#Such a good start to the day and now I'm livid
kingdom-falls · 2 years
Hey if you yell and scream and curse at a call representative because they're not wording their answer to YOUR questions EXACTLY the way you fucking like it, you judging it like a Subway fucking sandwich, I wish you a very go die in a hole.
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hypnos333 · 4 months
Never going back
Alastor x Angel Reader
Synopsis: You were turned to an Angel trapped in heaven trying to go back to your one true love while Alastor was livid and was turning crazy without you
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“Let me tell about a story between two humans, One was a bad person protecting the one and only person he truly loves, the other? Was too good for the world almost perfect and kind. They were soulmates maybe that’s why heaven would think it would be to difficult to separate them. Separate her”
She died first and not long after he died too but in separate places. Separate Afterlives.
You heard of the Angel and human but this was about a Demon and a Seraphim Angel. Both higher ups.
You were the main reason for Alastor to help Charlie with the hotel. Just to see you and make sure you’re okay, to hold you, to be with you again forever this time. But you knew better to wish to far.
Adam wasn’t gonna let you out of heaven, and Sera was just as bad on not letting you go.
Back in hell.
Alastor sigh looking up high hoping to see you, his Wife. He was sane for now, today was the day Charlie and Vaggie would go to heaven to convince the higher up Angels. He was gonna give Charlie your ring to give back to you and that says everything on what’s going to happen.
You appeared during a meeting introducing yourself to Charlie and Vaggie with Adam on your left and another angel to your left.
“Hello I’m ____ a Seraphim Angel as well” You saiding bowing down to the two demons.
“___ don’t bow to these cunt” Adam mumbled making you chuckle nervously before trying to fly towards your seat. Charlie eyes were wide open the whole time. You were an Angel? What did Alastor had to do with an Angel?
She took your hand before you could go to your seat and place the diamond ring in your hand making you look at it hiding your shock. You took her hand back hiding the ring before smiling sadly “Tell me why I'm waiting for someone, That couldn't give a fuck about me? No, you can’t” You whispered to her before flying towards Adam to your seat.
You never argued with Adam, you knew about the extermination in hell. You weren’t apart of it but you couldn’t argue with Sera or Adam.
You weren’t gonna wait for him no more, Heaven was all you need right now to follow behind Sera or even your favorite Archangels. After the whole argument Charlie and Vaggie were sent back to hell and another thing that Charlie wanted to avoid was Alastor.
“My dear, How was it in Heaven? Any news about my Darling?” Alaster questions with her sinister smile making Charlie sweat in nervousness.
“W-Well you see ___ gave me back the ring and said she was done” Charlie blurted out making Alaster smile slowly turn into a frown focusing on those words.
That’s when he started glitching his smile became more scarier and sinister. Vaggie pulled Charlie back standing in front of her. “No she wouldn’t reject being back together, You must be mistaken my dear” Alaster demonic voice came out.
“No” “No” “No”
She wasn’t coming back but when the extermination starts he’ll make sure to get you. Where you can never go back, just like in their human lives he’ll keep you back in your cage.
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𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮 - Aemond Targaryen
i got a job so now i don't have any time to write, but i'm still trying to find the time on my days off but all i wanna do is sleep lmao. But here's this, it turned out way longer than it was supposed to be lmao
Summary: After your father betroths you to another lord, your secret lover is livid when he finds out and decides to make you and everyone else see that you will always be his.
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), arranged marriage (not to Aemond), possessive!Aemond, period typical misogyny, loss of virginity, slight innocence kink, breeding kink, not so dry humping, very slight dubcon, and noncon exhibitionism (reader is unaware, therefore not able to consent)
word count | 9.4k🤙🏻(oops)
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You almost let out a scream when your father told you his “happy” news. You were stunned into silence, frozen in fear but boiling in rage beneath your skin.
Your father informed you that he had found you the perfect match, some old fat lord in the North that would strengthen the bond between your two houses. Of course, it wasn’t your perfect match. It was your father’s. He was always power hungry, but you never thought he’d give you up to a stranger for more wealth. You always thought you were his little girl, precious and untouchable, always the favorite. Oh, how wrong you were.
As fearful as you were for yourself, you couldn’t help but think how terribly your lover would react.
You had been secretly spending time with the second son of the King, prince Aemond. Your father had moved the two of you to King’s Landing after he managed to snag a spot as one of the Master of Coin’s advisors on the small council, allowing you to be in the vicinity of the royal children more often than not. You were quiet, kept to yourself, much like the young prince. You were intimidated by all the royals at first, but most of them welcomed you or were indifferent, which you didn’t mind. You met all the children when you first got to the Red Keep. You liked Helaena, she was kind and open minded, besides the ominous words she often spewed, you thought of her like a sister. Aegon was more so the indifferent one, and Aemond seemed to be as well. Aemond never showed any emotion on his face, so it was hard to get a read on him. When introducing yourself with a curtsy, all he did was nod and let out a hum of acknowledgement. It often felt like he only tolerated you, until he proved otherwise.
You were wandering the halls waiting for your father to get out of a meeting when the elder prince Aegon had cornered you, deep into his drinks and unable to control his urges, begging you to allow him to take you back to his chambers and show you “a good time.” You had always felt a sense of unease around the firstborn son of the king, especially after being warned by the servants that he had a tendency to get handsy, but you always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, even living in the world you did. Prince Aegon had never tried to seduce you before, so you figured he respected you as the daughter of a member of the small council. Again, you had a habit of being wrong in your opinions.
Aegon had grabbed ahold of your hand and started placing wet kisses on the palm of your hand, trying to pull you with him. But before Aegon could go too far, his younger brother shoved him away from you, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Aegon immediately backed off, clearly in fear of his brother and drunkenly stumbled down the halls back to his quarters. “I apologize for my brother’s behavior, my lady. I will make sure he does not bother you again.” And that he did. After that day, prince Aegon never even looked in your direction, much less tried to seduce you again.  You found prince Aemond in the library the next couple days, thanking him for his help. “I couldn’t bear the thought of a lady as beautiful as yourself getting defiled by the halfwit I’m forced to call my sibling.” 
It made your heart flutter.
After that, you found yourself wanting to spend more time with prince Aemond. He was thoughtful, passionate, and surprisingly kind. He was everything the rumors had said he wasn’t. Aloof, bloodthirsty, and cruel, those were the rumors you had heard about the younger prince. Sure, he could be those things towards other people, but never towards people he cared about. You saw how he behaved around his mother, sister and her children, especially with the children. He let his niece and nephew play with his hair, his clothes, anything they could get their stubby little hands on, all while a content smile decorated his face. He was the only one who actually listened to his sister, the only one who treated his mother with the utmost respect. You even caught him joking around with Ser Criston Cole in the training yard one morning. And steadily over time, you become one of the people he cared about.
It was subtle things that made you realize prince Aemond started to care for you. Firstly, he saved you from being assaulted by his brother. Afterwards, he would start to exchange pleasantries whenever you’d see each other, something he did not do to anyone else. At first, you thought that maybe his mother forced him to seek out conversation with you, just out of politeness or for some sort of advantage. But what sort of advantage would the prince have if he befriended you? Over time, the prince would seek you out so often that he couldn’t have been forced to do so, and surely not being as gentlemanly as he was with you when he did. Spending a morning with princess Helaena and the children, your face heated up furiously when she told you in confidence that her brother had a soft spot for you. She had also told you that Aemond might’ve been too gentlemanly, not afraid, but cautious to make the first move.
Back then, you weren’t too worried about your father marrying you off that you felt you could explore a courtship on your own without disapproval. Plus, courting prince Aemond wouldn’t be the worst for your house, if you ever thought that way. You were still a naive girl, never been through many hardships or traumas, you had a rosy view of the world even with all your education. You were an optimist, the thought of taking a chance on prince Aemond didn’t frighten you as much as it should have. You didn’t think of what the repercussions could be if he didn’t reciprocate your attraction, and what his rejection could do to your father’s role on the small council. But it turned out to be the best decision you could ever make.
During a walk with prince Aemond around the Godswood, you decided to bring up your relationship with him. “Besides Helaena, I feel as though you’re my closest friend here.” Your direct statement had briefly taken him by surprise, no one had ever been bold enough to express sincere feelings towards him. Most were too intimidated by him to even look in his direction, but you never seemed scared of him, even when the two of you first met. It was awkward as any first meeting goes, but after that, you were never afraid to look him in the eye and speak freely, despite him being a son of the king. 
You were endearing to Aemond, a feeling he had only felt towards his sister and her children. But you were different, he felt a protectiveness over you much like his family, but jealousy had also come with it. Seeing you talk to any other lords or men at court made an uncomfortable pressure form in his chest, a weight that burned and he couldn’t get rid of it no matter how much he tried. That day when he found Aegon practically drooling over you, it took everything Aemond had to not bash his older brother’s face in. Aegon was lucky to get away with just a shove. It troubled Aemond that he yearned to do more, to his brother or any man that gazed upon you salaciously. He felt the need to protect that childlike innocence you still often displayed. When the feelings got too strong, he’d often seek out Helaena to vent and listen to her cryptic advice. Most times, she’ll just giggle, which wasn’t helpful but he was just thankful his frustrated venting didn’t disturb her.
So when you revealed that his sister may have fibbed about his secret affection for you, he had half a mind to storm into her chambers and tell her off angrily, even though he’d never do that to her. But he did feel embarrassed, his face flushing a dusty red. He froze when you took a step closer to him, your natural warmth radiating off your body and onto his, your eyes looking up at him with a familiar expression. He often saw a similar look on Aegon or the whores on the Street of Silk, but it didn’t disgust him now when that particular look was on your face. In fact, he couldn’t look away. You looked between his eye and his lips, wetting your own and raising yourself up on your toes so your face was level with his, a delicate hand holding onto his shoulder for support. He didn’t move, wanting to see how far you would take it, your behavior already proving unbecoming of a lady. Though, he couldn’t help the way his eyelid became heavy with lust as your lips got closer and closer to his.
Disappointment rushed through Aemond as you kissed his cheek, leaving his lips tingling and yearning for yours. Along with that disappointment, he also felt a surprising warmth. You had kissed him so gently, almost featherlight, and he’d never experienced that kind of affection from anyone, not even his mother. He was all sharp and rough edges, no one daring enough to risk being cut by his frightening figure. But you pulled away, unharmed, a shy smile on your face. Unfortunately, that was all you had done. “My prince,” You curtsied politely, and left a stunned Aemond in the Godswood nonchalantly, as if you hadn’t just triggered a part of him that he never thought he’d feel; desire. He had thought he wanted to protect your innocence, but now, all he could think about was ruining you.
The next morning, there was no place you could hide from prince Aemond. He found you almost immediately as the day started, dragging you to a secluded part of the Red Keep where he knew there would be no prying eyes. “Quite the display you made yesterday, care to enlighten me on the sudden…affection?” Aemond had asked.
You only smiled innocently, too innocently. “Whatever do you mean, my prince?”
Aemond reveled in the light gasp you made when he pressed you against the wall, his arm resting on the wall above your shoulder and the other on your waist, the slight pressure making you dazed. “You know very well what I mean, my lady. That kiss. Such a tease. You look so meek and innocent on the surface, but beneath all your polite smiles you’re just a little vixen, aren’t you? I’ve half the mind to take you right here right now, out in the open where any lord or lady could see.” The hand on your waist tightened, moving up your side but he froze when you placed your hand on his, a nervous expression on your face.
“Prince Aemond, I’ve never–I’m a maiden, my prince, I can assure you.” You stuttered uncharacteristically, making Aemond loosen the grip he had on you. “I never meant to make you think that…I was a woman of…loose morals.”
Aemond’s brows furrowed, one hidden beneath his eyepatch. “Then, yesterday? Why did you kiss me like that, just on the cheek, and leave?”
You exhaled a shaky breath, trying to compose yourself. “I didn’t want to just kiss you on the cheek, trust me. I almost really kissed you, but then a realization hit me right before I could. If someone were to see, report it to my father…he could lose his position because of me and I couldn’t do that to him. I’d be shamed, labeled a whore or worse.”
Aemond hummed, taking in your words, only a few really being comprehended more than the others. “If you had really kissed me…I would’ve kissed you back.”
You looked down at your feet, giggling shyly. “I assumed.”
Aemond lifted your chin with his hand gently, making sure your gaze stayed on him, your widened eyes making him force back a smirk. “You still could. Kiss me.” He stroked your cheek lightly, the peach fuzz of your face tickling his knuckles.
“B-But, my father-”
“Your father doesn’t have to know. I know the Red Keep like the back of my hand. I know the places that are scarcely visited, when others are devoid of servants or family, and there are secret passageways all over the Keep and there happens to be one that leads from your room,” He leans in close, his lips right next to your ear, “all the way to mine.”
You almost moaned, but pushed him away before your desires overcame you. “As delightful as that sounds…I don’t plan on giving away my maidenhead anytime soon. I can’t risk siring bastards, it would bring shame upon my family and my house. I’m sure that…you could understand.” 
He could, and he did. As much as he wanted you, he’d respect your decision. He understood being a woman in this world was much more dangerous and had stricter societal rules. Besides, he’d never want to have bastards, that would be hypocritical. Though, the vision of your belly swollen with his seed made him aroused more than he would ever admit. He’d keep it to himself. “Of course, my lady. I’m not attracted to you just because you’re a maiden, you know? But…there are other things we can do together.”
You smiled. “Like what?”
Aemond’s hand was back on your waist, sliding his body against yours until his warmth and scent encompassed you entirely, bringing back that same dazed feeling in your head. “I could teach you about the history of Old Valyria, our house, maybe even teach you some Valyrian if you’d like.” His hand ran up and down your side, when you think his hand will reach the underside of your breast, he’d go back down. A frustrating cycle, his tone of voice not helping either. It did not sound like he was talking about teaching you history, more like teaching you about more…intimate studies. “We could read together in the library, perhaps I could introduce you to Vhagar one day. But first, you could kiss me. No one is around, no one will be for a while. That’s not too dangerous, is it?”
Your face flushed with heat, your eyes growing heavy with lust, a similar position you had him in just yesterday. “No, I suppose not.” You breathed out, placing your hands on his leather covered chest, feeling the tight muscles beneath, making the sensitive apex of your thighs ache with want.
Aemond stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, taking his time and his eye running over every detail of your face he could find, finding the imperfections that endeared him to you even more. He placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the gesture making your heart thump even more rapidly in your chest, the anticipation almost making you lose your patience. Is this what you made him feel yesterday? But after what felt like an eternity, Aemond finally started to lean in, his breath fanning over your face, your own intermingling with his. 
It was featherlight at first, tickling, not enough pressure to even feel like a kiss. But after a few seconds of Aemond simply teasing and tracing his lips with yours, he finally pressed against you more firmly. His lips were soft against yours, not rushing and moving languidly, eliciting a small noise of contentment from you. As he opened his mouth to trace his tongue on your bottom lip, you could tell he had some practice. You both deepened the kiss, his hand on your waist tightening and pulling you forward against him until your back ached off the wall. His other hand cupped your jaw roughly as the kiss became more passionate and frenzied, his teeth nibbling the sensitive flesh of your bottom lip until you winced from the sting, but you found that you quite liked it. You reached one of your hands to the nape of his neck, tangling and tugging at the silvery white hair until he groaned, the both of you sighing into each other’s mouths as desire overtook you.
You finally realized, despite you being adamant about retaining your virtue, your body was moving on its own accord. You were pawing at Aemond like some lecherous woman on the Street Of Silk, soft moans and sighs leaving your mouth unabashedly. Only when your hips started canting up towards him you finally managed to stop yourself, pulling your lips away from his with wild panting breaths.
“You’re a fast learner, my lady.” Aemond panted, chuckling breathlessly, seemingly unwilling to let you go.
“I suppose I am.” You mirrored his shy smile, reluctantly pulling away from his embrace only to immediately yearn for his arms around you again. “Perhaps we could read together in the library tomorrow?” You asked hopefully.
Aemond smirked. “To read, or to repeat what we just did?”
You scoffed, lightly smacking his shoulder. “To read!” You giggled, making Aemond laugh in return. You felt yourself swell with pride. It was so rare to see the prince genuinely laugh, and to be the one to elicit such a reaction from him, it made you feel like you were on top of the world.
When you both met up in the library the next day, you didn’t do much reading like you had planned…
From that day to the present, that had been a lot of what your relationship with prince Aemond was like. You got to know each other, of course. You had deep conversations, shared secrets you never told another soul in the world, learned about each other’s cultures and traditions, and grew fond of one another as the days passed. You each both confided in one another, making your bond deep, spending every moment you could in the privacy of your own bedrooms. It was inevitable that you fell in love with each other. Aemond spoke of his feelings first, which surprised you, thinking that it would be you to tell him first.
It had been a normal day like any other. Aemond was trying to teach you some Valyrian, laughing harder than he’s ever laughed in his life at your gods awful pronunciation at most of the words, but you were trying so hard he almost felt bad for laughing at you. Almost. When you finally perfected the phrase he was trying to teach you, your whole face lit up with pride. He had found he had a habit of just staring at you, especially when you smiled. He thought you were one of the most beautiful sights the world had to offer and he realized he needed you like he needed oxygen, and that’s when he said it. “I fear I’ve fallen madly in love with you, my lady.”
It only took you a few seconds for it to register, the statement making you freeze, then overwhelming joy completely consuming you. “I love you too, my handsome prince.” You grinned brightly, taking Aemond’s breath away and forcing a surprised huff from his lips when you lunged towards him, accidently knocking him out of his chair and you with him, collapsing together on the floor of his bedroom. You would’ve been mortified if it weren’t for the dark, lustful look in his eye as you hovered above him, your legs naturally coming to straddle him, like you were made to be in this position with him. Your face flushed with heat as you could feel the evidence of Aemond’s arousal through his trousers, pressing against your own aching core. “I want you…I want you so badly, Aemond.” You spoke brittly, the throbbing between your legs getting harder to ignore. Aemond leaned up off the floor with his elbows, surging forward to kiss you before you stopped him. “But I can’t give up my maidenhead…”
Aemond deflated in disappointment, but a light shined in his eye suddenly, a soft smirk adorning his lips. “I know of a way we can without taking your virtue.”
You sighed. “I don’t know-”
“Do you trust me?” Aemond looked up at you with pure love and adoration, the intensity almost forcing you to look away. 
“With my life.”
Aemond situated himself on his bed, only in his smallclothes, making his erection even more prominent than before. He helped you undress down to your shift, with your permission, indulging in the feelings of your barely covered breasts as your gown was practically see through. You weren’t nervous or embarrassed like you thought you’d be, Aemond just made you feel so at ease and comfortable, looking at you like you were a goddess he worshiped that all insecurity fled your body in that moment. “Sit on my lap,” He instructed calmly, not giving away how eager he was to feel you against him. He had more self control than that, besides, he wanted this to be about you as much as himself.
You placed yourself in the position you were previously, just behind his arousal, waiting for his guidance. Aemond didn’t say anything as he took hold of your hips, bringing you forward until your aching cunt made contact with his cock through his smallclothes, the contact already making you both sigh out in pleasure. “Just rock yourself against me, sweetling.” He guided, helping you find your rhythm until you started to rock against him yourself, but his hands still stayed at your hips to ground himself.
This technically wasn’t losing your maidenhead, but it felt so good that it still made you guilty, but you were too aroused to care.
You moaned softly as you rubbed your slick folds against his clothed cock, your clit getting delicious stimulating pressure with every cant of your hips, all the while Aemond did not take his eye off you, his own groans of pleasure escaping his lips. “Does it feel good, my lady?” Aemond asked, almost smugly.
“Yes, my prince. So good.” You stuttered, finding it difficult to multitask…and breathe. You found yourself quickly getting overheated, your legs started to shake with your efforts. Aemond seemed to sense this, rolling you over on your back, a smile coming to his face when he saw the wet patch you already made on his smallclothes. “Did…I do that?” You asked in embarrassment.
Aemond smirked with pride. “It means you’re enjoying it, my lady. Now let me take over for a while, alright?” You nodded, your face heating up like a furnace as he hovered above. Even when making sure he wasn’t crushing you, you could still feel the power in his body, how easily he could force you into submission. But he wasn’t, he was letting you take the lead for the most part. But now, he was rutting against you, his clothed cock rubbing against your core just as perfectly as the previous position you were in. He was more confident and assured in his movements than you were, hitting your clit with more precision, making you cry out his name.
You clawed at his back, high pitched whines leaving your mouth, panting heavily. Aemond kissed all over your face, neck, and pulled down your shift until your breasts were freed from its confines to kiss them as well. Aemond’s breathless moans fanned against your ear, where he had tucked his face in the crook of your neck, the occasional soft whimper making you feel emboldened enough to roll him over to straddle him once again.
You braced your hands on his bare chest as you started to rock yourself faster, an unfamiliar pressure building in your lower stomach that threatened to burst if you kept going. It scared you, how could it get any better than this? You already felt like your heart was beating out of your chest, what would happen if that coil in you did burst? You thought you’d die on the spot, but Aemond kept giving you reassuring words and soothing your overheating body with his hands, encouraging you to keep going. “It’s alright, my lady. I’ve got you.” He cooed, one hand on your hip and the other taking hold of yours to kiss across the thin skin of your knuckles.
You felt the pressure building and building, like the whistling in a teapot getting louder as the water rose in temperature; until you came with a strangled cry, the feeling of euphoria overpowering your senses, your hips stuttering, tears coming to your eyes and falling down your cheeks in rivulets. Aemond’s grip on your hips returned, the force surely causing bruises to form as he continued to rock you against him, chasing his own end. You powered through the overstimulation, the sight of Aemond losing himself to his pleasure enough to make you want to do it all over again. He came with a loud grunt, his eye shutting tightly and bucking his hips up against you until he painted the inside of his smallclothes white, his spend mixing with yours. “You are truly magnificent, my lady.” 
You loved each other so much. You couldn’t imagine life without him, and he felt the same as well. You always imagined living the rest of your life with him, married someday, and a gaggle of white haired children running around the Red Keep. That was until your dreams were crushed when your father told you that you were to be wed to someone who wasn’t your handsome prince.
How were you going to break the news to Aemond? How badly would he react? You didn’t want to stop being with him, you cared for him more than anything. But you had a duty to fulfill, you had to listen to your father, you simply had no choice. Women never got a choice.
You entered prince Aemond’s chambers through the secret passageway that he had shown to you, your heart already dropping to your stomach as he looked up from a book he was reading, grinning ear to ear as he laid his eye on you. “My lady,” He rose to his feet, greeting you with a soft kiss. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Your expression must’ve given you away, for his grin fell, a look of concern replacing his joy. “What’s the matter, my love?”
You deflated, instinctually burrowing yourself into his chest with quiet sobs, his arms instantly wrapping around you. “My…my father…” You hiccupped, unable to get the words out for it was too painful.
“Shh, shh, shh,” Aemond cooed, rubbing his hands along your back to try and comfort you. “Take deep breaths, love. Take your time.”
“My father has betrothed me to someone else.” You cried, your tears falling freely off your face, staining your cheeks and creating a dark patch on Aemond’s white tunic.
Aemond froze, his heart starting to beat rapidly in his chest, anger threatening to take over his entire being. “What?” He spoke darkly, his voice dropping several octaves. “No. No, you can’t.”
You pulled away, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand angrily. “I have no choice, Aemond. Father has already set up a meeting with the lord. No matter what, I’m expected to marry him…bed him and bear his children.” You spat, your fate making you wish you were never born.
Aemond grabbed your shoulders tightly, a wild, dangerous look in his eye. “No. I won’t let this happen.”
You sighed in defeat. “Unfortunately, my love…it’s not up to you.”
You left his chambers feeling worse than you had felt before. Usually, you always left him beaming and weightless, like you could conquer the world as long as he was by your side. But now, you were going to be forced to leave him. You didn’t want to marry someone lord from the North. All your life, you’ve heard how hard living in the North was, how the citizens and even lords lived more like Wildlings than actual people. You’re betrothed was rugged, hairy, loud, and plump, the total opposite of your Targaryen lover. The thought of having to lay with someone like that, especially for your first time, it never failed to bring you to tears. It made you want to run back to Aemond, just so your first time would be with someone you loved. But that would be a sin, and if found out, might get you killed. If you didn’t bleed on your wedding night, your virtue would be called into question and you’d be labeled a harlot and be discarded onto the streets or worse. Your father promised the Northern lord a virgin, so you had no choice but to remain chaste.
Over the next few weeks, the Northern lord visited King’s Landing to meet you. You tried your best to be polite, not act disgusted as you truly felt whenever you were forced to dine with him. You barely saw Aemond, and you couldn’t, lest you garner unwanted attention that would have rumors spread like wildfire. But that didn’t mean Aemond tried to stay away himself.
Every so often, you’d spot him in the corner of your eye, watching you intently. You were never afraid of him, but you now started to fear what he might do to keep you, not that you’d protest. You could feel the tension in the air constantly when he was around. There came a point where Aemond would interrupt every meeting you had with the Northern lord. Even though it was quite amusing to see your prince so jealous, you couldn’t help but worry what your father would do if he found out Aemond was trying to sabotage your courtship. You could tell the lord was getting annoyed with all the interruption, but unfortunately, that made him all the more determined to wed you. Aemond wasn’t helping, at all. And he could tell. The night before your final meeting with the Northern lord to determine if you’d make a good match, Aemond came to your chambers through the secret passageway.
“Aemond? The hour is late, what are you doing here?” You asked with a bashful smile, standing up from your bed in nothing but your nightgown, not leaving much to the imagination.
Aemond smirked, sauntering towards you and placing his hands on your waist, pulling you flush against him. “What? I’m not allowed to see my lady?”
Your face grew hot at the possessiveness of his words, a pang of arousal shooting through your core. “No, my prince, you are not. Because if you recall, we’re not wed.” You sighed sadly. “...and never will be.”
Aemond tsked in annoyance, his grip on your hips tightening almost painfully. “You say that like it is a sure thing.”
You frowned. “Is it not?”
Aemond tilted his head as he gazed upon your face, running his pointer finger down your cheek, then along your jaw, gently lifting your chin up so your lips met his. “I will not let this happen to you, love. You. Are mine. Not some Northern dog…do you trust me?”
“Of course.” You asked immediately, melting against his touch, like his skin was a balm against yours.
“Then let me take care of it. Of you.”
“You already take care of me, my handsome prince.” And with that, his lips were back on yours in an instant, possessive and more aggressively, making you whimper. His hands caressed your body, running along your sides, grazing the underside of your breast until they traveled down to grab handfuls of the fatty flesh of your ass, eliciting a squeal from you. “Aemond,” You chuckled breathlessly between kisses, “I have to wake in the early morning.” You sighed out as he attached his lips to your neck, sucking harshly. “Aemond, no marks tonight.” But he paid you no mind. Then, you felt his fingers brush against your clothed core, and you had to push him away. “Are you trying to…bed me?” You asked nervously.
Aemond smirked. “I am.” 
Your eyes widened, taking a step away from him, causing him to frown. “Why can’t we do what we normally do? The way without taking my virginity?”
“Do you not want me, my lady?” He asks, desperate to get his hands on you again.
“Of course I do, my prince. But to bed each other now, while I’m betrothed to another; it is a sin against the Seven. You know this.”
“What did I say? I will take care of it. But first, let me take care of you. I want you so badly. I’ve wanted to be buried inside you since I first laid my eye on you. Please, my love, I need more than just rubbing myself against you.” You gasped as he took hold of your hand and guided it to palm his already hardened cock, “Feel how I yearn for you?”
“I yearn for you too…” You stuttered, running your slightly trembling hand over one of his biceps while you experimentally squeezed his hardened length, causing him to let out a soft growl.
Aemond caught your lips with his once more, his breathing quickening as he felt his desire grow. “Then say yes.”
Then with a hesitant breath, you spoke, “Yes.” 
As soon as the word left your lips, Aemond found yours with a vigor you hadn’t experienced from him so far into the relationship. He was desperate, and so were you. Your shaking frame gave away how nervous you truly were, but he soothed you with his hands, running them along your uncovered skin until you relaxed for him.
Aemond kissed and nipped at your neck as he led you to your bed, slowly undoing the various buckles and laces that held his clothing together. He smiled shyly as you raked your eyes over his now naked form. Even though you’ve seen him like this before, there was a whole new element involved, knowing that you two were going to be the closest two humans could possibly be. You lifted up your hand to reach for his eyepatch, noticing his body tense but allowing you to remove it. This wasn’t new either, but it still took Aemond some getting used to being so vulnerable with someone, that little boy in him still scared that you’d be disgusted by his scar; but as you removed the piece of leather for the umpteenth time, you smiled lovingly as his sapphire glimmered in the light from your fireplace. “My beautiful prince.”
You shivered as Aemond slowly pulled your nightgown down your body, goosebumps rising all over your skin at his featherlight touches. “My beautiful lady.” He replied with a smirk, allowing his hand to lower further down until he reached the slickness that spread over your folds. “So wet for me already, darling.” He chuckled.
“It’s easy when you treat me the way that you do, my love.”
“Yes? And how do I treat you exactly?”
“...like a princess.”
Aemond gripped both of your hips tightly, pulling your body flush against his, feeling his erection prodding against your inner thigh, his eye staring down at you with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. “If all goes according to plan, you will be…” He spoke ominously.
You furrowed your brows, tilting your head in confusion. “What do you-?” You squeaked as Aemond pushed his lips against yours roughly, interrupting your question and replacing any thought you may have had with pure desire. He had such power over you, you couldn’t even fight it, not that you'd want to. He moved up your body, leaving sparks in their wake, trapping your face in between them as his mouth devoured yours desperately. You moaned at his passion, feeling completely wanted and cherished and he hadn’t even done much to you yet.
You gasped as Aemond guided his throbbing length to glide against your folds, your slick creating a pleasant friction that had your prince groaning at the feeling. You held onto him tightly as he rutted against you, his cock nudging your clit with every thrust. “I-I thought…you were going t-to bed me?” You babbled mindlessly, the minute pleasure you were feeling already throwing you for a loop.
��I am, my sweet lady. I need to get you warmed up first, understand? Patience.” He lightly scolded, his tone only making you more impatient. “On the bed.” He ordered, and you obeyed diligently. You tried not to shiver as he stalked above you, like a predator cornering his prey, making you feel even more vulnerable than you already were, his one remaining eye making his gaze more intense somehow. “Spread your legs for me.” You shivered then, the slight chill in the air grazing your cunt unpleasant, but it was worth it to see Aemond’s lips twist into a proud smirk. “Such a good girl for me, aren’t you, my lady?”
You watched with heavy lidded eyes as Aemond sloppily kissed up your legs and inner thighs, his long silver hair tickling your skin and the slight sandpapery feel of his chin surprising in how much you liked the sensation. Then, you felt his panting breaths on your core, jolting as he licked one long stripe along your folds. “What are you doing?” You asked in a gasp.
“I’ve read about this before. It is supposed to be pleasurable for you, my lady. Would you like me to stop?”
You shook your head. “No…please, keep going.” He smiled and dove in, using the tip of his tongue to run through your folds teasingly, barely stimulating your clit, making you whine.
“You taste divine.” Aemond moaned like he was the one being pleasured, making your face heat up. The bed shook lightly as he gently rutted into the sheets, hearing your whines and whimpers making his cock ache for attention. You let out a breathy moan as Aemond suckled at your clit, the feeling making your eyes roll to the back of your skull briefly. You couldn't stop your hips from jerking up against his mouth, but he placed his hands there to hold you down.
“Oh, gods, Aemond. Right there, please, please…” You whined, his tongue plucking your strings to perfection, making you near that euphoric crescendo way too quickly. “So close…” You babbled, unable to form a word as you neared your peak.
“Come.” Aemond ordered gruffly. “Come for me, my lady.” And with a loud, sharp cry, you came on his tongue, your senses bubbling over like boiling water. “Good girl. That’s my good girl.” He praised, soothing your overheated skin with his rough hands, pinching your pebbled nipples in fascination. He kissed your tears from your cheeks, gazing down at you in adoration, the expression directed at you almost as good as reaching a climax. “Think you’re ready for me, my love?” He asked softly, and you didn’t care how much it would hurt, you wanted him badly.
“Please…I need you, Aemond.”
You started to notice how anxious Aemond must’ve been, the way his hands trembled as he ran them over your soft skin, the way he took his breaths like he was frightened. He didn’t want to hurt you. He wanted to make your first time as painless as possible if he could, but his body was so aching and ready to take you just the way he wanted. But he restrained himself for you. He could be rough with you another time. “Tell me if it gets to be too much.” All you could do was nod.
Your own cum slick entrance wasn’t enough to prepare for how much you’d have to fit inside. You knew Aemond was well endowed, but you didn’t think you’d ever have to worry about it actually fitting inside you. You had to hold in your cries as he pushed the tip of his cock past your entrance, a heated sharp pressure building in intensity the more he pushed in. He groaned above you as you pulsed at the intrusion, but you wouldn’t dare to tell him how much it actually hurt, not when he looked so pretty like this. The pain was worth it. But after he finally bottomed out, he gave you a well needed break and the pain slowly morphed into something more. It still hurt a bit, but now you needed him to move, like you’d die if he didn’t.
Aemond gasped silently as you started to gyrate your hips, encouraging him to start moving. He started off slow at first, still worried about hurting you. But as he noticed your pained whines turning into moans of pleasure, he sped up his thrusts a bit more. He couldn’t stop the smirk that worked his way onto his features as your breasts bounced with every cant of his hips, his hand reaching out to grope them roughly. “Fuck, my love. You feel so amazing.” He panted, his skin starting to glimmer with a thin sheen of sweat.
WIth how much slick you were producing, you wouldn’t be surprised if your bed linens were ruined. You could hear yourself, you could hear where Aemond’s body met yours with each thrust. With his cockhead hitting a place deep inside you paired with the sound of the splash of your wet skin violently meeting his, you could feel that intense building sensation that you had grown so accustomed to thanks to Aemond, but it was different. You could almost feel him in your chest, he was so deep. 
You moaned and sobbed uncontrollably, your velvety walls clenching tightly around his cock, making him grunt loudly. “Oh, gods, Aemond!” You cried, almost hyperventilating due to the overwhelming pleasure. You didn’t even realize you were clawing into his shoulders until he pinned them to the mattress, forcing you still as he plowed into you, but still unable to stop the rest of your body writhing in oversensitivity. “Aemond, Aemond…” You whined, practically shaking underneath him.
Sweat dripped down Aemond’s forehead and off his nose, the fireplace roaring not helping with how much warmth the two of you were creating between your bodies. Your sweat covered bodies clung to one another, sticking you together, the filthiness of it all making it all the more passionate. “I know, my love. Hold on, I’m so close.” He panted, his thrusts becoming sloppy and erratic as he chased his end. His eye rolled to the back of his head as he was right on that edge, just one more thrust could do it, but instead he pulled out, making you whine. Aemond stroked himself quickly until he came on your stomach with a loud groan, shuddering as goosebumps rose along his skin. “Fuck…” With one final kiss to your swollen lips, he collapsed beside you, his chest rising and falling deeply in exhaustion.
You both turned towards one another as you caught your breath, a small smirk playing at the corner of Aemond’s lips. You hummed contently as he ran one of his hands up and down your upper arm, leaning into his touch like a kitten. “Are you alright, my lady?” He asked sweetly.
You nodded bashfully, teeth showing in a bright smile. “It was everything I ever dreamed of.”
Aemond leaned forward to kiss your forehead, bringing you close to his chest. “I’m glad I could be the first one to give this to you.” But the comment only made you frown.
“What happens now?”
Aemond looked down at you burrowed in his chest, an aura of confidence buried just beneath the surface of his thoughtful expression. “Let me worry about that, my love. You just sleep now. Sleep.” He cooed, and being as exhausted as you were, you had no trouble obeying him like you always had.
By the time you awoke, Aemond had already left, but not before leaving you a note saying something about his princely duties but he also took the time to remind you how much he loved you. It satisfied you anyway as you also had duties to attend to, and you could only pray to the Seven that no one important noticed your slight limp.
Meanwhile, all Aemond could think about was the night you shared together. Training was a bit more difficult in that respect, even gaining Ser Criston’s curiosity about where his head was at. He just blamed it on a restless night, which…wasn’t false. But his thoughts were also occupied by a plan that formed in his mind. This day would require luck on Aemond’s part, if he were to do this correctly. Being a son of a king, he had his ways of knowing where anyone was at any time. What he hadn’t expected, however, was his target making his way towards Aemond himself. “Lord Umber, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Aemond greeted coldly, not shying away from the lord’s attempts to appear intimidating. It was amusing, if anything. Pathetic, more like.
“I don’t know what your intentions are with my betrothed, but I would advise you stay away from her. I don’t care if you’re a prince. She’s mine, or will be very soon.”
Aemond couldn’t help but smirk, his mind conjuring up all the ways he had already made you his, right underneath this hairy oaf’s nose. “My lady does not belong to anyone but me, lord Umber.”
The larger man laughed, amused like Aemond was a child who had just told a joke. “She’s yours, is she? Sounds to me like your royal highness is jealous.” Aemond narrowed his eye. “Yes, I’ve seen you with her. The way you cling to her side like a lost pup. You just can’t imagine her being with someone else, can you? Well, don’t worry, prince Aemond. Once she’s my wife, I’ll treat her kindly on our wedding night; but just the first time. By dawn, her voice will be sore from screaming my name. She’ll have sired me an heir by the time I’m done with her.” Aemond had half a mind to slit this stupid man’s throat right then and there. How dare he speak of you that way? And as if the man couldn’t get any dumber, he continued on. “She seems so innocent, doesn’t she? I bet she’s never even tried pleasuring herself. Imagine how tight her-”
And with a swift pommel to the temple, the Northern lord was finally interrupted from his perverse rant and knocked unconscious.
Aemond hummed, staring down at the man with a certain morbid curiosity. How strange a man that burly could be rendered completely useless by just one blow to the head. It just hammered in the thought in his mind that this lord was not worthy of you. Not one bit. He’d deal with the consequences later. Right now, he needed to find you before the lord came to. And he found you fairly quickly.
“What are you doing?” You giggled nervously as Aemond dragged you to a certain part of the Keep, gasping as he pushed you up against the brick wall, the memory of being in a similar position not that long ago flashing in your mind. You hummed as he kissed you lovingly, leaving your eyes heavy lidded and pupils lust blown as he pulled away.
Aemond held up his index finger, motioning for you to wait. He looked around the corner of the somewhat secluded area of the Rep Keep, smirking furiously when he saw the Northern lord still laying in the hall right where he left him. He could wake at any moment, Aemond would have to start now. “I started to miss you as soon as I left, my love.” Aemond spoke as he found his way back to you, running his calloused hands along your sides. “Couldn’t stop picturing you split open on my cock. Need to see it again, need to feel you.”
As Aemond tried to lift up your skirts, you made a feeble attempt to stop him. “But, what if someone were to walk past? Anyone could see us?” You whisper yelled. Aemond restrained himself from rolling his eye. That’s quite the point.
“That’s why I checked if anyone was near, my love. Please, my cock aches for you.”
Oh, how could you refuse when he begged so prettily like that?
Aemond lifted up your skirts, feeling a wetness gathered at the apex of your thighs. “Do you just get wet at the sight of me, my lady?”
Your face burned like a furnace, a bashful smile on your lips. “Maybe.”
Aemond grinned, turning you so your front was pressed against the wall. “Is this okay?”
“Yes, my prince. Please, fuck me.” You whined, and he couldn’t hide his expression of pride and shock.
“Oh, you want me to fuck you, hm? Not make love to you?” He teased, talking in your ear as he undid his trousers.
You shivered, feeling the blunt tip of his cock prod at your entrance. “Yes.”
Aemond heard the faintest shuffling from the hall, halting his movements briefly. He turned to see in the corner of his eye the silhouette of lord Umber, frozen as he stared at the shocking scene before him. Aemond could only laugh under his breath as he pushed into you, smiling genuinely when you couldn’t bite back your moan. “Fuck, my love. Still just as tight as you were last night.”
You cried out as Aemond’s thrusts speed up in their pace and roughness immediately, the force jolting your whole body in place, making your breasts push against the brick wall. “Who do you belong to, my lady?” Aemond growled suddenly, marking up the skin of your neck with his teeth. “Say it! Who do you belong to, jorrāelagon?”
“You, Aemond!” You stuttered, losing yourself in the pleasure he was giving you.
“You’re mine, are you not?”
“Yes, yes, I’m yours. Only yours, my love!”
“Not that idiot Northern lord Umber?”
“No, I belong to you. I don’t want anyone else, my prince.”  You babbled, almost unable to form full sentences.
“Think he could make you feel the way I can?” Aemond hummed with a dark smirk, knowing fully well the lord could hear them. He hadn’t looked towards the burly man in a while, focusing on making you fully relent to him, forcing you to scream exactly how he’s made you his. If he could guess, the lord was probably red with rage, the thought making him pound into you faster. “Hmm? Can you not answer me, my lady? Is my cock making you feel that good?” He asked condescendingly.
“So…so good…” You moaned, peaking without any stimulation to your clit.
Aemond grunted. “You want my cum, love? You want me to fill you up?” You must’ve been out of it, because you begged him to. “Good girl. ‘M gonna give you my cum. Fuck, you’d look so beautiful carrying my child if my seed takes, wouldn’t you agree?” By that time, lord Umber was long gone, and Aemond could sense it. Now, he was just saying whatever he felt like saying for himself. The image of you married to him, carrying his Targaryen babe, made him finally let go. 
Aemond’s chest heaved against your back, sweat making your clothes stick to your bodies. “Avy jorrāelan…” He grinned at your attempt, your pronunciation was a bit off, but he couldn’t say anything when you spoke the words so sweetly.
“I love you, my lady.” He nuzzled into the back of your neck, inhaling the scent of your hair. “Mine…all mine.”
What came after that was par for the course.
Lord Umber, enraged and embarrassed, went to your father to tell him what he had seen. The Northern lord demanded a virgin, but in his eyes, what he got was a whore. It was his word against yours, a woman, so you obviously wouldn’t have been believed even if you were telling the truth. But out of pure survival instinct, you lied and denied. You would never give away your body like that, even to a prince. Your one saving grace from being scalped publicly, was prince Aemond. To get his side of the story.
“Lord Umber said that he saw you and my daughter…engaging in premarital activities.” Your father spoke, his voice unsteady in his rage.
Aemond, as calm as you ever saw him, spoke, “That is an outrageous lie. I would never defile a lady such as her.”
Lord Umber guffawed. “You lying prick. I saw you, balls deep into this whore.”
Aemond’s eye darkened, taking a step closer to the three of you. “You are a guest here, lord Umber, but you forget yourself. To spread such vile rumors against the son of the king, is treason.” And with that one word, the warmth in the air depleted, leaving a cold eerie silence in the room. “Do you know what happens to people that commit treason against the crown?” Lord Umber was uncharacteristically silent now. “On your way in from the middle of nowhere, you did notice all the heads that were stacked neatly on pikes, correct? Those were all men and women who spoke lies about us. Would you like your head to join them as well?”
The Northern lord was finally frightened into submission, but Aemond didn’t stop there.
“I shall have my grandsire arrest you and behead you on the morrow.”
“Wait, my prince!” Lord Umber called out desperately. Aemond smirked, how the big strong men fall when they’re faced with death. “Please, I take back what I said. I didn’t see anything! It must’ve been someone else. I sincerely apologize for being so quick to anger and place blame on the wrong person. Please, forgive me.” He begged.
Aemond pretended to consider the apology, but he knew what he wanted from the moment they sought him out. “I will pardon this indiscretion…but for a price.”
“Whatever it is, my prince, it shall be yours.”
“Your betrothed.”
“What?” You, your father, and lord Umber spoke at the same time.
“I will let you keep your head if you give me her. Seems to be a small price to pay, wouldn’t you agree?”
Your father and lord Umber shared looks, while you and Aemond did the same. Theirs were filled with fear and uncertainty, but yours with Aemond…pure love and respect. You didn’t even think of the means he was able to make this happen. But now, you wouldn’t have to leave for the North with a man who would never see you as his equal. Now, you have the chance to live with the love of your life for the rest of your days.
“She’s yours, my prince.” Your father announced, and you had to stop yourself from jumping with joy.
“You made the right choice. As for you, lord Umber, I want you out of King’s Landing by daybreak. If any of our guards find you after then, I’ll bring you back here and behead you myself. Are we at an understanding?”
“Yes, prince Aemond.” Lord Umber spoke, excusing himself and running with his tail between his legs. No amount of chains could hold a dragon down.
For the first time in Aemond’s life, he didn’t care that he disappointed his mother and grandsire. He gained his father’s permission and that’s all that mattered to him. Although, it wasn’t too difficult to convince a man addled on Milk of the Poppy.
That same night, Aemond came to your chambers, immediately captured in an embrace. “How?” Was all you asked.
“You know how people say Targaryens are closer to gods than men? Well, I just used some of my godly powers.” He grinned, kissing you like his life depended on it. “I hope you aren’t upset with me.”
You huffed incredulously. “Why would I be? Aemond, you save me from a miserable existence in the North. I can’t thank you enough. If you hadn’t done what you did, I’m sure my father would’ve found me another lord so he could fill his pockets.” 
Aemond lifted your chin, forcing you to meet his bright eye. “You won’t have to deal with your father any more, my love. I’ll take care of you. And I will not let anything or anyone come between us. I swear it.”
Finally, Aemond was all yours, and you were his; now and forever.
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yeah, i rushed the ending so i could finally finish this. WHAT OF IT???
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AITA for making a "Hate Club" for my sister? My sister (13) and I (16) have never been close. She is very loud and energetic whereas I am not. She always has been a bit of a jerk sometimes, but recently she has been unbearable to be around. She has been outright mean to our parents, calling them names, screaming at them, throwing things, and doing so every morning when she gets up for school, and every evening when she has to go to sleep. Because of her "screaming schedule", my already bad sleep schedule has been ruined, and I need multiple naps to make it through my day properly because she wakes us up so early. I talked about this to some of my friends who know her, and we decided to make a group chat called "(Sister's name) Hate Club" where we could vent about how she has affected us personally. Sometimes our vents would devolve into mean comments or theorizing about why she's like this, but we never said any of this to her in person, or to anyone outside of our group of 8. However, one night when my mom (63) and I were coming home from a play we had gone to see, she saw a notification for (Sister's name) Hate Club. I had my phone connected to the car's display to play music, so she saw the notification, clear as day. I lied to her at the time, and told her that it was a group chat for stuff in our scout troop, as I didn't feel like explaining what it was on the way home. I thought that she would be mad at me. After I told her, she didn't talk much for the rest of the night. The next day, she confronted me as I was leaving for a doctor's appointment. She said "I don't know if you can tell, but I'm pretty angry at you right now." When I asked her why, she told me the group chat. She started saying how I was a bully, and how I was acting just like my sister does when she's mad. She wouldn't let me get a word in, so I rolled my eyes and left in the middle of her sentence (which I understand was not a good move, but I was already running late and I was angry now too). When I was done at the doctor's appointment, I decided to text her that it was actually a vent group about my sister to try and explain why the group wasn't actually a hate group. When I got home and into my room, she confronted me and we had a big argument. She kept on saying how I was bullying my sister, and apparently she talked to 2 of my friend's moms, saying "If your child made a hate group about someone, would you be mad?". They both responded with some form of "I'd be livid". One of those people got in trouble with their mom and had to write an apology letter to mine once their mom found out what my mom was talking about. In the argument, I told her that "I need a space to vent" and she said "The venting is not the problem, the name is". When I told her "It's just a joke name, because I obviously don't legitimately hate her", she said I was still bullying her. After that I got very defensive and started swearing (not directly at her, but for word emphasis), and she started saying I was disrespecting her now too. At that point I said I would change the name, because I know she's a hard-head and would rather die than admit that she's wrong in any given situation. I've changed the group chat name twice, and now were acting like nothing ever happened. I've talked to my friends that were in the group, and they've said that I'm NTA, but I'm still not sure if they are right or just biased because I'm their friend and they were hearing everything from my perspective. So AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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letsgetrowdy43 · 9 months
Do first, think later—
Jack Hughes x Reader
Request: Jack’s gf finds out she’s pregnant but Jack doesn’t know how to process it at first. So she felt alone and decided to take a trip back home to Michigan to see family but Jack freaks out and flies out of NJ to see her
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She and Jack had their fair share of pregnancy scares over the span of their relationship, no matter how careful they were there was always a chance and a moment of pure fear while staring at the time on their phones as they watched the negative sign slowly appear.
This time though, this time was different.
The symptoms were really strong, nausea was insane, her boobs had grown a cup size, and the food aversions were becoming intense. That's when Jack suggested maybe testing, just to stop the stress from building, fingers crossed that the tiny stick would show the answer they both wanted. But as that second line appeared both Y/n and Jack went down a spiral, her hands covering her mouth to stop the gasp that was bubbling up in her throat.
"Okay, we can-" the tears started as she looked up at her boyfriend who stared at the counter in shock. All of the colours drained from his face as he swallowed thickly, finally looking at her, "I need to go for a walk," he said making a bee-line for the front door. She cried quietly while following him to the door, disbelief filling the empty space between them as he ignored the pleas for him to stay, "Can we at least talk about this before you leave Jack?" "I need to leave, I'll be back," he promised, still not fully looking at her as he slipped on his sneakers and was out the front door.
He didn't return that night, or the next, finally on the third day, she finally got confirmation on where he was. She had called Jack multiple times, then she called Quinn, Ellen, Dawson, John, Jesper, and then finally she called Nico who answered immediately.
"Please tell me he's with you, if he's not I'm filing a missing persons report," she said desperately as he let out a sigh. "Yeah he's here, physically at least, he seems zoned out," Nico frowned as he peaked into the living room at the twenty-two-year-old who was quietly staring out the apartment window. a weight lifted off of her chest as she heard the words, "Okay good, at least he's safe."
"What happened? if you don't mind me asking," he asked, shutting his bedroom door so that Jack couldn't hear their conversation. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat down on the edge of her and Jack's bed, surrounded by clothes and a suitcase, "I'm pregnant, and we thought it was just a scare, but it wasn't, and then he left." "Oh." "I'm really fucking scared Neeks," she cried as her hands wiped away the smudged mascara from her cheeks, "I'm going home to my parents, I don't want to be alone right now," she tried to find a strong voice but lost as she received the notification with the confirmation of her flight. "You do whatever you need, I'll make sure he's safe, you go and be with your family," he said as she whispered a thank you and hung up to finish her packing.
Within the next twenty-four hours the girl found herself in the Detroit airport, Quinn waited for her in the arrivals, pulling her into a hug as he helped her with her bags and led her to the family van.
"He's gonna come to his senses," Quinn said reassuringly as she cried in the passenger seat, her puffy face hiding in her hands as Quinn ran a hand over her back. "He disappeared when I needed him," she frowned. "Trust me, I am not excusing his actions, I'm so mad at him for doing that to you," livid was more the word he would use to describe it, his brother was a much better man than the one who abandoned his young, pregnant girlfriend, "he's more of a do now, think later kind of guy, you know that, he just needs time, and when he comes back to his senses he's gonna hate himself."
She knew it was true, there was never an action that Jack Hughes made that he didn't immediately cringe after. He lived a life of regret, and this was going to be one of those things in his life that he's gonna look back at and be disgusted at for the rest of his life.
"So are you going home to your parents or mine?" Quinn asked as he looked from the road to her. She frowned and thought for a second before she looked at him, "Probably yours, if you think your mom wouldn't mind, I don't think I can tell my mom and dad yet, not while I'm so panicked," she mumbled as the tears started back up again.
Quinn frowned, trying to think of something to say to take her mind off of his idiotic brother, "So I'm gonna be an uncle? I've always wanted a nephew... a niece would be pretty sweet too" The girl grinned at his dorkiness, "Yeah? I've always thought Jack would be a good girl-dad," she grinned as her hand slid down to touch her stomach, her eyes widened at the realization that she was going to be a mom.
Jack returned to their shared apartment the night she flew back to Michigan, his heartbeat in his ears as he searched the apartment for her, only to be met with an empty closet and a lack of her bubbly presence. He chewed his bottom lip nearly off as he did another search of the house, his head spinning with nerves as he stumbled upon a sticky note stuck to the fridge.
"I'm going home for a bit, please call me when you're home and safe, just need to hear your voice -- Y/n <;3"
His phone started ringing loudly, his shaky hands fishing it out of his pocket as he re-read the note over and over again.
"Hello?" "Why is your girlfriend asleep in your old bedroom, looking like the shell of herself, by herself? So help me Jack if you did something to upset that poor girl I will have your head," Ellen scolded over the phone, his body deflated at the sound of his mother's voice instead of Y/n's.
"I fucked up Mom, like so bad," he started, and so did the tears, "I left her here all alone when she really needed me, and I just walked out," he stated rambling, choking on tears as his breaths grew short. Ellen started to tear up at the sound of her son in such distress, "Honey, I need you to breathe, can you do that for me?" she asked as she heard his cries grow quieter on the other end.
"What did you do? I'm sure you can fix it." "She's pregnant, I'm gonna be a dad," Ellen's jaw dropped as she stood in the silence of the Hughes Lakehouse, looking over to Jim who stared at her with furrowed brows. "I'm gonna give you some advice Honey. You are going to get on a flight as soon as you can and fix this in person," Ellen said as she hung up the phone and left him to deal with the issue of his own.
Jim stared at her with a quirked eyebrow, "we are gonna be grandparents," she grinned as Jim choked on his coffee.
Less than twelve hours later, Jack was on the porch of his family's summer house, his heart beating at a fast pace as he stared at the door, trying to convince himself to open it. He took a deep breath and opened the door to be met with Luke who looked at him with a confused look, "you look like shit dude," he said as Jack rolled his eyed. "Thanks, much appreciated, where's Y/n?" "She's out in the back, she was sitting on the dock," Luke shrugged, unaware of all of the tension floating around the house.
She was exactly where Luke said she would be. Sat prettily at the edge of the dock, watching the sunset on the rippling water, a foot in the lake as she stared away numbly.
He stood at the shore, hands shoved in his pockets as he watched her, staring so peacefully, but looking so small, so unsure of herself. He hated that he did that, just as Quinn had suspected. Jack knew they could do it, they could be parents, but in the heat of the moment he wasn't so sure, and now it was leading to be the biggest regret of his life. Even with their young age, a family was everything he dreamed of, this just happened to be a few years earlier than his original plan.
She looked back at him, tears in her eyes as she ushered him to sit next to her, "Please stop just staring at me, it's making me nervous," she sadly joked as he walked over and sat down on the aged wood right next to her.
He stared at her as she watched the horizon, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she ignored his gaze, "I'm sorry, about it all," he frowned as she blinked away the tears in her eyes. Jack knew he was gonna need to say a lot more but the words were dying on the tip of his tongue as she ignored him some more.
"We are just so young, and the positive showed up and I just blanked and all of sudden I was in Nico's living room with a million missed calls from everyone and I realized that I'm going to be a Dad." The tears started as he reached out for her hand, she pulled away from his grasp, wiping away her own tears. "I came back to reality and realized that I fucking failed you, I've never hated myself more for something in my life, cause you're my person and I left you, and by extension, I left our baby and holy shit I'm the worst ever Y/n," she finally looked at him to see his face red and puffy, her hand reaching out for his now, "I'm so sorry, I don't think I will ever be able to say it enough times to make it right, but I hope you know how much I truly mean it."
The tears that rolled down her cheeks itched as she tried to calm herself down enough to form a coherent sentence, "I'm so mad at you right now." "I know baby," his hand reached out to tuck her bangs out of the way of her tear-stained cheeks. "You disappeared, and I was at home worrying myself ill, I almost called the authorities!" she gave him a very much-deserved scolding, as she curled up into a ball, knees pulled up to her chest as she let out a tired breath, "I can't even be mad at you either cause you were scared!" "No no, be mad, I hurt you" "I can't cause I feel the same way, I don't know how to be a mom, I'm twenty-one," she cried as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her into his chest.
"We are gonna be great parents," he said, cupping her face in his hands as she cried, "You are so kind baby, and our baby is gonna be the most loved baby ever, and we can finally get that house in Hoboken we've been looking into," he started listing off all of the things to look forward to with this baby on the way, "we may be young, but there is no one out there that can be as compassionate and as kind as you, and you're about to be the hottest mom that's ever walked this earth," she blushed a bright red as she leaned into him.
"You're gonna be a good dad too," she said once she calmed down a bit, her lips pressing a short kiss to his shoulder. He grinned as his fingers intertwined with hers, "you think?" "I know you will be," she took his hand and placed it on her stomach, he leaned forward to capture her lips in a slow kiss, a mixture of passion and emergency filled their kisses as her hand wrapped around the back of his neck. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away with a grin, "your boobs grew," he smirked like a horny teenage boy as she rolled her eyes. "You're like a twelve-year-old," she smiled as he nipped at her jaw before pressing a kiss to it. "Suck it up, I'm your baby daddy," she grimaced at the term before he kissed her once again.
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
Hi I was hoping if maybe you could do Velvette and Carmilla (poly or separate whichever you want to do) with a fem s/o that had a very abusive ex while she was alive like both physical and verbal abuse. She also has a hard time going out because she is terrified that she might run into them again. No pressure though hope you have a good day!😁
A/N: I'm so sorry i didn't write over the weekend, I got so busy it was ridiculous. Should be back to our regularly scheduled broadcast tomorrow! I'll be honest, this ask resonated with me, I immediately knew that I was gonna enjoy writing this one and you'll see why. Like i did last time, I'll be putting one drabble on one post and the other on a separate one with the ask included!
Character: Velvette
Type: Fic (Velvette x fem!reader who had an abusive ex, Angst, Fluff)
She was going to destroy them. And whatever was left of them when she was done, no one would dare touch, else they also wanted their lives burnt to ash.
Velvette was furious, livid. Needless to say, the influencer was on a war path.
Truly, she was glad that you weren’t here to see her like this. You didn’t need another reminder of that stain of a soul, though she wasn’t just going to lie or keep you in the dark. You knew where she was and what she was planning. You had been in tears when she told you in soft whispers that it was going to be okay, that she was going to ‘take care of it’. She was surprised that she had been able to keep her cool until she had left the flat.
Honestly, the influencer knew that she wasn’t supposed to know about the bastard yet. You had wanted to tell her on your own time and she respected that. But that didn’t mean that she hadn’t already suspected. When you would get nervous out in public, looking out into crowds like you were expecting to see a ghost. The flinching early in your relationship anytime she’d so much as graze your arm.
It figured that they were in hell too. It made sense, all things considered. Plus they were probably slippery enough to stay out of the path of any angels during exterminations
It had been such a peaceful day too. The both of your schedules had aligned, Velvette was between projects and you hadn’t had any real plans until later in the night, which said plans were with the overlord anyways.
It had been so long since the two of you had enjoyed a lazy morning together. Velvette was more than content simply enjoying each other’s company on the couch. You had been entangled with your lover, your arms loosely wrapped around her waist while you rest your chin on her shoulder, watching her scroll through her current feed.
She remembered so clearly how tense you became when she came across the picture. Some club goer that she would have completely ignored other wise, had it not been for the fact that you had started trembling. And then you flinched when the overlord had reached out to cup your cheek. She was quick to assure you that you had nothing to apologize for when you offered a dejected ‘sorry’.
And that was how Velvette found out about your only other serious relationship and the story of your death. Through needless apologies and countless tears.
Now, the influencer found herself storming through the halls of Vee Tower with one destination in mind. Vox’s office.
“Vox I need your help.” These were the first words out of her mouth when she burst in through the doors to the video star’s office
“Velvette, I thought you were taking today off?” The video star startled, quickly closing his current video feed. He seemed more than he would have usually. Whether it was because he hadn’t expected to see her or because of how angry she looked, the influencer didn’t know. And frankly, she didn’t give a shit, either. He could keep watching the radio demon like a creep later.
The video star leaned back in his seat when Velvette didn’t offer an answer. So instead he gesturing for the younger overlord to sit. She did not. Lacing his fingers together, Vox took in the sight that was Velvette. She was angry, that much was obvious, but why? She didn’t have any current projects that he could think of, so what in the literal hell could have her so vexed?
“What’s got you on a war path today my dear?” Though his smile didn’t meet his eyes. No, he knew something was very wrong.
“I need a favor.” This seemed to get his attention. In reality, Velvette rarely asked for favours, instead preferring to get shit done herself. Even rarer still, she was here, asking him in person instead of calling or texting him.
Vox turned to her fully now, a serious expression settling upon his screen. “Of course, what do you need?”
“Your reach is farther than mine,” She admitted, her voice soft, betraying the unbridled rage that dwelled beneath the surface. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a photo of demon who had summoned her ire, sliding a photo across his desk to show him. An eyebrow raise, the older sinner took the photo in his hand.
Mostly uninterested, Vox really wasn’t sure what he was looking at. The picture was ordinary, some demon taking a selfie at a club. Looked like some regular old schmuck to him. Returning his gaze back to his youngest cohort, he found her glaring at the offending photo so hard that he was surprised it didn’t burst into flames right there in his hand. Just to be safe, he put the photo back down on his desk.
“And what exactly did this poor bastard do to piss you off this bad?”
“That’s the fucker who used to beat on my girl.” Velvette all but hissed out, glarring down at the picture. Then, she spoke again, softer, her voice nearly trembling as a more grave expression took to her face. “They killed her, too.”
Vox froze, his screen flickering as his own temper spiked at the revelation. You were good for Velvette. He actually liked you, which was more than he could say about any other demon that the influencer had brought around the tower. Val liked you just as much. He was going to be pissed if he was left out of the fun, the video star noted as he shot the moth demon a quick text to get his ass to his office. Vox’s lips split into a vicious grin, his voice low, practically a growl as he forced out a: “Well, lets get to work then, shall we?”
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daytaker · 5 months
Solomon simps so hard for the main character it's actually a little tragic.
Nightbringer spoilers ahead.
Solomon: MC! Don't worry! I'm on my way to you, journeying through time and space to help bring you home! MC: Oh, hey Sol. Look at my boys, aren't they adorable? They're so new to being demons, I'm even going to babysit them! Don't rush with that 'getting me back home' project if you aren't in the mood. I'm gonna re-establish deep emotional connections with them all in the meantime. Solomon: Haha, yeah... I just hope I can be someone you can come home to. MC: Right.... Anyway, I'm off to the House of Lamentation to start my Mammon arc.
Belphie: Wait, MC's a human? I hate those things. Lemme kill it. Solomon: Solomon ex machina! I'm here to save the day! I might be smiling, but I am livid! It looks like you guys need some time to cool off too, so I'm just gonna take MC here and remove us both from time and space.
MC: My boys... :( Solomon: Don't worry, MC. Human solidarity! Right? Human solidarity? Promise. Human solidarity. Swear it. MC: Oops, I can't promise in the magic knowledge grotto, hahaha. Lucifer: Hello there. I'm going to kill you. MC: No you're not. Here's a grimoire as a token of good faith. I promise I'll take care of you guys forever. Magic Knowledge Grotto: No promises here, human scum. Perish.
Lucifer: They're in a coma? I feel a little bad actually. Solomon: As you should. Mammon: What are we supposed to do now? Solomon: Let them recover in your guest room. I think that will help.
Okay but listen. There's something so heartbreaking about Solomon telling the brothers to have you stay in the guest room after the incident in Thirteen's cave. He clearly does this because he knows how much that environment will help you. I wouldn't think Solomon really loved MC in a genuine way if it wasn't for that act of altruism. Jealousy be damned, you need your boys, so off you go. He sacrifices his chance to be the person you literally go home to because he wants what's best for you.
So this was supposed to be purely me laughing at MC's habit of disregarding Solomon in favor of the brothers but now I'm kind of sad.
(Solomon wanting to be "someone you can come home to" appears in his birthday call on NB; not sure if it also appears elsewhere in the game.)
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oosleepyfaeoo · 1 year
How could you be so blind? - Part III
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Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Blind!Reader
Summary: Aemond sees you as the most beautiful woman in the world but you can't see that. (sorry I suck at summaries.)
Warning: a lil angst, the reader is a female, eventual smut
Words: 1,721
A/n: English is not my first language.
Part 2 / Part 4
Aemond kicks the door open as he enters his penthouse, with Alys hot on his heels. A smug smile on her face. 
“What in the actual fuck was that, Alys?” He growls, his lilac eye burning with hatred.  
Alys throws her purse to the massive sofa and walks towards him, her hips swaying sensually. “what do you mean sweetheart?” She looks up to meet his gaze, a fake innocent smile on her lips. 
“You know very well what I mean.” He spits out. “Who invited you to the party? Cause I'm sure as hell it wasn’t me.” 
Aemond was LIVID. After your last encounter at your place, he texted Alys, breaking their... deal. He wanted to say more than that, to accuse her of declaring that the book you gave him was from her. But he didn’t have the energy so he wrote a simple text. 
Don’t appear in front of me ever again. 
Aemond consumed a lot of his time thinking about his feelings towards you. Wishing to stop being a coward and confess his feelings for you but it wasn’t that easy. The fear of being rejected and ruining your friendship made him almost explode from anxiety. Spending most of his nights awake, his mind plagued by the thoughts of you.  
When you refused his invitation, he accepted his fate by going alone to the party. Not wanting anyone else but you. But unfortunately, Alys had other things in mind. Appearing by his side when he walks into the red carpet, interweaving her slim arm around his.  
That made the paparazzi go wild. The flash of the cameras shooting so fast almost made his only good eye go blind. Journalists shouted question after question, asking if they were together and if yes, how long.  
Before Alys could reply something stupid, Aemond pull her away into the party. Leaving behind the crazy mess of confused journalists. 
That night passed so fucking slow. Aemond couldn’t stand Alys anymore, hating how she made them look like they were married or something whenever someone approach them. 
Helaena gave him a confusing look, surprised to see Alys with him and not you.  
“I may or may not ask for a lil favor from your kind older brother.” She said with a wicked smile. 
Aemond knew something was wrong with Aegon cause since he arrived at the party, Aegon have been hiding away from him as if Aemond was the plague in person. That bastard put her name on the guest list. 
“Alys... This is getting out of hand.” He sighs, resting his head on his hand. Feeling a headache start to form. “You knew that I didn’t want you at the party. You know that things between us are over!”  
Alys frowns, her eyes shining with rage. “Is this because of that handicapped girl?” she snaps. “Y/n, is it? Such a boring name but at least it suits her.”  
Aemond could feel his blood boiling at her words, grabbing roughly her arm. Forcing her to meet his hateful gaze. “Say that again or Gods help me, direct a simple word towards Y/n and I will end your modeling career in one day. Do you hear me?” He growls lowly, noticing a hit of fear in her eyes but it was gone quickly. 
She pulls away and grabs her purse. “You will regret this, Aemond.” She snarls, walking towards the door. “Mark my words.” And with that, she was gone. 
Aemond groans and falls down to his sofa, sighing as his tense body melts into the soft cushions. He grabs his phone and quickly texts Aegon. 
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Aemond sighs tiredly, losing all hope for his brother. 
Finally, it’s over. Now he can focus on you.  
You hum happily as you pack up your books, being done with the classes. Helaena stood by your side, eyeing you skeptically.  
“Someone is in a good mood.” She says while walking out of the class with you. “Did something good happen during the weekend?”  
A shy smile appears on your lips as you recall that today was Monday. The day of your first training with your new guide dog. You are so excited to start training that you almost couldn’t sleep the other night. But there was another thing you were also excited about. To spend more time with Cregan.  
Cregan Stark was the definition of a true gentleman.  
During your appointment with him, he was kind and patient. Asking some questions of how was your way of living, your schedules, whether your university accepts guide dogs in their establishment, etc.  
His question was to help him find the perfect dog for you, with the right personality and temperament. 
He also explained how this was a family business, taking great pride to train and give lovely homes to those great beasts so they could help people in need. The way he excitedly explains everything about his work to you, shows you how he loves his job. 
After all the talk, he took you to see his dogs. The sound of all of them whining and barking happily as they see their owner, wanting pets and treats from him, made you smile brightly. 
Cregan told you to take a seat while he went to get the dog that he had in mind. After a few seconds, the sound of heavy paws stomping the ground made your head perk up.  
“Easy boy! We don’t want to scare your new owner, don’t we?” Cregan says with a laugh as the massive dog tries to jump onto your lap. “This is Knight. He’s one year old, perfect to begin his training. He’s already trained with the basics but his guide dog training will begin with you.” 
“Knight... What a cute name.” You pet his massive head, feeling his soft fur through your slim fingers.” Will you be my Knight in shining armor?” a giggle exploded from as Knight bumps his head against your chest. “Can you describe him for me?”  
“Oh.. Of course!” You hear him taking a seat beside you and you felt his fingers brush through yours as he pets Knight’s head. “He is 34 inches in height, he weights now 60 pounds but when he’s fully grown, he will be 120 pounds. Part of his weight is fur, so don’t worry.” 
Your eyes widened, feeling a little nervous thinking of how he will fit in your small apartment. Well, you two will fit perfectly but you couldn’t have more people over, or else no one will move around the apartment freely. 
“His coat is pitch black with a small spot of white on his chest.” A giggle fell from your lips as Knight start licking your hands. “He has heterochromia, his right eye is light blue and his left eye is dark brown.”  
Your smile fell a little as the image of Aemond came to your mind. Of course, Aemond doesn’t have heterochromia but Knight’s eyes made you remind of him.  
After meeting Knight and getting used to him, Cregan said that you will begin the training that week. 2 hours for three days a week, after your classes, and you will meet him at the park with Knight.  
“Get everything ready for Knight this Monday cause after the first class, you will take him with you to your home.” He says as he escorts you to the door. “You will bring him with you everywhere you go, so he can get to know the space you frequent.”  
You nod and said your goodbyes. 
“Well let’s say I have a date with a big haired boy,” you say with a giggle, referring to Knight but Helaena didn’t know that which made her look at you with a confused look on her face.  
“What?” she asks, watching you walk into the bus. 
You wink in her direction, well at least you think you did. “You will see tomorrow.” And with that, you are gone. 
Helaena quickly grabs her phone and texts Aemond. 
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“Good! Now you can give him a treat.” Cregan says, watching you order Knight to sit so you can give him the treat. “You both seem to work very well together.”  
You gave him a cheerful smile. “Knight is a great work partner! I couldn’t have wished for a better dog than him.”  
Cregan hums and start packing up his stuff, ending his class early cause of the dark clouds forming above them in the sky. “I think it might rain. Let's end here” He says as he starts feeling small drops falling on him.  
You nod and start guiding Knight toward the path to your house. “Alright! Thank you for the class, Cregan! See you tomorrow.” You waved at him and start walking.  
“Huh... Wait! I'll accompany you to your apartment.” He jogs to you just as you walk out of the park. “Since it’s Knight's first trip to your house, I wanna see if he pays attention to the path.”  
“Oh?... Sure!” You say as you both start walking to your house, praising Knight during the trip as he pays attention to every corner and smell. 
Aemond was sitting in his car in front of your building when he sees you with a big, handsome guy beside you, laughing at some joke he told. Aemond’s blood boils with jealousy. Who does this guy think he is?  
His eye widen when he sees a massive black dog walking beside you with a harness saying “Guide Dog! Please Do not touch him!”  
“So this guy is the guide dog trainer Y/n talked about...” He hums, his large hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as anger and jealousy ran through his blood.  
He watches both of you walking in your building, noticing the guy’s hand dangerously resting on your lower back.  
Turning his car on, he drives back to his place. He needs advice on this matter. He never had a serious relationship before or fight for someone since women mostly throw themself at him.  
The first person that comes to his mind is his sweet sister, Helaena. She must know how he can conquer you back. She knows what to do.  
Relax, Aemond. It will be fine... I hope... 
Tag list: @iiamthehybrid @cryptid-l0ver @papichulo120627 @thewintergoddess @bellameshipper @sweet-sunflower64 @bbyaemond @zenka69 @immyowndefender @dc-marvel-girl96 @deltamoon666 @uniquecroissant @melsunshine @sugarrush-blush @pineapplechuncks @heirofdemetra @sarcasticsweetlara @malynn @yentroucnagol @puffycreamcakes @kravitzwhore @padfooteyes @glame @tssf-imagines @fangirlninja67 @dahlias-and-marigolds @it-is-getting-better @mimischaos @m-indkiller @parkchaeyoung1997 @seamonkie
@kyla44 @leef-leech @iloveallmyboys @aemondswifeisme @powellssaturn @judgementdayfan1 @mariamxdxd1212
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
So I've had this idea swimming in my head for a bit and I don't think I'm gonna do anything with it, so I'm throwing it at you!
Human AU where Hob owns a bar called The White Horse and while the bar is legit, some of the dealings that go on in it are...not so much. Perhaps a bit Mafia adjacent.
One day, the prettiest little thing walks into his bar, and Hob nearly throws him out because he just can't believe the Dream D'Endless is old enough to drink, but his license isn't faked (Hob would know), so after some grumbling, Hob lets him stay. He finds out that Dream is charming and funny, if not a bit of a brat.
One day, Dream shows up to the bar with a black eye. Hob tries to get the story out of him, but Dream refuses to say anything about it and demands either his usual order or he'll walk out. Hob doesn't budge. Dream leaves, and then eventually stops coming to the White Horse.
Hob's not concerned. He's not. But he starts looking into Dream a bit anyways, and he finds out Dream's a sugar baby for none other than corrupt businessman Roderick Burgess. Apparently, Roderick's penthouse condo wasn't too bar from The White Horse, and whenever he'd need to hold business meetings at home, he'd just kick Dream out and Dream would hang out at The White Horse until Roderick was done.
Hob's pretty sure he can guess what caused Dream's black eye, one of Burgess's business deals went south recently and Hob wouldn't put it past the cranky old man to take it out on his live in lover. He's also kind of pissed that Dream even agreed to be Roderick's sugar baby but he's not going to examine that jealousy too closely. He's now totally worried about Dream's safety, so he puts out some feelers with his information network, and lo and behold Dream hasn't left the condo in months but Roderick has.
Hob has a bad feeling about all of this so one night when he knows Roderick's going to be gone, he breaks into the condo and finds Dream tied up and naked, and also badly beaten. He frees Dream, and takes him back to his place, and whoops that starts off a turf war. How dare Hob take what rightfully belonged to Roderick Burgess? Hob doesn't care, he's livid on Dream's behalf, and he's more than ready to rain hell.
Dream's highly pissed off at Roderick too. After all, he did everything Roderick wanted him to, even after he'd blackmailed Dream into becoming his sugar baby, and he still had the gall to go and mistreat Dream. He's ready to offer up his body off to Hob to do with as he pleases if it means he'll finally be free of Roderick. Good thing Hob's already halfway in love already ;D
Ajsjdjfjsj yes!!! I love the idea that Hob is trying very hard to be a normal and upstanding citizen, and then Dream walks into his life... all bets are off, Hob will burn the world down for this beautiful man.
But Dream is frustrated to find that Hob is quite the gentleman! He doesn't touch or fondle Dream while nursing him back to health, he doesn't get frustrated when Dream flinches away from him, and he actually jumps out of the bed when Dream crawls in beside him one night, determined to "pay his dues". He sends Dream back to the guest room like a stern and disappointed teacher, which is... actually unfairly sexy of him.
And yes Hob is trying to be a gentleman, he actually is! But he also just has a lot on his plate right now... going to war with Burgess has taken a toll, and Hob has been running around to call in favours with old friends and protect his turf. He's pretty sure that Burgess is going to burn through his resources before anything serious happens, but Hob is still sleeping with a revolver under his pillow. He doesn’t want Dream to see that!
When Hob gets injured in a shootout (in which he also ends up kissing Burgess, yay), Dream flips the tables and nurses Hob back to health. Hob can't exactly protest when he's covered in kisses by the darling young man he's come to think of as his. And when he's better, Dream purrs something about wanting Hob to fuck the memory of Burgess away...
They do it for the first time up against the bar (the pub is closed for repairs after the shootout). Hob doesn't ask for ID this time. He knows that Dream has proved himself quite the man in the last few weeks, and he's going to be Hob’s man from now on <3
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crazystargirl · 7 months
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cinnamon girl 
pairing ! - ethan landry x reader
word count ! - 0.4k 
a/n ! - i have a whole list of songs for fics that im gonna use so lots of the fics are going to be based off those, also i think i'm going to start writing for zach turner (retribution)
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you were one of the 5 who had survived barely from the attacks in woodsboro and were now sharing an apartment with mindy 
you had been betrayed by your girlfriend, amber freeman, when she quite literally had stabbed you in the back during act 3
you had tons of scars but you had come to terms with them after half a year
now your life was good again…kinda
you were happy at least, hanging out with the core 4 and your new friends anika and ethan
out of everyone, ethan was your favorite and you might've been possibly crushing on him
what you didn't know is that ethan was also quite in love with you
he never told anyone, afraid his father would move you to the top of the kill list if he found out you were "distracting" him
you really wanted to date ethan, but you weren't sure how to feel about dating after the whole thing with amber
and ethan knew about this, he heard the whole thing from you during the days were you guys would just lie down on the grass, watching the stars
if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did
so you did what you felt like your heart wanted and shortly started dating ethan after
ethan did everything he could to treat you with the kindness and love that amber couldn't
but that meant your name slowly creeped up bailey's kill list
and ethan tried to push your name down, but knew that in the end he would have to kill you
you guys dated for a while and as much as ethan loved you, his father kept pushing these ideas that were incredibly inaccurate about you into his mind
soon ethan grew more and more bitter towards you and you felt more distant from him than ever
there's things i wanna talk about, but better not to give
you wanted to desperately talk to him about what was happening, but you remember how that ended with amber
a bruised cheek.
so you didn't do anything, you stayed with him until he really got so bad that you couldn't even sleep peacefully anymore
so you had to break up with him and all of your friends knew it
the only problem was quinn was among those friends and she was going to snitch to her little brother about your plans
and boy he was going to be livid
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part 2?
taglist ! - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @phsychobanana
lmk if you want to be added/removed !
©crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
I Trusted You (Part 2 of Traitor)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Epilogue
Pairing: ex!Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x female!reader, Jake “Hangman” Seresin x female!reader
TW:swearing, violence, angst, mention of blood, Bradley being a certified asshole
Summary: You finally confront Bradley and Natasha.
Word Count:1.6k
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Throughout his day at work, Jake got dirty looks from all of his teammates after what they witnessed at the bar. As far as they know, you cheated on Bradley right in front of his face and they’re livid. 
Everyone except Bob is in the dark about the reality of the situation. He picked up on the change in Bradley and Natasha's behavior immediately and put the puzzle pieces together. 
You hear a knock at your door and open it to find Jake grinning on your doorstep. You open the door a little wider to let him in and he immediately pulls you into his arms. 
“Hey there, sweets. How was your day?” He asks and you huff. 
“You mean besides the influx of angry texts asking what the hell is going on? Peachy.”
Jake frowns slightly at this and pulls you to sit on the couch next to him. The two of you aren’t anything official, you need to heal and work on yourself before jumping into anything. Jake understands this and it's nice to be in his company without feeling any pressure or expectations. 
You still haven’t spoken to Bradley or Natasha and you don’t really plan on doing so. There’s nothing to say to them. They made their choice, and now you made yours. What else could possibly need to be discussed?
Jake can sense your sour mood and tries to take your mind off of it. “Why don’t we go out tonight?” He offers and you rub your hand down your face. 
“You mean to the place where everyone that wants to cuss me out will be? That doesn’t really sound like a good time.” You chuckle humorlessly. “I’m still covered in hickeys, for fucks sake.”
Jake nods thoughtfully and shrugs. “They didn’t have any shame. Why should we?” He retorts and you have to admit it's a good point. 
You ponder for a few seconds before agreeing. “Okay, let's go. But if it gets uncomfortable or someone tries to say something we’re leaving.” 
Jake smiles and stands to pull you to your feet. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
When you enter the Hard Deck together you immediately feel everyone's eyes glued to you. Jake walks the two of you up to the group as if it's any other day and you silently take a seat at a booth. 
It's peaceful for a few minutes aside from the daggers Bradley is sending your way, but it's short-lived. Maverick walks up and you brace for the confrontation. He’s been like a father to you and you’re well aware that he disapproves of how you’re handling the situation. 
“You know, Y/N, I never would’ve taken you as the type to cheat. Especially with one of your boyfriend's teammates. He really loved you.” His tone isn’t angry but rather disappointed and you look up at him with furrowed brows. 
“He loved me? Could’ve fooled me. Did you give the same spiel to Bradley? I think he deserves it more than I do.” You say and Maverick raises his eyebrows.
“What do you mean? You're the one who stepped out.” He questions and you feel fury flood your nervous system. 
“Is that what he told you?” You bite and your hardened gaze shoots to Bradley. He looks smug and against your better judgment you stand and walk toward him. 
You see his shoulders stiffen when he notices you stomping toward him and by the time you reach him, smoke is practically coming out of your ears. Everyone watches silently, waiting to see the impending explosion. But much to their surprise, it's you who starts shouting instead of Bradley. 
“Is that what you fucking told everybody? That I'm some whore that fucked your teammate just to watch the world burn?” You bark and Bradley shifts uncomfortably. 
You hear Fanboy speak up and turn your head slightly to look at him. “Is that not what happened?” He asks and you laugh. 
“Why don’t you tell them what actually happened, Bradley? Or better yet, how about you Natasha.” The woman’s face blanches at the mention of her name and when neither of them makes a move to respond you speak for them. 
“What happened is Natasha and Bradley fucked after the uranium mission and then lied about it for weeks.” You snap and everyone's eyes go wide. 
“That doesn’t mean that you can just fuck Jake!” Bradley exclaims and your head snaps to look at him. 
“I can fuck your whole goddamn squadron if I want to, Bradley! You lost the right to have any say in what I do when you stuck your dick into my best friend!” You're full-on yelling now and the rest of the bar has stopped to watch the train wreck unfolding. 
“You need to calm down, Y/N. Maybe we should all step out.” Phoenix suggests, attempting to diffuse the situation. Your eyes are practically black now, only a thin ring of your iris poking out from behind your pupils. 
“You need to shut the fuck up, Natasha!” You growl. “Actually, maybe we should take this outside.” You’re blinded by rage and any possibility of keeping this civil has long left the building. 
Bradley reaches out for you and Jake is quick to step in front of you to block the attempt. “Don’t touch her.” He warns and your ex-boyfriend scoffs. 
“What are you? Her bodyguard?” He quips and Jake's lips curl up into a snarl. 
“Somebody has to protect her. Clearly, you’re too busy sleeping around to do that.” He boasts and Bradley's face turns red. 
Phoenix places her hand gently on his arm and lowers her voice. “We should go. This isn’t worth it.” She mumbles but you hear her loud and clear. Your vision goes red and you lurch forward to smack her hand away from him. 
“Two years of my life down the drain isn’t worth it? Two years of us being best friends? Are you fucking kidding me, Nat?” Your voice is significantly quieter now but holds the same anger and power as before. 
Normally you wouldn’t blame the woman in this situation. It's the man's responsibility to be loyal, not hers. But this is a whole other level of betrayal. This isn't just someone random, this is your best friend who comforted you as you cried to her about how distant Bradley had become. 
The woman that told you there was nothing to worry about when she was half the reason for your tears to begin with. No, this is deeply personal and she’s trying to act like she didn’t help rip your life apart.
“I trusted you! I cried to you about him and you told me I was overreacting and looking to start a fight!” Your voice cracks and it only pisses you off more. She stares at you silently and you act before you can think. 
“How’s this for starting a fight?” You seethe and your fist connects with her nose. She stumbles backward as blood starts pouring and everyone collectively gasps. 
Bradley rushes to her aid and looks back at you with bewilderment. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” He yells and your mouth drops open. Maybe hitting her wasn't the best choice, but it was most certainly deserved. 
Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback cross over to stand behind you, a silent announcement on their stance in the situation. Maverick and Bob watch helplessly, caught in the middle and unsure what to do. They don’t say anything, knowing that your behavior is completely justified but also not wanting to take sides. 
“Two years together and you’re defending her?” You stutter and Jake feels his heart break at the pain in your voice. You look between them for a second and realization dawns on you. 
“Oh my god.” You whisper. “You’re still sleeping together aren’t you?” Bradley's face drops and you have your answer.
“Only since you and Jake.” He tries to explain while taking a step toward you.
“One more step and I swear to god I will knock your teeth down your throat.” Jake threatens while shoving the man backward.
“You’ll never be more than a quick fuck to her, Bagman. Why don’t you put the bravado away?” He smirks and in a split second Jake’s fist connects with his eye. Bradley lurches toward the man but is stopped by a hand on his chest. 
“Okay,” Mav steps in. “That’s enough. Bradley and Natasha, I think you should leave.” Bradley’s eyes go wide and he stammers.
“But Mav she-“ he’s cut off by the older man with a firm look. 
“No, Bradley. It doesn’t matter what she did, you started it. You made your bed now lie in it. You’re like my son which is exactly why I won’t let this slide. You’re wrong, Bradley.” His tone is harsh and Bradley stares at him for a few seconds before turning on his heel and leaving with Natasha following closely.
He watches them leave before turning to face you. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t recognize that man, Carol raised him better than that.” 
You grab his hand and squeeze it lightly while giving him a gentle smile. “It’s not your fault, Mav. Thank you for defending me.”
The two of you share a look and Jake comes up next to you with an ice pack. “Here darlin’. Put that on your hand.” He offers and you take it gratefully. You take a seat with the rest of the squad and Coyote glances between you and Jake. 
“So are you two a thing now?” He inquires and you take a deep breath. 
“Right now, no. I have a lot of healing to do, but never say never.” You smile and Jake squeezes your thigh under the table. He’ll wait as long as he has to if it means getting you in the end.
@drakelover78  @manyfandomsfanvergent @ssprayberrythings @disturbedbeautywrites @desert-fern @one-sweet-gubler @callmemana  @luckyladycreator2 @bookchik26 @taytaylala12 @michalkasimp @xoxabs88xox @loveless-simp @withakindheartx @formulapierre @ccristata @shanimallina87 @chair-things @k-k0129 @izz-ayes-world  @kajjaka @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @phantomxoxo @rosiahills22 @gspenc @chair-things @benhardysdrumstick
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itsmealaiah · 3 months
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TW: arguing, crying, comfort fluff, angst
Request: Angst with Tom like allegations/rumours of cheating (not true ofc) that ends with fluff !! by anon
Rating: using videogame ratings so T for Teen
Comments, likes, and reblogs are never required but are very much appreciated
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It's been days since you heard the rumors about Tom and his "mysterious blonde" at the afterparty. You've tried to ignore them, but every time you see her, you can't help but feel a stab of jealousy. You know it's not true, you know she's just some groupie, but still, it hurts.
Tonight, Tom comes home from the last show of his European tour. You're livid, and you can't hold it in any longer. As soon as he walks in, you confront him. "So, how was the tour, huh? you have a good time with your little groupie?" You spit out the words, tears streaming down your face.
Tom looks taken aback, his expression a mixture of confusion and hurt. "Babe, I swear on my life, I didn't do anything with her. I was just talking, that's all." His voice is calm, but you can see the anger building up in his eyes.
You cross your arms over your chest and turn away, unable to meet his gaze. "I don't believe you," you say quietly, trying to keep your voice steady. "Why would she be all over you in every single picture if you weren't doing something?"
Tom steps closer, reaching out to take your hand. "Because I'm famous, and she's a fan. That's it." He looks into your eyes, searching for any sign of understanding. "Look, I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I swear I didn't do anything wrong. You have to trust me, babe."
You feel a pang in your heart, wanting so badly to believe him. But the doubt still lingers.
"Then why did you let her hang all over you in every picture?" you ask, your voice shaking. "Why didn't you push her away? Why didn't you defend me?"
Tom looks down, swallowing thickly. "I don't know, babe. I guess I was just trying to be polite. I didn't want to make a scene. But I swear, I never once thought about doing anything with her."
You turn away from him, feeling a knot forming in your stomach. You can't help but wonder if he's telling the truth. You want to trust him, but the pain is too much.
You storm off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. You curl up into a ball on the bed, tears streaming down your face. You feel so hurt and betrayed. You thought you could trust him, but now you're not so sure.
You cry harder and harder, your body wracked with sobs. It feels like your heart is breaking. Finally, exhaustion overtakes you and you fall asleep, still curled up on the bed.
When you wake up, it's dark outside. At first, you're disoriented, confused as to where you are. Then you remember everything that happened, and the pain rushes back in like a tidal wave. You turn over, burying your face in the pillow, trying to muffle your sobs. You feel so alone, so hurt.
But after a few moments, you feel something warm and solid press against your back. Tom's arm. You tense up, unsure if you want him there or not. But as you relax into his touch, you realize how much you missed him, how much you needed him.
He slides his arm around you, pulling you close, and you let yourself sink into his embrace. His body feels so solid and familiar against yours, and for a moment, you forget about everything else. He nuzzles his face into your hair, kissing the top of your head, and you can feel the tension begin to ease from your body.
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispers, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I swear on my life, I didn't do anything. I love you, and only you." His words wash over you, and for a fleeting moment, you believe him. You feel the anger and hurt start to fade away, replaced by a tiny flicker of hope.
Tom gently rolls you over so that you're facing him. His eyes are red and puffy, but they're filled with love and determination. He cups your face in his hands, wiping away a tear that has escaped your eye. "I love you, and I'm so sorry for everything. Please believe me, baby. I'm here for you, always." His words are soft and sincere, and they reach deep into your heart, making it ache with longing and desire.
You look into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit, but all you see is him. The man you love, the man you trust. And in this moment, you want nothing more than to believe in him, to believe in your love. You close your eyes, feeling the last of your doubt fade away, and you let yourself fall into his arms, surrendering to the overwhelming feeling of relief and love that washes over you.
He holds you tight, his strong arms encircling you like a protective shield. He nuzzles his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, and you feel the warmth of his breath against your skin. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat seems to soothe your aching soul. As you drift off to sleep, you feel a sense of calm wash over you, and for the first time since you found out about the pictures, you're able to find some peace.
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Taglist: @madzandmore @20doozers
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celabi · 1 year
Hi Maggie!!!
So I apologize for the long post and cringy cliche topic but...
I was just thinking..  what if Scaras mom, ei, tends to babysit sometimes...
Perhaps it's a neighbour's kid or Scaras baby cousins or something but it always seems like scara wants nothing to do with them and tends to just slam his door closed when his mom asks for help.
Now just imagine one day, scummy scara finally got his darling to come over to his house once again, to maybe just chill, play games, watch movies and hopefully kiss...perhaps more than that too.
He is feeling so giddy, and confident that his plans to get to that point are full proof as he'd been secretly practicing for this day with his doll...
So imagine his smile fading as he is about to open the door but ei beats him to it, dressed up professionally and looking ready to go to work.
"Oh I'm glad your here, listen I have an important meeting in person, so I need you to look after the neighbour's kids/cousins"
Before he could complain she ran out and drove off leaving the two, to turn around only to be faces with said kids.
Imagine that the darling is actually fond of kids. Her motherly mode is turned on and she easily takes care of them, while getting along with them as well.
Scara is in awe of his darling. He knew she'd be great mother one day but actually seeing her in action really made his heart skip a beat while heat rushed to his face and even down there--- *slap*
Of course this feeds into his fantasy of a domestic life with his darling. His fantasy of making a family with her while enjoying the idea of the process of making babies.
Okay, now he is determined to show his darling that he is good with kids and can be a good father, as well as husband material for her.
So imagine as he tries to smile at the kids ( it's creepy cause he isn't use to it), cooing them to come to him as he brings a hand out for them to take, only for them to slap it away and run over to darling , hugging them and telling her that they don't wanna go him.
It irks him but can you blame them? After all, Scara wasn't someone who really interacted with them and when he did he was chasing them away and constantly yelling at them to stay out of his room. Which usually led to them crying to ei and her scolding him to be nicer.
Of course he didn't listen, shrugging off what she said. However, he'd come to regret it later since the kids figured out his weakness. A weakness they tended to use to get revenge...
Fast forward and Scara is livid at the fact that he can't seem get any time to spend with his darling as the kids are constantly taking all her attention away.
Either they were hungry, wanting her to play with them, look at the drawing they made of of them and her (scara is in the picture but he is underground like that one meme) or whatever! She barely paid any notice to him!
At some point he swore he saw them smirk but later it was confirmed that they were mocking him when she picked them up, hugging them cause they accidently fell and started crying. He  watched them pull their eye while sticking out their tongue as she soothingly rubbed their back.
Oh but if you thought that taking her attention away was bad, haha then your wrong. They were also constantly trying to bring out the worst of him, the side he usually showed to them and make him look incapable of being that ideal person he wanted to be in darlings eyes.
Now imagine his relief when they (she actually) eventually got the kids to sleep, tucking them in and closing the door behind them.
Oh, how Scara was mentally fisting the air, cheering that finally he was able to get his darling all to himself!
Now since he couldn't act out his original plan due to time, he had to skip some parts and head straight to the movie idea since they were both quite exhausted ( him especially as they nearly managed to get him to slip up a couple of times) and what better way to relax than to just watch a movie?
Shyly he asks if darling is up for a movie and after the confirmation, he jumped up and got ready, bringing all the snacks she enjoyed just for this day, before turning on the TV.
The movie choice was a thriller, and inspired by that one ask from anon  where the reader thinks he is frightened for the movie, she decides to comfort him, bringing him closer so he could rest on her, causing him to malfunction from this.
Skip and the movie has ended.
Reader is now stretching while expressing how amazing the show was while scara just agrees, unknowingly to the reader that he was not watching the movie at all, but focusing on how soft she was when she held him.
Oh but how his face lit up when he saw some crumbs on the readers face.
Perfect he thought. Just as he planned when he decided to buy some crumbly cookies for them.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, he brings his hands up to readers face, cupping it while his thumb swiped away whatever was on it.
He says something along the lines "you had something on your face" but the way he stutters it out and how he was blushing furiously, made him wanna  kick himself. Though on the contrary, reader found it cute as she giggles, bringing her hand up to hold his hand that's cupping her face.
Now Imagine the two having a moment, Scara's awaited moment finally coming to reality when their faces were coming closer and closer,
so close that he nearly---
"What are you two doing?"
Startling the two and pulling back, reader is blushing profusely while scara is cursing at the timing.
Scara sighed in relief and disappointment when the day finally came to an end. The kids parents show up, thanking the two for looking after them before leaving. At the same time, Ei happened to arrive home too, which meant that there was really no alone time with reader.
How frustrating...
Ei offers reader a lift home as it's late and she was aware of readers curfew. So when she agrees, scara is bouncing to the car, opening the door for her and all.
Sadly though, he has to sit in the backseat while reader and his mom are chatting happily away.
Eventually they make it to readers house, Scara quickly gets out of the car to walk her to her door.
"I had a fun day"
She says smiling when they made it to the front door. Scara could only agree to her face, trying to smile but it came out forced as he thought of what a bitter day it was for him, and how he wasn't really able to accomplish his goals.
But then again.. if he thought about it...it wasn't all that bad... i mean, he did get to see a new side to her , a nurturing side, one that might have caused his obsession with her to grow... but he also was able to be comforted by her, so in all honesty it was progress.
Too bad he didn't get that kiss...
"Oh, I almost forgot something"
She says turning towards him, making him confused and nervous as he wondered if she noticed that he stole some of her stuff while she was distracted with the kids.
But no.
Instead she smiled at him, coming closer before pulling him down, her lips reaching up to meet his.
To say he was shocked was an understatement, as he was completely thrown off guard, so much so that he forgot that he was to kiss back.
When she pulled away, she chuckled at his beet red face and wide eyes.
"See you monday at campus"
She says, waving before opening her door and entering her home still leaving a dumbfounded scara.
When he finally came to it, he may or may not have punched the air, silently screaming and jumping in victory. Basically being a total weirdo outside her home.
Again I apologize but I tend to have a soft spot for pathetic guys trying to shoot their shot but ending up getting blocked.
Especially if they like scummy scara ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝. .⸝⸝꒱ྀིა  
OH MY GOODNESS 🥺 just just just him falling even more in love when he sees you getting along with children. When he sees you taking care of a little child, he swears his heart is going to explode from all the cuteness you’re radiating. And I can imagine him literally dreaming about marrying and having kids with you, even going far as to plan it all out before he’s even started dating you.
PLEASE and the kiss at the end? I bet when he got home he beat himself up over not kissing back, like, that’s a one in a lifetime opportunity (for him) and he missed it— making a fool out of himself in the process. Wahh so embarrassing…
Also i imagine Ei watching from the car and giggling at the sight of her looser son melting into a puddle of goo on his darlings door step 😭 she probably thinks about finally having the ‘talk’ with him that she put off for so long— but doesn’t know that he is literally the definition of ‘freak’. Anyways, scara tells his mom to shut up when he gets back in the car, cause she already has that knowing smile on.
This is not cringy or clique at all!! I live for cute stuff like this omg 🥺 I really wanna write scummy scara when he’s settled down and had kids with reader 😭
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farfromstrange · 1 year
heyyy can you do Matt Murdock Smut where him and brat!reader are in a heated argument and the reader is short and small, is feisty and takes no shit.
During the argument he says
“watch who the fuck you’re speaking to, I am not one these idiots who take shit from you”
and the reader is like
“I’m not watching it, no prescription with it, even blind at this point…. what are you going to do about it?”
Matt responds
“im going to put you in your place”.
The reader responds
“you can put me in my place, might a fact since you think you’re supposed to scare me and intimidate somebody I have a solution for that”
So the reader drags a chair to hover over him. Both a face to face banter and Matt laughs at her.
During this smut he is teasing the reader saying
“why did you go quiet? Aint so talkative now hotshot?”
Matt degrades her and calls her little girl and is pounding into her until she admits she will stop being a brat and obey Matt.
Please and Thank You!
Hi! Thank you so much for your request (and I am terribly sorry for the long wait). I started this a few days ago but I couldn't find a proper end. I adapted pieces of the dialogue so they would fit, but I used what you told me to, so I hope you like it!
Feisty | Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Summary: You and Matt get into an argument and he decides it's time to put you in your place again and remind you who you belong to.
Warning: SMUT, 18+ MINORS DNI, PWP, established relationship, Dom!Matt, Brat!Reader, cussing, strong language, teasing, degrading, praise kink, vaginal fingering, mentions of oral (f!receiving), rough sex, unprotected p in v, hair pulling, choking, slight breeding kink (?), marking kink, use of "good girl", semi-public sex (office sex), orgasm denial, fluff in the end
Word Count: 3.2k
A/n: This is some filthy shit. The other requests are coming, by the way. I'm just trying to find ways to continue them. My inbox is still open for your thoughts and requests, but keep in mind that it might take some time for me to finish them. I also always have an open ear for anything else you guys feel like sharing. Enjoy! (and thank you for the request, lovely!)
18+ under the cut!
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Sometimes, Matt makes you livid. Like, beyond compare, makes-you-clench-your-fists-and-want-to-punch-a-wall livid. He can be the sweetest and most caring partner, but there often comes a time when you want to scratch his eyes out. Today is one of those days. 
You’re not sure what prompted this argument you find yourself in, but it was bound to escalate from the second you muttered a silent, “Fuck you!” Under your breath. 
Foggy and Karen are out, it’s late and you are both way too overworked. You thought you could get away with hiding your investigation into one of his high-profile cases from him after he explicitly told you to stay away from it, but after watching Karen, you got motivated and it wasn’t until the clock struck twelve today that he opened his files to evidence he surely hasn’t put there and he realized what you were up to. Needless to say that his worry has made him angry. He doesn’t understand how you can be so reckless and won’t take a simple ‘no’ for an answer, and it frustrates him to no end that you refuse to have a proper conversation about the danger you put yourself in and the position he now finds himself in. You’ve made your case pretty straightforward, but you refuse to listen, and that’s what drives him up the walls. 
So when you tell him, “Fuck you!” Under your breath, all self-control and tendency to try and be kind snaps in him. 
“Watch who the fuck you’re speaking to,” Matt says. He doesn’t raise his voice, but the amount of pressure he puts behind delivering his words suffices just enough to get his point across, “I am not one of those idiots who take shit from you!”
Other couples fight too, there is no denying that, but there is something that happens almost every time you and Matt get in such a situation. Your words turn into ticking time bombs, and you are quick to explode. He thinks he’s in control, you refuse to bow down, and then the situation escalates to the point you wonder if the neighbors think you two are anything but healthy. And maybe your fights aren’t healthy, but you love each other and you always find common ground. Eventually. 
But not right now. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of doing what he says or admitting whatever mistake he thinks you made. You were just being yourself, really. 
“Watch it?” you repeat, the words rolling off of your tongue like sour candy. “I’m not watching it. In fact, I’m going to act blind just like you and not even remotely watch it.  What are you gonna do about it?”
He chuckles darkly. “I’m serious, you better watch it sweetheart or I’m gonna put you in your place,” he says. There is something about his silent anger that sends shivers down your spine. 
You’re not scared of him; Matt would never hurt you. The exact opposite of fear happens whenever he talks to you that way, and you want to know how far you can push it because this argument is silly and he’s going to realize that soon enough. But you are not one to back down without a fight, and if you want to get what you so desperately crave, he needs to fold first. But God, he is so hot, and he looks even more alluring with his sleeves rolled up and his cheeks flushed like that. 
He towers over you as if he owns you. You’re a good few inches shorter than him, but that has never stopped you before. He likes to make fun of it, you like to make him regret it. You complete each other and yet you tear each other apart just the same. 
You mimic his stance with your hands on your hips and your head slightly tilted and you know it drives him mad. “You can put me in my place. In fact, since you think you’re supposed to scare me, I have a solution to make it easier for you,” you say. Your voice still sounds like sour candy, but he can’t stomach it. He’s almost allergic to it. All he wants is to stuff your smart mouth with his tie, tie you up and fuck you until you can’t walk straight anymore. Perhaps then you will realize that you can’t do everything without facing the consequences. 
Your vision is red like the towel held before a bull in the ring. Reaching for his office at the dinner table, you drag it out and place it before him. You climb on it, making sure you are face-to-face now and you cross your arms. “There, done,” you say. 
Matt takes a moment to register what you’ve done, and you think you’ve finally won, but then he opens his mouth and laughs right at you. That bastard. 
“Don’t laugh at me.”
He raises his eyebrows. “You’re not seriously telling me what to do, are you, sweetheart?” 
“Maybe I am. It’s not my fault you’re being such a dick.”
Bad idea. 
Suddenly, his arms are around your waist. He picks you off the chair and throws you over his shoulder. It’s almost effortlessly how he carries you over to his desk and throws you on it, the wooden legs shaking under the weight. 
“I’m being a dick?” he growls, leaning over you and trapping you against the desk with his arms on either side of you. “I think you need a reality check.”
You try to wriggle out of his grasp as you snap back, “What are you gonna do, hm?”
He smirks. “What am I gonna do with you? You’re being a brat, don’t you think that’s gonna have consequences?”
“Oh, fuck you!”
“No. Fuck you!” He swiftly pulls you off the desk and spins you around, arching your back far enough to press your chest flat to the wooden surface. “And I mean that quite literally,” he says. 
You gasp when he grabs the hem of your skirt and roughly bunches it up around your waist. The comeback you had planned out gets stuck in your throat when his hand collides with your bare ass cheek. He gives them both a firm squeeze and his grip is almost territorial, as is the growl that comes straight from his soul into your ear.  
“Why did you go quiet? Ain’t so talkative now, hotshot?” he says. 
He doesn’t waste time. Don’t get me wrong, Matt Murdock could spend centuries between your thighs and it would keep him alive long enough to draw orgasm after orgasm out of you as he devours your sweet little cunt like his last meal over and over again. He could stuff you with his fingers all day and then leave you empty just to be craving more. He could rub your clit as hard as possible, then go slow and gentle until your body quivers with the magnitude of an earth-shattering orgasm that has you screaming his name in ecstasy and makes his neighbors complain. He could do it and he loves to do it, but today, he is anything but a patient man. 
Your panties are soon a mess of ripped fabric on the floor of his office. The wetness seeping out of your pussy hits the cold air and you hiss, but all you get in return is a low chuckle. “What’s wrong?” Matt coos into your ear. “Did my pretty little slut forget how to speak?”
There are many buttons he can push to make you obey, even though you don’t often seem like it, but the way he talks to you is by far the easiest to shut you up. 
He slides his middle finger through your slick folds, gathering the wetness and spreading it over your clit. You jolt. He’s being rough already, and when he shoves his finger inside of you, you moan. He curls it up and hits your G-spot without a single struggle, but that’s all he does. He tells you without words that he knows what you want, but he won’t give it to you. Instead, you hear his belt buckle hit the floor, and then it's the tip of his cock that is rubbing through your arousal. 
Your walls clench around thin air. Your cunt barely lets him in, but he pushes inside of you anyway. The pain mixes with pleasure, your legs squeezed so tightly together, you can feel him bulge your stomach from where your torso is pressed against his desk. All air leaves your lungs. Left behind is a gurgled scream that makes him smirk into your shoulder blades as he licks a long stripe over the back of your shirt. 
You reach back to touch him, but he slaps your hand away. “Only good girls get to touch,” he says, “and you haven’t been a very good girl, have you?”
“No,” you sob. His cock is so deep inside of you now, brushing your cervix with every relentless stroke and you hate it. You hate him for pulling this card because he knows you can’t resist. 
Tears are streaming down your face. 
“Pathetic. Always talking back at me but when it’s my cock inside of you, you suddenly can’t speak.” Matt grabs a fistful of your hair at the same time he slaps your ass. “I shouldn’t even be fucking you right now because quite frankly, you don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve my cock and you certainly don’t deserve to come, not like this.”
You clench around him as if to keep him so deep inside of you. “Please, don’t stop. I’m sorry!” your voice echoes through the office in a desperate cry. Your fists are locked up, trying hard not to touch him, but it’s torture. You want nothing more than to put your hands on him, maybe even push him away because God, he is so deep, you’re not sure you’re going to survive. 
Every inch of your body yearns for him. He hits all of the right spots over and over again, and he drives you higher up the precipice, ready to push you over, but you know he won’t let you. It’s the way he purposely avoids touching your clit that tells you that you have to work for that orgasm, but it’s almost impossible when you can’t speak. Every word turns into a moan when he hits the sweet spot inside of you, your eyes roll back and you let out a broken scream of his name. Surely, Foggy and Karen could hear you from home. 
He slaps your ass again, relishing the feeling of the flesh jiggling at the impact. Your skin is hot and sweaty, and there is a clear imprint of his fingers on your hips and your rear now, too. He feels your erratic heartbeat and tastes your arousal in the air. Your muscles clench wildly, and you try your best not to move. You’re moaning, you’re so loud, but no words are coming out of your mouth. It’s just you and him and his cock that manages to make you feel things no man has ever made you feel before. You’re in heaven but at the same time the bus to hell is about to leave, and he is not yet done punishing you. 
Matt grabs a hold of your throat and hauls you back into his chest. “What was that?” he asks, his voice now a desperate puff of air too. 
“I’m s- ugh!” You can’t help yourself; you reach for his hip as he delivers another hard thrust directly against your cervix. 
He slaps your hand away again. “Answer me!” 
“I’m sorry!” Instead, you place your hands on your chest. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to- to- fucking hell!”
His grip tightens around your jugular. “Thin ice, sweetheart,” he barks. 
“Please, Matty, I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to! I thought I was… I was doing the right thing and I- ah!”
“I’m sorry!”
“Uh-huh, what else? Come on, this isn’t an apology when I can tell your tight little cunt is just desperate to come all over my cock. That’s the only reason you’re apologizing and I am fed up with your fucking attitude.”
He wouldn’t let you come that easily, it becomes crystal clear to you.
Matt pulls out of you entirely, cupping your cunt with his large hand, and starts rubbing your clit. It’s a pace you have gotten used to, but the strength he puts behind the pressure he applies once again renders you speechless. 
He smirks, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. “Oh, you’re so wet for me. You’re dripping. I could smell you even from the other end of the city. You’re so desperate, it’s pathetic. You need to come so badly, don’t you? You love when I talk to you like the dirty little whore you are, hm?”
“F-” You bite your lip until you can taste copper on your tongue. “Matthew!” He delivers a hard blow to your clit and you jolt, every fiber of your being high with electricity.
The pain only adds to the arousal that is flooding out of you, or it feels that way because he simply won’t stop, even when you beg him to. You could utter your safeword, but as much as it hurts, his punishment feels so damn good, your body just wants to let go and come. He just has to let you come, and you hate him that he is playing games that make it even harder for you not to.
“That’s not an answer,” he says. 
“Yes,” you choke out, “I love it!”
“I can feel how close you are, baby. You’re squeezing me so tightly.”
���Please, just- I’ll do anything, just let me come!” He has you right where he wants you. 
“Is that so?” He makes you feel so stupid, but you love it. 
“Then tell me what I want to hear and maybe I’ll put my cock back inside of you. If you don’t, well… I’ll make better use of that big mouth of yours since you love to tell me how much bigger you can be, see if you can swallow as much as you like to chew, but I doubt it.”
Matt’s the cruelest when he stops right before you can tumble over the edge. You grip the desk, your chest heaving with abandon as the orgasm dissipates. He turns you around and grabs your chin roughly between his fingers. “Talk,” he demands. 
You swallow, his brown eyes wild, but you could never be scared of him. “I’m sorry,” you whisper, and then, hoping you’re right with your assumptions, “I’ll stop being a brat and do as I’m told,” you say. “You were right, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, just please! Please…”
The faintest hint of a smile shows on his face and finally, he leans down to kiss you. It’s a heated kiss, his tongue already halfway down your throat, but you take that as an invitation to touch him. 
Your ass hits the desk’s surface and he spreads your legs again. This time, he slides in a little slower, sensing the soreness of your muscles. Though as soon as his cock is sheathed deep within you, his hips start snapping in the same relentless rhythm from before again. 
You cling to him and the desk, pulling at his hair and just hoping he will have mercy on you this time. As his pelvis grinds against your clit, his tip brushing your G-spot followed by the relentless assault of your cervix, it doesn’t take long for you to fly to the top of the cliff, ready to fall off. 
He kisses you again. “Good girl,” Matt murmurs. 
The praise makes you clench. 
“Such a good little slut.”
He knows exactly how to use his words, the fine line between degradation and praise that blurs into pleasure. He doesn’t hurt you with malicious intent, he hurts you just right where pain and pleasure meet, and he does it because he loves you. He may not always seem like it, especially while you’re fucking, but this is what you both crave, this is what you both need, and he does it perfectly every single time. You can’t get enough of him, he is everywhere, and you couldn’t bare to lose him. 
This time, it is you who kisses him. He can feel the vulnerability in your touch, how your nails no longer dig into his skin but rather caress him. You’re close, clenching, and your moans seem so close to his ear, his cock starts to twitch. He can feel the pressure building alongside yours. 
He changes the angle of his thrusts a little, grabbing your thigh and pushing it up against his chest. “Tell me,” he pants, “Who do you belong to?”
You whimper, “You.”
“That’s right. And whose pussy is this?”
“Yeah. You have such a fucking big mouth, it’s infuriating. But it’s my mouth. Everything about you is mine, do you understand? No one else gets to have you like this, touch you like this, or see you like this. You get that?”
“Yes!” you cry out as you throw your head back, and his hand is right back at your throat. 
Matt grunts. “Good girl. That’s a good-” he thrusts forward hard, “fucking-” he pulls out and thrusts back in, bottoming out fully, before repeating the same motion as he finishes with a loud, “girl. Now fucking come for me!”
Your body responds to his command before your brain can even register it. The orgasm crashes into you like the wave of a tsunami. Your thighs lock around his hips, you’re shaking, you’re falling, and your moan turns into a scream that is barely muffled by the hand that is still choking you, still holding on as the warmth of his cum fills your abused cunt.
He crashes your lips together, swallowing your noises. With every anguish thrust, he makes sure his cum stays seated deep within you, a reminder that you are no one’s but his, and he’s the only one who gets to mark you like that. Always. 
You wouldn’t want it any other way. 
The moment after is silent. Only your labored breathing fills the air. Matt buries his head in your neck and he holds you there. The roughness from before it’s gone. He is gentle now, seeking your comfort and maybe something else he can’t describe. You melt into his touch. He holds you close and you do the same for him, stroking your hand through his hair. You’re both breathless but you’re calm, and all the stress from before falls off of your shoulders. 
“You okay?” you ask once you find your words again. 
He nods, silently at first, but then he slowly lifts his head. “Did I hurt you?” he asks. 
You’re quick to wipe the guilt off his face. “I’m perfect.”
“Okay, good.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “I was worried there for a second.”
“You could never hurt me.”
“That’s not entirely true”
“I could tell you you’re hot when you’re feisty, but that you’re wrong about 98% of the time.”
You feign a gasp. “Ouch!” you press a hand to your chest. “That was harsh.”
“See?” he smirks, and it tells you that he has found back to himself rather quickly. “Told you,” he says. 
With a chuckle, you pull him down to press a kiss to his swollen lips. “I love you,” you say. 
And Matt is quick to return the sentiment with an even gentler kiss, “I love you too.”
You know that the next time you two fight, you will act the same, you won’t shut your mouth and he will once again find himself agitated enough to fuck you against every surface he can find, but if he knows one thing it’s that he wouldn’t have it any other way, and he loves how feisty you are regardless of what you say or do. He’s head over heels in love with you, and you are a real keeper. 
At least with you, he will never have a dull moment again in his life. That counts for more than you could possibly know. And as he’s holding you close, his cock still buried deep inside of you, he thanks God for putting you on his path. 
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isa-loves-you · 10 months
Telling People, You're a couple. | The Group Chat Head canons | Pt.2
Soft willy- you and nick have been dating for almost 2 months now. It's still crazy to you that you have this man, I mean come one look at him he is the definition of what everyone wants to be or be with. respectful, good height, nice built, the funniest person you have ever met, sweet and caring nick was all these things; which is why you were kinda scared of telling people you were a couple.
It's not like you were the most horrible person to look at but you in your mind you just thought you were okay nothing special just your average joe, but to nick you were the most beautiful person he'd ever met so of course he wanted to show everyone how special he is to have you in his life. Ever since you guys started dating he's been trying to get your approval to tell his fans but you still felt a little anxious on the idea so nicked eventually stopped asking to respect your decision. 
One day you and nick were at a burger place eating lunch talking about his new album. “I don't know what I really want for the cover but I was kinda thinking if you would be able to pose for it?” Nick said looking hopeful at you “Nick I don't know, what if people connect the dots? I'm already on most of the tracks. It would be weird if I am also on the cover.”. He had to admit it would be kinda obvious but that was the whole point, he was happy that you were there to help accomplish the album and it would just be even more awesome if he got to see your face on the front of it all
“Here your refill sir” the waitress interrupted yours and nick conversation with a smile “oh thanks” “if you need anything, and i mean anything else just let me know” the waitress was basically eye fucking nick while saying her little beg of attention from nick. This mad you fucking livid like who  does she think she is talking to a random man like this and in front of his girlfriend out of all people.
“Thanks but i'm good” Nick let out an uncomfortable laugh while trying not to look at her anymore. You had to admit this girl was pretty but you were definitely better looking than her and that's all you needed in the moment to make a decision that went against your words. “You know what?I will pose for the cover "what do i have to hide” for the rest of the day. Nick couldn't stop thanking you and asking if you were sure about this but you already agreed and can't go back on it now.
Two weeks later you and Nick were drinking and  trying to think of all the different types of ways to take pictures. Since the songs on the album were based off of video games more specifically the games you could only play on the Nintendo DS you came up with  the idea of taking them on a DS. After three hours  later you and Nick finally captured the right picture to put on the album.
A couple of days passed, and Nick had posted the cover as a promotion which was the picture of you on a DS with a bold light blue font that read “Digital Dreams”. 
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(This is sorta what I was going for. obvious if you don't like it you can totally imagine something else. Also credit to whoever these beautiful people are , I am jealous.)
In the caption of the post Nick had credited all the people who worked on the album including you but did it a completely different way. “I also want to thank my amazing partner for helping me throughout the process and even being on the album front and in the song @ ur username  i love you.”
You were surprised at the amount of people who were so supportive of you guys, of course there were some people who weren't, but you couldn't care. You were just happy that Nick was happy.
Larry-  you were getting some food for you and Larry because he said he hasn't eaten all day. You and Larry have been dating for almost a month and it was the best thing that has happened to you in a while. Everyday with him was so much fun and the group was accepting of you for dating their friend.
You had gotten him and you something small because Nick and Tanner wanted you and Larry to go with them to dinner later but since Larry didn't eat you just grabbed something while you were out so he wouldn't be so hungry later. You had stepped into the house looking for Larry but he was in his room doing the podcast with the others.
You knocked on his door which he called out for you to open “dude you didn't have to do that thank you so much” “no problem it wasn't a bother to me”. You walked up to his desk to set the food down “hi everyone” you waved to all of the boys in the call which they waved back. 
You stood there for a couple more minutes talking to them before you left to go be on your phone and leave them back with their work. Almost 45 minutes later Nick, Larry, and Tanner came out so you guys could go to dinner and have a fun night out. 
You woke up the next morning in Larry's bed since you didn't want to drive home  last night. You see Larry at his desk looking at the podcast comments, you walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder “so do they love me” you let out a small laugh. “They love you alright, it seems like they love you more than me” “well in that case switch me jobs, i would love to make dumb jokes all day “. you guys shared a laugh and a few more while looking at the comments. You were glad that the people who loved him were happy that he was with you.
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
That guy calling in again, he's becoming a regular. Well he is a client. My weirdest and creepiest caller yet…
“You know what I want to do you, you pathetic quickshot? I want to cut you open like the worthless sack of meat you are. Then I'm going to fondle your organs, places that should never be touched. Mhhhn- I'll grind against your sad excuse of a cock as I start rubbing your disgusting rotting blood all over my tits- Ah! Would you like that, my sick little loser?”
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He calls when he's lonely. When he's stressed. During those days where Patches just can't escape his own thoughts, can't focus on his work. He needs a distraction, but not anything will do. A special type of pain is what he's after, the kind that tints his cheeks and makes his curdled undead blood sing.
Your contact is the first one that shows up on his phone.
God, isn't that just the most pathetic fucking thing? You'd bully him into a second grave if you knew that...
He can't help but think that the two of you have a special connection, that maybe you really do mean the things you say. But, who knows, it could just be him projecting all his hope into the first woman who won't just hang up on his face when he asks if they'd ever stab him.
It's probably that.
You're too good for him.
But he can always pretend, right? To feel that little bit of joy and trick himself into believing that someone out there wants to make all his sick fantasies come to life because he means just that much to them.
You know how to handle him by now. Lord knows he's called enough times for you to get an idea of what kind of loser he is. You must be sick and tired of his rotten guts by now. But that's yet another thing he loves about you, all the dullahan has to do is stutter out a greeting, make a bit of awkward small talk and you seamlessly segway into the sickening shit that makes his already throbbing cock leak like a faucet.
He's predictable, and Patches knows this very well. So much so that you mocked him for it before.
How he's really just a sad little animal, so sad and so stupid that you could make a recording of the same vague threats and play it to him an indefinite amount of times and he'd cum himself all the same.
Patches still remembers that one time you had him burn his head on a candle while he jerked off and you laughed at his melted moans. If only you were there. Lords if you were there... He doesn't think he'd ever let go of you. You'd probably hate him if he forced you to stay in his laboratory, but you'd come around. Eventually. Besides, he wonders what you really look like when you're livid.
These calls never last too long.
Or rather, he doesn't last long.
And yet, these short few minutes are the highlights of most of his days.
Patches sits there, palm covered in his own cum, hearts in his eyes as he steadies his breathing and listens to the scathing melody of your jeering laughter.
" I... I love you. "
Patches murmurs.
It's not even the first time.
" Yeah. "
You answer, and he can almost see the way you roll your eyes.
" Now be the gross little maggot you are and lick that mess off your hand. "
Gods, how he loves you.
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