qrovidcore · 4 months
absolutely EATING THE DRYWALL over the act 2 resist!durge scene. it’s been three fucking days and im still like. you MEAN i have to Get Up and Go To Work and Function when ALL i can think about is this and it makes me go INSANE. like the absolute emotions of that are something i haven’t felt from anything less than actual tabletop and it’s just. here. in this goddamn video game. and fucking. we all know the scene. probably everyone knows the version of the scene i personally got, even if they didn’t get it themself. and yet. and YET. i cannot even put into WORDS exactly how all of that hit because it’s not even just the one goddamn scene it’s the 60+ hours of choices i have been making up to that point and 60+ hours of time i have put into the relationships i have built with the rest of my party and cutscenes before it that maybe only went the same way for like 0.1% of other people as they did for me or even happened At The Same Time as they did for me and i just. i just!!!!!!
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fantasiavii · 5 months
I’m just going to be thinking about “Violet, I’m Will” for the rest of my goddamn life
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demonzoro · 7 months
okay enough white boy wednesday. it's tangerine thursday <- reading arlong park arc
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wildwren · 2 years
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Ismael Cruz Córdova - photos from this interview
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about to rewatch dead boy detectives again because I simply cannot get enough
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zo1nkss · 8 months
Can we please talk about the bisexual lighting, I NEED to talk about the bisexual lighting, I am chomping at the bit over the bisexual lighting, I cannot breathe or function over the bisexual lighting, SOMEONE SEDATE ME ABOUT THE BISEXUAL LIGHTING
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meiloorun-notthefruit · 2 months
More kingdom hearts 3 thoughts while I’m playing it…. So like Sora’s been to several worlds where a true love’s sacrifice has been central to the plot.
Hercules/Mount Olympus: Herc diving down to Underworld to save Meg, though his took place technically in KH2 but KH3 builds upon it.
Tangled/The Kingdom of Corona: both Rapunzel and Eugene sacrifice themselves for each other — Rapunzel telling Mother Gothel she won’t try to run away ever again if she allowed her to heal Eugene, therefore sacrificing both her freedom and the rest of her life, and Eugene when he cuts Rapunzel’s hair instead of allowing her to heal him, freeing her from the power of the flower but ensuring his death.
All three sacrifice themselves for their loved ones, while knowing that they would most likely not get out alive. And it paid off in the end.
The Disney worlds in Kingdom Hearts primarily build up the story tension as foreshadowing or as parallels for what’s going on in the main story. So Kingdom Hearts 3 obviously has a true love’s sacrifice taking place amongst the main cast.
So who is it? Sora and Riku. To be more specific; it’s Riku stepping directly in front of Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard to protect him from the Demon Tide that allows Sora to even reach the Final World. Make of the rest of the game what you will, but Riku’s moment at the Graveyard is exactly that. I will update this list with more worlds and the examples I find as i continue the game.
I will add that Sora himself seems to attempt a sacrifice in this game when he’s trying to save Kairi with “all his heart”, but viewers/players/gamers will know that this attempt can’t really be compared because while it’s the same in name, the outcome turned out differently. Every true love sacrifice I’ve seen in this game so far had both parties come out unscathed in the end, even when death loomed directly over them. Sora literally destroys himself, shatters his heart, to save Kairi. He is dead and in the afterlife for trying. KH4 is about finding him and bringing him back. And Riku is the one to do it.
Damn. Dare i say Soriku
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lizardbraining · 3 months
This tweet keeps me up at night
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thetimecrystal · 11 months
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have more julian with his long mullet
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ratgirlcopia · 1 month
to be honest i start screaming and throwing things at the walls when i remember i may get to see maralyn SLAYcey on the big screen
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sevdrag · 10 months
(I will only be posting spoilers tagged and under a cut and only if they’re funny, as an fyi)
I apologize for the person I will be for the next few weeks
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wildwren · 2 years
ICC + The Hollywood Reporter
Brian Davids: Arondir’s season-one arc could be described, in part, as a love story. After 1500 years, he has a family to protect, not just an oath to honor. But how do you see his journey to this point?
Ismael Cruz Córdova: I also see it as this guy who’s cracking open. He’s an elf, and I always say that there’s a crack that loss gives you. I’ve experienced it myself, and your humanity kind of seeps in and out. I went through quite a deep period of grief with the loss of my sister about 15 years ago. I felt this deep pain, and I thought that I couldn’t go on. In college, this teacher of mine said that the pain you feel is your humanity being carved, and that’s something that Arondir experiences so fast. His best friend [Médhor] is killed. His commander and father figure [Revion] is killed, and at the same time, he is separated from the love of his life [Bronwyn] and this little kid [Theo], who’s becoming a stepson-type figure to him. There’s a big conflict in his heart as he’s experiencing more and more human emotion. “What is this pain? What is this loss? What are these feelings?” Elves don’t necessarily have to contend with this conflict. 
Brian Davids: I had previously viewed Arondir, Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) and Halbrand as the series’ primary heroes on the battlefield, but now it’s down to your character and Galadriel. Can you feel that added responsibility already, both as the character and the actor? 
Ismael Cruz Córdova: Yes, and I love it, man. I don’t know much about the second season, but I really hope that the showrunners keep going with that. I’m quite drawn to the people who have all these odds stacked against them, but they still try. And Arondir is that guy who keeps trying. Even Galadriel is still trying to find her way. She’s from the high side of things, and Arondir is from the low side of things. But they have this clear moral compass, whether they know it or not, whether they understand the fullness of it or not. So I do love that idea. I feel the fire of the character, and I feel like he has so much potential.
-From this interview
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hey if your birthday is the 22nd then you have the same birthday as my partner! incredible day to have it! hope it was a really good one, and for the questions, 19: what are your favorite musicals?
Oh that's cool!!! My birthday is actually the 23rd so it's still going lol (I'm not sure where you are and time differences and all, so we might have been celebrating at the same time? it's 4pm on the 23rd here for me)
My absolute favourite musical of all time is hands-down Hamilton, no question (and I'm finally going to see it tonight in about t-minus 4 hours!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!) followed very very closely by Rent, I am a massive Rent-head (sidenote; i am forever salty that Rent fans in the 90s went with the name "rent-heads" rather than the much much cooler "tennants" but whatever)
I also absolutely love Six (I actually went and saw Six in my city about two weeks ago and it was PHENOMENAL!!), Hadestown, Book of Mormon, Hairspray, In the Heights, Be More Chill and Come From Away, but Hamilton and Rent are my absolute favourites
Come wish me a happy birthday!!!
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stonedregulus · 1 year
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weyrleaders · 9 months
ive gotta work four days in a row
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edgebug · 6 months
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