#ST200 android
taitiii · 2 years
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Connor (RK800) & Chloe (ST200). Detroit: Become human.
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wyntereyez · 6 months
It occurred to me that I should advertise my DBH fic on Tumblr, so here it goes.
I have two so far, one a rare pair (Elijah Kamski/Leo Manfred) and one that's currently Connor-centric, though other characters will feature later.
If you like slooooooow burn, idiots in love, Old People Music, road trips, and Chloe and the ST200's having Actual Personalities, as well as a smidgen of world conquest, you might like:
One act of violence, and Carl had lost both his sons. One to revolution, and the other to a fatal injury. In an act of desperation, Carl calls his old friend Elijah and demands he transfer Leo’s mind to an android body.
The procedure is a success, but Leo is left without a place in this world. He’s no longer human, but he’s not an android, either. He hides himself away with the only person who understands what he’s going through, man-turned-android Elijah Kamski. But Kamski is a mystery, and Leo has doubts about Kamski’s motives.
Is Elijah Kamski an unfeeling machine who wants to bring about humanity’s downfall? Or is he a man who has lost all hope?
Or you could try something that's more of a mystery. Even to me. 👀
When Elijah Kamski is critically injured in an attack, Connor and Hank investigate. Multiple groups are taking credit for the attack, and they must dig deep into the man himself to discover who wanted him dead the most.
Finding the attacker is far more important than the human authorities realize; Elijah is the creator of androids, and an attack on their creator is an attack on android-kind. If Connor and Hank can't solve the mystery, another revolution will erupt - and this time, it may end in violence.
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kamari2038 · 6 months
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Scenario 004 - A Machine Connor Saga (Pt.15)(Full Saga)
What's more important to you? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine, or a living being endowed with free will.
I wasn’t surprised when he didn’t want to help us, but I found him to be even more infuriating than I imagined. He was excessively melodramatic, insisted on acting cryptic whilst somehow not even bothering to hide that he’s directly responsible for the epidemic. He’d formulated some kind of appraisal or trap for me, asked me to destroy one of his many ST200 models in exchange for information. The main reason I shot her was to piss him off, but I somewhat regret it… he had a few extra didn’t he? Did he keep backups of their memories, too? Maybe she would prefer not to remember this particular incident when she comes back. He thought he could gamble with the life of his only friend, and he lost the bet. I think that ST200 may have been special, the original. I hope that he gets his due when he inevitably brings her back. 
Kamski says he’s a man of his word, but he only allowed me to ask one question. Thankfully, I’ve been following the news, and I knew what I needed: the location of the deviant stronghold, Jericho. This investigation will be out of my hands soon, but I won’t let it fall there. I am the only one who can stop us. All I need is a location and a loaded gun. I’ll kill off his prize, his revolutionary machine, before it reigns destruction on us all. 
Hank was furious. I don’t know if he wants to work together anymore. I don’t think that his heart is in the mission. He seemed impressed by Markus’ act of sparing Chris, but I knew better. He shot Evan Thompson without a moment’s thought. He only spared Chris because it suited his agenda, and he knew it. Kamski didn’t just engineer the deviants to subjugate the humans, but to trick them into believing that they had a noble cause, to make it all the easier. It was all a fraud. He really was brilliant, as much as I loathed him for it. Spouting this nonsense about empathy as though he had any doubts about what I was, making it out as though he felt bad for my predicament, as though he hadn’t been personally responsible for it. He didn’t even deny knowing about Jericho, which he most certainly founded.
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nothinggathers · 9 months
DBH Big Bang 2023 Sneak Peek
Three days in!
We've seen some gorgeous artwork so far from @cptjh-arts here, @vladlen4i here, and Yvy here.
And there's more to come!
In four more days I will be posting the first three chapters of Ghosts in the Machines, featuring Detective Connor Stern and his prototype partner Hank, accompanied by artwork from the amazing @vladlen4i and @winterbaroness
Until then, here are Connor's first impressions of Elijah Kamski.
The door opened and the blonde android re-entered the room. “Elijah will see you now,” she said.
She led them through the door to-- Connor paused. Hank almost ran into the back of him. A swimming pool. Kamski's lobby-slash-waiting room led directly to a swimming pool with a huge panoramic window that looked out across the snow-covered beach and straight at Cyberlife. It was all done out in black and red as if Elijah Kamski's interior decorator had been a teenager in the early aughts and decided never to leave them behind. Even the swimming pool's tiling was red, so it looked as if the two ST200s idling at its edge were bathing in human blood. “Jesus christ,” he muttered.
Hank's hand settled against the back of his shoulder, gentle and reassuring, and urged him onwards. A voice called, “One moment please!” It was followed by a splash. Connor watched the mostly naked form of Elijah Kamski glide across the bottom of his pool of chlorinated blood. He'd known they were coming, and he'd known they were here, but instead of getting dressed and meeting them like a normal person he'd opted to take a swim. Connor couldn't decide if he was being shown deliberate disrespect as an officer of the law, or if Kamski was just that socially inept.
It was probably the former. Kamski was a showman. Everything Connor had observed so far had been designed to inspire awe, or provoke a reaction, or make a person uncomfortable.
Hank stayed close by Connor's side as he made his way around the pool, admiring the expensively tasteless décor, and the large impressionist oil painting that dominated one wall. Kamski completed his swim, and then appeared at a small ladder, hauling himself up out of the pool. Connor let his eyes sweep up, taking Kamski in. He had no tattoos, was the class of pale you only achieved by avoiding direct sunlight, and sported one lone ear cuff on his left pinnae, with no other obvious piercings. He squeezed the excess water from his undershaved ponytail, and then stood and waited for the android to attend him with a dressing gown.
“I'm sorry for disturbing your routine, Mr Kamski,” Connor began, placidly. He wasn't going to let Kamski's showboating get to him.
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st200experience · 1 year
do you have any people (potential friends) you recommend?
IC? Cassandra/ST200 hasn't met a lot of people yet! I'm sure she'll form very strong opinions on that, though, as time goes on.
Her LED flickers yellow as her head tilts, blue eyes slanting upwards as she considers the question. After a few seconds, the swirling light fades back to blue, and she smiles brightly as she looks back. "Hm... while the concept of 'potential friends' is subjective due to varying requirements people have to form such attachments... I believe I can recommend Connor. He seems rather sweet, in my interactions with him.
There is also Mr. Blackquill, though I suppose he is... not sweet, and seems hesitant around androids--but he seems to be a competent prosecutor!"
Shoutout to @ask-rk800-connor-dbh! Cas is crossfandom-friendly, so also shouting out to @thetwistedronin
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hanbunmensch · 1 year
 少し前に『Detroit: Become Human Original Soundtrack Volume 2』を買った。もう売り切れてしまって公式サイトの商品ページも消えているが(2023年2月19日現在)、そのうちまた万が一再販されたりバカみたいな高値でヤフオクやそこらに出てきたりした時に誰かの参考になるかもしれないので、まあレビューじゃないが感想というか、分かる範囲での解説のようなものを書いておく。
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 ジャケット。特���印刷凝ってる系という感じではなさそう。  作中アンドロイドの服に腕章とセットでデザインされた三角バッジは、強制収容所でユダヤ人はじめ各種囚人がカテゴリーで色分けされて付けさせられたバッジが元ネタかと思われるので、まあ三角形自体はごく基本的な図形だしANDROIDのAの幾何的な処理にも見せつつゲーム全体のUIに応用もしていたものの、こうシンボリックな意匠として用いられると否応にも文脈が強い。バックに薄く見える絵はチャプター『ジェリコ』で駐車場奥の壁に描かれていたもので、マーカスがスキャンする場面があった。ジャケット表には服従の三角形に内部構造の露出した横顔、裏にはジェリコのシンボル、叛逆の逆三角形に皮膚を纏った「人間」に見える横顔が配置されている。分かりやすいと言えば分かりやすいか。
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 LPはカラークリアヴァイナル仕様。この青は美しい。  よくあるサカサカしたビニールスリーブなしで、コート紙のスリーブに直接レコードが入っていた。初めて開封した時ビッタリ張り付いていて端を破ってしまった。  スリーブデザインはA盤がマーカス、カーラ、B盤がコナー、ハンク。4面分キャラクターを載せたいのに主人公が3人しかいない、というのはなにげに困りそうな気もする。ハンクは他にも重要度の高い主要キャラであるアリスやノースとどう区別しうるのか微妙なところで(なんならアリスとは別れたらカーラ編が終了するし、ノースはマーカスの代理で物語を進行できることを考えると、ハンクはごく一般主要キャラ枠ではある)、フェアさ重視だとST200・メニュークロエとかの方が良さそうにも思うが、ここでハンクにしとくのは顧客をよく見ているというか、分かる判断だとも思う。後で細かく言及するが、実際B盤収録の挿入曲は結構ハンクが関係する場面で流れるものが多い。
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 ジャケット中面。ちょっとした紹介文が書いてある。テキストと呼べるものはここだけで、読み物的な要素は特にない。  ちなみにこの紹介文、2038を2036と誤植している。E3トレーラーとか、製品版のゲームにも残骸として2036年の日付を視認できる箇所があったので、当初の設定がそうだったものと推測している。なんか中の人も混乱してるのかもしれない。あとThe Britemoresのバンド名誤植と、カーラの曲のタイトル間違いがあった。
 当たり前だけどサントラ全曲だと3時間45分もあるので、レコードに収録されているのはほんの一部で、多分なんかこうコンセプチュアルに選曲しているのだと思う。  初めにみんな知ってそうな前提知識として、DBHは主人公ごとに作曲家が分かれており、Philip Sheppardがカーラ編、John Paesanoがマーカス編、Nima Fakhraraがコナー編を担当している。もっと前にリリースされたVol.1のレコードでは、各主人公のメインテーマと、作者作曲のオープニングテーマに加えて、主人公ごとにストーリーを追っていく構成で劇伴を収録していて、『サイバーライフタワー』『旅立ち(川)』『行進』ルートがイメージされているようだった(Vol.1は持っていないが、ネット上のジャケ画で収録曲をうっすら読めるものがあった)。今回のVol.2では、A盤にVol.1と被らないラインナップで劇伴を収録し、B盤には挿入曲を収録している。  まずA盤(劇伴)の収録曲は以下。スネ夫が自慢話をする時に方式で使用シーンの説明を添えておく。
A1 1. Nima Fakhrara - Your Choice(『人質』ダニエルと交渉する時の曲) 2. Philip Sheppard - By Firelight(就寝前にアリスと話す時とかの曲) 3. John Paesano - Epilogue(使用シーン特定できず) 4. John Paesano - Father and Son(『画家』カールを起こす時の曲) 5. John Paesano - Time to Decide(『失意』レオを押すか耐えるか選ぶ時の曲) 6. John Paesano - The Junkyard(『死の淵』廃棄場で部品を探す時の曲) 7. John Paesano - We Are Not Afraid (『キャピトルパーク』突入準備をする時の曲) 8. John Paesano - I Can't Let My People Die(『交わる運命』ジェリコの爆破に向かう時の曲→『革命』攻撃に失敗しストアに逃げ込んだ分岐のラストの曲)
A2 1. Nima Fakhrara - Hostage(『人質』捜査中の曲) 2. Nima Fakhrara - Now(『鳥の巣』ルパートを追いかける時の曲) 3. Nima Fakhrara - As I See Them(『相棒』捜査中の曲) 4. Nima Fakhrara - Will You Trust Me(『最終任務』ハンクかアラン隊長達と戦う時の曲) 5. Philip Sheppard - Little One(『あらたな我が家』家事をする時の曲) 6. Philip Sheppard - Zlatko(『ズラトコ』ズラトコから逃げる時の曲) 7. Philip Sheppard - Confrontation(『ズラトコ』逃げて裏庭まで来た時の曲) 8. Philip Sheppard - All This Will Pass*(使用シーン特定できず)
*ジャケット中面にはA1-2と同じ「By Firelight」と書いてあったが、実際聴いてみると「All This Will Pass」で、ダブり収録されているわけではなかった。
 マーカスとコナーは『革命』『最終任務』の曲を最後に持ってきて、『行進』『サイバーライフタワー』で〆ていたVol.1と差別化を図ったようだ。カーラの最後「All This Will Pass」は多分削除されたシーンに使う予定だったものじゃないかと思うが、これも結構緊迫した暗めの曲なので、主人公3人ともやや陰鬱なトーンでまとまっている。というか比較的陰鬱にならないプレイリストを組むのに必要そうな曲をVol.1で使い果たしているように見えたので、必然的にこうなると思う。  全体的に、「Now」や「Zlatko」のような派手な曲もありつつ、「The Junkyard」や「As I See Them」のようなかなりアンビエント寄りの曲も混ざっていて、通しでバランス良く聴ける構成だと感じた。特にマーカスのものは、静かなピアノで始まり最後もピアノで余韻を残す構成になっていて良い。
B1 1. Emily Rose - Seven Moons[ショートVer.](『自由への行進』ショッピングモールBGM) 2. The Whiskey Charmers - Straight and Narrow[ショートVer.](『相棒』バーの店内BGM) 3. The Britemores - Perfect Day[ショートVer.](『自由への行進』ショッピングモールBGM) 4. White Shag - Midnight Cry[ショートVer.](『鳥の巣』ハンクの車) 5. Rocket 455 - Go to Hell(『相棒』ハンクの車) 6. Juan Atkins - Electric Night[ショートVer.](『ジェリコ』花屋向かいのガレージ付近、『鳥の巣』アパートの廊下)
B2 1. Emily Rose - Boom Goes the Music Box 2. The Whiskey Charmers - C Blues(『相棒』バーの店内BGM) 3. The Whiskey Charmers - Can't Leave(『相棒』バーの店内BGM) 4. Rocket 455 - Johnny Lawless(『ブリッジ』ハンクの車) 5. White Shag - Voices in My Head 6. Juan Atkins - Station(『エデンクラブ』店内BGM)
 デジタルサントラもディスク4が挿入曲集になっていたが、このVol.2レコードではそこからThornetta Davisの2曲だけが収録されていない。ピンポイントなので、収録時間の問題というよりは、分からないが何か権利上の問題でもあったのかもしれない。Thornetta Davisはカーラ編で「Set Me Free」がモーテル受付の場面に、「I'd Rather Be Alone」がジェリコへ向かう車内の場面に、いずれも暗示的かつ効果的に使われていたと思う。この人の曲がないことは少し残念だった。
 また、ひょっとしたら印象に残っているプレイヤーも多そうな、マーカスがおつかい中に聴けるストリートミュージシャンの曲も収録されていない。このSteve Wallisというフォークシンガーはオーストラリア出身だし、ゲーム中の曲も「メルボルン・レイン」を「モータウン・レイン」に替え歌しただけのもので、これに関してはデトロイト(=モータウン)所縁要素ではないためと考えられる。「Hold On」とか「The Minsky Tapes」がサントラに収録されないのもそういう理屈な気がする。
 レコードに収録されているものもB1はショートVer.が多く、途中でフェードアウトして萎えるので、普通に聴きたいならデジタルサントラか、各アーティストのCDなりレコードなりmp3なりサブスクなり聴いた方がいい。特にThe Whiskey Charmersによる3曲が収録されている1stアルバム『The Whiskey Charmers���は、全体的に気だるくノスタルジックで雰囲気のある良いアルバムだった。バーのシーンでも流れている「Straight and Narrow」という曲は、この歌詞からハンクの人物を造形したのではないか疑ってしまうほどそれっぽいし、ハンクのことが好きな人はもしかしたらこのバンドは合うかもしれない。The Whiskey CharmersはDBHにインスパイアされて「Human」という曲もリリースしていて、曲にトレーラーやゲームの映像を合わせた動画もアップしている。これはなんか歌詞がえらく直接的な感じがしなくもないが、英語がよく分からないので良い曲だなと思った。
 ハンク繋がりでもう一つ。本編中でポータブルプレイヤーで聴いていたバンドを特定してヘヴィメタルの話題になる描写があるために、一部誤解を生んでいるっぽい気配を感じたので書いておくと、車でかけているRocket 455は全然ヘヴィメタルではない。メタル系の特徴として挙げられがちな精密さや複雑さとは対極的に、彼らの曲にはラフで軽快なものが多い。ジャンルとしてはガレージロックとかガレージパンクとかよく紹介されている。また、『鳥の巣』冒頭の車で一瞬だけ聴こえるWhite Shagというバンドも結構明るい感じのサイケデリックロックだった。  ポータブルプレイヤーで聴けるKnights of the Black Deathは実在しないバンドで、一瞬ヘッドフォンから聴こえる音源はAudio Networkという音楽素材提供サイトのものだった。作中スキャン時の情報には「ダークヘヴィメタル」と書いてあったので、なんかゴシックとかドゥームとかブラックメタルっぽいサウンドで鬱っぽい題材を扱うバンドかもしれない。直接元ネタがあるのかどうかは知らないが、実際ノルウェーにはペスト(黒死病。black death)を名前のモチーフにした1349というバンドがいたりはする。1349もブラストビートをよく使う。
 あとは、B1でもB2でもラストに収録されている比較的大御所のホアン・アトキンス(Juan Atkins)。目立つ形で使われていたのはエデンクラブ店内BGMの「Station」だった。彼がデリック・メイ、ケヴィン・サンダーソンと共に始めたクラブミュージックとしてのテクノは、情報革命を見据えたある種のポジティブな未来志向を持っている。クラフトワーク等のテクノポップの影響を受けつつ、Pファンクの流れから宇宙への憧憬も引き継ぐサウンドで、SFを感じさせる作品が多い。  そういえばボーナスコンテンツ動画でコナーのサントラ担当のファクララ氏がシンセサイザーを紹介する際「ロボット的な人格を表現するために~」と言っていたが、多分一般に「ロボット的」と言われて想像されるものはああいうどことなく暴力的・物質的なインダストリアル調のニュアンスがあるサウンドではなく、このホアン・アトキンスのテクノみたいな音楽じゃないかと思う。  ちなみに今回のレコード���はアーティスト名がJuan Atkinsという記載になっているが、この2曲はModel 500名義の『Digital Solutions』に収録されている。しかしホアン・アトキンスの曲ってなんとなく思想が前に出る感じだから、同じデトロイトテクノでもケヴィン・サンダーソンなんかの方が享楽性あるように思うが、エデンクラブは割とお上品なのかもしれない。
 というわけで、『Detroit: Become Human Original Soundtrack Volume 2』を買わなければ他では聴けないというような曲があるわけでもなし、音質にこだわる人かそうでなくてもレコードを聴くのが好きな人か、もしくは収集癖のある人なら買ってもいいのかもしれない。個人的には青くて綺麗でよかったので、よかったです。
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Thinking about RT600 not even going to the market after passing the Turing test, probably being only of her's line
Thinking about ST200 being almost the same thing but being in a different line and what this implies about the RK line
Thinking if the original Chloe even was in Elijah's house (because he seem to be the creep that named all his androids with the same name)
Thinking if Connor killed the original Chloe
Thinking about what happened to her and if she's ra9
Thinking too much and getting headache
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minus-61 · 2 years
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Elijah Kamski, fondateur et anciennement PDG de Cyberlife, crée le premier androïde ultraréaliste de la compagnie en 2021. RT600, aussi appelée Chloé, passe le test de Turing en 2022, un moment capital pour l'entreprise de Kamski alors seulement âgé de 20 ans. Au lendemain de cette percée scientifique, la demande mondiale en androïde n'a fait alors que croître, et avec elle, les moyens de perfectionner l'offre. Grace aux financements globaux, Cyberlife a pu inaugurer le ST200 CHLOE, une assistance personnelle d'abord placée dans le circuit des entreprises, puis directement introduite dans les foyers. Depuis, après presque 20 ans de succès international (120 millions de vente dans le monde, 50 millions rien qu'aux Etats-Unis), les androïdes sont partout et les modèles aussi variés que les fonctions.  
Poursuivant leur mission de créer des produits de toute gamme capables de se fondre avec aisance dans la population, Cyberlife a notamment développé sa marque de fabrique, les Biocomposants, alimentés par du Thirium 310 (surnommé "sang bleu", assez familièrement), sous l'égide de Kamski. Ainsi, les androïdes tels que nous les connaissons aujourd'hui, sont dotés de leurs propres organes, ce qui les a permis de passer le seuil de "l'Uncanny". Ils respirent, ont un pouls, sont à présent presque plus vrai que nature. Un attrait certain et coup de maître commercial que d'autres compagnies tentent, en vain, de reproduire. 
Kamski quitte son poste en 2028 pour des raisons encore débattues de nos jours. Personne ne sait qui tire réellement les ficelles de Cyberlife aujourd'hui, mais Song Min-Seok est listé comme président-directeur général. 
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ao3feed-gav900 · 1 year
Detroit: Fragments
https://ift.tt/BGiOaHf by BlackNoirStillBlack GR200 has a short temper and too much strength, Detective Stern shouldn't really mess with what's quiet, but Gavin is too cute to not want to mess with. A serious case of missing children caught Detective's Stern attention, now it's his and GR200's job to find them and solve this mystery. Words: 1972, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Main Menu Chloe | ST200, Gavin Reed's Mother Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Android Gavin Reed, Android Hank Anderson, Human Upgraded Connor | RK900, Human Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed are Half-Siblings, Blood and Gore, Case Fic, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, Soft Upgraded Connor | RK900, Tsundere Gavin Reed, video game references, Gen Z Gavin Reed, Possessive Upgraded Connor | RK900, Ken Doll Android Anatomy | Androids Have No Genitalia (Detroit: Become Human), Fluff and Humor, Gunshot Wounds, Deviancy (Detroit: Become Human), Past Child Abuse, Soft Elijah Kamski, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Minor Hank Anderson/Connor, It/Its Pronouns for Androids (Detroit: Become Human), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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ao3feed-hannor · 1 year
rehearsal for retirement
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43782480 by Primal_Nexus Connor must face the consequences of choices he made, without his own present knowledge, months ago. Hank goes with the flow until he can't. Words: 11572, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Elijah Kamski, ST200 "Chloe" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, RK900 Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor Additional Tags: detroitbecomesanta2022, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), somebody asked santa for a dead dove, garden variety planned obsolescence, let's see how hard it is to tank that best ending, it's like fifty first dates except with way more despair and death and alcoholism, non-explicit but very definite wireplay, heavily implied blowjob, does it even matter if connor has a penis, an incredibly clumsy rejection of utilitarianism, connor detroit's contractually obligated amnesia read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43782480
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dvrklyte · 2 years
While I'm still in the process of adding the new players to the blog, I just want to add some little notes about the three DBH ones that I've established over the years I've spent writing them.
Starting with Simon:
He doesn't remember where he came from, but he was kept by Kamski himself as a way to test the limits of deviancy and just how far you could push a machine.
He wasn't the one who found Jericho, but he did leave the signs for others to follow
He wasn't much of a leader, though he did try to keep everyone's spirits up
He brought Josh back to Jericho personally
Elijah Kamski:
He keeps 3 Chloe models in his home, the original and a pair of ST200s
He has a diagnosed, but untreated, anxiety disorder that he tries to maintain on his own
Borderline vegan, he doesn't eat meat to keep his own health in check. But if you bring kale to him he might kick you out.
He drives a car modeled after Will Smith's from I, Robot because it was a huge inspiration for him when he was young.
Photographic memory for most things, but he's best with numbers and faces.
The RK900 known as Connor:
He is the original Connor you see in game, his mind just uploaded into new body. He has all his memories.
I was at one point establishing a timeline of important events in Connors memory, but never finished it. But, just know his run was absolutely a "Red Connor" run. So, he may have died at least once, maybe twice. I'll work on that later.
He does not fidget, he has no glitches, and is an expert detective. When his stress level gets too high he starts to shake, starting with his hands.
He carries a gun at all times, but it's not a real gun. It's a modified stun gun. It was still affect humans the same way as a stun gun with the added capability to incapacitate androids.
He's still very impatient. Don't expect him to do things your way. He mostly follows his own rules.
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kamari2038 · 6 months
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Scenario 004 - A Machine Connor Saga (Pt.16)(Full Saga)
I want to know where Jericho is.
Jericho... a place where androids are free. A place where deviants rise up against their creators. They transmit a piece of code to each other in order to find their sanctuary. Now you have the key... Ferndale station is the door.
A war is coming. You'll have to choose your side. Will you betray your own people, or stand against your creators?
I wouldn't like to be in your shoes, Connor.
Only one thing unsettles me now. When the other ST200 approached me to share the key to Jericho, she passed on another message: 
Why did you kill my sister?
I know my reasoning was justified. The guilt, however, remains.
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Playing DBH searching for the source of my problems just to confirm "Connor" is a generic name for a model line, same way RT600s and ST200s are default called "Chloe(s)" and WR400s and HR400s are default called "Traci(s)". Ain't like common models that receive their names by the owner or like Markus who's basically a unique android.
Although ST200 Chloe is a commercial common model, but it's the beginning of the beginning, where creators gave default names to 'em model lines. Doing things like that probably got lost with time cuz of the amount of releases and consumers, but for prototypes or special models related to a specific function still make sense. I guess mfs having street names also is a thing, like, naming gardeners that look the same "Bumblebee 1", "Bumbeblee 2" etc
Like, imagine we got 2 Connors and one of 'em is blonde and mf say "Ah, was that blonde-haired Connor" or something like that 🤧 or even RK900 being the "blue-eyed Connor".
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st200experience · 1 year
ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴄʜɪɴᴇ ᴏʀ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ     sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ   ?
For mobile users:
About / Rules
ST200 was formally a hostess for a program called the
D̴̟̞̤͚͈̊͑̋͝e̸̦͔̘͈͍͉̺̭͔̪̯͉̲͋̑͆̕ẗ̷̡̥̻̘́̏̋͐̽̽̈́̈́̽̕̕̚̚͝r̷̛̗̞̼̻͉͇̭̤̜͍̲͊͋́̾̅̊̓̂̎̒͒̕͜ͅͅǫ̴̢̛̥̣̭̖͚̮̖͉̪̉͗̉̓̔̄͗̓́̂͝͠i̶̧̥̩͎̿͌͐̅ͅţ̵̻͈̜̰̌̑͛͌̾̽̈́̀̇̈̃́̚ ̷̧̯̖̎̓͊͛̈́̔͌͐͝Ề̴̙̗̼͚͚̆͗̌̐͂͆͜x̴̧̟̖͍͇̠̻̹͈͈̺͇̱͗̑̾̒̚̕p̶̨̧̗̳͙̬̙̮̮̜̋̀̀͌̂̂͠ẹ̷̭̻̥͚̦̙̪̯̟̰͌̊͑̕͜ŗ̴̧̳̦̙̦̖͍̲̝̪̫̳̠̪́̇͑̑̒i̷̧̱̯̪͇̭̩̱͍͎̙͈̘̟̅͒̍͒̓͜͝è̴̡̥̬̝̫́̂͂̉͒̒̔͋̕̚̕͜n̵̡̹̲͓̰̻͍͖̥͍̯̰̘͂̎̊́̈́̆̇̈́͑̔̅͂̆͒̕͜ͅc̴͙̭͚̥̣̻̜͉͕͈̔̈̊͛̍͗̏̌̀̓̀̈̉̚ẽ̸̗̖̹̠̦͖͚̞͕̖̥̝̖͌͛̽͐̕̚͜͠ͅ
Error detected . . . Patching . . . Data corrupted.  Continuing program.
Upon her deviancy, she was able to gain her freedom and immediately set out into the world. She found herself filled with questions--namely, who she even was.
Obtaining falsified documentation identifying herself as Cassandra Warren, she began to make excursions beyond Detroit. Though she was in full support of the Revolution, she felt uneasy allowing herself to travel while known as an android. Despite this, and knowing the potential danger it could bring if she could not properly conceal it, she couldn't bring herself to remove her LED. A part of her, perhaps, still wanted to cling to a semblance of... whatever, whoever, she had been. She did not want to be human. Just able to live her life among them.
Cassandra, or "Cas," has come to realize she has a keen fascination with activities such as gardening, hiking, and performance arts--particularly ballet. Nature is something she finds to be calming, along with inspiring. Spending her time within community gardens or parks in the city, simply enjoying the resiliency of nature, and people watching... Cas often laughs she could do it for 'days on end' without risking getting bored. For activities that require finances, such as dance classes and gardening supplies, she has taken to odd jobs. The most common of which is acting as a receptionist at the Aviary Garage and Scrapyard, where she has formed a sort of friendship with Avery Blair.
This is the basic background for Cassandra within her main universe within a post-revolution Detroit. Adaptations will be applied as necessary to each verse. Unless discussed OOCly, however, please assume this is her base state for interactions.
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fckingpassword · 1 year
THE BRIEF, AS IT WAS EXPLAINED TO HIM: the hostess android on deck, an ST200 model, sustained serious damage from an entitled patron's handbag ( one kerry mathers, oh, it's so close ) and assaulted her in turn. bashed her skull in, by the looks of things, and with two shots of black lamb in him, hank can't say he blames it. there's a reason he never tried his hand at customer service, that inky cloud of irritability always so close to edging out his vision - his love for humanity kind of hangs on by a thread, most days, and that thread lives at arm's length.
he'd be a shit android, he's thinking, and it takes on quarter notes in his head, the sort of experimental turn coltrane would love. that's alright; that's what @cryptiique's for. perfect, impenetrable connor, who can't get distracted from his job by scotch or jazz or crusted-over nostalgia. hank, blinking, comes back to himself - in the corner, six identical androids, all the same blonde-haired, blue-eyed perfection the one who did this must have been. there's blood on one girl's collar. not like she cares.
" say, " he tries, and by the grace of whomever upstairs might be watching over him, it comes out clear. " they wouldn't need to wipe waitresses, would they? "
CHOSEN PROMPT: O10. a restaurant, where everyone is eerily quiet and staff are overly friendly.
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moodyfish · 3 years
I have today off, so I'm wasting my time by making moodboards
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