#Scrum Alliance
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Top Scrum Certifications
UC Agile offers Top Agile and Scrum Certifications in 2022. Our instructors are thought leaders in the agile community and travel the globe coaching some of the top Scrum teams and industry leaders worldwide. So, the agile scrum certification allows you to study the best concepts of agile and scrum. Come join us now!
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girldewar · 2 months
“#wrote a college entrance essay about this once” re: rpf research excuse me WHAT can you elaborate please 😭 (i say as someone who has also written some unhinged essays)
okay in my defense i didn't actually talk about rpf explicitly, but i did write about how one of the big draws of hockey for me was all the minute details and research rabbitholes you could get absorbed in. it's funny to look back on now because i think my understanding of hockey has come a long way, and also i'm kind of a completely different person than i was, lol. i'll put a few sections under the cut just for fun :3
But in late November of my ---- year, I turned on the television to watch a hockey game. It was the Flames and the Senators -- not exactly a nail-biter. I knew what to expect. I’d been to a college hockey game once at the University of North Dakota, and I’d been casually interested. But I certainly didn’t count on the Ottawa Senators setting the starting point of a great epoch of my life. The thing about hockey is that, leaving aside everything else about the sport -- statistics, personality, fanaticism, gameplay -- hockey is fun to watch. It’s fast-paced but easy to follow. All you have to do is keep track of the puck. Stoppages aren’t too common, but if they do happen, it’s probably because a penalty has been called, or because of a scrum, which both lead to more interesting circumstances. In short, hockey held my interest, and outpaced my notoriously short attention span. At least, that was how it started.
apparently i was rly trying to keep that harvard admissions officer on their toes lmao
Hockey culture is an unmitigated disaster. Awash with misogyny, masculine posturing, glorification of violence, and a thriving disrespect for the civil rights of minorities, it’s easy to brush hockey off as another antiquated hold-out of gladiatorial sports. Fans live and die for the blood of it. It’s especially easy to do so as a queer woman, someone who is definitely unwelcome in central hockey circles. It took me about ten minutes to understand that hockey Twitter, at least, was not worth a second of my time. But I hadn’t gotten as far as making it through an entire Senators game just to give up now. And finding other avenues of building community was easier than I thought. The Internet, it turns out, is shockingly versatile. Just as white male hockey fans all tend to congregate in the loud, wide-open spaces of fandom, the rest of us found areas out of view of the mainstream gaze. Within Tumblr tags, Discord groups, and even fanfiction archive forums, the women, hockey fans of color, and even us queers began to find each other. It was easier, then, to know where to start. In short order, hockey turned from something I watched as stress relief after a long school day to something I knew about. The people I talked to were knowledgeable, and the research I did on my own -- as was my wont -- helped substantiate. First it was about the teams, and then, when I had satisfied my knowledge there, the players. The politics. The rules, the statistics, the prospects. The slow stop-start of change initiatives like the Hockey Diversity Alliance. It turns out that hockey is an unquellable fount of things to learn, and it quickly became a way to collect things to know.
it's interesting to look back and see which things i felt it was important to highlight, especially given all the things that have happened in recent years with hockey culture. also please disregard all the identity flashing, i WAS trying to get into college, after all.
i go on to talk a bit about the demographic layout of the nhl & the draw of european leagues, plus why i started learning russian (to read kirill's insta posts), but that's the rpf-related section. if i were to rewrite this essay today it would be a completely different look at the world of hockey and its current landscape, but i'm giving myself some grace for having committed the crime of being 18 and not very smart.
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nhaneh · 8 months
the agile rebel alliance holding their weekly rebel scrum
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drtanner · 1 year
Gunbreaker specifically. I'm nearly level 80 now! It's an interesting experience. I've only ever done DPS before this, specifically Bard, which really couldn't be more different in that DPS is rarely accountable for anything (except during extremely specific bosses with extremely specific individual mechanics) and my job before now has typically been to hang out at the very edge of my attack range (which is usually well outside of the enemies' range), only coming in close when it's time to drop some AOE attacks or buff my party. DPS's job, as I've understood it, is to stay out of trouble so the healer can focus on the Tank while continuously providing buffs and additional damage. 
Tanking, then, couldn't be more different. Suddenly I have Responsibilities™ and important things to do, and this week has been a weird period of adjustment that I think I've handled decently well. I wouldn't dream of being a Healer, still, given that a Healer has even more Responsibilities™ than a Tank does and my blood pressure is already far too high as it is, but Tanking is weirdly comforting, in a way, now that I'm used to it. Yes, I spend every dungeon and every raid and every trial with every fucker and their dog trying to kick the shit out of me, but even while that's happening, someone is looking after me. 
There's really no greater example of this than Alliance raids, where I'll be one of a handful of Tanks amongst a crowd of about 30 people, and you'd imagine it'd be very stressful to have so many people watching me and relying on me but it's not so bad, really, because someone is looking after me. Several someones, in fact, are looking after me, and even in the middle of a huge scrum around a boss when everyone's attacking at once, they don't forget about me or overlook me. Someone is looking after me. I will rarely get to see them doing it or find out who they are until the raid is over, but I know they're there because I don't die, or if I do, they pick me up and I can go back to work almost immediately. 
Someone is looking after me. 
I don't turn visual effects off, so you can imagine what Alliance raid bosses look like for me. I'm doing my best to stick close to the boss and maximise the damage I can do, but because of all the spellcasters and the other flashy moves the DPS folks are doing, I am functionally blind. I can just about see the big attacks well enough to dodge them, and that's about it. There's a lot that I don't manage to dodge, but that's okay, because someone is looking after me. It doesn't matter that I can't see or that I can barely hear. I'm doing my job and I've yet to fail at it so badly that anyone felt the need to mention it to me. 
(Which isn't to say that I haven't seen other Tanks getting yelled at for doing their jobs poorly, so I feel like I've got a pretty good frame of reference for the kind of standard I'm working to, lmao.) 
So yeah, I'm enjoying it. It feels good to protect the rest of my team and be protected by them in turn. It's a very different vibe to just hanging out on the outskirts of the action as a DPS class. 
Also my queue for any duty is rarely more than five minutes long and I get commendations all the time now. So there's that. ( b ._.)b
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learnovative · 23 days
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM) Training | Learnovative
Enhance your Scrum Master skills with Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM) training from Learnovative. Our A-CSM course is designed to help you master advanced Scrum practices and methodologies, preparing you to take the next step in your Agile journey. Enroll now and become an expert in Agile project management!
The Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM) Training provided by Learnovative is a highly regarded Scrum certification offered by Scrum Alliance. As an authorized Registered Education Provider (REP), Learnovative conducts A-CSM Training in both physical classroom and live virtual modes. Our physical classroom training is available in major cities across India, including Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Gurugram, and Kochi.
call now : 099499 94949
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software-specialist · 1 month
معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی
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گواهینامه او نیاز به آمادگی کافی دارد، زیرا حت معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی ی چند سال تجربه ممکن است برای گذراندن سؤالات سخت کافی نباشد. آزمون SY0-701 دانش شما را در زمینه توسعه نرم افزار ایمن، رمزگذاری، کنترل دسترسی و سایر موضوعات مرتبط با امنیت آزمایش می کند.
اول: چه نوع مشاغلی به گواهی امنیتی + نیاز دارند؟
5. خبره امنیت سیستم های اطلاعاتی حرفه ای (CISSP)
گواهینامه CISSP برای افرادی است که در صنعت امنیت س معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی ایبری کار می کنند. پست هایی مانند افسر ارشد اطلاعات، مهندس سیستم های امنیتی، مدیر امنیت و معمار شبکه می توانند از کسب این گواهینامه بهره مند شوند.
آزمون CISSP دانش شما را در هشت حوزه از جمله امنیت و مدیریت ریسک، امنیت ارتباطات و شبکه و امنیت توسعه نرم افزار آزمایش می کند.
پیش نیازها حداقل پنج سال سابقه کار تجمعی با حقوق در دو معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی  یا بیشتر از هشت حوزه CISSP
قیمت 749 دلار
مدت زمان 4 ساعت
تعداد سوالات 125-175
نمره قبولی 7000/1000
مطالب مرتبط: چه گواهینامه IT باید دریافت کنم؟
6. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
گواهینامه CCNA یک گواهینامه IT سطح ابتدایی است که دانش پایه شبکه حرفه ای را تأیید می کند. دوره های صدور گواهینامه شامل موضوعاتی مانند خدمات IP، دانش پایه امنیت، قابلیت برنامه ریزی و اتوماسیون است.
این گواهینامه هیچ پیش نیاز رسمی ندارد، اما سیسکو حداقل یک سا معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسیل تجربه کار با راه حل های خود را قبل از گذراندن دوره توصیه می کند. این آزمون از تاریخ قبولی شما به مدت سه سال اعتبار دارد.
پیش نیازها بدون پیش نیاز رسمی; یک یا چند سال تجربه در پیاده سازی و مدیریت راه حل های سیسکو توصیه می شود.
هزینه 300 دلار
مدت زمان 120 دقیقه
تعداد سوالات حدود 100 سوال
نمره قبولی بدون پاسخ رسمی; هدف 825-850/1000 یا 82٪
بیشتر بخوانید: نحوه دریافت گواهینامه CCNA در 5 مرحله (با نکات)
7. گواهی ScrumMaster (CSM)
گواهینامه Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) از Scrum Alliance یک گ معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی واهینامه سطح پایه برای متخصصان اسکرام است. این دوره اصول کار در چارچوب اسکرام را آموزش می دهد و به شما این امکان را می دهد که در یک سازمان مبتنی بر اسکرام در موقعیت های رهبری در حرفه خود قرار بگیرید.
اسکرام در سراسر صنایع قابل اجرا است و گواهینامه CSM برای استادان اسکرام، مهندسان نرم افزار، تحلیلگران کسب و کار، مدیران پروژه و اعضای جدید تیم اسکرام توصیه می شود. هنگامی که گواهینامه CSM خود را به دست آوردید، می توانید به تکمیل گواهینامه های اضافی مانند گواهینامه Advance Certified Scrum Master بروید. هزینه های اولیه برای دوره های دریافت گواهینامه CSM از 400 دلار شروع می شود. برای حفظ جایگاه خود به عنوان یک حرفه ای دارای گواهینامه CSM، حداقل 20 واحد آموزشی اسکرام را هر دو سال یکبار تکمیل می کنید و  معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی 100 دلار هزینه تمدید می پردازید.
پیش نیاز بدون الزامات واجد شرایط بودن. باید آموزش دو روزه را تکمیل کند
هزینه از 400 دلار شروع می شود
مدت زمان 1 ساعت
تعداد سوال 50
نمره قبولی 74%
مطالب مرتبط: 15 گواهینامه اسکرام مستر برای بهبود رزومه و یادگیری مهارت ها
8. گواهی مدیر فروش
مدیر Salesforce یا مدیر Salesforce، حرفه ای است که به آموزش برنامه نویسی کودکان و نوجوانان  شرکت کمک می کند تا استفاده خود از پلت فرم مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری Salesforce (CRM) را بهینه کند. این آزمون شامل برنامه‌های کاربردی، ویژگی‌ها و عملکردهای Salesforce می‌شود که در اختیار کاربر ن معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی هایی قرار می‌گیرد، و گزینه‌های پیکربندی و مدیریتی را که برای یک سرپرست در سراسر ابرهای فروش، خدمات و همکاری در دسترس است، پوشش می‌دهد.
برای دریافت گواهینامه مدیر Salesforce، می توانید دوره ها و امتحانات تمرینی را در Trailhead، آکادمی آموزش آنلاین رایگان Salesforce تکمیل کنید. همچنین می‌توانید از راهنمای مطالعه Salesforce و سایر منابع برای آماده شدن برای امتحان پراکنده استفاده کنید. پس از قبولی در آزمون، گواهینامه مدیریت شما به مدت یک سال معتبر است. با تکمیل یک ماژول تعمیر و نگهداری از طریق حساب Trailhead خود می توانید آن را در بهار تمدید کنید.
پیش نیازها بدون نیاز به صلاحیت. حضور در دوره بسیار توصیه می شود و باید شش ماه یا بیشتر به عنوان مدیر فروش داشته باشد
هزینه 200 دلار
مدت زمان 105 دقیقه
تعداد سوال 105
نمره قبولی 65%
بیشتر بخوانید: نحوه دریافت گواهینامه مدیر فروش در 5 مرحله
9. گواهینامه IAT و IAT Level II
وزارت دفاع (DoD) ایالات متحده نیاز به گواهینامه های بسیاری برای کارمن معتبر ترین مدرک برنامه نویسی دان خود دارد. سه سطح گواهینامه های فنی تضمین اطلاعات یک دسته از گواهینامه های DoD 8570 را تشکیل می دهند.
سطح I: اولین سطح گواهینامه IAT برای کسانی است که تا پنج سال تجربه در زمینه امنیت پایه در سطح اداری مانند برنامه ها، شبکه ها و سیستم ها دارند. این صلاحیت تضمین اطلاعات محیط محاس The most valid programming certificate باتی را ایجاد
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skytechacademy · 2 months
Which is better Scrum Master or PMP?
Determining whether Scrum Master or PMP certification is better depends on various factors, including your career goals, the industry you work in, and the methodologies your organization adopts. Here's a comparison to help you decide:
Scrum Master Certification:
Focus: Scrum Master certification focuses specifically on the Scrum framework and agile principles. It emphasizes roles, events, artifacts, and the values that underpin the Scrum framework.
Applicability: Ideal for individuals working in software development or other industries that heavily rely on agile methodologies. Scrum Master certification demonstrates expertise in facilitating and optimizing the Scrum process, ensuring that teams adhere to Scrum practices and principles.
Responsibilities: Scrum Masters are responsible for coaching the team on agile practices, facilitating Scrum ceremonies, removing impediments, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Certifying Bodies: Certifications are typically offered by organizations such as Scrum Alliance (Certified ScrumMaster - CSM) and Scrum.org (Professional Scrum Master - PSM).
PMP Certification:
Focus: Project Management Professional (PMP) certification covers a broader range of project management methodologies, including traditional waterfall as well as agile approaches.
Applicability: Suitable for project managers across different industries and project types, including both agile and traditional projects. PMP certification demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of project management principles, tools, and techniques.
Responsibilities: PMP-certified professionals are equipped to lead and manage projects from initiation to closure, employing best practices in project management, risk management, stakeholder management, and communication.
Certifying Body: Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), PMP certification is globally recognized and respected in the field of project management.
Considerations for Choosing:
Career Goals: If you aspire to specialize in agile project management and work closely with agile teams, Scrum Master certification may be more suitable. If your career goals involve leading and managing projects across various methodologies and industries, PMP certification could be the better choice.
Industry and Organizational Needs: Consider the methodologies prevalent in your industry and organization. If agile practices are widespread and valued, Scrum Master certification may be more beneficial. If your organization operates in sectors where traditional project management methodologies are prevalent, PMP certification might be preferred.
Versatility: PMP certification offers versatility by covering both agile and traditional project management approaches. If you anticipate working on projects with mixed methodologies or transitioning between different project types, PMP certification provides a broader skill set.
Ultimately, the "better" certification depends on your specific career trajectory, skill set, and the demands of your industry and organization. Some professionals even pursue both certifications to gain a comprehensive understanding of project management across agile and traditional frameworks.
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twiainsurancegroup · 2 months
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agileseventeen1 · 2 months
Unlocking Success with Agile Trainings in Dallas, Texas
In the fast-paced world of business, agility is key to staying ahead of the curve. Organizations in Dallas, Texas, are embracing Agile methodologies to enhance productivity, Agile Trainings in Dallas Tx foster innovation, and deliver exceptional results. Agile trainings have become indispensable for companies looking to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Let's delve into why Agile trainings in Dallas, Texas, are essential for business success.
What is Agile?
Agile is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It enables teams to adapt quickly to changing requirements and customer feedback, resulting in faster delivery of high-quality products and services. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, are widely adopted across industries for their effectiveness in driving success.
The Benefits of Agile Trainings
Enhanced Productivity: Agile methodologies promote efficient teamwork, transparent communication, and iterative development, leading to increased productivity and faster time-to-market for products and services.
Improved Quality: By focusing on delivering value in short iterations, Agile teams can identify and address issues early, resulting in higher-quality deliverables and customer satisfaction.
Adaptability: In today's dynamic business environment, the ability to adapt quickly is crucial. Agile empowers teams to respond rapidly to changes, market trends, and customer needs, ensuring business resilience and competitiveness.
Customer-Centric Approach: Agile places a strong emphasis on understanding and prioritizing customer requirements. By involving customers throughout the development process, organizations can deliver solutions that truly meet their needs and expectations.
Continuous Learning: Agile fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Through feedback loops, retrospectives, and knowledge sharing, teams can continuously enhance their skills, processes, and outcomes.
Agile Trainings in Dallas, Texas
Dallas, Texas, is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, with businesses across various sectors embracing Agile methodologies to drive growth and success. Agile trainings in Dallas offer comprehensive programs designed to equip professionals with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to thrive in Agile environments. These trainings cover key Agile principles, practices, tools, and techniques, including:
Scrum Master Certification
Agile Project Management
Kanban Methodology
Lean Agile Principles
Agile Coaching and Leadership
Leading training providers in Dallas, such as Agile Seventeen, offer customized training solutions tailored to the unique needs and goals of organizations. Whether you're a software development team, a marketing department, or a business leadership team, Agile trainings in Dallas can empower you to drive innovation, collaboration, and success.
Why Choose Agile Seventeen?
Agile Seventeen is a trusted provider of Agile trainings in Dallas, Texas, with a proven track record of helping organizations transform their processes and achieve remarkable results. Here's why businesses choose Agile Seventeen for their Agile training needs:
Expert Trainers: Agile Seventeen's trainers are experienced Agile practitioners with real-world expertise in implementing Agile methodologies across industries.
Interactive Learning: The training programs at Agile Seventeen are highly interactive, engaging participants through hands-on activities, simulations, and case studies.
Customized Solutions: Agile Seventeen understands that every organization is unique. They offer customized training solutions tailored to your industry, team structure, and business objectives.
Certifications: Agile Seventeen provides internationally recognized Agile certifications, including Scrum Alliance certifications, ensuring that participants gain valuable credentials and recognition in the Agile community.
Ongoing Support: The support doesn't end with the training. Agile Seventeen offers post-training support, coaching, and resources to help teams apply Agile principles effectively in their work environment.
Agile trainings in Dallas, Texas, are more than just a trend—they are a strategic investment in driving business agility, innovation, and success. Whether you're a seasoned Agile practitioner or new to Agile methodologies, continuous learning and training are key to unlocking your team's full potential and achieving sustainable growth in today's dynamic market landscape.
Take the first step towards Agile excellence with Agile Seventeen's comprehensive training programs in Dallas, Agile Trainings in Dallas Tx  Texas. Embrace agility, transform your processes, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement and success.
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zoctech23 · 2 months
CSM - Certified Scrum Master | ZOC Learnings | Get Certified in CSM with Zoc Learnings
In this video, we'll discuss everything you need to know about the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certification. We'll cover what CSM is, who should get certified, the benefits of CSM certification, and how to become a certified Scrum Master. Scrum, an Agile methodology, has been gaining traction in the business world for its ability to foster innovation and increase efficiency. A high-performing Scrum team is essential to an Agile project’s success, and the Scrum Master is the person in charge of leading the project in the right direction. The Certified Scrum Master® (CSM®) training gives you the confidence to successfully deploy the Scrum methodology in businesses. As a Certified Scrum Master, you will be recognized as part of a select group of Scrum Alliance members. Scrum Alliance members are supposed to be Scrum experts, coaching project teams to success.
𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 CSM 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗭𝗼𝗰 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: https://zoctech.com/courses/csm-certification/
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alephglobalscrumteam · 3 months
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📢 Level Up Your Agile Game with Certifications: Which Fits You? The world of Agile is vast! Want to stand out with recognized credentials? But with options like Scaled Agile, Scrum Alliance, and more, where do you begin❓ 👩🏫 Consider your goals: 🔹 Scrum...
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aaronvelly456 · 3 months
Refine Your Expertise with Project Management Courses: Your Path to Certification
In today's fast-paced corporate climate, competent project management is the key to success. Whether you're an experienced project manager looking to improve your skills or an aspiring professional looking to get into the field, investing in project management courses can be a game changer for your career. These courses not only provide you with significant knowledge and practices, but also lay the groundwork for achieving prestigious project management certification.
Why Opt for Project Management Courses?
Skill Refinement: Project management courses provide a comprehensive immersion into diverse methodologies, tools, and strategies crucial for proficient project oversight. Covering a wide array of topics from agile methodologies to risk management tactics, these courses are tailored to meet the evolving demands of contemporary project landscapes.
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Competitive Edge: In today's fiercely competitive job market, possessing specialized skills can distinguish you from the crowd. By enrolling in project management courses, you showcase your dedication to professional growth and emerge as a prized asset to employers in search of adept project managers.
Career Advancement: Whether you aspire for a promotion within your current role or seek fresh opportunities, project management certification can significantly elevate your career prospects. Employers often prioritize candidates holding esteemed certifications like the Project Management Professional (PMP)® or Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)®, recognizing them as authoritative figures in the field.
Networking Avenues: Project management courses serve as fertile ground for networking with industry professionals, mentors, and peers. These connections can foster new collaborations, unearth job prospects, and provide invaluable insights, enriching your journey towards professional growth.
Selecting the Ideal Project Management Course
When deliberating on a project management course, several pivotal factors warrant consideration:
Accreditation: Ensure the course holds accreditation from reputable bodies such as the Project Management Institute (PMI)® or the Scrum Alliance, guaranteeing adherence to industry benchmarks and global recognition.
Curriculum: Thoroughly evaluate the course syllabus to confirm alignment with your career aspirations. Look for courses striking a balance between theoretical frameworks and practical applications to optimize your learning experience.
Delivery Method: Tailor your choice of course format to your preferred learning style, whether it's conventional classroom settings, online modules, or blended learning approaches, ensuring compatibility with your schedule and preferences.
Instructor Credentials: Assess the qualifications and real-world experience of course instructors. Seasoned professionals bring invaluable insights and guidance, enriching your educational journey.
Pursuing Project Management Certification
Upon course completion, seize the opportunity to pursue project management certification exams such as the PMP® or Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®. These certifications validate your proficiency in project management methodologies, positioning you as a highly sought-after candidate in the job market.
While preparing for certification exams demands additional dedication and practice, the ensuing rewards far outweigh the effort. Project management certification not only enhances your professional credibility but also unlocks doors to lucrative roles and leadership opportunities within organizations.
In Conclusion
Project management courses serve as a conduit for acquiring the requisite knowledge, skills, and certifications to thrive in today's cutthroat business landscape. Whether you're seeking career advancement or embarking on a new professional journey, investing in project management education constitutes a strategic step towards success. Embrace the opportunity to enroll in a course today and unleash your full potential in the realm of project management
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wamatechblog · 3 months
Unlocking Success: Key Strategies for Web App Development Company Growth
In today's digital age, web app development companies are at the forefront of innovation, driving the evolution of online experiences. With the proliferation of Web 2.0 technologies, the landscape for web app development has become more dynamic and competitive than ever before. To thrive in this environment, it's crucial for development firms to adopt strategic approaches that fuel growth and propel them ahead of the curve.
In this blog post, we'll explore some key strategies that web app development companies can implement to unlock success and achieve sustainable growth in the ever-changing digital ecosystem.
Embrace Agile Methodology:
In the fast-paced world of web development, agility is paramount. Adopting Agile methodologies allows development teams to respond swiftly to changing requirements, iterate efficiently, and deliver high-quality products within shorter time frames. By embracing Agile practices such as Scrum or Kanban, web app development companies can enhance collaboration, increase productivity, and adapt to evolving client needs with ease.
Focus on User-Centric Design:
User experience (UX) lies at the heart of successful web applications. To stand out in a crowded market, development companies must prioritize user-centric design principles. Conducting thorough user research, creating intuitive interfaces, and optimizing usability are essential steps towards crafting compelling web apps that resonate with target audiences. By placing users at the forefront of the design process, companies can cultivate loyalty, drive engagement, and differentiate themselves from competitors.
Leverage Emerging Technologies:
Innovation drives progress in the field of web app development. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and progressive web apps enables companies to stay ahead of industry trends and deliver cutting-edge solutions to clients. By harnessing the power of these technologies, development firms can enhance functionality, streamline processes, and offer unique value propositions that captivate audiences and drive growth.
Cultivate Strategic Partnerships:
Collaboration is key to success in the digital ecosystem. Establishing strategic partnerships with complementary businesses, technology providers, or industry influencers can open doors to new opportunities and expand the reach of web app development companies. Whether through joint ventures, co-marketing initiatives, or integration partnerships, forging meaningful alliances can accelerate growth, foster innovation, and amplify the impact of development efforts in the market.
Invest in Continuous Learning and Development:
The landscape of web development is constantly evolving, with new tools, frameworks, and best practices emerging regularly. To stay competitive, development companies must prioritize continuous learning and professional development initiatives for their teams. Investing in training programs, certifications, and skill enhancement workshops not only empowers employees with the latest knowledge and expertise but also cultivates a culture of innovation, creativity, and excellence within the organization.
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learnovative · 1 month
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) | CSPO Training | CSPO Course | CSPO Training In Hyderabad | Learnovative
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO®) is a certification from Scrum Alliance. Learnovative provides you 2 day CSPO training through which you’ll become certified. If you’re someone who is passionate about product development and product management, the Certified Scrum Product Owner® course helps you to learn the skills for becoming a great Product Owner.
Ring us on: 99499 94949
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raphael-moutot-blog · 3 months
Don't get left behind: AI Tools for the modern agile professional.
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Dear all, I would like to recommend the following course AI & Agility: Comprehensive Introduction as a good and soft introduction to understand what it means to leverage on AI Tools to boost your professional journey and the context behind it. Thanks for Nathaniel from my network who shared this last week, hence appeared on my feed and definitely Snehal Talati & Scrum Alliance for the content of the course. This only request 2,5/3 hours of your time (2,5 SEUs), however it is for me such an interesting discovery. 
As we've all encountered AI in some form – chatbots, recommended choices, or customized feeds based on cookies, browsing history, and profiles. But this course opened my eyes to AI as a tool to supercharge our work. Being a Change Agent myself, I believe every digital specialist, agilist, and professional navigating the VUCA world has a responsibility to explore these readily available tools.
More than tooling, I believe it is actually a new mindset that need to be enabled: I am myself yet convinced about the few examples given in the course which allow to look at AI generated solutions based on how would you feed your AI Tool.. Guess what? This is the a part every discovery journey, being uncomfortable about a new solution, trying to figure out new vocabulary and context as long as how to leverage on it... To make the best use of it, the course introduce how to leverage on the CARE framework (Collaborative goals, Adding context, Real-World Application, Expected-Outcome). 
Basically you will learn how to formulate your request properly to your AI tool (or AI copilot), to be able to evaluate an AI generated solution on your given problem. We are dealing here with team management issues, team performance, asking to spot what would be the best backlog item to focus on knowing the past and current data, asking your tool some tips or alternatives to facilitate meetings that are not reaching the outcome expected..  this is a total new world to me!
What is in for me? (in this course)
Here is what you can expect in this short course: 
Reminder / introduction about Agile evolution and the groundwork for AI integration, including Manifesto history and AI brief history.
Practices leveraging on AI.
Trends of AI in Agile.
List of AI tools.
AI & Agility Glossary.
As I am not sure how many of you will enrol the course, I still would like everyone to leverage on the tools introduced along the learning. While I am also processing all the vocabulary and how to build my own "How to leverage on AI generated tool" mindset, would like to ensure I keep this knowledge accessible for my own and for all, hence this article.
Please note that the following links and descriptions are a direct extract from the course, all credits going to Snehal Talati & Scrum Alliance. Again I encourage everyone to go through the course to understand why the following tools have been recommended and the context. 
ChatGPT by OpenAI
ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art language processing AI tool. It's built on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, enabling it to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. This technology is significant for its wide range of applications, from composing emails to coding assistance, and it has been pivotal in advancing natural language understanding and generation. It serves as an exemplary resource for those interested in AI language models and their practical applications in various sectors.
Claude AI by Anthropic
Claude AI, created by Anthropic, is an advanced conversational AI designed to assist in a variety of text-based interactions. It's part of a new wave of AI technologies focusing on natural language understanding and generation. While specific capabilities and applications might vary, Claude AI likely offers solutions for content creation, data analysis, and enhanced user interaction. Anthropic's approach to AI development emphasizes safety and interpretability, making Claude a significant player in the field of responsible AI.
Hugging Face is an open-source company devoted to developing machine-learning-focused collaboration. They have models, datasets, services, and more that help people integrate AI responsibly into products and workflows. Their mission says that they are working “to democratize good machine learning, one commit at a time.”
Drawify is an online platform that provides users with a unique and interactive way to create visual content. It's particularly useful for those looking to enhance their presentations, educational materials, or digital storytelling with engaging visuals. The website offers a range of tools and resources to help users easily create custom illustrations and diagrams, making it a valuable resource for educators, business professionals, and creative individuals. Another visual content creation AI tool includes Midjourney.
Save time on repetitive tasks! Spinach is your AI project manager. Spinach joins meetings, takes notes and captures actions in your existing tools to help you ship faster. Spinach is free for unlimited meetings and users (yes, really!). It takes instant meeting notes so you can stay more engaged, turns any action item into a ticket, remembers what was decided and integrates into your existing tools: "We take notes so you can listen."
Get inspired with Collaborative AI! Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Be more proactive, innovative, and productive by using AI to generate ideas, uncover key themes, and rapidly summarize your working sessions. Need a prompt to spark your team’s creativity? Kick off a brainstorming session or project with Collaborative AI. Enter relevant keywords or phrases into the text box, click generate, and watch as AI automatically populates related ideas on your Lucidspark canvas as sticky notes. Go a step further by using AI to uncover key themes. When you click to sort ideas, Lucid’s Collaborative AI moves sticky notes into categories within Containers. That’s where you’ll start to see the big picture as your ideas take shape. Give it a try!
Rewind is a personalized AI powered by everything you've seen, said, or heard. Install it and it will run in the background capturing your screen and audio. Rewind stores your data locally so only you have access. You can rewind meetings to be sure you've taken in key points, draft emails, and overcome your mind's limitations by saving hours each week.
Built on ChatGPT, DALL-E3 brings your words to visual life, creating images based on your prompts. If you like a particular image, but it's not quite right, you can ask ChatGPT to make tweaks with just a few words. From a simple sentence to a detailed paragraph, watch your words come to life.
Created by Google, NotebookLM is a large language personalized AI that works as a virtual research assistant to bring your research together. When you upload the documents that are central to your projects, it instantly becomes an expert in the information that matters most to you; it's grounded in the information you trust. It moves you more quickly from information to insight, from reading, to asking questions, to writing. You're in control, with no personal data used to train NotebookLM, and any private or sensitive information will stay protected.
Janitor AI
Janitor AI is a groundbreaking role-playing chatbot website. The platform offers a wide range of character options to give users the freedom to engage in conversations with virtual personas of their choice. It's invaluable for business owners seeking to streamline client interactions and deliver prompt replies. Key features include multi-age interaction, rapid responses, character options, clean API, and automated assistance.
Character AI
Character AI is in beta testing (1/2024); it lets you create characters and talk to them. Characters can be anything--the breakthrough AI lets your imagination run free and bring all your ideas to life. Users can save and share their characters in the community so that everyone can talk to Socrates, Steve Jobs, or engage with alternate timelines.
CapCut is a free, all-in-one video editor with flexible editing, magical AI tools, team collaboration, and stock assets. Their smart tools make your video creation easier, from removing the background to AI color correction or colorizer to resizing your video. Also included are tools to automatically recognize different language and generate high-accuracy captions.
Merci / Thanks for reading, I hope this help.
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projectmanagement123 · 3 months
Strategic Approaches to Agile Leadership: Earning 60 PDUs for PMP Renewal
Mastering Agile leadership has become critical in complex ways, fostering innovation that will enable organizations to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving business environment. Agile leaders must continually refine their skills learn best practices and effectively lead teams and projects. One of the most valuable ways to do this is to obtain Professional Development Units (PDUs), especially for those with Project Management Professional (PMP) certification who want a PMP Renewal PDU In this blog post, we will discuss how 60 get the benefits story PDUs for Agile leadership. We will explore strategies, and enhance their leadership capabilities.
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Understanding PDUs and PMP Renewal:
Before we delve into the processes, let’s clarify what PDUs are and their importance for Agile leaders, especially those with PMP certification. PDU is a measure used by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to determine the amount of time spent on project management related to professional development activities PDU obtaining and reporting is important for PMP-certified holders to maintain their certification by On the PMP renewal PDU.
Strategies for Earning 60 PDUs as an Agile Leader:
1. Attend seminars and impromptu workshops:
Accelerated meetings and workshops provide valuable opportunities to learn from industry experts, network with peers, and gain insights into emerging products and trends. Look for conferences that specifically focus on agile leadership, such as the Agile Leadership Summit, Scrum Gathering, or PMI’s Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) conference.
2. Enroll in agile training courses:
Invest in a customized Agile training course to enhance your understanding of Agile methodologies, processes, and leadership principles. Look for courses accredited by PMI or other reputable organizations, such as Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), or advanced SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) certification.
3. Join active communities and events:
Interact with the Agile community online and offline and in various forums to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate with fellow Agile professionals. Participating in forums like the Agile Alliance, Scrum.org, or PMI’s Agile Community of Practice can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.
4. Read quick books:
Continue to expand your knowledge by reading books, articles, and blogs on Agile leadership, project management, and related topics. Look for books written by prominent Agile thought leaders and practitioners to stay up to date with the latest developments and best practices in the industry.
5. Volunteer for Agile Initiatives:
Participate in Agile-related projects in your organization or community, such as leading Agile transformation efforts, training Agile teams, or organizing Agile workshops. Volunteering not only helps your career growth but also shows your commitment to the Agile community.
6. Do your own study and research:
Take time to educate yourself and research to find specific areas of interest or fill knowledge gaps in Agile leadership. Use online resources, webinars, podcasts, and learning journals to deepen your understanding and stay current on relevant topics.
7. List and report your PDUs:
Maintain detailed records of PDUs generated from activities, ensuring compliance with PMI’s PDU reporting requirements. Use PMI’s online Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) system to accurately report your PDUs and track your progress toward PMP renewal.
Mastering agile leadership is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, learning, and change. By providing access to PDU 60 through activities aligned with Agile leadership development, you will not only be able to maintain your PMP certification through new PMP PDUs but also enhance your leadership skills, for organizational agility, and provide more value for your teams and stakeholders. Embrace the mindset of lifelong learning and take every opportunity to grow as an agile leader in today’s dynamic business environment.
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