#i think this can be classified as horror??
dailydreamxd · 2 years
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#273 / minor inconveniences
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wisteriasymphony · 25 days
Miraculous Mortality - Transmutation
CW: gun, body horror, blood and pus and ickiness :( also like. toxic yaoi vibes i guess
It had taken hours to find a suitable shelter—Hours that Jaqueline arguably did not have. Every bandage she once had was now coated with blood and pus, and the boils on her arm just continued to grow and burst and multiply like they fed off of her. Damn that Helix Vert—She could admit he'd pulled a fast one on her, but that was the last time she'd ever let that slimy bastard get that close.
Jaqueline huddled up against a wall, letting herself sink to the floor. She'd lost control over her good arm, too, making everything even harder. Her satchel needed to be opened with the same hand that held her gun, and that hand also had to—It was annoying, in short. If she had any bullets left before recharging, Jaqueline would track that bastard down and make sure to pay him back double for the mess she'd been put through.
Jaqueline fiddled with her revolver, sticking it to her jaw.
Jaqueline felt the path of the bullet through her skull, the feeling just as painful as always was. But it made watching her targets writhe in pain all the better, as she knew what it felt like when the copper shrapnel burned through flesh and spread a fire like no other through every nerve. She'd be catatonic for the next few minutes, and then just in debilitating pain for another hour—that was what made shelter so invaluable. If she'd dealt with it in the middle of a horde, she'd be dead meat. And if she was dead meat while the infection was still in her... that bastard Helix would have a carte blanche to her skillset. And there was no way in hell Jaqueline would let anyone take her gun, cause she was sure it was all she needed to be the last woman standing.
Her infected arm began to spasm, dripping pus onto the dirt and gravel as the infection was burned out. And it was never exactly pretty either—The boils and open wounds would suddenly explode in number, her arm splitting apart at the seams and spraying viscera everywhere. Jaqueline threw her head back against the wall, grinding her teeth from the pain. She'd get Helix good for this, she swore it. Tie him up with his own string, force him to grovel at her feet before she stamped his head through the ground with her boot. And if he didn't beg for mercy, she'd find a way to make him—stick her revolver against his head and force his brain to rewire. Imagination was the limit to Amalgam, and Jaqueline chose Iciss because she was as creative as she could be cruel.
The infection was nearly staved off—only mere remnants of the poison remained in the greenish-yellow tint of her veins. Through her grunting and panting, Jaqueline forced a smile; She could only imagine the look on Helix Vert's face when he realized just how easy it was to ruin his 'hard work'. It wouldn't be so easy the other way around, now would it?
Jaqueline's arm buzzed as she finally regained feeling in it. Still, she couldn't bring herself to move it, stretch the fingers that were seconds away from rotting off at one point—All she could do was lie there, drained and nauseous, until the pain fully subsided. It'd be a damn shame if she got jumped again, cause then she'd just have to fight through it instead of giving herself the luxury of a nice rest. But no matter what she put her body through, Jaqueline's spirit would never weaken or waver. She would never die.
big thanks to...
@bakawitch (Creator of Miraculous Mortality AU)
@nocturnal-notes (Contributor for Beetum/Helix Vert/ I thought you would want to see this anyways :3 )
and whatever lovely individual contribued to Iciss hm i wonder who that could be guess we'll never know
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classifiedfolder · 10 months
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corpsesoldier · 7 months
ordered pho from doordash, really and truly believed the driver had taken the food for themself (went the wrong direction and was stationary for over twenty minutes), went through the five stages of grief. ordered pho again. original driver suddenly 10 minutes away. now have two phos.
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yamishika · 1 year
Another One Gone
He lost another.
Just like that.
TW: Mentions of Suicide, Gore & Graphic Descriptions 
He came running.
He came running as soon as he heard the shot.
Any thought that could have existed in his mind prior to that moment was replaced with a rush and the echoing scream of his brother’s name that burst from his lips. The sound of the shot chilled his blood instantly. And he just came running as fast as his little legs could carry him.
He rammed the door open with such force as if he intended to break it, not knowing what scene awaited him when everything would be revealed. All he knew was that he heard the shot come from this room, the room his brother told him he wanted to sleep in.
But that’s not what he found.
Blood everywhere.
On the walls, on the bed, on the floor. There was so much red. And more just kept being added as time dragged on. He went completely still as his mind struggled the process the nightmarish sight.
It wasn’t even a few minutes ago he had left, and now it all looked like this.
His quivering lips failed to close as he uncomfortably focused on the slumped body on the bed. There was a rifle nearby, looking to have been propped up once, yet now it hung in balance on the side of the bed, with only a limp, pale hand faintly holding its trigger as support.
His eyes stared at the pale hand holding the rifle, already seeing the once creamy light-toned skin dulling into something morbid. His glazing sight didn’t wish to move from this, almost as if it protected his young mind from the further horror to be revealed.
But when the raw stench of the room struck his senses, he was brought back to process the rest of the details of this nightmare that were becoming clear to him.
That body on the bed, soaked with blood and having it pool underneath, was his brother’s. His second eldest brother. Who he now realised did not even have a head.
It was gone.
The majority of it was missing.
Only the remnants of his jaw could be made out; otherwise, everything else was not there.
But soon, even that corrected in his mind as he came to realise the thicker chunks stuck on the walls and that had fallen onto the floor were indeed him.
His brother.
Pieces of him could be found splattered nearby, and the boy didn’t know how to comprehend that sight. All he could do was shakenly stare at the splattered gore as his sharp eyes blurred over on their own.
He was whole when he had seen him last, and that wasn’t even that long ago. He was drained and had been in a state, but he had been breathing in one piece. How could he come back to see him like this? Why did he come back to see him like this?
He told him he was sorry and that he wanted to rest.
Was this what he meant?
Did he not want to be left alone to sleep?
Did he want to do this?
His tight chest took a sparse breath in, trying to relieve the heaviness within, but that only made the raw stench in his senses ripen. He could feel himself getting nauseous. There was so much red. And so many tones and thicknesses of it too. It was sickening.
His eyes unwillingly followed the sight of where blood sprayed from profusely. He watched as the sheets continued to darken with the sanguine stain, completely dyeing the fabrics with deepening crimson, which then dripped onto the floor and stained that plentifully as well.
It was then, a new sight was added to this nightmare.
One that he was sure would become another image burned into his brain and haunt him for time to come.
In a pooling mass of gore, he spotted something.
It was something still intact.
An eye.
One of the eyes of his brother.
The hazel-brown one.
The eye that was coloured just like his own, but now it was blood-stained and detached from where he last saw it to be.
He stared at it, and it was almost like it was staring at him back. That was impossible, yet seeing his brother’s eye like that, blown out of his face, shook him in a way he wasn’t ready for.
It looked sad.
It was as if the final emotions in his’s brother’s mind were encapsulated in the sight of that lone eye.
From seeing that, he felt his vision start to get blurrier.
Tears slowly dripped down his rigid cold face, but no sounds came from the boy’s lips. He simply stared at the lone eye, cruelly focused on the state it was in, frozen in time. He refused to move from there after that as if he was caught in an unforgiving trance while looking at what his brother once possessed.
He couldn’t even tell if he had blinked since he busted in. All his eyes just saw were red. All his mind just saw was red. Even as his eyes glazed over and stung by his lining tears, the sight of his brother’s corpse and that all around him remained clear in his head. All he could see was him.
What he once was.
And what he had become.
Time became a forgotten thing. He didn’t know what passed as he stood still, witnessing the corpse ripen, and the blood flow decrease. The only thing that told him he was still in the present was their father soon came rushing to the room, shoving him aside before he, too, bear witness to the nightmare.
And he also became still.
Because just like that,
Another son was gone.
Because just like that,
Another brother was gone.
He was dead.
Not even a year had passed,
And he had left too...
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maxfieldparrishes · 2 years
my toxic trait is that i think v.c. andrews is actually good 
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cassandralexxx · 11 months
Ok So more on the whole examining fruit flies under a microscope thing. One of the girlies in my group was like “imagine if they always looked like that” in reference to how creepy bugs look up close. And I was like… they DO always look like that.
like that is what they look like 😭😭😭
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chaos-in-deepspace · 8 days
LNDS Rafayel: Questions That Keep Us Up At Night (18+)
I started writing this yesterday but then a certain SOMEONE made me brainrot over Xavier, so here we are today. My only goals today is to finish the Xavier brainrot I have and then get a request page set up. Wish me luck and enjoy the torture I put our local fish boy through. This was supposed to be another crack fic but alas here we are.
Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Suggestive Questions, Non-Human Mating Suggested, Teasing Synopsis: You just needed to know the answers to some of the questions that kept you up at night. Who knew Rafayel would be so...flustered over them. Word Count: 1,597
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Questions That Keep Us Up At Night Reader x Rafayel
“So do Lemurians lay eggs?” It had been an innocent question, one that you asked so casually you hadn’t even bothered to look up from your phone. The room was suddenly silent, the noises of chopping from earlier had disappeared and you finally looked up from your screen to see Rafayel just staring at you from the kitchen.
His face looked complex, a mixture of amusement and horror crossing it as he processed what you had just asked him. He blinked a few times before taking in a deep breath to reorient himself. He should be used to your eccentric questions at this point, hell he often asked you some pretty weird things. He just wasn’t expecting this on a Tuesday afternoon.
Rafayel finally managed to look back at you, “Oh, I didn’t realize you were so curious about Lemurians.” He was putting on an air of indifference it would seem, “Out of all the questions though, why this one? You aren’t thinking of trying to do something to me, are you?”
“Okay well first off, always thinking about that.” You began, making Rafayel choke on air for a split second, “Second off, I’m just curious. Mammals are known for giving live birth, but most aquatic life lay eggs. So where do Lemurians fit in all this?”
“If I’m not mistaken, mammals are classified as having hair or fur on them, so by those standards, Lemurians would be considered mammals, or did you forget that with your brain in the fish bowl?” Rafayel teased, a sly smirk crossing his face.
“Okay that might be true, but the lower half where the babies would pop out of is fish based. Covered in scales. Mammals don’t have scales unless you’re referring to Pangolins.” You explained to him as simply as you could.
“A pangolin?” Rafayel asked, having no clue what those were.
“Scaly anteaters.” You explained.
Rafayel was silent for a moment, “...Did you look that up just to see if mammals could have scales to prove your theory?”
“Obviously…although now that I think about it, if the bottom half is that of a fish and the top half is a mammal, would you lay eggs, hatch them, and then produce milk to feed the baby?” You said, tapping your lower lip in question.
“I’m stopping you right there…why are you asking all these questions?” Rafayel said, trying to get back to what he was doing earlier.
“These are the questions that keep me up at night, and only you can answer them for me, Raf.” You admitted. You didn’t even want to think about the multiple times you had woken up in the dead of night and laid in bed, thinking about Lemurian eggs for literal hours. 
Rafayel smirked as he leaned over the counter, “Does this mean you’ve been having thoughts of me when you’re trying to sleep?”
“I’m not trying to incriminate myself, Raf.” You said, pointing an accusing finger at him, “I’m just saying that the question about Lemurian eggs, amongst several other things, have been on my mind.”
“Other things?” Rafayel murmured just loud enough for you to hear it. He looked at you, curiosity but also hesitance crossing his features.
“Well ya, for instance I know that some aquatic creatures have two.” You said, holding up the number two with your fingers.
Rafayel sighed, looking almost pained as he wanted to clarify what you were asking, “Two of what.” He was hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“Dicks, penis, cocks, levers, fun handles, joysticks.” You said, listing off both the actual names as well as some euphemisms you knew.
Rafayel once again stopped what he was doing. You watched as he put the knife down next to him. You wanted to ask him why he was stopping since he had been so deadset that he’d prepare lunch this afternoon. You had been waiting ages for the salmon salad he was making.
“Really?” He asked, gesturing to the food in front of him, “Right in front of my salad?” 
You couldn’t help but stare directly into those beautiful eyes of his, “You didn’t answer any of the questions, Raf. What are you hiding?”
“Believe it or not, I don’t actually have to answer your questions.” He said, leaning over to where you were sitting at the bar counter.
You then decided to press your luck even more, “So if Lemurians supposedly cry pearls, is their cum like pearlescent or something else entirely?” You watched as Rafayel’s cheeks took on a rosy hue and you barked out a laugh, “Oh that reaction tells me everything! So it’s not like humans!”
Rafayel groaned, covering his face with his hands and shook his head, “Why do you want to know about Lemurian…cum…I hate that I even have to ask that.” Rafayel said as he gave you a disappointed glance.
“It’s just a question, now I have more.” You said as you stood up from your stool, “Do Lemurians ever enter heats or ruts? Would Ebb Day be considered one of those because that day you were kinda…” You thought back to Ebb Day. He had looked so damn good with his scales and the slight sheen of sweat. If only he wasn’t so damn delirious that day you might’ve made a move to pursue something more with him.
“I was kinda…?” Rafayel said before stopping himself, “Wait, hold it, bite your tongue, I don’t think I want to know what’s going through that head of yours. I think we’re done with questions for the day.”
You couldn’t help the pout that went on your face, but Rafayel was looking away from you, not daring to make eye contact right now. His cheeks and ears were flush as he picked up his knife and continued cutting up salmon..
You slowly stalked over to him until you were standing right behind Rafayel. He, of course, knew you were there as he scrapped the salmon on top of the lettuce and put the dangerous object into the sink. As soon as he was cleared of any knives that he could stab you with should he break due to your insanity, you tugged on his sleeve.
Rafayel, despite his pouting, let out a sigh. He then moved a bit away from the counter and you didn’t even realize what had happened until you found your back digging into the counter of the kitchen. Rafayel had quickly spun you around and pinned you, both arms locking you in place as he gripped onto the cool marble.
You caught the confident glint in his eyes as he pulled a full 180 from earlier. His cheeks, ears, and chest were still a bit flushed, but he seemed to be in control for the moment, “If you’re that curious, I could always give you a demonstration of Lemurian mating habits.” He finally said.
You were stunned into silence, your mouth hung open and you could feel your cheeks heating up as you looked at Rafayel. Then, after the shock wore off, your entire face lit up at the prospect.
“Wait really? Oh man, I need to grab my notebook. I have so many hypotheses on things that I can’t wait to try out!” You said, placing your hands on his chest, “When are we gonna do this? Now? Later? Now?”
It was Rafayel’s turn to be shocked at your enthusiasm. He was aiming to fluster you like you had done to him; he wasn’t expecting you to want to jump his bones right now. The only thing he could utter was “You have a journal…?”
You nod your head, your hand going over to his neck where you remembered those iridescent blue scales had been. You pressed down slightly at the area and you could feel Rafayel’s pulse jump. You licked your lips at the thought of seeing them again, as well as his tail that he swore up and down he didn’t have until one day he slipped up and admitted to it.
“Of course silly, how else am I gonna know the best ways to unravel you?” You said, your head tilting to the side as you smirked.
You watched as Rafayel managed to turn into a darker shade of red, his mouth opening and closing before his eyes narrowed, “If I had known you were like this, I would’ve been more cautious about letting you into my home.”
“Not only did you let me in, but you gave me a key so I can stop by whenever.” You teased him, “Hopefully I will catch you in a compromised setting one day.”
Rafayel groaned, his hands going to your hips, placing his head over your shoulder, “You’ll be the death of me…” He murmured out before taking a deep breath, “Were you serious though, about uh…”
“Only if your offer is on the table.” You said and Rafayel chuckled, his warm breath fanning over your neck.
“It was supposed to be a joke.” He teased, “But with how excited you got I feel it would be cruel to take the offer back now.”
“It would be so cruel.” You said, your arms going around his shoulders, “Although perhaps we should move things a bit…slower. We can discuss it over lunch?” You said and Rafayel nodded.
“That sounds good.” He said, not moving from his position as he nuzzled his face into your neck “But in a few minutes. I’m comfortable right now.”
Your hand found its way into his purple locks as you gently played with them, “Sounds good to me.”
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avaf00rd · 5 months
Leah Williamson relationship HC
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A better fic will be out soon hang tight.
This is a scrap I made.
I would barely classify these as head cannons as they are very long. They are just about your relationship in general☺️
-you and Leah were best friends and crazy close when you first joined Arsenal in 2017. When you left to go to Barcelona in 2019 you both felt like a huge part of your lives were missing. When you came back to Arsenal in 2021 you both realised you were in love and started dating
-you always praise Leah for being the most fashionable person you know. You weren’t terrible yourself but you were always getting her to help you with what to wear daily
-whenever you two go to events together Leah will always make sure you get to the after party. Your pretty good at calling it a night often, which means Leah is dragging you for more drinks more often that not
-you, Leah and Alex Scott were sort of a trio. Sure Leah and Alex were a tad closer. But you had all been on multiple trips together
-your the cook of the house. She can’t go much further than toast. She tried to make frozen chicken one time for you both, but it ended up breaking the oven due to a weird setting she turned the oven on to.
-when she did her ACL you were in tears for her. When she walked off, She told you to get a goal for her. You didn’t in the end which made you sick to your stomach. You felt terrible and was just as devastated as Leah.
-your Australian. So bringing Leah over to your home was your favourite thing.
-Christmas in your house was amazing. You both decked out the house completely and danced and sung to Christmas songs all December.
-when buying your first house together. You had the biggest say. You had great taste is properties to buy so you kind of found a flat online and showed Leah. She said yes so you immediately booked an inspection. You got that flat two days later.
-You also bought all the furniture one night when you were both on international break and got it delivered to where Leah was. She was a bit shocked when she FaceTimed you after coming home to 45 delivery boxes.
-your taste in movies was so divergent. She liked the more fantasy movies like lord of the rings and Harry Potter. She also loved horror. Which was terrible for you. You loved romance movies, you’re either making Leah watch that or some stupid documentary you heard of.
-you were a huge dog person. And Leah already owned a dog when you first moved in together, but you had 2. So now it’s a crazy house 24/7.
-you love being together in the kitchen, listening to music and goofing around with a good bottle of wine. You both turn on old love songs and slow dance around the kitchen.
-she made you late to most trainings. Due to her stuffing around in the mornings. It got even worse when she cut her bangs
-one afternoon you were both chatting on how she used to have a fringe as a child. You said she would suit one (but you think she suits anything). So of course 2 weeks later she texts you to let you know she’s going to the hairdresser…
-Leah can be kinky asf. Come on we all know this
-sometimes after dinner you will beg her to play on the piano for you. She’s actually outstanding at it and you’re so proud of her. You will take your wine glass over and sit on the seat next to her while she plays.
-you tried to convince her to get Santa photos with the dogs. Which she very quickly declined.
-you were very good at makeup. You became obsessed with it as a teenage girl. So you find yourself doing Leah’s a lot for nights out and events. Even just doing a big look for fun.
-the girl couldn’t ride a bike to save her life. So you always tried to help teach her . She would somehow always say yes, Even if it was just an excuse to get a good laugh out of you.
-you and your Matilda’s team played in the World Cup and came fourth after being knocked out by her country in the semis. Your heart ached that you couldn’t finish it for your country, but it ached just the same at the fact that your girlfriend couldn’t lead her country to the grand finals like she had always dreamt of.
-every night you slept with your head tucked into the crook of her neck, arms cuddling onto her torso. It was just the best way both of your bodies melted together.
-sometimes she tried to take you on golfing dates. The first time she did, she told you she was good. Like the powerful Leah Williamson would. You were humble and said you would need her help. But when you swung your shot you actually made a great one and it had Leah’s jaw on the floor.
-you both had your first photo shoot together in 2020 just before covid. And you lived very minute of it. Now you have done heaps for brands like Calvin Klein, bikini brands, and more together, you both now being known for your hot couple photo shoots.
-you were both completely clumsy. The worst thing was when Leah and you had to screw a window nail tighter. Don’t ask why. But you apparently weren’t holding it properly. Causing it to fall out the other side of the frame. Completely shattering into the pool.
-though you were always chasing after her for outfit inspiration. You both looked phenomenal wherever you went. You would both be shot on camera court-side of a basketball game, on vacation or at dinner in the best outfits and hair.
-you though she was the hottest girl you had ever seen in your life. You had only had boyfriends who play football in your life before Leah. So you always blamed Leah for being gay.
-her love for country music was one of the things that made you fall in love with her. Along with her charming personality
-you were a striker for arsenal. When you scored in a game, you would do your celebration jump with your fists in the air and always try to look for Leah, to see if it was her arms you could jump into first. And she was always there, screaming at you for your goal with her arms wide open.
-your a bottom most of the time. But sometimes you switch it up and she lives for your dominant side.
-you suffered a severe back injury in 2022 while in Australia. You were scared you would never play again. Leah was on the next plane out to Australia, even though she was told not to. Just so she could sit next to your bed and hold your hand for hours.
-seeing Leah back in training after doing her ACL. With the brightest smile on her face, made your heart melt every time.
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lululandd · 11 months
rabid; (i.)
pairing: platonic simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader
word count: 956
warnings: comedy, aftermath of torture, mild gore
note: heheh >:3 (also on ao3)
ghost has a love-hate relationship with his neighbour of six years. on one hand they’re quiet enough, nice enough, considerate enough and never once had bothered him in any way, but on the other hand he is a highly trained soldier with highly trained senses and the things he hears travelling through his walls are batshit insane.
part i. | part ii. | part iii. | part iv.
He guesses they are an entertainer or a comedian or some sort because on rare occasions, they—whether he wanted to or not—made him laugh. The absurdity of the questions and things that came out of their mouth really makes him feel like he has a glimpse of what a worry free civilian life could be.
On one particularly rowdy night he heard the one sided conversation about anal, which rapidly escalated to how peoples arseholes can stretch up to seven inches in diameter and therefore, theoretically could fit two smaller raccoons.
He listened in fascinated horror how that thought came into their mind, how they associated arseholes with raccoons, and why in christ fuck did they sound so cheerful about it. Maybe he’s just a battle hardened, workaholic soldier that has only seen carnage and suffering, but even if such a thought came to his mind, it would not be classified as a happy thought and he would not laugh about it.
Until eight months later where he’s interrogating an American that he really wants to just straight up murder and remembers his neighbour.
He opens the door that leads to the rest of the warehouse and calls out to his men, “I need two raccoons. Small but not pups.”
He was met with silence and a confused looks, but he saw Gaz and Soap get on it and round up several soldiers.
“Alive!” He barked at them.
Soap looked worriedly at Gaz, “What do you think he’s gonna do with live raccoons?”
The other man shrugged, “You think he’s gonna threaten him with rabies?” Gaz gnashed his teeth together, “Let them bite him or something?”
One of the Lance Corporals behind them chimed, “I kinda wanna see.”
In came a chime of ‘yeah’s from the other men.
Ghost had made sure the American in question heard his request of the live raccoons before taking a seat on the table holding all his tools and lighting up a cigarette.
He looked at the man’s surroundings, the litter of teeth and nails on the floor, three parts of his severed ring finger, and the blood splatters on the makeshift plastic floor. The cleanup crew’s gonna at least be a little happy about that.
“You like raccoons, mate?” He offers, lighting what seemed to be his third cigarette.
The question caught him off guard. “What?”
“Raccoons. Trash pandas. Those chubby lil wankers with grubby hands.” He curled his palms and did mock scratching motions.
“You’re crazy.” He spat.
“I am.” For even thinking of trying this over his neighbour’s demented jokes.
Fourty five minutes later Gaz came knocking on his door.
“Got your furry friends, boss.” He gestures at a cage sitting by the door. The animals seemed calm, they couldn’t have just nicked it from some random bins and throw them in there.
“Cheers, Gaz.” He saw the man linger. “Anything else?”
“Can we observe, Sir?”
“No.” came his quick answer. If he really has to do what he thinks he’s gonna do, he’d rather his men not see it. They’ve seen so much in their line of work already, he doesn’t want to add to their nightmares.
Imagining one of them having PTSD from seeing a harmless animal makes him feel guilty.
He took the cage from Gaz’s hands and placed it nicely on the floor, a little way away from the American’s feet.
“You know that saying?” He puts on his best southern accent, mimicking Graves. “What crawled up your butt and died?”
The man’s eyes widened and he tried so hard to shift further into his seat, trying to create as much distance between them as possible. Ghost lets the moment go on for a little longer. It makes all the difference, really; whether you rush into the torture or letting them sit and wonder about the choices they think they have.
“I heard somewhere that your arse can stretch up to seven inches in diameter.” He pointed at the raccoons, “The normal sized bastards can fit into a four inch hole. But I’m being nice today and gonna give these smaller ones some wiggle room.”
He can’t help but crouch closer to the cage and coo at them as the man starts yelling for help.
“So.” He said in a calm voice, listing his head slowly when the man had stopped screaming his throat dry. “Since I’m a very nice man today I’m gonna give you two options.”
Fat rolls of tears had started to run down the man’s cheeks, his chest heaving as he begged for mercy.
“Do you want me to sedate these raccoons so they don’t claw your insides or do you wanna..” He remembers a word that floated into his flat one night, “..rawdog it?”
Soap had never seen a cleaner interrogation room before. Not from Ghost, the man’s usually so brutal about it. He remembers seeing parts of a live brain one time because Ghost had bashed their skull so badly and remembered having to shoot the person dead out of pity. But today? The intel was good, the man was still alive with almost all of his body parts; save for some of his teeth and nails and the chopped up finger,
and the raccoons.
They were alive and Ghost seemed to never have opened the cage at all.
When Ghost came home that month he heard his neighbour say something about a ‘little birthday celebration’ for tomorrow. He checked his watch and decided to walk to the bakery and get them some cake. That last operation went smoothly, and he has them to thank.
He can’t wait to hear what other mental things that will come out of their mouth in the future and apply them to his work.
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Nimona headcanons just cause
Nimona and Ambrosius are both like sentient space heaters 
Nimona runs hotter than the average human being because obvi
But Ambrosius is a whole nother ballpark 
I just know this man hates summer more than the average person
Poor baby is just a miserable sweaty clammy mess and if anyone tries to touch him during summer he threatens to bite them
Nimona and Ambrosius always refuse to let the ac get higher than 60 degrees and Bal suffers 
Bal should be classified as a damn reptile 
Poor baby has terrible circulation
It’s bad enough that Ambrosius has dragged him to the doctor multiple times 
He clings to Ambrosius and Nimona in the winter because this man is constantly freezing 
I just know he’s a damn menace the second it gets a little chilly
This little brat will shove his hands up Ambrosius’ shirt the second he gets home to “warm up”
And he’s got a metal hand so it’s twice as cold
Ambrosius has been woken up from a deep sleep by freezing hands or freezing feet and will whine about how it feels like waking up in an ice bath
One time Ambrosius walked into the living room to find Bal chasing Nimona around while they were screaming “Frosty the snowman is trying to kill me with his icicle hands” 
Ambrosius is weirdly good with all kids he’s been described multiple times as a “natural parent”
Does he like kids…. That’s up for debate 
Like he doesn’t hate them if their parents raised them right but if that kid is a little bully then fuck no he doesn’t like them 
Nimona is also really good with kids 
He’s a little cautious around elementary school kids cause you know trauma and has weird beef with all middle schoolers 
Bal is fucking terrified of babies 
One time someone asked him to hold their baby and then walked off and which sent him into a panic attack 
He’ll go on hour-long rants about how fragile are and how he can’t be trusted with something that can suffocate if you don’t lay them down the wrong way
He’s okay with elementary school kids and doesn’t mind middle schoolers but he has massive issues with highschoolers for some reason 
A high school once asked him to visit and give a talk to the students and Ambrosius had to take his laptop away before he emailed them back saying “I’d rather chop my other arm off”
Honestly I think even though Nimona craves stability she also needs freedom 
So every couple of weeks she’ll go on little solo adventures 
She keeps the boys updated constantly about where she is but she never tells them when she’s coming back because she doesn’t even know 
Most of the time she’ll come back when she wants a homecooked meal (and when she misses the boys)
The boys are pretty used to this routine so they aren’t surprised anymore when they come home to a note saying she’ll be gone for a bit
They also aren't surprised when he climes through their window at 2 in the morning to wake them up and demand food 
Could he make it himself? Absolutely 
Does he want to? Fuck no where’s the fun in that 
Plus he knows no matter how much the boys complain about messed up sleep schedules and how he “gave them a heart attack” they'd rather be woken up in the middle of the night so they can make sure he’s healthy and fed 
When they do come home the boys “force” them into a sleepover in the living room where they eat a stupid amount of junk food and watch old horror movies  
And they call out of work so they can catch up and learn everything that can't fit in a text
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howlsofbloodhounds · 17 days
I’ve been thinking about ways Killer might’ve been instrumental in furthering Nightmare’s goals of widespread negativity, and I think he probably encouraged Nightmare to engage a lot more with mortals in Universes that aren’t aware of the Multiverse as a whole.
Universes that don’t know either Killer’s or Nightmare’s reputations or faces, but also don’t know anything about the Star Sanses, or Dream or Ink.
Reminding Nightmare that human mortals have their uses, and their souls are often stronger than most of monsterkind, reminding the Boss that cases like himself, Dream, Ink, Error, and even Killer are basically outliers. Not typically considered the norm.
I think Killer probably came up with the idea of creating cells inside those universes, secretly training and manipulating both human and monster agents to serve Nightmare’s goals, regardless if any of them are fully aware of that or not. Targeting any dumb or desperate fool, especially those who have any political power or authority over a certain place like a country or an army.
Encouraging wars, gang wars, revolts, territory spats, and acts of mass terror in these universes that could give Nightmare all the negativity he needs without anyone being all the wiser.
With everyone being too busy pointing guns and fingers at eachother to notice that they’re being used for something bigger. And Killer will keep the guns of war going by discretely turning everyone against their own groups, spreading rumors and propaganda.
Assuming Killer targets people who aren’t exactly important to that universe’s script, he may even be able to evade Ink’s attention for some time.
So while the Star Sanses might think that Nightmare only has himself, Killer, and possibly also Horror, Dust, and Cross/XChara doing his bidding.
He actually secretly has both deals & agreements with certain Multiverse-Aware universes—supply Nightmare and his Gang with resources & they’ll leave you alone—but thanks to Killer’s idea, he also has billions of regular Joes working for him and they aren’t even aware of it.
And, of course, Killer would be the one out recruiting people. And I think that the information about the operative cells would likely stay classified strictly between Nightmare and Killer, even if Horror and Dust are very likely suspicious.
But if any of them try to confront Killer about it he of course plays the fool, acting loud and annoying so all they’ll want by the end of the questioning is for him to just shut up and go away and they’ll completely forget what they were even asking in the first place.
(Not Dust though. Cuz while I get the vibes that Horror and Cross just wouldn’t want to deal with Killer, I think the similarities Dust sees between Killer and the anomaly only prompts Dust to pay closer attention to Killer’s actions and less his words.)
I think Nightmare’s Gang can be pretty cool if the rest of the Multiverse sees them as mostly a group of ragtag criminals causing mayhem and negativity wherever they go, but it’s just a front for a more numbered, highly structured and functioning organization with bigger, long term plans.
You could walk past a member of Nightmare’s organization and you wouldn’t even know it. The member themself may not even be fully aware of what they involved themself in.
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delzinrowe · 4 months
How do you explain a feeling? - Choso
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WORD COUNT: ~2.2K WARNINGS: None. F!Reader SUMMARY: Choso's still learning to understand different human emotions, this time "love". A/N: I have no excuse for this, it's pretty much garbage, but enjoy
There was no word to describe the sheer absurdity of how Choso’s life had changed over the course of a few short weeks.
All he had known in the past was to fight for his brothers. Admittedly, his past did not hold a lot of memorable moments due to being stuck in a tiny tube and contained, sealed away from humanity.
Now that he stood on the good side of this fight, after most of the battles had been fought, he was almost displaying a childlike eagerness to learn about human traditions and customs. One subject that plagued his mind mostly were human emotions and feelings. How different people were. It showed in their vastly different reactions to certain situations, or even hardships.
Was it inappropriate to say that it fascinated him? Maybe. However, this was his home now, among humans. It was a strange feeling to be accepted, even if it was only by a handful of sorcerers who would most definitely be classified as abnormal humans either way. Accepted nonetheless.
Among all these new sensations, lessons, experiences, and situations he found himself confronted with, there was a particularly enchanting one; Y/N.
Whenever the female sorcerer was around there was a certain feeling of warmth in his chest. Something he could not quite describe, much less understand. It was odd, really. He didn’t feel it with anyone else, only her.
At times when he wasn’t attentive she would sneak up on him, and after successfully scaring the bejesus out of him she would let out this heartfelt laugh. Maybe it was only a chuckle, maybe it was a giggle. All he knew was that the sound of it was just about the most welcoming sound he had ever heard. Except for when his name would drop from her lips.
Sometimes Yuji would shoot him a gaze that Choso couldn’t read, with raised eyebrows, a slightly tilted head and a smirk on his lips while nodding towards her. But the half-human being was left puzzled whenever he received this particular gaze from his little brother. Couldn’t he just tell him with words what he wanted to say? Why did humans feel the need to make it all complicated by using body language which no rational thinking being would be capable of decoding?
Yuji’s non-verbal messages had him guessing more than the feeling in his chest whenever Y/N was near. And ultimately, Choso decided to confront his little brother about this strange thing he did. He loved his brother and he would fight for him to the death, but for fuck’s sake, he needed clear words to understand whatever the hell he wanted to tell him.
It only took the half-curse half-human being around half an hour to find Yuji and as he approached his little brother he was glad that no one else was around. However, before Choso even had the chance to say a single word Yuji already spoke up.
“Hey Choso, how are things going with Y/N?”, once again he had this confusing expression on his face. His eyebrows were raised but his lips curled into a smile. The tone he used made it all the more difficult for Choso to understand his little brother. “Just what do you mean?” Even without this choice of words Choso’s tone of voice made it quite clearjust how confused he seemed.
“Oh come on, I can see how you look at her and how you blush. You like her, it’s obvious.”, Yuji stated his reply, much to Choso’s horror.
It took the older one more than just a minute to process everything, his face mimicking a grimace now. Was that the strange feeling? Was it really possibly that it was of romantic nature? The thought never crossed his mind. It seemed way too absurd, after all he was a half-curse half-human being. He didn’t even know that he could feel anything like that.
Yuji must have seen on Choso’s face how the wheels started turning inside his head, causing the younger one to out a heartfelt laugh.
“I know I’m not the brightest, but even I noticed how whipped you seem for her.”
Choso could only guess the meaning of the word ‘whipped’, although that wasn’t his main focus at this point.
He barely had a chance to even think of his words when Yuji already spoke up again.
“Listen, you’re half-human, you’re capable of love. Right now I think that’s exactly what you are feeling. If you want my advice, go and tell her.” Wasn’t it ironic how the little brother gave such a mature commentary and even offered advice when it should have been the other way around? As the eldest of the death paintings Choso always felt responsible for taking the lead and offering advice. However, the topic of love was never brought up. For who would ever love a curse?
A pat on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and his gaze lifted towards Yuji. He watched his little brother give him a thumbs up and eventually walking away.
No amount of thoughts could have prepared him for the conversation he just had. Love? It was a word he wasn’t familiar with, at least not the romantic kind. The only form of love he ever felt was the one towards his brothers. But that was nowhere near as intense as what he felt when Y/N was around. Maybe Yuji was right? Was he truly capable of this type of love? And even if he was… what did that mean? What was he supposed to do now?
‘Tell her.’ Yuji’s words rang in his ears, repeating in his mind like a command he wasn’t sure he could follow. Choso was prone to overthink certain scenarios, with this being a major cause for overthinking.
Even hours after his conversation with Yuji Choso couldn’t think about anything else than his little brother’s words. He needed to do something about all of this, right now. If that required him to talk to Y/N then he’d do that. Anything to finally clear up that foggy chaos in his mind.
It didn’t take him long to find Y/N. As usual she’d be around the training grounds, sitting somewhere at the side while observing the younger ones during their training. But this time there was no one fighting or trying out new weapons. Besides her, the training grounds were empty.
“What are you doing here alone?”, Choso’s sudden question almost made Y/N jump. What an embarrassing thought to admit that she was lost in thoughts and didn’t hear his heavy steps…
“Nothing really, just thinking.” She didn’t bother to look up at him as she responded, knowing fully well that he would eventually sit down next to her like he had done so many times before.
Although this time she seemed to wait in vain when Choso simply kept standing close to her. He didn’t even approach her. Was something wrong? Had she accidentally offended him in any way?
“What is love?” The question had caught her entirely off guard, even causing her eyes to widen before she furrowed them and looked at him puzzled. “What is *love*? Why that’s a damn random.”
“My apologies if I-”, Was it a bad question? Should he have waited for a better time? Either way, Choso’s apology was quickly interrupted.
“No, no. It’s alright.” Her gaze returned to a soft smile. With a tilted head she examined his features. “Are you asking for a specific reason or do you just want a general understanding of the human emotion called love?”
The way she looked at him, her voice almost gentle as she asked. How come she was so kind to him? The only good thing he ever did was side with Yuji. There was no reason for her to be so understanding and accepting of him, but there she was, trying to make sense of something other people would have just laughed at.
There it was again… this warm feeling in his chest. Something he just couldn’t quite describe. For a moment too long Choso got lost in his own thoughts before he remembered that he still had to answer her question. “A general understanding.”
A hum was all she responded with. His gaze lowered towards her as if he had tunnel vision. Everything around him was suddenly drown out. The rustling of the trees that surrounded the training grounds, the birds chirping away on some branches not too far away, the river nearby gurgling with fresh water. It all seemed muted, all he could focus on in this moment was Y/N.
“Well, I don’t speak for everyone but to me love is the warmest sensation I ever experienced. When you walk into a warm room after spending hours outside, and your fingers get those tingly feelings. Do you know what I mean? Iin the most positive way, it’s like that for me. Only a thousand times stronger.”
She wasn’t really sure what kind of answer to give him, or what exactly he wanted to know about love, all she knew was what she felt. Hopefully describing this would be helpful.
“Love can be everywhere, between family, friends and partners. But since you have brothers I guess you know the platonic kind of love anyways.” A warm smile was sent his way as she tilted her head once more. He still stood next to her, not having moved at all.
“But the romantic kind of love… That’s entirely different. For me personally, it’s when I can’t stop thinking of someone all day despite them being close by. Or when I catch myself missing them but it’s only been a minute since I saw them. It’s when the mere mention or thought of them makes me smile so brightly that I forget all my worries.”
Choso took in every single word she said. He figurtivaly hung on her lips like a dried leaf refusing to part from tree branch in late autumn. Did she always smile at him this way? Were her eyes always sparkling when the sun shone on it?
“Love is genuine happiness, it’s wanting to be with someone and being willing to do anything it takes to make that person happy. There are a lot more words and ways to describe it, but with the way you’re staring at me I think I’m failing pretty miserably.” Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle with the way he had been looking at her. She couldn’t read his gaze, all she knew was that the intensity of it was almost enough to cause her chest to tighten.
“You didn’t fail at all. I think I understand.” Choso’s remark was short but enough to intrigue her, eliciting another soft chuckle as she stood up to be closer to his eyes.
“Then what’s love to you?”, she asked with a quiet hum at the end of her words, her smile still evident but having dwindled by a bit.
Within a second his mind went completely blank. There was a peculiar sound in his ears, it sounded like drumming. Was that his heart? Did it actually beat as loud as it sounded to him? For a second he thought it would jump out of his ribcage.
“You.” There it was, his one word answer, dropping from his lips so casually, yet it left a burning sensation on his lips. But he felt the need to clarify as soon as he saw her widened eyes.
“I love you.”
Choso had seen some romance movies with Yuji before. He knew how these thoughts were supposed to happen on the screen. What he didn’t know was how to react when Y/N didn’t respond.
Seconds passed until she finally sucked in a deep breath, letting it go in a sigh only moments later. When the corners of her lips lifted into a smile he felt a weight fall off his chest. This had to be a good sign. She was smiling at him. The possibility of a heartbreak didn’t even cross his mind. When he focused on her smile nothing bad would ever come to his mind.
“I love you too.” Was it a bit early to say these words? Surely, but she knew that she had been crushing hard on Choso ever since he joined their side. He had always had such a gentle nature to him, despite being a half-curse. In some ways, she thought he was probably the most gentle soul she ever met. 
Y/N felt an overwhelming urge to be close to him, but even after confessing their feelings she felt somewhat too insecure to initiate anything. Or perhaps it was exactly because of it that she felt shy.
Choso on the other hand didn’t think twice about his actions. An overwhelming sense of happiness surged through him. He remembered the phrase “having butterflies in your stomach”, it felt fitting but he was still bewildered by the metaphor. Nonetheless, he wasted no time wrapping his arms around Y/N and engulfing her in what was definitely the tightest hug they had ever shared.
He remembered how he choose the life as curses with his brothers, when he convinced himself it was due to his brothers not being accepted by humans. But right now he was eternally thankful that he followed Yuji into a life among humans and sorcerers. This life that was filled with new friends, new sensations, new emotions.
A life he was determined to live to the fullest, with her by his side.
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chellestrash · 5 months
After work
Fox Mudler x F!Reader summary: You decide to make the unwinding after work a bit more interesting for Mulder warnings: teasing, mentions of smut, implied smut. Just something short, sweet and fun for the end of the year. word count: 2.2K a/n: this is me trying to get out of my writing/art block. ALSO, first time writing Mulder! Thank you @chelseasdagger for editing this!
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You lay on the small couch in Mulder’s apartment, resting on your side, turned to face the room as the gentle light from the TV shines onto your face. Some low budget horror movie plays quietly on the small screen, but to be completely honest, you don’t pay much attention to it, choosing to have it on as a means of killing time. You usually finish your work before Mulder does, even on the off chance he might leave the office at a normal hour. Killing time until you get to see him in the evening wasn't an unusual thing for you now you didn't mind it.
A cheap gag in the movie makes you sigh quietly before you look away, glancing up at the small window above Mulder's desk. You frown, suddenly realizing the late hour. 
You check the time, squinting at the clock on the bookshelf next to the sofa, before glancing at the phone on the desk. 
The thought of calling him passes by your mind, but you brush it off quickly. You weren't too worried about him, not today, the case him and Scully have been currently working on didn't seem particularly dangerous or high risk, at least not from what he's been able to share with you over the phone. 
The subtle sound of house keys on the other side of the door to the apartment makes you smile, perking your head up and turning to face him.
“Well, well, well…look who's here.”
He speaks first, pretending he wasn't expecting to see you there. 
“You mind telling me how you managed to get into my apartment, ma’am?”
Rolling your eyes at the tease, you turn away to face the TV again.
“I broke in using the keys you gave me.”
You explain without taking your eyes off of the movie, snuggling into the pillow harder while he pulls the work jacket off his shoulders and makes his way over to the couch. 
“Well, damn.”
He mumbles quietly, his usual monotone voice makes the corner of your lips pull up slightly.
“I need to be more careful about handing out my spare keys, huh? I mean, what is this? It's like anyone can just walk in, lay on my couch and make themselves at home.”
“Oh, anyone?”
You raise your eyebrow, glancing up at him in an accusatory manner.
His lips push into a small pout.
“You got me, I give up.”
You breathe out a small laugh as he leans down, pressing his lips to the side of your head gently before moving away. He loosens the tie around his neck and tosses it off to the side before he unbuttons the top couple of buttons on his shirt.
He starts after a moment once you pull your legs closer to your chest to make room for him on the couch by your feet. He sits down, lifting your legs up slightly just to rest them gently in his lap.
“What are we watching?”
He asks, fingers slowly rubbing up and down your calves.
“Ummm…not sure. Killer clowns, I think?”
“UUUuu, spooky.”
Mulder hums, unimpressed, and you chuckle at the reaction. There's a pause and you both actually pay attention to the movie for a short while.
You glance over at him, catching the small smile when you ask the work related question.
“No um… no, it was vampires, actually.”
He explains and you nod.
“Real ones?”
The smile widens as you seem genuinely interested. At least somewhat.
“Well…technically, yeah, you could say that but, you know.”
“No evidence?”
He shrugs.
“No evidence.”
“I mean, it's a possibility, right? You've handled cases like that before.”
You state, and Mulder nods, agreeing with you, his hand slowly rubbing over your thigh. He turns away from the TV, now looking directly at you.
“Do you think I should remind you that that is classified government information, you technically know nothing about, huh?”
“Oh, I'm soooorry.”
You talk back, head now propped up in your hand, face turned away from the movie you found yourself no longer interested in watching.
“Guess I just overheard it when you were talking in your sleep.”
Mulder reacts immediately, and you can't help the laugh leaving your body when he pulls you up and into his lap with a slightly offended expression.
“.... I talk in my sleep?”
He asks, hands rubbing over your lower back while you throw your leg onto the other side of him, straddling his thighs in effect.
“Oh, not at all.”
You mumble quietly, pushing a couple strands of hair that fell forward onto his forehead away from his face with a soft smile, and he offers a small one in return.
“You know what? If I didn't know you any better, I would've said that didn't sound too convincing.”
He points out in the quiet, monotone voice, and you shrug your shoulders softly.
“I mean, I could’ve just read your mind, and you'd never know.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He asks with a slightly raised eyebrow.
“You're changing your confession now?”
He teases in a typical Mulder manner, and your smile grows bigger as you tilt your head to the side, letting him continue after a moment.
“So what-what you're trying to say is I work a case all week, and then I come back home to relax, and now I have another X-file on my hands? Is that what you're trying to say?”
You smirk, glancing up at him innocently.
“Oh, I'm not trying to say anything except that I missed you.”
He smiles so big, his teeth shine in the light of the TV screen.
“Me? You, missed ME?”
You hum quietly, confirming your confession as you rub your hand up along his chest.
“Well, that's good to know. Why didn't you call to tell me earlier, hmm?”
“Didn't want to interrupt you at work.”
You explain yourself, and he shakes his head gently before whispering your name softly. 
“You are the only person who I want to interrupt my work, okay?”
His thumb brushes over your cheek, and you lean into the touch, staring into those dark brown, puppy dog eyes. 
“So you missed me?”
He goes back to your earlier point, and you breathe out a small laugh.
“I need to try and remember that next time I'm at the office, huh?”
“I mean.”
You brush your hand over his shoulder and down his arms.
“I wouldn't complain.”
You shift your position in his lap, and he grunts, feeling the weight of your body now directly between his legs, his grip on you tightening slightly. 
“Oh, but I know you have your vampires and aliens and things you need to deal with over there.”
You speak softly, your fingers gently tracing over the shirt. Your head tilts to the side slightly as you try to make sure your words actually reach him. His eyes jump around your face as you talk, stopping at your lips for longer than they would in a usual conversation before he tilts his head down, eyes now fixed on the spot where your body presses against him between his legs. His hand moves up your back, pushing at the hem of your shirt.
You start again when he doesn't respond.
“Earth to Mulder?”
He mumbles, questioning what you've just said, clearly too lost in the situation to pay actual attention to what's being said.
“When did you stop listening?”
He blinks a couple of times before frowning, offended that you’d question his ability to listen to you…under the circumstances.
“Oh, I actually heard everything, for your information.”
He states confidently, and you raise your eyebrows, doubting his words.
“Oh, you did?”
He nods, slipping his hand right under your shirt, his palm flat against your bare back now.
“Yep, everything, yeah. Loud and clear.”
Still slightly out of it, he nods again quickly, doing his best to sound as convincing as possible despite the evidence you feel, oh so clearly, pressing against your body from underneath you.
“So, what did I say?”
You push.
“You said you missed me.”
He starts, and you can't really argue with that.
“And then you also mentioned how I am the best looking federal agent you ever dated, I'm pretty sure.”
Not giving you much time to disagree, or call him out, he raises you off of his lap, swiftly helping you lay back down on the couch. You lay under him as he leans closer to you, his hands playing with the hem of your shirt, his eyes stuck on yours. 
“I don't think I said that.”
You frown.
“But you said you missed me.”
He points out again.
“And you called me an X-File.”
You mumble, unimpressed, and he laughs, shaking his head before it hangs low above your chest.
“I mean, you could argue that was a compliment? Maybe?”
You roll your eyes, a smile back on your face as you decide to let him have it this one time.
“Okay, yeah, that's what I'll do.”
You glance down, slowly raising your knee up, nudging at the bulge in his gray slacks. 
Mulder hums quietly, grinding his hips down slightly as a response to your move. His hands linger over your body, one now under your shirt, the other on the side of your neck.
He asks, his voice soft, his touch gentle but impatient.
“Yeah and-”
He leans down, pressing his lips against your neck, and you tilt your head back slightly in response, a silent invitation for him to continue.
“I think I deserve some extra credit.”
He mumbles, his words breaking up between the kisses. He slowly moves lower and lower down your torso as he pulls the fabric of your shirt up to expose more and more of your skin, until finally pulling the fabric off and over your head. He tosses the shirt off to the side and his lips find their way back to your body, right above the waistband of your jeans.
“Credit for?”
You glance back down, your hands pushing through his hair when he looks back up into your eyes, lost in the moment, in the kisses and in the feel of your body under his.
You laugh, head falling back down onto the couch, fingers still in his hair as you feel his lips back on your body.
“Yeah, okay, I'll give you that.”
You purr softly. As gentle as possible, you scratch at the back of his neck, the short hair prickling the tips of your fingers softly. He lets out a satisfied hum, resting his head right below your belly button, facing you with his eyes directly on yours. You push your hips up slightly, feeling his fingers brush over the sides of your body, and he glances down between your legs before turning his head up to look towards your face again.
“Yeah, you get extra points, Agent Mulder. Now c'mere.”
Instructing him to move closer to you, you push your lips against his when his face is inches away from yours. He moans into the kiss, and in response you do the same as the kiss deepens more and more. Feeling his touch firmer on your body now, you reach down, palming the bulge through the fabric of his pants. There's a loud grunt, he breaks the kiss, his lips parted, eyes closed as his lips curl up into a big smile.
“Well, good job, me.”
He mumbles quietly, tracing his hand down your body, fingers curling under the waistband of your jeans while his big, brown eyes open and find yours once again. 
“I think maybe-maybe I should try to earn more of these points, huh?”
Mulder asks, his thumb rubbing over the skin above your jeans.
“I think you really should.”
You agree quickly, nodding and pushing your hips up slightly at the same time.
“You got any-”
He pauses for a moment, placing a wet kiss on the skin right under your belly button, and you feel the warmth between your legs grow significantly stronger.
“Any idea how I could do that?”
He kisses the same spot again, then moves slightly lower, then lower and lower again before working the zipper open. Slowly pulling the fabric down your thighs, he brushes his lips over the newly exposed skin, and a moan slips past your lips.
He chuckles loudly at the sound, shaking his head when you look back down with a soft smirk.
“Oh, Agent Mulder, I think you know very well how you can do that.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He asks, in a lighter tone this time.
“I mean, I'm pretty much just guessing here, I-”
He quickly glances between your two bodies.
“I have precisely zero idea what I am doing here right now.”
You scoff loudly, pushing his face away and letting your head fall back onto the couch again.
“Too much sarcasm, too little action there, Mulder.”
You squirm impatiently under his body, hungry from the promise of pleasure.
“Copy that.”
He nods quickly, the big smile never leaving his face for even a second before he buries his face between your legs.
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butwhyduh · 5 months
Hi hiii if your reqz are open can I pls pls ask for 'All the other friends abandoned the movie night' for Jason todd x reader (titans jason would be great but honestly any Jason at all will do perfectly fine! 💕)
No warning. It’s cute fluff
Movie cued up, popcorn popped, movie room cleaned and candles lit. Then the phone rang and you already knew.
“Heyy,” said Dick. “We’re kinda in a situation and won’t make it tonight.”
“Cape situation?” You said, sitting up. Jason looked over at you concerned from across the couch.
“No nothing like that. It’s- well, I’ll tell you later,” he said with a tense laugh. “Have fun. Gotta go.”
“Okay. Bye,” you said before turning to Jason. “Dick and Kori aren’t going to make it.”
“Gar just texted that him and Raven are stuck downtown with all the snow,” Jason replied.
“Well.. I definitely made too much popcorn,” you said tossing a kernel at Jason. He easily dodged it.
“That’s how you treat guests? I see how it is,” he chuckled while lightly tossing a pillow at you. Your heart beat a little faster. You’d always thought he was attractive but never had the courage to act on it. Somehow fighting killer robots was easier than telling someone you liked them.
“You’re lucky you’re a guest. Otherwise I’d have you hanging from the ceiling by your toes,” you quipped. He sat back on the couch next to you to reach in the popcorn bowl.
“Damn, good thing I didn’t put my shoes on your coffee table. Who knows what horrible punishment you’d come up with.”
“That’s classified information. Wanna start the movie?” You said.
The movie was a slasher horror movie. As the film started, Jason reached up and turned off the overhead light leaving the lamp, candles on the coffee table, and the horror movie as the only light sources. You scooted close to Jason. Your legs touched and he looked over subtly before going back to the movie. His eyes wandered down to look at your legs in tights and a shorter skirt.
On the screen the killer used a large hatchet to attack teenagers in a ski lodge. He sharpened the weapon in the garage before sneaking in their rooms.
“Not my weapon choice but the aesthetics aren’t too bad. Could be a worse choice,” Jason muttered and you looked up at him with a shocked laugh. He was so close. You could see the light bouncing off his jaw and his eyelashes as he looked down at you.
“Maybe don’t identify with the villain,” you teased. “Some people might find it creepy.”
He grinned and put his arms on the back of the couch. “What can I say? I’ll leave the hero work to someone else.”
The movie was all but forgotten as you turned to him. “And what do you think you do?”
“Fix shit mainly,” he replied with a smirk. He looked down at your lips as you grinned up at him. His arm dropped down over your shoulder.
“And why is that different?”
“That’s classified.”
You couldn’t help but touch a scar on his arm where he had saved you in a fight. He looked down before staring at you as you slid your finger up the scar and onto another scar. Your hand was barely touching his mid arm but Jason felt chills up his spine. He always had a soft spot for you.
“I think it’s bullshit,” you whispered in a teasing tone. He turned towards you even more. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Why do you say that?”
“You’ve saved my ass too many times.”
“Maybe your ass is very save-able.”
“Think of my ass often, Todd?” You quipped.
“Occasionally. Sometimes,” he replied. Jason pushed hair out of your face. “That doesn’t make me a hero to save you. I might just like saving you.”
“What makes me so special,” you asked as his hand lingered on the side of your face.
“Everything,” Jason answered simply before leaning forward as you turned your head. Your lips softly brushed together. His hand slid to cup the back of your head and you wrapped an arm over his shoulder.
The movie was forgotten in the background. Even the screams of the victims and the chainsaw of the killer couldn’t pull you apart as you made out. Luck was really on your side as the Titan Tower was usually full of people.
Well, luck for a little while.
Jason’s hand brushed over the fishnet on your thigh as the door opened.
“We made it!” Said Gar before falling silent. You and Jason broke apart quickly. “Awkward.” Gar was overflowing with shopping bags in both arms and Raven carried a few as well.
“Let’s go put these in the kitchen,” Raven said while pushing him out of the room.
“Save me some popcorn,” Gar called as he was dragged from the room.
Jason chuckled a little as he wiped his lip. You rolled your eyes. You turned towards the screen but still sat closely to Jason. Maybe 10 minutes later Gar and Raven joined you both. The movie ended and there was a small argument between the group before another movie was put on. As this movie played, Jason’s arm reached over your shoulder and down your arm to hold your hand.
Dick and Kori came in the tower rather loudly. They walked in slowly and Dick seemed to deflate upon seeing the four of you sitting on the couch.
“I told you two to come back hours later,” he said while rolling his eyes.
Jason looked between Dick and Gar. “Did you all plan this? Was this a forced date?”
“Yeah, but when we came in you were kissing so it worked,” Gar replied in earnest.
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valentinedagger · 1 month
when i was a child, once it had become obvious that spanking was considered gauche and extreme among their early-2000s drum-circle-attending hippie friends, my parents moved to a new default punishment: standing in the corner.
it was very simple. when told, i was to stand facing the corner, not moving, until i was told i could stop. in retrospect, the standard seemed to be to leave me until i had entirely stopped crying, then to start counting down some short, arbitrary block of time (maybe 5, 10 minutes) once i was silent and still. at the time, i didn't know this; the corner was a limbo state, it was a place i was suspended indefinitely til my parents considered me appropriate to deal with once again.
i wasn't to fidget, to sit down, make noises, sing or talk to myself. theoretically, i was supposed to "reflect on what i did wrong," although that never happened. i was, what, five? six?
frequently, i would get a cold, nauseating sensation that crept its way up my back. i would feel stiff and tense, the muscles in my neck and shoulders growing rigid, goosebumps prickling. i would feel as though i was being watched. i would sneak a peak over my shoulder at those times; when i saw i was alone, i would shift and stand on one foot for a bit, then the other, in order to take the weight off the other and ease some of my aches. sometimes i would start whispering to an imaginary friend, or lean against the wall. anything i knew i was not allowed to do, that i could immediately stop when i heard one of my parents approaching.
one specific time, i got that sensation. the creeping dread, the deep bonesickness of feeling watched. i snuck a peek over my shoulder.
my father had crept into my room, and was watching me silently.
"face the corner," he said.
i did.
almost as an afterthought, he told me i had earned myself more time.
the horror this evokes in me can't be described; it's a sheer, yawning precipice of paranoia, buttressed by the casual, uncaring authority of a parent-god, the architect of the childhood panopticon so utterly foreign, so removed from your world, that they not only do not, but cannot comprehend the pain and fear they're inflicting on you. my feet hurt. my legs hurt. my back ached. i was itchy and damp, utterly helpless, bound by rules i didn't understand and at the mercy of beings whose feelings and responses were utterly unpredictable and incomprehensible.
my father wanted to go play a video game.
i write a lot of horror that i don't think most people would automatically classify as "horror." most of it is an attempt to capture this feeling: the shaky, racing terror of survival without knowing the rules, the stakes, even the consequences. the understanding that anything could be a wrong move, that self-preservation can be punished. or it can be rewarded. or it can go entirely ignored. i want to capture that nauseating, paranoid dread and bottle it. every room is an escape room, the win conditions are up to the gamemaster, and he will change them. he always changes them.
maybe he's watching. maybe he went to the bathroom. maybe he forgot about you. you could always try looking over your shoulder to see.
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