#So now I've got to move it the 'serious consideration' stage lmao
antoncrane · 1 year
re the uncharted post: Sam Drake is your type :D
Damn it lol. I supposed the next question here is: If I read story round ups for the previous games, then can I jump straight into A Thief's End? :Ic
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bat-lings · 5 years
I recently saw a popular post where somebody was complaining that Dick going back to the bat-office after the NTT run ended was a set-back for his character, the main reason being that they turned him into "an emotionally constipated batman 2" and I was a bit confused by that. I'm not an expert on his character but from what I've read I actually feel by the time he got his own solo he seemed a lot more emotionally mature and open compared to his NTT days where he seemed way more guarded and cold
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I agree, Dick in Nightwing ‘96 reads considerably lighter and more emotionally balanced than during NTT’s early days. Boy was a tightass lmao. Emotional capability & openness is something he had to acquire and the Titans (especially Kory) helped him a lot in that process.
I understand the fans’ frustration given that Dick’s re-inclusion in the batbooks involved a disastrous handling of dickkory and cutting him off of the Titans for several years, but I don’t think it involved him backtracking on his development at all. Quite the contrary, in fact.
You make another very relevant point: writers’ personal interpretation aside, characters are portrayed differently in each book to serve the narrative’s purpose. Tim too is shown as more serious and “bat-like” in Titans (2003) compared to his portrayal in his solo. Same goes for Dick. Mh, not that I am the biggest fan of TT 2003 but I can get the intent behind some writing choices. Characters assume different roles depending on whether they’re with friends, teammates, family, or on their own. Of course it must be controlled lest the character feels too different or ooc the second he’s used in a different book, but in itself it’s pretty interesting.
Anyway no, I really don’t think Dick’s return in the batbooks involved a setback on his maturing & emotional development. It’s actually one thing DC managed to stay pretty consistent with.
This is Dick repressing feelings, pushing everyone away, and renouncing on the most basic communication at the cost of the team’s cohesion. For a bunch of issues (and we’re not even in crisis-mode, he just has a lot on his mind) he’s super distant to everyone and let them wonder what the hell is wrong.
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[The New Teen Titans (1980) #32]
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[The New Teen Titans (1980) Annual 2]
It’s not that he never does that anymore. Outsiders (2003) makes an entire story arc out of Dick failing as a leader due to his unhealthy way to cope after Donna’s death; he still goes back to repressing during hard times (Last Laugh’s aftermath for example) and he can still lash out terribly at loved ones.
But saying that Dick’s development was nullified by his returning to the batbooks is just not true.
This is Dick at the early stages of a relationship before his emotional maturing; vs Dick at the early stages of a relationship after emotional maturing. We literally went from him pushing his partner away when she’s trying to understand and fix what’s wrong, to him initiating a much needed discussion so that he & his partner can move on to build something.
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[The New Teen Titans (1980) #28 || Nightwing (1996) #38 & #39]
This is Dick in late 80’s aka before his reintegration in the batbooks, but after having done some growing. Sharing his state of mind simply and freely with Kory, and spontaneously reaching out to friends when he’s feeling like he needs to.
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[The New Teen Titans (1984) #39]
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[Action Comics (1938) #615]
And here’s Dick in various batbooks acting as the confidant & supporting figure we know so well; or simply being comfortable discussing the emotional/intimate stuff. I don’t think the writing went back on his development at all.
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[Batgirl (2000) #29]
I think a lot about Dick going “We all do” here. There’s no ‘we’— during Murderer/Fugitive, Dick was the only one to never have doubted Bruce. Not for a second. And the global narrative insisted so much on that that I have trouble believing the writer forgot it. Look how Dick conveniently skips on that detail in order to comfort Cass. He could’ve said anything from “all evidence were against him,” to “it’s not your fault”. But he chooses the one phrasing that’ll put him on Cass’ level, because right now details and who believed what are irrelevant. They have to work together to fix this mess, as family.
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[Robin (1993) #29, #61 & #68]
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[Nightwing (1996) #25]
He still has moments of emotional inadequacy where he’ll repress or act unhealthily, but overall he’s definitely more mature than during a good part of NTT. I see casualness as maturity here because there is no need nor benefit to make a fuss out of being open with each other— we’re far from “let me enjoy my bad moment/I won’t share my self doubts or vulnerability ever”. He’s definitely less guarded than before, which makes him more delicate with other people’s feelings too. Dunno if I’d say the other bats are all brooders, they have they lows and highs much like Dick, but he definitely assumed a supporting role in each of their lives that I don’t think he could’ve taken on before.
…Especially with the handful that was Damian lol.
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