#Tommy kinard x reader
megalony · 2 days
What He Deserved
This is a new protective! Tommy Kinard imagine, based on a few requests I've gotten.
Thank you all for the lovely Tommy requests! I'm loving writing about the medal ceremony.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: Tommy brings his wife and newborn down to the 118 for their award ceremony. But when his old Captain starts making slurs and comments about his wife, Tommy loses his temper.
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(Y/n) tilted her head down and looked over the dress she was wearing. Her fingers danced across the soft fabric, smoothing out the few wrinkles that formed around her waist.
Her lips pressed together, smothering the small smile that tried to break out across her face, but her smile seemed to reach her eyes instead.
Pale blue had never really been (Y/n)'s colour, it didn't seem to stand out or match her very well. But she had to admit that this colour did look rather lovely on her today. Maybe it was because Tommy loved this colour. Or maybe it was because this colour was a close match to Tommy's eyes, one of the main reasons (Y/n) bothered to buy it in the first place.
The dress was comfy; often most of the dresses she used to wear looked lovely, but they were uncomfortable. The necklines were too low, they didn't come up high enough to cover her bra at the back. The underlining was scratchy and itched her thighs or the dress itself was pulled tight at the waist and made her feel like she couldn't breathe.
This one was different. It had a circular neckline that was very stretchy and easy to to pull up or down. The back was almost as high as her shoulderblades, meaning the nursing bra she wore was easily hidden and (Y/n) could stay comfortable. And there was no underlining that itched or scratched or puffed out around her.
(Y/n) bit down on her bottom lip and moved her hands up to her hair, fiddling with the style once again even though nothing was wrong with it.
She couldn't help but look down at her frame once again as a quiet sigh passed her lips.
She had more curves now than she used to. Before she had Minnie, (Y/n) had never been skinny, but she had been okay with the curves and the shape of her body. Gaining weight during her pregnancy had been fine, it was normal and (Y/n) didn't feel self conscious because she had a reason. She had had a baby. But now, Minnie was here and it was almost like (Y/n) didn't have a reason to be this shape now.
She didn't have a bump to caress or stretch her shirts over- mostly Tommy's shirts since she had lived in his clothes during the last four months of her pregnancy. But she had a lot of baby weight now.
(Y/n) knew it wouldn't disappear as soon as she had Minnie, she knew it would take time. But that also meant it was going to take time to get used to her new shape and become comfortable in her new skin.
She was brought out of her thoughts when a set of large hands curled over her hips and a chin perched on top of her head.
"Do I look okay?" Her voice was quieter and meeker than normal, giving away the panic that was fluttering inside her chest with horrid bouts of adrenaline.
She looked up in the mirror, observing Tommy's expression that seemed to soften like melted butter. His cheeks puffed up showing a dimple on the left cheek and small crows feet creased around his eyes that locked with hers in their reflection.
She could feel his thumbs smoothing up and down over her hips and he turned his chin down so he could press a soft kiss into her hair. There was no need to ask Tommy that question because they both knew what the answer was going to be, but she felt like asking him anyway.
This was going to be the first time (Y/n) would be out around Tommy's friends and colleagues since she'd given birth to Minnie two weeks ago. (Y/n) wanted to look good and feel confident in herself and her newly shaped body, but she didn't quite know how to do that yet.
"You. Look. Stunning." Each word was punctuated with a kiss against her head that was careful not to ruin her hairstyle. And his voice was rugged and low like he was having a hard time staring at her and controlling himself at the same time.
(Y/n) smiled, but when their intense stare broke off, she found herself looking over the dress again. And her hands moved to slide up and down her stomach and around her curves that she still couldn't get used to.
Her absentminded movements halted when Tommy held her wrists and dropped her hands down so he could continue the movements himself. His fingertips tickled as they dragged up and down her stomach and crossed the dips in her waist like he wanted to commit each of them to memory. And he was smiling as he did it.
He was looking down at her like each curve made him happy and just the thought sent (Y/n)'s heart jumping over a beat like a record player jumping a vinyl.
"What, you don't believe me?" His voice was quieter this time and he went back to propping his chin up on her head. While his hands finally stopped roaming her body so he could bind his arms around her middle and give her a tight squeeze.
"You're a bit biased, sweetheart." She was joking. Her tone was light and her smile told him she was only teasing, but there was truth to her words.
Tommy was always going to be biased because she was his wife. He would stand there and tell her he thought she was the most exquisite woman he'd ever seen and in his mind, he was right. But that was only his view because he loved her.
And (Y/n) was glad Tommy thought she looked lovely, but it wouldn't be just him there at the ceremony today. All of his friends and close colleagues would be there and (Y/n) didn't want any of them to look at her and think she looked awful or chubby or odd.
"Maybe, but I'd never lie to you, and I think you look better than ever."
He thought she looked beautiful.
It had been no secret to anyone that Tommy could barely keep his hands off of her when she was pregnant. He was always attached to her, kissing her or holding her or carressing her stomach. He loved the way her body changed and it was no different now that she'd had Minnie.
They had gone out a few days ago, the first time (Y/n) had properly left the house since coming home with Minnie, because (Y/n) had to get some new clothes.
She couldn't continue living in her maternity clothes. Some of the leggings weren't so bad, but the tops were too baggy and didn't fit now her stomach had deflated into a strange shape and her curves were softer. And all her maternity dresses or jumpsuits didn't sit well on her anymore and made her look a very odd shape. Baggy maternity clothes were not flattering in the least.
Wearing Tommy's clothes was fine for around the house or the occasional button up shirt when they went out. But (Y/n) needed clothes of her own to make herself feel and look a bit more normal, and she couldn't fit into any of her old clothes.
So while the maternity clothes had been bagged and hidden at the back of the wardobe- just in case there was a next time that she would need them again- they had gone out for new clothes.
It had been Tommy's idea, he knew (Y/n) didn't look happy when she tried to find something to wear since coming home with Minnie.
And while they had been out, every top, dress and shirt (Y/n) tried on, Tommy agreed to. She saw his eyes crease and light up and he smiled at everything she picked out and seeing her look happy and more comfortable was all Tommy wanted.
"Thank you," (Y/n) gave his wrists a squeeze and turned her head so she could press her lips to his neck.
She missed his touch when he finally unravelled from her and turned around, but he didn't wander far. (Y/n) smoothed out another imaginary wrinkle in her dress before she turned on her heels, her eyes following Tommy as he moved over to the crib in the corner of the room beneath the window.
He grinned, flashing his teeth and shaking his head when he reached down and scooped up his little girl. She barely fit in the crook of his arm and she always looked like a miniature doll whenever Tommy held her and the sight made (Y/n) smile.
"Hi baby, are you gonna come and meet daddy's team, hm?" He gently settled Minnie down against his shoulder, letting her face nuzzle into his blazer right across the LAFD logo on his chest.
His hand cradled the back of her head and his fingertips feathered across her soft skin. When he turned round, his smile softened again when his eyes landed on (Y/n) and he walked over to her, murmuring a quiet "Ready?" to which she nodded.
This would be Tommy's first medal since joining the LAFD.
"Sweetheart, I don't think they'll let you take her up there with you, you know." (Y/n) pressed her lips together to dampen down her smile as she looked up at her husband with fondness pooling in her eyes. She didn't miss the shiver that rolled through Tommy's spine when that petname rolled off the tongue.
Something so simple as 'sweetheart' had the ability to make the tall, hulk of a man in front of her swoon and melt into a puddle.
He had barely set Minnie down since they arrived at the station and the ceremony was about to begin.
As settled as Minnie seemed to be in Tommy's arms, (Y/n) doubted Chief Simpson would be very pleased if Tommy was stood up there holding his newborn during the awards.
Tommy let out a quiet displeased huff but he nodded. He knew he had to leave his girls now and go stand up on stage, something he wasn't so keen on doing but he didn't have a choice.
He pressed a lasting, tender kiss against Minnie's temple and gently unhooked her hand from his index finger that she had been happily clinging to for the last five minutes. He leaned forward and eased her down into (Y/n)'s arms while his hands moved to hold (Y/n)'s hips instead.
She settled Minnie in her arm, trying to keep her tilted at the same angle Tommy had her so she wouldn't wake up and start to fuss. If she could sleep through the speeches and the medals, then she could wake up when the hustle and bustle started. (Y/n) wanted to watch and get a picture of Tommy up there, she didn't want to have to make a quick exit to settle Minnie if she woke up and started to cry.
"Off I go," Tommy murmured quietly, moving his hand to tilt (Y/n) chin up in his direction so he could steal a kiss that ended with his tongue slipping past her lips.
(Y/n) watched him follow after Buck and Chimney towards the stage, towering over the others like a skyscraper in comparison. She knew Tommy was happy to be the tallest because it gave him an excuse to stand out the way at the back and feign it was to let his colleagues see and not overshadow them. When really, it was so he didn't have to bask in the spotlight any longer than necessary.
Her head turned to the right and she took a deep breath, looking over the round tables scattered all through the station floor.
The ambulance and both trucks had been parked round the back so there was enough space for a party in here. And two other nearby stations were on standby so all calls could be redirected to them. Allowing the 118 to have the whole day off to celebrate without the risk of a callout getting in the way and disrupting everything.
Her eyes locked on Maddie sat on her own with her daughter and (Y/n) decided it would be a good idea to see if she could sit with them.
"Is this seat free?"
"Yeah, please," Maddie waved her hand towards the seat as if it was on fire and her smile calmed down one of the many nerves rattling through (Y/n)'s system.
She pulled out the chair and eased down next to Maddie, smiling softly at the four year old on Maddie's other side. She had a juice bottle between her hands and a sweet smile on her lips that made (Y/n) sure that she was a very cheeky toddler.
"Oh, she's adorable." Maddie's lower lip pouted and she placed a hand over her heart, leaning close to get a look at Minnie.
Since Tommy reconnected with the 118, he had introduced (Y/n) to them a few months ago and she had bonded with Maddie the most. The four of them had gone out quite a few times for quiz nights or just out for drinks- all non-alcoholic since (Y/n) had been expecting Minnie at the time.
This was the first time any of the team would see Minnie. They all knew she had been born, Tommy had messaged them and posted a few pictures. They got a lot of well-wishes from all the team, but they had mostly stayed home for the first two weeks to get used to new routines with their little girl.
"How are you doing now? Tommy mentioned you're feeling a lot better." She brushed her finger across Minnie's chubby cheek, darting her eyes between (Y/n) and the newborn with a tender yet knowing look in her eyes.
She and Chimney had seen first-hand how ill (Y/n) had been when she was pregnant.
At the start of her pregnancy, (Y/n) had been in and out of hospital with severe morning sickness. Tommy had come off a twelve hour night shift and then spent the next twenty four hours in hospital after he came home and found (Y/n) passed out in the bathroom, dehydrated after throwing up everything she had in her.
It took a while for the morning sickness to taper off, but (Y/n) had developed a type of gestational diabetes during the pregnancy too which ended with almost daily insulin injections.
Needless to say, it hadn't been easy having Minnie. Topped off with the way her body changed, (Y/n) had found it hard. But she knew she was lucky to be feeling well right now and that her insulin and glucose levels evened themselves out now she wasn't pregnant anymore. Some women developed diabetes after having it during pregnancy, (Y/n) was very thankful she didn't have that problem.
"Much better, thank you."
"And you look lovely, by the way. I love the dress." Maddie took a sip of her drink and reclined in her seat while she looked up and down the dress approvingly. The colour was lovely and it stood out well with Tommy's jet black suit. They would of looked a little too dark if (Y/n) wore a black or a navy blue dress today. The contrast was good.
A jolt surged through (Y/n)'s heart and her breathing quickened as she tilted her head down, looking across at her friend through her lashes.
"Really?" The surprise was evident in her voice and it intrigued Maddie. "I uh, it's new. I don't really fit in any of my old clothes anymore."
Saying that while she was pregnant felt good, it felt like an achievement because it was natural. (Y/n) had been happy to put on weight and look different and have a bump to show that she was having a family and Tommy loved her enough to settle down with her.
Now it felt strange like she wasn't doing something right when she thought about fitting back into her old clothes. But her heart had soared when she had made a passing comment last week to Tommy about her clothes not fitting. He had such a wide grin when he simply responded 'good' and kissed her like he had a fever.
"Oh, tell me about it. I still don't wear most of the stuff I owned before I had Jee."
"You don't?"
"No, I lost a bit of weight after having her but, I don't know, I like the way I look now. Sometimes the extra weight looks good… it works for you too." She whispered the last part, nudging their elbows together as a loving smile flooded her face.
Maybe there wasn't such a rush to try and get back to the way she was before. And she didn't have to, there was no deadline or no reason why she should, she'd had a baby and this was what she had to show for that.
She didn't realise she was smiling until her cheeks began to hurt and she lifted her head to look over at the stage.
There was her husband. Stood at the back on the far right, his hands clasped together in front of him with his back tensed up straight and his broad shoulders stretched out like they were balancing spirit levels on them. His nose crinkled and his lips rolled together as he tried not to laugh out loud at something Buck whispered to him. And the look made (Y/n)'s heart swell.
He looked so happy, so natural and composed and proud and strong up there and (Y/n) just knew in a day or two, she would be scouting through the official site and a few online apps to find the pictures that would be uploaded of today. She wanted all the pictures of Tommy that she could get, especially the ones that the photographer took when none of the team were looking or posing. When they looked happy and natural and soft together.
(Y/n) leaned down to kiss the top of Minnie's head and slowly started to sway from side to side, but her eyes remained focused on the stage.
And she could see the blush creeping onto Tommy's face when it was his turn to be awarded with his medal and plaque. His smile reached his eyes and his blush tainted his nose, cheeks and slithered down his neck beneath his collar.
She could see his hands fidgeting in front of his lap, scratching together to remain calm and composed until he could move to the back of the stage again and blend into the background. Not that he could ever blend in when in (Y/n)'s eyes, he always stood out.
As soon as the clapping started and everyone began to move, (Y/n) felt Minnie liven up in her arms.
She carefully lifted Minnie up and settled her on her chest, smoothing her hand up and down her back slowly to try and keep her calm and settled. She could feel Maddie reaching out to rub Minnie's cheek, quietly cooing at her as everyone finally left the stage and started to filter around the room again.
Tommy's hand found her shoulder and his other hand gently cupped the back of Minnie's head. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to (Y/n)'s head as he stood behind her chair and felt her lean her head against his torso.
"Looks good on you," (Y/n) whispered, reaching one hand up to tap her fingertip against the medal hanging around his neck. She wondered how long it would take before Tommy whipped the medal off and hid it in (Y/n)'s bag. She already knew he would leave it up to her to find a place for it somewhere at home.
"Hm, does it really?" His hand stayed on her shoulder as he leaned down to meet her halfway in a kiss. Before he slid his other hand down from cradling Minnie's head to slither his hand along (Y/n)'s waist and give her hip a squeeze.
They broke apart when Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder and he leaned up just as Eddie moved round.
He stood between (Y/n) and Maddie and crouched down until he was level with the newborn in her arms. A wide smile creased his eyes and he reached out to nudge her cheek.
"Hi cutie… can I?"
"Sure." (Y/n) gently eased Minnie over into Eddie's arms who stood back up to his full height once she was in his arms. As soon as he was up, Eddie was swaying from left to right, bouncing her up and down against his chest, his eyes enamoured by her like she was the brightest star in the sky.
(Y/n) was sure she heard her husband mutter a quiet "Be careful," although she wasn't certain whether it was in jest or if he was being serious. But she smiled and reached up to hold Tommy's arm when he went back to holding her shoulders and leaned down to be level with her.
"Want something to eat?" He murmured against the shell of her ear, leaving a few kisses against the side of her neck until she was shivering and gripping his arm tighter.
With another lasting kiss to her lips, Tommy followed after Chimney and Buck towards the buffet table. All three of them were famished and Tommy would bet that they had skipped breakfast the same as he had, too consumed with nerves and worries about today to eat until now.
(Y/n) let her eyes follow the boys as they headed off to the table and she couldn't help but gaze at Tommy. He towered over Chimney and stood just a few inches taller than Buck, with wider shoulders and a large tense back. He looked like a beast in and out of his uniform.
Her head tilted back to look up at Eddie when Minnie started to mewl and cry into his shoulder.
He tried to soothe her and hush but her eyes screwed shut and her legs began to tap against his chest like she was trying to run mid-air.
"I think she needs feeding, give me one second." She pushed up from the chair, smoothing down the imaginary wrinkles in her dress as she headed off near the locker room.
Her head dipped down and her hands itched at her sides as she reached the pram and unhooked the Disney bag from the handle.
She had tried to time Minnie's feed so she wouldn't need to leave during the middle of the ceremony but now was a good time because she would settle for another nap after this. With the bag on her shoulder, (Y/n) headed back over to the table and smiled when Eddie carefully eased Minnie back into her arms.
"She's such a sweetheart, I'm sure Chris will wander over to see her in a bit." Eddie gave the girls a lasting smile before he headed back towards Chris to see if he wanted to go and get some food before Buck and Ravi ate it all.
The newborn continued to whine and wriggle, but her cries softened just a little now that she was back in her mother's arms.
(Y/n) cradled her in one arm while she set the bag down on the spare chair next to her and rummaged through for a blanket while she sat down.
She could see Maddie and Jee over at the buffet table while Buck, Tommy and Chimney were stood just a few feet from the table. All three of them were joking and laughing about something and it was lovely to see Tommy relaxing and letting his guard down for a change.
Their eyes locked for a second and (Y/n) saw his lips curve into a wider smile and he winked in her direction. He looked very laid back for a change. Whenever he had his work suit on, it was for a formal occasion and Tommy always felt out of place or uneasy or as if he should be professional.
But right now, stood with one hip slouched down, one hand holding a paper plate for them to share and his other hand tucked into his pocket, he looked casual. He looked relaxed and happy and his head tilted back to let out a laugh when Buck seemingly quipped a joke.
"Okay baby, shh." Her lips pressed to the top of Minnie's head, her nose tickling and scrunching up against the small wisps of hair.
She kept her settled in one arm while she tried to drape the blushing pink blanket over her shoulder and down her chest. The last thing she wanted was anyone looking at her if she was going to breastfeed Minnie.
Not that anyone was paying any attention. She was sat alone at the table at the moment and the table was in the left corner of the station, as close to the stage as possible but now no one was focused on the stage.
The only person who would pay her any attention was Tommy and that was for a whole other reason.
She gently shifted Minnie up in her arm and adjusted the blanket over her, but before she even had chance to try and fiddle with the strap on her dress, she paused.
Someone was staring at her, and it wasn't Tommy.
(Y/n) didn't recognise him. He was an older gentleman, a bit shorter than Buck with a cap tucked under one arm and a few pins on his blazer, giving away that he was a Captain of one of the fire houses. (Y/n) only knew a few people from the 118 and the people from Tommy's station, the 227 and not many of them were here. She didn't know anyone else and she didn't know the Captain who was currently staring her down.
The look in his eyes was frightening, it was as if he was scrutinising her, looking her up and down to try and evaluate her for something. His upper lip was pushed out, hidden mostly by a thick grey moustache and his chin was jutting forward in a commanding sort of way.
His eyes raked up and down (Y/n)'s body with one brow raised and she couldn't find it in herself to look down or shift or move an inch.
All she could do was look towards Tommy, desperately wanting him to tilt his head in her direction and catch her eye to see that she was panicking.
"You're really gonna do that here?"
His words took her by surprise and (Y/n) stayed frozen to the spot while Minnie wriggled in her arm and batted her hand against her chest as if trying to grab her attention. Small whines vibrated into (Y/n)'s chest as the newborn continued to whimper and kick around beneath the blanket.
"I'm sorry?" She wanted her words to come out condescending but her voice only came out in a small flurry of panic.
What was she doing wrong?
She wasn't stood in the middle of the station or trying to catch anyone's attention or cause a scene. All she was trying to do was feed her daughter. It was natural. She was at a table in the corner and she was sat on her own, she wasn't sat with the Chief or any other Captains or photographers or important people.
She would be sat with friends once Maddie came back and then Tommy would sit with her, she doubted anyone else would be at their table, maybe Buck but that was it.
None of them would have a problem with her breastfeeding and if they did, (Y/n) would move.
But she was sat with a blanket over her chest. No one was going to see anything they shouldn't, she was still decent and covered up.
"You're gonna show 'em off to the whole station?" He spoke with a small huff and his lips formed into a smirk that made a cold shiver run down (Y/n)'s spine. He talked as if (Y/n) was getting ready to some sort of strip tease in the middle of the station or up on stage.
All she was doing was trying to feed her daughter. It was bad enough that (Y/n) worried about how she looked in this dress and how her body looked now she'd had Minnie. Without this Captain, whoever he was, standing there insulting her and making jibes at her because he thought he had the right to make her feel self-conscious.
"No. I- should you really be stood watching me?" She tried to muster up some of Tommy's courage and boisterous attitude, but the man only laughed.
A cringe tore through her body as she held Minnie tighter and leaned her head to the left.
Relief pooled in her stomach that was bubbling and overchurning with adrenaline when she caught sight of Tommy. But the adrenaline got worse when she looked over her husband.
He was red in the face.
His hand was crumpling up the paper plate until the food was about to spill over the edges. His lips were tense and taut and his jaw was ground so tight it looked like it was going to pop. There was utter outrage bubbling up in his eyes that had gone from pale blue to jet black in less than a minute.
He heard. Tommy had heard what this stranger had said, and he was not pleased.
(Y/n) was both relieved and panicked when she watched her husband almost throw his plate at Buck before he stormed their way. But he wasn't quick enough before the Captain started to speak again.
"Thought it was a free show, sweetheart. After all, you're sat out in the open, about to show us all a good view, so carry on." His hand moved to dart across his chin and the way he licked his lips had (Y/n) shivering and shrinking back in her seat. "Does Kinard know you go round flashing all his mates?"
She could of screamed when he took a step closer, slanting his right hip against the vacant chair next to (Y/n) like he was about to sit down next to her.
Whipping the blanket from her shoulder, (Y/n) tossed it down on her bag and got up from her seat. She wasn't going to sit here and be insulted any longer and she was too uncomfortable to stay here. She wanted to be with Tommy and disappear into a quiet corner.
Her hands adjusted Minnie so she was settled in the middle of her chest and she cradled the back of her head while she weaved around the seats. There wasn't a lot of space between whoever this Captain was and the wall, but (Y/n) pressed as close to the wall as she could to get past him.
"What the Hell did you just say to my wife?!" Tommy's voice growled through the air and caught the attention of everyone nearby.
Suddenly, the music sounded quieter in the background and all the other conversations died down as all eyes landed on Tommy. Both Chimney and Buck moved to put their plates down and hurry after him. They had never seen Tommy lose his very level temper or run out of patience and they didn't want him to start a fight. They knew who Gerrard was and he wasn't worth the effort.
A gasp tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she jolted forward when she felt the Captain's hand hook under the strap on her dress. The strap was slightly down her arm since she had been about to feed Minnie, but she felt him try and pull the material either to look down at her cleavage or just to lower it down and tease her.
Tommy was usually the epitome of calm and composed, he never spoke out of turn or caused a scene, and he had never stood up to Gerrard when they both worked in this station. But the fire in his eyes showed he had well and truly lose that composure.
For a brief second, (Y/n) felt Tommy's hand on her hip as she moved to stand behind him. She felt him squeeze her hip and move to block her from view and it made her feel safe.
Right until Tommy lunged forward and landed his fist into the Captain's face.
Blood spurted down Gerrard's face, tainting his moustache and pouring down his lips towards his chin like a free flowing river. Both his hands moved to cradle his nose that might well be broken and he groaned through a splutter of blood. His balance swayed as he wobbled to the left but he didn't stay unbalanced for long when Tommy's hands latched around the collar of his blazer.
He yanked his old Captain forward, lifting him up on the toes of his boots to keep them level. Fire blazed in Tommy's eyes and his lips formed into a snarl as he debated whether to smash his forehead into his old Captain or send a punch into his gut and knock him to the floor.
"Tommy…" (Y/n) shivered, tucking her face up against the top of Minnie's head who was shrieking into her chest at all the sudden commotion.
She felt a hesitant pair of hands on her arms and whipped her head round to see Chimney stood beside her. He tried to smile and dipped his head to the side towards Maddie who had Jee in one arm and her other hand held out towards (Y/n), beckoning her away from the fight.
She took a few steps towards Maddie but stayed relatively close, she didn't want to be far from Tommy and she needed to get him to stop before he got himself reprimanded.
"Tommy- hey, hey that's enough." Buck hurried forward and grabbed Tommy by the shoulders, but his friend was strong enough to hold steadfast like a mountain, unable to be moved.
Even when Eddie surged forward and tried to get between them, Tommy just elbowed him out the way and twisted Gerrard to the left so he could pin him up against the wall.
"Jesus Kinard," Gerrard grumbled, unsure whether to cradle his broken nose or push the younger man off him. "Take it easy-"
"Take it easy? After what you just said to my wife? You're lucky I haven't pasted your blood across the walls for that." Venom seethed into his words as he suddenly wished they were in a corridor or in the locker room or somewhere more private so he could win this fight without an audience.
But the moment he heard the word 'flasher' pass Gerrard's lips, nothing else mattered. He couldn't concentrate on Eddie trying to worm in between him and Gerrard or feel Buck pulling his shoulders to try and drag him backwards. He didn't even hear Bobby shouting at them to stop.
He brought his knee up, ramming it into Gerrard's groin before anyone could stop him. The Captain crumpled down with a groan that ended in a spluttering cough and Tommy finally let the team pull him five steps backwards so he could watch Gerrard fall to his knees.
"He just intimidated and tried to touch up my wife!" Tommy's chest heaved like he had run a marathon and his hands balled into fists.
He was about to lunge forward again but Eddie anticipated the move and stood in front of him. He pushed against Tommy's chest, trying to keep him at bay while Bobby grabbed his shoulder to try and get his attention and calm him down.
"And Chief Simpson is gonna have a talk with him in my office, you have my word, Tommy. Now go cool off and look after your wife."
Bobby had heard all the stories about Gerrard when he used to be in charge of this station. He knew about the reports people put in, how horrid he had been to Chimney and Hen and how intimidating he had been towards Tommy in the past. And although he didn't hear what Gerrard had said tonight, he could see that both Tommy and Buck, possible even Chimney, had heard.
And then there was (Y/n), an impartial witness. Gerrard wasn't going to get away with what he'd said and the Chief was more than ready to have a private word with Bobby and Gerrard and reprimand him for this.
He had gotten a broken nose and a bruised ego from Tommy and that was just the start, he hadn't even had words with the Chief yet.
He got what he deserved.
Tommy shook and rolled his shoulders, cracking his spine into place while Bobby moved ahead of him to heave Gerrard to his feet. When Eddie patted his chest and gave him a polite nudge, Tommy nodded and turned towards (Y/n).
Before he had chance to open his arms, (Y/n) was already smothering herself into his chest. Her face buried in his chest, her nose brushing against the red ribbon his medal was hanging from and he could feel Minnie wriggling and whimpering between them. The newborn was upset, hungry and frightened and part of Tommy felt bad. He had started the fight and worried both his girls, but he couldn't have done anything else.
He couldn't help it. He never wanted Gerrard near (Y/n) in the first place. He had been glad that he met her just after he moved stations so he never had to introduce her and he only spoke about Gerrard in quick passing.
Somehow, Tommy didn't think his old Captain would be here today and he was beyond angry that he had turned up and decided to intimidate (Y/n) like that. He had done it because he knew she was Tommy's wife. That was the only reason he spoke to her.
"Come on." He murmured against the top of her head as he curved both arms around her and kept her close.
He began walking forward, guiding (Y/n) backwards until she turned to shuffle under his left arm so she didn't have to back track. Her eyes remained closed and Tommy's arms stayed around her as he headed towards the locker room. The only room that was vacant and out the way of the rest of the party that was slowly filling up with murmurs and questions and strange atmospheres.
Once the door shut behind them, Tommy moved over towards the lockers. He leaned his shoulders back up against them, slouched down and spread his legs so (Y/n) could stand between them.
"Are you okay?" He spoke against her hair, keeping his right arm curved around her waist while his other hand cupped the side of her face and tilted her head back so he could look down at her.
"Hm. I'm sorry-"
"Sorry? You didn't do anything, honey. Gerrard should have kept his fucking mouth closed and kept away."
Confusion and realisation washed over (Y/n)'s face all in one and she tried to look over her shoulder towards the party but she couldn't see any of the team anymore. Everyone was fluttering about and moving back towards the buffet and trying to have a dance and regain a light atmosphere again.
"That was Gerrard?" Now she knew why he had approached her and why he seemed keen to talk to her. He knew she was Tommy's wife; that was his motivation for speaking to her.
"Yeah. I hope he gets fired for this."
"Will you get in trouble?"
"Doubt it, Buck and Howie heard what he was saying to you, plus I'm off duty." If Tommy was on shift this would be a different matter entirely, but they couldn't suspend him or fire him or get him into a lot of trouble when he wasn't at work.
He pressed a longing kiss to her temple before he pushed forward and moved towards the bench. Tommy sat as far back on the bench as he could and spread his legs, grinning softly when (Y/n) smiled and took the hint, sitting between his thighs.
She felt his knees press into hers and his chest moulded around her back while his arms looped around her waist so his hands could spread out across her abdomen. The feeling of Tommy's chin on her shoulder made her shiver but in a good way and a warm, fuzzy feeling flooded her stomach when he kissed the side of her neck.
"I still need to feed her," (Y/n) whispered, although they were the only people in here and no one else in the party would be able to hear or see them. They were sat with their backs facing the glass wall and Tommy's frame moulded around her like a blanket. He was hiding her from any onlookers.
"Go ahead, honey." He murmured against her neck, taking the time to trail his fingertips up her waist causing her to shiver and shimmy in front of him. "No one can see or get past me."
His fingertips wormed up her side and his index and middle finger hooked around the strap on her shoulder. Slowly sliding it down her arm while his lips pressed wet, hot kisses down her neck and across her shoulder. He cradled the back of Minnie's head when (Y/n) settled her in place and his other arm tightened around (Y/n)'s waist, brushing his fingertips up and down her abdomen.
No one would be able to see them from here, all they would see was Tommy's back and the way he was slightly hunched forward. He completely blocked (Y/n) from view and if anyone tried to come in here, he would usher them away from his girls.
As far as Gerrard was concerned, Tommy hoped he would get fired or at least demoted for this.
(Y/n) prayed Tommy wouldn't get told off for what he'd done to Gerrard. Her man had gotten his medal today and his former Captain had gotten a broken nose.
They both got what they deserved.
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Thinking about being the second option’s second option.
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Pairing: Male Character x Top Male reader
cw: 18+, power dynamics, age gaps, blowjobs, riding, dom!male reader, sub!male character, unrequited love, love triangles, jealousy, possessiveness
You wouldn’t otherwise be on his radar, maybe you were much younger than him, maybe he was your superior and you his subordinates and anything beyond a professional relationship would be highly inappropriate or maybe you just weren’t his type.
But God you had tried to approach him and many times at a - a subtle comment here and there that could mean more if he just followed up on it, a longing gaze or a light touch that he promptly ignored or played off, you’d even mustered up the courage to fess up your feelings one time only to get rejected immediately.
He was interested in someone else, or at least that’s what he had said when you confessed and that had been enough for you to completely back off.
A week later or so and you saw him with that very same someone in tow. However you’d quickly realized he’d been tasked with patching up wounds he himself didn’t cause because it was so blatantly obvious that the person in question was in love with someone that wasn’t him. He’d been blind to see or didn’t want to see and even though you had in mind to tell him you’d stuck to the promise you made yourself, and stayed away from him.
However it hadn’t been long before you’d been assigned the very same task- patching up wounds you didn’t cause for the man that had rejected you once.
He showed up with tears in his eyes and a couple of drinks in his system begging you to make him forget. You rejected him at the spot told him to come back when his lips didn’t taste like gin and tonic.
You didn’t think he would come back but he did and soon you had your all too good superior down on his knees, warm wet mouth eagerly sucking you in like he’s been waiting for this opportunity
But you weren’t easily fooled you knew the eagerness wasn’t for you.
Although his eyes were locked with yours you could see the distant look on his face, clearly imagining someone else in your place but none of that mattered not when his lips were stretched taut around your cock, not when he’s got his nose buried in your sweat damp fringe of curls and your cockhead is hitting the back of his throat, and not when you could taste yourself on his mouth when you finally slotted your lips together
But it didn’t end there because he’d continue to show up whenever the wounds reopened which was rather often. Not that you minded , not when you had the older man bent in ways that had all the joints in his body aching in protest, one hand fisting his salt and pepper hair the other clawing the sheets while fucking himself harder, deeper onto your dick
Harder faster more please he sobs into the sheets, a name that isn’t your own neatly tucked in between the begs and pleas, eyes squeezed shut as if he’s imagining someone else in front of him
But you couldn’t care less not when you’re the one who gets to feel his walls clenching down onto your dick, not when you’re the one who gets to lick the tears away from his cheek not when you’re the reason he’s cumming in such way he hasn’t done in years.
And while you lay there wrapped up in white sheets basking in the afterglow of your release, you watch the way he hastily puts the clothes back on his body, ever so determined not to spend the night.
You were no fool, you knew what type of relationship you had, you were just here to patch up his wounds and nothing more than that.
Besides you were nowhere near his type at least if you were to compare yourself to the men he approached at bars yet you were the one to have the bigger man pinned beneath your frame, strong body bent in half and practically skewed onto your cock, deep baritone voice reduced to wails and whines as he begs and pleads for you to let him cum.
981 notes · View notes
veryberryjelly · 5 days
finally watching season 7 of 9-1-1 and i just watched buck & tommy’s first kiss and i am squealing .
i am officially obsessed !!
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thedyingwriter · 26 days
Friends don't look at friends that way (Ongoing series on AO3)
In the aftermath of a harrowing incident, trauma surgeon Amara Jones finds herself unexpectedly intertwined with the lives of the heroic firefighters from Station 118. As Evan "Buck" Buckley's primary surgeon after a life-threatening injury, an unexpected bond forms between them, which deepens when they realise they're new neighbours.
As Amara becomes the go-to caretaker for the close-knit crew, her relationships with Buck and his best friend Eddie Diaz intensify. What begins as a casual friends-with-benefits arrangement with Buck evolves into much more as Amara finds herself falling for both men. Buck and Eddie, too, begin to develop feelings for the compassionate surgeon who's become an integral part of their lives.
Navigating the complexities of polyamory, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, forging an unbreakable bond. With tenderness, humour, and heat, this unconventional love story explores the depths of human connection and the many forms love can take. Can Amara, Buck, and Eddie find their happily-ever-after together?
Read on AO3
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navy-bl-ue · 8 days
i dont get fic writers that writer x f!reader with a canonically gay male character 😭😭😭😭 it doesnt make sense to me
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Chapter 9 preview of Strawberries and Cream P.S go through the tags there’s a surprise guest 🤣🤣🤣
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flavored-soda · 1 month
i’ll be finishing up some wips i have tonight and tomorrow. y’all want part one to an eddie x transmasc reader or a bucktommy fic?
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
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Requests are opened!
This Masterlist does have 18+ fics in it so please heed the warnings.
All fics are separated but I do:
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
One Chicago (Chicago Med, PD, and Fire)
Criminal Minds
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Rookie
I will do:
x Reader
A/N: All fics not underlined means that they are planned and a wip this just helps me to keep track of what fics I need to do.
A/N 2: All fics are fem!reader unless stated otherwise or requested otherwise.
(Discontinued) I'm Already There (Bradshaw!Sister)
My Daughter, My Heart (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Elizabeth Taylor x Daughter!Reader)
Whisper in the Wind (Natasha Trace x OC!Benjamin Bradshaw, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Winters)
A Forever Home (Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder)
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Tim Bradford)
Blizzard (IceMav x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman)
Firecracker (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader)
Little Birdie (Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Littlest Halstead (Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader)
Little Nash (Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader)
Lil' Severide (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
Mini TK (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes)
Our Little Girl (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw)
The Firehouse Miracle (Eddie Diaz x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
x Daughter!Reader
Top Gun
Safe and Sound (Maverick x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell!Reader)
Always Daddy’s Girl (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Light of His Life (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Maverick is a dad!? (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Crossing Paths (Maverick x Daughter!Reader, Penny Benjamin x Adopted!Daughter!Reader)
Always With You (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Maverick's Little Co-Pilot (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
A Father's Fury (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Night Ride Rescue (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Echoes of Talent (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
The Lost Keepsake (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
A Father's Comfort (Maverick x Daughter!Reader)
Love, Laughter, and Little Pranks (Maverick x Daughter!Reader, Penny Benjamin x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Wife!Penny Benjamin)
Just Like Daddy (Maverick x Daguther!Reader, Penny Benjamin x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Penny Benjamin)
Never Again (Maverick x Daughter!Reader, OC!Nichole Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x OC!Wife!Nichole Bradshaw
From Fear to Family (Maverick x Adopted!Daughter
Jake Seresin
Nightmares (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader)
One Chicago
Kelly Severide
Daddy to the Rescue (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
A Home in His Heart (Kelly Severide x Foster-Adopted!Daughter!Reader)
Bobby Nash
911 Lone Star
Unspoken Reunion (Bobby Nash x Doctor!Daughter!Reader)
Evan Buckley x Tommy Kinard
Beach Vacation (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Tommy Kinard x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Tommy Kinard)
TK Strand
"911 what is your emergency?" (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader)
The Rookie
Tim Bradford
I'm Fine (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader)
Surprise at the Station (Tim Bradford x Shy!Adopted!Daughter!Reader)
x Sister!Reader
Top Gun
Bradley Bradshaw
Brotherly Love (Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!Reader)
The Sibling Connection (Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!Reader)
Jake Seresin
Together Against the World (Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader)
Heart to Break (Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader)
One Chicago
Connor Rhodes
Blood Ties, Broken Bonds (Connor Rhodes x Sister!Reader)
Top Gun
Bradley Bradshaw
Be Mine Forever (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Floyd!Pilot!Reader)
I Apologize (Bradley Bradshaw x Benjamin!Air Force Pilot!Reader)
A Flight of Insecurities (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Meet and Greet (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Behind Closed Doors (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader)
Out in the Open (Bradley Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader)
Hearts on the Edge (Bradley Bradshaw x Wolfe!Reader)
My Brother's Wingman (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Seresin!Navy SEAL!Reader, Jake Seresin x Navy SEAL!Twin Sister!Reader)
Love's Second Chance (18+ MDNI) (Bradley Bradshaw x Adopted!Mitchell!Reader)
From Fear to Forever (Bradley Bradshaw x Pilot!Seresin!Reader)
Intoxicated Confessions (Bradley Bradshaw x Pilot!Kerner!Reader)
Knight in a Hawaiian Shirt (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Shadow of Protection (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Jake Seresin
Surprise! (Jake Seresin x Best Friend!Reader)
Doppelgänger (Hangster and Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Dagger Squad
Fight for Freedom (Dagger Squad x Reader)
Learning to Love Again (Dagger Squad x Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Tangled Hearts (18+ MDNI) (Dagger Squad x Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
A Guarded Heart (Maverick x Reader)
One Chicago
Connor Rhodes
Heartbeat Promise (Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Halstead!Reader)
Unexpected Reunion (18+ MDNI) (Conor Rhodes x Assistant!Reader)
Emergency Love (Connor Rhodes x Paramedic!Severide!Reader)
Blazing Hearts (Connor Rhodes x Paramedic!Severide!Reader)
From Exes to Lovers (Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Reader)
Lovers Forever (18+ MDNI) (Connor Rhodes x Fiancée!Nurse!Reader)
Surgical Serenad (Connor Rhodes x Surgical Resident!Reader)
Will Halstead
Unspoken Desires (Will Halstead x Doctor!Reader)
Daniel Charles
A Hug to Remember (Platonic!Daniel Charles & Platonic!Oakley Finn)
Jay Halstead
Dispatched Love (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Antonio Dawson
Heartstrings Tangled (Antonio Dawson x Reader)
From Tough to Tender (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Reader)
Undercover Temptation (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Reader)
From Colleagues to Lovers (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader)
Gossip and Glances (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader)
Flirting with Risk (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader)
Love in Sickness (Antonio Dawson x Sick!Reader)
Undercover Desires (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Cop!Reader)
Shattered Lives, Mended Hearts (Antonio Dawson x Paramedic!Reader)
Drunken Confessions (Antonio Dawson x Halstead!Reader)
Fighting Fate (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader)
Love Conquers All (Antonio Dawson x Halstead!Twin Sister!Reader)
Lost in Lust (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader
Frostbitten Love (Antonio Dawson x Firefighter!Reader)
Undercover Seduction (18+ MDNI) (Antonio Dawson x Intelligence!Reader)
In the Line of Fire (Antonio Dawson x Reader)
Hank Voight
Snapshot of Justice (Hank Voight x Intelligence!Reader)
Blake Gallo
Two Hearts, One Firehouse (Blake Gallo x Severide!Reader)
Kelly Severide
Taming the Flame (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Sizzling Heat (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Heatwave of Emotions (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Broken Promises, Rekindled Flame (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Rhodes!Reader)
Ignited Desires (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Firefighter!Reader)
Flames of Courage (Kelly Severide x Firefighter!Reader)
Passionate Nights (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Saving Grace (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Fiancée!Paramedic!Reader)
Fireside Romance (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Snowy Embrace (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Beneath the Bubbles (18+ MDNI) (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Christopher Herrmann
Surgical Sparks (Christopher Herrmann x Surgeon!Wife!Reader)
The Rookie
Tim Bradford
Love's Wake-Up Call (Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader)
Love in the Moonlight (18+ MDNI) (Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader)
Late Night Confessions (18+ MDNI) (Tim Bradford x Evers!Lawyer!Reader)
Unraveling Desires (Tim Bradford x Police K-9 Officer!Wife!Reader)
Forever Yours (18+ MDNI) (Tim Bradford x Reader)
Bulletproof Love (Tim Bradford x Reader)
Bobby Nash
Surprises and Smiles (Bobby Nash x Wife!Reader)
911 Lone Star
Owen Strand
Love and Homemade Treats (Owen Strand x Wife!Reader)
Fight to Survive (9-1-1 x Criminal Minds) (Evan Buckley x Nash!FBI!Reader)
Burning Jealousy (One Chicago x The Rookie) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Love in the Danger Zone (One Chicago x Top Gun Maverick) (Bradley Bradshaw x Halstead!Pilot!Reader and Kelly Severide x Halstead!Pilot!Reader)
534 notes · View notes
between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Hi I'm Ren!
I do not interact with fandom toxicity on this blog. Ship and let ship/DLDR are words I live by.
Don't spread hate or start drama and we're good. My blog space is my space. I create the fandom content I want to see, and am happy to help people brainstorm.
I do not give permission for my fanfics to be reposted anywhere other than my ao3 account, which can be found here. I do not give permission for my fics to be sold for profit of any kind.
Ask before using my fanfics for any form of creative project. This includes translating to another language, fanfic binding for personal use, podfic, etc. I want to make sure you are using my best quality writing for your projects. Fan artists can go wild, just tag me so I can see your awesome artwork!
This Blog Is NOT Spoiler Free!
Current Favorite Show: 911
Favorite Character(s): Evan Buckley, Tommy Kinard & Eddie Diaz
Favorite Ship(s): Riaz, Buddie, Tevan, Polyfire
Previous Favorite Show: Lockwood and Co
I RP via discord. If you're interested in becoming RP partners let me know.
If anyone has a good show rec feel free to send it my way and I might check it out! I always like discovering new content.
Genres I write on this blog:
Soft and Fluff
I do not write: RPF, x-readers, y/n, mpreg, a/b/o, or any other form of reader inserts.
I take requests! Feel free to leave prompts in my ask box. Or to just ask me things in general. I love headcanons.
Link to my Ao3 dashboard
Masterlist of Shows I Like:
Lockwood and Co
Shows listed below are written in no specific order.
The Recruit (2022)
Owl House
Gravity Falls
MCU (Infinity Saga/pre-endgame)
Stranger Things
The Hardy Boys (2020 Hulu)
Brooklyn 99
Villains of Valley View
Julie and The Phantoms
Henry Danger
Lab Rats
The Thundermans
The Bat Family (DC Universe)
Tales of Arcadia
The Dragon Prince
Power Rangers (tv shows)
The Witcher
Criminal Minds
Leverage Redemption
The Librarians
Locke & Key
Blue Bloods
The Winchesters
Teen Wolf
Scooby Doo (various shows/movies)
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megalony · 28 days
Drunk On Love
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine, requested by anon. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: While on shift with her brother, Eddie, (Y/n) goes into labour. So Tommy comes to pick her up and they go home to have a baby.
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When she felt an arm loop around the back of her shoulders, (Y/n) smiled and tilted her head back. She arched a brow and looked up at Evan who squeezed her into his side for a hug the moment she walked into the station.
"Morning Buck." She reached up and gave his wrist a squeeze, looking over at him to see a cheesy smile on his face.
(Y/n) let Evan take the lead when his arm dropped from her shoulders and she followed him towards the stairs. She looped her bag higher on her shoulder and reached her other hand out for the bannister to help propell herself up the stairs.
It was clear to see Evan was taking his time, trying not to speed up the stairs because he didn't want to rush off without (Y/n) and leave her lagging behind.
"So, we only get you for another week. You excited?" He looked over his shoulder to see (Y/n)'s smile melt as her eyes darted down to her stomach.
"Very… what're you gonna do without me?"
"Struggle." Evan quipped back as they reached the top of the stairs. When they headed into the kitchen, (Y/n) dropped her bag down on the table and pressed her hand to her hip. Her eyes instantly looked around Evan to see her brother who was stood in the kitchen, making himself a strong cup of coffee.
"Hey, Chris get to school okay?"
(Y/n) nodded while her hand tightened round her hip when her lower back twinged like someone had pushed a pin into her spine.
Her and Tommy had had Chris over for a sleepover last night and (Y/n) had taken him to school this morning on her way down to the station. It had been fun to have Chris stay over with them. They hadn't had him over for a while with being busy at work and getting things ready for when the baby arrived.
(Y/n) wanted to spend as much time with her nephew as she could before the baby arrived.
"Yep, no problems, although he wasn't pleased when Tommy got called on shift last night."
It hadn't been a great moment when they all remembered Tommy was on call this week and he got roped into a night shift last night. The only silver lining was that Chris had managed to spend some time playing games with them and Tommy had left just after nine. So he was home for games and tea and most of the movie they had watched.
It also meant Tommy couldn't take Chris to school. Usually when Tommy dropped him off, they would get donuts for breakfast, something (Y/n) had done today with Chris to try and keep his routine and make him smile.
"Thanks for taking him- you okay?" Eddie walked over to the table and placed a bottle of juice down in front of (Y/n).
But his eyes narrowed and he leaned closer, moving his free hand to rest on (Y/n)'s lower back when she arched forward. Both her hands moved to steady herself on the chair in front of her and she tilted her head down while her back stretched and tensed.
"Just back ache, I'm good." She nodded and slowly straightened back up when the twinging pain started to die down.
"Sit down, please."
Eddie pulled one of the chairs out and motioned towards it with raised brows and his lips set into a firm line. It was the 'big brother' look (Y/n) had gotten used to all her life. Eddie was the eldest and growing up, that meant he looked after all three of his sisters while their dad was away.
She stayed silent but did as requested, easing down into the seat which made her back click into place. Sitting down eased the pressure off her back but it didn't make her stomach feel much better. She leaned her elbow on the table and moved her right hand to rub circles along her stomach that felt like a balloon, constantly getting in her way.
"I'm okay, you don't have to fuss." A tender smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips as she gave Eddie's wrist a squeeze when he sat down next to her.
"You sure? I bet Cap would let you take maternity leave from now if you wanted to." Hen piped up as she sat down opposite (Y/n) at the table. She leaned back in her chair and brought one foot up to rest on the bottom of the chair, pressing her knee into her chest.
A cup of steaming tea was nursed between Hen's hands and she had a beaming smile that looked too bright for this early in the morning.
"I could, but I don't want to. Tommy's working until I hit thirty-nine weeks, or I go into labour, whichever comes first. I don't wanna be home on my own."
(Y/n) was torn. Her body was ready for a break, even though she wasn't really doing a lot at work. But she didn't want to be home alone.
Since getting pregnant, (Y/n) had been on restricted duties. She couldn't go into burning buildings, get on the ladder or the harness, if situations were deemed too dangerous she had to hang back as a spare set of hands. Half the time (Y/n) was benched to the station where she tidied and sorted paperwork and cleaned to remain busy.
She wasn't allowed to do shifts longer than twelve hours. She didn't do night shifts anymore both because most of the nighttime calls were serious and because (Y/n) couldn't sleep at home as it was, nights only made her feel worse.
If she was unwell, it was cleared that she could take maternity leave anytime from thirty-four weeks, but (Y/n) felt fine in herself.
Now, at thirty-six weeks, she was starting to get tired and the aches and pains were getting worse which the job didn't exactly help with. But (Y/n) didn't want to take leave until next week when she'd agreed it with Bobby.
Being home alone wasn't something (Y/n) liked to do. Once she was on maternity leave she said she would spend time with Chris, taking him to school, watching him while Eddie was at work and having him over to keep her company when Tommy was at work.
"Tommy mentioned something about that," Hen spoke around the rim of her cup with a small smile.
Everyone knew Tommy hadn't been happy with his Captain over in Harbour. Tommy didn't want to miss the birth of his first child, he wanted to be there with (Y/n) and he wanted to have time off with her beforehand because they didn't know when she would go into labour.
But Tommy couldn't have time off until (Y/n) hit thirty nine weeks, then he could go off on annual leave and be with her. But if (Y/n) went into labour before then, Tommys annual leave would graciously start early. They all knew labour was unpredictable and Tommy didn't want to be on shift if (Y/n) went into early labour.
He had had a very big argument with his Captain before giving in and storming off when he realised he couldn't win this argument. They would just have to push through and hope the baby would wait until near their due date.
"He was not happy-" Evan cut himself off with a groan when the familiar red lights began to flash above them and the alarm cut through the air.
"Where's Cap?" (Y/n) pushed forward onto the edge of her chair and took a look around. She couldn't go out on calls without Bobby's permission. He determined whether they were too strenuous or whether (Y/n) was good to tag along as a spare set of hands.
"You sure you're good to go?"
She felt Eddie's hand on her back as they all got up from the table and made their way towards the stairs.
Tilting her head down, (Y/n) looked down at her stomach and tried to smile, despite the way the baby started to wriggle around.
It wasn't as if (Y/n) was doing anything exhausting. She didn't do any heavy lifting, she didn't move or handle patients. (Y/n) helped direct people to the right places, assessed patients once they were in the ambulance and administered meds and did a few easy medical procedures for patients.
Nothing on the calls would strain (Y/n) or make her back ache any worse or worsen the tension in her stomach that was always there recently.
And after this week, (Y/n) would be back at home. She would be tucked up safely in bed next week and trying to busy herself tidying and sorting and reorganising the nursery to give her something to do.
She would be fine to join them and do some work today.
A deep frown set into Hen's features when she walked around the back of the truck. Her head angled down to one side and she slipped her helmet off, chucking it into the back compartment of the truck.
Her steps slowed down and she gingerly reached out to rest a hand down on (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) was stood at the side of the truck, one arm folded on the truck with her head on her arm and her other hand pressed against her lower back near her hips.
"Everything okay?"
"She won't stop moving, she's as restless as Tommy." (Y/n) kept her eyes closed and her head pressed down into her arm.
Everytime the baby twisted or kicked or wriggled around, it made (Y/n)'s hips and back ache. And it was causing tension in her lower stomach. It was almost as if her daughter was on the same wavelength as Tommy. He was forever on the move, sorting one thing or another around the house, switching from book to book and film to film.
It was why he was so well suited to being a firefighter and a pilot; flying the helicopters kept his mind busy and controlled all of his attention. He never had a free moment to sit and become bored.
"We're all packing up now, let's get back in the truck."
As soon as she straightened up, (Y/n) rolled her eyes and moved her hand down to the underside of her abdomen when the baby kicked. This wasn't fair. (Y/n) would be going off on maternity leave by the end of the day, let alone the end of the week if this carried on. And she knew if Eddie or Hen mentioned to Tommy that (Y/n) was starting to struggle, he would become overly worried and protective.
She didn't want to panic him or any of her team.
It took some effort to climb up into the truck and when she sat down, (Y/n) moved her hands to her thighs and clicked her back into place. She smiled when Hen sat down next to her and she tried to continue smiling when the rest of the team filtered in the truck.
(Y/n) couldn't help but close her eyes when the truck pulled away and they were on their way back to the station.
Each bump they drove over had her lunch crawling up her throat and every few minutes her stomach was tightening like someone was stretching her muscles out.
Her stomach jolted when they swerved round the next bend and she opened her eyes, deciding it was better to see where they were going than feel the abrupt turns and bumps.
As a twinge tore through her stomach, (Y/n) tried to think of something to take her mind off it. She racked her brain before she remembered something and reached her foot out to nudge Evan in the shin. It grabbed his attention and he looked across at her, squinting against the sun as he smiled quizzically.
"You working next Thursday?"
"Uh, no I don't think so. why, what do you have in mind?"
"Tommy got another ticket for the fight next week if you wanna go with them." Her head tilted in her brother's direction before she glanced out the window, thankful they were almost back at the station now.
"Oh, yeah great. I'd love to."
"Tommy's flying." Eddie chipped in, nudging his shoulder into Evan as (Y/n) smiled at the pair of them.
Her brother had never been in a helicopter so much as when (Y/n) got together with Tommy. It was a change for Eddie to be in a chopper and not think he was flying into unknown territory and not hear the sound of bullets clashing against metal.
When the truck parked up in the station, (Y/n) flung off her belt and waited for everyone else to filter out first. She wasn't too graceful getting in and out of the truck now and she was on a go-slow today, she would hold everyone up in getting out.
"You good?" Eddie murmured softly, holding a hand out towards his little sister when everyone else jumped down from the truck.
"Stiff," She muttered quietly, letting Eddie pull her up but she gripped his hand tightly when her stomach started to ache again. It was like gravity had hold of her stomach and was dragging the baby down to rest horribly on her pelvis. This shift was slowly getting to her and (Y/n) couldn't wait to be back home with Tommy.
She moved her hand to Eddie's shoulder and grabbed the door with her other hand, following Eddie down from the truck.
"Who else needs a coffee?"
Evan's voice thundered through the station as he led the way towards the kitchen after shedding his jacket and hanging it up.
"Do you-" Eddie cut himself off when (Y/n)'s hand moved from his shoulder and clutched around his upper arm instead. He felt her tug sharply on his arm as she gasped and pulled him onto his back foot. "What, what's up?"
(Y/n) groaned quietly and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath while her other hand moved to cradle her stomach. "Just a twinge, sorry."
A frown knitted Eddie's brows together while he moved his hand down to (Y/n)'s back, letting her lean on him to keep herself upright. He didn't like the tension he could see on her face or the pain hidden behind her eyes. Eddie was almost as good as Tommy at deciphering when (Y/n) was in pain and when she was trying to put on a brave face.
"You need to take it easy. Let's go sit down."
(Y/n) was in the mindset to agree with him. Maybe she needed to call it quits after today and go off on leave. It might be better than pushing herself and trying to keep going with work when she wasn't feeling up to it anymore.
They managed two steps away from the truck before (Y/n) pulled on Eddie's arm, harsher this time. And when she whimpered, pins and needles rushed down Eddie's arms towards his fingertips.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together, trying not to cry but she couldn't help it when the tears started to well up and her lungs began to seize up.
Both of them looked down as (Y/n) pressed her free hand to her stomach, her eyes focused on the floor.
Her waters had broken.
"Shit… oh, no wonder you've been in pain," Eddie moved his hands to hold her arms and gave a slight squeeze while he leaned down to kiss her temple. "It's alright, let's sit down and I'll sort everything out. Cap! Cap we've got a situation."
(Y/n) pressed her lips together and nodded, holding onto Eddie's arm while her other hand stayed on her stomach. Why did the baby have to come now? Why not next week? Why not the week after? Why now, four weeks early and right in the middle of a shift? (Y/n) didn't even know if Tommy was home or if he was still on shift.
What if they couldn't get hold of him? This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
She pushed her feet to keep moving and walked slowly with Eddie across the station floor towards the gym. It was clear Eddie was guiding her over to the bench since it was the closest place where they could sit down. He couldn't very well get (Y/n) up stairs into the kitchen in case it was harder to get her back down stairs when it was time to leave.
When they reached the bench, (Y/n) latched both hands around Eddie's arm, relieved when he helped her sit down and kissed the top of her head. He sat down next to her, close enough so their knees were bumping together and he slung an arm around her shoulders.
"Eddie, everything okay?" Bobby shrugged off his jacket and draped it over his left arm while he looked at the siblings.
"(Y/n)'s water broke, I'm gonna call Tommy see if he can come get her."
"He might be at work, he's on call this week." (Y/n) looked between the pair of them with worry in her eyes.
She wanted Tommy to be here but she didn't know if he was back home now or not. And she didn't want him to come over to get her and then the Captain down at Harbour try to keep him on call this week and drag him back in. That would be just their luck.
"You call Tommy, and I'll go make a call down to Harbour and let them know what's happening. I'll make sure they take him off the rota and put him on annual leave. Don't worry." Bobby's smile did wonders to calm down (Y/n)'s nerves and he nodded at them before he turned and headed towards his office, calling out to Hen on his way.
Bobby would let Harbour know and he wouldn't give them a choice but to sign Tommy off on his leave as of today. They could take him off the call list and every shift he was booked on. As of now, Tommy and (Y/n) were off duty for the next few weeks.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and tilted her head forward, moving both hands to her stomach when another twinge tore through her and she realised it was a contraction.
How many contractions had she already had that she didn't realise or know about? How long had she been in labour? She had been uncomfortable last night and it only got worse this morning. Had she been in labour all this time?
"Hey Eddie, what's up?" Tommy's voice came through thick and groggy and he barely managed to open his eyes to look at the caller ID.
He'd gotten home just over two hours ago and he had gone straight for a shower and climbed into bed. The call last night turned into a twelve hour shift that had drained Tommy down to embers. The only bright side was that it was double pay since it was an extra shift that he had no choice but to take since he was on call.
"(Y/n)'s waters broke, she gone into labour. Can you come down to the station?"
"What? Fuck, this is early. Okay, God I'm coming down just- just let me get dressed. Is she alright?"
Tommy was already scrambling up off the bed as he spoke. His eyes scanned round the room and he stumbled over to his dresser, scouting through for some clothes. Suddenly all the tiredness he felt earlier washed away and he was left wide awake and alert.
"She's fine, we'll see you soon."
"Help me up? I need to get changed." (Y/n)'s smile dampened when another pain tore through her stomach but she held her breath and silently pushed through the feeling until it lessened down.
She reached out and Eddie carefully pulled her up to her feet, staying close as he helped her through into the locker room. (Y/n) was glad she had a spare change of clothes in her locker as well as a spare uniform in case any call outs wrecked her uniform.
She found one of Tommy's henley shirts in her locker and a pair of leggings and by the time she got changed and back onto the station floor, her husband was bustling through the station towards her.
"Here's dad-to-be."
A nervous smile flooded Tommy's face and he nodded at Hen as he bypassed her and headed towards the back of the station where he could see his brother in law. His eyes locked on Eddie who was stood beside one of the benches, one hand holding his phone to his ear while his other hand was deadlocked in (Y/n)'s.
Relief pooled in (Y/n)'s eyes along with a few tears when she looked up at Tommy. He crouched down in front of her, moving his hands to hold her thighs as his smile started to melt like butter.
"I heard we're having a baby?" He asked softly before he pushed forward and pressed his lips against her stomach through her shirt.
"She's c-coming early… babe, your shirt's inside out." A quiet laugh tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips as she reached her hand round to cup the back of Tommy's neck. She brushed her fingertips over his shirt and flicked the tag that was poking out. She could see the hem lines over his shoulders where the material had been sewn together.
In his haste to get down here, Tommy hadn't looked properly when getting dressed. He didn't even put any socks on, he just grabbed what he could and hastily got dressed as he rushed down the stairs.
Tommy tilted his head down to look at his shirt which made his pointed chin press into his chest.
"Oh well." He would change it when he got home, the likelihood would be that he wouldn't be wearing a shirt later on when they were home anyway. "Let's get you both home, hm?"
His hands moved to (Y/n)'s hips as she held onto his biceps and let him ease her up to her feet. Pushing forward, she pressed her face into his shirt, supressing a groan as she started to shake when another contraction burned through her pelvis.
"Ma and papi know, I said I'd call once you've had her. You two gonna be okay, you need anything?" Eddie stuffed his phone back in his pocket and looked between them.
He had told their Abuela and their parents who would be on the next flight down here as soon as labour was over and (Y/n) had safely had her baby. They would come down immediately to welcome their next grandchild. Eddie and (Y/n) didn't have a fantastic relationship with their parents, but things like this always brought them closer together, if just for a little while.
And Eddie would tell Chris what was happening once he'd picked him up from school. He just knew Chris would be bouncing off the walls, desperate to go and visit his aunt and uncle and see his new cousin.
"I think we're gonna be okay."
"Alright, well I'll see you soon." Eddie leaned forward and pressed a lasting kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s head. "Good luck."
"Okay?" A tender look flooded Tommy's face and his eyes crinkled a she smiled across at (Y/n).
He folded his arms on the side of the small birthing pool they had set up in the back room. His pointed chin perched down on his arm and he reached one hand out to feather his fingertips along (Y/n)'s exposed shoulder.
She was knelt in front of him, so still and calm in the water that there was barely a ripple scattering through the water. Both her hands were clenched down on her thighs and she had her chin tilted down into the top of her chest while she tried to take deep, slow breaths.
"C-can you do something? I wanna push…" (Y/n) kept her head tilted down but she lifted her gaze just enough to look up at Tommy through her lashes.
How could he be so calm?
How could he kneel there in front of her and still smile and look placid and stoic and the epitome of peaceful when their midwife wasn't even here? They had only just managed to get hold of her after two hours of trying and she couldn't seem to get here any sooner.
She wasn't supposed to be on standby for (Y/n) until next week, but the baby had decided to make an early appearance.
"Okay, I'll take a look."
(Y/n) watched him push up from his knees and her eyes followed his broad frame as he climbed into the water with her. He had changed into a pair of shorts earlier and he had been in and out of the pool with (Y/n) over the past three hours.
But (Y/n) felt like something was happening. She felt like this was her moment to start pushing and she couldn't do that on her own. She couldn't push and have Tommy sat behind her like she desperately wanted. He was going to have to play midwife until help arrived.
His hands found her arms and he helped her move around from her knees to sit down and once he let go, (Y/n) started dragging her fingertips up and down her thighs. Focusing on the way the water bubbled and rippled between her fingers to distract herself.
Tommy's hands held her knees and his thumbs smoothed across her skin before he looked across at her.
This was the first time (Y/n) had seen something similar to panic flash across his eyes. But just as swiftly as it was there, the look disappeared and was replaced with a calm smile.
"You can push on the next one, you'll have to make do with me, sweetheart."
(Y/n) felt the urge to ask if he knew what he was doing, but she knew he did. They had both been to a few labours on shift, although this would be the first time Tommy had taken the lead rather than standing back and acting as a helping hand.
He took a quick look around, nodding to himself that he had gotten out everything they needed earlier. A pile of towels, some blankets for when the baby was born and a pair of scissors, just in case he had to cut the cord if the midwife didn't arrive.
"Big push sweetheart."
He shuffled closer on his knees and sank back on his heels while his shoulders hunched forward and he felt (Y/n)'s feet pushing into his thighs.
It surprised Tommy how flushed (Y/n) still was, despite being in lukewarm water like this. He had opened all the windows downstairs in the house when they came home and (Y/n) started to sweat and feel sick. But even now, sat in the water wearing only her bra, (Y/n) still felt like a hot water bottle.
(Y/n) pressed her hands down on the bottom of the pool and tucked her chin down, letting out a scream as everything started to shake.
How was Tommy so calm? Why wasn't the midwife here? Why did this still feel so serene and content despite the panic this situation should arouse?
"Okay, head's born now. You're doing so good."
Something akin to a smile fluttered on (Y/n)'s lips when opened her eyes and realised Tommy was grinning.
Tommy didn't usually have the honour of delivering babies on shift, that wasn't something he did when he was at the 118 or when he moved to Harbour. With the air service they barely got to see any births at all. They would transfer women to the hospital, but never got to deliver babies in transit.
"Keep pushing sweetheart, not long now, almost there."
(Y/n) couldn't feel the tears soaking down her cheeks anymore and she could barely feel her lower half, let alone her legs that had turned to jelly. All she knew was that her lower waist was on fire and it was spreading and tingling and the water made her feel like she was floating.
She had a sudden urge to lean back and submerge herself under the water. To see if staying beneath the surface would somehow dull the pain and clear her head and make her body feel calmer. Or if it would stop her from trembling so badly her elbows started to give way.
This was why she had wanted Tommy behind her, to help hold her up and hold her hand and coax her through this.
But as her elbows shook, she suddenly realised she could feel Tommy pressing a kiss to the lower side of her leg, muttering 'one more, one more' against her skin to keep her going.
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she felt like she was seeing stars when she heard a cry burst through the air. Her body slumped back into the water a little more until her elbows were pressed into the bottom of the pool, making it easier to hold herself up at an angle.
"She's here, she's here. You've done it."
The smile on Tommy's face was completely new and vibrant and it made (Y/n) feel like she was drunk on love.
She couldn't stop herself from panting, gasping for breath as she focused her blurry vision on her husband. He held their daughter in his hands but she looked so small that (Y/n) could barely see her engulfed in Tommy's arms. He had her tucked up against his bare chest and when (Y/n)'s senses came back to her, she realised she could hear the water methodically dripping from his elbows, back into the pool.
She felt Tommy kiss the top of her knee while he kept their daughter pinned to his chest with one arm and reached over the side to find one of the towels.
He took his time wrapping the blanket around the small bundle in his arms and his fingertips traced over the newborn's lips and down her chest. Counting each breath she took to make sure she was breathing and responding okay, but she looked perfect.
"Here you go, here's mummy." He leaned between (Y/n)'s thighs and eased the newborn down onto her chest when (Y/n) sat up so she didn't flop back into the water.
Her hands trembled as she curled them around her daughter and a floodwave of tears cascaded down her face as the newborn brushed her cheek against (Y/n)'s chest.
"She's perfect." Tommy murmured quietly while one hand curled around (Y/n)'s knee and the other moved to cup the back of her neck. He pressed his wet lips against (Y/n)'s temple, staying there for a few moments while he felt her laugh breathlessly against his chest.
(Y/n) tilted her head against Tommy's hand and dared to lean back a little, seeing that he was happy to take some of her weight for her. She nudged her nose against his until he swooped down and connected their lips in a kiss that stole every ounce of air from her lungs.
She felt his nose nudge hers and his teeth grazed at her lip while his thumb stroked the side of her neck.
When they pulled apart, (Y/n) pressed their foreheads together and started to stroke one hand up and down her daughter's back. But her eyes wouldn't look anywhere but Tommy who was smiling down at her in a daze.
"You can add midwife to your resume now."
"Is she here?!" The excitement in Chris's voice was unmatched by anything Tommy had ever heard when he opened the front door.
He took a step back, chuckling quietly when Chris barrelled into him before he had the chance to say hello. His arms bound around Tommy's waist and he gripped him tight in a bear hug before tilting his head as far back as he could so he could look up at his uncle.
"She certainly is. The girls are waiting for you in the living room." Tommy kissed the top of Chris's head and gave him a little nudge.
Chris needed no more encouragement than that to bolt into the hall and kick off his shoes in a hurry to go to the living room.
"So, everything went okay? No problems?" Reaching out, Eddie pulled Tommy into a hug before he walked in and closed the door. He had been a little surprised at how quickly he had received a call from (Y/n) saying the baby was here and everything was great.
And it made Eddie's heart swell with pride that he and Chris were the first ones to see the baby. His parents were on their way down, so were Tommy's parents who both lived out of town. Part of Eddie thought Evan might have wrangled his way over here to see the baby first, considering he was rather close to Tommy.
But it was Eddie and Chris who were the first visitors and they couldn't have been more proud.
"All went great. God, she's so tiny, only six pounds. Come on," Tommy patted Eddie's shoulder and led the way into the lounge.
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) looked over the back of the sofa and grinned when the boys walked in. She had already heard Chris squeal excitedly and he instantly plonked himself down on the sofa next to her.
Chris was a little taken back when he realised (Y/n) didn't have the baby in her arms. But he took the opportunity to lean over and wrap himself around his aunt like a vine and press a sloppy kiss to her cheek.
"Where is she?" Chris asked excitedly, looking around everyone as they all filtered in the room.
(Y/n) was curled up on the sofa with a blanket draped over her legs, wearing a pair of Tommy's lounge shorts and one of his signature grey hoodies. While Eddie walked in and sat down on the other side of the sofa, squishing Chris between him and (Y/n).
And Tommy walked into the room and went to crouch down beside the armchair, carefully and gently lifting the small bundle from the carrier in the corner.
Reaching over, (Y/n) eased Chris back so he was sat between her and Eddie and kept an arm around his shoulders. She knew he would want to hold his cousin straight away and that was fine with them. She kissed his temple and looked over at Tommy, watching with adoration in her eyes as he headed over and crouched down in front of the sofa.
They could barely see the baby in his arms when his muscles tensed and when he held her against his chest, he engulfed her and made her look tiny.
His eyes drifted between Chris and his daughter, smiling fondly as he arched a brow.
"Do you wanna hold Bonnie?"
Chris looked up at Eddie with such a wide grin that Eddie could feel tears in his eyes. He helped Chris move his arms in the right way and tense them before Tommy slowly eased the newborn into his arms. He laid Bonnie down over Chris's legs with her head supported in the corner of Chris's right elbow, next to (Y/n).
"She's so small and pretty!"
"She's beautiful," Eddie murmured, leaning over Chris to kiss (Y/n)'s temple before he reached a hand down to rest on the newborn's chest.
"Not too bad for my first delivery." Tommy quipped, staying crouched in front of the sofa while he rested a hand over on (Y/n)'s thigh.
"Your delivery? You delivered her, what happened with the midwife?"
Eddie's wide eyes looked between the pair while Chris swayed from left to right, rocking Bonnie as he quietly hummed. Clearly tuning out of the conversation now he had his cousin to focus all of his attention on and try to make sure that he didn't wake or disturb her.
(Y/n) moved her hand down to hold Tommy's shoulder and she leaned forward enough so that she could kiss his cheek and lean against his shoulder. Looking at him fondly with such an endearing smile, positively drunk on the love she had for her family.
"She didn't make it in time, but he did great. My pilot-slash-midwife."
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megalony · 24 days
What's My Name
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine, I hope you will all like it. Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @shauna-carsley @dottirose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: While they're both on shift, (Y/n) starts to become disorientated and unwell. And Tommy and her dad don't know what to do when she starts having memory problems.
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A quiet grumble vibrated at the back of Tommy's throat and his eyes furrowed and winced in his sleeping state. The end of his nose crinkled and he frowned, confusion flooding his brain as he began to wake up.
Why was he waking up? Why did it feel like he had only just gone to sleep five seconds ago? Surely the alarm wasn't going off already?
When he blinked and tried to gain awareness of his surroundings, he groaned again. The bedroom was pitch black. It was still late into the night, or possibly early in the morning. It wasn't the alarm that had woken him. After another second, Tommy realised it was his phone quietly vibrating on the dressing table which he could hear.
Tommy's nose crinkled again when he took a deep breath and started to realise how he was laid.
His right arm had gone completely numb and he soon realised that was because his arm was beneath the pillow (Y/n) was laid on. Her neck was directly on his arm and her right hand was clutching his wrist like she thought he was suddenly going to disappear in the middle of the night.
Tommy was laid on his right side with his lips and nose pressed down against the top of (Y/n)'s head. With his height, he usually tried to stay as close to the headboard as he could or else his feet would dangle over the end of the bed.
And his left arm was secured around (Y/n)'s waist beneath the cover, his fingers subconsciously digging into her waist and hip.
With a quiet groan of discontent, Tommy lifted his head from the pillow and pulled his left arm free from the covers. His bare chest pressed into (Y/n)'s back and he took the opportunity to kiss the top of her head while he stretched across and grabbed his phone from her side table where he dumped it when he got in.
He didn't bother to check the caller ID before he answered and pressed the phone to his ear, letting his head flop back into the pillow.
"Hello?" His gruff voice was thick with sleep and two octaves deeper than usual but he didn't care. He could feel sleep ebbing away at his mind until a crisp, low voice crackled through the other end of the line and sharpened his mind awake.
"Kinard, it's Robson."
Oh God, why was his Captain calling him?
When he pulled the phone away from his ear and squinted at the bright screen, Tommy all but huffed in distaste. It was four in the morning. The Captain was calling him at four in the morning. Why? What did he want?
Didn't he know that Tommy had gotten home at half eleven tonight- last night? Just over four hours ago? He had been in bed for all of four hours before being disturbed.
"Yeah… yeah, what's up?"
"I've had two people from the A shift call in sick, a chopper should have been sent downtown half an hour ago and I've got a broken train on the subway. I need a pilot and you're on call. Can you come back?"
That wasn't fair. Tommy let his annoyance be heard in the way he growled animalistically and huffed through his nose. He hadn't had nearly enough sleep to be going back on shift, especially if he was going to be there for a while. But did he actually have a choice in this? He was on call. Whether he went in right now or turned up in a few hours after some more sleep, Tommy was still going to have to go on shift.
The sooner he went in, the sooner he could come back home and come back to bed.
"You know I'm supposed to have eleven hours between full shifts, right?" The cocky tone to his voice gave away that he wasn't about to pull the law book out here.
He could, if he really wanted to. Tommy could be petty and state that in his contract, if he had just done a full twelve, or even a twenty four hour shift, he had to have eleven hours before his next shift. It could be classed as breaking the law if he didn't get enough rest between shifts and went back in how after only four hours of sleep and of being at home.
But this was the job. This was what they had to do when they were struggling for staff and it was an extra shift. Tommy could ask to have his next shift off as a swap for coming in today. Then he could recover and spend some time at home with his wife before going back to work.
"Are you gonna pull the book on me, or are you able to come in? I'll pay you double and you can head home early, I swear."
"Double, and I work today instead of my next shift."
When he hung up the phone, Tommy tossed it back on the side table and brought his hand up to rub at his eyes. He'd done a good negotiation there. Usually it was rather hard to make a deal with Captain Robson. He wasn't cruel or harsh by any means, but he wasn't always as easily understanding like Bobby.
He took a moment to run his hand up and down his face and try to wake himself up.
His body was crying out for sleep. He needed rest. But he had a feeling this shift might go quick. The morning shifts usually did pass by swiftly especially if they were busy. And Tommy would clearly be up in the air flying this morning and hopefully he could spend a bit of time back on the ground. Too much time up in the air with a foggy brain crying out for sleep wasn't an ideal situation.
If need be, Tommy would swap with someone on the team and take over on the truck so he could leave the chopper.
After a few seconds, he looped his arm back around (Y/n)'s waist and began to feather his fingers up and down her chest and abdomen. He pressed his chest into her back and tilted his head down until his nose and mouth were pressed into the crook of her neck.
It took him by surprise just how warm (Y/n)'s skin felt against his touch. He could feel a layer of sweat coating her skin and she was radiating heat like a house in winter.
He pressed a soft kiss against the base of her neck before slowly working his way up, leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake up until his lips reached the tip of her jaw. He peppered his way down her jaw and leaned over so he could peck her cheek. The touch made (Y/n) shiver, but she stayed mostly burrowed down with her face burrowed into the pillow and her hand still gripping his right wrist.
"Honey," His voice was still laced with sleep, but it was much smoother now. He let his teeth graze against her jaw while his palm pressed down against her stomach to try and wake her. "I gotta go back into work now."
Moving his hand up, Tommy let go of her waist and gently curled his hand around (Y/n)'s wrist that was clinging to his hand. He uncurled her fingers from his wrist and pulled her arm up so he could kiss the back of her hand. His touch seemed to stirr her this time. He felt her shuffle back into him and her head tilted in his direction, lifting from the pillow. But she didn't bother to open her eyes.
"Home… going home,"
Her words made Tommy frown. He couldn't be sure what she muttered afterwards, but those words were enough to make him smile and wonder what kind of dream she was having. He pecked her cheek and entwined their fingers, holding her hand against his bare shoulder while (Y/n) nudged her head back until she pushed her temple against his shoulder.
"No, no baby we're home now. You with me?" He waited a few seconds until (Y/n) finally seemed to wake up and listen to what he was saying.
When she didn't answer, Tommy leaned over with his chest pressed back down against her shoulders and he stole a kiss. The touch shocked her awake a little more and he felt the surprise in the way she gasped before her lips began to move against his own and her tongue darted across his lips.
"Babe…" Her voice was nothing more than a quiet pant against his lips and it made Tommy hate himself for agreeing to this.
He didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay right here with her, where he belonged. But if he went now, he would be gaining a full day off with her the day after tomorrow- which was technically today since it was now morning. He knew (Y/n) would be on shift today and then tomorrow she would be off and now they could spend the day together.
"I gotta go back to work honey, you gonna be okay if I go?" The thought of leaving didn't exactly sit well in Tommy's gut when he looked down at his wife.
(Y/n) had been off work three days ago with a cold and although she promised Tommy on the phone this afternoon that she had felt better today, he wasn't inclined to agree. And now he could feel her starting to sweat, despite the cold air circulating through their bedroom, he wondered if she was starting to feel unwell again.
If she didn't want him to go he would ring Robson back and try to bargain to go in later this morning if he could. He would go in the same time as (Y/n) went for her shift, if she was well enough. So he could make sure she was alright and actually going to make it through her shift.
"Hm." She nodded and pulled her hand free from his so she could run her fingers across his cheek and steal another tired, sloppy kiss from him.
He knew if she didn't feel well enough she would call in sick. When they first started dating, (Y/n) had a hard time admitting when she was unwell and tried to keep going on shift even if she felt rough or could barely keep her eyes open. Now though, she was more easy-going on herself and understood it was okay to take a break when needed.
And she would be on shift with her dad. Tommy knew his father in law would keep an eye on (Y/n). Bobby would make sure she was okay and send her home if he thought she was too unwell to carry on with her shift.
"Alright then, I'll call you when I'm coming off shift."
(Y/n) grumbled quietly when Tommy's warmth suddenly disappeared from behind her. She no longer felt like she had a full length hot water bottle pressed up against her. There wasn't a secure arm around her waist or a face tucked lovingly into the crook of her neck.
She felt cold and alone and suddenly unsafe without Tommy wrapped around her, engulfing her in his large frame.
She could hear him shuffling around the room, getting dressed in the dark so he didn't have to put the light on and disturb (Y/n). Once he was dressed, (Y/n) suddenly felt his fingers beneath her chin and he tilted her head back into the pillow so her face was aimed up towards his.
"See you soon honey. Love you." His lips glued to (Y/n)'s and stole the little air left in her lungs while his thumb caressed her chin like he was drawing patterns on her skin. When he pulled back, (Y/n) lifted her head, trying to follow his lips and move with him until he pecked her temple and nudged her back into the bed. She needed to get some more sleep.
"Love you." She murmured softly, feeling a dull ache in her chest when his chuckle subsided and his footsteps started to become distant as he left the room.
Tilting her head from left to right, (Y/n) tried to get her eyes into focus and take note of her surroundings.
Everything was blurred. She was seeing double.
Nothing seemed to make sense in her mind and everything was spinning.
Her body slumped back until her shoulders and the back of her head bashed into something cold. She let her weight drop back and allowed her body to slide down until she was crouched down on the floor.
She was leaning against a fire truck. Why was there a fire truck here? Where was she? What kind of emergency situation was she caught up in to be near a fire truck? Was she hurt?
(Y/n) moved her hands and held them out in front of her. Both hands were shaking and she could see the veins popping up on her hands beneath her skin. She was burning up. Sweat was glistening on every part of her exposed skin and she could feel it making her shirt stick to her frame. Her body was overheating. Her hair was sticking to her temple and beads of sweat rolled down the side of her neck.
Her lungs burned as she tried to take deep breaths and work out what she was doing and where she was, but nothing was making sense.
You're supposed to help people.
A small, nagging voice in the back of her head tried to make sense of this, but it wasn't working. How was she supposed to help people? What was she supposed to do?
Her trembling hands moved up to cup her ears, drowning out the noises she could hear while her eyes fell closed. Ignoring the flashing lights making her temple throb and the bright midday sun that was beaming down on her like a spotlight.
She wanted to go home. Where was home? Was home near here? Home was with her dad. Where was he? Where was Bobby?
Her hands left her ears and a shudder jolted through her entire body when something on the truck slammed shut. Whether it was a hatch or a door or just someone retrieving something, (Y/n) wasn't sure. But the shockwave that rattled through the metal truck made her head pound and had her body coiling forwards.
She moved to press her hands down on the floor and slowly push herself to her feet, whimpering at how uneasy she felt when she was on her feet and how unbalanced she was. Whichever way her head wanted to lean, the rest of her body slowly started to follow until she was swaying left and right as she tried to walk forwards.
But she didn't know where she was going.
"Hey Bobby, where'd you want me?"
The tiredest smile Bobby had ever seen flooded his son-in-law's face and he watched Tommy hold his arms out at his sides while he took a look around the scene. He walked away from the truck he had just been driving and headed over towards Bobby who was sending his team this way and that to try and make sure every car on this bridge was evacuated.
At least six cars had piled up in a crash and they needed to evacuate them all and assess who needed urgent medical attention, who could walk away from this and who needed transport to hospital.
For a moment, Bobby looked at the younger man in front of him and looked around. They hadn't asked dispatch for air support. They had asked for another team and at least three ambulances, but no one was in dire need of being air-lifted to hospital.
But it clicked when he finally realised that Tommy was in the matching uniform. Dark blue shirt, thick black overalls and a black and florescent yellow jacket. He was here on ground support today. He was here as a firefighter, not a pilot.
And since this was Bobby's callout since his team got here first, Tommy's team would be taking their lead from him.
"Hey… weren't you on shift last night?" Bobby reached over to clap one hand on Tommy's shoulder before he looked around the scene again.
"I'm on call this week."
"Ah. Well, in that case, there's three cars over there who haven't been evacuated yet. Find (Y/n) and take her with you, I need everyone off this bridge."
"Copy that."
Tommy could feel the tiredness washing over him like waves lapping at the sand. But his mind started to vibrate and liven up at the thought of finding his wife. He hadn't seen her at all yesterday from being on shift and they only exchanged small talk last night when he came home and climbed into bed.
He wanted to see her and talk to her and ask if she was feeling any better. And maybe steal a kiss or two if he could.
His eyes darted around the scene as he looked for that familiar style of hair or the matching jacket that had his last name stitched across the back.
It didn't take long for his eyes to land on that all too familiar frame he had memorised down to every last mark, scar and mole on her skin. But as his eyes drank in the sight of his wife, Tommy couldn't help but furrow his brows and tilt his head to one side.
She wasn't walking properly.
For a moment, he thought she might have sprained her ankle or done something to her knee with the way she was walking. But after a few steps, he realised she wasn't actually walking like she was in pain. She was walking like she couldn't seem to hold herself upright.
Her body was leaning forwards while she had one arm locked around her waist and her other hand deadlocked at the back of her neck, scratching into her skin.
He watched the way her eyes danced across him before she went back to scouring the scene like she was looking for something in particular.
Tommy took a deep breath and picked up the pace to meet (Y/n) halfway. He stopped in front of her and reached his hands out to gently hold onto her upper arms and stop her in her tracks. His thumbs brushed up and down her arms over her jacket and he leaned his chest back and tilted his head down until his pointed chin was pressing down into his chest so he could look down at her.
"Honey, you okay?" He tried to smile but (Y/n) wasn't looking at him properly. She was constantly darting her eyes from left to right, briefly looking up at Tommy before she went back to scanning their surroundings like she didn't know or understand what was happening.
He watched curiously as (Y/n) reached her arms out and held onto Tommy's arms just below his elbows and her grip was so tight he could feel her nails digging into his jacket.
She was sweating. And shaking. And she was swaying back and forth like she didn't know how to hold her own balance.
Tommy let his hands glide up her arms to her shoulders and he carefully pushed her jacket off her shoulders. He slid the thick material down her arms and let it fall into a puddle on the floor, curving around the back of (Y/n)'s boots. He could see from how badly she was sweating and her shallow breathing that she was running a temperature and in this heat, she didn't need an extra layer to make it worse.
He pressed the back of his hand against her temple which seemed to bring her back to reality while his right hand curved around the back of her arm. Keeping her stood as close to him as possible and holding her up so she didn't wobble or take a tumble.
"(Y/n), are you with me?" His hand left her temple and moved to cup her chin so he could tilt her head up to interlock their gazes.
"You… you know my name?"
Was she trying to joke with him? Was this another way of teasing him because he rarely ever said her name anymore. Tommy had so many pet names for her that he couldn't remember the last time he'd called (Y/n) by her name.
And both their teams knew this too. It was something Evan liked to tease him about while Bobby thought it was endearing since he himself wasn't used to calling Athena anything but her name or the occasional 'honey'.
Tommy let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes while his head dropped down at an angle. And his thumb began to glide up and down (Y/n)'s chin, moving dangerously close to her lips every now and then.
"I think I know my own wife's name by now, don't you?"
The way (Y/n) latched her hands around Tommy's arms again made him stand up straighter and tense his arms beneath her touch. She was beginning to shake worse and when he realised she had tears trickling down her face, panic surged through his heart that started to hammer away against his ribs.
Tightening his hands around her arms, he tried to force himself to smile to try and keep her calm because he could see she was starting to panic.
He nudged her back until she was taking a few steps backwards, letting him guide her towards the concrete wall separating the two sides of the dual carriageway on the bridge. He nudged (Y/n) back until she took the hint and slumped down onto the concrete wall with a thud. Her knees trembled and her body leaned forward while Tommy crouched down in front of her legs.
"You don't look well, honey what's the matter? Talk to me." His hands left her arms to begin smoothing up and down her thighs instead.
He noticed how she didn't pull away or push his touch away, but the way she was looking at him made him feel uneasy.
Whenever (Y/n) was ill, she could cling to Tommy. Whether that be to get him to wrap her up in a hug or to cling to him for comfort or just rest her head on his shoulder for some form of touch. She would always wrap herself around Tommy and it was something he loved about her.
But she wasn't clinging to him right now. She was barely responding to him at all and it was frightening.
"Talk to me," He coaxed again, his tone gentler and quieter this time, letting her know his focus was solely fixed upon her.
"I… I don't… where am I? I don't wanna b-be here…"
"You're on shift honey, see?" Tommy reached out and feathered his fingers across the LAFD logo on the left side of her shirt before he pointed at the fire truck behind him.
What was going on right now? Why was (Y/n) confused about where she was or what she was supposed to be doing? Where on Earth did she think she was? What did she think was going on to make her this frightened and reverting back into her shell?
"You're important… someone important… I-" The shaking started to increase throughout (Y/n)'s body until she was trembling back and forth on the wall as f she was about to fall down onto Tommy's lap.
Tears jumped free from her lashes and fell down the bridge of her nose, making glistening tracks in their wake as she started to sniff and gasp for each breath.
The way Tommy pushed up on his heels and brushed the tears away made (Y/n)'s heart stutter. She reached out to cup his wrist and kept hold of him, but the fear in her eyes made Tommy want to burst into tears too.
"What's my name?" Utter panic dwelled in Tommy's voice that dropped down an octave as he stared at his wife. "Honey, what's my name?"
She shook her head.
She couldn't answer him because she didn't know the answer.
But despite not knowing his name and not placing who he was, her grip stayed paramount around Tommy's wrist, refraining him from pulling away from her. She was clinging to him even though she didn't know who he was. She was staring at him with such fear and confusion in her eyes that it made Tommy want to be sick.
There was nothing he could do. What was he supposed to do? How could be rectify this and make her remember him and understand what was going on?
"Bobby, I need some help over here."
Tommy moved one hand and waved out until he finally caught the Captain's attention and waved him over. All while his other hand stayed cradling the side of (Y/n)'s face since she was clinging to him.
There was something familiar about him. Although (Y/n) couldn't think of his name or place why she knew the person knelt down in front of her, she knew there was just something about him that was recognisable.
He was important. He was special, but she didn't know why. It was like there was a dream lingering in the back of her mind, telling her that she knew him from somewhere. His face, chiselled and handsome, was memorable and familiar but all the answers were locked up in a safe, hidden away in the depths of her mind that she couldn't delve into.
The more (Y/n) tried to think, the worse she began to feel. The more she tried to think why she was here, why she was dressed so similar to the man in front of her, why she was at some sort of crash sight. Why she was so groggy and burning and on fire and feeling sick. The more her head started to ache.
A sharp pain was igniting in the base of her skull and firing down her neck like bullets travelling the expanse of her spine.
She wanted to be sick. She wanted to close her eyes and go to sleep. She wanted to go home. Where was home? Why wasn't she back in Minnesota? This wasn't her home town, she knew that for certain.
Wherever she was, this was unfamiliar.
"Dad!" As soon as her eyes found her dad rushing towards her, relief sparked so hard in her blood that (Y/n) couldn't feel her hands anymore.
Her body bolted up from the wall so fast she stumbled into the man kneeling in front of her legs.
She felt his hands grapple to hold onto her hips, preventing her from falling onto his chest and keeping her up on her own two feet. Once she was steady again, (Y/n) pushed forward and reached her trembling arms out for her dad.
It was such a relief to have Bobby pull her into his chest that her vision suddenly went white and her mind started to blank and turn to mush. Static fizzled and popped in her ears and her body swayed forward into her dad's arms until he braced his hands on her hips and held her upright.
"Sweetheart what's the matter?" Bobby moved his hand to run up and down her back while he glanced over at Tommy for some sort of explanation.
"I wanna go home."
"She's delirious and feverish… Bobby, she doesn't recognise me or where she is." Tommy's hand reached out as if to rest on (Y/n)'s shoulder but he pulled back, thinking better of touching her if she had no idea who he was. "We need to get her down to the hospital, now."
Tommy swallowed dryly and felt his throat threatening to close up as he looked from Bobby, down to his wife, and back again.
She didn't remember him. She didn't know who he was or where she was or what was going on. The only person she was sure about was her dad. They needed to get her checked out. This had to be more than a simple cold or a fever for (Y/n) to be this confused and frightened and experiencing memory problems.
(Y/n) tucked her face into Bobby's chest and bound her arms tighter around his torso until she was almost cutting off his breathing.
He kept his left arm bound around her middle, holding her weight up for her against his chest while his right hand moved to cradle her face. He tilted her head back so she was looking up at him, and he realised how flushed her skin was and how she was burning up against him.
"Sweetheart… do you know where you are?"
"Home, wanna go home." She muttered breathlessly into his shirt, smothering her face into his chest again so she didn't have to squint in the bright sunlight or focus on anything in particular.
"Okay, let's go get you to a doctor first, hm?" Bobby leaned down to kiss the top of her head while his hand continued to smooth up and down her back.
He didn't want to pester her with questions, not when he could feel her crying quietly into his shirt. Asking questions she couldn't find the answers to was only going to distress her even more and she didn't need that right now.
He leaned his cheek on top of her head, locking eyes with Tommy while he held his radio.
"Hen, I need the ambulance prepped and ready to go… (Y/n) needs an assessment and a trip to the hospital."
They heard a bundle of responses, Hen agreeing with them, Chimney asking if he needed to call Tommy. Evan and Eddie asking what was going on and if she had got trapped or hurt out on the call.
But Bobby didn't answer any of them. He looped his arm around (Y/n)'s waist rather than her back and started to guide her away from the wall and towards the ambulance parked just behind the truck on the hard shoulder. His other arm looped around her chest and his hand began to glide up and down her back to try and keep her calm.
He could feel Tommy close on his left side, keeping (Y/n) held between them while Tommy dared to rest a hand on her shoulder. Relieved when she didn't pull away or flinch or scream at him to let go.
But as the three of them made a slow walk towards the ambulance, Tommy suddenly stopped and jerked his arms out in front of him when (Y/n) started to fall.
Her feet bent awkwardly beneath her and her body tilted to the left, bumping into Tommy's shoulder before she flagged in Bobby's arms and her mind shut down.
Both of them grabbed hold of her, stopping her from hitting the floor with a bang as she went completely limp.
Bending his knees, Tommy curved round so he was in front of (Y/n) and let her head flop onto his shoulder. He curved an arm behind her legs and one around her waist and as quickly as he could, he shifted her round and lifted her up bridal style. Her face stayed pressed against his shoulder while Bobby held her hand and placed her arm across her chest so it didn't hang down at her side.
"We need to go." Tommy watched his father in law break off into a sprint towards Hen to get the gurney from her. His panic a silent agreement that they had to go now and they had to move quickly.
Tommy's eyes darted ahead and then back down to his wife, limp, sweating and trembling in his arms like they were in the arctic instead of under the burning LA sun.
What was happening to her? And why didn't she remember him?
"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" Bobby let his gaze linger on (Y/n)'s hand that he had been holding for the last hour or so.
He slowly moved her hand so he could kiss the back of her knuckles and run his other hand up and down her arm. He smiled softly across at her, watching the way (Y/n) dragged her free hand to shakily brush across her eyes and nose and wake herself up a little more.
She pushed herself up and took a look around.
She was in a bed. She was in a hospital room, wearing a hospital gown. There was an IV taped into the back of her left hand and monitoring stickers that she realised now felt itchy and uncomfortable over her chest. And she could feel the wires rubbing against the gown and tickling over her arm.
"Cold," (Y/n) murmured as goosebumps started to prickle on her skin when she realised she was actually cold.
She watched the way her dad hung his head down and smiled while he moved their entwined hands to rest down on the bed next to her thigh.
"You were burning up so they turned the A/C on full and put a fan on, you're almost back to normal temperature now though."
It made (Y/n) feel like one of the desserts her dad made for the parties they were always throwing. Like she was starting to melt or become overcooked and needed to go in the fridge before she turned to mush.
But she felt like she was at a normal temperature now because she could register that the room was freezing cold and she was at the point of shivering.
"Alright sweetheart, can you tell me what day it is, or the last thing that you remember?" Bobby let go of her hand to smooth his palms up and down his jeans. He could feel the worry ebbing away in his chest and eating out his heart that was hammering three times as fast against his ribs.
He wasn't sure he was prepared for what answers she might give him. They didn't know if she had been suffering memory loss or if she had just been extremely confused. And they didn't know what time zone (Y/n) thought she was in since she couldn't remember who Tommy was, and she had been with him for the last five years.
It was almost frightening for Bobby to wonder what time (Y/n) thought she was in and what she might or might not remember.
When her dad let go of her hand, (Y/n) suddenly felt even colder and lonesome. She ran her fingers up and down the creases in the thin sheet that was draped across her legs and pulled up to her waist. But when she lifted her gaze, her head tilted to one side and her lips parted.
Something soft swirled in her deep eyes and her lips quirked into a smile as she reached a hand out across the room.
She hadn't realised he was in the room with them until now. Her gaze locked on her husband, stood as close to the door as he could get like he thought he might need to make a quick exit anytime soon.
He was stood with one leg crossed over the other and his body slanted at an angle while his left shoulder was pressed against the wall. He was facing the door with his head tilted down so his cleft chin was tucked against his chest. And he had his arms folded over his chest, showing off the way his muscles in his biceps tensed and how his work shirt looked a size too small for him.
But when his name passed through her lips, Tommy's head snapped to the right.
His blue eyes went wide until his pupils almost took over the whole expanse of his eyes and his lips parted, but he couldn't find anything to say.
She recognised him. She'd said his name. She knew who he was.
He pushed his frame off the wall and bolted across the room until he could collapse down on the side of the bed next to her thigh. His hands reached out for hers but her hand was already out, cupping the side of his face before he could grab her.
His fingers glided up and down her arm, ghosting over her pulse point as if to make sure she was actually speaking to him and this wasn't just some kind of wishful dream.
"You know my name." He muttered in disbelief before he turned his head to the right and pressed his lips against her wrist, kissing over her pulse. He leaned his cheek into her touch, wanting to melt on the spot when her fingers cupped his cheek and the underside of his jaw and he felt her thumb going across his cheekbone.
"It'd be a bit embarrassing if I didn't… I married you, didn't I?" Her voice was quiet and crackling from how dry her throat felt, but her words were like the softest string quartet Tommy had ever heard.
"What's the last thing you remember?"
He could of just sat there in awe of his wife and beg her to say his name over and over and over until it was the only thing he could understand and be sure of. But Tommy wanted to make sure she didn't have any gaps in her memory and that she hadn't time-skipped but still forgotten some of her memories.
"I… I was home, getting ready for work… you'd gone really early, but I- I don't remember going to work, or coming here." She could picture herself getting dressed at home. She could see herself looking at the bed with disappointment that she had woken up alone because Tommy had been called away so early.
She had barely gotten to hug and snuggle with him before he was gone again like a vague dream she could barely recall.
The relief in Tommy's eyes told (Y/n) that what she remembered was recent and she could tell he was overjoyed.
Had she really forgotten who he was? What had she said or done to him to make him worry she wouldn't remember him when she woke up? Oh God, what had she done to him?
Tears welled up in her eyes and she could barely register her dad kissing her temple, muttering that he was going to go and get Athena and bring her up before he left the room.
As soon as the door closed, (Y/n) brushed her thumb across Tommy's cheek and bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from crying. She felt her spine clicking into place as she leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his temple. The touch almost made him jump, but the way he leaned his head back and stared up at her with those big doe eyes made (Y/n)'s stomach flutter with adrenaline.
"Baby did I, did I really forget your name… forget you?"
"Only for a moment. You knew I was someone important." The soft, intoxicating smile on his lips made (Y/n) want to smile, but all she could do was take short, puffed breaths.
"You got a viral infection, encephalitis. But we caught it in time, you're gonna be just fine now. And you remember us all and who you are, so no more tears, okay?"
Tommy kissed over her pulse point again before he leaned forward and moved his hands to cradle her face.
He pulled her in for a kiss, tasting the salt tears over her lips and feeling them trace onto his face when she couldn't seem to stop them. He stole the little air left in her lungs and grazed his teeth along her lip while their noses brushed together and he couldn't help but smile against her lips.
"As long as you remember me, honey, it's all good."
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megalony · 7 days
It Means Hero
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine I had an idea for, which involves a deaf! Reader and kids. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
(And I'm so happy to be writing about the Medal Scene and have more requests like this lined up)
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: Tommy brings his wife and their kids down to the 118 for the award ceremony. And it seems to be going great, until they bump into his former Captain, Gerrard.
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The end of Tommy's nose crinkled and lines appeared in his cheeks when he smiled. He opened the back door and leaned his hip against it, grinning at the boys when they all got ready to clamber out the car.
He watched them scurry down and move over to (Y/n) before he reached in the back to where Daisy was waiting, impatiently kicking her legs with her arms stretched out, waiting to be unbuckled from her car seat.
Once Tommy unbuckled her, he scooped her up into his arms and when she clung to his neck, he rolled his eyes playfully but obliged and sat her on his hip. His eyes were enamoured by Daisy as she pressed her hand to her chin before pulling it away and giggling a quiet "Thank you," along with the sign, for getting her out of the car.
He shut the door with his hip and moved to stand next to (Y/n) while his eyes dragged up and down the station he hadn't been to in a long while.
It had been over five years since Tommy had worked in this station and it had been a long time since he had been here in his uniform. Usually if ever he came to the 118 fire house, it was to see Eddie or Buck and head out with them after shift. He couldn't remember the last time he had come to this station and stayed longer than five minutes.
His eyes dragged over Daisy's frame again, smiling at the red and black polka dot dress she was wearing. And he reached out to flick one of the blood red bows tied in her hair. She had her hair done into two plaits with bows at the top making her look very cute.
Now she was three, her hair was starting to thicken and grow long and Tommy missed how thin and spiky her hair had been when she was a bit younger. He used to love tying her hair up in thousands of bobbles and making her look like Cindy Lou from The Grinch.
He felt (Y/n) lean her head on his arm and cosy up to his side while the boys walked in front of them.
But Jake turned on his heels and slowed down so he could look up at Tommy who rose a brow, waiting for him to speak.
"Why aren't we going to your station?"
Tommy's expression softened while he smoothed his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back.
The boys had never been to this station before. They had gone to the 227 quite a few times to see Tommy on shift and meet his team, all of whom loved the boys and Daisy. They had been down to Harbour quite a few times too and Tyler had gone in the helicopter with Tommy for a ride a few months back, something he really enjoyed. But none of them had ever been to another station before.
"Because everyone else who get's a medal works here, buddy." It wouldn't be fair to hold the ceremony anywhere else but here at the 118 when the four other people who played a part in the cruise ship rescue came from this house. It was only right that they held the celebration here and Tommy came over here for the event.
Part of him didn't want to be here, he didn't like the spotlight being on him, but sharing the stage with the 118 gang made it bearable. And Buck and Chimney had not stopped bugging Tommy until he had no choice but to turn up.
And when all the kids said they wanted to see him get a medal, how could he refuse?
He felt (Y/n) press up into his side when they walked through the doors. She had never been here before either, although she knew all of the 118 who had quickly become Tommy's close friends.
Her face nuzzled into his arm and she curled both her hands around his bicep, dragging her fingers over the creases and groves in his uniform that she had spent so much time staring at this morning when they were getting ready. The hustle and bustle inside the station made her heart leap. There were a lot of people here, most of whom (Y/n) didn't know. And the only people she would know were the ones who would be stood up on stage so it wasn't as if (Y/n) could sit and converse with them until the ceremony was over.
(Y/n) stopped walking when Tommy did and they stood to the side, all three boys surrounding them as they waited for Tommy to make a move.
Tilting her head up, (Y/n) perched her chin on her husband's shoulder and smiled sweetly at him while she moved her index finger in a circle around them to signal their little group.
She then uncurled her hands from his arms so she could hold out her index and middle finger in front of her like a straight line. And on her left hand, she stuck her index and middle finger up like crooked bunny ears and brought them down, curling them over her right hand. The sign for sit.
"Who do we sit with?" She tried to keep her voice quiet but still loud and clear enough for Tommy to hear.
(Y/n)'s hearing was impaired, it had been the same since she was born and therefore she couldn't hear her own voice properly or hear sounds around her. She could speak but her pronouncing wasn't the best. It had taken her a long while to gather confidence to talk to people using her voice rather than sign language. But she felt safer talking in sign when in public, only with Tommy would she laugh and speak freely and not worry about how she sounded.
And with all three boys being hearing impaired, they combined speech and sign language every day. Daisy was the only one who had almost perfect hearing, but she was brought up to use sign language to communicate with her mum and brothers.
"Karen, Hen's wife?" Tommy didn't sound sure, but when he pointed to one of the front tables near the stage, (Y/n) nodded. She could see Hen sat with another woman and two young children and she knew Hen, she was lovely. They could sit there and try to make small talk with Hen's family, while being close enough to watch and be proud of Tommy.
When they reached the table, (Y/n) curled her hands back around Tommy's arm while he gripped the back of the chair in front of him and smiled widely causing creases in his cheeks.
"Are these seats free?"
"Of course, sit, sit." Hen beckoned them to sit down while she stood behind Karen's chair, her hands lovingly on her wife's shoulders. "This is Karen, and our kids Denny and Mara."
(Y/n) held her arms out when she sat down and gently took Daisy when Tommy handed her over. She sat her daughter on her lap and wrapped her arms around her waist, smiling against the top of her head. Her eyes filtered to check on the boys, watching as the twins sat down on her right and Tyler sat on her left between her and Karen. While Tommy stood behind them since he and Hen would have to go on stage in a minute.
"This is (Y/n), Tyler, the twins Jake and James, and this is Daisy." Tommy ruffled each of their heads when he said their names, pointing between the twins since they were identical.
Not many people could tell the difference between the boys upon first meeting them, but they would soon learn that Jake was the more outgoing twin. Whereas James was reserved and nervous. Plus, Jake wore dark blue hearing aids whereas James wore green ones.
Once they'd all said their hellos, Tommy crouched down between (Y/n) and Tyler's seats and faced their eldest.
He grinned softly and held his hand out in front of him, curling his pinky and ring finger into his palm before he twisted his hand back and forth. And then he curled all his fingers against his thumb and made a grabbing motion before he pointed to the cochlear implant on the side of Tyler's head.
Turn it on.
Tyler had the most affected hearing out of them all and normal hearing aids didn't work for him. Cochlear implants turned soundwaves into vibrations and noises directly in his ear canal using magnets and it helped him to pick up and work out speech because he wasn't the best at lip reading. And since very few people knew sign language, he had to communicate somehow.
He could speak, but like (Y/n), his speech was slurred and he didn't pronounce very well.
His implants had a microphone for soundwaves and a volume tuner on the back so depending on what situation he was in, he could turn it up or down. And Tommy knew the eight year old had a tendency to turn it down since his family always used sign language with him.
But not many people would know sign language here and if he wanted to make sense of the speeches, he needed it turning up.
A shy grin spread across Tyler's lips and he nodded, reaching up to turn the dial to the right. He listened to the conversations floating around the table until it sounded loud enough for him to distinguish and he looked back at his dad who nodded and moved his hand from his chin outwards.
Thank you.
Tommy kissed the top of his head before he pushed up so he was standing tall again and he took a moment to peck (Y/n)'s cheek.
His eyes flitted across to Hen when she asked if he was ready and he nodded. He wasn't altogether sure he was ready for this. He didn't want to go up there, he would rather be the one applauding the team and sitting down here, blending in with the crowd.
But he felt (Y/n)'s hand on his lower back giving him a polite nudge towards the stage. He started walking and tilted his head down, smirking to himself when he felt (Y/n) hit his bum on the way.
Once Tommy was on stage, stood next to Buck with Chimney in front of him, he looked to relax a little. (Y/n) grinned sweetly at him while Daisy waved her arms madly in his direction until Tommy was grinning from ear to ear. He had his hands clasped together in front of him but he rolled his eyes playfully and waved back at Daisy.
She was giggling and smiling at him as if she hadn't seen him in days and was desperate for his attention. When really, she had been attached to his hip all morning.
"She's a cutie," Buck murmured quietly, leaning to the left to talk to Tommy before Chief Simpson would get up and start his speech.
He watched Tommy nod with one of the softest smiles Buck had ever seen. He was used to Tommy being stoic and laid back and kind of a hard person to get a good read on. But seeing him stood here looking like he was melting at the sight of his daughter and would do anything for his family, it was a different side to him that Buck loved to see.
He glanced between them before he realised the little girl was signing something. She had her small hand curled in a claw motion and she was moving her hand away from her face and back again and when Buck glanced back at Tommy, he realised the pilot was blushing and shaking his head.
A quiet chuckle escaped Tommy's lips when he watched (Y/n) repeat the same sign, and then the boys copied. Until all five of them were moving their hands back and forth away from their faces and pointing across at all five firefighters stood up on stage.
"Wh- what does that sign mean?"
Buck had met (Y/n) on a few occasions and he had seen the kids a few times so he knew all of them used sign language. He had learned a few signs from them. He knew the basics, hello, good bye, thank you, morning, coffee- an important one for Buck- and a few others. But he was still learning and he was more than happy for them to teach him so he could communicate with them.
It also helped for when they had hearing impaired people on calls so the team could effectively talk and communicate with them too.
"It means hero. They're calling us all heroes."
"Huh, I like it."
Of course he did. Tommy could see Buck grinning out the corner of his eye and he took a deep breath, keeping his gaze focused on his family while he clasped his hands back in front of him.
(Y/n) smiled as she tightened her arms around Daisy and pulled her back into her chest, giving her a cuddle. She leaned her cheek on top of Daisy's head and turned to the left so she was facing the stage so they could both see Tommy better. She moved one hand out to run up and down Tyler's back and darted her eyes across to the twins just to check they were okay.
Both of them were knelt up on their seats, elbows leant on the table while Jake immediately struck up a conversation with Mara. And James had his eyes locked on Tommy, not looking one inch away from his dad who was smiling softly and holding his gaze.
Tyler tilted his head back and turned to look up at (Y/n). He stretched his hand out like a high five and pressed the tip of his thumb against his temple, pulling his hand away twice. Before he stuck his thumbs and pinkies out and shook his hands up and down.
'Does dad get an award?'
She knew Tyler wasn't going to speak in front of people he didn't know. He had only just started to mutter when he was around Buck who had quickly become a friend to him.
When they were at home, Tyler would talk whilst he signed because he wasn't ashamed or embarrassed in front of his family. Being in public was a different matter.
"No trophy, he gets a medal." (Y/n) pressed her index finger and thumbs together into a circle in front of Daisy's chest. Tommy would get a medal and a plaque for this, along with the rest of the group. Although she had a feeling that Tommy wouldn't be wearing the medal for long. One of the kids would end up with it and the plaque would end up in (Y/n)'s bag.
It would be up to (Y/n) to find somewhere in the house to put the plaque, most likely in the living room with the other pictures of Tommy from when he first got into firefighting and then when he switched back to being a pilot. There was a section in the living room with photos of Tommy when he was a lot younger when he first joined the army. Tyler seemed to think that when Tommy was younger, when he had been rather thin, it made him look taller.
"You're a sweetheart, how old are you?" Karen leaned across the table to look at Daisy who started to giggle and held out three fingers.
When Tyler tapped (Y/n)'s arm and curled his index fingers in the sign for picture, (Y/n) fished her phone out her bag and handed it over. She had a feeling Tyler would take a video of the ceremony rather than a picture since there was already a photographer here.
Later on after all the comotion died down, (Y/n) was hoping to get a picture of Tommy in his suit with all the kids. It had been a while since she got a recent photo of them all together.
A smile lit up Karen's face when she realised Mara and Jake seemed to be getting along well. And she noticed that Jake was absentmindedly signing along with his speech and Mara was copying the signs with her hands on her lap. Taking in all the signs he was doing to see if she could remember some for future reference.
And Denny was leaning forward, trying to take note of what Daisy was doing. All the kids were half-listening to the speech Chief Simpson was giving out, they weren't interested until their respective parents were going to be commemorated.
He watched Daisy smile as she curled her hands on her shoulders and then pulled her arms away before she pressed her thumb to her forehead with her fingers stretched out.
"What does that mean?" Denny asked politely while he leaned forward against the table and nudged his drink of lemonade with his elbow.
"Brave daddy."
(Y/n) kissed the top of her head and smiled, thankful when all the kids seemed to settle down once the awards were finally being given out. She swayed her and Daisy from left to right while Hen went up first for her medal and her award.
By the time it was Tommy's turn, all the kids were buzzing and jumping up and down, tapping their hands against the table in excitement.
And (Y/n) loved the way that Tommy's eyes barely left his family. He didn't seem to take in what the Chief was saying and his eyes were focused on them while the medal was looped around his neck. When his eyes locked with hers, his lips curved up at one side into a dark smirk and he winked as he straightened up, standing taller than the chief.
She could see in Tommy's eyes that he was desperate for the attention to be taken away from him. He was glad to switch places with Buck and he was even happier when the awards came to a close and all they had to do was stand for a few more promotional pictures.
As soon as the pictures were finished, the five of them climbed down off the stand.
Tommy let out a shaky breath and hung his head down, looking at the medal hanging around his neck.
He didn't want a medal. He would of been happier if the chief just said he was proud they had all taken initiative and done something risky but brave. This was lovely but a bit too uncomfortable for Tommy. The only bright side to this was seeing the love and adoration on his family's face and the pride they all had for him. That made this worth while.
He barely stepped off the stand behind Buck before he looked ahead and saw his troop aiming for him.
The four of them weaved around the tables to get to him and Tommy crouched down just in time to have them all barrell into his arms.
The twins hit his chest and collided with his knees, Tyler wormed beneath his right arm and Daisy latched her arms around his neck and jumped until Tommy lifted her off her feet. He sat her down on his hip and lifted James to sit on his other hip while Tyler and Jake stood on either side, bouncing like springs they were so happy and hyper.
He felt Hen give his shoulder a squeeze as she walked past him, something fond bubbling over in her eyes. And he noticed the cheesy grin on Chimney's face as he turned round to see who all the kids belonged to.
"Jeez Tommy, I forgot you had a football team." His joke was well intended and he laughed fondly before he went to see his own family of two.
He felt the boys hover round his sides while they made their way back towards the table and Tommy gently eased James and Daisy back down to their feet in front of him. The four of them flitted around the table, hovering rather than sitting down because everyone else was up and about going from person to person and towards the buffet table that was now open.
While he had a second, Tommy moved over to where (Y/n) was sat and when he noticed her place her phone down on the table, he grinned. She'd snapped a few pictures of him and the kids then. Tommy had a thing for photo albums and photography.
He had books from each time (Y/n) was pregnant, full of all their scan photos, pictures of (Y/n) at different stages in each pregnancy and then thousands of the kids when they had all been born. Tommy loved savouring the moment, especially when it came to the kids.
The first photo that had been taken of each of the kids when they had been born were all now blown up on canvases in the dining room.
"Hi," He murmured softly while he wormed his way in between (Y/n)'s legs until his knees bumped her inner thighs. He leaned forward, resting his left hand on the table and his right hand behind her arm on the back of her chair. He was hovering over her, close enough that their noses brushed and he could feel each breath (Y/n) took which started to become lighter and lighter.
"Hey hero." (Y/n) moved her curled hand from her chin up towards Tommy, the sign for hero, before she cupped her hands on either side of his neck.
Her thumbs brushed over his pulse that was starting to quicken and throb beneath her touch. And when she tilted her head back and bit down on her lip, that was all the encouragement Tommy needed to devour her lips.
His wet lips felt electrified against hers and Tommy all but growled into her mouth when he felt her nails graze down his neck towards his collar. (Y/n) felt the growl vibrate through his chest and along his neck and when she dragged her hands down to touch the red velvet ribbon hanging around his neck, Tommy finally released her lips. She loved the blushing red taint to his lips and the way he panted, keeping so close that they were almost kissing again.
"You like it?" He spoke slowly and quietly, punctuating his words so (Y/n) could read his lips properly and his eyes darted down to the ribbon around his neck. He could see her fingertips gliding along the medal that weighed heavy against his chest but suddenly felt like a comforting weight when his wife stared at him like that.
One hand stayed pressed into Tommy's chest while (Y/n) tilted her head back to lock eyes with him. She moved her left hand in front of her face and curled her fingers into a palm, making a circle movement down towards her neck.
"Alright, come on lovebirds. Time to eat." Buck clapped his hands down on Tommy's shoulders from behind and gave him a little shake before he moved ahead towards the buffet.
(Y/n) moved to stand up when Tommy leaned back so he was no longer caging her in her seat.
She spoke a quiet "Any good?" when pointing towards the buffet, grinning and tilting her head back when Tommy stood behind her. He was slightly leant down to the left so he could hold Daisy's hand while the boys walked in front of them. The boys followed Buck like he was their mother hen leading them towards the food.
"Really good." Tommy responded before he lifted Daisy up and settled her on his hip so she could see what was on the table.
He leaned his cheek on top of her head and cuddled her close, reaching out to grab a paper plate for her. He knew she wouldn't eat most of the food on the table, she was very fussy, but he would try and get her to eat something even if it was a few crisps and sausage rolls.
His eyes flitted across to (Y/n) stood just in front of him, adding a few things to the twin's plates to help them. They had to check whatever the twins tried to eat when they were out like this because both of them were allergic to milk.
He muttered and pointed to a few things, his lips mostly staying glued to the top of Daisy's head. She pointed to a few things and Tommy nodded, placing them on the paper plate for her and smiling when he noticed Chimney behind him at the buffet.
"Okay, think you can take this back to the table with mummy?"
Daisy nodded and reached her hands out for the plate once Tommy set her down and kissed the top of her head. He watched her for a few seconds until she was stood next to James, following (Y/n) and the twins back to the table.
There was something extremely cute in the way that Daisy held her plate up high like she was balancing a heavy weight in front of her. She was doing her best to keep her arms out straight so she wouldn't drop the plate and as she walked, her hair swished behind her and the bows in her hair bounced up and down as she moved.
Tommy smiled and leaned over Chimney to grab another plate for himself this time and started adding a few things. He knew one of the kids would end up sitting with him and taking the food from his plate rather than their own so he needed to stock up. He didn't fancy making two trips to the buffet table.
He bumped shoulders with Buck who smiled before he rose a brow and looked down at Tommy's plate.
"You got enough there?"
Tommy's eyes darted between their two plates with a raised brow, noticing that Buck seemed to have quite a lot on his own plate to be saying that.
"I've got four kids that steal from my plate. What's your excuse?" He popped a sausage roll in his mouth as if to prove his point before he, Buck and Chimney all turned and looked around the room. They were trying to remember where each of them were sat.
It looked like Maddie and Jee were on the table next to (Y/n) and the kids which is what they all wanted so they could be close together. And when Tommy scanned the table, he figured he was going to have to lift one of the kids and sit them on his lap so he could actually have a seat at the table. He wasn't sure where Buck would sit.
Buck seemed to want to be with the kids and chat and be with them but there was limited seating at the table. He might end up sitting with Maddie and Chimney while they all had something to eat. Tommy had no doubt that all of them would be up and dancing to the music in half an hour or so.
The smile started to fade from Tommy's face and a dark shiver rolled from his shoulders down to the base of his spine when he looked to the left.
Captain Gerrard.
Tommy hadn't seen his old captain in over six years.
This was the captain that Tommy had never let his wife meet in fear of what Gerrard would say or do around (Y/n). He wasn't the type of person Tommy trusted because Gerrard would very easily say something inconsiderate or derogative and his views on women were very misogynistic.
He always had a bad feeling that (Y/n) might one day come by the station for something while Tommy was out on a call and Gerrard would be there and insult her. Tommy always told (Y/n) not to go by the station unless it was a dire emergency, and he barely introduced her to any of the old team when he was at the 118 because they followed Gerrard.
Tommy had never stood up to the old captain, he agreed and went along with anything because it was easier than being singled out.
The only time Tommy went against Gerrard was at the end when he put in at least ten different complaints for how he treated everyone.
"Kinard, Han. It's been a while." His gritty voice and the twist in his accent had Tommy's nose crinkling in disgust and it was hard to keep his expression stoic rather than let his displeasure be seen.
He could feel his shoulders rising and his back tensing up and Tommy knew if he had been a bird, all of his feather would have been ruffled and out of place. It didn't help that he could feel Buck's unease radiating off of him from behind and he could see Chimney try his level best to hold his head high and continue smiling. When really, all of them would of loved to throw a plate of food at Gerrard or push past him or clock him with a fist to the gut.
But they couldn't cause a scene, none of them. It wouldn't be fair when this was a celebration and all their families were here.
"Sure has." Chimney took a look around the station, clearly trying to find something to use as a distraction to get them all out of this awkward situation.
"Well, the floor looks spotless Han, good job."
The usual pale blue in Tommy's eyes swirled into something darker like a whirlwind had taken over his pupils. How dare he just walk in here and talk to Chimney like he knew him and like he still thought and valued him as little as he had back then. He had no idea what Chimney had done these last six years or how far he had come or what achievements he'd done in the job. This medal was just the tip of the iceberg.
Gerrard couldn't walk in here throwing insults around and expect them to sit down and take it or put up with this behaviour without a fight. Each of them had changed from who they had been all those years ago.
"You taught me well. Now, whenever I see some filth, I always think of you." The sickly sweet smile on Chimney's face made Tommy's shoulders relax a little and he held his chin high, wishing for Gerrard to blow a fuse or say something snotty to that.
But he couldn't. Gerrard was quick to throw the insults out, but he was never good when someone stood up to him. He would get angry very quickly and he wasn't the best at comebacks which made it easier to embarrass him.
Tommy took one step forward, about to follow after Chimney until Gerrard spoke up again. Clearly, this conversation wasn't over like they all wished it would be.
"I see you brought your soccer team, Kinard." He had his hat held under his arm and his head tilted to one side.
Beneath the pure white moustache, his lips were curved into a baiting smirk that made Tommy feel uneasy. There was an insult hiding behind those words but Tommy brushed them off. He didn't want to rise to the bait Gerrard was dangling in front of him.
Tommy wasn't ashamed of having four kids and nobody else here cared or commented on it so he wouldn't let Gerrard get a rise out of him for that.
"My family's here, yes."
The paper plate in Tommy's hand scrunched up in his grip until the food was tilting towards the dip in the centre of the plate and his thumb was close to breaking a hole in the edge. He wanted to go and sit down now. He didn't want to stand here and have a pretend conversation or have a row.
As if to take his mind from this conversation, Tommy glanced back towards the table. Even one little glance at his family had his heart calming down and a softer look crossed his eyes and melted his stoic expression.
It took him a moment to scout round the table until his eyes landed on his eldest. Tyler was running back towards the table, looking like he had just been with Bobby since Tyler now had a plastic cup in one hand and Bobby was near the drinks table.
When their eyes locked, Tommy lifted his head and straightened his shoulders. He crossed one arm over the other like a large X before uncrossing them and holding out his free hand. He curled his fingers to his palm, leaving his thumb and index finger out and started bending them while he moved his hand out.
"Don't run." He mouthed quietly along with the sign because he knew there was no way Tyler would hear him from this distance, but he would be able to read his lips.
Tyler curled his free hand into a fist and rubbed it in circles around his sternum as he stopped running immediately and shifted to walk the last few steps to the table. 'Sorry.'
Tommy's attention was quickly drawn back to Gerrard just as Chimney walked past him to aim for the tables. His eyes narrowed on his former Captain who snickered and huffed, but it was his eyes locked on Tommy's family that had his blood boiling and made Tommy taking a daring step closer.
"Hm, I heard your wife was one of those deaf and dumb girls, didn't realise your kids were too."
The plate in Tommy's hand crumpled into his palm, the contents spilling over the sides before Tommy let go. He didn't notice, hear or feel the contents fluttering down to the floor like feathers that got trampled beneath his boots when he lunged.
His hands latched around the collar of Gerrard's blazer and he used it to yank him closer, pulling him off balance and causing the Captain's boots to scuff against the polished floor. His hat fell from beneath his arm and both hands moved to lock onto Tommy's shoulders, trying in vain to give him a shove but Tommy didn't move an inch. He was a mountain that couldn't be moved.
Fury was evident in his eyes and rage flooded his face that went from pastel cream to a violent shade of red which crept up his neck and tainted his cheeks. The artery in Tommy's neck started to thunder beneath his skin while he pulled Gerrard so close that the Captain had to tilt his head back to look up at him properly.
He spun them both to the side and pushed until Gerrard's lower back and hips were pinned against the buffet table that must have given him bruises from the force he was pushed against it.
"How fucking dare you!" Each word spat past Tommy's lips in a low, dark hiss and his hands began to shake against Gerrard's shoulders, unsure whether to punch him or throw him down to the floor.
He could feel Buck's hands on his shoulders trying to wrench him back, but Tommy didn't move. He shook his shoulders and jabbed an elbow into Buck's abdomen to make him let go. Tommy didn't want to be dragged away. He didn't want to be stopped or calmed down or told this wasn't worth it. He wanted to ram his fists into Gerrard's chest and break his ribs. He wanted to throw him to the floor and see how he liked the feeling of Tommy's boot breaking into his bones.
He wanted to make Gerrard eat those words and feel what it was like to get comuppence for what he went round saying. He couldn't insult people and get away with it. He couldn't insult Tommy's wife and children and not come out of this unscathed.
"I should have decked you a long time ago." Maybe trying to punch his Captain a few years ago might have ended Tommy's career and gotten him fired or in the least, suspended, but it would have been a wise move. It would have shown Gerrard back then that he couldn't go round saying this kind of thing. It would of shown him that Tommy was fiercely protective over his family and Gerrard wouldn't have riled any of them up here on their day of celebration if he had been taught a lesson a few years ago.
"Tommy, Tommy hey, that's enough. Don't to this here." Buck wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulders and grabbed his arm, yanking him back as much as he could while he looked around for help.
Chimney spun on his heels and made his way back over to them. He barely got five feet away before Gerrard caused a scene and riled Tommy up. He thrust his plate onto the buffet table and scurried forward, trying to worm his way between Tommy and the Captain. Chimney banged his forearms down on Tommy's elbows to break his steel grip and so he and Buck could move him away.
Buck pulled him back while Chimney pushed him, both of them holding onto Tommy for dear life when he fought against them to push forward.
"Jesus, take a joke Kinard-"
"Disrespecting my wife and kids isn't a joke." His voice dropped two octaves until he was at the point of growling.
What he said was not a joke, it was discrimination and Tommy wouldn't stand and let him do that. He would rather knock Gerrard out and get told to leave the station than stand and let Gerrard walk all over him like he used to. Not when it involved his family. Not when Gerrard was talking about the people Tommy loved to the end of the world.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides and he writhed, trying to push Chimney out of his way but it didn't work. Especially not when Bobby hurried over and pressed a firm hand down on Tommy's shoulder to keep him at bay.
As much as Bobby would agree and sympathise, the Chief was here and he would always side with a Captain rather than one of the team. Bobby didn't want Tommy to get into trouble no matter how justified his cause was.
"Alright, whatever this is, it stops now."
"Cap, this prick just-"
"Buck, don't. Tommy, go back to your family and you two go sit down and have something to eat as well." Bobby looked between the three of them and gave a nudge in the right direction before he turned to face Gerrard. "I've heard rumours of what you were like in this station house, and I won't have that happening again under my watch. The ceremony's over for you, it's time you left."
Bobby didn't know what had happened and he didn't need to know either. All he needed to know was Gerrard had clearly provoked Tommy and upset the team and Bobby wouldn't have that. He wouldn't allow anyone to cause arguments or be disrespectful. Especially not today when they were supposed to be celebrating the team.
With a deep breath, Tommy shrugged himself out of Buck and Chimney's hold while his eyes still burned through Gerrard's body. Wishing he had the ability to kill him with just one look.
"Stay the Hell away from me and my family." Tommy's chest heaved against his shirt and blazer that suddenly felt constricting and suffocating. And the medal hanging around his neck weighed him down and burned through his chest.
He turned around and stormed back towards the table, slowing his steps down so he could take a few deep breaths before he reached his family.
All eyes were on him. Tyler was following his every movement while he fiddled with his implant, trying to turn the volume up so he could work out what was going on. But he couldn't differentiate between the different voices or work out what his dad had been arguing about.
Both twins were knelt up on their chairs, trying to see why their dad was fighting and James had his hands over his ears. Tommy knew if he had thrown a punch, James would of ripped out his hearing aids so he wouldn't have to listen to the drama that always frightened him.
And Daisy was cuddled up in (Y/n)'s arms, frowning to the point of crying because she didn't understand.
She had seen her dad fight someone in the street and that had been enough to send her into fits of tears. All someone had to do was raise their voice near Daisy and she got intimidated. Tommy hated that he was the reason she was now shaking and almost crying. He hadn't meant to frighten her.
Turning to the left, (Y/n) gently eased Daisy onto James's chair so she could sit with him and not feel too panicked. She pushed up from the table and moved to stand in front of Tommy, running her hands up and down his arms that were taut and at the point of breaking through his blazer.
"Who was that?" She looked up but her eyes widened when Tommy's hands found her hips and he kissed her temple, breathing against her skin in short puffs.
"Gerrard." He muttered quietly, tilting his head down so (Y/n) could read his lips because Tommy didn't want to spell out his name or talk about him any more than necessary.
His hands let go of (Y/n)'s hips so he could weave his arms around her waist and pull her closer. Keeping her back towards the station doors so she didn't catch sight of Gerrard leaving. He didn't want to risk Gerrard looking over and trying to mutter something or point or make any kind of gesture in their direction.
Her fingertips grazed up and down Tommy's arms but she paused for a moment when Tommy turned. Her eyes followed his movements as he sat down in her seat and pulled her along with him. Her breath caught in her lungs when Tommy's arms tugged until she sat down on his lap.
It allowed him to tuck his face into her neck and press his lips against her skin while his arms bound tight around her middle. And he pulled her so her back was flush against his chest that was hard and heaving behind her.
(Y/n) twisted to the side so her left side was pressed into his chest and both arms were looped around his neck. She dragged her fingertips up and down the back of his neck and curved her lips into a smile when Daisy clambered off her chair and onto (Y/n)'s lap.
She wriggled under Tommy's arm and sat on (Y/n)'s knee, cuddling into Tommy's chest until he pecked the top of her head.
Tommy couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when both twins decided to push a chair close until it bumped into Tommy's thigh and touched his own chair. The pair of them clambered up onto the chair and leaned over until they could wrap themselves around whatever part of Tommy they could reach, causing him to groan playfully.
And when Tyler shuffled his chair closer to his dad's other side, pinning Tommy between his family, the pilot grinned. He felt Tyler wriggle under his right arm and both arms suddenly felt impossibly full, holding all of his family close to his chest.
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megalony · 8 days
Daughter In Distress
This is a new protective! dad! Tommy Kinard imagine for you all, I hope you'll like it. Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: A simple day of going to the park and playing basketball goes horribly wrong when someone tries to take Tommy and (Y/n)'s daughter.
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"You're late."
A grin broke out on Tommy's face as he walked up the path towards the basketball court. He slung his backpack down from his shoulder and placed it on the bench next to Eddie and Buck who were stood at the side of the court.
His eyes cast down to the watch on his wrist before he looked back up at them.
"By three minutes, that's more or less on time." Tommy countered while he looked around.
Chimney was stood to one side on the phone and the rest of the team were hovering about starting warm ups and making jokes. Tommy wasn't exactly late when it looked like the rest of them had only just arrived.
He hadn't been to last week's basketball game since he had been on shift and so had Eddie and Chimney. But they were all off for this week's game.
"You're still the last one to arrive." Eddie quipped while he felt Buck loop an arm around his shoulders and he felt a kiss against the back of his head.
"I walked (Y/n) and the squad down to the park on my way over, I'll have you know."
Tilting his head back, Tommy lifted his arms above his head and clicked his spine and his neck into place. He had worn his light grey sleeveless hoodie and a pair of aqua blue shorts. The sun was beaming down on them today and Tommy could feel himself sweating already and they hadn't even started the game yet.
"Hm, we'll let you off then. Come on." Buck inclined his head towards the court and turned round, clapping his hands in the air.
Tommy had walked down here with (Y/n), their three kids, and Chris who had stayed over with them last night. Since it was a nice day they had decided to go to the park while all the boys went to their basketball game. There was a park two minutes down the road from the court right along the beach front.
He stretched his arms above his head and followed his brother in law over onto the court where everyone was starting to set up and get ready.
"Okay, here we go."
A smile lit up (Y/n)'s face as she crouched down in front of the push chair and reached forward for her youngest. Billy had been asleep the whole walk here but he was finally starting to wake up and come alive now, just in time to play on the swings.
(Y/n) unclipped him from the pram and picked up him, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek before she settled him on her hip and stood up. The one year old tucked his face into her chest, yawning around the pacifier between his lips.
Her fingers carded through his wild curls and she kissed the top of his head before she turned to the left towards Blake.
"Why can't I play with dad and uncle Eddie?" He kicked his shoe against the gravel and looked down for a moment before he looked back up at (Y/n) with those big doe eyes that matched Tommy so well.
"It's firefighters only, baby."
"Dad's a pilot."
"He's still a firefighter. Baby you're too young to play with all of them, you'd get knocked down, especially with uncle Buck playing. Wait until the weekend, dad will take you for a smaller game."
It wouldn't be fair for Blake to try and join in when it was a game for adults, they could easily bash into him or knock him down and break a bone. And Tommy wouldn't be the nicest to be around if that happened. Nor could Blake sit and watch because he would get annoyed that he couldn't join in and he would be distracting.
Tommy had promised to take him and Chris for a milder version of basketball at the weekend with Eddie and Buck. He said Bonnie could join in too, but he had a feeling she wouldn't want to play.
"What're you going on then?" (Y/n) moved the pushchair near the metal fence that surrounded the park and placed her bag over her shoulder, just to keep it safe.
"Climbing wall."
Blake headed off across the soft tarmac, hearing his mum call "Be careful," as he headed to the rock climbing wall that led up to a large metal slide.
Tilting her head, (Y/n) looked over towards the mini roundabout where Chris and Bonnie had filtered over to. Chris was slowly kicking his foot out to turn the roundabout while Bonnie sat on the rainbow bench and clapped her hands giddily.
They had all enjoyed their sleepover together and (Y/n) had a funny feeling that Chris would ask if he could stay over again tonight. Something neither (Y/n) or Tommy would object to since all the kids were well behaved when they were together and Chris was never a bother to have round. It gave Eddie and Buck a bit more time to themselves where they could go out or just watch a movie together and spend some time alone.
(Y/n) kept her eyes on the other three kids while she headed to the baby swing and gently eased Billy down into the seat. He immediately patted his hands down against the plastic bar in front of him and started to kick his legs. Babbling happily as the pacifier dropped and hung round his tummy since it was clipped to his top.
"Here we go, baby." She began slowly pushing him back and forth, kissing his head every time he swayed back towards her.
They would likely spend a good forty minutes here and then they would head back to the basketball court and watch the last of Tommy's game.
She kept an eye on the kids, watching Chris and Bonnie switch from the roundabout to the second set of swings just across from the slide. Where Blake was doing a repeated motion of climbing the wall and shooting down the slide, trying to see how fast he could climb.
After a while, (Y/n) lifted Billy from the swing and set him down to his feet, staying close as he plodded in front of her. He wasn't the best at walking yet, he kicked his legs out straight rather than bending his knees, but he was surprisingly fast.
She followed him over to the smaller, plastic climbing frame that was more for toddlers and more his height.
"Wanna go down the slide?" Blake jogged over to them and held his hand out for his younger brother, grinning widely when Billy took his hand.
He lifted Billy up the steps and guided him over to the slide, sitting the toddler between his legs so they could go down the slide together. The sight made (Y/n) smile and she snapped a quick photo, noticing just how much both boys seemed to resemble Tommy in lots of little ways. From how their eyes creased when they smiled to the way their noses crinkled when they laughed.
"What park did dad get stuck on the slide?" Blake tilted his head to the side, looking over at (Y/n) quizzically while she made sure Chris and Bonnie were okay on the zipline in the corner.
She looked back at her boys and grinned, thinking hard about what her nine year old was referring to.
"Oh, that was on the other side of town, near uncle Eddie's place."
Blake would have only been about four. They had just had Bonnie and when they went to the park, Blake wanted someone to go down the slide with him. Needless to say, they didn't go back to that park often after Tommy had a hard time getting down and then getting off the slide.
He hadn't been pleased when (Y/n) snapped a picture of him struggling, rather than trying to help him up. She still had that photo hung proudly in a frame near the top of the stairs at home. Showing her husband's large frame crammed into a small plastic slide with Blake giggling between his legs.
(Y/n) folded her arms over her chest and watched the boys go down the slide another two times before Blake started playing hide and seek with Billy. The toddler started to squeal, slamming his feet down as he trotted around the bottom of the slide.
Leaning back, (Y/n) looked across at the zipline but her smile morphed into a frown when she couldn't see Chris or Bonnie there anymore.
Where had they gone to now?
She held her hand out towards Billy and leaned down to take his hand, guiding him with her while she nodded for Blake to follow them.
Her eyes cast around the park, looking between the other parents and the few kids scattered around running from swing to swing with glee. What were Chris and Bonnie up to? Where had they disappeared to? (Y/n) liked to keep them within her sights in case they wandered and tried to talk to strangers or ended up falling off of something and hurting themselves.
Chris was an accident prone and Bonnie was a drifter living in a daydream. It wasn't the best combination without parental supervision.
"Where's Bonnie?" (Y/n) gave a tug on Billy's hand and smiled as he looked around as if he could find her any quicker.
A shiver crawled down (Y/n)'s spine at the shrill way her nephew screamed her name.
She spun on her heels and looked around, unsure where Chris's voice was coming from until she finally spotted a familiar crop of brown curls near the climbing frame. As quick as anything, (Y/n) leaned down and scooped Billy up from the floor and headed off in a sprint, Blake right at her side, neither of them sure what was happening.
The panic (Y/n) felt seemed to flicker off in all directions, sparking different thoughts and questions.
She could see Chris, he was down on his knees beside the metal fence that surrounded the perimeter of the park. He was three inches away from the gate which was hanging open, the hinges creaking awfully and grating through (Y/n)'s ears when she got closer.
And there was Bonnie, laid on the floor just in front of the gate.
"What happened?" (Y/n) turned and stood Billy in front of Blake who reached down and held him by the shoulders so the toddler wouldn't try and wander off. The boys stood a few feet to the left, still close enough for Blake to reach out and hold his mum's shoulder if he felt the need.
He watched his mum go down on her knees in front of them, looking between Chris and Bonnie. Waiting for anyone to give her an explanation while other people started to turn to see what was going on.
(Y/n) could feel her heart hammering away in her chest and all the blood seemed to fizzle out of her hands and feet and flood her chest and stomach instead. Adrenaline fueled through her abdomen and made butterflies crawl up her chest when Bonnie howled.
The five year old pushed up from where she was lying on the floor and immediately crawled onto her mother's lap. She bound her arms around (Y/n)'s waist and burrowed her face into her stomach, sobbing so loudly and sharply that (Y/n) felt as if she was the one screaming instead of her daughter.
"Baby what's the matter, did you fall?"
Leaning down, she pressed her lips against the top of Bonnie's head and curled her arms around her. But she didn't like the way her daughter was trembling against her.
"T-the man…"
"What? What man?"
When she didn't get a response from either of them, (Y/n) leaned over and gripped Bonnie beneath her arms. She hoisted her up and moved her so she was sat on her knees. (Y/n) kept one hand on Bonnie's waist and the other started to rub up and down her back.
The little girl was taking shallow, bubbling breaths, mixing between crying and screaming which was starting to put (Y/n) on edge.
"Chris, what's happened?" She could see she wasn't going to get much out of Bonnie right now.
But when she looked over her nephew, she realised Chris looked very shaken. He was knelt up on the floor but he was holding his arms very close to his sides and his head was hung down. His eyes were flitting from side to side, unsure what to focus on or where to look and he was subtly shaking.
"A man, he asked Bonnie to go with him, out the park." Chris pointed at the gate that was starting to slow down from swaying back and forth on old rusted hinges.
(Y/n)'s head snapped up and she looked around, but she couldn't see any man close by. The only people outside of the playground was an older couple walking their dog and a young mother with two children headed down the path towards the park. Whoever the man was, he had clearly left in a hurry which made (Y/n) suddenly feel worse.
"I said no, a-and he pulled my hair." Bonnie lifted her head and moved a shaking hand to the right side of her head.
Terror ransacked (Y/n)'s body when she realised there was a small scratch of blood on the side of Bonnie's head.
Her hands reached out and cupped her daughter's face, tilting her head down so she could look at her properly but it felt like ice cold spikes were cutting through (Y/n)'s chest. There were at least three scratches along Bonnie's temple that went up into her hairline. The two plats (Y/n) had braided into her hair were now coming loose and looked obscure like Bonnie had been dragged through a bush.
Whoever it was had tried to grab her by her hair to make her leave. He had scratched her head and pulled on her hair so harshly a few strands had come loose.
Someone had tried to kidnap her daughter.
"What happened to your hand?" (Y/n) asked quietly when she noticed Bonnie's left hand was starting to swell. When she reached out to try and touch it, Bonnie pulled back with a howl and cradled her hand to her chest.
"She trapped it in the gate, w-when the man grabbed her hair." Chris shuffled closer into (Y/n)'s side and leaned his cheek on her arm, too afraid to look up and see the panic and anger flood his auntie's face. He looped a hand around her arm that was now trembling and cuddled up close. "We said no… I tried to stop him."
Tears rolled down (Y/n)'s face before she could stop them. She pressed her lips together so tightly her upper lip started to cut against her teeth and she swiped her hand across her face, wiping away the tears.
She looked down at Chris and managed to kiss the top of his head, cupping his cheek.
"Thank you."
The man might have tried harder if Bonnie was alone. Having Chris next to her and both of them saying no clearly unsettled him and he couldn't drag a screaming child from the park without someone noticing.
He had fled. (Y/n) wasn't sure if that was such a good thing or not. He had gone, he wasn't going to terrorise her children any longer. But now they had no chance of finding him. He could try again. He could try and take another child. He could see Bonnie in the street or in a different park and try his luck. He might get her if he tried again.
Each breath (Y/n) tried to take hitched higher and higher until she was barely breathing at all and her sight was fading into tunnel vision.
Her arms bound around Bonnie and she attached her daughter to her chest, holding her with one arm while her other arm looped around Chris. She stood to her feet, tugging Chris with her while Blake stepped closer with Billy who was none the wiser to what was going on.
"We're leaving." Cold tremors rattled through (Y/n) as she deadlocked Chris's hand in hers and watched Blake closely as he picked Billy up so they could move faster.
"Are we going back to dad?" Blake whispered, unsure whether he was okay to talk or whether his mum was on a mission and was going to go mute in her state of panic.
"Yes. Stay close, Chris hold the pushchair for me, you stay right next to me." (Y/n) was grateful that Blake clipped Billy into the chair so she didn't have to set Bonnie down.
She looped her bag over the pushchair handle and moved Chris's hand to the handle so he was clinging to the chair. She kept Bonnie sat on her left hip, despite the ache it caused to be carrying her daughter around. She wasn't putting her down. Not for a second.
Her right hand grabbed the chair and she had Chris tucked up against her right hip and Blake holding her left elbow for peace of mind for them both. They made a brisk walk to the other gate and bolted, walking as fast as they could down the path towards the promenade.
It was a five minute walk along the sea front down to the basketball court where all the boys would be.
Chris wanted both his dads and Blake and Bonnie wanted their dad. (Y/n) wanted her husband.
She didn't know what to do.
This had never happened before. None of the kids had ever been hurt or almost kidnapped like this. It was a lucky escape that the stranger hadn't run off with Bonnie and that she hadn't gotten hurt more than this.
What would (Y/n) have done if someone managed to take her daughter or God forbid, Chris as well?
(Y/n) had taken the kids out millions of times on her own. She took them to the beach and the aquarium and the parks and down to the zoo. She took them places on her own and she felt confident enough to do that because she was a good mother and kept an eye on them all. Nothing had ever happened whilst she'd been looking after Chris and her kids before.
Was this why (Y/n) always felt safer when Tommy came with them?
It was no secret that no one gave them a second look when Tommy was with them. He was like an omen. Over six foot tall with a broad muscular frame and an expression that no one wanted to mess with. He was an omen of protection just with his looks.
Would that man have tried to take Bonnie if Tommy had been down here with them? Of course he wouldn't. Tommy was a threat, he was built and muscular and could give anyone a run for their money in a chase. If Tommy had been in the park with them he would have frightened anyone off the thought of trying to snatch a child from the park.
(Y/n) felt Blake lean his head on her arm and move closer to her side, suddenly mute and afraid as he felt as small as a mouse. His boysterous, outgoing personality died down immediately and he tried not to shake as the three of them were almost running down the promenade to reach the basketball court.
Someone had tried to snatch his sister. What would his mum have done if they succeeded? Would the police have come down and done a search and rescue for her? Would they have found her? What would happen in their family if they didn't get Bonnie back?
Would they still have to talk to the police even though Bonnie hadn't been taken?
(Y/n) could feel tears briskly falling down her face as she hurried ahead. Her left arm was starting to ache from carrying Bonnie who was clinging to her neck so tightly (Y/n) could barely catch a proper breath. And her heels were starting to dig into (Y/n)'s lower back, but she couldn't find the will to care. Her daughter needed to feel safe and (Y/n) needed to assure herself that none of her children had been snatched today.
She felt Blake leaning into her left side and Chris had one hand around the pram and the other was gripping her elbow as he tried to stay as close to her as possible.
"Chris-" (Y/n) took a deep breath and sighed when Chris let go of her once the court was within reach.
He let go of the pram and set of into a wobbling sprint, aiming for both dads who were cheering on the edge of the court, clearly having won a basket for their team.
Buck noticed him first. He happened to look to the left and a grin broke out on his face despite the way he was panting for air. He lowered his arms down and patted Eddie's shoulder before he jogged off the court.
"Hey, look who it is."
He smiled right until Chris barrelled into him. Once Buck felt the way Chris started to shake against him and burrowed his face into his abdomen, his smile faded. He could feel the unease radiating off his son and he just knew something wasn't right. He should have been cheering and goading his dads to win the game. Normally he would have been laughing and taunting them playfully.
He wouldn't have run right onto the court like this and hugged the life out of Buck unless something was wrong.
"Buddy, what's the matter?" When Chris held him tighter, Buck pressed his lips into a frown and carefully held him by the shoulders. He loosened Chris's grip on him so he could crouch down in front of him but as soon as they were level, Chris was clinging to him again.
His arms looped around Buck's neck and he burrowed his face into his neck until his glasses were digging uncomfortably into Buck's skin. Not that he minded at all. He curved his arm around Chris's waist and softly held the back of his neck.
It took all of his effort to hold his breath for five seconds to slow down his heart rate. He couldn't start panicking when he didn't even know what was wrong, but the protective nature within Buck was already rising to the surface.
"Talk to me, are you okay?"
Confusion plastered across Eddie's face as he held his hand out towards Chimney and shook his head, silently pausing the game. He tossed the ball into the middle of the court and heaved to regain his breath back while he walked towards his partner.
He rested a hand on Buck's shoulder and looked between the boys before he looked up and locked his eyes on his sister.
She was crying. (Y/n) had tears streaming down her face and Bonnie in her arms who was quietly sniffling and gasping. Blake was tucked against her side, looking down at the floor like he was too afraid to lift his head and look at any of them. The only one who seemed unaffected was little Billy in his pushchair.
"What happened?" Eddie reached his arm out towards (Y/n), but Blake moved forward and burrowed into his side instead.
"Stay with uncle Eddie, do not move I mean it." The panic was evident in (Y/n)'s broken voice.
She placed the pushchair a foot in front of the boys just on the edge of the court. Well within reach so Billy was safe and she gave her eldest a pointed look so he wouldn't leave the safety of his uncles. She couldn't have anything happening to the boys as well.
Her hand moved to cradle the back of Bonnie's head that she started to kiss and when Blake nodded, (Y/n) briskly walked over towards Tommy.
He was scratching the back of his neck, one hand on his hip as he tried to take deep breaths. But when his eyes scanned over his family, he didn't know what to do. Something was evidently wrong. They had been separated for less than an hour, what had gone wrong in that time frame?
"Honey, what's the matter?" Tommy reached out and curved his left arm around (Y/n)'s waist, reeling her into his chest while his right hand held her shoulder.
His eyes narrowed and he tilted his chin down into his chest to look down at her properly, but his breath caught in his throat when he realised she was shaking. He could see traces of tears streaked down her face and when his eyes locked on their daughter in (Y/n)'s arms, Tommy realised she was sobbing.
"Are you all okay, did something happen at the park?"
"A man tried to take Bonnie." (Y/n)'s voice shuddered and came out breathless as a shiver tore down her spine and seeped into Tommy's body.
His muscles went rigid and he tensed up in front of her, gripping her waist tighter as something dark crossed his eyes. His head tilted to one side and his eyes narrowed while his lips quirked as if he wanted to smile in utter confusion. Who would do that? Why would they do that? Why would someone choose Bonnie out of all the kids that could have been on that park?
"Take her? What does that mean, what'd he do? Who the Hell was he?"
"Chris said no, a-and they tried to walk away… babe, he grabbed her by her hair, look at her head. He almost tore her hair out to drag her with him."
As swiftly as anything, Tommy was crouching down in front of them. His hands moved to cup Bonnie's face and his thumbs gently brushed across her cheeks while he tilted her head in his direction. A sorrowful smile tugged at his lips when his daughter's watering eyes locked on him and a little mewl left her lips that made Tommy's heart shatter into pieces.
He took note of the scratches on her scalp, how her plaits were ruffled and loose and skewed. How some of her hair was in knots and the spots on her scalp that showed some strands had been roughly torn from her head.
"She trapped her hand in the gate too. I didn't know what to do, if he came back or if he sees her again, I-"
"No, no he won't see her again, it's okay. We're going home."
Shivers tore down (Y/n)'s spine when Tommy's hands moved back to her shoulders. He pulled them both close and pressed his lips to the top of her head and (Y/n) could feel each violent, ragged breath he took.
Tommy looked back down between them when he suddenly felt Bonnie's hand grabbing at his shoulder. Her nails scratched into his skin and she pawed at him, whimpering until he obliged and reached down to take her from (Y/n)'s arms.
"Daddy…" Tears spilled down her face and a quiet sob broke past her lips when she was in his arms.
Tommy leaned his cheek on top of Bonnie's head, holding her as close to his chest as he could manage while his hand ran up and down her back and he smothered his lips against her shoulder.
All the noises around them faded out into static and all Tommy could hear was Bonnie quietly whimpering his name over and over. He closed his eyes and tilted his chest back, letting her lean into him while he felt (Y/n)'s hand ghost up and down his back. None of the voices from the others on the court managed to get through the static in his ears. He couldn't hear them asking what was wrong or hear Eddie comforting Blake, telling him everything was okay.
The only thing he could hear was his daughter in distress and it made his blood boil over.
Why her? Why had someone decide to terrorise Tommy's little girl? Tommy's wife, his sons. His family. Why?
"Shh, alright, it's alright sweetheart. I've got you, your safe."
He kept her secured in his left arm so he could wrap his other arm around (Y/n)'s waist and reel her into his side. They slowly headed over to where Buck and Eddie were stood with the boys.
Buck was sat on the edge of the bench with one arm around Blake and his other hand on the pram, gently nudging it back and forth to try and send Billy off to sleep. And Eddie was next to him with Chris in his arms who had gone quiet after telling his dads what had happened.
Tommy's eyes locked with Buck when he spoke, venom and malice flooding his eyes. "Can you call Athena?"
They needed to make a statement. They needed the kids to describe who had done this so they could try and catch him. Tommy wouldn't let him get away with this.
Panic surged through Tommy's chest and his eyes snapped open, coursing through the darkness to try and find out what had woken him.
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs and his pulse flooded every inch of his skin while he gasped to catch his breath back. One of the few downsides to the job meant Tommy startled easily, especially when he was sleeping. After some of the things he had seen, nightmares were a constant and he was so used to listening out for sounds that he had become a very light sleeper.
His hands planted down into the mattress and he pushed to sit up, taking in the darkness surrounding him while he tried to look around.
He glanced to the right and looked across at (Y/n) as she stirred and reached out to curl her hand around his arm, unsure why they were both suddenly awake.
But then he heard it. Bonnie's cry that pierced his heart and sent his nerves sparking and igniting.
Tommy tossed the cover to one side and got to his feet before (Y/n) had the chance to sit up. He shook his head to try and wake himself up a bit more while his hands stretched out and grabbed the door, using it as leverage to push himself forward and move faster.
He turned left and opened Bonnie's bedroom door, squinting for a moment at the illuminescent rose pink nightlight that lit up one corner of the room. It was a dark pink flower attached to the wall above Bonnie's bed since she was so easily frightened by the dark.
"Baby, baby what's the matter?" He sped into the room and plonked down on the side of her bed, feeling his heart breaking when he looked down at her.
He couldn't see her. Bonnie was curled up in the centre of the bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around her from head to toe, covering her completely to the point she was going to suffocate.
Tommy tried to be gentle, murmuring a soft "It's only me, it's just daddy," while he pulled the covers back so he could see her and make sure she could actually breathe. A jagged edge cut through his heart when he looked down at her. Arms over her head, knees pressed into her stomach, her whole body shaking like she had hypothermia.
Wordlessly, he reached down and scooped her up so he could settle her down on his lap.
Her arms stayed bound around her chest while she burrowed her face into his chest. The shaking started to subside once Tommy curled his arms around her and leaned down to smother his lips against the top of her head.
"Bad dream?" He asked quietly, nuzzling his nose into her hair to tickle her while he started to sway back and forth, shifting his weight from his heels to his toes.
"I saw the bad man… my head hurts, daddy."
Tommy tilted his chin down into his neck and leaned back a little so he could cradle the side of Bonnie's face in his hand. His thumb brushed beneath her eye, swiping away a tear while he studied the scratches over her temple. Her scalp had started to bruise beneath her hairline but luckily it wasn't properly visible.
He wasn't so sure it hurt her now though unless she was touching it. Tommy found it more likely that she was dreaming and remembering the panic and the pain from four days ago. She was reliving it more than she was actually in any pain.
"I know baby, but you're okay now. You're safe, I won't let the bad man hurt you, I promise." He peppered her temple with kisses to show her that she was okay and to kiss away the pain to calm her down.
With one arm around her back, Tommy used the other to shuffle into the centre of the bed he prayed would take his weight. He laid down until his ankles and feet were hanging off the end of the bed and Bonnie's weight was comfortingly weighing down on his chest. Her head tucked beneath his chin and she looped her arms over his broad chest, feeling his hand smooth up and down her back while he dragged a blanket across them both.
"See? No one's gonna hurt you because I'm here with you."
A repetition of 'you're okay' and 'I'm not going anywhere' passed Tommy's lips on a loop while he smoothed his hand up and down her back to lull her back to sleep.
It took a while, but after about twenty minutes, Tommy felt Bonnie's snuffling breaths start to even out and her hands stopped gripping his shoulders, finally. She went limp on his chest and snuggled down into him, relaxing while he continued to rub her back.
Every time Tommy shifted, even if it was just his hip moving, the bed creaked and groaned and he could feel his back starting to ache, but he didn't care. If it calmed his daughter down and made her feel safe, then it was worth it.
But anger started to swell through his chest and set in his stomach like stones weighing him down. His daughter shouldn't be waking up during the night, frightened that someone was going to come back and hurt her. She shouldn't be frightened to the point that she wasn't allowing either (Y/n) or Tommy out of her sight.
She hadn't been back to school this week and Tommy dreaded to think how they were going to get her back when she was too frightened to be alone without one of her parents by her side.
The five year old didn't want to leave the house and that infuriated Tommy to no end. She was petrified all because someone thought he had the right to try and snatch her and scare her like this.
Moving his hands, Tommy cradled the back of her head and pressed his other palm down on her lower back so he could twist to the right.
He tried to carefully ease Bonnie down onto the bed and trade places with her so he could get up off the bed.
It looked to be working, right until Tommy let his hands slip from her frame and he stood up from the bed. Once he was no longer holding her, Bonnie started to shake. Her knees coiled up, her eyes started to flutter and whimpers bubbled past her lips until she was sobbing again.
"No, daddy d-don't go!"
All she had to do was stretch her arms out and make grabbing fists in his direction and Tommy was a goner. He crouched down beside the bed, all resolve fading away and his heart aching with a sense of longing and protection he had never felt before.
"Okay, okay baby I'm not leaving you, I promise." He swaddled the blanket around her and scooped her up from the bed, cradling her back into his chest again. His fingers were woven into her hair and his lips pressed to her temple while he stood up and turned around.
"Where we going?"
"You can come sleep with me and mummy. You'll be safe, now let's go get some sleep." If she needed Tommy to stay with her that was absolutely fine, but he wanted to be back in his own bed. Where he could stretch out and be back with (Y/n) and where the three of them could get some sleep without Tommy fretting one wrong turn would break the bed or have him falling onto the floor.
But for the past two nights, Bonnie had crept into their bed anyway after a bad dream and woken up with them in the morning. She wasn't sleeping properly, she didn't want to leave the house and she was too afraid to even sit in her room on her own.
Tommy didn't know how else to show her that she was safe and protected, that they weren't going to let anything happen to her.
He needed to show Bonnie that he was going to protect her at all costs.
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megalony · 12 days
Love And Valour
As promised, this is a new Tommy Kinard imagine, based on a truly lovely request. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @senjoritanana @kniselle @eleventhdoctorsangel
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: Tommy isn't sure about attending the medal of valour ceremony since (Y/n)'s recovering from her C-section. But (Y/n) is adamant they are going. She wants to support her man.
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"Fuck." A quiet hiss passed through (Y/n)'s lips as she tilted her head back until her gaze settled on the high ceiling above her.
Both hands moved to press down into the mattress and she let herself slouch back, relieving the ache in her shoulders which also clicked her spine into place in the process. Her legs started to slowly sway back and forth, softly hitting the edge of the bed while she took a deep breath and tried to ward off the annoyance rattling through her.
This was harder than she thought it would be.
She could feel a dull, burning ache in her abdomen that felt like cramps constantly squeezing and releasing every now and then. She hadn't experienced contractions before, but (Y/n) guessed whatever cramping discomfort she felt now was close to a contraction.
"You okay there, honey?" Something about Tommy's low yet velvet smooth voice had (Y/n) shivering and she dropped her chin down to lock her eyes onto him.
He padded barefoot into the bedroom, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs since he had just come out the shower. He had one hand tangled in his hair that was only slightly damp and he ruffled each curl so they stuck up like waves paused in motion on top of his head.
The action made his biceps flex and he moved his hand down to scratch his neck, pointing his elbow up which almost bumped into the top of the door frame with how tall he was.
Tommy narrowed his eyes a little and quirked his lips into a melting smile when he looked across at the bed. He found it rather endearing how (Y/n) was laid right now. She looked like she had just come home from a big day out, as opposed to getting ready to go out like they should be.
Her lips pressed together and she ducked her head down, glancing down at her thighs rather than staring at her husband which caused a blush to dance along her neck and across her face.
"I think I might need some help." Her voice came out quiet, barely more than a whisper and Tommy had to take a moment to work out what she'd said.
But once her words hit him, his shoulders dropped and his smirk changed into something sweet and gentle.
He didn't get chance to ask what she needed help with before (Y/n) extended one leg out towards him and he realised what she was doing. She couldn't get into her tights.
He crossed the room in less than a second and crouched down in between her legs until his knees hit the soft carpet. His hands found her knees and he leaned forward, perching his chin on her thigh as he gazed up at her. It was evident that his eyes were taking in her attire and the way she was laid made him take in a deep breath to quench the adrenaline coursing through his stomach, fluttering up towards his chest.
She was wearing a white bra and matching underwear and had one foot in her tights which clearly had won the silent battle she was having with getting dressed.
"All you had to do was ask." He pressed a flushed kiss against her inner thigh before his hands slithered up her legs and over her hips.
He knew (Y/n) was still nervous about asking him for help because this was new to her. (Y/n) wasn't used to not being able to bend down or lean over properly. She wasn't used to being in pain when she tried to get dressed or get washed or move about the house and it made her feel helpless to ask Tommy to do things for her.
He wormed his fingers into the waistband of her underwear and carefully peeled the hem back so he could drag them down a little. (Y/n) knew what he was doing. He didn't have that hungry look in his eyes like he usually did when he started pawing at her underwear like this. This time, he had a loving, concerned look pooling in those pale blue eyes as he tugged the hem down to reveal her stitches.
There was a thin row of stitches littering her lower abdomen from the C-section she had five days ago.
Tommy kept her underwear pulled down with one hand while his other hand started grazing along her skin. Checking to make sure it wasn't too swollen and that the stitches weren't leaking and were still in place.
She was booked to have the stitches out in two days and (Y/n) couldn't be happier. They were annoying. They were itchy and she just wanted to tear them out and they were irritating when they dragged and caught against her underwear.
"They look okay," He murmured quietly against her thigh before he carefully lifted the hem back up so it was covering the stitches. "Okay, let's get these on."
His hands made a slow trail down her thighs and along the sides of her legs causing (Y/n) to shiver.
She pushed up on her hands and sat up properly, a smile dancing across her lips as she looked down at Tommy. He looked heavenly, perched between her legs like that. She watched intently as he held the tights up so she could wiggle her right foot into them and she shimmied on the bed when he tickled the back of her legs as he slowly pulled them up.
As soon as they were above her knees, (Y/n) moved her hand to Tommy's shoulder and stood up as he leaned back on his heels so she could stand in between him and the bed.
Her hands reached down, about to reach for her tights until Tommy beat her to it.
She couldn't help but grin softly at him when he leaned up and dragged them up her thighs until they settled high on her waist.
The nurse had said to wear loose, comfortable clothing for the next few weeks so she didn't irritate the stitches or the scar she was going to get. And she was expected to have a bit of discomfort and pain in the upcoming weeks until she was fully recovered.
(Y/n) was glad she had invested in some new clothes before they had Minnie, such as underwear and maternity leggings and new tights. These ones weren't tight around the waist like the other pairs she owned, they were loose and comfortable and stretchy but they still looked good.
"Thank you."
When Tommy stood up in front of her, (Y/n) looped her arms around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Her thumb stroked up and down the back of his neck and when they parted, (Y/n) kissed a trail along the side of his neck and down the centre of his chest. She felt his hands move to cradle her hips and he buried his nose in the top of her hair, swaying them from left to right like they were caught up in a dance.
She could feel his hands gliding up and down her hips and around her waist like feathers tickling her skin and it made her smile against his chest. She pressed soft, butterfly kisses over his heartbeat that she could feel quickening beneath her touch. Before she finally pulled back and looked up at him with hazy eyes.
Her hands feathered down to his shoulders and she gave him a squeeze before slowly breaking out of his hold.
They had to get dressed before they were late.
She felt Tommy turn around and head over to the wardrobe where his uniform was hanging while she reached across the bed for her dress she had gotten ready.
This award ceremony had been a bit last minute. Nobody knew about it until last month and when Tommy told (Y/n) about it, she had been very nervous that she would still be pregnant during the ceremony. The last thing (Y/n) wanted was to be there whilst nine months pregnant. Afraid she would either go into labour during the ceremony or feel unwell and be in discomfort all day.
As it turned out, they had ended up with a C-section five days ago.
The timing had been very close. Tommy had his mind set that they weren't going to turn up today. They'd just had their daughter less than a week ago and his wife was recovering from a C-section, no one would blame them if they didn't go.
(Y/n) had other ideas.
She was not staying home and having Tommy miss out on this. What him and the 118 team had done was as risky as it was brave and they were getting awarded for what they'd done. She wanted Tommy to be there to get his medal and she wanted to be sitting in the audience, watching with a proud, beaming smile.
At least now, (Y/n) wouldn't be sat there with a large rounded stomach or a baby weighing heavy on her back. She would have her baby in her arms instead. And this would be the first time the 118 would get to see Minnie. Tommy had been flooded with congratulating texts and phone calls from them all week after getting back in touch and becoming close to them all. And they were dying to see his first child.
(Y/n) took a deep breath as she leaned over the bed and scrunched up the hem of her dress.
It was a dark cherry colour with a higher neckline than her other dresses- (Y/n) wasn't risking a low neckline and showing any cleavage this soon after having a baby. It had thin cotton straps over the shoulders and it was loose around her waist, just what she needed to feel comfortable.
Once it was on, (Y/n) smoothed out the creases but she couldn't hide her wince when she straightened her back and lifted her arms to sort out the straps.
It felt like she couldn't move in any direction. Stretching made her stitches strain and caused her abdomen to tense and feel like it was being sliced open. Bending over was not an option. When she tried to put her shoes on yesterday she ended up in fits of tears from how horrid it felt to lean over and crease her stomach.
She couldn't carry or pick up anything heavier than Minnie, not even the basket of washing. It was as if she had to find the perfect position to stand without straightening out or leaning over.
And she couldn't take a bath unless Tommy took one with her and helped her in and out of the tub. The next few weeks were going to be as distressing as they were irritating and confining.
She leaned forward a little, creasing her stomach ever so slightly to relieve the tension while she put a few clips in her hair. Keeping her hair loose but pinned back so no strands fell across her eyes.
"Are you sure you wanna go? You're still not feeling well, I can see it from here. We can stay home, honey." Tommy placed his hands on his hips and cocked one hip out as he looked over at (Y/n). She could never hide anything from him and he could see that she was in discomfort. He didn't want to go if this was going to be too much for her. He would be much happier lying on the sofa with both his girls.
"And miss my man getting his medal of valor? I don't think so." (Y/n) flashed a sugary sweet smile before she slowly crossed over towards the crib attached to the bed.
They had the nursery all laid out ready, but for now, Minnie was staying in there room so it was easier to get up with her during the night. And with this crib that attached to the side of the bed, it was easier for (Y/n) to lift her up. She couldn't bend over the crib in the nursery, not yet unless she wanted to pull her stitches and cripple over in agony.
With Minnie at the same level as the bed, (Y/n) could pick her up and lay her down without straining. She had to be prepared for when Tommy went back to work and she would be without him during the day or night.
She perched down on the side of the bed, shifting to relieve the tension in her abdomen before her arms stretched out towards Minnie.
She carefully lifted Minnie up and laid the newborn down beside her on the bed so she could get her changed. (Y/n) had found the perfect onesie for her to wear today.
Her lips curved into a grin as she watched Minnie tiny hand reach up and bat against her face, crinkling the blushing pink mittens over her hands that stopped her from scratching herself. She stayed relatively still and compliant for once while (Y/n) hummed as she slipped her feet through the onesie and wriggled her small arms through the loops.
(Y/n) topped the little outfit off with a matching blue headband with a bow sewn to the front.
"Pretty baby," (Y/n) cooed and lifted her up, settling Minnie on her chest before she carefully stood up trying not to stretch too much and strain her stitches. Her thumb brushed across the back of Minnie's head soothingly and when she turned round, (Y/n) couldn't help but drag her eyes up and down Tommy as he finished getting changed.
It wasn't often she saw him in his work suit.
Suits were reserved for special occasions or in very few, drastic cases, funerals. Rather than his usual blue trousers and matching cotton shirt, Tommy was wearing starched black trousers that were straight as cardboard and settled high on his hips.
He had a crisp white dress shirt tucked into his trousers and a matching black tie.
He turned round just as he finished shrugging on his blazer jacket which had the fire station logo on the left breast pocket and the harbour pilot logo on the left arm near the shoulder.
(Y/n)'s lips pressed together and she couldn't stop herself from smiling as she openly oogled him in his suit. Like most of Tommy's clothing, the blazer looked a tiny bit tight around the shoulders, but that was a normality. He had broader shoulders and if he wanted clothes to fit perfect or snug around his chest, they had to be tight for his shoulders. Or else going the next size up meant things fit his shoulders but hung loose and baggy around his torso and he didn't like that.
"Will I do?" He already knew the answer, judging by the look in his wife's eyes as she looked him up and down a few more times, biting her lower lip as she nodded.
"Daddy's gonna look good getting his medal, hm?" She murmured against the top of Minnie's head that was tucked just beneath her neck. She could feel each soft breath tickling her collar bone and the way Minnie's knees pulled up and tucked against (Y/n)'s stomach. She was suddenly glad her stitches were right at the bottom of her abdomen in line with her hips so she could snuggle with her baby and not risk irritating her stitches.
"Oh, am I?"
His hands found her shoulders and his lips pressed against her temple. He brushed his thumbs up and down her skin, staying close with Minnie tucked safely between them.
Reaching his hand down, Tommy gently pressed a finger beneath (Y/n)'s chin and tilted her head up so he could capture a kiss. And he tried to swallow down the groan at the back of his throat when (Y/n) whispered "We're going to be late," against his lips. Punctuated with a kiss between each word.
She could feel his hands gliding down her waist to settle on her hips and she knew if Minnie wasn't in her arms between them, Tommy's chest would have been pressing down on hers by now. But there was caution in his touch and his movements. He didn't want to hurt her or crush their daughter between them.
(Y/n) grazed her teeth against his lower lip and nudged their noses together before she finally pulled back. Noticing the redness flushing across his lips and the heat rising on his cheeks.
He kept one hand on (Y/n)'s hip, rubbing soft circles over her skin while he leaned his chest back and tilted his head down so he could look at their daughter. His eyes narrowed and the end of his nonse scrunched up as he tried to work out what she was wearing. He remembered (Y/n) saying she had found something perfect for her, but he had no idea what it was.
He thought it might have been something to do with Disney, maybe Minnie Mouse plastered on the front to go along with her name. But the onesie was blue so he couldn't imagine it being that.
His right hand ghosted across the back of Minnie's head, the pads of his fingers tickling against the few little wisps of hair she had. And being mindful not to knock the soft cotton headband with a lovely bow that made her look just like a little doll.
"What're you wearing, princess?"
He took another step back so (Y/n) could carefully turn Minnie around in her arms to let him see.
When (Y/n) held her gently by her waist, Minnie's knees pulled up to her stomach and her mittened hands brushed her nose in such a way that had Tommy's heart rocketing in his chest and had him smiling brightly. He gently curled her miniscule feet into his palms and lowered her legs so he could see what was printed on her onesie.
Lightning struck his heart and a beaming smile flooded his face when he read it.
'Daddy's Co-Pilot' was written across the front in large white italics and a cartoon helicopter was plastered over her tummy.
"Beautiful. Everyone's gonna be staring at my girls." He murmured quietly while he gently lifted Minnie into his own arms and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek. His eyes flickered between them both before he snugged Minnie down against his blazer, holding her with one arm that engulfed her and almost hid her from sight. While his other arm looped around (Y/n)'s waist and reeled her into his side.
"Off we go."
A tender, flushed smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips when she felt Tommy's hands on her shoulders and his lips smothering the back of her head. She leaned back into his touch until her back was pressed up against his chest. His hands gave her a loving squeeze and while he leaned into her, (Y/n) took a moment to look around the station.
She hadn't been here before.
She had heard Tommy talk about the 118, considering this was where he first started when he got out the army and changed to being a fire fighter. And since he got back in touch with Hen and Chimney, he became close with Buck and Eddie too. So it was natural that Tommy had been back to this station quite a lot and he talked about it to (Y/n).
She noted that although it didn't look different from Tommy's fire house, the atmosphere was very much upbeat and loving here. Differing from the 217 which was kind and welcoming, but not as cosy as this. Even harbour wasn't as close knit as the people here.
(Y/n) could feel Tommy humming something into her hair and it made her shiver and push back into him.
Now the ceremony was going to start, (Y/n) was becoming nervous. It had been a while since she had been to an event like this and this time, she had Minnie. She prayed the newborn would stay settled and asleep and if she did indeed wake up, she hoped she would be able to settle her down quickly.
"Ready?" Tommy spoke softly into her hair while his arms rested over her shoulders and his hands curved around her chest. He pecked her cheek before tucking his chin into the crook of her neck and his eyes focused down on the pram in front of them.
It took all Tommy's reserve not to reach down and scoop Minnie up the moment they got here. He just wanted to cuddle her into his chest and hold her close, but he knew better than to wake her. It was surprising that she hadn't woken up already with the hustle and bustle happening in the station. But while she was sleeping, they needed her to stay settled like this.
(Y/n) nodded and turned so she could kiss his temple. She was ready to see him and the others get their medals and be shown off, but sitting on her own with people she was mostly a stranger to was a bit unnerving.
When Tommy unravelled himself from her, (Y/n) side-stepped to be level with the side of the pram. She pressed her lips into a thin line and slowly leaned over to reach down for Minnie. She couldn't exactly leave the newborn over here in the pram out the way, she would have to hold her while they sat through the ceremony.
A quiet whimper clawed at the back of her throat when she leaned over and she tried to bend her knees so her stomach didn't crease as much.
She glanced over at Tommy when he reached down and gently curled his hand around her wrist.
"I'll get her." His voice was quiet and all (Y/n) could see in his eyes was love while he let go of her hand and carefully scooped Minnie up from the pram. He pressed a kiss against her temple before easing her down into (Y/n)'s arms. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, off you go, Pilot." (Y/n) pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and adjusted Minnie into the crook of her left arm.
She felt Tommy's hand move to her lower back and he weaved her in front of him to guide her down to the seats. There were five rows of seats laid out in the middle of the station where friends and family could watch the ceremony.
Bobby had a seat behind the podium with a few other Captains and the Chief. And Tommy, Hen, Eddie, Chimney and Buck were all to stand to the left of the podium and wait patiently for the speeches to commence and to be presented with their awards.
There was no way (Y/n) would sit on the front row. She wasn't going to be sat in full view of everyone.
Her eyes scanned the rows that were all filling up but when she looked at the third row, she nodded to herself.
She knew Hen's partner. Tommy had been closest to Hen and they had been catching up a lot recently, so (Y/n) had gotten to know Hen and Karen. She would happily sit next to Karen who was someone she could class as a friend and not feel uncomfortable around.
Tommy pressed a lasting kiss to the back of (Y/n)'s head and ran his finger along Minnie's cheek near the aqua blue pacifier in her lips. Before he watched (Y/n) sit down on the end seat of the row. It made for a quick exit if she needed to go and change Minnie or settle her down if she became fussy. And the end seat also provided (Y/n) of a very good view to watch her husband.
(Y/n) felt better when she was sitting down. She knew she needed to keep moving about regularly to prevent the risk of blood clots, but sitting down did make it easier on her muscles and it stopped her from feeling so uncomfortable.
She stretched her legs out beneath the seat in front of her and lowered Minnie down onto her thighs. Tilting her at an angle so her head was supported in her elbow and she gently ran her right hand up and down Minnie's chest and stomach to try and keep her dozing off like this.
She gently leaned from left to right and when she lifted her gaze to look over to her right, a shy, tender look crossed her face.
Karen was grinning at her. She had her lips pressed together and when she silently ticked her head down in Minnie's direction, (Y/n) obliged and moved her arms a bit closer. Allowing her friend to take her first glimpse at Minnie.
When they arrived at the station, her and Tommy had stayed mostly in the corner. They chatted to Eddie and Chris in passing and of course Buck had been across to take a peek in the pram, wanting to see the little lady for the first time. But everyone was in a rush to filter about and find a seat and get ready which is how (Y/n) liked it.
She wanted to silently slip into the ceremony and try to watch without drawing too much attention to Minnie. Once the awards had been given out, then (Y/n) would be happy for her daughter to wake up and for people to fawn over her. She would feel less anxious once Tommy was back by her side.
"Ooh, she's adorable, and so tiny." She brushed her finger across Minnie's hand that was hidden by her mitten and traced her fingertip down the onesie that made her grin.
(Y/n) smiled. She knew her little girl was tiny, she was only six pounds two. But after a C-section, Minnie felt like she weighed a stone when lifting her put a strain on (Y/n)'s stitches.
"How are you?" Karen kept her voice quiet and flitted her eyes between (Y/n) and the podium to keep check of when the speeches would start.
"Sore but very happy."
"You look lovely."
(Y/n) looked back down at her little girl just as she heard Bobby begin to speak. Minnie was wriggling a bit, possibly a sign that she was going to wake up soon. She continued to sway from side to side, coaxing Minnie to stay settled and stay sleeping while she lifted her head.
Despite hearing Bobby's words and smiling at the gratitude on his face and the endearment in his eyes, (Y/n) couldn't keep her focus on him no matter how hard she tried.
All her attention was on Tommy.
The way he stood at the far back because he was the tallest out of the five of them. The way he clasped his hands behind his back and kept his chin angled down like he was trying to hide himself away from all the attention.
She noticed his shoulders lifting and dropping every few seconds but other than that, he stayed very still as if he had become a statue in the background. His lips were pressed together in a stoic expression and his eyes were cast down towards his feet. (Y/n) knew he didn't know where to look. Tommy wasn't great when the attention was on him and if he was the only person who had to be stood up there, he wouldn't have done it.
Having the 118 up there with him gave him the confidence to be up there and accept an award (Y/n) knew he was still stunned to be receiving.
Tommy always looked good in a suit, but there was something about this suit that always made (Y/n)'s heart flutter. Maybe it was the logo on the shoulder that showed off where he worked and the bravery he had for the job he did. Perhaps it was just how tall, broad and confident the suit made him look. But something about it was intoxicating and (Y/n) just wanted to take it off, piece by piece.
When Tommy lifted his head and adjusted his gaze from his feet, he instantly locked his eyes on his wife.
He hadn't been listening, not really. He heard what Bobby said, but it seemed to go straight out the other ear and he couldn't recollect the praise he and the team were getting. And it didn't matter. Tommy didn't need any praise and he didn't need this medal, although he was grateful.
All he wanted right now was to be sat down there with his wife and daughter. He wanted to make sure (Y/n) was alright and look after his girls.
His eyes danced across (Y/n)'s frame and his hands itched and his fingers fiddled together behind his back as he gazed at her.
She looked stunning.
Sat there in a cherry red dress which showed off her curves, despite not being tight on her frame. The way her hair fell across her neck, how her head tilted to one side and her smile lit up her eyes when she gazed down at their daughter. Seeing her sat there, softly moving from side to side, almost unnoticable to anyone who wasn't gazing at her the way Tommy was.
And Tommy absolutely adored the sight of (Y/n) sat there with Minnie on her lap, cradled by her arms. He couldn't see his baby girl properly with the distance between them and the chair in front of (Y/n), but he could see the distinctive navy blue bow on her head. It stuck out like a beacon and kept Tommy's attention drifting between her and (Y/n).
His little family.
(Y/n) couldn't refrain from smiling when her gaze locked with Tommy's. She watched his lips curve into a baiting grin and when he winked, (Y/n) quickly cast her eyes down on Minnie.
It took her a moment to realise that Bobby had finished his speech and the chief was now standing up at the podium, ready to give out the awards and medals.
(Y/n)'s eyes flickered between Tommy and Minnie when she felt the newborn start to stir. Her legs started to twitch on (Y/n)'s lap and her tired eyes blinked open and shut, squinting at the bright lights lighting up the station. Her eyes were a pure match for Tommy's hazy blue ones. (Y/n) had been shocked when Minnie first opened her eyes, struck by the deep ocean blue eyes that seemed too majestic and wide for her little head.
She sat Minnie up a little higher in her arm and ran her hand over her chest in circles to try and lull her back to sleep. Just a few more minutes, just until the medals were given out.
Minnie made a quiet yawn that turned into a whimper, morphed around the dummy in her mouth which (Y/n) nudged back so she didn't drop it.
When Minnie's eyes flickered again and her arms began to twitch, (Y/n) changed her approach. She gently held her sides and lifted her up off her lap to rest the newborn on her chest instead. She felt Minnie's face tuck against her shoulder and she began patting her back, slowly nudging her up and down to keep her settled.
Her eyes locked with Tommy once again and she watched the way his brows furrowed and he tipped his chin down. A silent way to ask if she was alright.
She smiled softly and nodded.
Hen was up first.
(Y/n) felt Karen lightly nudge their arms together while her gaze was fixated on her wife, smiling proudly as she was almost bubbling over with excitement. It was lovely to see Hen get the recognition she deserved for her intuition and knowing there was something that wasn't right about the cruise ship. She had put herself on the line to help Bobby and Athena, no questions asked and no thanks necessary.
"Firefighter Thomas Kinard."
Something tickled (Y/n)'s chest and she felt her stomach tightening, trying not to laugh or mumble when she noticed Tommy's shoulders twitch.
He didn't like being called Thomas. It was something his father had always called him before going into a drunken rage or flying off the handle and fighting with Tommy when he was a teen. It was what his mother called him when she was tired and didn't want to deal with him while he was shipped between homes after the divorce.
It was a name he was used to being called when someone wanted something from him or when people wanted to put him down or shove him in his place.
The one and only time Tommy had loved the sound of his name was when (Y/n) had spoken it during their wedding vows.
But he figured this was a good occasion too.
"Daddy's got his medal," (Y/n) hushed into Minnie's ear and kissed her warm, fuzzy cheek all while her eyes never left her husband.
She noticed the faint blush that crept across his cheeks and tainted his neck. She loved the bashful smile he allowed to pull at his features. She noticed how he was desperate to stick his hands into his pockets but refrained and kept them held politely behind his back.
And (Y/n) could see how relieved he was to move back towards his colleagues and blend himself in with them so he was no longer the centre of attention.
Minnie started to whimper on cue as if she knew Tommy had been awarded and now she wanted to liven up and gain some attention, too.
"Shh, baby, it's okay." Her lips smothered Minnie's cheek and she ran her hand in circles over Minnie's back, but she was indeed awake. And (Y/n) figured she was probably hungry which meant she wasn't going to settle down or wait another five minutes.
(Y/n) supposed they had done well. Minnie had stayed settled for most of the speeches and at least she had seen Tommy get his medal. It didn't matter if (Y/n) disappeared to the corner of the station to feed Minnie away from prying eyes. She didn't want to disrupt the ceremony or cause upset for anyone.
Her hand cradled the back of Minnie's head and her other hand supported her legs, keeping her cuddled to her chest while (Y/n) slowly stood up.
Part of her wished she hadn't. Standing up made a horrid cramp tear through her abdomen and when she leaned forward, it seemed to make the feeling worse. But she had to move. She had to get out of the way.
She tried her best to ignore the tension in her abdomen that felt like she was straining when all she was holding was Minnie. And the cramping feeling was similar to a period cramp and close to what (Y/n) suspected a contraction was like since it was her muscles twitching and tightening.
She barely stepped away from her seat before Minnie let out a faint wail, and the dummy spat past her lips and tumbled down (Y/n)'s back to the floor.
Turning on her heels, (Y/n) glanced around before she noticed the blue pacifier on the floor between the seats. Great.
She kept Minnie snuggled into her chest with her left arm and stretched her right arm out for the chair. Her palm pressed into the chair and she slowly tried to lean down, but tilting forward caused her stomach to crease and when her stitches itched and tightened, (Y/n) couldn't help but hiss. Tears welled up in her eyes but she tried to push them aside and change tactics.
Her back straightened and she leaned heavily on the chair to try and crouch down instead.
Her gaze bolted up from the floor and her wide eyes locked with Karen's when she felt a hand on her arm.
(Y/n) stayed crouching beside the chair, frozen in place when Karen gently held her upper arm and leaned over. She reached down and picked up the pacifier, kindly offering it over to (Y/n).
"Thank you." (Y/n) tried to ward off the tears in her eyes as she hooked the pacifier on her thumb.
She didn't know what to do other than hold her breath when Karen moved to hold her elbows and helped her back up.
(Y/n) wondered if the discomfort was written across her face when she stood up because Karen didn't want to seem to let go of her. But she forced herself to smile and walked away from the seats when Minnie began to cry louder, warning everyone of her need for attention.
Tommy felt Buck lean close to his side and he could feel his eyes upon him but he didn't bother to glance over at his friend. His gaze was focused on his wife. He noticed the jolt that tore through (Y/n) when she tried to bend down and he almost left the group when he saw (Y/n) trying to crouch down.
She shouldn't be doing that. She wasn't supposed to be bending down or leaning over or straining, especially not when she was already in pain and discomfort.
Something simmered down in Tommy's chest when he watched Karen help her and he could of sighed with relief. But unease still ebbed away in Tommy's stomach and adrenaline sparked through his system when he watched (Y/n) walk down between the rows of seats. He noticed how she was leant forward and she wasn't moving very fast.
"Keeping an eye on the girls," Tommy murmured back, clenching his hands around the plaque in his hands while he tilted backwards to look behind Buck towards (Y/n). He knew she had gone over to the pram.
(Y/n) juggled Minnie in one arm and reached out for the bag hanging on the pram handle when she got close.
It was probably in her mind, but she was sure she could feel eyes upon her. She could feel everyone watching her, wondering if she was going to drop anything else. Wondering if she could actually cope with her baby. The thought sent shivers running up and down her spine and she took a second to close her eyes and keep herself together.
The bag slipped from her hand.
It made a thud as it clattered against the floor and (Y/n) couldn't stop the tear that fell down her cheek while Minnie continued to wail into her neck.
Why today? Why in front of their friends and Tommy's colleagues? Why now when this was supposed to be Tommy's day? She didn't want to ruin the ceremony or distract anyone or annoy people with Minnie causing a fuss and she certainly didn't want anyone looking at her and thinking she was incapable of looking after her own baby.
Another tear trickled over the bridge of her nose but before (Y/n) could even think of crouching down, there was a hand on her back and someone had already reached down and collected the bag for her.
"Oh, no I can do that-"
"It's okay, here." A warm smile flooded Karen's face as she picked up the bag and placed it down on the table beside the pram so it was level for (Y/n) to reach into without straining.
"You'll miss the pictures," (Y/n) spoke softly and ticked her head in the direction of the photographers that were gathering round to take pictures of the five heroes.
"Please, Buck and Bobby will have those pictures printed all over this place by tomorrow, and besides, it's not like I'm gonna be in them." The softness pooling in her eyes and the light tone to her voice made (Y/n) want to melt into a puddle. She wasn't bothered about watching the photos being taken, not when she was going to get every copy she could and print them off along with the rest of the team.
She didn't need to see the photos being taken and Karen wasn't a part of them anyway, so being out the way with (Y/n) wasn't a bad thing or making her miss out on anything.
"God, I'm sorry… I'm okay, you go back and enjoy the ceremony."
"Hey," She moved her hand to (Y/n)'s shoulder and leaned closer until they were level. "You've had a big operation less than a week ago, and you're still recovering. Let us help you."
(Y/n) looked down at the pram before she glanced over at Karen. She didn't want to ask for help, but Karen was offering. This wouldn't make her a bad person or an incompetent mother if she had a little help. And she didn't want to put Minnie down in the pram and struggle to pick her back up again.
"Could you?" She silently motioned her arms out, feeling her heart leap when Karen all but squealed and eagerly but gently took Minnie from her.
"Hi baby, hi. I'm auntie Karen,"
Her words made (Y/n)'s smile soften as she turned to go through the bag and find the bottle she had made up at home before they left. She gave the bottle a shake, mixing the water and powder together but she frowned when she heard Karen.
"And here's your brave daddy."
(Y/n) didn't have chance to turn around and look before a pair of arms wound around her waist and she felt Tommy's lips attach to the side of her neck causing her to gasp. She could hear the Chief finishing off his speech and people were just starting to clap. The ceremony hadn't properly finished yet and Tommy had snook away to wrap around her.
"What're you doing? Get back up there, Pilot." She gave his wrist a light tap but she didn't try and break out of his arms while he held her and turned to look at Karen. She was happily swaying Minnie from side to side, comforting her until she could have her bottle.
"Hmm, thought you might need some help… and I missed you." He muttered into her neck, pressing another kiss there just to feel the way (Y/n) shivered against him.
(Y/n) leaned back against Tommy's chest and held her arms out, grinning when Karen gently eased Minnie back into her arms.
Tommy murmured a quiet "Thank you," in Karen's direction, smiling into (Y/n)'s neck when Karen nodded before she headed over towards her wife. The ceremony was finished now and that meant one thing; party time. The buffet would open, drinks would be passed around and someone had already set up the music in the background.
"Do you feel okay? You shouldn't be bending down, honey." He gave (Y/n) a squeeze and fluttered his fingers across her stomach, touching above her stitches so he didn't cause her any pain or irritation.
"You saw that, huh?"
Her eyes cast down to Minnie and she couldn't help but chuckle when Tommy reached his hand up to swipe the mittens from her hands. She was awake now and she wasn't likely to go back to sleep yet, nor was she going to scratch her face at the moment. He tossed the mittens in the bag and curled his hand around (Y/n)'s, holding the bottle along with her.
"Yes, I saw that, honey. And I don't want you overdoing anything please, let me look after my girls." Adrenaline flooded (Y/n)'s chest and surged through her heart when each word was punctuated with a kiss against her neck.
It didn't take long for Minnie to finish the bottle and something sparked in (Y/n)'s chest when she felt Tommy's lips travel up her neck. Open-mouthed kisses planted a trail over her skin until his lips were grazing along her ear and her knees almost gave out.
"My turn." The way he spoke had goosebumps rising on (Y/n)'s skin. She went limp and let him turn her around in his arms before his hands moved down towards her arms, indicating to their girl.
"Don't ruin your suit," (Y/n) whispered, putting the bottle back in the bag and taking out a cloth.
She let Tommy ease Minnie from her arms and she draped the cloth over his shoulder. The last thing he needed was spit or sick down his suit, especially when (Y/n) was sure more pictures would be taken throughout the rest of the afternoon. Not that she thought Tommy cared at all. He wasn't bothered if Minnie messed up his suit, he just wanted to hold his girls.
"Are you daddy's princess, hm?" He held Minnie up high, loving the way her little legs scrunched up to her tummy and she made a little clicking noise before a yawn escaped her lips. "Come on, let's show you off, and get something to eat. Bobby's been cooking."
Tommy eased her down onto his shoulder and began patting her back and gently nudging her up and down. He took the time to kiss the top of (Y/n)'s head, standing as close behind her as he could while he pointed towards the buffet table.
"You can't eat that, princess." He mumbled, gently pulling Minnie's tiny fist from her lips as she began drooling over her hand.
He lowered her down into the crook of his arm once she'd been winded and it allowed him to curve his free arm around (Y/n)'s waist, keeping both his girls close to his chest.
"Whenever you wanna go, just say."
"Why do I get the feeling you're already eager to leave?" (Y/n) looked up at him while both her hands curled around his wrist, keeping him as close as she could get him.
"Because as much as I wanna show you both off, I don't wanna share. Curling up on the sofa sounds great to me."
This was fun, Tommy loved being around this team and a few of the guys from Harbour had come down to support him too. But he would be ready for home whenever (Y/n) wanted to go. He liked to socialise, Tommy was all for being around friends and chatting and getting something to eat and this was a party with the 118. It was always entertaining. But he had his girls now and Minnie was a newborn and (Y/n) was recovering from surgery.
Spending the afternoon on the sofa with (Y/n) in his arms and Minnie beside them sounded heavenly to Tommy.
(Y/n) let Tommy guide them across to the buffet table and she grabbed a paper plate, waiting for Tommy to point out what he wanted. She knew Tommy would eat more than her, he always did due to the job he did and the time and training he did in the gym almost every day. They could easily share a plate and pick at what they wanted.
"Hey, there's the little lady. Can I hold her?" The eagerness in Buck's voice and the way he bounced from foot to foot had (Y/n) smiling sweetly in his direction.
But she pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes when she looked up at Tommy. He cast his eyes in Buck's direction, giving him a short, sideways glance before he looked down at his daughter and a simple "Nope." passed his lips.
"Baby, be nice." (Y/n) pecked his neck and she noticed his brow quirk and how hard he tried to keep his expression stoic. He was only playing around. He wanted to keep Minnie in his arm because she was settled with Tommy swaying her up and down, rocking and lulling her to stay calm.
Buck noted how tiny Minnie looked in Tommy's arm. She didn't seem to fit the expanse of his arm, she barely measured from his elbow to his wrist and when Tommy flexed his muscles, she was almost completely hidden from view. And Buck loved kids, he was desperate to cuddle her and hold her and see if she would settle with him like most kids seemed to do.
"C'mon, just a little hold, please? She's such a cutie."
Tommy's response had (Y/n) chuckling and Buck rolling his eyes. "Of course she's cute. She takes after me."
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megalony · 19 days
Minor Incidents
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine based on a request and a separate idea I had. I hope you will all like it.
Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: During a weekly basketball game, Tommy argues with a team mate who starts being rude to his wife. And when he goes home and finds out she's had a small injury, he patches her up.
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Tilting her head back, (Y/n) leaned her head on Tommy's shoulder and smiled softly up at him. She felt his arms move round her sides so his hands could curl around her own that were pushing the pram in front of them.
His chest arched around (Y/n)'s back and his head tilted down and tucked into the crook of her neck. A shiver crawled down her spine when she felt his lips attach to the base of her neck and shoulder and she could feel his teeth grazing her skin as they carried on walking slowly down the path.
Both Tommy's arms moulded around (Y/n)'s frame, engulfing her in his frame and his bare arms smothered hers from view. It was like having a protective blanket wrapped around her.
"I think someone's tired." (Y/n) spoke quietly while she leaned over the front of the pram to look down at James.
The three year old was on his way to having a nap which was well overdue since he had been awake all morning without a break.
He had his monkey toy pinned to his chest and his head was flopped down onto the top of the toy. He wasn't quite asleep yet, but he was almost there. Every now and then his eyes kept closing and his head would tip down again. He wasn't even humming or playing with his toy anymore, he was very content to stay cuddled up in the pram which meant he would most likely fall asleep on the walk home.
"So he should be, the amount of times he had me up and down that slide." Tommy mumbled back, hovering his lips over the shell of (Y/n)'s ear before he went back to kissing a path up and down the side of her neck.
"You're too big to be going on the playground, you know."
(Y/n) poked her tongue between her teeth and tipped her head down when Tommy let go of her hand to swat his hand down on her hip. He kept hold of her waist, lovingly digging his fingers into her hip while he stayed curved around (Y/n)'s back.
"Well then it's a good job he'll be going on the big play park soon. Cheeky," He grazed his teeth along the side of her neck while he looked ahead to make sure they weren't going to bump into anyone passing by.
It was a little strange to walk stooped over like this and be at (Y/n)'s height, but Tommy didn't want to move just yet. He wanted to stay wrapped around her with her glued to his chest and his lips attached to her neck so he could feel every shiver that rattled beneath her skin.
They had been at the park for over an hour and with James being only three, he needed help on the swings and supervision going down the slide or going on the small roundabout. Tommy hadn't sat on the slide, he knew he wouldn't fit, but he had helped James climb up the steps and waited at the bottom to catch him.
(Y/n) thought the sight was beautiful. She was never going to get over how soft Tommy looked when he was playing with their boy. When Tommy was around anyone else, he looked almost like a wrestler with his height and his muscles. But seeing him with James made him look soft and doe-eyed and sweet.
"You sure you're good to walk home? You can take the car if you want." Lifting his head, Tommy pressed his lips to the top of (Y/n)'s head instead. He moved his left arm to curve around her waist while his right hand slid up her arm to hold her shoulder.
"We'll walk, I think it will send him to sleep." (Y/n) tilted her head to the right and pecked Tommy's jaw before she steered the pram off the promenade and towards the right.
There park was a five minute walk from the basketball court they had parked up at earlier. This was where (Y/n) was going to leave Tommy to play a game or two of basketball with the guys from work. While she and James headed home for the afternoon.
There was no point (Y/n) disturbing James, waking him up to get him in and out the car when she could just walk him home. The walk would do them both good since the sun was shining down on them and it was a hot day. It would send James to sleep and he could have a nap and then be wide awake for when Tommy came home.
He was bringing Buck over after the game to join them for dinner and he had quickly become a friend to James as well as Tommy.
"If you're sure." He murmured against the top of her head while his eyes set on the court.
It looked like most of the guys were there on the court already which was good; they wouldn't have to wait around. They could get into a warm up and head straight into the game. Tommy had done most of a warm up already by running around the playground with James, pushing him on the swings, clambering up the slide with him and playing tag with him and (Y/n).
They veered to the right and headed down the path in front of the adjoining car park, coming to a stop in front of the bench where Eddie and Buck were sat conversing.
"Hey, you made it."
Both Tommy's hands moved to (Y/n)'s shoulders as he straightened up but stayed stood behind her. He grinned softly when (Y/n) folded her arms over the top of the pram and leaned over to look down at James while Buck moved to crouch down in front of the pram.
"Hi buddy, you gonna wake up later when I come over?" Buck held his hand out and grinned happily when James smiled.
The toddler giggled tiredly and smothered his face in his toy, but he reached one small hand out to hold Evan's hand and pull it closer.
"He'll have a power nap and wake up when you come round." (Y/n) reached down to ruffle her fingers through James's hair as he continued to cuddle up to his toy, giggling shyly at Buck.
When she leaned back up, she scanned her eyes around the court ahead of them. There were at least ten other guys on the court, quite a few that (Y/n) recognised from Tommy's station. She didn't know any of them by name though. (Y/n) tended to shy away from talking to Tommy's colleagues on the few occasions she had to pop by the station. They were nice enough, but it was too nerve-wracking to talk to them unless they were in a social situation such as this.
She slowly turned around so her back was against the pram and her hands glided up and down Tommy's chest while he gave her hips a squeeze. She skimmed her fingertips over his sleeveless jumper, already knowing that he would sweat through it once the game began. At least the grey jumper was thin, it barely covered his chest, and the aqua blue shorts he was wearing were the usual sporty ones he wore when they played basketball.
"Can I have the keys, my bag's in the car."
Tommy fished around in his pocket and found the car keys, handing them over while he kissed her temple.
He moved over to stand beside Eddie, leaning his head to one side to look down at James who was back to closing his eyes again, too tired to stay awake and play with Buck. His eyes followed the pair of them as (Y/n) grinned in his direction before she pushed the pram towards the car. Both her and James's bags were in the car along with her house key which she needed since she wasn't staying to watch the game.
"Who enjoyed the playground more, you or James?" Eddie looked Tommy up and down as the three of them moved onto the court. He could see the few scuff marks on Tommy's knees and hands, showing he had been playing in the park before coming over here.
"Very funny."
Tommy caught the ball when it was tossed over to him and he smiled and nodded over at Chimney who he hadn't noticed earlier. It was strange but great to have the 118 team joining their weekly basketball game. Tommy had gained new and old close friends by reconnecting with the 118.
He took a few steps over to the side and stretched his arms above his head, but when he looked to the left, his brows arched and his lips set into a straight line when he glanced over at Tyler.
It took Tommy a few seconds to realise why Tyler, one of the younger guys from his station, had a smirk plastered on his face. He was stood in the middle of the court, stretching his legs but he was looking dead ahead of him.
He was looking at (Y/n).
Tyler looked over and part of Tommy thought that when Tyler realised he'd been caught staring, Tyler would start to blush or look away, embarrassed. But instead, the blond continued to smirk and ticked his chin up in (Y/n)'s direction. And then went right back to staring at her.
She had the pram on the path in front of the bonnet while she leaned in the back of the car for her bag and James's backpack. With the door open, she was partially obscured from view. But Tommy knew exactly where Tyler was looking. He was staring at her arse since she was leaning over.
Tommy lowered his arms from above his head and moved his hands to his hips instead. He cocked one hip out to the side and pressed his lips into a thin line while his brows furrowed.
"How old is your girl, Kinard?" Tyler's comment took them all by surprise.
His words caused Tommy to take a deep breath while Buck tossed the basketball over to Chimney, unsure if they needed a weapon around with the look on Tommy's face. He could see Eddie moving closer out the corner of his eye, unsure if something was going to start here or not.
Tyler hadn't been to many of their games and they didn't know him well, but Tommy did. He knew the younger man was abrasive and cocky and a loud-mouth, but he never usually got on Tommy's nerves. Tommy was someone who had a lot of patience and he was very hard to wind up.
No one down at the Harbour tried playing pranks or jokes on Tommy because he didn't react to them. He would shrug or smile and walk away, his calm nature meant people got along with him rather than getting on the wrong side of him.
But right now, staring and beginning to make comments about (Y/n) was one sure way to rile Tommy up.
"Excuse me?" His head tilted at an angle as his jaw clicked into place when he jutted it from side to side.
"She looks pretty young for you."
Tommy tried. He tried to let the comment roll off his back while he forced himself to smile and take a deep, calming breath. He could feel them all watching him, gouging for his reaction in case they had to step in and diffuse the situation. But the way Tommy's forced, broken smile splintered along his face told Eddie and Buck that he wasn't happy. And they could understand.
Neither of them would be pleased if someone said a comment like that to them. And they both knew Tommy kept his family and his relationship very private. It took a while for him to introduce them to (Y/n) because she was anxious and Tommy was protective over her.
"Are you calling me old?" His reply made Eddie smile. It was a good way to deflect the conversation and hopefully end it too.
Tommy wasn't used to anyone on his team commenting about his relationship because they all knew he was a private person. He was very open about saying he was married and happy to tell people he had a son, but he didn't disclose more than that and nobody asked.
No one else on the team said anything when they realised there was a bit of an age difference between (Y/n) and Tommy and it wasn't anyone else's business but theirs.
But Tyler persisted.
"What is she, twenty? Cute though, nice ass."
Tyler clasped his hands together behind his back and tilted his head to the left, making it clear where he was looking without any shame or fear about it. He nodded his head in (Y/n)'s direction, watching as she locked the car and moved back towards the pram.
Both Buck and Eddie shared a worried look and took a step closer to Tommy when they noticed his hands move from his hips to scrunch up into tight fists at his sides.
"Make another comment about my wife and I'll land you on your arse."
"Hey, I was just saying I know what you see in her-"
Tommy took a step closer until he found Buck stood in front of him, pushing him back while he shook his head. They didn't need a fight, not when he could see (Y/n) out the corner of his eye, apprehensively walking towards them.
"Enough. Tyler don't be a dick." Eddie gave Tyler a little shove in the shoulder to try and get him to take the hint. He couldn't go winding Tommy up and being rude about his wife, that wasn't fair and there was no need for it. If he continued they would kick him out of the game.
Buck gave Tommy another push backwards and pointed towards Chimney who was holding the ball out towards them. While Eddie moved in the other direction to go and put his phone in his bag that was near the goal post. The last thing he needed was Buck tackling him again and breaking his phone if he kept it in his pocket.
Something settled heavy in the pit of (Y/n)'s stomach as she approached the court.
She wasn't sure what had happened, but she had noticed Tommy's demanour change and the tension in the air was thick. She wasn't sure she really wanted to approach the court in case she was interrupting something, but she needed to give Tommy the car keys back or else he would be walking home.
Her eyes dragged up and down the man that was stood closest to her. He had his hands clasped behind his back and he was leaning forward, swaying on his toes as he dragged his eyes up and down her frame.
(Y/n) looked over his bleached blond hair, scrutinising his rather short, scrawny frame since he was clearly doing the same to her.
She left the pushchair next to the bench, just a few feet behind her while she apprehensively walked onto the court and looked over the far corner where Tommy was. She didn't get close before the blond was stood in front of her with a shark tooth grin that made her uneasy.
"You're Tommy's little girl?" His words set her on edge and she frowned, scrunching her nose as she took a step away from him and looked back towards Tommy.
"His wife." She corrected quietly but firmly, not bothering to give him a second look.
"Kinard, your baby mama wants you."
(Y/n) took a deep breath and her eyes widened as she looked him up and down again. Something about the way he said that angered her as well as made her feel very anxious. No one had referred to her like that before. If it was Tommy calling her that it would have been different, she knew he would use it as a term of endearment.
But the way this man said it made it sound like it was something bad, like (Y/n) was someone bad. As if she was some kind of nuisance or a leech, despite the smirk that was playing on his lips.
"Don't call her that." Tommy spun on his heels and pointed over at Tyler who's breathing visibly quickened at Tommy's furious expression.
When he got closer, (Y/n) took three steps away from the blond and reached out for Tommy's arms. She had a gut feeling he would start a fight, his face said he wasn't happy. She didn't want an argument breaking out, not when James was here and so were all the people Tommy worked and got along with. And especially not if it had something to do with her.
"Car keys," (Y/n) mumbled quietly, keeping one hand tightly curled around Tommy's arm. While she reached her other arm around his waist and slid the keys into his back pocket, patting his bum in the process to try and grab his attention and calm him down.
She felt his hands move down to hold her hips but his eyes were deadlocked on the blond stood behind them. Whoever he was, Tommy clearly didn't like or trust him and therefore (Y/n) didn't either.
"See you at home, babe." She pushed up on her toes and stole a quick, tender kiss and took the time to drag her hands down his chest to make sure he was calm.
She felt Tommy peck her temple and murmur a soft "Bye honey," into her skin while his hand ran across her hips before she broke out of his arms.
(Y/n) nodded and waved across at Buck who smiled and quickly walked over when he realised there was still some tension in the air. But she barely got towards the pram where James was sleeping soundly before she heard a wolf whistle behind her.
She didn't have to look over her shoulder to know who had whistled at her and the fact that it wasn't her husband, made her skin crawl. Why was he trying to wind Tommy up? Did they not get along? Or did he just find it funny how much Tommy loved and felt protective over his wife?
(Y/n) grabbed the pram and steered it to the side, trying to make a quick exit because she could see that this had something to do with her. The longer she hung around the more that man was going to wind Tommy up and a fight would end up breaking out.
But she glanced back over at the court as she walked ahead, catching Eddie's eye as she looked over to Tommy and back. Silently asking him to help diffuse the situation.
Tyler held his hands out in front of him when Tommy was suddenly stood in his line of sight.
The taller man was stood in front of him like a boulder, shoulders tensed up and hands back into fists at his sides. He completely blocked Tyler's view of (Y/n) who headed along the promenade, moving further from sight with James to get away from the situation.
"Easy Kinard-"
"Then stop gawping at my wife and insulting her."
Tommy's brows rose in surprise and he tried not to laugh when he reached out and gave Tyler a shove. It didn't take a lot of effort at all to knock Tyler off balance and he almost fell down on his backside. Either Tommy had more rage and strength than he first thought, or Tyler wasn't as strong as he liked to make out.
Either way, it went in Tommy's favour and made him more intimidating which is what he needed to get Tyler to stop. It didn't matter that (Y/n) had gone now, he had still made her feel uncomfortable and the comments weren't acceptable.
If he carried on, Tommy would lose his well-controlled temper for the first time in front of his friends and colleagues. And it wouldn't be pretty.
"I'm coming, don't worry, I heard the car too." Hooking the wash basket beneath her arm, (Y/n) nodded at James and pointed towards the back door.
She knew he had heard Tommy's car pull up in the drive and she could see his energy coming back in waves and bubbling over. He'd had a long nap on the way home and stayed asleep while (Y/n) did some chores. He had only just woke up twenty minutes ago, just in time to follow (Y/n) out into the garden to hang the washing.
(Y/n) followed her toddler back up the garden path, watching the way James waved his hands at his sides excitedly while they aimed for the house. They all knew once Tommy and Buck walked through the door, James would bombard them and confiscate Buck as his friend for the afternoon.
James trotted inside first and waited impatiently near the fridge for (Y/n) to follow after him.
Everything happened at once. (Y/n)'s foot caught on the step up into the back door at the same time the basket got hooked onto the door handle and sent her off balance.
Her body slammed into the door before propelling forwards and she collided roughly with the floor. Feeling her left arm scrape roughly along the door lock before her left wrist and fingers all bent awkwardly beneath her when she landed.
A scream mixed with a yelp tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and her eyes snapped closed on impact with the glossy tiled floor that made her landing even harsher. Both her knees coiled up to her stomach and she stayed curled up on her left side, taking a few seconds to gather her senses and draw in a deep breath before she dared to lift her head.
"Mummy?" A worried look glazed over James's eyes and he sank down to his knees in front of her, keeping a good foot of distance between them.
Lifting her head up, (Y/n) tried to push her weight onto her left elbow that burned as she forced herself to sit up.
She couldn't frighten James. She rarely cried in front of him and the one time she had, it had petrified him. He didn't know what to do, he was only three. It was supposed to be James getting cuts and bruises and needing love and attention, it didn't work the other way around.
"I- I'm alright, just tripped up." (Y/n) forced herself to smile despite the tears that were burning up in her eyes.
Her teeth sank down into her tongue to stop herself from whimpering as she grabbed the door handle and used it to pull herself up to her feet. She gave the wash basket a rough kick towards the corner of the kitchen, huffing in frustration.
But when she looked back down at James, she could see his brows were furrowed down in a way similar to how Tommy sometimes looked at her. And he had both his hands held to his chest. He was starting to get worried.
Her expression softened and she crouched down in front of him, opening her arms so he could come closer for a cuddle. Once his arms curved around her neck, (Y/n) gently lifted him up and stood up, trying to keep him secured in her right arm so she didn't have to hold his weight with her left arm that felt like it was on fire.
"Do you want a drink, baby?" She murmured softly against his temple where she pressed a sloppy kiss to make him smile into her neck.
When she heard a soft "We're back," flood the hallway, (Y/n) forced herself to smile and take a deep breath while she moved towards the cupboard to find a beaker.
(Y/n) could feel a slight burning sensation in her left hip from how roughly she had collided with the floor and she winced as she walked slowly towards the counter next to the fridge. She reached up into the top cupboard, wincing when her eyes locked on her left hand while she bounced James a little higher on her hip.
Her hand and all up her arm was beginning to tremble. Her little finger was bent out at an odd angle which made her shiver. Twisting her wrist in any direction made a tightening sensation flood up her wrist and twinge in her hand.
Great. She'd sprained her wrist and possibly broken her finger.
It wasn't enough that she had unintentionally caused some sort of friction between Tommy and his work mates earlier on today. Now she had gone and injured herself. Two minor incidents in one day wasn't a good sign and (Y/n) prayed there wouldn't be a third install later on.
Her concentration focused intently on trying to bend her fingers and curl them into her palm for a few seconds before she grabbed a beaker from the cupboard. She didn't realise the boys had walked into the kitchen until a familiar hand pressed into her lower back and Tommy's chest merged with her shoulder.
She felt his lips against the top of her head and she tried to force another smile, closing her eyes as she slouched against and felt his free hand move to cradle the back of James's head.
"Hey you two. Are you finally awake now, hm?" Tommy kept his left hand on the small of (Y/n)'s back while his right hand dragged through James's messy hair. He tilted his head down to look at his boy who grinned up at him and started to giggle when Tommy kissed the top of his head.
He moved over to kiss (Y/n)'s temple and kept both hands on her hips when she leaned across to fill James's beaker with juice. Once she handed the beaker down to him, she looked over at Buck who was stood in the kitchen doorway.
"Would you like a drink?"
"I'd love one."
Tommy pulled back and leaned his hips back against the counter behind him and let his eyes follow (Y/n) as she moved to the fridge. He watched the way she tilted backwards slightly to keep James leant into her chest and his eyes focused on how she twisted her hips towards him to hand him a can of pop.
But Tommy's eyes focused in on her hand when she went back to grab another can for Buck. His head leaned to one side and he tried not to let his smile fade when he noticed (Y/n)'s free hand was shaking.
He watched her pass a drink across to Buck and when she looked at him, Tommy looked down at her hand and then back up to her. Silently asking what was wrong. He got his answer when (Y/n) moved her hand behind her back so he couldn't see it anymore.
"Hey bud, why don't you go show uncle Buck the new video game we got yesterday?"
"Yeah! You come play, uncle Buck?"
"Ooh, what game have we got then?"
Pushing off the counter, Tommy reached across and gently scooped James out of (Y/n)'s hold and set him down to his feet. He watched him move across to Buck and he muttered a quiet "Can you watch him?" to which Buck nodded with a wide grin. He was more than happy to entertain the toddler for a while.
Once James was dragging Buck off towards the living room, Tommy placed his right hand down on his hip and turned towards (Y/n). He tilted his head down and rose a brow at her before he pushed off the counter and pointed towards her hand.
"Wanna show me what you've done there, honey?"
His voice had (Y/n) shivering and she looked down at her feet until Tommy stood in front of her and pressed a finger beneath her chin, gently but firmly tilting her head up so they were level again.
"Let me see." His thumb brushed across her chin while he held his right hand out and waited patiently for (Y/n) to place her hand in his.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together tightly and kept her eyes focused on Tommy's pointed chin while she placed her trembling hand in his palm. Even just the feel of his fingers curling lightly around her wrist made her wince and she slouched back against the counter. Watching the way Tommy let go of her chin so he could drag his hand across hers.
This thumb smoothed over the back of her hand, pressing down on tender spots and pushing down to check for any breaks or muscle strains. He could see touching her finger made her take a sharp breath and when he carefully tried to bend it, (Y/n) swallowed a groan.
Her little finger was already starting to swell and her wrist felt like it was going to swell up too at any given moment.
"I think you've broken your finger honey, but your wrist is only sprained. What'd you do?"
"Fell in the door," (Y/n) muttered quietly, indicating her head towards the back door that had bested her. She looked up when Tommy clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and she saw his lips quirk up into a half smile that made her knees go weak.
"Can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I?" He laughed when he heard her mumble a quiet 'guess not' under her breath. And he moved his hand up to cup her chin again so he could lean down and steal a kiss. "Want me to tape it up for you?"
(Y/n) nodded but her eyes widened and she found herself smiling when Tommy slid his hands down to cup the back of her thighs. He squeezed tight and bent his knees so he could effortlessly lift her up and sit her down on the countertop.
She looped her arms around his neck and bound her legs around his waist so he couldn't escape from her clutches just yet. Making sure to drape her left arm loosely around his neck so she didn't hurt her wrist any further. Her fingers traced over the back of his neck, digging in just a little to feel the way he groaned beneath her touch.
And she cupped the back of his neck with her good hand, using it as leverage to bring him down to her level so she could have another kiss. His lips were soft and sweet against hers and with his hands still on her thighs and his body pressed into hers, (Y/n) realised he was sweating.
His light grey hoodie was darker in colour and stuck to his chest while his shorts were glued to his legs. She couldn't expect anything less when they had been playing basketball for well over an hour in the mid-afternoon sun.
"Alright, let me patch you up honey," He spoke breathlessly against her lips, dragging his teeth across her lower lip before he managed to tear away from her. If he didn't try and patch her up now, they would get lost like this and eventually James would come looking for them.
Tommy curved his left arm around (Y/n)'s waist while he reached up into the cupboard behind her and looked around for the dark army green medical box they had tucked away up there.
"How'd the game go, did you win?" (Y/n) attached her lips to the side of Tommy's sharp jawline, feeling the beginning of stubble starting to grow in.
Her lips almost curved down when Tommy reached behind him to unlock her arms from around his neck. He leaned back but still stayed close between her legs while he moved her arms so they were resting on her thighs in between them both.
"Course we did." He pecked her lips again before he opened the medical box and found a wooden splint and a roll of medical tape. He tore a few strips of tape and attached them to his arm for later and took out a bandage.
"Baby, who was that guy you were arguing with on the court?"
(Y/n) almost didn't want to ask.
She stayed perfectly still with her legs bound tight around Tommy's hips to keep him in place and prevent him from moving too far away from her. And she leaned her weight back on her right hand that pressed down into the counter while she lifted her left hand for Tommy to inspect and patch up.
The way he drifted his eyes up slowly and looked at her through hooded lashes made (Y/n)'s stomach ignite with adrenaline. She could see his lips were pressed together in a thin line and his chin was jutting out like a sharp arrow.
But it had been playing on her mind since she brought James home. (Y/n) didn't know if she had said or done something earlier to antagonise whoever the man was that Tommy had been getting heated with. She would hate to cause problems with his friends and his team or get in the way.
Tommy took a deep breath and set the wooden splint behind his ear so he could focus on starting to wind the bandage around her lower wrist for support.
"Tyler. Little shit from my firehouse. Just ignore him, honey, I already warned him to back off." His eyes focused on (Y/n)'s hand as he held her wrist up with his left hand and slowly rolled the bandage around with his right hand. He wound it in methodical circles, getting higher and higher until he reached her knuckles.
"Did… did I do something? Did I cause problems-"
"No." Something in Tommy's tone changed and his head lifted to lock gazes with her. "He doesn't know when to shut up or how to be respectful, you didn't do anything. He didn't upset you, did he?"
Tommy took the splint from behind his ear, measured it against (Y/n)'s finger and easily snapped the end so it was the right side. He placed the splint between her fourth and little finger- after making sure her index finger wasn't out of place and that it would heal without him having to pull it back into joint. And he began wrapping the bandage around both fingers.
But his eyes continuously looked between (Y/n)'s eyes and her hand, meeting her gaze every other second to gauge for her reaction.
He thought he'd heard most of what Tyler had said to and about (Y/n), but he knew Tyler had been talking to her just before he got over to her. He desperately hoped he didn't have to go into work tomorrow and start another argument with Tyler if he had upset (Y/n) in any way.
"No, no he didn't. You didn't hit him, did you?" There was an air of caution in (Y/n)'s teasing voice and she smiled softly when Tommy broke out into a grin and shook his head.
"Only with the basketball," He murmured quietly while he prized the medical tape from his arm and started sticking it around the bandage to keep it tightly in place. "All done, honey."
"Thank you baby."
Once he was done, Tommy placed both hands down on the counter either side of (Y/n)'s hips and leaned forward. He bent one knee forward and arched his lower back out, leaning over her while her good hand cupped his jaw. He leaned into the touch, smiling when (Y/n) inched closer and tightened her legs around his waist before she attached her lips to his.
(Y/n) dragged her thumb across his jaw and leaned forward into him, gasping into his mouth when his tongue pushed past her lips and battled against hers.
They broke apart when they could hear Buck laughing and James happily squealing which sounded like he had won the first game against Buck.
Tommy tilted his head forward so their temples pressed together while his hands slid beneath her bum to lift her up off the counter and hold her on his hips.
"We'd best go see what they're up to."
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megalony · 26 days
Do Some Damage
As requested, this is a protective! Tommy Kinard imagine, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you will all like it.
Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: While (Y/n) is out, she bumps into her ex who attacks her. When Tommy comes down to help her, he sees her ex and starts a fight.
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Closing her eyes, (Y/n) tilted her head back against the arm rest and shimmied down a little.
Her hand reached out and she started to drag her fingers slowly through Tommy's toussled hair, dragging through the knots and detangling the damp locks. She felt the way he shivered over her when her nails scratched against his scalp.
She lazily dropped her other arm down on Tommy's shoulders and grazed her hand up and down his back in a slow, tepid rhythm.
Her lips curved into a smile when she felt him lift his head and suddenly the end of his nose was dragging along the side of her neck. He lifted his head up until the point of his chin grazed over (Y/n)'s collar bone and she tightened her fingers in his hair when he bared his teeth against her neck.
Each time she swallowed or took a sharp breath, Tommy felt the movement in her throat and he grinned against her neck. His teeth scratched along her skin and he bit down just enough to make a sharp scratch burn over (Y/n)'s neck which made her breaths become sharp.
"We both have to go soon," (Y/n)'s voice was quiet and Tommy felt every word vibrate through her throat which he bit down on just so she would gasp and buck up against him.
"Hm, I know." His teeth finally released her neck only to be replaced with his tongue which glided across the mark he'd just made, soothing the stinging sensation he left in his wake.
His wet lips formed into a pout and he pressed open-mouthed kisses up and down her neck. He had one hand gripping the arm rest just behind (Y/n)'s head while his left hand was curled around her bare hip. He continued his administrations, kissing up and down her jugular until (Y/n) finally released her fingers from his hair and cupped his pointed chin instead.
She tilted his head up so she could look down at him and the hooded expression in his dark eyes before she brought him up for a kiss. He dragged hs tongue across her lips so he could bare his teeth down on her lower lip sharp enough to make a scratch and draw a droplet of blood which his tongue lapped up.
"Are we gonna move?" (Y/n) panted against his lips, barely able to speak with how many times Tommy kept coming back to kiss her. Breaking her speech apart with his wet lips.
"I guess we should get up… in a minute."
(Y/n) laughed and tilted her head back, rolling her eyes before Tommy crawled up her frame so he could tower over her. His hips pressed down into hers, pinning her down into the sofa with very little effort and when she tried to drag her fingertips along his neck, he held her wrist. Keeping her safely secured beneath him, unable to move in any direction or escape him.
She could feel her hips burning as she bent her legs outwards to let Tommy lay between her thighs like this. Her bare leg dragged up and down the back of his thigh and she grinned, trying to move her hands but it didn't work when Tommy held them both down against the arm rest just above her head.
"Then you'll be late." Tilting her chin up, (Y/n) angled her head and stole another kiss before she shifted her hips up into his to try and make him move.
They both had places to be this afternoon.
Tommy needed to leave soon if he wanted to be on time to meet Evan and Eddie. The three of them were heading out bowling and then they would be going out drinking later in the afternoon. Whereas (Y/n) was going to meet up with Maddie and go shopping in an hour.
"It's worth it."
Tommy leaned back down to capture her lips again while he squeezed her wrists in his hand just to feel the way (Y/n) squirmed beneath him.
He wasn't bothered about being a few minutes late to meet the guys, not when he had the perfect excuse lying beneath him like this. His lips curved into a devilish grin when (Y/n) tried to shimmy and sit up beneath him but Tommy just pushed his weight down to his hips, pressing on (Y/n) enough to pin her in place.
"Five more minutes?" Dipping his head forward, Tommy tucked his face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck again and started to bare his teeth like a vampire about to strike.
But when he felt (Y/n) loop her legs around his waist and give a sharp tug to pull him down onto her, he grinned.
"Make it quick."
A smile graced (Y/n)'s lips as she picked up her pace and walked a bit faster down the street.
She pressed her phone tighter to her ear and looped her bag on her other shoulder, sticking close to the wall as she walked along the road. She was going to be late at this rate. Getting ready after Tommy left had taken a bit longer than (Y/n) anticipated; especially since Tommy's five minutes turned into twenty and he made himself late to meet the boys.
"I'm on my way, I swear." (Y/n) chuckled and turned the corner. All she had to do was head down the street, cut through the side street and she would be at the town centre. Five minutes was all it would take her to meet Maddie.
"I've already got us some drinks from the coffee shop, so hurry up. Why're you late, anyway? That's not like you."
She could feel heat prickling along the side of her neck and her teeth sank down into her lower lip as if Maddie was stood right in front of her.
"You can blame Tommy for that."
The squeal Maddie let out made (Y/n) shiver and she laughed, glancing down at her feet as she hurried up again until she was almost jogging down the street.
"I thought as much. Well you can fill me in on all-" Whatever Maddie said next fell upon deaf ears.
The phone dropped from her hand and cracked against the floor when an arm deadlocked around her waist and a rough chest pushed into her back. (Y/n) stumbled forward, tripping over her feet and gasping as a hand clamped down over her mouth and pushed uncomfortably into her nose.
Her body was propelled to the right and her feet were swept from beneath her. The scream she tried to let out came out muffled against the calloused palm pressing down on her mouth, and (Y/n) couldn't move her jaw enough to bare her teeth. Biting the hand around her face would have helped her get away, but the pressure was too harsh for her to move her teeth.
Tears welled up in her eyes that snapped closed on instinct when her body was thrust to the side and she stumbled into a brick wall. She realised a second too late that she was now in an alley with a metal gate at the other end, trapping her in with her assailant. Whoever it was.
She planted her hands down on the wall to steady herself, but when (Y/n) looked to the left, she fell into the wall and scraped her arm along the bricks.
Her ex. The person who had broken three of her ribs and trapped her hand in a car door. The reason (Y/n) had nightmares. The person Tommy had threatened and called the police on when he tried to follow (Y/n) around town last year.
He knew it was her. He had recognised her from a chance-glimpse. How had he been so certain that it was her from behind? Had he been following her for long? Did he just grab her at the first opportunity.
Oh God, did he see (Y/n) leave her and Tommy's home? Did he now know where she lived?
I want Tommy. Why didn't I let him give me a lift to the shopping centre? Why didn't I go with him to the bowling alley when he offered?
It was the only thing (Y/n) could get herself to say without bursting into tears or standing there sobbing. She needed him to get out the way of the exit. She needed Jordan to move so she could carry on and go find Maddie. (Y/n) needed to grab her phone so she could call Tommy and tell him who she'd seen.
He didn't say anything. He just stared at her as if he thought she was a figment of his imagination. As if he thought looking away from her for more than a second would make (Y/n) vanish from his sight.
When he didn't respond or move from her path, (Y/n) tried to push forward on legs that had since turned to jelly. She thrust her arms out in front of her and tried to shove him to get past, but it didn't work. Her body turned to stone and she tensed up when cold, calloused fingers curled around her neck and the base of his hand pressed down into her jugular.
More tears welled up and dribbled down (Y/n)'s cheeks as her body was forced backwards until she was slammed into the wall that cut through her shoulders and sent twinges down her spine.
"You're not going anywhere."
That voice sent shivers down her spine. It was a shrill, gritty tone of voice that (Y/n) had done her best to forget. It was a voice that she no longer heard in the dead of night. His face no longer haunted her nightmares. His figure was nothing but a dark shadow with a blank face. That was how good (Y/n) was doing in her recovery away from Jordan.
Her right arm bashed down against Jordan's elbow to try and make his arm give way. She needed him to get go. She couldn't breathe. She was going to faint and if that happened she wouldn't be able to stop him from doing whatever he liked to hurt her.
Her knee rammed up into his crotch and she slapped him across the face, making sure to drag her nails across his cheek to add pain to the injury.
He let go. But not for long.
Breathless words tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips as she tried to scramble back towards the end of the alley.
Another scream belted past her lips when Jordan's fingers tangled in her hair this time. He wrenched her back with so much force she was sure he had pulled a few clumps of hair loose. (Y/n) had lost enough hair over the years from him dragging her around like a ragdoll. She couldn't let him do this to her again.
Everything started to spin and her breath got caught in her throat when Jordan roughly slammed her head into the wall. She felt her head splitting apart like a coconut. Blood steadily poured down the right side of her temple and she snapped her eyes closed so none got into her eyes and made her cry tears of blood.
Her knees caved in and she slumped down. She tried to recalibrate her body, get her lungs working, make her ears work, stop the trembles rattling through her. But she could barely breathe. Tears and blood poured down her face and horrid gasps clawed past her lips as she pinned her arms over her face for protection. Her fingers dug into the back of her head. She couldn't take another blunt force to the head. He would knock her out if he did that, God only knew what Jordan would do then.
"Where's that fella of yours? The pilot?"
The words dripped into her ear like poison and had (Y/n) shivering with her knees trembling and scraping against the concrete floor. She was just starting to forget what his voice sounded like. His face had faded to a fuzzy, blurred image in her brain.
Why did he have to find her now?
"Get a-away from me!" (Y/n) spat in Jordan's direction, but she could barely keep her eyes in focus.
"No." He sneered back with a smile that resembled something out of Hell.
His hand tried to fist in (Y/n)'s hair again but she slapped him across the face. She didn't want his touch or his presence or his horrid words. She wanted him gone. She wanted Tommy. She needed him.
(Y/n) kept her arms over her head and tried to move forward. She tried to push up onto her feet but she cried out when Jordan's hand curled around her left wrist.
"You fucking married him?!"
Oh dear. He'd seen her engagement and wedding rings on her finger. After all those times he told (Y/n) she would never find someone to put up with her. After telling her no one would love her, no one would deal with her antics or her anxiety and paranoia. After telling her 'that pilot' would soon leave her.
She had found someone who loved her to the end of the Earth, someone who would never hurt her in the ways Jordan had. (Y/n) just wanted to move forward in her life with Tommy. They were together, they were married and as happy as they'd ever been and they were going to start a family.
Jordan had no place and no right to walk back into (Y/n)'s life and try to hurt her like this.
(Y/n) screamed and wrenched her arms away from Jordan when he tried to prize the rings off her fingers. It was a good job she never took the rings off and they were a perfect fit. They wouldn't come off without a fight and (Y/n) pulled her hands down to her chest before Jordan could take them from her.
"You married that bastard! You left me for him?!"
When she tried to get up, he tackled her back down. He roared like an animal enraged and when (Y/n) fell onto her back, she screamed like a banshee.
Fat tears rolled down her face and she gurgled through choked screams when Jordan slammed his foot into her side.
He's broken her ribs. She just knew from the sickening crack that broke through the air that he'd broken at least one or two of her ribs on her left side. He reared back like he was about to do it again and (Y/n) flailed her arm out behind her. She had to move before he shattered every bone in her body.
Her fingers nudged against something.
She wasn't sure what it was, but she grabbed it and before Jordan could move, (Y/n) slammed whatever it was against the back of his knee to jolt his system.
It was a rock.
When Jordan yelled profanities and stumbled down to his knees, (Y/n) reared her arm out and whacked the rock against the side of Jordan's temple. It collared him with such force that he slumped down to the floor immediately. The slow rise and fall of his chest told (Y/n) she hadn't killed him.
Kill him. Hit him again. Do it!
She couldn't. (Y/n) couldn't do it. She couldn't face the torment and the horror that would follow if she hit him again and again and killed him. (Y/n) couldn't take that risk no matter how much pent up rage, terror and aggression she had dwelling in the pit of her chest. He wasn't worth it.
She didn't have time to waste. She couldn't lay there in agony or try to catch her breath and compose herself. She rolled onto her right side and used her hands to push up from the floor.
Blundering cries past through her wet lips as she stumbled onto shaking legs and looked around. Her phone was at the end of the alley where she dropped it when Jordan grabbed her. God, she prayed it was still functional. How could (Y/n) wander through the streets looking like this and try to find someone willing to call 911 for her?
She didn't want anyone's help but her husband.
When she found her phone, (Y/n) crawled back to the end of the alley, staying just out of sight of the road that was practically deserted anyway.
It was working. Relief coursed through (Y/n) when she noticed her screen was broken but her phone was still functional. She didn't waste any time. Her thumb pressed down on Tommy's photo at the bottom of the screen and watched it light up with his picture.
It was a picture of him in his navy blue work jumpsuit and a pair of dark tinted sunglasses on his nose. He had a beaming smile, one arched brow and his name in her contacts was saved as 'Hot Pilot' which flashed across the top of the screen.
"Hey babe, how's it going? Did I make you late to meet Maddie?" There was something playful in Tommy's voice that sent (Y/n)'s heart rocketing up into her throat.
She swallowed down a cry at the sound of his voice and tried to control herself, but it didn't work well.
"Help… help me,"
"Baby where are you? What's going on?"
(Y/n) took a look around. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know which alley she was sitting in or the name of the street she was near. (Y/n) knew the roads and the paths to get to and from home and to the shopping centre. But she didn't take much notice of street names.
"I- I don't… Tommy please c-come get me," A sob broke off at the end of her words and (Y/n) pressed her hand to her mouth to try and smother the sound. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and have strangers approach her or have Jordan wake up and try for round two of beating her up.
"Okay, okay just calm down baby girl, alright?" There was a pause which made (Y/n)'s breath hitch before his voice flooded her ears again. "Your phone is near Brent street, near the shopping centre, is that where you are baby?"
"Hm." He must have looked on her GPS. (Y/n) always left it on so he could help her if she got lost or if he wanted to find out how long she would be if they were meeting up.
"Can you tell me what's happened?" Tommy was moving already. He was rummaging around in his pockets to find his keys while he grabbed Eddie's arm and gave him a sharp tug away from the bowling lane. It was far too crowded in here for Tommy to concentrate on his wife's voice but he couldn't go and get her alone. Not when he didn't know what situation she was in.
"Jordan, he hurt me… baby please, please g-get me-"
"I'm on my way, okay? I'll be five minutes and I'll be there you just stay right where you are and wait for me, baby. I'm coming."
As soon as he pulled the car over on the curb, Tommy hastily switched the engine off and bolted from the driver's seat. He didn't spare Eddie or Evan one glance as they both scrambled to get out and find out what was going on.
Tommy set off into a sprint, shoving his phone and keys back in his pocket. He had followed the GPS on his phone and he could already see (Y/n).
There was his wife, curled up on the floor. That was his girl sat sobbing against the wall, both arms deadlocked around her chest as she shook back and forth like she was trying to calm herself down but it wasn't working.
"Baby, baby it's me. Oh God, come here."
He slammed down on his knees at the end of the alley and reached his hands out for her. He cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head up off the wall so he could see the damage.
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth and his whole body began to shake.
What had happened to her?
Blood was caked onto a very extensive cut on the right side of her temple. It was dried down her face making a trail all the way down her chin and along her neck. She was going to need stitches in her temple from this and her forehead was already beginning to swell up.
A bubbling cry errupted past (Y/n)'s lips when she realised who it was knelt down in front of her. She leaned forward and slumped her head against Tommy's shoulder, breathing in his scent as her nose brushed against his plain grey shirt that looked two sizes too small for his tense arms.
She whimpered into his shirt, sniffing and gasping as she leaned forward onto him. She felt his arm around her waist and his other hand gently cupped the back of her neck with his fingers tangling in her hair.
"I'm here, I'm here." He kissed the top of her head and took a moment to catch his breath back. "Baby, baby girl what happened?" Tommy leaned back on his heels that dug into the back of his thighs and he went back to cupping (Y/n)'s face in his hands so he could look at her.
"J-Jordan… he attacked me."
(Y/n) began to whimper and hyperventilate when she watched the way Tommy's expression changed in front of her. His chest tensed and puffed out, his shoulders squared up and a violent fire started to blaze within his eyes. If she weren't in front of him right now she was sure he would of combusted.
"What did he do?" Tommy almost dreaded to ask. He wasn't sure if he really wanted the answer to that or not.
But he felt Eddie and Evan leaning over as they stood behind him, trying to assess (Y/n) and see if they could do anything to help her.
"Slammed m-my head into the wall… kicked me," (Y/n) moved her hands down to rest on Tommy's thighs while she looked down to the left side of her chest, silently telling him where the pain was coming from.
She stayed silent and bit down on her lip while Tommy looked at the cut on her head first before he reached out for her chest. His large hands were surprisingly gentle when he started to push down on her chest and feel each rib on the left side. He rubbed his index and middle finger over two of (Y/n)'s ribs and felt the way her chest was starting to swell just a little.
"They're broken… oh sweetheart."
Tommy moved his hands to hold (Y/n)'s waist while Eddie crouched down beside him and held his hands out towards (Y/n). She shakily placed her hands in his and let them both help her up onto unsteady feet that just wanted to buckle and cave in beneath her.
She had been sat waiting for long enough; help was here now and they had to look after her.
Her head was pounding and splitting at the seams, her chest felt like a balloon and everything combined together was utter agony personified. She wanted to rewind time and go back two hours before she and Tommy left home. She wanted to stay home with him and call off their plans and spend all afternoon in his arms so none of this would ever happen.
When (Y/n) leaned forward and burrowed her face into Tommy's shoulder, he cradled the back of her neck and wound his other arm around her waist. He held her into his chest and smothered his lips against the top of her head.
He turned, just about to move (Y/n) to try and get them all in the car, but he stopped when he looked over at Evan.
He was leaning at an angle, staring down into the alley with furrowed brows and a tense expression that put Tommy on edge.
"Uh, is Jordan about six foot… lanky with very short hair?"
"He's still here… she knocked him out. Eddie call an ambulance-"
Evan was sure he heard the word 'no' pass through Tommy's lips before the pilot was off. He let Eddie reach out and take hold of (Y/n) so she didn't collapse before Tommy stormed down the alley.
They felt torn. They were first responders, they had a duty of care to everyone. No matter who they were or what they had done, Eddie and Evan were responders and they had to help people. They needed to call an ambulance down here to get Jordan and then they could get the police to arrest him for what he had done to (Y/n). And they needed to get (Y/n) down to the emergency room to get her sorted out.
They had to give Jordan the bare minimum here. They had to assess him and see whether he needed a trip to the hospital or a ride in the police car. He was going to get arrested either way, whether that was now or later at the hospital. He wasn't getting away with this.
Eddie sidestepped and eased (Y/n) a few feet away from the alley where a fight was going to break out. He moved her towards the car and ran his hand up and down her back as she coiled her arms around her waist and started to shake. She was the priority here.
Something sparked in Tommy's chest when he thundered down the alley and realised that Jordan was starting to wake up. He was just in time to have some fun. This would have been disappointing and defeating if Jordan stayed unconscious. But now he was awake, Tommy could render him useless and make sure he listened and understood what he was going to get told.
Jordan barely had chance to lift his bloodied, dizzy head from the floor before Tommy was hovering over him like an omen of death.
He latched his hands around Jordan's collar, taking a moment to notice the rock laid next to his head. (Y/n) had smashed him over the head with a rock. That was how badly she had to subdue him to get away from him.
He wrenched Jordan up from the floor and threw him against the nearest wall, pinning him there with an arm across his neck and a hand gripping his chin. His tight grip on Jordan's jaw had the shorter man groaning and Tommy slammed his head back into the wall to get his attention.
"You were told to stay away from (Y/n). Why didn't you just listen, hm? Why would it be so hard for you to just leave her alone?"
He could see Evan approaching from the corner of his eye and before Evan could grab him, Tommy curled his hand into a fist and brought his knuckles down into Jordan's nose. A successful snap echoed off the bricks and a tortured howl sounded like music to Tommy's ears while he watched the blood pour down Jordan's face.
"Tommy that's enough."
They couldn't let him do this. If anyone walked past and realised what was going on they would call the police. Eddie or Evan would have to call an ambulance, even if they all made the call and then left Jordan here to fend for himself. They had to do something and Tommy doing this wasn't going to help the situation.
They couldn't let Tommy attack Jordan to the point of getting arrested. It would go on his record, he would have to have a record of conversation at work and it would be on his work file.
It wasn't worth the hassle. He had to think of (Y/n) and go and look after her.
"Think of (Y/n)."
He was about to move. The thought of his wife brought something across Tommy's mind and he considered what he was doing. He could leave this and let the police deal with Jordan. He could find Jordan in the hospital later and unleash havoc on him then, damn the consequences.
But when he heard "She deserved it." Pass through Jordan's lips, something in Tommy's mind flipped.
His fingers curled around the side of Jordan's head and as quick as anything, he slammed Jordan's head into the wall. Worsening the cut to his temple that started to gush blood down the side of his face and trickle through his short, bleached blond strands.
"Tommy- Tommy don't! Stop!" Evan curled his hands around Tommy's bicep and tried to yank him backwards, but his friend was surprisingly strong. Once Tommy's body was locked in place, he was as unmoveable as a mountain.
His knee slammed into Jordan's groin and he pummelled his fist into the side of Jordan's chest, enough to wind him and make a crack echo off the walls.
"He's not worth it-"'
"He hurt her. He's paying for it." His chest heaved and he spat the words at the shorter man in front of him who he wished he could kill right here on the spot.
A shiver tore down Evan's spine and he weaved his way in between the pair of them. Noticing how Jordan slid down the wall with a crackling moan, holding both arms to his chest that was now fractured. Evan held his arms out in front of him to try and keep Tommy at bay.
The pilot had his hands curled into fists at his sides, his nostrils flaring as he tried to recapture his breath back. His shoulders were hunched up and his chest was puffed out like he could barely breathe, muscles straining against his thin shirt.
Evan winced and pressed his hands into Tommy's chest, but he couldn't stop the pilot from smashing the heel of his boot into Jordan's knee. The action made his leg bend at an odd angle and a sinister howl vibrated off the bricks and made Evan's stomach churn.
He tried to keep hold of Tommy, moving with him as Tommy leaned around Evan to look down at Jordan.
The smile on Tommy's face was ungodly when he noticed Jordan was crying.
"You wanna know what pain feels like? I'll do some damage. You're not walking away from me without some lasting damage." When his words momentarily made Evan pause, Tommy gave Evan a shove to one side. "Move."
He brought his boot down on the centre of Jordan's chest, watching with glee as he cried out. His arms coiled into his chest, his knees pulled up to his stomach and he began to cough until he was barely breathing at all. Coughs spluttered past his lips and he wheezed as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, but he didn't quite pass out.
"You think (Y/n)'s gonna be happy if you kill him?" Evan pushed all his weight into his arms and gave Tommy a shove backwards.
"Then he can't hurt her; I'll be happy-"
"And she'll have to visit you in prison. No. We're not doing that so move! Tommy- for fuck's sake you're gonna kill him!" The words roared past Evan's lips and he gave Tommy another jolt until Tommy stumbled to the side.
"If you two don't get in the fucking car I'm taking (Y/n) to hospital on my own!" Eddie yelled down the alley with furrowed brows and tension clearly written across his face.
He had gotten (Y/n) into the car and if Tommy continued to beat Jordan to a pulp, Eddie would drive (Y/n) away without him. Then Tommy would be in dead lumber because they all knew (Y/n) would scream if she was taken anywhere without Tommy.
If he wanted his wife to remain calm and not scream until she passed out, Tommy had to leave. Now.
Tommy shrugged out of Evan's hold and headed back down the alley, hearing a quiet "Thank Fuck for that." before he heard Evan rummage around in his pocket. He was going to call an ambulance for Jordan and tell dispatch that they were going to take someone else to the hospital.
Jordan would be waiting in agony in the alley for the first responders, he was in no fit state to walk.
Tommy had broken his nose, his ribs and possibly dislocated his knee too. There was no way Jordan was leaving this alley unattended, he would wait for help to arrive and by the time it did, the police would be here to arrest him.
Rummaging around in his back pocket, Tommy fished his keys out and tossed them at Eddie.
"Can you drive?"
Eddie wordlessly nodded and moved to hop in the driver's seat while Evan bolted to get in the front. He wanted to get away from here as quickly as possible before someone realised what was going on and got them all arrested.
Tommy smeared the blood on his knuckles along his jeans before he climbed in the back.
His arms opened up and (Y/n) immediately leaned over and shuffled into his embrace. Her face tucked into his chest and her fingers fisted in his shirt so tightly she was about to rip through the seams. He could feel her shaking. He could feel her tears soaking into his chest. He could feel the blood caking across his shoulder from the wound on her temple that was still trickling blood.
He cupped the side of her face, smoothing his thumb against her cheekbone while his lips smothered the top of her head and he held her close. His left hand smoothed up and down her back as Eddie pulled off the curb and drove as fast as he could to get them to the emergency room.
He leaned back a little when he felt (Y/n)'s trembling hand curl around his wrist. She pulled his hand down so she could see why he kept flexing his fingers. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied.
"What did you do?" She murmured softly into his chest and her tone told him she wasn't unhappy. She knew what he had done and why and (Y/n) couldn't have felt more protected.
"Gave him what he deserved." His tone was soft and his lips went straight back to pressing against the top of (Y/n)'s head, tucked against her hair.
"Thank you."
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