#Technoblade drabbles
lookinghalfacorpse · 9 months
/dsmp /rp
cuddling with dream and the many possibilities, scenarios, and obstacles you may encounter. don't let him read this. a guide by technoblade.
i'm about to blow your minds with how complex this is. i'm a master at my art (sleeping), alright? i'm an experienced craftsman (at sleeping), i perform at my best in all locations (with naps, mostly) (yes, even in the obsidian box), and i'm very good at cuddling. i'm practically built for it. i would never, ever think about writing a guide about how to cuddle with philza minecraft (or anyone else, really), but this squirmy little guy is different.
-the best approach is the Sudden Drop. walk over to him, no matter what he's doin, and just drop onto him and stay there. spare no body weight. he'll probably think it's a bit funny, and that's why it's the best one. he's more likely to humor something if it's a good bit, and having a giant piglin treat you like a sofa cushion is a GREAT bit. he'll laugh.
-(the second best approach is when he's upset or panicking or crying, and you can see him grabbing onto himself. normally that means... idk, that he wants held? Or he wants to hold something? i'll sit down, slowly, and wrap 'im up. he'll latch onto me. hard. fingers twisting my fur-- the whole nine yards)
-otherwise, he's shy with his hands. a few times now, i've grabbed his hands and put them somewhere on me because he was just, like, hovering them awkwardly. like, cmon, man. i'm laying my whole body on you, what part of your hands do you think is gonna bother me.
-but, come to think of it, sometimes he's afraid of my hands, too. if i move them in the middle of the night. if i lay them somewhere sensitive, like his sides or the small of his back.
-another scenario: he might approach me, too. i thought it'd never happen. you know that feeling with the stray dog is finally close enough to sniff your hand and you stay super still so you don't scare it? That's how i felt. he normally just walks over and leans on my shoulder, and i still can't tell if that's all he wants or if he's asking me for a better cuddle. more experimentation is needed here.
-location is key! in all scenarios, near the wall is best. i think of myself as a secondary wall and kinda close him in- if sam were lookin', he'd only see me.
-(he's so little. he's SO little. was he always this thin? i'm gonna crush the kid.)
-expect the unexpected. sometimes he'll hit you. sometimes he'll start to cry, and sometimes that means you need to let him go, and sometimes that means you need to hold tighter. it's complicated. but everyone needs it, especially dudes bein tortured in a box, so it's worth the effort.
-(sometimes i need it, too. i'll admit it, i'm scared.)
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bunfloras · 6 months
trying to think of an epic and cool extra whumpy prompt but all my brain got is. hit phil with a rock. one bird one stone . bonk him in the head. get that loser. Concussed. rock time baby
It’s raining.
No—maybe it’s not. He touches his fingers to his face, and they come away sticky. Rain isn’t sticky. But it’s much too dark to even see his hands, let alone what’s on them. He opts for blissful ignorance instead, and closes his eyes again.
A shame his head hurts so bad. This is a nice spot for a nap.
Drip, drip, drip.
It slides from his hair and down his cheek. He blinks sluggishly—not that there’s much difference between the world behind his eyelids and the world outside. Some of it gets in his mouth. He spits it out, repulsed by the acrid, coppery tang.
The ground is awfully hard beneath him. Not much like grass at all, really. The air smells stale, and wet—like the smell after it rains.
He groans, rolling onto his side. The pounding in his head is getting louder, sharper. It’s like footsteps, thumping painfully against the inside of his skull, getting heavier and faster and—
Hands lift him upward, bracing him against a warm chest. There’s light, now, flickering and orange and much too bright. He glares banefully at it for a moment, then back up at a pink snout and a furrowed brow.
“Go ‘way. ‘M sleepin’.”
Technoblade snorts. Phil swats weakly at him when he’s jostled again, a hoof prodding at his head. It makes fresh pain lance down his skull, and he recoils with a hiss and a twitch of dusty wings.
“Tha’ hurts, y’ fuckin’ asshole…”
“Bruh.” Technoblade hefts him easily up, like little more than a ragdoll in his arms. Phil wishes he’d just fuck off and let him sleep. “Stay awake, old man. You can get yer’ beauty sleep after you aren’t concussed.”
Right. Concussed. That would explain it.
“How did you ever survive on yer’ own for so long? It’s like you have a danger magnet, or somethin’.” Technoblade’s voice is gruff, but even concussed, Phil can sense the undercurrent of worry.
“Five years…” His eyes flutter shut as the spinning and swaying of the world becomes nauseating, but the squeeze of a hand brings him back.
“Yeah, yeah. Five years in a hardcore world, I know. Every player knows.” Technoblade huffs, his breath stirring the hair on Phil’s forehead. “Five years, ‘n a pebble’s what brings you down. Not a good look, man.”
Why did Phil ever agree to take over the world with him again? He opens one eye to glare at his partner.
Technoblade just hums. The hand squeeze’s Phil’s arm again.
“…I’m glad you’re alright, Phil. Don’t go scarin’ me like that again, though.”
“No promises.”
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mavia-anon · 9 months
Pandora's Key
Tommy had been having a good day.
For once, in his fucking miserable life things had been going well.
He should have known it wouldn't last but never, not in his wildest dreams, could he have imagined it would go to shit this badly.
The fucking Blade bares down at him, all fucking six feet whatever of pure bloodlust and barely contained rage with a shimmering sword at his throat. Red eyes glowing behind a skull mask stare into his soul and he's saying something, Tommy thinks. Asking him questions or hissing threats, Tommy doesn't know. He cant-- he can't hear him over the sound of his blood pounding in his ears.
The sword at his throat digs in a little deeper, a sharp burning pain that makes Tommy full body flinch and that only makes the pain worse and there's blood on his skin and those red eyes narrow, just slightly and--
Tommy doesn't know how long has passed, but when he finally comes to, he's still in his apartment. The Blade standing a healthy distance from him with his sword sheathed at his side.
Not that he needs it to be able to kill Tommy in a hundred painful ways, but it settles his nerves, if just a little.
His hands are tied behind him, is the next thing Tommy becomes aware of, a dull ache in his shoulders as the bindings wrap tight from his wrists to his elbows. He's completely fucking helpless, not that he would have been able to fight before but at least he could move, could run could--
"Well then," The Blade starts as he sees Tommy blinking blearily up at him. "Where were we?"
When Tommy doesn't answer, the Blade crosses his arms over his chest. He can't see the villains face, but he can imagine the withering glare he must be giving him.
"The blueprints." The Blade demands.
For a moment, Tommy is confused. He doesn't have any damn blueprints, he works customer service at a restaurant, he's not a damn architect or engineer or anything that could be considered important.
And then he realises.
Tommy doesn't like to think about his life during his time with Dream. And even if he wanted to, he can't even remember half of it.
He knows that Dream loved him, a long time ago. In his own way. They were not quite brothers but- had things been different, if Dream wasn't a hero, they might have been. He knows if he thinks about it too long, his head gets fuzzy and reality feels like a distant concept and--
And there's one memory that sticks with him, as vivid as the moment it happened. Dream, with a resigned look in his eyes and a knife in his hand. Dream, who pinned Tommy to the ground and brought the knife down on his back.
Dream, who spent weeks making sure the scars stayed. Healed in jagged lines and burned edges.
Tommy swallows thickly, desperately trying to keep the sick feeling in his stomach under control. He'd never been able to look at what Dream had done to him. At what hours of torture had left him with. He could barely stand to think about it most days, even when after hours of working left his skin tender and the pain became bone deep, he could never bare to behold what lay there.
It would break him all over again, he thinks. To know what Dream valued more than him. Someone he used to claim he would burn the world for.
But with wide, horrified eyes, Tommy suspects he finally has an answer for all his unasked questions.
There are no blueprints, no carefully kept and cleverly hidden sheets of paper Tommy can fork over and then continue on with his life.
There is only Tommy, and the mottled expanse of scars on his back. Blueprints-- a map of Pandora's Vault. The prison in which Dream is currently rotting in. Where he should have stayed, forever.
And Tommy is the key that will let the beast free.
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caged-crows · 10 months
c!techno is probably living in cave somewhere. probably a lush cave or something. there are some axolotls in the river, he feeds them raw cod he gets from the surface sometimes.
he misses phil and niki a lot. sometimes he takes out his emerald, and and just stares at it, or just hold it close to his chest.
he can't go back, though. not yet. not until he finds a way to get ranboo back. if techno gonna come back, it wont be alone. he refuses to let it happen, stubborn as he is.
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wendy130 · 1 year
One Of Those Days
// Very short writing prompt to get back into the groove. Inspired from this art post I made. Thanks @x-pair-o-dice-x :P
// Warnings: soft vore, safe vore, fluff
“Hi Techno.”
Techno peers an eye open, blinking slowly as his eyes flicker down onto the empty beach. His gaze lands on a familiar black-and-white haired human, and he hums sleepily, “hullo Ranboo.”
The human looks… tired. More so than usual, at least. They’re shifting back and forth on their feet, looking rather anxious. And, despite it being a hot summer day, they’re wearing a sweater and long pants. On a beach, no less. Usually, they’d be wearing some kind of floral shirt.
He shifts his tail, which is submerged into the ocean, and lifts his head off of his folded up arms with a yawn, “did you need something?”
Ranboo falters and hugs their arms, “uh. Yeah.”
He waits for them to continue on, raising an eyebrow when they don’t. “Okay? What do you need?”
Their mouth opens and closes like a floundering fish, and— now he just feels concerned for the human. “Well, uh,” they start slowly, “I— I, uh, wanted to ask something of you— you don’t have to say yes, obviously. I would understand if you wouldn’t want to—“
“Ranboo,” he cuts them off with a grumble. It only serves to make them more nervous, but he was never the best with comforting people through flowery words. “I’m sure I’ll be fine with whatever you’re talking about, but I kinda need to know what you’re on about.”
“Oh. Right. Uh,” Ranboo digs their nails into their arms with a wince. “Um. I was wondering if… well, if you’d be okay with… with… Um.” Their next words are so quiet and quick, Techno has to strain his ears to understand them. “Eating me.”
And— Oh.
Techno feels his heart soften immediately as he rolls onto his side to reveal his underbelly. “Is it one of those days?”
Ranboo takes the invitation immediately, dragging themselves over to his chest and leaning against it. “Mm.. yeah.”
“…Want to talk about it?”
He doesn’t push. “Okay.”
Neither one speaks for a few minutes, no words needing to be said. They know each other well enough to understand the other’s needs without tedious words. Techno breaths in and out slowly, letting Ranboo match the leisured pace, and Ranboo presses their ear against his chest, listening to Techno’s beating heart, to his powerful lungs, and to his rumbling stomach. 
They sit, until Ranboo has enough courage to pull away. 
Techno takes it as his cue to cup his hands around the boy and pulls them to his face. “Still want to hide away for a bit?” When Ranboo nods, he parts his jaw open to reveal a glistening, hungry maw awaiting the two-color haired teen. Sliding them past his sharp teeth with ease, he hums in delight. Ranboo always did taste good. 
Ranboo bats at his tongue gently as he starts to lick them, soaking up their flavor. “Oh come on, you really can’t hold yourself back, can you?” 
He chuckles fondly, mumbling around them, “hey, if I’m getting the chance to eat you, I want to enjoy it a little~”
They groan, and he lets out another chuckle, tucking them further into his mouth with a purr. Despite his teasing words, he continues onwards and left them hanging at the edge of his throat. 
“Ready?” He hums, his voice rumbling deep into the human’s bones from how close they are to his throat. 
“Yeah,” the human whispers, pawing at his tongue. 
With that confirmation, he tilts his head back and swallows. He hovers a hand right against his throat, feeling their little bump glide down against his hand and— something about Ranboo just clicks his instincts into overdrive. 
They feel like a mer pup, albeit much smaller, who’s getting tucked away to be safe and sound. He purrs, loud and comfortingly. They’re much safer in his storage, where nothing can reach them. 
He lays back down, shifting to rest on his back instead of his stomach, and he places a hand over his storage as something featherlight slips in. “You good?” he drowsily murmurs.
A muffled ‘yes’ is all he gets before he feels them flop down with a groan. 
He chuckles. “Alright. I’m going back to napping. Let me know when you want out.”
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bagelrites · 1 year
Live Like You Said (Fight Like You Want to Win)
Dream has a dream, sees a friend, and starts writing something that could be a song.
I wrote this just now, just because the short about the music video made me so emotional. I hope this resonates with some of y'all.
“What is this?” Dream asks, and it’s a genuine question. The last thing he can remember was the glow of his computer screen, his phone and discord silent, all his friends busy seeing each other in real life without him.
Now, he’s here. In a field. Dandelions scattered in the grass, a birch forest in the distance. It looks a little like minecraft, and a little more like real life. It feels a little like a dream, and yet, something more.
“A duel, Dream,” the man in front of him says. He’s got the red cape, the pink hair, the gold crown. It hurts a little to look at him dead-on.
“No, this is a sick joke. You—” Dream backs away. “You can’t be here. We… we never met. You’re not real.”
“None of this is real, Dream,” Techno says, and it hurts more to hear his voice saying new words, not a recording. “Now draw your sword and fight.”
Dream sighs, shifts from one foot to the other. He feels the weight of the sword at his hip, but his heart is heavier. He can’t say no, but his arms are sluggish in drawing it out, his stance is sloppy. Techno gives him a look that says he sees it, and Dream straightens himself out as best he can.
“Better?” he says.
“It’ll have to do.” 
And they're fighting. Techno swings his sword like it's just another limb, like it’s natural. Precise as the stab of a mantis striking its prey, firm as a boar digging its heels into the mud. 
Dream is not that. He is slow and easily pushed back. He is stiff like a deer caught on the highway, coiled in on himself like a snake preserving heat.
Techno circles his blade, metal spiraling against metal, throws it from his grip. It clatters in the field, downs a few flowers on its way. Dream puts his hands up and hangs his head, defeated.
He lives most days like this, looking down at his feet. It hurts too much to look up. To see his failures, his losses, his grief laid bare.
But when Techno steps close, he is not gloating, not coming in for the kill. Not even consoling. 
He is offering Dream the sword.
“What?” Dream looks up.
“Again.” Techno says, holding the blade awkwardly so the handle is facing Dream. “Like you mean it this time. Like you want to win.”
Dream opens his mouth to argue, but shuts it just as quickly. He feels tears pressing at the backs of his eyes, but a smile pushes harder. Wobbles a little, yes, but pushes up at his cheeks all the same.
“Why?” he asks, voice cocky, and takes the sword. “You want to lose?”
“Want to win against a worthy opponent.” Techno backs away, pulls himself into a ready position. “Want to beat my rival one last time. Call it the Cain instinct. Or call it a favor. Whatever you think suits.”
Dream laughs, and it’s light, but a little nervous, like he was so long ago, sitting in a dark room with Minecraft pulled up and a hundred thousand dollars on the line. Luckily, nerves were only ever fuel for Dream. He knows he’s coming out of this a victor, even if he loses.
And he does lose, eventually. He puts up a heck of a fight, though, and it’s close several times, but they’re two boys who never know when to quit, and they can’t stop until they’re both panting and Dream is on his back in the grass, both swords tossed away somewhere, Techno holding him down and counting like a referee.
“Okay, okay! I yield.”
Techno laughs, leaps up to his feet, but he’s panting, too.
He’s so alive, like this. Dream just sits up and watches him, posing with his arms up, back to the sun, haloed in white light.
“Technoblade never dies!” he announces, like there’s a crowd watching or a camera recording. 
Instead, there’s just Dream’s smile, and the dandelions waving in the wind.
(When he wakes up, the first thing he does is find a notebook and a pencil. He’s never believed in ghosts or angels, but just like he’s really out there, watching, he writes it bold and neat.
I’m going to live like you said.)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
"they frantically shoved another handful of swedish fish in their mouth"
rhhrhrhrh i had trouble with this but now i got it all figured out! i also switched the characters so many times and we eventually ended up with bedrockbros so yippeee ! ?
blinded by imperfect form
wc: 589
cw: intrusive thoughts, uninvited vore-related instincts, swearing
Light from the television hung lowly over Tommy's face, which Techno had only noticed because....well, because he was watching Tommy. Not stalking him, or plotting his murder, just, Tommy was in eyeshot, and he was small, and Techno happened to have rather entitled voices holding Tommy and his fragile form captive, and he found it soothing to watch the way the tiny moved.
The tiny was propped on a pillow supported by Techno's legs, who laid along the couch with a blanket keeping him warm from the winter air. The rest of the blanket had ended up around Tommy, who leant into it like he owned it.
And that was partially true, because some part of him had picked apart a sewing hobby over a boring coarse of life and decided it was worth it to present the boy with a gift.
Only, again, because of his voices.
Normally he wouldn't indulge in the activities his voices prompted, but this seemed harmless enough; it's not like Tommy was bothered by giant gifts and the occasional prowl.
Speaking of which, Tommy had seemed to tear his attention from the screen (which was playing Moana on a very convincing three-step plan that Techno had ended up giving into on account of his own pity of Tommy) to ask Techno for another piece of food.
Instead of asking, he stopped short and tensed at the intent eye-contact from Techno.
"Uh, Techno?" Tommy asks.
Techno's eyes never falter around Tommy as he responds. "Hh, yep?"
"Any reason you've decided to stare at me 'n shit?"
Techno shrugs. "You're unusually small, if you haven't noticed. Don't wanna lose you, Phil'd have something strong to say about that," he says. Okay, it had been made up on the spot, but it's not as if Tommy was anything unfamiliar with his voices, although admitting of his instincts only dug an opportunity for embarrassment.
Tommy blinks. "Wh– Techno I'm not gonna fall or something! I'm not fucking stupid," Tommy says, defensively.
It would be much easier for him to not fall if he was somewhere safer, a voice muses as his eyes drift onto the floor; more importantly the tumbling fall that'd injure the tiny without a second thought.
"Whatever, 'Creep-no-blade', I want food," Tommy demands, just as Techno had assumed.
"Yeah? And what food would that be?" he asks, eyes finding the various bags of snacks that had accumulated near Techno.
"Uh..." Tommy trails off as he gazes over his options: popcorn, Swedish Fish, M&M's, chip's, and... oh, well, there was a bag of donuts.
As Tommy decides, a voice chimes in with an peskily persuasive reminder as to what he wants for a snack.
"Techno? You with me, big man?" Tommy asks, pulling him out of his thoughts. He swallows, for the first time in a long time feeling genuine uncertainty.
"Ah, I hope so. What'd you say?"
"Popcorn," Tommy repeats.
He obliges, digging into the bag of popcorn and grabbing a piece, then handing it over to Tommy. The tiny's hands grab at it, two needed to support the almost air-like weight of it.
How easy it would be to grab Tommy right there and put him where he needs to be.
Techno's throat swallows impulsively as he imagines Tommy travelling down his gullet and finding a soft spot in his storage.
Instantly, upon his now-troubled self, he ignores his impulsivities and grabs at a bag beside him, frantically shoving a handful of Swedish Fish into his mouth to try and dampen his urges.
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deoxitheeclipsewolf · 18 days
@mcyt-drabble-exchange for @denzartriste
I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you like it :)
Waves crashed along The Syndicate and the wind blew a constant whistling in the captain’s ears. There was a splash in the water below, and he glanced down. Oh, he was wrong about the wind part, because Niki was swimming alongside them, her voice cutting through the noise.
“Hello Techno.”
“Hallo Niki,” His voice rumbled back. “I thought you weren’t going to be back until spring?”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Foolish got lonely and dragged me along.” Technoblade turned around to see Ponk and Sam leaning over the starboard, laughing.
“Oh,” He said, smiling, “Well, I’m glad you’re back.”
The hot wind of the Nether blew through the small cave Tommy called home as he waited for his brother to return. Techno had only been gone for a few hours, but all the shiny gold trinkets he left didn't make up for the loneliness he felt. Techno was leaving for longer every time just to get the same amount of supplies. Stupid humans. Tommy thought to himself. Why couldn’t they just stay in the Overworld?
Nearby, a ghast shrieked and Tommy curled further into himself, holding the note in his hands to his chest. One day, we’ll be safe.
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Intro and workshop
Hello, I'm BeautifulAestheticsAnon! You can just call me Aesthetic though. I'm a inspiring story writer and I thought 'why not make my own Tumblr blog?' My inspiration came from Squishycheekanon, please go check her out she makes AMAZING stories!! This workshop will grow as more stuff is made, and a masterlist will eventually get made.
This is a 18+ blog, there is NSFW and slight dark themes.
Who I will write for:
C! Dream
C! Georgenotfound
C! Sapnap
C! Wilbur (all Bur's included)
C! Technoblade
C! Foolish
C! Punz
C! Karl Jacobs
C! Eret
C! Badboyhalo
What I will write:
Hair pulling
Daddy/mommy kink
Size kink
Free use
Orgasm Denial
What I will not right:
Piss/Shit kink
Knife/Gun kink
Pain kink
Hate sex
Please respect these boundaries, but otherwise ask away and have fun!!!!
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ufuckingpastry · 11 months
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Could I have an emduo drabble? Or peerpressure, if we want to keep the jailbreak theme.
I said any ship/duo. Thank you for fighting the good fight.
- - -
"Hi mate, what–" Phil stopped the moment he walked into Techno's house, blinking at the sight in front of him:
Steve, on his feet for once, growling low. Blitz, growling back around the sword handle in its mouth. And Techno, standing between the two, somehow keeping them from lunging at each other. His hand was bleeding a little.
At Phil's arrival, Techno lifted his eyes up from the growling polar bear and mouthed a "help me". 
"Alright, okay. You grab Steve, I'll get Blitz?" Phil said, a laugh on his breath. Techno nodded. As if on cue, both of them darted forward. Phil snatched up Blitz right as Techno took a polar bear face to the stomach. Phil danced away, holding Blitz up and way from where Steve now laid on top of Techno.
"You know," Phil started as he carefully tucked the sword-wielding snow fox under his armpit. "Maybe having a bear in the house was a bad idea."
"Noted," Techno replied in a muffled groan from the floor.
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oldphone-whodis · 2 years
c Purpled and c Technoblade interacting would be so funny though
And it could be reasoned out very well!
So Purpled and Techno know each other to a small degree already. Purpled obviously knows of Techno because of his infamy on the server.
Yes. Purpled and Squid Kid are friends. And we know of the Potato War between Techno and Squid Kid
So what if
Techno vaguely recognizes Purpled from somewhere but he can't place where.
So Purpled has done his ADHD thing where he's just jumping to conclusions. So Purpled thinks Techno knows and is just giving them a chance for a fresh start or something.
And then, the kid just offhandedly mentions Squid Kid
And Techno just goes REELING because wtf???
Techno didn't exactly forget Squid Kid. That would mean forgetting a whole war and his epic win. Being Number One in Potatoes is glorifying for him!
But he wouldn't say he thinks of Squid Kid at all. He's not really an important guy in his day-to-day life now.
This random guy he knows sort of through Tommy and Ranboo and Dream too! This guy knows Squid Kid???
And they're apparently friends? And Purpled didn't even consider telling Techno that???
Purpled just says, "I thought you knew."
And Techno is embarrassed and also kind of mad. Was he supposed to have known that? Was that a whole thing? Some unspoken message.
So Techno lets Purpled know that NO HE DIDN'T KNOW. WHAT??
Purpled just shrugs. He is honestly not very bothered by that. He does find the misunderstanding funny though.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
great achievements my piece for the @technoblade-first-try-challenge my prompt was: technoblade braiding his hair highly inspired by this post
/dsmp /rp
Dream shifted uncomfortably beneath the heavy cape.  It was too hot to wear inside the cell, if he were being completely honest with himself, but the weight and coverage granted the illusion of safety.  “Illusion” was the key word here; he wasn’t safe.  Not here, not with anyone.
Yet, Technoblade sat behind him, carefully twisting his long hair into a delicate braid and then curling it within itself, making something of an updo.  A few hours ago, he had Dream crouched over the cauldron and washed through the matted strands the best he could, and then he waited for it dry while occasionally combing through it with his fingers.  Once that was done, he sat Dream down and did his best to put it into a style that won’t get mangled again.
“I’m bored.  Not much else to do,” was Techno’s excuse.
Dream’s excuse would’ve been something along the lines of ‘I had my back to him many times already.  He would’ve hurt me already if he was determined.  He’d wait until I was asleep.’ but he didn’t say it.
“Ya know, there’s no mirror in here.  I could make you look like anythin’ and you’d have no idea,” Techno deadpanned at some point, breaking the silence suddenly and making Dream jump.
“Don’t put a dick on my head,” Dream rebutted.
“Or... uh, that sounds bad.  Uh, don’t... don’t put my hair in the shape of a penis.”
“I was thinkin’ Pennywise hair myself, actually.  Or maybe double pigtails-- a bit of Harley Quinn action.”  He placed two fists on the top of Dream’s skull, miming where pigtails might have sat on him.
“Harley’s cool,” Dream granted.
“You ever see all of my braids?”
It seemed like a dumb question.  They were hard to miss.  There were many brains of different sizes and lengths along Techno’s head, some which were adorned with beads or twisted around a colorful fabric.  “Yeah?” Dream replied.
“They’re piglin culture.  I braid the same things into my hair every wash day, and it takes forever.  They all mean different things.  There’s a warrior one, and another for all the weapons I’ve mastered.  A few spiritual ones.  One that’s matchin’ with Phil.”  He ran his finger along the side of Dream’s temple.  “I gave you one.  It’s a little hidden.”
Dream felt heat rise to his face.  His excuse would’ve been ‘It’s hot under this stupid cape of yours,’ but he didn’t say it.  “What does it mean?”
“It’s for a great achievement.  The achievement bein’,” Techno’s smile was evident in his voice.  He was awful proud of this, “survivin’ in a death box.”
“I haven’t survived it yet.  Neither have you.  Quackity could come back any day now--”
“--and we’re gonna survive it, that’s what I keep tellin’ you!  C’moooon, have some faith, c’mon.  You’re never get the ‘faith’ braid at this rate, c’mooon.”
Dream adjusted the cape on his shoulders a bit, with a smile on his face.
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bunfloras · 2 years
“…Hey, Techno?”
“Yeah, Phil?”
A slender hand extends out into the winter air, fingertips scarred and blackened by countless wars. On the horizon, the sky gives way to a blinding light, growing brighter with each second.
“To the gates of hell, right?”
“To the ends of the earth. I’m here, Phil. Right here with you.”
A shaky sigh. A warm embrace, as the final seconds tick by. A puff of warm breath tickles blonde strands, tattered wings closing around weary shoulders.
“Guess I’ll see you on the other side, mate.”
A moment’s hesitation, too brief to ponder.
“…Yeah. See you there, old man.”
As the light envelopes them, so too do dark feathers.
The world goes still.
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mavia-anon · 9 months
Life Debts
"I'm calling in the favour."
Techno stills at the words.
"Alright." He shrugs as he turns to face the other villain behind him.
Morpheus is tense, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his atrociously neon green hoodie. He's trying to seem calm, but Techno knows it must be eating him up inside to be giving up his favourite piece of bait.
It's not every day that you can earn a favour from the Blood God, after all.
And yet Morpheus did, paid for with blood as the villain stitched a dying Techno back together. And since then Morpheus had to let everyone know that the famed villain Blood God was at his beck and call.
Despite the life debt between them, Techno was not a fan of how Morpheus would flaunt the favour at any given moment and still never cash it in.
But finally, Technos torment ends today.
"What can I do for you?" He asks.
"It's for--" Morpheus hesitates, seemingly trying to choose his words carefully. "Look, it's personal so I just-- I need you to get cool with a lot of stuff really quickly."
"Uh, sure? I'm cool."
Despite the unconvincing way Techno says it, Morpheus seems to relax slightly. For some reason.
"I have a younger brother and he's--" Morpheus hesitates again and Techno gets the feeling he's staring Techno down behind the mask. "He's a piglin."
And oh, doesn't that make sense.
There aren't many Piglins, hybrids or otherwise, left in the Overworld. Not since the last Nether portal shattered hundreds of years ago. Morpheus telling him this is more than risking his identity, it's basically giving it away.
"And I do my best to help him but I'm not like him. I don't get what he needs from me most of the time and he's... he's sick right now and nothings helping."
"How old is he?" Techno asks.
"He's ten," Morpheus admits breathlessly. "He's just turned ten."
Techno can't stop the quiet rumble that echoes through his chest. He's a Brute, through and through, a protector, and the thought of such a young shoat being sick and alone right now makes him want to sink into those instincts.
Techno clears his throat, embarrassed, and the rumble goes quiet.
"What are his symptoms?"
"Right! Uh, he's got a really high fever, like, dangerously high, even for Netherborn. He can barely move, says even the faintest light hurts his eyes. He won't eat because he says his jaw hurts and even if I can get him to drink something he'll end up throwing it back up." Morpheus lists each symptom off like a checklist and Techno tries to ignore his growing horror.
"And I assume since you're such good friends with that Blaze hero you've already tried Nether remedies?" Techno asks.
"You think you were my first choice for this?" Morpheus scoffs. "Look, do you know how to help or not because I really need to get back--"
"Has he shifted yet?" Techno interupts.
"Has he what?" Morpheus asks.
"Shifted. You know. Like how right now I'm an eight feet tall Piglin with fur and hooves but obviously if I went outside like this all the time I would never have a secret identity?" Techno explains.
"Huh," Morpheus mutters. "I thought Siren and Angel just had to do all your food shopping for you."
They still do, actually. But Techno isn't about to tell him that.
"So I guess since his jaw hurts his tusks will be coming in and after that he's gonna shift, which--" Techno frowns. "It's not gonna be pleasant, the first time. I don't remember how mine went but I can uh, ask around."
Morpheus tilts his head to the side. Techno thinks he's smiling under the mask. "You're gonna go ask Angel about it because he's obviously your dad. I get it man, just let me know."
Techno scowls. "Whatever nerd. I'll get back to you soon. Keep your shoat safe."
With that, Techno takes off into the shadows, the echoes of Morpheus yelled "Thank you!" chasing after him.
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“How much will your loyalty cost?”
Techno froze at the question and turned around to face Wilbur. He had hoped it was a joke, but Wil’s face was stone cold serious.
“I don’t want your money,” he said evenly.
“What then? Power? Connections? You know my capabilities. Say it and it’s yours.”
Wilbur didn’t even seem upset. This wasn’t the Wilbur who joked around and lived for dramatic entrances and soft strums on the guitar. This was Wilbur at one end of a negotiation he was intent on winning. It was detached, clinical.
It felt like a slap in the face.
“You really don’t know why I’m here, do you?” It came out soft and vulnerable. It was how Techno felt, at least.
Wilbur didn’t reply, just kept that same, intense gaze, as if waiting for Techno to tell him a price.
Technoblade shook his head and allowed the hurt to seep into his voice when he asked, “do you really think I would sell you guys out for some money? That I’d turn so easily—that I’d turn at all?” Then, quieter, “do you really think so little of me?”
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elmhat · 1 year
This is my piece of writing for the @technoblade-first-try-challenge! Basically, I wrote this in 30 minutes. [more information here]
My prompt was Technoblade & Doomsday crew.
L’Manberg might not look pretty anymore, but the damage was… satisfying. Techno watched as the last of the explosives fell from the grid. He could just make out a green outline up there, stark against the setting sun, as well as a second figure. Tommy. Obviously, there was no way for Techno to see Dream’s expression from this distance, but something told him that, behind the mask, he was smiling.
“Phil?” he said, turning to the man beside him. “You think, uh, Tommy’s alright up there?”
Phil looked up, still brushing flecks of soul sand from the cracks in his armor. “What do you mean?”
“It kinda feels like we were just protectin’ Tommy from Dream, and now he’s standin’ up there with Dream. It seems a little counterproductive.”
Phil followed Techno’s gaze, up to the obsidian. His eyes were still hard—from battle or from something else, Techno couldn’t say. “It’s Tommy,” said Phil. “I’m sure he can handle himself.”
They were still up there together, Tommy and Dream. It was conflicting. Just today, Techno had been laughing with Dream, marvelling at the army of hounds and preparing for war. Dream was right; he was one of the only people who had stuck by him. Techno owed him his life. But this was… Techno didn’t know. A reminder, maybe, that there were other sides to his friend. Other sides reserved, seemingly, for Tommy.
“You’re probably right,” said Techno. Phil looked like he was waiting for him to say more, but he didn’t rush him. It was a language they had developed over the years.
It was a strange relationship with Dream, this back and forth, push and pull. Give and take. And Techno had taken a lot. He spared one last glance for the men above; still and quiet. Peaceful, almost. Whatever conflict they might be engaging in, it wasn’t physical.
Techno turned back to Phil, offering him a small, tired smile. “Let’s go find some food.”
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