just-jae · 4 months
Hazbin Hoetl 5-6
Spoiler warning!
Not gonna lie, at first I was cringing a bit at Lucifer. I was expecting him the have, like, grace and baddie energy. but he's talking to himself pretending to show off rubber ducks to a crowd.
And of all the potential dynamics he and Al could have had, competing father figures was NOT on my mind at all dude. Al? Dad?
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But, I watched these last two episodes a couple (okay maybe several) times over and, it's really growing on me. It was definitely the predeveloped impressions getting in the way of really enjoying these characters. Even the irks I had about Alastor aren't really irks anymore, especially with "Dad beat Dad having much better animation and a banger number for Al (seriously wtf he's horrific in this episode)--
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"Could you butt out of my song?"
"Your song? I started this!"
"I'm singing it, I'll finish it!"
Before, I was seeing it as how well they pull off my (and arguably the long simmering fandom's) idea of these characters instead of how well the characters as they actually are are told. So many people thought this show would be a super serious deep dive on Christianity and commentary on religion itself. But at this point, it really feels like Heavan and Hell are metaphores. They focus a lot more on personal issues like relationships, coping mechanisms, flaws like nievety, displaced senses of self worth, etc.
Charlie's idea of what "gets people into heaven" is naive and brochure-like. Adam gave a literal list of three items that seemed overly simplistic (and turned out to be wrong).
But at least they had some idea about it. The higher angels themselves had no clue whatsoever, their only concern was preserving the status quo. And even when things are called to question they fall back to old ways just bc they're scared to change anything. Sera didn't have any malice toward Hell, she just doesn't want to make things worse, having Angels fall, have Hell attack Earth or Heaven, have more evil spread, by changing things.
Getting a better idea of what all of this is about makes it so much easier to appreciate things I initially was put off by. It just has a context that it fits into now.
Lucifer being this disillusioned depressed dork with "yeaaaah, No." energy fits into what we've seen of heavenly culture (uncanny innocence, annoying teen pop-culture energy, being perfectionist yet blind to their own flaws)
And The "Hell's Great Dad" song really broke the ice, especially when Mimzy busted in singing ITS MEEEEEEE-- like
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Love her. I wasn't expecting to see Mimzy AT ALL since she was removed from the main cast. And after seeing people talk about her and how they were wondering about her, it definitely felt like popping in the way she did was a response to that. Even I was wondering bc you don't just drop a former love interest for a character like Alastor, but still have them show up in the pilot-- I wanted to see Mimzy lol.
like literally:
"It's MEEE, It's MEEE,
I know you were all waiting for MEEEE!
I'm Here, what a GAAAS,
Took a while but I'm here at LAAST"
Like, im sorry but I felt like she was pointing at me personally, not the other characters, and that was hilarious.
It's so random but doesn't feel out of place at all somehow. The tensions were already super high, so a random screaming woman busting in with even higher energy is like-- wtf?? :'D??
She was a blast the entire time tho, and actually tied into the reoccurring theme of only reaching out to someone so they can do something for you.
It also definitely pinched a side of Alastor, irritating that he does apparently NEED to be there, there's some obligation he actually has to the hotel, or at the very least some stakes to not holding things together, not bc he defended the hotel but bc he specifically says "I can't have that here" , he also doesn't refute the claims Mimzy makes about him. Al clearly adores her and isn't surprised by her antics at all yet still tells her to leave. With the mention of Alastor's "leash" in the same episode BC of Mimzy was just such a great way to use her character. A fun entrance, thematic relevance, and a great plot device to reveal more about Alastor's situation and motives.
Like I said, at first the food tasted cold. I was thinking to myself "Eh, nothing really that crazy ig" but the more I watch the episodes and get over whatever my expectations were, the more I enjoy what's there.
Like, at first I was thinking, "Oh no Lucy's another akward dork, a normie, a loooooserr" (not that being an akward dork or a normie is bad but those were the vibes I was giving off, I'm sorry)
But I keep watching "Hell's Greatest Dad" and NOW it's like
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Like, he's fugghing adorable with the "WAP BAP BOOM"
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the puppets and the circus imagery, and just the innocent unmalicious enthusiasm. He's stumbling around over barely knowing his daughter and is now sprinting to make up for being so absent-- and even that absence is implied to be due to chronic depression and pining, missing heaven and having to live in hell forever, not only being the one who supposedly created it by accident, but tried and failed to fix it, even having his own theme park ripped off by a deadly Sin. The show calls it out bluntly, but despite his cheery tone and, yeaaah, no, yeaaah, no" attitude, they did a great job showing that his depression manifested in detachment and disinterest. It sucks for the people it effects but it also sucks to be the one who dropped the ropes in your relationships.
So seeing him brjghtenup and glow over just helping his Charlie put her hotel together was great. He feels useful and wanted again. And imo it's a double edge sword as well if Lucy feels like he has to be useful to be a decent dad.
So, idk. I guess I do want to see how he handles trying to be in Charlie's life again, especially since, at this point Alastor knows and has supported her more than he ever has-- despite the rough beginning and the mockery. (Also Lilith's face being faded out was sus af)
I'm convinced that in Al's case it's definitely not from a genuine place, at least, we still have no reason to believe it is. He was glaring at Lucy as soon as he walked in, and the nearly every comment on how great his relationship with Charlie is was also a jab to piss off Lucy instead of a genuine expression.
A performance, in short.
Still, the fact that someone who's only just met Charlie has a better relationship with her than her father has got to suck to realize if you're the father.
Also-- the scene at the club-- I was pretty mixed about it, like, doing drugs, itself isn't bad-- it can be unhealthy and it can put others at risk if you're resigning your cognizance and self control for the sake of coping with stress-- so it can very easily enable bad things, especially if you become addicted, so,imo is pretty wreckless and definitely a vice. But it doesn't make you a bad person.
But then again angels also seem to think premarital sex and promiscuity is bad too. (Promiscuity puts you at risk for disease, and like drugs can be driven by vices, but, again, the thing itself isn't bad and can still be a healthy practice when it comes from a healthy place)
I'm genuinely proud of Angel for actually growing though, seeing him take care of Nifty and protect her from Val got me on the "Fuck em up" energy. It's always great to see a group of friends watching out for eachother when they know there's a danger to what they're doing-- ESPECIALLY when one of them is new to it all. That's why if you ARE going to do drugs or drink or whatever, definitely don't do it alone or without someone you trust with your safety.
And also never feel like you have to do those things to maintain relationships, some people feel like it would be an insult to imply they dont trust someone or just for being disinterested in their offer. And, frankly there are people who will prey on that.
That was just a great scene. It had some flaws, but was still great.
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Also, not gonna lie but Sera's got me like
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Its been a while since I've been down bad for a femenine character.
She is beauty, she is grace~
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greasersgyatt · 2 months
Hiii <3 can you write an outsiders tickle fic where a female reader is really ticklish but tries her best to hind it from Dally but of course he finds out and takes advantage of her ticklishness? Dally is such a teasing tickler 🙈
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Dally and Y/N have been friends for a good few years now. They were two stereotypical boy - girl bestfriends. They would tease eachother, make fun of eachother just for fun and they would be reslly touching just for shits and giggles. They reslly didnt mind eachother, infact they loved eachothers company. Even if theyre both bitches to eachother 24/7.
Y/N invited Dallas over to her house just like any oher day. They were sitting in her bed while watching a horror movie and eating snacks. They loved having little movie days even if they did it almost everyday. It was always enjoyable for Dally to scare Y/N during the scary parts of movies because she would always give the best reactions.
Today, dally tried something new.
As they watched a new horror movie that came out, dally started to scare her. “You know this movie is based off a true story?” Dally said, glancing at Y/N as he tried to keep a straight face. “Shut up Dally, Its not!” Y/N nervously chuckled, trying her best not to seem scared even though she was literally hiding halfway under the blankets. “Yeah it was. I heard that the killer in the movie was actually real and that hes still out on the run or something” dallas replied, focusing his eyes back onto the tv where the movie was playing. “Cut your shit. I’m not that dumb to believe your shitty lies” Y/N groaned. She knew dally too well to fall for that. “Well, its not gonna be me who is gonna be out with you, protecting you from him” dallas smirked, knowing that Y/N didn’t believe his bullshit. “Ha, you think i need protection? Especially by you? Youre really funny, dallas” Y/N said, laughing lightly in his face. “Im gonna be the one laughing when your ass gets beat and murdered” dallas muttered quietly under his breath. He purposely said it quietly to tick Y/N off. Y/N glared at dallas. “I can protect myself you dumbass” Y/N said,rolling her eyes. “As if” Dallas added on, laughing as he poked her side to mess with her. Suddenly, Y/N squealed. Her face heated up red with embarrassment. Dallas stared at her with the most shocked but evil grin ever. “You ticklish, Y/N?” Dallas asked playfully. The grin never wiped off his face as he waited for an answer. “..no? Just caught me off guard” Y/N replied back but never looked at Dallas. She was too embarrassed to. “You sure, ma’am?” Dallas asked, not believing her for a second. “Yeah,now watch the movie you dork” Y/N muttered, forcing herself to keep her eyes strictly on the tv screen and nowhere else. “Oh yea? Lets see if youre lying, shall we?” Dallas insisted before creeping his hands behind Y/N’s back slowly. Y/N could already feel the tickly feeling creeping on her sides just from how dallas is taking his sweet ass time. She tried to block her sides with her elbows but she was too late.
Dallas suddenly dug his fingers into her sides, wiggling them all around. Y/N’s soft laughter filled up the room pretty quickly. “Dahahallas!!-” she screamed through her laughter. “Stahahawp it yohohou shithehehead!!” She added on. “Thought you werent ticklish?” Dallas whispered into her ear purposely pushing the air out from his lips harshly so that she could feel the tingly feeling on the side of her neck. That worked so well. It had her squirming her neck to the side, giggling aswell as trying to shove dallas’s hands away from her body. Dallas was too smart for that tho. He moved his hands quickly to different spots so that 1) she couldn’t get used to the feeling of tickling in one spot. 2) so she couldnt smack his hand away at any time. “Awh, does it ti- ti- tickle?” Dallas snickered, moving his hand up to Y/N’s ribs, then to her hips. Her hips made her laugh so uncontrollably. “cuhuhut it ohohout!!” She shrieked. dallas couldnt help himself but continue for another few minutes until Y/N was practically begging to be let go. “Im gohonna get yohohou back..” Y/N giggled out though he probably wasnt too serious about it. “Sure you will” dallas smirked.
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
Episode 7 Pat : To lose or not to win that is the question
Okay I saw a post talking about how episode 7 pat "loses the bet everyday" and how in this rooftop scene...
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Pat raises the stakes (asking pran to confess in public) to keep Pran from saying the words just then (knowing he won't take that option) is making me feel and think a lot of things and now my brain is all over the place and i might as well just all note it down here or i won't have peace of mind.
At the outset i want to confess that eventhough i know that the bet has been for pran's sake i still viewed at as a legitimate competition that both pat and pran were trying to win, but i'm realising more and more how (for a large part of the bet) that just wasn't the case at all.
Pat came all the way from Bangkok to the hostile architecture trip alone only and only for Pran. Pat wants to be with him. Pran knows that and Pat knows that Pran knows that. He hasn't tried to hide it at all.
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Pat knows that Pran has feelings for him, Pran knows that Pat knows that. But he also isn't ready to admit what it would entail and the familiarity of competition between them allows him to explore that.
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"Whoever falls in love first loses" - when both of them know that they have feelings for each other, is hilaaaarious on first watch, but once you've rewatched it countless times and reached a whole new level of brain rot where your blood cells have p cells embedded within p cells in them then it isn't funny, it isn't funny at all * screams into a pillow *
Coming back to the bet, and what it actually means which is that whoever admits it(their feelings) first, loses. And all of us including pat and pran know that pat has already lost. Him coming to the trip just to get Pran to talk and his confession that he actually didn't like Ink 'like that' is all pointing to just one very obvious thing.
So Pat has already lost and yet they're both entering into the bet as if on equal ground. Pat could (and is very much willing to) keep losing over and over again, he very clearly wants to be with Pran but he would keep the charade of the bet up if it meant Pran wasn't ready.
Which means that the entire time that they were teasing and flirting with each other, all throughout episode 7, pat keeps on losing just for Pran's sake.
Do you realise how absolutely insanely madly crazy (mature) in love Pat is???? This might be a childish bet to YEW but to him its a space for Pran (and him) to explore their feelings without the responsibility of a relationship on them, it's actually revolutionary.
Kinda like killing with kindness, which basically sums up the kinda guy Pat is when he's with Pran.
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"Don't force me to" he says in response to Pran's "You're just not brave to" (confess) when all of us know Pat is very well brave enough to do that and that is exactly what Pat is reiterating here. He's saying "you very well know why i'm partaking in this charade don't act like you don't i could kiss your competitive ass right now but im not doing it cos i want you to (admit that you) want it".
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The man is basically losing (coming over to play and then offering to clean pran's face cos he looked upset screams somebody who wants to win real bad right hahahah NOT *argh pat can you not be so unreally sweet people have to go back to their real lives with real men to be disappointed by*) over and over again asking Pran to "just let me love you, you dork".
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Here Pat is literally doing the confession, the very thing they started the bet stating, "i'll make you beg on your knees for me", well he's almost doing the next best thing, and he's doing it willingly, in front of people, with the most genuine smile on his face.
And when he raises the stakes on the rooftop and he does it entirely for Pran again. As much as he wants to be with Pran he equally wants it to be when Pran is ready for it. Not for it to be a decision he is forced or boxed into. He doesn't want to beat Pran he wants Pran to walk into the loss like he himself did, over and over again, because that's just the kinda guy he is.
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Boy basically said if me winning the bet means you losing your chance to make that choice for yourself then i don't want that kinda win.
Which is why he's been willingly giving up all the chances to win throughout the episode, but continuing to put up the charade of the bet cos 1. yeah ofc its loads of fun teasing pran and he is so grateful he gets to be close to him again but more importantly 2. he can't (but he is fully willing to) wait for Pran to mentally be ready to get into a relationship.
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"As for me, when i have a lover, I always let my lover win" - And truer truths haven't been told. Man has been losing since the very beginning. And that too happily. He is only doing it to give Pran the time that he deserves to process the whole thing and accept his love.
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See even here he isn't expecting Pran to confess his love and sweep the whole bet thing away.
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Look at Pat pausing trying to figure out what Pran is doing here. I can almost hear the cogs in his brain turn, until the very moment that Pran extends his hand to wipe the stray piece of rice away and then gives him that look. The look that says, "I love you, i'm done making you wait, thankyou, i love you".
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So to conclude, Pat like the simp he is entered the bet (and kept willfully losing) only to make Pran comfortable. And literally the first moment that he completely feels comfortable, Pran gives in.
This whole post is borne out of my thoughts after i read what was said in here.
For more of my bet era patpran brainrot :
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love-strawberry · 2 years
i'm happy, isn't that great
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summary : in which she's writing love songs and adopting cats with the love of her life.
pairing : harry styles x reader (past), tom holland x reader
warnings : language
author's note : here you go, part iii!!!! hope you all like it!!! <3
tagged : @0oolookitsme @qualitygiantshoepsychic @ellora-brekker
lose you to someone else i
lost you to someone better ii
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liked by hazosterfield, robertdowneyjr, chrisevans and 4,629,915 others
y/n_ i love you tom, but you're an idiot <3
tagged tomholland2013
username LMFAO
username he looks horrified in 3
zendaya ha! what an idiot
username and yet i still thirst for him
username he's so adorable!!
tomholland2013 you promised you wouldn't laugh :(
-> y/n_ consider this payback for eating my muffins last week
hazosterfield he's so stupid like how is he still alive?
username i love you, tom buttttttttt you're a massive dork. and stupid but cutely
samholland1999 lemme guess, he didn't listen to you when you said that he should use a guitar pick?
username i love everyone bullying tom 😌
lifeisahola yet he still looks so beautiful
username 💦💦💦
username i love him
username yes, this man right here my lord
username 🛐🛐🛐
username i cannot believe that this the man for whom i'd risk it all
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liked by y/n_, samholland1999, tuwaine and 4,629,179 others
tomholland2013 we have three cats now and here's how this conversation went
y/n : you know what better than one cat? two cats. and what's better than two cats? three cats :) me : ...
anyways, meet casserole (caz for short), marshmallow and cookie and yes, marshmallow and cookie are lovers 😌
tagged y/n_
username i love them so much
username that's so y/n of y/n
username i would do that too tbh
zendaya pulling over rn open the fucking door
username i've only had caz, marshmallow and cookie for 28 minutes but if anything happened to them, i would kill everyone on this site and then myself
username marshmallow!!! and cookie!!! and ofc caz!!! i love so much my lord
hazosterfield y/n and tom who? marshmallow and cookie is the ultimate ship 🚢🚢
username AWWWWWWW
username imagine tessa playing with them
username caz looks so happy in that pic
robertdowneyjr perfect, i'll be over for dinner with susan to meet my grandchildren
y/n_ i love my babies 🦋🦋
-> tomholland2013 they love you too, im sure, they've been following you like mama cat since yesterday
username 💕💕💕
harryholland64 i'm coming over asap to meet my nephew and nieces
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liked by louist91, niallhoran, jefezoff and 4,829,926 others
harrystyles loved you once out now. hope you all like it x
username my heart </3
username "i loved you once and i'm still dealing with it" ouch-
username "i look for you in everyone and search for myself in every mirror, i'm afraid i won't find anyone" stop making me cry
username y/n and harry </3
jefezoff ✨✨
username honestly, these songs are amazing!!
niallhoran ❣️🦋🤍
username wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
username "called out your name and your silence answered it for me" woah
username the lyrics
billieeilish 💟💟
zayn beautiful song, h!!
username 😭😭😭
username i loved harry and y/n but anyone can see that she's so much happier with tom
username the bridge>>>anything else
username ehishsgsxmabsismahxjs
louist91 beautiful!!
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liked by tomholland2013, chrisevans, harryholland64 and 4,629,925 others
y/n_ "not good at being friends" out now!!! so so so fucking stoked to release this song, i hope you all like it!!! i would say that the inspiration behind this song is tom but i would be lying, so zendaya, the love of my life, this one is for you <3 ily
tagged tomholland2013
username "so tired of just sitting at the opposite ends, guess we aren't just good at being friends"
username omg omg omg omg
username "sunlight on your eyes and i fell in love a hundred times"
username we went from "i stayed up all night looking at moon cause of you" to "you makes my nights with you feel so right"
username she went from writing songs about heartbreak to writing songs about love
tomholland2013 ouch... buT I'M SO PROUD OF YOU I LOVE IT I LOVE YOU
-> y/n_ hehe sorry and thANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU MORE
username yup, i want their love pls
samholland1999 so proud of sister-in-law <3
username "i used to think i'd never have the screen love but i feel like we're in a picture of our own"
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Katy over here making enemies (I am one of them). Sooner or later mi amor, we're going to start boycotting.
Not the twin flames again 😭. I'm desperately trying to come up with more tasm requests but I can't seem to pick one. I'm remembering what a dork he was in the second movie. All of his lines make me laugh. "Small knives- my only weakness" *falls dramatically* and the shot where he's wearing a fire fighter helmet. Peak cinema. His interactions in No Way Home were so much funnier though. "I don't carry around an ID, defeats the whole secret identity thing."
I lowkey (high key) want to see Black Cat as a hacker. I like the concept and want to write it for Miles G but it could work in a number of different universes. I like girl boss villians but fun and more cheeky villians like Harley Quinn are more my style.
So just imagine hacking into the spider society and Miguel going insane for like a week because she keeps sending him memes. And for Miles G, pulling dumb crap on him while he's on a mission that he almost slips up.
I just can't imagine myself being suave enough to rizz up a spiderman. I'd rather mess with one.
Congrats on the 1k+! I know I haven't been here long but I'm sure you worked hard to get to this point. I'm proud of you :)
Flowers for you 💜
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PLEASE DON'T I HAVE SO MANY PLANS FOR BDAS!!! (Currently want to scream the ending out bc [redacted] also im very impatient) noooo i don't want to be your enemy 😔
Take your time, my love! Lmaoo he was such a dork! Literally my favourite part in no way home!
That sounds amazing! You should totally write it! You can do it 💪
Lmaoo that's why tasm spiderman is perfect, he has no rizz too, only his nerdy charm that somehow manages to capture us 😍 (my toxic trait is thinking i could rizz him up with my awkwardness 🤣🤣🤣)
Thank you so much!! And I'm very glad you're here! LOVE U ❤️❤️❤️ and thank you for the flowers 💐
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Heyyy! Love ya stuff! I was wonderin if I could get a matchup? I ain’t totally sure what the rules are but I’m a fem non-binary, 5’3, I got a farmers tan seein as I live an work on my family’s farm, I’m a bit muscular (not like a body builder just toned from farm work), uh I love spendin time outdoors with my horses and the cows, im not big on dressin up I mostly dress in stereotypical farmer clothes but I always got some flowers in my hair(and mud on my boots💀). My friends and family said I’m hardworkin an kind but I have the worst attitude they’ve ever seen when you hurt someone I love🤣 so uh, yeah that’s me! Thanks for readin
After carful considering i would pair you up with…
Our lovable dork Mikey!
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Mikey would fall for you and you actually met because a friend of your family was hosting a wedding in New York, and they wanted you to be the flower girl!
Your family liked new yours so much that they moved your ranch out to the country and rural part of New York.
You decided to go shopping in the city, go exploring, and just have a day to yourself.
Unknowing you stayed out rather late, to the point there was Barley any sunlight.
Walking to your bus stop, you just happens to be looking quite fine in the wonderful hour of 11:24pm with your nice muscles and tan skin in your fav coloured overalls and t-shirt, the sweet white Lilly in your hair along with your flowing locks popping against the color of your hair.
The purple dragons seemed to come out of nowhere and even tho you managed to kick and break a dudes nose, you were overpowered rather quickly as there was six of them and one of you.
Luckily the turtles were in the area to hear the sound of your struggling and quickly solved your problem.
Not going to lie, your were shocked at the turtles.
So shocked you screamed bloody murder and turned on your heel to spring right into a pole.
You were out for a few hours, and the turtles decided it was best to not leave you there in case of more dangerous peope( cough* the foot.)
Any way when you woke up in the lair you were congratulated for breaking the leader of the purple dragons nose, by no there’s than the fun loving turtle in orange.
Long story short, after promising to keep the family’s secret, you became good friends with tall of them
And it is an understatement to say that you and Mikey hot it off instantly.
He loved your way of life, thought it was the coolest thing that you worked with horses and cows on a farm.
Loved your personally and how sweet you were, he also really liked that you bit back with a quip to all of his good natured jokes and sarcasm.
Loves how hardworking you are and thinks your muscles are the coolest thing ever, especially cause they insinuate that you love what you do so much.
Loves how happy farming makes you, and wants to be a part of it as much as he cans.
He wants to learn the reigns( I know, I’m hilarious)
Any way he didn’t care that you were non- binary, he totally supported that and he is totally an ally( i think he is actually pan) 
Thinks it’s funny to pick you up, or do things to playfully poke at how short you a re in comparison to him.
“ how’s the weather down there”
“ does it hurt to move your neck all the way back to look up at me from down there?”
Makes horse jokes
All. The. Time.
Him:what do racing horses eat?”        You:” Mikey i swear to god don’t do this.   He basically looks like he’s about to choke on his laugh, looking at you in the eyes  he says” fast food.” 
Then he bursts out laughing for like ten minutes.
He loves youuuiiii
Thinks your amazing In all your farmer glory and you two just seemed to fit so well together, he didn’t really need to ask you out.
It was kinda just like you were always dating.
Hope you liked it! Have a great day 😌😌😌
 Please no one repost or steal thank you very much!
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blueyhuesposts · 1 year
Kevin Barr x reader
Your twin brother Eddy finding out
Warnings: Making out, Implied innuendos, Yelling, Physical altercation, Cursing
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Your brother was going to find out one way or another. You just really didn't expect or wanted it to be this way. This could have all been prevented but your carelessness(horniness) got in the way of you guys being careful.
You guys laid in your bed, the comfort of Kevin's want body laying on top of you as you read a book for your English too distracting. Reading the page the fourth time around it didn't help that Kevin was kissing your bare stomach, your shirt scrunched up.
"Kevin stop. I really need to focus on this chapter. Can't we ever just hang out with it having to turn out like...well you know." You couldnt finish the words too embarrassed by it. He looked up at your face and smirked slightly. "Turn out with you screaming my name and telling me you can't get enough of me?"
You cheeks flamed up and you covered you face. "Why would you say that?! Your so mean!" You said slightly slapping his shoulder. He laughed in your stomach, the vibration tickling you and making yourself laugh as well. You sighed and picked up the book returning to reread the chapter once more.
You finally got half way through it before you felt Kevin bite you softly above your belly button. You put down the book, giving up at this point before sighing softly "Kevin..." He kissed up your belly before licking a long stripe up the bottom of your bra. You bit your bottom lip, in order to conceal your sighs and soft moans.
He raised up and pulled you up slightly by your hips to level you out. You couldn't help but run his cheeks softly with your hands before bringing him down to place the softest kiss. The kiss turned from one peck to two before his tongue rubbed against your lips. Given him permission you opened your mouth slightly inviting his tongue.
He relished in the way you gasped, loving the feels of your hands behind his head. You sucked on his tongue and he groaned, grinding the slightest but onto you. You moaned silently, enjoying the feeling of everything. Though it didn't last long. Too busy with each other you guys couldnt hear the loud mouth of your brothers and your guys two best friends... surprisingly.
You two jumped up when you hear your door slam open, the wall behind it surely cracked. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?" Eddy yelled at the top of his lungs. You couldn't comprehend the situation, scuffling to get your shirt down while Kevin sat up on your bed trying to ease his breathing. "Oh my! We are so terribly sorry Kevin and Y/n! My apologies we're leaving!" Double d said frantically hiding his eyes and blushing face.
"THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL IM LEAVING THIS PERVERT HERE WITH Y/N!" Your face turning red with anger. "DONT CALL HIM A PERVERT EDDY! CANT YOU EVER KNOCK!?" His face turned into the shade of a tomato, grinding his teeth. He was about to open his mouth again before kevin stepped in. "Hey man, chill. Look we've been meaning to te.." Kevin couldn't even finish his sentence before Eddy pushed him back off your bed.
"I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU SHOVEL FACE! TELL ME WHY I SHOULD BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU?!" Kevins face turning sour before he got up fists clenched to his side ready. "Fine then you wanna fight let's go!" Eddy tackled him by his stomach before both boys fell on the ground scuffling.
"ED DO SOMETHING!" Double d yelled panicking trying to grab Eddy. Ed finally grabbed Eddy and I pushed Kevin far enough from my brother "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! Kevin you need to go alright." Kevins face exasperated. "YOUR GOING TO TAKE THIS DORKS SIDE?" "THIS DORK IS MY BROTHER! And I would watch what you say next time about him." Looking deathly in his eyes. Tears glossing up your vision.
He looked at me before his expression fell, picking up his hat and leaving dodging Eddy's frantic kicking and hands. "YEA THATS RIGHT YOU HEARD HER DONT COME BACK HERE!" Rage filled your entire body as you wtaches you brother smile as if he won the fight. "AND YOU! HOW COULD YOU?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.
"HOW COULD I, AS IF I JUST DIDNT CATCH MY SISTER SUCKING FACE WITH SHOVEL HEAD OVER THERE!" Double d chimed in. "Eddy please be reasonable we violated your sisters privacy, though it wasn't right she didn't tell you it doesn't make it right.."
Tears sliding down your cheeks you wiped them roughly with your sleeve. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU!" Screaming at the loudest volume as your twin they all stopped bickering. Ed dropped Eddy who slowly crep away from your room, double d apologizing profusely once more before running out the door. The only one left is Ed who watched with a sad face.
He hugged you tightly lifting you off the ground "It's alright little one. Things will get better!" Dropping you down from the bone crushing hug he ran out the door to follow his friends. You slammed your door and couldn't help sliding down it. Your chin in between your knees, you couldn't help the choked up sob coming. Once you let that out you finally let it all go.
Everything wasn't going right, you lost your brothers trust, he embarrassed you, and you probably lost the best boyfriend you ever had. You felt royally screwed. Sobs and silent screams past your lips before you went on your bed to just cry even more.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Though your brother will never admit it, he felt terrible. Watching you close up from him and give him the strongest death stares ever imaginable chipped at his heart. Your his sister, his twin in fact. He sighed his ego feeling like a deleted balloon standing at the doorstep of someone he surely can't stand.
Ringing the doorbell, he waited for a couple of second till the door opened. There Kevin stood shocked covered his face before it changed to a hatred look. "What do you want dork? Come here to fight again?" Eddy opened his mouth before remembering the reason why he was there. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "No I just want to talk..."
Both teenage boys sat in Kevin's sofa, soft to the touch and comfortable. Eddy sat awkwardly as Kevin stared him down. "Why are you even here you ruined me and y/n relationship. You have three seconds to tell me what you wanna say before I give you a punch in the face."
"I'm here to make amends and...apologize." It felt as though Eddy swallowed a whole mouthful of his pride right then and there. Kevin raised a brow intrigued. "Y/n isn't someone I can control and I can't control who she likes. She was definitely happier with you and I don't want to take that away from her." Kevin sighed before sitting down on the couch as well.
"look man, y/n hated keeping the secret from you knowing how you were going to react. We were going to tell you but of course that didn't happen did it?" Eddy gritted his teeth together "yea catching you guys in the act isn't all I want to see!" "Whatever man. It's y/n's life not yours." Even though Eddy hated it, Kevin was right.
"I am not happy with the guy she chose but if she's happy then that makes me happy too, she's my sister and of course I'll always be protective of her. I'll respect your guys relationship and privacy." Kevin hid his smile before leaning back against the couch "thanks man..."
Knowing Eddy though, he always had to have the last word. "But if you ever break her heart I'll shove your motorcycle up your ass." Kevin chuckled slightly gritting his teeth. "Don't count on it, and if you ever touch my baby I'm killing you..." They both looked at each other before shaking hands. Now Kevin only had one problem, making it right with you.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You laid miserably in your bed. Thought this all happened in the span of a weekend thankful you didn't have to go to school, your heart hurts and you couldn't stop the tears from pouring from your eyes. Kevin hasn't called you in the span of the weekend and you haven't spoken to your brother either. The only person you've talked to was Nazz. She visited earlier to have you cry it out on your shoulder.
But of course she had to go. And here you are alone again staring at the dresser near your bedside. A Polaroid picture secretly taped there from outside eyes. You and Kevin hugging each other as he smirked and you kissing his cheek. The tears blurred your vision before sniffling in your pillow. That was until you hear your window get tapped on.
You got up immediately turning over and recognizing the figure standing there. You walked over quickly opening it. "Uhh...hey doll?" Kevin said unsure of what to say. He gave you space but from the looks of it you definitely needed his support. His chest tightening seeing your red eyes and nose.
You scowled at him but walked away to your bed laying down on it, turning away from him. 'thats a start isn't it?' Kevin thought as he climbed in. He sat near your feet, trying to remember what he was going to say before coming here. "I'm so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have left and not have called you. I thought I was giving you space. You never left my mind though...I was always thinking bout you." He heard you shuffle and he looked up to see you facing him and sit up.
"I still don't forgive you." You said as your cheeks puffed out of anger. Kevin couldn't help but smile slightly, your too cute for your own good. "I know, I'll work to make you forgive me." You rolled your eyes going to hug him before stopping yourself. "And don't ever call my brother a dork. He might be an annoying, loud ass. But he's my brother and if you want to be with me. Your going to have to accept that."
Kevin nodded, already facing the fact that you'll always have your brother and he was going to have to deal with it. "I know. Cmere..." He said before grabbing your arm and dragging you towards your bed. You couldn't help the slight smile that creeped up on your face.
He rubbed you arms and you finally could relax, knowing even though it was going to be difficult you guys will get through it together, always. He kissed your cheek and you blushed slightly vefore shoving his shoulder. A faux hurt expression spread through his face. You rolled your eyes before mumbling something and kissing him like you have never kissed him before in your lifetime...
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You saw your brother sat on the couch, not really watching what's going on in the t.v more spaced out than ever. "Hey.." "wassup?" Eddy replied looking towards you. "I know what you did and I wanted to thank you, your the best annoying ass brother in the entire world and I would never trade you for anything." He rolled his eyes embarrassingly before he was forced into a hug from you.
"Yea yea whatever. Just don't let me catch you guys kissing again I'm still having nightmares of shovel face perverting against my little sister." You looked at him with a blank stare "you know I'm 3 minutes older than you right?" "Whatever.." you both smiled softly before finally sitting down and watching the game show together that was playing on TV. Finally at ease.
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darbuckle21 · 1 year
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The night we met
Bucky angst
Tw: mentions of torture and violence ect…
“No- no, not again not again please” I beg Him but he doesn’t stop shoving me back into the ice water. “I’ll give you one more chance, where is he hiding?” He asks I glare at him. When I don’t respond he nods at the guards holding me on my knees before turning around towards the table behind him. He pulls out a syringe with some kind of fluid in it. “Let’s see if this gets you to talk” he smiles injecting me with the fluid. Red hot searing pain floods through me, the only thing keeping me off the floor are the guards on either side of me. I let out a blood curdling scream yanking myself away from the guards bringing my head to the cold cement. The cool temperature doesn’t do anything against the pain. It feels like my skin is melting off my bones into a puddle below me. Snot runs down my face mixing with tears. I’m now curled into a ball on my side puking up stomach acid. “Nothing?” He teases crouching down before me. I look up at him spitting on his shoe. He stands kicking me in the face. “Put her back in her cell”, he looks down at me. I'm thrown onto the concrete floor of my cell. “Assholes” I whisper when the guards walk off. I weekly crawl over to my bed. Around the same time the guards come back throwing a man with a metal arm in the cell across from me. His hair is shoulder-length, greasy and he's sweaty. He backs himself into the wall shaking his head. “my names, not Bucky- My names, not Bucky my names not Bucky my names not -” I interrupt his ramble. “Are you okay?” I whisper. He doesn't respond only staring at me. No, staring through me. “I'm fine” he finally responds. The man from before comes back followed by a couple guards. “Ohhhh, feeling better I see” he smiles pulling out another syringe this one is different though. It's a deep green color unlike the last murky yellow of the last one. I back away as the guards enter my cell. I kick the first guard but my weak state hinders me. The guards wrestle me still while he injects it into my arm. This time It feels like ice in my veins and I can't move. Can't scream or even puke like last time. The guards drop me and it all goes black.
When the world comes into view again I'm still in the same spot as before. I look around not able to move yet or speak. I hear punches and metal clanging. By the time I'm able to move the man from before is gone. I crawl into bed finally drifting off to sleep. I wake up to the screams from the lab. I force myself onto my side barely opening an eye when I hear footsteps and something being dragged. Then the man from before is now cuffed as he willingly walks back into his cell. This time I note a change in character his instead of being in a ball he lays on his bed looking at the ceiling like it's a TV. “What’s your name?” I ask bored in hopes of a conversation. He sits up looking at me before looking back up again. “The winter soldier” he replies. I’m not stupid enough to think that’s his actual name I’m just happy for an answer. “Well I’m Y/n, where are you from?” He shrugs his shoulders I furrow my brow with confusion. “Im from New York, got any family?” He shakes his head. “I’ve got a little brother his name his Peter, he’s a total dork” I smile thinking about him and my aunt. “He got an internship at this big company back home, he’s following my footsteps and wants to become a scientist as well” roll on my back listening to the man’s response. “Your a scientist?” He asks and I nod before smiling “not a good one” he huffs out a laugh. “Clearly you gotta be good at something or they wouldn’t want you here” my smile fades. “They just want to know the location of my boss” we both go quiet as a guard passes by.
I open my eyes upon hearing guards unlock my cell. This time I follow them I’ve lost the fight left in me. Once I arrive in the lab once again the guards force me into a chair and tying my arms legs and waist to the chair. It almost looked like a dentist chair but with straps on it. I look around seeing the fluids and tubes that are no doubt for me. The man come in smile on his face. This time he doesn’t ask where Dr.Banner is. Only a smile as he hooks me up to what looks like an IV bag but I know better. He then moves towards the table where the syringes wait of all different colors and thickness. He stars with the first one injecting it into me causing my vision to blur. I look around panicked as he takes notes while checking my pupils. He nods before turning and injecting the second, then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth ,and tenth. By the time he got to ten I couldn’t hear or see anything only pain and panic. I could feel my heart rate slowing. My eyes open revealing I’m back in my cell. I sit up taking notice that The winter Soldier is still in his cell. Staring at the ceiling again maybe he’s going crazy due to how long he’s been here? I can’t judge though I’ll probably be next. “How long was I out?” I ask trying to figure out how long it’s been since they took me. “About two days” I look down grimly. “Why, got somewhere to be?” He half jokes. I nod look up at him “Peters birthday is next week, I promised I’d be there” he nods understanding. “I used to go get caught up in work that I’d forget” I smile as I continue. “He would always try to remind me but it would go in one ear and out the other, I wish I could go back and change that” we continue to talk for hours until he had to go for a mission. I stayed awake waiting for his return. Days turned into months, months turned into years, and I lost hope of his return thinking he was killed. I morned my lost friend. Every night I speak to him out loud as if his ghost can hear me. Telling him about the non stop voices and the vision change. I vent about how I feel like a robot constantly scanning rooms and people as targets or for an escape. I vent about my new found powers and the training they put me through everyday. Maybe they gave up hope on Bruce cause my new abilities? I could only hope my non-gravitational powers are enough to leave him alone. One day I overheard the guards speaking of Winter Soldier and how he escaped somehow. I could only catch on the few words I knew of their language. That was enough for me to snap out of the cage they put me into. I was going to break out and my new powers where certainly going to be helpful.
Tonight is the night. I use my power to float the key to my cell from the guards pocket while he taunts a poor soul. He snaps his head in my direction hearing my cell open aiming his gun at me but I’m quicker throwing the gun against the wall braking it doing the same with him, and many other guards in my path. They were like rag dolls under my control. Just like that I walk out the door leaving many unconscious, and potentially dead men in my path. Throwing whole tanks and guns as they chased after me till there was no more left. I walk, and walk, and walk some more till I find a small city. I see a woman about 28 smoking a cigarette outside some kind of restaurant. “Excuse me May I use your phone?” she doesn’t understand replying in Russian. I make a phone with my hand to show her what I meant. She smiled making an “ohhh” then pulling it out of her brown purse and handing it to me. I quickly type in Bruces number knowing he is an avenger. After several rings he picks up “this is Dr.Bruce Banner, who is this?” I smile releasing a relieved breath. “This is Y/n, can’t talk long track my location come get me” is all I say before hanging up and deleting the number from her call log and handing it back. I go inside the restaurant waiting for someone to show up. About an hour later a woman with red hair walks up to me smiling as if she knows me. “How did you manage to get lost? Come on I’ll call a cab” she leans down before whispering “Agent Natasha Romanof from shield” she opens her purse revealing her shield ID. I nod playing along just incase someone was listening. “Sorry” I reply following her outside.
I sit bouncing my leg nervously inside of my cell. It’s not like my one at hydra this one has glass and is very clean and they bring me food often. No guards no lab no syringes. Remind myself of this as I pace my cell. It’s just a pro caution I tell myself. Is not them it’s not hydra, It’s shield. I hear footsteps loud footsteps two people presumably men. I’m flooded with panic thinking the guards are back. I back until I’m in the corner of the cell in a defensive position. I’m not going back into that lab. I relax my fists but keep my position. I look up a Fury as he speaks “your being released into Barnes custody, but don’t think I’m not watching you” he warns. He steps aside revealing him. My lost friend, The winter soldier. “Hey doll” he greats flashing a charming smile. I notice his hair is short and his metal arm no longer has the hydra symbol on it. “Winter soldier?” I ask confused but mostly shocked. “The names Bucky” he smiles at the irony of the first time we met. I remember his words my names not Bucky he had repeated.
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ichimatsuchub · 4 years
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My favorite anime is Ichimatsu-San
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kaistarus · 3 years
Mistexting Mayhem
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 1.6K
Summary: You accidentally send Nishinoya a text that was meant for Yachi and now he’s knows secrets you were hoping he never found out
A/N: If you think this fic is anything but crack you’re wrong lmao I’ve always wanted to write a fic with this style and Noya is great for the chaos i needed. It was fun
[6:40pm] idiot⚡: look y/n without adhd id be too powerful
                         i could beet god himself in handtohand combat
                         god was afraid of my raw fuckin awesomeness wen i bursted from the woom
[6:41pm] y/n: there is so much wrong with what u just said
[6:41pm] idiot⚡: i have absoltly no clue wat
[6:43pm] y/n: put those 3 brain cells to work. I believe in you
[6:43pm] idiot⚡: but theyve reached their daily quota
                          plz there so tired and overworked
You snorted, a dopey smile on your lips as you laid surrounded by textbooks and homework, swinging your feet in the air behind you. You focused intently on the cell phone in your hand doing everything you could to procrastinate the schoolwork around you.
[6:44pm] y/n: noyas so stupid
[6:44pm] yachi❤: i thought you liked him?
[6:45pm] y/n: jeez Yachi. dont come for my throat
                       i cant help that i have bad taste 🙄
[6:46pm] yachi❤: if it helps he tripped over a stray ball today
                               maybe think of that till you don’t like him??
Unfortunately, the image of Nishinoya waving to everyone then biffing it only had you smiling like a dork. How you’d gotten to a point that Nishinoya being an idiot made you swoon, you’ll never know.
You raised your eyebrow suspiciously at the new notification on Snapchat from ‘Tanaka’ and after swiping it open you nearly dropped your phone. Looking back at you was Nishinoya, his head tilted and eyebrow quirked in confusion with a gari-gari kun shoved halfway down his throat. The caption at the bottom reading ‘daaaammn look at your prince charming go 😩’.
You frowned at the picture, letting out a frustrated groan at how your heart accelerated against your ribcage. You quickly tapped out of it and reopened the messenger app.
[6:57pm] y/n: we have to kill Noya
[6:57pm] idiot⚡: we??? what kind of mission is this??? 😤
[6:58pm] y/n: i like him too much. he has to die. its for my own good
You waited impatiently for her response and almost debated doing your homework since it took longer than you felt necessary. You supposed you had suggested murder to Yachi, but still…
When you finally received a response your entire body froze.
[7:11pm] idiot⚡: U LIKE ME?!?!? 😍
                          UR KILLING ME?!?! 😢
                          IM SO CONFUSED......
                          and a lil turned on ngl👀
Your hand covered your mouth in horror as you processed what the hell you had just done. This didn’t happen to people in real life. Mistexting was stuff people made up when they created fake texts for social media to get likes. You didn’t think people actually went through this.
You opened new notifications to escape the hell that stared you straight in the face.
[7:15pm] Tanaka💪: Yo, whatd u do. Whys Noya having a panic attak
[7:16pm] y/n: I accidently texted him instead of Yachi and told him i liked him 😣
[7:16pm] Tanaka💪: O wtf thats hilarious 😂
[7:17pm] y/n: ITS NOT HILArIOUS
[7:18pm] Tanaka💪: Hes askin if its a prank. Wat do i do?
He stopped responding and you banged your head against your pillow anxiously.
[7:23pm] idiot⚡: THIS ISNT YACHI!!!!
                           HOLY FUKC U DO LIEK ME!!!
You screamed into your pillow. Were you fucking kidding? This could not be happening.
[7:25pm] Tanaka💪: dude, twice? i cant save u now 🤪
[7:25pm] y/n: betraying me in my time of fucking need? i’ll remember this asshole
[7:26pm] Tanaka💪: so vulgar 👀
You growled at Tanaka’s uselessness and bravely peeked through one eye as you went back to your conversation with Nishinoya.
[7:26pm] idiot⚡: 1
[7:27pm] y/n: what is this twitch chat? fuck 
[7:28pm] idiot⚡: your heeeeererererreee 🥰
[7:29pm] y/n: soooooo………..
                        clearly there has been a misunderstanding
[7:29pm] idiot⚡: oh nonono. I understand PERFETCLY. u LOVE me
                         its ok. this is a safe space. we can discuss feelings 😌
[7:31pm] y/n: there are zero feelings to discuss
[7:31pm] idiot⚡: then y did u say u like me too much so i have to die?
[7:34pm] y/n: i am filled with rage 🤬
[7:34pm] idiot⚡: rage over how much u liiike me???🥰🥰🥰
[7:36pm] y/n: definitely not
You racked your brain for some kind of reasonable sounding excuse, eventually landing on:
[7:36pm] y/n: It was autocorrect
[7:36pm] idiot⚡: HAH????? FROM?????
[7:38pm] y/n: HAH???
[7:38pm] idiot⚡: Who TF is nora???? 😡
[7:39pm] y/n: someoe i like obviously 😏
[7:40pm] idiot⚡: so u like them but u use my name so much it autocorrected to me? 🤔
[7:45pm] idiot⚡: i pull them out for special ocasions 😌
[7:45pm] y/n: well how bout you pack those up and put em away
[7:46pm] idiot⚡: how bout two people who LIKE each other SAY something so they can DOOOOOOOO something bout IT 🙄
You began typing a frantic message about how it was none of his business until you processed the message. Then you read it over several times before letting out an audible, “what the fuck.”
[7:50pm] y/n: YOU LIKE ME
[7:50pm] idiot⚡: I FLIRT WITH U ALL THE TIME WAT DO U MEAN yOu LiKe Me!?!
                          FUCKING OBVIOSLY
[7:51pm] y/n: literally when. name one time.
[7:52pm] idiot⚡: I WALK WITH U EVERY MORNING!!!
[7:53pm] y/n: I thought that was a coincidence???
[7:54pm] idiot⚡: I BRNIG U SNACKS DURING LUNCH!!!
[7:54pm] y/n: I thought they were leftovers??
[7:55pm] idiot⚡: …....I call you cute and invite you to my games.
[7:56pm] y/n: you call everyone attractive and i thought there was like a audience quota or something........?
[7:57pm] idiot⚡: ….i cant tell who i should be upset with rn but i think its u 😑
[7:58pm] y/n: WAT WHY!?!
[8:01pm] y/n: whoa. slow down. I hate math 😣
[8:02pm] Idiot⚡: ===WE SHUD GO ON A DATE!!!
[8:02pm] y/n: HAH!? i think you started multiplying that addition problem buddy 🤨
Your cheeks were beginning to ache from how wide your dopey grin was. You couldn’t help but tease Nishinoya-it was second nature at this point-even if you now knew your feelings were mutual.
[8:04pm] idiot⚡: i suk at math but thats NOT the point
                         point iiissss i think deep down u want to hang out and cuddle and fall in love
                        maybe even..... 😏 kiiisssss
[8:04pm] y/n: WHOA WHOA WHOA
                        WARN ME BEFORE YOU GET NSFW
                        i would never premarital eye-contact. let alone k🤢ki-🤢🤢kiss🤢🤮🤮
[8:05pm] idiot⚡: well we would have socks on 🙄
[8:06pm] y/n: oh. well if there’s protection
[8:06pm] idiot⚡: Im not a maniac
[8:07pm] y/n: i suppose as long as you dont do something stoopid
                        like faceplant in public
                        that would be humiliating
[8:08pm] idiot⚡: I-
                          who told you that 😠
[8:08pm] y/n: i have spies everywhere noya
                        youre never safe
[8:09pm] Idiot⚡: kinda hot 👀
                         makin me fear for my life like that👀
[8:10pm] y/n: i hate that i like you
                        It kills me inside 
                        i feel braincels leaving with every conversation
[8:12pm] Idiot⚡: fan behavior 😏
                          so am i taking u to eat tomorow or wat?
[8:14pm] y/n: if I HAVE to 🙄
[8:14pm] Idiot⚡: No u GET to
                          I am a fucking delite 😤
[8:15pm] y/n: whatever helps you sleep at night
[8:15pm] Idiot⚡: nothing helps me sleep at night. this mind never rests
[8:16pm] y/n: thinking 24/7 and still not a smart thing comes out of that mouth 👀
[8:17pm] Idiot⚡: yas, bully me more 😫
[8:19pm] y/n: ok thats as much as i can handle for one day......
                       im gonna pretend to do homework
[8:20pm] idiot⚡: okie... good luck my sweet baby pogchamp 🥰
[8:20pm] y/n: no
[8:20pm] Idiot⚡: 😘😘😘
[8:22pm] y/n: 🙄✋
[8:23pm] Idiot⚡: oh FUCK yas 🥵 shut me UP
[8:25pm] y/n: suddenly all i feel is endless regret
[8:26pm] Idiot⚡: i have that effect on people
                          See you tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰
[8:27pm] y/n: unfortunately 😘
[8:27pm] idiot⚡: 🥵
You flung an arm over your eyes and let a small giggle bubble up from your chest. Nishinoya was probably the biggest idiot you’d ever met, but you couldn’t help that thinking of spending time with him had you kicking your feet with excitement.
You supposed you should actually get started on your homework. You reached forward when a notification popped up from Yachi, asking if her idea worked and you had stopped liking Nishinoya.
...you should probably break the news, huh?
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke x Reader || Part 2
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to part 2 of my First FanFic...... If you would like to Read Part 1 click here 💜 But thank you so much to everyone who liked and read the first part... I hope you all like the second part just as much! Okaaaaayyyyyy im gonna go work on Part 3! thank you guys bye :) (Updated- Part three now posted here)
A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
WordCount: 3,316
As you and Luke made your way back to the High School you guys didn't say a word, both of you not really understanding what just happened back at your spot by the lake, You were so confused, because Luke is just a friend, and he's your best friends band mate.... which made it even more complicated with the feelings you were currently feeling.... whatever happened back there felt more than just friendship, You shake your head to get that thought out of it, *no* you thought to your self *Luke is just a friend* you could only imagine what was going on in Lukes mind right now, what was he thinking, you thought, looking down at yours and Lukes hands entwined with one another's..... he probably doesn't think anything, you looked up at his face and then turned away the second you saw him start to look at you back. *What is he thinking about!* you thought to your self, you cant help but feel frustrated, Luke must have felt your frustration because you felt his hand tighten around yours "Hey, Y/N.... are you okay?" Luke asked you with real concern in his voice, You look back at him, widening your eyes "Me? oh yeah! just thinking about what I missed in algebra today... Mr. Berty is gonna be Pissed" You said with a nervous chuckle, Luke chuckled along with you " Well, just tell him an emergency came up!! like ya girly thing came" Luke said smiling at you, and you laughed "My girly thing? You mean my period?" You said nudging his shoulder with yours, teasing him, he scrunched his whole face "ahaha yeah! I just always feel so weird saying it" he said still scrunching his face, and you both laugh while simultaneously inching a little closer together as you walked.
As you approached the school, you looked at Luke and saw his eyes get bigger with excitement, confused you looked in the direction he was looking at, you looked all around, still confused and then looked back at Luke "Luke? why are you so excited right now?" you asked him with a slight chuckle, you just couldn't help but laugh with how cute his face was, how excited he was, he then looked at you "Y/N, do you see what I see?" he said with so much excitement, motioning towards the direction of the school, and you look over still not seeing anything, and looking back at Luke "No, I really don't" you responded, he then rolled his eyes, and nudged your shoulder "The gym door is open" he said excited, and the motioning over to the field where there were a bunch of student playing soccer "They are all at practice, which means!..." Luke continued, his eyes widening and motioning them back and forth from you to the door, you, still slightly confused to why he was so excited "What? we should sign up for soccer, because im not very good at it.... you might be good at it!! are you good at it?" You replied, now wondering if he was good at soccer, causing a confused look on your face, Luke rolled his eyes again "Yes I am good at it, but thats not the point! the point is!! EMPTY GYM!!!" he said so excited, he hopped forward dragging you along with him running towards the door "Luke! why is an empty gym so exciting?" you asked while running, as you approached door you out of breath and him being totally fine since he's dead, He continued to smile, and dragged you through the doors "Because Y/N! its an empty gym!" He laughed causing a slight echo "You can do all kinds of stuff... like this!" he said looking at you with a flirtatious glance and then did the most effortless body roll you ever seen anyone do ever! you majorly impressed by Luke and his skills, also notice your heart beating a million miles a minute... but you just let it slide.... it didnt mean anything, you just got done running across a field which is longer than you have ran since you had to do the pacer test in middle school. You looked at Luke and smiled and then clapped your hands slowly together "Wow I was almost impressed Patterson!" you said with sarcasm in you voice, just to tease him a little because you were very impressed, did his arms look more muscular than before? you thought to your self looking at his arms through his sleeveless Rush tee, Luke laughed cutting you off mid thought "Almost impressed? C'mon! you were so impressed by the way your mouth was hanging wide open Y/L/N" He said moving closer to you, until before you knew it he had you in his arms swinging you around, both of you laughing "Luke!!!! put me down you dork!" you laughed, he didnt listen instead he swung you over his shoulder "Not until you admit you were impressed!" he said in a teasing tone, and you knew he wouldn't let you down until you admitted it, but you also were not one to give in so easily "Never!!!" You screamed causing Luke to laugh creating the biggest smile on his face "Alright then! I guess we are going to be here for a while Y/N" Luke said confidently causing you to smile because you didnt mind the thought actually, but he doesn't have to know that "I guess we are Patterson" you replied in the most confident voice you could manage trying not to laugh, just hanging upside from his shoulder.
15 minutes or so had passed and you were still hanging from Luke shoulder in the Gym, except now you two were hiding in the corner because the gym class came back in. You looking at your phone, and whispering to Luke "Hey! there's a 5:00 showing of that movie, you still wanna go" you could feel his little bounce of excitement "Yes!" he whispered back "you even need to ask! is it just gonna be me and you or did you wanna invite the whole gang" he whispered, you sat there thinking for a minute, you would love to just have it be you and Luke but you also don't want to cause any rifts with Julie, she is your best friend after all and she has been wanting to see this movie for a while, its all she talked about for a week straight "we better invite everyone, we don't want them to think we don't care about them" you whispered, you could feel the sudden shift in Lukes mood, *was he disappointed?* you wondered to yourself "Yeah your right... ill tell the boys" he whispered, you could feel him playing with your shoe laces on your shoes, just twiddling them around in his fingers "Hey Y/N, we should sit next to each other though, ya know just because then we can make fun of it, in case it turns out bad" he whispered with a nervous type of laughter, causing you to smile, you whispered a chuckle, slapping his butt in a rhythm to your words "Of course you dork! duh" you whispered, you felt him bounce in excitement again, then rubbing your calf "Y/N, has the blood started rushing to your head yet?" he whispered to you with a teasing tone causing you to roll your eyes, the blood rushed to your head a while ago but you weren't gonna let that cause you to loose, so you slapped his butt once more "No! you might as well give up Patterson" you whispered with same kind of teasing tone, Luke now slapping your butt in a playful response "Never!" he whispered.
You and Luke had spent around 30 minutes just hiding in the gym with you slung over his shoulder, until Luke finally put you down in defeat. Now you were walking to Julies house with her now that school was over "Where were you most the day today Y/N?" Julie asked you truly confused, *oh crap* you thought to yourself, how are you going to explain your self... you don't want to admit you were hanging out with Luke all day but you also don't want to lie to your best friend, shifting your eyes from your nervous twiddling hands to your best friends confused face "Well, ya know here and there" you replied hoping that would be it and you both would move onto a different subject, Julie laughed "Okay! what are you hiding from me girl! you know you cant keep a secret from me ... now spill" she said but now with excitement and intrigue as to where you were.... *oh just tell her!* you thought to your self "Alright!!! I was hanging out with Luke" You laughed, now super nervous to your best friends response to you getting so close to her band mate, it also felt really nice to get that off your chest "Really?" Julie laughed "What did you guys do all day?" She asked, still laughing, your eyes widening with relief that she wasn't freaking out "Oh, we hung out in the gym, I was trying to win a bet, which I did!" you laughed, with a confident voice feeling proud of your self for the victory, Julie laughed with you "Oh! at 5:00 we are all gonna go see that movie you have been dying to see! you wanna come?" you asked Julie with excitement, Julie laughed "Duh!!!! im there" she said punching your arm playfully.
You and Julie got to the movies a little earlier then the rest of the gang to get the tickets and get in line for snacks, soon Flynn came in and joined you guys in line "Hey girls!!" She said with her usual Flynn excitement and flare "Hey Flynn!" Julie said with a smile and a fist bump, you smiled too "hey girl!" you said giving her a small hug "Where are the guys?" Flynn asked looking around noticing you and Julie were standing in line alone "Oh they should be here any minute" Julie said casually, her being used to them showing up late to places...
As you guys guys waited You just fiddled with a stuffed animal that was for sale sitting on one of the shelves that they have by the line area, enticing people to shop while they wait.. it was just a small stuffed animal, a panda in fact, holding a little heart that said the words I adore you you kind of smiled at it, due to how cute it was, just spacing off playing with its ears while Julie and Flynn went on about something that Nick did in Biology class due to Julies huge crush on him. You felt a brush of air sweep behind you and then "What you doing!" whispered in your ear from behind scaring the crap out of you causing you to drop the Panda, turning and punching the the thing that scared you right in the arm, wasn't long until you noticed it was Luke, who was now holding his arm "Ouch! thats the kind of welcome I get Y/N!" he said teasingly, still holding his arm "You know this is the second time you have punched me today, im starting to think you don't like me or something.... that hurts" he said now smirking with the same teasing tone, you guys locked eyes, you were trying to find the right words to say but were struggling, getting lost in his green eyes, but then found your way back as he looked down at the ground at your now dropped panda "Is this your little guy" Luke says picking the panda off the ground and messing with the ears the same way you were "Its cute!" he said smiling and now motioning it toward you moving its limbs like it was alive, you smiled and pushed the panda down in a playful way in order to see Lukes face "No, its not my panda! he is cute though" you laughed, Luke smiled at you and then looked down at the panda in his hands "So you do think he is cute? well at least I know your type now! a little odd but alright" he said still teasing you, causing you to roll your eyes "Do you want me to punch you again" you said now teasing him "Hey Y/N! Luke! can you guys stop flirting for 5 seconds so we can order our food and go, the movie is gonna start in like 10 minutes" Alex yelled over to us from the front of the snack bar with Julie and Flynn. You turn to Luke and see his face turn a certain shade of red "Dude, we are not flirting! excuse me for being social" Luke laughed while skipping forward, but grabbing your hand to come along with him, Alex rolled his eyes "Yeah, okay! whatever you say pal" Alex said sarcastically patting Luke on his shoulder, You looked around "Where is Reggie?" You asked confused to where he was, Alex nodded his head in the direction of the arcade where Reggie had his head resting on the glass of a claw machine in defeat, using his pointer finger to caress the glass next to the toy he wanted, you and Luke shared a look and laughed in reaction to him "Hey Reg! buddy! its okay, we can try again after the movie!" Luke yelled to Reggie causing Reggie to sigh and look at the toy "Ill be back for you little buddy" Reggie whispered to the toy, causing us all to burst into laughter, in that moment you noticed, just like earlier today... Luke never let go of your hand after dragging you with him, right now you both were holding hands.... your eyes widened.... *me and Luke are holding hands* you thought to your self *Doesnt mean anything! nope* you said to yourself looking down at your hands intertwined with one another, Luke must have felt your wandering eyes because in that moment he squeezed your hand tighter.
As you sat in the movie next to Luke as planned before in the gym you kept looking down at your hand which was still holding Lukes like it was so natural to him, the way your fingers were interlocked with his and how his thumb just subtly massaged the outer part of your thumb.... it felt nice... you glanced up at Lukes face as he was watching the movie, you never noticed how beautiful his smile was, like this dude had a seriously amazingly beautiful smile, you just sat there looking at him laugh at the movie.... he must had felt your stare because in that moment he looked over at you, still not dropping his smile, in fact it grew bigger than before but with a softer touch, he leaned in next your ear "What? is there something on my face?" he whispered, while taking his free hand wiping his mouth, you just chuckled "oh yeah!! there is, its a mess oh my gosh" you whispered back in a teasing tone, putting your hand on his cheek as if to wipe something, and then you looked him straight in the eyes with a smirk "Oh no, that was just your face, my bad" you whispered with the same teasing tone, as Lukes smile turned into a gasp, that was some how still a smile "Ouch, that hurt Y/L/N it really did" he whispered with a slight chuckle, you laughed in a whisper "Uh huh sure it did" you whispered while softly tapping his face, like a small slap before removing your hand from his face, in that moment he squeezed your had tighter again, but this time as if he was happy he still had your other hand..... *That doesn't mean anything, its all in good fun!* you thought to your self..... you looked over to your left at your best friend who was watching the movie, you don't know why but you felt slightly relieved she didnt really notice the interaction you and Luke just shared, until she leaned over to your ear with a handful of popcorn "What was that?" she whispered with a slight laugh, you looked at her with a shy smile, "What was what?" you whispered back, trying to avoid the topic, because you and Luke were just friends and you knew she was gonna ask If it was something more "Is there something going on between you and Luke?" she whispered, but this time in serious tone due to actual sincere curiosity "What do you mean by something going on? I mean we hang out alot" you whispered back, telling the whole truth, thats all it was after all, Julie looks at you and tilts her head with wide eyes as if she were saying really and then motioned her eyes over to yours and Lukes hands that were still tangled together, in which you looked at too and looked back in a swift movement "Oh, thats nothing, we just do that! I don't know why... we just do" you whispered, in a slightly rushed nervous tone, because you really didnt know how to explain that..... you didnt even know your self, Julie raised her eyebrows "uh huh....whatever you say girl" she whispered back, you just chuckle in response not really knowing what to say, in that same moment you see Reggie and Alex passing a note down the line of seats until it reached you and on the top it read To: Y/N and Luke... Julie scrunched her eyebrows together confused, you shrug your shoulders and lean over to Luke "Hey we got a note from Reggie and Alex?" you whispered in confusion, in which Luke looks down at the note and then over to Reggie and Alex who have their eyes plastered to the screen as if they were actually paying attention to the movie, casually eating there popcorn... Luke then looks back at the note and the up at you "What do you think they want?" Luke whispered with a slight laugh, "I don't know" you whispered with a laugh, you and Luke share a look, both quickly shrugging your shoulders and opening the note both using the only free hands you have, when you get the note open Luke reads aloud still in a whisper "So when are you two gonna get a room? because ya know there are people here, Love Alex and Reggie" Luke face then went from a smile into his grumpy Luke face, which he rarely ever makes, you both just look over at Alex and Reggie again who are now looking at you both and laughing
silently to each other which causes you to chuckle as well, Luke looks at you surprised your laughing, but then softens his face at how funny you think it is, Luke starts chuckling too and then sits back in his seat continuing to watch the movie *what were Julie, Alex, and Reggie talking about though? there's absolutely nothing going on between me and Luke.... ugh at least Flynn hasn't said anything* you thought to yourself, you sit back in your seat too, now drowning in your thoughts of confusion....... *Oh boy* you thought to yourself, you then glanced at Luke who felt your look and turned to you "I know im hot Y/N, but you did pay to see the movie... you should probably Watch it instead of me" Luke Whispered to you in a teasing tone and a smirk "Oh! I also have something for you" he whispered in such a cute soft tone, it made your stomach feel weird, *what the heck was that* you thought to yourself putting your free hand on your stomach and then you knew what it was *Butterflies*
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ok ill stop for now but I WILL BE BACK
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sukirichi · 3 years
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BCHDHDHHSSHSHHS also my friend wants to complain about his lost eardrums cause he said i might have made him deaf thank to the banshee scream i let out 😌✌️
Ayoo but mt heart kinda clenched when suna notice y/n wasn't wearing her seatbelt so he reached over to buckle it himself... It kinda made me feel like in a way he was making sure that he wouldnt lose y/n in the same way mary died and oh boy..... Even if he doesnt check it willingly, he really got scarred from it....
And thank FUCK she asked him to go with him cause if she didnt I WOULD RIOT FHDHSHHSH
Suna wasnt given the chance of asking y/n for marriage after they graduated cause she left him
Suna wasnt given the chance of asking mary to marry him cause she 'left to london' 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Can you imagine how happy i was when i finally saw him asking y/n marry me...... OMFG I WANTED TO CRY I- I WANT TO HUG HIM SO BAD OMFG
And girl 👀👀👀 i saw hos you sneaked kita in fhdhhdhdhsh i laughed especially hard when suna went like: even i feel like i'd be happy id i ended up with him' Pls suna shut up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
'but id love it even more if you could sit on top of my face. I want to kiss a different pair of lips tonight'
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No but we already talked about this and as much as i still see the original ending the canon one i truly felt like i was in a happy dream in this one. I cant put in words how happy and nostalgic i felt while reading this, it truly made me miss the times i was waiting for an update of this series dhdhdhhshs br for sure is my fav fic and will keep on being for a long long time. Thank you so much for accepting our commissions and for always feeding us good food *huggles* you really are an amazing and talented writer and fuck as i felt like y/n was more distant and mature in the original ending here i felt like albeit more mature she still kept the childish shine in her yeah? And that made me so so happy
Thank you again for this suki 💕💕💕
HFHFHHDHDHDHJS i missed ranting like this
ALSO BANSHEE SCREAM OMG AHSJKAA. no omg i also missed them a lot when i was writing it, like i ALMOST forgot these two were best friends and partners in crime for EVERYTHING like no matter what happened, they tried to be there for each other but in the original ending, they had to say goodby eventually and that shit reallly hurts like it HURTS so writing the alt ending was very healing for me lol. and the seatbelt scene, yeah !! he was watching out for her because i dont think suna can handle losing one more person he cares about.
NAUUURR BCOS BROKEN RECORDS SUNA... lowkey my dream guy with the mari thing aside, i would really fall in love with br! suna. he is a super gentle person and hes always patient + EXTREMELY DEVOTED SO ??? yeah come here. (self insert a random thought but it would honestly be easier to break up with suna if he had been a bad person, but instead he was someone who loved and cared with his whole heart - MAN IS JUST A LITTLE CONFUSED SOMETIMES but cmon hes human - and yeah idk, i honestly cant even imagine what it feels like to be in rintaro's shoes.)
THE SCENE WHERE SUNA ALSO LOWKEY CRUSHED ON KITA LMFAOOOO no bcos kita is too perfect to be real.
and omg thank you so much i'm happy to know this'll be your favorite fic YOURE GONNA MAKE ME CRY LOL. and yeah you're right about that - YN in the original ending felt "distant" but that's mostly bcos she and Rintaro aren't on the same... wavelength anymore, if that makes sense. like she grew up and matured faster than him, SHE was able to move on easier than he did, and Suna was still stuck in the past with her as said from his lines that, "i dont love you anymore" even though he does and he always will. YN really has no feelings for him anymore other than platonic, but in the alt ending, i feel like they were more aligned to how they had been in the series from ch1-9. like you said, their playfulness and youth was still there !!
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Encore - Harry Hook x reader -  Part 17 - bday present for myself~
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Harry cursed to himself, the island he was going to use to propose to (y/n) on was some sanctuary for an endangered species and the wildlife preserves didn’t want humans on the island. So he would have to figure out something else for his propos…wait…her birthday was next week! And he had been wanting to do a surprise party for her, and Gil had suggested a scavenger hunt for her to do to keep her busy.
He already had the ring, permission to marry her from her aunt, and the knowing that if he asked, she would say yes…
All he had to do was add one more thing.
You sighed, setting down the heavy crate, wiping sweat from your neck as you stood. “gods, why does it gotta be so warm today” you groaned, undoing the colling towel from your belt and tossing it on your face “aahhhh that’s the good stuff~”
“(y/n) what are you doing?” you took off the towel and tossed it around your neck, sighing as the heat on your neck finally decreased.
“cooling down, it's like 95 out here” you complained, turning to look at Bonnie, who was holding two cold waterbottles “oohhhh fuckin-thank you!” she snorted and tossed one to you, you caught It in mid-air and cracked it open, gulping down the cold drink.
“slow down girl” Bonnie chuckled, cracking opening her bottle and starting to drink “oh, happy birthday by the way” you burped and grinned at her.
“Thanks, Bonnie,” you blinked in surprise as she handed you a note. “oh, thank-“
“yeah yeah, see you later girl” Bonnie trotted off deck, soon walking out of sight. You shrugged and tore open the paper.
It was Harry's handwriting.
-hello my bonnie lass~ today is your birthday and I wanted to celebrate it by giving you a scavenger hunt to your party today
It will be from the isle to Auradon, no stone left unturned.
Now go to the place, where our first meeting occurred.
You pursed your lips, tilting your head, where you first met huh? Well, that would be on the isle. You closed the note and stuffed it in your pocket, heading to your cabin for a moment to change your clothes, grab your bag, and your motorbike keys.
You looked around the slightly collapsed building, where you had originally met harry, after the chase between the gaston twins and you.
“oh,” you gasped, kneeling next to a large chunk of building and pulling out an envelope beneath it. Standing up you leaned against the wall and opened the note, a small bracelet falling out with it, golden painted seashells and opals danced across the metal, you slipped it on and read the note.
-you found it lass, now in the spot where the stars shine bright, the place I realized my heart was yours that night.
You groaned slightly, a smile on your face, he was being cheesy with these hints, but his rhyming wasn’t bad.
But you knew exactly where he was talking about, the hiding spot.
You took off your shoes, walking along the shore of the small inlet. You took a deep breath, the air much cleaner than the first time you had been here.
You spotted the white envelope holding the next clue, you trotted over and pulled it out, smiling at the long thin box underneath it. You pulled the box and opened it, clicking your tongue and tilting your head.
A new golden chain for your ruby necklace. You closed the box and slipped it into your bag, opening the note you laughed at the twin's messy handwriting.
-hi aunt (y/n)! harry let us write this note! -skipper
-so the next clue is “where you joined the crew”-sterling
“that’s an easy one” you snorted, but you couldn’t give them crap, they were only 12. So you walked the short distance from the hidden beach to the chip shop, nodding to the patrons as you entered.
“Hey (y/n) Hook left this for ya” Cook handed you the letter and a small bag, you grinned and nodded. “happy birthday by the way”
“Thanks, cook, see you later” you walked out of the shop and leaned on the docks outside. Opening the bag you snorted at the new leather gloves inside, small painted designs on the leather.
“such a dork” you whispered, taking out the note and grinning at it.
-another job well done my love, now for the place were we spar, and we “hit” it off
You groaned and rubbed your forehead, you remembered that…your head still hurt after that day.
You stepped onto the old lost revenge, even with Umas magic, it had been unable to sail again, so now it was used as an isle home for the crew. Desiree grinned, holding up the note and another small bag.
“hey, commander~ happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Desiree” you chirped, grabbing the note and bag from her “you can go ahead and do what you’re supposed to do after you give me this”
“Thanks, girl, see you later!” she hopped off the rails and walked off the ship, going through the tunnel to the bridge.
You opened the bag to see a scarlet headband with silver hook embroidered into the side, you slipped it on and opened the note.
-hope Desiree didn’t just leave the present unattended for you to find but! This next clue is just across the border, when I got to hold you in my arms once again.
Alright, to the bridge it is.
You stepped across where the magic barrier used to be, looking to your left, seeing a small stone holding down a note.
You walked over and picked it up, seeing no mini present. Opening it up you smiled.
-sorry love no present with this one, too risky for someone to take it, but this next one will be where we walked into Auradon together for the first time
Alright then, so just the other side of the bridge. Turning around you walked back to your motorbike and swung your leg over the seat and started the engine. You quickly strapped your helmet on and drove to the other side of the bridge.
You tilted your head at Evie, who smiled and waved at you, holding out a note “hey (y/n)! happy birthday! Here you go!” you dismounted your bike and met her halfway, nodding at her.
“Thanks, Evie, see you later” she nodded and ran off, presumably to your “surprise” party. Opening the note you chuckled.
-astute as always love (though im not really making these hard am I?) but the next is where I learned I wouldn’t be ripped from your arms for the second time
The courtyard of Bens castle, where you and Harry had gotten the keys from Persephone. You got back on your bike and rode off through the bridge gate to Auradon, making the 15 minute trip to bens castle.
“hey beasty boy!” you called, waving to the king who was just exiting his castle “you probably got something for me don’t cha?”
He shrugged “maybe? Dunno- ow” you punched his shoulder and held out your hand “okay okay here, I’ll see you later (y/n)” he handed you the next note and walked off, but you didn’t bother to pay attention where.
You ripped open the envelope, once more smiling at Harry's handwriting.
-Final clue my love, where we stepped through to our new life
That one made you think for a moment before it hit you. The door, the very first door you and harry stepped through to get to your world.
But you don’t remember a room behind it? Which it probably did but who knows. Good news was the door was in Bens castle so you unlipped your helmet and hung it off one of the handles, walking through the gates and making your way through the castle.
You stood in front of the door, looking at the small note taped to it.
-happy birthday (y/n)
You took a breath and opened the door, laughing as the room burst with streamers and confetti.
The entire crew, the core four, Ben, Jane, Lonnie, even Audrey was there, blowing horns and throwing confetti in the air, screaming in your face.
“guys!” you whipped a stray tear from your cheek “awwww…ive never been thrown a surprise party before!”
“Really?” Jane gasped “why not?!”
You shrugged, “dunno, guys people from my world aren’t as amazing as you guys”
“aw thanks” Evie sniffed, smiling at something behind you. You rose your brow at her and turned around, gasping and stumbling back.
“H-Harry?! Wha-“ Harry stood infront of you, a clean dark red suit fitted on his body, his hair combed back yet still in that wild style you loved, his eyeliner clean.
“(y/n), yeh have been the light of meh life for the past two years, since yeh fell into my life. Yeh have saved me from becoming a dark bitter person hell-bent on revenge, yeh have saved me from my da, yeh have protected meh family” oh gods you were already crying “and eh have both given and helped meh love, and I want to spend the rest of meh life with yeh, and love yeh for the rest of meh life, so” he kneeled on one knee, taking out a red velvet box from his pocket and opening it, revealing his mothers red ruby ring, in a brand new golden band with small bits of sea glass running down the sides “will you marry me-“ you fell to your knees, tears streaming down your face, unable to talk.
You let out incomprehensible babbles and nodded, leaping into Harry's arms and wrapping your arms around his neck “Im guessing it’s a yes” Harry chuckled, pulling you back and smiling, tears brimming in his eyes.
“yes” you croaked “yes I will marry you, you giant dork” Harry laughed but you shut him up quickly, pressing your lips to his.
Harry hummed into the kiss, lifting you slightly and tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
“Alright alright” Carlos chuckled, walking over and patting Harry's shoulder “wed rather not see you two do it right in front of us please”
Harry separated from you and glared at Carlos “shut it up, let me enjoy this” he muttered, smiling at you and helping you stand, sliding the ruby ring onto your ring finger.
He kissed you again, bringing up your hand and kissing it “happy birthday my love”
“I love you Harry” you whispered, still whipping away your tears.
“I love you too (y/n)”
--end of part 17--
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Hey lovelies,
Got a Dewey Finn x reader for you.
Reader is depressed and Dewey is there to take care of her.
Trigger! Depression! Also: angst and fluff.
Hope you enjoy.
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Light in your dark.
You felt dark. You felt sad. Beyond sad. It was just as if all the happiness was recently sucked out of you. Nothing remaining of the bright light that normally surrounded your bubbly personality.
You couldnt eat. You couldnt sleep. You couldnt even convince yourself to take a shower. You just lay in the comfort of your couch for... hours? Days? Weeks? You weren't sure how long exactly.
Your phone buzzed in the background. Again. You heared the familiar tune of ACDC's 'highway to hell' rang in the distance. It was the ringtone to match Deweys number, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
You sighed again, deeply... just wanting to forget. And to be forgotten. With the ringtone lulling you to sleep, you closed your eyes. Embracing the darkness completely.
You woke up by the sound of a familiar voice calling your name. You slowly opened your eyes, annoyed by the light that creeped not only into your eyes but also tried to intrude into your soul. You were fine with the darkness your soul reveled in right now...
Well... apparently the person calling your name wasn't cool with this whole deal with the darkness you had going on. You didnt even want to open your eyes to see who that voice belonged to, that was untill a feeling peaked your interest. The familiar feeling of stubble against your neck, combined with a smell you'd grown to love. A little bit of sweat, green tea and something unmistakably Dewey filled your nostrils. You cracked one eye open at the sound of his deep voice. The voice you had learn to trust. The voice that you had learn to love. "Hey... hey sweetheart... You gotta get up and drink something."
Your brows furrowed, and you closed your eyes again, grumbling at Dewey. "Just go Dew... go and take that bright light of life with you..." your voice cracked when you continued: "its too much... i cant take it right now Dewey. Just go. Please...." Tears tickled down your face when you struggled to get the words out through your sobs. Your last word wasn't more then a whisper.
Dewey sighed deeply, his huf growled deep in his throath, you could feel it against your neck when he exhaled. You felt his calloused thumb gently brush away the tears that were on your cheeks. You sniffled at that, feeling even more of a failure. You never felt this small and helpless in your life.
Dewey sat beside the couch and you were laying with your back to him. He had his head on your shoulder and kneeled next to the couch behind you.
He hated to see you like this, shutting out everyting. The world just suddenly too much for you to handle. He wanted to be there for you. Show you what you ment to him. Help you find the light in the darkness.
"Sweetheart. Im not leaving. Im never leaving. You got this. We got this. Im here. Its okay..."
You felt Dewey sneak his left hand under your waist so he could stroke your belly. His fingers brushed against your belly-button and his stubble still on your shoulder, kissing your cheek lovingly. Dewey murmered: "Hey love... open your eyes for me, please? Please?"
You opened your eyes when he started to tickle your belly-button. Smiling a bit when he did so.
"Thats it... keep those pretty eyes open for me, angel." He whispered lovingly in your ear, still softly stroking your belly.
Dewey placed his other hand on your knee, he started to humm into your ear as he let his fingers move on your leg. You smiled a bit through your sniffles when you recognized the tapping on your knee. Dewey was playing chords on your knee. Placing his calloused fingers where they should be on the strings to make a chord.
You giggled when you felt Dewey move his hand faster over your belly button, now full on tickeling your stomach. His other hand was rhythmically switching chords on your leg, and you felt the vibration of his voice hum at your neck and shoulder. His scruff tickeling when he enthausiastically made sound effects on his imaginary guitar.
... well... on you.
You had to laugh at his antics... he was just such a dork. You laughed untill you had no breath to laugh with anymore.
Dewey had turned the air-guitar play into a full tickle-fight. You squirmed and cackled as his skilled fingers tickled every inch of your skin.
You screamed in joy and was breathless because there had been so much laughing.
The wrestle left you laying on your back, with Dewey hovering above you.
His brown locks standing wildly on top of his head, when he locked eyes with you he leaned in to kiss you softly. He smirked, brushed your cheek and cooed: "Hey sweetheart. My name is Mister Finn... and im here to bring you the light."
You rolled your eyes and smiled up at his happy face. Starting to apologize: "Dew... listen... im sorry that i sometimes feel overwh-"
You were stopped mid sentence because Dewey pressed his lips on yours, sweetly kissing your doubts and apologies away.
"Hey... Sweetheart... listen to me. There is NO need to apologize. Its okay. I get it. The world is a bit much sometimes. Just... trust that i will always be here to bring the light, when you are drowning in the dark. Okay?
I am here. I always will be here. Promise."
He leaned down to kiss you once again and softly brushed away the tears that were on your face. Again. Luckely this time it were happy tears. You smiled through your sobs when you kissed him.
Dewey murmered against your lips: "You are one hell of an air guitar, dear.... I gotta remember that. Can come in handy someday."
He pecked away every tear that was still on your face, while you snorted at his comment.
Deweys rough stubble brushed against your forehead when he kissed it and he took your hand in his. He brought them to his lips and kissed the back of your hand and he winked at you.
The happiness beamed through his brown eyes as he spoke: "Now mylady... get your fancy ass of the couch..." Dewey started to pull you up from the couch, wrapping his arms protectively around you. Wrapping you in a safe supporting embrace as he continued to speak: "...and do me the honours of drinking a cup of tea with me? You gotta drink something, love."
You tried to nod your head yes, but his embrace left no room for it, so you just breathed a yes in his ear.
Dewey pulled away, kissed your nose and beamed you a half smile: "Good. We are gonna attack the bathtub after our tea. Okay? Im gonna stay with you, dear. No more darkness... deal?"
You nodded your head yes and was pulled into Deweys embrace immediately after. You snickered at his reply. "Good thing, love... Cant play my favorite air guitar in the dark now... can I?"
You squeeled when you felt his fingers tickle your skin again, laughing at the sound Dewey made when he did so. Tickeling you he yelled: " The crowd goes wiiiiiiild!" Fingers tickeling your skin, all you could do was laugh and cackle. His impression of a electric guitar wasnt that bad, you noticed between laughs. Through your laughs and his enthausiastic sound-effects you heared him cheer: "Oh dear!!! Im ShrEdDINg thOsE CHoRdSsSSSsss!!! Whoowh!!!"
After minutes of him holding you tight when he tickled you, you both were exhausted. You tiredly leaned against his chest and he did one last final chord, emphasizing it with a sound effect as he spoke: "I wanna thank the crowd tonight. But especially my favorite air guitar. Whitout her I wouldn't be whole."
He kissed you softly, running a hand trough your hair and spoke: "Come on babe. Even the most bright air-guitar needs a cup of tea to keep jamming..."
He whispered to you between kisses: "Im here. And im gonna stay."
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@ironmansuucks... thanx for the picture, love. 😍
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @bugdrinkss
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jae-daddy · 6 years
Chubby (3)
Part One Part Two Part Four
GOT7 Jaebum Series
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genre: angst, fluffy, smut, suggestive (not this chapter) smut and nasty coming later on
plot: you are insecure with your body, and are getting bullied. Your crush, Im Jaebum, decides to help you.
s/c: you’re dating Jaebum? wtf...
It was Monday, and three days had passed since Jaebum asked you to let him help you. You still didn't know exactly how he would do that. Better yet, you still didn’t know if he even meant it. 
Why would someone like Im Jaebum want to help someone like you? 
No matter, how hard you thought about it, you couldn’t come up with a reason. It made no sense at all. 
You walked into class, with a good ten-fifteen minutes left until the bell. You settled in your spot, and looked up to the front instantly regretting it. Her eyes caught yours, and you were already sinking in deeper in your seat. 
“Hey, tong!” She greeted you like you were an old friend. “How are you this morning?” 
You let out a breath, trying to keep yourself calm. 
“I’m alright, thank you.” You replied, your voice barely above a whisper. “How are you?” 
“I’m good, thanks.” She replied, and you looked up and smiled. 
Maybe, its stopped. Maybe, Jennie will stop now. 
“How does it feel, tong?” she said, taking a seat next to you. “How does it feel sitting next to the hottest boy in the school?” 
You shrugged, truthfully, you didn't have any feelings about sitting next to Jaebum yet. Since your mind was always thinking about what he asked of you, about the deal and what it meant, you hadn’t found the time to think about this yet. 
“Huh?” she snorted. “So, you have no feelings about sitting next to your crush?” 
You nodded, looking at your desk. 
“Hey, tong.” She leaned towards you, sneering her teeth. “Just because I’m being nice to you right now, doesn’t mean I am nice.” 
You turned to look at her; even with her teeth barred and face inches away from you, she was still pretty. 
“You know I can be worse then this, don't you?” She sweetly smiled at you.
You frowned at yourself, why were you living so pathetically? 
Why were you letting some girl walk all over you?
“Even if you give your worst, I’ll still you my best.” You gave her a smile, her smile twitched as the anger sparked up in her. 
“Always so nice and kind, aren’t you?” She whispered, her smile turning cynical. 
“We both know what you’re truly capable of,” her voice was low. “So stop pretending now.” 
You felt your breath tighten at the memory. 
“That’s not who I am.” 
“You will always be who you were,” she got up from her place. “You’ll always be a monster.” 
From the corner of her eye, she saw her two friends enter, and instantly her demeanour changed. 
She slammed her hands on the table, and leaned in with a playful smirk. 
“Our tong, decided to come back to school.” She playfully sang, as she placed your hair over your shoulder. 
“So pretty,” Jennie teased, as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Isn’t she?” She turned to her two friends who stood beside her with an amused smile. 
“So pretty.” She said again, running her hand over your face and down your jaw. 
“So pretty, tong.” 
You couldn't move or do anything. You sat on the desk with your hands clasping your skirt as your eyes prickled feeling hot. 
“Yeah, she is.” A new voice spoke up from behind you. “She’s pretty.” 
Gasps and exclaims resounded from every student as they all looked at the scene unfold. 
You turned wide-eyed to a tall dark haired boy, staring right at you. 
“You’re right, she is pretty.” His deep voice said, looking into your eyes before turning towards Jennie. “But you should take your hands off her.” 
Jennie hesitantly removed her hands from you, and put them to her side in small fists. 
“Jaebum,” she trailed off, in question. 
Jaebum made his way towards you, and grabbed your hand that was gripping your skirt like your life depended on it. He pulled you up next to him, his eyes never leaving you. 
He put his hands on your shoulders, and held you closer to him. 
Jaebum scanned the class, peering at each and every student almost challenging them. While you stood there awkwardly staring at the hard wood of your desk as all eyes watched you.
“She has to be pretty,” he said out loud to everyone, “because, she is my girlfriend.”
The whole class erupted into noise, as you snapped your head up towards Jaebum. 
He looked at the scene in front of him with a smirk, before he turned to face you. 
You brought your eyebrows together, in shock and confusion. 
Jaebum leaned down, and whispered in your ear. 
“Trust me, y/n.” 
He moved away, and you looked into his eyes. Looking for any form deceit or betrayal, but you couldn’t find any thing; no emotion at all.
You just nodded, hoping everything will turn out to be fine. 
You stood at edge looking out the window that held the view to the field. You stared out at the sky, and smiled at clear sky. This was peaceful, you liked the world like this. 
Why can't things always be so peaceful?
Word spread around fast. It was like wildfire, but faster- like a lightbulb switched on. By the end of first period, everyone knew. 
Even the teachers. 
Everyone seemed to have something to say about it, and no one hesitated to. Behind your backs though; some did it in front of you, but no one let out a meek in front of Jaebum. 
After Jaebum’s announcement, he didn't talk to you again or look at you, for the rest of the day. 
It was lunch now. You told Jin you will explain everything to her later, after school. Instead, you decided to hide in one of the old music rooms in the fourth floor that no one ever came to. 
You hummed along to the song that played through your earphones, and felt yourself letting go of every problem. 
“You’ve got a nice voice,” a deep voice sounded from behind you. 
You let a bloodcurdling scream as you shrunk to the ground, feeling your life flow out of you. 
Laughter filled the quiet room, as you peeked up to see the school’s cold bad boy laughing like a dork. His mouth was stretched into a smile, his eyes almost disappearing, his neck veins showing as laughter left him. He looked so happy. 
You found yourself laughing along, as you sunk to the floor. You settled on the ground with your knees drawn to your chest. 
After sobering up, Jaebum settled next to you.
“Here,” Jaebum handed you a sandwich and strawberry milk from his bag. 
You shook your head, and pushed it away, back to him. 
“You eat it, I’m full.” 
He sighed as he took the food and placed them in your hands. 
“Eat it.” He ordered. “You haven’t eaten anything all day.” 
“I had a big breakfast.” You replied softly. 
“That was before eight, it’s past one now, y.n.” He shot back, taking out his own food. 
You wanted to say something about it being better to not eat a meal, something about how it won't kill you, but instead you stayed quiet. You unwrapped it and took a bite. 
Jaebum felt satisfied as he saw you take your third bite, and he began to eat his. 
After a while, you broke the silence. 
“Why did you do that?” 
“Do what?” 
“Tell them that we’re going out.” You said softly, feeling your cheeks get rosy. “Are we dating? Fake dating?” 
Jaebum stayed quiet for a moment before shrugging. 
“I thought about it, and it seemed like a fair deal for both of us. This fake dating will make sure, no one bothers either of us. No one will bother me cause I’m in relationship, and the girls will finally leave me alone. And everyone will leave you alone too.” 
You shook your head frantically as you turned towards him. “No, they won’t. You’ve just made it worse for yourself. People are going to tear you apart because you go out with someone like me. They wil-”
“No, they won't.” Jaebum shot back, You sighed, as you fell back into your spot. 
“I don’t think you’ve completely understood how I really am. Someone like me isn’t worthy of someone like you.” You whispered lowly. 
Jaebum let out a sigh, as he rested his head against the wall. 
“I guess it’s up to you, then. Become worthy of me.” He chuckled. “But, no skipping meals.” 
You looked at him and frowned. 
“You like me, don't you, y/n?” He asked, looking right at you. 
You bit your lip as you nodded, “Yes.” 
“Then promise, y/n, you won’t skip your meals.” He held out his pinky. 
“Promise,” you replied softly, entangling your pinky with his, as he locked it. 
“Good girl.” He sighed, sitting back. “So, are you okay with this?” 
“Okay with what?” 
“Fake dating me?” He asked, casually taking a bite. 
You thought about it, and you couldn’t really think of a harm. The worst thing that could help was you start like him, but you already did. What could be worse?
“I’m okay.” You said. 
“Why me?” You asked, after a moment. 
“Because, y/n,” he said turning to look at you. “Because it’s you.” 
You frowned, not sure what he meant. Unsure if he meant it in a good or bad way. You cocked your head to a side, and he just smiled shaking his head. 
“Finish that, y/n.” Jaebum scolded you.
not edited
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