#Sarah Cortez
supermanandloisverse · 3 months
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We zoomed into the picture of The Kent Family when the Twins were little.
Thank You: Inde Navarrette 🫶🏻
@jetslay @lostsoulincssea
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kent-farm · 1 year
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Damn, Kent.
—Kyle Cushing, Superman and Lois, "Too Close to Home"
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thena0315 · 6 months
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Ty Simpkins Instagram Update with Inde Navarrette at Avengers Campus 12.5.23
" Adventures from California 🎡🎄📸 "
*Interesting. Iron Man's surrogate son is dating Superman's son's ex-girlfriend
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therainingkiwi · 1 year
Hey Superman & Lois fans?
Hitting your child is NEVER okay. EVER. Stop with your bs excuses about how "Sarah deserved it." NO ONE deserves to have their parents lay a finger on them EVER.
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wendyliddel · 1 year
I really thought that Superman and Lois was going to avoid having a love triangle with Sarah and the twins. 
Please don’t let them have a love triangle with Sarah and the twins.
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camelely · 11 months
Okay… not really what I expected. They clearly wanted hype in case the network procrastinated renewals till post finale. But also didn't want it to be tragic, in case it was the end. For that I appreciated it. There were some incredible moments, mostly great scenes for the characters, the plot, and the action.
That being said it felt kinda disappointingly incomplete. I think this would have been an excellent mid season finale and considering the characters are just starting to make big moves. It really did feel like half a story this season.
I think I'm going to wait to pass real judgement until next season comes out the stories and arcs they started here get some resolution.
(The only really ridiculous thing was Chrissy/Kyle stuff but who really cares they are irrelevant and probably won't be in next season)
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story-addict · 1 year
When I feel more chemistry between Jonathan & Sarah, than her with Jordan
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I know your asks say specific topics, but since I saw you liked my post on Superman & Lois lack of gay rep, what are your thoughts on the characters and their gay rep in general?
Thanks for the ask.
Idefinitely should add S&L ( plus other shows) on my pinned post. Just slipped my mind at the time.
FIY, for brevity sakes, I use bisexual as a umbrella term for anyone who isn't potrayed as 100% monosexual, (including fluid, pan and bicurious people).
Lets begin with Sarah. I hate the ONE bisexual character cheated. I wouldn't mind it if there were more bi characters on the show, who don't cheat, and preferably straight characters who do cheat (which did happen a few episodes later, but it doens't help a lot without faithful bi characters, since the message then becomes: "some straights cheat, all bisexuals cheat", instead of "some straights and some bisexuals cheat"). What makes it even more annoying to me is that a) her bisexuality/bicuriosity was introduced through cheating, which imo just highlight that the first bi characters was unfaithful and b) she cheated on Jordan with a girl, which, imo, feeds into the stereotype about bi people never being satisfied in a monogomous relationship with a man, because they need something only a woman can provide them (or/and vice versa).
I actually like Sarah. Even is s2. I don't mind her making mistakes. I don't mind her kissing another person. It was moment of weakness, and she came clean. In world where "cheating bisexual" wasn't a stereotype, or she wasn't the only bi character on the show, I wouldn't mind.
What I DO like about how Sarah kissing Aubrey is handled is that it Aubrey being a girl isn't a big deal, and there isn't any need (from the narritive, Sarah, or other characters) for her to lable or explain her sexuality.
I would have liked a brief scene where she discussed her sexuality with someone. Is she certain she is bi? If so, did she know before that summer? Is she still figuring things out? Is she mostly straight, but occasionally has confusing feelings about certain girls? Was she tempted to kiss Aubrey because of a silly whim, curiosity, or genuine attraction? Still, it's nice the show simply had Sarah kiss a girl, without focusing on her identity, and the kiss was still treated as a "real" kiss, not just some silly joke between two friends.
Non-sexuality related sidebar: If we remove sexuality from the equation, I still feel like that the show could have skipped the cheating plot, or done it differently, e.g. use it to explore Jordan's fears of Sarah losing interest in him, or show him needing to learn to talk things through properly, instead of assuming everything will be fine with apologies and love confessions.
Now, moving on from Sarah. As far as I know, S&L doens't have an queer characters. Which I am fine with. Not every show NEEDS a queer character. The world needs more representation, but no piece of fiction can represent every underrepresented groups out there.
I never personally read Chrissy as queer, but sucks you are dissapointed.
Natelie is based off Natasha Irons, who dated a girl in the comics, so I was expecting her to be queer. However, the comics never confirmed she was a lesbian, just that she was into girls. Here's hoping we get Bi Nat.
Some peolpe want Jon to be bi, because comic Jon Kent is bi. To me, these two are two different characters, not different iteration/version of the same character. Making him bi would be cool. We need more queer jocks and male bi characters. But at the same time, if S&L would make him bi, it would feel like he was a different version of THAT Jon, and I kind of want Jon and Jordan to be their own, original characters.
I personally hc Jordan as bi. I relate to him, and tend to project a lot on him, so I made him queer ( I am a lesbian, not a bi guy, so it's different, but it's still involves being attracted to your own gender). In my hc, he wasn't 100% sure about his sexuality before s2, but had suspected he is bi for years. After learning Sarah kissed Aubrey, he started thinking harder about his sexuality (something he had mostly tried to avoid, because he didn't want to feel even more different than he already did), and became certain he was bi. He hasn't come out to anyone yet, but considered telling Sarah. In the end, he chickened out, because he wasn't quite ready to come out to anyone, not even another queer person. He still sometimes considers telling Sarah or Jon, but since he only has eyes for Sarah, he doens't really feel the need to bring it up + he has a lingering fear Sarah would find him less attractive if she knew, even though he knows Sarah is properly too open-minded to accept the double standards surrounding female and male bisexuality.
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bxckyswinter · 1 year
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Season 3 Finale
OMG im freaking out!!!!! So i stumbled upon this animated film called Death of Superman. So the thing is in this film. Superman current nemesis is Bruno Manheim/ intergang. While he is fighting them, lex luthor is released from prison, and a creature falls from the sky. According to this photographer called canadagraph. They learned on set that one of the final scenes clark falls from the sky seemingly injured, and a spiked creature comes from the sky. If you see where i'm going with this, i believe the s3 finale is the same as the movie. Also, with the return of bizarro. i believe the storyline for s4 is the Reign of the supermen. If this is true the main thing i'm excited for is Jon’s reaction to his father’s death, owing to the fact that since their time in smallville clark hasn't really been present in his life. Im interested in seeing if Jon has any resentments or him going off like he did in s3 episode 7. 
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vaguely-smart · 2 years
A very subjective ranking of the Superman and Lois characters
Jonathan Kent
Ok I love this child so much. He's the epitome of gifted kid burnout and I relate to him to an unhealthy amount. I hope the writers give him more plot in season three and that they actually follow through on the storylines they write for him. Jon deserves to be treated better by the showrunners and most of the characters. He either need to get in a better place or just, like, spiral downwards and become a villain and/or just leave his family for a solo story (preferably either in a Disney sitcom with Jon-El or in a vampire hunting/befriending adventure) 10/10 Good Boy
Natalie Irons
Nat is a very close second to Jon in my opinion. She's just so nice. Her vibes are immaculate and I would want to be her friend. Her story is so interesting and I hope next season focuses more on the Irons rather than the Cushings. I love that they actually show her being smart and how they give her autonomy (unlike Jon). Her (and her dad's) hero moments feel the most earned to me and I would watch an entire show where they were the main characters. 10/10 good vibes
John Henry Irons
I'm sad to say this but I think John Henry Irons is probably the only actually good parent in this show, named after two parents. He actually talks things out with his daughter and treats her like a capable person?!? What a shocker. I gotta say, whenever he was fighting Clark in the first season I was rooting for him. All I can ask is that they stop hospitalising him, considering he's going to be working against intergang, hopefully he won't get sidelined into the ER next season. 10/10 best parent
I debated whether or not to put Jon-El higher than John Henry Irons. I think I like Jon-El more but in a more detached, point and scream "boyyyyyy" way than any actual feelings. He is great, though, and I'm pissed he didn't make it into the finale. He better be back next season. He doesn't get super developed but he's definitely a dramatic gay theatre kid with daddy issues. I am here for it and I will not hear otherwise. I just want the writers to give him screen time, therapy and a boyfriend tbh. In the words of Luz Noceda he is a "bad but sad boy" 10/10 dramatic disaster gay
I was indifferent/bored with him in season 1 but I'm season 2 I live for him. He's literally just vibing. He just wants a family. I just want to watch whatever random shenanigans he gets up to instead of helping the main story. He's just the weird uncle. I want to know what goes on in his head. He's so fun to watch. 10/10 chaotic bastard neutral 
Denise Olowe
I have nothing against Denise. She seems like a chill person. She'll probably end up dating Jon and I wouldn't be opposed to it (she'd definitely be the best he's had). I'd totally be down to see her get more character development down the line. Like if they want to have a 'civilian' storyline, I'd much rather follow her family than whatever we're meant to call Sarah's disaster of a family. 10/10 seems nice
Kyle Cushing
Kyle gets an unnecessary amount of hate. Cheating is usually one of the only unredeemable actions in my eyes that good characters can take because it is just a wholly selfish action but I'm willing to give Kyle a chance. Sure he did cheat but it was in his bad phase when he was also being a bad parent and (possibly?) an alcoholic. He stopped of his own volition, though, and worked on himself to make sure that he could be a good father and husband. As far as I'm concerned the only thing he should really be trashed for is not telling his wife. I genuinely don't think the Kyle we see in season 2 is the same person who had an affair. Another thing is you can see how much Kyle genuinely loves his family. He's so supportive of both Sarah and Lana and he is their number one supporter. I honestly think he's the second best parent in the show. Sure he's an absolute idiot in some of the things he does and says but he is trying to work on himself and he just constantly gets sh*t on. (I do think a lot of this is tied to the fact that Eric Valdez plays home really well) 10/10 he's trying
Jordan Kent
I don't have that much to say about Jordan. He's chill for the most part. I want him to succeed and be happy and stuff. Sometimes his vibes are off and vaguely serial killery but for the most part I like him. 10/10 I like him
Mitch Anderson
It's fun to watch him suffer. I live for whenever his bad decisions decide to come back to bite him. It's just so fun to watch. I did feel really bad for him in episode 10, though. It broke me when he and Jordan-El were trying to talk about Bizarro Superman. I really wish he didn't die in that episode. I would have preferred it if he died in the final battle with Ally. It just felt anti-climactic, how it played out. I literally didn't even realise he died. 10/10 should have died in episode 15
Sam Lane
I don't know what to say here. He's there. He does stuff. It is interesting how he sometimes switches between a minorly antagonistic role and a protagonistic one. I don't have any strong feelings about him except that he should have been a better dad. 10/10 he sure was there, wasn't he?
She's there. She doesn't really get much screen time. I really felt for her when she was leaving Kal, though. 10/10 girlboss?
Lois Lane
Pretty similar to her dad, honestly. Seriously though it really feels like she drops the ball with Jon so much (not as much as Clark, though). I have faith that her character could be good if she wrote her well, so I more hate the execution rather than the actual character, if that makes sense. I hope they do her better next season 10/10 could have potential if literally anyone else wrote for her
He's there. He looks sad. 10/10 he needs a hug
I'm sympathetic towards him but also it pains me to watch his scenes. Like stoooopp you pain me. 10/10 second hand embarrassment
Chrissy Beppo
People rag on her too much. Like sure, she definitely is annoying and feels too entitled about information but put yourself in her shoes. Her idol just came in and bought half of her newspaper so now they are co-owners but Lois doesn't treat her like an equal and she definitely is keeping a tonne of secrets. From the audience's perspective Lois's actions are understandable but Chrissy has every right to be pissed at Lois, especially since their profession is all about telling the truth and journalistic integrity. Of course she doesn't want to be lied to. 10/10 annoying but not wrong
Sarah Cortez
I'm a lot more forgiving of Sarah because she's an actual teenager and at least she told Jordan basically straight away that she kissed Aubry (though it shouldn't have happened in the first place). The whole trying to make Jordan and Aubrey friends thing is kind of strange but I can see where Sarah's coming from. Aubrey can relate to what she's going through, which she feels like she can't really talk to Jordan about because as far as she knows his home life is pretty great. There's also the fact that Jordan in no way expressed how upset he actually was about the kiss to Sarah's face. It's easy to say that Sarah literally thought Jordan wasn't too hurt. I know at least with my friends when we were 14/15 a bunch of people had dated or confessed crushes on other people and we were still all friends. You can totally be friends with people you've had/have romantic feelings for and Sarah might have been thinking along those lines. All in all, some of Sarah's actions are rude/annoying but she seems like she's trying but is just finding a little hard to see things from Jordan's perspective because she's so caught up in her own drama (which I might add, a lot of which has been publicised to the entire town) 10/10 will probably be better once she knows the secret and grows up a little
Clark Kent
Clark, what are you even doing?!?! Whatever it is, it pains me! He's just so dense. And blind (you sure you don't actually need real glasses, my dude?) He just is just such a bad parent to Jon. Can we please go back to season 1 writing for him? Please?!?! Hopefully the showrunners look at people's reactions to Clark and do something about it!!! 10/10 do better you idiot!
Candice Pergande
I dislike every one of her scenes except for the last one. When she goes to talk to Lois and Sam she does actually look remorseful and like she is trying. It feels like we were meant to see more scenes of her like that but they were cut or something. Obviously she should have taken accountability but she's doing it for her father so she's not doing it from a strictly selfish standpoint and it's very easy to see how she might feel stuck and scared in this position. She feels like she could have potential and I hope if she is kept around (unlike Teagan) that the writers will expand more on her character and actually make her likeable. 10/10 let's hear her out
Lana Lang
I don't even know what to say about Lana. I feel like most of it has already been said by other people. She's just so insufferable and rude all the time. She's so entitled and I hate how she reacted to Clark's secret, especially by being mad at everyone except for Clark. Like b*tch just shut up!!! Please! I get Lana's under a lot of pressure but it's so obvious that she doesn't care about her behaviour and neither do the writers. It's so annoying. I hope she gets sidelined so much more next season 10/10 please, either get a reality check or just leave
Lucy Lane
She's just annoying and is given too many chances. How come Lucy who was the right hand man for a litteral world ending cult gets forgiveness easier than Jon who took drugs like three times. 10/10 shouldn't she be behind bars or something?
George Dean
I couldn't decide whether to put him or Ally at the bottom. He is intentionally insufferable and, I gotta say, the writers finally succeeded at something. He's so smug and annoying and I can't stand him! 10/10 of course he's in politics 
Ally Allston
Booooooooo. Not that intimidating. Really annoying. I hate how she talks. I hope she doesn't return and just stays in prison for the rest of her life (this goes for both of them) 10/10 I hate her (squared)
Best Boiiii
Timmy Ryan
"Even Chads deserve character development"
"And love"
10/10 deserves an enemies to lovers arc
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supermanandloisverse · 4 months
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Alex Garfin via Instagram Post
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kent-farm · 10 months
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—Superman and Lois, “Worlds War Bizarre”
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Kyle being surprised and upset he’s the last to know about Clark being Superman is his own fault. He’s honestly such a bad person, no wonder no one trusted him. Like the guy can’t even keep his vows to his wife, but he’ll keep Clark’s secret safe. Yeah… right..
Also you can tell their literally pulling at straws with him and Chrissy, because if he’s gonna be upset, he should be at Lana and Sarah, because hello! Ex wife and daughter, he’s been dating Chrissy for what a month?! She has zero obligation to tell him Jack 
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kiyokonetwork · 2 years
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@scortez27: Made my @appletvplus guest star debut!!! 🍎 📺 🎥 🌟 And yes babes…that is the @hayleykiyoko as one of my scene partners and she is *just* as amazing as you imagine she’d be. THANKYOUTHANKYOU to all who contributed to me being a part of this fun and heartwarming show!
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wendyliddel · 1 year
Sarah saying “that’s probably why he cheated on you” was way over the line, but I pretty much agreed with everything else that she said.
Both of her parents need to grow up and stop putting Sarah in the middle.
Kyle was fishing for information from Sarah, and then he actually had the nerve to show up at Lana’s work to try to get more information.
Then Lana barges into the house and starts lecturing Sarah as if she did something wrong and tries to tell her what she can and can’t say to her own father.
And what did Sarah tell Kyle anyways? That John Henry put up a security system for them.
How was she supposed to know this was confidential information?
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kara-night-light · 2 years
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hehe decided to include Sophie
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