots as to why you always bite people.
"So you bite people that you think will hurt you, or others?"
"...yeah?...I guess...."
The two of you fell asleep under the bed that night, but don't worry, the ghost found you and pull you both back onto the bed
making sure to tuck you in.
After that, Grim was noticeably a lot more protective and worried a lot more about you
he had taken it upon himself to make sure you were ok and safe and that you knew
he didn't want you to feel the need to bite people anymore
no matter how funny it was.
"Hey! Kid- What I say about biting people!? If someone makes you feel uneasy come to the great and powerful Grim! I'll roast 'em for ya."
Ace found it funny, be it a bit weird, when you bit people
but was extremely annoyed when you bit him.
It had to have been about the beginning of book 3 when Ace was informed of your reasoning.
"Ugghh..." Ace ground as he leaned his forearms on the Lounge countertop, exhausted from all the work he was forced to endure as punishment. Looking to his left he saw Grim uncharacteristically focused as he scrubbed the ever-growing dish pile.
"What's up with you?" He questioned, grabbing a dish to scrub so as to not face one of the Leech brother's punishments for slacking off. Ace was met with silence from the glowing cat-monster-thing. "Hey! Twisted Wonderland to Grim~ You there? ...what's up with you?..."
Grim was pulled out of his thoughts when Ace's hand came into his line of sight. "Huh? What 'cha say?"
Ace sighed, "I said, What up with you? You seem more distracted than normal"
"Oh... uh.. I was just..." Grim trailed off, searching for the words, but Ace took quick notice of the lack of snap back to his 'distracted' comment. "...Do you think they're okay? Yuu... I mean.."
Ace was taken aback by Grim's voiced worry for you. Yeah, he had taken notice of the small monster's growing protectiveness and worry of you during the past couple of weeks, but hearing him openly express it was... out of character for the creature.
"Well yeah of course they are. Besides if they're in a pinch, we know they'll just bite their way out of it." Ace lightly chuckled, expecting Grim to do the same. Only to be met with a curt nod and a quiet "...yeah. I guess..." and silence. Ace decided not to push it any longer...
That interaction stayed with Ace for the next couple of days
he wouldn't admit it but, he was slightly worried,
he could tell something had happened.
Until he was given some clarification a few days after when he got the chance to talk to you privately.
Ace found the small violent child sitting alone on a bench in the courtyard eating an apple he assumed they managed to get from one of the many trees. Taking the chance of a biting, he sat next to them which they took quick notice of, and stopped eating, looking up at him expectantly. If he didn't know better he would have said their big eyes were full of adorable childhood innocence, but he did know better, at least... that's what he thought.
"Soooo... how have you been?.." Ace had no clue what to say, and he could tell the kid knew that too due to the skeptical look they gave him. Taking a deep breath, be decided to just be blunt instead of beating around the bush.
"Ok- I'll just cut to the chase. What the hel- heck.." Ace sighed at the unintentional correction of himself, not liking that he unconsciously followed Riddle's rule of not cussing around the little shit, while he was not even around not less! *cough* um- anyway,,, "Just...what happened with you and Grim?" they tilted their small head in confusion "You know, he's gotten.. I think protective of you let's say and is worrying a lot more over you. I mean, just a few days ago he was asking if I thought you were okay while we were at the lounge."
Ace glanced down at them, not really expecting the surprised flustered look that was on their face. He found it... almost adorable, and he had a sudden urge to pat their head and pinch their cheek for some reason?
"...I think.. it might have something to do with what we talked about a few weeks ago.." Their small voice barely made it to Ace's ears, like they were talking more to themself than him.
"What did you talk about..?" Ace's tone was softer as his curiosity peaked, but a worrying feeling also grew alongside it.
And that my dear reader, is how Ace Trappola's heart grew two sizes bigger
I kid, I kid
But that is how he learned of his small friend's life, and subsequently, their reasoning for their biting.
He had a twinge of guilt in his chest listening to their story, and he did give in to the urge to pat their head
it was really the only way he could think of comforting you in that moment.
After that, he started seeing Yuu in a new light,
instead of a little shit that he kinda wanted to punt
he started seeing an actual kid, and a scared one at that
Ace also understood Grim protectiveness and worry.
...He may have felt the same..
There was a growing feeling in his chest that made him want to keep that small content smile on your face for as long as he could.
Deuce has always had a sense of duty when it came to Yuu
he thought he saw his younger self in them and, he felt he had to be a good role model for them.
He found out only a couple days after Ace.
Deuce stared at the sheet of paper on the desk in frustration, he had no clue what the answer to the written question was, with what little free time for studying he had he did his best to memorize the book, but that didn't work. He especially couldn't figure it out the constant clicking coming from the fire monster next to him.
After the test was finished Deuce tried to talk to Grim and ask him about the clicking, but the small creature quickly left as soon as he could, and Deuce followed soon after. He followed Grim out of the classroom and down the hall a bit unit the monster spotted the small child sitting against the wall, playing with their now untied bow.
"There you are! I thought I told you to wait right outside the classroom." Grim huffed as he made his way next to them, grabbing the long fabric and neatly tying it back around their wrist. Yuu wasn't allowed to take any of the tests or anything like that, they were only permitted to sit in on lectures and answer a couple questions from the professors. Deuce had too started to take notice of the difference in Grim's behavior toward the little kid in the past few weeks. At first, he didn't think much of it, barely even noticing until Ace pointed it out a little while ago. He didn't see any problem in it, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about the cause.
Deuce continued to watch the duo's interaction before they walked down the hall toward the next class.
Deuce decided the best course of action was to talk to Ace and try to make a plan
but when he went to the redhead, all he got from him was a sigh and instruction to talk to you himself
he was confused but did as he was told and looked for you the next day.
Deuce sighed in relief when he saw Yuu trying to climb a tree in the courtyard, seemingly trying for an apple. Walking up behind them, he reached for an apple and placed it in their small hands, which they happily accepted. As they were eating the red apple, Deuce took the chance to talk.
"Hey Yuu, could I ask you a few questions?" He spoke in the soft voice he always used with them as he knelt down to their height. They glanced at the teen and nodded.
"Well, I've noticed that Grim has been acting a bit weird...and Ace too.. now that I think about it... Do you know anything about that? I originally asked Ace about it, but he just told me to talk to you..." Deuce trailed off, trying to connect what he could and figure it out himself. A part of him didn't think Yuu would know anything or even have noticed anything, they were a little kid after all.
"oh.." Deuce looked back at you, expectantly waiting for your answer "It might have somethin' to do with what I told them a little while ago,,, but I'm not really sure why they're acting weird.." He was caught off guard, that was probably the longest sentence you've used, with him at least. Deuce leaned towards you so he could hear your small voice better.
Deuce was not expecting the explanation Yuu gave him
he felt guilty for thinking they were just a misbehaving child like he was.
Tears spilled out of his eyes and he pulled them into an almost bone-crushing hug
he refused to leave their side for a long while after that, even trying to stay at Savanaclaw with them and Grim.
He still wants to be the best role model he can be for you, that never changes.
Ruggie saw a lot of himself in Yuu, but couldn't quite place why? other than the aggressive biting and love for food
but he didn't question it much, not thinking it was of any importance and not his business
besides, he thought of them as somewhat of an annoyance for the first month or so of school so he didn't care much to figure it out.
But he was soon given that explanation,
around the end of book 3, shortly before winter break.
It was the last day of Yuu's stay at Savanaclaw and they had been helping out Ruggie a bit with some of his chores. Right now they were helping him hang the laundry on the wire to dry, 'helping' as in they handed him the clips and sometimes articles of clothing.
"Why do we hang 'em?" "So they dry." "Why do they dry? and how?"
Yuu was uncharacteristically talkative today, it kind of made sense, they were at that age where they asked questions about everything cause they didn't know anything, and he was doing something that they may have never seen before.
They continued to ask questions and Ruggie continued to answer them, with Yuu following him all throughout the day. He didn't really mind, some of the kids back home would do the same thing so he was pretty used to this. That all lead to them to the dorm kitchen later in the day, helping Ruggie make Leona's dinner. Ruggie would tell Yuu what to grab for him and they would oblige and ask what it was for.
"Grab the seasoning that has a red cap, looks a little bit like tea and smells like the forest mixed with pepper." Ruggie instructed, not looking up from the bowl
"R..Ruos....Ruse..murry....?" Ruggie turned toward them, surprised by their trying to read the name, and was met with their expectant eyes waiting for confirmation, to which he nodded and took the seasoning.
"Were you trying to read the label?" Ruggie asked, "Yeah.." Yuu confirmed "Huh... Well, good job. You were close, it's pronounced 'Rosemary'" They only nodded and continued to wait for the next instruction.
Yuu trying to read the label lasted for a little while until Ruggie got curious as to how they got so good at pronouncing them. Well pronouncing them for their age, they weren't supposed to start learning to read for about another year. Of course, there's nothing bad about starting early, it's just strange...
"Hey Yuu, where did you learn to read so well?" Ruggie leaned his side to the counter, turning his full attention to them while the food cooked. "Is one of the students teaching you? or maybe one of the teachers?"
"Hm?...No, there was justa' bunch-ah bottles like these in the dumpster I stayed next to for a lil while...an I heard a lotta people say the names too." Ruggie was taken aback by the implications they gave, and before They told him anymore, he started to connect the dots on almost everything about Them, having had a similar childhood. Out of curiosity, he decided to press further into Yuu's life before Twisted Wonderland.
That evening, Leona's food was a bit burnt due to all of Ruggie's attention being placed on Yuu and their story.
From that point on he took them under his wing in a sort
he would teach them all about how to cook when he could, and would take them with him when he'd go looking for ingredients in the forest behind Ramshackle to teach about how they could be used.
He offered to let them stay in his neighborhood over the winter break, but they had declined in favor of staying at NRC with Grim
to which he accepted their answer and left them with a head pat.
Ruggie sees a lot of his younger self in Yuu, maybe that's why he wants to take care of them as much as he can...
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pandoa · 2 months
the henchman: a grimmer tale
where another overblot strikes night raven college, and the prefect is prepared to face the dark magic alongside both grim and their friends to save the day yet again. but... where was grim to begin with?
part two/prologue to this fic in grim's pov !! can be read separately grim x platonic!gender neutral reader
warnings: angst ~based off of the theory that grim eventually overblot and mc will be forced to fight him~
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“Grim?” You called out into the empty hallways of your school, searching for your cat-like friend among the deserted classrooms of Night Raven. Through the windows of the college, you sensed that another event of chaos was brewing from the way the sky seemed to darken in black, foreboding smog as students from all over the campus began quickly making their escape from whatever discord that struck the premises of the school. 
Another overblot? The thought crossed your mind as you continued searching for Grim after being unsuccessful with finding him in his usual napping spot back at Ramshackle. Really, the thought of another overblot cursing Night Raven was not a surprising one. For something that was known to be a rare occurrence in a mage’s life, it was awfully common in the school you had happened to stumble upon after being taken away from your life back in your own world. Truthfully, all you wanted to do was to find your dear friend Grim and get this overblot over with.
But since when did things ever go your way in Twisted Wonderland in the first place?
“Grim?” You called out again, this time a little louder, until you spotted the familiar silhouettes of your four friends—Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel—approaching you in their usual group. Relief flooded over your senses as you hurried to meet them halfway, a thankful look to your face before you spoke. 
“Hey, have you guys seen Grim anywhere? Maybe somewhere near Ramshackle? I have to go get him before we go out to deal with that overblot again-”
“(Y/n),” Jack’s voice called out your name, his tone stern with a cold warning surrounding it, “Grim is the one who is overblotting. You won’t find him back at Ramshackle.”
You stopped in your own tracks as you turned to your friends. The slight shake in your voice was enough to make a few of them shift in regret. “W…what?” you managed to choke out.
Jack continued with his cold, direct tone, leaving you with no room to truly process what was actually happening, “We don’t know how it happened or what triggered him, but all we know is that Grim is overblotting right now as we speak. You do not want to see the state he’s in right now, not with everything you’ve been through together. It’s not safe either. Even the strongest mage in Twisted Wonderland would have trouble overcoming the blot in Grim.”
“It’s too dangerous to be out there, (Y/n),” Epel explained softly after Jack as he carefully walked closer to you. It was almost as if he was so scared that you would run away from them if he made any impulsive movements. The purple-haired first year then continued to speak while placing a sympathetic hand to your wrist, a gentle tug urging you to turn away from the havoc around you.
“Crowley sent us here to make sure you didn’t try to face Grim…” 
Epel and the rest of your first year friends all watched as your expression turned into one of bafflement at each of their actions. There was no way they were telling you to do what you think they wanted you to do. Grim was their friend too. They cared for him. They loved him as much as you did—or that’s what you always thought. There was no way they would just leave him to destroy himself in flames and dark, oozing blot…
No way.
“And you all were just going to what? Stop me from saving my best friend?” you spat as your eyes twitched in disbelief.
“...It was Crowley’s orders.”
The downcast gaze of each and every one of your friends sent a flurry of rage and anger through your veins. That answer was not enough. Not enough to turn your gaze away from your feline friend who absolutely needed you right now.
“To hell with what Crowley orders us to do!” A yell was heard from your form as you roughly yanked your wrist out of Epel’s grip, twisting to turn your attention back to Ace, Deuce, and Jack as well. 
“I don’t see him helping anytime soon!”
Ace interjected your outburst, clearly trying to at least reason with you. But nothing Ace or anyone else said to you would change your mind. That, you were sure of. “(Y/n), you know we would usually be on your side on this. But this time Grim’s overblot is just too danger-”
“It’s because it’s Grim out there that I have to help now!” You interrupted him back with a strain to your voice as you bit back a crack in your throat. A certain type of vulnerability no one had ever seen from you. Not until now. “He’s the only family I have left to hang on to!” 
“What do you guys not understand?!” 
You continued to shout as the group of first years noticed the small shaking of your hands. “(Y/n)... You know you can’t save everyone…”
… What?
A sharp pang then struck your stomach at those words as your expression contorted and ached into despair. Confusion filled the trembling of your form, the world around you suddenly going silent and suffocating. At that moment, everything surrounding you made you feel as if there were boulders being mounted onto your back as you stared into the grueling eyes of your friends in front of you, their gaze piercing and scrutinizing.
Why were they looking at you that way?
You’d never seen their expressions look so… distraught. Like they were lost and had no idea of what to do next. Even after everything you all had been through together—from dangerous spells, estranged housewardens, and random magical adventures—you still had never seen the faces of Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel appear so conflicted. So desolate. They were almost unrecognizable.
“Do you guys really think we should just let him suffer out there alone?” You glance up once more, ignoring their expressions as your voice softened. A sliver of pain was entwined in the way you could barely even bring yourself to finish your sentence.
“Ace? Jack? Epel?” You asked each and every one of them one by one, causing the young men to stand in silence as if even they, themselves, were ashamed of their own actions. A sigh then escaped your mouth at their reluctance to answer. 
“Even you, Deuce..?” You faced him, hoping that at least one of your first year friends would be on your side. But with the way Deuce just stood there, stance unwavering, you realized that for the first time since you met the people of Twisted Wonderland, you were inherently alone.
The deafening silence lasted for what felt like days until you managed to free your legs from the ground to begin slowly walking away, leaving all four of your friends to drown in their own thoughts. They clearly made their choice. And you would make yours. “I… I have to go,” you mumbled as you gradually turned running towards the shaking halls of Night Raven College. The first years remained rooted to the floors of the school as they wordlessly watched you flee, their expressions filled with worry and shame.
A sigh was then heard from Ace as he interrupted whatever thoughts were swirling through everyone’s minds. Walking the same path you had just been on, Ace then dragged Deuce with him as the two followed you into the trembling hallways surrounding you all after attempting to reassure Epel and Jack that they would handle this.
“We’ll go talk to them…” the two promised as they tried to catch up to wherever you had gone…
“(Y/n)!” Ace’s voice rang in the flaming room, catching a certain prefect’s attention.
“What in Twisted Wonderland are you doing?!”
You turned to face your two friends, Ace and Deuce, with a petrified but unwavering look present in your eyes. Grim was out of control and if Crowley refused to help you for the thousandth time, someone had to stop him. 
Even a mere human with no magical abilities such as yourself would have to do.
“I’m saving Grim!” you replied back.
The Adeuce duo glanced at one another, concern for their friend clearly shown in their facial expressions.
“Saving him?! (Y/n), you’re insane if you think you can stop this!” 
Deuce added on to Ace’s chiding, his tone a bit softer as he gazed at the prefect, “(Y/n), there’s a big chance you won’t survive...”
You sighed, sorrow woven in the next words you said.
“Then I suppose I’m taking that risk. For Grim.” Screeching roars that could destroy one’s hearing enveloped the mirror chambers as the magicless freshman faced their beloved cat companion and friend.
You couldn’t comprehend why your friends tried to stop you. All you had wanted was for Grim to come home. Was that such a difficult thing to understand?
Tears began to threaten your eyes as you made your way towards what was left of the quickly disintegrating Night Raven mirror chambers as you left Ace and Deuce’s unreadable faces behind you. A combination of ashes, dust, and wet tears stung both of your eyes as you practically sprinted towards the raging chaos.
Blue flames mockingly danced around you as the heat radiated onto your sweltering skin. But despite the inevitable obstacles, you remained determined to bring your friend back to you as you took a deep breath, whispering your final string of hope into the smoke-filled air.
“Grim… please just come home… Please.”
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a/n: alexa play i bet on losing dogs by mitski
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