#Sam is very stabby
tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 93
Ra forces Talia to sacrifice her son to the ghost king. With his obvious re-awakening he most solidify the deal. It’s how he was gifted the Lazarus water in the first place.
Newley crowned 15 year old Danny did not want this child. Like at all. He’s already dealing with parents who want to tear him apart. That reveal didn’t go well at all.
Danny couldn’t take care of himself let alone a stabby 6 year old. The only good thing is he snatched the kid before he was killed by his scary mom and stinky grandfather.
By ancient law. This child belonged to him. Not only that, the child was bound to obey him. Found that part out on accident. He was tired of the murder attempts and promptly told him to knock that off be quiet and sit down. He’s ashamed to admit it took him at least two hours to realize Damian couldn’t talk or stand up.
He’s taken to internal dialogue after that little hiccup. He later learned sign language had no effect. Apparently it had to be verbal. It’s not his say to order anyone around. He doesn’t care what the crown means. They were fine without pariah they’ll be fine without him.
At least while he’s still half alive. Despite what the council says he doesn’t need a legal guardian. He’s perfectly fine homeless.
So here he was with 9 year old child and on the run from the government, his parents, and the royal council.
Now when a man in a trench coat tries to expel the ecto-ghost to free the “boy” and the child. Well. He asked for help.
This leads to a dna test. Danny ignored how he had been told Batman by Damian it was of no help. Danny hadn’t even meant to ask, knowing Damian would be forced to answer. His mother must of lied to the poor thing.
With a shocking result, the father was Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne can reclaim his son, but Danny can’t simply hand him over. Something of equal or greater value has to be exchanged.
Obviously Bruce Wayne is happy to make a deal.
Danny just goes. Well either i need a legal guardian as the ghosts are on my butt about it and my parents want me dead. Or. A government organization taken down for trying to eradicate his species.
He gets both.
Damian and Danny refuse to tell anyone why Damian was sacrificed to him.
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doks-aux · 2 years
Pie-in-the-sky dreams of Sam Bellamy, Izzy Boyfriend Extraordinaire, aside, what I really want irt Izzy’s relationships in season two is for Jim to adopt him as their emotional support grumpy old man.
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thatrandomsarahchick · 5 months
DC x DP short
I'm picturing Danny moving to Gotham once he's an adult. He came out to his parents, and it went fine. More than fine. They listened to how he was struggling at school because he kept having to chase down the ghosts they let out by leaving the portal open. Jack was super proud of his son for being a ghost hunter even as a ghost, but Maddie understood his concern and set up some new protocols for the portal.
It now automatically closes after two minutes unless a specific command is put in by Danny to keep it open while he is in the Zone, and the shielding around it actually works to stop ghosts coming trig without hurting them now.
The shine of the mortal world has worn off for most of his regulars now, and those that come through have figured out compromises so they can still fulfil their obsessions without hurting others. The meta-protection act officially disbands the GIW, and Red Huntress is given a very thorough speaking to about personal bias and vendettas. She's not allowed back in the field until she comes to the realisation that ghosts are people too, and that she been the bad guy by hunting them the way she did. Phantom is officially recognised as a Hero, but he turns down working for any teams or joining the Big Leagues. He agrees to act as a back up though, in case of any world ending event.
By the time senior year rolls around, Danny has gotten his grades up enough that he can go to a pretty decent university if he wants to. He chooses Gotham University for his engineering degree because they're a feeder school for Wayne Enterprises, who in turn are a feeder company for working for the Justice League as a civilian engineer. Tucker also chooses GU for their tech program, while Sam elects not to go to university straight away.
Tucker and Danny move into an apartment right on the borders of Crime Alley and The Narrows. Tucker manages an impressive 4 months as a local hacker before Oracle notices him, but Danny only manages 3 weeks before he's spotted by a Bat.
He's lying down a foot above his building's roof, looking at the stars. It's a very rare cloudless night, and the power is out in his area. Poison Ivy had launched an attack earlier in the day that had taken cut the power lines, with her mutant plants feeding on the smog and pollution to get stronger.
Duke was up late, finishing the day shift by a quick loop of The Narrows, when he noticed a slightly glowing teenager(?) floating on one of the roofs. He takes note that the man isn't causing any harm and is just peacefully stargazing, before calling it in to Jason. He was technically supposed to be off the clock an hour ago, and besides, the building was on the Crime Alley side of this street. It's Jason's problem now.
Jason, on the other hand, is exhausted and just wants to have a quiet patrol before collapsing in bed. He hadn't been hit by Ivy's plants, but had taken a couple of tumbles while dodging them. He heads over to the address Duke gave him, to find the guy still floating there staring at the sky. He gets it, he does, he would float above the grime that coats Gotham rooftops if he could, but it's dangerous for a meta to be so unawares of his surroundings like this while obviously displaying his powers.
Danny, meanwhile, had clocked both of the vigilantes coming near him, but was really hoping that they would leave him alone. It had been a very long day for him. He'd finally managed to get to campus for his class, only to find that the place was covered in overgrown plants. He'd had to freeze a few to get into the building, and had then spent most of the afternoon in the library due to his class being cancelled. Unfortunately for him, his nearly finished assignment that he'd spent the day working on was eaten by one of the giant flowers on his way home. He'd been 'saved' by the stabby Robin, which had caused him to then also lose his laptop as they crashed to the rooftop a few streets over.
Thankfully, he had an amazing best friend in Tucker, who was doing his best to recover as much data as possible. On the downside, though, Tucker was mad at him for now having saved a backup of his files since they left Amity. He'd fled to the roof to escape his wrath, plans of bribes in the form of food running through his mind, when he'd caught sight of the Stars. Holy shit. It was so clear tonight!
He didn't even realise he'd begun to glow and float, too caught up in naming all of the stars and constellations he could see. His Obsession was feeling very satisfied tonight. Usually he had to invisibly fly above the cloud cover to see such a sight. Sure, the light pollution was still bad, but his mind was able to fill in the blanks across the sky.
The moment Jason landed on his roof, Danny heaved a great sigh. Damnit. The fun police were here. He wrenched his eyes from the sky, only to notice that - oh, shit - he was floating again. He fell to the roof with a light thump.
"Heeeyyy stranger, come here often?" Danny asked, as he rolled over to his side, propping his head up on his hand.
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starwrighter · 10 months
Love triangle-ish au because the Idea is holding my motivation hostage until it gets written as a prompt.
So there's a transfer student program going on both Danny and Sam are brought into Gotham Sam is ready for this. The atmosphere, the crime, the vigilantes she's prepared she's thriving!
What she didn't prepare for or expect was the stabby, Wayne kid trying to flirt with Danny!
Immediately she's up and arms because that's her dumbass thank you very much. Damian and Sam find themselves in a rival-like relationship trying to prove that they'd be the best potential partner for Danny. Everyone can see what's going on everyone can see they're both in love with Danny and fighting over it but somehow??
Danny doesn't see it?! He's just like "I'm so glad my two friends are getting along so well," all while Damian and Sam are threatening to kill eachother in the background.
At some point while fighting they realize that they genuinely enjoy each other's company and respect eachother as people. They just can't see eachother in a romantic/sexual way.
Why should one of them have to be heartbroken or become resentful when Danny has two hands and they're on the fast track to becoming best friends.
Onlookers are very confused when Damian and Sam go from public attempted murder to wingmaning for eachother??
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Maddie and Jack Fenton find out a secret. (Not that secret)
Jasmine Fenton is liminal due to ecto-contamination. Since their stance on ghosts is very black and white, they believe their daughter is dead. They hand her over to the GIW, determined to avenge their daughter and take this wonderful opportunity to study the ghost clearly inhabiting her body.
One Daniel Fenton hires Red Hood to get her back, and relocated somewhere safe, like Gotham. (Ya know, cause that doesn’t raise red flags on their home life AT ALL)
The normal charges up front, plus double after the job is done. (With what money you ask? He definitely stole it from Vlad. Or Vlad helped out under specific conditions. Or Sam helped out, but I prefer taking from Vlad. Doesn’t matter. Point is, he has the money.)
He tells Hood that what they’re doing (rescuing his sister) is highly illegal. He briefly explains the Anti-Ecto Acts. Red Hood is in disbelief. Danny tells him not to worry, Hood will be assisted by Phantom, Amity Park’s protector. Phantom can get him in and out of the facility, but there are places inside that Phantom can’t go. Jasmine is likely being held in one of those places. Plus Phantom will be a good distraction while Hood does the job. Why you ask? Phantom is… well, a phantom. The GIW have been trying to get him for years.
Why would Phantom risk it then? (Danny doesn’t expect this question so he blurts the first thing he thinks of) He loves her. He’d destroy the universe if it meant he could save her. Or he’d destroy it to avenge her. (Danny means sibling love, Hood takes it as romantic love. (When Danny finds out he’s like eww gross that’s my sister) Insert all the miscommunication if you want Anger Management.)
Red Hood warily accepts. There’s something off with the kid. Makes him feel less stabby, and that’s something to investigate. All of his sensors are going off with the GIW. Plus he’s getting major Bruce adoptee vibes from him, and wants to check out the parents since they seem insane. Doesn’t matter that Danny is practically an adult, the guy screams lost puppy in need of a loving parent. When Red Hood digs into the files, he finds out the money was stolen from uncle?! Vlad Masters and that this kid has a history of messing with the old man (prank wars!).
Next time he sees Danny (after rescuing Jazz), he tells Danny something like, “If you ever need another job done, all you have to say is that it will piss off Vlad Masters and you got yourself a freebie.”
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Pandora was right, taking baths out in the wilderness was great! He could see the stars and point out the constellations as he scrubbed himself and practiced his singing where no one could hear him. This did not stop him from wearing swim trunks, so hess a litte paranoid. Sue him.
Pandora had been very clear about going deep into the wilderness where no one could hear him sing, because if they heard the siren song of a halfa and fled they would be haunted by it forever or until he himself tracked them down and sang a song strong enough to free them.
Ancients she knew him so well.
He had been minding his own business playing in the water with his multitude of floating duck candles, a purchase he begged Sam for when he was drugged out of his mind after a very devastating injury, and practicing one of the songs Pandora put on the "study list" called The Fairy King. If he didn't know any better he would think she was making fun of him.
He scrubbed his arm with a washcloth as he sung watching as the ducks floated around in the little super hero costumes Tucker had 3d printed for them. "Huh. It almost looks like they're dancing."
A light bulb went off in his head. He began practicing with his telekinesis as he sang, making the ducks dance together in little twists and twirls. He doesn't think he's ever had this much fun in a bath before honestly.
Red Robin and Nightwing were sneaking through the foliage looking for a supervillians secret base when they heard it. The sound of a full symphony playing live off in the distance. They nodded at eachother before heading in the direction the sound was coming from. They were almost on top of it when they heard the singing begin,
"When the house is still i can hear his song, beckoning me out into the ga-ar-den" the boys froze, this didn't sound anything like thier villain, they turned back to the noise edging closer, "his lullaby- promises sweet- escaaape"
Nothing could have prepared them for what they saw once they parted the underbrush, a glowing white haired teenager was standing in chest deep water, haloed by the moon behind, offering them an ethereal scene "He says, 'come my drifting flower i will hold you tight. Listen to the chime of stars and moo-oonlight-'"
The teen lifted up a floating ducky that was dressed like Red Robin in one hand and placed the other of his chest as he continued singing, "take my hand-and feel here- my heaart"
Red Robin turned beat red and Nightwing moved to give him a comforting pat on the shoulder only to have a twig snap underneath his boot. The guy whirled around and locked eyes with Nightwing for only a moment before screaming and falling backwards into the water. Bubbles rose to the surface of the pond only for a few seconds before they vanished all together.
It felt like a spell was broken and the two vigilantes just stood there for a second before nightwing jumped in to save a possibly drowning teen. No matter how hard he searched he couldn't find any proof that the guy was ever even there, save for the duck candles (?) that Red Robin had already finished collecting from around the pond.
RR didn't seem surprised that the guy had vanished and was examining the ducks. More specifically the bottoms. Dick went to see what was going on only for his younger brother to show him the bottom of the Nightwing duck.
There, in messy handwriting, was the ducks name: Duckwing
Dick laughed and started going through the ducks names, Quack-Hood, Bat-Bill, Red-Drake (which was kinda concerning and brought up the question of whether or not this guy knew any of thier identities) and funniest of all, a Robin one with a little plastic katana simply named Stabby.
Danny hid his face in his pillow after accidentally teleporting home. This was awful.
He waited until the heat in his face disappeared before taking a few deep breaths and thinking about how he was going to handle this. He obviously needed to track down the two Gotham vigilantes (what were they doing out there?) and break the spell on them before they become obsessed with him.
Then he remembered his ducks, "Aw man. What are the chances they didn't take my ducks?" Teleporting back to the pond after a full hour of being away showed a dark and duckless pond, much to his disappointment.
Now he added "recue the ducks" to his mental checklist.
Unbeknownst to him the vigilantes weren't the only ones to hear his song...
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More SAMS, MAFS, AND LAES Incorrect quotes to cure my depression.
Earth: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn’t what I meant.
Eclipse, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I’m TOO friendly? There’s no pleasing you.
Jack, who broke into Eclipse’s apartment an hour ago: Two sugars please.
Eclipse: Coming right up
Eclipse: *Fast forwards all the way through the movie.*
Earth: You can’t just skip to the happy ending!
Eclipse: I don’t have time for their problems.
Moon: Why is Monty crying on the floor?
Puppet: He’s drunk.
Moon: And?
Puppet: He saw a picture of Earth’s partner.
Moon: But he’s Earth’s  partner.
Puppet: I know.
Moon: Is that… legal?
Old Moon: When there’s no cops around, anything’s legal!
O!Moon: I got an idea!
Moon: Does it involve breaking the law?
O!Moon: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Moon: I was just trying to be optimistic.
O!Moon: Don’t bother.
Gemini: *Casually taking four stairs at a time.*
Lunar, falling behind, taking two stairs at a time: Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuc-
Monty: Hey, no, you stay out of this, this is between me and Earth!
Lunar: So Earth knows about this?
Monty, walking away: No, this is between me and me!
Earth: Monty kissed me!
Lunar: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Earth: It was unbelievable!
Lunar: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Sun: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Lu, get some snacks and turn off the tv. Earth, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Earth: Oh, it ended very well.
Lunar: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Sun: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Earth: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh goodness, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Sun: Ohh... So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back?
Earth: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were on my face.
Lunar and Sun: Ohhh.
Monty, very out of it and still surprised: And, uh, and then I kissed her.
Foxy: Tongue?
Monty: No, ew.
Puppet: Cool.
Earth: You know, Eclipse, when you generalize, you tell general... lies.
Eclipse: ...
Eclipse: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns?
Earth: Is it working?
Sun: What are you doing here?
Eclipse: I could ask you the same question.
Sun: I live here. This is my house.
Eclipse: I should probably ask you a different question.
Earth: You ever see something that changes your life and you’re just like “huh...”
Monty: I saw you.
Earth: Honestly that’s so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Jack in a turkey costume.
O!Moon: Look at the buns on that guy!
Monty: *Lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns.*
Sun: This is the comedy police! The joke’s too funny!
O!Moon: I’m not going back to jail!
BM simps: Bloody is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in his entire life!
Everyone else: Never done anything wrong?! He set a city block on FIRE!
Overlord Lunar, grinning: Before you were what?
Lord Eclipse: Before I was-
Evil!Sun: What?
Lord Eclipse: Before I was inter-
Overlord Lunar: Before you were interrupted?
Lord Eclipse: Cut me off one more time and I swear I’ll-
Evil!Sun: What?
Lord Eclipse: *makes frustrated sound*
Serrvent Sun, nervously: Stop that. Before he hurts you.
Monty: God, I love Earth.
O!Moon: Yeah, you fucking better.
Lunar: What if the person who named Walkie Talkie’s named everything?
Monty: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.
Puppet: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Moon: Forks are Stabby Grabbies.
Sun: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
Solar: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
Earth: Stamps are Lickie Stickies.
O!Moon, annoyed: You are disappointments.
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alphawolfstabs · 8 months
My thoughts on the Billy and Sam storyline ‼️
- bare with me, I got a lot to say about this.
• First of all- I will say I absolutely love and hate this storyline- I love it because I love Sam and Billy, I hate it because some parts felt iffy BUT ANYWAYS.
• Starting in the first movie here- hallway scene. We see two girls walk past Billy as Sid runs into him- after one of the girls pass, another passes and says “Hey christy, wait up!” Christina carpenter!! Anyways- he seems a bit distracted, doesn’t he?
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You can see him look away for a moment midconvo- NOW I WILL SAY. This could just be his mannerisms, however, for this let’s say it’s not.
• this would mean that He might’ve had a fling with Christina sometime during his relationship with Sid. Not a shocker, really, considering he didn’t really seem to actually love her.
•Skip forward, Billys dead, Sam learns he’s her father, she’s an adult and has a little sister Tara.
• Sam sees hallucinations of Billy often in reflective surfaces, reason being: he’s her father. Once she knows this, and knows what he did, it causes her to distance from her family and woodsboro as she’s not keen on the idea of being like him.
• Billy kinda acts like herrrr.. “Dark Passenger”, so to speak. [if any of you get this reference I’m forever happy.]
• First time we see Ghostly Billy, it’s in the hospital. And Billy mentions that Sam needs to tell Tara why she’s being targeted. So, Sam does this.
• Later, we see Billy in the car with Sam and he’s being a silly stupid menace. He’s basically just like “let’s fucking stab whoever is doing this to you and your sister! Cmon! Stabby stab!”
• Now, you could interpret this as Billy caring about Sam and Tara. OR you could interpret this as Sam thinking that maybe Billy would actually care if he was around. Either way, this scene makes him a Grey character. As he still wants to commit murder through Sam, he’s suggesting this because it’s his kid in danger. It’s a grey character thing.
• Later, at the end of the movie, Sam sees him again. This time, it’s because her boyfriend Richie is about to murder her. Billy nods over to the knife, and when Sam looks at it then back at him, he kinda gives a nod. Which, could be a nod of approval. Which again, shows that maybe Billy could care about his kid.
• Scream 6. Sam reveals that killing Richie was pretty damn easy, because it meant her and Tara would be safe. However, because of this, she becomes the town pariah. They took Billy’s whole plan, and made it sound like her. Meaning they think she committed all the murders and pinned it on Richie. [which by the way, I didn’t like so much. Redundancy.]
• one thing I wanna mention, I believe it was Gale who mentioned Billy AND stu as killers. Most forget stu, think he was just a lapdog when he was in fact VERY IMPORTANT.
• Anyways. Sam comes across all the robes and knives with the robes and she’s immediately drawn to Billy’s.
• Sam gets her hallucinations back and the first thing Billy says is something like “How cool is this place-” and you can tell by her demeanor she’s unsettled.
• Team Loomis ‼️
• Sam ends up Taking said Robe and knife at the end of the movie to kill the ghostfaces who’re after her because of Richies death
• She doesn’t want to, because then she’s be proving to Billy that she’s a killer just like him. But she needs to survive. She really does.
• She gets a little knife happy, but that’s okay because she’s a Loomis
• TARA is actually the one who gets her to commit the final murder which I think is a slay EBDJSND
• At the very end of the movie, Sam looks at the mask in her hand [Which is billys] and then she drops it. It’s symbolic in a way, showing she’s lowkey kinda over this Loomis shit.
• I LOVE LOVE LOVE this storyline because it shows how Sam grows, and it also gives us a little bit of grey character Billy moment
[Reblogs appreciated, but not forced!] [ @smashlovesscream ]
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maveras-posts · 2 years
Slasher House:SPKY SZN
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Slasher House: Halloween Special
Halloween is RELIGION to the Stabby Bois
Ghostface is HYPED to celebrate and will be for September ALL the way to October
The rest of the household will be VERY confused to say the least
“What the F*** are you doing Ghost?” Freddy watches as Ghostface dangles from the roof “Putting up lights” he freezes “SAM!”
Freddy looks to the gutter to Sam who’s giggling at the sight (Little SHIT)
Michael drives up to the scene with Jason (The ONLY ones with DAMN SENSE–)
Sam claps with joy as Mikey puts his hands out, he jumps into Michael's arms
Michael pulls Jason by the shirt into the house, Freddy follows soon after (Mind you Ghostie is screaming for them to come back )
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They also lowkey enjoy the activities Ghostie plans (Pumpkin Patch, Corn Maze, Haunted house…)
They also decide to put their “Skills” to the test and have an ✨UnAliViNg SpReE✨
Let’s just say the Crime Rate increased a tad in the month of October
Michael also takes the initiative to take Sam Trick or Treating
He also RELUCTANTLY matched Sam😭
The others join them and make sure Sam doesn’t have to work as hard
May or may not have “silenced” ANYONE who doesn’t follow THE RULES
Ghostface even tried to get candy…THE DOOR WAS SLAMMED IN HIS FACE (He almost cried)
Michael might have killed the Karen who said Ghostie was “too old” while Sam committed ✨ArSoN✨
Sam & Michael have an unhealthy love for this ✨FaIr HoLiDay✨ & WILL NOT let the sanctity be tarnished😤
Even Jason was able to get candy while Freddy was busy scaring the kids (He likes to hear them scream)
Halloween gives them an excuse to wreck havoc and somewhat be normal for one night
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hogarthwrites · 2 years
one thing leads to another chapter 4
pairing: samuel drake/femme!reader (m/f)
genre: romance, smut, slow burn
words: 1348
As you look for a present to give Sam for his birthday, you accidentally find out something about him you instantly regret. Still, you want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
chapters: 1 2 3
"What present do you give to an older man?" You asked Monica on the phone as you peered into various shops.
"I don't know, what does he like?" You could tell she was biting her nails before you heard her typing on a keyboard. 
"He said he likes motorcycles and he likes to read."
"He sounds hot, how come you never told me about him before?"
"He's kinda my boss and..." your voice trailed off, and you added in a lower tone, "the guy I flashed a few weeks back."
"No way," Monica sounded a lot more energetic now. "Shut up, the dude you flashed is your boss ? How come you didn't tell me?"
"I got busy, okay," you rolled your eyes.
"Does he remember you? How does it feel to know your boss has seen your tits?"
"Ugh, I don't think he does, was probably too enamoured by my boobs."
Monica laughed. "Now you're buying him presents."
"For his birthday, alright? What do you think he'd want?"
"Just show him your boobs again, he'd love that for sure," you could hear her grin as she talked.
"Monica!" You felt your cheeks turn hot. 
"Kidding," she said. "I don't know. A book?"
You stopped in front of a little bookstore. "I guess I can get him that."
"Anyways, I gotta go. Tell me all about it over drinks next time, 'kay?"
You peered inside the bookstore; there were multiple shelves near the back, but a table near the front of the store was stacked with discounted books. Maybe Sam would want a nice novel, you wondered. 
You wondered about him a lot, realising how much you actually thought about him and the way he talked in his Bostonian accent, and his soft, hazel eyes. Did you actually have a crush on your boss? That was probably a stupid thing to have.
As you sighed, you noticed a couple walking down the street towards you. The man looked familiar and as you looked longer, you noticed it was Sam. Out of sheer panic, you rushed into the bookstore and hid behind the first book you picked up.
The woman Sam was with was very pregnant and you tried to ignore the stabby pain in your chest seeing them together. Of course Sam had a partner. Why wouldn't he? He was smart and attractive. And of course she'd also be closer to his age. What would he want with someone like you? He probably thinks I'm just a kid.
Sam held paper bags full of groceries and they seemed so serious as they talked. You hoped they wouldn't want to buy books at that moment, and as they walked past the store, you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Are you getting that?" The old lady behind the counter asked. 
"Uhhhh," you flipped the book over to look at the cover. I Have Ass Warts! And Other Medical Problems. "Oh, I'm just looking." You set the book down.
"Take your time," she smiled at you sweetly.
"Thanks," you looked around the small store, wondering if it was still worth getting Sam a gift. You turned back to the woman. "Do you have any recommendations for a pirate-enjoyer?"
"For you?"
"No. Just someone I know."
"Hm," she picked up a glittery pink pen and started writing on a piece of paper. "Here's a few books. Take your time getting to know them before choosing."
"Right, thanks..." You glanced at the named embroidered onto her cashmere sweater as you took the paper from her. "Judy."
"Let me know if this someone likes the book."
"I'm just saying, as a friend, I'm happy you're this into someone," Crystal said as she walked.
"But..." Sam frowned as he tried to keep with her. He was surprised how fast she walked for someone so pregnant. For the past week, he'd been helping her with menial tasks, rekindling their friendship that halted more than 20 years ago.
"But," Crystal continued. "As a manager, I just don't know if you should be dating someone working under you."
"We're not dating."
"Sam, I know you. You've always been the biggest flirt."
"Pfft," he rolled his eyes.
"Well, you asked for advice and my advice is to keep it in your pants until the job is done."
"I can keep it in my pants."
"Oh," she chuckled. "Wanna bet?"
"What are you, five?" Crystal huffed. "$500."
"Jesus," Sam looked at her in disbelief. "You really have no faith in me."
"Scared?" She wriggled her eyebrows.
"Me? Never," Sam stopped and held his hand out. "It's a bet."
Crystal grinned as she shook his hand.
You nervously stood outside Sam's door, holding the neatly wrapped present in your hand. This is a mistake. You thought about leaving the present and walking away. Maybe I could tell him something came up. But as you tried to make your mind up, the door flung open.
"You made it," Sam gave you a heart melting smile and all you could do was nod in return. "Come in."
Age of Consent was playing on a stereo when you walked in and your cheeks got hot as you realised you were the first one there.
“I think I’m too early,” you glanced at the clock above Sam’s TV. It was exactly 8:00 PM.
“It’s fine,” Sam shrugged. “My brother and his wife are driving in from another state, and the others…” He looked up in thought. “I don’t know. This wasn’t my idea. Do you want a drink?”
“Make yourself at home,” he smiled at you as he gestured towards the sofa. 
Sam’s home wasn’t what you expected, even more now that he wasn’t the bachelor you thought he was. He lived in a two-story home in a nice enough neighbourhood instead of the lonely bachelor’s pad you fantasised he’d have. Of course it’s a nice home. He’s about to have a kid, you reminded yourself. 
You looked around the spacious living room, decorated with bookshelves covered in books and artefacts behind the sofa. A large TV was mounted on the wall while DVD sets were neatly lined up on the TV stand underneath it. There was a single framed polaroid photo of two boys on the stand and you wondered if that was Sam. You were hoping you’d see other, personal photos, but there were none.
Sam had set up some bowls of snacks on the coffee table, but he hadn’t bothered to decorate with any party decor.
It didn’t seem like the woman he was with was at home, or maybe they didn’t live together? You knew some modern couples were like that. 
“Beer?” Sam appeared from the kitchen with a bowl of guacamole in one hand and two bottles of beer in the other.
“Thanks,” you nodded as he handed you a cold bottle. You suddenly remembered the present on your lap. “Oh, I forgot. I got you something.”
“You shouldn’t have,” Sam perked up as he sat next to you on the couch. 
“For you.”
He had a huge grin on his face as you handed him the present, neatly wrapped in red crepe paper and gold ribbon. 
“You’re kidding me,” he laughed at the title. Corny Pirate Jokes and Pirate Puns.
“You gotta say yarr before and after each joke,” you smiled as you turned the page. “It says so right here.”
“Okay,” Sam chuckled as he flipped through the book. “Okay. This one’s a good one.”
“Say y arr ,” you reminded him as he took a breath to say the joke.
“Yarr! What does a pirate use his cellphone for?”
“Booty calls. Yarr!” Sam laughed.
“Oh my god,” you shook your head as you laughed along. “I already regret giving you that book.”
“Too late, sweetheart.”
You nudged him a little before scooching away a little, suddenly feeling a bit odd. You had to know if he actually was with someone. “So…” You started before the doorbell rang. Damn it.
“Hold that thought,” Sam stood up.
You nodded as you took a sip from your beer.
how many chapters can sam keep it in his pants? stay tuned
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grigori77 · 3 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 88
Ah yeah, 9th Anniversary! Sweet ... hence the fancy duds! Cool ...
Wr don't need a skit, just let Taliesin cause Sam massive distractions ... oh, okay ... yeah, these fake Sam ads are always fun ... that one was ... unique ...
Plushie Sprinkle! OH MY GODS IT'S SO CUTE!!! :3
Ah yeah, cliffhanger resolution time! What's happening?
Okay, so have they been rumbled? Who is this? Does not sound good ... hmmmm ... gotta be careful with this ...
A "cute" growl? Hmmmm ...
Touch your friends with CONSENT, Letters ...
A SLITHERING sound? That can't be good ...
Travis' sleep paralysis demon is Laudna, apparently ...
I love how they're almost CASUALLY considering letting complete strangers suffocate in the Hole ... this group really are a bunch of murder hobos ...
Imogen: "We don't kill people!" Ashton : "We just power them down." FCG: "So they just go to sleep?" Ashton: "For a very long time, yes."
Hallucinatory Terrain? Sounds cool ... oh, ten minutes to cast? Yeah, maybe not ...
So they're coming now ...
A Battlemap? Just in case? Okay ... Sam's plug may not actually be necessary ...
Laudna-in-the-box ... XD
Pass Without A Trace is verbal composed? I agree, that IS counterintuitive ...
The porno play again? Really?
So they definitely ARE bad guys ... Unsettling Presence? Yup ...
They DOMESTICATED one of the freaky worms? Oh dear gods ...
Yeah, that's just LOVELY ... oh, it's BLIND! Great ... and it just KEEPS GETTING WORSE ... yeah, Travis is HATING IT ...
Time for D&D maths, guys ...
Laudna's Mission: Impossible dance of evasion ... XD
Sound like rocks, Ashton!
It has a freaky FLOATY ability? Weird ... crap, there's TWO MORE!!! Shit ...
Balls ... Imogen's BUSTED ... O.O
It's BITING HER HEAD?!!! Aaaaaaaah! Now it's CHEWING?!!! Fuck! Noooooo ...
How is Laudna not completely panicking right now? Seriously ...
An ANIMAL HANDLING check? Hmmm ... NAT20!!! Yes! This is a total fucking MIRACLE that this worked ...
Just get out of here, creature! Shoo!
Oh shit ... 7? That's such a bad roll, Laura ... it's just SO BAD right now ...
Shock Flare? Really? And now Inflict Wounds? Might be better ...
Laura: "TRAVIS, SHUT UP!!!" Maybe too late for that, now ...
Foll for Initiative? FUCK!!!
Matt's Peter Lorre impression is beautiful ... XD
Laudna convinces Fearne to turn into one of THESE things ... okay ... a Slither? Really? Ye gods ... Marisha thinks it's cute ... Travis: "Shit, WHAT?!!!"
Oh fuck yeah, they still can't see anything ...
FCG casts Guiding Bolt at 4th Level? At Disadvantage ... oof ... it still hits! Phew ... 23 damage! Yes!
More chewing! Argh! But Imogen's mental cries are oddly hilarious ... LOL
Yeet the faux slither! Fearne goes upstairs ... and now she's floating about up there ... she's getting SCRITCHES?!!! Really?
A bigger Battlemap? Hmmmm ...
Tremorsense, not Blimdsight ...
Oh, this is not good at all ... they're in a BAD SPOT right now ...
Marisha gets Whispers! Okay then ...
Stay quiet? RIGHT NOW?!!!
A deception check? As a worm? This is one of the most surreal battles we've had on this ...
Orym FEELS HIS WAY to the fight ... ye gods ... oh, here it is ... and ENGAGE!!! Stabby stabby stabby! A Goading attack! Sweet ... a lot oh hits ... and he IMMEDIATELY gets the HDYWTDT!!! Nice ...
She's free! Meanwhile Orym's puking ... Imogen tries to stop it and he vomits into her hand ... oof ...
Fake them out, Fearne!
It's working, she's leading them away! But NOW shat does she do?
Chetney starts to do a Crimson Rite ...
Yeah, everybody's just HOLDING right now, ready for whatever ... FCG can't heal Imogen because it makes noise ...
Lead them outside, Fearne! Come on ... this might actually work ...
Looks like it might be clear enough for now, at least ... Darkness dropped! Imogen is HURT ... not TOO bad but thos must be painful ... 2nd Level Cure Wounds from FCG ... 13 points of healing back! Phew ...
Yeah, how's Zhesh ... okay, not great ...
The Hole is turning into Mrs Miggens' pie shop cellar in Sweeney Todd ...
Can a slither SHRUG? XD Deception check ...
Crap, she's busted ... oh, no, they're just GOADING her ... now what? So she's just FAKING IT st someone else's door ...
They're burrowing! Okay Fearne, notes your chance! She flees to the others again ... or TRIES to ... yeah, she doesn't actually know WHERE she is so she just KEEPS GOING ...
Fearne is now LOST underground ... crap ...
This has become very surreal all of a sudden ...
Locate Creature? To guide her back? Yes, do that ...
FCG I'd trying to guide her back to them through some VERY ridiculous second hand directions ... and she's FINALLY back home them ...
"The Purple Lightning does not strike twice." Okay ...
Zhesh is fascinated by Ashton's hammer AND his skull ...
Oh ... a crystal blade replacement for FCG's saw? Cool ... that could be pretty sweet ...
They use the bones of their beloved dead in crafting things? That's cool in a creepy way ...
So the bane worms are basically like sandworms ...
A shortsword? Cool ... and it's blue ... that's very cute ... good choice, Orym ... oh yeah, that glow thing is a nice bonus, like a Ruidusborn detector ...
Druidcraft strawberries ... cute! :3
Laudna's giving Sashimi crystal bladed hands ... wow, that is EXTRA creepy ...
Short rest, then ...
Oh, the box? Aha! Yeah ... can they unlock it?
Ashton gets a ratty new makeshift glove ...
Chetney Claus returns ...
Orym takes his shirt off? Oh boy ... O.O
Fearne tries to use a long distance Dispel Magic on the box ...
Treshi scry ball ... still some distance away, at least ...
Zhesh makes FCG his own little crystal mood stone indicator on his chest ... oooh, AND he gets a new and improved sawblade ... that's pretty cool ... scary good ... snd it's LETHAL, too ...
Dusk has arrived ... time to go ... off to the Overspoke ...
Meanwhile opening the box ... and it works! Nice ... unlock it, then ... check for traps! Chetney is SCARY proficient at lockpicking ... and it's open! Here we go ...
An odd device ... hexagonal? No, you are JOKING, surely not ... oh no, more like something from the Malleus Key, but much more high quality ...
Eyes of yhe Rune Keeper? Okay ...
Abjuration magic ... cool ... Nat20, okay ... it's PART of something serious ... oh, it's designed to BREAK A SEAL ... it's Aeoran tech! Holy shit!
And NOW we're taking a break ... O.O
There's a 1 in 6 chance that the crystal blades SHATTER with each hit? Crap ... but in Imogen's proximity their properties are boosted ... cool ...
Arcana check for FCG ... BIG success ... okay ... even so, still really no more actual information on the piece in the box ...
Apparently Sam just discovered that FCG has acquired a black negligee from somewhere, but has NO RECOLLECTION where ... O.O
So back out into the street ... Vanguard gear on again ...
Keeping an eye on the scry ball as they go ... yeah, probably best ...
Group deception check ... it's good, not GREAT ... hmmm ...
Spiral stairs ... okay then ... but there are guards ... so what to do, then?
Chetney Claus sees you when you're doing THAT?!!!
Oh, so they could just BLUFF THEIR WAY up? Cool ... they think Imogen's her mother? Or just that she's automatically expected? Hmmmm ...
So is this actually working, then?
Aha, so here's Earot ... another deception check? 25? Bloody hell, Laura ...
Looking for a PURPLE house? With darkvision? Hmmmm ...
Borrowing Earot's spyglass ... and intimidating hom with her telekinesis ...
A Reiloran copy of Tusk Love ... which lost something in translation, apparently ... XD
Aha! Purple! Okay then ... so we have a destination, then ...
Off to find the Volition ...
Liliana is now FAMOUS on Ruidus ... hmmmm ... this could be useful OR problematic, depending on circumstances ...
Orym is now pretending to be Imogen's bodyguard to maintain an Illusion ...
Is that a Videodrome reference there, Matthew?
Pass Without A Trace! Go!
Fuck, yeah ... Ashton's still exhausted, we'd clearly forgotten about that ...
An excavation site? Okay, then ...
So ... is this a test? This IS the place, isn't it?
A persuasion check ... go Orym! Yeah ...
Oh, sneaky mind reading from Imogen ... now persuasion? 24! Okay ...
Meanwhile Chetney's fallen asleep ... on his FEET ...
Okay, looks like they passed the test ... so they're "friends of the Volition" ... okay ... Watcher Volido? Cool ...
Talk to Rashinna of the Golden Hammer? And Gaz Tomo? Hmmmm ...
A secret passage! Yay!
Apparently Orym is VERY SMALL ... O.O
Going in a pair at a time, losing the Vanguard outfits as they go ... and now they're in ... while Matt accidentally punches the mike and gives us all a heart attack!
In a tunnel, then ... going down ...
Oh, here we go ... how DO THEY prove they're friends of the Volition? Oh, the bodies? Really? The Juggernaut's head? Wow ...
So Rashinna will decide ... hmmm ...
A very weird wooden door ... so what's THAT about, Matthew?
So this guy's a Shrike? But blind ... that's interesting ... I like this guy, whoever he is ...
The door is ALIVE? Whoa ... they're ROOTS? Fascinating ... Chetney is rightly intrigued ...
Okay, so they're now SURROUNDED ... yeah, that's about right ...
They have their own Juggernauts? Bloody hell ...
Ah yes, this must be Rashinna ... oh yes, she us VERY impressive indeed ... oh, and she speaks OPENLY!!! Wow ...
True, Bells Hells STILL haven't picked a leader ... but Orym's picked Imogen, which is right ...
Imogen must make it clear she is NOT loyal to her mother ...
A persuasion check? Oh boy ... 27? Holy fuck, Laura!
Oh, so she believes her? Or rather believes that SHE believes that, at least ... maybe this'll work, then ...
Some kind of fancy magic mirror? Oh, so it's dome kind of ENTRANCE? Fascinating ... Holy shit, it's like the Goblin King's Labyrinth in there ...
Oh, so THIS is the real Kreviris? That is BEAUTIFUL ...
Gods, I love it when Matt gets enthusiastically carried away with his descriptions ...
A massive crystal core at the center of it all ... fascinating ...
Oh, that thing is the Weavemind itself? Wooooo ... and THAT I'd where Matt chooses to end it? Bloody hell ... cue massive indignation, ESPECIALLY from Ashley ... much as I would expect ...
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
hey what do the gilded ggs look like? totally not gonna. . .draw them or anything. .
I now have a comprehensive list for reference for myself when writing, too, hooray!
Darker hair, more yellow than blonde, a little longer and curlier than other grimwalkers
Scar going from left eyebrow, across the bridge of his nose, and ending under his right eye. Lots of little hand scars
Eyes are a little less hugely round, more lidded
Constantly dirty
Slight frame
Tall and muscly
Clawmark scars on the right side of his face, eyepatch over his left eye
Ponytail, with side part bangs
Very Calebesque in appearance
Blotchy scar on right cheek
Paler than a lot of the other grimwalkers, like, seeing their veins pale
A little taller, medium weight
Two braids of the front of their hair that go around to a ponytail in the back, the rest of the hair down (shoulder length)
Nose closer to belos
Scar over left eye
Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet ponytail
Thinner face shape
Steven (the mountain one)
Sigil scars
VERY big eyebags
Phillip ponytail
Mane of blonde hair
A little more Phillip looking than Caleb looking in his face
Scars from artificial magic
Medium height and build
Reddish scar that goes all the way around his throat, a silver one that goes across his left forehead
Scrawnier frame
More Phillip face shape, but Caleb’s nose
Deep-set eyes
Small scar on eyebrow like Luz’s, another one in the middle of his bottom lip
Half up half down hairstyle (similar to Amity’s season 1 look)
Bodywise, he’s filled out, but he’s still awkwardly skinny in places from previous malnutrition
Scars across his throat, another one going from his chin up to his left ear
Shaggy hair
Slight frame
Just like. The most average looking guy as far as grimwalkers go
Has a scar going across his forehead
No arms
Scar from left top of forehead all the way down to the right jaw
Phillip eye shape
Curly short hair
2 notches in each ear
Scar on his left cheekbone
Hunter, minus the scars, plus freckles
A slighter frame. He’s just about Hunter’s height, though.
Burn scars everywhere, keeps his hair short, since a lot of it got burned off
Short and stocky
Missing an arm
Pretty round in the face
Scar going from the left side of their nose across their cheek
Lot of stabby stab scars on his arms and torso
Squareish in appearance
Short hair, but not buzzed
Short and stocky
Tall and skinny
Man bun (search tales of arcadia past Douxie for approximation), slightly darker blonde than Caleb
Pale. Never sees the sun.
Huge big round glasses
Scar on the right side of his chin, a few on his hands, and a couple on his neck where Belos’ gauntlet cut him
Tall beanpole of a man
Wears a lab coat and thinks he’s sooooo cool for it. He also has an earring with a chain that hangs from his upper ear and connects to his earlobe
Nose is closer to Phillip’s than Caleb’s.
Buzz cut, very light blonde hair, almost white
Short and stocky
Lots of clawing and biting scars all over face and torso
Very square jawline
Mane of hair
Mostly it’s his torso that’s covered in scars, but he has one on the right of his forehead
Massive eyebags
Small and skinny
Edward Elric hair
Has a few scars on their face, mostly like little ones from rocks hitting them, nothing huge
Nose is much less prominent than Caleb’s
Scar that goes across his nose
Bushy ponytail kind of like Phoenix’s
Medium height, muscular build
Really long hair, like, waist length
A lot of little nicks and scratch scars on his face, a big one going up the side of his neck, and a lot of small scars all over his body.
Scars going through their sigil, 3 clawmark scars going right down the middle of their face
Medium height, proportional weight
Less round in the face
Aquiline Nose crooked
Scar like Hunter’s, but on the opposite side. Blotchy red scar on his left forehead. Small scar on the left side of his mouth, scar through right eyebrow and down face. Tattered ears.
Sunken in eyes, no eyeshine, heavy eyebags
Sharper jawline
Six feet, solid, muscular
Short, bushy ponytail
Scar from artificial magic covering left side of his face, neck, and arms. Scar going through his right eyebrow, and a few on his hands
Tall and muscly
Longer, less prominent version of Caleb’s nose
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wendyanon · 1 year
Ivy Songs as my favorite ships! Under the readmore because it’s a long post!
Debut + One extra song because it fit Mindika better
Chara - I’m only me when I’m with you
Mindika - Crazier
Warrie - Mary’s song (oh my my my)
Wenthan - Our song
Sanny - Tim McGraw
Fearless (ivy’s version)
Chara - Fearless
Mindika - Untouchable
Warrie - Love Story
Wenthan - Today Was A Fairytale
Sanny - Jump Then Fall
Bonus: Stiolet - Hey Stephen
Speak Now
Chara - Mine
Mindika - Ours
Warrie - Back To December - Because Carrie moved to New York with her mom and came back when Amber and Richie decided to STABBIE STAB ALL OF US!
Wenthan - Sparks Fly, Enchanted (I couldn’t chose, my bad!)
Sanny - Superman
Red (ivy’s version)
Chara - Message in a Bottle
Mindika - The Very First Night
Warrie - Come Back…Be Here
Wenthan - State of Grace
Sanny - Starlight
Chara - Wildest Dreams (Ivy’s Version)
Mindika - This Love (Ivy’s Version)
Warrie - I Wish You Would
Wenthan - You Are In Love
Sanny - Out of the Woods
Chara - King of my Heart
Mindika - Dress
Warrie - End Game
Wenthan -Call It What You Want
Sanny - Delicate
Chara - Lover, I think He Knows
Mindika - Paper Rings, Cornelia Street
Warrie - The Archer, Afterglow
Wenthan - Cruel Summer, Daylight
Sanny - Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
Chara - invisible string
Mindika - peace
Warrie - the 1
Wenthan - cardigan
Sanny - hoax
Chara - willow
Mindika - gold rush
Warrie - champagne problems
Wenthan - long story short
Sanny - cowboy like me
Chara - Paris
Mindika - Lavender Haze
Warrie - Glitch
Wenthan - Sweet Nothing
Sanny - Snow On the Beach
Sam just herself <3 - Anti-Hero, Vigilante Shit
Carrie - You’re On Your Own, Kid
Tara - Karma
Anika - Bejeweled
Mindy - The Great War
Ethan - Dear Reader
Me! - Mastermind
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e7 girls, girls, girls (w. robert berens)
no please not more embarrassing stuff 😭 dean on a dating site? (with his real name??)
re privacy i'm always gonna kneejerk be very defensive of everyone's privacy. i have a bad history with that in regards to electronic stuff. so i still think that's a super dick move by sam, even if they don't really generally have boundaries with each other 🤪 applying real world rules and concerns to a dumb joke setup :p
pretty sure i talked about this before when one of them saw an email intended for the other on the laptop that was private/about something they didn't know about. i think it was dean seeing an email for sam (can't find the post ofc) EDIT: found it s8e3 - (few days later when looking for something else)
i know the title is for girls girls girls but i keep thinking it's girls like girls (i'd never seen the video for this song it's sweet)
oh no. the embarrassment increases. getting catfished? :\ (or not but i'm sure it's something because dean can't get laid without it being plot relevant, right)
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laughing that castiel uses websummon but dean and sam use search the web with the goofy logo
hannah, girl. didn't he already use his ~distracting emotions~ excuse to turn you down, what are you doing? more like, writer, what are you doing 😒
damnit the second time this episode something startled the shit out of me. warn a person before you sex-slam dean into a wall
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not-fake looking fake birds and laughing about being another motel with such a scenic backdrop!
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okay so not the catfish but the didn't realize she was a sex worker, sigh. she keeps reminding me of nina dobrev. brown hair/eyes and smaller top lip i guess
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elysia rotaru / nina dobrev
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what i said about eyelines so close to the camera i'm not sure? the eye on the left looks like it's at camera, but the reflection in the right indicates it isn't actually. very disconcerting.
ALSO rescue the sex worker trope and dean's acting kinda creepy. should you maybe tell sam you're starting to feel something funny in your tummy that tells you to kill kill kill
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so it was rowena in that little bit at the end of the episode whenever
hannah's vessel's husband tracking her down, all right. gonna have a jimmy novak reminder the vessels had families and lives. which leads to a brief flash of fake dating, of course
HANNAH What? Yes. [Hannah takes Castiel’s hand in hers] I left you. For him. He's the reason. JOE No. No, I don't believe it. This guy?
the snort i snorted. with the Emotions music but it's like. funny? but pretending to be serious? oh, show.
haha and we're still supposed to (according to the music) sympathize with (UNDERSTANDABLY) sad husband after that weird kiss situation
i knew cole came back but i'm tired already
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are we on a set? lol
HANNAH Being on earth, working with you, I've felt things. Human things -- passions, hungers.
snort x2
and she keeps clutching her stomach dramatically due to Feelings like bella in new moon because she said it in the books so we gotta do it on screen but it looks weird and awkward
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this is so strange and abrupt. went on her whole character emotional arc in about 5 minutes. and castiel doesn't reply? were they actually filming in the same place? LOL what is going on
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why does this look so fake haha and bonus vessel back in her body stomach clutching
oooh we're solving a problem by having a conversation, how mature and not moc stabby. does the mark do anything? i'm always asking and assuming but we just won't talk about it and who knows!!
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reminding me of this (and the leviathan sam and dean already cosplayed the beginning of that story) when jules tells yolanda to keep the gun on him "it's cool, we still just talkin"
DEAN Put it down! [Sam lowers his gun and Cole turns his gun back towards Dean] DEAN Cole, hey, right here. We're talking, okay?
(every time cole reminds me of taylor kitsch, little bit the hair and voice)
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DEAN I get it. That was your story. Look, man, I got one of those, too. Okay, but those stories that we tell to keep us going? Man, sometimes they blind us. They take us to dark places --the kind of place where I might beat the crap out of a good man just for the fun of it. The people who love me, they pulled me back from that edge.
this is a good scene with cole. his actor travis aaron wade is doing a great job
Now, the truth is… I'm past saving. I know how my story ends. It's at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun.
sam and i ready to throw hands/have a heart attack but also BLADE, BARREL, REBAR. WHATEVER
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SAM You've got a family, Cole. I heard you on the phone that night. I'm guessing they need you to come back, and they need you to come back whole.
i mean. not to say having trauma makes you not-whole, and we're talking basically a revenge killing i guess. but this dude already apparently had a very violent period in the miltary
from s10e2
COLE I did two tours in Iraq. Special ops. Darfur. The Congo. I've seen suicide bombers and child soldiers so hopped up on speed that they could barely talk, but they could sure as hell shoot an AK… Don’t tell me about monsters, cause I've met my share.
just doesn't seem like it's automatically the worst thing he's done/experienced
all right. i did not like what they did with hannah in general so i'm not sad to see her go but it does suck they took cas's pal away
so do we learn that jimmy novak is in heaven now or is that later? i don't quite understand what was supposed to happen to his soul anyway all the times castiel has been splatted
wrapping up characters/plotlines left and right.
SAM What you said earlier, back there, about being past saving -- were you really -- DEAN I was just telling the guy what he needed to hear.
yeah, sure! sounds reasonable. not like you ever feel massively guilty for things. picture of unbothered
if i knew rowena was crowley's mom i had forgotten
(another pronunciation surprise but just because i'm not familiar with the name, realized i assumed ro-when-uh instead of ro-ween-uh)
they're stringing me along with crumbs of brother feelings through mediocre episodes
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dastardlydandelion · 1 year
does anybody have a link to the promo featuring ghostface!sam parting the curtain with her knife in the final act??
for the life of me i do not remember which promo it was in and i cannot believe this shot was cut from the movie itself??? wild. so stabby crabby abt that. 🦀🔪
but at the very least i would like to refer back to it, maybe gif it or smth.
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whenyouaredonespn · 1 year
A bit of Self Indulgence from the Artist:
     So I wasn’t happy with the end of Supernatural. For what little my opinion on things like that matters; I hold no illusions. Though I did watch from pilot to finale for 15 years as it aired, It's my favorite show- full stop. I’m also one of the fans that other fans tend to hate. Though It had some truly amazing and great moments in later seasons, I feel it peaked in Season 5 and never truly rose to that height again. (holds up a shield to block incoming fruit.) Though there were several times it got very close. (The Demon trials, and Amara for example. Dean’s monologue in the church is maybe my favorite moment in all of TV. Possibly all of Fiction.  There I go contradicting myself.
     At around the same time the show was ending, I was trying to figure out something to work on, something to draw- I needed a project. But I was also so far out of the game that I had no contacts to hit up for a story or script. I was also about three years into a five year artist block which was the result of intense burnout. So I decided to make a fan comic based on Supernatural. It's something that I always wanted to see. Like the post-TV Buffy comics I felt and still feel that SPN would make a great comic. It could get bigger and more over the top. Without constraints of things like budget, actor schedules, make up or special effects or the need to fill up over 20 hours of run time with around ten hours of content. This is stated with full knowledge that there are indeed SPN comics- I have read a lot of them. Some are good, some are… not- (I won’t presume this to be one or the other) BTW to this day Dustin Nguyen’s covers are my favorite pieces of Supernatural art ever made. 
     This fan comic is NOT a “how it should have ended” It's just a scene that always sort of played out in my head. I always wanted them to go out like Thelma and Louise, or Butch and Sundance; no way out but through, launching the car into oblivion, sacrificing themselves while saving the world. I’m a sucker for that trope. (Buffy Season 5- also where it peaked) I also always wanted to see a BIG Monster- we got hints at times. SPN skirted up next to the Elder Gods once or twice- there were tentacles and big looming shadows in the distance. 
If you imagine a story-line where the threat is a bunch of monsters (Capital M- mutated, lizard tail raptor clawed demon creatures instead of just black eyed people- though they are there as well) wreaking havoc on the world and eventually culminating in a Cthulu like hellbeast rising from the depths. What follows is the usual arc of them trying to figure out how to take it out. The usual wins and losses, starts and stops until they figure out what weapon will do the job, then it's acquiring the weapon. Finally stabby stabby. If that is the season- this is the last fifteen minutes of the finale episode. 
     In this alternate timeline or multiversal offramp, Chuck and Amaara effed off to some celestial beach somewhere, drinking mai tais and promptly not Giving a crap about Earth (Or doing the absolute very least required) Jack came and did his thing, and now Team Freewill is Sam Dean Cas and Jack. That's really all you need to know. 
     Finally, if you'll allow me to get personal… It took this thing about two years to make. No- not because it took me that long to draw 20 pages, but because I shelved it. The truth is multifaceted and long-winded. Suffice to say that burn-out is real, artist block is real. This is the first thing that I have completed in over five years. That in itself is the reason I made it, I needed the win, and this thing was about 60 percent done two months ago. Before I started yet ANOTHER new project, I was determined to FINISH SOMETHING; anything. The road of my artistic Journey is flanked by too many corpses of unfinished and shelved projects. Things that were taken too far to be just left unfinished. Like putting a book down with a single chapter left and never picking it up again. It's a source of shame and this is the win I need. 
     I Hope you like it. Or at least think it's nice to look at. 
PS. A final note on the art. I wasn’t going for likenesses, I was trying to portray them as comic characters first- iconography. If Dean looks like Jensen at times and so on, that's great, but I wasn’t aiming for that per se. Castiel’s true form is based on multiple fanart conceptions. Basically he’s just a “draw this in your style”.
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