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dailydreamxd · 2 years
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#273 / minor inconveniences
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
just let me in
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PAIRING: sirius black x reader
REQUEST: anon asked “Hi can you write a Sirius one shot where he gets upset bc his gf is close to that boy with a perfect life and he feels so insecure, he feels that the dude is perfect for R (the kind of joyful, always laughing girl) and so he thinks he’s holding her with his problems and she notices smth is wrong but she thinks he doesn’t want to talk about it but then she sees he starts being colder and when she confronts him about it, it explodes in an angsty fight where he tells her everything and  when she understands she comforts him and it’s just fluffy and all Sorry if it’s really detailed... Thank you!💗”
WARNINGS: its angstttt boi have u seen the titleee also innuendos and swearing, use of the word whore
NOTES: im slowly workin thru my requests and they will be open soooonn. also if i had to recommend a song for this it would be happier by bastille & marshmello aannghghg this is shorrttt
“Shut up, Michael!”
Sirius eyed the two of you from across the Great Hall, the two being Michael Woods, the most popular guy in the year, and you, who was laughing your head off. You, also Sirius’ girlfriend of six months. 
Remus nudged him, eyebrow raised. “Who pissed you off? You look like Snivellus.” Sirius gasped, shoving him. “How dare you, Moony?! I’ll have you know I actually wash.” Remus snorted. 
“Seriously though, mate, you alright? You look like you’re back in third year when you had your ‘broody Sirius’ phase.” Sirius rolled his eyes, grabbing a sausage off Remus’ plate. 
“Yeah, m’ fine. Just a bit tired.” Remus nodded, going back to his potatoes, as Sirius went back to staring over, frowning as he saw Michael hug you, before walking over. He smiled as you approached, pulling you onto his lap as you kissed his cheek. James rolled his eyes, retching. “Is that allowed? Is that allowed?” You grabbed a sausage and lobbed it at him, laughing when he caught it in his mouth. Sirius gasped. “Hey! That was my sausage!” James winked at him as he ate it, swallowing. “I’m sorry for eating your sausage, Siripoo. It’s just so tasty! Right, Y/N?”
“Oh piss off, James.” you said, leaning forward smirking. “Remember, we only talk about Siripoo’s sausage in private, Jamesy.” He nodded knowingly, whispering ‘later’ before becoming distracted as Lily sat next to him.
Sirius laughed. “You two are mental, you know?” You grinned, pecking his cheek. “We know.”
And that’s where it started to go wrong. Whenever Sirius saw you and Michael together, thoughts started running through his head- which wasn’t helped by the fact that some third-year asked him if you were still together. If he saw you by yourself, fear took over his mind: if he approached you, were you going to break up with him? He had heard people talking even before you and Sirius got together how ‘Y/N and Michael would be the cutest couple’. Thinking about it, he could picture you two together. You would be so much happier with him, wouldn’t you? No more late nights comforting Sirius over his fucking family issues, no more basically being his therapist, no more crying...
Sirius didn’t want to lose you, but he couldn’t keep being so selfish. And besides, it was basically happening anyways- he didn’t miss those longing glances. When was the last time he even saw you without Michael? Resentment swirled in him- sure, Sirius was a mess, but you could at least let him off easy, instead of going behind his back- who was he kidding. It was right in front of him. This wasn’t fair on him, or you. New determination sprung up in him, and he steeled himself for what was to come- what he had to do. For both of you.
For the next few days, Sirius tried to talk to you, but it was never the right moment. That Wednesday after classes, however, you approached him, a questioning look on your face.
“Hey Sirius, are you alright? I feel like we haven’t talked in ages.” you said, leaning into kiss him. He turned so your lips landed on his cheek, and you pulled back, shocked. “What’s wrong?” Sirius sighed, jaw clenched. “We need to talk. In private.” 
Your heart sank; that never meant well. You nodded, and followed him to the Gryffindor common room, heading up to his dorm. You sat down on his unmade bed, fisting the duvet. “What’s up?” 
Sirius laughed bitterly. “What’s up? I don’t know, why don’t you ask Michael.” 
You raised your eyebrows, looking at him in disbelief. “I’m sorry, what?”
Sirius smirked, his eyes cold. “I said, why don’t you ask Michael. I mean, you two seem to be awfully close, don’t you think?” Your mouth fell open in shock, before you composed yourself.
“Well, what do you think?” Sirius laughed again, pacing around the room. “What do I think, what do I think... let’s see.” He stopped. “I think you’re fucking him behind my back, and you’re too much of a coward to admit it. I think you’re a disgusting whore. Do you want me to continue?”
You gasped, indignation coursing through your veins. “How dare you?! Do you really think that low of me, that I’d do that? Is that what you think of me?!” 
Sirius stared challenging at you, silent. You scoffed, each harsh word another tear ready to fall. “Here’s what I think of you, Sirius Orion Black. I think you’re an insecure little boy who can’t accept that someone loves him. Well, congratulations! You pushed me away, when all I wanted was for you to let me in. I hope you’re happy, Sirius, I really do. God knows your parents will be, oh yes, they’ll be ecstatic that their son isn’t dating a fucking blood-traitor anymore. That’ll be a nice thing to tell them in the summer holidays, won’t it? Maybe you can stop being the family disappointment now.” 
You regretted the words as soon as you said them, Sirius’ piercing look of utter betrayal sending waves of self-loathing through you. Before you could take it back, Sirius swallowed and forced a grin, trying to mask the pain. “We can only hope. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go tell Marlene that I’m finally single. Goodbye, L/N.” Your previous guilt was overwhelmed by hurt, sharpening your words. “Never talk to me again.”
“My pleasure.” Sirius spat, before turning and storming out, leaving you staring at the door, before sobs overtook you. You crumpled, clutching Sirius’ duvet to you, tears wracking your body. Finally, you fell asleep, your aching eyes closing. That was how Remus had found you, and he pulled a blanket over you, moving you to his bed and placing a bar of chocolate beside you. Maybe some things just weren’t meant to be.
 i think im gonna do a part 2, not sure though. lmk if u want one :) 
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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tags: @hoewkeye @blackpinkdolan @shadylittlewonder @sassy-specter @i-am-eating-rn
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
youve probably said this somewhere already and i am just The Stupid but how did deidara first meet the trio...
dont u worry my friend ur not stupid ily.. i honestly probably said it a long time ago and i dont want u to have to dig thru my oc tag to find it i really need to work on the timeline for the oc universe to share it w everyone so ppl can understand what the fuck im talking about more but anyway!
they have a pretty unconventional meeting as far as best friends for life and future spouse meetings go theyre like.. a very vaguely enemies to friends thing they meet when the trio break into one of the akatsukis underground bases to find 1. evidence of the akatsuki/akatsuki subordinates involvement in the death of innas team 2. steal back the puppet that sasori made of nethers adoptive mom after her death.
the trio get in and get out of the base with both evidence and nethers mom and are able to rebury her mother along with looking over the evidence and talking about their next move forward.
meanwhile sasori has returned to his workshop and immediately realizes that someone has broken in & after taking stock he realizes that his most recent addition to his collection (nethers mom) has been stolen and hes predictably furious.
he sets out to quickly gather intel on who could be interested in stealing the puppet and figures out that nether is responsible. he angrily demands that deidara go out and retrieve the puppet and the theif and deidara really isnt that invested in it hes just like yeah whatever my dude peace out.
this is all happening within the course of three days or so and because of that the trio have already covered a good amount of ground and deidara may be a dumbass but hes not stupid and hes good at finding his targets, so hes able to spot the trio and recognizes nether from the file sasori was able to get on her and sends down a clay creature to try and drag her up to his bigger bird.
the trio really dont like fighting in general, inna refuses to harm people with the weapons she collects and only will use them in self defense or in an effort to protect someone else in an emergency circumstance and although spectre uses pshycic/spirit powers in hypothetical fights they only have so much energy to use.
so anyway basically what happens is that nether is able to cut through the clay with her ribbons and drops down to the bird and is like HEY! WHAT THE FUCK! and deidara in turn is like UH IM THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE SAYING WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST CUT UP MY BEAUTIFUL ART
and nether just starts losing her shit up in the sky while inna and spectre are like oh god oh fuck this is not good and inna is very good at strategies and figuring problems out so shes starting to try and sort this out but before she can tell spectre her plan they go hey inna catch and shes like wait what and then spectre astral projects out of their body which just slumps over
anyway. they overpower deidara and possess him and meanwhile inna is using a grappling hook to get to the bird after doing acrobatics thru the trees and calculating the exact distance and angles she needs to throw it at in her mind.
so anyway spectres like well i can only hold this guy off for a half hour at most and innas like thats great thats fine you can get this bird on the ground though right and spectres like yeah sure i can. ha ha wait. uh. maybe not. ah. fuck so theyre just stuck up in the air until they figure out a way to work together to get down using innas grappling hook, nethers ribbons, and the last bit of spectres energy as they stop possessing deidara to help them float down.
they go down back to spectres body and then skedaddle the heck out of there and then deidara wakes up like an hour later and he just screams angrily for a bit bc yknow i would scream after that too.
i know this is already long forgive me but were not done w the initial meeting yet.. the trio realize that deidaras from the akatsuki and that that means that their sneaky heist has been discovered and they dont really have a lot of time to figure out a new strategy because by this time sasori has come out and is after them as well, the trio get seperated as he enters the playing field and inna decides that shes going to try and distract deidara for as long as she possibly can because sasori is really focused on attacking nether and she knows that being attacked by both enemies at once would be really bad so she just spends the whole time jumping from tree to tree talking with deidara and asking him all sorts of questions and just completely refusing to fight him while also finding out stuff.
meanwhile spectre has regained about half of their energy and before the fight even begins they realize that the only way they have a chance of getting out of this is by having a suprise up their sleeve so they quickly put a protective seal over their body and leave it to partially possess nether which basically means theyre just surrounding nether with their energy and also feeding off of her energy so together theyre stronger in both their defense and their attacks.
without getting into 2 the details of the fight against sasori too much bc this is already long theyre able to break part of hirukos tail and smash through part of the rock enclosure that sasori has cornered them into in order to escape and regroup with inna.
its after this fight that the trio decide that they need to find a permanent place to stay that can be a safe home for them even as theyre looking for answers in the death of innas team and so they shortly find a small village which is fairly far away from the larger more powerful villages and they refurbish an old empty apartment building into their little shop with the apartment they all live in upstairs!
they live pretty peacefully there for almost a year until sasori is able to find them but rather than straight up attacking them hes interested in gathering information on them since they managed to beat him and could possibly be useful in the future to him so he starts spying on them himself out of hiruko because of course practically no one knows what he really looks like so going into the shop without any real disguise is the best disguise and nethers just like huh that quiet guy who just spends the whole time hes in here looking at our plants and glaring at me is back again. weird.
eventually he gets too busy to go spy on them himself and he sends deidara in his place which is a very big mistake on his part because deidara just blows his whole cover right away and instead of spying on the trio he becomes friends with them and is blowing off akatsuki business to be with them before eventually faking his death to live with them and to try and be a better person because theyve been such a good influence on him and shown a better part of the world to him
thank u for asking abt this!!! im sorry this got so long again i rlly need to figure out a way to make a good visual timeline thats easy to read that shows all the different plot points in the trios story and overall version of the naruto universe
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