#Sebulba's Pod Racer
ankela · 1 year
realized that i haven't watched anything star wars related since 2020 (probably) and that i forgot how lightsabers sound. damn
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thedarthray · 3 months
Episode I Pod Racers by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Star Wars Episode I Anakin's and Sebulba's Pod Racers Back: Jazwares - Micro Galaxy Squadron & Galoob - Action Fleet Front: Galoob - Micro Machines & "Pod Racer Pack"
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tennessoui · 1 year
fact: u are an incredible writer with a fantastic sense of humour
fact: in tpm, there are hundreds of people in the stadium at the podrace, and when anakin wins, not only is he surrounded by a cheering crowd but shmi explicitly says ‘you have brought hope to those who have none. in aotc, in the background of the club obi wan takes a shot in after anakin states he loves him, they show a shot of podracing playing on the tv, meaning this is an intergalactically broadcast sport
fact: in legends canon, anakin’s podracing rival, sebulba, is a touring celebrity with a manager
theory: anakin is a child star
extrapolation: not only is there probably merch, but spoogling himself has gotta be traumatizing for anakin (or maybe gleeful if there are shippers)
(joke theory: due to hayden christensens undrawable face, he is the tony hawk of minor podracing sports stars)
LOL no this is SO funny like just imagine like he races mostly under Ani instead of Anakin and that’s why obi-wan never calls him Ani because he’s noticed whenever he does, they get a lot more attention from the people around them and obi-wan loves attention but this is attention focused on his baby padawan which he Does Not Love so he just calls him Anakin and when anakin and Padmé go out to the lower levels she calls him Ani and he’s like shhh no shut up shhh because people are already looking over to see if Ani the Podracer is with them
(That’s why all the people look at him in the club in aotc — obi-wan assumes this is because he’s very attractive and makes the mistake of telling the council this when they want anakin to do an undercover stealth mission:
Obi-Wan: No no anakin is not a good choice for this mission
Anakin: >:0 are you saying I’m not stealthy ?? Does master not BELIEVE in me??? >:0
Obi-Wan: no you’re just so incredibly attractive that wherever you go people take notice of your trim waist and strong jaw and pouty lips and flawless skin and roguish hair. ahem.
Anakin: yeah that’s because I’m a famous pod racer on the side s—wait you think I’m incredibly attractive?
The Jedi council: ok new mission obi-wan it involves you dying and it’ll be very cathartic for us personally
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starwarsbracket · 6 months
Speaking as Sebulba’s public relations specialist/lawyer/lover, my client will be looking into pressing charges for this unjust treatment, the litany of false allegations of misconduct which reflect poorly on my client’s character, and election fraud. Sebulba has never been anything but an upstanding citizen, pod racer, friend to many, and lover. See you in court!!!
You’re going to “press charges” against the New Republic Ministry of Communications and Culture?
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britney-rosberg06 · 2 months
put kimi antonelli in a pod racer and he'll absolutely destroy sebulba (this is my live blogging now)
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literally Kimi when he goes to his merc test next week
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the-real-countess · 6 months
Such a scam Sebulba is like one of the last racers you unlock in Podracer, you used all your money upgrading everyone else’s pod by the time you get him so you can’t even upgrade him really
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solarlotus · 2 years
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We rewatched The Phantom Menace last night and I tried to very objectively assess Anakin’s character, or rather his character flaws. We hear so much about how Anakin is full of existing character defects, such fear, anger etc. Watching TPM it’s pretty hard to see this. He’s a lovely kid, even more so considering his circumstances. 
Anakin is boastful to Padme, but I read this as he’s trying to impress her, given she’s beautiful, a straneger and he’s low station in life, plus he’s had a sudden sexual awakening! Even if he doesn’t understand that yet, he knows he likes her, even if he doesn’t know why. My son is almost the same age and is the same about a TV cake maker!
Anakin is generous, open, friendly and doesn’t show any fear until he’s in Coruscant and missing his mom in a strange environment. He shows no fear in inviting Qui Gon, Jar Jar and Padme home, he stands up to Sebulba when Jar Jar is is trouble, he has no hestitation in putting himself in harm’s way to help Qui Gon, he’s not afraid of the pod race. So this idea that Anakin is innately fearful I don’t buy. 
Anakin finds it hard to leave his mom as he loves her, this is the most normal thing in the world, most kids would be considerably more upset. I also think given he’s only 9, he does pretty well with the council, 12 adult strangers testing him, he has no parents with him, no experience of anything other than life as a slave on Tatooine. Of course he fears for his mom, they left her in slavery. It would be more worrying if he didn’t miss her. 
I think this is an example of the Jedi confusing not being attached with not having normal emotions, it’s part of the Jedi’s fall from grace and their undoing. They fail to recognise they have drifted into lack of emotion and coldness, rather than compassion without attachment. Anakin’s view on this is clear in AOTC. 
So, they took a sweet, kind boy, who wasn’t riddled with fear and hatred and ended up with AOTC Anakin, who the moment he’s let loose breaks every Jedi rule going and ends up having a murder sprey and getting married. WTF did they do to him in those 10 years?
I do think he’d have been a lot better off with movie Qui Gon, I love Obi Wan, but he was too young and too attached to the code to give Anakin the leeway he needed and too inexperienced in life outside the temple to understand how normal people live and feel. I think Obi Wan is at his best when he loves, when he loves Anakin, Luke and Leia and I think Anakin was great for him, but Anakin needed to be allowed to love and miss his mother. I think Qui Gon would have rescued her, we (my husband and I) think that Qui Gon was getting his feet under the table and quite fancied Shmi anyway! We think he probably has a woman in every port (which Obi Wan disapproves of). 
Anyway, I suppose my rambling is basically wtf did the Jedi do to poor little Anakin? I think my empathy for him is increased as he looks more than a bit like my boy and has that chatterbox mischief about him. Anakin of TPM should have been an engineer and racer, he’d have been brilliant. The Jedi is a monastic order he was totally unsuitable for and nobody except Qui Gon was prepared to bend for Anakin. And Qui Gon’s motivation wasn’t to rescue Anakin for his own good, but because he believed he was the Chosen One, if he was acting in Anakin’s interests he wouldn’t have pushed him to the order. 
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lilisloverboys · 1 month
“That was terrifying,” I breathe out, my fingers twitching where only I know they are, a pin holding Sebulba’s engine together slowly falling out. It catches fire.
“Oh gods- look,” I point as the crowd notices Sebulba’s pod ablaze.
"Oh shit..." Cody scoots closer to the edge of his seat, "They better stay away from it- I studied those pods. With all the fuel they got in those things and the booster canisters it'll explode."
Anakin's eyes widen and he flips his helmet comm to the public racing channel, "VORA MOVE. IT'S GONNA BLOW!"
Woyen murmurs a curse to himself and quickly pulls away from Sebulba's pod, pushing ahead as it blows up completely.
Anakin flies by a few seconds later, studying the explosion with wide eyes before bringing his focus back to the front with a shaky breath. He's good. All the others are fine. He has to keep moving.
Woyen crosses the finish line just before Anakin, the two of them quickly pulling to the side so other racers have room to slow to a stop.
Anakin leaps out of his pod and looks over at Woyen, ripping his helmet off, "YOU GOOD?"
"I- Yeah!" Woyen nods, turning to stare down the track at Sebulba's pod. That's absolutely a death. There's no way he could have survived that.
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ccjc2023 · 6 months
Unique Arcade Racing Games
When you go to an arcade, most of the time there's a good few racing games, whether that's the random bike game or car game, there's also guaranteed to be at least one racing game there.
However, unlike those common ones, there are some pretty unique ones, for example:
Star Wars Episode I: Racer:
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Released in 1999, Racer is a racing game that replicates the one scene from the Phantom Menace where Anakin races a pod racer to be freed from his owner and go with the Jedi.
The game has every single racer from the movie and also has the racing course from the movie as well, not only that, it also includes new races set on Tatooine and other various planets.
The game has a single-player mode, a tournament mode and even a multiplayer mode (however this did vary on different consoles), Jake Lloyd and Lewis MacLeod, the voices of Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba both voice their respected characters as well.
Mario Kart Arcade GP:
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Mario Kart Arcade GP, originally released in America on October 10th, 2005, and then later released on November 19 the same year, is a game created by the well known Japanese company Bandai Namco (at the time they were only known as Namco).
Mario Kart Arcade GP, while representing any old racing game, has it's own host of characters, even guest ones like PAC-Man, and includes item boxes from other Mario games.
There are a multitude of Arcade GP games as well, the first being in the one released on October 10th 2005, then later on there was Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 which was released on March 14 2007, after that there's Mario Kart Arcade GP DX which was released on July 25 2013. Finally, there was the relatively new Mario Kart Arcade GP VR released on July 14 2017.
Both of these games are obviously branded games but both share their representations to their movie/game.
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altcntrlmp · 6 months
Star Wars Racer Arcade
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Racer Arcade features four tracks: Tatooine Bantha Tracks (Easy), Etti IV Smuggler's Cove (Normal), Malastare Pixelito Challenge (Hard), which has four laps, and Tatooine Boonta Eve Classic (Expert), which has three laps. Four Podracer pilots are playable: Anakin Skywalker, Ben Quadinaros, Gasgano and Sebulba. 
The player controls the podracer via two handheld throttle controls, similar to how pods are controlled in the film. Unlike the home console video game Star Wars Episode I: Racer, the player's podracer is indestructible, although it can suffer slowdown from collision damage, and it is possible, yet difficult, to destroy opposing podracers.
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starrymused · 7 months
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Anakin Skywalker was a human male born on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine. He later served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight, and later the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Skywalker was believed to be the one known as "The Chosen One" of Jedi prophecy, destined to bring balance to the Force. After the Battle of Geonosis, Skywalker secretly married the Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala.
Towards the end of the war, Anakin was blessed with the news of pending fatherhood when Padmé announced she was carrying their first child (unbeknownst to them, it was twins). This joy became sorrow when he became plagued with nightmares of his wife's demise in childbirth. Haunted by the memory of his mother's death by Tusken Raiders along with his desire to protect those he loved, he became privy to Darth Sidious's manipulation and ultimately fell to the Dark Side of the Force. He went on to become the epitome of darkness and fear for decades as Emperor Palpatine's enforcer, until his final redemption by his son Luke Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker was the son of Shmi Skywalker and a slave on the planet Tatooine to the male Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker, Watto. Upon the discovery that Anakin had no birth father, and after a midi-chlorian count, Qui-Gon Jinn reassured those around him, including the Jedi Council, that this boy was the chosen one. The chosen one was part of a Jedi prophecy that foretold of a being that would be sent to return balance to the force.
Qui-Gon had landed on Tatooine in a damaged ship seeking repairs, and could see the power in the force-sensitive boy through his superb problem solving and mechanical skills; the young Anakin had built the droid C-3P0 as well as salvaged his own pod racer. Qui-Gon asked if Anakin was aware of his abilities and Anakin confirmed that he could sense things before they happened, leading Qui-Gon to believe he could train the boy. Qui-Gon struck a bargain with Watto, wagering that if Anakin won the next podrace, he would be granted his freedom and the parts needed to fix his ship.
Anakin's most formidable opponent in the pod races was a male Dug named Sebulba, whom, fearing the young Skywalker, sabotaged his pod before the races began. Anakin received his first training from Qui-Gon moments before the race — sensing the conflict in the young boy, Qui-Gon reassured the young Anakin to trust his instincts and to feel, not think. Unfortunately, Sebulba's sabotage proved successful at the beginning of the race. However, he turned the tide of the race with his keen problem solving skills. After dramatically winning the race in the final seconds, Anakin was informed that Qui-Gon could not free Shmi, and was further told by Qui-Gon that he would be trained as a Jedi Knight. Anakin left his mother and went with Qui-Gon to his now repaired ship.
As they approached the ship, Darth Maul revealed himself to Qui-Gon. Anakin was told to run to the ship for his safety. Upon boarding the ship, he met his soon-to-be master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Qui-Gon survived the encounter with Maul, and the crew made their way to Coruscant. Yoda did not approve of Qui-Gon training Anakin, but this did not stop Qui-Gon, who vowed to train the boy himself. After Senator Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor, Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Obi-Wan escorted Queen Amidala safely to Naboo. Anakin followed them to the point where Darth Maul intervened, at which point Qui-Gon commanded Anakin to stay put.
After a series of events, Qui-Gon was killed at the hands of Darth Maul and Anakin becomes the padawan of Obi-Wan who takes it upon himself to train the boy despite it being an unexpected and abrupt responsibility placed on his shoulders.
Anakin is extraordinarily gifted in the use of the Force. His midi-chlorian count, the microscopic lifeforms that bind all living things to the Force, exceeded even that of Jedi Grand Master Yoda's. Aside from the Father, he was the only known entity in the galaxy that could stand against both the Son and the Daughter on the planet Mortis. For his age and level of experience, Anakin was also an incredibly skilled duelist. His piloting ability was unparalleled amongst the Jedi of the time.
Unfortunately, Anakin was never able to master his emotions or adhere entirely to the Jedi Code. Perhaps because of his troubled young life and late acceptance into the Jedi for training, Anakin was prone to outbursts and rash decisions. He often missed his mother, often having visions and nightmares of her. Anakin would eventually travel to Tattooine to find her, slaughtering Tusken Raiders without mercy after watching her die as a prisoner of the infamous sandpeople.
His quick mastery of Force abilities also made him arrogant. While his abilities made him an incredibly powerful Jedi able to stand beside Jedi Masters much older and more experienced than he, his inability to let go of his emotions and those he loved would inevitably lead to his fall before taking the mantle of the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
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thedarthray · 2 years
Galoob - Action Fleet Pod Racers by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Galoob - Star Wars Action Fleet Episode 1 Pod Racers Anakin's Pod Racer, Gasgano's Pod Racer, Ody Mandrell's Pod Racer, Sebulba's Pod Racer, and Mars Guo's Pod Racer
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Mos Espa marketplace - Tatooine (Star Wars)
Mos Espa was a vast shopping area located in the city of Mos Espa, a spaceport on the sun-scorched planet Tatooine. There were various stalls selling meat, fruits and drinks.
The market was divided into several quarters, serving the local inhabitants while others housed engines, droid repairers and illegal weapon dealers.
Among the food shops were the following:
Gragra's gorgmonger booth - Gragra was a female Swokes Swokes gorgmonger her grew her food in a sewer zone underneath Mos Espa. She sold Gorgs known as chubas which were small amphibians that could be found on several planets. They were a popular food on Tatooine, either dried, fricasseed or roasted.
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Akim's Munch - This was a street cafe serving undercooked and stringy food. Regulars like Sebulba the pod racer went there all the time.
Jira - Jira was a poor, old woman who ran a fruit stand. She sold juicy fruits called pallies, these were sweet fruits grown underground on Tatooine. She used a cooling unit to keep her fruits fresh but when it broke Anakin Skywalker came to the rescue by giving her the money to replace it.
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darthkyber · 4 years
“Pod Racers while mostly used for sport are a Land Vehicle that could have very promising future with military application. For example, when once I was on the planet of Jakku following up on a very promising Lead in my search for the emperor that ended at a dead end, I rented for transportation a Pod Racer that had been modified to have a turret behind the drivers seat for a gunner to man. It came in handy when we had to flee raiders who were trying to capture us and as we escaped the full capabilities of this vehicle became manifest to me. So much so I purchased one for myself about a year later from a collector on Tattooine and made some modifications to it, adding a mine dropper, an astromech port, and forward cannons on the main thrusters. It’s proven to be quite a valuable part of my arsenal.” 
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
The Epic of Gilgamesh has sparked me into thinking about women in literature and storytelling, and how in some ways we are unusually misogynistic in the way we tell stories compared to...most of history
I've been reading the Foster translation of the epic, and it's striking how...not-antagonistic the text is toward women.
For one thing, a significant portion of the characters with important roles are female. Gilgamesh and Enkidu are obviously the important ones, and Utnapishtim to a degree, but we also have Inanna, Ninsun, Shamhat, Siduri, Utnapishtim's wife, and even Aruru, who gets credit here for being the supreme creator being.
I was surprised as well by how neutral the text is in portraying them. Shamhat, the 'harlot' ("sex worker" doesn't work here, because there are some spiritual/religious connotations here as well i think?), is...just a character. She isn't demonized, we aren't supposed to despise her. Siduri is just a weird lady running a tavern at the end of the world all alone. Ninsun, Gilgamesh's mother, is a source of wisdom and authority.
There are repeated occasions throughout the story where other characters seek out female characters because of their power and/or wisdom (e.g. Gilgamesh going to Ninsun for help interpreting his dreams, the gods summoning Aruru to create someone to oppose Gilgamesh). They're also actually allowed to speak in the story.
I remember being surprised by it when I read the Iliad that we actually got to hear Briseis speak, just as I was by how much talking women do in Shakespeare.
I think I expected less because the storytelling produced by the present day world around me set the bar so low.
In the Original and Prequel trilogies of Star Wars, there are, like, at most six female characters with speaking roles that I can remember (Leia, Padme, Mon Mothma, Zam Wessell, Beru Lars, and the decoy queen in The Phantom Menace whose name I can't remember). You probably don't even remember some of these, because they were not important at all. It's like if Dexter Jettster happened to be female.
That's just the thing, though, isn't it? Dexter Jettster is male. Chewbacca is male. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn are male. Sebulba, the pod-racer that explodes in Episode 1, is male, Jen Porkins is male, Greedo is male, Poggle the Lesser is male, Boss Nass is male, Salacious Crumb is male, Captain Panaka is male, even the droids are at least coded as male. There is no reason for it.
I don't know quite enough about Marvel to compare, and honestly haven't bothered with Marvel in a few years, but only one of the original Avengers is female, as well as only one of the original Guardians of the Galaxy, both were defined by their relationships to major male characters, and both died. The focus on the male characters is overwhelming. 
We're used to stories that barely have any female characters in them. The Lord of the Rings has what, three? four? women? Stories that actually have similar proportions of men and women receive backlash, as Scott Lynch did when Red Seas under Red Skies had "too many" women (it was still predominantly male!) Even books that are praised as "feminist" or appear to be focused on women neglect the actual presence of women. I only read the first two Throne of Glass novels, but I can only remember two female characters in it apart from the main character, and iirc both of them die. (It's not a 'feminist' series at all, but I digress.)
We're actually backsliding in some respects, if you ask me—in visual media, traditionally "unattractive" women are disappearing. Weird women are disappearing. "Strong Female Character" has become just another trope as restrictive as any of the other roles "allowed" for women. We see people looking backward at characters like Edna Mode as unusually human and well-represented when I'm not convinced that they were at the time.
And now the Epic of Gilgamesh seems unusually woman-focused and not-misogynistic. I wonder how we got here...
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lfranciszka · 4 years
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High Speed Revolution 
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