#Tib and Solus are not morning people at alll
tanadidreamer · 5 years
For The Love Of.....
Notes: Solus Vetra belongs to the wonderful @overcaffeinated-creative! 
Tiberius let out a content sigh as he curled up against the nice, warm body beside him while a hand played with his hair and the little bundle between them curled up against him. “How about I go get some caf made up?” Eli asked thoughtfully as he moved his hand down to Tib’s shoulder to give him a light shake. “Pre has scheduled a meeting for this morning, remember? And we should have the wake up call in three, two…..”.
As on cue, a certain little ball of unholy energy slammed the door open and ran into the room, then right up to Eli’s side of the bed. “Breakfast!” The paint brat announced as he beamed up at them, which caused Tib to let out a defeated sigh while Eli ruffled Jona’s hair.
“Thank you, Jona.” Eli answered. “Shouldn’t you be helping your  buir feed Tristan?”.
“Tristan likes art too.” Jona reasoned as he looked at Tiberius and Aveza curiously. “Is Unca Tib an’ Vee still sleepin’?”.
“No, they’re grumpy at Uncle Pre. We have a very important meeting this morning.”.
Jona nod slightly. “I’ll go tell Mama to start the caf!” And with that, the brat bolted out of the room while Tib sat up and moved Aveza to his lap, earning a fussy whine in response.
“See, even he knows I hate mornings and Ziva’s going to be like this for the rest of the day.” Tiberius pointed out as he frowned at Aveza’s mess of hair, which caused Eli to chuckle. “Why did he have to plan it this early? Does he want me to kick Dred’s ass?”.
“Everybody has fun watching you deck whichever dumbass disrespects Clan Vizsla.”.
Tiberius rolled his eyes in response as he got off the bed with Aveza in his arms and walked out of the room, he smiled slightly as he felt the childish excitement from the boys. It was a nice feeling this early in the morning.
“There’s the smile.” Eli muttered cheerfully as he fell into step besides the younger man as they walked towards the kitchen of the rather large complex, which caused Tib to lean against him.
Pre watched as a particular young couple entered the kitchen, which resulted in Tiberius passing Aveza to her father and making a beeline to the counter to get his first cup of caf, it took at least three for him to reasonable during morning meetings.
“Ah, ah, ah, go sit down with Solus.” Pre said as he intercepted the younger man and redirected him towards the table, where Solus as sluggishly drinking her own caf.
Tiberius sighed but complied nonetheless and swiped Aveza back from Eli in the process before settling on the chair and started combing his fingers through her hair. “We should start stashing a hairbrush in here.” Tiberius muttered as Aveza rubbed at her eyes.
“Meanie.” The two-year-old stated as she glared at Pre.
“Daddy will kick his butt later when we’re sparring.” Tiberius assured her as he glared evilly at Pre, who rolled his eyes and retrieved the hairbrush that Bo-Katan had actually stashed by the caf maker and walked over it to his half-brother with the peace offering. “When does the meeting start anyway?”
“Now, actually.” Pre answered as Eli walked over with a mug of caf and handed it to Tiberius who looked at Pre as if he suddenly grew a second head.
“Where is everybody?”.
“Here. Tiberius, you remember that recent job on Coruscant, don’t you?” Pre asked as he nod towards Solus who was giving him the same confused look. “Solus Vetra, this is my younger half-brother, Tiberius.”,
Tiberius stared at him for a moment before looking at Solus. “Wait…...she’s that Jedi that jumped your sorry ass, right?” Tiberius asked slowly as it dawned on him who the former Jedi was as he stared at her. “You tried to kill me on Coruscant.”.
“I….That was you?” Solus asked in a bit of surprise as the two stared at each other while Aveza glared at Pre, and at least one of them were awake.
Pre looked down as Jona tugged on his pants leg and smiled at the boy who simply gave him an Ursa’s classic unimpressed look. “I has new paint.” Jona stated ominously.
“And your mother needs to limit your exposure to your Auntie Bo.” Pre responded, although a bit disturbed that he was being threatened by a three-year-old and noticed a very familiar, and rather rude gesture Solus gave him before she turned her attention back to Tiberius.
“It’s really too early for this, can I go back to bed, please?” Tib asked as he pushed the mug away and glared at Pre.
“Yeah, and save this for later? When we’re both more aware too?” Solus added as she cast a glare at Pre as well.
“I get it, you can find a date on your own, but making me wake up at this Force forsaken hour isn’t worth it.” Tib turned his attention back to the Kiffar toddler. “When was the last time you checked on the affairs of our clan?”.
“I want you two to meet in a more peaceful situation.” And Pre had checked in, he knew there was some difficulties over the affiliations right now, and Satine seemed to find it necessary to grill Tiberius over his own affiliations.
“Daddy?” Aveza asked as she glared at Pre. “Can we throws hairbrush at Unca Pre, pwease?”.
“Yep.” Solus answered as she smiled at the girl who looked at her then proceed to ruffle the brat’s hair, which earned an annoyed sigh from Tib. “We can certainly do that, since Uncle Pre needs to learn that some people like to sleep.”.
Tiberius pointed the brush at Pre. “Three against one, brother dear.” Tib stated as he proceed to do as the brat requested, which was intercepted by Ursa. “Ursa! Come on, he deserves it!”.
“I won’t disagree with you on that, Tiberius, but why don’t your return to bed? I rather not deal with you acting like this for the rest of the day.” Ursa stated sternly and glared at the count who glared right back for a few seconds Tib to sigh and push his chair back and turn towards the door with Aveza, then leave without another word. “Solus, why don’t you go back to bed too? Which means,” Ursa looked towards her eldest. “Jona, could you show Auntie Solus her room, please?”.
“Okay, Mama!” Jona rushed over and grabbed Solus’s hand. “C’mon, Auntie! Boo choose a room with lots of art an’ a fluffy bed for you!”.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming.” Solus said fondly as she picked Jona up, who grinned happily. “Ursa! I think I might keep him!”.
“Feel free.” Ursa said as the brat winked at them before the pair left the room.
“That went better than expected.” Eli piped up as he sipped at his own caf. “Alrich and I fully expected them to go berserk on you.”.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, gentlemen.” Pre snipped at the Kiffar who smirked at him while Alrich ignored him as he tried to clean Tristan’s hands.
“Next time, listen to me when I tell you something.” Ursa said as she pointed the hairbrush at him with an unimpressed look. “A more peaceful situation would be any time but the morning. Even a battlefield.”.
“I’ll handle the proper introduction this time.” Alrich adds as he gave Pre the same unimpressed look, and Pre had no problems admitting he messed up either.
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