#Tires on the Salt
williammarksommer · 2 months
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Tires on the Salt
Lines of Salt series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Tmax 400iso
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lilybug-02 · 2 months
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Patience and responsibility....that's a promise....right?
Part 27 First || Previous || Next
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An exorcism? In my family-friendly Deltarune? It's more likely than you may think. The backgrounds here were very interesting! Much more complex than how I usually do them (especially that computer).
Player POV:
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Feral energy.
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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Ladybug has far more patience than I to listen to Chloe’s new annoying catch phrase and not punch her in the face.
Based on Yamai:
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Ko-fi | Patreon
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blue-likethebird · 10 months
The explanation for why totk’s story is so Not Great and how disconnected from its predecessor it feels being that the devs didn’t want to alienate new players who didn’t know anything about botw’s story just falls apart the more I think about it. Nothing from this stupid half a plot works unless the player is familiar with specific details from the better games that came before it.
The believability of Link and Zelda’s connection to each other hinges on you knowing about the nuance of their relationship in botw. The ancient sages fighting with the champions’ arms and divine beast helms will only be impactful to botw/aoc players because totk doesn’t bother to explain the significance of that callback at all. Fi’s cameo is meaningless unless you either got every memory in botw or finished the master trial dlc (and know about her from skyward sword). You’ll only get the full context of Teba being sidelined in favour of a 12-year old if you played a specific chapter of Age of Calamity’s second DLC. Like sorry but I think Nintendo just made a bad story tbh
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rocksunderscore · 11 months
i really fucking wish folks would draw the hermits the way they look irl more often instead of drawing them as skinny, young people/characters
give these grown ass men their facial hair and five o'clock shadows i fucking BEG OF YOU. i just think it's a bit silly when we have such a diverse group of people on a server; different ages, nationalities, body types, facial features, etc and a large majority of art is all skinny young people like who is this??? not my hermits nuh uh
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lovedeltaa · 1 year
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scarefox · 1 year
The way some people straight up deny soft criticism of the BL industry (stuff that isn't even a secret if you don't close your eyes and ears!!!) Criticism by literally LGBTq people working in said BL industry in Thailand..... basically one of the only ones who's voice are most valid here in this discourse. That's not hypocrism of people working in the industry to open their mouth! That's called self-awareness and using this genre to convey a message and trying to fix issues. This is about Step by Step and Lovely Writer atm. But those are not the only dramas who brought up some critic but somehow people get salty now about that little poke from SbS? Did you sleep the past 3 years?? And it's not a coincident that it's always the same topics certain BL dramas brought up!
I feel like some people here don't get that you can criticize your own work place, your own industry, your own country WITHOUT hating, shaming or demonizing it completely! Yall need stop this black & white thinking and the constant urge to feel personally attacked by something like this...
Especially the message of LW (the same people who make SbS now) was that there is nothing wrong about loving BL stories and they do like producing them. BUT that there are some things in the industry that are bad and harmful NOT ALL OF IT, SOME THINGS! Like the treatment of actors and certain topics by companies and producers. And the main theme of LW: the toxic overstepping and overcontrolling shipping culture that can (and did) destroy real life relationships / friendships under the weight of the pretend relationship (pretend as in they are not dating for real (everyone knows that! or should know that! this is also not even a secret if you watch interviews outside of the fun and couple game shows) at least in most of the cases.... in some rare ones yes, in some very rare cases some actors actually date but they are too afraid to come out due to homophobia and the way the industry & fandom treats those cases (source Dr. Thomas Baudinette who studies the industry as a form of queer asian media and interviewed companies and actors since years... somewhere in this he talks about actor relationships, I can't find the time stamp atm))
ALSO the point about exploiting the LGBTq community is NOT about the fans or LGBTq audience who love these dramas. But about businesses and literal Thailand itself. For using those stories and actors / couples for advertising, for marketing, for tourism even. BUT at the same time some don't care for real life LGBTq issues and rights or the fact that Thailand is still not agreeing on equal marriage (which is not just about them not being able to marry but they get denied a lot of things married couples get. alone the fact that they can't see their partner in the case of an emergency in the hospital because 'they are not family'). In the said SbS scene they were literally discussing which pretend couple has the most fans and how they could use their fandom and fan clubs to gain profit. Don't you guys get how fucking frustrating this is for the LGBTq people and allies who work in the BL industry, to get paraded in front of the camera for money and image but still don't get treated equally??? THAT is what they mean with exploiting.... And it's a lot of producers, writers and some actors who voice those points, not just these few self-aware BL dramas. But doing it through the medium they adress is the best way to reach the right people, to make the right people aware and ask for their support. Since they can't say such things directly (even though they should) unless they want to lose their job, they still like to a degree.
And I am sorry but the opinion of actual thai people who are inside that industry is more valid than some random fan who just doesn't want to understand those things in order to enjoy their shows without feeling bad.... What if I tell you that you can do both and that this is not about shaming you or making you feel guilty (unless you participate in toxic overstepping behavior or are actually LGBTq-phobic, then yes feel guilty)! Acknowledging issues, supporting to fix those issues and still have fun with these dramas and actors.... Those things can and do coexist and nobody said otherwise!!
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eriexplosion · 1 month
Real talk I hated "Clone Force 99 died with Tech, we're not that squad anymore." Because season 2 was clear that the squad was a family to Tech and that these two things were one and the same, and that this is the only thing we EVER hear from Crosshair about Tech dying trying to save him? Holy shit why would you do that and not provide any pushback at all.
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whatkindofnameisella · 4 months
all the people saying "kalina could be good" no you don't fucking get it. i don't want her to be good i want her to be evil. i want her to be a corruption. i want her to be a disease. i want her to be a lieutenant bent on championing her dead commander's cause. i want her to be stubborn and angry and cruel. i want her to be a cunty villain. thank you.
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zephyrfuse · 1 year
i miss salt spray rig it was complete bullshit competitively but i don't care it was literally just a rig near the ocean and the kids were there bring it back 2023
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entertainmentpdf · 1 year
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Okay but. I feel like these are The two quotes that sum up six of crows as a whole. Life hasn't been fair to any of them. It doesn't owe them anything, it doesn't owe them justice, it doesn't owe them fairness. And what do they do? They carve out their own justice by going on the heist to get their money and make their own life, where they can create their own fairness. Then in crooked kingdom, when they've been run to the ground in their hometown, they make the odds turn in their favour through their own means. They've all lived a lifetime of unfairness, each in their own way. But they're here to demand fairness of it anyway, and I think that that's the core message of the duology. That if things are unfair you have to ability to make it fair. And I think that's beautiful.
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nikkoliferous · 9 months
after reading the one hundred and one millionth inane quote about how Loki is such a pRiViLeGeD pRiNcE while Sylvie is just a poor baby who had no real childhood and had to learn to fend for herself from a young age, I feel the need to point out that even the ONE thing we know about Sylvie's past, the thing that's supposed to be her mAjOr tRaUmA and set her apart from him somehow, was literally stolen from Loki.
this is how Tom described Loki's experience post-suicide attempt back in the day while doing press for Avengers:
“I think he went, like with everything else, to a sort of… it was just like, the worst place imaginable. I think he went to all of the darkest recesses of the universe. I’m sure he had a brush with—several brushes with death. I think he ran into the shadiest characters you can find in the Nine Realms. I think he had to rely on his wits to protect himself. It was really, really, really unpleasant, I think. I don’t have any frame of reference for that, except for imagining what it might be like to be kidnapped by a terrorist or something and have to survive a very, very frightening and precarious existence. But whatever it was, it was important when Loki came back for The Avengers, that whatever compassion he had left was absolutely shriveled to a minimum because of the experience that he had. Harrowing, I think, and scarring for life—in a way that Thor and Odin and Frigga find very, very difficult to understand.” [source]
and now the show pretends that Loki teamed up with Thanos completely of his own will, even though Marvel had JUST confirmed that the sceptre was influencing him throughout Avengers, and they hand that traumatic backstory that was Loki's off to their precious OC.
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shiningliive · 3 months
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Live Emotion Idol Introduction - Aijima Cecil ♬
Voice Actor: Toriumi Kousuke Height: 177cm Weight: 58kg Blood Type: Unknown Birthday: October 31st Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Place of Birth: Agnapolis Hobby: Magic
From the official Twitter: Cecil belongs to Shining Agency and is a member of ST���RISH. Hailing from the foreign land of Agnapolis, he is popular for his elegant, gentle atmosphere, and honest demeanor. The way he earnestly approaches everything with his best efforts is shown in his appearences in variety shows, and is a soothing sight for everyone.
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faustandfurious · 2 years
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Good news! A word like that exists! You literally just said it!
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Went to the doctor just for a check up and he basically just told me "your body just processes sugar very well! :) :) :) It's a good thing! :) :) :) It can't possibly be the source of your symptoms even though eating fixes it :) :) :)" But there was also a moment when talking about my iron deficiency that is possibly one of the funniest things a doctor has ever said to me, up with the cardiologist who said "you're a medical mystery": He was going over my blood test results, and said "Your iron levels haven't gone up at all, they are still extremely low, but you're not anemic anymore" And I was like how am I not anemic anymore??? And he said "Your hemoglobin levels have gone up...somehow..." while frowning at the blood test results on his computer. It was very "somehow, palpatine has returned" lol
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wildwren · 2 years
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anyway halbrand is a mood
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