#S3 the series of self actualisation ftw
soshadysoquiet · 9 months
Diego's Self Discovery Side Quest
Diego (and to some extent Sparrow Ben though we don't see all of his journey) seems to have this fascinating hyper-warp-speed realisation of his heritage. Obvs his actor is Mexican-American, but this isn't a big part of his character until S3 ~~The series of Self Actualisation~~ what I find both endearingly hilarious and fascinating is the speed Diego realises and accepts this part of himself:
Klaus compliments Diego for looking like Antonio Banderas. Diego accused of the murder of his crush, JFK. Diego named as "A Cuban Exile" in the TV broadcast about said assassination. Diego mutters "Cuban huh", considering it.
Jump to the sparrow timeline - all taking place in about a week after the above - Diego has gone All In on his potential lineage. Form the briefcase promo he's depicted with a Mexican sticker to indicate where he was born, does Diego know this, or is he buying into the Cuban as an answer to a question not doubt Reggie didn't pay any time to? He's not had a lot of time to research but I'm sure he'd get from Cuban to Mexican given time, maybe he will in S4, has he already been identifying as Mexican-American precious to this or left wondering?
He's speaking Spanish to Stan as a form of bonding, he's using it when angry to express himself and arguing with Ben who goes right back in his own heritage language.
The mad (or really, really sad) beauty of this is that in no where from childhood (the snippets we get anyway) through S1 and most of S2 do we see Diego lean into this side of himself (to my memory at least, unless someone remembers different? any easter eggs?)...
Has he thought of it before and now just decides to go all in once it's 'acknowledged'? Are those language classes, such as Spanish, that they got taught as kids now resonating with him more? Did little Diego always value the language and think about his heritage but just hide it from the others? Did he get introduced to the concept of race when a child, when doing missions or when leaving the mansion? Has he come into his own and is exploring a new aspect of himself or is he finally feeling confident and comfortable enough to share this part of himself around his family?
Given Diego's ability to make very quick-fire changes of opinion when presented with information, it could work either way, but part of me loves the idea that someone on a 60's TV said 'Cuban' and he thought, huh, yeah that works and it answered something for him and became part of himself just like that. Love him <3
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