#Rachael Lillis
yamujiburo · 23 days
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i know a ton of you are jessie fans (why else would you be following me she's all i draw). jessie's voice actress from OS, Rachael Lillis, is currently battling cancer and could use some help 💗 such a talented human being and voice for many iconic characters! im so inspired by her (clearly) and glad i had the privilege of meeting her this year
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animenostalgia · 22 days
News - A Gofundme campaign has started for voice actress Rachael Lillis, who fans might know as the original voices for Pokemon's Misty and Jessie, as well as the dub voice of Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Lillis is currently battling the nasty side effects of cancer, and has had to check into a nursing home for care. If Lillis' work has ever brought you joy, please consider contributing a few bucks, or pass the link along to others to help get the word out!
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jadeazora · 23 days
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Man, first James Carter Cathcart (James and Meowth), now Rachael Lillis, the original English VA for Misty and Jessie is fighting cancer too.
Here's the link to the GoFundMe her sister created to help deal with costs.
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fairrytype · 23 days
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please consider sharing and donating to Rachael Lillis's gofundme. After voicing characters who made up so much of our childhoods, let's try and make a difference to the care she can receive for her cancer.
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indigoblog · 23 days
Heard some sad news from Veronica Taylor on instagram- Rachael Lillis, the original English voice of Utena from RGU, Jessie, Misty, Jigglypuff and a whole load of others from Pokemon, has cancer and is being cared for in a nursing home. Please share this link for her GoFundMe and help her if you can ❤️ I hope she recovers soon. Rachael is the voice of my childhood, and I’m sending all my best wishes to her and her family
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bluecube92 · 21 days
Same Voice Actor #16
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ameriagrae · 23 days
Voice actress Rachael Lillis is battling cancer. Please donate if you can.
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kohakuhime · 23 days
I’m cross-posting from Twitter. This is a new one for me, as I don’t personally know Rachael Lillis and only saw her in passing at one convention. However, she’s a voice of my childhood and could use some help as she’s having the biggest boss fight of her life.
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pokeshipping · 23 days
Rachael Lillis, the original voice of Misty in the English dub of Pokemon, is suffering from cancer and has been in a nursing facility for most of 2024. Her family is trying to raise funds for home care if anyone can lend some support.
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lucky-girl-0128 · 21 days
Good evening Everybody,
I’m sorry to be posting this on Such Short notice, I found out about this shocking news about VA Rachael Lillis late last night. She’s best known for voicing Misty the Cerulean City Gym Leader and the first female Traveling Companion for Ash Ketchum and playing one part of the villainy trio of Team Rocket Jessie in “ Pokémon” , She would also Voice Utena Tenjou in the Anime “Revolutionary Girl Utena” and Princess Charlotte in “Berserk” and many more characters that she would voice over the years.
She made all of our childhood memories wonderful by playing these characters so, it’s the least of what we can do and reciprocate by donating to her Go Fund Me that’s being set up by her Sister. Please send prayers to her family and friends and get well wishes too.
Please Donate to her page.
Here’s the link :
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shironezuninja · 21 days
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I expected something more terrifying to Spidey-Kun while I was reading the 6 Parter of The Arachnis Project comic book series.
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thatmomentwhen345 · 22 days
A doodle for Rachael Lillis 🩷 I hope she has a smooth and speedy recovery
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Visit her Gofundme if you’d like. It’s surpassed its goal at this point but I’m still gonna put it here just in case
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emsiecat · 1 year
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I had a fantastic day yesterday!
As many of you know this year marks 25 years since Pokémon: The First Movie ‘Mewtwo Strikes Back’ was released. To celebrate, MCM London Comic Con - which was held this weekend - decided to stage a reunion for the original English dub cast of the anime. The convention organisers had managed to get the amazing Veronica Taylor (Ash), Eric Stuart (Brock and James), Jay Goede aka Philip Bartlett (Mewtwo in ‘Mewtwo Strikes Back’), and Rachael Lillis (Misty and Jessie), plus Dan Green (Mewtwo in ‘Mewtwo Returns’ and Entei in ‘Spell of the Unown’) as guests!
As you can imagine thousands of fans descended on the convention to have the chance to meet their childhood heroes, myself included. (I’ll pop the rest under a read-more to save your dashboards lol).
I still have a real soft spot for Pokémon and it has, to date, been my longest loved fandom; especially the character Mewtwo. As a kid and then teen, he was the character I really felt a connection to. I think a lot of fans did. It was also thanks to the first movie that I met a lot of friends in online fan forums and websites (ah, Geocities fan-sites and the ToM forum, you will always be missed).
I have actually met Jay once before at Wales Comic Con in April 2022 and I found him to be very friendly and charming, making time for everyone who came to his autograph booth. So, when I found he had a Facebook and Instagram account following Wales Comic Con, I followed him there as he makes some really great artwork. I never expected him to follow me back, or just casually chat with me! (If you had told 11-16 year old me that she would meet and chat online with the voice of Mewtwo, she would have melted into a puddle of fangirl goo 😂, and to be honest, I’m still kind of star-struck now)!
Naturally, I wore a lot of Mewtwo and Pokémon themed items to celebrate the occasion and made my way over to the autograph tables when I eventually got in the venue. It was so crowded! I’d made sure to bring a little something for the voice actors to say thank you for basically making my childhood and teen years special, and queued up to see them all, starting with Jay.
Jay recognised me as soon as I got to the front of the queue at his table and greeted me with a big smile and ‘Oh wow you’re here, that’s great!’ after we chatted briefly he asked if it was okay to give me a hug. I said sure, though he couldn’t find a way around the tables (they were all in a long line reaching right down the main hall) so saying ‘Hold on I’m finding a way round’ he then (to the amusement of his assistant and others in the queue) proceeded to crawl under the autograph tables, got up and gave me a big hug, then took a selfie with me. He’s an absolute sweetheart. My day was made right there! I also managed to get two of his original Mewtwo paintings. They’re brilliant, and I love them to bits.
I got my Mewtwo Strikes Back novel autographed and chatted with Jay a bit more before going to queue for the photo-ops. They were great fun.
I queued back up again after to try to get the rest of the casts’ autographs. The lines for them all, especially Veronica, were huge! I loved chatting with fellow fans whilst we waited, and every single cast member was so friendly, taking the time to really interact with everyone.
Dan Green made me laugh as when he gave me his autograph, he saw Jay’s signature and signed his ‘Dan “Mew-too” Green’ and explained he did it because ‘We share him, he was first though, so Mew-too for me makes sense’ 😆 He’s a sweet guy.
Eric and Veronica were so cool, doing impressions for younger fans who came to see them, and making sure all the fans had a great experience. Veronica spends a good amount of time with every single fan, which is just amazing considering the sheer amount of people who were waiting to meet her.
Rachael and her assistant loved my denim jacket (it has a huge embroidered Jigglypuff patch on the back as well as other iron on patches on the sleeves) and as Jigglypuff’s VA, Rachael was happy to see it.
It was such a great atmosphere there and a lot of fun. I’m so glad I went and got to meet the cast that defined my childhood.
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camyfilms · 1 year
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But the truth is, no one in the whole universe could ever steal your past, your dreams, or your magic powers. The witches do not own them. They are yours to keep, forever. Bloom, to recover your powers, look deep inside yourself.
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indigoblog · 1 year
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Guys I expected to cry. BUT NOT THIS MUCH
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sunnysilvavo · 8 days
Fellow voice actor Rachael Lillis best known for her roles in the Pokémon anime is battling cancer as we speak. If you're to donate, that's amazing. If you're not, that's OK, share it with your mates and mutuals ❤️
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