ghoststatic · 1 year
I love how there are a few things in every Alice Oseman book. For example, Tumbler. This is in every book but I see it used a lot more in Radio Silence. I find it very interesting because you see how Frances use it a lot along with Tori. You get to see their messages a lot and it’s very entertaining. I have not seen a single book that she has written that didn’t include Tumbler. It’s something that stay the same each book. It’s nice.
There’s also for some reason skinny jeans in each book. I don’t know if they are very popular in Europe since I’ve never been there?? I just see that one a lot and it’s easier to imagine the outfits because most of the time the characters are wearing sweaters and skinny jeans.
Anyways yeah, I just think it’s cool that there are some things that stay the same in each book.
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jarpadandjensens · 10 months
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There is a rumour going around about Jared being cast in the Marvel TV series "Nova"
Assistants and stand ins were posted on IMDP (and IMDP pro) including one for Jared.
Jared's likeness was used in a Richard Rider "Nova" concept and art by Rafa Grassetti in 2019 (middle picture) x x x
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mejcinta · 2 years
Understanding Morpheus/Dream is easier than you can imagine. He's...not a mortal. He's like a god, if not greater. Therefore, his love life, as well as his approach to his lovers, isn't all that normal.
His relationship with Calliope is less complicated. She's a goddess after all, somewhat at par with him. Timeless, available and reliable. There's a comfort there for him in not being challenged and he basks in that.
Conversely, his relationship with Queen Nada, a mortal, is very complex. The Dream Lord isn't used to being refused what he wants, much less from a 'mere mortal'. Falling in love with a mortal surprised him just as much as her rejection. It's a tug of war of principles, pride and different perspectives when it comes to Nada and Morpheus, but both still love each other; even in her afterlife.
There's no use comparing Calliope and Nada because they happened differently in Dream's endless life. And much as they were both imprisoned, the pain and love he experiences for both is very different. With Calliope there's a fear of not turning up after all she's borne for him. And as for Nada there's a fear of turning up at all and feeling something (remember his panic?).
Dream's refusal to forgive Nada gives a look into the Dream Lord's depths of anger, vengeance, pride and even...love. It will be interesting to see how he confronts his own errors when he releases Nada; when he faces his ultimate brush with humility.
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w1tchcr4ftt · 8 months
Documenting my discovery of The Great Digital Circus. It has been over 4 hours and it has topped splatoon 3 in my hyperfixations list.
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apricote · 8 months
no one told me there's a whole oath breaking thing-y with paladins, sorry i'm dumb and idk anything about dnd
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myhusbandsasemni · 9 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Saw a thing while back that said that if Zelda let link die in botw, a new hero would have risen to take on Ganon and they wouldn’t have to wait a hundred years to be saved. And I got thinking, what if that did happen? And a new hero rose, what would the previous link’s family think of him? Would they take him in as they’re own? Would it be to hard for them to see him as it would remind them of their son? What do you think?
Ooooooo, interesting!
I mean, it would take time for this new Link to rise up anyway, like a solid ten years at least (ideally longer, hopefully he isn't as young as our little Hero of Time or Hero of Hyrule), so like, Wild's family would have started learning to move on from the loss - in this regard, I don't think they'd be like resentful or anything about it. But it would definitely hurt, I imagine, seeing someone step up to fulfill the role your son died trying to accomplish.
It would hurt a lot.
But BotW Link's family wouldn't want to see another family broken, another young Hero fallen, so they'd do whatever they could to support him.
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question-marked · 29 days
what chess piece represents you?
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White Queen
You are the White Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, meaning you are strong in some aspect of your life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, one of these is your strong suit. The queen can move anywhere she wishes upon the board, meaning you have your hands full with all the different tasks and choices in your life. Just be careful not to overwhelm yourself. For all your poise and status, your position will surely crumble under the weight of your pride.
"tagged" by @mad-hunts
tagging anyone who's interested in doing this, do this and say that I tagged you
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mystical-cinnamoon · 7 months
i am saying things i havent told anyone yet and it feels normal and safe
i wonder how far this will go
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A little addition from a fellow Big Red enjoyer: D1 had no Russian dub at all, so no changes were made for Rasputin. He speaks perfect Russian there, not distorted, changed or weird in any way, with no foreign accent at all. It can be easily understood if you know the language. They changed the way he talks only in D2 to not only reversed, but HEAVILY distorted Russian, not as nicely spoken as in D1, but still nice, if you play it backwards and listen. Still, sometimes he speaks clearly even there (actually it happened once iirc, when he introduced himself. So he IS capable of speaking normally, but for some reason chooses not to in most cases).
More info on Rasputin's whole Deal in Russian.
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bugstung · 1 year
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chiroptaro · 2 years
ok so. the cult explanation. actually wait. it would be funnier to tell you in the order ppl found out.
So basically in ! era (there are several eras, ! era was the first phase of the game, !! is the current phase, which takes place a year later, war era takes place before ! era, and pre-war era is anything before that) Kanata was a 3rd year and part of a unit called Ryuseitai. (One of my two faves) Ryuseitai's theme is heroes, specifically the power ranger type, because the leader Chiaki is obsessed with being a hero and Ryst had a history of being a unit of heroes. Anyways Kanata and Chiaki are 3rd years and Kanata has this. weird way of speaking? Where certain words are in parentheses and he pronounces some words wrong or doesnt seem to know what they mean. Anyways Ryst has no 2nd years, but they manage to get 3 1st years in the beginning of the ! era, and absolutely none of them wanted to be there, so basically they got the leftovers, but they were really desperate because they were gonna graduate. Anyways. Kanata is a weird guy who likes to swim in the school fountain, calls Chiaki his hero, speaks weirdly, doesnt refer to himself as a human, but like. maybe hes just kinda like that.
And then Meteor Impact comes out.
Some perspective. Enstars came out in 2015. Meteor Impact, aka the Kanata backstory story, came out in. 2019.
And oh boy!!! It sure is a story!!! one of the only es stories ive read and. jesus. head in hands. its something <will never be over meteor impact
Youve known for a while at this point of the existence in the war era of a group called "The Five Eccentrics", which were a group of five students who were interesting characters who were really good. Eichi used them to wage his war and get Wataru to fall in love with him but thats beside the point. What is the point is that Kanata was one of them (So were Rei and Wataru, vampire guy and the clown in the images i sent you)
Anyways Kanata is part of the five eccentrics. i realized this might not be that important to the cult backstory stuff im trying to tell. whatever
Chiaki and Kanata are 2nd years during this time. Chiaki is part of Ryuseitai, and Kanata is unaffiliated. Chiaki does a lot of volunteer work bc ryst are heroes, and one of those jobs is to clean the old school pool, which is completely dilapidated. There he meets Kanata, and Kanata asks if he wished the pool would be clean, and he says yes. Next day he returns to clean it and the pool is spotless. He and Kanata start becoming friends even though Chiaki's kinda put off by Kanata's behavior. Kanata keeps saying he'll grant any wish Chiaki wants, Chiaki keeps saying he doesnt have anythimg to wish for. anyways stuff happens. Chiaki keeps hearing rumors about shady peoplearound the school. At some point his friend who is an ex thug gets beat up by his old friends and Chiaki tells Kanata about it. The friend gets mad because his old friends got super scared bc the police came and threatened them. Chiaki wishes for ryst, which has become lazy and lost reputation, to be more motivated, and they do.
He finds out that theres actually a cult doing everything Kanata "wishes", but Kanata believes hes a god who grants wishes for people. he doesnt see himself as human, and only thinks hes worth soemthign when hes serving others by granting their wishes. Also the cult was formed because a meteor fell like a bajillion years ago and it had some sickness on it so people started sacrificing ppl to try to get rid of the sickness and that didnt work so then they ate a guy and that worked and that was Kanata's ancestor so basically theyve kept his lineage alive incase another meteor comes so then they could eat him. He is aware of this. Anyways Chiaki's trying to save him from the cult, at one point Kanata wants to return "home" (the ocean) so he just.walks into it and Chiaki dives in to save him because hes literally about to drown himself and Kanata gets upset because he cant breathe under water because he thought he could but everyone was jsut gaslighting him around him and then Chiaki;s like "ill save you, i want to be your friend" and Kanata's like "well if thats what you wish" and Chiaki's like "no, its my dream" and then he goes with Kanata to his public execution
Oh yeah uh. so like Eichi is going around "defeating" all the five eccentrics in idol battles to motivate the rest of the school but Chiaki is there with Kanata which automatically disqualifies them but then kanata joins ryst and everyone else leaves because theyre freaked out by him and then they adopt three lovely children the end <3
okay wow okay okay oka
ok so the order is pre-war, war, !, !!
wait okay so the cult is only keeping his lineage alive so they can eat him just in case. but then why are they granting wishes for him? is it bc he's seen as like, sacred? or is it just himself who sees himself as a god?
^ and how do they grant them in the first place??
why is kanata's home the ocean??? why does he think he can breathe underwater?? wjat??
wdym by they were gaslighting him when he was retunring to the ocean were they like "no ya u def can breathe in water i saw u do it like a few months ago" or what
also can't believe gay people are real?? "no, it's my dream." hot diggity dog
[unrelated to the cult q's]
how do the units work? it sounds. kinda like themed clubs is that what they are?
you said there's the vampire guy right. so is there just magic people? what's the dealio in the case of fantasy races in enstars
i want 2 know more about the 5 eccentrics they sound like a delight
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nthflower · 1 year
Uncanny avengers back 😳
It has Monet and Kwannon and Piotr 😳
Its written by Duggan 😰
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guzmapkmn-archive · 1 year
My disc APPEARS TO BE. Not showing everything???
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rainedroptalks · 1 year
okay so voice man (john probably) is getting very pissed about emilys death
that's probably important
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deathleadsarc · 11 months
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the amethyst is said to be a symbol of peace and freedom. a leader who sits on a throne of amethyst is a calming presence to their subjects, and values the wellbeing of their people over glory, wealth or fame. however, do not underestimate the power of a ruler of amethyst - their intelligence is often unrivalled. this does not correlate to academic achievement, but to their unique views of the world and their ability to think deeply and profoundly.
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