#Star Wars genetics
sophiemariepl · 2 years
Okay, I know that this may sound stupid, but this time it is not Tumblr at fault - it’s me, because I deleted the recent post on that by accident (gosh, why am I so blind, I just wanted to edit it because I found some interesting info, but nevermind).
So, the thing is, that I’ve been working on my Star Wars fanfiction for a while. The story would include Darth Maul having a daughter with his human lover before being cut in half on Naboo by Obi-Wan in Episode I. I remember that for some reason it made little sense to me that so many fan artists draw their Maul’s daughter OCs with horns and red skin when they choose mothers of their OCs to be clearly human women (because with other species it makes a little more sense, which I will explain in a second).
So, the first time I asked the question “How likely it would be for Darth Maul’s potential daughter to inherit his horns?”, I received an answer that in case when the mother is human, horns are very unlikely, with an Iridonian Zabrak mother are most likely and in case of other species it is hard to determine.
It makes sense to me - Maul is a Dathomirian Zabrak and it is commonly known that Dathomirians are a result of mixed breeding between Iridonian Zabrak men and human women. This means that Maul carries human DNA from his female line and Zabrak DNA from his male line. This specific Dathomirian DNA is likely to manifest itself differently in his offspring, depending on the kid’s gender. This means that a daughter with a human partner would inherit characteristics common in Dathomirian women, instead of Dathomirian men, such as pale, slightly gray-ish skin and slender figure. In fact, I decided that my OC would inherit many more of her visual characteristics from her mother (only paler skin and slender figure would be the slight signs of her half-Dathomirian parentage), which would perfectly add to the surprise effect when she finally learns that Maul is her biological father - because she will obviously assume at first that it's impossible because she does not resemble Maul at all 😜
In the case of a son with a human partner, I am not 100% sure. Perhaps he would inherit his father’s horns, perhaps not. Maybe he would have red/reddish skin, maybe not. I mean, here it kinda gets tricky like in human/Twi’lek hybrids. We’ve seen those with lekku (Lacquane kids who are half-human, although Cut is not their biological father) and without (Jacen Syndulla, who only has green hair, eyes, and tops of his ears). So I guess that in this case, all options are possible.
I am still not sure whether Maul’s kids with a human partner would inherit Zabrak two hearts though, since both Dathomirian men and women have two hearts. I guess it depends, but in case of my OC I chose not to give her two hearts.
So, now my question to you guys:
How do you think Maul’s children would look like, depending on the species of their potential mother?
Leaving this post so that everyone can share their knowledge and thoughts 📚
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alabyte · 8 months
Tech: I'll explain.
Crosshair: Is this an offer?
Tech: This is a threat.
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biblicalbi · 11 months
Imagine a world where Obi-Wan survives episode IV and has to deal with another generation of disaster romances with the Skywalker family.
Leia: *falls head over heels with a dashingly handsome and very mouthy rogue who has more red flags than green*
Obi-Wan: “Oh no.”
Luke: *flirts with a stubborn yet extremely caring world leader despite the Jedi’s no-attachment rule*
Obi-Wan: “Not again.”
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syn0vial · 2 years
favorite legends!canon fett fact is that jango fett has mild astigmatism and unspecified environmental allergies, which the kaminoans edited out of all his clones EXCEPT for boba, whose genetic sequence remained unaltered.
love to imagine boba fett putting in his contact lenses in the morning or popping space claritin and just muttering under his breath like "fucking kaminoans can't have done me a single fucking favor -_-"
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maulfucker · 1 month
ok so my idea for a bad batch redesign is. What if the bad batch was actually an experiment on transgenic clone modifications. like. really putting the "experimental" in experimental clone force.
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Hunter - Kaleesh genes make his senses sharper, and gives him infrared sensing (and by extension night vision) and stronger hunting instincts - His ears are pointy and taller than normal, but he hides that with his bandana - Has pit organs under his eyes (that's how he senses infrared and electric currents) - His eyes reflect light and have slit pupils - His pinkies work as secondary thumbs
Tech - Kind of a test to see how much of givins' natural affinity for mathematics is genetic and how much is socialized - He's better with maths and has quicker thinking than regular humans - Givin genes make him smaller, pale and bony, so he looks kinda sickly and starved but he's totally normal - The glasses help hide how deep his eyes are - The "balding" look from his original design is now because of his bone structure
Wrecker - Gamorrean genes give him enhanced strength - It also gives him a very strong sense of loyalty, and makes him tend to be stubborn - He's actually a little bit shorter than an average clone, but he's so wide that people think he's taller than he really is - His left canine broke in the same incident where he lost his left eye
Crosshair - Chiss genes give him infrared vision and better reflexes (and red scleras) - Umbaran genes give him ultraviolet vision - He really is just an experiment on expanding the human vision range - He sees infrared better than ultraviolet, and has better night vision than Hunter - His hair is a cool black instead of the usual warm black - He's a bit paler as well but that's because he doesn't like bright places
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foursidecity · 1 month
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Thinking about them... designs... silly..
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the-random-man · 5 months
Unlike strange new worlds prodigy understands that the federation’s laws against genetic modification are there to prevent eugenics and that eugenics is bad.
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whomst-the-hell · 8 months
sorry it just occurred to me that anakin’s ‘my father is the force’ jesus figure bullshit effects the twins as well (which like. duh. but still) i mean luke and leia are 1/4 force. thats,,, thats gotta mean something and im not even talking abt how theyre “particularly strong in the force”
idk im just thinking of the twins trying to trace their bio family tree and discovering this. like truly how do you process the information that you are genetically 25% the cosmic manifestation of the universe or whatever
also how does that. Work. like physically, in their DNA. is it a percy jackson situation where they just like,, dont have dna there?? it cant be a ‘you just have all the same dna as your single parent’ situation like most asexual reproduction bc then anakin would be a girl (no Y chromosomes to be found). i guess now that im writing it out it could be “theyre technically aliens” shit and maybe tatooine women have the equivalent of a recessive Y chromosome or some shit but like. why would they. evolutionarily speaking. like is there just universe goo where that’s supposed to be, or does the force have DNA. whats the genetic makeup of the force look like. is the force blonde?? i have questions
also how do you tell people that. holy shit leia probably told han when she got pregnant right. like she had to have right. wtf did that conversation look like, just
han: i wonder if the baby will be force sensitive like you two
leia: probably, i mean he’ll be 1/8 the force
han: what the fuck does that mean
leia: oh you didnt know? my grandfather was just straight up the force
han: what the fuck??
idk its bonkers to me
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tearlessrainart · 1 year
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I have made. a chart. (click through for fullsize to actually read it)
Ironically I did not like The Last Jedi at all, but the fathiers caught my imagination because I will glom on to any fantasy horse-adjacent creature you put in front of me no matter how weirdly utilized or poorly thought out it is. I've been reworking their visual design a little to make them less uncanny valley cgi and make them into something that fills the same aesthetic/cultural niche as a fancy sport horse, but it also bothered me that they were all the same color and not at all designed like a domestic animal even though they pretty clearly are. I get why they didn't spend time and budget on coloring them all uniquely for the approximately five minutes of screentime they had, but it was a waste of potential and also there's no way an animal bred entirely by ostentatious rich people with too much money and time on their hands doesn't have a robust community of color breeders and dubiously ethical halter lines and the general kind of fuckery you see with any animal that's been kept by humans for a while.
I primarily based their genetics on horses, but I also borrowed some from goats and sheep, took the piebald patterns mainly from deer, and made some of it up entirely (though outside the alchemy stuff I tried to keep everything plausible and cohesive). There are also genes horses have that fathiers don't, so it's not a direct 1:1 in either direction. This also isn't a comprehensive list of Every Possible Color Fathiers Come In, but rather all the color genes that can interact with each other in various ways. You can probably create some absolutely batshit-looking animals with this chart as well as very understated, mundane ones.
At some point I'll expand further on the very specific headcanons about ancient Sith and the history of fathiers overall that tie into all this (most of it is rooted in Old Republic era EU stuff since I don't really touch the disney-verse outside of stealing their creatures and I'm mainly in the SWTOR corner of the fandom), but that's one for my lore/oc blog. You can probably extrapolate the important bits just from reading through the chart if it interests you.
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bolithesenate · 5 months
fun fact of the morning is that to me Tarre Vizsla was a cringefail jedi twink so horribly bad at jedi-ing that he did an accidental 180 and became Mand'alor
man's could not find a lightsaber crystal for his goddamn life, so much so that a mandalorian deity had to come and help out
then he crashed in someones backyard destroying half their tuber harvest when he took a wrong turn after going home from a bandomeer agricorps summit
the shame is too big so he ditches everything and becomes a weaver for a like year
only after that year does he even realize he landed himself in karking mandalorian space (the weaver he holes up at is an old lady and doesn't wear armor so he just never noticed)
meanwhile everyone back at the temple just assumed he died
over his year as weaver-apprenticing he also did odd little jobs here and there around the village. mostly helping people with paperwork and taxes and how to price grain to sell the next city over
which gets him implicitly elected like mayor of that village (mostly because no one else wants to do the paperwork)
which is how he, a failed jedi that crashed in someones backyard and just wallowed in shame ever since somehow is made to attend a city/region council as representative of that village (it is there that he realizes that wtf that's too many mandalorians for this to just be coincidence. those CANNOT all be bodyguards) (yes he had stereotypes)
still, apparently he is one of them now
(he is standing there like 🧍🏻 the only one in the room without any armor to speak)
but also definitely the only one with a single political bone in him (it was forcibly installed in him by the temple's teachers). and also the knowledge of How To Do Taxes (that and he weaves a mean rug)
which once again gets him elected representative of that council as well
so now he has to go to a House meeting in a month
(which is bad, he has a deadline on a new tapestry that needs to be done by then can't they just postpone? also what is a House and why do they have meetings)
the lady weaver who kinda just is his adoptive mom now just laughs and pats him on the head and tells him he'll figure it out. but oh maybe he should wear some armor for that one, House meetings have a tendency to get wild and many things are settled over honor duels. and the city/region he's representing sure would like for their needs to be defended.
meanwhile Tarre is panicking because the one thing he was worse at at Jedi School than actually being a jedi was lightsabering
he's decent at hand-to-hand but that was NOT worth any points in the eyes of the Battlemaster
(turns out he shouldn't have worried. 'decent at hand-to-hand' for an old republic jedi still meant 'kriffing lethal' in comparison to everyone else.)
his region's demands have never been represented better
especially since he also does know the maths to make it work in the long run.
that gets him noticed by the like son or heir or whatever of the Head of the House, who promptly makes Tarre his right hand (Tarre agreed to it either while drunk -- he is a sad drunk and JEdi aRE SupPOseD To hELP aaaaaaaa -- and was guilttripped into it OR he misunderstood the assignment to be a weaving commission)
(because, in Tarre's mind, that IS still his day job)
and so on and so forth it spirals out of control farther and farther until one day he is there helping represent the mandalorian side in a trade dispute with the republic and the other side have jedi with them (ofc) and he is one again just doing his best statue impression trying not to be noticed only he forgot that mandalorians announce themselves and their whole allegiance and lineage in front of everyone so he gets first-name-last-named by his new boss in front of his old boss and it does horrors to his nerves that much is certain
only the jedi just kinda squint and then leave it uncommented so he thinks he's safe until HIS OLD MASTER JUST TELEPORTS STRAIGHT INTO THE DINNER ROOM DEMANDING TO KNOW WHY HE WASN'T THERE FOR THE LAST TWELVE LINEAGE DINNERS
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tarisilmarwen · 2 months
If the Empire's methods for picking out Force Sensitives were so meticulous and particular that they (often!) flagged normal non-Sensitives (as happened with Wedge multiple times in Legends, as happened possibly with Jai Kell since we never learned whether he was actually Sensitive or not), then they would have been meticulous enough and particular enough that the Imperial Academy on Mandalore would have caught Sabine.
And if she was SO low level that she could evade the Empire's screenings, then she would be too low level to ever actually connect with the Force no matter how hard or how long she trained.
You either have the Force or you don't. There is no "Just train hard enough even if you don't have the natural talent, eventually you'll be able to unlock it!" That has been the unspoken understanding across the board by Star Wars writers, even during Legends, for ages.
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spicynectarines · 1 day
Forbidden romance but it’s a Resident orca and a Transient orca
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strawberryvulture · 2 years
yes yes yes i think rey should’ve been a kenobi, but more importantly i think rey should’ve been a kryze
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seven-oomen · 7 months
Also I love how we go from this:
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To this:
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Which something something parallels. Potentially the parallel of someone meant for you, but in this context not the person who's good for you?
You know what, that works.
Yeah I'll say it's that one.
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basimibnishaqs · 9 months
eldritch demi-god skywalkers are actually something that can be so personal
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amalthiaph · 9 months
Teeny weeny confession: I actually skipped The Bad Batch at first but now that I've seen it, I'm absolutely feral about it to the point that I wanna ride *blaster shot*
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