jessicas-pi · 1 year
look, I've decided that everything george lucas was involved in is canon star wars, and everything else is basically fanfiction that I can approve of or disregard at will.
This is going to be a very important part of my life philosophy come this August.
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tennessoui · 8 months
I'm begging on my hands and knees for more Twilight au, and those are words I never thought I'd say! Anakin being able to resist compulsion, and Obi-Wan seeming instantly obsessed, and poor Shmi! Pretty please 🥺🙏
hey!! sure! here's some more!
Having a sheriff for a mom sucked a lot when he was a kid growing up in a small town. There was probably nothing Anakin was rebelling against more at eleven, at thirteen, at seventeen than the rule of law his mother represented. 
All things considered, she was pretty good at separating her home life from her worklife. It was Anakin who was bad at respecting the separation, Anakin who couldn’t keep son out of delinquent.  There’s only so many times he could be pulled out of wreckage and bars and buildings with Keep Out No Trespassing signs on them before he got The Sheriff at home and out in public.
He’d hated it growing up and had come to grudgingly respect it later and in fits and starts. His dad dying had, terribly and ironically, helped a lot. His mother had had a stroke just before and then Anakin had been faced with the possibility of being an orphan, and the terror of that had mellowed him out.
He still hates a lot of things about his mother’s job. Especially the fact that she’s the sheriff of a very small town.
And when people talk, she listens.
The thing about small towns is that everyone’s always fucking talking. And other people are always fucking lsitening so they can talk later. One big fucking community, which means when Anakin comes home from his weird doctor’s appointment with Dr. Kenobi, a few hours later because he took a detour biking along the edge of the seaside cliffs just to spit in the good doctor’s metaphorical face, Shmi Skywalker already knows more than Anakin ever planned to tell her.
Like, for instance, “Sheila says that Dr. Kenobi thought it would behoove you to spend some time at the local library volunteering.”
Anakin pauses, backpack half-slung off his shoulders. He hangs his stuff up slowly, careful to keep his tone very light. “Did Sheila say what I told him after he said that?” 
His mom’s silence is very loud.
“I don’t want to do i—”
“I asked the new librarian about it on my way home from the station. She thinks it’s a wonderful idea. Apparently we used to have a program like that in the forties but it died out during the war.”
“Mom, come on—”
“It’ll look good on resumes, saying you created and supported a local reading program.”
“Yeah, but I’m a bit too old to be applying for babysitting positio—”
“It’ll look good for me as well,” Shmi says in her sheriff voice. “Elections are coming up soon. It’ll be good, if my kid was involved in the community.”
Anakin’s glad that his back is still turned to the living room, where his mom is sitting. “Are you gonna run again?” he asks, paying special attention to his tone this time.
“Why wouldn’t I?” his mom replies. “I’ve been sheriff for a decade and a half.”
Anakin lets his eyes fall closed for a second, knowing that his face can’t be seen. This is how they end up half the time: Shmi’s ardent belief that she is invincible, going up against Anakin’s desperate desire for her to be so.
And they just don’t talk about it. As if they’re actually in agreement.
He knows how this is going to shake out.
“Do you have any plans tomorrow?” His mother asks.
Anakin’s eyes remain closed. “I guess so,” he says.
Mrs. Kenobi—call me Satine—is sort of scary up close. She’s tall. She glides between bookshelves. Anakin’s never met someone who glides before. And she’s so intensely, incredibly, blindingly perfect that Anakin would rather be anywhere but in her vicinity. There’s something incredibly unnerving about the symmetry of her face, the sharpness of her cheekbones. She’s obviously an absolute knock-out, just drop-dead gorgeous, but it makes Anakin’s skin crawl and his heart beat fast, but not in a good way or a normal teenage boy way.
Anakin tries to keep the unease off his face as Satine leads him through a tour of the library, a gentle hand on his forearm. That’s another thing Anakin doesn’t really like. She’s wearing satin gloves. He doesn’t know anyone who wears gloves anymore.
It’s just all a bit…unsettling.
“I put in a few words around the school yesterday afternoon,” Satine tells him. They pass by the mystery section, the fantasy section, and take a hard right into the young adult section. The shelves are smaller here, and Anakin feels rather stupidly gigantic as he and Satine walk through them. “To some parents picking their children up after school. They agreed it would be good exposure to bring them to the library for an hour or so of reading before supper.”
Anakin highly doubts it will be, but Satine hasn’t really asked him.
She sweeps past his figure and pushes open a pair of double doors with a flourish better suited for a Russian tsarina hosting an elaborate ball than a small town librarian showing off a small, cramped, and dusty room filled with padded seats and threadbare rugs.
And then, as if she has been waiting to put the last nail in the proverbial coffin, Satine adds, “A few students from the local high school will be here as well.”
“Sorry,” Anakin says, “are you saying I’m going to be reading to high school students? Can’t they do that themselves?”
After all, Anakin went to high school here. Academics hadn’t been too rigorously challenging, but they’d taught the fucking basics.
Satine raises one perfectly plucked eyebrow in his direction. “They’ll be volunteering as well.”
Oh. Right.
“It looks good on their college applications,” Satine waves a hand through the air and the words linger there. Anakin looks out the rather dirty window, jaw clenching. “I’ve already chosen a handful of books I think the young ones will enjoy.”
Anakin, committed to his fate, pads over to the titles placed carefully ontop of a short, stout side table. 
“Peter the Rabbit,” he reads off the top. “Peter Pan. Alice in Wonderland. Treasure Island. The Prince and the Pauper—look, you’re the librarian here, but don’t you have anything written this century maybe? Harry Potter, even.”
“These are classics,” Satine tells him, her nose raised into the air as if she has encountered something particularly foul-smelling. She turns away, presumably to return to the front desk so she can welcome half the fucking town inside the library so Anakin can read them fucking Anne of Green Gables and become a better person.
“These are fucking boring,” he mutters to himself, flicking the cover of the first book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz open. Publication date: 1900. “I’d rather be in Kenobi’s office getting lectured at.”
There’s a sharp noise of disapproval from the doorway, and Anakin’s head snaps up to see the tail end of a very heated look from the librarian before the door closes behind her.
He shivers, alone in the emply room, and it takes several long minutes for his heart to settle back into its normal pace. 
After the fourth kid sneezes, Anakin closes his book with a snap and stands from the very small chair they’ve got him sitting on. “Come on,” he tells the cluster of children he’s been assigned to. “We’re getting out of here.”
“Are you kidnapping us?” One of them, a snot-nosed kid who’d started the sneezing says, rubbing at her cheek beneath her glasses. “Cause mommy says that’s not allowed.”
“I’m not kidnapping you,” Anakin snaps back, barely holding in his natural follow-up to the sentence which is of course, I don’t want to be around any of you in the first place. “Also, just for future reference, you shouldn’t ask if someone’s kidnapping you after you already start following them.”
The girl scowls and reaches up her hand to hold onto Anakin’s. 
For the love of Christ.
“We’re just going to go into the main part of the library,” Anakin tells his children, all six of them. “They have windows out there.”
They have windows out there and they also have parents. Parents who absolutely should be doing other things with their lives and precious hour of extra freetime.
Parents who are clustered instead around the library’s front desk as the town’s newest librarian holds court.
“Is reading time over?” one of the kids asks him, turning his head to look up at Anakin.
Anakin thinks about it. “Do you want reading time to be over?”
The kid thinks about it back. “Yeah,” he decides. “You don’t do the voices good.”
“It’s a boring book,” Anakin tells the kid. “Voices aren’t going to make it better.”
“Voices always make it better,” another kid says. “They make everything better.”
“Oh look,” Anakin says. “Is that your father?”
He gestures vaguely towards the cluster of drooling middle-aged somethings focused on Satine.
The kid peeks around his thigh and then shakes his head. “No,” he says. “That’s Dr. Obi.”
“Dr. Obi!” The kid holding Anakin’s hand says, and she lets go.
Anakin gets a bad feeling about this, a feeling that only doubles when he turns around to see Dr. Kenobi sauntering towards him, hands tucked into the pockets of a long dark jacket that makes him look even more pale than he already is.
He scowls automatically as the man gets closer. “Dr. Obi.”
Dr. Kenobi spares him a look that’s far too amused for Anakin’s pleasure before he crouches down to the level of the kids. “Hello there, young ones,” he says, opening his arms to accept a hug from the traitor of a girl Anakin’s just spent thirty minutes reading to. “Are you eating all your vegetables? Even the brussel sprouts?”
“I like brussel sprouts,” one of the kids reports sounding proud, and that starts a cacophony of opinions about brussel sprouts from all around Anakin.
“Wow! One of mine just absolutely hates them,” Dr. Kenobi says. “She refuses to eat them, so you’re very brave, Michele.” He lets go of the girl and turns his golden-brown gaze up to Anakin. “And what does Mr. Skywalker think?” he asks, raising a hand for Anakin to take. It’s very obvious he’s asking for a hand up and Anakin is obeying before he thinks about it. He snatches his hand free almost too soon, but Dr. Kenobi doesn’t even have the grace to lose his balance and fall over. 
His hand is like ice in Anakin’s, and Anakin stuffs his fingers into the pocket of his jacket automatically a second later.
“Do brussel sprouts help with circulation?” he’s biting out before he can stop himself. “Cause you may need some then.”
Kenobi’s head tilts very slightly to the side as his eyes catch and hold onto Anakin’s. “Oh?” he asks lightly. 
“You’re cold,” is all Anakin mutters in return. He swipes his other hand against the back of his neck. “”S poor circlutation, isn’t it? Something in your diet maybe?” Dr. Kenobi blinks at him and then breaks into a wide smile. “I can assure my diet is very…circulation-mindful,” he says. “Blood health positive.”
Anakin’s mouth thins into a line. He guesses that’s what he gets for trying to give health advice to a doctor, especially a doctor like Kenobi who just so happens to be devastatingly attractive and also smart.
And also an asshole. And also married.
Speaking of which. “Are you here to fend off your wife’s admirers with a scalpel?” Kenobi’s eyebrows raise. “Young ones,” he turns his head away from Anakin, down to the children.
The strangest feeling breaks of Anakin the second Kenobi looks away, almost as if a strange pressure he hadn’t even realized had been building was suddenly dissolved.
The very small beginnings of a headache begin to thrum in his temples.
“Young ones, it’s time to find your parents, isn’t it?” Kenobi says, and like fucking magic, the crowd of six children around Anakin disperse, children swarming away from him towards the group of adults surrounding the front desk.
“Can you teach me how to do that?” Anakin blurts out, even though he’d meant to ignore Kenobi now that he doesn’t have to make nice in front of small kids. Not that he was really making nice in the first place. But now he definitely doesn’t have to.
Kenobi gives him a half-smile, eyes heavy-lidded. “It’s a special sort of skill that takes, above all else, much practice.”
Anakin scowls. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Does Kenobi think he can’t commit himself to something even as mundane as a fucking commanding persona? Does he think he doesn’t have it in him to be–-
Kenobi’s eyebrows go up again. “Has anyone ever told you that you are exceedingly defensive?” 
“You’re extremely nosey,” Anakin snaps back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t you have better things to focus on right now anyway?”
He gestures loosely towards Satine, who has started playing with one of the mother’s bracelets as the other woman stands and looks at her rather dumbfounded.
Kenobi follows his gaze and then lets out a huff of laughter. “Satine can take care of herself,” he says, even though it hadn’t really been Satine that Anakin was worried about.
He’s about to open his mouth to say so when Kenobi turns back to him. His eyes are piercing, a dark, captivating sort of gold. 
“Do you find my wife beautiful, Anakin?” he asks.
Anakin blinks. His headache is getting worse, which is probably down to what can only be a trick-question fashioned to look like a grenade lobbed at his feet. “I don’t think there’s a good answer to that,” he mutters, rubbing absently at his forehead. “What the fuck.”
“An honest answer is a good one,” Kenobi says lightly. “Tell me honestly.”
The words feel pulled from Anakin’s stomach, and he’s opening his mouth before he realizes it. “No,” he says. 
Kenobi’s eyebrows crinkle together. “No?”
Anakin curses his stupid impulse control. “She’s beautiful,” he adds quickly. “Really. But…it makes me uncomfortable.”
Kenobi’s lips purse, and then there’s something like disappointment in his eyes as he examines Anakin. “Ah yes,” he murmurs. “I’ve been told my wife can make countless young men feel rather uncomfortable. It’s normal in men your age, Anakin. Sexual ar—”
“Uncanny,” Anakin blurts out. He doesn’t mean to, but he also doesn’t want to listen to  Kenobi trying to lecture him on fucking arousal in the public library. When it’s not even relevant. “She’s so beautiful, it’s uncanny.”
“Yeah, like. Monstrous.”
Kenobi’s mouth falls open, pink lips parted in what looks like honest surprise.
Anakin’s own eyes widen as it hits him that he’s just called Kenobi’s wife a monster to Kenobi’s face.
“Shit,” he says. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m going to go.” 
He throws a look at Kenobi, whose eyes are lit with something a lot like interest and then across the library to where Satine’s head is turned, cocked, and eyebrows up high on her forehead, as if she’s just heard everything he’s said.
He decides rather immediately that he’s going to take the backdoor exit.
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corteslawfirm · 1 year
Cortes Law Firm Is Helping Families Successfully Complete Probate Proceedings in Lawton, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City attorney Steve Cortes is helping families in Comanche County, Oklahoma, understand and petition for probate after the death of a loved one.
Probate law guides the distribution of wealth, that one has acquired throughout their life, to their legal heirs after their passing. There are several determinations that have to be made including the legitimacy of the last will or pour-over will, the appointing of the estate’s Personal Representative, the identities of who qualifies as a legal heir to the estate, and many more.
The probate process can take a while to complete, usually 4 to 5 months, but only under the watchful eye of an experienced probate attorney such as Steve Cortes. Generally, most families run into roadblocks that draw out the proceedings to anywhere from 5 to 7 months. If there is a dispute between the legal heirs, this time can extend and even take years.
The first step is for someone close to the testator to draft an initial Petition for Probate. The person who files the petition will also be generally appointed as the Personal Representative for the estate or, as they are sometimes called, the Executor. The Comanche County court also has to determine whether they have jurisdiction to hear the matter as the creator of the will must reside or own assets in the county for its ruling to be applicable.
The Lawton probate attorney talks about what clients can expect after the process begins by saying, “Once the court has appointed an Executor, has ascertained the validity of the will, and identified the beneficiaries, there is the issue of giving creditors enough time to file a claim against the estate if any debts have to be paid. All the legal heirs need to be on the same page regarding the parts of the estate that the Personal Representative can sell and a written agreement has to be signed. From the start of the proceedings to the closing of the estate, you may have to prepare for uncertainties. Having a seasoned probate attorney, such as myself, by your side will ensure that you and your family are ready for anything, even last-minute surprises.”
Steve Cortes has over 20 years of experience providing personalized, cost-effective estate planning solutions for individuals, families, and business owners. He received his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Oklahoma City University School of Law in 1999 and holds active memberships in the Oklahoma Bar Association and Oklahoma County Bar Association. He was also selected to the 2022 SuperLawyers List for his contributions to his clients in and around Oklahoma City. He can assist his clients with estate and trust planning, probate administration, wills, and trusts, advance health care directives, powers of attorney, pour-over, last will, and testament, HIPAA authorization, real estate in trust, and more.
Clients have showered enormous praise on the services offered by Cortes Law Firm on its Google Business Profile where it has a perfect overall 5.0 out of 5.0 rating from over 30 reviews. The reviews cite the firm’s quick and responsive customer service, knowledgeable staff, and dedication to treating their case with dignity and respect following a tremendous loss.
One reviewer says, “Mr. Cortes is a big-hearted, wonderful spirit. His promises are legally delivered. He would take time, listen to my case and if it was not winnable he wouldn't charge me. He is one the most unselfish lawyers I have ever known. May God bless him and his family.” Another client recounts their experience by saying, “Thanks for quickly and efficiently getting our estate plan done. We are leaving town and didn’t have months to wait. Steve Cortes and his paralegal, Sydney, were able to get it done within a week. We feel so much better knowing we have a plan in place before our trip.”
Readers can contact the Cortes Law Firm in Oklahoma City at (405) 213-0856 for legal counsel regarding matters of estate planning and probate.
Source: Cortes Law Firm Is Helping Families Successfully Complete Probate Proceedings in Lawton, Oklahoma
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juniordps23 · 2 years
Table manners -what, when and how
Table manners are etiquette norms that are followed while eating, and may involve the use of utensils. Table etiquette are observed differently in different cultures. Each family or community establishes its own guidelines for how tightly these laws must be adhered to.
At juniordps children learn this etiquette in the best preschool in India.
Now we can look at the table manners taught by the best preschool franchise in India -
Every meal provides an opportunity for children to practice basic etiquette. Little children can learn how to be respectful and exhibit table manners by using their utensils properly and waiting until everyone has been served.
Your children will eventually grasp the concept if you are patient and consistent in your training.
Here are some simple lessons we at best playschool teach your children-
1-Bring clean hands and a clean face to the table.
Teach your kids to clean up before dinner. This not only shows respect for the person who made the meal as well as the other guests at the dinner table, but it is also a good hygiene practice.
2-Before you eat, wait until everyone has been served.
Teach your child to wait until everyone is seated and served before starting to eat. It is impolite to begin eating before everyone has been seated. Dinner is supposed to be shared with others.
3-Close your mouth and chew
Two basic rules of good table manners are chewing with your mouth closed and not talking when your mouth is full. If your youngster forgets, gently remind them.
4- Avoid stuffing your mouth with food.
Teach your youngster to take little nibbles and not to eat their food in one sitting.
Putting their fork down between bites is one way they can cultivate this habit. They can even chew while putting their hands in their lap.
5-Always remember to be courteous.
If they ask for seconds or for someone to pass something to them, they should say "please" after the request.
They should also express gratitude to the person who made the food and anyone who served them.
6- Utensils and napkins should be used.
Children should be discouraged from eating with their hands, with a few exceptions such as pizza and hamburgers, especially if they have progressed beyond finger foods. Show them how to correctly handle their fork.
In addition, encourage them to keep a napkin in their lap and to wipe their hands and mouth with it rather than their clothes.
As we have seen how juniordps teach good table manners to their children but juniordps have also another side.
We not only teach them good table manners but also describe them about bad table manners just to let them differentiate what is good and what is bad for their batter understanding.
Now let us look at the bad table manners -
1-utensils should not be waved around
With an eating utensil in your hand, never make a motion.
2-Don't fidget with your hands.
Adjust your flatware, toy with your napkin, and don't fiddle with your tie or jewellery. Stay calm and still.
3-service should not be "waved away"
If you don't want something, don't wave it away; simply say, "No thank you”
4-Don't put too much pressure on your plate.
When you've finished eating, don't declare it to the table or push your plate away.
5-Please don't slouch.
Sit up straight and eat your food without stooping.
After comparing and describing the difference between good and bad it’s the time to let us understand and keep in mind -
What is the importance of table manners -
Manners are essential in today's society. They make it easier for us to be civil to one another. Because a person who pays attention to their manners knows how to act in any situation, he feels at ease in unknown situations.
At the table, table manners are more important than anywhere else. Table etiquette keeps diners from being messy, disrespectful, or obnoxious. They aid in the communication of respect to both hosts and visitors. Table manners are not rigid rules, but rather helpful recommendations in our social interactions.
Manners are something that is practiced on a daily basis in order to make a positive impact on others and to feel good about oneself. Good manners are crucial no matter where you are - at home, at business, or with friends.
When you use good manners, you demonstrate that you are considerate of others' feelings and respectful. You're also modelling good behavior for others and encouraging others to treat you with respect.
Every culture and individual may have their own set of standards or views about what constitutes politeness. The purpose of this  is to cover some of our society's more basic and common standards of etiquette.
So, we can conclude that juniordps fulfill this purpose of our society by teaching their children the good table manners and that’s why we are the best play school in India for a reason .
0 notes
juniordps01 · 2 years
Table manners
Table manners are etiquette norms that are followed while eating, and may involve the use of utensils. Table etiquette are observed differently in different cultures. Each family or community establishes its own guidelines for how tightly these laws must be adhered to.
At juniordps children learn this etiquette in the best preschool in India.
Now we can look at the table manners taught by the best preschool franchise in India -
Every meal provides an opportunity for children to practice basic etiquette. Little children can learn how to be respectful and exhibit table manners by using their utensils properly and waiting until everyone has been served.
Your children will eventually grasp the concept if you are patient and consistent in your training.
Here are some simple lessons we at best playschool teach your children-
1-Bring clean hands and a clean face to the table.
Teach your kids to clean up before dinner. This not only shows respect for the person who made the meal as well as the other guests at the dinner table, but it is also a good hygiene practice.
2-Before you eat, wait until everyone has been served.
Teach your child to wait until everyone is seated and served before starting to eat. It is impolite to begin eating before everyone has been seated. Dinner is supposed to be shared with others.
3-Close your mouth and chew
Two basic rules of good table manners are chewing with your mouth closed and not talking when your mouth is full. If your youngster forgets, gently remind them.
4- Avoid stuffing your mouth with food.
Teach your youngster to take little nibbles and not to eat their food in one sitting.
Putting their fork down between bites is one way they can cultivate this habit. They can even chew while putting their hands in their lap.
5-Always remember to be courteous.
If they ask for seconds or for someone to pass something to them, they should say "please" after the request.
They should also express gratitude to the person who made the food and anyone who served them.
6- Utensils and napkins should be used.
Children should be discouraged from eating with their hands, with a few exceptions such as pizza and hamburgers, especially if they have progressed beyond finger foods. Show them how to correctly handle their fork.
In addition, encourage them to keep a napkin in their lap and to wipe their hands and mouth with it rather than their clothes.
As we have seen how juniordps teach good table manners to their children but juniordps have also another side.
We not only teach them good table manners but also describe them about bad table manners just to let them differentiate what is good and what is bad for their batter understanding.
Now let us look at the bad table manners -
1-utensils should not be waved around
With an eating utensil in your hand, never make a motion.
2-Don't fidget with your hands.
Adjust your flatware, toy with your napkin, and don't fiddle with your tie or jewellery. Stay calm and still.
3-service should not be "waved away"
If you don't want something, don't wave it away; simply say, "No thank you”
4-Don't put too much pressure on your plate.
When you've finished eating, don't declare it to the table or push your plate away.
5-Please don't slouch.
Sit up straight and eat your food without stooping.
After comparing and describing the difference between good and bad it’s the time to let us understand and keep in mind -
What is the importance of table manners -
Manners are essential in today's society. They make it easier for us to be civil to one another. Because a person who pays attention to their manners knows how to act in any situation, he feels at ease in unknown situations.
At the table, table manners are more important than anywhere else. Table etiquette keeps diners from being messy, disrespectful, or obnoxious. They aid in the communication of respect to both hosts and visitors. Table manners are not rigid rules, but rather helpful recommendations in our social interactions.
Manners are something that is practiced on a daily basis in order to make a positive impact on others and to feel good about oneself. Good manners are crucial no matter where you are - at home, at business, or with friends.
When you use good manners, you demonstrate that you are considerate of others' feelings and respectful. You're also modelling good behavior for others and encouraging others to treat you with respect.
Every culture and individual may have their own set of standards or views about what constitutes politeness. The purpose of this is to cover some of our society's more basic and common standards of etiquette.
So, we can conclude that juniordps fulfill this purpose of our society by teaching their children the good table manners and that’s why we are the best play school in India for a reason .
0 notes
ohmightydevviepuu · 3 years
the part of a swan
for @cshistfic​ (an extension of one of my august prompts)
It should be clear that Emma did not, by any means, regret her ruination.  She did not miss the person she had been before that night; the eager, naive girl, brought up always to behave a certain way, to speak softly, to do as she was bidden, to be what she was told.
Emma no longer believed in allowing people to tell her who she could be.
But Killian Jones is not concerned with who she was--he's interested in who she is. And he might be the only one smart enough to uncover the truth.
AO3 part 1/? ~2.6k
Emma was twenty-eight years old when she stepped into a ballroom for the first time since she was ruined.  The first time she was present for the judging stares, the awkward silences.  For the public shaming and the elaborate ritual that surrounded it.
It should be clear that Emma did not, by any means, regret her ruination.  She did not miss the person she had been before that night; the eager, naive girl, brought up always to behave a certain way, to speak softly, to do as she was bidden, to be what she was told.
Emma no longer believed in allowing people to tell her who she could be.
Lady Emma Nolan—for that was who she was, though she barely deserved the descriptor and never claimed the surname—delighted in her ruination, and had done for years.  It had given her freedom.
It had given her Henry.
Emma had faded into the background as she was expected to after her fall, after her scandal—watched the man she thought she loved continue to live his life as the toast of the ton, the darling of his father, the scion of a powerful family—and swore to herself it was the last time she would do what society expected her to do.
Until tonight.
Emma stood before the crowd, acutely aware of all of the eyes upon her, assessing her, from the style of her coiffure—a ridiculous confection of curls and white feathers—to the tips of her shoes.  Surely, they were saying to themselves, surely it is her brother’s money that supports her.
Emma could read them as easily as if they were speaking.
But they were wrong, and that was her secret.
Still, they whispered to each other, muttered remarks hidden discreetly behind fans and glasses of Champagne, and their eyes followed her.  Judged her for her past.
And for her presence.
They knew why she was here, and they hated it.
(So did she.)
“Lady Emma.”
The voice was lush and warm with roughness at its edges.  Dry—acerbic—the syllables drawn out.  He seemed to appear out of nowhere and Emma could do nothing but hold his stare, watching him as he watched her.  Dark hair, blue eyes, sharp cheekbones unfashionably marred by unshaven shadows.
It suited him.
“Sir,” she said.  “We have not been introduced.”  It was both a rebuke and a lie, for she knew who he was.  Killian Jones, the son of no one of name, who had made his career in the navy, nearly cashiered out of the service but not before making his fortune in captured prizes; now the writer of several prominent newspapers.
More importantly, a broker in the most potent currency of all—information.
“And you are lurking in the dark.”
“Then do allow me to rectify that on both counts,” he said, stepped forward and bending low over her hand.  His breath tickled her skin even through the elbow-length gloves as he looked up at her through his eyelashes.
She pulled away.  “What need has Killian Jones for an introduction?”
His eyes glittered.  Blue, like the place on the horizon where the sky met the sea, made brilliant by sunlight; Emma held her breath and prayed he would not notice her slip.
Lady Emma Nolan was not the kind of woman who should know—or recognize—Killian Jones.
Finally, he said, “I see my reputation precedes me.”
Emma exhaled.  “Why should mine be the only one?”
He laughed, a short bark that seemed to escape him unwillingly, and Emma smiled.  It was a small, tight smile.  She gestured at the ballroom and said, “I should return to my sister-in-law.”  “How is the Duchess?”  His tone was conversational, his eyebrow raised.  “Not dancing, I hope?  In her condition?”
Emma’s smile tightened.  She shifted, uncomfortable in the ill-fitting corset her sister-in-law had pressed upon her, and started to walk away.
He followed her movement, his gaze traveling from her neck to her navel, and Emma blushed.
“Let’s not play games, Lady Emma,” he said.  “You’re here for a husband.  You’re here for your son.”
He leaned in, coming closer, and Emma held her breath.  Anywhere but here—now—she might have welcomed this battle, this back-and-forth—welcomed him, for he was devastatingly handsome—
But she had felt that way before, and fallen for it; left broken, and alone, though it had not been Neal who had destroyed her.  She had never said his name aloud since the day he’d left, never told anyone the identity of the man who had, however unwittingly, given her freedom.
Fathers’ sins, after all, never stuck.
It had been them—the gaggle, the gossips, the matrons.  The glittering ballrooms of the beau monde.  She had chosen not to play by their rules, and paid the price for it.  Emma’s scandal became both entertainment and a cautionary tale.  She’d been exiled by all save her brother and sister-in-law, the duke and duchess married in a scandal of their own, the stars of a different tale.
But even that had come at a cost:  The respect of their late father, and of the ton.
And now, ten years later, here she stood.  “Do not,” Emma said, stepping forward and nearly baring her teeth at him, “mention my son.”
He stepped back, slowly.  His eyes did not move, and neither did hers.  His tone did not change when he said, “Lady Emma, I understand your urgency.  With the duchess increasing—”
Emma did not answer, but she made no move to leave this time.
Because he was right, the perceptive bastard.
All of the joy she felt for her brother and sister-in-law did not assuage her suddenly urgent need to see that Henry was properly taken care of—by a father.  Someone with a title—someone who needed an heir, now that her brother no longer did.
“There are other dowries, Lady Emma,” he said.  “Why yours?”
Emma’s eyes widened.  Perceptive, and too clever by half.  Maybe that was she answered him honestly.  “There are none so large as mine.  And none that come with as much freedom.”
“Freedom?”  For an instant only he looked confused.  Then he spoke, softly.  “Ah.  You have no expectations.  No dreams of a convenient husband turning into a love match.  You’re awfully young to be so cynical.”  He chuckled, a sound utterly devoid of humor; his eyes once more took her measure.  “But then again, wounds made when you’re young do tend to linger.”
He, too, spoke honestly, as if he knew.  As if he, too, had wounds.  He lifted his hand as if he was going to touch her again—and if he touched her, she was going to like it.
“No one has ever done what you’re about to do,” he said, his hand falling.  “And I wish for you to succeed.  In fact, I want to help you.”
Their eyes locked.
“You do?” Emma challenged him.  “Why?”
Some of the scandal sheets that had delighted in her fall had, after all, been his.
“My reasons are my own,” he said.  “There is little love between me and Society.”
She should end this conversation, Emma knew.  She’d been away from the crowd, and from Mary Margaret, her sister-in-law, long enough to be noticed.  Another black mark for the record-keepers.
But Emma stayed.  Said, “You keep them entertained.”
He smirked.  “And you, Lady Emma, are the entertainment in question.”
Killian Jones stood on the edge of the ballroom and watched them.  Watched her.
Emma Nolan was every inch an aristocrat, born and bred into this world; a true diamond of the first water.  Everyone in this room should be on their knees at her feet and instead they whispered, waiting to pounce—waiting to destroy her all over again.
He shouldn’t care.  He should stay focused.  
“You should not have flirted with the girl.”
Killian did not turn.  “What do you want with her?”
The answering chuckle was dry and unpleasant. “Let’s just say I’m keeping my eye on young Miss Nolan.”
“Lady Emma,” Killian corrected, only to be granted with another chuckle that had him biting back a curse.
“Of course.”  Robert Gold’s words were soft, delicate—silk wrapped around a knife.  
“What do you want with her?” Killian asked again.
Gold tutted.  “So cold a greeting from my oldest friend.”
Killian had known Gold—now Lord Boyle, Baron Ross, Earl of Glasgow—for almost fifteen years, and hated him for every moment of it; one of the King’s most trusted advisors, with tens of thousands of acres that earned him close to thirty thousand pounds per annum.
The man was as rich as a fictional king, but that was never enough for him.
No amount of power was enough for him.
“I could kill you right here,” Killian said.
“You could,” Gold agreed.  “And you would hang for it.”
“At least it would be for a crime I actually committed.”
“Big words, Captain.  You and I both know that you are not in any position to move against me.”
Killian finally turned to face him, ignoring the shiver of fear that went through him as he did so; hating it.  “I won’t ask again.”
“And I won’t answer.  Your only concern is that she interests me.  It is so tiresome, having to threaten you.  You would do better to just accept our arrangement.  I command, you act.”
As though Killian could ever forget.
But Killian was not the only one with secrets—Gold had them, and deeper and darker than any one man should.  Secrets that would see Gold, not Killian, at the end of a rope.
If only Killian had proof.
Snarling, Killian backed away from the earl and made his way through the ballroom for the exit.
And found—
“We meet again, Mr. Jones,” said Lady Emma Nolan.  Her bright green eyes sparkled and her voice—somehow it brought light with it.  Killian was helpless to do naught but smile back as he inclined his head in greeting.
“My lady,” he said, and enjoyed the surprise in her eyes at the honorific.
The night was still young and they were the only two preparing to leave.  Emma’s maid stood discreetly behind and the duchess, her chaperone, was nowhere to be seen.  “Are you for home already?”
Her nod made the feathers in her coiffure tremble.  “Believe it or not, Mr. Jones, I am unaccustomed to this sort of evening.  I find myself quite exhausted.”
“I noticed you found the energy to dance,” he said, and wished he hadn’t.
She had stood up for every dance, had played her part brilliantly; Killian had noticed several of her brother’s titled friends called in to do a set with her in the hopes that all of their combined wealth and power might blind Society to the lady’s sins.
She was all anyone talked about, but it was neither her brother’s chosen champions nor her beauty that fueled the whispers in the ballroom.
If Gold wanted her—
“Did you?” She adjusted her wrap around her shoulders but could not hide her smile.  “And yet you never thought to ask me?”
“Lady Emma,” he said, affecting shock, “when we have not even been introduced?”
Her laugh seemed to reverberate; as if the street lamps themselves would dance to her tune, and for a long moment there was silence between them, neither of them moving to break the moment.  The sound of approaching hoofbeats and carriage wheels emerging from the neighboring mews was both an irritation and a welcome distraction as she made to leave him.
“The duchess does not accompany you?”
The feathers trembled again as she shook her head, still smiling.  “I’m for home, Mr. Jones.  I wonder, what shall you write about this evening for your Scandal Sheet?”
She meant the words to amuse, he was sure—a perfect combination of wit and boredom—but underneath it all, Killian heard something else.  Something, he thought, no one was meant to hear:  Sadness.  Loss.  Frustration.
“You don’t want it, do you?”
She watched him, weighing, calculating, as the carriage waited before them to take her away from this place and this life, if only for an evening.  If she was surprised by how easily he read her, she gave no sign of it.  “This is my bed, Mr. Jones.  I must lie in it.  And to do that—it seems I need you.”
The words landed, harder than she ever could have intended, his silly promise of social redemption echoing hollow.  It was cold comfort to know that the earl was already married and could have no designs on Emma’s dowry.
The man had a terrible track record when it came to his wives.
Killian thought that it must be her family—her brother—that interested him.  The young, golden-haired duke had clawed his way back from his sister’s scandal and his own marriage based, as best Killian could ascertain, solely on his charm.
“Lady Emma—” he began, but he did not know what else to say.
“Good night, Mr. Jones.”  She was already moving, down the steps to the waiting carriage.  
He watched her, the way she moved, fascinated by the way the pale fabric of her skirts seemed to swirl in the night air, the way her arm balanced as she smiled at the footman handing her in, a glimpse of ankle in a silver slipper before the door slammed shut and her outrider climbed onto his perch.
He imagined what he might write about her as his curricle pulled up to the mounting block and he took the reins, so lost in his thoughts of her that he did not realize he still followed the lady’s coach until they were well past the turn out of Mayfair and toward her brother’s town house.
He followed her down Bond Street toward Piccadilly and then St. James before he allowed his curricle to fall back, watching the lanterns on the carriage as they navigated the back alleyways behind Duke Street toward the men’s clubs of London.
Lady Emma Nolan, sister of a duke, with a dowry big enough to buy a palace, desperate for a restored reputation and a father for her son—that he had determined to secure for her—was in a parked curricle behind the most exclusive men’s club in Britain.  More than a club—the most expensive, high-class gaming hell in London.
Lady Emma Nolan, behind Killian’s own destination, behind his club, The Swan.  A club run by some of London’s darkest men on behalf of the club’s owner, who went only by the name Swan.  Killian had never seen nor spoken to Swan in spite of their years-long profitable relationship in the trade of information.
Of secrets.
Just the person, Killian had decided, to turn to in order to free himself from Gold’s yoke once and for all.  If anyone could access Gold’s secrets, it would be Swan, and Killian was willing to pay any price for what he desired.
Emma’s outrider—a giant of a man, Killian suddenly realized—was stood in front of the heavy steel door that marked The Swan’s back entrance, banging in a specific pattern to gain entry.
He should stop her.  He moved to, just as the carriage door opened and Killian strained for a glimpse of her pale slipper, her white skirts.
But that was not what he saw.
The slipper was high-heeled and dark—the skirts a silk the color of the purest red rose—a corseted bodice that put on display a décolletage of perfect proportions.  Painted lips, kohl-rimmed eyes, and a dark wig that hid every golden hair.
Killian Jones watched her disappear into the club’s back entrance and he smiled.
Here was a story.
And—just maybe—an answer to all of his problems.
@katie-dub @profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite @optomisticgirl @spartanguard @shireness-says @pirateherokillian @stahlop @onceratheart18 @kmomof4 @mariakov81 
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Your Son Telling Them That A Newbie Is Flirting with You
Mafia!Au Hyung Line
Summary: having a child is a blessing, especially when it comes to someone flirting with you and them telling your husband, something that your husband loves.
Warnings: mafia au, mentions of assault, sadistic hoseok, fluff, protective bts, yoongi being insecure, angst.
Request: Hi ! Is your request open ? If it is open can I ask a bts mafia reaction of the boys children telling them that a newbie in their gang is flirting w their s/o and they confront the newbie ..? Angst w fluff !! By the way I really loooooooove your writings !! I look forward to your updates everytime !!
W.C.: 1.9k
Notes: I had to make this into two separate posts since it was becoming too long! Hopefully sometime this week I can get the maknae lines up! Plus, I got carried away with Hoseok’s because daaaamn, he is such a sin.
Maknae Line’s Part
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Breathing heavily, Jin pushed the metal bar up, trying to control the shakiness in his arms.
“Come on, Hyung!” Jungkook, Seokjin’s motivator when working out, “You got this!”
Feeling his arms about to give out, he quickly sat the weight down on the holder, releasing a quick breath. “I think we went too fast on upping the weight.” Seokjin spoke honestly, the new weight being a big challenge for him. Even though he did not need to add muscle, Seokjin wanted to gain some more since he saw that he was losing some from not working out and being out in the field as much ever since he had Braxton with you.
“Probably, but we need to get you back in shape since there has been threats coming from our oh dearest, rival once again. We can’t have an old man running our gang,” Jungkook teased, but also being serious at the same time.
Being out of shape during a time of possible war is a no-go.
“Papa!” Braxton yelled, gaining the two’s attention.
Smiling brightly, Seokjin hopped off of the bench to catch his son in his arms. “Hey buddy, what are you doing out of bed. Aren’t you supposed to be napping?” Seokjin questioned, holding his five-year-old son in his arms.
“Yes! But! Remember Jay-Jay?” Braxton asked, referring to the newbie.
Furrowing his eyebrows together, “yes, why? Is he doing something wrong?”
“No! I mean, yes. He’s getting close to mommy…” He trailed off, remembering how close the newbie was getting to his mom.
It was like he became a whole new person. Standing up straight, shoulders pushed back, Seokjin handed Braxton to a shocked Jungkook before walking away. It did not take Seokjin long to locate you, knowing that in the afternoon you liked baking. Seeing that Jackson, the newbie keeping you company by being just a little too close – Seokjin could sense that you were not comfortable with the closeness, he cleared his throat. Jackson jumped from the new visitor, and you dropped your tense shoulders, the knowledge of your husband here to rescue you.
“I am going to give you three seconds to explain why you are bothering my wife, or else I’ll shoot you right on the spot.”
Jackson did not waste a single second to start explaining himself, causing Seokjin to smirk. The one thing he could think about awesome it is to have a son that will be a little spy for him.
“Papa?” A tiny voice called out, scaring Yoongi from his work.
Looking up, he was met with his daughter who was dressed in her night gown, hair tangled up from sleep and eyes barely opened. In her arms, she was holding her teddy bear close to her chest.
“Baby, what are you doing up?” Yoongi cooed, pushing his chair back so he could get up and pick his daughter up.
“I had nightmare,” Chloe spoke, voice still croaky with sleep. “Tyler took mommy away from you.”
The information shocked Yoongi, both primal and worry taking over his body. Primal since you are his and he is yours, the ring on your finger making it a clear picture. But also, the love you two have for one another. Worry being that his insecurities are taking over, insecurities that he has had since you two got together at seventeen years old. The thought of someone taking you and being better for you always has haunted him, even with your constant kisses, reassurances, and reminders on how much you love him, he still feels insecure.
Clearing his throat, trying to stay composed in front his daughter being hard. “Why would you say that sweetie? Mommy will never leave us.”
“Well, Tyler is always talking and being kind to mommy, and he sometimes touches her like you do…” Hearing that someone is trying to woo you in has Yoongi’s blood boiling. Taking a deep breath, “but Mommy always says ‘Stob it!’ and he does, but he doesn’t for long cause he’ll continue doing it again. And I can tell mommy doesn’t wike it.”
Knowing that you are standing your ground has Yoongi feeling relief flowing through his body. It is not that he does not trust you, he trusts you with his life, it is just the insecurities talking and he is trying to push those away. “Well, baby, how about I go talk to mommy. You need to get back to bed, okay?”
“Mommy isn’t leaving us, right? Cause I don’t like Tyler.”
“Mommy isn’t going anywhere okay? I promise.”
After Yoongi put Chloe back to bed, he made his way to your guys shared bedroom. Cuddling up to you, Yoongi kissed the top of you head, his heart fluttering when he felt you cuddle back into him, sleepily placing a kiss on Yoongi’s chest.
“I love you,” you promised, sleep evident in your voice.
Smiling to himself, Yoongi knew that he has nothing to worry about. “I love you too.”
But the one who should be worrying is Tyler, when he wakes up chained to the chair that was placed in the middle of the dungeon that Yoongi has built underneath the headquarters.
The scary thing about Hosoek, besides him being the most feared mafia bosses in the world, is when he relaxed. Not the relaxed that most people think – the relax where they are sizzling on the inside but is calm on the outside.
You have never witnessed this because Hoseok does not want you apart of the gang life, but the ones who dared to go against him see it. Some may call him sadistic, but Hoseok sees it as making a point. That point being to not go against him.
So, when Max, yours and Hoseok’s son came crying to Hoseok, Hoseok was automatically thinking of ways to eliminate the cause of his sons crying. Once Max had calmed down, he spoke about how he did not like the newbie, Mason, because he was making you upset and uncomfortable to the point where you threatened to call Hoseok.
Besides the ways Hoseok was wanting to murder Mason, the one thought bugged him – why did you not call him or tell him? Deciding to do that later, Hoseok comforted Max, taking him to his playroom, encouraging him to get Monopoly set up so he and Max could play in a little bit. Shutting the door, Hoseok began to make his way to the living room. The sight in front of him had his blood boiling.
There you were, pressed against the wall, voice pleading for Mason to stop bothering you, only for Mason to ignore your pleas. Walking up behind him, Hoseok grabbed Mason’s hair, pulling him off of you aggressively, earning a scream from said man. Pulling out his gun, he shoved it into Mason’s mouth, a sadistic grin on his face.
“My, my, you really asked for a death wish, didn’t you?” Hoseok tsked, enjoying the fear that was evident in the newbie’s eyes. Turning around, he saw your tear stained face, a sight that pushed Hoseok over the edge. Turning back to Mason, Hoseok spoke deadly. “You made her cry and assaulted her. I promise you; you will never see daylight ever again.” Wanting to comfort you before he goes and gets rid of the scum, Hoseok pulled you into his arms, consoling you. “I promise you, he will never mess with you again, my love.”
Feeling comforted by that knowledge, you pressed a kiss to your husbands’ chest, your silent way of thanking him. “Where’s Max?” You asked, knowing that Hoseok will be busy for a while.
“In his playroom, tell him that Daddy will be just a little bit before we play Monopoly, okay? I’ll be done soon.”
Nodding your head, you gave Hoseok a kiss before taking your bag and making your way to Max. Once you were gone, Hoseok turned towards Mason, a deadly grin on his face. “So, where were we?”
There are rules in the gang that Namjoon has placed:
One of them being to not go against him.
The second one being to respect you, his wife. With that rule comes with some extra bullet points: the main being to not flirt with you.
Obviously, everyone knows that, and the extra bullet points when it comes to you. Truthfully everyone likes you because you are kind, considerate, a good leader, and all together, very likeable. Everyone views you as a second leader, something that makes Namjoon proud because he sees you as a leader, his Queen. You word is law. Namjoon will bow to only you and no one else. He loves how everyone adores you, but the newbie adores you just a bit too much.
And that does not slide with Namjoon.
“A-And then he called Mommy bootiful!!” Chase, yours and Namjoon’s son explained, hands flying in the air as he does so. Taehyung tried to hide his laughter by coughing, finding the situation both innocent and amusing. “Only daddy can call mommy that! Not him!”
“Yeah!” Jungkook agreed, earning a smack on the head from Yoongi and a approved nod from Chase.
Ignoring Jungkook, Namjoon looked down at Chase with a serious look. “What else did Michael do?”
Face morphed into a thinking one, Chase tried to remember if there was anything else that he was leaving out. Coming to the conclusion that nothing else happened, besides his mommy getting a compliment from someone that he does not know, he shook his head. “No, only him calling mommy bootiful.”
“Okay buddy, thank you for telling me. How about Taehyung and Jungkook take you to get ice cream while I go talk to Michael, okay buddy?”
“Okay daddy!” Chase yelled excitedly, bouncing over to the two maknaes.
Namjoon gave Yoongi a serious nod, silently speaking about finding Michael. Namjoon did not plan on hurting Michael, hurting someone because they called you beautiful was ridiculous. But, he wanted to intimidate the newbie just for fun. When both Namjoon and Yoongi found the newbie training with Seokjin in the computer lab, Namjoon made eye contact with Seokjin, giving him a knowing look. Stepping aside, Seokjin made room so Namjoon could sit beside the newbie, while Yoongi stood behind him and Seokjin next to him. The newbie jumped when he found Namjoon sitting beside him.
“Oh, hello sir.” Michael stuttered out, bowing to his boss politely, doing the same with Yoongi.
“So,” Namjoon started off calmly, “I heard from a few people that you were flirting with my wife earlier. Care to explain?” Namjoon tried to keep himself from laughing at the pale look the newbie gave him.
“U-Uh, I only called her beautiful because she looked, she always looks beautiful! B-But, I promise that I won’t ever speak to her again if that’ll make you happy!” Michael was tripping over his words, trying to reply each second in his mind from when he interacted with you ever.
Breaking the seriousness in the room, Seokjin began to laugh from how scared Michael was. Rolling his eyes, a smirk appeared on Namjoon’s lips. “I’m just playing with you. Y/N is indeed very beautiful.” Namjoon hummed truthfully, a small smile taking over the smirk on his face, the thought of you having butterflies erupt in his stomach. Clearing his throat, he looked Michael dead in the eyes, “But, if I ever find out that your thoughts become actions, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your head, got it?”
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Patrilineal Jewish girl, Sephardic culture
@feminismandsunflowers said:
hi! my character is a patrilineal Jewish girl in the usa, she didn't convert but still considers herself Jewish. her mom is Christian. her g-grandmother/father were undocumented refugees from Europe (antisemitism) and her g-grandmother was v closed off abt her origins but my character's dad thinks she said something abt being Sephardic. her fam has a fair amount of Sephardic culture. but could she claim Sephardic culture to any extent if they don't know? trynna get a handle on how to present her.
"My character's dad thinks she said something about being Sephardic"
"her fam has a fair amount of Sephardic culture"
are inconsistent statements. 
The first statement sounds like the only indication Dad has of which Jewish culture they are is a statement he's not even sure about ("thinks"?) and the second statement sounds like Dad considers himself Sephardic and practices Sephardic traditions.
So, to me personally, this would depend on the level of Sephardic cultural practice she grew up with. If she grew up with those traditions and Dad sharing them with her, then yes, that's who she is. If Dad isn't even sure he's Sephardic and what she practiced in her upbringing wasn't distinctively Sephardic in any way, I have a hard time seeing why she should claim the culture if she's not even sure if her ancestors were Sephardic.
Disclaimer that the Reform position is to 'count' patrilineal Jewish people as long as they were raised in the traditions. This is not the Orthodox position but I am Reform.
I'm also a bit confused about this situation. I think it would be helpful if you start by specifying where in Europe the family comes from and what anti-Semitism they were fleeing from. I'm Ashkenazi and not the most knowledgeable about Sephardi history, but as far as I know it wouldn't make sense for a Sephardi family to be seeking asylum from the pogroms in Russia or Poland, for example. I guess it could make sense if they were from Spain, France or Italy, but we would have to know more, and I'm wondering if this isn't a 'trace your logic' situation. Why do you want them to come from Europe? *Quickly cracks open a Claudia Roden book* Sephardi Jews have origins in many North African and Middle Eastern countries, such as Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Syria, Iran and Iraq just to give a few examples. If you want Sephardi characters, why not represent those cultures instead of re-hashing the same Euro-centric Jewish stories?   
In terms of whether she could claim Sephardi heritage of any sort if they don't know, I'm interested in what Sephardi followers think. Religion-wise, I don't think there would be too much of a problem with it. Yes, Sephardim are more lenient on some things and stricter on others, so by picking the wrong one she may be following some of the rules wrong, but that's just a matter of tradition really. If someone was a ba'al teshuva and had no way of finding out which population their family came from, I imagine a rabbi would advise to choose one and stick to it without worrying too much about which one. I don't know 100%, though. 
Culture-wise, I don't know if this is what Shira was getting at but I wonder if it would be cultural appropriation due to Ashkenazi Jews being more likely to be white-passing and getting more media representation. Is Jewish lineage enough to claim Sephardi traditions and culture, or do you need to know for sure that you're Sephardi - that will be for Sephardi followers to decide. 
To build on Shira's disclaimer:
I'm Modern Orthodox and I would describe your character as someone who is not halachically Jewish, i.e. not in Jewish law. In most situations, this would be a technicality for me and I wouldn't hesitate to treat her as Jewish if she identifies as such. In particular, with her family history it makes sense that she considers herself ethnically Jewish and the legacy of discrimination is part of her identity - that's not something we can erase or overlook. It would be different if my kid wanted to marry her, I think (not that I ever plan to be one of those parents who would disown their kid or something for marrying out but I'm not going to pretend I completely wouldn't care, either). Then I might be hopeful that she may formally convert, especially if she had always lived as Jewish anyways.
 Other things she may experience if she hangs out in Orthodox circles: a few people might act like jerks and be iffy around her like she's 'not really Jewish', probably the same people who are pro-Trump and mansplain why women's exclusion from parts of Orthodox worship is actually protecting us. On the subject of women's exclusion, if you have any male characters with a similar parental background, they can't get an aliyah in shul or count towards a minyan - the character you're describing couldn't anyway, though. 
Hopefully if your other Jewish characters are nice people, they take to heart the teaching that you should rather throw yourself into a fire than humiliate someone else in public. When I was a student, there was a patrilineal man in our community who once entered the shul just in time to be the tenth man, making a minyan. A Chasidic man in the congregation quickly stood up and said "Oh no, I left the gas on!" and left. That way no one had to make a whole song and dance about the other guy not being allowed to count. Patrilineal Jewish followers, feel free to add more! 
I'm going to add some things here, about the terms Sephardi and Ashkenazi, that I think might be partially tripping the author up.
Sephardi and Ashkenazi are terms used to describe the traditions that a person follows. Those traditions are heavily linked to the land where they rose up, and to parentage, as people are typically encouraged to follow the traditions they grew up with. However! Converts exist, and converts are usually encouraged to join in on the traditions in their community. So, as an example, a person can be from anywhere in the world, of any racial or ethnic background, convert in a Conservative synagogue, and follow Ashkenazi traditions. A person can be from a place that is usually seen as very Ashkenazi-heavy, like Germany, and then end up converting in an esnoga (synagogue) in Spain, and practice Sephardic traditions. Either of those converts might have children, and those children will take on their minhagim (traditions), and will be a part of the culture their parents joined just like their parents were.
It can be confusing for many people because the terms are so often conflated with ethnicity, which is in turn conflated with genetic lineage. The trouble is, the groups they describe are older than the modern, western conception of race, and ethnicity,  and we don't completely fit into these categories. Ashkenazi Jews don't all come from Europe, even their ancestors might not. In the US it's been estimated that at least 12-15% of American Jews are Jews of Color, and those JoC are very, very often Ashkenazi. Some converted, some didn't, but they are still following the traditions, and are still Ashkenazi.
So it's fair to say that the traditions of Sephardim grew in the Iberian peninsula, and North Africa, but they also moved along with those Jewish people as they dispersed, and were expelled. Jews from Portugal fled to the Azores, but also to the Netherlands, where there is a large Sephardic presence, right in the middle of a space that is assumed to be all Ashkenazi! Scores of Jewish people from Morocco moved to France. Then too, people marry folks from other groups. Often they will pick one family's traditions to follow, but sometimes they mix and match, and sometimes they end up moving somewhere else and taking on those traditions.
Because so many people have traditions that match their genetic background we've begun using the term Ashkenazi to mean strictly white, European Jewish people. Sephardi we have taken to mean strictly white, Iberian Jewish people (which doesn't even include the massive number of North African Sephardim). We've forgotten entirely to cover Mizrahim (a tradition associated with the Middle East), or the Romaniote, or Cochin Jews, or any number of other groups. Yes, genetic background accounts for a large portion of those people, but it doesn't map completely, and it's important not to forget that.
This complexity is why the statements Shira drew attention to:
"My character's dad thinks she said something about being Sephardic" "her fam has a fair amount of Sephardic culture"
Don't make sense. You would know you are Sephardic, because it's something you do first, and may be, secondarily, directly linked to something in your ancestry.
Finally, since you are showing a patrilineal Jewish person, I really encourage you to show them consistently engaging with their Jewishness, and actively participating in Sephardic culture. I'm the Conservative one here, and my movement, and Sephardi tradition (there are no movements for Sephardim, just varying observance) don't allow patrilineal descent to give a person Jewish status halachically. This is not something I endorse. Patrilineal descendants really struggle outside of Reform communities, to be seen as Jewish, and often to just be treated with respect, so it's important that you give this character every opportunity to participate, and show who they are.
-- Dierdra
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years
Okay so... One thing clear.
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The laws in the red house works as the twins powers works. Until now, we know the one who grants the wishes of "alive people" is Amane. And the one who grants the wishes of the dead ones is Tsukasa. We can assume they both are Hanako in some way. There are "two Hanakos", each one in his respective shore. Okay it's easy, you find their boundary. You offer something. You gain something. But this chapter is telling us something even bigger. And even much more elaborated. "If you sacrifice someone. You bring back another one from the death."
Do you get it? The kid is being really specific about this. The ONLY PEOPLE who enters here are the ones that have THIS WISH. It makes ALL THE SENSE. Because Kou and Yashiro only want to bring people BACK. The house found both of them and not the other way! (There is no other wishes like the ones you make with the twins, like Nene did, like Mitsuba did, etc. There is only one. You want to bring people back to life!)
So If this is Tsukasa's boundary. If he lives there. Should be because he was sacrificed there first and plays a role in there. Because the house could have been there before the twins existed. And maybe because they both died there or at least one of them did, their powers are related to the house. Two faces of the same coin.
As Teru said in previous chapters, if you enter the red house... You die. No one comes out alive. It makes sense because if only one person (alive I guess, because... The dead can not offer their lives??) enters the house, they wish for someone to come back alive, so they die as the price. (And of course the wish can't come true because it's impossible. This place is a f*cking trap that lure alive ones inside it and keep existing because of that. (And if you try to leave this place(Yashiro) with the dealer(Tsukasa), without making a deal inside the house, you get stuck inside the labyrinth and never come out. Because the house get angry...) This is like a place that creates supernaturals.)
So is actually the house/boundary the one that grants your wish in the first place? Because if not? If we follow the rules, Tsukasa only can grant dead people wishes and Kou is... alive, so? Even Yashiro is still alive. Is the house maybe the one that kills people attracting them to the far shore? So that way then, when they die, Tsukasa can make the deals with them. And that might be why Hanako/Amane exists, so he can do the opposite.
Hanako/Amane told something like this to Kou (yep same guy now, coincidence?) in volume 2 of the manga and he went berserker meanwhile he was explaining to him. Kou told him "he would not try to exorcise him anymore, because yes, he killed someone but maybe he had his reasons." And Hanako/Amane put the knife out of his body and answered: "If I decide to kill you right now kid, it would be justified just because I had a good reason to do it?" If he is not talking about the wish of the red house, tell me what it is. (Tell me why~~) Even in his knife, in that moment, you can see the reflection of one of the twins laying dead with blood on the ground.
Hanako/Amane ALWAYS gives clues about this. He keeps repeating almost all the time that sort of thing about of "If you couldn't do something while you were alive, you won't get it while you're dead." Or like "The dead ones are not going anywhere." He has been warning us about the rules of this house FROM THE BEGGINING. He probably can imagine what will happen to Yashiro (I mean, Mitsuba's story is a reflection of her own destiny eh) if she dies, his brother can find her and mess up her spirit. I am a believer now of this theory, I think Yashiro is going to die so she can bring back Amane to life. (Mark these words ok no.) Or maybe she was sent to N°6 boundary so she is near Aoi chan, and she decides to sacrifice herself in her place. So she comes back. (Imagine Akane-kun in this house, god he would not even think about it. He would do it.) And Amane/Hanako would only blame himself for being the instigator of Yashiro's death. He for sure would appear then (haha! F*ck) But think about it. The little kid is actually saying to Kou that Yashiro... Could not be saved now. There must be hope I guess because the kid also said to Kou that SHE WAS IN THE HOUSE. I think maybe the house let your soul trapped inside of it for eternity but then... What is the role of Tsukasa then? Let the dead out? Transform that people into teddy bears? (God I hope not.) Just... let's pray.
And for sure, everything is a trap here. You never have what you want because you die! You never achieve anything! Mitsuba's death could make sense this way. And also... Both twins are dead. So at least one of them (if not both of them) made a wish with the house...
And to be fair... That one could be Amane. Because he is the one that (with this wish) changed his own fate.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
a brush of luck
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— In a world where soulmates exist you can communicate yours with a brush of a pen. It just doesn’t help that you are a certified idiot with a skill in misplacing things. —
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: fluff, angst, soulmate!au, cursing
word count: 4,229
a/n: this is for the bnaharem collab and I was super horrible and was not ready and i just woke up and threw this together please dont hate me uhuhuhuhhh see the masterlist here!!!
message to join my tag list!
“Hey, y/l/n, you forget this!”
Your hair was falling into your face, your face flustered, and your binders filled with paper seemed to be liquid as they slowly fell to the ground.
Kaminari stood behind you when you turned around. His lips were picked into a kind smile. It was a teasing one too by the small glint in his eyes while he held onto your backpack and phone. A look of self-realized stupidity washed over your face when your head threw back into a groan. How stupid were you, really?
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed, throwing your things onto the nearest desk. You felt the tips of your ears burn with embarrassment when Kaminari helped you slip on your backpack and pocketed your phone in the jacket pocket. “I swear I’m the most forgetful person in the world.”
“Well, you do really clinch the title of the person who would forget their head if it wasn’t on their shoulders.”
Snorting, you shoved him with your shoulder, and he helped you regather your things with a low groan.
“Let’s see the tattoo,” you grin, ready to head out once again. Groaning loudly, Kaminari didn’t seem to want to give in to your demand, but still, with a twitch of his eye and a shove of his sleeve, he showed off his arm. “You know what, I’m going to say it—”
“I’m going to say it, I don’t care that you broke your elbows,” Kaminari finishes the phrase with you with a snort.
“Do you think it’s the first thing out of their mouth or matching tattoo?” you asked curiously when you blond best friend also prepped to leave the classroom for the day. 
“I hope its the first thing out of their mouth, imagine how fucking ultra sexy foxy hot that would be,” Kaminari moaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his eyes at the thought. Gagging at the visual horniness of that thought, you walked away, grinning at the way that Kaminari stumbled over his feet to catch up with you.
This was the world you lived in, the world of soulmates.
You weren’t sure when they had first started, but you know that it wasn’t always a phenomenon that was around. When you roamed the internet looking at old, old stories on soulmates, these theories, these worlds were built on one single concept.
They wrote about a world of black and white for everyone until that fateful moment, or matching tattoos for everyone. But no, this world was much more complicated, much more detailed. Yes, in the world there were a lot of theories that ended up being true, but the thing they didn’t see coming was that every couple — every polyamorous relationship consisted of a unique theme.
Kaminari’s soulmate was linked with tattoo’s, and the purpose behind said symbol was unknown, unheard of until he met them. Yours, as you could guess and know, was also different. Pressing your fingers against the pen that sat on the inside pocket of your uniform jacket, you smiled when Kaminari’s arm was thrown around you.
“At least you’ve never lost or forgotten that pen of yours, that would be dangerous!”
“I promise I will never ever forget it.”
You sat on your bed nearing midnight. You were cocooned into your blankets flipping through your Hero Lawbook that you were supposed to have read months ago, but now finally was. Humming to yourself, you read through the apparent laws and the not so evident laws.
For instance, there is a law that Pro Heroes are not allowed to eat off the edge of buildings anymore! American transfer students had littered so much it became a law!
Snorting to yourself, you flipped the page.
But something warm pressed into your forearm, the most heated energy that sent shivers down your spine. It was comforting as it was ethereal. The second your body recognized the feeling, the Hero Lawbook went soaring across the room, and you grabbed your pen that was waiting at your side for ages now. 
Hi, sorry I’m just able to get back to you. I had a bunch of homework and friends who just let me leave them.
Smiling to yourself, you twirled the pen in your fingers and scribbled down your response:
It’s all good, I’ve been studying this entire time too, was just bored and didn’t respond to you earlier today!
Your soulmate theme was straightforward and quite comprehensive — it was dubbed the Forearm and Pen theme (you hated that theme). You could communicate with your soulmate by writing with the pen on your arm, but it only worked with that pen, nothing else.
The year you were to turn sixteen, you received a pen from literally out of the blue. You remember celebrating New Year with your class in your first year at U.A.; it had been an enjoyable night! Everything in life was still going fantastic, and your class was finally past the excellent friend’s point and felt like a genuine family. You remember hugging and telling everyone good night, still being fifteen at that point, and stumbling back to your room exhausted.
When you had gotten back to your room, you didn’t even undress; simply tugging off your pants and removing your bra, you threw yourself onto the bed. But you had landed on something stiff and painful, groaning your hands shuffled for whatever it was that you fell on, and when you grabbed it, you froze at the sight of the white box. 
Was this a gift?
Your entire life, you had always wondered if you did have a soulmate, most people you knew after all had soulmate markers that appeared since birth. But you were perfectly normal. You saw all colors; you had no shared pain; there was no tattoo, no mind link, no dream meetings.
You were normal.
Sighing, you opened the box, hoping that it was from someone you at the very least respected.
Inside was a silver pen.
You blinked your eyes rapidly, unsure of what you were looking at, there were no initials, no engraving, nothing. 
It was an exquisite pen, and despite what you thought, it was very, very light. Frowning, your fingers pushed down on the pen, but there was nothing that came out, was there no ink?
Shrugging, you dragged it against your arm feeling the way that the cool tip delicately massaged your arm. It felt nice.
“Holy shit!”
Your eyes saw the pretty grey silvery ink on your forearm. It stood out against your skin, the ink appearing nowhere else but your arm, and then it hit you.
This was for your soulmate!
With excitement tearing through you, your exhaustion no longer bitting on your skull, but the overwhelming need to know that this was for your soulmate shook you awake. Twirling the pen in your fingers, you couldn’t help but start writing.
You sat there staring at your forearm, unsure as to what to do next. What do you do next?
If your heart could be anywhere but your chest, you were nearly positive it existed within your throat at this very moment. This was nervewracking, holy shit.
Sorry, you don’t know me, but I’m ___ ___.
You frowned when you tried to write your name, it was stopping you.
It seems that we do have some rules to this entire thing.
They responded back to you, and as if they could hear you, you groaned loudly.
This soulmate shit was already stopping your excitement, it seemed.
From that very first night, the two of you were able to discover a few things. First off, anything too personal was not allowed to be written out. So names, location, and gender were the biggest ones. Birthdays were not, and you were quick to find out that both of you were still fifteen. Second of all, just because you couldn’t figure out where exactly you both were located, you did manage to put together that you were both in Japan. Third of all, your soulmate was a Hero in Training just like you and was a male. Last, of all, you were quick to realize that you were in love with the way your body felt like it was gently warming up whenever he messaged you.
I think I deserve a round of applause.
You grinned after writing your sentence, your eyes watching while the warmth filled your body and his writing slowly appearing on your forearm.
Did you not forget anything today? I find that hard to believe.
You had to suppress a scream.
Weren’t you the one who forgot to bring your entire backpack to school the other day?
NO! I said I almost did, but my bestie got it for me!
How do you forget everything? I think you should try to make a list to make sure that you always have things you need for the day.
... I do… but I always lose the list, and im always running late…
You’re the worst…
Congrats bbg, I’m your soulmate
The world really doesn’t want to bless me with a good life, it seems…
The two of you banter for what seems like hours, the night sky fading from blackness to the deep blue of the sky right before the sunrise. You had spent the entire night curled into your pillow, your face shoved into the soft fabric to suppress your chortling snorts because you geniunely enjoyed interacting with your soulmate. But it was late, and you both had classes early that next morning.
Okay, asshole, I need to sleep! I got this stupid test tomorrow that I did not study for. I'll write to ya tomorrow!! Goodnight!!!
Don’t be rude to your soulmate :( but goodnight, and good luck on that test, sorry for keeping you up.
Smiling at his words, you put the pen to your forearm one last time.
I will never ever accept your apology for making me stay up, I love talking with you, goodnight soulmate, sweet dreams.
You placed the pen down, your eyes fluttering close, heavy with sleep. But still, no exhaustion could suppress the fluttering warmth in your body when words appeared on your arm. 
Sweet dreams, soulmate.
“Fuck, sorry,” you groaned when you sleepily slammed into the person standing in front of you. 
Blinking tiredness away from your eyes — poorly at that too — you focused up at Shouto. Grinning, you waved at your classmate, who looked almost as exhausted as you felt and definitely looked.
“It’s okay,” he nodded at you stepping to the side so that the two of you could walk side to side.
“You ready for that test today?” you asked after moments of silence.
You and Todoroki Shouto were not as close as you would like to be. Since day one, you had always had a thing for the duality of a man, and while it was mostly superficial feelings derived from the fact that he was attractive above anything else, it still made you awkward around him. At the time, your feelings were still holding you down, you always fully believed that you had no soulmate, so you thought maybe you could sweep him off his feet. It was rumored that his scar covered up his own soulmate mark, so there was no way for him to know who his soulmate was.
Selfishly and embarrassingly, you hoped that you could have him.
Then you met your soulmate, and things changed.
But now you and your classmates were all eighteen and held the world in your hands, yet you couldn’t speak to him usually still.
“There’s no test today?” Shouto stilled, his eyes narrowing in confusion, and your eyes screwed too.
“Isn’t it… Friday? We have a Hero Law test?”
“Y/l/n,” Shouto snorted a grin spreading across his features, “It’s Wednesday.”
If there was a god, he would shoot you right now.
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment while you walked faster to the classroom, Shouto keeping up with your pace easily, he was taller than you after all.
“Shut up,” you warned, your gaze not reaching Shouto’s who was staring at you.
“I wasn’t speaking.”
“I could hear you thinking!”
Shouto put on a smirk, his eyes teasing you, and his mouth dropping to speak, but there was a loud interruption.
Both of you turned to see Kaminari chasing after you, his arms waving, looking out of breath.
Shouto chuckled beside you, and you stared down to see that you were, in fact, only wearing half of your uniform. If there’s a god, he will end you now, you thought.
You're not serious right now, are you?
Going on three years of knowing your soulmate, or at the very least talking with him, you thought you had a good understanding of who he was. He was strong, powerful, and kind. He came off a bit standoffish at times but was the dumbest person you’ve ever known. Common sense was not his friend, and that was okay. 
Even at times when the two of you had your differing opinions because it did happen, it never snowballed more into a small annoyance that the two of you would apologize for and move on. But this was something that shouldn’t have had become a fight, it shouldn’t have been anything more potent than a difference of opinion, but when you suggested entertaining the thought of when the two of you would finally meet, he was uncharacteristically cold. 
Hurt by his tone, you told him, and he said you to grow up until it became this written fight.
Why couldn’t you talk about meeting?
Why didn’t he want to think about what would happen when the two of you would meet?
It was getting ugly for no reason, a fight just to fight, and it was making you nauseous.
But he crossed a line that couldn’t be fixed when he wrote a simple sentence:
Just because you’re my soulmate doesn’t mean I have to love you, meet you, or marry you.
So there you sat, your bottom lip trembling with tears streaking down your blotchy face. He wasn’t being serious, was he? There was no way… no fucking way this was him. The warmth that flooded your body with his new message felt ice-cold, poisoning you from the inside out while you read it.
You're my soulmate, but I have no obligation to do anything with you now or ever. The world chose you for me, not me. I didn’t choose you. I don’t owe you anything here. Soulmates are bullshit and don’t fucking bother messaging me again if you expect me to fall in love with you just because our “souls are connected”
It was needless to say that you didn’t respond back, not because you felt like he should love you because of your connected souls, but because your sobbing and broken emotions left you curled into a ball, ready for a sleepless slumber to take you.
“You don’t look too hot,” Kaminari told you, hitting you with his foot when your bleary and puffy eyes stared at your best friend.
Kirishima and Mina, who were sitting beside him, elbowed him at the same time, berating him for his insensitive comment. You could feel Sero and Bakugou staring at you, their eyes concerned and curious. 
“What’s eating ya up?” Sero asked, and you found a rock-forming in your throat when you shrugged.
“Soulmate problems…”
“That was fucking obvious,” Bakugou rolled his eyes, taking a drink of his water. “Tell us the problem, not a stupid summary.”
Surprisingly that’s all it took for you to come undone, and you explained what happened with tears falling down your face and a sniffling nose. There was a lot to tell them about it, and you showed them the pen while explaining the entire story. They listened to every word you uttered, faces concern but taking in everything you said.
“You’re an idiot,” Bakugou spoke the second you were finished, his eye twitching while he glared at you. You swallowed thickly, placing the pen on the table while Bakugou edged closer towards you. “He’s not wrong, you know, stupid fucking soulmates are just this irrational solution to an irrational problem. Love is much more complex than that, and you don’t seem to have been fighting for him in that way either, sure you seem like good friends, but that doesn’t give you the right to expect him to love you. But he was a complete fucking dick about it, so I say kill him.”
Your — and all of the rest of your friend group — eyes widened at his words. With nothing to follow him up, you all continued to stare at him while he munched on his food.
“Is Bakugou a love expert?” Mina’s stage whispered to the group.
“He almost was, but then he said to kill y/n’s soulmate, so probably not anymore,” Kirishima responded back.
It took four days before the warm feeling shot through your body again.
Fuck, I'm really sorry, I was a complete fucking dick. I said a lot of things, and i didn’t mean to say I was angry and upset, and I know that you're upset, rightfully upset, but i don’t want to lose you.
No matter how long it took for him to get back to you, your heart squeezed with euphoria and poison, your hands moving to grab your pen in your pocket.
It wasn’t there.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
You tore apart your room, trying to find the silver pen but you couldn’t find it.
Stay as mad as you want, I just… please talk with me soon, even if it takes five days. I'm sorry, soulmate.
Frustrated tears poured down your face, nausea almost making you wheeze when you stared at the words you wanted to reply to.
One day after he apologized:
Don’t want to bother you, just wanted to apologize again and say that I miss you, talk to you soon.
Five days after he apologized:
I’m not really sure if this is normal or not… I'm not really… educated when it comes to romance and shit like that, especially when it comes to someone being upset with the other… my female classmates told me that I should expect a response from you soon. I'm really sorry, please write soon.
So it seems that i’ve fucked up to the point of no return. I'm sorry, I miss you, I love you. Maybe one day I can reconvince you that I'm your soulmate for a good reason, but I guess I’ll have to work on that.
It had been fourteen days since he had apologized, and you sat in your room with tears streaming down your face. You wanted to respond back, but even fourteen days of tirelessly searching U.A.’s entire campus, ripping it stone by stone, there was no finding your pen. Every day without fail, he gave you an update of his day and another apology. Every day they got more hopeless, more pained.
This was his last message for a while, he needed time to work things out with himself now, the strain of this and graduation coming soon being too much to handle at the moment. 
Wiping your tears for what felt like the hundredth time within this past twenty minutes, you stood up on your wobbly legs to go downstairs for water. You were dehydrated and absolutely needed to get out for both fresh air and water.
Walking down the stairwell with swollen eyes, you groaned when you slammed into a body when you opened the door to the common area. 
Shouto blinked down at you, and you felt your throat clampdown at the pained look in his own eyes.
“Have you been—”
“Are you—”
You both spoke over each other, and despite the horrid feeling coursing through your bones, you cracked a smile.
“I’m getting water,” you explained with a shrug. “Long night ya know, just needed to replenish my system so I can cry some more.”
Shouto stared at you, and with horror, you realized precisely what you had said.
“Oh my god, ignore me!” you squeak, covering your face trying to move past him, but Shouto seemed to be curious now and followed after you.
“What’s making you cry?” he asked while you rush to the fridge to get your glass of water.
“What’s got you upset?” you counter downing the cup of water.
Shouto sighed, leaning against the counter of the island in the kitchen. “Would it be weird to say its soulmate issues?”
Swallowing the water in your mouth, you shook your head, a tired smile on your face, “Embarrassingly enough, my issue is also with soulmate stuff.”
A joyless chuckle escaped his mouth, and Shouto’s head tilted backward. You studied his jaw and the way his body seemed tense, too tense.
“What happened?” you press gently standing next to him, shouldering him gently.
“I fucked up, and now my soulmate won’t talk with me,” he says slowly, his head nodding while he glances at you. “I guess telling your soulmate you don’t want them is a bad thing.”
You snorted, nodding your head in agreement, “It’s not just a bad thing, its a super fucked up thing.”
Shouto sighed in agreement, and there was silence when you took another drink of your water.
“I didn’t know you were in contact with your soulmate, though,” you smile wistfully, your hand twirling the cup on the counter. “How’d you meet them?”
“I actually don’t know who they are,” Shouto admitted with pursed lips, and your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “I have that soulmate thing where you write on your arm, and they can read it.”
Showing off his arm, you glanced at the pale skin. You nodded your head when he pulled out a silver pen that looked similar to yours.
“Well,” you shrug your shoulders, motioning him to write. “I’m no expert, but let’s see if I can help you get your soulmate to forgive you.”
“T-They haven’t responded to me in two weeks…” Shouto’s voice cracks, and the number burns a hole through your stomach. “I’ve written every day, but no answer. I don’t really know what to do, and all the girls in the class don’t really know what to do. Bakugou also said to go fuck myself over it, so I don’t think I really have had any help.”
Ignoring the twisting in your stomach, you willed your weirdness away to shuffle in your seat, “Well, you haven’t asked me, asshole, come on, let’s see what I can do.”
Shouto chuckles, his head nodding, “That is true, but to be fair, you’ve been anywhere, but in the dorm these past few weeks.”
“I lost something,” you mutter embarrassed, but you shake away your problems and point at his wrist. “Write an apology.”
You watched when he wrote, the words expressing his apology and love seeping through the silvery ink on his wrist. You told him to add things to delete things, but in the end, it ended up feeling like a genuine and sincere apology. You watched his pen leave his skin and a warmth shot through your arm. 
Shivering, you looked at your arm, trying to see what your soulmate had written to you even though he said he was going to stop.
The words he wrote appeared on your skin.
Your eyes widened when you stared at Shouto, who was also staring at your arm. 
Your eyes met in an almost world-altering way. This entire time, for three whole years, the two of you had been by each other and never knew. Midnight conversations wasted through ink instead of face to face. Your heart hammered in your throat, and tears once again poured from your eyes when you both stood at full height, staring at each other.
Todoroki Shouto was your soulmate — he was yours, and you were his.
“I’m so sorry, y/n, I don’t know what happened to me. You didn’t deserve that, and fuck, I’m so sorry—”
“I lost my pen, and I couldn’t respond back, I forgave you, but I had no way of reaching back! But I was always forcing myself onto you—”
You both interrupted the other, and now you stared at each other, drinking in the presence of each other and belittling yourselves for not knowing sooner; looking at it now, it was just so obvious. You can’t help it and pull him into a hug. His strong arms wrap around you, and you can hear his hammering heart on your ear, and it fills you up with the familiar warmth when he writes you. This seemed to be a brush of luck it seems.
“Can I kiss you, soulmate.”
“Please do.”
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band (Part 1)
Last Time: With a little help from Susato, the lady in pink, we discovered that Miss Brett poisoned Dr Wilson with Curare, a fast acting poison that���s only effective when introduced into the blood stream. In a last ditch attempt to avoid justice, Miss Brett destroyed the evidence right in front of the court, but fortunately my man Hosonaga was on hand with new evidence he’d taken from the crime scene, meaning that all we had to do was catch the thief of a rare golden coin, and tie Miss Brett up with her own words! At last I (Ryunosuke) was acquitted!
...only to find out in the lobby that Miss Brett has managed to privilege her way out of any consequences and was gone like smoke in the wind. (Also Kazuma used his sword in a way I found very hot, and I think I’ve accidentally doomed him to death or moral corruption.)
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I’m 90% sure The Speckled Band is a Sherlock Holmes case, and I’m 49% sure it’s one of the ones I’ve read. I’m guessing this is where we’ll meet The Great Himbo Detective Herlock Sholmes then!
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Well I guess that answers that then.
(And yes, I have read this one)
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And he’s voiced by Professor Layton maybe???
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Ooh, this seems like a Study in Scarlet, are we doing a Study in Scarlet guys?
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Herlock has a magic gun!?!
Also I’m not digging this Japanese scripture and talk of it being penned by ‘the victim himself’. Kazuma what did I tell you about leaving my sight?
Wait... I could have sworn I just saw Hosonaga dressed as a sailor...
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Oh balls, am I about to be accused of murder again?
Honestly I can’t take you anywhere Ryunosuke
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Well Ryunosuke, you remember how you went to a lovely restaurant and got arrested for a murder you didn’t commit?
Well, it’s just like that but substitute restaurant for ship.
Also I’m not liking how little I’ve seen of Kazuma...
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Ryunosuke we really need to have a talk about you just saying what people want to hear.
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I knew this was coming, you knew this was coming, Ace Attorney law dictated it was coming as soon as it set Kazuma up as both my mentor and best friend.
But even so, I thought they were just empty threats! I didn’t think they’d actually follow through! Or that we might at least enjoy Herlock Sholmes ad his magic gun together first.
I realise I’m stalling here, but maybe if I just don’t click I’ll not have to see his body.
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Sailor Man, I understand that you’re very upset, we all are, but I need you to understand that I’m grieving here.
The man I love took one look at the morally compromised shits I’m normally into and decided he’d rather die than join them! And yes I know I’m still stalling and not taking this as seriously as I should because I still don’t believe it!
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See, me and Ryunosuke are on the same page!
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I didn’t Susato, but the problem is that you and I have only just met and I’m not very convincing!
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Kazuma you legend! I refuse to believe you are dead until I see your corpse.
Now Ryunosuke’s all: I can’t believe they tossed your case around that much. I thought I was going to die.
And Kazuma’s telling me he’s just amazed I fitted inside his trunk in the first place.
Kazuma you can’t be gone! Who else will condescendingly tell me to go to France and ask rather than translate a French label for me?
Now Kazuma’s telling me (Ryunosuke) that I’m going to have to live in his cabin for the next 50 days.
Also we’ve got to keep this from Susato because we’re breaking the law and Kazuma doesn’t want us to take her down with us.
Lol, every day I get shoved into the wardrobe by an uncaring Kazuma!
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Oh, that’s what the message said!
God knows what the steward thought Kazuma was keeping in his wardrobe though
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See Ryunosuke, this is why we think before we speak.
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I don’t envy the real killer when Susato gets hold of them.
From what I can find out it’s a locked room mystery, and the cause of death is still undetermined, so I’m guessing something like poison then rather than an obvious thing, like being stabbed with his big sword.
On one hand, I really hope it wasn’t something like Curare, because I don’t want Kazuma to have gone out like that, but on the other hand poison would explain why the killer didn’t need to be in the room when he died and why Kazuma didn’t strike them down with said big sword.
Ok, so Kazuma, legend that he was, got up every day at the crack of dawn to do sword training. And Susato, who I’m begging to suspect is incredibly hardcore, go up before him so she could go and wait for him outside.
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Now that’s interesting.
The two of them seem like they were pretty close, so there’s a good chance it’s just that she’s so familiar with Kazuma’s habits that she can tell the second something’s off, or it could be that there’s some other reason we need to work out.
If that’s correct that means Kazuma was killed in the small hours of the morning.
You know up ‘til now I’ve been assuming Ryunosuke was knocked out or something, and that’s why he was unconscious in the wardrobe, but now I’m starting to think he might have just been sleeping in there.
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Wait why’d Kazuma write in Russian?
Like I’d buy that he might know it, but I don’t buy that’s it’s what he’d write in in his finger moments.
Well that proves my innocence then, all we need to do is get some witnesses to verify the ‘go to France and ask’ moment from the last case
Oh ok, I didn’t manage to screenshot it, but it seems that I (Ryunosuke) didn’t put myself in the wardrobe. That’s very odd.
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I can see a vent up there, so maybe someone gassed us and then got in while we were asleep and set up the crime scene.
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Kazuma said I should come, next question
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Ryunosuke, with some of the words that come out of your mouth I don’t think you should be throwing stones.
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Apparently not.
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This is going to be something ominous isn’t it...
I’m starting to feel like Kazuma knew he’d never see England.
Kazuma how many toes did you tread on?
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Oh fucking hell!
You can’t die and be heading down a dark moral path, that’s not fair!
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Yeah, I want to know that too.
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So my poison/drugging theory seems to be holding up. Apparently Kazuma bought me something to eat, I climbed into the hiding wardrobe, and then it’s lights out from there.
Given that I didn’t wake up when Kazuma was killed I’m going to say that also back that theory up. Even if it was silent I feel like Ryunosuke would have woken up if someone was going round the cabin knocking ink bottles over and killing Kazuma.
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No, don’t blame yourself Ryunosuke!
It’s my fault really, if I was going to  find Kazuma hot I should have made sure I could manifest inside my switch and protect him!
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Ah, of course! Isn’t her dad a professor of pathology? And she seems like the sort of person who picks things up pretty quickly!
In other words, if this is a poisoning, she could be the perfect person to be partnered up with.
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Susato is fully prepared to kick our ass if we try and leave, and as the woman who got up before Kazuma, I think we should listen to her.
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I say we team up as an investigative duo and catch this bastard!
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Susato didn’t come here to play! Especially when we might have killed Kazuma!
(Editors note: this isn’t a bad screenshot, Susato genuinely made Ryunosuke’s vision go blurry)
I know we need to investigate, but my god this woman’s got a fist to match her convictions.
You know when I first met Susato I was a bit afraid she was going to be the inverse of Maya to the point of being meek and shy.
Now I see what a fool I was.
Susato might be prepared to politely follow the rules, but woe betide you if you break them.
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She’s even named it!
Again I know this is bad for us but GO SUSATO!
(God damn it you can’t all be my favourite characters)
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Her own special martial arts form Ryunosuke!
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And just like that she regathers her composure and carries on as if nothing had happened!
I like how she’s still just standing over me.
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Ok Ryunosuke let’s go!
(Seriously though we don’t want her as an enemy)
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Ah of course, Kazuma stuck the seal on the wardrobe, and the fact Herlock Sholmes (the himbo detective) had to pull it off means I didn’t leave!
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No one respects poor Ryunosuke...
So it seems that Susato doesn’t believe we’re innocent just yet, but as we’ve presented the possibility of doubt before her she will let us investigate this room.
Given the buck wild nature of the last trial she was involved in, I honestly can’t blame her for not ruling this possibility out. After all if this was something a witness in a trial had said I’d be thinking the same thing.
Susato’s going to be watching us to make sure we don’t disturb the crime scene, which again is fair.
I’ve got to say, I’m really digging Susato’s cautiously suspicious and sensible nature. It feels like a good counterbalance to Ryunosuke’s beautiful but naïve outlook on life.
I bet if Susato had stowed away onboard a ship you wouldn’t catch her immediately confessing as soon as a sailor started to press her.
Who am I kidding, Susato would never have got into this situation in the first place.
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Ok so far we’ve got:
A) Half a pink kimono fastener on the floor next to a brick red mark
B) One disturbed table, with the remains of our roast chicken dinner on the floor
C) The terrible knowledge that Kazuma spent his last night on earth hungry because he didn’t like chicken
D) Kazuma’s precious katana, that he loved dearly and that he’d apparently managed to persuade the government to let him bring to the UK.
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Oh yeah, drive the knife in why don’t you game!
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Why do I feel like Ryunosuke’s about to get roasted?
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There we go.
(It’s what Kazuma would have wanted)
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Back to investigating, we’ve got a ransacked shelf, and Kazuma’s London diary.
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Just, you know, to rip my heart out...
It looks like the final entry’s incomplete, which means Kazuma was probably writing it when the incident happened. Unfortunately Susato is violently insistent that we respect the Kazuma’s private thoughts after his death, so we can’t read it.
We’ve got the inky Russian(?) on the floor which none of us can either recognize, nor read (including me)
(Sorry to any Russians reading this by the way, I can only assume you’re screaming that this isn’t Russian, but I’m just going by what the Great Himbo Detective said in the cut scene.)
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Ok, so the sailor who’s been guarding us got very flustered when we asked if everything was normal last night, meaning that either he’s been skiving off, or everything was in fact not normal last night.
Oh sweet, it seems that Ryunosuke and Susato both read detective novels, and while we’ve shot down the possibility of using the needle and thread trick to unbolt the door from the outside (side note: I must remember to try that later), I feel like both they, and the player who immediately started trying to rattle off facts about Curare, have had a bonding moment.
Ok, I think that’s this half of the room done, let’s go and check out that vent I saw earlier.
So the vent connects to the room next door. That means if the grate could be moved we have a way in and out of our crime scene!
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I mean, he’s quite hard to miss Ryunosuke
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(I think Ryunosuke might have an Apollo complex short)
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Understatement of the century
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Her and me both Ryunosuke, it’s The Great Himbo Detective!!!
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Herlock Sholmes I understand that you’re in a critical point of your investigation, but you need to understand that Ryunosuke, Susato and I are sad and need to see your magic gun.
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I hope this is the way all of his deductions go from now on.
Also I’m sorry Russia and the Russian language, I should not have believed what the man, who on reflection was sold to me as the great himbo detective, said.
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Susato’s buying it!
Susato look into my eyes and tell me Ryunosuke could ever make it as a soldier.
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No, please do!
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And the bullet flies a mile wide!
I’m still upset about Kazuma, but I’m somehow also having the time of my life
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Ryunosuke’s finally snapped!
What I find amazing is that the Sherlock Holmes Herlock Sholmes stories clearly exist, basically unchanged in this world. So either Dr Watson Wilson was either lying through his teeth to spare his friend’s feelings, or he is the stopped clock is right twice a day person who Herlock actually hit the nail on the head for, and therefore he believed everything that was said.
‘On rout to foreign climates’ that’s how ships work Herlock!
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I’ll say one thing for Herlock though, you can’t beat him down!
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How am I both Ryunosuke and Susato in this scene?
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Yeah Naruhodo-san! I thought you read detective stories!
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Quick Susato! Get him to sign a copy!
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Um... has no one told him yet...
I’m also curious about the fact that he still believes Dr Wilson’s in London. Either there are two Dr Wilson’s, or something weird is going on here.
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Look at his hat Ryunosuke, it contains all the information you need
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He got his own name wrong!
Hosonaga, I don’t know if you can hear from wherever you are on this ship dressed as a sailor, but there is a fight and you are rapidly losing!
(Also to be fair to Herlock, as someone who’s been playing a lot of Hitman recently, looking inside the wardrobe already means he’s doing a lot better than literally every character in that game.)
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Ok so it was Russian then and I no longer have to apologies!
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Do you think Herlock has ever been to Russia?
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Ok Mr ‘is this cow a cat?’
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Ok everyone, we’re also on the lookout for a missing Russian Ballerina along with Kazuma’s killer. I don’t know how, but I wouldn’t have been told about her if she wasn’t relevant
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I can’t believe we’ve finally found the vindictive part of Ryunosuke’s beautiful personality!
We’re finally reading Kazuma’s diary!
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Oh fuck, Kazuma was bitten by an adder
Wait, if that was the case why didn’t he dispatch it with his big sword? We’ve seen him do precision work before, so that can’t be it.
Either way, I think we really need to talk to the person in the room next to mine.
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Also: Herlock Sholmes gets seasick!
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Did she just break my cuffs?
My mistake she’s just showing some tough love to get me to buck up!
Let’s go team!
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“What are you doing here?” “I think that should be my line” This feels like that meme of the two Spidermen pointing at each other
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I wouldn’t be so sure Susato. Hosonaga seems a lot like me, a bunch of disabilities held together by sheer force of will.
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He still has a job!
(Or his superiors are just trying to send him as far away from Japan as they can)
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(Also your superiors are definitely trying to ship you out)
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That would explain Kazuma’s whole vibe.
Although something about this feels wrong. No disrespect to Hosonaga, but as determined as he is he doesn’t exactly have the physical prowess you’d associate with stopping an assassination. I know I haven’t exactly seen him at work yet, but something about this feels like he was set up to fail.
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Now the thing is, that while he can cut it as a waiter, Hosonaga isn’t exactly built to fit in among sailors. It’s not going to take a genius therefore, to work out who Kazuma’s guard is, especially if he’s been around Kazuma from dawn till dusk. That’s probably why his killer had to kill him in his cabin, and it’s also why they probably drugged his food (which means they didn’t know him enough to know he didn’t like chicken)
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On the plus side though, it looks as though Hosonaga believes in my innocence.
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Come on Hosonaga, remember when you bought Miss Brett to us!
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Hell yeah Hosonaga!
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Hosonaga heard my call! He heard that he was losing his place as my second favourite character and came back swinging!!!
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Determination Ryunosuke!
Also probably hacking up a lot of blood, that does wonders to unnerve people in my experience
Now, I should present Kazuma’s diary here... but...
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Yes, everything is as it should be...
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He’s digging it!
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Oh no he took it as an insult!
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Sorry Ryunosuke, that’s the crime scene thief’s now
Ok let’s do this properly then
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Yeah boy!
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Ryunosuke, do you remember nothing about this man?
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Hosonaga didn’t come here to play!
Ok, we’re moving on out (except not right now because I’ve still got a couple of things to look at before we go)
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I think Ryunosuke might be a bad influence on Susato...
Also I feel like I’ve pegged Susato wrong regarding the rules. Susato’s just very good at keeping up the appearance of following them.
Come to think of it, the fact she’s a judicial assistant, despite women apparently not being allowed in the Japanese court other than to testify should have clued me in.
Susato Mikotoba: Breaking the rules in front of you, but in a way you don’t notice
(Also the bell pull’s not working, but I think we all expected that)
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Susato I’ve been living in a cupboard!
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Don’t pity me!
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Ok, so I’m not quite sure when Ryunosuke and I started thinking as one, but we’ve all agreed it’s happening now
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Ryunosuke do not get caught in the mousetrap!
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Susato can see right through me (Ryunosuke)
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This is the Phoenix Maya dynamic inverted, and I am living for it.
Susato: Now this is an emergency button, it’s very important you do NOT press it!
Ryunosuke: *lunges for the trigger*
It feels amazing being the wayward partner!
Our rout into cabin 2’s blocked by approximately 1 ton of sailor, so for now Susato and I will have to dick around avenge Kazuma out here in the corridor.
It seems that last night’s log is mostly blank, so I’m guessing I was right about the sailor on duty skiving off.
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Hmm, so the person in the next cabin’s probably quite important then. Given what just happened with Miss Brett that’s not a good sign.
And it seems like I’m not allowed to visit whoever it is without an invitation... which might prove tricky given as how there in there and I’m out here
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Ah good, a Western Gentleman, that’s just what we need!
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These guys left their post for a while didn’t they?
Either that or there’s something (or someone) they’re keeping off the records.
This might be a bit of a wide shot, but that mousetrap makes me wonder if the crew has some sort of secret pet squirrelled away somewhere. It doesn’t entirely add up what with them putting traps down, but with everyone in Ace Attorney having something to hide it’s all I can think of now.
Bif Strogenov’s left to report to the captain, nows our window to violate some privacy!
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Shot down!
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Herlock that thing’s tiny, I don’t think anyone’s in there!
It moved!
Guess I’m eating my words!
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Ok, we’re not allowed to look inside the case, or indeed anything, but fortunately we have HERLOCK SHOLMES THE GREAT HIMBO DETECTIVE!!!
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Deduce away Herlock!
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Herlock... are you about to tell this man that he’s also the Russian Assasin? Are you going to do this round the whole ship until you get it right?
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Wait this is working!?!
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Herlock Sholmes is Susato’s one blind spot and Ryunosuke’s one point of clarity
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He’s not entirely right though...
(Editors note: I completely managed to miss capturing 90% of the ? icons)
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However, the newspaper in his pocket and the little ! icon seems to suggest there’s some connection there.
(Editors note: I also managed to miss every ! icon)
And there is a crime being committed, but it’s not to do with the case.
Yeah, it probably just contains one of those pets we’re not supposed to have.
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So... a baby?
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So do a lot of people Susato
Ok, so The Great Himbo Detective is actually really good at making observations, it’s just how he applies them that’s shit.
I wonder if this is what Dr Wilson did for their partnership, but he just cut out the bits where he said things like: Herlock these people have completely different faces, maybe there’s a different reason they’ve got the paper?
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Ryunosuke normally: The fact Hosonaga’s working in this restaurant clearly means he’s struggling financially!
Ryunosuke around Herlock: You can’t just say the first guess that pops into your head!
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(Ok he’s also the reason we were in handcuffs, but still)
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What! Noooooo!
‘Course Correction: Hold it Mr Sholmes!’ What a title!
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Important news just in: Ryunosuke can’t grow a beard
A part of me says that he was about to use the sheers to cut up that paper, but there are obviously other copies around the ship, so unless he’s planning a sheers rampage that can’t be right.
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Wait a second... with that reaction to the paper... is there a Russian Ballerina in there?
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Also look at Ryunosuke’s little cocky smirk!
He’s really getting into this!
And I couldn’t be more proud!
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We’re tag teaming it!
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Herlock I swear to god if you tell me she’s that assassin
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(Editors note: Got that one!)
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I sure am Susato!
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Keep telling yourself that Ryunosuke, we can all see the truth
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Ah, so the nose was fake too
That makes a lot more sense now!
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Well she did disappear with a priceless tiara
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He said, rubbing his hand in glee
This is definitely the start of a beautiful friendship!
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Damn straight I do!
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For some reason I pictured it as being pink though, I don’t know why
Anyway so, while Nikolina does need money it seems that she didn’t steal the tiara. Apparently it was given to her as a present.
Also Nikolina is only 15, and has run away by herself for reasons currently unknown. I’m starting to get the feeling that the crew (or at least the two we’ve met) might have been looking out for her.
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Oh yeah, the moving travel case!
Given the rules regarding pets, I wonder if that’s what’s in there? It would explain the attitude of the sailors we met.
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Is it the Russian Revolutionary Herlock? You have to tell us if it is...
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He’s learning!
Yep, she’s looking at the pet rule sign, now show me the pet!
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Yeah, I’m pretty sure the guys on the door were covering for her (and probably her pet too)
Hmm, so Nikolina’s running from someone, so she decided to disguise herself to be safe and has been a jumble of nerve ever since.
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Can I see...
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Bless you Nikolina, but you’re not the best at keeping secrets. I’m pretty sure the crew have collectively decided to just look the other way and let the traumatised 15 year old have her pet.
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I wonder if Nikolina’s beloved pet’s a snake?
Can I just...
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No, everyone must see my badge!
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Ok now let’s go back to actually playing the game!
So, because she’s a jumble of nerves, Nikolina hasn’t been noticing much about what’s been happening around her. However I think she’d have probably noticed signs of danger, like loud noises, so I’m a little curious as to why she didn’t pick up on the sound of the tableware being sent to the floor.
From what I can gather about her ‘never dancing again’ whatever happened probably has something to do with the ballet.
Either that or she’s worried about being linked with her old life if she goes back on the scene under another name.
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That’s a good point actually, while people are funny and I can get her wanting a memento of her life, that’s an incredibly distinctive memento to have.
It must have some sort of emotional significance, I think she said it was given to her by an Earl, so maybe her father?
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Hmm, that’s a pretty distinctive thing to try and pawn Nikolina.
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Yikes! So the Novavich Ballet’s got really unethical working conditions. (Which probably shouldn’t be too much of a shock given the time period.) Now I understand why Nikolina’s so keen to never put herself in that situation again.
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Yeah, I thought that was the case.
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Oh yeah... that is odd
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Ah, so that’s why everyone was so on edge!
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(I feel like this would carry more weight if we hadn’t just been flashing our badge at anyone who looks our way)
Now onto the most important question:
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Susato is me (but personally I’m hoping for a kitten)
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Ok Genius, what sort of animal is it?
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I’ll eat your funky hat if that’s true Herlock
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Important information 2: Never trust Herlock with a pet
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Please let it be that we were Kazuma’s pet
Wait no, I’m an idiot. I’m obviously supposed to ask about the speckled band
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Wow she changed quick!
She’s leaving to talk to the captain, is this our chance to meet her friend!?!
Booooo, we’ve been chucked out!!!
16 notes · View notes
juniordps23 · 2 years
Table manners -what, when and how
                                                        Table manners
Table manners are etiquette norms that are followed while eating, and may involve the use of utensils. Table etiquette are observed differently in different cultures. Each family or community establishes its own guidelines for how tightly these laws must be adhered to.
At juniordps children learn this etiquette in the best preschool in India.
Now we can look at the table manners taught by the best preschool franchise in India -
Every meal provides an opportunity for children to practice basic etiquette. Little children can learn how to be respectful and exhibit table manners by using their utensils properly and waiting until everyone has been served.
Your children will eventually grasp the concept if you are patient and consistent in your training.
Here are some simple lessons we at best playschool teach your children-
1-Bring clean hands and a clean face to the table.
Teach your kids to clean up before dinner. This not only shows respect for the person who made the meal as well as the other guests at the dinner table, but it is also a good hygiene practice.
2-Before you eat, wait until everyone has been served.
Teach your child to wait until everyone is seated and served before starting to eat. It is impolite to begin eating before everyone has been seated. Dinner is supposed to be shared with others.
3-Close your mouth and chew
Two basic rules of good table manners are chewing with your mouth closed and not talking when your mouth is full. If your youngster forgets, gently remind them.
4- Avoid stuffing your mouth with food.
Teach your youngster to take little nibbles and not to eat their food in one sitting.
Putting their fork down between bites is one way they can cultivate this habit. They can even chew while putting their hands in their lap.
5-Always remember to be courteous.
If they ask for seconds or for someone to pass something to them, they should say "please" after the request.
They should also express gratitude to the person who made the food and anyone who served them.
6- Utensils and napkins should be used.
Children should be discouraged from eating with their hands, with a few exceptions such as pizza and hamburgers, especially if they have progressed beyond finger foods. Show them how to correctly handle their fork.
In addition, encourage them to keep a napkin in their lap and to wipe their hands and mouth with it rather than their clothes.
As we have seen how juniordps teach good table manners to their children but juniordps have also another side.
We not only teach them good table manners but also describe them about bad table manners just to let them differentiate what is good and what is bad for their batter understanding.
Now let us look at the bad table manners -
1-utensils should not be waved around
With an eating utensil in your hand, never make a motion.
2-Don't fidget with your hands.
Adjust your flatware, toy with your napkin, and don't fiddle with your tie or jewellery. Stay calm and still.
3-service should not be "waved away"
If you don't want something, don't wave it away; simply say, "No thank you”
4-Don't put too much pressure on your plate.
When you've finished eating, don't declare it to the table or push your plate away.
5-Please don't slouch.
Sit up straight and eat your food without stooping.
After comparing and describing the difference between good and bad it’s the time to let us understand and keep in mind -
What is the importance of table manners -
Manners are essential in today's society. They make it easier for us to be civil to one another. Because a person who pays attention to their manners knows how to act in any situation, he feels at ease in unknown situations.
At the table, table manners are more important than anywhere else. Table etiquette keeps diners from being messy, disrespectful, or obnoxious. They aid in the communication of respect to both hosts and visitors. Table manners are not rigid rules, but rather helpful recommendations in our social interactions.
Manners are something that is practiced on a daily basis in order to make a positive impact on others and to feel good about oneself. Good manners are crucial no matter where you are - at home, at business, or with friends.
When you use good manners, you demonstrate that you are considerate of others' feelings and respectful. You're also modelling good behavior for others and encouraging others to treat you with respect.
Every culture and individual may have their own set of standards or views about what constitutes politeness. The purpose of this  is to cover some of our society's more basic and common standards of etiquette.
So, we can conclude that juniordps fulfill this purpose of our society by teaching their children the good table manners and that’s why we are the best play school in India for a reason .
0 notes
backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 12
Bakugo X Reader (There’s a bit of smut in the beginning) 
Words : 3133
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
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You didn’t leave the dorms once that weekend. True to his word Bakugo was there for you the entire time and helped in whatever way he could. He even went out of his way to cook foods that you were craving. And those weren’t the only cravings he satisfied. Your room has become a den of absolute sin. It didn’t matter what you were doing or where you were. As soon as the feeling started to coil in your stomach, the feeling of need, the feeling of desire, he was there. There wasn’t a surface that wasn’t christened at this point. The bed, the floor, the desk, the shower.
Right now was no exception. You had been casually studying for your upcoming finals. There was just something about the way his voice sounded when he corrected you on something. The way his hands looked when they took notes. Your thighs started to press together, and your breathing hitched. You couldn’t hump like rabbits all weekend. You needed to actually study.
Bakugo could tell you were growing uncomfortable, and started to scoot closer to you. You could feel how exhausted he was, no doubt from all of your uh… extracurricular activities. You started to protest when he reached for you but one look from his smoldering red eyes had you squirming. He reached around your waist and pulled you into his lap your back against his chest. His chin rested on your shoulder as his thighs spread your legs open. His voice, softer than usual, vibrating down your neck as he continued to ask you questions. His lips leaving soft kisses in the spot where your neck met you shoulder. 
You let out a shaky breath and tried to clear your head, he was asking you a question. What did he say? Can you even remember? Are any of your senses even working right now? When you didn’t answer he bit down on your shoulder, “Come on pup, stay with me. What quirk style is best when going against a villain with an electricity based quirk?”
You yelped but that little bit of pain was enough to boot your brain back up, “Uh… ?  An earth style quirk?”
His hand slid across your thigh and entered into your pajama shorts. While his other arm wrapped around your hips. “Good girl, now tell me… What do you do if a villain has a fellow hero hostage but you are outnumbered?” His fingers were tracing your most sensitive area through your underwear making it hard to even think straight. If he wasn’t holding you to him, you would have fallen over.
“T-Technically I’m supposed to wait for back up a-and follow but not engage… but- but.”
Bakugo’s fingers started to slip past the waistband of your underwear, “But what?” Damn that husky voice.
You leaned into him, inhaling his sweet burnt sugar smell, “If it were you… I’d burn the place down to get you back safely.”
His fingers thrust inside of you as he cooed in your ear. “I believe that’s my line pup.” His fingers pump in an out of you while he assaults your neck with kisses. “I’d do anything to get you back. I’d break any rule, I’d burn down the world if it meant keeping you safe.”
Your back arched as you finished on his fingers. Breathing heavy as you slowly came back down to reality. When your head finally cleared you could feel Bakugo kissing the top of your head. “You know I don’t know what I’d do if I had to get through this alone. It would have been torture. I know it’s been more than you bargained for.”
Bakugo’s arm tightened around your waist. “This has been the most exhausting weekend of my entire life… but it’s also been the best. How much longer do you think this is going to last?”
You snuggled deeper into him, “I don’t know, but it dose seem to be slowing down. In the past it’s lasted anywhere from three days to a week. I should be back to a normal level of horny by the time finals start.” Bakugo chuckles and slaps your ass. “I mean not that I’m complaining but it will be nice to get back to reality. I think I’ve started to forget how to behave outside of this room.”
You scoff, “You never knew how to behave to begin with baka.” He started tickling you, ‘What was that? Baka? Who you calling baka? When did you even learn that?”
Between your laughter you pushed away from him, “You literally call me baka like 800 times a day. I asked Kiri. So technically I learned it from you… BAKA” He swatted your ass again before announcing he was going to take a shower and tossing you off his lap and on to the bed like a sack of potatoes.
You had class in the morning and finals started tomorrow. This was the last week of class and then you would graduate and have to make a decision. You pulled up a new tab on your laptop and started looking at available apartments in the area. Your jaw dropped when you saw how expensive they were. Like how in the hell where you ever going to be able to afford that? You then googled to see how much the average low rank hero makes in Japan. Oof. You knew there was no way your parents would help you. You kind of burned that bridge a long time ago.
You wondered if any of the girls would be interested in rooming with you, but then you remembered you hadn’t really made an effort to get to know anyone outside of Bakugo’s small squad of friends.
You groaned as you continued scrolling through the offensive apartment listings. Bakugo came out in a pair of sweatpants toweling off his blonde hair. 
“Oi… what’s with the angst. What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Oh you know… the fact that’ll I’ll be homeless this time next week… just casual things.”
The bed squeaked as he landed on the bed beside you, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
You pointed to the webpage, “These are all ridiculously overpriced. I have absolutely no money to my name. How the hell am I supposed to magically have enough to pay rent… or even a deposit?”
Bakugo shrugged, “Is that it? I had just assumed you’d come live with me?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Come live with you? Like with you and your parents? Who I haven’t even met yet because you insist they’re crazy?”
He flicked you between the eyes, “No dumbass. I’ve told you like ten times that I’m moving into a townhouse with Kiri, Deku, and Todorki.” You rubbed the spot he had just flicked, “Actually no… you haven’t. This is the first time I’m hearing about it. I think I would remember if you told me you were going to live with Todoroki and DEKU? DEKU? You hate him!”
“I… I don’t hate him. I just… it’s complicated. Icy hots dad is paying for it on the condition that we all come work for him for the first year or so after graduation.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in a pout. “Well that’s just great. You already have a job, a place to live, and I would just be a mooch. Does that place even allow dogs. What about Mercy? What if I can’t find a job. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you guys. I wouldn’t want to be a stay at home roommate either… I don’t know even know how to cook. What would…”
Bakugo slapped his hand over your mouth, “Oi what the fuck. Where did all of this insecurity come from?” He cupped his hands around your cheeks and make you look at him. “I have no doubt you will be able to find a job. You have a badass quirk. I know because I struggle to keep up with you on a daily basis. Second you would never be a mooch. I would have no problem with you being a stay at home roommate, wife, mom, whatever. But I know you and I know you wouldn’t be happy with that. Third…. If they’ll accept four idiot guys with destructive quirks then I don’t think they’d care about a dog.. besides I’m sure there’s like laws that would make it impossible from them not too considering he’s part of your quirk.”
You could feel yourself start to relax into his touch. He was right. You were overreacting. “It’s just a little overwhelming you know? Sure I’ve lived here for almost a year, but I’ve been on campus the entire time. Once I leave it feels… I don’t know more real.”
He ran a hand through your hair, “You’re not having any second thoughts are you? Because I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to. I’m not letting you go back to America.”
You giggled, “Oh you wont let me huh? And who said you could stop me?”
He leaned forward until his forehead touched yours, “Like I said before. I’d break every rule to keep you safe. I’m not above kidnaping.”
You gave him a soft peck on the lips, “You really are getting soft babe.”
He rolled his eyes before laying down and pulling you with him to spoon you, “I am not soft! I just so happen to like you more than most people.”
You poked his chest, “Most people? So there’s someone out there you like more than me? Let me guess? All Might? Kiri? Oh I know it’s Deku isn’t it?” It was his turn to groan, “Shut up about Deku already. It’s bad enough were about to be roommates. Just because I may or may not respect him a little more now, does not mean we are friends.”
Bakugo went to fetch Mercy who had been roaming the grounds of UA. Anything to not be near the two of you while you were in heat. You both ended up drifting off as soon as he returned. Finals exams started tomorrow, and you needed all the rest you could get.
The following morning went as usual. Bakugo would sneak out back to his room while you got ready and then return to walk you to class. You felt so amped up today you were practically glowing with energy. It could have been a result of a good night sleep or the fact that you were getting treated right by your boyfriend allll weekend.
Today’s portion of the exam was written. You knew you aced it. And you only cheated twice. You telepathically asked Bakugo two questions, mostly because you couldn’t remember what the words meant in English. He scolded you but helped you anyways. There was no way you could get caught anyways.
The second and third day were practical exams. A lot of basic fitness and quirk demonstration.
Today was the fourth day and today was it was sparing. It was like a mini sports festival except the only people allowed to come were hero agencies looking for new recruits.
You gave it everything you had, you needed to compensate for the fact that your Japanese sucked and honestly your strategy was a little lacking as well. Bakugo was way calmer than expected, but that was probably because he already had a job after graduation. You both make quick work of your sparring opponents until it was just the two of you left.
You stepped up to your side of the mat, Mercy at your heels, “Go ahead and take a break Mercy… I don’t think I’ll need you for this.”
Bakugo’s smirk took over his entire face, “Oh getting cocky already are we?”
You returned his smirk, “You’ve spent close to a year fighting me, and by now I know all of your tricks.” You took a fighting stance, “Besides now..” “I can get in your head.”
Bakugo if only for a moment paled as you lunged. He avoided you at the least second blasting into the air and sending an explosion in your direction. You wanted to do this as long as possible as a human before shifting. You wanted to prove you were more than your quirk. But unfortunately he was just too damn fast.
You closed your eyes to shift. Bakugo knew what was happening, he had seen it hundreds of times. So he used this to his advantage. He went to tackle you right as you shifted. He ended up getting you in a headlock. You bucked trying to get him off. You were reminded of the first time you spared with him. He had done the same thing. He held you in a headlock until you nearly passed out, ordering you to submit.
Well you had come a long way since then. You went on your hind legs like you were about flip onto your back, but instead you shifted back to normal grabbing Bakugo by the hand and flipping him over you. The second he hit the ground you were back in your wolf form. Pressing your massive paws into his chest. “Damn pup. So you want to play it rough huh? I know you heal fast so don’t expect me to go easy on you…” His palm came up and sent an explosion right into your face.
You yelped and jumped off. You could smell your singed fur and it fueled your anger. You both continued to go back and forth until you were on the brink of exhaustion. You only had one trick left up your sleeve. Something you had been working on in private with some of the others. Something Bakugo didn’t even know about.
“Oi come on pup! You that tired already? Where did all that energy go?”
You had learned that if you focus really hard you can force your alpha authority on other people. It’s very brief, a minute at most. But that’s all you needed. You built up what energy you had left and growled at him, giving it all the alpha power you had. You could see his eyes glaze over for a moment, just a moment, but it was enough. You pounced. “SUBMIT”
Bakugo struggled to clear his head… “I… I..sub..” He slapped himself in the face. “NEVER!”
Before either of you could continue Aizawa stepped out and stopped you, “I think that’s enough you two. I think you’ve proven well enough what you are capable of.”
As soon as you both were out of site and in the gym he pulled you aside to an empty hallway and pushed you against the wall. “What the hell was that pup? I’ve never seen you do that before? That was so fucking cool!” He was kissing you now hands reaching down to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and deepened the kiss. You would have kept kissing him too if someone hadn’t cleared their throat.
Both of you broke apart and snapped your heads in the direction of the interruption. Of fucking course, it was Aizawa. “Well I came to congratulate you two and remind you that you have interviews tomorrow. Bakugo yours is more of a formality, but y/n… you have multiple offers as well. One of them being with Endeavor. Apparently, word has reached him that you’ll be living with apprentices and there’s no way he’s not going to try and take advantage of that.” He looked really uncomfortable. “I’m only your teacher for two more days so please… for my health and sanity. Keep it in your pants until then.”
You both waited until he was gone before busting out into laughter. Bakugo kissed the tip of your nose. “Looks like we might be working together.”
You took his hand and headed towards the dorms, “We just might..”
The next day was the interviews. There were several rooms set up with different agencies. In the morning you checked in and received your schedule. Bakugo’s interview with Endeavor was right before yours. You both headed that way. Your phone buzzed when you arrived at the door. The previous person was still in there, so you sat there next to Bakugo as he waited and pulled out your phone.
You had an email from an unknown username. Weird.
When you opened it you felt tears well up behind your eyes. You saw pictures and videos from your time as a vigilante in the states. There was even mug shots. Yes plural, you were arrested multiple times. There was a time you weren’t proud of and you did a lot of stuff that sometimes kept you up at night.
The email read,
Dear y/n, We were very impressed with your performance during your final exam yesterday. The way that you not only kept up with but almost tamed Bakugo Katsuki. Now that is something. We did a little digging and we found some very interesting videos of you. We wonder how your boyfriend would feel if he knew about your body count. How future employers would feel if they knew you had a bit of a villainous streak. We’ll make you a deal… In exchange for these videos never being released…. We need you to do us… a favor. Don’t worry about finding us. We’ll find you. Look forward to talking with you. - LOV
Your palms started to sweat. Bakugo nudged you with his elbow, “Hey you okay pup?”
You shoved your phone in your pocket, “Yeah just a little nervous is all.”
He kissed your forehead, “Don’t worry about it, you’ll do great.”
You nodded as the door opened to signal that it was Bakugo’s turn. “Hey babe, did you mean it when you said you’d burn down the world for me?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Uh yeah… why? You planning on doing something stupid?”
You did everything you could to keep yourself from crying, “No of course not. I’ll leave the stupid behavior to you… Good luck in there. I love you.”
He could feel how heavy your mood got but he didn’t have time to think about it as he was being ushered into his interview. It didn’t sit right with him though. In fact, it bothered him the whole time Endeavor spoke to him. He reached out to you telepathically, “Hey are you sure you’re okay?” No response. His heart started to hammer in his chest. “Y/N!” Again, he was met with silence. He reached out to find your location like you had taught him… and you weren’t there. Bakugo jumped up from his seat and threw the door open.
The hallway was empty, but Mercy was still there… “She left me too…..”
TAGLIST: @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2 , @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph @xxoperatexx 
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Okay now you have to tell us what the siblings did to the Blight manor.
well, first of all, they tear that bitch to the GROUND. it was during the first four years when they raid the place to grab Amity’s stuff and Dip Out. whole family was there while the parents were out at some meeting. came back to rooms on fire and over half of their belongings missing. they fixed it all up, obviously, but it was a HUGE talk for a while.
but what I really meant was when the twins inherited the manor. Something happens to the Blight parents, haven’t decided on if the bitches just died or moved away, and they suddenly own their old home. They rip out anything that has anything to do with their parents, change color schemes, furniture, all that and either chuck it in the trash or the darkest depths of the basement and set it ablaze. Burning the past away motherfuckers. And then, when all that’s done, they change the name. They thought about it for a while and eventually decided on the name; the Raven House. It was a joke between them, and also to tick off Lilith, but the name stuck. They even gave her a tiny picture above the door to solidify it. Eda still insists the Owl House is better than any big manor.
Once everything is finished and the manor is re-made, the ex-Blight’s all come to an agreement on what to do with it, since they all already had their own places and didn’t feel like moving into the house they were abused in. They say a final ‘fuck you’ to their parents and make it one big safehouse. By which I mean it’s like a shelter. Kids or young witches and humans alike (though the humans are just kids wandering by after getting in a fight with a monster or the older graduated kids when they need a little assistance) can come and stay in the Raven House to be safe and secured for however long they need.
Barcus is in charge of the place, and he looks after any kids who come along no matter the background. Some kids only stay for 24 hours, others stay for months, sometimes a few years, on end.  These are typically kids who have nowhere else to go or are on the run. We’ve got kids from the Isles, stowaways from other islands and even The Mainland, kids escaping abusive homes, orphans, kids who just need a break after getting lost/hurt nearby, the works. It’s a well-known place that’s completely free, since the Blight’s and even Lilith on occasion pay the taxes for it. It’s sweet for Barcus because he’s supplied with everything for free, but also hell because he has to deal with a bunch of kids on a daily basis. Luckily for him, he likes kids.
Course some witches or humans don’t understand Barcus, so he always has a chalkboard and chalk around his neck that he can hover in the air with his magic to write to the kids and help them learn how to understand him. If they can’t read, he usually has to call in one of the other kids in the House to help him out. No matter how long a kid stays, they are asked to carve their names on a large stone outside the manor. It used to be a statue in the front lawn the ex-Blight kids knocked over and left there, but it was repurposed. It’s littered with names and it’s not uncommon to find Barcus staring at the names or teaching some kids to read by having them read the names off the stone.
Now, the manor is big. It can easily house multiple packs of kids. But the thing is, it only has 6 bedrooms, and Barcus uses one of the smaller ones. Of course multiple kids could live in the same room, but there are some that need it more than others and aren’t comfortable with other kids. So the bigger bedrooms are saved for those kids (unless there’s an open spare one in which case it gets SWARMED) or Barcus asks the new kid to set up their stuff anywhere in the house, so long it didn’t interfere with others. Which leads to kids sleeping and hanging out in....interesting places. There’s always someone living in one of the bathrooms, three kids minimum at all times squirreling away in the closets (small and large), there’s a pile of pillows and blankets in the second dining room where kids hang out under the table, the big hallways have sleeping bags in them, some kid hid in one of the larger kitchen cabinets just because she could, there are SO MANY in the basement and attic, the library has all the nerds vibing on the bolted-down wall shelves and balconies, and one madlad set up a hut on the roof. Barcus isn’t happy with any of these but he supposes so long they don’t hurt themselves or own up to it being a bad idea later, he’ll deal with it. 
They also offer to send plenty of these kids to school (usually Hexside but sometimes others), but there are a few who refuse it and Barcus homeschools them. The rule of thumb with anyone who stays in the Raven House is that you WILL be smothered in an intense amount of Found Family and you CANNOT stop them. It’s a mad house and it’s glorious. They have their own kinds of memes and vines in that house and it’s law that if someone says “pubby” then EVERYONE in the vicinity has to tackle Barcus in a cuddle pile.
Others of the Owl Family often drop by as well. The first few times were a mess cause Barcus had to explain this was his family and no you don’t have to come down and say hi if you’re uncomfortable but please stop losing it every time Edric comes by we know he’s a fashion extraordinaire please- Camilia is one of the most common visitors, and the kids call her Aunt Camilia (a name she would vividly remember from her time in the human realm) and she teaches them all how to cook and tell them stories from the human realm. Barcus is very thankful because he needs one stable adult to help him with these kids. All the ex-Blights visit as well, though Amity slightly less because she’s so busy. Edric arrives just to show off, and Emira is a lot more refined n checks in on the kids, since her job is a children’s health care worker. Granted, Barcus does a pretty good job of being their therapist, he got a degree for a reason. Amity is a treat visit, because there’s always someone who knows she’s the Empress’s advisor and they all gawk at her for a minute before realizing she’s a shy dork n have fun info dumping on her bc she listens to them with rapt interest. Gus is a fun show, often taking down notes of the theatre kids and showing off his illusion magic, acting as his own little inspiration to them by being one of the best in his grade despite being significantly younger. He also tells his theories of the human realm which are still off and need to be corrected by Camilia. Willow is a lot more sweeter n is like the grandma who gives you too much candy but is also not afraid to beat someones ass. She’s one of the few adults All the kids respect. Luz is fun because she gives adventures and shows off a lot. And kids are always in awe at her tattoos and scars. Of course, Luz still has dumbass ideas every once in a while and ends up getting kicked out early in her visit on occasion. She showed kids how to swallow a light spell. Lilith shows up at least once a month for a little bit, and the kids always LOSE IT. At first it was genuine shock but eventually they just did it for fun because they knew it made Lilith embarrassed. Eda...god Eda is a visit kids are either excited for or dreading, depends if you can put up with her energy. Eda usually shows up when she’s bored, hiding from the cops or needs to steal something from the Raven House. She’s the weird eccentric grandma of everyone and she adores the kids. Her showing up often either ends in something catching on fire or a couple of kids getting in trouble with the law, which Eda or Barcus can easily snatch them out of. Y’all know of the Life Changing Field Trip With Zuko? Eda has a very similar thing where she grabs a gaggle of kids and takes them on an adventure, but it usually ends up looking like chores. Either way it ends up in either giving the kid some Advice they needed or just changing a way they think based on the adventures they get up to. When she gets much older and crankier, she slows down a bit but never stops having bad ideas or advice, but it’s a lot easier for the calmer kids to talk to her.
Barcus keeps all the trinkets the kids give him and holds them in a special room only he can access, like the passageways in Hexside. He cares about all the kids who come to the Raven House, even if its only for a little while. He’s still a dog at heart. A lot of kids he hears from a few months or years after they leave. They’ll call or show up and tell him how they are. And whenever they do he makes time to sit down with them with tea and listen to all they have to say. Even if they only visit once, he’s glad to see them. But, of course, there are the kids he never hears from. The ones who don’t want to, the ones who are too busy, the ones who moved off the Isle and elsewhere, the ones who get lost out there in the world, and the ones who have died. But Barcus almost never learns what their fate was. He’ll have nights where he sits in his room filled with trinkets or by the rock with names and wonder what happened to them, and hoping that they’re okay and happy. But he doesn’t have time to think about that. He has new kids coming in all the time, he should focus on them, not the past. That’s what he tells himself.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 70
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"So they're letting you out?" Ruby asked.
"Well I've been in out-patient care and I got out of in-patient care." I shrugged. They were giving me my weapon back with a hefty fine and time-served. I guess they were desperate for reformed huntsmen on the right side of the law.
And my psychiatrist had eagerly pressed me through as truly reformed. I'd had to sit in front of a judge for my sentencing but my psychiatrist had explained who I was and the extenuating circumstances I had been through. A mind control semblance was the declassified word.
"That's it then? You're free?" Ruby wondered.
"All horizons," I told her.
"Atlas law requires you to see a therapist for nine weeks minimum," Weiss cut in on my other side. "For the PTSD related issues."
"This fucking continent." I clenched a fist.
"It's for your own good. Better to not fight it and come out of it with something." Weiss said.
"I can't believe you're getting off so easily," Blake muttered.
"Hey did you get a deal like this once?" I asked. "And you weren't even mind controlled."
She looked away and said nothing. Truly reformed huntsmen were hard to come by and it was easier to snatch them up where they appeared. My psychiatrist, therapist, and neurologist all greenlit me.
"Speaking of, how are those meds they have you on treating you?" Weiss asked.
"They're sedating. But I'm managing. The ones they had me on before this batch gave me terrible nightmares."
"Is that how it works?" Weiss wondered.
"It's not an exact science. There's some guessing involved to find some that work for you."
"And these ones work for you?" Yang asked.
I waggled a hand. "I miss THC and CBD but this seems like a close second."
"The doctors said that those were both exacerbating your symptoms," Weiss wedged in.
"Those doctors have never had an alien goddess in their mind." I was met with a loud silence. They weren't sure what to say when I said something like that. No one was. Because no one knew what I was going through besides my sisters wherever they are. I paced forward. "So this is Atlas Academy?"
"We'll have to talk to the General about getting you a room," Ruby muttered.
"Oh I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." Yang rolled her eyes. "I mean, no offense."
"Yeah well I have to serve my time somehow. Military service is probably it for somebody like me. With my particular set of skills."
"But will he trust you?" Weiss asked.
"Better question. Should I be trusted or will I sell you all out to Salem again?" I asked.
"You didn't sell us out. You brought us the relic," Ruby said.
"I… I killed Ren and Nora, Ruby." I couldn't believe her. She still believed in me.  
"That wasn't you," she denied. Maybe she even believed it. I couldn't be sure with Ruby. Well I could. She was just hard to look at because of it.
"It wasn't not me. I have a lot to atone for, and I might do it again."
"You broke her control over you once," Weiss reminded me. She led the way through grey halls up to the headmaster's office.
"I keep telling everyone I have no idea how I did that though."
"You're not exactly selling me on this. On you," Blake informed me.
"Not really trying to. I'm trying to remind you how dangerous I really am. How much of a liability I could be. It's important."
"Cloud, how does this whole time served thing work?" Yang asked.
"That's a little up to Ironwood. He could send me anywhere but he sort of has to accept me somewhere. That's what the judge ruled. He's not a dictator. Not yet at any rate."
"It'll probably be better if you don't talk to him like that," Weiss said. "He won't appreciate it."
"You're probably right." I sighed. We took a grey elevator up to his office. It provided a scenic look out over the tundra and parts of Mantle.
Neo was out there somewhere. I contacted her and let her know I was watching for Cinder from this side and promised to let her know if anything was going down. I was sure she was managing just fine without me though. I was on the inside now. I could watch for Cinder better from here. I'd just have to trust that Neo would show up when it was opportune. I just hoped she wouldn't think I was abandoning her or the cause. Because I wasn't. I was still in camp ‘murder Cinder’ and she was a big girl, she could look after herself if only for as long as this charade lasted. It couldn't go on forever. Eventually I'd slip up and something Salem related would happen.
I also let her know I was getting some serious psychological help for the psychosis. She seemed neutral about that, though. Maybe she thought I was doing just fine. I hadn't been but I was glad she thought that.
Ironwood wasn't in when we arrived. That left us waiting outside for a bit. You couldn't really expect him to be in at all times.
Winter Schnee was there though. She gave me an icy glare and I just smiled back at her wolfishly.
"Oh, it's you," she said.
"Right back at you. How's the throat?"
"Just fine, thank you. You won't surprise me again."
"I don't need surprise to beat you," I told her. "You're fragile. Like glass. I was worried about breaking you. On accident. And don't think that becoming a maiden will bail you out. I almost killed Cinder and I was weaker then by a country mile."
"Weiss, you told him?" She looked shocked.
"He already knew. All about the bunker and what was in it." Weiss responded calmly.
"Neo and I did some digging in that department," I said.
"Ah yes, your criminal partner. Any idea where she is right now?" Winter asked.
"I have no idea." I told her honestly. "I have had no contact with her since my voluntary imprisonment," I then lied. I mixed the truth with lies.
"I see. Well should you remember anything Atlas would consider that necessary information."
"Yeah, yeah."
"I ought to teach you respect."
"Many have tried. Like my Mother. "
Her eyes gleamed, spotting weakness. "You meant Salem, I am sure."
"I did…" I trailed weakly.
"Winter, that's enough. Leave him be. Family is complicated and he didn't ask to be born to that monster. You and I should have some empathy for that," Weiss said.
Winter sighed down at Weiss. "Weiss…"
The general walked in and spotted us. He noticed Jaune armed with his weapon.
"They gave you your weapon back, so soon?" Ironwood asked.
"A week and half isn't that soon," I muttered. "I'm here for my assignment."
"I see. And team RWBY is…"
"Moral support," I granted.
"Have a seat Mr. Arc."
"It's Strife now."
"You changed your name, then."
"Arc was a fake name anyway. It was the name my parents gave me." I took a seat. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence I just said. Most people were given their names by their parents. Most people just didn't hate their parents like I did.
"I can respect that. Ozpin has recommended an assignment close by for you. I'm less convinced."
"He did? Why?" I asked.
"He wants to see if you are capable of his and Salem's kind of magic. He wants to train you if that is that case."
"Oh," I hadn't thought of that. "Well I did give his current body some training. Maybe he just wants to pay it forward."
"Perhaps. And he's done a great deal to protest your innocence. You should be grateful to him."
"Then I am."
"I have decided you will work out of this Academy. For the time being at least."
"You want me where you can keep an eye on me," I deduced.
"Things will go smoother if you have more trust in me than that. I am sure your therapists will have been trying to work through your paranoid thinking with you. Not everyone is trying to watch you, Mr. Strife." He steepled his fingers.
"But I'm pretty sure you are." Weiss elbowed me fairly hard in the side. "Regardless of your reasons for doing it I am grateful."
"I was hoping we could talk more about how you were made. You explored Merlot's laboratory and might have insights for me," he probed.
"I actually explored two different labs. I ran into someone in the second, near here in Solitas. Near a place called Nibelheim. He was a man with a mustache and a navy suit with yellow trimmings. He had green eyes and dark hair. I didn't see his weapon, though. He never used it. He said he was the one who made my sisters before he tried to use the laboratory…” I struggled for the word. “Defenses? To try and kill me."
"I see. But you found no more information on you or your sisters there?" He asked.
"No. Just more of my father's usual experiments on the Grimm. Something to do with turning them blue. I'm really not sure. The lab in Anima was like that too except he was turning them green and there were humanoid Grimm that he had designed. They were loose and in tanks in the facility. Tanks not dissimilar to the one he grew me in."
I felt a hand on my shoulder. Weiss's comforting aura drew in beside mine. She tasted like whipped cream and clear crisp crushed ice.
"And he grew you in one of these… 'tanks?'" Ironwood asked.
"An incubator of some sort, I'm sure. But to me they were just these sort of pods. Merlot's book has more notes on the one he used for me. It was a bit different than the others. He grew me from a fetus until I was nearly an adult in just a year," I said.
"That would make you young. Like Penny Polendina." His brow went up at me.
"Yeah. Something like that. I'm between three and four years old. I don't have an exact date for my birthday either. Don't remember if they ever gave me one or if it really matters considering I didn't have a birth," I informed him. "Anything else you'd like to know?"
“A great deal. About your origins. How you came to Beacon. Whether you have any insights into Salem’s weaknesses.”
“I don’t really know. And I’ll remind you that I am just a failure, after all." I wasn't really meant to last. I was just a prototype.
"Cloud..." Ruby whined behind me. The noise she made sounded like she was sad for a dog. It wasn't a good sound.
I ignored her. "I don’t really know how I came to attend Beacon. I don’t have any insights into Salem’s weaknesses. From my perspective she seems pretty unstoppable."
"It's impossible to say." Ironwood returned. "But if we should come up with a way to divorce you from her we will let you know."
"Thank you for telling me," I said.
"Of course. Now, let's see what you can do Mr. Strife."
"Finally, something I'm good at."
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
I glid through the training chamber at one of the Ace Ops members. I hadn't learned their names but he had a boomerang rifle and he was a dog faunus.
I caught up to him and swung twice horizontally in two enormous strikes that buffeted him around when he tried to block.
He jumped back and tried to fire at me but my profile was low as I came at him in an unrelenting fashion. I palmed a dust crystal and hit him with a lightning bolt that knocked him to his knees.
I came at him with a diagonal cut when another Ace Operative grabbed me with extensions of his aura. He tried to stop me in place but I jumped and twirled and cut at his golden aura. I severed the extended hands and the removed parts dissolved into fading golden light.
I front-flipped, moving on to the new target. I landed up on some of the glowing cubes in the training room. He reformed his hands and tried to beat me but I just sliced through. I flew at him with both hands on my broadsword.
My sixth sense called out to me and I flicked my sword up to block the boomerang rifle. It rebounded back to its user and he opened fire on me as I went after the wacky inflatable arm guy.
I closed the gap on the pillar he stood on and slashed through his aura arms that got in my way. I kicked him off the pillar and brought my sword down on his head.  I cleaved deep into his aura and still I chased him as I blew him to the ground level with a massive overhead attack.
He had a lot of aura. He might be the only person I'd ever met in my own percentile of aura. He might even have more than me.
I chased him as he fell from when I slammed him and I beat him to the ground. I Cross Slashed him before he hit the ground. The devastating combination caught him up. The five move slashing attack tore away at his golden aura.
My Limit Break activated.
The dog faunus came around a corner and opened fire on me. I switched opponents again as I flew at him. I held my weapon between us and blocked most of his bullets. The few that got through pinged off my aura. I slashed upwards at him and he rolled to the side with a yelp.
I just stepped up on him again and swung upwards once more. Once he was airborn I had him right where I wanted him. I juggled him once. Then twice. Then again. He couldn't escape from the aerials I swung up at him.
I jumped up to match his height and Octa Slashed him with my Limit Break. He flew towards the ground and slammed into a pile of the boxes.
His light blue aura flowed to place over him before it vanished. I flew down on him in a swooping fashion and tackled him and carried him all the way to a wall of the arena. I stabbed my sword into the ground and beat the aura out of him with my fists. I punched him in the jaw. Then the stomach. Then I picked him up and slammed him into the ground.
Golden arms wrapped around me and picked me up and threw me across the room. I slammed into a pile of boxes back first. My head rocked back against the boxes. I stood up and put my sword against my shoulder.
The wacky arm guy landed next to the dog faunus and helped him to his feet. They turned to stare at me. I stared right back.
A golden arm slithered towards me across the ground and snagged my leg. It picked me up and slammed me face first into the ground. Then it rotated me and slammed me into the ground the other way.
Then it held me in the air and I got rocked by a boomerang to the face.
I snarled and cut myself free.
I landed on a pocket of air and descended towards the ground. I flew at the two of them through machine gun fire. An arm slashed at my side and I grunted but I cut through the next one and kept flying.
I landed between them and just to flex I charged my semblance to full. Then I swept my sword through the dog faunus's aura. He went down in a light blue crackle. He was lucky I hadn't hurt him for real.
I came at the next guy with a front-flip. I brought my sword down on him and he blocked with his aura. Even still my sword bit deep. I kicked him in the middle of the chest and he stumbled back a step. Then I flew at him with a knee and caught him in the face.
A golden claw slashed me to the ground but I never hit. Instead I floated on a pocket of air and rotated in place. I swept my blade around me and forced him back a half step.
The dog faunus stood up. "Marrow, don't!"
'Marrow' opened fire right into my back.
I whipped around and glared at him. I snarled. I hit him in the head with the blunt side of my weapon and he crumpled like a sack of bricks with a large bruise forming on the side of his head.
"Do you want to call this here?" I asked the one still standing. "Or do I have to beat you into unconsciousness, too?"
"I'll surrender. You fought well." The remaining man said sibilantly.
I nodded and put my weapon in the harness on my back. I hope there was more to Ace Ops than this.
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partytilfajr · 4 years
Salaam! My question is that since I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm starting my marriage search soon (I'm a woman) I want to know if i can ask the person I'm getting to know about their previous relationships? If they're a virgin? All of that stuff basically. I read that if they've repented for their sins they don't have to answer these questions or they can just lie and say no since they've repented, but as a potential/future spouse isn't it my right to know?
Wa alykum as-salaam!
So, Dar Al-Ifta Al-Missriyyah has written about this question, extensively, though it must said that the question they are answering is about a man asking about a woman about her status. You can read that answer here.
They write something that is important to note, as I want to underline that many times we fuse the rationale of larger society with the opinion of our Muslim leaders. In the opinion, they write this to conclude:
As for the claim of some men that they have to know if their future wife has fell into a sin or not is a corrupted opinion as it promotes declaring sins, revealing what God concealed, pursuing people’s pitfalls, and thinking ill of people which are all prohibited in Islamic law. As a matter of fact, there is no relationship between the loss of virginity and between adultery as this relationship only existed due to some cultures which do not see any problem when the man commits adultery whereas when the woman commits the same crime she is stained with shame and disgrace.
I just wanted to highlight that this double-standard that exists for women underlines to problems of our societies, and that Islam does not seek to enforce or encourage the hypocrisies that pervade society.
So, in short, yes, you should not be asking people about their status. The only time that people should be disclosing those sorts of things is if it impacts you. So, if someone has an STI, that will impact their partner, and so it should be disclosed.
I am quite aware that the standards for men and women are different, to put it kindly.
Boys expect their future wives to be virgins, while girls hope that their future husbands don’t have something. This is the double standard within our communities (Muslim or not) and it’s exhausting and annoying. I get it.
So Dar Al-Ifta, again, gives you the legal rationale, and again, they are writing about protecting the reputation and the value of a woman, since cultures have used sexism and misogyny to control women’s bodies and to stigmatize women for mistakes that they turn around and applaud men for.
My sense is that we have used this ruling as a way to protect sisters, but that we do not expect to use these same rulings for our brothers. I get why we do that, it’s an Islamic ruling that retorts and slaps away the sexist-fueled obsession with women’s bodies and the double-standards imposed upon women.
If I’m honest, I think most men tend to disclose these sorts of things, and many of them are not aware of this ruling--not anywhere close to the awareness of our sisters. I understand why sisters expect virginity, they’re like “hey, I waited, so should you.” I’d like to underline that there are more brothers that have waited, I’m not going to lie to you, I did not think it would be that high. Which is kinda sad, but I think you get what I’m trying to say.
Now, again, I think most people tend to disclose their pasts, both men and women, and I think they do this out of trust and love for the person they are talking to. I would counsel Muslims to not only take this sort of disclosure as a trust that they should keep to themselves and understand that whatever happens between you two, that you keep that information to yourself. I also think that both men and women tend to write people off for making mistakes.
First of all, we all make mistakes. The issue here is that we only have sympathy for people who sin the way we do. To be a “good Muslim” among Muslims, you don’t drink, don’t smoke, and don’t have a (public) girlfriend/boyfriend, and you’re a good Muslim. Our concern is centralized on discovery, so as long as people don’t know we do these things, we are fine.
We all make mistakes, the thing is, we are not defined by our mistakes, but what we do once we make them. Do we seek to rectify them? Or do we allow them to fester, do we seek help, do we try to fix what we’ve done?
The problem is that we fixate on sins that deal with our concerns vis-a-vis our place in society. The Prophet is reported to have said:
O those who embraced Islam with your tongue and its flow did not reach your heart yet. Don’t inflict harm on Muslims, don’t belittle them and don’t pursue and dig for their pitfalls as whoever digs for the pitfalls of others, God will dig for his own pitfalls and declare it before people… [Tirmidhi]
Now, I know you feel it is your right to ask this question. The ruling I’ve linked above. Just to speak plainly, I tend to believe people disclose this fact, regardless of the ruling--that’s just my sense in dealing with this concern quite often. I’d underline that you treat a brother as a human being here. Our world is filled with prejudices, sexism, misogyny, and all sorts of inequities too innumerable to list here. Of that, there is no doubt. When you are sitting across from another person, they are a human being--and yes different people benefit from these inequities and have various privileges--but I suggest that you treat the person across from you as that: a person.
We cannot abstract human beings. Our boys benefit from double standards--in that they are able to get away with things socially--but those double standards condemn them to facing the reality of their sins. Brothers cry to me about their mistake, it’s not just sisters, and yes, the brothers (if discovered) will face far less than if a sister was discovered, I am not questioning that, nor am I even debating it, I’m saying, just treat the person across from you as a human being.
People are going to ask and people are going to answer, but I ask you to show compassion for someone who is offering you a window of their vulnerability. We often look at potential spouses as products, with check-lists, like we are comparison shopping for a car. They are human beings. I’ve seen the dumb stuff boys write on Twitter, with their dumb jokes, talking about trust issues over a girl wearing makeup or whatever, and yes, they are cringe. I will try and petition Al-Azhar to make corny bro jokes haram, or at least makruh.
You are going to ask regardless of what I write here, and people are going to answer regardless of what they read, because they want to be honest, and it breaks my heart. People just want to be loved. That’s why they are reaching out. It’s why they laugh at dumb jokes. It’s why you stalk people on social media, because you want to reach out to someone else, to have someone love you and accept you, for, well you.
So I get why people respond and answer these questions, I know why people ask them, and I think the Islamic answer is there, and while the central framing of the Islamic answer is to protect women, their honor, and their place in societies that do not treat them with the respect and understanding that they should get for simply being a human, and that disconnect is violently enforced through sexism and misogyny--and Islam seeks to protect women from that human-made reality that contravenes the dictates of Islam. It is a failure of the test by God, on our collective society, that we create these inequities--for God demands justice, and our social norms are reflections of whether we truly believe in God or not, and when women face these barriers and prejudices, it means that our society has failed that test.
After writing this much, I asked myself: ‘why are you writing this much, Osama?’ I think because I have seen such a lack of compassion in our community, and I feel like we have taken religion and twisted it, but we are only aware of our rights and not our obligations, and that creates a very twisted way in dealing with religion and God--and then I thought about how consumerism fuels that self-centered understanding of God, so that religion really only has value as it pertains to our personal desires, rather than in improving our actions, softening our hearts, and in introspection so that we may work to improve society, starting with ourselves.
Anyway. My point is this: regardless of the rulings, you’re probably going to ask, they’re probably going to answer. If you can’t forgive someone because they made a mistake, then ask yourself why.
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