#Star Trek dis
astralbondpro · 7 months
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Star Trek: Discovery // S02E08: If Memory Serves
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xfilesposterproject · 2 months
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It's been a while since I've had time to make one of these but I really loved today's newest Star Trek: Discovery (and the whole season so far) so I made time tonight.
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thatdykepunkslut · 2 months
I love that Star Trek: Discovery decided that capes will become a part of formal dress on Earth in 1000 years. They're so right for that, I can only hope that everyone wears capes in 1000 years.
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myenterpriseisparked · 11 months
Rank the Star Trek captains based on whether or not they're expert road trippers
Archer - He tries. So hard. He burns a CD mixtape to listen to and rents a huge RV that only kind of works. He plans out a bunch of stops but "leaves room in the schedule for unplanned adventures :)" and then proceeds to not follow the plan at all and everything goes wrong. Actually, now that I think about it, Archer on a roadtrip would probably just mostly be the plot of the movie "RV."
Pike - He lets Una plan the stops and he METICULOUSLY plans the food. He and Una take a survey about what all their crew wants to see along the way and try so hard to integrate them all into the trip. He plays LOTS of car games, like Eye Spy or that one game where you count animals on your side of the vehicle until you see a graveyard and have to start over or that other game where you describe a movie plot badly and everyone has to guess what it is. He lets Uhura control the music and Spock read the map and Ortegas drive. The plan for the trip goes off the rails, of course, but everyone ends up having a blast anyway. Overall a SOLID roadtrip.
Kirk - Kirk takes everyone to see every single tourist trap they can find and, you know what? It's fun. Is the World's Largest Truckstop really all that special? No, but the memories they make there are. I also imagine his roadtrip largely takes place in Iowa and other parts of the Midwest so a lot of the trip is rolling cornfields. Overall not a terrible trip, if a little slow and nutty.
Picard - Due to being European, Picard's idea of a roadtrip is a little... different. The crew is a little confused as to why they are only doing about 3 hours of driving a day, but they do appreciate that it's through Wine Country, where the rolling hills are lovely. I imagine Picard plans a "themed trip" (wine tasting and touring) and Riker is the one to throw in the fun tourist traps they do end up visiting. Q is somehow at every single place they stop. Lwaxana is at a few of them too.
Sisko - Sisko takes everyone on a tour of the MLB baseball fields. He meticulously plans places to eat (mostly cajun places that he critiques as 'not as good as his dad's, but acceptable.') and fields to visit. In the meantime, Jadzia picks some more... colorful places to visit in the evenings. Different groups of people get lost but they always find each other. Everyone is a little wary of visiting baseball fields, but once they find out that it was Jake's idea to cheer his dad up, everyone acts like each field is the most fascinating thing they have ever seen. In the end, the trip is a little tedious, but they have all bonded over the solidarity of making Sisko feel better.
Janeway - Janeway drives through the middle of nowhere. Absolutely no cell signal ever. Google Maps will not work. They stop every hour or so to look at the sights. At several points, their van gets robbed and they have to craft new supplies as they go. They make some "road enemies" (other roadtrippers that get competitive about parking spots and camping areas and stuff) and get in several fights (that they win). They camp alongside the road instead of staying in hotels and it's kinda miserable but it builds a lot of relationships and character. Their van breaks down a lot but they always fix it themselves. B'Elanna ends up souping up the engine about 4 different times. In the end, they all get home pretty much dead on their feet, but the whole crew is planning the next road trip anyway.
Freeman - She has a schedule that no one follows and she yells about it a lot. The road trip keeps getting completely derailed. They absolutely do not hit any planned stops and they have to replace each of the van's tires 3 times. Good news, however, is that they got a GREAT sale on all the trinkets and stuff that they bought along the way so everyone is still having an okay time.
Dal - Barely has a plan. He basically piled everyone in a vehicle one day and started driving. They stop whenever they feel like it and do odd jobs to earn enough money to keep going. The end goal is to reach San Francisco by the end, but Dal has to keep them backtracking for various reasons and they're having a heck of a time understanding exactly how this brand-new Chevy Silverado with a fancy computer system that they accidentally stole works. Everyone has fun anyway, even though they are also kinda lowkey running from the cops.
Burnham - I don't honestly know enough about Burnham as a captain to say for sure but I think she and Saru would plan a pretty chaotic lil road trip that kinda jumps all over the country in a strange order. Lots of zigzags and backtracking and stuff. I think they have fun though?
1st Place - Pike
2nd Place - Kirk
3rd Place - Janeway
4th Place - Sisko
5th Place - Archer
6th Place - Burnham
7th Place - Picard
8th Place - Dal
9th Place - Freeman
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 106 - Deep Cover within a Deep Cover
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 Episode 11 - The Wolf Inside
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We open this episode with a monologue from Michael about her time so far in the Empire universe, and how the constant need to watch her back is effecting her. Additionally, we find out that this universe's Saru is a slave, which is sad to see, but for this universe's standards should have been expected. Also the use of a transporter as a method of execution is absolutely brutal to see.
Michael has managed to obtain the information on the Defiant, however cracking the firewall from the Shenzhou is difficult, and sending it to Discovery would be noticed.
Unfortunately back on Discovery, our crew has discovered the death of Colbert, and their immediate assumption is that in his current state, Paul did it. Sylvia has an idea to cure Paul's condition however, and takes him down to the engineering lab. Her theory is that the Spore Network is simply using all of Paul's physical resources to keep the portal between the universes open, and that a fresh dose of spores might wake him up, and she puts this hypothesis to the test.
On the Shenzhou, Michael has been given the location of the leader of the Klingon rebellion, someone called "The Firewolf" and is ordered to kill him.
In a private conversation with Lorca, Michael reveals that she is really hopeful that this rebellion could lead to a Federation like entity if it wins. It's even made up of the same mix of species as the Federation founders, just substituting Klingons for Humans. She is reluctant to go through with her orders. Her plan is to beam into the Firewolf's camp with Ash to negotiate. The pair are captured immediately after appearing, and are taken to the firewolf.
Apparently Sarek is among the firewolf's camp, and they refer to him as "The Prophet". Sarek performs a mindmeld with Michael, and sees the memories from the Federation Universe, and he clears any doubt about Michael's intentions. Michael, looking for advice on how to help with the war in the Federation universe starts asking the Firewolf questions, however a lot of the Firewolf's answers start to trigger Ash's sleeper programming, and a sword fight ensues. Sarek manages to break it up however, and continues to vouch for Michael.
Meanwhile on Discovery, Sylvia's experiment is having a positive effect on Paul, and moving the stress on his brain to some of his other organs, however it then goes wrong, and medical staff have to step in to stabilise him, but he goes braindead, albiet only temporarily. Once Tilly is alone with him, we get to see Paul's perspective inside the spore network, and we're teased with him encountering his empire universe counterpart.
Back on Shenzhou, Ash finally confesses as much as he can about his current state to Michael, and he starts to remember his true past. Apparently, he is a Klingong that was molded into a human and given false memories to infiltrate discovery. More specifically, he is the Federation Universe's counterpart to the Firewolf. He attacks Michael to avenge T'Kuvma, but the Shenzhou crew apprehend him, and Michael orders to have him Transporter Executed. As he sufficates in Space though, Discovery transport him aboard, and turns out this was partially a ruse to get the Data on the Defiant to Discovery. We're then hit with a final blow of another ship appearing to destroy the Rebels themselves, and we're hit with another surprise that apparently the Emperor is Georgiou, something which I really wasn't expecting.
I'm liking this whole corruption arc for Michael, and I thought the Ash twist was fun. It was nice seeing more of this universe, but I wish we could have spent a bit more time fleshing out the Rebels. Good episode, but I think the previous one was a bit better. Still excited to see where this goes now that the Emperor is directly involved though.
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morns-fevered-dream · 28 days
due to a current boycott of Paramount and Paramount+ I'm watching this from a pirate cove and I'd encourage you to do the same and without further ado live blogging of Star Trek Discovery and as always 🌟SPOILERS🌟
Season 5 Episode 6
Huh it feels odd our good doctor abuela didn't look very old for a grandmother
Helping out pre warp worlds without violation the prime directive interesting
Ah a three gender society our own earth had and has quite a few of those
Oh the romantic neuroscan
The classic "what's up fellow kids" but with aliens as dangerous as it might be I think it'd be fun to disguise yourself pre warp local trying to blend in
"We can't break the prime directive" honestly I had hoped over all the different centuries the prime directive would have changed to allow helping out more it has a lot flaws as many have brought up over the years
The priest isn't very happy I wonder if there a secret reason for why the priest doesn't want anyone to enter the mountain tower thing or it be what it seems and I'm over thinking it
I can't tell if the race is going to be nothing and all the locals are just overeating or if it's going to be extremely deadly and the old lady talked about her friend in the past tense I wonder if it twas the race that killed her!
Swallow some sand and run
Why are you still jogging even when your standing in place?
Come on Tilly you got this
I'd probably pass out too hell if I don't drink enough water before a long walk I feel like I'm gonna pass out
All Adira is saying is maybe a specialist in 23rd century tech would be better for this specific occasion
Never mind Adira got this
Is it a sacrifice?! Is that why they freaked out earlier
Ah Booker is just like me for real although I think I'd be just happy with the holodeck
I liked the focusing on the planet with the whistling at the end nice touch
A good episode although I was hoping the prime directive was changed over the years but a good violation of the directive is always a fun episode and I really enjoyed the focus on Huge this episode the character definitely needs more screen time and lines in my opinion
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itsmyfandomandilikeit · 3 months
Star Trek series I perceive as having similar impact poll round 3:
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I'll have a uhhh highly serialized Star Trek series about an experimental starship that can jump long distances in space. Yeah, I think it should have a single protagonist who is a little screwed up, partially because they were raised as part of a culture with very nonhuman values and behavior, who worships a highly decorated female Starfleet captain as their hero and mother figure. This hero captain has an onscreen dark sexy evil alter ego, of course. The first officer is really tall with a pale grayish complexion from a species that is very associated with violence and death. The series overall has a tone that focuses on the contrast between the darkness of the wider universe and the hope that Starfleet chooses to represent. Also there's a bubbly redheaded scientist girl. Ok I'm stretching it.
I decided to pit these two series against each other because they tie a lot in polls. I think they both have small but dedicated fanbases relative to the other Star Trek series and neither particularly try to appeal to everyone. I also see a lot of Reddit commenters say they have seen every single Star Trek show except for one of these.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Star Trek : Discovery - Tilly/Airiam - Autism Acceptance Month Prompt 1 : Stimming
Prompt : Write a fic involving stimming (self-stimulatory behavior) Headcanon(s) : Autistic!Tilly
Airiam knocked on the door to Tilly and Michael's quarters before entering- Common practice when it came to her girlfriend. If either Tilly or Michael had an objection, they would promptly tell her to go away upon hearing the knock and she would not enter.
When she walked in, she saw Tilly pacing and bouncing one of her hands up and down, muttering frantically to herself.
"Tilly?" Airiam's robotic voice said as quietly as she could regulate. Tilly's eyes shot open and her whole body went still. "Are you okay?"
"Sorry, um..." Tilly swallowed thickly, deeply embarrassed. "That was sort of, um, like, embarrassing, or childish or whatev- I'm sorry"
"Hey" Airiam soothed, tilting her head in slight confusion as she followed the ginger to the bed and sat down by her. "What are you apologizing for?"
"You walking in and seeing, um, that" she gestured vaguely. Airiam just smiled at her.
"Sylvia, that's perfectly okay" the cyborg told her simply. Tilly looked up at her nervously, scanning her metallic features for something and coming up empty.
"You shouldn't have to see it"
"I don't mind seeing it" Airiam insisted. "You are constantly fidgeting in some way. I've never been bothered by it. Why would I start now?"
"I..." Tilly trailed off, her energy leaving her. Now she just felt bad. "You're right" she said quietly. "I'm sorry"
"It's okay" Airiam leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Resume. You need it to work off your excess energy, from what I've gathered"
Tilly just smiled and resumed her hand motions.
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 15 Autism prompts that you can find here
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marsti · 2 years
catching up on modern star trek and it's personally attacking me by making the only ever character who shares my name 1) the worst guy ever, and 2) risian
assigned asshole slut by discovery 😔
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conjcosby · 8 days
On a side not, I'm also really enjoying #StarTrekDiscovery loving this season, just wish it wasn't the last. Still looking forward to seeing the final episode next week and let's hope this isn't going to be the last time we see the crew of the starship Discovery. 🖖 #StarTrek
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kityana · 20 days
whyyy did they have to cancel discovery now. this is like the best season they ever made.
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astralbondpro · 7 months
Before I started watching Star Trek Discovery, the number one thing I heard people dunking on was the spore drive, and the mycelium network.
Before I ever knew anything about Discovery, I had watched a lot of documentaries on, and read a fare bit of fungi related materials. Within the material appeared the real Paul Stamets (mycologist), and I was very interested in everything I was seeing. More specifically the science of it all, while the medical properties of such is wait and see.
Needless to say, when the spore drive and the mycelium network showed up in Star Trek, I thought it was one of the coolest things Star Trek has ever done. I still do. I don't give a shit what anyone else has to say about it, it's an amazing piece of science fiction to me. And I won't defend it, because there is no need to defend harmless fiction you enjoy.
You're fine with subspace, but think the mycelium network in space is unrealistic? Make it make sense.
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xfilesposterproject · 1 month
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Really enjoying the new season of Star Trek: Discovery! Here's my retro poster for yesterday's newest episode "Mirrors". Congrats to all involved and can't wait for next week!
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foamloam · 5 months
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Sea, Swallow Me - Cocteau Twins
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 110 - Under the Command of Evil Georgiou
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 Episode 15 - Will You Take My Hand?
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Okay, We're now onto the Season 1 Finale of Discovery! I'm excited to see how we end this season out!
We open aboard Discovery with making quoting something about the nature of feart, and unfortunately I don't recognise it, so I'm just left with the Foreboding nature of the passage.
This Georgiou's command style is immediately noticeably Terran. I loved how tense the Bridge was during the opening sequence. Her absolute disdain for the Klingons, Saru, and later in the episode Ash Tyler, pushes all of the right buttons in my head, and I can't wait for her to get her comeuppance. She makes a few veiled references to how she eats Kelpians towards Saru, and it just made my skin crawl, and so did her calling Ash an "it" later on. Unfortunately however, there is not much the crew can do for now, as she's the only one who fully knows the plan.
After the intro Georgiou and Michael interrogate L'Rell about which landing site would be best for discovery. Of Course L'Rell doesn't talk, which launches Georgiou into a much more brutal method of getting the information out of her. That doesn't work either, and Michael calls that to a stop. I'm really glad that Michael is starting to realise that maybe this isn't the way to go. Michael then takes Georgiou to Ash, and since he has Voq's memories, he willingly gives over the information they want. We also get a bit of worldbuilding about Klingon history, just a bit about Kahless and how he defeated someone called Molor, who the Klingons seemed to have worshipped in a similar way to how they worship Kahless now. I really want to know more this, and I'm trying to piece together their culture from the little scraps I'm being given.
This episode from the get go is clearly about the clear difference between Imperial tactics and Federation Tactics, and whether or not the ends justify the means when it comes to Georgiou's brutality.
This episode is putting in a lot of work to undo the mistakes of the last few episodes surrounding Georgiou, and I am 100% here for it. The last couple episodes tried to make her too sympathetic, when she is a fascist dictator, but here she is written and portrayed in such a creepy slimey way, and it's definetly what they should have been doing from the get go. I've already mentioned her racism, but also in the way she interacts with the human crew. Her various threats towards Michael, and just general attitude towards Sylvia Tilly gives me shivers, and in this episode alone I think she's earned a spot among my favourite villains so far.
Discovery Makes it's jump into the caves of Kronos, and the ground crew, made up of Michael, Ash Sylvia and Georgiou exit into an Orion market to try and get the location of this shrine.
On a side note, the more even split among male and female Orion slaves makes the whole idea feel a lot less behind-the-scenes slimy than the Orions did in Enterprise, thankfully. Here it feels slimy in a way where it feels like it's supposed to feel slimy, and not just... whatever Enterprise was doing in it's Orion focus episode. Also I'm not going to pretend like the eye-candy isn't appreciated in my bisexual brain, it feels a lot less uncomfortable when it doesn't feel like exploitation.
Amongst the chaos of the market, we get a few good downtime scenes, particularly of Sylvia being an absolute fish out of water, and a really well written heart to heart between Ash and Michael, where we finally get the full details of what happened to Michael's Bio-parents. Her survivor's guilt over this trauma is an interesting angle, and the detail of her memory over her trauma is something I really want to see explored in the future, and it really adds a interesting layer with her relationship with Ash.
Tilly finds out that the Drone she's guarding isn't a drone, but a planet cracking bomb designed to make the planet uninhabitable, and unfortunately Georgiou has moved too fast for Discovery to do anything.
Thankfully, Discovery manages to talk Starfleet out of the plan, and fromt here it's just a matter of sending in Michael to convince Georgiou to stop, which turned out easier than expected. Discovery hands the Detonator over to L'Rell, and convinces her to step up as the Klingons leader, and end the war. Ash choses to go with him, meaning we'll need a new chief of Security again. His goodbye to Michael . Georgiou is then let free, and I'm hoping we'll see her again sooner rather than later, because she still has a lot fascisty stuff to answer for.
Michael's speech at the end as she obtains her official pardon, and the crew get their official commendations, was also a fantastic way to cap off the season. We're also given an absolute shocker of a cliffhanger, as Discovery picks up a distress call from the Enterprise, so I can't wait to see what that's about!
I really liked this finale. I was shaky going into it with how the previous episodes were treating Georgiou, but this more than made up for it. It really capped of the whole methods vs results theme the season was going for, and it was just generally fun. I enjoyed myself here.
I have a couple Short Treks which I'll cover in one post tomorrow, and then immediately onto Season 2!
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