#Subaru screen not working
wheels-tips · 7 months
Fix Subaru Infotainment Backup Camera and CarPlay Connecting Issues - Reset Procedure
Fix Subaru Infotainment Backup Camera and CarPlay Connecting Issues - Reset Procedure
How to reset the Subaru infotainment system if you have issues with the backup camera, screen going blank or freezing, connecting to Apple CarPlay, or not displaying anything. My main problem was with my Subaru backup camera, which the reset fixed. The Subaru Outback had other issues at times CarPlay wouldn’t connect until I reset the unit and updated my apps and software. Ensure that nothing is…
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danieyells · 26 days
care to spoil any interesting dialogue Haku has when you reach higher affinity levels? Would love to know!
Haku's so. . .normal, it's kinda cute? Lol. But yeah I'm pretty down for that! I wanted to share one of these things but held my tongue lolol but since you're asking here're some of the ones that were more interesting or otherwise appealing to me!
I've amended this post to be all of Haku's home screen lines. Enjoy!
"Oh, finally here, huh? I'm not really ready for you yet though... Ha ha. Wait over there for me, would you?"
"How's the search for clues about your curse going? Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you ever want to talk, I'm happy to listen."
"Most people in Hotarubi have something they put their heart and soul into. That doesn't really work for me though. I lose interest in things way too easily."
"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you've gotten yourself mixed up in something again."
this is a very funny one to have him say when i use the sinostra casino as my home screen bg
"Haha. Don't expect too much from me. Ghouls are just glorified street magicians, really. Let's keep it light, huh?"
'glorified street magicians' is a hell of a way to describe. . .a lot of the stigmas we've got going here lmao
You've got mail:
"Oh, looks like you've got a letter. If you don't open it soon, I might sneak a peek."
"Boo! Ha ha, didn't think you'd get that scared. I was just getting rid of the shadow imp that was sticking to your back... I'm kidding! There was nothing there, I promise."
Affinity 1:
"...So, how about we take a walk? This dorm's seen better days, so it's tough work checking all the places that need repairs."
Affinity 2:
"You've adjusted to life at Darkwick pretty well, haven't you? Not that anomalies and missions are something you'd want to get used to..."
Affinity 3:
"Today doesn't really work for me... I'm going to be getting back to the dorm pretty late, so can we do tomorrow instead?"
Affinity 4:
"...Hate to be the one to tell you this, but there's something untoward lingering behind you. Don't look! Hah, I was just kidding. It was just a little dust, see?"
Affinity 5:
"Twilight has been a lot quieter than usual today... I hope that's not a bad sign."
Affinity 6:
"Subaru's just too nice. Keeping all the eccentrics in Hotarubi in check's gotta be rough."
Affinity 7:
"Everyone here comes from different backgrounds and has different gifts. There's no reason you should feel out of place."
'we're all unique, including the most ordinary among us.' good lesson!
Affinity 8:
"Looks we're going to make it through today without any disasters. At least I hope so."
Affinity 9:
"What are you doing out here? You shouldn't walk around at night with your guard down. Don't come crying to me if you get possessed by a fox spirit, you hear?"
Affinity 10:
"Your parents ever tell you ghosts would get you if you don't go to bed? For some reason Zenji's the only one who gets spooked when I say that..."
after the reveal that zenji is a ghost this is so funny actually I LOVE THAT ZENJI IS A GHOST WHO'S AFRAID OF GHOSTS AND THE DARK.
Affinity 11:
"All these geniuses and their lectures are giving me heartburn. Wouldn't mind hearing the woes of someone long-suffering instead every once in a while."
(this sounds cruel but from what i can tell in Japanese he says he'd rather hear stories about hard workers/people who struggled from the bottom than prodigies. Basically he's more interested in, y'know, ordinary folks than people who're really special.)
Affinity 12:
"That video I took of Zenji today? I'm just going to do some quick editing and post it. I don't know why he doesn't just focus on content that's more his style..."
Affinity 13:
"I saw Tohma a little while ago. Been a while since we last had a real chat. Sounds like he's got his hands full, as always."
so i initially left this one out of this post because i didn't think much of it but. . .the way Haku regards Tohma is so much more casual than Tohma regards Haku in retrospect, it seems. To Haku, Tohma's just the usual hard worker. Someone he'd actually enjoy having a conversation with. But Tohma speaks to Haku almost as if with suspicion or disdain. . .then again he speaks kind of coldly to Jin too. Maybe that's just how he is with people he kind of knows or views as more on his level. Or it's something more sinister. Who knows.
Affinity 14:
"Mornin'. You've got a sleep mark on your face. Yeah, right there. Good to know you got a good night's rest."
Affinity 15:
"You haven't collected all the papers that were supposed to be submitted by today's deadline yet? Who are you waiting on? Got it. I'll go get them for you."
Affinity 16:
"I don't mean to scare you, but... be careful with your right leg. Especially when you're in the main building."
Affinity 17:
"Getting cold feet when you try to jump into the deep end is just proof you're a normal human being. We're the crazy ones."
Affinity 18:
"Can't sleep? In that case, let's go for a little walk. There's actually something I want to talk to you about."
pretty high affinity to be having chats on night walks. . .i wonder what he wanted to talk about.
Affinity 19:
"Just having someone you care about at your side is all you really need... Ha ha. That was a little out of character, huh? My bad."
Affinity 20:
"Oh, you're awake. I was just about to make some tea to wake myself up. Want some?"
Affinity 21:
"It's not very often I get to kick back like this in the middle of the day. Maybe I'll take a nap."
Affinity 22:
"None of us wanted to become like this. Living an ordinary life, and dying an ordinary death— why go after more than that?"
He just wants to be normal. And he can't. It's kinda tragic lol
Affinity 23:
"(Yawn) Oh, didn't see you there. Haha... Guess I've been letting my sleep debt build up. I'm going to bed."
Affinity 24:
"Being cursed really sucks, huh? You can't help but ask yourself, "Why me?" all the time, even when you know it's a question with no answer."
And my favorite line, at 25(max) affinity:
"I know I'm being selfish— but sometimes, I wish you'd just forget about me..."
WHY. . .ARE YOU THE SUS ONE AND YOU FEEL BAD THAT YOU'LL BETRAY THEM? DO YOU JUST FEEL LIKE YOU'RE TOO LUCKY HAVING HAD FALLEN FOR SOMEONE NORMAL WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT NORMAL ANYMORE? DO YOU FEEL LIKE THE PC DESERVES SOMEONE NORMAL AND TO BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO A NORMAL LIFE BUT BEING WITH YOU GUARANTEES THEY WON'T? WHY DO YOU WANT THEM TO FORGET YOU. . .he's so interesting to me simply because of how much he tries to keep himself apart from his being a ghoul(and, y'know, seeing spirits and shit--) so he can try and just be any other guy. . .and he can't lol his surroundings, who and what he is, he can't go back to being normal! It's a charming way to have a boy next door sort of personality i think lol
And since there are other interesting voicelines. . . . . . .
Seasons and holidays aren't affinity locked, so you can see these when they're available(although i didn't label which time they're available at, just the season lol.)
"I've been noticing more birds in the garden lately. Is that a bush warbler? A white-eye, maybe? A lot going on during spring in Hotarubi."
Boy knows his birbs.
"Heading into another nice, warm afternoon. Maybe I should take a nap...? Oops, nearly forgot I promised Zenji I'd film him."
"Must be nice being a ghost—no hayfever, and no hangovers. Spring really is the embodiment of human weakness."
How drunk did you get last night buddy. . . .
"My family home is pretty famous in our area for its cherry blossoms... When I was a kid, my friends and I used to go exploring through them at night."
Summer(starts June, ends August):
"It's so humid... Days like this make me miss Frostheim..."
He's former Frostheim! He does have a voice line that mentions not having spoken to Tohma recently too, but that he seems busy as usual.
"Today, I've got to go round and check the stalls for the festival Hotarubi is holding— wouldn't want any dangerous charlatans sneaking their way in."
"Zenji's off roaming around somewhere again... People are more sensitive this time year, so I wish he'd just stay put..."
"You're not going to wear a yukata? Eh, I just thought it'd be cute to see. That's the kind of thing guys think about, don't know what else to tell you."
It reads like he's a little disappointed the girl he's into friends with isn't gonna wear something he thinks is cute lol (i'd see if he sounds disappointed in the audio but since i don't have haku's sr the game didn't download the audio for me lol)
"They say fall is the season of the arts, but I'm a really mediocre flute player. I'm about as uncultured as you can get."
funny thing for an ex-frostheimer to say.
"You can hear the biwa, right? He's been going for three hours now. People are going to start getting pissed off, so I'll go tell him to stop soon."
"Nightfall can catch you unaware this time of year. It'll be dark soon, so let me know when you're planning to head home. I'll walk you back to the cathedral."
"It's a stunner of a night. Maybe I'll grab a drink and do a little moon gazing."
don't drink too much you're trying to quit smoking, the oslution isn't to replace it with another addiction--
"You'll catch a cold dressed like that. It's already pretty chilly out there, you know... Here, take my coat."
"Winter rain really chills you to the bone. Sorry, walking through the garden must be rough for you this time of year. Come a little closer."
I'm a bit of a sucker for huddling together in the cold lol
"It's cold again today. Now that I think of it, Subaru said he wanted to make hotpot with everyone. Guess I'll go grab some things and make it happen."
"Your hands hurt because of the cold? Let me see. Oh yeah, your fingertips are all red. Here, stick them in my pockets."
Is that your flute in your pocket or are you completely unaffected by the cold
His Birthday(July 26):
"Wait, you got me a birthday present? You're so conscientious. Oh, I didn't mean it in a bad way. Thanks, I appreciate it."
Your Birthday:
"Hey, come over here a sec. Here. It's nothing special, but I got you a something. Today's your birthday, right?"
why is this worded like he's asking you to come into a shady alley in secret to give you a birthday gift lmao
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I know it's a cliché, but I hope this year's a good one for you."
Valentine's Day:
"Whoa, chocolate? I didn't think you'd give them to me too. Guess I better think of something good to get you in return."
White Day:
"Here, for the chocolate you got me last month. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I got the ones I remember you said were good."
April Fool's Day:
"A bunch of spirits have been following you around all day, are you okay? Psych, just kidding. Seriously, I was joking, I swear."
"Looks like you've had your fair share of tricks today. I'll narrow down your options and just make it a treat, then."
"You look like you're having fun. Do you have a present for me, Little Miss Santa? Haha, I'm just kidding. Here you go. Merry Christmas."
"...Hey, you alive? Not much point me just standing here waiting around. Guess I'll take off."
"I know I look like a slacker, but I do have stuff to do. Guess I'll nap till she gets back."
Absent(When you haven't logged in for at least a day, between the hours of 5am and 3pm? I've gotten these messages with Taiga after being away for like two hours so i may be misunderstanding the condition):
"Hey there, stranger. Everyone's missed you, you know. ...Even I was starting to get a little worried."
Those're the ones that're most interesting to me I think! 'u' there are some that aren't up there though, like some of the ones that show him being responsible and worrying about his teammates haha. Hope you don't mind my little commentary here and there!
A while later and I've amended this post to include all of the home screen voicelines, not just the ones that appealed to me most in that moment! Haku's interesting in how. . .normal he is. Aside from the seeing spirits and things anyway lmao. He's just a casual flirt who wants to escape the abnormality that his becoming a ghoul got him. I feel like his lines don't really reveal anything about him. . .but also 19 in particular feels. . .a little lonely? Maybe because of how he had to leave Frostheim, he doesn't really feel as connected to the Hotarubi ghouls yet, compared to how he was with Jin before? Or, if he is the spy, he feels like all of his relationships are fake. . .and man that 'I wish you'd just forget about me' line is sad but also SO SUSPICIOUS. WHO SAYS THAT IF THEY DON'T PLAN ON LEAVING YOU OR STABBING YOU IN THE BACK.
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Sooo Tokyo debunker posted on their Twitter about ep 4
Maybe it’ll have something to do with either
1. Wanting to be human/normal again?
2. Maybe something about what he gave up for his wish/pact
3. His debt with Romeo? (Even though Luca paid for most of it)
Any predictions or hopes for this ep?
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Kaito? My silly boy? I suppose I should have expected him to appear given that he is debt to Romeo and while I am glad to see him again... if anything happens to him we will have to blow the whole school up. agreed? agreed.
I think it probably has to do with his debt more than anything, his homescreen lines imply that he's always hard up for cash and not very good at managing his impulse buys, though a lot of it just seems to be from a want to do normal things with friends. He seems genuinely quite lonely. I won't rule out that it has something to do with wanting to be human again, but I think we'll find that a lot of general admission students have been going missing too and they're already human. So the likely answer is just money.
We get involved to save Peekaboo because Taiga kidnapped him, probably as collateral for a debt Haru has. If anything happens to him we should be allowed to help Towa destroy their dorm.
Taiga doesn't remember shooting us in the prologue and probably doesn't care too much about it. I'm not too sure what to make of him but his intro line asking if we think he could have done anything different makes me think he could be a bit sweet on MC. Maybe. Sort of. Like eventually. I just hope he's a different flavor of hater than Leo and if I could be truly selfish I would want to see them fight. He gives big "kidnapped by the mafia" energy and as someone who never has touched or wrote any of those fics, I am prepared to enter my watpad era for you guys. I'll just probably start with Floyd because I have been having thoughts.
Tohma will continue being a sneaky slut. Does he have any connections in Sinostra? Does he want them? He mentions a spy in Book 2 and I feel in my spine that he might be suspicious of Haku. I certainly am, his intentions towards the school seem like they could be less than pure, even if he does seem to like MC.
Luca will be acting a fool if Kaito goes missing because protecting his people is important to him, but Jin won't let him do anything.
Leo will continue to cause problems on purpose and it will further strain his relationship with Sho. It will have something to do with Subaru and Hotarubi, possibly as a set up for the fifth book which will probably be about their dorm.
There seems to be a trend of MC's friends from the previous book having some stuff to say and this might be pure fucking crack but does anyone else get the sense that Taiga and Haru could be related? They've got different last names but are both bad with money and the same genre of ginger. Also don't think I've forgotten that Haru was a transfer to Jabberwock, I've got a slight suspicion that transfer was from Sinostra.
While I am doing lines, Obscuary, the dorm that's missing it's other characters right, I think the janitor we and Haru interact with is their dorm leader because he kind of looks like the guy facing away from the camera in the loading screen. Why he's working as a janitor and not wearing his uniform? No clue but Rui does have a line about taking out trash in on of his random campus encounters but again. This is pure speculation on my part. I do think he'll show up again in this book though. Maybe he's another one of Tohma's boy toys idk
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“Slithering in our grasp” Triple A (Asa, Akemi, and Amaya) and Keiichirou (@gingerall ‘s oc!)
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A/N: Well… Its been super long since I made a fanfic, hasn’t it? Not to mention I barely made a fanfic with someone else’s oc! After a long long time, I finally got to writing my OCs with @gingerall’s OC Keiichirou which takes place in one of his fics called Eden and its downfall. I really hope I did him justice for you! Also I’m really curious as to how he would react to my OCs, especially Akemi…👀👀👀
The Sakamaki manor’s atmosphere seemed to have changed over the past few days. Never mind its usual macabre atmosphere and the faint stench of death from corpses past present it the earth below.
No. That is not the case, it all started when the current sacrificial bride decided to bring another man into the manor’s doors, for a school project, apparently. It was a strange school project not even the sadistic triplets knew or even heard in class, that is if they even paid attention in class. “I swear on it, Reiji! There is no project! That bastard is playing with us!!” Ayato exclaimed, running his hands over his ruby red hair in frustration, clearly starting to doubt himself and his memories of school fogged over the random things he thought of during class: Takoyaki, basketball, big breasts, whatever.
Reiji removed his glasses to wipe them, “Like I said, it would be beneficial for her to learn from Mr. Seong, her grades have been slipping as of late this year.” He explains cooly as he pushes his glasses back on. Ayato looks over at his older brother angrily before storming off in a random direction. “Stupid Reiji! What is he trying to fucking pull here? How dare Chichinashi bring another guy in her room who isn’t Ore-sama?” Ayato grumbled as he stomps his way down the corridor, paying no mind to the expensive porcelain on display, the assortment of portraits of several people he didn’t give two shits about hanging on the walls with their black stares nor did he pay any mind to who was in front of his way, fumbling over his phone as Ayato bumped into him.
“Oi, watch where ya going, you idiot!” The youngest snarled, the grip around his phone tightened as he scolds his older narcissistic brother only to curse out again as his phone beeps, “Fuck! Why won’t she pick up? Come on, come on already…” Subaru groaned in frustration while dialing the number on his phone again, his ear pressed harshly at the recently cracked screen to hear the phone ring. “Hah? Says you! You’re blocking my way! Why the fuck are you on the phone for?!” Ayato questioned the youngest, grabbing the phone from his hand without warning to look at the screen. “Shut up, I’m trying the get that jerk out of here! Give me my phone back!” Subaru hollered as he tussled with Ayato over the cracked phone that was still ringing in his palm.
“Subaru! Whatcha calling me for? Me and the others are just about on our way back from shopping. Did you want anything? Snacks? Some trinkets for your emo outfits? I can ask the familiars to go shopping again if you want since we’re like, in the car so you have to send me a list.” A preppy voice calls out, filling the room and stopping the two vampires from their fight, emerald eyes widen in recognition at the sound of the girl’s voice from the phone. Ayato takes the chance to push Subaru away, “Oi! Give the phone to Ghost Eyes for fucks sake! It’s urgent!” Ayato demanded, pressing his ear against the phone harder in hopes of hearing the girl better through the low signal as Subaru tried to claw at him to retrieve his phone. “Huh? Did you want to talk to Asa? She’s busy now, working for your father, remember? It’s Thursday, her busiest day?” Amaya stated bluntly, her voice choppy over the phone, “Anyways, Me and Akemi are just about on our way back anyway, why are you so bossy with me Ayato? Where’s Subaru? Why do you have his phone?” Before Ayato could answer, Subaru finally snatched the phone out of the other vampire’s grasp. “YUI BROUGHT A SHADY FUCK OVER! HE’S IN HER ROOM RIGHT NOW!” Subaru yelled at the phone frantically, shaking his phone as the call went quiet.
After what felt like forever, the moment of silence finally broke, “What do you mean?!! How did this happen??” Another voice rings out, her voice grows pitchy and high with worry. “Akemi, wait! Don’t pull at the phone! I’ll put it on speaker right now!” Amaya urged, the sound of static and shuffling can be heard from the other side. Subaru’s face softened slightly, trying to calm himself down after his outrage, “So? When are you coming back? Are you nearby?” He asks carefully in hopes of calming the distressed girl as white noise rings out from the phone. “It’s just trees and more trees at this point. I’m not sure if we’re even halfway?” Akemi groaned in frustration, “Yesh, it's been like, what? Almost a century since we came here and we still live neck deep into the forest- WAIT A SECOND, I THINK I SEE THE MANOR ALREADY, HOLD ON-“ Amaya squealed over the phone, the sound of a door opening and a pair of footstep can be heard from outside and in the phone, Ayato and Subaru wasted no time to dash over to the manor’s doors and slammed them open, letting the two other vampires inside. “Subaru, Ayato! Please stay put while we go to her room, don’t do anything rash, got it?!” Akemi hollered, already making her way up the stairs with Amaya close by, trailing after her.
Panting. Amaya does her best to catch up to her sister, running as fast as her legs can carry her as Akemi turns to another corner, “Akemi! Wait up a moment! Come on! Slow down!” Amaya yelled frantically, reaching her hand out towards her sister’s hand, and clasping it between hers. “DON’T TOUCH ME!“ Akemi cried out, her breath hitched in shock, causing her to stop abruptly and almost fall to her knees as she looked at Amaya over her shoulder, eyes wide and alight with small flames flickering at her blond lashes. “Hah…Haah… haah… hah” Akemi panted, yanking Amaya's hands off hers as beads of sweat stuck to her bangs and face which had grown paler with worry. “Akemi…?” Amaya called out carefully, making sure she didn’t step too close to her sister’s space, panicked, fiery blue eyes never left hers until the licks of flames had dissipated. “Kemi… you good now...? … You know I didn’t mean to do that…” Amaya whispered, trying to find the courage to stretch her hand out for her sister to hold. Akemi pursed her lips together and shook her head to get herself together, “Yeah, I’m fine… thank you, Amaya.” she breathed out as she took her younger sister’s hand in hers to pull herself up on her feet. Amaya’s dark brows furrow at the blonde “You gotta stop pushing yourself when it comes to stuff like this, Kemi.” Akemi could only nod once as they made their way to Yui’s room, hands linked together, “Come on, that ‘shady guy’ might still be inside Yui’s room,” Amaya urged, tugging at Akemi’s hand as they slowly reached to Yui’s door to the vampires’ surprise, was slightly ajar.
Just open enough for the two to hear light laughter through the door.
“Really, Keiichirou-san, I’m so grateful for your help.” A familiar voice chimed from the open door; Akemi quickly peeked through the small gap to inspect further. She presses her hand against the door and the knob with the other, careful not to make the door move as she looks through the gap to find Yui perched on her bed, a genuine smile on her lips towards what Akemi can only guess to be the young man that Subaru mentioned over the phone, an enigmatic student that she never bothered to interact with until now. “Hey, please don’t say such things, sweetheart. Remember what I said earlier?” A deep voice rings out from the room, Akemi frowns but stays where she is to not alarm the culprit behind the door, “I appreciate you; I hope you won’t forget it, Yui.” Keiichirou states softly as he pulls the small blonde girl into his arms, hugging her so intimately that Amaya lets out a small gasp at the sight.
Taken aback, Akemi tears her eyes from the two humans before her to silence her younger sister, “H-hey! Don’t look at me like that! I didn’t know Yui had a crush of sorts!” Amaya whispered fiercely, waving her hands dramatically as she tried to contain her excitement. “Did you see those shoulders??? He must be the handsome type! Aren’t you curious to see his face, Kemi?” Amaya squeaks as she peers at the gap, trying to glimpse at the red-haired human’s face as she presses herself against Akemi’s back. “Amaya, hush. They’ll hear us, keep it down.” Akemi scolds her fangirling younger sister, gently pushing her away from the door. Letting out a huff, Akemi turns back to the door to keep her eye on Yui and this ‘Keiichirou’ man. Hoping he was too focused on Yui to notice them.
Until a pair of icy blue eyes met hers.
Akemi forced herself from flinching away from this man’s gaze, to stand her ground and wait for his next move as his red lashes fluttered toward Yui, “That’s strange, it seems like I’ve forgotten to close the door properly…” Keiichirou noted to himself out loud, causing Yui to jump slightly, “I-Is that so? I can go close it just in case…” she slowly stuttered out until Keiichirou lifted his hand to reassure her with an easy smile on his face, “No no, no need, I can do it. It would be worrying if someone was sticking their nose where shouldn’t be.” He laughed lightly as he sauntered his way toward the door, his eyes flickered toward Akemi’s as he flashed her a knowing smile, sending shivers down her spine. Akemi’s mind started racing, ‘If he opens the door and exposes us, Yui will depend on Keiichirou more… but I don’t want to leave her with him, in her bedroom of all places!’ the blonde vampire cursed under her breath at the thought as Keiichirou gets closer, his long fingers grazing against the doorknob.
Thinking quickly, Akemi knocks on the door.
Keiichirou cocks his head to the side, curious.
“Yui? Are you in your room? We just got back from the mall.” Akemi calls out, knocking again for good measure as she glares at the red-haired human through the gap. Keiichirou’s soft lips parted, his eyes never leaving Akemi’s, even as Yui brushed past him to open the door. “Akemi-san! Amaya-san! Welcome back.” Yui exclaimed, giving the two vampires a small polite smile as Amaya pulled Yui into a tight hug, “It’s good to be back, you must have been lonely, haven’t you? Who’s your friend over there, hm?” Amaya hummed with a smile spread on her lips as she looked over to the red-haired human with questioning eyes. “Seong, Keiichirou Seong, pleased to meet you. I came here to help Yui on a school project.” he introduces himself, holding his hand out as he gives both vampires his best genuine smile. Akemi purses her pink lips as she takes Keiichirou’s hand in hers, shaking it firmly, “Pleased to meet you… I’m Akemi Sakamaki, this is my younger sister Amaya.” Akemi explained, pointing at her younger sister who gave Keiichirou a small wave, “Um… thank you for helping Yui out with the project while we were out. We were kinda busy.” Amaya mumbled, twirling her long black hair between her fingers. “Haha, it wasn’t too bad. We just finished it just about now.” Keiichirou laughs as he pulls out his phone to look at the time, “Oh dear, would you look at the time? I’m sorry about this but I need to call my driver to take me back home. It's such a shame, I would have liked to talk to you more.” Keiichirou lets out a sigh, feigning disappointment as his eyes find his way to Akemi once more, who only gives him a small, exasperated huff. "Well, it's quite late now, after all, I’m sure you have other places to be.” Akemi waves a dismissive hand as she lightly pushes at the boy’s wide back towards the other side of the door.
“Well then, farewell, Keiichirou Seong.”
Before Keiichirou could turn around, the door shuts in his face, leaving him alone to stare and huff in annoyance at the polished wood. On the other side of the door, Akemi turns her head towards the sacrificial bride, her delicate features now twisted in fear. “Akemi-san… why did you do that?” Yui asked quietly, “It’s all my fault, he didn’t do anything wrong, I promise…” She stuttered before the two vampires, her hands shaking as warm hands enveloped hers. “No… no, it's nothing like that, I promise. We were just worried” Akemi hushes, squeezing the human’s hands gently. Yui’s pink eyes cast down to the floor, her blonde bangs hiding her frown, “… But he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He treats me like I’m… normal…” Yui pressed firmly, her lips trembling as she tried to bite back her grief. Amaya’s face softens at the sight and places her hand on the girl’s shoulders, “Hey, come on, Yui. I know that your situation is not… Ideal in any way but if this keeps happening, you and this guy could get into big trouble if this continues…” Amaya murmured, trying not to wince at the sight of Yui’s expression growing more detached as she tried to reason with her.
“… I’m grateful for your concern but can I be alone for a while…? I’m kind of tired.” Yui mumbled quietly, retreating herself away from Amaya’s grasp, “I’ll be sure to think about it… I’m not sure if he even knows that both of you are vampires.” Akemi eyes widen at the human’s words as Amaya lets out a soft gasp, “O…ok, we can leave right now… see you later?” Amaya stuttered, unsure what to do but her feet were already making their way out of the human’s room. “That didn’t go well…” Akemi sighed, combing through her blond curls in frustration as they walk down the manor’s hallway, “No shit, we sounded like assholes to her.” Amaya groaned in return, thinking back at her words and Yui’s crestfallen face, “…Maybe they should at least hang out in school in between classes? Keiichirou seems nice?”. Akemi shook her head, looking over the large window of the manor, catching a glimpse of Keiichirou leaning against the gate, “I don’t know, he seems a little off to me.” She frowns at the thought, watching the young man’s red hair get blown in the cold night’s wind with a faint line of smoke emitting where his soft lips should be. Akemi crinkles her nose at the pseudo-scent of cigarette smoke filling her nostrils, she shakes her head at the memories filling her head, rubbing her hands together, dissipating the small blue embers in between. Even after all the years of practicing, old habit seems to die hard.
“Keiichirou Seong… just what is he planning to do?”
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
back to work
So I drove the new Subaru on its maiden thruway voyage yesterday. Dude had helped me turn off the Lane Excursion Warning or whatever, when it beeps at you for going out of what it thinks is a lane? I found it wildly distracting in Tonawanda with the gratuitous roundabouts whose markings confused the cameras, and it drove me nuts. I know where the edge of the road is! Please let me drive the car, if I am over there it is usually for a reason, and that reason means I probably would not like you to beep to distract me.
Anyway. That's off and I can see the indicator that it's off. Great! Also the one where it seizes control of the car if it thinks you're going to get into an accident, that's off. Because that would not have saved me any of the three? times in my life I've been in an accident, and it WILL cause me to get into an accident I super don't need to when it stops the car dead in a driving lane for some reason. (it is probably that "feature" in a car ahead of us in traffic that caused the chain reaction rear-ending that totaled the last Subaru, someone stopped TOTALLY DEAD in WILD overreaction at being cut off at 55 mph, and now I know, some cars will helpfully do that for you, and while it will keep you from rear-ending someone it will also ensure that you in turn get rear-ended, but because of insurance this is of course infinitely preferable. One would think no accident is preferable but that is not now insurance works.)
So anyway. More bells, whistles etc wittering behind the cut.
Dude's mazda has the kind of cruise control where it keeps you a safe following distance behind the car in front of you in preference to actually adhering to the speed you asked it to go, which means you have to be constantly vigilant so that you don't wind up going 40 in a 65 because it so nicely and gradually slowed you down to follow the boat in the slow lane when the passing lane was perfectly open. But I don't mind that so much now that I know to expect it, and I at least figured out how to shorten the following distance so that I was within reasonable passing range as I came up on very slow cars, to prevent my having to camp in the left lane the moment a truck appears on the horizon.
(Guess what people do, now. yeah they just pick a speed and camp in the left lane. fortunately traffic is usually light enough on the thruway that you can pass these idiots on the right. Yes I have a low opinion of most drivers but it is warranted.)
The feature I was not expecting to like so much was Lane Keep Assist. Yes, this is using the same features as the Distracting Lane Beep, but on the Thruway, which is flat and straight and unending, mostly the car can in fact find the lane edges, and it will then mostly steer itself to be between them. this is ENORMOUSLY helpful at avoiding shoulder strain, and at letting you take the cap off your water bottle whenever you like.
The thing that's annoying is that if you don't occasionally attempt to wrestle control gently back, it decides you don't have your hands on the wheel, and will abruptly turn itself off in a huff of beeping. The way my steering wheel is positioned, I can't actually see the bit of dashboard display where it first warns you, so I don't know it's starting to feel neglected until it turns itself off. For the record every time it did this I did in fact have my hands on the wheel, so I was easily able to correct it, but it was very annoying. I guess most people have the steering wheel up higher or lower, so they can see the part of the display where it tells you things, but that might as well be a blank screen for me.
Still, though, i much enjoyed having the car occasionally steer itself while I opened packages of crackers and such.
The downside is that I hydrated well in my delight at being able to open my water bottle whenever I wanted, and they still have fully 3/4 of the rest stops on the Thruway shut down, so I told myself at 9:30 that I'd stop to pee at the next rest stop, and it was 11:00 before I finally made it to the blessed land of Indian Castle Service Area which was actually open and was a fucking zoo because there's nowhere else for 150 miles to fucking pee. WTF.
Anyway. (The Thruway had rest stops every 40 miles or so for my entire lifetime, until the pandemic, during which they decided closing them was the thing to do, and then they decided to demolish and replace all of them with other different but similar buildings, and they decided instead of like, idk, working from one side to the other or something, they'd just close all of them at once so that the entire purpose of having rest stops became moot. It's now year 3 of this project and you can't fucking stop to pee anywhere but you think you're going to be able to so you don't get off the highway because now most gas stations have "out of order" signs permanently affixed to their bathrooms so they won't have to clean them, which is why the rest stops are so useful-- one certainly doesn't purchase fuel there, it's much more expensive than if you get off at an exit, and gas stations mostly don't turn their pumps off. Just their bathrooms. So the rest stops have one job, which they're not doing.)
I got used to several of the car's quirks. It has a weird little chime it does, which I eventually worked out was it letting me know it had acquired or lost a target in its following distance calculation. Ah this is how you're supposed to recognize that it might change your speed, or not. Now I know what the chime means it doesn't bother me.
It was a bit like having a cranky astromech.
So, I got over to my mother's house and we did autumn chores, mostly moving furniture and pots and washing windows and putting in storm windows. Farmsister and BIL spent a lot of time on ladders, fixing gutters, cleaning roofs, etc.; Farmsister even got to don her chainsaw chaps and take down / cut up a tree threatening the driveway, which was undoubtedly good enrichment for her.
I got back to my cabin after dark, and walked in the door and smelled... death or... something stale, idk. it wasn't nice. I checked the mousetraps and nothing was in them, but went out and looked and the bait block had been partly eaten. I think a mouse might have died in my roof. I checked my gas stove all over and decided the smell wasn't leaking gas, the pilot was still lit, so that was okay. So I lit some incense, and lit the stove, and it warmed up the house quite a bit. I was just settling in, the temperature at 61 beginning to approach that of a normal room, when the fire went whoomph and went out.
I decided the gas must be out, and indeed the cylinder felt light. It's a 100-lb cylinder, and when it was installed I could barely move it, but now I can rock it easily. Phooey. So I shut off the handle where it comes into the house, and lit a few candles.
The mice were undeterred by the smell of death and made a racket in the ceiling much of the night. i don't know how they can be so loud. I don't know. You'd think they'd eat the dead one. Maybe they have, the smell is faint.
Today I have a lot to do but maybe I can get my propane cylinder refilled, it's not going to be that cold this week but it's not going to be warm either.
It's 52 in the sleeping loft, which could be worse, but I'm nerving myself up to 1) go use the loo outside, and 2) get dressed downstairs where it'll be significantly colder than 52....
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [04]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway of the Violet Manor
Subaru: We’re here. Get in.
Yui: Eh? But...Subaru-kun, this is...
Subaru: No buts, just go. God. Don’t take forever.
Yui: O-Okay. I understand...
ー Yui enters the kitchen
Yui: ( I wonder why he took me here? )
Kou: Ahー There she is. Welcome!
Laito: Oh? You actually brought her here.
Azusa: We’ve been waiting for you...I’m glad to see you here...
Yui: What brings you all here?
Kou: What do you mean? Do people do other things in a kitchen besides cook?
Azusa: We’re getting everything ready for a welcome party...And we’d like you to help us out with the cooking...
Yui: A welcome party...? Will we have visitors over?
Kou: Of course not! Your welcome party, duh!
Laito: We feel really bad for what we did, you see? Sorry for throwing you into a cell out of the blue.
This party is meant to welcome you, as well as serve as an apology.
Kou: Carla-kun told us to do this so don’t worry. We’re not acting without permission.
Laito: That being said, we aren’t exactly great cooks, so even though you’re the guest of honor, we’d like to ask for your help.
Yui: Well...
( I honestly didn’t think they’d do such a thing for me... )
( They’re holding a welcome party for me. )
( Subaru-kun is... )
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( Not in the best of moods, as I figured. I wonder if he’s against the idea? He was completely enraged yesterday after all. )
( No, I shouldn’t keep thinking so negatively. I might as well take them up on their offer. )
I’ll gladly help out. Let’s put together a delicious feast, okay?
Kou: Thank god!
Laito: It’d be boring to have a bunch of guys flock together in the kitchen. 
We’re very happy to have you help out.
Azusa: Yeah, I feel relieved...
Yui: ( Now that you mention it, none of them are particularly skilled in the kitchen. )
Kou: Here you go. Use this to cut up the ingredients, okay?
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Oi, don’t get distracted! ...What if you cut your finger?”
“Stop starin’ at me! Is it that funny to watch me cook!?”
Yui: Hey, how did you cook your meals up till now?
Kou: Well, the four of us did try to work together. 
But Laito would always dip at one point or another and both Azusa-kun and I are better at eating food than preparing it...
Subaru-kun would pull through till the end despite all his complaints but to be honest, the meals he made were never ones to write home about...
Subaru: I’m sorry it tasted like shit! Maybe make it yourself then!
Kou: Just kidding~ We’re counting on you, so continue to try your best for us, okay~?
Subaru: Fuck off, I’ll kill you.
Yui: Fufu...Subaru-kun always takes care of those around him, doesn’t he?
Kou: Even though he’s the baby of the family~
Laito: Such a good boy he is.
Azusa: Subaru is...a nice guy...
Subaru: You shitheads really need to just shut up! Eve, don’t you dare laugh either!!
→ I thought it was cute (🖤)
Yui: Uhm, it’s cu...
Subaru: Aah!?
Yui: ( I guess he’ll get mad if I admit to finding it cute. )
Subaru: ...What?
Yui: I’m sorry, it’s nothing.
→ Genuinely apologize (♡)
Yui: I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. I couldn’t help myself...
Subaru: Apologizing won’t fix it.
Yui: R-Right.
Subaru: Oi, don’t look so serious. I’m not mad or anything.
Kou: Subaru-kun’s really nice despite his potty mouthー
Yui: ( He’s always looking out for those around him despite being somewhat of a lone wolf. )
Yui: ( ...I feel a bit better after laughing. The atmosphere isn’t as awkward as it was yesterday. )
Subaru-kun. I’ll lend you a hand, so let’s try our hardest together?
Subaru: Che...Fine, whatever.
Then pass those to me once you’ve cut them.
Yui: S-Sure.
Yui: ...Hey, Subaru-kun. Does this look good in terms of size?
Subaru: Ah? Ahー...I guess? Why are you asking me?
Yui: Eh? I mean, because you said that you’ve done most of the cooking up till now...
Subaru: But you’re the better cook, aren’t you?
...Besides, the stuff you make tastes better than mine as well.
Yui: ( Eh...? What did he say just now...? )
( Did he say it tastes delicious? Even though I haven’t cooked at all since I came here. )
( Are here memories coming back, perhaps...? )
Hey, Subaru-kun. How do you know what my cooking is like?
Subaru: ...Hah?
Yui: I mean, you just said that I’m the better cook...
Subaru: ...
No...I said it on a whim. I just imagine it’s better, no need to read into it.
Laito: Ah, are you perhaps sweet talking her to win Eve over?
Kou: Eh? Is that so!? You’re a clever strategist, Subaru-kun~
Subaru: Don’t be ridiculous! You guys should move your hands instead of your mouths!
Azusa: Exactly...Carla might get mad at us...if we don’t get everything ready on time...
Laito: I’m so sick and tired of that guy lecturing me. I’ll take this seriously even though it’s a drag.
Kou: Good point. We’re counting on you, Eve!
Yui: Then, could you tell me what we’re making today?
Kou: Sure~
Laito: Can’t you make everything while you’re at it? I doubt we’ll be of much help anyway.
Subaru: We’re not doing that. Oi, Laito. Don’t you dare sleep on the job today.
Azusa: Eve...I look forward to cooking with you...
The four of us peacefully,
prepared the welcome party.
While spending time like this,
the strange situation currently taking place,
almost seemed to not exist at all.
Fake memories and incorrect family relationships.
Even so, it was fun,
to all cook together.
Since I was still unfamiliar with the kitchen,
things did not always go as planned. 
However, we somehow managed to finish the dishes,
as the welcome party started without too much trouble.
After cleaning up the beautiful kitchen,
we headed for the dining room.
Since we were done with all the preparations,
Azusa-kun went to Carla-san’s room,
to go get him.
ー The scene shifts to the dining lounge
Carla: Everyone is here?
Azusa: Yeah, we are...
Carla: The food looks rather delicious as well.
Laito: Pretty unfair how you leave everything up to us when it comes to these kinds of things.
Carla: You want me to cook? I have always left such small household chores in your hands.
Kou: Ehー? I’m pretty sure it’s more accurate to say that you’re forcing them onto us...?
Azusa: Carla is taking command in this fight...So I am sure he has...a lot on his head already...
Kou: You’re right, Azusa-kun. I know.
Laito: Carla loves to make it difficult on himself, huh? Having to fight for the title of Supreme Overlord just sounds like a lot of trouble, doesn’t it?
Carla: Since I am the first-born of this family, it is my duty to lead and protect you.
Furthermore, there is not a single person in this World more fit for the title of Supreme Overlord.
Kou: Carla does seem like the perfect fit since he loves to be in charge, so I guess it works out in that sense.
Laito: I guess you could say he’s just the right person for the job?
Yui: ( Carla-san is everyone’s older brother...Something really does seem terribly off about this family make-up. )
( I wonder if the others really don’t remember anything about their real brothers? )
( Especially Carla-san, being a Founder, he is different from the others who are Vampires... )
( However, they were so kind to organize such a lovely welcome party for me. )
( Right now, I’ll show my gratitude and accept the sentiment. )
( ...Huh? The ring around my napkin has been decorated with a cute flower. )
( The others’ napkins don’t have anything of such sort, so did somebody put it on there for me? )
( I guess it’s part of welcoming me into the house? That makes me very happy. )
( I suppose it shows that they’re trying to be considerate of me? )
Carla: Well then, now that the banquet has started, I would like to share a couple of words. Eveーー
Yui: Yes, what is the matter?
Carla: Please forgive my previous crude behavior.
Yui: Eh...?
( I can’t believe he’s apologizing to me. Why...? )
Carla: You are necessary to our family. I would like to welcome you once more as our visitor.
Yui: ...
( Necessary...Because I’m Eve pretty much, right? )
( Rather than locking me up inside a prison cell and forcing me to cooperate with their plans. )
( Are they perhaps trying to win me over so I’ll willingly become their ally? )
( All so Carla-san can become the Supreme Overlord. )
( If that’s the case...I’m not sure how to feel about it. )
( I’m pretty sure that’s the reason why they organized this welcome party for me as well. )
( But when I look at everyone’s happy faces, I can’t just flat-out reject them, can I? )
( For now, I’ll just genuinely show my gratitude for their efforts... )
( No matter what kind of ulterior motives they may have... )
Kou: Azusa-kun, if you won’t finish your plate, I’ll take it~ 
Azusa: Ah...
Kou: Ehehe~ I ate it.
Yui: ( Ah, Kou-kun stole one of Azusa-kun’s sides. )
Subaru: Oi, Kou! How many times do I have to tell you to stop takin’ food from others!? Do somethin’ ‘bout that bad habit of yours already!
Laito: Don’t you need to stop them? It creates some ambiance, but it’s hard to enjoy my meal in peace like this.
Carla: Not my problem. Let them do that.
Laito: No, I’m pretty sure you should stop them?
Carla: It is not up to me to tell them how they should go about having their meal. Just ignore them until they’ve had their fun.
Subaru: They just have shit manners, no...?
Yui: ( I’m pretty sure Ruki-kun would stop them... )
( Carla-san always struck me as the type of person who’d be very strict about etiquette, but I guess he’s surprisingly lax in that regard? )
( I guess it’s because he was never that type of person? )
( Or perhaps it’s because Kou-kun and Azusa-kun aren’t his real brothers? I’m not sure which it is. )
Kou: I don’t mind behaving if you share some of your sides with me, Laito-kun?
Laito: ...Actually, I can tell by the look on Subaru-kun’s face that he’s simply dying to share his food with his older brothers.
Subaru: I’m not! Why me...?
Azusa: ...Subaru. 
Subaru: ...Guh. Those puppy eyes won’t work on me.
Yui: Fufu. Kou-kun, Azusa-kun. If you’d like, you can have mine?
Azusa: Eh? Are you sure...? You’re such a kind girl, aren’t you...?
Kou: Hooray!
Subaru: Oi, don’t spoil them too much.
Carla: Are you sure, Eve? You are the guest of honor tonight.
Yui: Yes, I’ve already eaten plenty after all.
Carla: I see. You can do as you please then.
Kou: Thanks, Eve!
Azusa: I’m happy...Thank you...
Yui: You’re welcome. Honestly, it was worth making all of this now that I see all of you enjoying it so much.
( Even though the families have gotten jumbled up alongside their lost memories... )
( I guess things are going rather smoothly right now? )
I do not think things should stay like this. 
However, for now, I want to treasure,
this moment of peace.
While watching everyone,
interact in a friendly and peaceful manor,
the loneliness I feel inside becomes somewhat more bearable as well.
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yurisorcerer · 17 days
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I think Girls Band Cry has finally edged out Jellyfish as my girl band show of the season, and probably my favorite overall as well. I caved and caught up with the other group doing fansubs (their translations are on par, although the subs themselves aren't as fancy), and I just....wow. There's a lot to process here. This post is going to be long.
So, Nina's pa is aware of her faltering grades and now that she's talked to her sister about the band, her family is probably going to know all about that soon as well. Naturally, she has not told any of this to said band. The girl's natural inclination to simply Not Tell People Things is going to absolutely blow up in the second half of the show, I'm sure.
The use of traditional flat animation to convey the past---bygone periods of one's life, memories that have gotten hazy in the recollection---is probably the smartest thing Girls Band Cry does visually. Other uses of 2D animation in the series can feel like a concession, these very much do not.
Of course I wrote that and then they did the broken glass split shot thing when Momoka announced she was leaving the band, so I don't know. The series is just very inventive, visually, and I like that, even if most of the visual symbolism is not necessarily subtle.
Mine, the character in red who's given a supporting role here for what is honestly not a ton of screentime, makes an immense impact in the brief amount that she's on screen. We have somebody here who is herself not "successful" in the broad-stroke pop star sense, but who is clearly at least getting by and making a living with her music. It's inspiring, in a way, and I think that Nina might feel that way too.
I've avoided using the P-word much in my writing lately, because I think it's easy to attribute to passion all sorts of other emotions that might be described better with other terms, but if we read this work as a reflective one, we can assume that the people working on it feel similarly to Mine about their own profession. Things can be difficult, they can be hard, but you push through for your own sake. Because, if you're really that devoted to what you're doing, you almost have to.
In another piece of awesome yet obvious visual symbolism, when Nina redoubles her commitment to the band, she runs to a nearby lake and happens to catch the start of a fireworks show. I kind of love this series.
In episode 7's final moments, in the middle of a concert, the band, which has remained nameless for the entire first half of the show, is finally (and hastily) christened Togenashi Togenari. A literal line-of-sight name, because Nina is an insane person.
Episode 8 opens on a flashback, immediately reflecting Nina's current desire to drop out of school with Momoka's past plan to do the exact same thing. This entire section is flat animated, which to me is enough evidence to confirm that the show's usage of 2D animation to represent the past is an intentional stylistic choice.
Momoka remarks that if Diamond Dust gives themselves an escape route from their desire to make it big, they'll definitely end up using it rather than succeeding, so they shouldn't make one. It's interesting to note that this is the same philosophy that no less an artist than Eminem once advocated. I'm not sure it's the best advice, necessarily, but you can't deny the drive.
Subaru correctly points out that Nina's drive to succeed isn't as far-fetched as it seems, given various factors (those listed include; Tomo & Rupa being somewhat notable indie musicians, Momoka being an ex member of Diamond Dust to begin with, an endorsement on Twitter from another singer, etc.) Nina's plan is no plan---the same that Momoka had as a teenager---no escape routes, no backup plans.
It's notable that Nina's memories don't get the 2D treatment, and I think that may be because unlike Momoka, she's not romanticizing her own past. Momoka, we can clearly see by this point, is guilty of seeing Nina as a slightly younger version of herself in too literal a sense. She thinks that because she failed with Diamond Dust, she'll fail with Togenashi Togenari too, and that Nina will fail with Togenashi Togenari too, because "that's how these things go." She fails to consider that the only data point she's operating off of is her own, and what the final scene---and the inevitable confrontation with the renewed Diamond Dust---tells us, which is that the original group splitting up might have been best for both them and Momoka.
And then there's the final scene, which I find hard to put into words. It's just so much. Momoka cranking her own old song, crying her eyes out, as Nina says she loves her (!!!!!) as they speed down the highway. This show is unhinged. I love it to pieces.
Truly we are in the middle of a girls band revolution. I never like to promise these things, but I might review this when it's over.
Worth noting! The show TRENDED ON TWITTER FOR SEVERAL HOURS after this episode aired. It really does feel like an *event.* I haven't seen this many people pop for an original anime in ages.
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tnbscans · 8 months
All scans are my own unless otherwise specified. There are hundreds in the queue, two posts per day (one art, one interview/other text) with occasional extras.
Messages are open for questions, comments, requests for specific scans, or just brain rotting this show. Donations of any material scanned by you are also gratefully accepted. Anyone can translate anything found here into English or any other language without asking. Please let me know if you do and I will add links to your translation.
The goal is preservation of artwork, raw and translated interviews, canon information and other rare print material.
I am working on a merch wiki for this show, look forward to it in the future.
By Status: Partial Translation Translated Untranslated
By Magazine: Acteur Magazine Anan Animage Anime Flix Animedia Beat Magazine CG World Cinema Cinema Cool Voice Cut Magazine Drama Magazine Ent Magazine Figure Oh Great Mechanics DX Hayakawa Mystery Magazine Kikan Ace Kinezo Kyrabi Miracle Jump Misc Magazine Newtype Newtype Ace Otomedia Pash Screen Plus Spoon 2di TV Bros Unknown Issue Unknown Magazine
By Book/Pamphlet: English of Heroes Hero Gossips Hero TV Fan Vol 1 Hero TV Fan Vol 2 King of Works Katsura Artbook Katsura Artbook 2 Monthly Hero Multi Pouch Book Scenerio Document Smart The Rising Special Book Sum Up The Beginning Souvenir Program The Rising Pamphlet The Rising Pia Mook The Rising Souvenir Book The Rising Super Prelude Pamphlet The Rising Superfan Book
By Type: Article Cast Comments Comments Event Reports Interview Lyrics Novel Short Story
By Movie/Shorts: Side Tiger Side Bunny The Beginning The Rising Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth
By Character: Kotestu T. Kaburagi Wild Tiger Crapsuit Barnaby Brooks Jr. Karina Lyle Blue Rose Ryan Goldsmith Golden Ryan Nathan Seymour Fire Emblem Keith Goodman Sky High Pao-Lin Huang Dragon Kid Ivan Karelin Origami Cyclone Antonio Lopez Rock Bison Lara Tchaikoskaya Magical Cat Sengoku Subaru Mr. Black Thomas Taurus He is Thomas Yuri Petrov Lunatic Kaede Kaburagi
For more tags please see here and here
Lyric scans can be found here
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diaphobic · 2 years
Texting crack Headcanons
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❧ Ayato likes to use the meat emoji when he finishes his sentences. Yes, he does this in EVERY message. 🥩🥩
❧ Laito uses so many emoticons that he takes forever to respond, and the bulk of the message is ∩^ω^∩
❧ Reiji’s texts read like business emails— “Hello, I am writing to you to inform you that you left a certain magazine under the couch cushion..”
❧ Shu is the king of butt texting. When he uses his phone got music it’s usually left open, and when he falls asleep he rolls onto the phone and it does all sorts of things. Yes, Ayato started a fuck with Shu when he received ‘L.’
❧ Subaru’s texts are basic and are usually the type that give off bad vibes. He’ll send you ‘K’ and be blushing behind the screen at the text.
❧ Kanato communicates through emojis. He expects people know what he means when he sends them a string of emojis.
❧ Ruki hardly ever texts unless it’s to ask what the others want from the grocery store. “I’m in town. Is there anything we need at home?”
❧ Yuma’s texts have so many typos because he has large ass thumbs and they’re usually gritty from working outside.
❧ Kou will send selfies instead of emojis and usually texts. If he can convey his answer with his face he will. It’ll take him a while to respond because he draws on the picture to make it all cute.
❧ Azusa’s texts are normal in the style of typing.. but he does say some weird things that catch you off guard. He’ll add a photo of his knives and say something sus about them.
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Diabolik Lovers — A systematic review (sort of) of all the times the Diaboys cried in HDB, MB, DF, LE and CL
So, this (long) post is exactly what it says — it’s a count of all the times the Diabolik Lovers characters cry. Except Yui because she’s in every route and that would’ve made this a lot harder. It is excluding VC and LP as they are not story games and I don’t think they’d be crying over anything worth noting down.
I came up with this idea when I started my third year pharmacology dissertation which is a systematic review. The data extraction for this involves screening large numbers of papers for certain data, and I came up with the idea of doing this for the DL games and how many times the characters cry, since I was interested to see who cries the most (besides Kanato, obviously. I knew he’d come out on top by a long way before I even started.)
In order to do this properly, I needed an inclusion and exclusion criteria. Things to exclude are times other characters cried in the individual routes. I identified crying moments by Ctrl+F “cry” / “tears” / “cried” / “sob” / “snif” so there’s a chance something will be missed, especially since some CGs which show crying don't describe the crying in the text. Sometimes it wasn’t clear if they were crying or if it was just implied, in which cases I checked the walkthrough if there was one to try and hear it and it was only included if I could hear something like crying. I also recorded a brief reason for why they were crying. It took a while at first but once I got into it, it was easy.
This list will contain mentions of all canon themes + spoilers. Thank you to all the translators who contributed to the game translations on Tumblr. Any excluded routes/parts due to lack of TL are listed. Here is the masterlist I used.
Here is a link to a Google docs file containing all the times they cried. And now I’m going to talk about what this data represents and the best way to interpret it!
So, we could take these numbers at face value. Below is the breakdown of the raw data (data before any analysis).
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There’s obviously some bigger criers than others and to very little surprise Kanato is top. So let’s simplify this data and rank it.
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Now, we could take this as the final rankings and I guess if you were counting who cries the most times overall, that’s your ranking. However, is this really a reliable way of ranking them?
It’s not, because each character is in a different number of games each. The Sakamaki’s are in 5 games, the Mukami’s are in 4, the Tsukinami’s are in 3, and Kino is only in two. So is it fair to compare say, Shin’s 1 cry in 3 games to Subaru’s 2 cries in 5 games? How do we know Shin wouldn’t have had a couple more cries if he’d been in more games?
On top of that, because of people’s routes not being translated fully, I may not have included some cries. For example, only 1/6 of Yuma’s LE is translated, so Yuma’s cry count is across 3.15 games, whereas Ruki for example has complete translations and therefore we’ve searched through all routes.
So let’s average that, and get “average cries per game”
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In the real world of statistics, this data is pretty useless because each character cries different amounts of times. And I can’t really work any more averages such as which game includes the most cries per character because the data range is so large. Kanato skews the data massively, especially when Kanato and Subaru are both Sakamaki’s and Kanato has 31 cries (probably more, actually. I definitely missed some of them with the search terms) and Subaru only has 2.
But, here’s the new order.
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In general, this order is best for comparing each character since it takes into account the different amount of content for each character. So, this is order is what I’ll be using to talk about it.
Again, Kanato having the most cries is really not surprising here. 6 cries per game is roughly one cry every 5 stories – with that said, excluding CL which he goes a bit loopy in (and it doesn’t help that he loses his memories), Kanato’s cries do go down from 8 per game in HDB to 4 in DF and LE each. So, does he get his shit together a bit? Maybe!
Now, Laito did surprise me with how many cries he had actually. He’s a bit of a cry baby, huh? With that said, it’s interesting how averaging out the games puts Azusa in our number 2 spot. I want to hug Azusa, a lot of his cries were really sad ;;
Kou doesn’t surprise me a lot either because he’s pretty unstable. But it did surprise me when I averaged out the games and Ruki kicked Shu out of the number 5 spot? Ruki comes off a lot as much more composed so it’s surprising to know he’s actually a bit of a softie when it comes to showing his feelings.
Shu has on average 1 cry per game which is pretty decent — actually listening to a lot of Shu’s cries are pretty gut wrenching because when he does cry, it’s for about 5 minutes straight.
After that, everyone has less than 1 cry per game. Reiji and Ayato seem to be pretty tough when it comes to crying, although the CGs where they do cry make me really sad.
Subaru having such a low cry count actually makes me pretty damn sad? There’s so many moments with Subaru where he so very close to crying and a couple of times I think it’s implied that he was or is going to be crying alone. But I wish he cried more y’know? He’s hurting a ton in a lot of these games and he should let it out ;;
Honestly what shocked me the most was that Shin actually cries once? Because holy shit, I was not expecting that to be honest. And with Carla and Kino… well, I’m not surprised at all.
That’s pretty much all I have to say here. I wrote this out instead of revising for my actual statistics exam on Tuesday. Don’t take this too seriously - I explained it's limitations and such in my discussion - and feel free to ask any questions <3
To top it all off, have some CGs of everyone crying.
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And some Yui cries :) 
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ensemblestarscafe · 1 year
EVERYONE > Epiphany <
Gender neutral reader TW/CW: I actually have no idea Order type: Vanilla Latte
Word count: 1636 Written by: Yeul Proofread: n/a Writer’s note: been a few days over the 1 year anniversary so cafe manager here will give yall something to eat, also kinda Knights centric and some very obvious favouritism with Anzu
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1 year of a fever dream.
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…All of them were fake.
“...ke up! (Y/n), you hear me?”
You wonder. You never wanted to wake up. Not face the harsh reality that was provided by mother nature.
Rustling on your bed you squint open your tired eyes.
A square room. A bed. A working table, and finally, your older sister.
“...Yes I do, (S/n).”
“Alright. Good. We need to leave now, the cafe needs to be opened you know?”
Right. The cafe. The small quaint cafe that you and your sister owned.
The small cafe that seemed to have gained so much popularity that people would start to find the little shop somewhere within the small dark yet warm streets.
Getting up from your bed, you change your clothes and brush your teeth, bringing your bag as you lock the door to your house.
“Thinking of which, should we move the cafe somewhere else? Customers have been coming in a lot lately, and there’s not enough space.”
You muse, and your sister nods in agreement. 
“Yeah, but staying where we started 10 years ago by our parents bring the nostalgia, no?” she replies.
That was true. You were a wee little kid back then, unknowing of the new ‘world’ that would be given once you were 18.
Memories. Nice to know that we still remember.
Opening the cafe doors, the warmth of the orange lights turn on.
9:00 AM and your first customer walks in.
Familiar tousled orange hair, bright blue eyes… along with a dark black haired boy with sharp deep blue eyes.
“I’d like a Vanilla Latte, a Macchiato, an espresso shot, a hot chocolate, along with 2 croffles and 2 bagels please.”
That was one familiar voice.
Pressing the buttons on the cashier screen, you nod as you recheck the order.
“Alright, may I have your name?”
“Hidaka Hokuto.”
“Would you like your order to be taken out?”
The boy nods in replacement of a vocal reply.
“That will be 2800 yen.”
Taking out his wallet, he brings a 2000 yen note along with one 500 yen coin with three 100 yen coins.
Nodding, you press the onscreen keyboard, writing the dark haired boy’s name down.
“Your order will be ready soon, thank you for ordering!”
Taking the order out, you call your sister as she gets the food ready while you brew the drinks.
Hidaka Hokuto…
Hidaka… Hokuto?
You realise quite quickly that the ‘fantasy’ you dreamed of was actually real– and you definitely know these people. Very well in fact. You had ‘interacted’ with these two and you knew the orange haired’s name. Akehoshi Subaru. But if you said that out loud, they’d definitely find you odd, right?
A few minutes later, the food was done as well as the drinks.
Placing them at the small space to take the drinks, the dark haired boy walks up, taking the cups while the oranged haired boy takes the food.
The latter smiles as he shouts a short but warm, “Thank you!” as they both leave, the small bell chime jingling to produce a calm rhythm.
Many more people come in as they come and go– some similar, such as Aoba Tsumugi, Mikejima Madara, Oukawa Kohaku, Hasumi Keito, Shino Hajime, Hakaze Kaoru– where he tried flirting with you, keyword, tried– Aoi Hinata and Aoi Yuta, Kagehira Mika, Kazehaya Tatsumi, and the group of Ran Nagisa, Tomoe Hiyori, Saegusa Ibara and Sazanami Jun– which was basically about 90% of the people you had interacted with in your fantasy.
Others stayed at tables to talk and study. A few hours later, 14:50, a dark navy haired boy walks in as he stares at the menu. Then he checks his phone, and then he orders.
“May I have one hot Chocolate, one Vanilla Latte, one Mocha and one iced Americano?”
“Of course, that will be 1450 yen.”
He smiles as he brings out a debit card. You take it as you slide it over the card machine.
“Would you like it to go or in the cafe?”
“To go please.”
“Thank you for ordering! May I have your name?”
“Fushimi Yuzuru.”
Typing rapidly on the monitor, you nod as he walks to the small waiting place.
Thats another that I know… Fine, was it? I wonder if they’re idols here or just normal people, but judging from others’ reactions they all just seem to be one big group of friends…
Brewing the last of the order, you put them in the small cardboard boxes as you bring them where Yuzuru stands.
“Thank you very much.”
He smiles and leaves, the glass door chiming along with the small twittering of the birds outside.
Wonder who’s coming next…
A girl with milk chocolate hair and aquamarine blue eyes enter the cafe with care, as she walks towards the cashier.
“Hello, I’d like to have three hot Chocolates, one cappuccino, one Vanilla Latte, and one hot Americano please.”
“Alright, that will be 2100 yen. Would you like it to go or in the cafe?”
“To go please, heres the cash.”
Smiling, you take the cash as you put them in the box.
“May I have your name?”
“Thank you for ordering. Your order will be ready in a few!”
She smiles in appreciation as she settles on a small booth.
Your sister comes in as she brews the drinks while you greet another customer– a group.
The red haired walks up as he talks with his friends, then turns to you to order.
“Hello! May I have one hot Chocolate, one Vanilla Latte, one iced Americano, two Cappuccinos, two cupcakes and two croffles?”
“Of course. That will be 3350 yen. To go or in the cafe?”
“In the cafe please.”
He takes out a credit card as you take it and slide it over the card machine, the receipt being printed out slowly.
Taking the receipt and the card, you hand it over to the boy.
“May I have your name?”
“Suou Tsukasa.”
Typing it in, you nod as you smile.
“Your order will be ready in a while. Thank you for ordering!”
The group smiles as they walk over to a booth.
Meanwhile, Anzu’s order was done, and was set down at the counter.
Calling out her name but with no reply, to check up, only to find her dozing off at the wall.
…Should I wake her up…? But she’s so peaceful now…
Deciding on what to do, she wakes up, deep aquamarine like eyes blinking rapidly as she stares at your figure.
…She’s really pret– Woah (Y/n), focus on the job!
“...Oh, you’re awake– your order is ready!”
You hand her the drinks as she bows in reply, leaving the cafe in a tousled hurry.
And about 20 minutes later, all of the orders are done for the group of five– which you recognise as Suou Tsukasa, Tsukinaga Leo– happily drawing on the small cafe napkin– Sena Izumi, Sakuma Ritsu– dozing off– and Narukami Arashi, talking to her friends.
Setting the tray down, you walk over to the outer side of the counter as you bring the tray to the booth.
“Ah, thank you so much!”
You smile as you take the tray, setting it on the counter as you head back into the staff room.
Checking your phone, it shows as 20:25, which was 35 minutes close to closing time.
Your sister looks at your figure as she laughs in amusement, tone arch.
“Some of the customers seem very alike to your descriptions of people in your dreams, (Y/n).”
“They are them… their names are the same, its just their jobs that seem to be not… the same?”
She looks confused, but you understand. You’re confused too.
“Oh right, since it’s close to closing, we need to clean for tomorrow…”
Your sister mumbles.
Taking the broom, you and your sister head out to find Anzu outside of the cafe, soaked in rain.
Dropping your broom to your older sister, you open the door as you usher her in, bringing a soft dry towel. The five at the booth waves at her as she waves back.
While Anzu dries herself, you head to the booth where you find them starting to leave, putting the extra napkins as a pile.
“Thank you for visiting the cafe! However, it’s raining outside, so it’s best to stay in until it goes away.”
They smile as they nod, resuming to talking again as you take the cups and tissues back to the counter.
Leaving them for your sister to take care of, you check up on Anzu, seeing her in a better condition.
“You alright?”
“Yeah… thanks for letting me in…”
“Mm… thanks, (Y/n)...”
Anzu nods in appreciation as she stares at you.
“I… I think I know you…?”
Anzu speaks.
Making a slightly surprised squeak, your head turns as you look at her.
She nods. Also confused, she stares more intensely, as she analyses your face.
“Yeah. I think I do, I’ve seen you in my dreams… it doesn’t make sense, but it does…”
Thats the same predicament I’m having today…
“Quite the same if I say so myself, 90% of my customers were people I’m familiar with in my dreams…”
You gesture over to the five.
Anzu nods as she looks over, her eyes widening as she looks back at you.
“They’re my friends, and they texted me a few minutes ago that they thought they recognised you…” she continues, “Quite odd, right?”
“Odd but nice to know I’m not the only one.” You chuckle.
The street lights seem to flicker in glee when you two approach the five.
Conversing, you feel as if you stand in a moment of epiphany that you weren’t the only one.
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Nick Anderson
* * * *
November 10, 2023
NOV 11, 2023
For months now it has felt weirdly as if life in the United States of America is playing out on a split screen. That sense is very strong tonight.
On one side is a country that in the past three years has invested in its people more completely than in any era since the 1960s. The American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act jump-started the U.S. economy after the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic; are rebuilding our roads, bridges, harbors, and internet infrastructure; have attracted $200 billion in private investment for chip manufacturing; and have invested billions in addressing the effects of climate change. 
All of these changes need workers, and the economy emerged from the coronavirus pandemic with extraordinary growth that reached 4.9% in the last quarter and has seen record employment and dramatic wage gains. Median household wealth has grown by 37% since the pandemic, with wages growing faster at the bottom of the economy than at the top.
Yesterday, President Biden, in a buoyant mood, reflected this America when he congratulated members of the United Auto Workers in Belvidere, Illinois, for the strong contracts that came from negotiations with the nation’s three top automakers—Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors—thanks to the UAW workers’ 46-day graduated strike. The union demanded the automakers make up the ground that workers had ceded years ago when the plants were suffering.
The final contracts that emerged from long negotiations gave workers wage gains of 30% over the next four and a half years, better retirement security, more paid leave, commitments that automakers would create more union jobs, union coverage for workers at electric vehicle battery plants—the lack of that protection had been a key reason autoworkers had been skittish about electric vehicles—and a commitment from Stellantis to reopen the Jeep Cherokee plant in Belvidere that had been shuttered in February. 
The UAW’s success is already affecting other automakers. As workers at non-union plants begin to explore unionization, Honda and Toyota have already announced wage hikes to match those in the new UAW contracts, and Subaru is hinting it will do the same. 
Biden had worked hard to get the Belvidere plant reopened, and he joined the UAW picket line—the first president to do such a thing. He told the autoworkers that he ran for the presidency “to…bring back good-paying jobs that you can raise a family on, whether or not you went to college, and give working families more breathing room. And the way to do that is to invest in ourselves again, invest in America, invest in American workers.  And that’s exactly what we’ve done.”
In Belvidere, Biden and UAW president Shawn Fain cut a selfie video. In it, Biden says: “[Y]ou know, the middle class built this country, but unions built the middle class. And when unions do well, everybody does well. The economy does well.” Fain adds: “And this is what happens when working class people come together and stand together. Stand united. You know, one of the best things I’ve ever seen in my life was seeing a sitting U.S. president visit striking workers on the picket line. That goes a long way for showing where this president stands with working-class people.” Biden says: “Well, I want to tell you, from where I stood, you did a hell of a job, pal.” Fain answers: “Yep. Back at you.” 
In contrast to this optimistic can-do vision that is making American lives better is the other side of the screen: that of former president Trump and the MAGA Republicans who have doubled down on supporting him.  
In Ohio, after voters on Tuesday approved an amendment to the state constitution protecting abortion rights, Republicans are calling the amendment “ambiguous” and trying to remove it from the jurisdiction of the courts. They want to make the legislature—which they dominate thanks to gerrymandering—the only body that can decide what the measure means. They are openly trying to override the decision of the voters.
In Washington, Republicans have empowered Christian extremist Mike Johnson (R-LA) to lead the House of Representatives as speaker, and today we learned that outside his office he displays a flag associated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) network that wants to place the United States government under the control of right-wing Christians. On January 6, 2021, rioters took these flags with them into the U.S. Capitol.
Johnson is also associated with a right-wing movement to call a convention of states to rewrite the Constitution. 
In The Bulwark on Wednesday, A. B. Stoddard noted that the Republican Party’s surrender to its MAGA wing is nearly complete. Today, Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who is the third most powerful Republican in the House, illustrated that capitulation when she filed a five-page letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Stefanik’s letter drew on an article from the right-wing Breitbart media outlet to accuse Judge Arthur Engoron and his principal law clerk of being partisan operatives. Engoron is presiding over the New York fraud trial of former president Trump and the Trump Organization. 
Legal analyst Lisa Rubin noted that Stefanik’s position as a member of Congress shields her from Freedom of Information Act requests, meaning that journalists will be unable to uncover whether members of Trump’s legal defense worked with her to produce the letter. And while the mistrial motion that observers like Rubin expected to see Trump defenders produce could be dismissed quickly by Engoron himself, a complaint to the state’s judicial conduct commission will hang out there until the commission meets again. 
Undermining their opponents through accusations of impropriety has been a mainstay of the Republicans since the 1990s, and it is a tactic Trump likes to use. In this case, it illustrates that Stefanik, an official who swore to defend the Constitution, has abandoned the defense of our legal system and is instead embracing Trump’s efforts to tear it down. 
Meanwhile, the inability of the Republicans to figure out a way to fund the government has led the credit-rating agency Moody’s to downgrade the outlook for the credit rating of the United States today from “stable” to “negative.” Moody’s expressed concern about the fight over the debt limit last spring, the removal of House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and the rising threat of a government shutdown.
All of this plays into the hands of former president Donald Trump, who is eager to return to the White House. From there, he promises, he will take revenge on those he thinks have wronged him. 
John Hendrickson of The Atlantic was at Trump’s political rally in Hialeah, Florida, on Wednesday, where the former president railed against those “coming into our country,” people he compared to “Hannibal Lecter,” a fictional serial killer who ate his victims. Trump said that under Biden, the U.S. has become “the dumping ground of the world,” and he attacked the “liars and leeches” who have been “sucking the life and blood” out of the country. He also attacked the “rotten, corrupt, and tyrannical establishment” of Washington, D.C.
Hendrickson called it a “dystopian, at times gothic speech [that] droned on for nearly 90 minutes.” 
It was a sharp contrast to Biden’s speech in Belvidere.
“We have more to do, but we’re finally building an economy that works for the people—working people, the middle class—and, as a consequence, the entire country,” Biden said. “When I look out at all of you and the communities like Belvidere, I see real heroes of your story—you know, you and the American worker, you’re the American people.
“Because of you, I can honestly say—and I mean this from the bottom of my heart—I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future than I am today…. Donald Trump often says…, ‘We are now a failing nation. We’re a nation in decline.’”
“But that’s not what I see,” Biden said. “I know this country. I know what we can do if folks are given half a chance. That’s why I’m so optimistic about our future. We just have to remember who we are. We are the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity if we work together.”  
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xenosagaepisodeone · 2 years
[male newscaster with a spray tan and over-whitened teeth appears on screen] Move over “tide pod challenge”, because there’s a new, dangerous social media trend that has parents frantic nationwide. called “autismmaxxing”, the phenomena is described by young adults as when a person “maxes” their “autism” through the consumption of government controlled substances. originally appearing on tiktok in 2020, the challenge encourages users to inject or orally consume vaccines, prescription medication or over the counter pills in order to “empower” traits facilitated by the disorder. while police are working to crack down on illegal suppliers, many fear that the impacts to communities have become too deep to reverse.
[screen cuts to older white mom with eyeliner] I was just...y’know...dropping off my kid...when suddenly this guy knocks on the window of my subaru outback and is like “hey, do you know if there are any new vaccines coming out?” and I’m like....what? then he goes “vaccines. to make the autism stronger.” and I was like...[her eyes widen and she blows air out her mouth] what is happening to our country...
[cut to a random teen] yeah my friend tried it and now she can move things with her mind when she stims
[cut to convenience store cashier with bandaged face] I told this girl that she can’t look at the wizard and orc print resin bong display without an id and she threw one at me with her mind
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having some of the worst times of my life ever and im scared things could get worse... how? well you see. they might create more tnb some day even after all of this.
after massacring my boy ryan like that live on screen... smack cam... removing any of ryans narrative worth or meaning just to have him show up and be cringe which i did enjoy but for real guys. my friends. if they had just had everyone do something random and lackluster it wouldve been fine but ryan showed up to drive the plot and continue his character arc from the rising (and then he didnt, as a joke).
karinas lack of real character arc (AGAIN!) so that she can uhhhh talk about crushes... instead of, for example, have her be an equal hero on-screen to the guys who have already been king of heroes and she works arguably harder than anyone else (she is a hero, an idol, and a student). shes so interesting, theres so much to her! but most of her appearances just serve to further some guys character arc (like the whole blue golden episode is mostly about ryan!.. or kotetsu even! cmon)
the character arc that antonio got that wholly ignored that hes friends with nathan and which makes me actually lose my mind when i think that those two have frequently been shown together but they didnt have a single convo together so that nathan and keith can be confined to a cage where theyre only interacting with each other instead of having any real plot relevance despite them both being really interesting!..
and the fact that antonio/agnes made its way into the show bc the director likes him and you know... agnes was her stand-in, and another reason to not let nathan talk with antonio ever because yknow?.. it just tastes like ash in my mouth to feel like the director felt some type of way about nathans and antonios prior relationship...
the buddy hero system was utilized so poorly! it threw so many characters under the bus like ryan seriously got way too much time in blue golden and their prior relationships with each other were ignored so much like man... i just love them all interacting. i dont love whatever the hell was going on with, for example, nobody noticing that thomas is gone. my heroes wouldve noticed immediately btw. instead of subaru and thomas being in a cage where they only interacted with each other, the buddy hero pair curse of 2nd cour that almost everyone suffered from
lets not even get into that even if they say that yuri is actually fine haha! they cant remove that scene where kotetsu and barnaby stared at him and went like “hmm thats rough buddy... anyway”. what the hell... kotetsu is one of the characters i think of the least and it was just so grossly OOC and just plain disgusting... the entire abuse apologism arc with yuri and lara overall as well
what about that fucking scene with jungle where they implied shady shit was going on when subarus communicator didnt go off and he was recruited as a double for thomas anyways and uhhh (checks notes) literally nothing came out of those plot threads btw. jungle CEO was introduced for no reason
and they cant remove what they did to ouroboros (the way they made it all-powerful illuminati-esque organization instead of plain old corruption etc), and the whole NEXT disease ooohhh-thing, and the literal internment camps and the various deeply bigoted implications thereof plus lackluster new character designs (oops! almost all white, pale-haired and blue/green-eyed).
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how could they bounce back from this and do i even want to see them try to ignore OR try to grapple with any of the above. oooh when i get my hands on the people who were in the writers room...............
cant they just please retcon that my favourite character fucking exploded to ten thousand small pieces. excited for scraps of my fav characters like usual but then?.. its also like spitting in my face after all the shit they pulled. put me out of my misery
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
you wanna elaborate on the Heinkel-Otto parallels?
SURE THING ANON 👍👍 alright so a while back i made this reinhard-otto parallel analysis here if youre curious and wanna check that out - i also briefly go into how the suwen and astrea families have kind of sort of crossed paths? and also ottos hometown (picoutatte) is historically where ex novel drama involving wilhelm, theresia, stride, etc happened so theres that too!!
yeah so apart from the suwens and astreas having small connections in the past - regarding heinkel and otto specifically, i think the two biggest parallels are 1. the…. alcoholism……. and 2. certain. Aspects. of their personalities. im just gonna address the alcoholism first bc thats probably the most obvious parallel. (also im gonna go into arc 8 spoilers a bit btw!!)
so. i mean we all know heinkels an alcoholic - hes turned to alcoholism to deal with the Trauma Conga Line thats basically been his family history. and yeah. id say ottos an alcoholic too. when we're first introduced to otto in arc 3, hes off in a bar drinking to cope with getting into debt. in general he seems to drink often, which in story its acknowledged that yeah, hes a merchant, negotiations often include a bit of alcohol and otto knows hes gotta be able to hold his liquor - theres an arc 5 side story where he goes to find the dude he needs to restore the tome, ottos brought liquor as a gift, then they drink and thats why theres that one bit in arc 5 where otto shows up again late and hes drunk as hell lasjdfljds. but also like we get more confirmation that otto drinks to cope bc at the beginning of arc 5 after the emilia camp-ana camp meeting, hes drinking and complaining about how shitty the emilia camp's negotiation skills are to garfiel and subaru, who both act like this (otto getting drunk to deal with stress) is something that happens often. (im referring to the wn btw i dont have access to the ln hah)
(also this ask turned out very long so im putting the rest of it right under the cut)
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This is what he's like when he's drunk. He's working a stressful job, so they give him his drinking time, but it might actually just encourage even more stress.
also additionally theres a few more alcohol-related things with otto. like how he gets drunk at the end of arc 4 knighting ceremony celebration - which yeah hah you can chalk up to him just you know drinking at a party to celebrate the occasion, but i swear otto 1. just keeps getting drunk on and off screen and 2. given otto is a very Anxious person, the timing of him getting drunk as hell at this party celebrating not just subarus knighthood but also like. officially marking safety - for now - and the end of all the arc 4 mindfuckery that otto got dragged into.... like the moment otto got reunited with alcohol again in arc 4 he decides to get blackout drunk akdndn. the timing is very interesting, i think. or maybe im just reading into that a bit too much hah but im 100% sure ottos an alcoholic anyway so.
(other alcohol stuff with otto includes him having to get banned from alcohol after he was bedridden bc of his arc 5 leg injuries + every time we see otto drink alcohol in canon he drinks to get drunk aidndnd. EVERY TIME.)
anyway moving on to other details. i think its interesting to look at heinkel and otto as characters and examine who they are as people and also their arcs bc 1. i do think theyre a bit similar in some ways and 2. this factors into Why their coping mechanisms are incredibly bad T^T
yeah so. heinkel as i said earlier. we all know hes dealing Badly with his familys entire trauma-filled drama. but i also think its interesting to examine him as a person in Full, and what i mean by that is - the heinkel we see in the main story is very different from the person he used to be. and we dont get a lot of content on younger heinkel specifically, but we get still get a Lot out of it. we see that he used to be a kinder person. he loved and doted on reinhard (when you have a four year old that sneaks out of the house just to see his dad bc he got worried about his dad and the moment he sees his dad he immediately goes up to him - like that shows TRUST). and heinkels given a lot of interesting descriptions in the once upon a time in lugunica side story that are very much at odds with how he is in the present day - he has a "gentle" face, "his voice and countenance was sweet", marcos explicitly tells him "It's time you stop being nice to everyone. It's because you're like this that you've been forced into a job you're not suited for." and this is also after we get the implication (?) that heinkel basically got peer pressured into being the one to ask marcos to come back and rejoin the knights.
marcos also purposefully pokes aggressively at heinkel's insecurities; you get the sense that heinkel is lonely, most likely friendless, an outcast even as hes simultaneously well known due to his family. marcos insults heinkels abilities as a swordsman, and marcos also harshly says that heinkels cocky and tries addressing marcos as if theyre friends when theyre not. "Since when were we such good pals, you and I? Surely you don't think so just because we have the same teacher? How many students does Bordeaux have? Are all of them your friends?" and heinkel tries his best but ultimately hes in the shadow of his family and hes expected to be able to keep up while also looking after reinhard and desperately trying to find a cure for his wife (who was most likely his only Equal and close companion).
but heinkel in the end always falls short of expectations. hes painfully aware of this, with the implication that its always been this way basically for the majority of his life, if not all of his life. and being an astrea and being a knight means that hes watched very closely - or at least thats what i think is the most likely case. so when you compare younger heinkel and current heinkel, you also get the sense that he eventually burned out and gave up even trying that hard at much of anything. thats why he kind of doesnt give a shit most of the time about being harsh and mean, lashing out, saying almost anything he wants, doing what he wants but also failing miserably at that 99% of the time, and also he falls deeper into his alcoholism too and doesnt care about showing this either. hes very publicly a disgrace. he knows this. hes an emotional wreck and he cant crawl out of his own failures, so why care about what other people think? why try to fix himself? its too late. hes a miserable man only driven by 1. spite towards his family and 2. trying to find a cure for his wife and 3. his own alcoholism and 4. possibly his kind of sort of care for schult (aka heinkels reinhard replacement T^T). and we see in arc 7 and 8 too that hes so depressed and tired and jaded after dealing with a lifetime of failure that he just. kind of gives up. last time we see him in arc 8 hes being dragged around by groovy and rowan and he was drinking with rowan in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
so. what about this is similar to otto?
well, otto and heinkel both struggle with dealing with their emotions and insecurities. with heinkel thats pretty easy to see, but with otto its harder to see until you hit the really Obvious parts (arc 8). like yeah, otto gets flustered a lot, hes simultaneously sensitive but at the same time hes pretty independent, he can handle himself, he's dependable - right? but the thing with otto is that he and heinkel both have a habit of lashing out. theyre anxious. they turn to numbing behaviors to cope. theyre pushed around by external factors but at the same time theyre also reckless and do things that speed towards inevitably helping in destroying themselves. they both have friendless and lonely backstories, theyre Extremely aware about their own weakness and powerlessness especially when it comes to dangers theyre up against and especially when it comes to comparing themselves to others. they get Very angry at people they love(d), which makes them get aggressive, and for heinkel we know for sure that theres a LOT of resentment there, and for otto, the anger is Bordering on resentment if it isnt already kind of resentment at this point. theyre also haunted by their failures - with heinkel this is more obvious, but i think once you examine otto deeper hes also kind of dealing with this too.
that, and - while otto hasnt hit rock bottom like heinkel has, i think that if otto keeps going down the path hes on now, hes gonna end up hitting that rock bottom and end up having a similar fate to heinkel right now. bitter. jaded. tired. burnt out and angry and miserable. which, when you look at the ifs - yeah any otto that ends up enslaved by russell fellow ends up bitter, jaded, tired, and an empty shell of himself. and this is also, of course, assuming that the main otto permadeath flags dont happen aljsdfljsd. because if you remember otto's third trial line, it was something along the lines of "if that's the case, then you should've left me in that cave (to die)!" (correct me if im wrong) which 1. sounds like something he would say at any point in the current arc 8 otto-related conflicts and 2. my guess is that this line is referring to when otto was captured by the witch cult in arc 3 and put in a cave. otto is eventually gonna reach a point where he just goes "well you shouldve left me to die in that cave then" which. you know, its not boding well for him hah.
and yeah so. ok im gonna try and elaborate a bit more on some of what i just said about heinkel and otto hah bc its a whole list.
heinkel and otto, i think, have spent so much of their lives with factors out of their control while simultaneously making decisions that make things worse for themselves.
of course with otto, this also manifests as his bad luck - his luck is so bad that he nearly drowned as a baby in the bath, in addition to generally being clumsy his whole life. like this is "getting fucked by the universe itself" levels of bad luck. then you have the impact otto's dp left on him which leads to him having problems with socializing with others, which also leaves him friendless and also bullied growing up (see: people ostracizing him and calling him a "freak") and later he gets chased out of the town by assassins...... then he almost gets sold into slavery, gets captured by the witch cult and almost dies to them, etc...... yeah its a lot. but then you get to otto CHOOSING to save roswaal's tome and that tome being one of the demands the witch cult makes during the arc 5 siege. and then otto gets injured by ley as a punishment for this. he spends time being bedridden, having to be banned from alcohol, knowing that some of his friends are off on some dangerous mission that he cant do anything about, and also he cant be his usual workaholic self either. when we see otto again in arc 7-8, he's participating in a full fledged WAR. and he's decided to dedicate himself to opposing subaru despite being warned that he'll destroy himself doing so. otto is making Poor Decisions right now.
otto turns to micromanaging to deal with all of this, while heinkels the one whos at the point where he gives up. he cant really go on without being pushed along. he collapses to his knees in the middle of the battlefield in arc 7 and he admits out loud that he cant do this (specifically addressing louanna as he does). for otto, he's dealt with his biggest more traumatic events thatve caused the most change in him (pre-arc 3 and arcs 3-8) all crammed in the past year. for heinkel, he's been dragged through the dirt by life and his own decisions for around the past twenty years of his life. thats more than HALF of his life. hes thirty-nine, which, yeah thats older than a lot of the cast but thats only because so much of the cast is in their twenties and under. thirty-nine is not that old. especially when you remember that that means heinkel had reinhard when he was nineteen.
but again, we dont get too much content from heinkels pov directly, but theres no denying that much of the shit happening to him is also his fault. hes ultimately self-destructive and hes also pretty much destroyed his relationship with reinhard (and people like carol and grimm, judging off of how carol understandly reacts negatively to heinkel and grimm likely follows suit), which really DID NOT need to happen. yeah. all the astrea drama involving louanna falling into a coma, theresia dying, wilhelm being an Ass, reinhard being the sword saint, the astreas in general being watched and controlled by the kingdom, and general expectations from the world are all out of heinkel's control. what couldve happened, however, is that heinkel couldve done his best to be an adult and a parent to reinhard - ESPECIALLY when he still had carol and grimm to help out with that - which wouldve turned out better for both himself and reinhard. but that didnt happen.
heinkel turned on his own son and pushed everyone away. otto has similar isolating behaviors, because like heinkel, otto doesnt actually talk to anyone in a way that makes himself vulnerable. heinkel and otto arent actually close with anybody. which, again, isnt helped by the General unpleasant aspects of their personalities (anger, irritation, lashing out, etc).
its hard to see otto's isolation more than heinkel (who is very clearly hated by a bunch of people, his wife has been in a coma for ages, and basically almost no one respects him so like. OF COURSE he doesnt have anyone to confide in), but i think that it gets more clear when you look at otto closely. yeah, otto usually makes it clear when hes annoyed or irritated or angry about something, and otto does things like declare hes subarus friend or open up about his backstory to the emilia camp in various side stories - but hes never actually more vulnerable. when you look at him talk about his backstory, it doesnt feel like theres emotion attached to it - its more like "yeah this happened and this happened". its more factual. and then you remember that he doesnt actually talk about his feelings any deeper than that with Anyone. hes either got his head stuck in work, or theres the occasional "otto sneaks off and gets drunk" scene, or theres all the times where otto goes "yeah so i did this for you, subaru, but im not gonna tell you why or anything" or "yeah i will totally leave at the first sign of danger", or otto only lets himself be a tiny bit vulnerable at a time. like when he tells subaru that theyre friends, or when he reunites with subaru in arc 8 and takes the time to sneak into the room just to quickly say that hes glad that subarus back and to not worry that much. but its absolutely more focused on other people, namely subaru, and not otto. his problem in arc 8 is that hes keeping all his feelings to himself because its all connected to all his other secrets (his arc 8 plans). hes open about being pissed off about staying in vollachia, but its more so "this is a dumb decision and puts us in danger, the more logical route would be to leave" and less "im afraid that we might get hurt the longer we stay here and its making me anxious and angry". he doesnt ACTUALLY talk to anyone in depth about whatever the hell his issues are (roswaal doesnt count bc otto just brushes off roswaal's warnings), he just insists on dealing with it himself like he does with almost anything. his tsundere habits are normally played for laughs, and yeah it IS amusing. but no completely well-adjusted person deals with intimacy by getting all pissy like otto does. why did he see subaru in the forest in arc 4 and immediately jump to punching subaru and giving a "this is why you suck, but also please just let me help you" speech?
and when it comes to like - complicated issues regarding Relationships, you look over at heinkel too and heinkel still misses reinhard. heinkel wouldnt need to use schult as a reinhard replacement if heinkel didnt actually miss reinhard deep down. theres like a love-hate dynamic there when it comes to heinkel and reinhard - heinkel hates reinhard the sword saint. but heinkel misses his son, which is interesting because schult Conveniently looks and acts like how a younger reinhard would, right? heinkel and little kid reinhard was most likely the last time heinkel was ever happy, judging off of the trajectory of heinkels life so far. reinhard is the last person that heinkel has left, and reinhards near silence when hes anywhere near heinkel says so much because there USED to be love there. but heinkel very much obviously resents reinhard now because after reinhard kills theresia in arc 5, heinkel VOWS to make reinhards life a living hell.
its kind of like a version of otto deciding to oppose subaru but to a Much Further extent, because otto doesnt hate subaru. but otto hates subaru's actions in arc 8 because it puts subaru in danger. but again, ottos playing with fire here because the ottosuba conflict is pitting them against each other and Resentment and Anger are gonna come out of that. and i think that otto misses subaru, because the arc 8 conflict is drifting them further apart more than ever. ottos afraid to lose subaru, so hes been going to extremes to not lose subaru. heinkel, i think, thinks that hes Already lost the reinhard that he loved. so turning to schult + getting rid of the current reinhard is the next best thing. otto is still clinging onto subaru with all his might, basically. which ironically is what heinkel was doing with reinhard - especially with Everything going on with the astreas - until that switch from "reinhard is my son and he wouldnt kill his grandmother" to "this is all reinhard's fault" happened somewhere around when reinhard was five or so. that switch wasnt instant. you dont go from loving to hating someone in an instant in most cases, and we know that heinkel defended reinhard from wilhelm at first. this change was gradual, the cracks just started then.
we're seeing these cracks happen with ottosuba, because subaru is ottos closest relationship. theres something to be said too, about the slight parallel between heinkel-louanna and otto-subaru in the sense that i think that theres a very likely chance that heinkel knows that even if louanna wakes up, she most likely wont like him anymore. and theres no way that heinkel doesnt know that things wont be the same anymore with her anyway because she was frozen in time. shes twenty years old. the same age as their son. shes missed Way Too Much, and if she even still remembers anyone, shes absolutely not going to approve of heinkel being an absolute asshole. and i think heinkel hates himself too much NOT to notice - at least a little bit - this. that louanna might just end up hating him in the end. but heinkels one redeeming quality now is that hes still dedicated to his wife all these years later. hes been trying to find a cure for her since he was twenty one years old. theres a side story where we see him in the present tracking down a possible lead and being absolutely devastated AGAIN that the lead was a dead end and theres still no cure. and this is with the possibility that heinkel knows that louanna might end up hating him when she wakes up anyway.
and otto, with all of his intelligence and how much time he devotes to doing things behind subaru's back, most likely knows that subaru will end up angry and devastated and might even hate otto if he ever finds out about ottos plans regarding louis/spica. like imagine being subaru and you find out that otto, someone you very deeply trust, has been keeping secrets so that your DAUGHTER dies. like this is relationship ruining shit, and theres no way that otto doesnt know that. otto knows that subaru cares about her. otto knows all about subarus love for others and his self-sacrificial tendencies. thats why ottos keeping all these secrets - he knows subaru wouldnt approve and he does it anyway. i know i love to joke about how otto is basically hitting subaru with a car and then trying to nurse him back to health like a baby bird but that is quite LITERALLY what otto is trying to do.
also regarding otto and heinkel being insecure about their weaknesses: heinkel is clear with this - the dude has been scrutinized by everyone for at least the past twenty years, AND everyone else in his family from theresia to wilhelm to reinhard is more powerful and capable than he is. this is also not helped by heinkels alcoholism, general mental instability, and reoccurring failures - failing to measure up to expectations, failing to find a cure for louanna, theresia almost killing him in arc 5 and then being killed by reinhard in front of him, and the first time theresia died was because she went on the white whale mission in heinkels stead because he was too afraid to go on it and KNEW that he wasnt fit for that mission. AND THEN reinhard got her sword saint dp. heinkel has dealt with a lot of failure in his life. it made him bitter and harsh but its worn him down. otto is the one whos gotten Sharper because of his own failures.
with otto, we dont see much insecurity about his powerlessness UNTIL arc 8 is extremely straightforward about it with "walking in light/darkness". otto compares himself to julius, emilia, subaru, and says that they walk in the light while he walks in the dark. its honestly sad to see - this is otto acknowledging that he CANT be as good as julius, emilia, and subaru. otto straight up lists their good traits - their idealism, their determination, their ability to see the good in things and try their absolute best at that - and otto says that he cant do it. otto acknowledges that hes basically useless compared to them unless he resigns himself to the "darkness" - so he takes up being an enemy, essentially, to subaru as his reason to live on. its quite frankly depressing and self-destructive. hes going "i cant be good like them, so why try? i'll go another path even if it kills me" which i think is a sentiment heinkel can relate to.
but heinkel and otto think that theres no other option than what they are Now when thats clearly not the case. and they need to see that theres Other Ways to go about their lives. theres no need to stay in the darkness forever, which is the key problems they need to deal with at the moment.
and one last quick note - yeah, heinkel and otto are the black sheep of their family. of course, the suwens have an actual healthy family dynamic while the astreas are a whole mess of generational trauma, but otto notes that hes lead to a lot of trouble for his family. iirc in the arc 4 wn he calls himself a burden on them too and how he'd like to pay them back for all the years they looked after him despite all the trouble he brought (you know, regarding ottos dp, that one time he caused a bug swarm in the town, being chased out by assassins, etc). otto is basically the unwitting "trouble child" of the family. this is a fact that also increases when you remember the ifs - in every if, either otto ends up dead, sold into slavery, or hes main otto whos stuck in the middle of a war right now and is willing to get his hands dirty. otto is known to his whole family as someone who gets into trouble, and they all worry about him but purposefully make a point to not think about him too much or theyll get anxious thinking about wtf hes even doing.
meanwhile heinkel is a black sheep with his own family in the sense that 1. this is even reflected in his character design with the sheer amount of black and brown hes wearing - just take a look at his design compared to the rest of his family and 2. hes way weaker compared to everyone else (not counting louanna) and 3. hes distant from all of them. wilhelm, theresia, reinhard. regarding wilhelm and theresia - we dont know much about their parenting when it comes to heinkel, but its interesting to note that it seems that even before everything went Wrong, it may have been a bit distant. when theresia tells wilhelm that heinkel cant go on the white whale mission, wilhelm calls heinkel a coward. i know that like all these characters are thinking with Medieval Logic, but its still a Cold thing to say. if heinkels not ready for that mission, then hes going to fucking die on that mission, which doesnt seem to occur to wilhelm. like yeah, theresias sworn off sword sainting and its a whole Thing that shes got trauma about. but theresia the sword saint logically wouldnt have died on that mission if it wasnt for pandora + losing her dp suddenly. heinkel on the other hand most likely wouldve died if he went on that mission.
and post-Everything Going Wrong in the Astrea Family, in arc 5, theresia is dying again and her last words are ONLY for wilhelm. she has more than enough time in her last moments to spare AT LEAST a quick "love you" for reinhard or heinkel but she doesnt. she has nothing to say to her son and grandson, and heinkel notes that theresia looked hatefully at him and reinhard. heinkel specifically says something along the lines of "who else could that have been but mother?" after noting how she looked at him too. yeah, heinkels an unreliable narrator who thinks that everyone around him hates him just like he hates himself (see: his narration in arc 7 thinking that another character is looking at him angrily when that character from their pov just Pities him). but at the same time - theresia not having anything left to say to her son and grandson is not a good look. and wilhelm deciding to turn his back on five year old reinhard, and most likely heinkel for trying to defend reinhard at the time, is not a good look either. this is also not helped by heinkel again being very Publicly an absolute wreck, so of course no one respects him.
so yeah uh. tldr: heinkel is an extreme version of ottos worst traits in a lot of ways and otto is just the one thats a little better at looking put together while heinkels so damn tired hes given that up a long time ago. and if otto keeps trying to do questionable shit hes gonna end up miserable in a very heinkel-like way. they are both pretty sad and pathetic and also in desperate need of psychiatric help <3 also they need to ACTUALLY address their core issues and feelings or they are going to keep being fucked in that darkness forever for sure.
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coffeeviolinist · 1 year
Stolen Helicopter
Rei sighed and rubbed a hand over his eyes tiredly, trying to rid himself of the headache he could feel threatening to build up. It had been an unusually stressful day at the office today, even by his standards, and it was barely past one-thirty. Several of his NPA subordinates had fallen sick with the flu going around Beika, which left Rei and Kazami to pick up the slack.
Still, though, he supposed he couldn't complain too much. Filling out a mountain of paperwork was tedious, but Rei would happily take it over riding in a car with Vermouth all day or dealing with Gin breathing in his general direction. Even though he was still supposed to be a loyal Organization member, that didn't mean he wanted to see them any more than absolutely necessary.
On the other hand, he was definitely going to regret it if he didn't step away from his computer for a few minutes. He had been typing away at his laptop for the past seven hours straight, and he could feel the strain the bright screen was putting on his eyes. Deciding that now was as good a time as ever to take a short break, Rei got up and headed for the break room, hoping to grab a canned coffee from the vending machine. When he entered, he found Kazami drinking a mug of tea and watching a news report on the television.
"Kazami," Rei said by way of greeting, giving his subordinate a nod.
"Eh? Oh, Furuya-san, you're taking a break too?" Kazami asked, looking understandably surprised. Rei's workaholic tendencies were almost legendary amongst everyone who knew him.
"Not for long. I just came to get myself some coffee, and then I'll be heading back to my desk," he corrected. Glancing at the television, he saw that the newscaster was currently reporting on a stolen helicopter and snorted. "Stealing a helicopter, really? Honestly, the things people will do for attention these days..."
"Well, it seems to be working. They've got cameras all over the scene," Kazami pointed out mildly.
Rei just shrugged, not really having an answer to that. He would have turned away and gone to get his coffee had something else not caught his attention.
Why do I feel like I've seen the people on that helicopter before?
Slowly, he turned to look at the screen again. Just then, one of the news cameras focused on the passengers in the helicopter. As soon as he saw who was inside, Rei wanted to scream out of anger and excitement.
There were two people inside the helicopter.
Two people that he knew very well.
Conan Edogawa and Shuuichi Akai (currently disguised as Subaru Okiya), were waving at the camera, both of them sporting identical mischievous grins. Akai appeared to be saying something, but the microphones weren't close enough to pick up what it was. Rei would have tried to read his lips, but his brain seemed to have short-circuited.
How the hell had they even managed to get a helicopter in the first place?
"We are still on the scene where attempts at convincing these two to return the helicopter have continued to be in vain," the reporter announced. "Several rescuers were prepared to offer them a deal in exchange for the helicopter, but the man informed us that 'only a sucker would fall for a bargain with us' and the boy claimed that the only way he would consider a deal is if we brought him a dragon."
Finally, part of Rei's brain finally kicked back into gear, and he whipped out his phone, furiously dialing Akai's number. Fortunately for whatever remained of his sanity, the sniper picked up fairly quickly.
"Hello, Furuya-kun, is there something-?"
"Shuuichi Akai!" Rei growled into the speaker. "When I told you to find a way to keep Conan-kun entertained today, this was not what I had in mind!"
"Well, really, you could have been more specific-"
"Hi there, Amuro-san!" Conan's voice piped up. "Are you watching us? We're on TV right now!"
Rei let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, Conan-kun, I can see that you're on TV. And so can everyone else in Japan, I'm sure. Honestly, what on earth possessed you to think that-?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the shrunken detective interrupted. "Don't worry about it, we'll give it back once we've had enough fun. And hey, we've got a message for you too! Look at the TV!"
Confused, Rei looked back at the television, then groaned when he saw that Akai and Conan were holding up a giant banner that read "HELLO ASSHOLE".
He was so grounding them both when they came home tonight.
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