#Teacher!reader x Janitor!Eddie
caseyqdilla · 11 months
The Most Metal Sandcastle
A/N: @oneforthemunny Alright admittedly, this one got away from me, but it had to be done the writing goblin demanded it!
⛱️- "wanna build a sandcastle?" - building a sandcastle on the beach with any Eddie. do it with the kids, on a honeymoon, on a solo vacation.
Janitor!Eddie x Teacher!Reader
Shortly after Olivia turned 2 you and Ollie had been in the kitchen when he asked about it, “Momma”, you hummed in response while you were slicing strawberries for his afternoon snack since Olivia was napping, “why haven’t we ever gone to the beach?” as you finished the last strawberry and put it in his favorite bowl you looked at him, surprised. Ollie had never mentioned the beach or expressed any interest in the possibility of it so you hadn’t put much thought into it; thinking he wasn’t interested. It hadn’t really occurred to you that he may have never gone, but the fact that it made sense which broke your heart. 
“I guess dad and I never really thought about it lovebug, is that something you want to do?” you asked as you led him to the table so he could eat his berries and yogurt. 
He often got bashful when asking for things that he wanted, still not entirely used to the fact that he could ask for things, but when his eyes lit up he exclaimed “YES!” it melted your heart. Knowing that he was getting more comfortable asking for things little by little. Then he launched into the reason he was so excited, “My friends told me all about their trip last weekend, they said it was so fun momma! They said they’d seen fishies that looked like stars; just like the ones daddy put up in my room!!” 
You’re smiling so much your cheeks are starting to hurt, since summer was nearly over and you’d done all the things you’d planned; this was the perfect way to end it; a trip with your little family. “Okay lovebug, when daddy gets home I’ll talk to him and we’ll plan it.” he beamed at you then went back to his snack, you smiled, kissing his head as you made your way to Olivia as she had woken up and started cooing; undoubtedly ready to play with her big brother again. It made you so happy that they were so close, you were afraid that Ollie wouldn’t like having a younger sibling or wouldn’t see them as such since they weren’t biologically related. You were happily proven wrong, when Olivia started crawling and exploring, Ollie was right there helping her explore and teaching her things that he’d learned. As he finished his snack you brought Olivia to the living room for her to play, he happily jumped down, put his bowl in the sink, and ran over to his sister excitedly telling her all about the beach and your plans; which have yet to be hashed out, to her. His excitement was contagious as she got giddy just from his retelling to her. 
You cleaned up what little there was to do in the kitchen while your babies played in the living room, as you finished your husband walks through the door, having come back from the Harington’s to help Steve with a handyman project. 
“Daddy!!”, he shouted as both of them ran to tackle your lanky metalhead husband. Their combined giggles warming your heart. 
“Hey guys! What are you up to?” 
“We’re going to the beach!!” they shouted right in Eddie's face, well Ollie shouted while Olivia babbled slightly she’s still learning to use her words but she’s getting there, making him chuckle as he looks at you, raising an eyebrow. You give him a little nod smiling that says you’d tell him later, after his precious time with them before bed. Since he’d been helping Steve after work, he didn’t get that much time with them today so while you prepared dinner; you’d let them play. 
After dinner, baths, and story time the kids were finally down for the night; exhausted from their excitement. “So what’s this about the beach?” Eddie slipped his arms around your waist as you finished putting the last of the leftovers in the fridge, you felt his smile as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder; making you lean into him as you shut the door. 
“Well,” you started, turning in his arms to wrap yours around the back of his neck, giving him a soft peck on the lips, “Ollie asked why we hadn’t gone to the beach and he told me about his friends showing him pictures and telling him all about their adventures.” you paused, looking into his eyes, “He’s so excited so I figured since we’ve already done all our other plans, we could whip up an impromptu beach trip. What do you think?” 
He hummed for a minute, thinking back to your first beach trip and how much fun the two of you had; it brought a smile to his face. “I think that’s a great idea sweetheart.” you beamed at him and kissed him again. “I can get off early one day and we can make an entire day out of it!” 
The excitement bubbling up in him was so palpable that it made your heart soar, happy that you’d be able to do this with your little family. 
You both decided to try and go during the week so it wouldn’t be too crowded, while Eddie was off at work one day, you’d set out to the store. You dropped the kids off at Steve’s so he could watch them for a few hours while you got the things for the trip ready. You wanted to surprise them with some new beach toys, new bathing suits, and new floaties. You’d been able to hide away your new purchases when you came to collect your troublemakers; something Steve liked to call them since they’ve got him wrapped around their fingers. He smiled as he answered the door.
You’d gotten them situated in the car which then gave you a few minutes to talk with Steve, “So they told me about your beach trip, they’re so excited it's so precious.” he said fondly, “So I was thinking”, 
“Uh-oh.” you playfully interjected, earning you a playful shove. 
“Why don’t you use our beach house? You’ll have privacy, your own little access to the beach, and they’ll get to have a great first experience.” 
You looked at Steve with a dumbfounded expression, having not expected such a generous offer, “That would be amazing Steve, you have to let us give you something for let-” 
He cut you off with a hand, “Nope, you’re family and I love you guys so you’re gonna use the beach house with no expectation for anything in return. Plus you both have watched my brood more than once at the drop of a hat, I think that’s payment enough.” he joked, which caused you to laugh. His kids were so sweet and well behaved, it honestly wasn’t ever an issue. It was an added bonus that your kids hit it off so well and became fast friends; they were inseparable. You pulled Steve into a hug and thanked him profusely and he’d given you the spare keys to his vacation home; something you kept as an added surprise for the kids, but were chomping at the bit to tell Eddie about. 
After dinner and getting them down for bed, you’d told Eddie about Steve’s kind gesture which Eddie then called Steve to also thank him profusely. Your plans changed slightly, but you were so excited now that you’d be able to make a whole weekend out of this beach trip to make it so special for your little boy. 
The day finally arrived, Eddie had gone in early that day to finish the todo list he’d gathered from the staff that were there so that he could have all of it done and they wouldn’t have to wait until he returned. He came home almost more excited than the kids. Luckily they were easy to get up and ready for the day and you’d gone through the day before and discreetly packed a bag for everyone so that the little getaway stayed a surprise for the kids. While they finished lunch, Eddie packed anything that was left to pack into the minivan; that he was soooo opposed to at first, arguing that his van was perfectly fine. Luckily, Wayne stepped in and talked some sense into the boy. “Son, I know your van is reliable and she’s been through a lot with you, but it ain’t got no seats for the kids!” sure he’d pouted at first, but it definitely grew on him. 
You all piled into the van and started the hour and a half long drive to the beach. Since you had the whole weekend, you took your time; stopping at roadside attractions, taking silly pictures, and just in general making memories. The kids finally fell asleep about 30 minutes away from the beach house, the best case scenario so you can make sure they’re properly surprised by the large beach house Steve had lent you all. 
Quietly and as gently as possible Eddie unloaded everything into the house without waking Ollie or Olivia. Finally, you were able to gently wake them up, stroking Ollie's hair as he stirred awake; he looked out the window and his eyes grew 2 sizes looking at the grand house. 
“Where are we momma?” 
“Uncle Steve let us use his vacation house so we can stay the whole weekend!” you excitedly told him as his whole face lit up and he squirmed excitedly to get out of his booster seat. 
As he sees that Olivia has woken up too, he excitedly shouts to her, “Uncle Steve has a big house on the beach and we get to stay here this weekend!” laughing you let them out of the car and let Eddie usher them in, matching their excitement. You smile watching your family get pumped over being able to be in paradise for the weekend. While they’re doing that you load up the wagon with the things from the car so you don’t have to stop their exploration of the sizable house. When Eddie sees you bring it over the threshold he gives you a guilty smile, which you return with a megawatt smile silently letting him know it’s okay; you’d rather them start making memories than have to wait. 
The kids exhausted themselves running around the house exploring while you and Eddie unpacked your belongings, as much as you wanted to at least, when they came to you winding down from their surprise and hungry you’d ordered pizza. After you ate dinner and got them ready for bed, when you were done tucking Olivia in and letting Eddie read to her, Ollie came up to you and tugged gently on your night shirt. 
“Hey lovebug, you okay?” you asked slightly worried by the expression on his face. 
He nodded bashfully and asked quietly, “Can we call Uncle Steve so I can say thank you?” 
Your worries melted away and your heart warmed with the question; you found it so endearing that he wanted to make sure that Steve also knew how thankful they were, “Of course baby, but let’s call him in the morning so sissy can say thank you too okay?” 
He smiled at you and took your hand as you walked to his room and tucked him in, giving him a kiss goodnight on the forehead and rubbing his back gently he drifted slowly to sleep. When you were sure he was asleep you got up trying not to make too much movement and went to the room you and Eddie would be sharing to see the sweetest sight. Your beautiful husband, in his sleep pants, sprawled on the bed already snoring lightly. “Seems like the kids aren’t the only ones that tuckered themselves out by exploring.” you thought fondly. You slipped into bed beside Eddie and wiggled into his hold, as he felt you he shifted slightly and wrapped his arms around your middle pulling you snugly against his chest then you drifted to sleep with a soft smile on your face. 
The sounds of feet running down the hall with excitement stirred you from your sleep, you knew exactly what was about to happen and decided to brace you and your sleeping metalhead. You gently put a few pillows over his crown jewels, anticipating both your overly excited children to launch themselves onto the bed; and launch themselves they did. You’d put the pillow there just in time as Olivia hit the mark; Eddie groaned but thankfully it wasn’t as bad as it would have been with absolutely no protection. He looked at you with gratitude before diving in and tickling both the kids. Happy squeals filled the room as they squirmed out of the bed and away from Eddie’s tickling, “Get back here, the tickle monster is still hungry!!” he shouted as he got up and chased after them. You laughed as you also got up and headed down to start breakfast. 
After breakfast was eaten, you all got ready for the kids’ first ever visit to the beach. You were so beyond grateful to Steve that he let you guys use the house, the private access to the beach is going to make their first experience so incredible. 
When all the sunscreen was applied, much to Eddie’s dismay, you stopped before you left asking the kids, “You wanna call Uncle Steve before we head out there?” they both excitedly nodded. When you got him on the phone they both excitedly chattered to him and thanked him. He laughed and told them that he was happy to be able to do it and that he hopes they have so much fun. 
Once you hung up with Steve, you finally made it outside. The weather wasn’t as hot as you thought it would be, the view was beautiful as well and you couldn’t resist taking out one of the many, upon Eddie’s insistence, disposable cameras to snap a few pictures. While you were in the midst of getting those pictures you couldn’t help yourself and got a few candid ones of the kids and Eddie. 
Ollie walked up to Eddie, who was in the process of filling one of the buckets with sand; you’d taken Olivia on a walk along the shore so she could pick up as many seashells as her little heart desired. 
“What are you doing dad?” he’d asked, looking at him puzzled. 
Eddie smiled and explained that he was making a sandcastle, “When grandpa Wayne brought me here shortly after I came to live with him, we made the biggest sandcastle ever!” he recounted fondly, as you and Olivia walked back over you smiled as he told Ollie and got him hyped up as they began to construct the “most metal sandcastle the Harrington beach manor will ever see!” as Eddie put it. Olivia meandered over to help and they accepted her help with excitement; you’d been off to the side taking so many pictures of your family’s smiling faces when an older couple stopped to view the construction fondly. 
“How sweet, is this their first trip here?” the older of the two men asked, smiling at the excited giggles you could hear. 
You returned his fond smile, “Yeah, our little boy was so excited so we wanted to make sure his first experience was amazing.” 
The younger man spoke, “You know, we’re photographers. Would you want us to come and get some pictures of all of you? That way you have your entire family in there?” 
“Oh I don’t think we’d be able to afford something like that, but I really appreciate the offer.” you smiled back, misunderstanding him. 
He laughed lightly, “Honey no, we were offering to do it. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on having pictures with them.” 
Your eyes sparkled, “Are you sure?” 
They both shared a look and smiled nodding to you, “Why don’t you go have fun, give us whatever cameras you have and let us do what we do best.” 
With that you were off, ready to offer your contributions to the ‘most metal sandcastle’. You filled Eddie in shortly so he wouldn’t be worried by random men taking pictures of your family. He smiled and waved excitedly to them as they laughed and waved back with just as much excitement. Turns out, those men happened to be Steve’s uncles who normally watch the beach house for him while they’re not using it; he’d told them about you all coming to stay so they wouldn’t think you were intruders and call the police. After they’d used at least 3 of the 5 or so disposable cameras you’d brought you’d offered them to join you and you spent the afternoon in a sandcastle building contest. You and Eddie on one team, Ollie and Olivia, after much insistence from Ollie, and Steve’s uncles on one as well. You all admittedly didn’t even try to make a good sandcastle becoming distracted by how sweet Ollie was showing his little sister how to make one. Safe to say they definitely won that contest; with that the uncles took a few last pictures, Ollie and Olivia in front of their sandcastle proudly presenting it, then Eddie joining them for one as well, and finally all of you in front of the ‘most metal sandcastle ever.’ 
Ollie and Olivia were adamant about making a card for Uncle Steve, which you of course helped with, when you got all the pictures that were taken you smiled fondly at the very last one; all of you in front of the sandcastle smiling so big it's a wonder your cheeks didn’t still hurt. Since you had more than one print of that picture, you’d had one framed and pasted one in the card for Steve. 
There was a picture you never remembered being taken, but you suppose that made sense as your and Eddie’s backs were to the camera as you held one another and looked on at your beautiful kids having the time of their life, on the bottom of the polaroid a small note from Steve’s uncles that said ‘The Most Metal Beach Vacay Ever’ it brought a tear to your eye as you showed Eddie as you put it into a new photo album that you’d started affectionately named; Metal Memories, which had all your summer adventures in it.
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lesservillain · 5 months
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alpha!eddie munson x omega!reader
cw: omegaverse, soul bonding, scenting, knotting, unprotected piv, breeding, semi public sex, pregnancy
an: part of the school days universe.
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Five days.
It’s only been five days since you started your newest substitute teaching job at Hawkins High School.
Well, scratch that. It’s only second period, so you can really only say it’s been four days, barely 9 am even, but it’s already been just as hellish as the rest of the week.
Monday started with you not being able to find a parking spot, having to park down the road and run into class. Turns out you were trying to park in student parking and weren’t aware of the back lot for the teachers to park in. 
Tuesday you dumped your coffee that you waited way too long in line for all over your notes from the teacher you were subbing for. Thankfully it was only the current week's curriculum and you were able to decipher the notes enough to get the gist of what you needed to be doing, but it was still a pain in the ass.
Wednesday your tire went flat on the way to work. Thankfully one of the other teachers, Mr.Harrington, just happened to be driving by and gave you a ride the rest of the way. You were able to call a tow truck to take your car to a nearby body shop that you walked to after work. You’re pretty sure the guy overcharged you for the tire but you were too exhausted to argue.
Thursday, oh Thursday, your students in your second period class decided that they weren���t going to take you seriously, making rude noises and disrupting class with unrelated questions, and randomly scenting just to get under your skin. This period was heavy with new alphas, and if you hadn’t been warned ahead of time, you could tell by the way they all behaved. The teacher you were subbing for was able to reign them all in somehow, but you were struggling with getting them to listen to anything you had to say.
So, naturally, this would be the class that would see your Friday turn into the worst day of the week so far. 
There was only 10 minutes left in the class. There had been some rowdiness, but not nearly as bad as the day before. You were so close to moving on to your easier classes of the day when a water pipe decided to burst directly above you, breaking the ceiling tile and completely drenching you in cold water. 
Everything was still for a single beat, until the silence was cut by the boisterous laughter of the 22 seniors who watched the incident happen in real time. After the initial shock, you yelled at them to be quiet, more stern than you’ve ever been in your life, and told them to read the chapter on their own while you called the office.
As you turned to go to your desk, you caught your reflection in the window and were instantly reminded that you were wearing a white shirt today, the deep magenta of your bra very visible now due to the state of your top. 
Embarrassment is one thing, but when you remember the morning you had, it just pisses you off more than anything. You had initially put on a blue top when you woke up this morning, but, on top of everything else you were dealing with this week, you were also having to take care of your fiance, Dave, during his rut as well, which was a job all on its own. 
He insisted that he wouldn’t be able to wait for you to get home with the pain he was in, so you let him get in a quickie while you were brushing your teeth. He also refused to wear a condom, telling you the pain would subside for longer if he could feel you. But, you weren’t falling for his tricks, and as soon as you felt his knot starting to swell you pulled away from him, ending up with his spend all over the back of your shirt.
Which led you to now, where you sit at your desk with your head down and your arms crossed over your chest trying to hold back tears as you wait for the maintenance guy to come look at the ceiling. You could hear the snickering and teasing whispers from your students but were too defeated to tell them to do their work. Only when you got a faint smell of cinnamon spice and warm smoke did you finally speak up.
“Whoever is scenting right now, knock it off before I write you up.”
Low murmuring and a voice quietly saying “it wasn’t me” to another student's accusation were the only response you received. But the smell only got stronger. 
Stronger to the point where you felt your body shiver for a moment. It made your body heat up in a way you haven’t felt in a while, your thighs rubbing together subtly under your desk. 
You lifted your head to yell at your students again, but was interrupted by a knock on the classroom door before you could speak. The scent was so strong now that there was no way it was from an immature alpha. that you felt dizzy when you turned your head to see who was entering your classroom.
As your vision settled on the figure before you, you felt like your breath had been knocked out of you. A tall man with beautiful curly brown hair and big, brown eyes took a few steps into the classroom. He was silent, gawking at you in the same way you must be looking at him. 
“H-hi, I’m Eddie,” he stuttered, being the first to speak once the giggling from the students brought him back to reality. When you hear his name for the first time, you swear you can hear bells ringing in the distance.
 “I’m here to check your pipes.” Another round of laughter fills the room, causing you to run your hands over your face and down to the back of your neck. 
“Guys, please—”
“That’s enough.”
The scent surrounding you peaks as a weight falls over the room. The students fall silent, but your head reels as you feel your body heat up. It felt like the beginning of your heat, but it was nowhere close to being due thanks to your suppressants. 
After a beat, the tension was interrupted by the sound of the bell. And just as quickly as it came, the thick hold on the room was gone. Your students quickly grabbed their things and exited the room without a word.
You fan yourself as you feel the fever begin to dissipate. Eddie walks over to your side, concern sewed into his features as his eyes searched your face.
“Are you okay? I didn’t think I had scented so strongly…”
“Gosh, yes, I’m sorry,” you say, shaking your head to get back into your professional mindset. “I’m fine, just a little stressed.” You introduce yourself to him, extending a hand to him out of habit. You see his eyes go wide before darting to the side, his cheeks tinted pink.
You suddenly remember the state of your attire and quickly curl into yourself again, spewing apologies in an attempt to save any respect that he may have for you.
“Hey, it’s cool,” he laughs your embarrassment off, eyes still on anything other than you. “Do you, uh, want something to wear over that?” He’s pointing over his shoulder, taking a few steps back towards the door. Before you can really respond, he’s gone, almost running into a group of students as they begin to fill your class for the next period. 
As your third period class enters, you tell the students to take their seats until you can figure out how class is going to go. A few minutes later, Eddie returns with his hands full and pushes a mop bucket into the room. He places a wet floor sign in the middle of the room to free his hands before he’s handing you a black sweater. You thank him quietly when you take it, vision drawn to the chunky silver rings on his…really thick fingers.
You pull the sweater over your head and are immediately dizzy with the strong smell from before, mixed with a faint smell of cigarettes and sweat in the collar. The well worn sweater with frayed cuffs was soft and warm, the Metallica logo in dark gray letters displayed across the front covers your shame, allowing you to finally leave your desk.
As you rise to your feet, you catch the way Eddie is staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Was he thinking about your wet shirt under his sweater? Why do you hope that he is?
“Thank you,” you say, subconsciously pulling the fabric to your nose for a moment. Eddie stares at you for a moment, sucking in a deep breath of air before nodding wordlessly.
“Yeah, no, uh, no problem,” he murmurs, breathing out with a huff, a small smile tugging on his lips. The second bell rings to signal the start of the next period, making Eddie jump and look around. “Oh, yeah, um, when is your free period?”
“Not until fifth period.”
“Okay,” he says, bouncing his head as he looks at the water still puddled on the floor. “Do you want me to mop this up now, or do it when I come back? I don’t want to interrupt your class.”
“That’s okay,” you say with a wave of the hand, “My next two classes are taking a test today. So as long as you’re not giving them any answers, you won’t be a problem.”
Eddie nods and gets to work, doing his best to stay out of your way while you get through your two classes. You do your best not to let yourself be distracted by him, keeping busy with grading papers and prepping your chalkboard for your last classes of the day. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t take little glances at him as he worked. Maybe you noticed the way the sleeves of his shirt hugged his biceps when he carried his ladder in between classes. Maybe you let yourself indulge in the flash of his toned stomach when he lifted his shirt briefly to wipe his brow. Maybe you stared at his ass while he picked up the broken ceiling tile pieces off the floor. 
In the back of your mind you knew you shouldn’t be looking, especially when you have a fiance waiting for you back home. You’re not even the type of person to ogle someone the way you are right now. 
But something about Eddie’s presence was making you feel…different. Domestic. Like there was a misplaced pride in his ability to do his own job. You wanted to praise him for being a big strong alpha—your big strong alpha.
One of your students hesitates at your desk as she drops off her test, pulling you out of your fantasy. She’s one of the more quiet students, so you ask her if she needs anything as she continues to hover next to you. 
“Um,” she pauses for a moment, looking over at Eddie just as he walks out of the room. She says your name quietly, leaning in a bit to whisper, “Are you and Mr.Eddie dating?”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth to suppress the laugh that naturally pulled from your chest at the question. 
“No, we are not,” you answer. You tilt your head inquisitively, “Why do you ask?”
“Because you’re wearing his sweater. Usually people wear their boyfriends sweaters when they’re dating…”she comments as she points at the offending garment.
You smile at her, “I’m just borrowing it. I’ll be giving it back at the end of the day.”
She’s quiet for a moment, and you think that maybe the answer was enough for her. But she leans in to whisper again, “But why has he been staring at you all of class?”
A warm feeling washes over your chest at her words. Has he been keeping an eye on you? How did you not notice? Was he just keeping an eye on you or was he checking you out?
Before you could answer her, Eddie walks back into the room and your student hurriedly made her way back to her desk. You can’t help but watch him as he adjusts the tool belt that sets on his hips, a screwdriver being held between his lips as he does. As he grabs it from his mouth, you catch him looking at you for the first time. You wait for him to shy away like he did before, but instead he winks at you—fucking winks at you, before making his way back up the ladder.
The butterflies you felt in your tummy make you feel like a teen again. You don’t even know who you are right now. Have you just been so miserable in your current relationship for so long that you’re just happy to have another alpha’s attention? That can’t be, because you hate the attention that other alphas give you when you’re out on your own.
You’re not sure what it is, but as your classes end and your free period rolls in, you ask him if he wants to eat his lunch with you, giddy when he agrees.
“Is that seriously all you’re eating?”
Eddie pulled his ladder up to your desk and sat on one of the steps with a single large can of snack pretzels in one hand and a can of off brand cola in the other. He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights as you scold him for not bringing more to eat.
“Here,” you hand him a container of some leftover mac and cheese you made from the night before, “eat this please. I think I have a granola bar in my bag, too.”
“Woah, there, sweetheart,” he laughs as you start rifling through your bag. “I don’t need you to feed me. This has been my lunch since I was in middle school, so I’m set.”
You frown at him, not satisfied with the lackluster lunch he wanted to partake in. “What if I made you a lunch? Would you eat it?”
The rosy tint dusts his cheeks once again. A toothy grin spreads across his face as he gives you a shy side eye.
“I mean, I wouldn’t want your food to go to waste, but you really don’t have to worry about me.”
Wrong. The more you’re around him, the more you feel like you need to dote on him. You want to touch him, put your head on his shoulder, hold his hand. You want to go home with him and cook him dinner and wash his hair and have him hold you while the two of you sleep side by side in your shared bed. Every sweet word he says to you pulls you in like a fly to honey.
And when your hand accidentally brushes his, you both take in a deep breath at the same time, and you know he felt the same surge through his body as you. His gaze meets yours, chests raising and falling in anticipation as the two of you wait for the other to say something—do something.
But something doesn’t come, because the bell ringing once again makes the both of you jump, not realizing how close the two of you had gotten. Eddie jumps up from his seat on the ladder, grabbing his pitiful lunch and booking it out the door.
His sudden absence makes you sad, missing him more than you reasonably should. And as you sit alone, with the shuffling of feet outside your classroom creating a white noise that lets you slip into your mind, you can’t help but think about your life with David. 
He’s supposed to be your alpha. The one you’ve been with since high school since you both presented around the same time. He’s the only person you’ve ever been with, never really desiring anyone else but him before. He works a good job, bought a house for the both of you, and wants to have a family with you, the latter being the only thing the two of you never agreed on, not wanting kids despite the natural instincts of your second gender.
But, as you think about the man you laid eyes on this morning, who has made you feel more in the 4 total hours that you’ve known him than you’ve felt in the last decade with David, you think you’d give everything you have up to be with him. It scares the shit out of you to feel that way. It’s as if something has taken over your brain and completely rewired it to be all about Eddie. 
Maybe the afternoon away from him would give you time to clear your head. Putting all your mental effort into your remaining senior classes, you manage to keep your mind occupied for the most part. You swear that you can smell his scent every once in a while, but convince yourself that you’re just imagining it. 
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As the final bell rings for the day, you plop down in your chair and just let yourself decompress. You begin to think maybe this job was something that was more than you’d be able to handle, that you’d bitten off more than you could chew. You’d been subbing for a year now, but this was the first time you’d ever been this overwhelmed after just a week. You could always go and talk to the principal now and let them know you wouldn’t be back on Monday. Someone else could deal with—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. You roll your head to the side to find Eddie in your classroom's doorway once again. 
“Come to finish the job?” You ask tiredly.
“That’s one of the things I’m here for,” Eddie says with a nervous chuckle.
He takes long strides to your side, his hands in his pockets as his feet shuffle beneath him. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just…I just wanted to know if, maybe, you’d like to go out with me sometime?”
 You’re completely caught off guard by his request. A warmth blooms in your chest before promptly sinking into your stomach, forming into a solid rock of guilt and confusion. 
“I…I’m sorry Eddie, I can’t.” You should probably put more effort into sounding sincere rather than disappointed. But your heart was truly distraught at having to turn him down. 
“Oh, yeah, no, it’s cool,” he stutters, trying to play it cool as he takes in your rejection. “I didn’t mean to—I mean, I just, um, I just thought we had some chemistry or something…”
“Well, you wouldn’t be the only one who thought that. But, I have a boyfriend— a fiance, rather, and I—”
“Hey, it’s cool, I understand,” he waves you off as he takes hurried steps backwards towards the door. “Just forget I asked. Um, I’ll see you around I guess.” He gives you a weak smile before backing out of the classroom and into the hall again. 
“Yeah, see you around,” you mutter to yourself. 
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Before you could even fully turn the lock on your front door it was being yanked open, David standing on the other side of the door panting like he had just run a marathon. Without warning, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you inside of your shared home and something immediately feels off. 
The first thing you notice as you cross the threshold is that you can’t smell anything. The house has smelled like nothing but David’s musk since his rut started on Sunday, but now it just smells like your normal house. It doesn’t make sense, because he’s clearly going through it just as he was this morning. 
David’s nose scrunches when he finally gets close to you, almost immediately stumbling back against the wall to get as far away from you as possible. 
“What the fuck?” He scowls, looking you up and down with wild eyes. “What the hell are you wearing?”
Oh fuck. 
You were still wearing Eddie’s sweater. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you say as you scramble to pull the sweater off, sneaking one last inhale as it lifts over your head. “I had an incident at school and one of my coworkers let me borrow his sweater.”
“You took clothes from another alpha?” David’s voice was uncharacteristically stern, likely from the adrenaline of his rut. He’d never been an angry man, even with his natural alpha tendencies, but the way he was looking at you right now made you feel real fear. 
“I needed something to cover myself—“
“You fucking reek,” he says hand flying over his nose to shield himself from the lingering smell of Eddie. 
The fear quickly turns into annoyance at his insult. You weren’t about to deal with this attitude he was giving you, so you rolled your eyes and pushed past him, making your way straight to the bathroom to get cleaned up. 
After taking your sweet time to wash away the stress of the day, you emerge from the bathroom feeling refreshed. You’re surprised to see David sitting on the edge of the bed, face buried in his hands only to run them through his hair as you enter the bedroom. 
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing he blurts out, “I shouldn’t have acted like that.” You can tell he’s being genuine, and you can’t help but feel bad yourself. “I just, with the rut and everything, it makes me feel like the hulk when any little thing sets me off. And I’ve been feeling like shit all day while you were gone, so when you came home smelling like another alpha…”
“Shhh, it’s okay,” you coo as you take his face in your hands, the warmth of his fever hot against your palms. “I didn’t think about how it would have bothered you. I was going to give him the sweater back at the end of the day but—“ 
Thoughts of your day spent with Eddie floods back into your mind. The way that his presence made you feel whole, like a part of you that was missing all these years had appeared right in front of you and changed how you think about everything. It makes you realize that the sympathy you’re having for your fiance right now isn’t out of love, or guilt that you may have betrayed him. 
Rather, you feel as if you’re tending to a child that’s fallen on the playground. It’s nothing more than your natural instinct to nurture, to protect. Even more so, you realize it’s not love. 
“But…something came up and he left before I could give it back.”
He nods his head in your hands, letting out a small okay. You feel him pull at your hips, bringing you closer for him to rest his head on your stomach. You run your nails over his scalp, and he lets out little muffled moans against your towel in response. 
When he looks up at you, his pupils fully dilated and filled with hunger, you let him pull your towel from your body to gather around your feet on the floor. 
Your back hits the mattress and David is on you moments later. His kisses are soft, his gentle hands touching over all the right places that he’s grown to learn over the years of your relationship. 
He’s doing everything right, and yet you can’t help the nauseating feeling that curdles in your stomach with each passing second. Everything feels wrong. His touch is like poison, and your body is screaming at you to get as far away from him as possible. But you fight it down in hopes that this feeling will go away. 
It’s only when he aligns himself with your entrance that the feeling becomes too much. You pull away from him as quickly as you can and book it straight to the bathroom to empty your stomach contents into the toilet.
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The bell rings out just as you finish up with your fourth period class.
“Don’t forget your first drafts are due at the beginning of class tomorrow!” You call out as the students collect their things and make their way to the halls. 
The loud rumbling in your stomach has you quickly taking your seat at your desk, opening the bottom drawer to pull out your lunch. Over the last month you’d come to understand that eating in your classroom was the best option for your sanity, because if any time you left the safety of your room, you were immediately overwhelmed by the scent of Eddie. 
The two of you had barely talked since you turned him down. You kept trying to return his sweater to him, but it seemed like he was actively avoiding you, even if his scent lingered on everything he touched in the whole school. 
You felt bad that things had become awkward between the two of you. There was nothing you wanted more than to talk to him. You missed him in a way that you still don’t understand. 
“Hey, there’s cupcakes in the break room if you want one.” Steve’s voice pulls you from your sulking. The mention of sweets has your ears perked. 
“Oooooooh, really? What’s the occasion?” You ask as you rise from your seat, excitedly meeting him at the door to walk with him. 
“Teacher appreciation week,” he says with air quotes. You both roll your eyes, just thankful to be getting something. 
As you make your way to the break room, the two of you talk about your classes and what your plans are for spring break next week.
“We’re finishing up the baby’s room,” he says with glee when you ask. “We picked a really nice green color the other day when we were out. Did I even tell you about that whole ordeal? How we ran into her ex at the department store?”
“What? No! What happened?”
You welcomed the distraction of Steve’s story as it helped keep your mind off of Eddie. After a month you’d thought that it wouldn’t be so strong, or that maybe you’d get used to it. But every passing day it seems like it gets worse.
Before you could follow Steve passed the threshold of the teachers lounge, Eddie’s scent becomes amplified to the point it stops you in your tracks. 
“Woah, are you okay?” He asks, taking a step towards you. You hadn’t even realized that you’d stopped moving, your arm outstretched against the wall to steady yourself.
“Y—yeah I…” You feel yourself sway, a sweat breaking out as your body temperature begins to creep higher. “It’s probably just a hot flash or something,” you say as you fan yourself with your hand, “Had to switch my suppressants recently and they said that feeling hot could be a side effect.”
“Shit, let me get you some water or something—”
Before you can process what’s happening, you feel your body being lifted off your feet. When you look up to see who has swept you off your feet, you’re both surprised and relieved to be matching the gaze of two beautiful brown eyes, pupils blown out and almost swallowing their irises whole. You wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck instinctively, burying your face in his neck to inhale his scent. He shutters against you as you exhale into him.
You’re so overcome by his scent that you didn’t notice he had taken off with you until he’s shifting you in his grasp, holding you with one hand as he fumbles with his keys until he’s kicking open the door to…a closet?
He locks the door behind him and plops you down in a chair that sits in front of what you presume to be his desk. All around you are shelves of cleaning supplies, tools, and other random supplies that you’d not be surprised to be in possession of a custodian. On the wall behind the desk are a few band posters and a cork board littered with post it notes and work safety sheets.
“I can’t do this anymore.” 
Eddie’s frustrated statement grabs your attention as he stands in front of you, leaning back on the desk with a hand running through his hair. 
“Are you, like, punishing me for asking you out? Were you so repulsed by me asking you that you’re punishing me by driving me insane?”
It takes a moment for your brain to properly dissect what he’s asking you, the statement so bewildering to you that you honestly think he’s joking at first. But the hurt look on his face has you shifting forward in your seat, practically on the edge as you look up at him. 
“Eddie, no,” you plead with him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t offended at all…I don’t understand how I’m punishing you either.”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes before meeting yours, “You’re joking. You’re telling me you haven’t been scenting around the school to get me worked up? I swear I can still smell you in my clothes when I leave at the end of the day. I figured that since you and Steve have gotten all buddy-buddy that you knew he was mark bonded and wouldn’t be able to smell you, so you’d just been freely scenting to fuck with me for the last month.”
“What? If anyone has been free scenting it’s you! I try not to leave my classroom if I don’t have to because I can smell you everywhere. Every day I have to book it straight to my desk because it’s so strong it makes me dizzy!”
The two of you are quiet for a moment, both huffing after yelling at one another, you still feeling like you’re in a haze in such close proximity to him now. He curses under his breath as he stands, pacing back and forth in front of you as he thinks.
“You’re making me nervous,” you state as you watch him move in front of you.
He stalls, turning his whole body towards you but keeping his eyes down. 
“I don’t understand,” he grits out, “I’m definitely not scenting, and you said you’re also not scenting, but I swear you’re the only thing that has any sort of effect on me anymore. The smell of my coffee in the morning isn’t as strong, the smell of the oil leaking from my van didn’t bother me when I fixed it. Hell, I cleaned up puke the other week and your scent made it easier to keep my own lunch down.”
“It’s the same for me…” He looks up at you. “All the smells, I’m going through the same thing…But something else has changed for me, too.” You think back over the events of the last month, “I don’t know why, but ever since that day…I can’t get you off of my mind. These little fantasies run through my head with everything I do. Like when I go to the store, I think about what foods you might like, or when I clean around the house I think about you coming home and telling me that I did a good job. Little things like that, that I never really even thought about with my ex. At least, not in the same way I think about you.”
The tone of his voice has goosebumps running down your arms and legs. The room begins to feel heavy, similar to how it felt that day when he took control over the classroom. It felt like the air was being sucked out of your lungs and replaced with him. And every stride he took towards you felt like a bag of sand dropping on your back until you were struggling to look up at him as he moved in front of you, crouching down to eye level.
“What happened, sweetheart?” His voice is smooth like honey, pulling you in with his sweetness in a way that made you feel vulnerable. You couldn’t lie to him. Not Eddie.
“I couldn’t…he made me sick,” you start, “Every time we tried to…”
“Tried to what? Use your words.” The mix of his scent and the way he was talking to you was making the heat in your body travel straight to your core. 
“Anytime we tried to have sex, I would get sick. Even if I wanted to—”
“Did you really want to, though?” His head tilts to the side as he questions you, “Or were you just trying and failing to get me out of your head?”
Your body sways, his words have you feeling dizzy because he’s right. All of a sudden your clothes felt too tight, and the room was too hot, and you just wanted those big, strong arms back on your body. 
“Answer me.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, whenever I was with my ex, I wished it was you. But—but, not enough to make me sick. I don’t know why, it’s like my body was rejecting him.”
It’s silent besides your heavy breathing for a moment. Eddie stands once more, towering over you as he places his palm gently on your cheek. You instantly lean into his touch, humming in satisfaction as his leaves gentle caresses on your skin.
“I’m, uh, having the opposite problem,” he says with a hint of embarrassment. “I feel like I can’t…satisfy myself, but I’m constantly worked up whenever I think about you. Fucking my fist multiple times a day wishing it was your pussy instead.”
His thumb glides across your cheek, landing on your bottom lip and pulling it down before letting it snap back into place. Your lips part slightly in response, an open invitation for his thumb to push its way in, which he gladly accepts. He pushes it as far in as it can go, watching as you hollow your cheeks and suck on the digit before he pulls it out with a pop. 
“F-f-f-f-fuuuck,” he breathes out through gritted teeth. He grips your cheeks, not too rough, but enough to make your lips pout as he tilts your head back to look up at him.
Eddie searches your face for any signs of discomfort, but is only met with the half lidded, fucked out look your giving him through your lashes, brain completely empty as you wait for him make his next move.
Fireworks erupt under your skin as his chapped lips crash into yours with enough force to push you back in your chair. Every cheesy rom-com that you’ve ever watched finally made sense as you felt the electricity light strike in your abdomen and back through every vein in your body. This was what you’d been waiting for in every other kiss that you’ve experienced in your life. 
And, all at once, the sparks peak, before surging straight between your legs, a wave of slick gushing from you and soaking the seat below. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie breathes, looking at your lap with a pained expression. Meanwhile, your eyes are locked on the ever growing bulge in his work pants, drool pooling in your mouth as his blue jeans strain from the size of him. 
He lunges towards you, mouth agape to meet with yours before the sound of the bell stops either of you in your tracks. You hear a crack next to your head that makes you jump. When you look you see that Eddie has cracked the wood of the chair with his bare hands, muscles and veins popping from the strain. 
“Don’t go,” he begs, his voice low and gravely, “I can’t let you go again. I need you.”
He sounds so pathetic. All the still working parts of your brain start to go hazy at his groveling. He needs you. And you need him. 
The shrill sound of the phone ringing on his desk pulls Eddie away from you with a huff. His eyes don't leave you as he picks up the receiver, growling “what” to whoever was on the other line. 
As he listens, though, Eddie’s brows lift in surprise, followed by a Cheshire grin. “Consider us even then,” he says into the phone before he slams it back down. 
“W-who was that?”
He lets out a chuckle. He sauntered over to you with a dark look in his eyes, leaning in until he’s barely an inch from your face. 
“That was our good friend, Steve. He said he let the principal know you had to go home sick and got someone to cover your classes.”
Your breath hitched. Your mind was a whirl of everything Eddie you had almost forgotten that you still had classes to teach. You try to take a mental note to thank Steve later, hoping it doesn’t get lost in your mind.
“If that’s what you want, anyway. Could always go back to class—”
You surge forward, lips meeting his in a fevered kiss. “No, no,” you murmur against his lips, fingers tangling in his curls, “want you, Eddie. Don’t make me go back.”
What you don’t expect is to feel his hands grip you under the fat of your ass and lift you up from the chair. He turns the both of you around, using one hand to knock the things off of his desk before placing you on top of it with a squeak from you on impact, all the while his lips glued to yours. 
His hands make quick work with the buttons on your blouse and he moves down your neck, leaving kisses and little bruises across your skin. 
You feel him slotting between your legs, your pencil skirt riding up so his hard length could press against your clothed pussy. The denim of his jeans turn dark as slick continues to soak through your panties, your hips bucking against him as the familiar ache of your heat senses what you need only a few pieces of fabric away. 
As soon as Eddie opens your blouse, he’s ripping the cups of your bra with a force that causes your whole body to move, making your tit bounce in recoil.
“Of course they’d be perfect,” he groans, pulling back, completely enamored at the sight of you before him. His big hands grab and kneads at the flesh, taking your nipples between his fingers and rolling them. Your back arches as the sensation, and the drag of your sensitive clit against the denim only makes you moan louder.
Eddie pushes himself into you more, reveling in the feeling of you grinding against him and soaking his leg. He takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks, letting his tongue swirl around it. 
It’s all too much, your head spinning as everything seems amplified under his touch. Your hands scramble to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling the black polo and flimsily attempt to pull it off of him. You feel him grin against the skin of your breast before pulling off with a pop. 
“Impatient, aren’t we?” Eddie asks as he pulls the shirt over his head, as if he isn’t using every ounce of self control to keep him from completely devouring you. He wants to sink his teeth into you and never let go, but he can’t scare you off, not when he’s finally got you exactly how he wants you. 
Your mouth drops as his body is revealed to you. His slim, but built frame littered with tattoos you would never know he had unless you were to get him like this. Your eyes trail down his chest, his abdomen, all the way down to where his happy trail leads beneath his jeans. The urge to run your fingers through it takes over, your pointer and middle finger dragging from his belly button until they catch on his belt buckle, his stomach flexing under your touch. 
You grab at his belt, pulling him towards you until you can get a good enough grip to undo it, pulling down his pants until they drop to the floor with a thud. The boxers that remain sport a very large tent in them, and you swear you can see him twitching under your gaze.
His head falls back as your hand gently glides over him, rubbing the fabric into his leaky tip more, expanding the wet patch that was already forming there. Eddie watches you bring your fingers to your mouth to taste the sticky mess that you collected, your body going boneless when it hits your tongue. It’s like nothing that’s ever graced your taste buds before, making your eyes roll back in your head as your body craves for more. 
Watching the way you react to him is Eddie’s final straw. His vision tunnels, completely focused on you as the primal part of his brain takes control. Suddenly, he’s pushing you back down into the desk, manhandling you as he tears through your pantyhose, ripping your panties in half until your bare pussy is on display for him. 
Ducking down without warning, he spreads your legs apart and runs his thick, long tongue through your sopping folds. He inhales your scent, the bulb of his nose bumping into your clit in a way that sends zings of pleasure throughout your body. The tip of his tongue pushes its way into your hole, the thick muscle reaching as far as it can to lap up your sweet nectar from the source. Your hands fly to the top of his head, gripping tightly in an attempt to anchor yourself to this plane of existence while your orgasm rips through you. His name falls from your lips over and over as your vision goes white, blinding you with pleasure.
When you come back to your body you feel his hot breath fanning across your cheek, wet lips pressing into the side of your neck as he whispers sweet words into your ear.
“There she is,” he says once your eyes flutter open, “That feel good, pretty girl?” 
You nod your head dumbly, making him chuckle. 
“Can I make you feel like that again? Wanna make you feel so good on my cock, sweetheart. Don’t think I can hold back anymore.”
You feel the way he’s rubbing his tip through your folds, hand gripping at the base with all the self restraint in the world. The precum leaking from his tip mixing with your own slick creating a sticky mess between your lips. 
“Pleasepleaseplease,” you beg, canting your hips to match his movements, gasping when his head catches on your entrance.
That’s all Eddie needs to hear. Lining up with your entrance, he pushes his way into you. The stretch is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. David was an alpha, so naturally he was big, but this? You could feel every ridge and vein of Eddie’s cock as he buried himself deeper inside you. The way his tip pressed against your cervix sent a fresh wave of arousal through you and all over Eddie’s desk.
There was barely time to adjust before Eddie was pistoning in and out of you. His hands white knuckle the skirt still sitting at your waist, using it as leverage to keep you in place while he fucks into your tight cunt. Your hands scramble to find something to hold on to, ultimately settling on Eddie’s forearms as your whole body shakes with each thrust. 
“Ohhhh fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” you moan in tandem with every movement. Your brain gone, completely replaced with Eddie and never wanting this to end. 
“Fuck, Eddie, please.”
“What is it, baby girl? What does my girl need?” 
Hearing his voice, the way he calls you his girl lights a fire in your belly. You’d take anything he would give you right now. Anything he wants from you, you’d give him. 
“Want yo-o-o-o-ou,” you pant, “Oh, fuck! Want you so bad!”
“I’m right here, sweetheart.”
Eddie leans down, his lips pressing into yours tenderly. You wrap your arms around his neck, pinning him to you until he gets the hint, letting his body weight press into you until you’re chest to chest. His tempo slows down to a sensual drag in and out. One hand grabs at your leg, bending it forward to open you up for him more. He feels impossibly deep inside of you as his head bullies that spot deep inside you.
“Is this what you needed, princess? Just needed me to get closer to you?” His face is pressed into your cheek, eyes threatening to close as he feels his resolve lessening with each passing moment that he’s inside you. But he needs you to come undone on his cock one more time before he can let go.
“Yes, thank you, thank you, Eddie, mmmmm,” the words fall from your mouth with no thought, your only focus on the pleasure that’s building up inside you. Your walls clenching around Eddie’s cock like a vice as you get closer and closer to the edge. 
But, in tandem with your imminent orgasm, the dull ache inside you grows as well, blooming with a need that’s almost painful to bear. 
The breathy, desperate tone in your voice has Eddie pulling back just enough to look at you. A picture of almost pure lust, say for the concerning pinch in your brows. 
“I know, you’re so close, baby. Can feel you gripping me so tight,” he coos down at you. But you shake your head, trying your best to meet his eyes as you try to speak, willing him to just know what you want.
“Want it. Want it. Want it,” is all you can muster out.
“What do you want, baby girl?”
“Knot. Knot, please.”
Eddie’s movements still immediately, making you whine. He straightens up completely, looking down at you darkly, his frizzy curls a wild halo around his head as it blocks the light above. 
He takes a deep breath in, nostrils flaring on the exhale, “You know what’ll happen if I do that, right? I’m not on anything that would stop—”
“Yes!” You cry, too frustrated and needy for him to move again that you begin moving on your own, fucking yourself on his cock. “Eddie, I want it so bad! Please, wanna be your girl. Want everyone to know I’m your girl.”
Before you can react, Eddie is grabbing you and flipping you over on his desk, almost knocking his computer down in the process. Only a moment later do you feel him pushing back into you with one quick thrust. His hand wraps around the back of your throat, not tight, but enough to keep you pinned down for him as he fucks you. There’s no purpose to his thrusts other than to chase his own high, but the brutal fuck and anticipation of whats to come is enough to finally push you past that breaking point. 
The sound of your slick hitting the floor beneath you and the impossible grip your cunt has on his cock has Eddie following not far behind you. Just as you feel his hips falter, you feel a pressure building inside you, pushing at your walls until they’ve reached their limit. It’s painful, until it’s not. Quickly turning into an overwhelming pleasure, you feel yourself cumming again in quick succession as you feel the hot ropes of Eddie’s spend hit your cervix, filling you with an endless stream and then some. 
The pressure of Eddie’s body folding limply on top of you feels amazing, the skin to skin soothing you as your still hazy mind craves him. You feel his lips on your shoulder, trailing kisses across your back until he reaches the center, just below the base of your neck. You fully expected him to continue on, simply loving on your body as you wait for him to fully finish.
What you weren’t expecting was for his teeth to sink into the skin of your scent gland. The feeling of his teeth on you is startling, and for a moment you think about your high school health class, where your teacher told you that when you bond with an alpha it would feel like the chemistry of your brain would change. There would be an instant shift that would change everything and, and…you feel nothing.
Well, not nothing. Being wrapped up in Eddie feels like being wrapped up in a blanket by a fire on a cold winter night, like warm water on sore muscles after a long day. It feels like the pieces of the puzzle have all fallen into place. It’s not big or loud, rather, it feels like home. He feels like home. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie’s voice comes out muffled against your skin, his lips still pressed against your neck before he starts to rub his face over the gland. 
“Mhmm,” you purr, moving your hand to lace over his on the desk, the cool metal of his rings a stark contrast to your hot skin. “M’back’s a little sore, though,” you say as you can feel your body starting to ache from the position you’re in. 
Eddie pushes off of you quickly, almost pulling you with him as his shaky legs threaten to fold from how quickly he moved.
You push off of his desk like a cat stretching after a nap, shivers running down your spine as the shift presses Eddie’s still hard cock further inside you.
“Does it hurt?”
You look over your shoulder to see Eddie mesmerized on the way his knot has you over stuffed, feeling the resistance when your bodies tug apart. 
The wide eyed look on his face lights the flame in your belly again. Eyes still on him, you start to rock back and forth slowly on him. You’re barely moving with your limited range, but the way he sucks in his breath at the feeling only fans the flames in you more. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” you say in a sultry voice, catching his attention now. “Have you never knotted anyone before, Eddie?”
Brown curls bounce as he shakes his head. He swallows thickly, “N-no, I haven’t.” 
You moan out at his confession, clenching down on him. And he whimpers, eyes clenched shut as you continue to gently rock against him.
“H-have you ever been knotted before?”  He’s panting now. Standing completely still as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock. 
You lean against the desk in front of you, the edge hitting your clit just right as you start to grind against it. “Only once,” you say between huffs, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge again. “It didn’t feel this good, though, fuck.”
“Oh, god—“ Eddie’s hands grip at your hips to still your movements, and you can feel a fresh wave of his cum spilling into your already stuffed cunt. The pressure pushes you over the edge with him, a silent scream on your lips as your body shakes in his grip. 
He’s panting like he ran a marathon with a bruising grip still on your hips. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, but when he does, he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him. 
You yelp as he sits back in the chair and situates you in his lap. You’re able to turn your body on his knot, curling into him so your face is buried in his neck, breathing him in. Calloused fingers run up and down your thigh soothingly, leaving tingles in their wake. 
“Eddie?” You’re the first to break the silence. His head shifts your way, but his eyes are still trained on where his fingers dance on your skin. 
“When you bit me, did you feel…anything?”
The corners of his lips curl into a smile, like you had just told him a joke or something. 
“Nah,” he said with a chuckle. You almost felt as if he was making fun of you, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout. 
“Oh, what’s this face for, hmm?” He grabs your face and pretends to bite at it, making you laugh as you turn away from him. 
“Stoooop,” you whine, but your cheeks start to ache with how hard you’re smiling. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? Why would I make fun of you?”
“Because I was being serious when I asked you about the bite! They always told us that it’s this huge deal to bond with someone so I thought it was going to be like New Year's Day in my mind or something!”
“Are you saying I didn’t totally blow your mind just now—OW!” 
You bite Eddie's shoulder playfully, giggling and kicking as he tries to get his revenge by tickling your side.
“Okay! Okay! You totally blew my mind! I give!”
“That’s what I thought,” he says as he lands a quick peck to your lips, making you feel giddy at the contact. “But I promise I’m not laughing at you. I’m just…” 
He looks down for a moment before meeting your gaze again with a look a lot less playful than just a moment ago. 
“Okay, I’m going to need you to hear me out on this, alright?” 
You nod, giving him your undivided attention as he speaks.
“So, like, I don’t know if you would even remember, but that day when we met, when I first saw you I heard these, like, bells ringing in my ears. And not like when your ears ring after listening to loud music, but, like, little chimes or something. At the time I didn’t think anything about it, but when I talked to Steve and my friend Nancy about it later, they told me that they heard the same thing when they had marked their partners.”
Your eyes go wide, heart fluttering in your chest.
Because you remember hearing bells so clearly when you saw him, too.
But how could that be?
“I know,” he says, reading the disbelief on your face, “It didn’t make sense to me either. So, Nancy, she’s really smart by the way, you’ll love her. She went and found some older books on, like, alpha and omega couples that talked about this thing called soul bonding? It’s supposed to happen when two people that are meant to be together like, imprint on each other and basically they can’t be with anyone else—” 
His voice trails off, coming to the same realization as you. 
“Do you think—”
“Yes,” you respond without a second thought. “It makes so much sense. The smells, everything with David, why I can’t stop thinking about you—Fuck, I’ve only been able to get myself off if I’m wearing your sweater!”
Eddie twitches inside you again, his face a bright red at your admission.
“You’ve been wearing my sweater?” He teases with a raised brow. You nod, not seeing any point in lying about it now.
“I like to sleep in it,” you say as you snuggle into him more, “It feels like I’m sleeping with your arms around me.”
“Mmmm, I think I could do you one better. How ‘bout I let you experience that first hand?”
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“You don’t think this is too soon, do you?
Eddie places a box labeled “work clothes” on top of his nightstand, reaching a hand out for you to hand him another hanger from the pile on top of his bed—now both of your bed, as he continues to hang your clothes for you.
“Sweetheart,” he sing-songs to you, “how is this going to be any different than the last two months?”
Since your first encounter in his office at work, the two of you have been attached at the hip ever since. You’d spent almost every night at his trailer, only staying at your parents house once to watch their dog while they went out of town for the weekend. 
The chemistry between you and Eddie felt unreal at times, like you were going to wake up from a dream and he would be gone. Outside of his work clothes, some may say he looked a little intimidating, but he was the biggest sweetheart you’ve ever met. And when you got to meet his uncle, Wayne, a few weeks ago, you could tell where he got his chivalry from.
“I know, it’s just all so new for me,” you sigh, falling back onto the bed with a huff.
“It’s new for me, too, but in a good way.” You could hear his smile even with his back turned to you. “Besides, this place could use a little feminine touch.” 
He turns to face you, taking one big step to bump his legs into yours.
“No kidding, it looked like a college dorm in here,” you say with an eye roll, thinking about the mismatched furniture and band posters he had taped to the wall.
“Well, this college dorm is about to graduate, move on to bigger and better things in life.”
“Like being baby proofed?”
Eddie hums, lowering himself down onto his knees in front of you. You prop yourself up, shifting your legs apart so he can settle himself between them, arms wrapping around your middle as his head rests on your tummy. 
“I’m glad Wayne talked me into getting a two bedroom when I was looking around. I thought all I’d ever need was enough for me, but I guess the universe works in mysterious ways,” he says the last part with exaggerated mysticism, and you tug at his hair playfully at his unseriousness. 
“Mmm, baby do that again.”
“Oh, my god, whatever.” You roll your eyes, thinking he’s being playful, but the bedroom eyes and parted lips say otherwise. 
And soon after his hips are rolling into yours. Sweaty bodies intertwined as he splits you open, your heightened senses from the pregnancy hormones making it so easy for Eddie to keep you cumming for him. 
“Come on baby, you got one more for me?”
“Can feel you squeezin’ me.”
“That’s my good girl.”
And you cum again and again and again, losing track as Eddie’s thumb works on your clit in sync with his thrusts. 
He wishes he could do this forever. Watching you fall apart on his cock has to be the greatest thing he’s ever witnessed. His eyes land on your non-existent bump, imagining how big it's going to look in just a few months with his baby inside you.
“Can’t wait til you get all big, sweetheart. Gonna show you off everywhere we go,” he picks up speed, his rhythm starting to falter, “Want everyone to know you’re mine, always. Gotta keep you like this. Keep you pregnant so no one— oooooooh fuck! So no one takes you from me.”
“All yours, Eddie,” you babble out, completely brainless, “Love you. Only you.”
“Haaaahh, shit,” his head rolls back, and you can feel him cumming deep inside you. His hips slow down to a stop before he’s pulling out and landing on his back next to you.
You’re immediately cuddling up next to him, your head raising up and down against his chest. His arm curls around you, pulling you into him more so he can kiss the top of your head.
“I love you, too, by the way.”
You snap your head to look at him. “What?”
“You said “love you,” and I’m saying I love you too.”
“I did?”
“Did you not mean it?’
He looks down at you expectantly, waiting for your answer. But you don’t really have to think too hard to come up with the answer.
“Yeah, I love you.”
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thank you for reading.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
oneforthemunny's masterlist
reposting from my deleted blog funsonmunson-again as well as new works :)
latest work: what we do in the shadows |familiar!eddie munson x vampire!reader| (updated on may, 3rd)
older!dilf!eddie munson x reader masterlist
mafia!eddie munson x reader masterlist
rockstar!eddie munson x reader masterlist
cowboy!eddie munson x reader masterlist
dom!eddie munson x brat!reader masterlist
janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader masterlist
bouncer!eddie munson x bartender!reader masterlist
modern!eddie munson x reader masterlist
modern!steddie x reader masterlist
boxer!eddie munson x reader masterlist
hockey player!eddie munson x reader masterlist
hard learning |dom!steddie x sub!brat! reader|
stop in the name of love |cop!eddie munson x reader|
what we do in the shadows |familiar!eddie munson x vampire!reader|
yandere!eddie munson x reader series masterlist
vivi's blurb game masterlist
munny's one-derful year masterlist
munny's merriest masterlist
oneforthemunny spooky stories
munny's fic rec's
oneforthemunny's summertime writing game (happening all summer long!!!)
funson's bday challenge masterlist (from my deleted blog funsonmunson-again)
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rip-quizilla · 14 days
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Janitor!Eddie X Teacher!Reader
700ish words
It was your first year teaching at Hawkins Middle School, and you’d already failed to establish a respectable work-life balance. 
You were new to this career field, eager to prove yourself a capable educator. You always arrived early, always left late. Often, you wound up leaving after everyone but the administrators had already gotten home, undoubtedly to prepare dinner for their families or take care of household chores. You had no one waiting for you at home but your cats, so heading home around 5pm was the norm for you. 
Today, you sat grading papers at your desk while Van Morrison played through your headphones. You’d finally settled into a rhythm, methodically bobbing your head to the beat as you drew check marks and X’s with a pink ballpoint pen when suddenly, something in your empty classroom moved out the corner of your eye.
You let out a startled yelp, joined by a twin curse from the ponytailed custodian who’d intruded upon your quiet room. He looked just as surprised as you were, eyes wide with headphones blasting what sounded like the screech of metal guitar from around his neck where he’d quickly shoved them off his ears. 
“Shit-” he breathed, chest letting out a heaving breath, “-Sorry, I didn’t realize-”
“I didn’t see-” you began at the same time as him, apologies spilling out of you both simultaneously. 
“I shouldn’t have been-”
“My headphones were-”
“Should’ve been paying more-”
“Wasn’t paying attention, I’m-”
You spoke as one voice, that last word filling the empty classroom. Slowly, an amused smile broke out across the custodian’s features, his idle hands stuffing themselves into the pockets of his black work pants. His eyes flicked over you at the speed of light before he broke the silence.
You chuckled quietly, pausing your music and setting your own headphones down on your desk. 
“Guess I owe you a soda.” you retorted, your smiling voice made small by the overpowering after-hours quiet.
He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “I never say no to a soda.” Then he got to work, grabbing the small plastic garbage bin from where it sat by your door and pulling the thin plastic lining from it. 
You returned to your grading, but left the headphones off your ears out of respect for the presence in your room. You didn’t want to appear rude, after all. 
The custodian did the same, leaving his headphones around his neck as he performed various routine tasks around the room. Even from the opposite corner of the space, you could hear his music singing out at top volume from where it rested across his decolletage. Harsh screams and rage tore through the soft-looking spongey speakers, and you were struck by how much they were contrasted by the pleasant air that followed this man who was currently sweeping up crumpled notebook fringe from beneath a wooden desk. 
You peered a little closer at his gray uniform shirt where a little embroidered patch sat stitched to his breast pocket. Eddie, it read. You committed the name to memory.
The two of you continued your work wordlessly until he finished, and just before he exited the room he shot you a friendly smile accompanied by a nod of his head.
“Have a good night.”
Those eyes were breathtaking; they were unwavering in their contact with yours. You nodded and grinned, trying not to sound quite as charmed as you felt. 
“You too.” you said. 
The next day, you’d needed to leave as soon as the final bell rang. Eddie had been slightly disappointed to find your door closed with the light off when he’d gotten to your classroom, but when he’d unlocked the door and flicked on the light to reveal a sweating glass bottle of Coca-Cola on the desk closest to the door, he could’ve sworn his heart did a backflip. 
A pink post-it note sat stuck to the surface of the desk next to the bottle.
Eddie, soda’s all yours.
P.S.-per the rules of jinx, I can’t talk until you say my name.
You’d signed your name at the bottom, and Eddie admired the way the ink from your pen bled into a little starburst where the condensation had pooled into a drop at the base of the bottle and dripped to your note below. He peeled the note off, folding it carefully into a small square and sticking it in his pocket. He opened the bottle, lifted it to his lips and drank. It tasted sweet and bright, bubbly and full of unexpected possibilities. 
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hellfirenacht · 2 months
This Machine...
Summary: Your birthday is coming up, and Eddie makes you a present. 
Tags: sfw, friends to lovers, slightly possessive Eddie and Reader if you squint, Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k words
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Master List
There were certain perks to being the school’s resident dealer. For one, Eddie had made very good friends with the old janitor that kept to himself, flying under everyone’s radar, including Higgins’. The nice perk that came with being friends with ol’ Mr. Greg was the fact that he had the keys to every single room in the school, which meant that Eddie’s lock-picking days were lowered considerably. 
These were good perks to have, especially since your birthday was coming up. Eddie had convinced the art teached at the beginning of every year to allow himself and his club to use the art room to make their Hellfire shirts. The art department had managed to get funding four years ago for a screen printing kit, convincing the board that having the ability to make shirts would create unity within the school. 
Frankly, Eddie thought that was a load of bullshit. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to use it to his advantage when he could. So every September, Eddie would gather his little sheepies for an afternoon of arts and crafts, creating the shirts and ruining the ones they were wearing in the mess. Eddie would always try and make a few extra, just in case there were stragglers that needed saving from the conformity of Hawkins High school. Not once did he consider the irony of having his sheep in uniform.
In most cases, the art teacher was willing to work with him and let him in without much fuss. Of course, that was when Eddie was still a student. He had now been a proud high school graduate for seven months and the shock of not being in school had him spiraling for the first month before he found himself working at the Hideout again. Work, rehearsal, work, rehearsal, a thirty minute set at the Hideout if he was lucky, work, rehearsal. 
God, he missed Hellfire. That was the only part of school that he missed; a consistent Dungeons and Dragons schedule. 
Still, it wasn’t all bad and monotonous. Turns out that if you aren’t stuck at school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week you can go other places when children are at school. And when you go to places where kids aren’t, you tend to meet adults. 
Enter you. 
You had been working at the record store on morning shift, and had been for a few months now. Although you had more often than not worked weekends, somehow you and Eddie had eluded each other in the two years of you sorting through the various artists and ringing up customers. 
It had been a Thursday when Eddie met you, a fact he only remembered because the previous night had been the day that Bev allowed him to go on two nights in a row at the Hideout, which had been unheard of for Corroded Coffin. 
“Ain’t no one barely here anyways, Eddie.” she’d said, having long since stopped calling him Junior. 
He had been flying high, and an old drunk had even left him a tip on the bar, enough to drop by the record store and pick up an album he’d been eyeing for a while. You had been standing at the boxes, resetting them and reorganizing them for the hundredth time that week. It had been so slow that day that it was all you could do to keep yourself busy. 
W.A.S.P had been playing at a near whisper quiet volume, and when Eddie asked you about it you had just smiled, shrugged, and said that the owner only allowed you to play them on Thursdays when it was dead, or Sunday morning when anyone who’d get offended by the lyrics would be at church. 
The two of you had been friends ever since. 
A half hour of idle chat about music had turned into five months of late night talks on the phone, hanging out in Eddie’s van, swapping music back and forth, visiting each other during your shifts, and a tentative bi-monthly D&D session with you, and Corroded Coffin. 
Eddie would never know how badly he messed up your sleep schedule, going on late at night with Corroded Coffin when you had a morning shift, but it was always worth it to give him a sober audience member. 
The best nights though, were the times where you’d come over and just... hang out with him. You’d come over to Wayne’s trailer after your shift, or he’d pick you up from your place, and the two of you would just sit and talk. 
You never bat an eye at how messy his room was, and he made sure there was no food left out and would at least make an effort to clean out all of the beer cans in his room. Mostly you’d just sit on his bed and watch him play guitar, or spend hours talking about everything and nothing. 
As much as you enjoyed hearing him practice the same riff on his electric guitar over and over again, you had admitted to him that you always had a soft spot for the acoustic guitar that collected a little more dust in the corner that he’d pull out on rare occasions. 
You’d voiced your fondness for the instrument several times, enjoying the combination of Woody Gunthrie’s iconic guitar adjusted for your friends’ eccentric taste. 
Five months of friendship. Five months of hanging out with no pressure, no needing to look after each other, five months of feeling like a fucking human in this damn town. 
And one month of having the most embarrassing and awkward crush on you. 
Eddie had dated before, and he’d been interested in girls and some girls had even shown some interest in him until they realized that Eddie wasn’t someone to be fixed or saved. Eddie had even had sex before, but not to the extreme lengths that he’d found had been circulating in high school. 
Seriously, who had the time to come up with half the shit that this town thought he’d allegedly done? 
You found great joy in hearing about his spin in the rumor mill. Whenever one of you heard a rumor about the Freak, you’d compare notes and laugh about how stupid it was. Of course, Eddie put little effort into actually stopping the rumors, and now that he was no longer in high school it didn’t seem to matter as much anymore. He’d still get dirty looks from people in town but he found that more often than not people would just leave him alone now. Jocks, nerds, freaks, cheerleaders; outside the halls of Hawkins High those words didn’t hold half the weight they used to. 
“So they’re saying that now you spiked the punch at homecoming?” you asked, laughing. “I must have missed that dance.”
“Yeah, so did I. I only went to homecoming once in school and that was Sophomore year.” Eddie replied, his fingers tabbing out a melody that he had been working on for a new song. “And there was no way I was able to get my hands on any alcohol that night.”
“Why would you waste perfectly good alcohol on a high school dance, anyway?” you laughed.
Eddie could listen to you laugh for hours. 
And it was because of this, that Eddie was now back at Hawkins High, while Ol’ Greg unlocked the art room on this fine weekend. It didn’t take much convincing, Ol’ Greg didn’t give a shit about Eddie’s reputation and never had, and for that Eddie had slipped the janitor an extra joint for his trouble as payment for letting him in. 
The room looked about the same as it had the last few weeks of school, aside from some new art projects. Other than that, everything was in about the same place. Eddie wasted a little time wandering around the room, looking at the different projects and taking in the scent of old clay and dried paint. Aside from the old drama room, the art room was the only other place in the school where he felt okay in this hellhole. 
It didn’t take much to get your shirt size. You always had a bad habit of leaving your sweaters in his van, so going to grab a blank hoodie in your size was the easy part. The design he was using was easy as well, and after so many years of making Hellfire Club shirts he could probably make this in his sleep. 
But he wouldn’t, because he wanted this to be perfect. So for the next few hours he carefully pulled out the equipment, found the right shade of red he wanted to use and painstakingly created the stencil, adding his own personal flair to it. The finished product was probably nicer than any Hellfire Club shirt he’d ever made. 
By the end of it, your new hoodie was done and he was sure that you’d love it so much that you’d never forget it in his van. 
With the finished product in hand he was able to lock up, thank Ol’ Greg, and make his way home. 
Now all Eddie had to do was give it to you for your birthday. The two of you had made plans to hang out that morning together at Benny’s for some birthday waffles or pancakes or french toast or whatever you wanted. He’d treat you, he’d been saving for this. 
Then he’d give you the gift, and you’d love it and then he’d suck it up and ask you out. He could do this. Jeff swore to Eddie up and down that you clearly had feelings for him. Eddie wasn’t stupid, he’d noticed your flirting and had flirted back so many times. This dance between the two of you had been going on for weeks now, but it didn’t make it any less terrifying. With any luck, the note he had tucked into the pocket would also help him out. 
You were already at your usual booth when he arrived that Sunday morning. It was supposed to be a very quiet morning, Benny’s was never busy first thing on Sunday. So when Eddie walked into the diner to meet you, his stomach dropped as he saw the rest of his band already sitting with you. 
A chorus of his friends called him over, and Eddie, dejected, slid in the booth on the opposite side of you. You were on the end of one booth, seated next to Jeff and Zack, while Eddie took the spot next to Gareth. 
Eddie wanted to be pissed at the guys for ruining his plan, but then he saw the look on your face. You were thrilled to be around everyone and were excitedly talking to Jeff about the new song that he was learning. It was your birthday, your day, and if you were having fun, that was the important part. He did make sure to put your food on his tab though, he wasn’t going to let anyone else have that satisfaction. 
As the morning went on, Eddie had completely forgotten about the hoodie currently sitting in the small bag by his leg. He was only reminded of it when Gareth got up to go pee and Eddie was forced out of the booth, as his foot kicked the bag and you noticed it. 
Your eyes immediately lit up when you noticed the red gift bag and your smile widened. 
“Eddie, is that for me?” you asked, batting your eyelashes. “Did you get me a present?”
He didn’t want to give it to you in front of everyone, that hadn’t been part of the plan. But he sucked it up and pulled the hoodie out and tossed it to you. Eddie could worry about asking you out later when the rest of his friends weren’t around. He’d never want to put that pressure on you anyway. 
“Yessss!” you grabbed it eagerly in your hands and unfolded the hoodie, noticing the design. 
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This Machine Slays Dragons was splashed across the front, and on the front pocket was a small colony of bats, just like the ones on Eddie’s arm. He watched as your eyes widened, in surprise and delight, and felt a wave of relief wash over him as you eagerly put it on. 
“Holy shit, Eddie, I love it!” you said, and got out of the booth to throw your arms around him. Your lips pressed against his cheek, and for a moment Eddie felt like he was on cloud nine as he hugged you back, giving you a slight squeeze before you pulled away. 
“You always said you liked my guitar.” He said, shooting a look to his bandmates who were making kissy faces behind your back. The glare only egged them on. 
“It’s got your bats on it.” you said, looking down at the design, smoothing it out. “This is so fuckin’ cool!”
As you ran your hands down the design, you heard a faint crinkle in the pocket. When you reached inside, alarm bells went off in Eddie’s head and he quickly muttered something about needing a cigarette before turning on his heel and walking straight outside to his van. 
He’d completely forgotten the note that he had slipped into the pocket. You absolutely were not supposed to open that in front of everyone. Eddie leaned against the back of his van, lightly smacking his head against the door, the barely touched cigarette in his hand. 
“Eddie...?” Your voice made him go stiff, his head still against the fan. He took one long drag of the cigarette and exhaled the smoke before standing up straight to look at you. You were holding the note in your hand with a sheepish grin on your face. 
“Hey.” He said, not sure how to proceed. He couldn’t read your smile. Was it a sad smile? Were you going to awkwardly tell him that you didn’t feel the same but you could be friends? He could live with that, but it would really sting. 
“So....” you looked at the note and read the two words printed there in his handwriting. “‘Date me’, huh? I’ve heard you come up with the wildest descriptions for things when we play D&D, but the most you could jot down was... ‘Date me’?”
It was. Eddie had racked his brain for hours on what to say to you, but he couldn’t find the words he wanted to. Everything felt either too cheesy, or too stiff, or not him, or too casual. He was really banking on the hoodie to be more of a selling point than the note. 
“I thought it’d be cuter if it had just been the two of us this morning.” Eddie admitted. “Look, I get it if you’re here to respectfully decline. We can just be friends, I swear I won’t make it weird-”
“I’ll date you.” The words were firm and steadfast. There wasn’t a single waiver in your voice as you said those three words. You took a step closer to him and shoved the note back in the hoodie pocket. “Eddie I... I want to date you. I’ve wanted to date you for about 10 minutes after we met.” 
Eddie’s head lowered slightly and his eyes widened as he stared at you. “Are you serious?”
“Well, yeah.” you said. “A cute guy walks into a record store, knows about good music, invites me to play D&D and then becomes one of my best friends? Yes, Eddie, I want to date you.” 
Eddie snuffed out the barely touched cigarette and leaned in towards you. God, he was fucking clueless sometimes.
“You know... that hoodie looks good on you.” He said, trying to sound smooth. “It’ll look better in the back of my van.” 
You stared blankly at him for a second and then burst out laughing, your head thrown back. “No, no, nevermind.” you cackled. “I changed my mind. I’m done. We’re done.” 
Had Eddie not known you as well as he did, he might have taken that as a real rejection. But he knew that laugh, he’d heard it a hundred times over the past few months. 
He reached out and grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, you were still smiling wide when you looked up at him. “Seriously, Eddie? I agree to date you and you pull out that line?”
“Don’t get mad at me, Sweetheart.” He said. “You’re the one constantly leaving your clothes in my van. I don’t know why you’re laughing at my perfectly innocent statement.”
“Oh fuck off, Eddie.” You laughed. “You know exactly what you said and how you meant it. And maybe I wouldn’t have had to leave my clothes in your van all the time if you had asked me out earlier.” 
“And would you care to share that logic with me?” Eddie raised an eyebrow. Had you really been leaving things in his van on purpose?
“I had to mark my territory.” you said with a smile. “Can’t let anyone in your van think that you’re seeing someone else.”
It was Eddie’s turn to laugh and you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Ah yes, the most popular freak in all of Hawkins definitely has a line out the door of people wanting to date him.” he said, his hands finding your hips. 
“You’re laughing. I’ve seen you flirting with Ms. Robin’s at The Hideout and you're laughing at me?” you tried to pout, but you were holding back your own giggles. 
“Ms. Robins is a 75 year old woman who can drink everyone under the table.” Eddie pointed out. 
“See? How am I supposed to compete with that! I had to sacrifice my jackets to make sure no one would be asking you out.” you protested. “What else could I-”
Eddie had originally planned on asking if it was okay for him to kiss you first, but he knew that if he didn’t do something now you’d keep cracking jokes and this conversation wouldn’t go anywhere. You tasted faintly like your birthday breakfast, but Eddie quickly decided that it wasn’t a bad thing. He felt the faint push of your lips back against his, and he mentally kicked himself for not doing this the first time you two hung out.
“Happy birthday.” Eddie said, as he finally pulled back. 
“Guess I got my wish, and I didn’t even have to blow out any candles.” you replied, just a little bashful at the admission.
“You aren’t allowed to leave this hoodie in my van.” Eddie said. “You can leave any other jacket or sweater in there but not this one.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” you said, “But why this one specifically?” 
Eddie touched the pocket that had the bats that matched his tattoo. “Because how else will other people know that you’re seeing someone?” 
“Oh, you little shit!” you laughed. “Really? You think I’m weird for what I did when you basically put your logo on a hoodie that you know I’m going to wear every day?”
“Guess that makes us both freaks now.” He replied, with a satisfied grin. 
“There are worse things to be in a small town.” you decided, taking his hand. “So I guess this means you’re my boyfriend now. No take backs.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sweetheart.” Eddie crossed his heart.
You leaned in and gave him another quick kiss. “Come on. The sooner we go back in there, the sooner you all can sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me, and the sooner that’s done, then the sooner we can leave. And if you play your cards right, Eddie, you might get lucky and see this hoodie on the floor of your van anyway.” 
“So, the line worked?” He smirked. 
“Come on, Zack is hiding a box of cupcakes.” you laced your fingers with his. “Dessert first and then second dessert.”
“And then elevensies dessert?” Eddie teased. 
“It’s my birthday and I will change my mind, I swear.” you cackled, walking back into the diner with him. 
And because he knew your laugh so well, he had a very good feeling about how he’d help celebrate your birthday when the two of you would finally be alone. 
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Thank you @hellfiredarling for the hoodie! They made it for me for my birthday last year 💜
Divider by @strangergraphics
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Oneforthemunny's Summertime Writing Game
Thank you @oneforthemunny for organizing such a fun writing game! This is one of two collabs with @corroded-hellfire; the other will be posted on her blog soon!
Eddie comes home to see you sunbathing…topless ;) Janitor!Eddie x Fem!Teacher!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! and f! receiving), cum eating, semi-public acts, kinda subby Eddie (more simp than sub tbh), reader wears a bikini (all bodies are bikini bodies and I will run up die on that hill)
WC: 1.7k
Summertime as a kid is great. Summertime as a teacher is complete, utter bliss.
You’re laying stomach-down on a beach chair in your backyard. There’s a glass of lemonade, ice melted from the sun, on the snack table beside you. The yard is slightly shaded by the overgrown oaks, but with your level of relaxation, you might as well be on a tropical island surrounded by palm trees with a frozen strawberry margarita in your hand. 
While you’re off until early September, your sweet husband isn’t so lucky. Custodial staff still has to report to work, albeit only for half a day, because of summer sports practices. Eddie had been grumbling something about setting up the goalposts for the boys’ soccer team, though you hadn’t heard his full complaint since you’d been half-asleep this morning.
It’s just past noon now, which means he’ll be home within the next ten minutes. You grasp at the swimsuit ties at the nape of your neck and around your upper back, loosening them and tossing your bikini top into the grass below. 
Eddie’s van rumbles into the driveway shortly after that, tires crunching over gravel. You shift your weight slightly so that your chest is pressed into the rubber straps of the chair, shielding your exposed nipples.
“Baby?” you call out once you hear his door slam shut. He walks over to the gate separating the front yard from the back and unlatches the hinge, closing it gently. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees you, sans top, splayed out before him.
You turn your head to face him, smiling as his eyes widen in surprise. “Can you put more sunscreen on my back?” you ask, voice sugary sweet. “I don’t wanna burn.”
“Um, yeah, sure.” He takes the bottle next to you–just the drugstore brand, but it gets the job done–and squeezes a dollop of lotion into his calloused palm. You press your legs together, making room for him to straddle your body with one thigh on either side of yours, groin nudged close against the curve of your ass.
You can feel him getting hard through his coveralls, and he shifts slightly to try and adjust himself without smearing lotion on his work clothes. He grumbles a muted “fuck,” under his breath, assuming you can’t hear him.
“Eds? You okay?”
He clears his throat, embarrassment creeping into his voice at being caught. It seems absurd that he’s still so modest about getting turned on when he thinks he’s not supposed to, and you have to bite back a giggle. 
“Mhm. Just makin’ sure it’s even and…stuff.” 
Once you hear him close the cap on the lotion bottle, filled with chagrin as his hands leave the canvas of your skin, you flip onto your back and give him the perfect view of your bare breasts.
Eddie’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. “You want me to p-put some there, too?” he stammers, starting to reach for the sun lotion again.
“Mmmm, no.” You grab him by the collar of his coveralls and pull him in for a kiss, parting his lips with your tongue as his body practically collapses on top of yours. 
He braces his palms on the edge of the chair. “Baby, baby, baby, what’re you doing?” He’s breathless as you roll your hips up towards him, creating the delicious friction that you both crave.
You give him a playful pout, jutting out your lower lip. “Am I being too subtle?” Eddie’s eyes follow your hands as they make their way down to your swimsuit bottoms and his jaw goes slack as you shimmy out of them. “Are my intentions clearer now?” 
A sound resembling a growl sounds from deep in his chest as he practically tears the zipper off of his coveralls as he struggles to get them off. Giggles spill out of your lips as you watch him finally toss the offending material in the same general direction as your swim top. He’s left above you in only his undershirt and boxers.
“Be a good boy and take that off for me, hm?” you purr. Eddie feels a shiver go down his spine at your words and he quickly nods his head.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The white t-shirt and blue boxers soon go the same way as the coveralls and your husband’s body is hovering over yours. 
“That’s my good boy,” you praise him.
Eddie scoots down a bit, lips pressing against the skin of your neck, then your chest and stomach. 
“Can I taste you? Please?” he mumbles into the skin just above your belly button. 
“Of course.”
There’s no hesitation between your response and Eddie lifting your legs over his shoulders and licking a stripe up your heat. Your hands grip the sides of the lounge chair as your back arches. Eddie knows your body like the back of his hand and how to make you squirm right away. 
You’re pretty sure your lip is going to bleed from how hard you’re biting down on it as Eddie sucks your clit into his mouth. Large, calloused hands run up the outside of your thighs and rest on your lower stomach. You can feel more than hear the soft moans coming from your husband as his tongue moves down to prod at your hole.
“Shit,” you murmur under your breath. The sounds coming from between your legs are obscene but only make it even hotter. 
Eddie lets one of his hands come back down your body and he slips two of his fingers inside of you. The movement of his digits pumping in and out of you starts off slow at first, then picks up speed. It’s impossible to keep your moans to yourself at this point, just trying to keep quiet enough that any neighbors that are potentially outside won’t hear. 
“Close. Fuck, I’m close.”
The feeling of his tongue flicking over your clit joining the motion of his fingers has your muscles tensing, your legs tightening around his head as you feel your pleasure hitting its peak. One hand reaches down and tangles in Eddie’s curls, fist tightening and giving a small tug on the roots. 
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,” tumbles out of your mouth as the wave crashes over you, causing you to clench around Eddie’s fingers. He doesn’t slow down, just keeps working you through it with both his hand and mouth. 
Once your body relaxes back against the chair, Eddie pulls his fingers out and pops them into his mouth. His eyes close as he savors the taste of you on them. When his eyes open, it’s just in time for you to pounce on him. 
“You’ve had a hard day, baby,” you coo, wrapping your hand around his hardened length. Pre-cum pearls at the tip, dripping onto the flesh between your thumb and forefinger. “Let me take care of you, hm?”
Eddie just nods and whimpers, throwing his head back as you sink onto your knees in the freshly-cut grass and give him teasing kitten licks. 
“‘S that enough?” Of course it’s not; you know it’s not, but you love keeping him on edge.
“M-More. Please, need more,” he stammers out, legs quivering slightly. His quads flex as he tries to steady himself.
You indulge him, taking him fully between your lips. You swirl your tongue around his achingly sensitive tip, sucking sloppily. Drool runs down your chin but you make no attempt to wipe it away. He loves the way you so easily wreck yourself on his cock. 
“Feels s’good,” he groans, going weak in the knees when your hand attends to the part of his shaft not in your mouth. “Oh, fuck, that’s it. My beautiful girl.” His whines are loud, too loud considering the proximity to the nosy couple next door. They’re supposed to be at work now, but you never know who could be listening. 
“Shh, gotta keep it down,” you remind him, and he lets out another strangled whimper at the loss of your warm mouth. Pinching his inner thigh in retaliation, you say, “you want our neighbors to know that I’m sucking you off?”
Eddie shakes his head, curls rapidly brushing against his shoulders. “N-No.” Well, yes, he thinks, but he doesn’t dare admit it. 
You cup his balls, rolling them in your open palm while continuing to blow him, all too aware that you’re pulling the trigger. 
Sure enough, his throaty grunts punctuate the still summer afternoon. “Baby, mmm, fuck!” he manages through gritted teeth. You take him deeper, nose nestled in the unruly thatch of pubic hair adorning the base of his cock, doing everything you can to ward off your gag reflex.
“M s’close, shit, please let me cum on your tits,” he pleads, sounding as though he’s on the verge of tears. “Please, baby, I’ll do anything to cum on those perfect tits.”
You unceremoniously release him from your warm, wet mouth and jerk him a few times until he spills onto your chest. Thick white ropes of his spend now adorn your breasts as he stands there, breathless, his softening cock still in your hand. You take your pointer and middle fingers from your free hand and swipe at the cum, bringing them into your mouth and swallowing with a triumphant grin.  
You reach for your discarded swimsuit top, wincing when you try to fasten the ties. “Ouch,” you mutter, “feels like I did get a little burned on my back.”
Eddie’s eyes remain trained on your chest; specifically, the spot where you’d missed a bit of his cum just below your left nipple. He feels his cock start to twitch with the beginnings of another erection. “We have after-sun lotion in the house,” he finally says. “Get on the bed and I’ll give it to you.”
You throw him a wink, following his gaze to wipe off the cum before cheekily licking it from your finger.
“Oh, I bet you will, big boy.”
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allys-corner · 2 months
Started Out Rough - Part 1
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Summary: A big mishap on your first day leads to a blossoming friendship between you, the new teacher, and Eddie, the school's janitor, but will a secret come between this new pair.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
A/N: I know this has been done a bit, but I still really like the concept. Also don’t know how long this story will be, but hope you enjoy :P
Nerves were high when you stepped out of your car on your first day at Lincoln Middle. Dusting some imaginary lint off your clothes, you gather your things and head inside. You had already met most of the teachers and staff and set up your classroom already, but now it was time to get your first set of kids. Walking into the room, you are instantly hit with a nasty odor. Digging throughout the room turns up a giant wet patch in the far corner of the room trailing down from the ceiling all the way to the floor. 
“No, no, no, this can’t be happening,” you drag your fingers through your hair roughly “on my first day, seriously!” 
After having a short meltdown, you track down the closest teacher you can find and ask them what to do. They point you towards the janitor’s closet and you’re on your way. Lincoln isn’t the biggest school, so you don’t have much trouble locating the room; that and the man dragging out a cart of cleaning supplies. The first thing is all the rings on his fingers and the second thing you notice is the mop of curly hair bobbing to a rock song (judging by the mini air guitar moves). You try not to alarm him as you approach, clearing your throat. 
“Hi there, I’m sorry to bother you,” he whips around yanking his headphones off quickly as you power on, “but there is a pretty big leak in my room, and they told me to come get you.”
“Oh yeah, of course, I can help with that.” he seems to trip over his feet at being caught off guard before righting himself “Um, let me just grab the stuff and I’ll meet you there.”
Before you can get a word out, he’s digging through the small amount of supplies gathering things he may need. Although with how flustered he was by this new pretty individual, he ended up with a handful of vent tubing before deciding against it. He hadn’t noticed you in the silhouette of the room door, standing there with a grin a mile wide, until you spoke up once again.
“Don’t you need me to tell you what room I’m in,” you teased.
A sheepish look bloomed on his pale face. 
“Right, what was that room number again?”
“Trust me I’ve been around my fair share of preteens.” 
“You wouldn’t strike me as the paternal type” you remark taking a seat on the edge of the desk. You had been enjoying the pleasant conversation floating between you two.
“Oh, I’m not. I’m more like the cool uncle that will let you try his cheap beer and drive his piece of shit car.” Eddie stops smiling for a minute, “sorry for the language, it just slips out sometimes”
You giggle before answering “it’s okay, I’m sure all these kids,” you gesture to the empty classroom “can forgive you.” You look back at Eddie’s beaming smile before you have to look away from the brightness.
“So, how long do you think it will take to get fixed,” you question while helping Eddie clean up a bit.
“Well the good news is that this problem only takes a couple hours to fix, but the bad news is I’ll have to order a replacement part so it will probably be more like a week or so,” he finishes with a sympathetic smile. 
“Oh great!” you rub your forehead for a moment before looking back at the mess in the corner, “well, is the fan staying too?”
“I don’t know, let me ask him” Eddie steps over to the object bending down like he was talking to a small child, “Mr. Fan, do you plan on staying here all week?”
Eddie responds dramatically to the fan’s unspoken reply before bounding back over to you.
“Welp, he said it’s non-negotiable.”
Though the first day started out rough, the following morning had you in good spirits. You had picked out a nice outfit, your hair decided to cooperate for once, and your toast was golden brown. It was almost like the universe was trying to tell you something. 
Ignoring the good fortune as though to stave off its departure, you slide into your car and set on some soft tunes, too scared to jinx it. The ride in is fast and before you know it, you’re behind the desk in your classroom. Setting down your things, you begin to organize the papers surrounding you. Before you can get too far into your task, there’s a soft rapt on the door frame. Turning around you expect to see your boss standing there, but instead you get Eddie. 
An unexpected smile takes over your face, as you turn to greet him fully. 
“Hey there, what brings you over?” You ask.
“Well actually I just wanted to say good morning,” he reaches behind his back and pulls out a cup “and to give you this. I hope you like it, I tried to get you something that everyone likes.” 
You blush unintentionally before fumbling for the cup,
“Oh thanks, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s nothing, I usually try to get some for everyone when I stop on my way to work. Though, I should get your coffee order for next time.” 
You grin teasingly, “Would you be mad if I said I’m a tea drinker instead. So usually, I just get some green tea with lemon or raspberry.”
Eddie sits there stunned a moment before recovering, “I guess I can live with that, but if you don’t wanna drink it you don’t have to.” 
He goes to take the cup, but you pull away fast.
“Nope, this is good too! Thank you very much.” 
With a goofy nod, he turns to leave the room but not before saying, “if you need anybody to eat lunch with, I’d be happy to introduce you to some of the other teachers.”
With an enthusiastic agreement from you, he retreats out the door and within ten minutes your classroom is teeming with kids. 
Lunch couldn’t come fast enough. With the kids still getting used to you and you getting used to the kids, and not to mention an unannounced visit from the principal, Mrs. Ottoman, your mind was screaming for a break. Although you had agreed to have lunch with Eddie and co., you didn’t really know where you were supposed to be going. Before you could worry yourself too much, you step outside the door and see Eddie waiting for you. You try not to look too flustered as you give him a tired smile. His eyes portray understanding as he gives you an empathetic look. Before he can speak though, you interrupt, “don’t ask yet, just lead the way.” 
He turns with a short laugh before heading off towards the main doors. Walking out, you take a left and start heading towards a small structure in the distance. Upon closer view, you realize that it's a small sitting area with a few benches and some nice natural shading. There are a few people sitting at the furthest bench from the doors, but other than that no one is there. Eddie heads towards the others, and you follow a few steps behind. 
You don’t know why you were nervous though because Eddie helps you fit right in. He starts off with a quick introduction: Steve the preppy boy gym teacher, Robyn the sexy librarian, Nancy the scary maniac of a math teacher, and Billy the heartthrob of history lessons. Then, he drags you to sit right next to him. You had brought a packed lunch with you, but it seems that the teachers wanted to treat you to a new school lunch. 
There were all the fixings for sandwiches and several different sides along with two kinds of soda. The amount of food was overwhelming, but Nancy jumped in to help you make your plate. Eddie gave you a quick whisper to let you know that Nancy had fixed everything up so you could thank her properly, before digging in himself. Before long the questions start pouring in,
“So, where did you move from y/n?”
“I moved from Oregon. A small town about 20 minutes from Portland.”
“Oh! I have an aunt that lives in Oregon. She says it's very pretty up there. Don’t know why you'd move here instead.” Robyn gives a short chuckle.
“Well actually I used to live here a while ago, but I had to move away for a while. My moms gotten kind of sick recently so I’ve moved back to help her and my nephew, Rylee.”
With looks of genuine concern, they all try to speak at once with reassurances. You look on with a meek smile before Eddie drags the attention away from you. 
“Nancy, what is this mushy stuff anyway?” he says loudly, with an obnoxiously disgusted look on his face. The look is so odd on his face that you can’t help but giggle. Then Nancy, ever the mother, looks on with a glare while slapping his hand from the container. 
“It’s sauerkraut, genius. You would know if you didn’t have the appetite of a five year old.”
“Hey! Mac and cheese is a perfectly balanced meal in my book.” Eddie slams his hands on the bench while standing up abruptly. Nancy just looks on with a spent stature.
“Exactly my point, nimrod.”
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edsforehead · 1 year
February ‘23 Fic Rec List
Fic rec list for Eddie Munson, JQ’s other roles, and potentially some other ST/misc characters.
🔥smut 🗡angst ☁️fluff 🕷️dark MULTI-PART FICS The edge 🗡 (Part 1 | Part 2) by @latenightsimping Take it good (Rockstar!Eddie x Bartender!Reader) (Part 1) @myosotisa Baby, baby (Trucker!Eddie x Waitress!Reader) ☁️🔥🗡 (Part 2) @hellfirehottie420 Bets, deals and favors(excon!linecook!Eddie x roomate!reader) 🔥🗡 (Part 1) by @pinkrelish There’s a place for me 🗡 (Part 1) by @loveshotzz ONE SHOTS Caught me slippin’ (Escort!Eddie) 🔥 by @uglypastels As long as you need (Bestfriend!Eddie) 🔥 by @lilacletter All mine (older!Eddie) 🔥 by @hard-candy-writing Construction worker!Eddie x reader 🔥 by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple​ Dance Macabre (vampire!Eddie) 🕷️🔥 by @kasbite​ Scream my name (ghostface!Eddie) 🕷️🔥 by @userquinn​ Love like blood (vampire!Eddie) 🕷️🔥🗡 By @punk-in-docs​ You’re soaked, let me get you a towel 🕷️🔥 by @sweetpeapod​ BLURBS Mean!dom!Eddie 🔥 by @ceriseheaven Eddie can’t sleep and comes over 🗡☁️ by @uglypastels Perv!Eddie x bestfriend!reader and thighfucking 🔥 by @newlips Janitor!Eddie realizing he’s in love ☁️ by @funsonmunson-again JanitorEddie x pregnant!teacher!Reader ☁️ by @funsonmunson-again Eddie + restaurant + chopsticks ☁️ by @munson-blurbs Eddie + Hospital + Morphine button ☁️ by @munson-blurbs Eddie + Detention + Diary  ☁️ by @munson-blurbs Bouncer!Eddie being a taste tester for Bartender!reader 🔥 by @funsonmunson-again Bully!Eddie choking you 🔥 by @usedtobecooler Dark!Possessive!Eddie thots 🔥🕷️  (part 1 | part 2 | part 3) via @ceriseheaven Janitor!Eddie x reader!teacher ☁️ by @funsonmunson Bully!Eddie finding out a boy flirted with you 🕷️ by @prettybabybaby Bully!Eddie x tutor!Reader 🕷️🔥 by @prettybabybaby Bully!Eddie x cheerleader!reader 🕷️🔥 by @prettybabybaby You and bouncer!Eddie fucking in the walk-in 🔥 by @funsonmunson Caught in 2k (Best friend!Eddie) ☁️ by @myosotisa Eddie woofing at you after you call him a horndog ☁️ by @roanniom Bouncer!Eddie by @funsonmunson​ Eddie sneaking into your room 🔥 by @sweetpeapod​
MISC Fate or design...? (enjolras x reader arraigned marriage) (Part 1 | Part 2) ☁️🔥 by @ceriseheaven Chop chop slide (kurt kunkle) 🔥🕷️ by @usedtobecooler Persistent (Dark!Joel miller) 🔥🕷️ by @mypoisonedvine Dad!steve x babysitter!reader 🔥 by @mypoisonedvine​
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
The Dungeon Master’s Throne
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Eddie Munson x Reader Oneshot
Author’s Notes: This is pure self-indulgent unfiltered smut, I’m so so sorry. I’m not comfortable with minors reading any of my fics but especially not this one. Please respect my boundaries, I deserve a safe place to express myself. This is for @bvcksmunson​ and @chaseadrian​ (who beta reade this, ty ily). Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Content Warnings: AFAB reader with she/her pronouns, SMUT, bondage (handcuffs), gags (panty gag, bandana gag), cockwarming and objectification, dirty talk (including “slut” and “whore”), orgasam denial/control, Dom!Eddie, Sub!Reader, penis in vagina sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
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“What did I say about moving, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, so casually it was like a slap in the face to his girlfriend given their current position.
Eddie had somehow convinced the drama teacher to let him have the keys to the theater so he could plan his next D&D campaign there late at night, after even the janitors had gone home. He sat on his usual seat, a prop throne made for a spring musical years ago, the long table in front of him, although the chairs were missing their usual club members. He hadn’t turned the stage lights on as bright as he usually did but it was still enough light and heat to make someone sweat if they sat under them for too long, which they had been. It had been at least half an hour since Eddie had begun scribbling out his notes and plans for the next campaign, although she couldn’t see a clock from her position. She shifted again ever so slightly but stopped when Eddie delivered a firm slap on her ass, causing her to squeak in surprise.
“I thought I told you not to move.” Eddie warned and she let out a long whine of frustration.
For the past thirty minutes, she had been straddling his lap as he sat on the throne, Eddie’s cock buried deep inside her core under her skirt. Her panties were shoved into her mouth, muffling any noise she tried to make, the fabric held inside by Eddie’s favorite bandana, which he had tied around her head tightly. She could taste her own arousal on the fabric and bit down on the bandana to stop from moaning. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and she wrung her wrists lightly, testing her bonds every few seconds as if her restraints would somehow loosen. Her head was buried into his shoulder, her heaving chest rubbing against his, the patches on his denim vest teasing her nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt. One hand was on her lower back, keeping her pressed to him as the other scribbled away on the assortment of papers laid out on the table before him.
She could feel every inch of him, her walls stretching with a delicious ache, every nerve screaming for him to move. She felt so full and yet so empty, wanting to fuck herself silly with his dick, even if he wouldn’t help. She wanted to push herself up and use every last bit of strength in her legs to move up and down his cock until she came. But she knew better, this was her punishment for teasing him all day, something she had done specifically to rile him up, and now she was reaping the benefits and the consequences of her actions. She let out a pathetic sounding whimper and pressed her forehead harder into the crook of his neck, desperate for the needy desire burning in her stomach to be fulfilled.
Her hips rocked ever so slightly, hoping to bring even a sliver of relief to her filled pussy, trying to move so slowly and so carefully that Eddie wouldn’t notice. But he did, sighing and putting his pen down before grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her backwards to look up at him, his other hand remaining on her back to stop her from leaning too far back. She craned her head up at him and her eyes flashed him the most pitiful look, wide and close to tears as her eyelashes fluttered, as if batting her eyes at him would make up for disobeying him. It did not.
“You just can’t be a good girl can you?” He asked with a playful and mocking tone as he brushed strands of hair away from her face. “You just wouldn’t stop being such a cocktease today and I had thought a bit of time as my cockwarmer would straighten you out.”
He trailed the hand down her face, stroking her cheek lovingly before continuing on downwards as she mewled, his cold rings leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“All you had to do was stay still and stay quiet until I finished outlining the campaign’s story…” he said casually before grabbing her by the back of the neck and pulling her closer to him. “But you can’t even do that, you’re too much of a filthy fucking slut desperate for my cock.”
She whimpered as he slid his hand around to the front of her throat and tightened his hand for only a moment, a brief but firm reminder that he was in charge. His other hand palmed her ass and she let out the tiniest squeak when he squeezed her flesh roughly. Her eyes were pleading with him to show her mercy and help her with the burning in her core but he only laughed.
“Is there something you want to say?” he asked and she nodded vigorously as he smirked and loosened the bandana, pulling the wadded up panties out of her mouth. “Well?”
“Eddie please, oh god, please fuck me! I’m so sorry for teasing you, I won’t do it again.” she rambled quickly, the words pouring out before she even had time to think about it. “It hurts and I need you, I need you so bad. Please, please, please!”
“Tempting… very tempting my little cockteasing whore, but you misbehaved today and you need to be punished.” he replied, his hand moving up her neck to allow his thumb to rub her jaw.
“Please, please, I’ll be so good! I’ll do anything!” she begged, her back arching as she pushed her breasts up towards him as an enticement.
“Anything?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, Eds, anything, anything you want.” she answered and he seemed to consider it.
“Anything I want?” he asked again.
“Yes, Eddie, anything!” she replied desperately, nodding her head vigorously.
“Then shut up and stay still like a good girl.” he said harshly, a smirk on his face as he stuffed the panties back into her mouth and knotted the bandana tighter than it had been before.
She cried out in a mix of surprise and despair at his actions, unable to even squeak before it was muffled by the fabric. He shoved her back against his chest again, the hand on her ass moving up to stroke her hair comfortingly as he grabbed his pen with the other hand and resumed his work. A few tears of frustration fell from her eyes as she buried her head back into his neck. She was going to stay so still and silent that he’d think she was a statue, even if it killed her.
And so she counted seconds. She thought about D&D. She thought about what she had for breakfast and when the newest Queen album was going to come out. She thought about anything and everything that would distract her from the fact that Eddie’s cock was lodged in her pussy. She didn’t know how long it had been and she had shed quite a few tears of frustration but finally she heard Eddie put his pen down. Her pussy clenched in anticipation and Eddie chuckled, the vibrations resonating in his chest and to hers.
He pulled her back to look up at him and smiled when he saw her tears streaming down her cheeks and onto his bandana.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” he said, wiping her tears and brushed strands of hair from her face again. “You were a good girl. And good girls get rewarded.”
He smirked and that was all the warning she got before his hands clamped down on her hips bruisingly hard and he began to bounce her up and down on his cock at a brutal pace. She came almost instantly, having been given too little for so long that even just one stroke could send her over the edge. Her scream was muffled by her gag and Eddie could feel her walls squeezing his dick like a vice. Eddie kept fucking her through her orgasm and when she was finished, he moved a hand to her clit under her skirt and began to rub circles on it. Over and over again, he rubbed his thumb on her sensitive spot as his cock hammered in and out of her pussy.
Quickly, she was launched into another orgasm, but he didn’t let up, his hips still snapping up as his fingers continued playing with her clit with the same delicious dexterity he used when he was playing his guitar. She moaned into her panties already feeling another building up impossibly fast, but this time she didn’t cum alone. Eddie grunted loudly as he rammed into her and groaned when he held her down so she was taking his entire shaft when he released his load into her battered pussy. Her orgasm was harder than the other two had been and her scream carried loudly through the gag as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
The three successive orgasms had left her boneless, only held up by Eddie’s arms. Once again, she was crying although it was mostly out of relief and intense pleasure this time. Eddie was panting as he leaned her back to get a better look at her face as she returned from whatever blissful place her mind had gone. He pressed a loving kiss to her forehead and smiled down at her.
“Such a good girl, taking my cock so well, cumming for me so many times.” he cooed and she made a pleased noise at his words.
She realized suddenly that he was still buried deep within her and she moved to pull herself up, only to have Eddie pull her back down. She squeaked in confusion, cocking her head to the side and shaking her chains as a reminder that she was still handcuffed. He smiled and she picked up the mischievous glint in his eye.
“I finished my story notes but I haven’t done the character sheets yet.” he said and chuckled when her eyes went wide in surprise and she let out a noise of muffled protest.
He carefully pulled down the bandana and removed the panties from her mouth and her large inhale was interrupted by Eddie’s lips locking with hers. His tongue was aggressive in that loving way that only Eddie could manage to balance. She moaned into his mouth, leaning into the kiss and was thoroughly disappointed when Eddie pulled back.
“The character sheets should only take another fifteen minutes or so. I need my cock to be kept warm and for my cum to stay inside you while I work. Do you want to tap out, baby?” he asked, gazing down at her lovingly.
“No.” she responded in a quiet voice, her throat hoarse from her muffled screams.
“What if I play with your pretty little clit the entire time? Make you cum over and over again on my cock until you can’t even remember your own name.” he asked and her pussy clenched at the thought. “Would you still want to do it?”
“Yes.” she breathed out in a moan.
“Such a good girl.” he cooed and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’ve been so good that I won’t gag you this time. You can make all the noises you want. In fact, I want your screams and moans to be the background music as I work.”
“Oh fuck, Eds…” she said breathily as he captured her mouth with his again and from his hunger, she could tell that her pleasurous torture was far from over. And that was just how she wanted it.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Tell Me a Secret | Ch.2: Hellfire Palace
Tutor!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: After recruiting Eddie Munson as your math tutor, you enter his domain for your first tutoring session. Before you can step into his Hellfire Club palace, Eddie needs to know he can trust you, so he asks you to tell him a secret.
wc: 2.6k
pt. 2 of 7 | Masterlist
A/n: you guys wanted more, so I'm giving you more! Here's part two of this lil miniseries. taglist for this is open
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Something felt different this morning. Yet the autumn air was still nipping at your nose and the smell of today’s lunch was still lingering on the school grounds. You shuttered as you opened the door and the warm air hit your face. What was it? You shoved your hands deep into your pockets and stared straight ahead, the large painted tiger at the end of the hall becoming your focal point. You felt eager this morning, waking up before your alarm, speeding through breakfast, and getting upset when your dad went under the boldly printed speed limit. You couldn’t pinpoint why. 
Students didn’t fail to say hi to you as you walked down the crowded hallway, waving enthusiastically trying to get your attention. Normally you would greet them and sometimes stop to have a conversation before class, but today you kept your lips closed. Their faces fell as you hurried past them, trying to reach first period. You just wanted to get it over with.  
 The sound of shouting caught your attention. The Hellfire Club all stood around their leader as he dramatically told them a story, his ring-clad hands waving in the air, the black bandana in the pocket of his ripped jeans swishing side to side. Those boys were so enthralled by him. Eddie grunted out a piece of dialogue, stumbling backward into the hall with his fist placed over his heart like he’d been stabbed.  
You started to walk a little slower, your hands gripping the straps of your backpack as you saw him. Eddie turned, his brown Bambi eyes looking right at you. When did everything suddenly go in slow motion? A burst of butterflies swarmed in your stomach, your heart thumping as you were about to walk past him. “Good morning, Eddie,” you greeted brightly. 
“Morning, princess,” he greeted you, his morning voice still raspy and low, sending shivers down your spine. 
Suddenly, you knew what it was. Anticipation. Your first tutoring session with Eddie was today. 
Mr. Davids was more than pleased when you told him you found yourself a tutor. Keeping Eddie’s name out of the conversation just to ensure the older teacher wouldn’t try to talk you out of your selection. He gave you a few advanced copies of his study guides and practice tests for midterms. He told you that it would be everything you would need to be successful the rest of the semester.
 But it only made you worry more as you laid out all the material on the empty lunch table. You took bites of the flavorless sandwich as your eyes rapidly scan the papers. Nothing but complicated equations and word problems that felt like they were written in a foreign language. What the hell are they asking me? What do apples have to do with interest rates? You groaned and slumped into your seat, frustration visible on your features. 
You had been lost in thought long enough you didn’t hear the bell ring and you didn’t hear the hollering of teens as they made their way out of the large room. “Earth to her royal highness. Y/N,” Eddie sang as he approached you from behind. “Y/N!” 
You whipped your head around suddenly, looking up at his shocked face. “What do apples have to do with interest rates?” you groaned as you stood up and began shoving the papers behind your bag. 
Eddie raised a single dark brow, smirking at your amusing question. “I’ll tell you later, after the last bell, don’t be late.” 
You weren’t late, you were in fact early pacing back and forth in the quiet hallway. The loud sound of the janitor’s buffing machine whirled, creating an obnoxious echo. “Just go down the hall, into the drama room. It’s just tutoring,” you whispered to yourself. You glanced down at your neon pink watch, the digital numbers staring back at you. In five minutes you’d be face to face with Eddie Munson and having him try explaining math to you. “You’re being tutored, it’s not a date.”
After a run in with the disgruntled janitor, you finally made your way down the hall to the drama room. It made sense that Hellfire Club meetings took place there, the game mixed with Eddie’s dramatics provided the perfect scene for the space. Peering into the small rectangular window, he looked so calm as he slid together tables to create a singular long one. 
Taking in a deep breath, you wrapped your hand around the metal door knob and opened the door. It was the squeak of the door that alerted the long-haired man, and he calmed all your fears with a flash of white teeth in the form of a smile. “Ah, ah, ah!” He scolded as you took two steps into the room. 
Raising your eyebrows you looked around, “What’s happening?” 
Eddie gracefully outstretched his arms, presenting the poorly lit room to you, “You are now officially in my palace now, princess. You may rule outside this sacred space but in here, I’m king. So, therefore, your highness, you must tell me a secret to enter.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed, shaking your head at him. 
“Well,” he sang, “I guess you don’t need to pass math this semester.” 
A frown replaced your content smile, your face drooping in mock annoyance. “Fine,” you sighed, giving in to his request, “sometimes I like to daydream that I’m in a John Hughes movie.” 
Eddie snorted and clenched his stomach as he laughed loudly. “Why am I not surprised, sweetheart?” he wondered playfully. 
You crossed the room and tossed your backpack on the stage, letting out a small huff as you climbed up and sat on the cold floor. 
The dungeon master wiped his teary brown eyes and finally let his laughter die down. He turned and cocked his head, flashing you another smile before joining you on the stage. You had already laid everything out; your clean notes, textbook, and practice quiz were all neatly displayed in between you. “Here,” he said lowly, taking out rolled pages of lined notebook paper from his bag. 
You took it out of his hand and unrolled it slowly, messy written equations and sloppy notes coated the page. “Did you take notes today?” you giggled, showing him his own work. 
He nodded and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Thought they could be useful or whatever. Don't get used to it.” 
Internally you were giggling like a blushing schoolgirl. The repeat senior actually took notes when you could have sworn his notebooks were just filled with doodles, lyrics, and D&D stories. They were barely legible, so much that you figured even Eddie couldn’t read his own writing. There were some doodles of skulls and chains in the mix you noticed as you placed it amongst the other material. He made an effort for you. 
“What are we working with?” he groaned out as he slowly leaned forward, placing his large hands on your math book. He was about to open the stiff front cover when you slammed your hand down in the middle. Your eyes flashed downward to notice the size difference in your hands. You had a sliver of a moment to fantasize how his hand would fit in yours before looking up. His lips were parted like he had something to say, his brows lowered in questioning. 
“Oh, Eddie,” you sighed as you formed a smirk, leaning in closer to him. “This is my math book and if you want to open it… you have to tell me a secret.” 
Eddie bit down on his lower lip and let out a nervous chuckle. This was the first time he was so close to you, being able to see every shade of color in your eyes and every detail of your face. “I like to put Yoo-hoo in my cereal, so much better than milk,” he told you playfully. 
You giggled and threw up your hands in defeat, “I’ll take your word for it, Munson.” 
Eddie opened the book and took your notebook in his free hand, asking you what you didn’t understand. You were embarrassed that none of Mr. Davids' lesson today made sense, the word problems giving you a migraine. It surprised you when Eddie didn’t laugh, and it surprised you even more when he pulled out a black pencil case, a highlighter and pencil now resting behind his ear. “Come here,” he told you, “you’ll be able to see better.” 
Bashfully, you nodded and slid over to the same side with your shoulders almost brushing. Goosebumps ran down his barely clothed arm from the close contact, the smell of your sweet perfume hitting his nose delectably. “All the information is in the problem, you just need to weed out the bullshit,” he managed, trying to keep his cool. 
"Great… show me how," you said unenthusiastically, twirling your pencil.  
The half-hour had gone by so quickly, the alarm on his watch going off and breaking your concentration. "So this is what it feels like to understand this shit," you giggled as you watched him grade your practice quiz, throwing your head back to look at the ceiling. 
"Four out of six," he said, tossing the paper into your lap and turning off the alarm. With a long drawn-out groan Eddie rose from his spot and jumped off the ledge, his feet landing on the linoleum floor with a soft sound. "Not bad, princess. Fix those two while I set up." 
You sat in silence as you stared down at the two problems Eddie marked up with red ink. A stabbing pain was shooting through your eyes, every time you scanned the page it just got worse. So your chin rose, and your tired eyes caught a glimpse of his strong arms placing a throne at the head of the table. It made you laugh to yourself, of course, Eddie would have a throne for himself. 
After he placed the throne, he grabbed black Gothic candle sticks and placed them meticulously around the table and in between uncomfortable metal chairs. As soon as Eddie reached into his back pocket and pulled out a silver lighter, you spoke up. "That's against the fire code." 
Eddie's jaw dropped in fake offense and opened the lighter, its flame illuminating his silver rings. "Fire code doesn't exist in my palace," he told you, lighting each of the yellow wax candles. 
"The lights are on, doofus. No one can see anything," you smirked, pointing your finger up towards the overhead lights that desperately needed to be cleaned. 
Eddie held up his pointer finger and walked to the wall, stepping over various boxes and props. 
You could only lean over so far past the pillar before tipping over. You decided to hop off the stage, and a small soft moan escaped your throat as your legs got accustomed to standing. Folding your arms across your chest you watched Eddie open the control panel, flipping a switch that had Hellfire Club written on a label. 
Darkness consumed the bleak classroom, candlelight, and the lone small window were the only sources of light. "Get ready to be amazed, L/N," he told you before flipping one last switch. 
Bright blue and orange lights flickered on. You looked around at the colorful lights from overhead and nodded approvingly, pouting your lips. The D&D setup combined with the props and lighting made it an appealing space for the so-called cult of Vecna. Eddie really cares this much about this game, huh? You thought. 
Eddie’s pleased smile brightened up the room as he walked over, holding his hands out as if to ask what you thought. “Alright, Munson. I’m impressed.” His smile grew even wider as he stood in front of you, his eyes slightly squinting. 
A blanket of comfortable silence was placed around you. Your first thought was how beautiful he looked in this lighting. The shadow from his hair allowed the orange and blue lights to frame his cheekbones, a beautiful chiseled line emerging from the jawline you adored and was your favorite part of him to watch as he yelled at jocks during lunch. “Eddie,” you whispered his name absentmindedly.  
“You ok, princess?” he whispered in return, letting gravity pull him closer to you. “Y/N.” 
The world had stopped around you once he said your name. Pounding heartbeats rivaled the loud buzzing of the warm lights. Then the door opened, sending you both crashing back to earth. “Listen, listen… I’m sorry I’m late! Mike was on the phone and didn’t want to be alone near the janitor. Oh, hey, Y/N,” Dustin Henderson ranted, only stopping when he saw you and Eddie standing awkwardly at the head of the table, Eddie’s fidgeting hands covered by the Dungeon Master screen. 
“Hey, Dusty!” 
“Do you know him?” Eddie whispered, brown eyes flashing between you and the freshman.  
“Used to babysit him. Turned on G.I Joe and he was out like a light every time,” you informed him, not wasting the opportunity to make fun of the curly haired boy. Dustin immediately flipped you off and sat his things down on one of the chairs. 
“You should get going,” Eddie told you in a hushed tone to keep the conversation away from Dustin. “They’ll all be here soon.” 
“Wait, wait, wait,” you gasped, following close behind back to the stage. “We’re done? I got you for another half hour, Munson. I’ve just barely started the homework.” 
The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He wished Dustin wasn’t here early because that meant his little friends would also be early. And deep down he didn’t want your opinion of him to change after seeing him play. He was never shy about his love for the club and D&D, but it was different with you. He wanted to impress you. “You’ll be fine, I’ll grade it tomorrow or something.” 
Another silence filled the space, this time it wasn’t comfortable. You took in a deep breath and stood a little taller, tugging on the lapels of your jacket. “I have a proposition for you,” you said firmly, looking at the shadowy figure that rushed past the door. 
Eddie hid the amused smile behind his hair. He loved this tone of voice from you, it was firm and presidential. Made him squirm in his seat once or twice from listening to your speeches during the election. He bit the inside of his cheek and leaned up against the stage cooly, “And what would that be, princess?”  
You lifted your chin, “You let me stay during your session and finish my math homework backstage, you check on me once or twice and I’ll get Principal Higgins to stop checking in every five minutes making sure you’re not sacrificing each other to Satan.” 
He mimicked your motion, dark brown eyes piercing down at yours. You ignored the rush, swallowing your feelings for him. Eddie stuck his hand out, “Deal.” 
Giving it a firm shake, you grinned ear to ear. “I’ll go speak with him. Thank you, Eddie.” 
He just smiled as you hurried to the door. “I see why they all voted for you,” he joked. 
You cocked your head and opened the door, “So you didn’t vote for me?” 
“That’s a secret for another session, sweetheart.” 
You shot him a coy smile as you pressed your spine to the door frame before walking out and closing the door behind you. 
“So,” Dustin coughed, “do you have a girlfriend now or what, dude? You and Y/N?” 
Eddie snapped out of his daze, shooting the freshman a stern glare, “Shut up and make yourself useful, Henderson.”
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grrlsoft · 2 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ love like blood : eddie munson
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summary : when your best friend Eddie doesn't show up to drive you home from school, you assume that he's just gone to impromptu Hellfire Club meeting. but little do you know, his reasons for being late are much, much worse.
pairing : Eddie Munson x gn!reader
author's note : eddie angst. thats the tweet. also this is when eddie and reader r just friends but are crushing on each other lolz so no established relationship yet (pls eddie deserves someone who will care for him sobs)
song inspo is love like blood by killing joke !!
warnings : angst with a fluffy ending, mentions of injuries and blood, bullying
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you take a long, deep breath, inhaling the smell of damp leaves and overgrown grass. it's fall in Hawkins, one of your favorite seasons, but winter is soon on the rise. large, looming clouds fill the gray sky and block out the sun, giving everything a cold, hazy hue. you shiver as the wind blows through your sweater (although you had made sure to wear multiple layers, the wind persisted), and you check your watch. 
it’s 3:47 pm and Eddie is late to meet up with you outside of Hawkins High, something that he does every day. it's sort of become a ritual for the two of you, something you never break unless one of you has pre-established plans.
you don't mind the delay much, as he is usually busy talking with his friends after school hours or perhaps getting a talking to by a teacher, but him being this late is rather unusual, especially since the two of you had made plans to hang out. you rock back and forth on your feet as you clutch your textbooks in your arms. it's a nervous habit. 
the inside of your nose starts to burn by how frigid the air is becoming so you nuzzle your chin into the collar of your sweater. the janitor passes you and your worry increases. 
maybe he's at a Hellfire Club meeting, you think to yourself, one that he didn't tell you about. that would be unlikely, since Eddie can't help but tell you every single thing that he does, but it's not like you're required to know what he's doing at what time. he's not obligated to constantly update you (even though you sort of like it when he does).
as well as being worried about his absence, him being missing leaves you without a ride home from school. the two of you were planning to go to the record store after school today too, but if he wasn't gonna show…
you walk home after a few more minutes of waiting. you don't want to catch a cold just because Eddie had a different obligation that you didn't know about. maybe he was in detention.
but something about it didn't seem right. it seemed unusual for him. 
you shouldn't worry about it, you tell yourself. he can handle himself. he's a big boy.
the walk home is boring and long but you enjoy looking at the red and yellow leaves that blow off the tall trees. you think about halloween and what costume you'd like to wear (as well as wondering if Eddie would want to dress up with you too). the fall air always brings thoughts of costumes and candy to your mind.
once you finally reach your house, you take refuge in comfier clothes and make yourself some popcorn as an after school snack. you turn on the TV and find that there's nothing playing that interests you at the moment, so you instead pad up to your room and put on a record. you sink into bed, already feeling sleep beginning to overtake you. you have completely forgotten about the math assignment you need to do, but that is the farthest thing from your mind. 
you snuggle up in your white bedsheets and the sound of your record seems farther and farther away until a loud series of knocks disturbs your almost peaceful rest. you blink your bleary, distantly sleepy eyes open and tumble out of bed, heading downstairs. 
the knocking gets louder and sort of frantic and you shout a quick just a second! and open the door. 
you rub your eyes as the fading light of day blinds you momentarily. you then look at who's standing on your doorstep. 
"Eddie?" you say, unable to mask your horror. 
he's half leaning on your doorframe, a bloodied hand resting on the trimmed, white wood. his lip is split and his nose is smeared with blood, his face pale and ashen. his right eye is hidden by a grisly, purple splotch, soon turning a whole myriad of other colors. it reminds you of a watercolor project you helped him do for art class. 
his brown eyes look at you sadly, blankly. your mouth is wide open.
you don't say anything. he doesn't say anything either. 
"jesus christ, Eddie, I-" you search for words to say to him, but your mind is still trying to make sense of the situation. all you can manage to do is take his arm carefully and usher him inside. 
"here, come in," you say as steadily as you possibly can. he follows you slowly, and you're worried that he's limping.
his eyes are trained on the carpeted floor and you close the door behind you. he stands in your front walkway and is still quiet. you open and close your mouth, stammering. 
"Eddie," you finally say his name with all the gentleness in the world, "Eddie, what happened?" 
you touch his arm delicately and frown disheartedly when he flinches.
he continues to be eerily silent, but his eyes keep moving from the floor to your face apprehensively. he blinks a few times and shakes his head. 
"just some stupid basketball assholes, that's all," he finally responds, and it's like a breath of fresh air to hear his voice, no matter how hoarse it is. you furrow your brows. 
"they… did this to you?" you ask, and he nods. you clench your fists and feel your stomach churn with anger. all that time you had been waiting for him, he had been getting beaten up. your eyes burn.
"..why?" you manage, and Eddie gives you an almost unnoticeable shrug. 
"doesn't matter," he replies. you sigh, knowing how untrue his statement was. but you don't want to pry, as it would probably make him upset. 
"uh, here, let me go get you an ice pack or something," you say suddenly as you scamper off to the kitchen, opening the door of your freezer frantically. Eddie watches how desperate you are to help him and it gives him a funny feeling in his stomach.
you find one, icy and blue, and you hand it to him. he takes it in his bruised hand yet doesn't move. 
"how about- how about you go up to my room while I look for some medicine or something for you," you muster a smile. you watch nervously as he nods, then makes the trek up the stairs to your room. 
you hurriedly inspect your cabinets for some medicine, opening and closing doors haphazardly, not caring if the contents inside fall over. you finally return to your bedroom with a little white bottle of tylenol, a glass of water, and your mother's first aid kit that you have never used. you're no nurse, but you want to make sure that Eddie is alright. it's the only thing that matters to you.
the sight of him slumped on the edge of your bed makes your heart break, and you carefully sit down next to him. he doesn't meet your gaze, his hands gripping the ice pack you had given him so tightly that you think it might break. his knuckles are stained with crimson blood. 
"hi," you greet him, pressing your arm against his own. his fingers brush against your leg. "I got you water and some meds."
he takes the glass of water, putting the white pills on his tongue and he downs it in no time. he gives the glass back to you and you set it on your bedside table. 
the room is quiet save for the sound of the chilly wind blowing from your open window. your heart is beating out of your chest. you put your hand on top of Eddie's own and you can feel him shaking. he stills for a moment, your touch comforting and warm.
you don't say anything but you look over at the brown haired boy. you brush your thumb against the inside of his hand and he suddenly turns his gaze to you, his eyes unsure and almost fearful. 
"sorry that I-" his voice cracks, a sound so incredibly foreign coming from him, "I didn't mean to-" 
a few tears slip down his pale cheeks and he hiccups. he turns away from you. 
"god, this is so fucking stupid." he manages, brown eyes watery. he sniffles. 
your eyes go wide, surprised by his sudden, tearful state. 
for the first time in the entirety of your friendship with Eddie Munson, you were seeing him cry. and it startles you. 
you snap yourself out of your momentary shock as Eddie covers his face with a bruised hand, his sniffles growing more frequent. you stammer and move closer to him. 
"oh Eddie, Eddie it's alright," you console the distraught boy as you rest your hand on his forearm. "it's okay, you don't have to cry." 
a gasp leaves your throat involuntarily when Eddie wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head in the crook of your neck. he pulls you into him, your chest now flush with his own. you can feel the wetness of his tears staining your skin as well as his bloodied hands clutching the fabric of your shirt. he sobs loudly and you reach a loving hand up to rub his back. you rest your head on his own and listen to him cry, his body shaking.
it feels strange to see him like this - so small and vulnerable. Eddie was all talk, all swift turns on the heel and side eyes with mischievous smirks. but this was so much different.
it makes him seem a little more human, you think to yourself. it makes you understand him better.
you run your hands through his hair and trace your fingers along his spine as he sobs into you. you're quiet, not daring to speak in fear somehow saying the wrong thing, and also because you don't think that's what he needs. sometimes people don't want to be talked to; they just want to be held.
and you do this with proficiency. you are careful with him like he's a delicate little thing made of porcelain or glass. eventually his crying softens and his sniffles decrease in number. he sits in your arms silently for a long while and you let him. you would wait like this for hours if that's what he wanted. you think that the two of you should do this more often, hopefully under nicer circumstances.
you blink when he pulls away from you, but he keeps his face close to your own. he drags his knuckles across his face, wiping the wetness from his cheeks. the blood of his hands mixes with his tears.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles almost shamefully. you rest your hands on his knees. 
"don't apologize," you reassure him kindly, "you don't need to." 
Eddie looks at you with wide eyes and laces his fingers with your own. 
"thank you for being so-" he searches for the right words to say, "so good to me. so nice and everything." 
you smile at him and your eyes are filled with adoration. you have a million things you wish to say but now is not the time. you squeeze his hand while also making sure not to squeeze too hard.
"thank you for coming to me," you reply, "for trusting me." 
Eddie smiles a sad smile in return and you apprehensively raise your hand to his face, but you pause before your palm meets his cheek. 
"can I..?" you murmur and Eddie nods at you with a sort of dreamy, unreadable expression.
"please," he whispers and you almost melt. your soft hand grazes the battered skin of his face as you inspect his bruises. 
"god," you whisper, frustration and anger lacing your tone, "can't believe those assholes can get away with doing things like this to people." 
Eddie shrugs and doesn't look at you, he's far too nervous to. "that's what happens when you're rich, I guess." 
"I know, but," you sigh, not knowing how to fully articulate all the annoyance and sadness you have within your chest, "it's just so unfair."
you suddenly withdraw your hand when you accidentally touch the bruised area around Eddie's eye, causing him to flinch, but he grabs your wrist before you can fully pull away.
"no-" he begins, his eyes looking deep into yours before he swallows thickly with nervousness, "don't. it feels- feels nice." 
you blink owlishly at him but you respect his wishes, bestowing your touch to its rightful place. you chuckle as Eddie sighs into your palm, closing his eyes. his skin feels warm where your fingers graze it.
"I still have to clean you up," you murmur as you gaze at his bloodied lips and nose. you wipe away some of the blood from his lip. he chases your touch with what you almost think to be a kiss, but maybe you're seeing things. Eddie's eyes open and he looks softly at you. 
"well, you better get to it, then," he smiles, a smile that makes your heart skip a beat. "unless you wanna sit here and touch my face for forever." 
you laugh and he laughs too, the two of you slipping back into the easiness of your friendship. the tension has begun to fade away. 
"you were the one who wanted it so bad," you tilt your head and grin. he raises a brow at you. 
"you were the one who brought that whole first aid kit up here and still haven't opened it," he says pointedly, "are you gonna let me bleed out, or what?" 
you laugh and the noise is angelic. you reach for the white box and Eddie gazes at you all the while. he wants to touch you again, or rather for you to touch him - to rest his head on your shoulder and have you thread your fingers through his hair, but he's far too nervous to do so or even ask. 
so he doesn't do anything at all. he just sits and stares at you while you grab your first aid kit, not really listening as you talk about how you've never bandaged anyone up like this besides yourself. the light of your lamp casts a warm glow on the delicate features of your face. he wonders what your lips would feel like against his own bruised ones.
a part of him wishes he'd get injured more often, just so you'd be there to fix him.
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caseyqdilla · 11 months
Staycation Extravaganza
A/N: Listen, @oneforthemunny this wasn't supposed to be an angst thing, but my brain just went there okay. IM SORRY (I couldn't bear leaving them that way though soo I definitely have it ending in fluff.)
CW: Slight angst, fluff, and a little bit of hinting of smut at the end there, but nothing happens. Ends in fluff as promised though!
Finding out you were pregnant after you adopted Ollie wasn’t in your plan, but you and Eddie were excited nonetheless. Or you were until you figured out that you were going to be a hormonal mess your first trimester. You hated it, Eddie felt like he had to walk on eggshells around you and you found yourself getting agitated at the smallest things that normally wouldn’t have bothered you. It all came to a head one day as you’re laying on the couch; you’d come home early for the day with a splitting headache and having gotten way more irritated than you meant to with your class. Eddie had heard you in the classroom and pulled you aside when they went for lunch. 
“Sweetheart, I think you should go home. School’s almost out for the day and I’m sure they can get someone to sit with them for a little while.” as delicately as he could, trying not to set you off. You knew he was just trying to help, but you just got teary-eyed and your lip started wobbling. “No, no baby, don't cry! I’m just worried about you sweetheart. Please don’t cry.” but it was too late, you were already nearing hysterics. You hated this, you were an emotional person already, but you were used to being in control of them, not them controlling you. 
“Y-you’re right, I should go home…I probably am making them miserable.” you stuttered out between sobs. It broke Eddie’s heart seeing you so sad, but he knew (well he hoped to whatever deity would listen) that it was only temporary and would be over after your first trimester. 
“Baby, you’re not making anyone miserable, you just have a headache and having to stand most of the day probably isn’t helping.” he tried to reason with you. You nodded slightly and made your way to the principal’s office to let them know you needed to leave due to your condition, as you’ve taken to calling your over-emotional state. Knowing it wasn’t normally like you to call out or leave early just because they were very understanding. 
Coming home you grabbed an ice pack and a towel to wrap it up in so you could lay down on the couch. You’ve never felt less like yourself than you have during your first trimester. You’d fallen into an uncomfortable sleep. 
Ollie had come home when Eddie was done and was eager to talk to you as he did every day after school; except today you were unusually snappy today. You were getting irritated so easily and finally snapped when he was trying to get your attention. 
“And then- mom, are you listening? Mommy?” 
“Ollie, I’m listening.” you’d responded in a terse tone, which did not go unnoticed by Ollie or Eddie. Ollie quickly receded into himself which broke Eddie’s heart as well as your own. You went to say something else, but Ollie had run off to his room quickly shutting the door. Guilt took over your mind, “Oh god, I ruined everything; he’s gonna hate me so much now.” you sobbed out dropping your head into your hands. 
“Sweetheart, he isn’t going to hate you, we just have to explain to him what’s happening.” Eddie tried to console you, unsure if you wanted physical contact he went with verbal reassurance waiting for you to make the next move if you wanted him to hold you or stroke your back. You sniffled as your sobs stopped. 
“Eddie, I think you and Ollie should go. M-” before you could finish your sentence, Eddie panicked and began to rattle off. 
“Sweetheart, i-it’s okay, we don’t need to leave; I- I promise that it isn’t -” tears having welled up in his eyes in his panic, thinking you wanted him to leave an that you changed your mind about having his baby; you immediately start to sooth his anxieties, cursing yourself knowing you should have worded it better. 
“Baby, baby! I didn’t mean to leave for good. Baby I never want to get rid of you or Ollie, I love you both so so much I just meant for a weekend; maybe just until the end of my first trimester since I only have a few more days.” 
He calmed rather quickly, thankful you hadn’t suddenly changed your mind after having to deal with these big emotional changes that you weren’t able to control.
“Maybe you and Ollie can go on a trip with Wayne?” you suggested.
Eddie mulled it over, “Yeah, I think taking Ollie to see Wayne would be a good idea. He’s been itching to see him more and I think he has this weeknd off actually.” he smiled at the thought of Wayne and Ollie having this time together, “I doubt he’s gonna wanna go on a trip though”, he huffed a small laugh, “maybe we could have a staycation. Ollie and I can grab a bunch of movies, snacks, games, and all that jazz.” you gave a watery smile nodding and thinking about how much fun he would have with Wayne and Eddie; without you. You shook those thoughts away as quickly as they approached, it would just be a few days and you needed this just as much as they probably would enjoy seeing Wayne for those days. As Eddie went to call Wayne and make sure he was okay with the idea (which of course he was; as he put it, “Boy why are you asking to bring me my grandson? You never have to ask.”) you went to Ollie’s room and knocked gently to ask permission to come in; you swore as soon as you’d become a parent that you were not above apologizing when you messed up, even if it was something out of your control like this. 
“Come in.” his quiet reply came and you tentatively opened the door. 
“Hey Ollie-pop, can I talk to you?” he nodded and you sat down gently beside him, he curled up shifting away from you slightly and it took all your power not to burst into tears right then and there. “Lovebug, I am so sorry for how I spoke to you. I know that it sounded like I wasn’t excited to see or talk to you, but I want you to know that how I spoke has absolutely nothing to do with you.” he nodded to you, but refused to meet your eyes so you finished up, “I hope you can forgive me Ollie, but I also want you to know that it’s okay to feel big emotions so if you are upset with me I will understand and we can talk about it if and when you want to, okay?” It was hard not to scoop him up in your arms and hug him, but you knew this was a big moment for you two. You knew that you needed to let him make the next step when he was ready. With that you told him goodnight and that you loved him, which thankfully he did respond in kind you think if he hadn’t you’d have sobbed all the way to your room. 
The next day Eddie and Ollie had woken up before you and rather than wake you up, knowing how rough a day you had yesterday Eddie gave you a gentle kiss on the head and left you a note letting you know they’d gone to Wayne’s. Ollie was still a little upset by yesterday’s events, but as soon as he saw Wayne’s smiling face he ran into his grandpa’s arms giggling when he swung him around in his embrace. 
“I missed you so much boy!” he said as he put Ollie down and not knowing what happened yesterday curiously asked, “Where’s mom at bud?” he got quiet and walked past Wayne to go to his toys that he kept there leaving a confused Wayne and Eddie to explain what happened. 
After he finished telling Wayne about it, he asked “What am I going to do Wayne? What if it isn’t any easier for her after the first trimester? What if her mood swings get worse??” 
Wayne put a firm hand on his shoulder, “Eddie, you married her cause she’s a strong woman. She will get through this, you just have to be there to support her. I know you’re doing what you can so don’t worry. As for Ollie-pop, let me talk to him while you make us dinner.” he smiled and clapped Eddie on the shoulder as he stood. 
Eddie laughed, “Is that why you let me tag along? Maid service?” 
“You remember how you were in highschool? Of course I’m collecting maid services now that you’ve got it together a little and your woman whipped you into shape a little! It was like living with a feral raccoon most of the time.” 
Eddie barked out a laugh as he made his way to the kitchen to make something he knew Ollie would like and Wayne made his way to Ollie. 
“Hey buddy, wanna go play outside? I can throw the ball around with you for a little?” Ollie’s eyes lit up and he raced outside. He vaguely heard Eddie grumbling about turning his baby boy into a jock; which got a snort out of Wayne. “Shush you.” 
They had been throwing the ball around when Ollie had seen some other kids playing in the trailer park with their mom and he suddenly got sad again. Wayne noticed and had him come sit next to him on the bench in the middle of the park. “What’s wrong Ollie?” he asked, knowing but also wanting to hear what’s going through his mind. 
“I think mom hates me.” he sniffled as tears started rolling down his cheeks. It broke Wayne’s heart and he couldn’t even imagine how it would have affected you; especially with your hormones being played like a yo-yo. 
Wayne pulled Ollie into his lap and rocked him back and forth slightly as he let him cry. When his tears started to dwindle away, Wayne pulled away a little so he could look Ollie in the face. “Ollie, you mom doesn’t hate you. She adores you, you’re her favorite person in the whole world; don’t tell your dad though, I don’t think he could handle it.” Ollie giggled, which had Wayne smiling. “She’s going through some changes, nothin’ that you’ve done is the cause of any of those changes you hear me?” he waited for the boy to nod in understanding before continuing. “You remember how they told you you’d be having a little brother or sister?” 
“Yes sir, mommy and daddy were so excited and I can’t wait to have a sibling! But what if they don’t want me after?” The statement took Wayne back to when Eddie was a little boy, how dejected he was when he was left with him feeling unwanted and terrified being without his mom. He knew there had to be an underlying reason your tone had a bigger impact on him. You and Eddie have had to be a little strict with him on certain things and he never closed himself off like this during those times and Wayne understood it now as fear. He was afraid of losing you two, afraid that you’d get the newest addition to your family and think that he was just too much to handle with the baby. He wrapped the young boy in a tight hug. “If I know anything about your mom and dad; and I’ve known your daddy since he was a little thing just like you,” he ruffled his hair affectionately eliciting a giggle from him, “and I’ve known your mom for quite a while, I know that they love with all their hearts. Let me tell you, the first time they met you and came to tell me all about you, they were already so in love with you bud. They knew right after that they wanted you as their son.” Wayne saw the tears forming in the little boy’s eyes and a small smile stretching across his lips. “A lot of people are born in unfortunate circumstances, your dad was one of them, but very few of them are lucky enough to say that their family chose them.” Ollie launched himself at his grandpa and buried his face in his chest. 
As if on cue to offer some comedic relief, Eddie; sweet Eddie, bursts through the trailer door followed by a plume of dark smoke coughing and shutting the door as quickly as he could lest Wayne see. However, nothing escapes his watchful eye. He drops his head to Ollie’s little shoulder as he stands up laughing at his dad’s antics. 
“How about we go to Benny’s or order pizza?” Eddie offers up bashfully. 
“Let’s go to Benny’s. Open that door boy, get that smoke out of there.” he says shaking his head as they pile into the van. As they leave they stop and Wayne asks one of his friends to watch the trailer and if they can “get that damn smoke out of there”. His friend laughs and asks if it was Eddie or the little man, which Eddie definitely doesn’t blame Ollie; nope he would never do that. Ollie looks at his dad with his mouth agape and playfully glares at his dad. 
After they have dinner and make their way back, luckily the house is void of smoke. Thus begins their weekend of fun and relaxation; you were always at the back of their minds, but they knew you needed this time alone even if you didn’t particularly want it. 
They had a blast playing whatever Ollie’s little heart desired whether it be board games, sports (much to Eddie’s dismay), or even a one shot campaign Eddie threw together, the guys were ecstatic that Ollie had started showing an interest in DND. 
By the end of the weekend extravaganza, Eddie and Ollie were ready to get back to you; you were so ready for your family back too, finally feeling more like yourself. You were glad that you got to have some time to try and reason with the little being that you were growing, “Come on little one, I need to still be there for your big bro and your daddy. You’ve gotta let me function somewhat normally love bite.” you’d pleaded with your little peanut that had begun to show a little while your boys were gone. You were so excited for Eddie to see and you were anxious to see Ollie, hoping that he was able to forgive you and that Eddie was right and he didn’t hate you; which you knew in the back of your mind that he didn’t, but that’s never stopped your worry-goblin from running amok in your mind. 
You’d been cleaning up after having made dinner. You'd made Ollie and Eddie’s favorite, dino nuggies with mac and cheese; even if the smell of the artificial cheese made you want to lose what you’d eaten prior to your making dinner. You would suffer through for your boys, you love them so much and this weekend without them just solidified that even more. As you finished up the last pot and got the plates down ready to have dinner with your family, you’d heard the van door shut and excitedly put the plates down on the counter by the stove and rushed to the door, meeting them as it opened. 
“My boys are home!” you’d exclaimed as they entered, Eddie was the first to greet you with a big hug and a gentle kiss. Once he pulled back, he grabbed the bags they’d taken to Wayne’s and went to the laundry room, wanting to give you a few minutes with Ollie; knowing you needed it as much as he did. (However, he did notice your belly had begun to show and he would most certainly be addressing that after Ollie went to bed. Fuck, he fell in love with you all over again. He also really hoped you were feeling like your old self a little cause, damn seeing that he was definitely hornier than a prepubescent teenager.) 
Ollie was standing where Eddie had just been, you crouched down to his height, “Hey my Ollie-pop, how are you baby?” Eagerly he launched himself at you, as gently as he could as to not hurt his little brother or sister. “I’m sorry mommy.” he sniffled as he hugged you tightly. 
You pulled away with a confused expression, “Lovebug why on earth are you sorry?”
“Before we left I never said goodnight…” 
“Lovebug that’s okay, you were processing some big emotions I’m sure. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about anyway. Nothing was your fault baby boy I promise.” you pulled him into a gentle hug and squeezed him close. “I just hope you can forgive me sweet boy, I never meant to hurt you in any way. I would never hurt you on purpose baby.” 
He smiled and squeezed you back gently, “It’s okay mommy, I forgive you. Grandpa Wayne helped me with my big emotions.” your heart soared knowing Wayne did that for you, he’s such a great grandpa; the big ‘ol softy. 
With you and Ollie being able to talk about things and you explain in more detail as to why you’d been so emotional he understood better. You tried not to be too graphic, he is just a kid after all. You also wanted to make sure that you used phrasing you knew he’d understand, which it seems like you hit your mark as he nodded and asked questions where he needed to. By the time Eddie had come back from starting the load of laundry they’d brought back it was time for you all to eat dinner.  
“I made your favorite you guys!” you’d excitedly told them and loved the way their eyes lit up at the same time, rushing to the kitchen. Eddie paused, letting Ollie prepare his own plate (you guys had gotten a small step ladder that he could use so he could become a little more independent, which was bittersweet for you both honestly) and he stepped back to hold you, your back to his chest. 
“I’ve missed you so much baby.” he whispered in your ear, placing a gentle kiss on your neck right below your ear. Before you could respond he continued with a slight growl in his voice low enough for only you to hear, “Don’t think I didn’t notice that you’re showing baby. You look so fucking amazing.” it must have had the desired effect as you felt him smirk when your knees buckled slightly. You’re not even sure why it got you that way, but you’d just blame the hormones for now and address it later. Eddie then pulled away from you to go get some of the delicious smelling dinner you’d made and you followed shortly after him then you all sat chatting and eating as the happy little family that you were. After dinner you all piled on the couch to watch a movie that Ollie picked out, but as anticipated he didn’t even make it a quarter of the way through. You and Eddie shared a fond look as he picked up your sleeping boy and took him to his room so he could sleep comfortably. 
Once he was tucked away safely in bed you both got ready and snuggled in bed together, any plans of debauchery squashed as you just missed being in one another’s embrace. 
“How are you feeling baby? Any better now that you’re out of the first trimester?” he asked curiously. You smiled as you ran your fingers through his beautiful locks, “Yeah baby, I feel so much more like myself now. Me and the little peanut had a heart to heart and I think she got the message.” before you realized what you’d said Eddie’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. 
“She”, he whispered in awe, tears starting to brim his beautiful chocolate eyes. You mentally cursed yourself, your doctor had called on Friday when you came home from work and let you know the gender since it was time and you’d done the blood test to find out as soon as possible. You really wanted to make a huge surprise for Eddie and present him with the wonderful knowledge that you both were having a baby girl, but your pregnancy brain apparently had another thing in mind. You smiled sheepishly as tears formed in your eyes as well nodding your head slightly, “Yeah baby, she.” 
You’d make a super special announcement for everyone later, right now this is all that mattered. You being in each other’s arms; that’s how you fell asleep that night, embraced in one another’s arms and slightly teary-eyed from the good news.
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Stranger Things Masterlist
(Ongoing 2016 TV Series)
One Shots Multi-Chapter
Ongoing Completed
F!Reader = Female Reader
M!Reader = Male Reader
G!Reader = Gender Neutral Reader
Character(s) :
Eddie Munson
One Shots :
You look Lonely by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple (VirginRockstar!Eddie x F!Groupie!Reader)
Hold Your Horses by @oneforthemunny (Cowboy!Eddie x F!Reader)
Recipes for Romance by @lokis-army-77 (Bestfriend!Eddie x F!Reader)
The Taste of You by @onegirlmanytales (PervRoomate!Eddie x F!Reader)
Janitor!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader Shorts by @oneforthemunny
Cheese Dust by @eddies-house (BusDriver!Eddie x Teacher!Reader)
Burning Desire by @lavendermunson (Professor! Eddie x F!Collegestudent!reader)
Multi-Chapter :
The Dark Paradise by @munsons-hellfire (Biker!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader)
The Story of Us by @svbrbnlegends (MusicTeacher!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader) Part 1 Here
Pencil Shavings and Shared Smiles by @gravedigginbbydoll (Teacher!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader)
Crayons & Cassettes by @comfort-writing (Dad!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader)
Don’t Stand so Close to Me by @word-wytch (Student!Eddie x F!Teacher!Reader, Eddie is of age)
The “Yes” Policy by @pinkrelish (Mechanic!Singledad!Eddie x F!Reader)
I Wanna be Yours by @allthingseddie (SingleDad!Eddie x F!BestFriend!Reader)
Steve Harrington
One Shots :
Sun Burnt by @inkluvs (Cowboy!Steve x F!Reader)
Big Dick!Steve x F!Reader by @cherryc1nnam0n
What I go to School for by @radioactiveparker ( Student!Steve x F!Teacher!Reader)
Multi-Chapter :
Baby I Can’t Fight This Feeling by @superblysubpar (CoWorker!Steve x F!Reader)
A Lesson in Romantics by @stvharrngton (Teacher!Steve x F!Teacher!Reader)
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oneforthemunny · 8 days
the apple blurb from the crypt (funsonmunson february 2023 lol) <33 finally recovered and being added to the masterlist for all the janitor!eddie x teacher!reader lovers.
janitor!eddie is always leaving an apple on teacher!reader’s desk every morning.
he gets there early before her to do some extra maintenance- the school had given him a raise to do both so they wouldn’t have to hire someone else. it started as a joke between you two. eddie grinned when you’d brought an apple to lunch one day, playful glint in his eye. “an apple a day, huh?” he asked.
steve snorted. “that’s a doctor, munson.” he rolled his eyes.
you shrugged, biting into your apple. “I like apples, ok?” you giggled. “guess I was made to be a teacher, huh? the stereotype doin’ it for you?”
eddie couldn’t stop smiling. so every day, when he’d stop at the gas station by the trailer park, he’d get his usual pack of camels and an apple. he’d place it on your desk, scribbling on a spare piece of paper a little note that left you blushing when you’d find it.
he’d pass by your classroom, catching your eyes when you’d see him, smiling and nodding towards your apple. later, when he’d take you out, you’d kiss him sweetly on the cheek. “thanks for the apple.” you’d mutter. “it was delicious.” you’d let your bottom lip graze over his cheek, sending a hot blush down his neck and cheeks.
eddie wanted that reaction always, so he’d bring you apple after apple, proudly propping them on your desk each day with a little note.
‘you’re the apple of my eye, sweetheart. have a good day. -ed’
you’d giggle, tucking them into your purse. you’d saved everyone, reading them later when you missed him, heart fluttering in your chest.
one day, eddie walks into his ‘office’- a storage closet with a chair and an old desk, a rack to hang his jacket. there where he put his lunch pail was a small tin of hand balm, ‘for working hands’ it read.
eddie’s heart swelled. he’d complained about the blisters and callouses from working at the school mixed with his guitar making his hands rough, the cold cracking them and making them bleed. when he held his hand in yours, you’d ran a finger over the cracked, raw skin with a sympathetic pout.
eddie picked up the tin, the best folded card on top reading:
‘a little of this cream keeps the callouses away (or that’s what the store clerk told me). hope this helps you my hard working man. xoxo’
eddie slipped it into his front pocket, a dopey grin on his face. he dug his fingers into the balmy substance, rubbing it over his hands before reaching into his lunch pail, grabbing the shiny, red apple out and starting towards your class room.
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eddiesguitarskills · 1 year
When We Were Young
Part 5
Ex bf Eddie Munson X fem reader
Other parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Tumblr media
Intro: 5 years have past since you packed up and left behind Hawkins. Well not all of it, as the people you met there are still a huge part of your life. But it's been 5 years since you had set a foot in the small town, 5 years since you left him.And now after all that time you were back.
Warning: angst, language, mentions of suicide, miscarriages, self harm, mental health.Arguments. Mentions of break ups. Female identity reader. Use of y/n
Bold parts are flashbacks
Word Count: 4.3 k
A/n: please only read if you are in a good place, I wouldn't want this story to trigger or hurt anyone. This took a while to write again, I just don’t want to rush it. Sorry for the wait hope you enjoy. Buckle in for this rollercoaster of a chapter
Not prove read
The first week of school had been hectic, to say the least, you had expected that. But it genuinely felt like you haven't been able to sit down once, you thought by having all your lesson prepared there wouldn't be too much work other than classes. However, you wanted to make good connections at your new place of work. Especially since a lot of the teachers at the school were there when you were a teenager, you felt like they still saw you as a kid not ready for this responsibility.
Steve fit in so well, he was always better with older people. It was easier for him he was a charmer. You on the other hand were better with kids/teenagers they were easier to read. Your wanting to fit in had led you to have multiple jobs, you felt like this was a test from the other teachers, like a form of hazing so you just said yes and went along with it. You helped organise books in the library. Ran after-school detention. Had to watch the canteen at lunchtime. You were on a permanent coffee run. You had even fallen into the trap of helping to repaint a wall with the school janitor. You were honestly surprised you had any time to teach in between everything you were doing.
Steve had told you “you don't need to do that to fit in. You'll find your place you always do”. But you didn't know how long that might take so you went along with it. It felt worth it when you were invited to drink after school at the local bar on Friday. You knew Steve didn't go to these things which made you nervous, but you knew you would have to start to exist in this town without your crutch.
Which is why you were now standing arm-to-arm with your new colleagues in a packed Hideout. It had improved since the last time you had been there. However despite its new paint, new artwork on the walls. Even with a new sign with a new name, Waterdeep, It still felt the same. The exact same as the night you and Eddie properly met. Nothing had changed. While listening to your colleagues share memories, ignoring your existence, you look around to see what was still there since you last came. You wonder if your’s and Eddie’s initials would still be carved on the table near the toilets. Most people avoided that table so as a teenager in love you thought this would be the best spot to leave the mark of your love.
Sweat dripping from every inch of his body, Eddie jumps from the small stage guitar still strapped to him, over to you. He grabs your cheeks and kisses you deeply. You were glad to be held because you think you would have fallen if not. You had already gone weak at the knees tonight when you heard Eddie’s new song dedicated to you, singing about you being the one. “Did you like it?” You nod your head. “Better than anything I’ve ever heard. Did you mean it?”. Eddie smiles “as I said in the song I don’t care if people think I’m young, and dumb. I know one thing, you are the one I will love for the rest of time”. Heat starts to rise to your cheeks. “When did you get so soft?” He grabs your ass from under your skirts. “Maybe it’s when I saw your rocking body” he joked because he loved you for more than that. But Jesus he would happily worship your body every day. That would be the only religion he would need.
You smacked his chest playfully, then dragged him to where you were sitting. He placed you on his lap in the booth at the table, kissing your ear and your neck. He couldn’t keep his hands off you. You giggled but could also feel more than butterflies starting to rise in your body. You took his hand from your waist and pulled it under the table “eager” he said not understanding that you weren’t trying to ‘play’ in the bar. He put his hand on your leg running up and down it. “Eddie, I didn’t mean that”. He looked glum but quickly removed his hand not wanting to make you uncomfortable. “At least not here at least”. You spoke so only he could hear you. You pulled his hand under the table again and let him feel it. He felt the outline of both your initials carved into the wood. He smiled. “So no matter where we go our mark will always be on the first place we met”. He pulled you in for another kiss, then moved you off his lap. Reaching into his pocket. “In that case, it has to be someone less hidden than under the table. I think our love at least deserves the top of it”. It was silly but I’m that moment it felt like the most romantic thing. At that time everything Eddie did felt like the most romantic thing to ever happen.
You couldn't stop staring at the table, wondering if it was still there. That might be the only proof you have that your love was real. That you were happy together, that at one point he loved you. “What world have you travelled off to now?” You spun around to the sound of the low gravelly voice. You should have put two and two together and realised if Eddie was to own any bar of course it would be this one. It held so many memories for him. It was of his safe places where he could completely be himself. Maybe it wasn't the original dream for him but it made so much sense. It was like this job was always meant for him. You were happy for him.
Eddie had not expected to see you here. Despite how he was acting he was nervous but strangely happy to see you. This could be his only chance to talk to you. He thought you might avoid him for the rest of his life for how he treated you last time you had spoke. Sure you had said some things and you had still hurt him, but hearing about the breakdown made him feel guilty. He felt like the guilt was eating him alive or maybe it was the wondering that was doing that, (if he saw the signs he could have helped?). The problem is when he had these internal battles in his head he always stubbornly ended up with the same thought, that you left him before he had a chance to fix it. Part of him wanted to apologize but he didn't know 100% what for and he was sure he wasn't supposed to know about what happened. Dustin said it wasn't public knowledge, only Steve was allowed to know. It was always Steve. Even now he felt jealous that you always completely let Steve into your world and he had only got a chance to dip his foot in. Even worse now he was out of it altogether.
He was so nervous that he thought about not talking to you, and hiding in the back until you left. That would be pathetic he thought, but he was tempted. That was until he watched you more intensively and noticed how the people you were with were ignoring you completely but then again you weren't trying with them. It looked like you had given up on interacting, he couldn't blame you he recognize many of the faces of his old teacher and he wouldn't want to talk to them either. But this was your new job, you need to try with them. You couldn't shut down. It wasn’t his responsibility to make you feel less lonely or at ease but he didn’t want have something else to feel guilty about. Maybe he couldn't trust you with his heart but he could give you an olive branch.
He noticed you still hadn't said anything and had gone back to daydreaming, he used to think you had the cutest face when you went into a trance. You still did. He almost didn't want to break you from it again, but the longer you were there the more he panicked. He remembers what you said about this place at the Harrington’s, saying it wasn't his dream like he was a failure. Were you judging him? He wanted to put on a front like he didn't care what you thought, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.
“Welcome to my almost dream” you both cringed at his words. “It looks good”. You didn't know what to say. You wanted to tell him you were proud, but it wasn't your place anymore. He hoped you meant that. Those few words were something he didn't know he needed until he heard them from your mouth. “The usual?” he smiled. You were a creature of habit, but maybe you had changed he thought. Maybe this was a small test to find out what was the Same and what was new about you. Every time he remembered you drinking, you would have a vodka and coke. Only half a shot of vodka though. It always felt like the safest drink. “Just a coke. I can't drink anymore”. Why did you tell him that? Can't. The word made him thinking you not drinking wasn’t by choice. He wanted to ask. The word don't and can't are very different but it wasn't his place anymore. “Coming right up”.
He pours a coke from the tap and slides it over to you. “How much?” he shakes his head. “Call it mates rates” he uses a stupid British accent to impersonate you. He regrets it instantly when you don't laugh or smile. How could you smile when you were face to face with the fact that the old Eddie was still in there? The one you loved. Did he flirt with all the customers? Was he just being nice? Was there more to it? Did he notice you looking glum and was trying to cheer you up? Why would he care?
It made sense if you were being rational about it, there was nothing more to it then the fact that he couldn't be cruel like usual in front of the customers. He had to be pretend to be nice but that didn’t stop your heart from stupidly beating slight faster. You knew the old Eddie would unfortunately for you never be real again. A glimpse was all it would ever be, he would slip back to the Eddie who hated you on your next meeting. The thought hurt more than you would like to admit. “I didn't know we were friends” you mutter. It sounded like a dig, you didn't exactly mean it to, but it was a fact.
Silence followed after your statement, you assumed with how busy the bar was, Eddie would use this as his excuse to leave. He had been civil enough for the evening he could go, but he stayed. Thinking about what to say next. Sure you were right, you weren't exactly friends, but you weren't strangers, and given the new information he knew about you, he couldn't bring himself to hate you. So where did that leave you two? The silence was killing you, it felt like all the noise from the bar had disappeared and the only sound you could hear was the gears turning in his head.
You look around the room for anything to mention to stop whatever this was. You see the stage, with a drum set at the back and a microphone. “Do you still play?” He was very thankful for your change of topic and even more thankful you were still talking to him. He wanted to enjoy these few moments with you. He shakes his head. Your stomach sank. You hated that, he was good. Maybe he wasn't amazing enough to break out of the state, but he was still good. You used to love singing with him in his trailer while he played the guitar. You could have never imagined he would have given up something that made him so happy. You wondered what other happiness he had deprived himself of. “Why?” He shrugs his shoulders and mutters “because it made me think of you”. You shouldn't have been able to hear him with how low he spoke, especially with how loud the atmosphere was but he was all you were focused on right now and his words felt like another knife being twisted in you.
It showed you that no matter how hard he pretends to be nice or civil with you, he still looks down on you and blames all his down comings on you. “Oh, so it's my fault”. God he hoped you hadn't even heard it and now you thought he was insulting you. Eddie Munson could not win with you, he ran his hand through his hair. Keep calm, you are doing so well. She is just trying to get a raise out of you he told himself. “That’s not what I meant sweetheart,” he says walking off to the other end of the bar to help the other bartenders. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure you were having a heart attack. You guessed it could be a panic attack but it didn't feel like that. Could it be... No, you shake your head of course not.
“ I see some things never change” you turn around to see Mrs O’donald your old teacher giggling into her chardonnay. “You two were always joined at the hip, I hope he doesn't get you into trouble anymore. I always thought you could do better than him” she slurred her words. It was weird seeing someone who used to be your teacher and who was now your colleague drunk. She always had an issue with Eddie, you always thought it was people like her that was at fault for his failures. Sure he could have put more effort in but it's hard to do that when the people who are supposed to teach you don't even have your back. That's part of the reason you wanted to be a teacher to help kids like Eddie, show they can do it and are worth it. But to hear her still look down on him, pissed you off. You smiled the fakest smile and grabbed your coke off the bar downing it. “Looks like he's doing pretty good to me. I guess you and everyone else were wrong about him. In fact he did all this without your help” with that you left.
The next morning you woke up glad for it to be a Saturday, it had dawned on you what you had said. You were better than that, you could usually bite your tongue. You had worked so hard to fit in and now you had gone against one of the top dogs at school, you hoped it was just your anxiety making you worry and school would be fine. You should have kept your mouth shut. After everything he had done to you, you were still defending him. You felt like a fool. So like a fool, you spend the rest of the weekend in bed hardly eating, walling in self-pity. Ignoring the phone.
As soon as Monday came around you knew you couldn't avoid the world anymore. Maybe it wasn't as big of a deal as you were making it. You hoped it had been forgotten about. Whatever the case you needed to sort out your thoughts, you couldn't teach like this. You were thankful for the first period being free. You sat at the desk eating a cereal bar making sure the scripts from Romeo and Juliet were ready for your next lesson with the juniors. You heard a tap on the door, “come in”.
Steve looked at you and shook his head. “So you are alive then” you want to roll your eyes at him, but you hate to think he was worrying about you all weekend. After what happened you knew better than to just shut out the world or at least better than to shut out Steve. “I'm sorry it was a weird weekend”. He gulped worried that something bad had happened, he knew he should have just come around to your house to check on you. “Weird like how everyone is saying you and Eddie are dating or did something else happen?” He decides to mix a joke in about the rumours in the staff room to disguise his worry. He knows you and Eddie had been seen talking on Friday. He hoped it was better than the last time you were in a room together. He hoped Eddie wasn’t to blame for you shutting Steve out all weekend.
You groan and slam your head on the desk. You didn't think that's the gossip that would be spread. You didn't want to have your name linked to Eddie anymore. “Jesus I should have kept my mouth shut, you can't talk to anyone in this town without it being news. All I did was defend him one time”. Steve looked at you confused “wait so you spoke to him, didn’t kill each other. Then defended him. Are you okay?”. You fake laugh. “seriously though I don't know if it's a good idea for you two to be friends, I don't want you to get hurt again”. The school bell rang “I get it, dad, now you better go I have class”.
Eddie had also had a weird weekend but he didn't have the chance to stay inside all weekend like you. He had to go to work. He wishes he hadn’t overheard you standing up for him. It played over and over in his head. Your being back in town had caused more questions. Nothing made sense. He assumed you hated him or didn't like him anymore so you left but why would you stand up for someone you didn't care about? He guessed you were just being nice but it felt like more than that. Before he even had a chance to ask you or thank you, you had left.
He had Monday off work, so he decided this would be his day to go wallow and figure out what this all meant. As soon as one pm hit, he got a call from Dustin so he had to postpone his wallowing. He was thankful for his friend's constant chatter it was a nice distraction from thinking about you. About two hours after that the doorbell rang to signal someone was at his door. Maybe it was you. He had gone a full two hours without thinking about you and now as soon as his brain had a chance to drift to you, it did. It made no sense either why you would be at the door, you didn’t even know where he lived anymore. Even if it was you, what you be here for? What would you even talk about? It made no sense to want you here, but he couldn’t control his thoughts. All rationality had him left since you came back.
He opened the door to reveal Sarah with food from his favourite diner in her hand. With the tight white dress she was wearing that left nothing to imagination he knew exactly what she was after and it wasn’t the food. So he pushed the weird thoughts he was having about you to the back of his mind and took Sarah up on her offer. He didn’t feel like he was using her, he was always upfront about their relationship. He had told her he couldn’t date anybody, and she agreed, saying she only wanted fun. So as long as it didn’t affect work and both knew they could stop this whenever. It felt nice to have an outlet to forget without strings attracted.
Eddie had help Sarah get off a few times but when she tried to return the favour, they were having issues. Eddie was so stressed and thoughts were still consumed with you that he could only get a semi at most. This had never happened before, Sarah felt embarrassed and Eddie felt mortified. Especially since you had already ruined the hope of him ever being in a relationship, now he couldn’t even have sex because of the thought of you. He got out a pre-rolled joint from his bedside table and began to smoke it. He hardly smoked weed anymore. At most once a month but he knew it would help him relax so hopefully he could sort his problem and try again with Sarah.
Halfway through the joint, the house phone started ringing again. He assumed it must be Dustin to finish the conversation they were having before Sarah came. He hoped talking to his friend would help him forget again, so he raced out of the room to the phone. He was about to pick up when he realised he still had the blunt in his mouth. He stubbed it out remembering his promise to Dustin to try and quit. He didn’t want to disappoint him. He then picked up the phone, “sorry I had to hang up before, but I’m free now if you wanna talk again”.
“Sorry to disappoint but I’m definitely not who you were expecting”. Eddie stopped himself from sighing, he hadn’t spoken to Steve in a few weeks. He and Steve being friends, Eddie would have never expected it, in fact, he thought when you left, him and Steve would hate each other forever. However, that’s the thing about this group they had shared trauma and would never leave a man behind. Steve followed this most out of everyone he checked in with the group at least once a week, and with Eddie being around the same age they talked a lot. They in fact grew to be good friends, even if Steve was always a little hesitant to let Eddie fully in. Not hearing from Steve for weeks was weird, but right now it felt weirder to be hearing from him.
“So I heard you and y/n spoke”. Eddie pulls the cord as far as it could stretch so he could sit down at the kitchen table. It felt like a conversation he would have to sit for, otherwise, he would pace back and forth. “Hello to you too, how was work? Great thanks for asking. Been up to much? Not really- ” Steve fake laughs. “Yeah I get it sorry, it’s just y/n is important to me”. Well, that felt like a slap to in face, he knew that. Everyone knew that. He didn’t appreciate being treated like he was dumb by someone he would have called a close friend only a few weeks ago. He hadn’t done anything wrong so why was he getting ambushed? “You two have a history, and I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you two to be friends”. Eddie's leg uncomfortable shaked under the table, “I can't win with you either I'm too mean or I'm too friendly. What do you want me to do?”
Steve tried to stutter out a response, not sure of what he was asking of Eddie. “I get that… it’s just… it’s just…she’s been through a lot”. Eddie's leg shakes more “I know which is why I’m trying to be nicer” he wished he still had the joint right now. “You didn’t care before, why do you care now? Is this some stupid plan to get revenge?”. Whenever it came to you, Steve would get over-protective, and say the most ridiculous things. Eddie had done nothing wrong this time and yet he was still getting told off. He slammed his fists on the table and stood up unable to control his legs. “Jesus if I’m such a bad guy why have you let me around your daughter? If I’m so bad why are we friends?” The insecure side of Eddie wanted a response, wanted to be told he was being dramatic that of course they were friends. Steve wanted to say that but was too stunned to speak. “Fuck I was just a placeholder. You know I wondered when she came back if I would get replaced but I should have known. Me and you were never gonna be friends. I was just a stand in. I didn’t even make you choose but you always chose her. I think you forget she didn’t just leave me, she left you too. I wonder how long until she gets sick of us again and leaves”. Eddie knew he had hit a nerve when he was met with silence. He didn’t need to say anything else but he couldn’t help himself, why not put an extra nail in the coffin of Steve and his relationship? “You act like you are her protector but you didn’t protect her from that breakdown did you?” A low blow from Eddie he knew that, but he said words that he knew would hurt Steve most.
A bang followed by mumblings of Nancy could be heard through the receiver. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Steve had punched a hole through a wall. “Maybe you’re right maybe we could never be friends because I would never be friends with someone responsible for my best friend trying to kil” the phone hung up. Kil- what did that mean? Surely not kill? Kill what? Kill who? Yourself? No. You wouldn’t? He guessed a breakdown could lead to that. But not you. Never you. Steve was just trying to get to him. The men knew each other well, he was just using his weakness like Eddie had used Steve’s. The words meant nothing surely. Rage started filling his body, along with fear and anxiety. He needed to get it out. To curse out the world. Steve. You. Himself. He flipped the table in front of him but it wasn’t enough. So he destroyed everything in his sight but none of it was enough. None of it helped. None of it answered his questions.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed this. Yikes Steve and Eddie’s relationship has really gone sour :( I liked that I didn’t just have to write y/n and Eddie arguing/hating each-other for once.
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hoosurdaddy · 2 years
Chrissy Cunningham x Reader, Eddie Munson x Reader, Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham,
(TW:everyone is of age (they're in college), and all consensual, the title makes no sense but anyways, gxg Oral sex, light finger maybe idk, cheating, voyerium, threesome, p in v, idk let me know if I forget.)
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“C’mon,” you said as you dragged Chrissy into the hall after hours. College had finished and you and Chrissy were used the excuse that you both had 'study lessons'. It wasn't wrong. You both were learning about the female anatomy, but not in the usual way of learning it. Chrissy was nervous. You could tell by how sweaty her hand was. It wasn't like you both had done this before.
Chrissy had been your best friend since the start of last year. You two had met through her ex-boyfriend, Jason, as you had been dating a mutual friend of his, Patrick. It was a shit show of a relationship but being friends with Chrissy is what got you through everything. Her soft voice and cute smile she would give you when she talked, how kind she always was to you, even when you were in a bad mood cause of Patrick. Even the hugs and comfort she gave you when you and Patrick broke up. You were glad you had Chrissy.. Everyone needed a Chrissy.
You and Chrissy never put a label on your relationships. It never bothered you. You just wanted Chrissy. Even with Jason in the picture, you were glad you had her.
However, one of the 'perks' of Chrissy dating Jason was he never questioned you. Neither of you. He was always busy with basketball or some sort of thing got to do with some college party. When Chrissy would use some excuse to go 'somewhere' with you, Jason never ask or question it. He would laugh about how girls needed to be girls.
So here, you both were, running down the halls of the college You had to convivence Chrissy to do this. She was more nervous about this sort of activities than you were.
“Y/N, where are we going?" Chrissy whined as you pulled her. "Can't we do this in your room?"
You rolled your eyes. “That’s boring.”
You both turned a corner as you pulled Chrissy into the hall. Her eyes widened in shock as she followed you into the room. It was dim light since it was after hours and you assumed that most of the teachers and students had gone, only leaving janitor Bud, who rarely done anything anyways.
“Seriously? the hall? we could get caught."
You chewed down onto your lip, shrugging your shoulders. "I think it's pretty hot."
“Yeah, I know,” Chrissy said, reaching for the door handle. “Let's do it."
You leaned in, pressing your lips onto Chrissy. Her hands immediately met your hair as she bit down onto your bottom lip, making you moan. You tongues collided together. The kiss was intense and passionate. You wouldn't want to be kissing anyone else but Chrissy.
You began to remove her t-shirt and shorts, only breaking the kiss to leave kisses on her neck. Chrissy was only left in her bra and underwear. Your lips moved down her neck, in between her breasts.
“You're so pretty." You mumbled as you managed to unclip her bra. You attached your lips to her breast, your tongue flicking over her nipples while your hand played with her breast.
Chrissy moaned as you rubbed her through her underwear as you moved your attention to her other breast. You hand moved to the top of her underwear, massaging her clit through her underwear.
Chrissy, somehow, managed to remove your clothing. You both paused for a moment after hearing something crash within the halls from outside. But resumed when no one was coming.
“What if we get caught?" Chrissy moaned as your fingers continued to rub her clit.
You shushed Chrissy by kissing her once more and you peeled off her underwear. You moved down her body, moving yourself between Chrissy's legs. You placed her legs over your shoulder. You ran your fingers down her slit, smirking at how wet she was.
Chrissy was always beautiful. Especially when she was being fucked by you. She gathered your hair in her hands, making a shift ponytail in her hands as you kissed her inner thighs. You always wanted to leave a mark but Chrissy always reminded you not too encase Jason seen.
"Y/N." Chrissy groaned. "Don't tease."
In reply, you slid your tongue over her bundle of nerves. Chrissy pulled your hair lightly as you moved your tongue up and down her slit than back up to her clit. Your moans of delighted ran through Chrissy's body. She always tasted so good.
You were so busy pleasuring Chrissy, you didn't hear the door of the hall opening until Chrissy pushed you away. You turned around to see your class mate, Eddie Munson, standing there in shock. He raised his eyebrows, and you quickly covered yourself.
Your heart was racing as you and Chrissy both looked frantically between each other, trying to come up with an excuse. You couldn't.
“Eddie-we ughh." You stuttered, covering your breast to the best of your ability. "Please don't tell anyone.. Especially not Jason."
Eddie slowly began making his way over to you both, still trying to make sense of the situation that he had walked himself into. He clearly didn't know what to say, but who would? What could he really say?
“I kinda figured out you two were fucking." Eddie stated. "But in the hall where anyone, especially Jason could see you? that's some kinky shit."
“It won't happen again. I swear-"
Chrissy was freaking out behind you as she began trying to get herself dressed as quickly as possible to cover herself up from Eddie. You felt bad about her being apart of this, you never wanted Chrissy and you to be caught, ever. But you couldn't help and admit.. It was quite hot.
“I suppose I could.. let this slide.” Eddie smirked as he moved closer to you to the point where he could easily bend you over and fuck you four ways to Sunday. You stood there, wide eye. Fuck, this was hot.
“But we are going to do things my way." Eddie smirked as he moved his eyes to Chrissy, who was behind you. He nudged you out of the way, before he reached out and titled Chrissy's head with his fingers. Eddie kissed Chrissy with fierce passion. One hand wrapped around her jaw and another gripped onto her breast. To your shock, Chrissy didn't pull away; instead she welcomed Eddie. Her hands wrapped around his neck. Any worry Chrissy once felt, was now replaced with lust and excitement for the long haired boy.
You watched. Eddie was clearly the one in control. The hand that was on her breast moved down towards her inner thigh, hoovering over her bundle of nerves. Chrissy whimpered as Eddie's fingers teased danced over her clit. The sight of the two beautiful people turned you on. You didn't realized how long until you founded yourself lightly grinding against the bleacher beneath you.
By this time, Eddie had stopped kissing Chrissy but his fingers didn't. "Come here," Eddie growled and you did what was told of you.
Eddie moved a little to allow Chrissy to wrap her arms around you. Chrissy leaned up, kissing you breathlessly. You removed your underwear. Chrissy's fingers moved down your chest to play with your breasts. Both of you, now, moaning into each-others mouth.
You turned your head, allowing Chrissy to place kisses upon your neck. You watched as Eddie pulled down his trousers and boxers, pulling out his cock. Eddie ran his hand up and down his cock. It was quite impressive, you thought. Chrissy's hands moved down your stomach down your stomach and her fingers entered you teasingly. You whined slowly, buckling your hips, silently begging for more. Just as Chrissy's fingers went to enter you, Eddie slapped her hand away.
"Eddie, no." You cried out, making him slap your thigh. "Shut up, Y/N,"
Eddie moved in-front of you as he lightly dragged his cock up and down your slit. He leaned down, kissing your neck. He began sucking different pieces of skins on your neck, ensuring to leave a mark. Chrissy copied his actions. All the while, Eddie was still teasing your slit. From this alone, you could just orgasm.
"Y/N, lay down." huffed Eddie, pushing you down onto the cold floor of the hall. But you didn't care, you were too horny, and so were you. "After you." Eddie gestured to Chrissy to sit onto your face. Eddie helped Chrissy heel down onto your face. You wrapped your arms around her thighs as you lifted your head and your mouth eloped her clit between your teeth.
Eddie, on the other hand, shoved himself into you. He grunted as he wasted no time in thrusting rapidly. Eddie's pelvis hitting your clit at every thrust. Between the sounds of pleasure, and Eddie's rough thrusts, you were surprised that no one had caught you.. Again. Eddie wrapped your legs around his waist.
You done your best to focus on pleasuring Chrissy once more, but when your stomach tightened; you knew you were done for. So instead, you allowed Chrissy to grind onto your tongue. You could tell she was enjoying herself as you heard her mutter a few curse words upon her breath. Her grinding was starting to slow down, telling you that she was close.
Eddie's movement began more harsh. You felt your stomach tighten. You were getting close, but by Eddie's breathing. He was too. But you had one goal you wanted to complete. As Chrissy continued bouncing, her whimpers and moans got louder and soon, she was shaking as Chrissy's orgasm washed over her. That's all you and Eddie needed to trigger your orgasms, as Eddie spilled into you.
You heard her gasp, and soon she was shaking as her orgasm washed over her. Moments later, Eddie grunted loudly as he released into Chrissys mouth.
Chrissy stood up, and you followed as the three of you got dressed. Your cheeks were hot as you could still feel Eddie inside you and Chrissy on your lips, and Chrissy was grinning to herself about what had just happened. Eddie, who was trying to catch his breath, watched you both
“My house, eight-fourty." Eddie stated as he grabbed his books to leave the hall. "You both have a lot of convincing to do."
And as quick as he came, Eddie left.
You and Chrissy sat on the bleachers with your hands together, and turned to look at each other with the same surprise-giddy look on your faces.
This was going to be a fun year in college.
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