#Riddle Roshearts
letterstoear · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Giveaway!!!
After seeing the results of the Rook poll, I've decided to host a giveaway. There will be two prizes! The winner will get the Rook Hunt acrylic stand and 1 Twisted Wonderland bear of their choice.
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How to enter:
Reblog this post and mention 2 of your friends!
You do not have to be following me to enter! But this giveaway is only open to those who live in the U.S!
Giveaway entry will run from 11/15/2023 to 11/20/2023
All Shipping will be done by me, winner will not have to pay. I will DM you when if you are the winner.
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star-vessel1237 · 1 year
Repeating Storyline AU ( A TWST AU)
Summary: What if Crowley failed to stop the madness that the overblots brought the first time it happened. To try and fix his mistake he started summoning students to try and help the students. However the last twenty two times have failed, currently the new summon, Yuu, is doing well. They are getting close to figuring out Crowley’s secret however. But what came of the other summons? Well, reseting the time loop will cause errors and sometimes replacements are required.
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Report #01
Good evening everyone. Unfortunately we have terrible news tonight. Last week on January 4, 2021, a boy by the name of Riley Rose-Heart went missing. He was last spotted at Queen’s Garden with his mother, Elizabeth Rose-Heart, while attending a private party.
The last time anyone had seen Riley was when he and his mother had gotten into an argument about his future. The young boy screamed at his mother before running off into the garden’s rose maze before disappearing. Authorities called say that the only evidence left was the boy’s hairclip, the item itself lying in the center of the maze.
If anyone has evidence on the whereabouts of Riley Rose-Heart, please contact authorities, thank you.
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Report #02
G̷o̶o̷d̸ ̶e̸v̷e̶n̶i̵n̷g̸ ̵e̷v̷e̶r̷y̸o̵n̷e̵.̴ Unfortunately we have terrible news tonight. A young man by the name of Tyler Green had gone missing on January 31, 2021. He was last seen getting groceries for his family’s small bakery, he did not return h̷o̴m̸e̵ for three hours. 
After the police were called, they found evidence that he may have been kidnapped. The evidence was a list with his handwriting, a fallen grocery bag, and his glasses, damaged on the left lens. All of these were found on the dirt rode he took from home to his local grocery store, horse hoof prints being found near the scene.
If anyone has evidence on the whereabouts of Tyler Green, please contact authorities, t̷h̸a̵n̴k̸ ̵y̶o̸u̸.̷
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Report #03
G̶o̶o̸d̶ ̵e̷v̵e̵n̷i̷n̵g̷ ̴e̸v̵e̸r̷y̶o̶n̸e̷.̸ ̵U̷n̵f̵o̶r̷t̶u̵n̴a̵t̴e̶l̵y̸ ̷w̷e̵ ̴h̸a̶v̵e̸ terrible news tonight. A college student by the name of Carter Diamond had gone missing on February 2, 2021. According to eye-witness report from his friend, who choose to remain anonymous, they all went to Queen’s Garden to do a vlog post about the disappearance of the missing boy, Riley Rose-Heart. 
Due to the unexpected fog, they ended up splitting up. Carter’s friends heard him scream and ran to find him when the fog was lighting up. When they weren’t able to find him they called the police. Police later found evidence of yet another kidnapping, the evidence this time with Carter’s broken cellphone and similar hoof prints to Tyler Green’s disappearance.
If anyone has evidence on the whereabouts of Carter Diamond, please ̴c̵o̶n̶t̵a̴c̴t̷ ̵a̸u̴t̵h̸o̸r̴i̸t̷i̵e̸s̶,̷ ̵t̵h̶a̴n̴k̷ ̵y̷o̷u̵
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Report #04 and #05
G̵o̴o̴d̶ ̵e̷v̸e̵n̴i̸n̶g̵ ̶e̶v̵e̶r̸y̶o̷n̵e̵.̸ ̴U̴n̷f̶o̸r̴t̴u̸n̶a̵t̸e̷l̷y̷ ̵w̴e̷ ̴h̷a̷v̵e̸ ̷t̶e̴r̶r̶i̶b̶l̴e̵ ̶n̵e̴w̵s̶ ̷t̵o̵n̶i̶g̵h̷t̸.̷ Two high school student, Ace Liddell and Dante Spade, had gone missing.
Ace Liddell had went missing on February 26, 2021. After his school’s basketball game he gone into the lockers to change with his teammates and Dante waiting for him. After a while, they decided to barrage into the room to see if Ace was alright. Despite no noise being heard, there were smashed lockers and Ace’s normal clothes ripped up as the entire room was a mess, with Ace nowhere insight. People have suspected kidnapping as the small window in the locker room was smashed along with the rest of the room.
While the basketball team panicked and called the police, Dante ran off in the middle of the night on his bike to try and find his friend. It wasn’t until it was the morning of February 27, 2021, that his bike was found by the auto repair shop he worked at. The shop owner claims that he didn’t hear anything all night and the security footage had been corrupted around that time, the only audio being manageable was Dante screaming to get away from him, before a crash was heard.
If anyone has evidence on the whereabouts of Ace Liddel and Dante Spade, p̸l̵e̷a̷s̸e̶ ̴c̸o̵n̷t̸a̷c̵t̶ ̸a̸u̴t̸h̸o̴r̴i̸t̵i̶e̵s̴,̵ ̴t̷h̸a̴n̷k̷ ̵y̸o̷u̸.̷
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A̴l̸l̶ ̷t̴h̵e̴ ̷r̶o̴s̶e̵s̴ ̵a̶r̸e̵ ̷n̴o̵w̶ ̵p̶a̷i̷n̵t̸e̸d̸.̷.̵.̶
(That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed.)
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gay-salt-amber · 1 year
riddle x epel x deuch hcs?
the mom friend and the two dumbasses
epels grandma takes one look at riddle and goes 'oh hell no, that ain't gonna fly! Babe get me my pie pans!' because her love language is def through food
At first, Deuce would feel like he's doing something wrong because Riddle is annoying, and starts crying. After all, he doesn't know what he did and Riddle just panics like, 'oh shit, I caused this! I love you and I am so sorry!'
Epel confessed
Epel also convinced his family to start a small strawberry garden because he wants to spoil riddle with strawberry pastries
Riddle isn't used to being spoiled with food. help.
They go out for rides on Epels hyperbike all the time and they love it so much
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cursedcola · 2 years
A/N: Hi Everyone! An anon put in a request for this but Tumblr was a butt with formatting and deleted the origional post that I had it on. Anon, if you’re reading this then I'm super sorry. I hope you find this post. 
This is going to have 2 parts.
Synopsis: They say something hurtful to their s/o and make them cry. Characters: Ace Trapolla, Jade Leech, Leona Kingscholar, and Ridde Rosehearts Warnings: None Part (1/2)
Read the second half: here
Ace Trappola
"Y'know, I thought Grimm was the slacker all this time but maybe I was wrong? Don 'cha think, Deuce?" he laughed, ruffling your hair in an affectionate manner.
His laughter continued until he realized that he was the only one.  You were uncharacteristically still, and Deuce too stunned to speak. The only give away being the instantaneous shift in the room's atmosphere.
"Guys?...Hello?" Ace arched a brow in confusion, stilling his hand that remains on your head.
In his defense, Ace never thought you to be sensitive or someone to overthink. Before he was your boyfriend, you both were best friends. Playful mocking and quips were natural.
Dating didn't stop the way you both would banter either. In fact, he would agree that the teasing has definetly gotten worse. You have a knack for making quick comebacks and that makes it easy for one joke to turn into an entire comedy act.
It's Ace's favorite thing about your dynamic and he feels comfortable enough to say whatever he wants now. Everything is natural. You compliment each other.
"Dude...that's harsh coming from you of all people," Deuce's momentary shock is overcome by anger, and he shove's Ace's arm off of your head. Ace lets him but not without a surprised curse escaping his lips.
He's confused and nearly bites back when a meek voice beats him to it.
'Why would you say that? You know how hard I studied for this test. You know that this is my worst subject,' your voice meets his ears, and all anger at Deuce fades away. You're still standing as he left you, with hair unkept and in your face from his recent attack.
Ace's eyes first note your fists clenched at your sides, then to your shoulders hiked up to your ears. Your body trembles slightly, and that's when he finds the water droplets pooling at your chin.
Ace never thought you would be a silent crier, like a child holding back tears after being denied a toy at the store. He always imagined you to be loud, and needy, and demanding, and just like him. He wouldn't cry if someone commented on his grades, so he expects the same from you.
His complimentary piece
Why? Why are you crying? It's not a big deal, just laugh it off.
Why is Deuce comforting you while he sits here like an idiot. That's his job, he knows you best.
"You know I didn't mean it like that! C'mon (Y/N), I was only messing around,"  he reaches for you again in an attempt to brush the situation off.  
Deuce shouts his name in anger yet it's muffled in Ace's ears. He watches you deflate further in Deuce's hold, before pushing the boy off and bolting towards the nearest door.
Ace...he fucked up
How many times has this happened without him realizing it? Where he's said something that hurt you, brushed it off, and left you to deal with it on your own
Maybe you weren't as similar as he thought
Jade Leech
Jade knows mixing buisness with personal affairs quickly leads to no good. Azul understands this as well.
As a result, all official affairs involving Ramshackle's prefect were to be sorted out by either Floyd or Azul himself. Ever since he became the prefect's partner, Jade was not to be involved in any dealings, contracts, negotiations, or...more 'unique' matters. He is only allowed if their safety was in question or the issue is purely personal.
"Bring all matters to me immediately. Do not engage without my consent, are we clear Jade?" Azul said to him the day your relationship became public.
Not because he doubted Jade. No, Azul trusted his judgement.
This rule was set to protect his relationship. To protect you
Jade is aware that many do not like him; the silent killer with the aura of a true gentleman. His hands are stained black while his brother's are red. At first their prey's focus is on Floyd, deeming him the bigger threat.
They always learn how wrong they are.
Jade does not hide this side of himself from you. If you ask, then he'll respond in kind. He simply does not bring the topic up himself. Some call this lying through omission, he calls it keeping you safe.
The three merfolk will not allow their past or buisness to mess with Jade's newfound happiness. Anything involving their 'buisness,' will be handled as a group, with Jade ensuring you are not involved whatsoever.
This agreement worked for the most part. Especially since Azul stopped doing unsavory acts in the name of contracts.
There was merely 'cleanup' duty. On occasion a student seeking revenge for being duped appeared, and the Leech twins would handle it swiftly. There was never a trick they didn't predict, or a plan they couldn't thwart.
Until one vengeful soul decided to come after you. The unbreakable trio's "weak-point"
Floyd was the first to notice the target on your back, considering he normally clung to your side during the school day. Bad luck seemed to be your new shtick, with many "accidents" happening suspiciously often. Mislabeled chemicals at your alchemy station, a crack in the leg of your desk-chair, spoiled vegetables in your dinner...
Needless to say, someone was out to get you. You were no fool and connected the dots quickly. At first, you believed someone was targeting you for being a non-mage. Yet before you could ask for help, the Leech twins became your shadow.
During they day both boys would be at your hip, and at night Floyd would disappear for "overtime," yet refused all your offers to help at the monster lounge. No, you were to stay with Jade and be a 'good little shrimpy' until Floyd came back.
'Jade...is something wrong? I love all the attention you've been giving me lately, but don't you have work too?' you asked after the third night, wanting an explanation.
Jade expected this. He offered his trademark smile, vague reassurances, and quickly changed the topic while beginning to walk you home. Every time you made an attempt to discuss the issue he would somehow avoid it.
'Jade, knock it off. You know something about all the weird things happening and I want an explanation. Now.' you said authoritatively, digging your heels into the ground and refusing to move until he explained himself.
Between your accusatory tone, persistent behavior, and how long it was taking to find the halfwit coward messing with his personal affairs- he snapped.
"Explain myself? Why should I explain when you can offer no help. Is it so troublesome to remain quiet for two minutes? Why must you insist on making my work more difficult?"  
He spoke with his characteristic smile, eyes closed, and hand drawn to his breast. The smile he gives his patrons, meant to strike fear in their hearts.
"Work? I'm work to you? Is all this just work for you?," you began, eyes welling with tears, "You're so focused about upholding those stupid contracts, well what about ours?! If you're not going to be honest -treating me like some chore- then forget it. Forget it all,"
You barrel past him and into your dorm. On the outside, Jade remains like a statue in front of your dormitory. He did not intend to come off uncaring, but wanted for you to quit prying. If only until you were safe and Floyd found the culprit.
Anger fills him, and he decides to leave you alone to calm down. For now, he trusts the cat will comfort you in his place and that the lurking fae will watch over the dorm.
Disregarding what just happened for the moment, he plans to find the clod responsible for this mess. Burn all his anger, make sure everyone knows who's protection you are under. Then he'll get you to forgive him, somehow.
Leona KingScholar
In Leona's defense, you were not part of the origional conversation. You merely walked in at the wrong time, taking his words out of context
On the other hand, he didn't even try to explain himself when given the chance. You stood there. You waited. You prompted him to continue or at least explain the circumstances of the conversation
"You don't mean that, right?" quiet. Waiting in the doorway, still clutching the knob with one foot in the room. You wanted to run, yet still remained to hear him out.
Yet he let his pride take over, his need to be seen as a superior by his dormmates. He couldn't let them see how much of a lovesick fool he actually was.
It's no secret that Leona acts like a spoiled princeling. He skips classes, talks like he owns every room he walks in, commands his classmates like henchmen, actually has one as a servant, complains 24/7--the list goes on
Yet, he keeps his  position as leader because of his strength. He is strong-willed, intelligent, and will beat the crap out of anyone who challenges his authority. No one commands him.
At least, until you showed up. Now the head honcho has a partner and is 'going soft,'. His underclassmen have the gull to say that he's losing his edge. The fact they would even say this to his face shows how much respect Leona has lost from the rumor
What did you want him to do? He had to defend his position
"Are you kidding? I get a new toy and suddenly you're all bent. Let's get something straight, I don't need (Y/N) and will do whatever the hell I want, when I want. Wag your tongues some more and we'll see if you can make a single syllable after I'm through"
And that's when you walked in. He called you a toy. He said he didn't need you in his life. He basically through your relationship under the bus.
Yet he couldn't take it back. He held his ground, arms crossed with a silent stare of indifference. He couldn't do it with his underclassmen watching. He stayed firm, hoping to explain later despite how troublesome it would be to have you angry at him. Yet he's certain that you'll understand...
"If you don't need me. If it's all a game...then I'll go. I'm sorry for wasting your time, Leona"
You closed the door with a loud bang. Leona felt his breathing halt as all his underclassmen stared at him in shock.
Your tears. The strong scent of salt. He didn't-
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was accustomed to attention. Ever since childhood he has consistently remained in the spotlight. He's given speeches, proposed toasts, had hundreds of eyes on him at once. Never has he faltered under their gazes. He's thrived, always having a way to turn the odds in his favor.
"No," one word.
One word destroyed everything. A simple, curt response in between bites of cake.
One response, to a question he barely heard over the pounding of his own heart.
One second, for your light to crumble. For the table to fall silent.
It was the last unbirthday of the schoolyear. Summer break begins tomorrow, and as everyone else heads home you would remain on campus with the headmaster.
The table was alive with conversation, everyone discussing what they'll do during the break. You mentioned working with Headmaster Crowley to find a way home, and suddenly the conversation took a twist. Questions about your homeland, thoughts on what you'll do after returning, and promises to visit.
Riddle lost himself. Since becoming his partner, Riddle had convinced himself that you wanted to stay in Twisted Wonderland. He thought you loved him. He thought you wanted to stay with him.
He tuned out when you began to ramble about your world, missing bits and pieces of the conversation around him. Giving automated nods and     responses.
Then you were looking at him, beaming brighter than he's ever seen. You're rambling, waving your arms animatedly in excitement, you're asking him-what are you asking him? He misses half of it but-
"--right Riddle? You agree, right?” You’re looking at him expectantly, and he panics. 
He denies to be safe, not knowing what he would be agreeing to.
It’s then that the table falls silent, and all in attendance look surprised. Even Trey appears disapproving. 
'What?' he faintly hears your voice crack, reaching over the table to grasp his hand. His eyes widen in a panic and pulls away unthinking. 
A mistake, as you fall more sullen in response. As if he confirmed whatever he denied to be true. 
Tears gather at the corners of your eyes, and Riddle feels his stomach fill with dread as you move to stand. 
“Oh-oh, I’m sorry. Uhm...I guess I misunderstood,” You fold your napkin, gather your things, and sniffle. Yet before leaving, you offer a reassuring grin. One that confuses Riddle further, “I mean- that’s fine. No need to feel bad or anything, okay? I should have asked first before springing that on you. I just...yeah. I’ll see you guys next year if the portal isn’t up, yeah?”
And with that, you’re gone. Grimm follows close behind but not before sneering Riddle’s way. The man in question still sits frozen, unable to comprehend what just occurred or how to proceed. How can he fix a problem he has no idea about? 
“Dorm-Head...normally when I call you heartless it’s a joke, but that? That was cruel, even for you,” 
Panic creeps up in his chest again, considering Ace of all people spoke and yet no one was denying him. He looks to Trey, and in that moment it clicks for the vice-leader what happened 
“Riddle, you denied loving them. In front of everyone. They asked if you wanted them to stay and you said ‘no’”  
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honeyuuyuu · 2 years
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him and mini him <3
Instagram  ✎  Devianart  ✎ Reblogs help! ^^    
Tagging: @rizavi-m @kalims​ @nuitthegoddess​​ @jackplushie​ @hmmmmmm-give-me-your-gender​ @cupids-chamber​ @dr3amscap3​ @raix-lv​@what-nani-ano​ @twisted-clovers​ @thehollowwriter​
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kaechannn · 2 years
Gotta make sure the dominance is still there
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
You feel a lot like love
summary: lovesick boys & living in their head rent-free... you have no idea what you do to them, or maybe you do. ft.Riddle, Leona, Azul, (Vil, Idia, and more later if this does well) tags: crushing, pre-established relationship & established relationship, off camera date/confessions, GN reader(you/your), lovesick boys 4 u, marriage mention, Azul gets insecure but the thought of you makes it better, no beta we overblot like men
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wordcount: 1200+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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• Riddle Roshearts
“Attention!” Riddle’s head snapped upwards, unaware that he had zoned out; thankfully so was the professor, who was calling out some other unfortunate student. As the red haired dormwarden went through the stages of shock, simply stunned and unable to process the realisation that he was not paying attention in class. However he quickly enough settled back into the regular plane of consciousness, taking note of his surroundings and re-checking his notes, eyes widening when he spots “[Name] Rosehearts”. Oh. Riddle gulped a silent, empty breath, staring at the string of words for what felt like the longest two seconds of his life. Oh, oh how was he supposed to confess to you? As his thoughts once again abandoned the class, deciding that you have become his favourite subject, Riddle silently agreed with his subconscious to give up on paying attention in class for one day; instead focusing on you. The smitten, heart adorned dormwarden slipped out a red notebook, a journal, opening an empty page, he started to write his heart and see if he could come up with a good confession, a well-phrased way to ask you out. He could beg his beating heart to stop running laps in his ribcage, yet his mind could not be further from it as he thought of you, his other half. The dorm of heartslabyul has never known greater paranoia. Ace was fully abiding by the rules, Cater has never been faster, Trey was mentally going through the list of possible scenarios. Why? It was quiet. Too quiet. Riddle was not around, he had ghosted Trey and Cater- even after they tried to report on rule breakers; something was clearly wrong, or at least upside down and slightly to the left. Deuce was studying diligently and holding his breath, almost as if Riddle was peering over his shoulder, hell that would at least prove the dormwarden was there! This, to the heartslabyul dorm, was the cruellest joke on earth. And then Riddle came back to the dorm, for the first time ever dressed in a more.. casual look. No way in hell was on campus, judging by the soft red cardigan and absence of the NRC uniform jacket, the button up replaced by a regular black shirt with a loose, circle collar that allowed his collarbone and neck to breathe. If anyone was to be honest, this did not look like Riddle at first glance. And then at second glance all hell silently broke loose, Trey’s glasses comically cracked, Cater dropped his phone, Deuce aced a test; Riddle was placing a kiss on your wrist, leading you slowly by the arm like a gentleman. He was on a date. Unmistakably so if the red roses you held as a bouquet were anything to go by. And once again, Riddle could not care or even try to pay attention to his surroundings; as if he would want to look elsewhere while he had you to focus on.
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• Leona Kingscholar
“Wakey wa– Oh fuck n-o, never mind.” Ruggie closed the door back before he even properly opened it. Leona barely huffed, rolling over to better cover your body with his; like a weighted blanket, the rumbling in his chest far too relaxing for you to stir awake. ..And yet, he couldn’t fall back asleep. Far too awake to keep his eyes closed, yet not enough to get out of bed; alone with his thoughts as he idly held your sleeping form. Sometimes he wondered if these types of mornings would end, or if he could wake up with you for the rest of his days, and he wishes he could smack himself upside down on the head for these loud what-ifs. As if he could sleep it off, feelings like these never really worked like that; it only used to make him angry, frustrated and madly irritable in the past, but now he felt scared at the possibilities those thoughts encapsulated. The ones that were possible were worse, making him wish. Wish.. it felt ridiculous to say such a word for someone so seemingly void of even the faintest hint of sunshine, Leona was not cheerful, surely not. But he was hopeful, then not; it stayed like that for a long while, until you decided to take these matters into your own hands, your considerably smaller, slender hands, soft compared to his own. He, unaware of his own, took your hands in his idle ones, feeling your palms and fingers. Leona closed his eyes as he nuzzled onto the crown of your head, comforted by the scent of your hair. In the back of his mind, his hands memorised the feel of your fingers, wondering what kind of ring you’d like best. The grumpy lion beastman mentally laughed as his morning pondering comes full circle, thinking about how you had his heart in your gentle hands.He smiled at the thought. He could be hopeful.
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• Azul Ashengrotto “Takoyaki!-” Azul’s eyes widened, looking at the idle pool of ink at the base of his quill. He clicked his tongue, expression shaping up to one of frustration, and near-disgust. Lifting up his hand, he made sure that the sleeves of his uniform were not ruined, carefully taking off the stained glove and leaving the office in oddly collected fashion. The feeling was.. off, making Floyd look down to try seeing his expression, albeit unsuccessful. Azul knew the eel twin would quickly put it together, putting more effort into his steps, walking faster with hopes of not running into you. He would cry if you discovered the power you held over him and his heart. The mere possibility had him gulp in hopes of swallowing his nerves, twisting the doorknob and locking himself in his room as the ever familiar and forever disgusting feeling of tears stung his eyes once again, and Azul half haphazardly hid himself under his blankets, ignoring all noise, blocking out his own thoughts, or at least trying to. And yet, the image of you in his mind is the exact thing that brings him comfort; he lays wondering what you’d think if he made a fool of himself in front of you, only to feel conflicted when he fails to imagine a negative reaction, he knows you wouldn’t berate him for a slip up. You never even call him out when he acts out of character, going as far as to cover up for him when he messes up big time, and you never ask for anything other than his time for it when you do. “Fair enough”, it was his response the first time, now he finds himself internally craving, damn-near begging for more; haa.. He would laugh had it been anyone else’s suffering, but he’s not sure if he can even feign dislike of the situation, only ever hoping for more chances to keep this silent arrangement going. He has always been quite greedy, capitalising your affection, time, attention. And forever caught off guard by you, it seems. He nearly jumps out of his own skin when his phone notifies him with a custom ring-tone, the one he set for you. Scrambling to grab his phone swiftly and reply fast, all he sees is “I’m going over to your dorm room. Floyd said something was up with you, are you ok?” -And before he can even start typing you send another; “I’m bringing some of your favourites do you want anything” Oh you really are simply wonderful. Azul knows he means every word, replying to your messages “Just you”.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
I Suddenly Became the Mother of the Red-Rose Tyrant?!
Summary: Well, fuck, somehow you isekaied and became the mother of Riddle Rosehearts
Characters: Riddle Roshearts, Reader, & Clover Family.
Notes: I have been reading way too many isekai Manhwas/Mangas. Not only that, but I saw a fanart of little Riddle and his mom and was inspired right away. This is a long fic, it’s been awhile since I wrote something so long so I am proud. 💕🥰💜
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·      When you had opened your eyes one day, you had woken up in a bedroom that definitely wasn’t yours.
·      The room was…meticulous, and that was putting it lightly.
·      Even your bed, while comfy, had a feeling of order to it; daring anyone to mess it up.
·      You should probably be more anxious over your new surroundings but waking up well rested in a while just mellowed you out.
·      That is until you got up and looked at a mirror, finally seeing the truth of the matter.
·      Well, fuck, you really did isekai to another world.
·      Maybe reading all those manhwas and mangas were not a good idea.
·      You glance at the mirror one more time and this time your appearance caught and held your attention.
·      You reached up and pulled at your…bangs.
·      They looked to form two heart shapes.
·      It was kind of cute.
·      The person whose body you had, well, she looked tired and stressed.
·      Lady, you need to relax once in a blue moon.
·      Wait…a minute, no, no, no. Heart shaped bangs? The only character you knew that had heart shaped bangs were...
·      “Mother?”
·      You turned around and right at your door, dressed prim and proper, was a tiny Riddle Rosehearts.
·      Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
·      You were isekaid into Mrs. Rosehearts.
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·      After you had gotten your bearings, you had told Riddle to go study and you would prepare him food. He had simply nodded and did as you asked. No protest against studying so early in the morning or any mention of hunger. You knew his past, of course you did, but seeing it firsthand was another experience all together. Seeing his response to the request you made? It burdened your heart even more.
·      As you made his breakfast, you had some time to yourself which you used to sort out your situation and feelings. Your memories before coming to Twisted Wonderland were still intact; you just didn’t remember how you ended up in this world, let alone in Mrs. Rosehearts body.
·      Of whom, her memories you had full access to as well. it was as if you lived two lives together. If it wasn’t for little Riddle in the next room, you would be tearing your hair out because, of course, you would be in this situation.
·      Looking through her memories, you can see why Mrs. Rosehearts had turned out the way she did. Generational trauma and unrealistic expectations seemed to run in the family. Which in turn led to her actions towards Riddle, and of which, led to Mr. Rosehearts walking out of their lives. He didn’t even fight for custody of his own child, the influence of Mrs. Rosehearts being too great.
·      Generation trauma that you could have prevented from continuing, Mrs. Rosehearts, but now it’s up to me.
·      You ended up taking a tray of food to little Riddle, with enough food that a child his age would eat and then some. At least with these memories retained, you also knew everything Mrs. Rosehearts did, and unlike the MC in Twisted Wonderland, you also had her powers as well. Which, given the game’s events, would come in handy in the future.
·      Right now though, as you opened the door to the study, you would do your best to raise your son right and well-loved.
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·      One of the first changes you made was decreasing his study time and allowing him the chance to play.
·      It didn’t go as well as you expected…Riddle had frozen and started shaking to your horror. Mumbling about doing better and how he could handle extra studies if you wished it of him. You had a feeling that he thought it was to test him and his dedication.
·      You had to calm him down and prove otherwise.
·      Giving him a dedicated set time to study, and just as much time to play. You would even join him. Drawing with him, putting together puzzles, and even playing in the backyard. You had even gone out and bought him a ball that you two threw at each other.
·      What warmed your heart the most was when you baked him a strawberry tart and gave it to him with a warm glass of milk. Your tart wasn’t the best with the crust crumbling, and you should have probably let it cool a bit more, but the shining eyes and wide smile from Riddle was more than worth it.
·      You patted him on the head as he scooped another piece into his mouth.
·      You loved your son.
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·      The next step in providing a healthy lifestyle for Riddle was making sure he had friends.
·      Which meant, you had to repair the relationship Riddle had with Trey and Che’nya.
·      It wasn’t easy, especially having to muster up the courage to look into Trey’s parents’ eyes and apologize for actions you did not commit.
·      But you were determined to give Riddle a good childhood and that meant him having friends his age and hopefully lowering his chances of overblotting in the future.
·      Riddle was quiet on the day you both went to the Clover’s bakery.
·      But you took a deep breath and patted him on the head.
·      “Everything will be alright, sweetheart.”
·      Riddle didn’t say anything and just nodded.
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·      You had chosen to meet Trey’s parents at closing time, and you had given them a call ahead of time.
·      When you met them, you could tell they were nervous and bracing themselves.
·      Little Trey looked ready for a fight.
·      You had to hold your smile in.
·      You ended up bowing to them and apologizing, which you could tell freaked them all out.
·      Riddle was surprised and grasped at your dress, worried.
·      “I am very sorry for the way I treated you all before. I know my words might not make up for my past actions, but I do hope you will forgive me in time.”
·      Mr. and Mrs. Clover looked at each other before tentatively accepting your apology.
·      “Mrs. Rosehearts, might we ask why the sudden change.”
·      It was Mrs. Clover who had spoken up.
·      You smiled and put a hand on your son’s head.
·      “I have been trying to raise Riddle the only way I knew how. I had let my past and expectations I have lived through blind me. I realized that was wrong, and I want to change that. I want my son to be happy and loved like he deserves.”
·      The Trey family seemed to relax after hearing your reasoning, but you could tell they were still on guard.
·      You didn’t blame them, but you hope in time, they will trust your words.
·      You crouched down to Riddle’s level, looking at him with a gentle look.
·      “I want to show my little one that adults can be wrong, and they can change. I want to show him that I love him, and I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. I love you and I hope you can forgive me too.”
·      Little Riddle was trembling, and tears were dripping down his face.
·      You opened your arms before he rushed into you with all the force his little body can muster.
·      You hugged him just as tight, holding your own tears in.
·      You got up with Riddle in your arms, rubbing his back as he cried and clutched on you tighter.
·      You bowed your head to the Clover family once again before looking at Trey.
·      “I hope you, you other friend, and Riddle can be good friends.”
·      Trey looked a bit nervous before nodding slowly.
·      You thanked them before returning home.
·      Humming a song to little Riddle and kissing his head.
·      You were determined.
·      You would make sure Riddle Rosehearts grew up loved and happy.
·      And as thoughts of the Twisted Wonderland plot came into mind.
·      You would make sure he was safe.
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How did you all like it? Would love to hear your thoughts 💕☺️
Tag List (open): @justeclem44​ @coraldelusiondaze​n @h0n3ysgh0st​ @thatdazaikin​ @strawberry-pie-thoughts​
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xiaomainlmao · 1 year
Twst Dormleaders with a reader who fights very elegantly
Riddle Roshearts
He's amazed
Looks at you and your form very carefully and tries his best to appreciate even the tiny details
He knows that with his physical abilities, he most likely won't be able to do the same, but still asks you if you can teach him a trick or two
Gets the theory behind how it's done pretty quickly and due to his already strict nature, his posture is pretty good too
Can do some tricks to an extent, but gets tired very easily and needs constant breaks
If you praise him for getting something right, he'll internally scream "YES!" with the happiest Riddle face you could ever see
At the end, he'll thank you very sincerely and asks if he can assist you with something like studies in return
Leona Kingscholar
...are you trying to show-off?
Not very amused about it, in fact he compares you to Vil due to your elegance
Tbh i don't think he would care too much about how someone does their thing, as long as the job is completed
Wouldn't voice it, but he thinks you look really nice because your form is pretty clean
If he does voice it, he'll be very smug about it, calling you a "pretty but terrifying doll" and all, because unless you are really really close, he just wouldn't want to genuinely praise someone (or Ruggie's going to use it against him)
May want to fight you if he's in the mood, just to see "whether those pretty punches and kicks are actually worth flaunting"
Still, at the end he pats your back and says "that was a pretty good kick" and leaves before receiving a response
Azul Ashengrotto
"oh my..."
Yea he stares, very shocked and intrigued
If you ever ask him for a favour, he'll ask you to very patiently teach him a couple tricks
Isn't the fastest learner when it comes to physical activities, but it's alright
When you're teaching or showing him something, he's going to genuinely praise you by letting go of that businessman attitude of his (don't be fooled though, the businessman in him will return after your sessions are over)
He'll be letting his guard down for these sessions so please be patient with him, and don't tease him because he gets embarrassed easily
He does manage to learn some things, but it takes him some time
Thanks you for being patient with him and tells you to come over to Mostro Lounge whenever you require any sort of assistance
Will not openly admit it, but he makes less demanding deals with you, thanks to the soft spot he developed for you over your little sessions
Has those wide, shiny Kalim eyes when he sees your form for the first time
Praises you so much and doesn't stop until you're all red-faced and stuttering due to embarrassment
I feel like he's the type of person to use a lot of symbolism, so he will probably compare you and your fighting form to all sorts of things- from actual people to the stars in the sky
May ask you to teach him a thing or two, and depending on how easy or difficult it is, he may even be able to do a couple tricks
Adds it to the list of things he can praise you about, so whenever you feel bad or insecure about yourself, he's rambling about how much he loves the way you fight
Very, very, very supportive- he'll likely find out if there's anyone in his connections that can help you get even better
Just be a little careful if he's introducing you to someone, because he definitely will ramble about everything your good at, including how good you look and how strong you feel when you fight using those cool tricks where you look almost like you're dancing and—
Vil Schoenheit
Observes you and your style intently
Just like Riddle, he'll try to appreciate the tiniest of details in the way you fight
...and also to point out any posture errors since he's Vil "always being a perfectionist because nothing should be below his standards" Schoenheit
From the Beans Day event, we know he fights pretty elegantly too
So he'd be very happy to practice with you, whether it be doing warm-ups together or actually sparring
Helps you with any trick you find difficult, or corrects you if your posture is not up to the mark
Expects you to be strict with him as well, he can make use of some criticism (and he really appreciates it if you find a genuine, note-worthy flaw in his form, because he's not egoistic about having been taught by professionals)
Over all, I think he can appreciate your fighting style (with proper criticism included) the best since he also has a similar form, and spotting the little details is easy for him
Idia Shroud
Who or what are you? Yun Jin from genshin impact?? Nilou from genshin impact???
No wait you are rather strong, so perhaps Eula? (even though she's been promoted to npc as of version 3.7) Hell Shenhe or even male characters like Albedo or Ayato can be said to have elegant fighting forms.
In short, he just thinks you are like a well-developed, well-animated character from a video game meant to get high sales.
This man hates going out, so he most likely saw you fight either during p.e. that Ortho forced him to attend, or because he was lucky enough to be out and witness it
Will actually voice out his thoughts in disbelief, speaking rather quickly about how if you were a game character, everyone would spend on the game for you
Gets embarrassed right after though and starts fumbling over his words after he is done with his out-burst.
If he feels comfortable enough around you, will try to practice with you, pretending as though you are both imitating some cool game characters
(even if all the fighting skills and poses he practices will go down the drain if someone else were to witness it in an actual fight)
Malleus Draconia
Has probably visited the knights while they were practicing, but has never seen them even try to fight as elegantly as you can
Is very intrigued
He probably won't want to fight you though, unlike the others, unless you suggest it
It's not because he thinks you're weak or anything, he thinks you are very strong and capable (and beautiful while fighting)
He just doesn't want to hurt you or scare you away, since he's aware of his own strength
But if you're very keen on sparring with him, he'll indulge you
Is very attentive to your needs- if he feels like you need a rest, he'll tell you outright, if he notices that one of the forms could potentially harm you, will ask you to reconsider using it
He really admires you and won't be afraid to voice his fascination towards you and everything you do
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How the twst boys would react to a S/O who loves the stars
Note: Gn reader, a bit short.
Malleus Draconia
🐉You met on your night walks.
🐉He was genuinely  surprised to see someone who adores the night as much as he does, albeit for slightly different reasons.
🐉You got along quickly. You both had turns to talk about your passion, you the stars, him the gargoyles.
🐉But the ones he preferred over all were the ones he saw in your eyes when you talked to him about it.
🐉Plans to create a star just for you.
Riddle Roshearts
🥀At first, he thought it was just a futile and unnecessary hobby.
🥀But then he saw you explain everything about the skymaps, the stars’s chemical compostions, etc, his view of it shifted completely.
🥀He blamed himself for not realising the worth of it sooner.
🥀You’re very happy to teach him all you know. You’re glad to talk about it to someone who actually listens.
Leona Kingscholar
🦁Back home, his people believed the stars were the souls of the lost kings.
🦁He always viewed the stars as judgemental eyes watching over him. That’s why he never slept outside at night.
🦁But when he hears you talking so passionately about them...
🦁It made it impossible not to like them.
🦁It made it impossible not to like you.
Have a good day/night!
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
500 Follower Special~Pool Party
Maid Milker
Period Pain
When They Discover You're A Girl (WTDYAG) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Divus Crewel | Who's Your Daddy?
Protective Father headcannons
Step-Dad-Pretending to be Happy
Step-Dad-You’re Bored
Crewel Daughter Reader Content (Cont’d)
Dire Crowley
Father headcannons
Crewel Daughter Crowley in love With Head Mistress
Mozuz Trein
Granddaughter headcannons
Older Brother Headcannon
Darling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Artemiy “Chen’ya”  Artemiyevich Pinker 
Neige LeBlanche
Crewel Daughter Avoid Neige Leblanche
With A Baby Who Hates Him
Rollo Felmier
Crewel Daughter x Rollo Felmier
Riddle Roshearts | Baby Love,
Slowly Falling Love
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ace Trappola
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Deuce Spade
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Trey Clover
Slowly Falling Love
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Tanjiro Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Cater Diamond
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Leona Kingscholar
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Protective Older Brother
Crona Reader
Twin Sibling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Runt Sister Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Little Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
First Year Sister Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ruggie Bucchi
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Tanjiro Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jack Howl
Trying To Court Fem Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Azul Ashengrotto
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Crewel Daughter Childhood Friends with Azul
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jade Leech
The Leech Twins
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Floyd Leech
The Leech Twins
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Kamil Al Asim
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Crewel Daughter Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jamil Viper
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival Crewel Daughter 
Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Vil Schoenheit | Groomzilla, Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Meeting First Crewel Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Penpals
Crona Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Rook Hunt | Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Tanjiro Reader
Epel Felmier | Apple Lover
Mexican American Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Idia Shroud | I Need You,
Slowly Falling in Love
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Grandparents’ Misconception
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Malleus Draconia | Dragon and the Outcast,
Weapon Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Crona Reader
Crewel Restoration Daughter Paint Job
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Nezuko Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Lilia Vanrouge | Beware of the Fae,
Weapon Reader
Crona Reader
Crewel Daughter | Papa Lilia
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Tanjiro Reader
Ancestor to Daughter in Law
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sebek Zigvolt
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Pool Party: Charging Up
Silver Vanrouge
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist (Cont’d)
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letterstoear · 9 months
Custom Twisted Wonderland bear keychain!
In case you haven't seen the bears on my main account @2-lines-and-a-circle I made an announcement about these little guys. I thought it would be nice to turn them into keychains for those of you interested. Below are the steps to get a custom order for one!
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Step 1: Choose which character’s bear you would like.
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Step 2: Pick out a ribbon for the bow (available ribbon is below the photos)
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Step 3: This step is optional, but you can decide if you would add on some sort of charm or beads to the keychain. If you would like a charm, please let me know and I’ll show you what beads I have available.
Once you have everything decided please contact me and I’ll turn the bear into a keychain! You send in an ask, message, or even email me at [email protected]
To get a custom bear keychain it’ll cost you $10
I currently only ship in the U.S and once I have the bear made, I will make a new listing on website and let you know so you can purchase it.
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star-vessel1237 · 1 year
Random Post #2
I wonder what they were even fighting about.
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angels-library · 2 years
Heartslabyul Masterlist
Riddle Roshearts
Ace trappola
Deuce Spade
Cater Diamond
Trey Clover
Main Masterlist
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zhengbobatw · 11 months
😭Why did no one say I forgot to put the e in Riddle's mother name which is 'Mrs. Roshearts.' in that one brainrot I did. Already corrected it thankfully <33
0 notes
honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
TWST without Yuu
What if Yuu didn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland? I’m sure there’s a lot of questions that will come to mind:
*** Note that this is just my opinion, it may make sense to you, and it also might not. Please no hate on me or anybody else’s thinking for those who wanna reply back to this.
1. Will there be overblots?
An answer is yes, but I’m guessing for certain characters. Students such as Riddle and Vil would most definitely overblot, because the cause was not by the cause of Yuu, or Yuu didn’t encourage them. 
Example of what I mean, Ace would still be ticked off by Riddle’s behaviour, and would most likely still have the stirring up of fury drama take place, so Riddle might still overblot without Yuu. But whether they defeat Riddle or not is an entirely different story.
This includes Vil, someone who’s overblot reason was caused by Neige, and Yuu did not drive him to such an extent to poison him, and use up a lot of magic.
Actually, I think there would still have the entire cast of overblots lurking around. It’s just depends on whether they can win without Yuu or not. Perhaps if Yuu wasn’t around, maybe, just maybe, one, two or all the dorm leaders might die if Yuu wasn’t around.
But that is something unclear of for me.
2. What will happen to Grim?
Grim might not actually become a student if Yuu wasn’t there. The reason why he became a student was because Crowley observed that Yuu could command monsters like him, thus having Yuu and Grim to become students of NRC and stay in the school.
If Yuu did not appear, Grim would not have become a student. And whether it is up to Grim, he either gives up and find some other alternative and more, or he constantly tries to sneak into the school like a pest, which would be a new problem for NRC to handle.
3. What would happen to the cast of first years?
Without Yuu, it’s either the Adeuce combo only becoming friends later on, or they never will become friends. Without Yuu making Grim a student, it might be that there would be no introduction of the Seven Statues, that would lead to the build up of detention, Ace avoiding it and when we have the first Adeuce (somewhat-) interaction where Deuce drops a cauldron on Ace.
And even so, they can’t tease a magicless Yuu and pesky Grim when they aren’t there, so there might not be a connection form. 
Of course, they’re from the same class, so maybe, just maybe, they would be friends but later on.
I’m pretty sure Jack, Epel and Sebek aren’t really affected, but if the Adeuce combo aren’t friends to begin with, they also might not be in a group together.
4. What would happen to dorm activities?
It really depends. If the Adeuce combo are friends during the period of Heartslabyul’s first overblot and later on, they could change the activities such as being more lenient on rules or stop using contracts to toy around with students. 
If Ace still wanted to beat the crap out of Riddle and make him overblot (and of course win with peaceful resolve) Ace, alone, can actually change Riddle’s heart.
But it’s unclear for the other dorms. Perhaps he might ask Azul on breaking the contract, and then having to go through with or without Deuce to break it. Whether Jack would help them or not is unclear, but I think he would.
But then that also depends on whether Jack befriends them during Leona’s overblot events. Perhaps it might still occur, but that idea also seems unclear for me as well.
I think this part is quite minor or unclear for me since I don’t really know if this would actually be affected if Yuu wasn’t around. 
Maybe you have an idea? Please tell me ;-;;;;;
5. What will happen to Crowley?
Less responsibilities. This is pretty tricky. While I can still see him still being like regular game version self with Yuu, something tells me something might be changed about him.
There’s countless and countless of theories about the enigmatic crow, and some people say he hides it from the school and Yuu.
I’m not quite sure what to say about it, but then again, it’s technically not canon. What’s canon is Crowley is irresponsible af, but perhaps without Yuu, Crowley would not be need to find Yuu back home (and that’s an obvious given as Yuu’s not there), and yeah. That’s all I can see for him unfortunately.
6. What happens to Malleus?
A sad and unfortunate part about this is that Malleus would never receive an invitation. Or an actual friend. Well, okay, maybe Cater, but still no invitation.
As we can see from the interactions of Malleus and Yuu, Malleus is pretty happy talking to Yuu, and he feels a lot more comfortable in just showing up from no where to talk to them.
Without Yuu... Malleus might never really have much of a social life, someone to talk to that’s not from Diasomnia, or talk to some ordinary person who doesn’t fear him.... or an invitation, that’s most important-
But still, it’s kinda sad, actually. Malleus never getting the friend that didn’t fear him and actually embraced him. Yuu could have been the person Malleus was longing to meet, but they never came..
There are of course, many other things that might be changed if Yuu wasn’t around, but this is what I can think so far. Leave any suggestions or ideas you feel if Yuu didn’t appear in the TWST game we play! 
I’d love to hear them! ^^
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