#RWBY theory
lunaefall · 1 year
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It's pretty interesting that the Blacksmith has records of Hunters from Remnant despite being in the Ever After, so I think they might be Alyx reincarnated.
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Both Alyx and the Blacksmith are designed with Afro-centric features in mind (for me the hair locs in the Blacksmith were the main giveaway).
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Alyx's waistband looks similar to the colours of the locs.
And we can't forget the quote from the latest episode, "Alyx wanted to fix everything she broke in the Ever After." And guess what blacksmiths do.
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thatorangedrank · 1 year
Little is Alyx 👎🏻
Little is Penny 👎🏻
Little is a reflection of Ruby in Vol.1 and is a physical representation of “healing your inner child” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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anthurak · 1 year
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Okay, so it seems like Ruby was sent to the Tree at the end of this episode.
And we still haven’t gotten our second meeting with the Mysterious Blacksmith where we get her ‘What if you could leave Ruby Rose behind...?’ line from the trailer.
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Yeah, I’m calling it now that the Blacksmith and her forge have been inside the tree this whole time.
And of course, she’s who Ruby is going to be meeting next episode XD
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sunnysunsins · 10 months
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Schneeblings group summon concept
For god's sake please, let Whitley summon Hound, it would be so based
Bonus, just grimm
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actualbampot · 4 months
Team RWBY returning to Beacon near the climax of the series. Them walking among the ruins of their old school, lamenting over how it feels so long ago, while reflecting on how much they've grown since.
Give me the nostalgic pain RT.
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rwbyrg · 1 month
So, we can all agree that when Oscar eventually gets his semblance, it's going to have something to do with Ruby, right? And I'm not even saying this from a shippy lens. Kid has an immortal wizard move into his brain at 14 that he can't kick out, immediately becomes a child soldier, lives through a train crash, countless grimm fights, crash lands a plane, gets shot in the chest, falls for - quite possibly - a few kilometres after blowing up a hole in the bottom of a military compound, gets beaten up and abducted by a goopy grimm super monster, magic blasted by his headmate's ex-wife, tortured and beaten up by a man six times his size, fights off Salem again to save his friends, and not ONE of those instances has been stressful enough to awaken it.
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But both times he's talked about his semblance manifesting, it's been with Ruby. The first is in v5 after they spar and Ruby cheers him (and Jaune) on about getting there one day, while Ren makes a comment saying:
"One common philosophy is that a warrior's semblance is a part of who they are".
The second time is in v7 when Ruby does something new with her own semblance and Oscar asks if she's always been able to do that. Eventually leading to him lamenting again about how he's not unlocked his yet while everyone else's are evolving. And it's Ruby that responds with:
"Well, I'm sure we'll all be jealous when you do (figure it out)".
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And then, from both Ruby and Oscar's perspectives, we are shown their attachment to each other. Ruby throughout V9 with Neo's illusions, and Oscar with - many instances - but especially in the recently released epilogue where he speaks at her grave. And in this speech we're reminded of that attachment as well as his struggles with identity. Specifically how those two things are intrinsically linked together:
"You always believed in the best. Saw people for who they really were. Some of us... don't know anymore. "
Oscar can't grasp his own personal super power that's "a part of himself" when he doesn't know who he is. He's losing himself to the merge, the boundaries of where he ends and Oz begins are blurring by the day, and he's only 15 and still growing into the person he could become. And the one person that was always certain of who he was, always made him feel like he was his own person... isn't around anymore. So he feels even more detached from his identity and the parts that comprise it than ever before.
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But she returns in Vacuo before their final fight, and his semblance has been teased too many times to never appear. So my current guesses are either:
he's going to unlock it under stress to save Ruby from certain danger, because he "lost her once and won't risk it a second time"; or
he's going to unlock it in a different, maybe even quieter moment, where - once again, thanks to Ruby's certainty - he starts feeling like himself again.
Only one way to find out.
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spivecream · 7 days
RWBY is a matriarchy.
Or at least, a gender neutral society. And I have many reasons to back up this theory.
1. Children seem to take the mother’s last name.
Both Ruby and all the Schnees have their mother’s last name. Admittedly, there doesn’t seem to be much more evidence to back this up as we haven’t met many parents and both Blake’s parents have the same last name.
“But Yang!” you may be asking. Well, I think it’s as simple as Tai didn’t want Yang to know that Raven was her mother, and wasn’t married to Summer at the time, so just gave her his last name.
We also know that Jacques took Willow’s last name, but that could just be because of the company, but with that being a complete non issue we have to ask if all husbands take their wife’s name?
2. Huntresses seem (in my opinion) more common than huntsmen
This is pretty self explanatory. I think we see more huntresses in the show and honestly I think it makes sense but that’s just me.
Also, Weiss and Winter are not disinherited for choosing to become huntresses as women, but because they are abandoning the SDC.
I think the same can be said for Robin and the Happy Huntresses in a way. When Robin goes for a seat on the council, people don’t like her for her policies, rather than because she is a woman.
I honestly can’t recall a time when a woman receives misogynistic hate in within the show, but do correct me if I’m wrong.
3. Magic
5/6 people who use magic (excluding Qrow and Raven, but even then it’s 6/8) are women.
The 4 maidens, arguably the most powerful people on Remnant, are women. They wield extraordinary elemental power, and are shown to be almost impossible to defeat.
Not only that, but they have access to the relics, and the power to potentially destroy the world.
I think it’s easy to assume that fictional worlds fall under a patriarchy, like we are so used to seeing in our own world. But after thinking about it for a while, it’s clear that RWBY does not. I think that misogyny tropes can be very overplayed, and in a show that’s cast is majority women, this is really important. It’s much more interesting to see tropes like classism (an underrated trope in media in my opinion) and racism (I think that in a real world setting this can get boring, but in a fictional world where racism is completely different is more interesting).
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bluearc009 · 6 months
Jaune may have been sleep deprived
After rewatching The Perils of Paper Houses, I realized something, I don't think Jaune haven't been sleeping.
The first was what he said after running out the hut to Juniper.
Jaune: I overslept… I never oversleep
The second was him explaining team RWBY what he been doing while waiting for them.
Jaune: between protecting the village, searching for you guys, searching for an exit.
Witch leaves the question, when did he have time to do all that, especially after saying he can't leave the pleasers to die?
The answer is on the last item on jaune's list Get Paper Pleasers to bed, meaning he waits for them to sleep before exploring the other acres.
Witch explains why in Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds, he was in a hurry to get back to the village before they wake up and as the end of chapter 3 shows that each acres has a different time zone.
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So while doing all that when does Jaune have time sleep he doesn't, he been keeping himself awake wich also explained why he ask team RWBY if they were real, people who are sleep deprived tend to hallucinate, so the reason he overslept because It was probably the first night he slept in a long time.
What do you guys think.
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gatheringkeepsakes · 1 month
Yang bringing up Tai in this conversation was great for two reasons. The first being that it ties into why they are even there having the conversation in the first place. It highlights Yang's responsibility as a sister as well, as Ruby's struggle with not knowing how to ask for help. And both of these things can be traced back to their childhoods; where they lost one parent to an unknown fate, and the other to his grief. Tai was right in front of them, but his feelings at the time were so big that they took priority over his kids needs. And that sort of complex trauma sticks with a person. For Yang, it became the responsibility to look after her baby sister (something she prioritized and wanted distance from at the same time), and for Ruby, it became an instilled belief that asking for help makes her a burden. That it was better to carry it all alone than risk stressing any of her caretakers with more than they were already dealing with. The second thing, is it pretty much confirms where the Relic of Choice is? Yang, when speaking of Tai's absence, asks: "what's more important than here"? And that's the only loose thread left, isn't it?
Atlas is gone, Vale suffered a second attack, and the refugees of both fled to Vacuo. Mistral is the only other kingdom still standing, but Salem already has their relic. So she doesn't have any need to go back and bother them. But Tai is still in Patch, he's not joining the fight, because there is only one thing more important than protecting the Sword of Destruction... and that's protecting the Crown of Choice.
Not to mention Patch, by definition, is:
(noun) a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point.
(verb) mend or strengthen (fabric or an item of clothing) by putting a piece of material over a hole or weak point in it.
And while Vale specifically references a valley, the name is a homophone. It shares the same sound as words with different spellings and meanings. Namely with Vail: a verb meaning to take off or lower (one's hat or crown) as a token of respect or submission; and Veil: a cloth headpiece specifically designed to conceal, cover, or disguise.
Which is just one of those multilayered poetries that RWBY really loves. A valley (or veil) that conceals the crown of choice beneath a Patch.
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maxiemumdamage · 1 year
Ok but Neo is definitely returning at some point, and on the side of the heroes. The portal takes you to when you’re needed most so, most likely, a time will come where they need Neo’s semblance, or backup in a fight, and she’ll appear.
Because part of what she’ll learn in the Tree is what Alyx did in her story - that she needs to try and fix what she’s broken. And that means helping the people she went out of her way to hurt.
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lesbianseaweed · 3 months
thinking abt how we all think the dust robberies during the Beacon arc were just a scrapped plot of the series
but currently in the show, the kingdom of Atlas has been destroyed
and Atlas was the main source of dust to the rest of Remnant
meaning that in vol10 we might get to see Remnant dealing with an enormous dust shortage
which might be made worse by the fact that the enemy decided to hoarde a lot of it a few years prior
so perhaps there's a chance the plot wasn't as forgotten as we assumed??
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epic-arc · 1 month
My analysis and theory for a possible arc for volume 10 of jaune
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Good afternoon everyone, Just a warning, this post contains some spoilers.
Something that I analyzed with the episode is this issue of Jaune's time on the island and off it, and this issue of mentality divide and well the only thing that left him standing was his friends and the comfortable situation shown in the bonfire scene. In my view, Jaune is going through the ''spider man'' dilemma. He unintentionally achieved something that put a history in the world, a symbol for many people, but he also still feels confused because of the issue of becoming old and young again, Jaune He is no longer just a hunter, he is one of the historic figures in the RWBY universe.
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Having him and Oscar talking about this is something very incredible to see because both characters are going through something similar.
Theory session
That's why I theorize that if we had a volume 10 it could explore a lot of things but for me I hope it explores Jaune apologizing and renewing his friendship with Ruby, It's something that very well established in volume 9 explores Weiss and Jaune's relationship because they were both helping each other a lot during the screen time they both had, and there's also a very good analysis about the ship on tumblr that I recommend you all read too.
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daniels-rwby-blog · 1 month
RWBY Beyond ep3 and ep4
So for ep3, yeah that was what I initially expected from this series, little random stories. But that ending? Not what I expected.
I reckon it's neo but I could see team RWBY back in there as a way to defeat Salem, using the ever after in some wild plan with portals built with the lamp and crown?
Speaking of the crown, we see in ep4 yang and ruby being the cutest things ever but we also hear about some special assignment? I reckon Oz is at it again and has his gang keeping an eye on the relic.
Loved this show, can't wait for confirmation on the buyer.
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anthurak · 1 year
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Okay, CRAZY thought:
Everyone in the story is ASSUMING that Alyx wrote the story of The Girl Who Fell Through the World, because she was the only character from that story who they KNEW was from Remnant.
But what if Alyx DIDN’T actually write the story?
Because Alyx actually ended up being left in the Ever After while LEWIS was the one who made it back to Remnant. And HE wrote the story.
After all, his name is LEWIS.
As in, Lewis Carroll
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green-like-pine-trees · 2 months
Oscar’s eyes glowing green is weird. The sound effect is clearly the same from when they swap places, but his eyes typically glow gold/yellow. Question is: What’s happening?
And I think I might have an answer… and it requires reworking everything I thought I knew about the merge. 
The TLDR of my theory is: I think Ozpin uses magic to delegate control of the body. So, Oscar’s never been able to fully control the swapping process bc he couldn’t use their magic– he has always needed Ozpin’s help to do so. The magic in the epilogue might be trying to force them to swap, to force Oscar to take control of it. 
If you want to know how I got to that, keep reading. I’m excited to hear other people’s thoughts on this. ^_^
So, before now, I’ve assumed that their eyes glow because of the god of light. Even the white haired guy’s eyes glow when Ozma takes control for the first time. In the Lost Fable, during the divorce, Salem reforms with the same golden glow. 
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I have also assumed that the eye glow indicated that Oscar and Oz were swapping places. I believe this notion might be incorrect.
My main evidence for this is V7's finale. Oscar is falling, knocked out by Ironwood. Then, Ozpin's voice wakes Oscar up, his eyes glowing golden as he takes control.
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However, he isn't swapping control. Ozpin wasn't in control: neither of them seemed to be. Therefore, the magic must be more complicated than a simple swap.
Another moment that gives me pause is in V6C2. After the train derails, everyone's questioning Ozpin about the lamp. Oscar is able to push through, resisting Ozpin's control enough to provide Jinn's name.
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As we can see, there’s no golden-eye effect. Although, we do hear something: the swapping sound effect. 
Usually there’s 2 parts to the swapping sound effect: a hissing sound and a lower echo-y undercurrent. It’s usually heard quickly, not lingering as the swap finishes and his eyes stop glowing. However, in this scene, the sound is drawn out as Oscar fights back– even as violins(?) start playing to amp up the tension. The moment all the music stops and the tension is released, we can assume Ozpin has regained full faculties. 
Based on these scenes, I concluded that the glowing eyes might indicate either one of them taking control of the body. In this scene, Ozpin is never not in control of the body. Oscar is just able to resist, holding the body frozen in Ozpin’s expression. But then I realized something. 
Outside of this scene, Oscar has never taken control over the body. 
Like, I cannot think of another time where Oscar forcefully took over Ozpin or clearly brought Ozpin to control. He’s been asked permission, sure. But, in control??? 
In these scenarios, Oscar’s role has always been framed as passive, with Ozpin as active. Ozpin can take over Oscar no problem, with or without permission. Oz even asking is a courtesy, if anything. Ozpin can also just swap out and force Oscar to be in control (see V6 when Ozpin hides from everyone as an example).
With this in mind, maybe the eye glow isn't for whomever is in control. It’s to indicate Ozpin’s state of control over the body. Ozpin swaps in– eye glow. Ozpin swaps out– eye glow. V6C2 is the only time Oscar comes close to forcibly taking control. At that point, it might even be impossible for Oscar to do so. Oscar can try to initiate, but Ozpin has to actually do it. 
This like. Drastically changed my view of how the Ozmosis works. It also might explain why his eyes are glowing green and what’s happening in the epilogue. So, I started thinking about what is likely the source of the green: his magic. 
We know for a FACT, Oscar didn’t gain control over Ozpin’s magic until V7. Given we know the god of light’s magic is what dictates Ozpin’s reincarnation, it would not be a leap to suggest that Ozpin is using that magic when he swaps. Ergo, if Oscar cannot use magic, he cannot fully control the swap. 
Under this scenario, my first example makes more sense. Either Ozpin was waking up Oscar (forcing him into control) OR Oscar was able to take control because he tapped into Ozpin’s magic for the first time. 
When I watched the epilogue, it reminded me of the V6 scene. The prolonged sound effect, the clear struggle. He sounds like he's in pain. :(
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He says he's resisting the merge, but the merge... it's not exactly tangible?? The merge is a process not a thing. For instance, if I put a dam on a river it stops the water from flowing. The merge is the flow here. What's the water?
I have two guesses as to what these episodes are:
Less likely, but it could be his magic activating uncontrollably. Him resisting Ozpin's influence might make it harder to control. He can't use the magic, bc of course, it makes them merge faster. Doesn't necessarily explain the sound effect, but their first on screen swap was a green color.
The merge is trying to force them to co-pilot, and/or force Ozpin into control of the body. Oscar collapses both times. We could assume it's from the pain, but it could also be because he momentarily loses control of his body.
I'm leaning towards the second. There's only so much we can take from an animatic, with things getting changed in the final product.
Anyways, those are my main thoughts right now. I'd LOVE to hear other people's thoughts or opinions!
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actualbampot · 1 year
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