#Slam Jamiels
brainrockets · 9 months
The thing about Lou Wilson is that he ALWAYS commits 1000% to the bit. Like 99% of folks are gonna go down the wacky ham trail and be content when the bit janitor redirects them or dice Christmas gives them a natty 20 that will release them from the consequences but Lou simply stays the course. He will look you dead in the eyeballs and get MORE ham.
Live by the ham bit, die by the ham bit.
It's like a superpower.
I'd give examples but like he does it EVERY TIME.
Fabian, Pinnochio, Amathar, Deli, Squawk, Eursulon etc. And now Slam.
And then the motherfucker moves from this place of such heightened absurdity and crashes right into your feelings like a wrecking ball and it's very fucking cool. Like yes, I am sobbing, no I can't explain why without a PowerPoint presentation or a domino meme.
Anyways, very talented guy.
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quaintly-quiet-queer · 6 months
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Candela Obscura (Aabria’s Version) exists within the Cram Daniel Multiverse, change my mind
Art credit: Dogfennel & Kent Davis
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lysspossum · 1 year
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I watched the IG live for the Worlds Beyond Number podcast last night, and have had this image in my head since then.
So here's Slam Jamiel, Basketball Spaniel.
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some-gay-from-nowhere · 9 months
I’m 10 mins into Space Cram: Reasonable Hoop Dreams and this already the the best thing I’ve heard in my entire life
I would kill or die for Slam Jamiels
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cordially-stupid · 1 year
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lunnessey · 9 months
what if the mysterious patron that granted them power to travel through time is runya mouf. why is he number 2 and not number 1? where is he in the future that no one's ever heard of him? why did their father not mention him once during the entire conversation about doing whatever nunya wanted to help him succeed! why do all siblings in the space cram universe have different last names!!!
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Have just been stuck in an endless loop of whispering to my self all day: Cram Daniel, Slam Jamiels, Clam Blamiel, Ram Samuels, Wham Flamiels, Damn Scramiel, Pam Pamuels, Ham Plamiel, Ma’am Thamuels, Yam Spamiels, Glam Scamuels, Gram Dramiel, Cam Gamiels Tram Shamiels, Quam Zamiel …
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mishapen-moth · 1 year
worlds beyond number is already so unhinged i love everything here
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slam-jamiel · 1 year
Craving a slam jamiel grand slamiel right about now
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the-mind-of-a-geek · 1 year
No context episode 0 Fireside Chat for Worlds Beyond Number (from someone who DOES NOY know how to draw at all (except for the face lines thing lol) please be kind)
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(And ignore the hands 😂)
Worlds Beyond Number is an epic D&D podcast by Brennan Lee Mulligan, Aabria Iyengar, Erika Ishii & Lou Wilson. Sign up to their Patreon to get a bunch of cool chaotic content right off the bat! If they get to 10,000 subscribers within 24 hours (there’s about 20 hours left as of writing!) Aabria has promised to do a chaotic one-shot where Brennan plays a chaotic Artificer/Bard/Warlock/basketball player with a dog named Slam Jamiel. Soo it needs to happen and it only costs you $5!
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deadhawke · 1 year
The WBN launch stream was so fun and I hope so very much we get Cram Daniels on the basketball court.
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captainpondlilly · 9 months
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Slam Jamiels by Lou Wilson
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whoopseydaisy · 9 months
“Death is a friend to me. We do supper club every Thursday. He makes me dinner and I serve him breakfast.”
- Lou Wilson as Slam Jamiels in Space Cram: Reasonable Hoop Dreams Ep 01: “The Menlo County Summer League 3x3 Part 1”
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worldsbeyondpod · 9 months
Are you ready for Ep. 2 of SPACE CRAM dropping tomorrow?? Refresh your memory with Ep. 1, available ONLY to our Patreon subscribers. Cram Daniel, Slam Jamiels, and Clam Blamielle will be the only names you'll remember for the rest of the year.
Get ready to SLAM CRAM JAM here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-shot-space-1-88815922
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thesunlounge · 5 years
Reviews 247: Blair French
There is so much to the musical world of Blair French, with releases stretching back to the early 2000s and covering subdued modern classical (Through the Blinds); weirdo underwater ambient (Blkshrk); interstellar jazz, cosmic downtempo, and leftfield house (Cosmic Handshakes); film score and soundtrack work (Heidi Ewing’s and Rachel Grady’s Detropia); hazy club thumpers and ecstatic Afro bangers under his own name; and so much else besides…all built on foundations within Detroit’s storied hip-hop scene. But perhaps my favorite style covered by French is a sort of sun-kissed and tropically-tinged balearica, which he explored to great effect across the Sandbar Caviar 10” on Claremont 56 and as a part of Nois Land’s Big Kahanu 12” on his own Fat Finger Cosmic. Now in 2019, French continues building on these solar spells, island vibrations, and seaside incantations with the stunning Patio Pastels EP, released on NuNorthern Soul. Congas and bongos surf on rainbow energy waves while synthesizers evoke steel drums, mermaid breaths, new age flutes, and blue lagoon bubble clouds…all as the heart is carried away by vibrant funkbass movements and smooth fusion glides. Shakers suffuse the air, guitars glow and chime like ocean crystals, sampled orchestrations weave pastoral prog majesties, and best of all, hushed vocals wrap the heart in glowing pop atmospherics, including a radiant performance by Stephanie Leon that would make both Isabella Antena and Nanako Sato proud.
Blair French - Patio Pastels EP (NuNorthern Soul, 2019) “Patio Pastel” is centered on hand percussion tribalisms and marching kicks while sea-spray pads hover beneath Michael Jurczak’s acoustic guitar finger-picking. Ebulliant cymbal and shaker patterns bring the beat to a gallop and crystalline electric guitar arpeggiations join the swooning rhythmic sway…all while claps intermittently cut through layers of ethereal woodwind magic. Sometimes the beats drop out, leaving the mind and body afloat on sliding synth bass fluids and aquamarine drone hazes. And near the middle, we drop into a jungle drum ritual awash in propulsive disco and rainforest shaker humidity. Elsewhere, chittering clouds of static overly the ocean folk groove as echowave guitars and bouncing pop basslines dance towards the sun and there’s an ever increasing sense of energy, with dial tone space leads, massive drum fills, and zany synth runs leading to a sleepy-eyed “na na na” chorus that perfectly encapsulates the vibe of a balearic summer. Next is “La Playa de Terciopelo,” which starts with spring reverb clicks and machine rhythms built from pillow bass drums, subtle woodblocks, and sizzling cymbal shimmer. Warm synth chords flutter side-to-side as a romantic dub-pop dreamscape fades into being, carried by Stephanie Leon’s soul-melting vocals. Her breathy, charismatic, and exotic melodies are tracked by glistening steel drums while Jamiel Dado’s seaside funk guitars scratch out solar riff spells and at some point, writhing synth fluids blow through the air and bring with them a lush instrumental chorus with soaring brass fanfares that recall Broken Social Scene. And as the song comes to a close, ocean waves and intergalactic space ether wash the mix clean.
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Waves crash to shore in “Morning Sail” while fog horn drones overlay shakers and maracas. Electric piano meditations from Schuyler Campbell play off searing arcs of guitar fuzz as a twilit rhythm bubbles in, constructed from barely-there kick pulses and splashy hand drums while being backed by soulful electrofunk and boogie fusion bass runs. French colors the air in shades of dark blue, sea green, and glowing orange with an array of hazy pads while tambourines bring the rhythm into another soft gallop. And after piano leads sparkle like seafloor gemstones, the vibe changes dramatically, with delirium waves of distortion breaking the jam down into thumping bassline sexuality and island dance drum fever as sickly synth psychedelia drifts through the air. Then in “Lounsbury Gardens” a beautiful mellotron intro awash in pastoral prog majesty gives way to dreamy ocean exotica…as if the song is traveling across distances and decades, moving from UK in the 70s to Japan in the 80s. Indeed, the track is awash in city pop mesmerism and reminds me especially of Yuji Toriyama as well as the CBS/Sony Sound & Images Series (Pacific and The Aegean Sea most specifically), with Dado’s glistening guitar runs painting the sky in coral colorations over a samba-fusion groove. Loungey basslines run beneath rimshot and woodblock hypnotics while dub echoes float amidst string synth orchestrations and it all works towards an incredible guitar solo wherein waves of burning fuzz wash over the South Pacific glide, before giving way to hazy synth solos that evoke aquatic fantasy kingdoms.
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The stuttering groove of “Human Make Human” intermingles Italo future balearica and further Japanese beach fusion magic, as scraping wood textures and shuffling shakers surround slamming synthbass and kick drum circulations. Bell tones cascade through each ear, polychromatic bubble clouds float through the air, equatorial chords bring sundub atmospherics, and flutey percolations swim through heatwave hazes…all while breezy vocals lock into a repeated refrain of “inside of you”. During moments where the rhythms vaporize, clicking guitar riffs, floating steel drums, new age pads, jazz bass scats, and crowd chatter intertwine for spells of dreamwave ambiance. And as the song comes to a close, muscular drum syncopations support delay soaked guitar wonderment and slippery synth-bass magic. Closer “Belle Isle Sunsets” is heavily suffused with the sort of techno starscape feel Detroit is known for, reveling as it does in a heady mixture of intergalactic future jazz and seaside jungle ambient. Everything is smothered in a tropical night haze, with paranoid energies lurking within the skittering cymbal and hand drum patterns, laser noise sequences, and breakbeat kick pulsations. Deep house chords flow like universal breath, guitars from Ryan Spencer hit like beads of light, and neon-hued synth leads flow down from a starry sky while hushed vocals sing out and dust-caked claps crack through the air. Then, as the drums drop away, dramatic chord stabs, effusive shakers, and cerebral sequences join staccato bow strokes emanating from an underwater orchestra before it all moves into a dopamine smothered ambient house heartbeat.
(images from my personal copy)
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seniorbrief · 5 years
37 Hilarious Phrases Parents Say to Avoid Cursing in Front of Kids
Dean Drobot/Shutterstock
“Mrs. Andersen? We need to talk about your son’s new favorite word.” I’ll never forget that phone call from the preschool teacher of my adorable, cherub-cheeked four-year-old. Like many kids his age, my son had discovered a fun new word and wanted to use it all the time—and the fact that it got a major reaction from all the adults around him made it just that much better. The word? Motherf*****.
The day prior, I’d been bending over to tie his shoe when his older brother threw open the front door, nailing me right between the eyes with the metal doorknob. I’m not much of a curser but there’s nothing like pain so searing that you see stars (literally) to make a mom lose her, um, shiznits. I let out a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush. And of course, my kiddo remembered the best one.
When he got home that day, we had to have a long talk about appropriate language and I learned as much of a lesson as he did. If you don’t want to hear your toddler call their friend a “d*****bag” then you’d better not say it in front of him. As a parent, your creativity is one of your best skills—and we don’t just mean with Play-Doh. Here are some of our favorite swear-substitutes real parents use.
1. “My curse words come out sounding like a mix of Yosemite Sam, the Swedish Chef, and (before we knew what a horrible person he truly is) Bill Cosby, along the lines of Flootin’ frappin’ shligmen durnkin!” —Ted Williams
2. “I will call someone a ‘Richard’ as shorthand for ‘d*ck.’ My twins and several adult friends actually think my boss’s real name is Richard.” —Tracey Having a “creative vocabulary” is one of the 11 surprising signs you’ll make a great parent someday.
3. “The other day I dropped something in the kitchen and, because I could see my son watching me, I exclaimed, ‘Ugh, fork me!’. He thought it was so silly; I was glad it was safe.” —Kylie Larson
4. “Once, when I was opening a fizzy drink, it sprayed purple juice all over the bench top, the floor, the ceiling, and my clothes. ‘F…’ I started to say until I felt three sets of little eyes staring at me. I immediately changed it to ‘F… or coughs and colds take medicine!’ It was so funny that now we just use ‘for coughs and colds’ to express frustration.” —Nate Hamon
5. “Shut the f*** up used to be a part of my pre-kids vocabulary but now it’s ‘shut the front door!‘ which is way funnier anyhow.” —Amber Graves (Here’s why kids behave so much worse at home.)
6. “During the Great Lice Outbreak of 2015 (from which our household will forever be scarred), I discovered my new favorite phrase ‘holy cannoli!’ It replaced holy sh*t whenever I found another bug and it’s even better because it rhymes.” —Maryrose DeGroot
7. “My son once told friends from church that ‘my daddy says the F-word all the time at home.’ I had to quickly explain that I say ‘fart’ instead, and that’s what we call ‘the F word’!” —Tor Bailey
8. “‘The classic ‘fudge!‘ is my go-to for anything from stubbed toes, to an eggshell in the omelet, to a realization that I posted a comment on social media with a spelling mistake.” —Nate Hamon
9. “I’m from Minnesota and for whatever reason parents here always say ‘Uff da!’ I’m not sure if it’s from our Norwegian roots or even what word exactly it’s supposed to replace, but it always makes me smile.” —Kim DeBerge
10. “The c-word is the curse word I hate the most but if I ever have to say it, I spell it out with ‘see you next Tuesday.’ Adults know what I mean and young kids don’t even pick up it’s a bad word.” —Alison Hill (Have you read these hilarious texts gone wrong, from parents?
11. “As a foster mom, I’ve had quite a few kids that come with serious potty mouths, so I have a lot of practice with fake cursing. The one I probably use the most is ‘friggin!’ which I don’t love but it’s better than the real thing.” —Lisa Gunn
12. “Oh shnuck! It gets my kids laughing every time—mostly because it comes out like oh shhhhhhhhhnuck!” —Emily Tessman
13. “‘Fart knocker‘ is the one I use as a direct cuss at the kids. As in, ‘Stop fighting you little fart knockers!’ For emphasis, I’ll add frickin’. ‘Stop fighting you frickin’ little fart knockers!’” —Nate Hamon
14. “When I slammed my finger in the door, I yelled out ‘son of a… nutcracker!‘ Another favorite for when I hurt myself is ‘cheese and rice!‘” —Casey Wetjen
15. “I like to yell ‘shoot a monkey!’ when I drop things, break something, forget something. I have no idea where that came from but it works!” —Presley Salmon
16. “‘Shiitake mushrooms!‘ is apparently my go-to swear for when I’m in pain. Like, I’ve sliced my shin open on the dishwasher twice and both times I end up yelling about produce? We all know what word I was really thinking!” —Presley Salmon
17. “I like to say ‘well butter my bum!’ and ‘son of a biscuit!‘ I guess I like food curses!” —Jeni Svestka (Polite language is just one of the 17 forgotten manners parents should be teaching their children.)
18. “Clusterfluff. It has almost all the satisfaction of saying the original but it’s way more kid-friendly.” —Anda Teverzczuk
19. “I started out by using ‘hells bells‘ a lot and somehow it morphed into ‘hells bells and cockle shells’ which my kids mistakenly heard as ‘hells bells and taco shells‘ and so now I just yell ‘taco shells.’ Yep, it’s like playing ‘telephone’ but with cursing.” —Carlie Pehrson
20. “Sometimes I say ‘sugar dumplings‘ but, let’s be honest, I just straight up curse most of the time.” —Cheri Gould
21. “Some parents are so creative! In the heat of the moment, all I can think of is ‘curses!‘ Because I’m original like that.” —Shanae Briggs
22. “I go full-on sound effects. Like I say, ‘Are you (beep noise) kidding me?’ so that the part that is censored can be filled in by whatever curse word the listener imagines.” —Tor Bailey
23. “I say ‘shoot the dog!‘ when something goes unexpectedly wrong, like a house project or when the dryer breaks. Ironically, I only use it when I’m in a good mood.” —Rosalie Davis (Want more? Check out these 11 parents quotes that will have you dying with laughter.)
24. “My family loves to bowl and whenever I throw a gutter ball everyone waits for me to yell ‘the F-word.’ However, my ‘f-word’ is ‘fooey!’ Or is it ‘phooey?’ but that doesn’t start with F. Whatever, my curse word, my spelling!” —Shirley Jamiel
25. “Instead of ‘what the f***, I say, ‘What the monkey?’ It works even better because it’s so random it usually diffuses the situation.” —Tor Bailey
26. “I’m a big curser but when I don’t drop a real f-bomb, I go with ‘frack.‘ It works and there’s the potential for some interesting environmental conversations.” —Sarah Barak (Know a funny parent? Here are 17 of the best compliments you can give a parent.)
27. “My mother’s favorite swear word when I was growing up was ‘Christopher Columbus!‘ I didn’t realize how funny that was until I became a parent myself and said it.” —Janet Elise
28. “I say ‘darn‘ a lot. So when we moved to a new city and I got lost trying to figure out the GPS directions, I’d yell ‘darn!’ every few seconds. It got so much that my oldest just assumed that yelling ‘darn’ was just a part of driving, like turning on the blinker.” —Rosalie Davis
29. “I normally swear like a sailor. But there are some moments when even four-letter words aren’t enough to express my feelings. In those cases, ironically, I yell ‘ALL THE SWEARS!’. Which doesn’t technically have any curse words in it at all!” —Marste McDonald
30. “A colleague and I were brainstorming ideas for curse words you could say in front of her young kids at home. ‘Shootskis‘ was a favorite. So was ‘fahrfegnugen.’ The best part was though is everyone started saying them in the office too!” —Lara Wiz
31. “‘Sugar Honey Ice Tea!‘ is my favorite because it’s cute for kids but adults can quickly figure out it’s an acronym!” —Anne Poirier
32. “At three feet tall, my youngest is the perfect height to nail my very patient husband right in his tender parts. He yells ‘sunny beaches!’ or ‘fudgenuts!‘. Depending on how hard the hit was, there might be some real ones mixed in too!” —Marianne Farquhar
33. “My husband and I have four daughters so ‘oh my hell…o kitty‘ has come out of our mouths more than once!” —Nicole Westenskow
34. “‘Mother trucker!‘ is my favorite kid-safe curse word to use around my two young daughters.” —Jennie Berglund
35. “My grandmother used to say ‘god d*mnit’ quite frequently, until the grandkids came along. I grew up hearing her yell ‘God… bless America!‘ I always wondered why she sounded so angry about America.” —Adrianne McMahon
36. “I almost don’t want to admit I actually say this but here goes. ‘Oh my freakin’ heck!‘” —Kacy Moller
37. “If I want to curse and don’t want my kids to hear it, I just swear in German. ‘Schiesse‘ is my favorite. It means sh*t but sounds so much nicer!” —Jill Fairchild
And if you find you can’t stop cursing, don’t sweat it. Turns out swearing is one of the weird habits that means your smarter than everyone else.
Original Source -> 37 Hilarious Phrases Parents Say to Avoid Cursing in Front of Kids
source https://www.seniorbrief.com/37-hilarious-phrases-parents-say-to-avoid-cursing-in-front-of-kids/
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