thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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COLORADO THE QUEEN JEWEL OF THE ROCKIES by Mae Lacy Baggs (Boston, Page, 1918). Illustrated.
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mollayos · 8 months
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manabun46 ♡ do not edit!
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eorzeashan · 9 months
i hate self righteous americans dude. i was picking up/taking trash from a deer at nara and like some murder mystery framing where you're caught holding the murder weapon with bad timing the guy immediately assumed i was feeding them cups and started badmouthing me behind my back. fuck off asshole
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clove-pinks · 2 years
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Portrait sketch of William Makepeace Thackeray by Samuel Laurence, 1848 (British Museum).
The 1840s saw the advent of the modern tourist industry and Thackeray was one of many Britons who in that decade flocked to the Holy Land and the Pyramids. (Though it was not until the 1860s that Cook’s Tours began plying the waters of the Nile, Thomas Cook first ventured into the tourist business in 1841.) On board his P&O steamer Thackeray found that all the British excursionists were reading Alexander Kingslake’s Eothen, just published—a book addressed to another eastern traveler, Eliot Warburton, whose The Crescent and the Cross was also published in 1844. The redoubtable Harriet Martineau took ship with friends in 1846 to the East, publishing Eastern Life, Present and Past in 1848—a volume R.K. Webb describes as containing “travels and a torrent of philosophizing,” both utilitarian and Unitarian.
— Patrick Brantlinger, Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830–1914
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The Temple of Dendera, Upper Egypt, by David Roberts, 1841 (Art UK)
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onewistotoro · 2 years
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"Although Onew is odd, even that is charming: he quietly watches people around him and takes care of them"
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pussyhoundspock · 1 year
the most fun part of learning languages is when you can butcher your target language successfully enough to make friends at a local bar and buy each other rounds <3
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melawanlupa · 2 years
Percubaan Menjadi Touris di Gunung TNBYY
Barangkali rasa penat telah mengelabui mata kami. Sehinggakan baki 30 minit terakhir dari Simpang YY ke Puncak Yong Yap terasa sangat jauh. Entah kebodohan apa yang telah merasuk jiwa; aku lebih memilih untuk turun ke Kem Jeruk daripada bersusah payah ke summit attack. Padahal jarak ke Kem Jeruk itu jauhnya 3 jam perjalanan lagi!
“Macam mana? Teruskan perjalanan atau lupakan summit?”
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Ini kali pertama aku mendaki gunung jenis hutan hujan tropika sambil memikul beban beg. Kononnya nak tawan 3 gunung sekali gus di Kelantan, Malaysia. Memakan masa 3 hari perjalanan dengan jarak kira-kira 42 kilometer (Rujuk peta di atas). Oleh kerana kerap dimomokkan betapa seksanya meredah gunung-gunung di Malaysia — ada sekelumat rasa takut dalam hati. Ia lebih kepada persoalan mampukah aku lakukan semua ini? Aku anggap overthinking-sebelum-memulakan-adventure adalah normal. Yang penting sekarang aku nak cuba. Never try, never know ye dak? Jadi ini adalah catatan tentang percubaan si Mai menjadi touris di gunung Malaysia!
Pagi Sabtu 30, 2022 kami berkumpul di R&R Lojing. Final packing dan pembahagian ration mengikut nama. 14 orang pendaki, 3 orang malim. Menaiki fourwheel menuju ke Pos Rengil. Waktu memulakan ekspidisi ini, di Pos Rengil, langit sedang merona cerah. Hewan-hewan girang menyanyi sambut kedatangan kami. Kata Epul, malim kami, perjalanan hari ini akan melintas banyak anak sungai dan pohon buluh. Bergeraklah kami seperti semut. Hora horay!
Adat hari pertama struggle nak betulkan nafas dan adjust kedudukan beg. Mujur perjalanan ke Simpang Y dari Pos Rengil adalah mendatar. Sejam pertama yang baik untuk laraskan segala hal. Awalnya rasa panas mulai meresap ke bahu dan kawasan sekitar belakang pinggang. Dua kali berhenti cuba betulkan letak beg. Cuma semakin aku berjalan meredah masuk ke dalam hutan, semakin aku terlupa tentang lenguh memikul beban separuh berat badan aku itu (ok part ni aku exaggerate).
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Sebenarnya pelan asal hari pertama adalah Pos Rengil ke Kem Puncak Kambing. Hulu malang pangkal celaka, di Kem Kicap, seorang pendaki telah jatuh terlentang ketika berpaut di dahan yang patah. Dahan ini awalnya mahu ditebang oleh Epul, menggunakan parang tetapi tidak lut kerana diameternya sebesar peha aku. Setelah cubaan menebas beberapa kali, Epul putuskan untuk merangkak je lalu di bawah dahan tersebut. Nak cerita sempitnya laluan ini sampai tudung aku pun boleh tersangkut di ranting kayu yang berduri. Inilah titik mula kami merubah jadual. Majoriti setuju untuk bermalam di Kem Belumut. Waterpoint terakhir sebelum summit Gunung Tok Nenek.
Sejak keluar dari Simpang Y, keadaan perjalanan kami lebih intense dan mencabar. Lebih banyak lintas anak sungai, batu-batu, pokok tumbang dan jalan yang mengelirukan. Di tambah dengan rasa kantuk mulai menjalar ke anak mata — membuatkan tubuhku mudah terhuyung-hayang. Sesekali kaki tergelincir dari pijakan batu, termasuk ke dalam dinginnya air sungai. Habis basah kesejukan. Itu belum lagi batu-batu kecil yang berkumpul dalam kasut. Menyebalkan. Kemuncaknya di Kem Hari menuju Kem Belumut. 30 minit tanjakan terakhir sebelum penutup hari pertama. Sesekali aku cuba berbual dengan Aidil. Tentang bukit-bukit yang pernah kami telusuri, tentang serangga aneh yang kami temui atau apa-apa sahaja agar aku boleh lupakan sebentar tentang rasa panas yang mula menggigit ke paha dan kaki. Izin Tuhan, kami sampai ke Kem Belumut pada waktu asar.
“Nak kejar sunrise ke esok?”
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Hari Ahad 31, 2022 menjelang pagi — tidurku puas. Malah terasa lama. Boleh jadi ini kesan tidur atas inflatable bed yang dipinjamkan oleh Wanie. Function teruk. Padahal suhu di situ lebih kurang 18°-20°. Tidur ramai-ramai bawah flysheet, pakai extra heat-tect uniqlo, stokin tebal, masuk dalam sleeping bag, tak perlu tanggal tudung. Rasa hangat satu badan. Rasa dipeluk Tuhan.
Malam tadi selepas makan, sekali lagi majoriti setuju sebulat suara untuk gerak lambat (tak kejar sunrise). Lucu juga bila difikir-fikirkan semula. Sudahlah lari jauh daripada jadual, ada hati lagi nak gerak lambat. Cuma di sisi lain, ada bagusnya juga gerak lambat kerana pagi ini tiba-tiba perutku terasa nyeri. Tepat jangkaan, ‘Hari Perempuan’ku telah tiba. Lekas-lekas bangun bersihkan diri dan mulaikan task pagi dengan menyediakan sarapan dan kemas-kemas barang.
“Kalau jumpa dinding batu, maksudnya dah nak dekat (puncak)lah tu,”
Di pagi hari kedua ini kaki aku mulai cekap melangkah. Seluruh tenaga aku talakan ke otot kaki paksa menanjak naik bukit. Akan ada lebih banyak puncak tipu sebelum betul-betul sampai ke puncak yang dituju; lebih kurang begitulah penerangan malim sebelum perjalanan diteruskan lagi.
Sap sap sap (ini bunyi kaki melangkah haha). Pain must listen to me — teknik yang sama aku gunakan semasa cycling. Aku pernah baca di internet tips cycling di kawasan berbukit adalah dengan menundukkan pandangan (jangan mendongak). Logiknya agar mental tak koyak. Koyak tak koyak jugalah selepas 2 jam lebih baru sampai ke Puncak Tok Nenek. Selang beberapa minit kemudian seorang demi seorang pendaki datang bergabung. Datang membawa kabar ura-ura kumpulan akan terpecah dua.
Waktu itu matahari terpacak terik di atas kepala, ada juga gerombolan awan hitam mulai kelihatan.
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caminostar77 · 2 years
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Pilgrim, after completing the 800 km long Camino de Santiago. 📎 Visit my shop for Camino de Santiago Art products: http://caminoestrella.com/shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/CaminoEstrella ✈️ Worldwide shippin
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rhtbapat · 2 years
Recently I visited San Francisco and decided to ride the bicycle across the bridge. I recorded the one way journey with my GoPro. Enjoy!
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loislouis · 2 years
Đôi lần đến Huế,
Đôi lần đến Huế,
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View On WordPress
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keniagaia · 2 years
Em maio, Gaia e eu comemoramos 1 ano a viver em uma casa sobre rodas. Resolvi celebrar a data em um local que sempre me despertou curiosidade e encantamento: as grutas situadas no ventre de uma serra, cerca de quarenta quilômetros à leste do oceano Atlântico.
Lá pelas tantas durante o percurso dentro da gruta… puf! Apagaram-se a luzes gerais dos corredores e dos salões, as quais são reguladas por um temporizador.
É certo que este foi o presente que a Terra-Mãe me ofereceu naquele dia: a oportunidade de uma jornada iluminada apenas pelas luzes do caminho e a oportunidade de escutar o seu pulsar.
O vídeo completo tem 13 minutos e pode ser visto no nosso canal youtube: https://youtu.be/Qh0VkeAiVfE
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thebeautifulbook · 1 year
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THE RHINE, FROM ITS SOURCE TO THE SEA by Karl Stieler, Hans Wachenhusen, et al (Philadelphia: Coates, 1899) Illustrated
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mollayos · 8 months
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manabun46 ♡ do not edit!
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eorzeashan · 9 months
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there is a hog cafe here............
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zulmustapha · 12 days
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📍 Terengganu, Malaysia
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mibeau · 6 months
[Travelog] Subhanallah, I’m Amazed by… The Cloud Formation at the Peak of Gunung Datok
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The year 2010 to 2013 was my active period as a member of the Adventure Club. And Gunung Datok was the last mountain I climbed, in Malaysia, to date. My first was Gunung Arong, back in 2008.
If anyone ever said, “All mountains are the same”, they could never be more wrong.
Yes, like any shopping mall, their appearance and concept may seem similar. Yet, what it contained, is full of wonders. Even an experienced hiker may get lost the second time they enter the same trail. A mountaintop is not the same as a hilltop. Even the popular ones. It is more than just height differences. Things you see from the summit of a mountain vary each time. Each mountain has its very own wonders and characteristics. And today, I’m going to share why going up Gunung Datok is my best experience so far. The first view that ever blew my mind away. I almost prostrated. I wish I did.
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Gunung Datok is located in the Kuala Pilah and Rembau districts of Negeri Sembilan. With an elevation of 884m(2900ft), it is part of the Titiwangsa Mountains.
We took the school bus from Nilai, as early as 5am-ish. It was a little drizzling. Luckily, by the time we reached the mountain foot, it had stopped. We had a light breakfast and quick briefing before heading up, in a group of five or so. There were about 30 of us in total, I think.
Along the way, I met 3 decent youngsters who wore only slippers, which the grips seemed questionable.
They jumped in out of nowhere. I was slightly startled. One, it was raining the night before, so the soil was still wet and slippery. How did they manage to land on a standing position with those slippers on? Two, they were neither heading up nor going down. They jumped from a level above me, on my left and crossed me horizontally to my right. So, I asked, “ Eh, where y’all from? Didn’t see y’all coming. And where y’all heading?” One of the boys answered with a chill attitude yet still respectful, like this occurrence was an everyday thing, “Oh, we’re actually from the neighbouring mountain. We wanted to go to the other side. Simply, “short-cut”. That is why we crossed here.” Another boy said, “Yeap, he’s right. Okay, kak, we go first. Assalamualaikum!” Followed by the other two greeted me salam before they swiftly made their way past me. I paused for a few seconds.
Then it dawned on me that, those boys probably were locals. Either they lived within the mountain itself or, from nearby villages. What boggled me was, that apart from their slippers, they wore tracksuits and some sort of school’s co-curricular t-shirts. I initially thought they were on some field trips and perhaps they followed a different trek that I was not aware of. I was curious. Also, they were well-groomed and didn’t look like Orang Asli. So, I wasn’t expecting those answers from them. Yes, I was stereotyping, back then. Forgive my ignorance.
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My fitness level was, adequate. So, my stamina was not as good as others in my convoy.
It took me about 3 hours to reach the sub-peak, where people camp, and then climbed up the Big Stones, to reach the top. I may not be the first one up, but I was happy that I was the last one, haha.
Side story, I was from a private university, and seeing any cute Malays there is a rarity. So, once I reached the first peak; the camp-site area, I took my time strolling through, heading to the Big Stones. I saw many others from different universities setting up their tents. I still remember thinking, that most of the boys from UiTM are good-looking. I was checking them out, before I recollected myself, face down and made istighfar. Youth and Temptation.
Back to our main agenda. We had to take turns to go up the peak, there was not much space up there. If I remember correctly, there were only ropes and ladders back then. But, recently I saw online, that they already built scaffolding stairs for hikers to climb on. Good for everyone, better safety measures taken. The thing about hiking up is, I’ve always told myself, “That’s it. This will be the last time I’ll ever climb a mountain. I’ll just be settled with hiking the hills. This is exhausting, I’m dying!” Yet, once I reached the top, in this case, once I stood on the Big Stone, all the fatigue melted away, gone.
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Up there, of course, the first thing I saw was the magnificent view of lustrous greenery and blue skies, wide open, as far as the eyes can reach.
Drones were not easily available back then. If it were today, definitely, one of our members would have brought it with us. I closed my eyes for a moment and embraced the Sun rays showered on me. I opened my eyes and looked forward, That was when I saw it; clouds literally forming right before my eyes.
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I thought to myself, “Is this real?” “Am I too tired that I’m seeing things?”
Indeed, it was real. Have you ever watched any tourism advertisements, where one of the snippets was a visualisation of cloud formation from afar and everything moved so fast? Or a scientific documentary where the show educates us on how evaporation leads to rain, condensation and so on? Pardon me, I’ve always assumed that those clips were sped up at least 3 times their original speeds. I was wrong! I saw right in front of me, that baby clouds were moving from left and right, at extremely fast speed, towards the centre and merged, forming bigger cotton clouds. Underneath those clouds, I saw mists. It was probably raining somewhere afar. I actually put my hands over my mouth; that’s how unbelievable the situation was for me. After a few minutes, I felt droplets on my hands, so decided to get down from the Big Stone. (But it didn’t actually rain that day, just cloudy)
I blinked my eyes a few times. As if my eyes would capture a few shots of the skies and carefully store them in my mental memory.
Then, I turned my back away from the view. On my left, which is towards the opposite side of the Big Stone, away from the campsite, I noticed, there was a small bulge for you to step down, if you want to. Supposedly a flat opening, that can fit a maximum, of only 5 adults on it. I saw a family of four, sitting down there, by the edge and giggly eating their packed sandwiches for lunch. “Wow, daredevils. How wonderful. Will I ever be as brave as them?” I was amazed because as much as I enjoy heights, I fear them as much, too.
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It is finally time to head back to reality.
Normally, descending any mountain will take me at least one hour less than the time taken for me to climb up. But, the journey down this time, took me about 2.5 hours. Remember, it took me about 3 hours to reach the first peak. So, I was expecting myself to reach the bottom in less than 2 hours or so. And usually, I tend to follow the same route, up and down. Tried not to steer away too far. But here, halfway through, I went off-trek, a rough one.
Again, going down, whenever the route is difficult, I sometimes cursed myself saying, “Why do you love torturing yourself, Nisa? Not only you’ve finished all the drinks, your whole body will definitely be sore for the next few days, haih.” But, once I reached the foot mountain, I was relieved. I reminisced back what I saw at the top, and realised, it was all worth it. I will do it, all over again. Just maybe, not tomorrow.
And the person who suggested we come here, since it was his third time there, got lost, and we only managed to contact him after he got out to the other side of the mountain, right next to the highway, hmm… weird, but not really. Obviously, we did not camp out. It was a day trip. After having a late lunch and some rest for about an hour or so, we head back to Nilai. Thank God that the ranger managed to reach him 30 minutes after everyone in our convoy had touched down at the bottom. We picked him up on our way back. And he was in one piece, safe and sound.
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Until today, the memory is still freshly imprinted on my mind.
Alhamdullilah for the sights to witness His Magnificent creations, alhamdullilah for allowing me to breathe in the fresh air, alhamdullilah for my sense of touch, that I was able to sense the breeziness and dampness of the forest. Alhamdullilah for the Sun rays that warmed my skin when we reached the top. Alhamdullilah for letting me live and experience all these. Thank You, Ya Allah.
Photos credited to afiqhalid , catchingtravels and upl-dwa .
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