#Statues of Her Excellency,the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder
welcometoteyvat · 1 year
need xiao and kujou sara to meet asap btw. 
- golden winged peng vs winged tengu (whose wings, incidentally, were damaged when she received her vision...)
- both dedicate their lives to their archons
- separated from the society (mortals, Inazuman troops/Tengou Commission) they were brought up in because of certain factors (karma, status as adopted child and tengu)
perhaps they’d understand each other. maybe they’d know what it’s like—an existence as a god’s right hand, and everything it entails. their eyes meet, gold on gold; they know: this person might only understand half of me but that's half more than anyone else. what’s it like to serve a god so deeply—what do you sacrifice and how does it remake you? sara believes that her vision was granted by the raiden shogun, saving her, and thus dedicates herself to carrying out the will of thunder across the land. xiao receives his new name from morax, and in return, agrees to protect liyue for however long it will need. sara’s wings, injured, as she falls off the mountain—alatus, lacking his golden wings, the bloodhound of that unknown god.
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la-esmerqlda · 1 year
Kujou Sara! But a bit more tengu.
Side note: she’s one of my favorite characters and yet is criminally underrated. She’s just. Her story is one of my favorites. My favorite tengu.
(Also with the Statue of Her Excellency, Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder.)
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What if Heizhou was already building a case against Takayuki, even before the whole mess that was the vision hunt decree?
The reason? Sara once ended up telling him a couple of childhood stories (he was curious as to how a tengu ended up adopted by the Tenryou Comission).
He spent the rest of that day punching trees. Then went to start the case with the help of Shinobu.
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ilaiyayaya · 10 months
Day 1 of this blog just being me talking about dumb stuff I waste money on:
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I said the next post would be talking about a Genshin Impact statue and I wasn't lying. More specifically this is a Statue of Her Excellency, The Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder, I will not tolerate referring to it by anything less than it's full title. I pre-ordered this like 8 months ago and it finally arrived a few days ago, this is the first anime figure I've ever pre-ordered, and it was a cool experience, I mean it was mostly just a lot of waiting but like, enjoyable waiting. My favorite part about the statue isn't even really the statue itself, but rather that every time I look at it I just think of Kujou Sara being a massive simp for Raiden Shogun and that makes me smile. That event was feral.
I don't really have much else to say, my mission is complete, my moral obligation to write at least 1 paragraph about my Statue of Her Excellency, The Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder has been fulfilled, I am free. Next post will be more unhinged I pwomise <3
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petite-compote · 9 months
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‘Triple caramel mochi. A threat to Eternity.’
Apparently I write romcom now.
4.9K words, Eisara. Featuring:
a very serious law enforcement operation involving a scalper trying to sell limited-edition figurines* at inflated prices,
the Puppet Shogun sassing Ei,
Lumine & Paimon besties 4eva,
Yoimiya's boobs, (no, Ayaka is not okay,) and
* Technically, they're not figurines, they're Statues of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder.
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youichi-kuramochi · 1 year
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These ores are not the best for sword… maybe we should consider doing something else with them. What about decorations? A statue of “Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder”? Yes! That’s the one! We can make one of those for Ei!
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ninas-gf · 1 year
when sara gets a hangout i hope it goes in drastically different directions depending on the pathway you take, ending #1 would be “help sara polish her five statues of her excellency the almighty narukami ogosho god of thunder” and ending #2 would be “attend kujou takayuki’s state-ordered execution” and ending #3 would be “deliver dango milk to the shogun” etc etc
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dandelion-wings · 11 months
Shinobu & Sara, 11.
Sorry again that this took so long! The biggest struggle with this one is that I had to resist the urge to turn this into "five times Shinobu told Sara she deserved better and one time she decided to demonstrate it." XD There is just so much in Sara's life this one applied to.... But I'm trying to keep these short, so!
This leans on the "Long-Sealed Mystery" branch of Heizou's hangout, which requires a little timeline wriggling because I'm not sure Shinobu has actually known her for seven years, but listen. It's fine. Sara deserved to have someone to talk to about that one.
ETA: Now archived on AO3.
"What did you do?"
Kujou Takayuki's voice is a low growl. Sara stands straight, keeping her eyes fixed on his chin despite the urge to raise them to meet his in challenge. He deserves more respect from her, despite this particular action. She knows the political pressures that pushed him into it.
"There isn't enough evidence to prove that Ryuuji did anything wrong," she tells him. "It would be a disgrace to the Doushin and to the Tenryou Commission to execute him without a trial to prove his wrongdoing. I changed the conviction to prevent that."
"We don't need a trial in this case, we need decisive action! Do you know how many people are watching us for signs of weakness right now?"
Sara knows. Too many of the lesser clans of the Tenryou Commission are eyeing Kamaji and Masahito, watching for any sign that they can be influenced or even overthrown when Takayuki's age forces him to step down. The only reason that she's been spared such attention is that, as a tengu and only an adopted daughter, she'll have no voice in the clan's governance when that time comes. He's trying to protect both the clan and his sons.
What she did was correct and just; she couldn't have done anything else and preserve her honor, any more than Takayuki believes he could have done other than what he did to preserve the honor of the Kujou Clan. But to him, the clan's honor matters more than her own--she's received enough orders that make that clear. She can't convince him with such an argument. Fortunately, Shikanoin's casual comments while pestering her about the investigation have given her another.
"The Yashiro Commission and the Kanjou Commission are also watching us closely. If they claim to see corruption among the Doushin, the Almighty Shogun may give them leave to investigate. Since you've put me in charge of the Doushin, I didn't want to take that risk."
"That Kamisato pup *would*," Takayuki growls, and Sara feels a tension in her chest relax, just a little, as some of his anger shifts targets. "But you should have spoken to me about it before changing anything. Don't forget your place. If you take political matters into your own hands again, I'll remove you from the Doushin's offices and find you a place where it won't matter if you forget where your duty lies."
Sara doesn't flinch. She hasn't forgotten that, whatever he thinks, but it stings that he does think so. "I understand."
"Good. Now go," he orders, and she bows and leaves, grateful to escape the anger still burning in his eyes. He won't forget this, she knows. It will fall upon her to find some way to prove her loyalty anew.
"What happened?" Shinobu asks, after she's handed over Sara's repainted Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder and Sara has given Shinobu her payment in return. With the business transaction done, they can order food together and sit for a while as friends.
Sara has been secretly looking forward to this all day. It's embarrassing, though, to find her composure has failed her so badly that Shinobu immediately knows. "It's nothing."
"No it's not. You're tense around the eyes, and you didn't inspect your statue before putting it back in its case."
They always take a private room in this izakaya so that Shinobu can take her mask off without worrying about being recognized while she's eating. Because of that, Sara can see the full depth of her frown. It makes her guilty for worrying her, but there's a secret warmth, too, that Shinobu cares enough to worry.
"I cannot speak directly as to the circumstances, but I took a course of action in a case that Kujou Takayuki was displeased with." Sara's shoulders tighten at just the memory of his growl. "But to do otherwise might have meant executing an innocent man."
Shinobu's hand, on the table, clenches into a fist. "If he punished you for that, I'll thrash him."
"You can't do that!" Sara exclaims, aghast, and then catches herself. "Regardless, he didn't. He only warned me not to act on my own cognizance in affairs like this again."
"He can't put you in charge of the Doushin and then deny you the authority he gave you."
That's been grating on Sara herself, but she knows it's an unjust resentment. "He has the right, as both the head of the Kujou Clan and the leader of the Tenryou Commission. His authority supersedes mine. I should have done as I knew he wished, but... I remembered your lecture last month about standards of evidence and the burden of proof, and it seemed dishonorable not to follow those principles."
"They're not just principles, they're the *law*," Shinobu says. "He shouldn't treat you like that for following it."
"He has the right," Sara says again, a little stiffly. It's dangerous to listen to Shinobu when she says things like this. Her determination to support Sara's side of the story sometimes starts to make Sara feel like she's in the right, even when she can't be.
"Fine. But you did the right thing, legally. I'm the one with the certificate in Inazuman law, so you can trust me on that one. And it was the right thing morally too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
The relief spreading through Sara loosens her shoulders, and she sighs a little as she's finally able to relax in her seat. Even if she knows Shinobu is biased, and Takayuki would disagree... it's nice to hear such a confirmation from someone she trusts. And a legal expert, at that. Honor and morality can be more murky in the Kujou Clan, with righteous principles forced to balance against Commission politics, but the law is based upon the principles that the Almighty Shogun herself has expressed and demonstrated over the centuries. It's a selfish but welcome reassurance.
"Thank you," she tells Shinobu, solemnly. "It's good to hear you say that."
"It's just the truth." Shinobu shrugs. "What were you thinking about having tonight? I've been craving stir-fried tofu all week, and I can't have it when the Gang's around or Itto throws a fit about trying to poison him. Which wouldn't be a problem if he didn't try to sneak bites of my food. I beat him up for it every time, but he never learns."
"Stir-fried tofu would be fine. Though I insist on buying it," Sara says, finding herself smiling for the first time today.
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xinxiaogato · 1 year
— live to tell the tail
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summary. you unfortunately lived in a universe where general gorou had found out ms. hina was… himself. and just your luck: gorou’s first impression of you was a crazed devotee of the ms. hina fan club, but you had only been in the wrong place at the wrong time. will you live to tell the tail?
love interests. gn!reader x a watatsumi general, an inazuman vagrant, the balladeer, and the kreideprinz.
warnings. infinite pet puns, referenced character death, weapons, swearing, blood, alcohol, harassment, and mentions of war.
word count. 1,312
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chapter twenty ⌇ terrier-fied
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your first-ever magnificent irodori festival closed in rapidly as soon as you disembarked the passenger boat with yoshihisa. isamu’s family had seen you off that day, but you didn’t run into “kunikuzushi” on any more occasions throughout the voyage to narukami island. 
kuni...kuzushi seemed like he had a lot of issues, so i hope he gets them sorted one day, you had thought as the boat pulled away from ritou harbor.
“reader, how’s our inventory looking from the report?”
“hmm, looks like one copy of tickled pink went missing. i’ll head down to the yae publishing house to see if kuroda knows anything. he probably stashed it away to sell for himself.”
hotaru briefly stopped reviewing the official documents in front of him and puckered his brows. some seconds later, he nodded. “wouldn’t put it past him.”
you bid adieu to hotaru and then stepped out of the office, your home away from home. sure, you had a love-hate relationship with your job, but after nearly a month of being away from it, you couldn’t deny your love for the quaint and charming building.
“good morning, reader!”
hopping toward you along the stony pathway was the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed owner of naganohara fireworks, naganohara yoimiya. she giddily bounded to your side and hooked an arm around one of yours.
“how’s my favorite employee doing?” she giggled, golden eyes glistening.
“don’t say that right here!” you hissed, but yoimiya’s mouth running amok was something to expect over the last two or three weeks of befriending her. “what if hotaru hears?”
“then i can steal you away from him permanently!” 
you were currently finalizing the arrangements for hotaru’s meet-and-greet during the festival, as guuji yae designed this year’s to be centered around the light novel industry. in the meantime, you aided yoimiya in her preparations for a fireworks show in konda village since the yashiro commission banned anything explosive in the city.
“ouch, that’s my bad shoulder, miya,” you quibbled.
“oops, so sorry!” yoimiya launched her hands skyward like she was just caught with a sparkler. “i totally forgot about your injury…”
soft laughter bubbled up out of you. “don’t worry, i’m not a cop!”
you, too, were trying to forget about the incident that was shrouded with a cover story per kokomi’s request. an arrow impaling you was a part of her confidential investigation, as it wasn’t exactly an everyday occurrence…
…but for gorou, you would have done it a thousand times over.
today must be gorou’s birthday, you considered before abruptly smacking your cheeks with your hands, procuring a strange look from yoimiya. don’t get distracted, me! why am i thinking of him when i probably haven’t occurred to him once…?
that was right. gorou was a general, and you were only an editor. with responsibilities that were poles apart, the two of you were never meant to cross paths in the first place.
you circled to yoimiya’s other side and linked arms. “wanna walk with me to the yae publishing house?”
her eyes shone so brightly that they seemed to contain the sun. “haha, i’ve got nothing else better to do!”
you and yoimiya ambled past kids squatting over their allowance to surmise whether they could afford the “statue of her excellency, the almighty narukami ogosho, god of thunder”, patrons lining up for the crème de la crème at ogura textiles & kimonos, and shimura adding an inazuman twist to foreign dishes so that guests from mondstadt and liyue can get a taste of home during the festival.
home. you never thought the day would come for inazuma to open the floodgates for residents from your hometown. 
but your maudlin thoughts disappeared when the number of shogunate officers seemed to multiply near the yae publishing house.
“hey, miya, what’s going on?” you asked her in a hushed voice.
“oh, there was a rumor that spread like wildfire today!” yoimiya imparted to you. “people saw watatsumi island’s supreme leader in the city and are theorizing that she has a meeting with the tenryou commission. they probably increased security since a lot of high-ranking officials will be concentrated in one place, you know?”
the tenryou commission? you didn’t want to entertain the thought that this meeting could go south—not when things were looking up for the nation.
speaking of the leader of watatsumi island, when you reached the publishing house, you spotted kuroda talking to a lady who appeared way out of his league with salmon pink hair, which was accessorized by a fin-shaped ornament that protruded from her head like a pair of horns.
“ma’am, i indeed am also mister chang’s editor, but i haven’t heard from that idio… that man in a while. i mean, he’s all the way in liyue. whether he can get you zhenyu’s autograph is not something i've had control over…”
you had failed to mention this before, but kuroda was more than just the publishing house’s current vendor; kuroda was also its executive editor. this may sound pretty impressive, but his soul was equally as tortured by the author he handled as any other editor's.
kokomi’s fingers curled into her palms, her stare falling onto the counter. “but to meet my idol at the festival in person …”
“your excellency?” you called out, attracting her pupilless eyes.
“ah, reader!” the divine priestess slipped away from kuroda and proceeded toward you with her hands elegantly laced in front of her. “it’s so good to see you again. how have you been faring?”
“wait, you two know each other?” yoimiya chimed in after a short interlude.
“but of course. after all, they are the editor in charge of one of my favorite authors.” kokomi shot you a wink as if the short-lived time you spent with the people of watatsumi was a little secret between you and her.
for some reason, tears were threatening to spring forward. did you still feel guilt from failing to complete her commission last month? nostalgia from the stories the draftees shared over campfires at fort fujitou? “your excellency…”
“call me kokomi.”
“…madam kokomi, may i know why you’re here on narukami island?”
“oh, yes, that reminds me.” kokomi gently clapped her hands together. “i asked that shopkeeper about your whereabouts because there is an important appointment for me to attend today. since i do not require my general to be at my side for it, i thought you and him could stroll around the city and catch up, especially since it’s his special day.”
that word scratched you like coarse sand. you avidly searched the area, a million thoughts racing through your head per second.
naturally, wherever the young divine priestess of the watatsumi island was, her doggy general would be close on the heels of her geta sandals. he was leaning against the wooden fence directly across the yae publishing house, surveying the vicinity for any shady figures, but a sakura petal robbed him of his attentiveness. his blue eyes accompanied its erratic movement in the air until landing on yours.
and that second of eye contact felt like forever. the day you crashed into him while fleeing from ms. hina aficionados to the day he softly brushed his lips against your cheek played in your brain like a motion picture.
and it was far too much for your brain to handle.
“um, i… haha, i forgot… to ask… i forgot to ask if hotaru needed me to buy him new socks!” you yammered to yoimiya and kokomi, scratching the back of your head with an apologetic tone. “...be right back!”
“...reader, hotaru doesn’t even wear socks!” yoimiya hollered when it dawned on her, but your resolve to get as far away as possible didn’t waver. with a heart twinging in pain, gorou watched you hightail it up the grand staircase and vanish as quickly as you had appeared.
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tofuiharbinger · 1 year
A weird question perhaps but which archon does tofu like most?/which archon likes tofu the most?
My... (sniffle)... my first ask...?
(holds you gently)
Don't worry! I love questions like these, thank you for asking! I also assumed you meant the child of Mama Tofu and not the Daofu alien (I should really write a differentiation soon).
Keep in mind that this is my interpretation of the Baby Tofu character. I'm not sure how many people noticed, but Baby Tofu and Mama Tofu are meant to be self-inserts for a reader and their presumed mother. Regardless, I hope you enjoy and please do not disclose my existence to Shiro.
Remember, reblogs help more than likes!
-Tofu Takes: Baby Tofu's Favorite Archon-
First Candidate: Venti
While both the Mini-Creator and their mother are introverts, Baby Tofu loves the tone-deaf bard! Aside from being their first five star ever, there’s a lot to like about him. His musical skills, his contagious playfulness, and of course, his cheeks! It’s a bit complicated, but Baby Tofu once saw that meme of Venti’s chipmunk face and they never forgot it. 
Being a hermit, Baby Tofu doesn’t often leave the Creator’s manor, even if they’re in Teyvat. Yet somehow, the tone-deaf bard repeatedly manages to tow them into the sunlight (Mama Tofu is grateful). Whether that’d be visiting the statue at Windrise and playing with the crystalflies, or having picnics at Starsnatch Cliff. Their favorite activity, however, is flying kites. Yes, Teyvat would naturally provide a nice breeze, though the personal blessing of Barbatos himself is by far the best. 
Overall, an 8/10! His outgoing personality is a bit too much at times, sadly. Baby Tofu secretly doesn’t like his storytelling style, but don’t tell him that. Shhh…
(Bonus Tidbit: Flying kites reminds them of Grandpapa Tofu…)
Second Candidate: Zhongli
Those of you who read Tales of Mama Tofu - Wrath of the Mini-Creator will know that Baby Tofu has a personal vendetta against the Geo Archon. Both for missing him on his rerun, and due to how he’s essentially their step-father now. Nevertheless, he’s the one who convinced them to download Genshin in the first place, and they must respect that. 
As his…stepchild? Baby Tofu really cannot bring themselves to snap him, despite their occasional temper tantrums. He’s just so patient and understanding, not to mention an incredible listener. They’d feel terrible if they ever actually yelled at him. Thus, Zhongli mostly acts as their anchor and confidant, especially when they and the Creator don’t see eye-to-eye. What neither of them notice, however, is that the poor man is suffering an internal crisis. Yes, it’s his duty to look after the Mini-Creator, but they’re also the only living soul in Teyvat who has the audacity to complain about their Grace? Somebody help him. 
For Baby Tofu, it’s an 8/10. They’ve found that a being as old as Rex Lapis has a special way of making them feel unintelligent. Other than that, he’s a cherished and reliable companion. 
(Bonus Tidbit: Mama Tofu trusts Zhongli, his meteors, and his shield the most when it comes to their child’s safety. Bodyguard Morax when?)
Third Candidate: Ei
The Electro Archon’s obliviousness to modern society is indeed adorable. Yet even if the Creator remains unaware of her sins, Baby Tofu is the opposite. The Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decree aren’t exactly the best foundation for a higher god’s favor. In fact, they’re not sure how they should deal with it altogether, now that Inazuma is real and so are the consequences…
Well, no use in concentrating on the past. Whenever the Mini-Creator is in the nation, they take the time to introduce some foreign items to Ei. The most prominent example being food, as they’re somewhat determined to teach her how to cook (and no, Baby Tofu is not a second Gordon Ramsay, sorry). Though, if that doesn’t succeed, then the two of them can at least have a nice meal together. Knowing that her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder (A/N: I recited that from memory, are you proud of me?) can be a normal person too really does wonders for the Mini-Creator’s sanity. 
A solid 7/10, they’re working on it together. 
Fourth Candidate: Nahida 
Ah, yes. The revered, sharp-witted, and powerful Dendro Archon. Baby Tofu truly respects her accomplishments and abilities. They’re not the most knowledgeable on Teyvat’s lore, but they do know that Nahida is the only Archon (as of current time) to be of significant help to the Traveler. Coupled with her resourcefulness, bravery, kindness, and curiosity, Kusanali has effortlessly won a place in the Mini-Creator’s favorites. 
Baby Tofu’s childhood dream of having a sister has been fulfilled. While they can’t always be in Sumeru, they love chatting with Nahida. The two often visit the Aranara to eat and have fun, as well as chat about whatever comes to mind. Once, they figured out a spectacular sandwich recipe on one of their escapades. It’s become their secret dish! Nonetheless, when the excitement settles and they end up lying on the grass, Baby Tofu loves to talk dreams with Nahida. Like a wise man once said, “logic can get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.” (Albert Einstein) Both the Dendro Archon and the Mini-Creator seem to agree with that statement!
Baby Tofu is proud to declare Kusanali a 9/10. They’re not the best with children, though it usually isn’t an issue since Nahida is so clever. 
(Bonus Tidbit: The Mini-Creator is absolutely jealous of Nahida’s magic swing. They’re the child of a high deity, why can’t they have one!? 🙁)
Final Answer:
It appears that Baby Tofu’s favorite Archon would have to be… Kusanali/Nahida! Congratulations, esteemed Dendro Archon!
(A/N: I might write about which Archon would like the Mini-Creator the most another time. Thank you for asking!)
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forkjsr · 1 year
hey general! how's your "Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder" doing?👀
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transxiao · 2 years
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Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder on the Genshin Impact TMall
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ancicntforged · 5 months
"This may not be as extravagant as the spear and the dress you gave to me." Ei handed over her gift to Ruby as she spoke. The said gift was in a purple box with a ribbon of the same color, only with some pink hues. "Anyway, as I have many of these in my possession, I'd like to give this one to you."
So what did Ruby get?
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It's the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder!
(from @starredvisions)
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"I'll treasure it well, Lady Shogun." Ruby had to suppress a chuckle at how funny the doll looked. She did remember that Sara collected these like crazy, so she might brag about it later that she received it personally from Ei.
"I'll put it on top of the shelf so that people can see and think that the Raiden Shogun is always on top." Let's see if that one flew over Ei's head or if she got the joke.
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thefigureresource · 1 year
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Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Genshin Impact
Release: June 2023
Manufacturer: miHoYo
Size: 4.1in
✦ Available from Solaris Japan ✦
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Archon companions idea is gold. There can be wisp Venti, little Morax dragon, a figurine statue of Her Excellency the Almighty Narukami Ogosho God of Thunder, and a floating cabbage.
A floating cabbage 💀
Honestly they're on the right track with the newest cloud retainer inspired companion, they just need to take that and apply it to our beloved Archon's nonhuman forms
I'm telling you it would be such an easy money maker, do you have any idea how much I would be willing to drop for a wisp Venti flying companion?? It doesn't even have to do anything but float there and look adorable
It's a great idea but I don't know if I could ever see it really happening, I think we've gotten like a handful of pictures worth of wisp Venti representation, and even less for dragon Morax, but I'll put it in my list of things to hold out hope for
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